msa newsletter - MacEwan Staff Association

Hello MSA Members!
In 2011-2012 your MSA Executive and MSA volunteers have been
working diligently on your behalf. At the Annual General Meeting on May
24, 2012 the Executive and Committee Chairs provided their semiannual reports to the membership. The Annual General meeting was very
well attended and I believe enjoyed by all. Thank you to our Office
Manager, Cathy Pruden, for once again organizing a great event!
I would like to take this opportunity to emphasize the work done on your
behalf by the Negotiation Committee. Your Negotiation Committee put in
several years of work culminating in the new MSA Collective Agreement
which has now been ratified. A summary of the changes that affect you
can be found on page 9, of the newsletter. Also, if you look at your most
recent pay stub with a pay advise date of 05/29/2012 you will note that
you would have already received your pay rate increase for 2011-2012.
Please see inside the newsletter for the Retro Pay Update for further
information regarding your pay.
Even though Negotiations are over your Negotiation Committee is still
continuing to work on your behalf as they are now documenting lessons
learned from Negotiations, evaluating the Negotiation process, and
making recommendations for the 2014 committee. If you have any
feedback for the committee please contact David Pickering, MSA VicePresident and Chair of the Negotiating Committee by email at or telephone at 780-497-5731.
M a y / J u n e 2 01 2
President’s Message
Manulife Counseling Services
Did You Know?
Professional Development
ARTA Retiree Benefit Plan
World Partnership Walk
Photo Contest - Verge
Exclusive Offers to Members
Live Local
Summary of Bargaining
Retro Pay Update
Lunchtime Travel Info
Session - Christmas Markets
Coupon Draw
I would like to welcome the new members of our Executive for 2012-13.
They are Cindy Erdosi and Renee Peevey (City Centre Campus Rep),
Victor Charlton, (Secretary-Treasurer), Chris Nyszczuk (CFA Representative), and Andy Rhoads (Board of Governors Representative). I also
welcome Debbie Couves as the new MSA member on Academic
Governance Council. Debbie will also join us at our Executive meetings
and replaces Mark Jacober on that committee. I would also like to thank
our present Executive for their commitment in the past year.
Donna-Mae Winquist, President
David Pickering, Vice President
Victor Charlton, Secretary/Treasurer
Andy Rhoads, Board of Governors Rep
Carolynn Kane, Professional Development Chair
Renee Peevey, City Centre Campus Rep
Cindy Erdosi, City Centre Campus Rep
Mavis Leung, MacEwan South Campus Rep
Christine Nyszczuk, Centre for the Arts Rep
Rose Marie Matwie, Alberta College Campus Rep
Joyce Nethercote, Academic Governance Council
Debbie Couves, Academic Governance Council
MS A Ne w s le tte r
P age 2
Congratulations to Melissa Myskiw on the birth of Hope Charlotte on March 18 (6 lbs, 9 oz.)
Congrats to Tawana McLeod (Sport & Wellness) on the arrival of Nolan Kiel born May 30
(8 lbs, 8 oz & 21.5 inches long)
Congratulations to Naomi McIlwraith on the recent publication of her book of Poemes entitled kiyâm
(Mingling Voices). Poems that move between English and Plains Cree. kiyâm is published by Athabasca
kiyâm is available for purchase from Naomi or Athabasca University Press ($17.80 including GST)
Book Launch Wednesday, June 20 - 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Riverbend Community Hall
258 Rhatigan Road
Naomi McIlwraith is an educator, poet, and essayist, with a mixed Cree, Ojibwe,
Scottish, and English inheritance. She currently works at Grant MacEwan University
and has held instructional positions at the University of Alberta and The King’s
University College.
Art Walk - July 13-15
MSA members, Jolanda Thomas and Adrianne Olszewski will be participating in the Old Strathcona Art Walk.
See Art-Making in action The Whyte Avenue Art Walk celebrates all aspects of the artistic process. Artists are
encouraged to bring their supplies and their ideas with them to make art on site. This provides an exciting
opportunity for artists and visitors alike to become involved with a variety of artistic methods, to converse, and to
share ideas. If you are inspired to start art, you may connect with art teachers and mentors. See Professional Art
Exhibitions and Buy Art You love People are invited to buy art directly from the artist. Bringing the studio to the
Avenue is an assertive way to promote visual artists. Pedestrians are exposed to a rare feast of diverse artistic
ventures, and, if they are curious about what they see, they can strike up a conversation with the artists themselves. If they love what they see, the Art Walk gives them a more personal, direct way of buying art! Families
Welcome Exposing Children to the visual arts will help them appreciate art throughout their lives as artists,
patrons or leaders. History It started with a simple idea. “Wouldn’t it be nice to see artists working on easels
along the avenue of Old Strathcona.” Said Tim Nolt June of 1995. Three weeks later 35 artists took to the streets
for the first ever Whyte Avenue Art Walk . In 2011, over 400 artists and 150 businesses create our biggest event
to date. Since 1995, The Paint Spot has administered, sponsored, and supported the event, creating a raving
success. It started with only 35 artists. Now, more than 400 artists mingle with an amazing 40,000 visitors.
