URP_4161 PROJECT PLANNING LECTURE – 2: MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS Md. Manjur Morshed, Lecturer Department of Urban and Regional Planning (URP) Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET) MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS First step of project analysis is to estimate potential size of the market (e.g. for health services, estimate the requirement) What is the market? – social, economic and cultural factors What is the demand (coverage)? – difference between demand and supply Necessary Steps: 1. Situation analysis and specification of objectives 2. Collection of secondary information 3. Conduct a market survey 4. Characterization of the market 5. Demand forecasting 6. Uncertainties of demand forecasting 7. Marketing plan STEPS IN MARKET & DEMAND ANALYSIS (INTER-RELATIONSHIP) Collection of Secondary Information Situation Analysis and Specification of Objectives Demand Forecasting Characterization of the Market Conduct of Market Survey Market Planning PROJECT EXAMPLE A local government is deciding among three locations for construction of a bridge What would be the step-wise activities to select one particular site? MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS Step 1: Situation analysis and specification of objectives Generate enough data to measure the demand Reliable projected demand and revenues Clear and comprehensive objectives are needed Questions to be asked: Who are the beneficiaries? What is current and future transport demand? Is the demand distributed temporarily? What are the types of transport mode? How will it be financed? What is the plan for cost recovery (revenue generation)? How to convince the acceptance of the project? What is the resettlement plan and budget? Who will carry out the project? MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS Step 2: Collection of Secondary Information Information are collected from secondary and/or primary sources Secondary information provides the base for analysis Secondary information provide leads to primary information collection Sources of secondary information: Statistical year book Regional development organization (e.g. LGED, municipalities) Development plan (master plan of municipalities) Economic survey report Household survey report Ministry of transportation, public works, commerce and industry Local NGOs University research and publications MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS Step 2: Collection of Secondary Information Evaluation of secondary data to check accuracy, reliability and relevance to the current project Who gathered the info? When and how was the info gathered? What was the target population and sample size? How was the sample chosen? What was the sampling bias and non-response bias? What was the degree of misrepresentation by respondents? Editing, tabulation and analysis problem. Proper statistical analysis MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS Step 3: Conduct a Market Survey A market survey is necessary to understand the change in socialeconomic and environmental impacts of the project Steps of a survey Define the target population Sampling scheme and sample size Develop questionnaire Recruit and train the field investigator Obtain info as per the questionnaire Scrutinize the information gathered Analyze and interpret the information MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS Step 4: Characterization of the Market Information gathered from secondary sources and through the market survey can be used to describe following market features: Effective transport demand in the present and future Breakdown of transport demand (car, bus, truck) Price (transport cost, product cost etc.) Consumers Supply and competition Government policy MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS Step 5: Demand forecasting 1. Qualitative Methods Jury of executive method Delphi method 2. Time Series Projection Methods Trend Projection method Exponential smoothing method Moving Average method 3. Casual Methods: forecast based on cause-effect relationship Chain ratio method Consumption level method End use method Bass diffusion model Leading indicator method Econometric method MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS Step 5: Demand forecasting 1. Qualitative Methods Jury of executive method Opinions of a group of managers on expected future outcome Several advantages Expeditious method for developing demand forecast Permits variety of factors e.g. economic competition, consumer preference, technology Use of managerial judgment Delphi method Elicits the opinions of a group of experts with the help of a mail survey Steps: 1. A questionnaire is sent to a group of experts by mail and asked to express their view 2. The responses are summarized without disclosing the identity of experts, and sent back to the experts, along with a questionnaire to modify previous answers (e.g. extreme views expressed in the first round) 3. The process may be repeated till a reasonable agreement emerges among the experts MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS Step 5: Demand forecasting 2. Time series projection method Trend projection method Linear Yc = a + bX (for odd number of events) Observed Value (Y) Index Value (X) Index Value Squared (X2) Prodeuced of Observed and Index Values (XY) 1940 17 -4 16 -68.00 1945 23 -3 9 -69.00 1950 29 -2 4 -58.00 1955 35 -1 1 -35.00 1960 43 0 0 0 1965 52 1 1 52.00 1970 63 2 4 126.00 1975 77 3 9 231.00 1980 87 4 16 348.00 Sum 426.00 ... 