Julia McBurney Designs - Muskoka Small Business Centre

Julia McBurney Designs
As we get more and more dependent on technology for “every day use”, it is becoming evident that advertising and
promotion have to go this route as well. The problem is very few business owners know how to design something to
grab their customers’ attention. This is why creative designers, like Julia McBurney, are here to help!
Julia has started her own graphic design and advertising business in Bracebridge. Julia grew up in Ajax, Ontario and after
completing four years at Loyalist College she met her husband and moved to the Muskoka area.
Even though Muskoka might be new to her, entrepreneurship is very familiar to Julia and her family. “My parents have
owned their own wood laser engraving and gift/promotional business since I was 6 and my Oma—on my mom’s side—
was a very successful German businesswoman and investor, who left a great legacy.” Julia said “I’ve always been
interested in owning my own business.”
Growing up, she knew she wanted to run her own business, but wasn’t sure in what. The inspiration came when she fell
in love with her advertising program at Loyalist College. She began doing small ads for local businesses that had
connections through her parents’ business.
Soon after graduating college, Julia became an advertising and marketing assistant for Oliver’s Coffee and Diesel House
Coffee Roasters. A year later she created Julia McBurney Designs. Julia is an extremely creative woman and loves to have
clients who can take a creative risk when making an advertisement or logo for their company. Her vision is to maintain a
high standard of quality while still being able to grow.
When asked about why she likes having a small business in Muskoka, she almost doesn’t have words to describe the
landscape and natural beauty of the area. “The small town vibe and how I can wake up and work from my home office”
are some of her favourite aspects said Julia “When I look out my office window and see nothing but nature, there’s
something that fuels my creativity.”
She has said that the biggest benefit of the Starter Company would be networking. As well, she enjoys the availability of
a small group of young entrepreneurs who she can assist and learn from. She wants other young entrepreneurs to follow
their dreams just like she did. Mistakes do happen and you learn from them. “Fake it until you make it used to be my
motto” she said “I felt a little like I was flying by the seat of my pants my first year in business, but 3 years later, I feel like
I’ve been doing this my whole life.”
Julia has helped many companies in the area with branding and advertising over the past year. Her work is spectacular
and the Starter Company program has helped her learn about her business and how it changes. She has realized
revisiting some of your goals is natural in the beginning stages of a business. Check her out on Facebook if you need a
creative mind to do something for your business or event! Contact Muskoka Small Business Centre if you or someone
you know would be perfect for Starter Company.