The current experimental situation in neutrino physics Ryan Patterson Caltech Aspen Center for Physics Winter Conference “Frontiers in Particle Physics: From Dark Matter to the LHC and Beyond” January 22, 2014 Light sterile states? (experimental anomalies) The questions mass ordering? (“hierarchy”) |U๐3| = |U๐3| ? (“maximal mixing”) GUT-scale physics? (see-saw connection) increasing mass Majorana or Dirac? unitary? leptonic CP violation? absolute masses? astrophysics/cosmology (solar ๐, supernovae, DM, ultra-high-energy ๐, C๐B) UPMNS has “first-order” structure, contrast with UCKM (model building, unification, new physics, ...) …and more (geoneutrinos, nuclear processes, ๐ interactions) Ryan Patterson, Caltech 2 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 2 “Solar” parameters ๐12 and๏ ๏m21 Measured solar ๐ fluxes • SNO (solar), Super-K (solar), KamLAND (reactor) and others • No big change expected from current experiments (Future reactor expts. [e.g. JUNO] in the works) Combination A. Gando et al., PRD 83, 052002 (2011) KamLAND L/E oscillation signature 2 = (7.50 +0.19 ) ×10-5 eV2 ๏m21 –0.20 sin2(2๐12) = 0.857 +0.023 –0.025 Ryan Patterson, Caltech 3 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 “Atmospheric” parameters ๐23 and๏ |๏m232| • Super-K (atmospheric), MINOS (accelerator), T2K (accelerator) and others • Measurements still rolling in (see later). Simple but incomplete way of summarizing things (more later…) 2 | = (2.32 +0.12 ) ×10-3 eV2 |๏m32 –0.08 sin2(2๐23) > 0.95 (90% C.L.) From T2K collab. Ryan Patterson, Caltech 4 Super-K Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 Recent prize: ๐13 a bit of ๐e? • Last mixing angle to be bracketed. Previously just known to be small relative to ๐12, ๐23 • Reactor expts. using inverse beta decay: ๐ อ e + p ๏ฎ e+ + n prompt e+ signal, delayed n-capture signal (Double Chooz) Outer buffer region surrounded by PMTs Gamma catcher (undoped scintillator) Target region (Gd-doped scintillator) Ryan Patterson, Caltech 5 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 Buffer Gamma catcher Cartoon Double Chooz Target RENO Daya Bay Ryan Patterson, Caltech 6 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 ๐13 from reactor measurements Daya Bay: sin2(2๐13) = 0.090 +– 0.008 0.009 Multiple detector sites, 8 detectors in total, rate+shape signal extraction. Best precision for this generation of experiments (4% by end of 2015). Double Chooz: sin2(2๐13) = 0.097 ± 0.035 FD only so far, ND running to start this year. Recent update: n-Gd, n-H captures and reactor rate modulation (bckgnd control) RENO: sin2(2๐13) = 0.100 ± 0.018 2 detectors, rate-only analysis so far. 7% measurement by end of 2015. Daya Bay Daya Bay data as example. Deficit consistent with oscillations. Long-baseline experiments ๏ง ๐13>0 ⇒ NO๐A, T2K, (MINOS) can probe mass hierarchy, ๐ฟ, ๐23 octant 2 |, sin2(2๐ ), ๐/๐ Also: |๏m32 อ comparisons, 23 MINOS steriles, NSI, cross sections, supernova ๏ง LBL experiments with different goals: OPERA (๐๐ appearance, ToF, …) ICARUS (LAr R&D, ๐๐ appearance, steriles, …) Have to leave out for time… OPERA NO๐A ICARUS T2K (Super-K) Ryan Patterson, Caltech 8 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 MINOS MINOS Far Detector Fermilab to Soudan, 735 km Near and far detectors: Steel/scintillator magnetized tracking calorimeters Ryan Patterson, Caltech 9 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 New in 2013: Full MINOS data set combined in 3-flavor fit NuMI ๐๐ disappearance ๏ง ๐๐ and ๐ อ ๐ disappearance (NuMI beam) ๏ง ๐๐ and ๐ อ ๐ disappearance (atmospheric ๐) ๏ง ๐e and ๐ อ e appearance (NuMI beam) ๐e appearance (most sensitive ๐ผLEM bin shown here) Ryan Patterson, Caltech 10 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 ๏ง Confidence intervals in a portion of parameter space (๐13 and CP phase ๐ฟ marginalized out for clarity) Ryan Patterson, Caltech 11 2 | precision = 4% |๏m32 2 / |๏m2 | = 3% ๏m21 32 ⇒ 2๐ approximations are behind us Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 “Medium energy” NuMI sterile ๐ signature at MINOS+ MINOS ๏ฎ MINOS+, Higher neutrino energies: precisions tests and searches (examples at right) NuMI upgraded to 700 kW (though still operating at ~400 kW pending commissioning and Booster RF upgrades) precision tests of 3-flavor picture Ryan Patterson, Caltech 12 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 NO๐A A broad physics scope NO๐A Far Detector (Ash River, MN) MINOS Far Detector (Soudan, MN) Using ๐๐→๐e , ๐อ ๐→๐อ e … ๏ง Measure ๐13 via ๐e appearance ๏ง Determine the ๐ mass hierarchy ๏ง Search for ๐ CP violation ๏ง Determine the ๐23 octant Using ๐๐→๐๐ , ๐อ ๐→๐อ ๐ … ๏ง Atmospheric parameters: precision