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M SA Ne w s le tte r
Know Your Collective Agreement!
Since January 1, 2009 the MSA Collective
Agreement has contained only one accrual
formula for vacation for full time continuing staff.
In the Collective Agreement for July 1, 2008 –
June 30, 2011 the old formulas remained in Article 15.1 and 15.2. However, there was a new
15.2 (Page 31) stating that, “Effective January 1,
2009 vacation entitlements shall be accrued as
per below: “These effective accrual rates were all
listed in 15.2.1, 15.2.2, 15.2.3, and 15.2.4.
We would like to ask members to review your
pension information with LAPP to ensure it is
accurate. Please check that information such as
beneficiaries, addresses, etc. is up to date.
Everything you need to know about your LAPP pension, whether you are a new member, a mid-career
member or a soon-to-be retired member. Get the
most out of the plan and register at:
a secure website for members. “My pension plan”
gives you access to your personal information when
you need it and you can use their pension
estimators to estimate your pension income and
plan your retirement. It's a valuable asset that's
easy, convenient and green and never to early to
P age 3
Canada Savings Bonds
We have discovered there
was a mis-communication
between Canada Savings
Bonds and the MacEwan
Finance Department
which has resulted in monthly contributions
potentially being cut in half. If you changed
your deduction amount in October 2011,
check your pay stub! In the CSB form, you
were telling them how much to take per
paycheque; however, MacEwan entered it
as per month which makes a significant
difference in your contribution. If you find
your amount is incorrect, send a detailed
email to and ask
them to fix it.
*Have you updated your
personal contact
information in Peoplesoft?!
Alberta Blue Cross Health Spending Account
This is a reminder that any Health Spending Account
(HSA) claims to be paid in July 2012 must be submitted
to Alberta Blue Cross by June 30, 2012.
For employees submitting claims in time for the July 2012
payment run, please send your claims directly through
internal MacEwan University mail, addressed to Blue
Cross, Mail Services uses a government courier. This will
allow your claim to arrive at Alberta Blue Cross in a timely
manner. Claims addressed to Alberta Blue Cross and
submitted through internal MacEwan University mail do
not require stamps.
If you have any questions on:
how to submit claims or fill out claims forms
Which expenses are eligible for reimbursement (don’t
forget to claim your premium payments)
Understanding the credit carry forward plan
Please contact one of the many HAS specialists at Alberta
Blue Cross at 1-800-661-6995 or 780-498-8000.
MS A Ne w s le tte r
Professional Development
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- Carolynn Kane, Chair
Ju n e T I D B I T C A F E
The MSA Professional Development Committee invites you to join our June Tidbit Café
When it comes to retirement planning, the message you hear over and over again is all
about lack of savings, not enough RRSPs and doom and gloom because Canadians will not
have millions and millions of dollars saved up for their golden years.
Join our Tidbit Café and let financial expert Jim Yim show you that the key to a happy
and successful retirement lies in how well you live a life in retirement and not just how
much money you have. See attached flyer for further details.
Thursday June 21st, 12 noon (1 hr)
City Centre Campus, room 9-101
ACC, room 627 (Video Conference)
CFAC, Library Group Use Room #4 (Video Conference)
MS, room 115 (Video Conference)
Please confirm your participation, indicating the site you will participate at, by e-mail to
Tells Us!
Have suggestions for speakers, training sessions or Tidbit Cafe Topics? Tell us! Our program will include
our in-service courses, Tidbit Cafe sessions, newsletters, and brain storming sessions/presenters for our
FebruaryOrganizational Development Day. You can contact any committee member, or email:
2011-2012 PD Committee Members
Carolynn Kane (Chair)
Brigitte Rondeau
Tanya Edmonds
Cindy Erdosi
Lorraine Teel
Jim Knoepfli
April Ramsay
Lori Melnychuk
Susanne Turner
Donna Callaghan
Crista Bobowski (HR)
ARTA Retiree Benefit Plan
The Alberta Retired Teachers Association is offering benefit packages to future and current retirees of
MacEwan. Members who are currently retired have until July 31, 2012 to make application for this
program. Although letters will be going out to retired members from MacEwan please feel free to pass
on this information as the deadline for applications will be here soon. For additional information please
contact your Human Resources Disability Management office.
