ST. ANDREW CHURCH COLUMBUS, OHIO ST. ANDREW PARISH MISSION STATEMENT St. Andrew Church is a community of Catholics committed to serving God by living our faith. We exist to fulfill the mission of the Roman Catholic Church at the local level by continuing the saving work of Christ. We accomplish this through the celebration of the sacraments, proclaiming and living the Gospel, reaching out to others in justice and charity, and providing all parishioners abundant spiritual, educational, and social opportunities in order to be known as a faith-filled, engaged, and generous parish. Email addresses can be found on the parish website, Parish Clergy: 451-4290 Msgr. Stephan Moloney, Pastor ext. 101 Rev. Anthony Davis, Parochial Vicar ext. 103 Rev. Mr. Thomas M. Berg, Jr., Permanent Deacon Parish Office Staff: Accounting Assistant Buildings Superintendent Business Administrator Capital Campaign Music Director Office Admin. Assist. Parish Secretary Karen Castricone Greg Price Ann Whiteman Rhonda Gora Philip Lortz Mary Beasecker Jayne Frilling Athletic Department Knights of Columbus Finance Council Parish Council Stewardship Committee Women’s Club Fenton Moore Tom Conkle John Bernard Dan Dowler Ann Whiteman Trish Kehl 451-4290 ext. 106 ext. 105 ext. 102 ext. 109 451-1839 ext. 104 ext. 100 Director of Religious Education Suzie Emsweller Administrative Assistant Sally Shough Coordinator of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Kathy Dowler Principal Assistant Principal Administrative Assistant School Secretary Registrar Latchkey ext. 142 ext. 140 ext. 143 451-1626 Joel Wichtman Marie Raynes Jane Mazza Heather Roush Debbie Joseph Allyson Scheirmann ext. 210 ext. 113 ext. 209 ext. 200 ext. 155 ext. 222 School Board President Home & School President Tricia Ryan Bryce Eck Activity Center: Activity Director/ Rental Coordinator Preschool Director Youth Ministry Kathy Barger Kris Pellissier Teresa Whiteside Sunday: 7:30 9:00 10:30 Noon January 24 – 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Dennis Joseph Healy Jim Dougherty People of the Parish Sue Pfister Tuesday: 6:30 8:30 January 26 – Saints Timothy and Titus Irene Windsheimer F. J. Quinn Thursday: 6:30 8:30 January 28 – Saint Thomas Aquinas Helen Murphy Special Intention for the Dorney’s Saturday: 9:00 January 30 – Weekday Tyler Derrer Monday: 6:30 8:30 January 25 – The Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle Andrew and Jane Pultz Luigi and Vincenzina Fantozzi Wednesday:January 27 – Weekday 6:30 Walter C. Theado 8:30 (ASM) Robert B. Nolan Friday: 6:30 8:30 January 29 – Weekday Michelle Pappa Audrey Wetzel Vigil of 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:30p.m. Harold Anderson Religious Education Office Staff: 451-2855 School Administration Staff: Saturday: January 23 – Vigil of 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:30p.m. Jeanne Sebold 459-1402 ext. 2 ext. 3 ext. 1 Sunday: 7:30 9:00 10:30 Noon January 31 – 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time People of the Parish Gilia Iafolla Jim and Sue Barrett Special Intention Bill and Rita Harder Family + + + WE CONGRATULATE + + + Eleanor Josephine Bedell, daughter of Chris and Jennifer Lily Graham Kathryn Reebel, daughter of Drake and Laura, who were recently baptized. + + + PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS + + + Pat Melaragno parishioner Helen Fijalkowski, former parishioner Michael Snyder, son of parishioner Jeanette Snyder Chris Wanner, brother of parishioner Rick Wanner Mike Whalen, brother of parishioner Rita Wanner, who recently passed away. The Lord sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor, And to proclaim liberty to captives. Luke 4:18 BULLETIN DEADLINE: The bulletin deadline is Monday at 10:00 a.m. Please include contact information with phone number and email address. Bulletin notices may be in writing, faxed to 614-451-8300, mailed, dropped off, or e-mailed to E-mail will be acknowledged. THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PASTOR’S CORNER Dear Parishioners: I have a “mixed bag” of items to share with you this weekend. First of all, I want to remind you of the open house and blessing for our new parish and school addition and other renovations on Sunday, January 31 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. I will bless the new building according to the official rite in the Church’s “Book of Blessings” at 3:00 p.m. Please come and take a look at the beautiful new building containing administrative office space, conference room and parish multi-purpose room. Light refreshments will be served. One of the renovations completed has been the parlor area that we often use on Sunday. That area has been reconfigured with a new wall and door to more securely close off the school and prevent persons in the church fromTIME entering SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY the school. This means that the stairwell PASTOR’S in the north end of CORNER Dear Parishioners: the school corridor is no longer accessible for people coming I have had an interesting, and painful, week. Last Saturday 9) I began to experience a rather painful and to church on the weekend. The(January elevator and the stairwell persistent toothache. Through the day on Saturday and Sunday, the pain would periodically rise and subside, but it near the elevator are available for those persons coming to was more or less constant. When I said my “morning offering” on Sunday, I was very aware that I was offering to our Lord, church and who enter the building on the level. Also, my “prayers, works, lower joys, and SUFFERINGS” in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass! I have often advised people to the pamphlet rack and donationunitebins have returned tonowthe their suffering with those of our Lord—and I found I needed to follow my own advice. It helped, especially to recall howand much suffering our Lord endured for my sake. parlor. Please do not overlook them, please do come to On Monday, I consulted my dentist, who quickly advised me to have a root canal, and arrangements were made for that to the parlor after Masses wheneverbe you are invited to do so by done by a specialist on Tuesday. The specialist advised me that the tooth was fractured and needed to be extracted. I parish organizations! was referred to another specialist for that and it was same afternoon. To prepare this procedure, Finally, I wanted to mention aperformed smallthechange you willfor begin the doctor injected me with Novocaine and I was left for 10 minutes for the drug to take effect, so I had some time to to see at Mass beginning in February. At most Masses, one reflect on things again. I thought about how Jesus, as he on the cross, had the opportunity to take a drug that of the priests, in addition to thehung celebrant, will assist with would dull his pain, but he turned it down (cf. MK 15:23, “They gave him wine drugged with myrah, but he would not the distribution of Holy Communion. assisting will that take it.”).The I shuddered when I thought priest about the suffering he voluntarily endured, and I knew that my little sufferings, take the position next to the celebrant in the center aisle. eased by medically-induced numbness were nothing compared to his. This put my discomfort and pain in proper The discipline of the church allows Extraordinary perspective, making it easier to bear. Ministers We all experience some pain, suffering, disappointment sorrow in our lives. It iswhen inevitable. But when we offer it to of Holy Communion to distribute and communion sufficient Jesus, who shared in our sufferings, they are lessened and he makes them lighter for us. Remember thatSince when you next “ordinary ministers” (priests, deacons) are lacking. experience discomfort, anguish, illness or even mere inconvenience and annoyance. we are blessed to have several priests, I believe the priests Your pastor, Msgr Stephan Moloney should assist. This will also give the priests the opportunity to encounter more of the faithful at Sunday BE Mass. A WINNER! 2016 St. Andrew Tuition Raffle May God bless you all! $50 per ticket Grandprize is $4,000 tuition pastor, credit Your for the 2016-17 school year! Tickets will be Stephan sold THIS weekend after Mass Msgr Moloney in the parlor! Tickets also available in the Parish Office and the School Office. Call (614) 451-4290 for details! JANUARY 24, 2016 Religious Education Office ADULT FAITH FORMATION Bishop Robert Barron’s Series on Catholicism Mondays until March 14, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Join us at the Bryce Eck Center. This is a repeat of the first series – just on a different night. No preregistration necessary. Since each session is unique and not presented necessarily as part of a series, you may choose to attend those which you find of interest. Session 3: “The Ineffable Mystery of God: That Than which Nothing Greater Can be Thought.” Bishop Barron takes us on a journey from the heights of Mount Sinai to the mysterious sites of Istanbul; from the glittering streets of Paris to the JANUARY 17, 2016 Barron presents the Catholic glorious Sistine Chapel. Bishop Faith’s compelling vision of God as the inexpressible majesty Religious Education Office of the Trinity. ADULT FAITH FORMATION Into the Mystery with Fr. Tony Bishop Robert Barron’s Series on Catholicism Thursdays until February 4, 1:30-2:30 p.m. We will continue our exploration of The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri J. M. Nouwen. Books are available from Fr. Tony at a cost of $10. You are welcome to join us as we go “Deeper into the Mystery.” Mondays until March 14 7:00—9:00 p.m. Join us at the Bryce Eck Center. This is a repeat of the first series—just on a different night. No preregistration necessary. Since each session is unique and not presented necessarily as part of a series, you may choose to attend those which you find of interest. Session 2: “Happy Are We: The Teachings of Jesus” Bishop Barron presents the Beatitudes, “The Prodigal Son”, Jesus’ teachings in the gospel of Matthew and presents ways in which we can put these teachings in to action in our lives for the common good of all people. Into the Mystery with Fr.Sins Tony and Seven Lively Virtues Seven Deadly A video series presented by Bishop Robert Barron Thursdays until February 4 1:30—2:30 p.m. We will continue our exploration of