alternate exterior angles alternate interior angles corresponding

alternate exterior angles
angles that are on opposite sides
of the transversal and are on the
outside of the other two lines
corresponding angles
angles that have
the same relative
position in
geometric figures
same-side interior angles
*When the two other liners are
angles that are on the
parallel, these angles are congruent. same side of the
transversal and are
alternate interior angles
between the other
angles that are on opposite sides
two lines
of the transversal and are in
same-side exterior angles
between the other two lines
angles that are on the
same side of the
transversal and are on
the outside of the
*When the two other lines are parallel,
other two lines
these angles are congruent.
the movement of all the points of a
figure in a plane according to a
common operation
a transformation that “slides” each point
of a figure the same distance in the same
a transformation that turns a figure
about a fixed point through a given
angle and a given direction
a transformation that changes the size of
a figure, but no the shape
a transformation that “flips” a figure
over a line of reflection
congruent figures
figures that have the same size & shape
similar figures
corresponding sides
sides that have the same relative
positions in geometric figures
figures that have the same shape
but not necessarily the same size
scale factor
The scale
factor is 1:2.
linear pair
∠1 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∠2 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑎
𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟.
the ratio of any two corresponding
adjacent, supplementary angles that
lengths of the sides of two similar figures form a straight line
reflection line
a line that separates two mirror images
where each image and pre-image point
is equidistant from the line
a line that crosses two or more lines
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