holmgard/novgorod and the origin of democracy

From my book “Honfoglalás… the Hungarians are back home”, 2008
(Unfortunately, I have lost the Word work I typed for that book. I have converted the PDF version into Word again, but the
format of a 2007 PDF is incompatible with today Word. I had to spend a lot of time to make the following text readable,
but there may still be mistakes and format problems, sorry!
In 2008 I did not have all the evidence that I have now to state that the Flavii were Hungarians!
Holmgard (later Novgorod, some 100 km south of Sankt Petersburg) was a Finnic city (regardless of what Soviet Historiography said, or
did not say, because the topic was banned in USSR!).
Holmgard was the last pre-Indo-European city to be taken by the Indo-Europeans, in historical time.
What happened in Novgorod is the example of what happened in Rome and Sparta (not in Athens, where the Pre-IndoEuropean democracy survived!): wherever the Indo-Europeans arrived, they did not bring democracy; they destroyed it.
“The Greeks invented democracy” is a Arya fairy tale!
(Before you start reading, you must be informed that this work is based on the first chapter of the book “A
University Press, R. V. Riasanowsky.)
History of Russia”, Oxford
Tacitus, 98 A.D., described the Baltic Sea and said that a population was dwelling on its east coast, the Sitones, who were ruled by a
Queen, as we now know, a Flavio non Russian cultural marker.
In the 9th century A.D. and maybe long before, Holmgard elected its kings (Knyiaz or Konung, from Finnish Kuningas: “civil servant
king”, not a König!). The power of ruling was in the hands of the Veche, an assembly of citizens (not a selected class of them, but all
the heads of families, who took decisions unanimously).
People worshipped the Mother God and the Sun God, in the frame of an animistic-naturalistic religion.
Women enjoyed equal rights.
Eugenij Nosov ( Russian Academy of Sciences, Sankt Petersburg, Russia) in his attempt to Russify Holmgard, naively admits that the
Russians came to the Holmgard area because the area was “extraordinarily advantageous for extracting tributes”.
Extracting tributes (“pizzo” for the Italian Mafia; ransom or blackmail, in general) was the modern alternative to plundering.
Tributes were paid in order to avoid being attacked: this was called “protection” or, in modern times, “protectorate” by the European
colonial powers. The Germanics asked Rome for tributes in exchange for not invading the Empire. The Athenians paid tributes to the
Mycenaean Minoans: girls for the “ B u n g a B u n g a ” o f t h e Minotaur. The Romans asked for tributes, but also bought back their
prisoners paying ransoms, as Italy still does.
The mafia, a degeneration of the Greek Fratria, still asks for “pizzo” in Magna
Graecia, Italy. “Pizzo” is paid to the mafia to get their “protezione” so that the same mafia will not destroy your shop. (Read the
Engels analysis of the Greek Fratria in his book “Ursprung der Familie, des Privateigentum und des Staates“, and compare it with the
“Mafia Culture”: they are the same thing!).
Actually, the Russians dwelled, not in Holmgard, but in Rurikovo Gorodishe, 2 km from Holmgard (Nosov).
Gorodishe is said to
have been inhabited from the middle of the 10th century, when Holmgard was already in History. The sanctuary of Peryn (another
name for Juppiter or Zeus: the God of lightning) was the Russian sacred place.
Nosov: “Rurikovo Gorodishe appears to repeat the Ladoga development”. Nosov appears to mix Russians and Finns: the Ladoga
settlements were not Russian, and “Rurikovo Gorodishe” was maybe never even visited by Rjurik: the Gorodishians were alien
Russian nomads, encamped outside Holmgard, like gypsies.
(For centuries, the Latins, Oscans, Volshians, Samnites… remained
encamped on the Appennini, with their cattle, at the borders of the Etruscan Confederation.