The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri J. M. Nouwen. Books are available from Fr. Tony at a cost of $10. You are welcome to join us as we go “Deeper into the Mystery”. Postcards outlining the sequence of readings have been placed in the vestibule of the church. Thursdays beginning January 28, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Bishop Barron presents the seven deadly sins and the spiritual Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Lively Virtues blocks which hinder usRobert in building our relationship with God A video series presented by Bishop Barron Thursdays beginning January 28 7:30—8:30 p.m. and us how todeadly counteract Bishopshows Barron presents the seven sins and the these sinful patterns by living spiritual blocks which hinder us in building our relationship out lively virtues. Meetings will be held in Nugent Parish with seven God and shows us how to counteract these sinful patterns by living out seven lively virtues. Meetings will be Hall the Hall exception ofof February 4 at Bryce Eck Center. held inwith Nugent Parish with the exception February 4 at Bryce Eck Center. EIGHTH GRADERS in St. Andrew School and PSR are completing their preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on February 28. They would welcome your prayers and support as they complete this faith journey. Please feel free to SPOTLIGHT ON STEWARDSHIP take a flame from the bulletin board in the vestibule of the Support St. Andrew School church and Buy keep that candidate in your heart and prayers ! a Raffle Ticket in the weeks to come. SUNDAY OFFERING EIGHTH GRADERS in St. Andrew School and PSR are completing their preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on February 28. They would welcome your prayers and support as they complete this faith journey. Please feel free to take a flame from the bulletin board in the vestibule of the church and keep that candidate in your heart and prayers in the weeks to come. will be held Saturday, January Church and School Addition OpenDrawing House 30, during the St. Andrew Home & School Spaghetti Dinner in Nugent Parish Hall. January 31, 1:00-4:00 p.m. Winner need not be present. Only 200 tickets January 3 Year to Date will be sold. If 158 tickets are not sold it Special Blessing at 3:00 p.m. $29,527 $812,617 becomes a 50/50. Proceeds benefit St. 2015Actual TAX CONTRIBUTION statements have been mailed Budget $54,750 $858,725 Andrew School Tuition Assistance Fund. Last Year $54,740 $831,308 All are welcome. Make checks payable to St. Andrew Parish toPlease allindicate registered parishioners. your envelope number on your check. If youPlease keep in mind that this with “Tuition Raffle” in the memo section. are interested in Electronic Contribution, please contact Ann Winnings may go to any accredited Catholic statement only contains that portion of your contributions to Whiteman at school—preschool throughwhich college upon FIFTH SUNDAY – This month contains a fifth Sunday Please remember St. Andrew in your will. confirmation of student enrollment. Thank you forthat your support St. Andrew Parish the parish areoftax deductible. If you have any questions, means there is a Gold Envelope in your packet for use in please call Ann Whiteman at 614-451-4290, ext. 102. We are contributing to the Society of St. Vincent DePaul. Whether grateful for and thank all those who generously support St. great or small, your donation is a blessing to those in need. Andrew Parish. In addition to assisting with food, clothing, and shelter needs, the Society contributes toward a Diocesan program to help bury the indigent. If you do not have a Gold Envelope, be assured that a standard envelope labeled SVDP will suffice. Make checks payable to St. Andrew Parish with SVDP in the memo line. Please remember to keep the less fortunate in your prayers. Thank you and God bless you for your support SPOTLIGHT ON STEWARDSHIP Help put on the Spaghetti Dinner either behind the scenes or on the front lines. Contact Kathleen Wiant at 614-284-6707. SUNDAY OFFERING January 10 Year to Date Actual$ 18,369$ 812,617 Budget$ 34,000$ 858,725 Last Year $34,015$ 831,308 Please indicate your envelope number on your check. If you are interested in Electronic Contribution, please contact Ann Whiteman at Please remember St. Andrew in your will. Thank you for your support of St. Andrew Parish us not to condemn others but, instead to approach others SVDP MEN’S CLOTHING DRIVE will feed 10-12 such as lasagna, cabbage rolls, macaroni and Parishioner registration forms are available in the church with humility, respect and compassion and a true desire to be the cheese, stuffed peppers and chicken are always welcome. vestibule after each Mass thisweekend weekend.ofA January parishioner23/24. will ANDREW CHURCH COLUMBUS, OHIO ST. ST. ANDREW CHURCH COLUMBUS, OHIO be an agent of mercy. ST. ANDREW CHURCH COLUMBUS, OHIOor There is a need for men’s winter For more information, contact Jo Ellen at 614-459-2872 be available to assist with any questions. Jubilee years have been around forCOLUMBUS, a long time OHIO in our clothing: jackets, coats, sweaters, hats, ST. ANDREW CHURCH faith tradition—since around 1300. They normally occur gloves, belts and shoes (athletic and Parish Parish Life Parish Life CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS can be yours ST. ANDREW CHURCH COLUMBUS, OHIO every 25 to 50 years. This Jubilee Year began on the Feast work). A truck will be in the McCoy “JUST PIES” COMING TO THE ST. ANDREW OHIO FISH ST. ANDREWforCHURCH COLUMBUS, the taking onnoon Sunday, January 10Parish after Life ofFRY—The the Immaculate Conception with symbolic Holy another Doors Road parking lot until 12:00 on Sunday. Please drop committee is already working to bring At At the Eck Center—Senior drop-in card day HELP STOCK THE FREEZER – The HELP STOCK STOCKTHE THEFREEZER—The FREEZER—The Atthe theEck EckCenter Center—Senior drop-in card day Seniorfeel drop-in card day HELP St. St. the noon mass. –Please free to take as being places such as and at off your donations BEFORE mass. Cash donations are Parish Life greatopened seasonatof fish dinners to the the Vatican community. A our newown item 2nd Thursday of the month St. Andrew Women’s Club Bereavement 2nd Thursday of the month Andrew Women’s Club Bereavement 2nd Thursday of the month Andrew Women’s Club Bereavement many as you wish anytime between 1:00 At thetoEck Center—Senior drop-in card Parish day Columbus St. Joseph Cathedral. HELP STOCK THE St. a Life also accepted purchase socks and undergarments. will be pies from JUST PIES who FREEZER—The isa a providing us with 10:00 a.m. Euchre a.m. Euchre Committee holding casserole drive Committee isisisholding casserole drive on on Committee holding a casserole drive 10:00 Euchre and 3:00 p.m. If a.m. you would like with to help 2nd10:00 Thursday of the month Andrew Women’s Club Bereavement Please contact Kathy Jones at 457-9262 any It is the hope that this Year of Mercy will change our At11:00 the11:00 Eck Center—Senior drop-in card day discount off their regular price! We hope tofrom get 50 orders! HELP STOCK THE FREEZER—The St. a.m. Bingo, Lunch follow on Wednesday, February 3 from 9:00 a.m. Bingo, Lunch toto follow Wednesday, February 3 from 9:00 a.m.— 11:00 a.m. Bingo, Lunch to follow Wednesday, February 3 9:00 a.m.— pack up the Christmas decorations at 10:00 a.m. Euchre Committee is aalways casserole drive on the Thursday Eck Thursday Center—Senior drop-in card day questions. At 4th lives. hopeAndrew is that we willholding beTHE renewed inBereavement God’s mercy HELP STOCK FREEZER—The St. 2nd of the month YourOur homemade baked goods delicious and Women’s Club of month, 10:00 Euchre 2:00 p.m. in Nugent Parish Hall. We are a.m.-2:00 p.m. in are Nugent Parish Hall. We 4th Thursday ofof month, 10:00 Euchre 4th Thursday month, 10:00 Euchre 2:00 p.m. in Nugent Parish Hall. We are 3:00, extra are always welcomed! 11:00 a.m.hands Bingo, Lunch to month follow Wednesday, February 3 from 9:00 a.m.— 2nd Thursday of the and that we will open our hearts to the love of Jesus. May Andrew Women’s Club Bereavement ST. ANDREW CHURCH COLUMBUS, OHIO 10:00 a.m. Euchre welcome, butCommittee ifasking you asking have noholding time to members consider is abake, casserole drive onmain parish members toplease donate main are parish to donate asking parish members to donate 4th Thursday of month, 10:00 Euchre 2:00 p.m. in Nugent Parish Hall. We are 10:00 a.m. Euchre ST. ANDREW FAITH AND FRIENDSHIP His love transform us potato, and us to become agents of Committee is holding casserole drive on 11:00 a.m.MEN’S Bingo, Lunch to follow completing the order formenable below, cut this9:00 ad, a Wednesday, February 3aout from a.m.— SVDP CLOTHING DRIVE isis dish, vegetable and side dish main dish, potato, vegetable andattach side SVDP MEN’S CLOTHING DRIVE dish, potato, vegetable and side dish SVDP MEN’S CLOTHING DRIVE will MEN’S CLOTHING DRIVE asking parish members to donate main 11:00 a.m. Bingo, Lunch to follow singles group invites all single adults in the this mercy. Wednesday, February 3 from 9:00 a.m.