Evolutionary Anthropology 7 ISSUES Models, Predictions, and the Fossil Record of Modern Human Origins JOHN H. RELETHFORD I t is clear from the recent contents of this journal and others that the debate about modern human origins continues unabated. My own foray into this subject has dealt with some of the genetic evidence. It has become increasingly clear to me that much of the genetic evidence is indeterminate and that both African replacement and multiregional models can explain observed patterns of genetic variation.1,2 Consider, for example, the finding that many traits show higher genetic diversity within sub-Saharan African populations. While this finding can be interpreted as indicating a greater age for African populations, thus supporting a recent African origin, it can also be explained by a larger long-term African population size, which is compatible with both a recent African origin and multiregional evolution. Population geneticists have long known of the problems of unraveling population history from genetic data. Relationships between populations can reflect either common ancestry or migration.3–7 When considering the predictions of different models, it is critical to make sure that the predictions are unique to each model. I suggest that the problem of indeterminate results is also characteristic of some analyses of the fossil record. In particular, the results from several studies proclaimed as proof of a recent African origin are also compatible with a multiregional model. John H. Relethford, Department of Anthropology, State University of New York College at Oneonta, Oneonta, NY 13820. Phone: (607) 436-2017 Fax: (607) 436-2653 E-Mail: relethjh@oneonta.edu One approach to analyzing the fossil record has been to compare fossil samples from different geographic regions across time by using some form of biological distance measure.8–11 A useful comparison would be between fairly recent modern human fossil samples (⬍30 kya) and earlier samples (35 to 100⫹ kya) across the major geographic regions of the Old World.10,11 The most relevant distances are those across time periods. Are the distances within regions less than the distances between regions? Several analyses have shown that more recent modern samples are morphologically more similar to earlier samples from Africa and the Middle East than to earlier samples within their geographic region. For example, it has been suggested that recent modern samples from Europe (e.g., Cro-Magnon) are more similar to older samples from Africa and the Skhul-Qafzeh samples in the Middle East than to earlier Europeans (Neandertals).8–11 These findings are often taken as support for a recent African origin because this is the type of pattern we would expect to see if all recent modern humans came from Africa within the last 100,000 years. I will not discuss here debates over sample composition, measurements used, or specifics of chronology. My purpose is to examine the underlying assumptions of such studies, and to that end I will take the reported distances as given. Further study can always help us refine our measurements and analyses, but this is of little utility if we do not examine underlying assumptions and make sure that our interpretations are based on valid predictions of the models. Assuming that the distances between fossil samples across time and space are an accurate reflection of past history, it is clear that such results are compatible with a recent African origin. This finding would reject a multiregional model only if the results do not agree with the predictions of a multiregional model. What are these predictions? It is common to see statements to the effect that multiregional evolution predicts that the greatest similarity across time will be within geographic regions. According to this prediction, recent Europeans should be more similar to Neandertals than are fossil samples from other regions at roughly the same time period. This assumption is apparent in Waddle’s design matrix for the multiregional model, in which she predicts that the smallest biological distances will occur within geographic regions.10 The assumption was made most recently with reference to the extraction of Neandertal mitochondrial DNA:12 Krings and colleagues stated that ‘‘whereas the Neandertals inhabited the same geographic region as contemporary Europeans, the observed difference between the Neandertal sequence as modern Europeans do not indicate that it is more closely related to modern Europeans than to any other population of contemporary humans.’’ At first glance, this assumption seems to make sense. After all, given that multiregional evolution incorporates isolation by distance, we would expect, in any given generation, a pattern of population endogamy. At an aggregate level, this would translate into regional endogamy, so that the vast majority of a generation’s genes would come from ancestors one generation earlier in the same geographic region. It is then assumed that the accumulated ancestry over many generations would reflect this pattern, so 8 Evolutionary Anthropology that most of the genes in Europe would derive from Europe, most genes in Asia would derive from Asia, and so on. This last assumption is incorrect, and that leads to an incorrect prediction of the multiregional model. The problem arises from equating per-generation endogamy with accumulated ancestry over many generations. The easiest way to illustrate this problem is with a simple example of gene flow. Assume two populations, A and B, where population A consists of 4,000 reproductive adults and population B consists of 1,000 reproductive adults. Further assume that these sizes are constant over time. Now, let each population exchange 10 mates per generation. These numbers are easily visualized using a migration matrix, where the columns refer to offspring and the rows refer to their parents. In this simple example, the migration matrix is A B A 3990 10 B 10 990. A matrix of probabilities is obtained by dividing each element of the matrix by its corresponding column total. This gives A B 0.9975 0.0100 B 0.0025 0.9900. A This matrix has a standard meaning in population genetics. Each element represents the probability that a gene in column j came from row i. In this specific example, the probability of a gene in population A coming from population A (endogamy) is 0.9975, while the probability of a gene in A coming from population B (exogamy) is 0.0025. These hypothetical values show that both populations are highly endogamous. Following the reasoning set forth earlier, we might at first expect that, given this endogamy, the greatest similarities over time would occur within each population. This is true for short periods, but over many generations the total accumulated ancestry in each population will change. Under a simple migration model, the ISSUES matrix of accumulated ancestry after t generations can be derived by raising the above matrix to the power t.13,14 For example, after 100 generations the matrix of accumulated ancestry is A B 0.8569 0.5726 B 0.1431 0.4274. A After 100 generations of low gene flow, population A would have derived roughly 14% of its genes from population B, while population B would have derived roughly 57% of its genes from population A. In the latter case, we would now expect that population B would actually be closer to population A as it was 100 generations earlier! As the number of generations increases, these numbers change even more. Af- While archeological evidence suggests times during which parts of Africa were relatively depopulated,21 the genetic evidence supports the hypothesis that the long-term average population was largest in Africa. ter 200 generations, the matrix of accumulated ancestry would be A B 0.8162 0.7354 B 0.1838 0.2646. A It is clear that by this time both populations A and B would have derived the majority of their ancestry from population A. The matrix will continue to change until an equilibrium is reached, as A B 0.8000 0.8000 B 0.2000 0.2000. A At equilibrium, both populations would reflect 80% ancestry from popu- lation A and 20% ancestry from population B. Note that these numbers are equal to the relative sizes of the two populations. Population A (N ⫽ 4,000) accounts for 80% of the total population size (4,000 ⫹ 1,000 ⫽ 5,000), and population B (N ⫽ 1,000) accounts for 20% of the total population size. This is not coincidental; previous studies of migration matrices show that, given symmetric migrant numbers, the rows of the equilibrium matrix will be equal to the relative weights of the populations.15,16 The situation is more complex with asymmetric migrant numbers, but the same tendency still applies. In any case, a symmetric model seems appropriate as a simplifying model for describing most human populations because the genetic effects of asymmetry are not very different from those expected under a symmetric model.17 What does this all mean? This simple example shows clearly that, given enough time, the accumulated ancestry of any population will be dominated by the largest population. This is intuitive: The larger the population, the greater the proportion of genes. This principle has a major implication for the analysis of hominid fossil samples across time. Many genetic studies have demonstrated that the long-term population size of Africa is larger than that of any other region.4,18 A larger African population is also expected throughout most of prehistory, based on ecological arguments.19,20 It is important to keep in mind that this model only makes the assumption that, over time, Africa was the largest. While archeological evidence suggests times during which parts of Africa were relatively depopulated,21 the genetic evidence supports the hypothesis that the long-term average population was largest in Africa. If the African population was the largest, then even under a model of low-level gene flow it would exert the greatest genetic impact. A comparison across many generations would show this effect. The more recent samples would all be more similar to earlier samples in Africa than to samples from anywhere else. While these results might seem paradoxical, there is no mystery. The common assumption of greater similarity within regions Evolutionary Anthropology 9 ISSUES over long periods confuses per-generation endogamy with accumulated ancestry. Of course, the above example relies on a simple and unrealistic model in which gene flow alone affects genetic history. However, the same results apply with more complex models. Konigsberg22 has developed a general model for examining biological distances across space and time. This