A “Samnite” former Italian Prime
Minister, Ciriaco De Mita, even now, still speaks with all his [b], [d], [γ] - which are [p], [t], [k] in the Florentine (Etruscan) Italian - and
which he is unable to get rid of. The Arya of Greece (Micene, Sparta) lived isolated in the Peloponnese peninsula (almost an island!)
until the Athenians culturally assimilated some of them, after having been linguistically assimilated by them. Achilles, born in
Thessaly, was blond (Homer). If Helen of Troy was blonde, she could have been a slave, this is why she left Mycenae! The oldest
Athenian script was phonetically Flavio.
The Holmgard institutions were thus pre-Indo-European Institutions; Russia has never lived Democracy.
In 862, after disputes between the “Finno-Ugrics” and the Russian newcomers, the city decided to choose a Danish King (Rjurik) as
their ruler (Nestor’s Chronicles). (I guess the reason for this was that the Russians had started harassing the Chuds).
We already know that the Finno-Ugrians were not good at, nor were they keen on war. I n o r d e r t o s u r v i v e , the Finns
needed military protection (as the Magyars accepted Chinese protection in the Tarim basin).
Rjurik could not be Viking: had he been Viking he would have rather taken and plundered Novgorod! Rjurik was a Varangian, maybe
descendent of Phinni, Pannonici or Sarmatians.
The Vikings, too, were formerly Finns and still used an alphabet of only 16 letters, as the Finns still do, but they were ruled by a
bloody Arya warring élite.
The Danish king Rjurik opened the Nordic Countries >Dnipro > Byzantium t r a d i n g route: “from the Varangians to the Greeks”, or
“to the Arabs”. His son, Oleg, established a “Ukraine Settlement” in Kyiv (Kiev was inhabited by Chuds and Slavics), which became
the cradle of “Rus”, and from where the Russians would spread northward and, later on, make Novgorod a part of their Empire.
After a dark Middle Age, Holmgard became again independent in 1136 A.D. when the Prince (a Russian prince) was deposed and
replaced by a “wage-earning prince”.
In fact, the new prince received, for his services, money (Dienghi, a Mongol word: only
at the Mongol invasion time the Russians learnt to use “money”!) and accurately defined and limited “hunting and fishing
rights”, in other words, a tribute not to disturb, a pizzo.
The “civil servant prince”, was not allowed to reside in the city, he had to reside in the Russian hill fort, Gorodishe; h e could not
administrate justice without the presence of the posadnik (a Chud civil servant elected by the Veche); could not have business with
Germans (i.e. with the rest of the Hansa)… in other words, the Russian Prince had the same power as a modern Italian President of
the Republic: a little bit more than nothing!
The elected Veche was actually keeping all the power through the elected magistrates: the posadnik (a Vice, or rather a coo-Prince),
the tysjackij (military commanders), the konč (local posadnik), the dokladčiki (members of the jury). Even the Archbishop (a
consultant for the government) was elected. Chud was the language of the Veche.
I forgot! The Veche could also dismiss the prince, ad libitum.
This was the “Kuningas”; the Germans made of him a “König”!
Access to the Tribunals of Holmgard could only be gained if a preliminary mediation had failed (this reminds me of the
Anglo-Saxon trials. Preliminary mediation has only recently been introduced in Italy).
The worst punishment was the ban (as for the Celto-Pannonici). Holmgardians were rarely sentenced to death.
(The word “ban” may come from the Finnish panna. Finnish could also be the French (Celto-Pannonico) banlieu < panna-alue, place
where the banned ones lived.
Banlieue could then correspond to “Australia” where the Britons confined their “bandits”.
Italians now ban the mafiosi (confino).
The Celto-Pannonici, too, considered the ban to be the worst punishment and the death sentence was reserved only for those
who had betrayed hospitality. Being banned and left out of the community was considered by the Celts and the Flavii worse
than being sentenced to death. The Vikings banned Erik the Red.
Holmgard, reminds one of the Italian city-states of the same period, in particular Florence and Venice, the main city states of
Tuscany (maybe not by chance, ancient Etruria!) and of Veneto (maybe a Flavio or Eesti population).
All the city States were inglobed in Empires again, as soon as the Indo-Europeans took power again!
Writing on birch bark was common practice, at least for businessmen, in Holmgard.