— 4th Thursday of month, 10:00 Euchre Parish Life check made payable to St. Andrew Parish with Fish 2:00 p.m. in Nugent Parish Hall. We are THIS weekend. Pleasedrop dropDRIVE off your your casseroles that serve atatleast 1010to10 12 people. TheThe dish casseroles that serve at least to12 12 people. THIS off SVDP MEN’S CLOTHING isoff be the weekend of January 23/24. casseroles that serve least to people. dish, potato, vegetable and side dish isweekend. THIS weekend. Please drop 4th Thursday ofPlease month, 10:00 Euchre Suzie Emsweller parish to make sandwiches for St. 2:00 p.m. inand Nugent Parish Hall. We are Fry casseroles Pies in the memo section, put indonate the collection asking parish members toprovide main donations BEFORE all masses in the casseroles will be frozen used to food for The will be frozen and used to provide food THIS weekend. Please drop off your donations BEFORE allBEFORE masses inwinter the There is a January need for men’s casseroles that serve atcare least 10 to 12 people. The the Eck Center—Senior drop-in card day casseroles will be take frozen and used to provide food your donations noon HELP STOCK THE FREEZER—The St. for Lawrence At Haven on Sunday, 24 immediately Director of Religious Education asking parish members to donate main SVDP MEN’S CLOTHING DRIVE isin basket and we will of the rest. The first deadline dish, potato, vegetable and side dish McCoy Road parking lot. There is a great funeral luncheons. Please use aused disposable pan and label 2nd Thursday of the month for funeral luncheons. Please use disposable pan donations BEFORE allparking masses theItis Andrew Women’s Club Bereavement clothing: jackets, coats, casseroles will be frozen and toa provide food for Road parking lot. There issweaters, ain great SVDP MEN’S CLOTHING DRIVE the McCoy Road lot. There funeral luncheons. Please useyour a10 disposable pan and label following theMcCoy 9:00 a.m. mass in Nugent Parish Hall. dish, potato, vegetable and side dish THIS weekend. Please drop off your is February 9, so please get order forms in quickly. casseroles that serve at isand least tocasserole 12 people. The need for winter clothing in addition to the name of the casserole reheating instructions. The 10:00 a.m. Euchre Committee holding a drive on and label the name of the casserole and reheating McCoy Road parking lot. There is a great hats, gloves, belts and shoes (athletic funeral luncheons. Please use a disposable pan and label need for winter clothing in addition to THIS weekend. Please drop off your takes 10-12 people and one hour to make 600+ sandwichis a great need for winter clothing in casseroles that serve at least 10 to 12 people. The the name of the casserole and reheating instructions. The donations BEFORE all tomasses the For morewill information contact Barb Zimmerman casseroles be needs frozen chicken and usedcasseroles. to provide food forat 11:00 Bingo, Lunch follow belts,a.m. shoes, undergarment and insocks. Wednesday, February 3 from 9:00 a.m.— committee often Aluminum need for winter clothing in addition to instructions. The committee often needs chicken ADULT FAITH FORMATION and work). A truck will be in the the name of the casserole and reheating instructions. The donations BEFORE all masses in the belts, shoes, undergarment and socks. es. Afterwards the group will go out to McAlister’s Deli on casseroles will be frozen and used to provide food for addition to belts, shoes, undergarments committee often needs chicken casseroles. Aluminum 4th Thursday of month, 10:00 Euchre Road parkingPlease lot. There is a great 2:00 p.m. in Nugent Parish Hall. We are or 457-6733. Thank you! funeral luncheons. Please use a disposable pan and label Cash donations McCoy are also accepted. contact Kathy pans with lids and chicken recipes are available in the belts, shoes, socks. casseroles. Aluminum pans with recipes Enter the Mystery with Fr.and Tony McCoy Road parking lot untilisinvolved 12:00 committee often needs chicken casseroles. Aluminum McCoy Road parking There a great Sawmill Road for lunch. This isundergarment aCash great way to and get funeral luncheons. Please use alids disposable pan and label asking parish members tochicken donate main CashJones donations are also accepted. Please Kathy and socks. donations are also need for winter clothing in addition to pans with lids and chicken recipes are available in the the name of I’d the casserole and reheating instructions. The at 614-457-9262 with any questions. parlor near the donation bins for your convenience. No like toparlor order aand JUST dessert Cash donations are also accepted. Please contact Kathy The Return of the Prodigal Son, byPIES Henri J.M. Nouwen SVDP MEN’S CLOTHING DRIVE isto noon on Sunday. Please drop off your donations BEFORE pans with lids and chicken recipes are available in the are available in the near the donation bins for your dish, potato, vegetable and side dish need for winter clothing inand addition and help the less fortunate in the community. To help the name of the casserole reheating instructions. The accepted. Please contact Kathy Jones at 614-457-9262 with Jones at 614-457-9262 with any questions. belts, shoes, undergarment socks. parlor near the donation bins for your convenience. committee often needs chicken casseroles. Aluminum time tonear cook? Frozen that feed 10-12 such as No for St.casseroles Andrew’s Fish Fry! THIS weekend. Please drop off socks. your casseroles that serve atbins least to 12 people. The Jones atCash 614-457-9262 with any questions. Presented by for Fr.10 Tony mass. donations are also accepted to 323-8914. purchase parlor the donation your convenience. No convenience. No time to cook? Frozen casseroles that belts, shoes, undergarment and contact Lorri at or committee often needs chicken casseroles. Aluminum LIVING ROSARY AND PRAYER SERVICE any questions. Cash donations are also accepted. Please contact Kathy pans with lids and chicken recipes are available in the time to cook? Frozen casseroles that feed 10-12 such as lasagna, cabbage rolls, macaroni and cheese, stuffed donations BEFORE all masses in the casseroles will be frozen and used to provide food for 1:30—2:30 p.m. socks and undergarments. Please contact Kathy Jones at time to cook? Frozen casseroles that feed 10-12 such as Cashat donations are also accepted. Please contact Kathy feed 10-12 such asPlease lasagna, cabbage rolls, macaroni pans with lidsThursdays and chicken recipes are available inand the LIVING ROSARY AND PRAYER SERVICE FOR McCoy LIFE—The Department of Religious Jones 614-457-9262 with any questions. parlor near the donation bins for your convenience. No Road parking lot. There is a great funeral luncheons. use a disposable pan and label lasagna, cabbage rolls, macaroni and cheese, stuffed peppers and chicken are always welcome. For more LIVING ROSARY AND PRAYER SERVICE PIE TYPE COST HOW MANY In and the Church 457-9262 with any questions. lasagna, cabbage rolls, macaroni and cheese, stuffed Jones at 614-457-9262 with any questions. cheese, stuffed peppers chicken are always welcome. parlor near the donation bins for convenience. No need for winter clothing in addition to FOR LIFE—The Department Religious Education and the Respect Life of Society invites the name of the casserole and reheating instructions. The LIVING ROSARY AND PRAYER SERVICE time to cook? Frozen casseroles that feed 10-12 such as LIVING ROSARY AND PRAYER SERVICE information, contact Jowe Ellen atyour 614-459-2872 or peppers and chicken are always welcome. For more FOR LIFE—The Department of and Religious Join us for five weeks as go “Deeper into theFor Mystery”. peppers and chicken are always welcome. more belts, shoes, undergarment socks. LIVING ROSARY AND PRAYER SERVICE For more information, contact Jo Ellen at 614-459-2872 or committee often needs chicken casseroles. Aluminum time to cook? Frozen casseroles that feed 10-12 such as all St. Andrew parishioners to participate in a Education and the Respect Life Society invites lasagna, cabbage rolls, macaroni and cheese, stuffed LIFE – The Department of Religious FOR LIFE—The Department of Religious Apple w/crumb top $10 information, contact Jo Ellen at 614-459-2872 or Education and the Respect Life Society invites Postcards outlining the sequence of readings will be placed LIVING ROSARY AND PRAYER SERVICE Cash donations are also accepted. Please contact Kathy information, contact Jo Ellen at 614-459-2872 or pans with lids and chicken recipes are available in the FOR LIFE—The Department of Religious lasagna, cabbage rolls, macaroni and cheese, stuffed Living Rosary and Prayer Service on Sunday, St. Andrew parishioners to participate in peppers andthe chicken are always welcome. ForFr.more Education and the Life Society invites invite THE DONATION BINS ARE NOW BACK all St. Andrew parishioners to participate in aa in the vestibule of church. Books are available from Tony Jones atall 614-457-9262 with anyRespect questions. parlor near donation bins for your convenience. No FOR LIFE—The Department of Religious Cherry w/crumb top $10 Education and the Respect Life Society invites peppers and chicken are always more JanuaryLiving 24, atSt. 7:00 p.m. in the Church. Contact Dan and information, contact Jo Ellen at welcome. 614-459-2872 or all St. Andrew parishioners to participate in aa Rosary and Prayer Service on BABYSITTING—The St.For Andrew all Andrew parishioners to participate in IN THE INand THE PARLOR. time to cook? Frozen that feed 10-12 such as Living Rosary Prayer Service onSunday, Sunday, at a cost ofVALENTINE’S $10. Pleasecasseroles email or Education and the Respect Life Society invites all St. Andrew parishioners to participate in a information, contact Jo Ellen at 614-459-2872 or LIVING ROSARY AND PRAYER SERVICE Lisa Bruening at or 614-761VALENTINE’S BABYSITTING – The St. Andrew Rosary and Prayer Service on Sunday, 7th Grade Girl Scout Troup will babysit your child lasagna, cabbage rolls, macaroni and cheese, stuffed January 24, 24, atLiving 7:00 p.m. in the Church. Contact Dan and Living Rosary and Prayer Service on Sunday, Strawberry Rhubarb $10 ALL items for Birthright, St. Stephen’s, SVDP, Prison January at 7:00 p.m. in the Church. Contact Dan and call 451-4290 to order a copy. VALENTINE’S BABYSITTING—The St. Andrew all St. Andrew parishioners to participate in a VALENTINE’S BABYSITTING—The St. Andrew FOR LIFE—The Department of Religious Living Rosary and Prayer Service on Sunday, 7681 for more information. peppers and chicken are always welcome. For more 7th Grade Girl Scout Troup will babysit your January 24, atat 7:00 p.m. in the Church. We will be praying (ren) agesGirl 4Girl and up on February 13 from 4:30— Ministry, candles for the etc.Life should be placed LisaLisa Bruening at or 614-761January 24, at 7:00 p.m. in the Church. Contact Dan and Bruening oron 614-7617thGrade Grade Scout Troup will babysit your Living Rosary and Prayer Service Sunday, 7th Scout Troup willCatholicism babysit your child andhomeless, Respect Society invites Bishop Robert Barron’s Series January 24,Education at 7:00 p.m. inthe the Church. Contact Dan and Lemon Meringue $10 information, contact Jo 614-459-2872 orchild VALENTINE’S BABYSITTING—The St. Andrew child(ren) ages 4 Ellen and upaton on February 13 from for the sanctity of all human life, from conception to natural 8:30 p.m. in Nugent Parish Hall. Cost is $30 for in the bins. The parlor will be available during the day for Lisa Bruening at or 614-7617681 for more information. 