OrbiPlate: Emporium Melbourne Billboard Case Study

Project Case Study
Emporium Melbourne - Electronic billboard structure
Emporium Melbourne, located at 287 Lonsdale Street, was the talk of Melbourne in April 2014 when it opened its
doors for the first time.
Emporium Melbourne, Steel Electronic Billboard Structure - Connected with Reid OrbiPlate
One of the eye catching features of Emporium Melbourne is a huge electronic billboard mounted to a steel support
structure, which was constructed on site using Reid OrbiPlate.
Reid OrbiPlate is an ITW Construction Systems ANZ innovation that provides 20mm assembly tolerance to structural
connections to either concrete to steel or in this case steel to steel connections
In Early 2013, the designers of the billboard structure, The Robert Bird
Group, contacted Vas Haitas (ITW Construction Systems Major Projects
Engineer) regarding the project.
The challenge they put to Vas was that the electronic billboard required
millimetre precision in the assembly of the diamond grid structure in order
to mount the screen successfully. Vas immediately thought of OrbiPlate.
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1300 780 250
sa l es@re i d.com . a u
w w w.re i d s .co .n z
0800 88 22 12
s a l es @ re i d s .co .n z
Project Case Study
Vas then worked with Corporate Initiatives Australia, the company responsible for building the structure and erecting
the screen over the next year on the project.
Corporate Initiatives Australia built a scale prototype of the structure at their Sunshine facility before commencing
with the fabrication of all the individual parts of the structure to be assembled on site.
320 galvanised M20 OrbiPlate sets were used throughout the entire structure, enabling Corporate Initiatives Australia
to erect the structure, mount the screens and commission the billboard over two successive weekends, just in time
for the ribbon cutting ceremony on April 16th 2014.
The patented OrbiPlateTM system delivers connection tolerances of 20mm in any direction. It is comprised
of an 80mm main circular washer with an elongated slot surrounded by serrated teeth that provide the
effective mechanical lock with a secondary, smaller washer used to position the main structural M20 bolt
as required.
For more information, watch this video or visit the Web page
w w w.re i d.co m . a u
1300 780 250
sa l es@re i d.com . a u
w w w.re i d s .co .n z
0800 88 22 12
s a l es @ re i d s .co .n z