The Voice Written by and for patients and families Mission: One Voice is a patient/family advisory council dedicated to building on Mayo’s traditional value that “the needs of the patient come first”. Patients, family and staff collaborate to develop a cultural change through improved processes and optimal outcomes Vision: Patient and family input and experiences will support the Mayo Clinic to be the premier patientcentered academic medical organization July 2010 Inside This Issue 1 Message from Leadership 1 Note from the Editor 2 One Voice News 2 Celebrating Success 3 Patient and Family Perspectives 4 Truth and Trivia 4 Upcoming Events 4 Calendar 4 Contact Us 4 Answers to Trivia Message from Mayo Staff In partnership with the Otolaryngology One Voice Patient Family Advisory Council, the Department of Otorhinolaryngology has grown in perspective to meet the needs of the children and families we care for. A collaborative was undertaken to hear and understand patient family concerns about our patient care area space. A move to our new outpatient clinical facility incorporated many of these ideas to provide a more child friendly and family centered location compared to our previous setting. Additionally, the perspective that these parents brought and the passion that they yield has moved us all as a healthcare team to see the experience from a patient perspective. Written by Dr. Dana M. Thompson, Pediatric Otolaryngologist, Division Chair for the Section of Pediatric Otolaryngology. Note from the Editor The MAYO CLINIC and the MINNESOTA TWINS Why is Mayo Clinic personnel from the Cardiovascular division providing and interpreting blood pressure screens, cholesterol screens and answering questions while One Voice members tell their stories and distribute literature at the Mayo Clinic kiosk during select Twins games? Are we trying to recruit patients? Or is it something else? The Mayo Clinic is recognized as a provider of unmatched quality health care (prevention, intervention and post-event strategies) for individuals worldwide. The decision to provide a no cost screening service to anyone present and interested at select Twins’ games is a component of the prevention and intervention strategies of quality health care. I can’t provide the blood pressure and cholesterol screens, but I can share my personal story of how Mayo staff has helped me live a longer and healthier life. Personally, I don’t consider my role to be recruitment of patients. I believe that if individuals take part in the screening, listen to my story, and then choose to use this information upon returning to their communities, Mayo and One Voice members have provided a service to the masses. I believe many of these individuals may eventually end up at Mayo being referred by their local provider. The patient advocacy role One Voice members provide when talking to these fans also enters into their decision. The real goal is to help “fans” get information and make better decisions in how to live well and enjoy a healthier and longer life. Mayo’s reputation, One Voice member’s stories and Mayo staff sharing skills, techniques and information, at no cost, will be remembered - by the “fans” who become patients of Mayo Clinic, plus “fans” that do not, but choose to use the information in life altering ways. Written by Bob Dimler. Co-editor of The Voice THE VOICE One Voice News A Message from the ENT Peds Patient Family Advisory Council One Voice at Mayo Clinic The Ear, Nose, and Throat Pediatric (ENT Ped) department has undergone a very large change… has combined many departments that were spread throughout several Mayo buildings into a combined department on Gonda 12. The members of the ENT Pediatric One Voice team were very lucky in that we were given several tours of the floor while it was being built and asked our opinions about different sections. Our voices and opinions were actually "listened to" and we were brought back on several occasions to see if what they had done would be good for not only the patients, but also their families. I can not tell you how refreshing it is, as a parent, to have a medical professional ask what would be best for you and your child and to have them actually do it! I am very proud to be a part of such an amazing team...Thanks ENT Peds One Voice! Written by Holly Bowe, ENT Pediatric One Voice Member Celebrating Success The Heart of the Twins: Health screenings provided by Mayo Clinic employees and volunteers at Minnesota Twins Games Remaining Game Dates and Times: September 19th 1:10 PM THE VOICE Patient and Family Perspectives Naomi Atrubin I had my first heart attack on Christmas Eve 1992. Although I have been around cardiology and cardiologists most of my life, I was in denial at the time. I was a 62 year old woman and this couldn't be happening to me. My second heart attack was in October 1997. Again, I found it very inconvenient and was fighting recognizing the symptoms. In both episodes I had the classic symptoms of a heart attack (chest pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and great weakness) and the family history too. Winnipeg High School Reunion volleyball tournament My family has a dreadful cardiac history which I guess is true of many cardiac families: My father, a cardiologist, died of a heart attack at age 51. He had “heart trouble” for seven years My only brother, also a cardiologist, had a heart attack and suddenly died at the age of 50 My nephew (my brother's son) had heart surgery at age 38 My sister has had a heart attack at age 60 and she survives I have participated in cardiac rehab twice and I'm mostly virtuous, following “healthy living” rules. I stay active, watch my diet, and exercise often. I even got to play in a volleyball tournament at my high school all-school class reunion in Winnipeg (see photo). It was the 100th anniversary of the school. I have been very active in the Rochester Coronary Club and in “One Voice” and I am very active in “Women Heart” the advocacy group in Washington, DC. In 2005 I graduated from the “Women Heart” four day intensive training program, run conjointly by “Women Heart” and the Mayo Clinic, and I served a three year term on Mayo’s Institutional Review Board. I also was director of the “Heart Fund” race back in the late 1970s. I feel that by “giving back” through these activities, that I am thanking the Mayo Clinic for helping me survive my two heart attacks. I joined the Coronary Club seven years before my first heart attack, because I was feeling so bad about my brother's heart attack and sudden heath at age 50. I needed to do something. Kathy Zarling who started the Coronary Club was very supportive. There is still so much to be done to educate the public about heart disease and I want to be one of the educators. It can be done by giving talks, but also in non traditional ways, with friends at coffee shops and in other informal situations. Written by Naomi Atrubin Editor’s note: Naomi also regularly visits prisoners at the Federal Medical Center and she is an avid bridge player. Naomi and Senator Franken. While attending a 3 day training program with "Women Heart" in Washington, DC, Naomi was able to meet with Senators Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken regarding women’s heart health issues. THE VOICE Truth & Trivia 1. What large surface is located 50 feet below ground in Minneapolis? 2. What is the other well known name for the Minnesota river valley at LeSueur, MN? 3. What is unusual about the 60 foot water fall near Harmony, MN? 4. What makes Edenborough park in Edina, MN unusual? 5. What does"L'Etoile du Nord" mean? Mayo Clinic patients, visitors, and staff browse the downtown market at Thursday’s on First, a summer favorite held June through September. Upcoming Events What is coming up in One Voice and the Division of Cardiovascular Diseases? Click on some of these links or feel free to attend meetings that support our patients with heart disease and their families: One Voice Meetings Second Monday of the month: July 12th, August 9th, September 13th Coronary Club Meetings Second Wednesday of the month at 7 PM, location: Rochester Senior Center Calendar 2010 July S M T W 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 T 1 8 15 22 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 31 Aug S 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 Sept T 3 10 17 24 31 W 4 11 18 25 T 5 12 19 26 F 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 S M T 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 W 1 8 15 22 29 T 2 9 16 23 30 F 3 10 17 24 S 4 11 18 25 Contact us with your feedback and suggestions for future issues! One Voice Survey at:">Click Here to take survey or go to: Answers to Trivia: 1. The playing field at the H. H. H. Metrodome. 2. The Valley of the Jolly Green Giant (Ho, Ho, Ho). 3. It is 150 feet underground in Niagara Cave. 4. It’s an indoor park. 5. "Star of the north" ---The Minnesota Motto.