7681 for more information. all St. Andrew parishioners to participate in a January 24, at 7:00 p.m. in the Church. Contact Dan and (ren) ages 4 and up on February 13 from 4:30— (ren) ages 4 and up on February 13 from 4:30— Bryce Eck Center VALENTINE’S BABYSITTING—The St. Andrew Lisa Bruening at or 614-761EUCHARISTIC HOLY Men’s group invites the all 7th Grade Girl Scout Troup will babysit your$5 child 4:30-8:30 p.m. in Nugent Hall.(plus Cost is $30 death. Atmore this time ofHOUR—The year we especially remember the 4 hours (dinner included) or $7Parish an hour for Living and Prayer Service on your Please do not leave food items, bags of 7681 for information. Lisaconvenience. Bruening atRosary or Sunday, 614-7618:30 p.m. Nugent Parish Hall. Cost isyour $30 for 8:30 in Nugent Parish Hall. Cost is $30 for Begins January 11 7:00—9:00 p.m. 7thMonday, Grade Girl Scout Troup will babysit child 7681 for more information. men and their families to attend Eucharistic Exposition on Total Price ____________ (ren) ages 4 and up on February 13 from 4:30— January 24, at 7:00 p.m. in the Church. Contact Dan and millions of preborn babies made victims of abortion by the for the 4 hours (dinner included) or $7 an hour dinner). Sibling discounts available. Girls Scouts are all EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR—The Men’sgroup group invites all VALENTINE’S BABYSITTING—The St. Andrew clothing ormore other donations in the vestibule or at any of the EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR—The Men’s invites all 7681Bruening for information. the 44 hours (dinner included) or $7 an hour (plus $5 for We are repeating this 10 week series to provide an option the hours (dinner included) or $7 an hour (plus $5 for (ren) ages 4 and up on February 13 from 4:30— Tuesday, January 26 at 8:00 p.m. in the church. An hour Lisa at or 614-7618:30 p.m. in Nugent Parish Hall. Cost Girl is $30 for 7th Grade Girl Scout Troup will babysit your child Supreme Court Decisions that legalized their killing for on any certified by the American Red Cross Babysitting course (plus $5 for dinner). Sibling discounts available. Scouts men and their families to attend Eucharistic Exposition on entrances of church. you for your cooperation. menEUCHARISTIC and their families toThank attend Exposition HOLY HOUR –Eucharistic The Men’s group invites dinner). Sibling discounts available. Girls allfor all parishioners who were not able toParish attend on Scouts Thursdays. No EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR—The Men’s group invites allall 7681 for more information. 8:30 p.m. Nugent Hall. Cost isare $30 dinner). Sibling discounts available. Girls Scouts are of reflection will include praying the Chaplet ofAn Divine (ren) ages 4inand up on February 13 from 4:30— the 4 hours (dinner included) or $7 an hour (plus $5 for PRE-CANA CLASS OFFERED—Are you planning to be reason during all nine months of pregnancy. Contact Dan and are 12 and 13 years old. Enjoy and evening out while Tuesday, January 26 at 8:00 p.m. in the church. hour are all certified by the American Red Cross Babysitting course EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR—The Men’s group invites all Tuesday, January 26 at 8:00 p.m. in the church. An hour men and their families to attend Eucharistic Exposition on certified by the American Red Cross Babysitting course registration is necessary. Each session is unique and you men andthe their families to and attend Eucharistic Exposition on 8:30 p.m. in included) Nugent Parish Hall. Cost(plus isPlan $30 for the children 4 hours (dinner ortime. $7Girls an hour $5 for Mercy, Holy Rosary concluding with Benediction. certified by the American Red Cross Babysitting course dinner). Sibling discounts available. Scouts are all married soon? St. Andrew is offering the God’s for a and Lisa Bruening at or 614your have a safe and fun Please inform us of of reflection will include praying the Chaplet of Divine EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR—The Men’s group invites all and are 12 and 13 years old. Enjoy an evening out while your men and theirinclude families to attend Eucharistic Exposition on the 4 hours (dinner included) orfind $7interesting. anGirls hourScouts (plus $5 forall of reflection will praying the Chaplet Divine may attend all or13 as many asold. you and are 12 and years old. Enjoy and evening outcourse while Tuesday, January 26 8:00 p.m. ininthe An hour of Tuesday, January 26atat 8:00 p.m. thechurch. church. An hour THE CHRIST CHILD SOCIETY would like toofthank St. dinner). Sibling discounts available. are All are welcome. and are 12 and 13 years Enjoy and evening out while certified by the American Red Cross Babysitting Joy-Filled Marriage and Living a Joy-Filled Marriage on men and their families to attend Eucharistic Exposition on 761-7681 for more information. any allergies or special needs. Limited openings so Mercy, the Holy Rosary and concluding with Benediction. children have a safe and fun time. Please inform us of any dinner). Sibling discounts available. Girls Scouts are all Tuesday, January 26 atpraying 8:00 p.m. in Chaplet the church. An hour Session I: have “Amazed and the Please Revelation ofcourse God your children a andAfraid: fun time. inform us of reflection will include praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Mercy, the Holy Rosary and concluding with Benediction. of reflection will include the of An Divine Andrew parishioners for generosity during the Advent certified by the American Red Cross Babysitting Tuesday, January 26 attheir 8:00 p.m. in the church. hour and are 12 and 13 years old. Enjoy and evening while your children have asafe safe and fun time. Please inform us of March 11 &the 12. This day a half workshop isout the same reserve spot today by February 10 to certified byyour American Red Cross Babysitting course All are welcome. allergies or special needs. Limited openings so reserve your reflection will include praying theBenediction. Chaplet of Divine Divine Become Man.” Bishop Barron illuminates the Catholic faith’s any allergies or special needs. Limited openings so Mercy, the Holy Rosary and concluding with Benediction. the Holy Rosary and concluding with All are All are welcome. ofof reflection will include praying the Chaplet of collection for infants in need. Members spent many hours and are 12 and 13 years old. Enjoy and evening out while EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR—The Men’s group invites your children have a safe and fun time. Please inform us of and are 12 and 13 years old. Enjoy and evening out while program that the Dioceses’ Marriage and Family Life Office any allergies or special needs. Limited openings so K of C Free Throw or 614-778-7244. Mercy, theHoly Holy Rosary and concluding with Benediction. spot today (by February 10) to 614conviction thathave Jesus of Nazareth istime. theFebruary promised Messiah Mercy, the Rosary concluding with Benediction. reserve your spot today by 10orusus to All are welcome. welcome. loading cars with your and donations, and preparing the your children have a safe and fun Please inform your children aspot safe and fun time. Please inform ofof to all men and their families to attend Eucharistic Exposition any allergies or special needs. Limited openings so offers. The cost is $90 and includes materials, Friday reserve your today by February 10 All Allare arewelcome. welcome. and revelation ofspecial God become manLimited in Christ. 778-7244. K of C to Free Throw Championship ortoday 614-778-7244. any allergies oror needs. openings so donations for layettes to be given moms and babies. anythe allergies special needs. Limited openings so PRE-CANA OFFERED—Are on Tuesday, January 26 atC 8:00 p.m. in the church. An reserve your spot by February 10 you toon evening snack, and aor CLASS light breakfast and lunch K of Free Throw 614-778-7244. reserve your spot today by February 10 toto You can’t imagine the gratitude of the new mothers who reserve your spot today by February 10 planning to be married soon? St. Andrew is Championship of Free Throw our of reflection will include praying the Chaplet of 31 Divine 614-778-7244. Saturday. For more or and registration you form Sunday, January KK of CC Free Throw PRE-CANA CLASS OFFERED OFFERED—Are K C Throw orinformation 614-778-7244. PRE-CANA Are you Championship Kof of CFree Free Throw will benefitand fromthe yourHoly thoughtfulness. Adorable sleepers, orCLASS 614-778-7244. offering the God’s Plan for a–Deadline Joy-Filled Mercy, Rosary and concluding with contact Jayne at PRE-CANA CLASS OFFERED—Are EIGHTH GRADERS in St. Andrew School planning to be married soon? St. Andrew istoyou Championship Championship Championship Sunday, January 31 7:00 p.m. planning to be married soon? St. Andrew PRE-CANA CLASS OFFERED—Are you baby books, baby wipes, diapers (over 4,000), hooded PRE-CANA CLASS OFFERED—Are you Marriage and Living aPlan Joy-Filled Marriage on is Benediction. All are welcome. register is February 26. Championship planning to be married soon? St. Andrew and PSR are completing their preparation to offering the God’s for a Joy-Filled January PRE-CANA CLASS OFFERED—Are you planning to the be married soon? St. Andrew is is offering God’s Plan forSt. aand Joy-Filled planning to be married soon? Andrew is towels, bibs, socks andSunday, more encouragement Sunday, January 31 for March 11 & 12. a This day aJoy-Filled half 7:00 p.m.Gym31 St.provide Andrew Sunday, January 31 receive the of Confirmation on offering theSacrament God’s Plan for aAndrew Marriage and Living Joy-Filled Marriage onis offering the God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled planning to be married soon? St. Marriage and Living a Joy-Filled Marriage on Sunday, January 31 offering the God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled the new parents. You have made a difference. If you would workshop is&Living the program that the 7:00 p.m. January 31 2016 All boys and girls ageSunday, 9 to7:00 14 as p.m. of January February 28. They would welcome Marriage and aThis Joy-Filled Marriage on on Marriage and Living a Joy-Filled Marriage March 11 12. same day and a your half Gym 7:00 p.m. offering God’s Plan aLife Joy-Filled Marriage and Living aday Joy-Filled Marriage on like to become a memberSt. of Andrew the Christ Child Society March 1111 &the 12. This and aforhalf workshop Dioceses’ Marriage and Family Office March & 12. This day and a half St. Andrew Gym 7:00 p.m. prayers and support as they complete this 7:00 p.m. workshop