In Holmgard, wood was not only used for writing purposes, but also replaced stones in houses and walls, terracotta in
pottery, metals in piping and water canalization, and was even used to pave the town streets. (Moscow was destroyed by fire
several times because the houses were made of wood and izby are still made of wood all over Russia. Wood was the preferred
building material all over Flavia, this is why little has remained of the Wood Civilization of Flavia. Mastering the wood technologies
helped the Vikings to become a “high technology boat people”).
Holmgard, in the 12th - 13th centuries, controlled a very large, Finnic territory up to the Arctic sea.
(Yes, Finnic and still partly,
ethnically Finnish.
The area of the Sankt Petersburg Oblast only became russified at the time of Peter the Great in the 18th
century, after he founded the city and established his capital there).
Holmgard was not an Empire. It was maybe a Confederation, or, rather, a goodwill alliance, or a free trade area, or maybe the first
The second largest town of the Holmgard territory was Pskov, now in Russia, at the borders with Estonia. Pskov could freely come
and go into the Confederation. (The confederated Countries of USSR also had this right… theoretic right, written in the Constitution
of the USSR: this was a reason why Ukraine became a member of the Society of Nations and it was by using this right that
15 Republics could peacefully separate from USSR!).
When the citizens of Pskov felt that the city could no longer face the threat of
the Teutonic Knights, they simply elected a… Lithuanian King.
In 1905, Norway became independent and elected… a Danish prince to become the first king of modern Norway (yes, an elected, foreign
king! A civil servant). A part of the “animo” of the Scandinavians is still Flavio. I am not aware of any Russian population having
ever elected a foreign King.
The Indo-European but also Han way of solving the problem of Oslo and Pskov would have been different:
a king would have sold one of his daughters for an alliance so that his Fratria would become larger and stronger.
One of the Russian “wage-earning princes” of Holmgard, Alexander Nevskij, defeated (23 times!) the attacking Germans,
Swedes, Lithuanians, Norwegians… but, when faced with the Mongols, he refused confrontation and came to an agreement with the
Khan, in the best Scyto-Flavio-Finno-Ugric tradition (Remember the Scythians and Darius, the Linzis and Qin, and so on). The fact
is that the Veche , i.e. the people, took peace and war decisions in Novgorod. Alexander Nevskij (or rather, the Veche, i.e. the people)
thus saved the Holmgardians from extermination. The Russian Orthodox Church made him a Saint and Sankt Petersburg has
been built around Nevskyj Prospect.
In 1478, Ivan III of the Principality of Moscow set fire to (an easy job: even the water tubes and the cover of roads were made of
wood!) and destroyed Holmgard, hence the new name of the city: Novgorod, New City. He also destroyed the archives of the Veche so
that nobody could ever maintain that the Holmgardians were Finns.
Holmgard was a democracy at the same time as Europe was under Feudal rule and Russia under Princes who were given
territories (including people, animals, and fishes) as personal possessions (Udel, appannage).
At that time, in Russia, the poor people were smerdy, slaves, and so remained until mid 19th century, when slavery, at last, was
abolished, at the same time as in U.S.A..
Holmgard was the last large European city to be Indo- Europeanized.
The civil codes of Holmgard and Pskov were the basis of the later civil codes of Russia.
In the territory that was the Holmgard territory, even to-day, after the Russification promoted by Peter the Great and by USSR, Finnic
minorities still survive, from the shores of the Baltic sea to the Urals. A genetic research (Russian Magadan Institute of Biology), has
proved that the population of Novgorod has still characteristic features that belong to the Northern European Finno-Ugric
populations, not to the Russians. “Colonization of the east and the north of Eastern Europe was mainly performed by men who
chose wives from residential [Flavio] population”, B.A. Malyarchuk, Magadan Russian Academy of Sciences.
In another research he found out that the Russian invasion of Russia was made by male migrants and, I add, who found women in the
“Bunga Bunga” parties that they organized with Finnish female widows slaves, as it was in Sparta.
Riasanowsky, conditioned by his Indo-European Culture, states: “the Veche, whose decisions had to be taken unanimously, was a
remains of pre-historical times and was never able to fit into the Principality.” I would rather say that the Flavii of Novgorod never
accepted the Arya Principality, with its druzhina (Friends of the Prince) and boyars!
