Quick Reference Guide This QRG aligns with the Project Management Framework 5.1.1 [SR] Construction Contract – Claim for Final Payment To lodge your Claim for Final Payment you will need to complete the following process; your Contract Manager will need to create the process for you. If the process is not available please contact your Contract Manager. Once the process has been initiated you will receive a task notification similar to the one displayed below (this notification will be sent to both your work email and your PACMan inbox). Within the email there will be a link to access the process via PACMan. The process can also be accessed via the Contracts Module; to do this: 1. Expand the Contracts menu 2. Select Contracts List from the menu 3. Search for your contract from the list or search by the contract Name or Number via the search text field select by highlighting your contract. 4. Navigate to the Details > Associations Screen 4. From this screen you will see a list of the associated Processes; you can access a process by clicking on the required Payment Claim process. Note: A Payment Claim will ONLY be paid if has been approved via a Process (The Three Hooks). 5.1.1 [SR] Construction Contract – Claim for Final Payment – V.2014.07.04.02 Page 1 of 4 for the Process Task List Basics Once you have created the process you will see a task list which needs to be completed. Some tasks require you to gain approval and are blocked until this is received. Key Features: Help screen with search function and also shows information relevant to individual screens. By hovering your mouse over this icon you can see instructions on what needs to be completed. When you see this arrow, you can click on it to go to the task. Blocked – tasks that are dependent on another task or they may be tasks assigned to another role i.e. Project Director Incomplete – this indicates the task has not been completed Complete – a task will be marked as complete once the box has been checked Bold Tasks – these tasks are sub-processes which contain sets of tasks, to view the tasks click on the Bold Task Name Not Applicable – tasks not required should have this box ticked to ensure that a process does not remain active Dependent Task – a task that is required to be completed before further processes can be completed Process Task Additional Information This is a list of the tasks in the process. Supers Reps must complete each tasks beginning with ‘Supers Rep....’ Link Process to Contract – Search in ENTITY Field @ Top of Screen Contract Manager Task This task is completed by the Contract Manager once they have created and linked the Process to the Contract you will receive a notification to indicate this task has been completed. Supers Rep Enters & Approves Assessed Progress Claim 1. Enter Payment Details: a) Click the to enter the task b) Click Add Payment and enter the following details; Claim Receipt Date Claim Period To Claim Period From 5.1.1 [SR] Construction Contract – Claim for Final Payment – V.2014.07.04.02 Contractor submits Payment Claim to Super's Rep who assesses, enters the claim. Checks claimed & assessed values, if Page 2 of 4 Supplier Reference Number Reason Payment Amount Different from Claimed c) Click Add. 2. Enter Payment Items: a) Click the link Click here to add a new Payment Item and enter the following details: Account Number (leave this as the default) Item ID (number this sequentially) Number (number this sequentially) Description Claimed amount (enter the claimed amount) Quantity (this should always be 1) Value of Work (assessed amount) 3. Click Add. 3. Approve Payment Claim: a) Click Preview Certificate and check the certificate details are correct. b) Once you are satisfied the details are correct click Save Certificate. c) You will be prompted to click Save again to ensure you wish to save and lock the certificate for editing. NOTE: You will not be able to make any changes to the payment after you have saved the certificate. different notes reason. Receive advice from the Cost Manager and Contract Manager (if required). If claim was disputed with Contractor upload support documentation. ***PREVIEW the CERTIFICATE before you SAVE Certificate as once saved it CANNOT be altered*** Check ALL details; dates, values, ABN, names & reason for difference (if applicable) and signature details etc d) Once you have clicked save the certificate will be locked for editing and you will see the following message on the certificate: 4. Complete the task: a) Use the Return to link to navigate back to the Process Task List. b) Mark this task as complete. Supers Rep Issues Payment Certificate to Contractor 1. Issue Payment Certificate a) Select the claim, once selected it will be highlighted. b) Select Certificate and click View Report. You will see a PDF copy that you can print and save to your PC. If you have an issue seeing the certificate check if ‘pop ups’ are blocked on your PC. Select/High-Light the relevant Payment Certificate, Check Certificate is selected under Report View Selection and Click View Report. If you have an issue seeing the certificate check if 'pop-ups' are blocked on your PC. 2. Complete the task: a) Use the Return to link to navigate back to the Process Task List. b) Mark this task as complete. Supers Rep attests to compliant Stat Decs, attaches copies (Day 14+) 5.1.1 [SR] Construction Contract – Claim for Final Payment – V.2014.07.04.02 Supers Rep attaches copies of Stat Dec(s) and Page 3 of 4 1. Upload Statutory Declarations: a) Click the to enter the task. b) Click on the link Click here to add new Storage Item. c) Enter the following details. Title: Document Title Document Type: Select an applicable type or leave as Not Set Date: This will default to today’s date d) Use the Browse button to locate your document. e) Click Upload. f) Click Add to record your Storage Item Entry. 2. Complete the task: a) Use the Return to link to navigate back to the Process Task List. b) Mark this task as complete. NOTE: Supers Rep is required to provide stat decs in accordance with time – provisions and dated not earlier than the date required in the contract. Supers Rep also attest(s) to sighting the original stat decs. Contract Manager checks ALL Insurances are current This task is the responsibility of the Contract Manager. Contract Manager updates Final Completion Date This task is the responsibility of the Contract Manager. CM checks WBS on Contract This task is the responsibility of the Contract Manager. Contract Manager Approved Claim for Payment This task is the responsibility of the Contract Manager. attests to sighting the original signed Stat Dec(s), provided in accordance with time provisions and dated not earlier than the date required in the contract. Superintendent's Representative advises the Contractor (in writing) if compliant statutory declaration(s) are not received by Day 20 and emails a copy to the Contract Manager to attach to file. Contract Manager Manager Task Contract Manager Manager Task Contract Manager Manager Task Contract Manager Manager Task Additional Information For additional information for Suppliers please visit: http://www.finance.wa.gov.au/cms/content.aspx?id=12375&linkidentifier=id&itemid=12375 PACMan checks every night for payments claims, details of which are recorded in a file and sent to the Financial system for payment. There are 3 Hooks that must be met in order for this payment claim to be included in the overnight file:1. The Payment Claim was loaded via a process 2. The Payment Certificate has been saved 3. The process is marked as complete 5.1.1 [SR] Construction Contract – Claim for Final Payment – V.2014.07.04.02 Page 4 of 4