is the same program that the March 11 & 12. This day and a are invited to participate and will compete in their St. Andrew Gym Marriage and Living a Joy-Filled Marriage onhalf All boys and girls age 9 St. to 14 as of January 11 12.includes Thisthat day andDioceses’ aFriday half contact Monica Brown at The2016 Christ Andrew Gym is thejourney. program thetake offers. TheMarch cost issame $90 and materials, workshop is&Please the same program that the All boys and girls age 9 to 14 as of January 2016 faith feel free to a flame Dioceses’ Marriage and Family Life Office workshop is the same program that the March 11 & 12. This day and a half St. Andrew Gym St. Andrew Gym respective age Winners advance to All boys and girls age to 14 as January workshop is the same program thatOffice the Dioceses’ Marriage and Family Life Child Society inparticipate a divisions. non9 9 profit organization of members are invited to will compete in their Marriage and Family Life Office evening The snack, and a light breakfast andoffers. lunch on All and age toand 14 asofof January 2016 areboys invited togirls participate and will compete in2016 their from the bulletin board in the vestibule ofThe the offers. cost is $90 and includes materials, Friday Dioceses’ Marriage and Family Life Office workshop is the same program that the offers. The cost is $90 and includes materials, Friday Dioceses’ Marriage and Family Life snack, Office dedicated service to in need for love of2016 the Allboys boys girls 9and toof 14 as of 2016 January regional and state competitions. cost is $90 and includes materials, Friday evening Saturday. For more information and registration form All and girls age 9age tochildren 14 as January are respective age divisions. Winners advance to areare invited totoand participate and will compete in their respective age divisions. Winners advance to church and keep that candidate in your heart invited to participate will compete in invited their evening snack, and aa$90 light breakfast and lunch on evening snack, and light breakfast and lunch on Dioceses’ Marriage and Family Life Office offers. The cost is and includes materials, Friday offers. The cost is $90 and includes materials, Friday Christ Child. It was founded over 125 years ago by Mary contact Jayne at or 614-451and a light breakfast and lunch on Saturday. For more are invited to participate and will compete in their to participate and will compete in their Register atand the event. Contact Fenton regional state competitions. prayers in and the weeks come. respective age divisions. Winners advance to Saturday. Forand more information andto registration form on respective age divisions. Winners advance offers. The cost is $90 includes materials, Friday evening snack, and a light breakfast and lunch evening snack, a light breakfast andor lunch on Virginia Merrick. 4290. Deadline toand register is February 26. information andat registration form, contact Jayne jfrilling@ respective divisions. Winners advance contact Jayne at 614-451Register atage the event. Contact Fenton advance to respective age divisions. Moore at or Winners 614-439contact Jayne orat 614-451Register at the event. Contact Fenton evening snack, and information ainformation light breakfast and lunch on regional and state competitions. regional and state competitions. Saturday. For more and registration Saturday. For more and registration form 4290. Deadline to register is February 26. or 614-451-4290. Deadline to register isform to regional and state competitions. Register Moore atmore or 614-4394290. Deadline tomore registerinformation is Februaryand 26. registration regional and state competitions. 3678 for information. Saturday. For form Moore at or 614-439contact Jayne at or 614-451contact at 614-451Register at the event. ContactMoore Fenton Register atevent. the event. Contact Fenton SAVE THE DATE oror614-451FebruaryJayne 26. at the Contact Fenton 3678 for more information. Sponsored by St. Andrew KnightsFenton of at contact Jayne toatto Register the event. Contact SAVE THE26. DATE 4290. Deadline register is February 3678 for more information. 4290. Deadline register is February 26. Sponsored by St. Andrew Knights of Moore at or 614-439Moore at Columbus or or 614-439-3678 for S.A.C.R.E.D. 2016 SAVE THE DATE 4290. Deadline to register is February 26. Council #11275 . ofmore S.A.C.R.E.D. 2016 Moore at or .614-439Sponsored byinformation. St. Andrew Knights Columbus Council #11275 information. 3678 for more SAVE THE DATE June 20—23 12:30—3:30 p.m. 3678 for more information. June 20—23 12:30—3:30 p.m. S.A.C.R.E.D. 2016 SAVE THE DATE 3678 for more information. Columbus Council #11275 SAVE THE DATE Sponsored by St. Andrew Sponsored Andrew Knights ofparish S.A.C.R.E.D. 2016 Ages 4 incoming 6th grader (2016-17) Ages 4 incoming 6th grader (2016-17) MEN’S BREAKFAST—All men of. the the parishofover over 18 18 are are MEN’S BREAKFAST—All men of Sponsored by by St.St. Andrew Knights ofKnights SAVE THE DATE June 20—23 12:30—3:30 p.m. Sponsored byCouncil St. Andrew Knights of S.A.C.R.E.D. 2016 Join fun of Cathletics: Training invited to the St. Andrew Men’s Breakfast on Columbus Council June 20-23, 12:30-3:30 p.m. to Join us us for for aa Ages fun week week of Cathletics: Training to be be S.A.C.R.E.D. 2016 invited to attend attend the St. Andrew Men’s Breakfast on Columbus #11275 .#11275. 4 incoming 6th grader (2016-17) Columbus Council #11275 . MEN’S BREAKFAST—All men of the parish over 18 are S.A.C.R.E.D. 2016 Champions for Christ. In this Olympic/Sports themed Saturday, February 6 at 7:30 a.m. in Nugent Parish Hall. June 20—23 12:30—3:30 p.m. Columbus Council #11275 . Champions for Christ. In this Olympic/Sports themed Ages 4-incoming 6th grader (2016-2017) Saturday, February 6 at 7:30 a.m. in Nugent Parish Hall. June 20—23 12:30—3:30 p.m. Join us kids for awillfun week of toCathletics: Training toforbea invited to attend theLessells, St. Andrew Men’s the Breakfast on program be inspired set6th GOALS AIM June 12:30—3:30 p.m. Our speaker, Doug will discuss upcoming Ages 4for- 20—23 incoming graderand (2016-17) MEN’S BREAKFAST—All men ofofthe parish over 18 are program kidsfor be toweek set GOALS and AIM for a MEN’S BREAKFAST – at All men the parish over are Our BREAKFAST—All speaker, Doug will discuss the upcoming Join usinspired a-infun of Training Ages 4 In incoming 6thCathletics: grader (2016-17) commitment towill excellence their Catholic faith. For more MEN’S men of the parish over 1818 are Catholic Men’s Conference and share some experiences Champions Christ. this Olympic/Sports themed Saturday, February 6Lessells, 7:30 a.m. in Nugent Parish Hall. Ages 4 incoming 6th grader (2016-17) MEN’S BREAKFAST—All men of the parish over 18 are Join us for a fun week of Cathletics: Training to be invited to attend the St. Andrew Men’s Breakfast on commitment to excellence in their Catholic faith. For more Catholic Men’s Conference and share some experiences invited toattend attend the St.Lessells, Andrew Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, to be Champions for Christ. this Olympic/Sports themed information onwill or In volunteering toand help with fromto his current faith journey. Thediscuss Breakfast will endon in Join us for aaSACRED fun week of Cathletics: Training to program be to set GOALS AIM for abe be Our speaker, Doug will theBreakfast upcoming invited the St. Andrew Men’s Breakfast Joinweek, uskids for funinspired week of Cathletics: Training tothis invited to attend the St. Andrew Men’s on Champions for Christ. In this Olympic/Sports themed Saturday, February 6 at 7:30 a.m. in Nugent Parish Hall. information on SACRED or volunteering to help with this fun contact Jen Wenzke at 614-507-6780 or from his current faith journey. The Breakfast will end in time to attend the 9:00 a.m. Mass. For more information February 6 at 7:30 a.m. in Nugent Parish Hall. Our speaker, program, kids will be inspired to set GOALS and AIM for commitment to excellence in their Catholic faith. For more Catholic Men’s Conference and share some experiences Champions for Christ. In this Olympic/Sports themed Saturday, February 6 Lessells, at67:30 a.m. in Nugent Parish Hall. Champions for be Christ. Olympic/Sports themed Saturday, February atcontact 7:30 a.m. in Breen Nugent Parish Hall. kids contact will inspired settheir GOALS andatAIM for aor ortothis Suzie Emsweller 614-451 Our speaker, Doug will discuss the upcoming about the Men’s Breakfast Paul at 614-457fun week, JenorIn Wenzke at Catholic 614-507-6780 time to attend the 9:00 a.m. Mass. For more information Lessells, will discuss the upcoming Catholic Men’s aprogram commitment to be excellence into faith. For information on SACRED volunteering to help with this from his current faith journey. The Breakfast will end in program kids will inspired set GOALS and AIM for OurDoug speaker, Doug Lessells, will discuss the upcoming program kids will inspired to set GOALS and AIM for a a Our speaker, Doug Lessells, will discuss the upcoming -2855. 3004. commitment to excellence in their Catholic faith. For more Catholic Men’s Conference and share some experiences or Suzie Emsweller at 614-451 about the Men’s Breakfast contact Paul Breen at 614-457Conference andthe share experiences frominformation his current more information on SACRED or volunteering to help with fun week, contact Jen Wenzke at 614-507-6780 or time to attend 9:00 some a.m. Mass. For more commitment to excellence in their Catholic faith. For more commitment to excellence in their Catholic faith. For more Catholic Men’s Conference and share some experiences Catholic Men’s Conference and share some experiences information on SACRED or volunteering to help with this from his current faith journey. TheinBreakfast will end in -2855. 3004. faith journey. The Breakfast Breakfast will end time to attend the 9:00 this fun week, Jen at 614-507-6780 orthis or Wenzke Suzie Emsweller athelp 614-451 about the Men’s contact Paul Breen at will 614-457information on contact SACRED volunteering toto help with this from his current faith journey. Breakfast end information on SACRED or volunteering with fromtime his tocurrent faith journey. TheThe Breakfast will end inin fun week, contact Jen or Wenzke at 614-507-6780 or attend the 9:00 a.m. Mass. For more information a.m. Mass. For more information about the Men’s Breakfast, or Suzie Emsweller at 614-451-2855. 