He adds: “Novgorod was never able to evolve and always remained a city state. This was one of the reasons why, at the end,
it succumbed to the Principality of Moscow”. This was the same “limit” of Athens, of the Etruscans, of the Arsi, and of all
other Flavii! Empires were not part of the Flavio culture, but belonged to the animo of the Russian Arya of Moscow. [Only the Magyars,
on arrival in Carpathia converted to the European rules… and survived. The Finns survived just because, they fled the incoming IndoGermans, step by step from Pomerania to Finland and because, after having been under Swedish rule, they accepted to be ruled by a
Russian Prince, who actually did not do much to Russify the Finns].
As long as Europe will teach and celebrate in school “The history of the Emperors” and not the “History of the
peoples”… we shall still believe that Sparta was a great civilization, as they taught me when the school in Italy was still
loaded with Fascismo.
REFERENCE: (unless stated otherwise): “A History of Russia”, R.V. Riasanovsky, Oxford University Press.
Kokous, käräjät, Veche, Ting, Magyar Councils, Daranthoa, Witenagebot… were Flavio (not Germanic!) institutions in Northern Flavia.
The Finnish käräjät place was a 12 stone circle with a bigger stone in the centre. The Celtic sacred place was a 4 stone circle, with a
Druid in its centre. (The Celtic cross, a cross in the centre of a circle, is a syncretic symbol). Prehistoric stone circles
(cromlechs) have been found in an area that stretches from the Arctic Sea to Berberland long before the Indo-Germans would show
The Ting in Germany only shows up as Thingplatz: amphitheatre specially built for the gatherings of nazi volk attending Joseph Goebbels
If you open the page “Ting” of Wikipedia, you read: “In the pre-Christian clan-culture of Scandinavia the members of a clan were
obliged to avenge injuries against their dead and mutilated relatives” (exactly what a member of the Fratria = Φρατρία =
Brotherhood had to do, and even a modern Magna Graecia Calabrese now does). “A balancing structure was necessary to reduce
tribal feuds and avoid social anarchy.”
This guy is mixing up the Clan-Culture and the Ting: the Flavio käräjät gave birth to
the Ting and democracy; the Indo-European Clan-Culture gave birth to the mafia. The pre-Indo- European Elladics disliked that IndoEuropean institution (that… “Brotherhood”) so much that they never used the Indo-European word for brother, but kept instead
their pre-Indo-European atelpos*, which the Greeks finally pronounced adelphos. Is atelpos* related to Hungarian, Finnish
and Etruscan ati (mother)?
Among the many Flavio Tings in Europe, I will only mention the Anglo-Saxon
the tenth
century (Wikipedia) shows the king wearing a crown and all the Witens wearing… conical headdresses! Half of the Witens were women!
(See table 44). The Witens elected the King (answers.com).
The Saxons were invited by the Romano-British administration, in 449 A.D., to move to the island of Thanet in order to fight the Picts at
sea. As the Saxons who arrived in Britannia were a seafarer “boat people”, they were not Steppici, but Flavio Vikings.
It is not by chance that the Britons always sailed the seas and the Germans never had a strong navy, but large infantry armies, like the
Hans. The Czar (< Kaiser < Caesar) Peter I had to secretly work in a Dutch shipyard i n order to learn how ships were built.
The Flavio Norwegians, before the competition of “low cost Countries” were used to have one of the largest merchant fleets in the
World. It is also not by chance that the Britons had the first European Parliament, after the Veche and the Helladic pre-IndoEuropean assemblies of Greece!
Is it a coincidence that Flavia is still reminiscent of similar institutions, too?
(Hungary: királyi, Council; Mongolia:
kuriltai; Bashkiria: qoriltay; Buriatia: khural; Turkestans: khan kutermiak; Afghanistan: loya Jirga and Shura; Kalash:
Direct Democracy was a marker of pre-Arya-Semite-Mongolic societies. Direct Democracy is slammed now as obsolete with
a single word “primitive”!
