AGU Pressconference, Dec 15, 2015 Global Dimming and Brightening Decadal changes in sunlight at the Earth's surface ETH phenomenon and potential implications Martin Wild ETH Zürich Energy Balance of the Global Climate System ETH Greenhouse gases Units Wm-2 Wild et al. 2013 / IPCC AR5 Energy Balance of the Global Climate System Sun as ultimative energy source ETH Greenhouse gases Units Wm-2 Wild et al. 2013 / IPCC AR5 Energy Balance of the Global Climate System Anthropogenic Perturbations ETH Greenhouse gases Units Wm-2 Wild et al. 2013 / IPCC AR5 Energy Balance of the Global Climate System Anthropogenic Perturbations ETH Greenhouse gases Units Wm-2 Wild et al. 2013 / IPCC AR5 Energy Balance of the Global Climate System Anthropogenic Perturbations ETH Aerosols Air pollution Units Wm-2 Greenhouse gases Wild et al. 2013 / IPCC AR5 Decadal changes in surface solar radiation Insolation anomalies (Wm-2) 56 sites in Europe, 1939 – 2012 ETH Data from Global Energy Balance Archive (GEBA) Sanchez-Lorenzo et al. (2015) JGR Wild (2012) BAMS Wild et al. (2005) Science Decadal changes in surface solar radiation Insolation anomalies (Wm-2) 56 sites in Europe, 1939 – 2012 “dimming” ETH Data from Global Energy Balance Archive (GEBA) Sanchez-Lorenzo et al. (2015) JGR Wild (2012) BAMS Wild et al. (2005) Science Decadal changes in surface solar radiation Insolation anomalies (Wm-2) 56 sites in Europe, 1939 – 2012 “dimming” “brightening” ETH Data from Global Energy Balance Archive (GEBA) Sanchez-Lorenzo et al. (2015) JGR Wild (2012) BAMS Wild et al. (2005) Science What causes dimming and brightening? Variations in solar output measured from satellites Sunspot numbers ETH Sun cannot explain dimming / brightening Variations in solar output more than an order of magnitude smaller than dimming/brightening and uncorrelated What causes dimming and brightening? Global Anthropogenic Sulfur Emissions 1950-2000 “dimming” “brightening” Data source: Stern, 2005 ETH increase/decrease of air pollution in line with dimming and brightening Wild 2012, BAMS What causes dimming and brightening? Global Anthropogenic Sulfur Emissions 1950-2000 “dimming” “brightening” surface solar radiation Data source: Stern, 2005 ETH increase/decrease of air pollution in line with dimming and brightening Wild 2012, BAMS What causes dimming and brightening? Direct and indirect aerosol effects ETH Aerosol from air pollution reduce sunlight at surface: - directly through scattering and absorption of sunlight - indirectly though the modification of cloud properties ETH Relevance for global warming Solar dimming versus greenhouse warming ETH °C Data: NASA-GISS Wild et al. 2007 GRL 34 Solar dimming versus greenhouse warming 1958-1985: 0.004°C/year °C Data: NASA-GISS ETH Dimming supresses global warming Wild et al. 2007 GRL 34 Solar dimming versus greenhouse warming 1958-1985:0.006°C/year 0.004°C/year 1958-1985: 1985-2002: 0.038°C/year °C Data: NASA-GISS ETH Dimming supresses Brightening enhances global warming global warming Wild et al. 2007 GRL 34 Asymmetric hemispheric pollution Anthropogenic sulfur emission 1950-2000 Source: IPCC AR4, based on Stern (2005) Globe Northern Hemisphere ETH Southern Hemisphere • • Air pollution shows trend reversal in NH, but not in SH Negligible air pollution in SH comparted to NH Wild, BAMS 2012 / Wild 2015 WIRES Clim. Change: early online release Asymmetric hemispheric warming Northern Hemisphere warming “dimming” Southern Hemisphere warming “NO dimming” “brightening” “NO brightening” Obsdata: CRU Hemispheric warming rates ETH Units °C/decade 1958-1985 “dimming” 1985-2014 “brightening” Northern Hemisp. -0.02 +0.24 Southern Hemisp. 0.07 +0.09 Strong changes in NH warming rates with strong pollution changes < > steady warming rates on SH with little pollution Wild 2015 WIRES Clim. Change, early online release ETH Relevance for other environmental issues Consequences of dimming and brightening • Impact on the intensity of the water cycle • Dimming > less energy to drive the water cycle => attenuation of water cycle • Brightening > more energy to drive the water cycle => intensification of water cycle • Impact on glacier melt • Switzerland: no glacier retreat during dimming, only started with brightening • Impact on biosphere growth • Plant growth more effective with more diffuse light ETH • Impact on solar power generation • Long term changes can affect productivity of renewables Wild 2012, BAMS Wild 2015, WIRES Climate Change Observed rainfall northern hemisphere land Additional Reading 1.) Popular overview paper: 2.) Paper in press: ETH “The latest on dimming and brightening” PUBLISHED ONLINE Dec 2015, open access Summary • Solar radiation (sunlight) at Earth’s surface is not stable over the years, but undergoes substantial changes on decadal timescales • Caused by changes in the transparency of the