Stop Google--ing & Start LIRN --ing!

Pinnacle Career Institute ~ Learning Resource Center~ Monday August 4, 2014
PCI Library News
Need Help?
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Or check with the front desk
Librarian Is In ~~
Out of the office this week!
Please email with your questions & I
will get back to you ASAP!
Stop Google--ing & Start
LIRN --ing!
Stop using Google to find information for your classwork.
Use the LIRN Database instead!
LIRN (Library Information & Resources Network) is an
organized & digitized collection of reliable balanced
information that is easy to search and easy to cite!
Here is where you can connect to the LIRN Database:
 Now type in your LIRN ID (Found in Canvas -- Student Resources Hub).
 Scroll down to find the E-Library for a huge assortment of Full Text Resources.
 Type your keyword (Zumba) or subject (Wind Turbines) into the box and click
You will now be able to see an assortment of information from all over the world. Click on a
title to view the whole article.
With LIRN you can easily print, email and even listen to the article. Full citations are at the
bottom of the page!
How can I help you? Zip me an email anytime this week!
Questions/ Comments? Please contact the Librarian~~ Kristin ~~