3004. fun week, contact Jen Wenzke at 614-507-6780 time to attend the 9:00 Mass. more fun week, contact Jen orWenzke at 614-507-6780 timeabout to attend the 9:00 a.m.a.m. Mass. ForFor more information Suzie Emsweller at 614-451or or the Men’s Breakfast contact Paul Breen at information 614-457contact Paul BreenBreakfast at 614-457-3004. 2855. or Suzie Emsweller at at 614-451 about the Men’s contact Paul Breen at or Suzie Emsweller 614-451 -2855. about the Men’s Breakfast contact Paul Breen at 614-4573004. -2855. 3004. -2855. 3004. We are very proud of the academic growth ou JANUARY 24, 2016 School News students continue to make from year to year and ST. ANDREW PRINCIPAL’S POST PRINCIPAL’S POST ST. ANDREW proud of the top notch education we strive to ma Dear Parishioners: Dear Parishioners: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 24, 2016 Andrew School recently the Andrew SchoolJANUARY recently received St. Andrew School. St.St. We thank you received for your c OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE Tuition Raffle standardized test results fromfrom testing done the standardized test results testing Sunday, School News support Catholic School education at A this pastthis October. Each year,Each students in SchoolofNews Sunday, January January 31 31 done past October. year,St. cket 1:00-3:00 p.m. grades 3 though 8 are assessed on objectives students in grades 3 though 8 are 1:00—3:00 p.m. where Faith truly does meetPRINCIPAL’S knowledge. Representatives from various various school onofobjectives the areasMath, of ST. POST inassessed the areas Reading, in Language, ST. ANDREW Representatives from ANDREW school 0 tuition credit organizations as well as teachers and staff Dear Reading, Language, Math, Science and Dear Parishioners: Science and Social Studies. On average, For those interested in learning more about St. organizations as well as teachers and staff ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL St. will be available to answer questions and Social Studies. On average, our 3 St. Andrew School recently received our 3rd grade students outperformed the will be available to answer questions and chool year! OPEN HOUSE School, please consider the OPEN HOUSE provide tours of our school. attending our open hs grade studentsbytest outperformed the the standardized results from testing national average 15 percentage points, provide tours of our school. Sunday, January 31 done Registration for 2016-2017 has begun. national average by 15 percentage Sunday, January 31 begun. done this October. Each year, while our 4th past grade students outperformed Registration for the 2016-17 has 31, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. If be sold THIS weekend You may between the hours students points, while our 4 by 1:00—3:00 p.m.Sunday, January the students inaverage grades 3grade though 8 are stud You may register register between the hours of of9:00 9:00 1:00—3:00 p.m. national 14 percentage a.m.Representatives and 1:00 the office. Please bring a copy theopen national average by percentage assessed on objectives in the areas of asse Representatives from various school a.m. and 1:00 p.m. infrom theschool school office. Please bring a to outperformed unable make house please contact ou various school points. Ourthe 5th grade students exceeded the14 national average in the parlor! Tickets Read of your child’s Baptismal and Birth certificates, Social Security grade students exceeded the national points. Our 5 Reading, Language, Math, Science and organizations as well as teachers and staff copy of your child’s Baptismal and Birth certificates, social organizations as well as teachers and staff by nearly 10 percentage points, and our 6th, 7th and 8th grade enrollment coordinator, Mrs. Debbie Joseph, at card, immunization and a nonrefundable registrationandaverage by 10 points, our 6, our 7and and Social Studies. On and average, 322Soci will be available to answer questions ble in Parish Office security card, immunization records and and a non-refundable willthe be available torecords answer questions students nearly exceeded thepercentage national averages by 15, 16, grad fee of $300. This deposit will be applied to your tuition. If you grade students exceeded the national averages by 15, 8 grade students outperformed the provide tours of our school. registration feeofof applied to provide tours our$300. school.This deposit will be 1626 percentage points, respectively. These results are consistent x15516, to schedu natio he School Office. have any questions or for would like to schedule a has tour, please 22 percentage points,average respectively. 15 These results national percentage Registration the 2016-17 begun. your tuition. If you have any questions or would like to Registration for the 2016-17 has begun. with the results obtained by St. AndrewbySchool students onpoin contact Debbie Joseph atcontact 451-1626, 155hours or withpoints, the results St. Andrew grade students while obtained our 4 by You may register between the of school 9:00are consistent schedule aregister tour, please Debbie Joseph atthe 451ofdjoseph@ and have your answered. You may between the hours ofext. 9:00 standardized testing from priorquestions years. We are very proud of nat outperformed the School students on standardized testingbyfrom years. outperformed the national average 14 prior percentage a.m. and in the office. Please bring a 451-4290 for details! 1626 155 or1:00 a.m. ext. and 1:00 p.m. in p.m. the school office. school Please bring a the academic growth our school points. students continue to make grad 5 Joel W We are very of the academic growth Our our national school students exceeded the points. Our proud 5 grade copy and Birth social copy of of youryour child’schild’s BaptismalBaptismal and Birth certificates, social certificates, from yearcontinue to year and we arefrom proud of the topnotch education be held Saturday, January average nearly by 10 p students to make year to year and we are average nearly by 10 percentage points, and our 6, 7 and security card, immunization records and a non-refundable security card, immunization records and a non-refundable we strive tostudents maintain at St. Andrew School. We thank you15, grade students proud ofapplied the top notch education striveaverages to maintain atfor exc grade exceeded the8we national by 8 be registration ofSchool $300. This to BE W I N N E R ! registration fee A offee $300. This deposit will be!deposit applied to will St. Andrew Home & BE A W N E R your continued support of Catholic School education at St. 16, and 22 percentage St. Andrew School. thankrespectively. you for your continued 16,would and 22 percentage points, These results your tuition. Ifhave you any questions or like toWe your tuition. If St. you any have questions or would like to 2016 Andrew Tuition Raffle 2016 St. Andrew Tuition Raffle Andrew…where Faith truly does meet knowledge. are consistent with th ner in Nugent Hall. support of Catholic education at by St. St. Andrew… are consistent with School the results obtained Andrew schedule a Parish tour, please contact Debbie Joseph at 451schedule a tour, please contact Debbie Joseph at 451$50 per ticket CONGRATULATIONS to our 2nd Quarter Fa $50 per ticket For those interested in learning more about St. Andrew School students on sta Faith truly does meet knowledge. School students on standardized testing from prior years. ext. 155 or 1626 ext. 155 or ot be 1626 present. Only 200 tickets Grandprize is is $4,000 Grand Prize $4,000tuition tuitioncredit credit School, please consider attending our open house on We are very proud o For those interested in learning more about St. Andrew We are very proud of the academic growth our school for school year! forthe the 2016-17 2016-2017 school year! Citizens. School, students continue to m Sunday, January 31, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. If you are unable to please consider attending our open house on students continue to make from year to year and we are If 158 tickets are not sold it proud of the top notch make the open house, please contact our school enrollment BE A W I N N E R ! Sunday, January 31, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. If you are Kindergarten—Berkley Grawe and Mayson Lud Tickets will be sold THIS weekend proud of the top notch education we strive to maintain at Tickets will beA sold THIS weekend BE W IAndrew N Nafter EMass ROffice !in the 0/50. parlor! Proceeds benefit St. St. Andrew School. coordinator, Mrs. Debbie Joseph, atyou 614-451-1626, ext. 155 unable to make the open house please contact school St. Andrew School. We thank for yourour continued after Mass in Tickets Tickets also available inthe the parlor! Parish and 2016 St. Tuition Raffle 2016 St. Andrew Tuition Raffle 1st grade—Kaden Jones and Kelsey Ruhe support of Catholic S or to schedule a tour of the school enrollment coordinator, Mrs. Debbie Joseph, at 614-451support of Catholic School education at St. Andrew… also available in the Parish Office the School Office. $50 per ticket ol Tuition Assistance Fund. $50 per ticket where Faith truly does 1626 x155 or to schedule a tour and have your questions answered. where Faith truly does meet knowledge. and the School Office. 2nd credit grade—Nichole Bhowmick and Charlie E Grandprize is details! $4,000 Grandprize $4,000 tuition credit tuition Call (614)is451-4290 for For those interested of the have your questions answered. Forschool those and interested in learning more about St.Wichtman Andrew payable to St. Andrew Parish Joel Call (614) 451-4290 for details! for the 2016-17 school year! for the 2016-17 school year! School, please consid Joel Wichtman School, please consider attending our open house on 3rd grade—Arav Fernandes and Clare Garcze Principal Drawing will be held Saturday, January Raffle” in the memo section. Drawing will be held Saturday, Sunday, January 31 Tickets will be sold THIS weekend Sunday, January 31, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. IfPrincipal you are Tickets will beAndrew sold THIS 30, during the St. Homeweekend &the School 4th grade—Maxi Ortiz and Katie Rasico January 30, during St. unable to make the op after Mass in the parlor! Tickets unable to make the open pleaseQuarter contact our school afterCatholic Mass in in the parlor! Tickets CONGRATULATIONS to house our 2nd Faith-Filled go to any accredited Spaghetti Dinner Nugent Parish Hall. CONGRATULATIONS toMrs. ourDebbie 2nd Quarter Faith-Filled Andrew Home & School enrollment coordinator also available in5th the Parish Office enrollment coordinator, Joseph, at 614-451also available the Parish Citizens. Winner need not be in present. Only 200Office tickets grade—Bobby Stephenson andorColeen W Citizens. 