Vocabulary List 30

Definitions for Quiz 30
Words on the prefix or suffix list⋄
1. em⋄pha⋄sis (n): special importance that is placed on something (v. emphasize, adj. emphatic, adv.
In the U.S., we place emphasis on individual freedom, but families are important, too.
Synonyms: significance, value, stress, weight, prominence
2. en⋄sure (v): to make sure that something will happen or will be
It is your job to ensure our guests’ happiness.
Synonyms: make certain, secure, guarantee, assure
3. ex⋄clude (v): to keep something or someone out of a place (adj. excludable, n. excluder)
Women were excluded from a lot of restaurants and clubs 100 years ago.
Synonyms: deny access to, prohibit, bar, ban Antonym: admit, accept
4. frame⋄work (n): the basic structure of a system, concept, or text
The framework for the book is in place, but now I have to add description and dialogue.
Synonyms: substructure, skeleton, body, foundation
5. fund (v): to provide money for a particular project or purpose
His parents funded all of his hobbies until he turned 25.
Synonyms: finance, pay for, capitalize, sponsor, underwrite, put up the money for
6. il⋄lus⋄trate (v): to provide pictures for a book, newspaper, etc. (n. illustrator, n. illustration)
I’ve written the story, but now I need to find someone to illustrate it.
Synonyms: decorate, adorn, embellish, add pictures, provide artwork for
7. im⋄mi⋄grate (v): to come to live in a foreign country (n. immigration, n. immigrant)
People from all over the world have immigrated to the U.S. at different times in history.
8. im⋄ply (v): to suggest something without stating it directly
By checking your wallet, you implied that you would pay for your lunch.
Synonyms: insinuate, suggest, hint at, intimate, indicate
9. in⋄i⋄tial (adj): at the beginning (adv. initially)
My initial impression of my students is often wrong, as is theirs of me.
Synonyms: opening, commencing, first, preliminary
10. in⋄stance (n): an example or single occurrence of something
Find every instance where the word “the” follows a preposition.
Synonyms: occasion, case, exemplar
11. in⋄ter⋄act (v): to act with someone or something
It’s important to help my students learn to interact with their teachers in English.
Synonyms: communicate, interface, connect, work together, cooperate
12. jus⋄ti⋄fy (v): to show that something is reasonable (adj. justifiable, adv. justifiably, n.
Our decision to admit Sil-Won to GSA was justified by his hard work and good grades.
Synonyms: give grounds for, account for, vindicate, give a justification for
13. lay⋄er (n): one of several sheets of material
There should be four or five layers of pasta in a good lasagne.
Synonyms: film, coating, coat, blanket, thickness, stratum
14. link (n): a connection between things or situations
There is an indisputable link between smoking and cancer.
Synonyms: relationship, association, tie-up, affiliation
15. lo⋄cate (v): to discover the exact place of something (n. location, adj. locatable)
We couldn’t locate the source of the gas leak in time to stop the explosion.
Synonyms: find, pinpoint, detect, track down
16. max⋄i⋄mize (v): to make as large as possible (n. maximization)
Most companies want to maximize shareholder value, but others want to maximize profit.
17. mi⋄nor (adj): lesser in importance
These are only minor problems. We can handle them easily.
Synonyms: slight, unimportant, small, insignificant, trivial, paltry Antonym: major
18. ne⋄gate (v): to make something ineffective
Alcohol negates the effect of caffeine, and vice versa.
Synonyms: invalidate, neutralize, nullify, reverse, cancel
Antonyms: validate, confirm
19. out⋄come (n): the result of an event
The outcome of the election is the sole measure of the success of the candidates.
Synonyms: consequence, upshot, conclusion, end
20. part⋄ner (n): a person who works with another person (n. partnership)
It’s important for you to find a project partner that you can work well with.
Synonyms: colleague, associate, coworker, collaborator, comrade, teammate