I dream of an “internet käräjät” for my daughters. You know which is the only Country in the world that is technologically
ready for it? Estonia, where polls are already possible through the Inet.
Greek Ekklesia, Agora, and ostracism (a kind of referendum that condemned Socrates), were Flavio institutions in Greece.
Referendums survive in Switzerland, which is still a Confederation of Cantons. Kanton and Germanic Hundare remind one of Finnish
Kunta, which is the translation of both Germanic words, but is not their recognized etymology. The Britons say that Hundare is
related to Hundred, the Germanics say that it derives from proto- Germanic *harja-raiðǀ (war-band) or proto-Norse *harja-raiða (war
equipment) so that in any case it is related to war… that’s all they have in their mind!
Democracy was a Flavio institution and did not come with the Indo- Europeans, but from the pre-Indo-European Flavio
Carthage, a Phoenician colony in Berberland, established by a mythological Queen (Elissa or Dido), had a “Constitution” that even
Aristotle, Plato, and Cicero envied. An aristocracy, which never generated tyrannies, ruled the city, through the Senate, which
elected the Sufetes (“*Kuninkas”… cannot be translated König!) and the Generals. The Sufetes were the highest authority and
generally, they were two of them. Assemblies existed in the city and even in the army. The assemblies of the armies could even
elect a new general to replace the dead one. The relationship of Carthage with its overseas territories was a kind of Confederation (or
a Hansa), not an Empire.
In the 5 t h century B.C., Baal was replaced as main divinity by his wife, Tanit, (Carthage had perhaps become an ethnically Berber
city at this stage).
Tanit was a “virgin mother” Goddess (The Goddess had always been mother in Africa, but the Phoenicians
wanted she to be virgin too!). In any case, the Gods were protective Gods and the ministers of religion were women of the upper
class. There were not many slaves and they had rights that were denied to the Greek and Roman slaves: they could be compared to
the Roman Clientes. The women also had more rights than Roman and Greek women had. The stones (“tofet”, obelisques or men
hirs) dedicated to women and slaves in the cemeteries were many. The people of Carthage buried their dead. The Phoenicians burnt
(The Phoenicians were the same Myceneans, who took Troy, moved to Crete, and, when the public granaries emptied,
attacked the Pharaoh, plundered the Eastern Mediterranean shores, destroyed Ugarit…. and finally settled in Phoenicia. Somebody
still calls them the “Sea people”!)
(“Karthago”, Werner Huss, University of Bemberg, DE).
The “Constitution” of Carthage cannot be Indo-European: the Arya, the Germanic Vandals and the French colonialists
had not yet arrived in Africa!).
A Confederation is the form of ruling chosen by free peoples who congregate because they have common interests, regardless of
nationality, race, language, and religion. The common interest of the Flavii was trading, both in Northern Europe and in Central Asia.
Many “dodecapolis” existed in ancient Europe: these were Confederations. Greece had always been a Confederation. The Etruscan
cities were members of a Confederation (Dodecapolis) and had “ civil servant Kings” and magistrates ( w h o s e n a m e s a r e
s i m i l a r t o t h e H u n g a r i a n o n e s ( M a r i o A l i n e i ) , who were elected, not hereditary and not for life.
The fact that Europe is now a Union (Confederation) is the final victory of the Flavio Culture.
Empires and hereditary Könige are Indo-European and Han. Empires were brought by Darius I to Iran in the 6th century B.C.; by Qin to
China in the 3rd century B.C.; and by Augustus to Rome in the 1st century B.C.. All Empires have always brought: the end of
democracy, cultural revolutions, conscription, professional armies, tributes, subjugation of other ethnic groups, bloody campaigns,
centralization, bureaucracy, mandarins and satraps (in Old Persian, protectors!), unification of measuring units, of languages, and of
alphabets… and colossal public works built by slaves… Darius I linked the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea through a Nile/Red
Sea canal, 2,500 years before De Lesseps would build the Suez Canal.