1626 x155 djoseph@ Spaghetti Dinner in Nugent hool through college and the School Office. 1626 x155 or to schedule a tour the School Office. Kindergarten – Berkley Grawe and Mayson Ludolph will be and sold.upon If 158 tickets are not sold it Kindergarten—Berkley Grawe and Mayson Ludolph of the school andMone have Parish Hall. Winner need notSt. be6th grade—Kayla of the school and have your questions answered. Bruce and Matthew becomes a 50/50. Proceeds benefit Call (614) 451-4290 for details! 1st grade – Kaden Jones and Kelsey Ruhe Call (614) 451-4290 for details! f student enrollment. 1st grade—Kaden Jones and Kelsey Joel RuheWichtman present. Only 200 tickets will be Andrew Assistance Fund. Drawing will be held Saturday, January 2ndgrade—Nichole grade – Nichole Bhowmickand and Charlie Ervin DrawingSchool will beTuition held Saturday, January Johnson and Anthony 2nd Bhowmick Charlie Ervin sold. Ifduring 158 totickets areSt. not7th sold grade—Sydney Principal Mich Make checks payable St. the Andrew 30, Andrew Home & School 3rd grade – Arav Fernandes and Clare Garczewski 30, during the St. Andrew Home & Parish School 3rd grade—Arav Fernandes and Clare Garczewski it Spaghetti becomes a the 50/50. Proceeds with “Tuition Raffle” memo section. Dinner in Parish Hall. Spaghetti Dinner in in Nugent Parish Hall.Nugent 8thCONGRATULATIONS grade—Hailey Kertz and Zach Kubatko 4thgrade—Maxi grade – Maxi Ortiz and Katie Rasico CONGRATULATIONS 4th Katie Rasico toOrtiz ourand 2nd Quarter Faith-Filled benefit St. Andrew School Winnings may go to any accredited Catholic Winner need not be present. Only 200 tickets Winner need not be present. Only 200 tickets 5th grade – Bobby Stephenson and Coleen Wagy Citizens. 5th grade—Bobby and Coleen Wagy school—preschool through college uponitticketsCitizens. Assistance Fund. Make will be sold. Ifnot 158 are not sold it Stephenson Specials—Micah Burkart (8th) and Charlie Probs PARATORY SCHOOL will will be Tuition sold. If 158 tickets are sold 6th grade – Kayla Bruce andand Matthew Monesi Kindergarten—Berk 6th grade—Kayla Bruce and Matthew Monesi Kindergarten—Berkley Grawe Mayson Ludolph confirmation of50/50. student enrollment. ato 50/50. benefit St. payable St. Andrew becomeschecks abecomes Proceeds benefit St.Proceeds7th grade – SydneyJohnson Johnson and Anthony Michalski 1st grade—Ka 7th grade—Sydney and Anthony Michalski Each classroom teachers select a stude 1st grade—Kaden Jones and Kelsey Ruhe larship test to prospective Andrew School Tuition Assistance Fund. with “Tuition Raffle” in the quarter Andrew Parish School Tuition Assistance Fund. 2nd grade—Nicho 8th grade – Hailey Kertz and Zach Kubatko 8thgrade—Nichole grade—Hailey Kertz and Zach Kubatko 2nd Bhowmick and Charlie Ervin Make checks payable to St. Andrew Parish memopayable section. may Make checks to St.Winnings Andrew Parish their for the “Faith-Filled Citizen” award.F a.m. and ST. 1:00 p.m. on 3rd grade—Arav Specials – section. Micah Burkart (8th)and and Charlie Probst(2nd) (2nd) Burkart (8th) Probst 3rd grade—Arav Fernandes andCharlie Clare Garczewski CHARLES PREPARATORY willclass “Tuition Raffle” in theSpecials—Micah memo with “Tuition in theSCHOOL memo section. gowith toRaffle” any accredited Catholic 4th grade—M Each quarter, classroom teachers select a student from Each quarter classroom teachers select a students from 4th grade—Maxi Ortiz and Katie Rasico offer its annual scholarship test to prospective Winnings mayearning go to anythe accredited Catholic title are invted to aCitizen” lunch with the Princ Winnings may go to preschool any accredited Catholic 30 in the Robert C. Walter school, through 5th grade—Bobby their the “Faith-Filled Citizen” award. Students class for the “Faith-Filled award. Student 5th grade—Bobby Stephenson and Coleen Wagy students school—preschool at 9:00school—preschool a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on through college upon through college upon college, upon confirmation of 6th grade—Kayl lunch with the the Principal durearning 6th the grade—Kayla title are invtedBruce to a lunch with Principal during and Matthew Monesi ing their enrollment. scheduled lunch time. Saturday, January 30 student in the enrollment. Robert C. student Walter confirmation of 2010 E. Broad Street. The confirmation of student enrollment. 7th grade—Sydney ing their scheduled lunch time. and Anthony Michalski 7th grade—Sydney Johnson their scheduled lunch time. Student Commons, 2010 E. Broad Street. The At the end of8th the school year the 8th whotestare currently enrolled AtAtthe end of the schoolyear year the names ofnames allgrade—Ha of Faithour of a grade—Hailey Kertz and Zach Kubatko is open to all 8th grade boys who are currently enrolled the end of the school the names of all of our ST. CHARLES PREPARATORY SCHOOL will Specials—Micah ST. CHARLES PREPARATORY SCHOOL will Faith-Filled Citizens will be placed in a for drawing for theof Bur Specials—Micah Burkart (8th) and Charlie Probst (2nd) any of theST. public, parochial and private elementary or CHARLES PREPARATORY SCHOOL will Filled Citizens will be placed in aplaced drawing the privilege Faith-Filled Citizens will be in a drawing and atmiddles private elementary or offer its annual scholarship test to prospective Each quarter classro offer its annual scholarship test to prospective privilege of beingfor “Principal the Day.” Each quarter classroom teachers select a students from schools other surrounding counties offerinitsFranklin annual or scholarship test to prospective being “Principal the Day.”for students at 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, their class for the “F students at 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on class “Principal for the “Faith-Filled award. Student comprisestudents Central Ohio. Anyone inprivilege sitting oftheir being for Citizen” the Day.” at 9:00 a.m.interested and 1:00 p.m. for on therthatsurrounding counties earning the title are inv January 30 in the Robert C. Walter Student Saturday, January 30 in the Robert C. Walter earning the title are invted to a lunch with the Principal durthe St. Charles scholarship test must register by calling Saturday, January 30 in the Robert C. Walter Student Commons, 2010 E. Street. The Commons, 2010 E.2010 Broad Street. The p.m. test is Broad one Laurie interested in sitting for ing their scheduled lunch time. ing their scheduled lun at 614-252-6714 between 8:30 a.m.—4:00 Student Commons, E. Broad Street. The At names the end ofourthe sc test open toboys all who 8th grade who are enrolled open all 8th are currently enrolled at any of currently At the end of the school year the of all of Monday through test istois open tograde allFriday. 8th grade boys who areboys currently enrolled t must register by calling Faith-Filled w at any of public, theand public, parochial andschools private elementary the public, private elementary middle Faith-Filled Citizensorwill be placed in a drawingCitizens for the at any of parochial the parochial and privateorelementary or privilege of being “Princ middles schools in Franklin or other surrounding counties in Franklina.m.—4:00 or otherinsurrounding counties that comprise Central privilege of being “Principal for the Day.” middles schools Franklin or other surrounding counties en 8:30 p.m. that comprise Central Ohio. Anyone interested in sitting for THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NNER! rd th th rd th th th th th Ohio. Anyone Central interested sittinginterested for the in St.sitting Charles that comprise Ohio.inAnyone for the St. Charles scholarship testat scholarship test must register by calling Laurie 614-252the St. Charles scholarship test must register bymust calling register by calling Laurie 614-252-6714 between 8:30 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Laurie at at 614-252-6714 between 8:30 a.m.—4:00 p.m. 6714 between 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Monday through Friday. Monday through Friday. th ST. ANDREW CHURCH COLUMBUS, OHIO St. Andrew Spaghetti Dinner Saturday, January 30, 2016 5:00 to 8:30 p.m. Nugent Parish Hall Enjoy pasta, homemade meatballs and sauce, salad, bread and dessert. Invite friends and family for some fun and fellowship. DINE IN Cost is $9/adult and $6/child. VOLUNTEER We need your help. Shifts Kids ages 3 and under eat FREE! Reservations are 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. and 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. are available for groups of 8 or more. To If you aren’t available during the dinner, reserve a table, please email Lana Shawgo, consider baking/donating a dessert. For Carry out is also more information about how you can help, available. contact Kathleen Wiant, (614) 284-6707 ENTERTAINMENT or Or, visit our sign Enjoy music and special activities for the kids (ages 3 to 8)! up genius page: go/10c044ea8a72faa8-spaghetti. Don’t forget, we will be announcing the winner of the 2016/17 tuition raffle! Sponsored by St. Andrew Home & School Association THIRD SUNDAY IN IN ORDINARY TIME THIRD SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST. ANDREW ST. ANDREW ST. ANDREW ST. ANDREW LENTEN FISHFRY FRY LENTEN FISH LENTEN FISH FRY February 12,19, 19,FISH 26and andMarch March4,4,11, 11, LENTEN FRY February 12, 26 1818 JANUARY JANUARY 24, 24, 2016 2016 JANUARY 24, 2016 JANUARY 24, 2016 February 12, 19, 26 and March 4, 11, 18 4:30—7:00 p.m.4, 11, 18 February 12, 19,4:30—7:00 26 and p.m. March p.m. 4:30-7:00 Nugent Parish Hall Nugent Parish Hall 4:30—7:00 p.m. Nugent Parish Hall Nugent Parish MENU MENUHall MENU Choice Perch, Choiceof ofFried Fried Perch,Baked BakedCod, Cod, MENU Choice of Fried Perch, Baked Cod, Pizza or Macaroni &&Cheese Pizza or Macaroni Cheese Choice of Pizza Fried Baked Cod, orPerch, Macaroni & Cheese Choice of Baked Idaho or Sweet Potato, Choice of Baked Idaho or Sweet Potato, Pizza orof Macaroni & Cheese Choice Baked Idaho or Sweet Potato, Fries, or Cheese French Fries, or Macaroni &Cheese Cheese