measurements of ๐23 , 2 |. (Exclude ๐ =๐/4?) |๏m32 23 ๏ง Over-constrain the atmos. sector (four oscillation channels) Also … ๏ง Neutrino cross sections at the NO๐A Near Detector ๏ง Sterile neutrinos ๏ง Supernova neutrinos ๏ง Other exotica Ryan Patterson, Caltech Fermilab A NO๐A cell NO๐A detectors To APD Extruded PVC cells filled with 11M liters of scintillator instrumented with ๐-shifting fiber and APDs 14-kton, fine-grained, low-Z, highly-active tracking calorimeter → 360,000 channels 32-pixel APD Near detector: Fiber pairs from 32 cells Ryan Patterson, Caltech 1560 cm Far detector: 0.3-kton version of the same → 18,000 channels 14 4 cm โจฏ 6 cm Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 NO๐A installation near completion. At right: cosmic event in partial FD. Long baseline ๏ฎ hierarchy sensitivity At right: Example point in ๐ parameter space Simultaneously break ๐3 flavor degeneracy (“๐23 octant”), determine mass hierarchy, and constrain CP phase ๐ฟ. At left: ๐๐ CC disappearance (maximal and non-maximal test cases shown) Probe down to 1% non-max. mixing Ryan Patterson, Caltech 16 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 Long baseline ๏ฎ hierarchy sensitivity At right: “degenerate” point Hierarchy and ๐ฟ information now correlated. Octant preference still established. At left: ๐๐ CC disappearance (maximal and non-maximal test cases shown) Probe down to 1% non-max. mixing Ryan Patterson, Caltech 17 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 T2K ๏ง ๏ง ๏ง ๏ง Tokai to Kamioka (295 km) Neutrino beam from J-PARC Existing far detector: Super-K INGRID and ND280 near detectors J-PARC Super-K Ryan Patterson, Caltech 18 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 T2K Ryan Patterson, Caltech Super-K detector (far detector for T2K) 19 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 ๏ง First conclusive observation (7.3๐) of ๐๐๏ฎ๐e appearance Consistent with ๐อ e (reactor) disappearance results K. Abe et al. (T2K) arXiv: 1311.4750 ๏ง Only 10% of eventual data set ๏ง “Short” 295-km baseline: Important role in global ๐ fits (minimal hierarchy dependence) ๏ง ๐๐ CC channel: Probe non-max. mixing to ~1% (First results out) Ryan Patterson, Caltech 20 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 Neutrino mass ๏ง Cosmological observations ๏ฎ sum of neutrino masses. Best limits so far: ๏mi < 0.2-0.6 eV ๏ง ๐ฝ-decay kinematic measurement ๏ฎ effective electron neutrino mass, a.k.a. m๐ฝ: ๏ง 0๐๐ฝ๐ฝ decay process (if Majorana-๐-mediated) ๏ฎ effective mass m๐ฝ๐ฝ: n kinematic measurement p e- 0๐๐ฝ๐ฝ ๐× en Ryan Patterson, Caltech 21 p Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 KATRIN ๏ง Only current kinematic ๐ mass experiment (several others in R&D phases) ๏ง Large electrostatic filter for ๐ฝ spectrometry ๏ง Partial loading this year, full tritium run in 2015 spectrometer en route to Karlsruhe 5๐ reach for m๐ฝ = 0.35 eV Ryan Patterson, Caltech 22 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 EXO-200 CUORE Example 0๐๐ฝ๐ฝ signature S. R. Elliott and P. Vogel, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 52, 115 (2002) 0๐๐ฝ๐ฝ Many ...experiments Many ...techniques Many ...isotopes NEMO KamLAND-Zen Ryan Patterson, Caltech 23 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 Experiments funded, under construction, or operating… Experiment Location Isotope CUORE EXO-200 GERDA KamLAND-Zen Majorana SNO+ LNGS WIPP LNGS Kamioka SUSEL Sudbury 130Te 136Xe 76Ge 136Xe 76Ge 150Nd,130Te Technique bolometer liquid TPC ionization liquid scintillator ionization liquid scintillator ←0๐๐ฝ๐ฝ window EXO-200 Ryan Patterson, Caltech 24 ← early results below! A. Gando et al. (KamLAND-Zen), PRL 110, 062502 (2013) Controversial observation claim (KK et al., Phys. Lett. B 586, 198 (2004)) now refuted by EXO-200 and KamLAND-Zen results for any available matrix element calculations ← early results below! Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 Matrix element calculations lead to large uncertainties in m๐ฝ๐ฝ (factors of 2 or 3). m๐ฝ๐ฝ (eV) Approx. reach of current generation expts. KamLAND-Zen, EXO-200 Possible SNO+ reach: novel 130Te loading method (3% loading!) Into inverted hierarchy range Multiple techniques, isotopes essential. It will remain unclear for some time which approaches will survive through IH and into NH territory. Ryan Patterson, Caltech 25 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 LSND, MiniBooNE, reactor, 71Ga anomalies ๏ง In mid-90s, LSND reported ๐อ ๐→๐อ e signal incompatible with 3-๐ oscillation picture (3.8๐) ๏ง Sterile neutrinos? (Need multiple sterile states to accommodate all of today’s data.) ๏ง Many null results since (KARMEN, Bugey, Super-K, MINOS, ICARUS) but