Table 1: Prefix + Root Note: Some of the words you create may not actually be real medical terms, but this activity will still begin to familiarize you with the medical prefixes, roots, and suffixes. Prefix & Prefix Meaning Root & Root Meaning Hetero= different Dys= Bad, difficult or painful Branchy= short Multi-, Poly-= Many, excess Ox/o, ox/i= oxygen Cerebell/o= cerebellum Trache/o= Trachea, windpipe Diapragmat/o, phren/o= diaphragm Medical Term (Combine prefix, root, & suffix) heterox Medical Term Definition dyscerebellum branchytrachia Having difficulty with the cerebellum Short trachea multiphren Excess diaphragms Different oxygen Table 2: Root + Root Note: Some of the words you create may not actually be real medical terms, but this activity will still begin to familiarize you with the medical prefixes, roots, and suffixes. Prefix & Prefix Meaning Root & Root Meaning Cyes/o= pregnancy -trophy= Nourishment, develop -tension= pressure -therapy= treatment -Stasis= Control, stop, standing Troph/o= nourishment Lymph/o= lymph Choledoch/o= Common bile duct Medical Term (Combine prefix, root, & suffix) cyesotrophy Medical Term Definition Trophotension Pressure of nourishment Treatment of lymphs Control of the common bile duct Lymphotherapy choledochostasis Development of pregnancy Table 3: Prefix + Root + Suffix Note: Some of the words you create may not actually be real medical terms, but this activity will still begin to familiarize you with the medical prefixes, roots, and suffixes. Prefix & Prefix Meaning Leuko= colorless Suffix & Suffix Meaning -ial= Pertaining to Medical Term (Combine prefix, root, & suffix) leukoparathyroidial Hetero= different Root & Root Meaning Parathyroid gland= the Parathyroid gland hypophyslo= pituitary gland Medical Term Definition Of or pertaining to a Colorless parathyroid gland Sclerosis= hardening Pre= Before, in front Micro= small Radilo= radius Hepat/o= liver -ietal= Seizure, attack Tripsy= Surgical crashing hypophysloheterosclerosis Hardening of a different pituitary gland preradiloietal Seizure in front of the radius microhepatotripsy Surgical crashing of a small liver Table 4: Defining Prefix + Root Prefix & Prefix Meaning Root & Root Meaning Cirrh= Yellowish Dextro= Right Ecto= Outside Erythro= Red Inter= Between Mid= middle Peri = around Sub= Under Post= After/Behind Pro= Before/In front Osis= Condition Gastric= Stomach Derm= Skin Cyte= cell Vertibro= Spine Carplo= wrist Oral= mouth Hepatlo= Liver Nas= Nose Chondros= cartilage Medical Term (prefix & root) Cirrhosis Medical Term Definition Yellowish Condition Dextrogastric Stomach moved to right Ectoderm Outside skin Erythrocyte Red cell Intervertebral Between the spine Midcarpal Middle wrist Peroral Around the mouth Subhepatic Under the liver Postnasal Behind the nose Prochondral Before Cartilage Table 5: Defining Root + Suffix Root & Root Meaning Suffix & Suffix Meaning Medical Term (root & suffix) Hepatitis Medical Term Definition Inflamation of the liver Hepat= Liver Arthro= Joint Myas= Muscle Amnio= Inner membrane around the fetus Urethr= To urinate Itis= Inflammation Algia= pain Thenia= Weakness Centesis= Pricking Arthralgia Joint pain Myasthenia Muscle Weakness Amniocentesis Pricking the inner membrane around the fetus Not perforated to urinate Atresia= Not perforated Urethratresia Leuk= White or Colorless Emia= Blood condition Leukemia Nephro= kidney Lithos= stone Nephrolith White or colorless blood condition (cancer of blood; too many white blood cells) Kidney stone Osteo= Bone Malacia= softening Osteomalacia Softening of the bones Acro= Extreme or Extremity Rhino= nose Megaly= Large/enlarged Rrhea (rhoia)= A flowing Acromegaly Enlarged extremity Rhinorrhea A flowing nose Table 6: Prefix + Root + Suffix Prefix & Prefix Meaning Root & Root Meaning Suffix & Suffix Meaning Ortho= Straight Poly= Many Hypo= Under/depression Ist= One who Itis= inflammation Iac= Person Electro= electric Erythro= Red Hyper= above normal Hemi= half Hydro= Water Megalo= Enlarge/large Dont= Tooth Aden= glands Chondros= “Cartilage” of the breast bone (seat of melancholy due to pending illness Encephalo= brain Cyto= Cell Glyc= sugar A= Without/absence Nephron= Brain Cephalo= head Fibro= Fibrous tissues Myo= muscle Algia= pain Gram= record Penia= deficiency Emia= Blood condition nalgesia= pain Sis= Condition of Itis= inflammation Medical Term (Combine prefix, root, & suffix) Orthodontist Polyadenitis Hypochondriac Medical Term Definition One who straightens Teeth Inflammation of many glands Person under the seat of melancholy due to pending illness Electroencephalogram Electric record of the brain Erythrocytopenia Deficiency of red cells Hyperglycemia Blood condition sugar above normal Hemianalgesia Absence of pain on half the body Hydronephrosis Condition of water on the brain Megalocephalitis Inflammation and enlargement of the head Fibromyalgia Pain in fibrous tissues of muscles Table 7: Defining Root + Root Root & Root Meaning Root & Root Meaning Gastro= Stomach Cardio= heart Intestinal= Gut/intestine/Bowel Vascular= Vessel (arteries/veins)/ "pertaining to conveyance or circulation of fluids," sclerosis= morbid hardening of the tissue Pulmonary= Lung Spinal= Of or pertaining to the spine “Gram”= something written; German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen is usually credited as the discoverer of X-rays in 1895 originally called "Röntgen rays" (and the associated X-ray radiograms as, "Röntgenograms") Mycosis= Mushroom/fungus Arterio= Artery Cardio= heart Cerebro= Brain Cholecysto= Gall Bladder Dermato= Of or pertaining to the skin Osteo= Bone Pharyngeal= Pertaining to the pharynx Cerebro= Brain Medical Term (Root & Root) Gastrointestinal Cardiovascular Arteriosclerosis Cardiopulmonary Cerebrospinal Medical Term Definition Of or relating to the stomach or intestines Of or relating to the vessels or circulation of fluids of the heart Morbid hardening of the tissue of the arteries. Of or relating to the heart and lungs. Of or pertaining to the spine and brain. Cholecystogram X-ray procedure used to help evaluate the gall bladder Dermatomycosis Skin disease caused by a fungus. Sarcoma= Fleshy growth/of connective tissue/morbid growth or tumor Esophageal= Gullet/passage for food Osteosarcoma Morbid growth or tumor on the bone. (Bone cancer) Pharyngealesophageal Vascular= Vessels (arteries/veins)/ "pertaining to conveyance or circulation of fluids," Cerebrovascular Of or pertaining to the esophagus (passage for food) or the pharynx Pertaining to the blood vessels and circulation of blood in the brain. The rest of this packet is to practice on your own! Medical Terminology Game can only be completed in class (if time). You should complete the “Analysis” at home on your own for practice. You should also practice by doing the “Translating a Medical Description.” In addition, I strongly suggest you read through the “Translating an Emergency Room Report” and be prepared to be able to complete a generalized report on your own or translate a report to a family regarding a hypothetical patient.