MS A Ne w s le tte r
Pa ge 5
Aga Khan Foundation of Canada
Grant MacEwan University is setting a challenge to raise awareness for Aga Khan Foundation of Canada
through a 5km walk. There is a prize for the team with the most participants—we hope Grant MacEwan
University will win!!! We are setting winning this prize as a goal and will be encouraging all departments,
associations, committees and interested participants to submit a team (co-workers, friends and family) and
participate with Grant MacEwan University.
The World Partnership Walk is an initiative of Aga Khan Foundation Canada a non-denominational
registered Canadian charity with more than 30 years of experience in finding and sharing effective and
lasting solutions to the challenges of global property. For more information visit
June 10, 2012
Alberta Legislature Grounds
9:00am Registration
10:30am Pre-walk remarks and warm up
11:00am Walk the Walk
Post walk- Lunch and live entertainment
*** As a token of appreciation to all participants who raise at least $100.00 in support sponsors of the Aga
Khan Foundation will priced you with a free lunch coupon.
How: Please follow the steps below to join the Grant MacEwan University Team
Here are the steps to register:
1. Go on the website
3. Click Edmonton (a map of Canada will come on the screen select Edmonton by clicking on it)
5. Enter our team name- Grant MacEwan University
6. Enter our team affiliation- select University or College
7. Scroll down and click JOIN then follow the remainder of the steps.
If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact me directly either by phone 780.633.3176
or by email at
Once again, please accept our sincere appreciation for your commitment and passion in making this world
a better place, one step at a time.
With sincere gratitude,
MacEwan International
Verge Magazine is launching a travel photography contest with a focus
on development and international volunteering. They are aiming to engage Canadians in learning more about development through this, and
hope you will join them.
MS A Ne w s le tte r
Pa ge 6
Employee Advantage
The MacEwan Staff Association has connected with Employee Advantage to bring you local
entertainment, retail and ticket discounts to your finger tips. You can now save BIG on
many attractions, movies, and entertainment choices across Alberta.
Order what you want, whenever you want. Your tickets are shipped right to your workplace!
We hope you enjoy the many special offers that Employee Advantage will bring you, some of
which will include: Movie Tickets, Sporting Events, Live Shows, Family Events, Major
Alberta Attractions and more.
This service is now provided to all MSA members at: //
To gain access to the site for the first time you will need to Register at the new member sign
up page, using the MSA company code. After your initial registration, the company code will
no longer be necessary, you will use your email address and personal password (you will
have to choose your own password) to log in.
The following information will be required when you register at
1) Company Code: macewan2011
2) Your WORK address - including department, direct phone # & floor # (home addresses
are not necessary as orders are shipped to your MSA office)
3) Your email address: (name)
All you need to do is register onto the Employee Advantage website and place your order
each week by Friday at 3:00pm. Your order will then be delivered right to the MSA office for
pick-up the following Wednesday (some tickets, due to event timing, may take a little longer,
read product description for info). Visit and register today!
Offers from Employee Advantage include:
Edmonton’s Capital Ex (July 20-29)
Special Events and Sporting Events
Empire Theatre
Live Theatre
Trade Shows
West Edmonton Mall,
City of Edmonton Rec Passes, Fort Edmonton, Valley Zoo
Golf Discount Books and passes
Alberta Museums
Calgary Zoo, Calaway Park, Heritage Park, Telus Spark Science Centre
Wild Rapids, Sylvan Lake
Hotels & Vacations
Gift Cards
MS A Ne w s le tte r
Fort Saskatchewan Funky Petals will offer a
Corporate Discount of 10% to all MacEwan Staff
Association members. This discount is only good at
the Fort Saskatchewan Funky Petals (phone in/
walk in orders only) Members need to present their
MSA Membership card.
Professional Group Banking Services:
Special Banking Offers await you as a valued member of
MSA. Please contact MSA or Linda Shaw at BMO for
further information.
Linda Shaw, Manager
Specialized Banking & Sponsorships
Tel: (780) 408-0193
Cell: 1-866-679-3027
Fax: (780) 473 -7884
Pa ge 7
MSA has recently accepted a Preferred
Client Rate Program with Park’N Fly
Airport Parking. You can join by going to
the following link that will take you to the
Park’n Fly web site
MS A Ne w s le tte r
For a complete listing of our
corporate discount offers
please contact the msa
office at
Live Local (from
Why does living local matter? By
making choices to eat locallyproduced foods, dine in local
restaurants, and shop local
merchants, it strengthens our local
economy and creates more vibrant
When we choose to purchase from locally-owned
businesses, we strengthen the local economy in ways
that reach beyond their individual success. Successful
businesses employ more people – people that live, work,
and pay taxes in our communities – and can also offer
consumers more choices and greater variety in what they
purchase. And when consumers don’t have to drive
across town to find what they want, their environmental
impact is lessened and everyone’s quality of life is improved.
Living local is about more than where you shop or dine.