60 527.00 Year MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS Step 5: Demand forecasting 2. Time series projection method Trend projection method Linear Yc = a + bX (for even number of observations) Observed Value (Y) Index Value (X) Index Value Squared(X2) Prodeuced of Observed and Index Values(XY) 1940 17 -9 81 -153.0 1945 23 -7 49 -161.00 1950 29 -5 25 -145.00 1955 35 -3 9 -105.00 1960 43 -1 1 -43.0 1965 52 1 1 52.00 1970 63 3 9 189.00 1975 77 5 25 385.00 1980 87 7 49 609.00 1985 100 9 81 900.00 Sum 526.0 330 1528.0 Year MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS Step 5: Demand forecasting 2. Time series projection method Trend projection method 100 100 80 60 40 20 0 50 0 Exponential Linear 100 80 60 40 20 0 100 80 60 40 20 0 Logarithmic Polynomial MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS Step 5: Demand forecasting 3. Casual Method Chain Ratio Method Question: How many of URP 4/1 Students live in Lalon Shah Hall Total Student = 60 (80% male) Total Male = 48 (80% live in student hall) Total male-hall student = 35 (Lalon shah hall 25%) URP 4/1 student in Lalon Shah Hall = 9 MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS Step 5: Demand forecasting 4. Consumption Level Method Useful for a product which is directly consumed Estimates consumption level on the basis of elasticity coefficients Example: Income elasticity and price elasticity of demand Income elasticity of Demand EI= (Q2-Q1/I2-I1 ) * (I1+I2/Q2+Q1 ) Where, Q1=is the quantity demanded in the base year, Q2= quantity demanded in the following year, I1=income level in the base year, and I2=income level in the following year Income of elasticity of demand along with projected income may be used to obtain a demand forecast. MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS Step 5: Demand forecasting 4. Consumption Level Method Can be used to project future level of demand Projected demand = Present per capita demand * (1+Per capita change in income level*Income elasticity of demand) The aggregate demand projection= Projected per capita demand * Projected population Same calculation is true for price elasticity of demand The price elasticity coefficient may also be used to study the impact of variation in future on the economic viability of the project Problem: Short-term, assumes that the consumption pattern remains unchanged MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS Step 5: Demand forecasting 5. End Use Method Consumption Coefficient method Rules: Identify the possible use of the product Define the consumption coefficient of the products for various uses Project the output levels for the consuming industries Derive the demand for the product Assume a steel producing factor that sells steel to 4 companies (A, B,C,D) Intermediate Company A B C D Total Steel Demand Consumption Coefficient Projected Output in year X Projected Demand for Steel 2 20 40 3 30 90 0.5 15 7.5 1 33 33 170.5 MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS Step 5: Demand forecasting 6. Econometric Method Mathematical representation of economic relationships derived from economic theory Primary objective is to forecast future behavior of the economic variables Two types: Single Equation Model -Grade= A0+A1T+A2C+ A3S Here, A0=Merit, T=Teacher, C=Class Attendance, S=Self-read Simultaneous Equation Model – House Rent = E+I+D+W Here, Economy, Income, Distance (e.g. market), Water (Khulna) Construction and use of an econometric model involves four steps Specification, Estimation, Verification, Prediction MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS Step 5: Demand forecasting 6. Econometric Method Advantage: The process of econometric analysis sharpens the understanding of complex cause-effect relationship Basis for testing assumptions Disadvantage: Expensive and data-demanding Depends on variables (defining variables is complex) MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS *** Improving Forecasts Check assumptions: variable changes Stress fundamentals: Who are the consumers? Beware of the history: trend is a trend until it bends Watch out for euphoria: Consumer preferences change quickly Don’t be dazzled by technology: do not rely only on mathematical forecasting Stay flexible: be ready and leave a market quickly MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS 6. Uncertainties of Demand Forecasting 1. Data About Past and Present Market Lack of Standardization – future prediction may not reflect uniform concepts Few observation – sampling must be enough Influence of abnormal Factors: War, natural disaster 2. Methods of Forecasting Inability to Handle Unquantifiable factors: change of culture Unrealistic assumptions: Chosen method may be unrealistic Excessive Data Requirement: predicting future variables difficult 3. Environmental Changes Technological changes: everyone uses smartphone Shift in Government Policy: incentive for bicycle (loss of car industry) Development in the International Scene: Rise of oil price, Rana Plaza Discovery of New Sources of Raw Materials: Solar re-charging sell-phone Vagaries of Monsoon: influence a wide range of product demand MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS *** Coping with Uncertainties Conduct analysis with data based on uniform and standard definitions Ignore the abnormal or out-of-the-ordinary observations Critically evaluate the assumptions of the forecasting methods Adjust the projections derived from quantitative analysis Monitor the environment imaginatively Consider likely alternative scenarios and their impact on market Conduct sensitivity analysis to assess the impact on the size of demand for unfavorable and favorable conditions