Quizlet Flashcards

Date Jamestown was
Date Pilgrims settled in
Plymouth, Massachusetts
Beginning of the Great
Migration. 20,000 Puritans
fled England for religious
freedom in America
Bi-cameral Legislature
Legislature that has 2
Cash Crop
Crop grown to sell for
Charles de Montesquieu
Chesapeake Bay
Wrote that government should be
separated into 3 branches to keep it from
becoming too powerful. Said there should
be a system of checks and balances
between the 3 branches. His ideas were
used in our Constitution
Area people set up colonies
because of the success
colonists were having at
When people move to an area to set
up a community that still considers
itself part of the original (mother)
country. Mother country uses new
colony to make money
Countries involved in Great
England, France and Spain
Economic Reason for
To gain wealth
To investigate new areas
and things
Fundamental idea in America.
You can keep most of what
Free Enterprise/Capitalism you earn. Your ideas and what
you create is yours to make a
profit from
The Great Awakening
House of Burgesses
Important Ideas of SelfGovernment
Time when people began
reading the Bible for
themselves. Caused them to
'wake up' to what they felt God
was telling them to do
First Representative
Government in America.
Set up in Virginia. BiCameral Legislature
Mayflower Compact-1620
House of Burgesses-1619
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
See previous slides for information
on each
John Locke
John Smith
Majority Rule
Massachusetts Bay
Mayflower Compact
Philosopher who wrote that people give
their rights to the government in a 'social
contract'. Said man had the right to "life,
liberty and property". Jefferson included
his ideas in the Declaration of
Man who saved Jamestown
by forcing everyone to work
for their food
The one with the most votes
wins. New idea that people
could decide what laws they
will obey
Area that the Puritans
settled in America
Agreement between 1st
Pilgrims. Set up selfgovernment and majority rule.
Big influence on Constitution
200 years later
Political Reason for
Religious Freedom
Religious Reason for
People who came to America for
religious freedom. Settled in
Plymouth. Wrote Mayflower
Compact. Not as strict about forcing
others to follow their rules
To gain land for your
country or to gain fame for
Group of people who wanted to 'purify'
the Church of England. Had to leave
England. Very rigid in how they thought
people should behave. No dancing or
swearing, must go to church. People who
didn't obey were punished or banished
(kicked out)
Fundamental idea in America. You
don't have to be a particular
religion in order to participate in
government. You can worship God
as you choose and not be
To spread your religion to
others or to settle in a place
you aren't persecuted for
your religion
Thomas Hooker
We elect someone who will
present our ideas to the
government. If we don't like
how they represent us, we can
elect someone else
1st and 2nd colonies
attempted by England. Both
Man can rule without a king
Started colony of Connecticut.
Believed all men are created equal.
Wrote the Fundamental Orders of
Connecticut. This was the 1st
written Constitution in America and
a model for our U.S. Constitution
Cash crop that saved
Jamestown because it grew
so well and made people
William Blackstone
William Penn
Believed laws should protect
people and their rights. Said
our rights are self-evident. His
ideas were used in the
Declaration of Independence
Started Pennsylvania for Quakers. Quakers were
persecuted by the Puritans because they believed
in equality for everyone. Said government power
should be limited. Government should protect
people's property. Power should come from the
people. Penn wrote laws allowing for religious
freedom. His laws were later written into the Bill
of Rights that we use today