model incorporates gene flow, genetic drift, and linear systematic pressure, which includes mutation, long-range migration, and selection. He found that over time the biological distance within a region will increase and the biological distance between regions will decrease. The overall pattern is the same as illustrated in the simple example I used earlier. The implications for the fossil record of modern human origins are clear. Given a larger long-term population size in Africa, both recent African origin and multiregional models predict that temporally recent fossil samples across the Old World will more closely resemble earlier populations in Africa. While this demonstration does not prove a multiregional model, it does show that previous biological distance analyses do not prove a recent African origin. Both models produce the same prediction. To further complicate matters, the same pattern could be produced by population expansion with admixture as well as gene flow among populations, depending on the rate of admixture. Resolution of the debate is therefore not possible from analyses of overall biological distance. One possibility is to examine the relative occurrence of regional continuity in individual traits. My findings may seem contradictory to the prediction of regional continuity under a multiregional model, which is that the greatest similarity over time will be within regions. However, this prediction would be contradictory only if we expect all traits to show a pattern of regional continuity. However, proponents of the multiregional model do not suggest that all traits will show continuity. In reality, regional continuity is expected only for some traits as the result of genetic drift and selection acting to maintain high frequencies of a trait within a region in opposition to gene flow.20,23,24 My model provides a prediction of the expected biological distance between samples averaged over many traits. We must also consider variation about these expected averages. Individual traits could show deviations from this expectation because of drift, selection, or both. Therefore, if the multiregional model is correct, we would expect to see regional continuity for a small number of traits, as well as greater similarity to earlier African samples when considering the average over many traits. In this light, it is interesting to consider the findings of Lahr’s25 comprehensive analysis of continuity traits in East Asian and Australasian samples. Her analysis suggested continuity in 11 out of 30 (37%) traits. The remainder of the traits either did not show a Given a larger long-term population size in Africa, both recent African origin and multiregional models predict that temporally recent fossil samples across the Old World will more closely resemble earlier populations in Africa. Population genetics models can provide us with valuable predictions for the fossil record of modern human origins. Two points are critical to future investigation. First, multiregional models do not predict that the lowest biological distance between time periods will be within geographic regions; instead, the lowest distance will be to the largest population. Second, this expectation applies to biological distances averaged over many traits, but not necessarily to each trait individually. By examining overall biological distance we can address the issue of accumulated ancestry and ancient population size. By looking at individual traits and comparing them to the average, we can assess claims of regional continuity. Based on these findings and the hypothesis of a larger long-term African population, I suggest that the multiregional model predicts that biological distances based on many traits will show that recent modern fossil samples are more similar to earlier samples from Africa than they are to samples from the same geographic region. I also suggest that regional continuity will be found in a small number of traits, but not all traits. Based on research to date, both predictions appear to be confirmed. Future resolution of the debate must focus on regional continuity because the first prediction also fits an African replacement model. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS regional pattern or showed higher frequencies in other regions. Although her analysis has been used to argue against a multiregional model, I contend that the presence of some continuity traits is consistent with the gene flow-drift model I have described. Given the nature of accumulated ancestry, we would not expect most traits to show regional continuity. The important finding is that some do, which is more difficult to explain from the perspective of an African replacement model. Further investigation is needed to determine whether similar patterns of continuity could be obtained under a replacement model as a consequence of recurrent mutation and drift. I am currently planning a set of simulation analyses to address these questions. My thanks to Henry Harpending, Lyle Konigsberg, and Milford Wolpoff for their comments. REFERENCES 1 Relethford JH. 1995. Genetics and modern human origins. Evol Anthropol 4:53–63. 2 Relethford JH. 1998. Genetics of modern human origins and diversity. Ann Rev Anthropol 27:1–23. 3 Felsenstein J. 1982. 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