8/22/2015 SYNAPOMORPHIES Of Extant Mammals 1. endothermy (also in Aves) aided by hair (insulation) 2. live birth (except for monotremes) 3. skin glands (including mammary glands) Mammalian Characters: 2 Skin Glands 1. Sweat glands A. Hypotonic secretions B. Evaporative cooling 2. Sebaceous glands 3. Scent/musk glands 4. Mammary glands A. Dayak bat Hair, cont. 1. Hair Coloration A. Cryptic a. Matching b. Disruptive B. Aposematic 2. Molting A. Continuous B. Seasonal C. Developmental Mammalian Characters: 1 Endothermy 1. Definition A. body temperature controlled by metabolic activity and regulation of heat exchange with the environment. 2. Role of hypothalamus 3. Advantages 4. Disadvantages Mammalian Characters: 3 Hair FUNCTIONS 1. Insulation and Homeostasis 2. Concealment 3. Signaling 4. Protection 5. Sensing Mammalian Characters: 4, 5 4. FAT A. not unique to mammals, B. Energy storage C. Thermal insulation 5. Mammalian Circulation A. Four chambered heart B. Erythrocytes without nuclei C. Heart rate 1 8/22/2015 Mammalian Characters: 6 Respiratory System Mammalian Characters: 7 Secondary palate with epiglottis 1. Complex Lung Structure 2. Muscular Diaphragm Mammalian Characters: 8-9 8. Reproductive system A. Female B. Male 9. Brain A. Neopallium B. Corpus callosum Evolution of the mammalian ear THREE ear ossicles 1. malleus, incus, stapes Mammalian Characters: 10, Senses 1. Olfaction: acute 2. Hearing A. High acuity B. Sound used in Communication, Orientation, Locating food, Avoiding enemies C. Infrasound to ultrasound D. External pinna E. Middle ear with three ossicles: malleus, incus, stapes Mammalian Characteristics, cont. 2. Transformation of accessory jaw bones A. mandible of dentary only B. dentary-squamosal jaw articulation C. tympanic bone 2 8/22/2015 Mammalian Characters: 10 Senses, cont. 1. Vision A. photoreceptors B. tapetum lucidum 2. Vibrissae Mammalian Characteristics, cont. 1. Digestive System 2. Muscular System A. Skeletal muscles B. Superficial muscles 3. Skeletal System A. Determinate Growth a. long bones with epiphyses Additional Mammalian Characters 1. heterodont teeth that occlude 2. diphyodonty 3. lateral movement of jaw 4. two occipital condyles 3