It’s about learning what your local community has to
offer, and looking for ways to keep that community
strong and vibrant. And it’s about working together to
create responsible, balanced communities that can meet
the needs of its citizens today and tomorrow.
Living local is about taking pride in the place we call
home. It’s about more choices and better options. And
it’s easier than you might think.
It's Easy to Live Local
All it takes is one simple decision – look for a local
choice. Whether it’s grabbing a coffee from your local
coffee shop or a loaf of bread from your local bakery,
living local is easy. Walk to your corner café instead of
driving to your favourite restaurant chain. Stroll to the
local boutique instead of hitting the mall. Or see a show
at a local playhouse instead of driving to one of the big
box cinemas. Start by trying it once a month, then once a
week. Before long, you’ll find that living local is second
nature. And you’ll wonder why you didn’t live local sooner.
P age 8
SUMMARY OF BARGAINING CHANGES July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2014
MSA Newsletter
Page 9
Three (3) years, July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2014
Wage Increase
July 1, 2011 - 2%
July 1, 2012 - 2.5%
July 1, 2013 - 2%
Jan 1, 2014 - 1%
Those who have terminated since July 1, 2011 must write to Human Resources within 90
days of ratification to request their pay
Recurring Term Employees
New definitions - no negative impact on current employees if they do not fit the definition.
Pension policy will be changed to allow for RTE to participate in LAPP on a voluntary basis.
Term Employees
Four to twelve months for a project or grant funded position or to replace a person on leave
for four (4) to twenty-four (24) months.
MacEwan Staff Members
Deleted reference to support and supervisory
Length of continuous employment from date of hire - casuals not included in the seniority list.
Seniority list to be provide by MSA by Jan 1, 2013.
Probation Period
All employees nine months. Trial period remains at six (6) months.
May be posted internally or externally for five days - internal and external candidates will receive equal consideration.
Flex Time Agreements
Must have 75% support of employees in the work area and also be approved by MSA
Premium pay the same for all employees
Shift Premium
$1.30 per hour commencing at 5:00 p.m.
Salary Placement
Upon the upward classification, must be placed one full step (minimum 3%) increase on the
new grid.
Job Evaluation
Full process outlined in the C.A.
Professional Development
Obligations employer must meet in providing professional development money. Fund to be
increased by $50,000 (approx. 50%).
Entitlement accrual by years of service commencing Jan 1, 2012. Credits by hours worked.
Workers Compensation
Benefits will continue with the normal cost sharing arrangement. LAPP will continue with Employer paying both portions of the premium.
Unpaid Leaves
Anniversary date will be adjusted for LOA’s without pay longer than 10 consecutive days.
Special Leaves
FT Employees eligible for a total of 5 days (35 hrs); PT, RTE, Term, Casual eligible for 3 days
(21 hrs) leave with pay. May be used for family illness/health appointments, domestic
emergencies, serious illness. All have differing maximums. Commencing July 1, 2012
Illness Leave
When Employer requests a sick note, they will reimburse Employee when receipt of payment
to physician submitted.
Letters of Expectation
Kept on personnel file, removed after 12 months if no other action initiated.
Most renewed. Some deleted as they were for a particular time period.
MS A Ne w s le tte r
Retro Pay Update
We have been advised by Human
Resources that the retro pay to cover the
period July 1, 2011 - May 5, 2012 will be
paid on the July 10 pay. New pay rates for
2011 were implemented May 6 and the
new pay rates for 2012 will be effective
July 1, 2012.
On Wednesday, June 13 in Room 7-233 at 12:00 noon
- 1:00 attend a Christmas Market Tour presentation by
Donovan of Uniglobe Travel. This is an info session to
gauge interest of our staff/faculty
(friends, etc.) in having a group
Market Tour Vacation to Europe
from Nov 30 - Dec 7. Bring your
lunch, Beverages and dessert
included .
MSA endeavors to maintain an accurate mailing list of
our members through commencement and termination
reports generated by Human Resources. Often these
reports are not accurate. If you know someone who is
not receiving mail or emails, please contact us by
email at If your area is receiving
mail for a member that no longer works at the
university please send us an email so that we may
remove them off the list.
Pa ge 1 0
May/June 2012
Enter to one of three passes to Cineplex Odeon.
Please return by June 21, 2012
Have you updated your personal information
on Peoplesoft (i.e. address, phone, change of
name, beneficiaries?
A __________________________________________
2. Do you check your pay advice information
regularly? Why or Why not?
A __________________________________________
3. Who is having a book launch on June 20? What
is the book called?
A. __________________________________________
B. __________________________________________
Return entries to MSA at 7-102D or email answers
NAME ___________________________________________
DEPT ____________________________________________
ADDRESS ________________________________________
7-102D, 10700—104 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E1
Phone: 780-497-5697
Fax: 780-497-5696