Fries, orMacaroni Macaroni &Potato, ChoiceFrench ofFrench Baked Idaho or Sweet& Green Beans GreenBeans Beans French Fries, or Green Macaroni & Cheese Coleslaw Coleslaw Coleslaw Green Beans Dinner DinnerRoll Roll Dinner Roll Coleslaw Dessert & Beverage Dessert & Beverage Dessert & Beverage Dinner Roll Dessert & Beverage Adults $10 Adults $10$10 Adults Children $5 Children $5 Children Adults $10 $5 Carry out out $5 $9/$4 Carry $9/$4 Children Carry out $9/$4 (does not include dessert or (does not include dessert ordrink) drink) (does not include dessert or drink) Carry out $9/$4 (does not include dessert or drink) About 100 volunteers are needed each Friday night About 100 volunteers needed each Friday night About 100 volunteers are needed each Friday night Volunteers under 15 years old must are be accompanied by parent for supervision Volunteers under 15 years must accompanied by forfor supervision Volunteers under 15 years oldold must bebeaccompanied byparent parent supervision About 100 volunteers are needed each Friday night BONUS: Allunder volunteers who work a shift can purchase a meal for $4 Volunteers 15 years oldwho must work be accompanied by parent for supervision BONUS: volunteers who aashift purchase a meal for $4 BONUS: AllAll volunteers work shiftcan can purchase a meal for $4 To volunteer, please sign up in the parlor or contact Barb Zimmerman at BONUS: All volunteers who athe shift can purchase aZimmerman meal for $4 To volunteer, please sign up ininthe parlor or atat To volunteer, please signwork parlor orcontact contactBarb Barb Zimmerman 614-457-6733 or 614-457-6733 614-457-6733 or To volunteer, please sign up inor the parlor or contact Barb Zimmerman at I’d like to supply a JUST PIES pie for Can’t commit to work a shift? 614-457-6733 or St. to Andrew Fry! PIES pie for I’d like supplyFish a JUST Can’t commit to work a shift? BAKE DESSERT! Can’t commit toAwork a shift? St. Andrew Fry! MANY PIE TYPE COSTFish HOW I’d like to order JUST PIES About 50 are needed Friday. BAKE A DESSERT! I’d like to supply a aJUST PIES piedessert for Can’t commit work aeach shift? BAKE Ato DESSERT! for St. Andrew’s Fish Fry! HOW MANY PIE TYPE COST St. Andrew Fish Fry! Contact Maria Trinidad at About 50 are needed each Friday. Apple w/crumb top $10 About 50 areAneeded each Friday. BAKE DESSERT! 614-799-9207 or Contact Maria Trinidad at Maria Trinidad at AboutContact 50 are needed each Friday. 614-799-9207 614-799-9207 or or Contact Maria Trinidad at Or buy a JUSTorPIES pie 614-799-9207 Or buy a JUST PIES pie Or buy a JUST PIES pie Or buy a JUST PIES pie PIE TYPE COST$10 $10 HOW MANY Apple w/crumb Cherry w/crumb toptop PIE TYPE COST HOW MANY Strawberry Rhubarb Cherry w/crumb top$10$10 $10 Apple w/crumb top Apple w/crumb top $10 __________ Lemon Meringue Strawberry Cherry w/crumb topRhubarb$10$10 $10 Cherry w/crumb top $10 __________ Lemon Meringue $10 $10 Strawberry Rhubarb Total Price _____________ Strawberry Rhubarb $10 __________ Lemon Meringue $10 Total Price _____________ Cut this out, attach check payable to Lemon Meringue $10 __________ St. Andrew Parish, put Fish Fry Pies in the memo Total Price _____________ Cut this attach check payable to Price __________ section and out, putTotal in collection basket. St. Andrew put We willParish, pick up theFish piesFry forPies you!in the memo Cut this out, check payable Cut thisattach out, attach check payableto tobasket. section and put in collection St. Andrew Parish, put Fish Fry Pies ininthe St. Andrew Parish, put Fish Fry Pies the memo memo We will pick up the pies for you! sectionsection and put andin putcollection in collectionbasket. basket. will up pickthe up the pies foryou! you! We willWe pick pies for ST. ANDREW CHURCH COLUMBUS, OHIO “Let the Church always be a place of mercy and hope, where everyone is welcomed, loved and forgiven.” - Pope Francis Photo courtesy of Gina Switzer Jennifer Fulwiler Fr. Nathan Cromly Sarah Kroger Sonja Corbitt Mail-in Registration for Catholic Women’s Conference Mercy Name: Fee Parish: $35/Participant(s) Address: $20/Student(s) City, St, Zip: $0/Religious Sister(s) Phone: Total Amount: Email: Changes Everything Lunch (please choose one (1) per person) Please Note: Tickets will be emailed to you or can be picked up at the door on the day of the conference. Complete and mail this form to: Lisa Mckeivier, 242 Clark Dr., Circleville, OH 43113 Make checks payable to: Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference FEBRUARY 20, 2016 | 8AM—4PM OHIO EXPO CENTER # Attending ___ Turkey Sub ___ Salad w/ Chicken ___ GF Veggie Salad ___ GF Salad w/ Chicken ___ Veggie Sub ___ Veggie Salad * GF=Gluten Free ___ Check for low-gluten host(s) for Mass Register online at CATHOLIC MEN’S CONFERENCE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2016 - 8:00 A.M. Fr. Larry Richards Founder of The Reason for Our Hope Ministry Author of “Be a Man! Becoming the Man God Created You To Be” Hector Molina Dynamic Catholic speaker and evagelist Featured on Catholic Answers Live 20 years of experience in professional pastoral ministry TO 2:45 P.M. Mail-in Registration: # of Men Attending ________ x $35= ________ # of Students ________ x $20= ________ # of Priests/Deacons/Seminarians ________ x $0 Total Amount Enclosed ________ Mail to: Scott Williamson, 5107 Canterbury Dr. Powell, OH 43065 Box Lunch Included Please make checks payable to: Catholic Men’s Ministry David Karam Chairman of Sbarro Holdings, LLC Former President of Wendy’s International Chair of the Professional Advisory Council for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Name: ______________________Phone:______________ Address, City, Zip: ________________________________ Email:_______________________Parish:______________ Online Registration THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME A COUPLE OF CHURCH HOUSEKEEPING ITEMS to keep in mind when using spaces such as the parlor, parish hall and vestibule. • Please contact the Parish Office prior to use. • Any items for display (posters, pamphlets, etc.) require prior approval from the Parish Office. • Please put any chairs, tables etc., back into place. • Please pick up the area after use. • If making a donation of clothing, food etc., please place items in the appropriate bin in the parlor. • Please do not use adhesive or tacks on any surface for advertising fliers (command strips are acceptable). This includes the Parish Hall and hallways. Thank you for your assistance. Around the Diocese FROM THE CHAIR with Bishop Campbell on AM 820 on Tuesday, February 2 from 5:00-6:00 p.m. Call St. Gabriel Catholic Radio at 614-459-4820 to ask your questions about the Catholic faith and growing in holiness. MOUNT CARMEL HOSPICE invites you to Hospice Volunteering 101 on February 10 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. or February 17 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at Mt. Carmel Hospice and Palliative Care Center. If you are interested in becoming a hospice volunteer whether at a bedside or behind the scenes, join us for a special panel discussion. A group of Mt. Carmel volunteers will discuss their roles and contributions then answer your questions. Register by calling 614-234-5433. PONTIFICAL COLLEGE JOSEPHINUM lecture series continues on February 11 at 7:00 p.m. in the Jessing Center, 7625 N. High Street. Dr. Thomas Madden will present “Crusade and Jihad: Exploring the Medieval Origins of Modern Christian/Muslim Relations.” Event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact 614-985-2274. WORLD MARRIAGE DAY CELEBRATION – All married couples are invited to the Diocesan Celebration on February 14 from 1:30-4:00 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Church, 414 E. North Broadway. Dr. Andrew Sodergran, a Catholic psychologist with Ruah Woods in Cincinnati, will discuss ways to strengthen your marriage relationship. There is no charge for the event but space is limited. RSVP by February 10 to or 614-241-2560. THE GUARDIAN ANGEL PROGRAM, gaP, is the Pregnancy Decision Health Centers’ new mentoring program. gaP is looking for compassionate mentors (Angels) who are willing to be matched with a single woman who is facing an unexpected pregnancy. The goal of gaP is to provide emotional support, spiritual guidance and positive role modeling as she transitions into motherhood. If you can’t be an Angel, perhaps you would like to be in the Choir of Angels by providing diapers, homecooked meals and letters of support. For more information, contact Monica at 614-888-8774, ext. 6101 or monicaf@ JANUARY 24, 2016 LITURGICAL ROLES SERVERS Saturday, January 30 4:30p.m. Jackie Brandon, Lucy Rosmarin, Jack Stevens Sunday, January 31 7:30 Dominic Bricker, Liam Ott, Ronan Ott 9:00 Dominick Lombardi, Maria Monesi, Nathan Pelino 10:30 Keiryn McGuff, Colleen Wagy, Shane Wagy Noon Kathleen Moore, Michael Moore, NEEDED LECTORS (If the deacon is present, he will read the Petitions.) Saturday, January 30 4:30p.m. NEEDED Peg Braunsdorf Sunday, January 31 7:30 Mari Kay Dono Bob Woyach 9:00 Jennifer Doucher Christine Braun 10:30 Mary Schneider Deb Kuras Noon Eagan Foster Marty Majka EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS B2, B3 and C1 cleanse the sacred vessels. Remember the Cantor and those unable to come forward. Saturday, January 30 4:30p.m. B1 Judy O’Brien B2 Joe Colombo B3 Pamela Sprigler B4 Patrick Sprigler B5 Susan Thornton Sunday, January 31 7:30 B1 Bob Slater B2 Liane Egle B3 Mike Koehler B4 Ann Lynch 9:00 B1 Cathy Montalto B2 Bob Chambers B3 DeAnne Chambers B4 Joseph Brately B5 Wendy Feller Bch Andy Bracken 10:30 B1 Chris Carter B2 David Varda B3 Eileen Waldegar B4 Laddie Waldegar B5 Karen Wiegandt Noon B1 Bette Jo Feeney B2 Doug/Marie Lessells B3 Tom Rasico B4 Deb Rasico B5 John Passen C1 Lynda Guenther C2 Jennie Statczar C3 Todd Statczar C4 Sudie Woodruff C1 George Jones C2 Andy Ryan C3 Peggy Pardi C4 Mark Pardi C1 Don McNeal C2 Jane Dickson C3 Deb Murphy C4 Kathy Hinrichs Cch Bob McFadden C1 Susan Kristof C2 Teresa Whiteside C3 Saundra Woodruff C4 Sabrina Reynolds C1 Maria Moore C2 Kathy Kienle C3 Corso Padova C4 Mike Koehler GREETERS Saturday, January 30 4:30p.m. NEEDED Sunday, January 31 7:30 June Slater 9:00 Joe and Suzie Emsweller 10:30 Sandy Cutler Noon NEEDED LEAD USHERS Saturday, January 30 4:30p.m. Mike Gunner Sunday, January 31 7:30 Bob Slater 10:30 Karl Schaab 9:00 Don McNeal Noon Tom Crawford