2012-2013 Textbooks High School Bible Western Civilization The Church in History, Eerdmans, 1964 World History – Patterns in Civilization, Prentice Hall, 2011 Bible Themes Bible Reformed Perspectives/Ethics Contemporary Christian Thought Media A Sure Thing: What We Believe and Why, Faith Alive, 2001 Exploring Ethics, CSI, 2006 Bible Teacher Prepared Material Business Accounting 1-2 Computer Applications Introduction to Business Marketing Accounting, Century 21 Adventure Travels, Glencoe, 2000 Teacher Prepared Materials Teacher Prepared Materials Marketing – Business 2000, Southwestern—Thomson Learning, 2000 English English 9a – 9b English 9a – 9b Accelerated English 9/10 World Literature B English 10 Modern Communication English 10 World Literature English 10 World Literature Accelerated English 11 English 11 Accelerated Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots – Level III, Prestwick, 2005; Julius Caesar; Inherit the Wind; Fahrenheit 451; To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots – Level III, Prestwick, 2005; Julius Caesar; Inherit the Wind; Fahrenheit 451; To Kill a Mockingbird; Antigone; Animal Farm Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots – Level III, Prestwick, 2005; The Odyssey; Romeo and Juliet; The Death of Ivan Illyich; The Things They Carried; Anthem Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots – Level IV, Prestwick, 2005; The Lord of the Flies Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots – Level IV, Prestwick, 2005; The Odyssey; Romeo and Juliet; The Death of Ivan Illyich; The Things They Carried; Anthem Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots – Level IV, Prestwick, 2005; The Odyssey; Romeo and Juliet; The Death of Ivan Illyich; The Things They Carried; Anthem; The Good Earth The Adventures in American Literature, Holt, 1996; Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots – Level V, Prestwick, 2005; Of Mice and Men; A Lesson Before Dying; The Scarlet Letter; The Great Gatsby; Peace Like a River; Our Town; A Separate Peace The Adventures in American Literature, Holt, 1996; English 12 Literature AP English 12 Literature English 11/12 American Literature B1 and B2 Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots – Level V, Prestwick, 2005; Of Mice and Men; A Lesson Before Dying; The Scarlet Letter; The Great Gatsby; Peace Like a River; Our Town; A Separate Peace Adventures in English Literature, Holt, 1996; Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots – Level VI, Prestwick, 2005; Brave New World; Cry the Beloved Country; Oedipus the King; Things Fall Apart; The Stranger; Metamorphosis; Never Let Me Go (Additional book for Honors: Tess of D’Urbervilles) Adventures in English Literature, Holt, 1996; Essential Literary Terms, Norton, 2007; Tess of D’Urbervilles; Wuthering Heights; Hamlet; Tale of Two Cities Grammar Mastery for Better Writing (Level 1), The Center for Learning, 2006; Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots – Level VI, Prestwick, 2005; Our Town; The Crucible; A Separate Peace; The Great Gatsby; Of Mice and Men; A Lesson Before Dying World Languages Spanish 1-2 Spanish 3-4 Spanish 5-6 Spanish 7-8 Health and Physical Education Family and Consumer Science Avancemos 1, Holt, and Workbook Uno Avancemos 2, Holt, and Workbook Dos Avancemos 3, Holt, and Workbook Tres Galeria, Glencoe, 1997 Spanish Dictionary, Amsco, 2003 Teacher Prepared Materials Applied Skills Applying Life Skills, Glencoe, 2010 Foods Guide to Good Food, Goodheart, 1996; Food for Today, Glencoe, 2006 Materials from Larry Burkett, Food for Today, Glencoe, 2006; Applying Life Skills, Glencoe, 2010 Guide to Good Food, Goodheart, 1996; Food for Today, Glencoe, 2006 Independent Living Advanced Foods Clothing 1 & 2 Child Development Successful Sewing, Goodheart-Willcox, 2002 The Developing Child (Workbook), Glencoe, 2000 Industrial Technology Animation Applied Technology Autodesk Maya 2010: Foundation Teacher Prepared Materials Intro to Computer Programming Foundations 1 and 2 Mechanical Drawing Teacher Prepared Materials Teacher Prepared Materials Print Reading for Industry, 9th Edition Mathematics Algebra 1a, 1b Algebra 2a, 2b Algebra 1-2 Honors Algebra 1-2 Geometry Concepts Geometry 1-2 Honors Geometry Algebra 3-4 Honors Algebra 3-4 Pre-Calculus Honors Pre-Calculus Advanced Math AP Calculus Algebra I, Foerster Algebra I, Foerster Algebra I, Foerster Algebra I, Foerster Geometry Concepts and Applications, Glencoe, 2008 Geometry, Glencoe, 2001 Geometry, Glencoe, 2001 Algebra and Trigonometry, Addison Wesley, 1994 Algebra and Trigonometry, Addison Wesley, 1994 Advanced Mathematical Concepts, Glencoe, 2004 Advanced Mathematical Concepts Teacher Prepared Materials Calculus, Foerster Music Music Appreciation Music Theory Classical Music for Dummies, Wiley, 1997 Practical Theory Complete by Sandy Feldstein Science Earth Science Biology 1-2 Honors Biology 1-2 Chemistry 1-2 Honors Chemistry Physics Honors Physics Human Physiology AP Physics Earth Science, Holt, 1994 Biology, Holt, 2008 Biology, Prentice Hall, 2008 Chemistry, Holt, 2000; Notes/Lab Packet with Binder Modern Chemistry, Holt, 2002; Notes/Lab Packet with Binder Conceptual Physics, Prentice Hall, 2002; Notes/Lab Packet with Binder Conceptual Physics, Addison Wesley, 1998; Notes/Lab Packet with Binder Introduction to the Human Body, Addison Wesley, 1997 Physics, Brooks/Cole, 1994 Social Studies U.S. History AP U.S. History Government AP Government Economics America: Pathways to the Present, Prentice Hall, 2002 The American Pageant, Houghton Mifflin, 2006 American Issues A Documentary Reader, Glencoe, 2002 Magruder’s American Government, Prentice Hall, 2009 Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy AP, Longman, 2009; How to Prepare for the AP US Government and Politics Exam Economics – Principles in Action, Prentice Hall, 2003 Psychology World Cultures Understanding Psychology, Glencoe, 2008 World Cultures, Prentice Hall, 2004