Stalin built a pharaonic super canal through Finnic
Carelia (if the Russians want to offend you, they tell you “Carelian!”… and they knock at the table!) from the White Sea to the
Baltic Sea… a lot of people died during its construction… this canal was only used for its inauguration and is frost in winter!
Confederations are Flavio. Empires are Arya-Semite-Mongolic.
The Kings of pre-Indo-European-Qin/Han Eurasia were all elected, from Etruria to China.
The power of the early Roman rulers was under the control of the Senate, a left-over of ancient Etruscan institutions.
Brutus, a
senator, killed Cesar when the Senate started fearing he would become a dictator. In Rome, killing the dictator was not against the
law, still at that time. (By the way, let us make clear that Rome was an Etruscan city until an Indo-European King killed the Etruscan
“king” and took power).
Sparta was culturally Indo-European, Athens was not.
Sparta was the first to get rid of democracy by reducing the power of the Apella to a vetoing power. Athenians simply killed, legally,
their Tyrannos. (When I was a boy, just after WW2, a still Fascist Italian school was teaching more about the military achievements of
Sparta than about the philosophers of Athens!). Rome, thanks to its Etruscan and Mediterranean cultural admixture, was the last,
under the first Emperor, Augustus, to reduce the power of the Senate to the right of acclaiming the Emperor.
Elected *kuninkas (civil servant kings) are Flavio. Emperors are Arya-Semite-Mongolic.
The Hansa (association of trading ports, while the ports of Genoa, Venice, Pisa, and Amalfi were fighting each other) had been
earlier invented by the Hungarians in Central Asia, when they controlled the Silk Road. In the same way, the Estonians maybe
controlled the Amber Road from the Baltic Sea to Vincha and later to the Adriatic Sea. A kind of Hansa was maybe the basis of the
cooperation between the Holmgardians and the Kievans.
(Tacitus in his “Germania” said that the Æsti (Eesti?) were the people who gathered amber on the Baltic Sea shores. Maybe the Æsti
were the same people who brought, via the Brenner Pass and the Ateste (Adige) River the amber to Ateste, to-day Este. (See
the website paabo.ca/uirala/index.html). Maybe also the “Russian silk” (linen), which was sold in the Central Asiatic markets in the
Middle Ages, originated from the Holmgard area and arrived in Central Asia through the Volga or the Hungarians: the flax flower is still
the national flower of Belarus).
The Hansa was Flavio.
Long before the “separation of powers” being defined by Montesquieu there were two elected ruling magistrates in Etruria; two elected
Sufetes in Khartago; two elected Consuls in Rome, elected Prince and elected posadnik in Holmgard…
“Shared ruling” is a Flavio institution.
“It is to be said that Czars (absolute autocrats) in Russia were the natural consequence of the Mongolian domination”. (This is the
opinion of Riasanowsky! My opinion is that the Arya-Semite-Mongols were all the same stuff: the Russians were not better before the
arrival of the Mongols). The Mongols were the most ruthless and “technological” Arya-Semite-Mongols that Europe ever had to face:
they invented biological warfare: they threw corpses of people who had died from bubonic plague inside the walls of besieged Persian
cities and of Kaffa, Crimea, now Theodosia, Ukraine).
In ancient times (since Jordanes, middle of the 6th century A.D.), the term Chud was associated to most of the Finnic ethnic groups
living in the territory that eventually became Russia, and appears to have been a synonym for Finnic. The language spoken at the
Novgorod Veche was Chud (Finnish). (See also: Pavel M. Dolukhanov, Department of Archaeology, University of Newcastle, U.K.; Kyösti
Julku, University of Oulu, Finland; Milton Nunez, University of Oulu, Finland. They studied the spread of Finnish in ancient Europe,
without the need of 20 laryngeals). Russian chronicles knew Veps as “white eyed Chudes”.
Russian (not Chudish!) folktales said that “the Chudes were beautiful and gallant” and that, “while Chudish settlements fell, Chudish
women drowned themselves in rivers with their jewelry and their children to avoid being shamed or robbed.
When Chudish
peasants heard about Russian cruelty, they buried themselves alive!” (Wikipedia, Answers.com, Reference.com, Search.com…).
