Dallas Baptist Dallas Baptist University Writing Center t University

Author’s name omitted
from the sentence
Author’s name included
in the sentence
List the author's last name
and specific page numbers
in parentheses. Put period
outside the parentheses.
s last name
List the author's
followed by a comma, the date
of publication,, and the page
number inside parentheses
heses and
followed by a period.
Hamilton 101).
(Hamilton, 1982,, p. 101).
List only the page number
in parentheses followed by
a period.
Directly after the author’s name
is mentioned, list only the date
in parenthesis. List the page
number at the end of the
sentence or quote.
Hamilton (2001) explains …
Author’s name and the
publication date included
in the sentence
List the page number only
in parentheses followed by
List the page number only
onl in
parenthesis followed by a period.
In 2001, Smith said … (p. 89).
A work that has two
List both the authors’ last
names, as listed on the
title page, followed by a
List both the authors’ last names
using an ampersand, followed by
the date and page number.
(Jones & Smith, 2001,
2001 p. 75).
A work by three or more
(Greer and Jones 75).
Either give the last name
of each person listed on
the title page or give the
first author’s last name
followed by et al, inside
the parentheses and then
a period.
(Rabklin, Greenberg, and
Olander 125).
(Rabklin et al. 56 –58).
For the first time used, list all
the authors, but every time after
give the last name of the first
author, then et al.,, and then the
year and page number.
1st time (Brown, Jones, & Smith,
2001, p. 125).
(Brown et al., 2001,, p 125).
Comparison of MLA & APA Documentation for Sources
Within Your Paper
Dallas Baptist University
Writing Center
If you quote dialogue
between two or more
characters in a play, set
the quote off from your
text. Begin each part of
the dialogue with the
appropriate character’s
name in all caps, indented
one inch from the left
margin. Follow the name
with a period, and start
the quotation. Indent all
subsequent lines in that
characters speech an
additional ¼ inch (3
spaces). When dialogue
shifts to another
character, start a new line
indented one inch (10
spaces) from left margin.
Make sure to maintain the
same pattern throughout
APA is usually not used for
drama, literature, etc.
HAMLET. Quote…
A work without an
List the word by which the
title is alphabetized in your
Works Cited and the page
number inside the
(“Dreams” 52-53).
A multi-volume work
Anonymous author
List the first few words of the
reference list entry (usually the
title) and then the date and
page number(s) in parentheses.
(“Race and Ethnic Relations,”
2001, pp. 52-53).
(Personality Disorders, 2001, p.
List the author or editor,
volume number, then a
colon followed by the page
To cite a specific part of a
source, list the page number,
chapter, figure, table or equation
at the appropriate point in text.
(Erwin 4: 212-213).
(Erwin, 1981, p. 32).
(Bass, 1989, Chap. 3).
Begin with the title (do not
use A, An, or The) and
never use anonymous or
Cite in text, by using
Anonymous followed by a
comma and date (in reference
list, work is alphabetized by the
word Anonymous).
(Sport 142).
(Anonymous, 2001, p. 137).
document from the
List only the author’s
Use the same type of reference
for non-electronic sources
(author, date). If provided, add
paragraph numbers.
(Hamilton, 2001, para. 3).
A document from the
Internet without an
A document from the
Internet where the
author’s name is
included in the sentence
List a major word from the
title of the work.
List a word from the title
followed by a comma and then
the date.
No parenthetical citation
needed, under this
(“Christians,” 2001).
To cite a specific part of a
source, indicate the page,
chapter, figure, table, or
equation at appropriate point in
(Smith, 1981, p. 32).
The author is listed as a
group or organization
(e.g. government or
If you do not know the
writer of the document,
cite the agency that wrote
it as the author.
(United Nations 45)
For the first time listed in text,
cite the entire name of the
group. [If used later or if the
name of the group, the
can be abbreviated if it is
familiar or understandable.]
(National Institute of Mental
Health, 1998, p. 45).
(NIHM, 2001, p. 45).
Two or more works by
the same author(s) with
different publication
List only the author’s last
name, title of the work (if
the work is book, use
italics, for an article, use
quote marks), and page
(Erwin, Double Vision 85).
(Smith, “Talk-Talk” 98).
List the fixed page number
or section numbering
(such as numbering of
paragraphs), and cite
relevant numbers.
Electronic material
(Erwin, pars. 19-20).
(Note: pars. is the
abbreviation for
List the author’s last name,
publication date.
(Jones, 2001, p. 47).
List the page, chapter, figure,
table, or equation at the proper
point in text.
(Erwin, 1981, p. 332).
Electronic sources that
do not provide page
If your source lacks
numbering, you must omit
numbers from your
Use the paragraph number, if
available, preceded by the
paragraph symbol or the
abbreviation "para." If the
paragraph or page numbers are
not visible, cite the heading and
number of the paragraph
following it to direct the reader
to the location of material.
(Myers, 2000 ¶5).
(Butler, 2000, Conclusion
section, para. 1).
Acknowledging sources
at the end of your paper
In MLA, use the title
Works Cited. The title
should be centered and
one inch from the top. It
should also be listed in
alphabetical order, by
author's last name (if the
same author, go to the
title), and the page
numbered, just as it is in
the next page of your
paper. Double space
between title and first
entry. Each entry should
begin at the left margin
and the second line of
each entry should be
indented (5 spaces) from
the left margin.
In APA, use the title References,
centered at the top, and all
entries should be double spaced.
Each entry should begin at the
left margin and the second line
of each entry should be indented
(5 spaces) from the left margin.
All entries should be in
alphabetical order by author’s
last name and the page should
be numbered.
Original material copyright © Dallas Baptist University. All rights reserved. Other copyrighted material included by permission or
authorization. Created by UWC Staff for Dallas Baptist University. http://www.dbu.edu/uwc. December 2010.