Fifth: We follow a specific set of priorities when it comes to how we budget and spend our monies. People: The personnel who do ministry and the people we help. Proclamation: Gospel work in evangelism, mission and outreach. Programs: The 7 ministry departments at work. Plant: The facilities and grounds that make up our “house.” When we give $1.00 of our tithe to Christ Covenant, here’s what the $1.00 does through our general budget: 52% 20% 17% 12% goes goes goes goes to people: salaries and benefits. toward programs of both in-reach and out-reach. toward plant: both facilities and debt service. toward miscellaneous expenses. We are in a people business: ministry. People are our “product” and “process.” Our ministry is a life-on-life task that prepares people for eternal life with God. People are both our #1 priority and our #1 asset. If we look at our budget and spending in a more distributive manner, then where your dollar goes looks like this: 19 18 10 8 10 12 14 cents for Campus Outreach, Outreach and Missions. cents to administration and facilities. cents toward worship and music. cents for Children’s Ministry. cents for Christian Education and CDS (gifts). cents toward Youth Ministry (students). cents used to shepherd people, counseling, women’s ministry, officer training, etc. 9 cents toward our mortgage. CONCLUSION: Sermon Notes November 4, 2012 AM Pastor Mike Ross “An Honorable Stewardship” 2 Corinthians 8:16-24 Our Stewardship Series for November: November 4—”An Honorable Stewardship” November 11—”A Call to Sacrifice” November 18—”The Storehouse of God” November 25—”A Spiritual House” INTRODUCTION: This morning Pastor Ross will begin a four-part series on stewardship and giving. Third: Our stewardship has one major objective—the Glory of God. He will speak to us about a key element of discipleship and our growth as a community of faith: our financial stewardship. Fourth: Our stewardship reflects our own goodwill toward the church, our community and mankind around the world. According to Jesus Christ, money is a power (a god called “Mammon, an idol) which can hold us back from growing in grace and developing mature disciples. We want Christ Covenant Church to be known as a generous people of goodwill toward all men. A compassionate conservatism and a winsome faith. Paul clearly says that the love of money will hurt us and perhaps even cause us to forsake Christ and the faith. I. FIVE BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES OF AN HONORABLE STEWARDSHIP Fifth: There is nothing to blame your Pastor and Elders for in keeping before you your sacred calling as Biblical stewards. The bottom line is “an honorable stewardship.” Paul was sent on his first, second, and third missionary journeys by the apostles and elders of the Jerusalem church, with a sacred task… In God’s sight. In the sight of men. ...To collect monies from the mission churches for the mother church, Jerusalem, during days of famine and financial hardship. He instructed the mission churches to give generously and regularly to this benevolent cause. He sets forth five principles of honorable stewardship ministry. First: Entrust stewardship ministry into the hands of men of integrity, well-known and appointed by the church. Our Elders and Deacons are elected by us, as well as our Pastors. And they appoint Staff to come alongside them to help in ministry. This ministry includes budgeting, spending, and giving of monies to planned ministries and needy people. The point: The men who lead our church and handle our money have a proven track record of integrity. Second: The ministry of stewardship is an “act of grace.” The grace of God, in caring for others, is mediated through our stewardship ministry. Our Pastors and Deacons are using your giving to bless the lives of hundreds of people each year. II. FIVE CHRIST COVENANT PRINCIPLES OF AN HONORABLE STEWARDSHIP How do we manage this sacred trust of so much money? We follow Five Basic Biblical Principles of stewardship. First: We are bringing our spending into alignment with our vision and purpose as a church, and entrusting this management to the officers of the church. We call this Focus and Alignment. Focus in missions, mercy ministries, programs and personnel, even in facilities. Second: We don’t spend what we don’t have. We burn lean. Third: We manage our debt and have a formula we follow that limits our borrowing. Limited to no more than 20% of our cash flow at any time. Fourth: We are audited each year, holding to the standards of the ECFA...Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability. Congregation is invited to the Auditor’s Report to the Session on November 26, 2012.