This may be Russian… mythology… what a mythology!.
The Russians have to admit that their conquest of the North was a copy of the conquest of the West, (even if the Americans had forts
and the Russians monasteries… monasteries inhabited by warrior monks!). They have to admit that their behavior toward the Finnics
was no different from the behavior of the Americans toward the Indians.
The Finns (and the Finnic Estonians, Mordvins, Mari, Udmurts, Komi, Permians…) should be conscious and proud of having contributed
to civilizing the Russians much more than the Russians will ever admit.
Russia would not have been the same, but much worse, without the Flavio substratum.
China would have not been the same without the Hungarians.
In their Chronicles, the Chinese can read that, at its beginning, their civilization was boosted by “ blond generals”. Hungarians were in
Linzi, Shang Dong, in the first millennium BC. Hungarians were the link of China with the west at the early time of the Silk Road.
Hungarians were Chinese citizens in the Tarim Basin.
Confucius was born in the 6th century B.C., in Qufu (the capital city of the state of Lu, Shang Dong province, where the “barbarian”
Laiyi were dwelling). His philosophy is not Han: both Qin Shi Huangdi (“the Qin were a Sinicized semi-barbarian people, believed to
be descended from Jong tribe of the steppes”, Wikipedia) and Mao Tse Dong persecuted Confucius with his cultural revolutions.
Confucius (used and abused, according to the need) reminds one of the Athenian philosophers, more than the Spartan philosophers
(do you know any?) or Machiavelli. The Chinese consider Confucius the “father of democracy”.
Was Confucius (born in what was the territory of the Linzis)… Hungarian? Did he wear a conical headdress?
Bing Ye Young hypothesises that he was a Shaman.
Laozit, the mythical philosopher of Taoism, contemporary of Confucius, is sometimes compared to Plato (Carl Mair). Among his
ideas: human sacrifices are against nature; dethronement would prove that the ruler had lost his mandate of Heaven” (this is a
Flavio cultural marker, foundation of the ritual suicide of kings!).
Yin-Yang and… a Celtic decoration containing the Yin-Yang (Mairy, Marne, FR)
(The first time the Yin-Yang appears is in Trypillia: the fact that it appears again with the Celts could be further evidence of the fact that
the Celts, on their way to Pannonia destroyed Trypillia. The Yin-Yang was not Hungarian, because it did not continue staying with the
Look at this sword: don’t you feel that this bronze sword (early Warring States period, 5th century B.C., YCS collection) has the
trademark of the Flavii on it? Compare it with the Flavio decorations of table 29. (Eagles are still sacred animals in Siberia)
A “Chinese” sword…
and the Flavio trade mark on it (Mother Isten and Turuls).
The Europeans should know that all Flavio and pre-Indo-European societies were egalitarian societies, where women held
at least equal status.
Both the Berbers and the Minoans had public granaries.
The egalitarian (communist) USSR (Confederation) was a dream of the Flavii of Sankt Petersburg, but developed into a ruthless
dictatorship in Arya Moscow.
After centuries of patriarchal culture, when the Europeans were wondering if women did have a soul and when the ancient egalitarian
societies were considered “archaic and barbarian” societies, only now, we start thinking that women should enjoy equal rights in
Europe… sorry, in Indo- Europe!
Flavio women never lost their rights! Finnish women always entered the sauna together with men, long before women’s lib. All the
Scytho-Flavio women were “at least equal”.
Queens, in Europe, still survive only in what was Northern Flavia, where ruling
Queens have always existed. (A Celto-Pannonico blond-haired Queen, led the fiercest opposition to the Roman conquest of Britannia:
Boudica. Tomiris was the Scythian Queen that killed Darius. The red-haired Sarmatian Berber Kahina led the resistance to the Arabs in
Finland has a female President of the Republic).
Even Russia has had Katherine II, a sexually uninhibited Czarina, who had migrated from Germany… to have more chances to become
a ruling Queen!
Merkel is the first such woman in German history.
The Indo-European Europe has never had anything alike: Rome and Athens… are still waiting for a female President, as it is now too
late for a… ruling Queen!