none completely cover LSND allowed region in (3+1)-๐ parameter space MiniBooNE: Designed to cover LSND allowed region First result: No evidence for oscillations Second result: Lower energy threshold, excess seen at low energy (not a great match to osc.) Third result (with antineutrinos): Similar excess 26 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 ๏ง Also: new reactor flux predictions suggest unexplained deficit in past reactor data ๏ง Also: gallium solar experiments see unexplained deficit in ๐e calibration runs Will need future experiments with in-detector L, E signatures to resolve all this. ๏ง Meanwhile, for MiniBooNE low-E excess: MicroBooNE ๏ฎ 70-ton LAr TPC: distinguish electron or photon source of MiniBooNE excess ๏ฎ Construction well-underway at Fermilab. Operations this year. (event display from earlier ArgoNeuT LAr TPC) MicroBooNE Ryan Patterson, Caltech 27 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 Had to skip entirely… • ๐-nucleus scattering (many experiments!) • Cosmological/astrophysical ๐ (many experiments!) e.g., IceCube’s recent detection of 28 neutrinos above 30 TeV Ryan Patterson, Caltech 28 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 Ryan Patterson, Caltech 29 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 Ryan Patterson, Caltech 30 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 Extras Ryan Patterson, Caltech 31 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 Oscillations 0 • Neutrino flavor oscillations – access to UPMNS and ๐ mass-squared splittings • In past decade, phenomenon confirmed and the texture of ๐ mixing extracted: ๏ง Experiments using solar, atmospheric, reactor, and accelerator ๐ sources Sun, imaged with ๐ Ryan Patterson, Caltech Cosmic rays Daya Bay NPP 32 Fermilab Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 ๐13 – the great facilitator ๏ง Non-zero ๐13 definitively established; Daya Bay with most precise value: sin2(2๐13) = 0.090 +– 0.009 0.008 ๏ง Makes feasible long-baseline measurements of… neutrino mass hierarchy Potential implications in: 0๐๐ฝ๐ฝ data and Majorana nature of ๐; approach to m๐ฝ; cosmology; astrophysics; theoretical frameworks for mass generation, quark/lepton unification; Is the lightest charged lepton associated with the heaviest light neutrino? CP phase ๐ฟ …: cosmological baryon asymmetry through see-saw/leptogenesis; fundamental question in the Standard Model (i.e., is CP respected by leptons?) 3 ๐ flavor mixing …: Is ๐3 more strongly coupled to ๐ or ๐ flavor?; frameworks for mass generation, quark/lepton unification Ryan Patterson, Caltech 33 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 Double Chooz Ryan Patterson, Caltech RENO 34 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 Double Chooz reactor rate modulation result Ryan Patterson, Caltech 35 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 Daya Bay Ryan Patterson, Caltech 36 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 (Monte Carlo) MINOS ๐๐ CC ๏ง Magnetized steel/scintillator tracking calorimeters ๏ฎ “Identical” near and far detectors Ereco = 14.1 GeV ๏ง Original aims: accelerator-based confirmation of “atmospheric” ๐ oscillation; precision measurements of mixing and mass splitting ๐e CC ๏ง Designed for ๐๐๏ฎ๐๐ survival channel MINOS Far Detector Ereco = 7.8 GeV NC Ereco = 8.0 GeV Ryan Patterson, Caltech 37 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 Neutrinos Ryan Patterson, Caltech Anti-Neutrinos 38 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 appearance channel Ryan Patterson, Caltech 39 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 Ryan Patterson, Caltech 40 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 40 Events in NO๐A X0 = 38 cm (6 cell depths, 10 cell widths) 1 meter 1 meter Superb spatial granularity for a detector of this scale ๐+p proton Michel e- e+p ๐0 + p (simulated events with 2 GeV visible) Ryan Patterson, Caltech 41 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 NO๐A hierarchy reach vs. ๐ฟ Ryan Patterson, Caltech 42 G. Mention et al., Phys. Rev. D 83, 073006 (2011) Ryan Patterson, Caltech 43 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 MiniBooNE appearance data MiniBooNE early nu Ryan Patterson, Caltech 44 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 Ryan Patterson, Caltech 45 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 M. G. Aartsen et al. (IceCube), Science 342, 6161 (2013) Ryan Patterson, Caltech 46 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 M. G. Aartsen et al. (IceCube), Science 342, 6161 (2013) Ryan Patterson, Caltech 47 Frontiers in Particle Physics, January 22, 2014 ANTARES IceCube Ryan Patterson, Caltech 48