atmosphere, not by the Sun itself ETH • This may affect various aspects of environmental change (e.g., global warming, intensity of the global water cycle, melting of ice, photosynthesis and plant growth) as well as solar power production and agriculture ETH Backup slides Impact on carbon uptake and plant growth Dimming / brightening affects quantity & quality of radiation Total radiation= Direct + Diffuse Diffuse fraction= Diffuse / Total Total Direct Diffuse Increased diffuse light during dimming due to scattering from aerosol and clouds Dimming total radiation Odessa, Abakumova et. al. 1996 => less photosyntheis diffuse fraction => more photosynthesis ETH Brightening total radiation => more photosyntheis diffuse fraction => less photosyntheis Mercado et al. 2009 Nature Impact on carbon uptake and plant growth Why is plant productivity enhanced with more diffuse? Direct radiation: Can only be used by uppermost leaves for photosynthesis Diffuse radiation: penetrates deeper into canopy - can be more effectively used for photosynthesis Global-Dimming period total radiation --- reduces plant photosynthesis diffuse fraction --- enhances plant photosynthesis ETH Modeling studies: Effect of diffuse fraction increase dominates Increased carbon uptake and plant growth during dimming Mercado et al. 2009 Nature Impact on northern hemispheric rainfall Observed rainfall northern hemisphere land Data source: GHCN ETH Decreasing solar energy for evaporation Increasing solar energy for evaporation variations in rainfall in line with solar dimming and brightening Wild 2012, BAMS Impact on mountain glaciers Swiss Glaciers area reduction: “Dimming phase“ 1973 - 1985: -1 % “Brightening phase“ 1985 - 2000s:-18 % Paul et al. ETH Retreat of Swiss glaciers only evident after solar dimming stopped Impact on mountain glaciers 94-year time series of annual glacier melt at four high elevation sites in the European Alps ETH Claridenfirn, Aletschgletscher Silvrettagletscher Maximum melt in the late 40s, due to maximum insolation, despite lower temperatures Huss and Funk GRL 2009 ETH Impact on solar energy production Source: Berner Fachhochschule Burgdorf Impact on evaporation Evaporation from evaporation pans decreased from 1950s to 1980s, consistent with surface solar dimming 85 sites in China 1950 - 2000 ETH Close connection between insolation and evaporation changes Roderick, Farquhar 2002 Science Ohmura and Wild 2002 Science Wild et al. 2004 Geophys.Res.Let. Qian et al. 2006 Geophys.Res.Let. Dimming/Brightening and 20th century warming ETH Global land surface temperatures, 20th century Modulations of global warming in line with dimming/brightening Wild JGR 2009 Impact on diurnal temperature range Correlation of surface insolation and DTR in China DTR: Diurnal Temperature Range 1955-2000 From Liu et al. 2004, J. Climate = T max – T min Correlation of surface insolation and DTR in Europe R=0.87 1970-2005 Daily maximum temperature dominated by surface solar radiation ETH Daily minimum temperature dominated by thermal radiation From Makowski et al. 2009, JGR Impact on diurnal temperature range Observation data: CRU dataset Wild et al. 2007, GRL Linear regression slopes land mean DTR ETH Evidence for large scale change in surface radiative forcings Wild et al. 2007, Geophys. Res. Lett. Units 1958-1985 1985-2002 °C/decad “dimming” “brightening” e T max -0.04 +0.37 T min 0.11 +0.40 Observed DTR 20th century over NH land DTR as proxy for surface solar radiation Data source: CRU dataset Wild 2009, JGR Brightening Dimming Brightening ETH Indication for surface solar dimming mainly in second part of 20th century (1950s-80s), and for two brightening periods in the 1980s/90s and 1930s/40s Wild 2009, JGR ETH Recent developments since 2000 Wild 2012 BAMS Global dimming/brightening beyond 2000 ETH Numbers: literature values for changes in Wm-2/decade Wild, BAMS (2012) Global dimming/brightening beyond 2000 Global SO2 emissions since 1970 ? ETH China SO2 emissions increase again since 2000 Future of global dimming/brightening Coal consumption in China 1980-2007 China coal consumption 3,500 3,000 Million Tons 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 2007 2002 500 ETH 06 20 04 20 02 20 00 20 98 19 96 19 94 19 92 19 90 19 88 19 86 19 84 19 82 19 19 80 0 Coal consumption in China has doubled from 2002 to 2007! Source: US Energy Information Administration Global dimming/brightening beyond 2000 Satellite-derived surface solar radiation GEWEX SRB vers. 2.8 ETH Global monthly mean anomalies 1983 -2005 Hinkelman et al. 2009 JGR Future of dimming/brightening in ECHAM5-HAM Surface clear sky insolation in NH midlatitudes 1950 - 2020 ETH From model simulations with ECHAM5 HAM => Interesting to see coming years in surface observations Wild 2009a JGR ETH RCP emissions Sulfur emissions ETH Z Klimont et al. ERL 2013