Communication Arts Thesis Abstracts

Abellanosa, Conrad Dominic. (2008). A case study on the impressions and levels of interaction of
the employees of Philguard Security Services, Inc.
This research was done to determine impression and level of interaction of the employees of
Philguard Security Services, Inc. using the systems theory. A rating scale was administered to thirtyfive respondents comprising fourteen (140 employees working in the headquarters and twenty-four
(24) security guards deployed in three (3) specific areas namely PhilAm Insurance Company, JFM
Corporate Center, and Growth with Equity in Mindanao (GEM) Program. Some of the items were
formulated in a manner that they will reflect the basic functions of the organization as a system and
the possible interactions that exist in the organization. The scale for the impression part consisted of
six(6) options corresponding to 1 as poor, 2 as fair, 3 as satisfactory, 4 as good, 5 as very good and 6
as excellent. The scale for the level of interaction part consisted of six(6) options corresponding to 1
as none, 2 as very weak, 3 as weak, 4 as moderate, 5 as strong and 6 as very strong. The first three
of the options were considered to be negatively inclined while the bottom three were positively
inclined. A dummy table was used to determine the frequency and percentage of the impression and
level of interaction options alone. Tables were also used to analyze the frequency and percentage of
all items considering the number of employees who answered the rating scale. The modes were
determined to answer the statement of the problem. Results of the study showed that generally,
Philguard as a system is working positively when taken into consideration are the equivalent
percentages. However, the frequencies hold a heavier role since it is the evidence as to how many
respondents chose a certain option. Good and very good for positive side and fair and satisfactory
for the negative were the prominent options. They differ by 3 points at most. Thus, the organization
has to evaluate and know the needs of the employees to attain a very positive impression. However,
the organization needs to strengthens its efforts concerning it's judgment to the employees and the
promotion and advancement opportunities. The level of interaction as well have little differences if
taken into account are the frequencies. Efforts of the organization for its relationship to employees
have to be intensified especially in considering their hands in decisions that affect their job. Results
also clearly shows that employees can report, complain, and disagree with top management but the
final decisions still are in the hands of top management. This, however, does not reinforce what the
employees disclosed that they have a strong relationship with other employer.
Abian, Gian Carlo Alexis I. (2008). The significance of the Mindanao conflict in te news agenda of
Midnanao Daily Mirror and Mindanao times.
Local newspapers are assumed to have an advantage in gathering news closer to where they are
stationed compared to their national broadsheet counterparts. The study focused on the two(2)
Davao-based community newspapers namely, Mindanao Daily Mirror and Mindanao Times and
how they regard the Mindanao conflict in their publications. The number of stories published in the
month of October 2008 was narrowed down until only the relevant articles were identified. Only
straight news, regular columns, special columns, editorials and letters to the editor were considered.
Te screening yielded 53 articles from Mindanao Daily Mirror and 39 articles from Mindanao Times.
The study's main objective was to identify the agenda of both newspapers, using the Agenda-setting
theory. The analysis was also based on the first level of agenda-setting theory, which excludes
framing, focusing only on through what elements are the newspaper companies able to set their
agenda on the Mindanao conflict. The study revealed that both newspaper used all elements, I. e.
prominence, sources and actor, treatment, and tone, in setting the agenda of the Mindanao conflict.
Mindanao Daily Mirror however appeared to give more prominence to the Mindanao conflict more
than Mindanao Times, in terms of frequency and page prominence. The former also appeared to
publish more articles other than the straight news type, setting the agenda through opinion articles
such as the columns, editorial, and letter to the editor. Moreover, both appeared to publish articles
which are substance-based more than production-based articles. The study was able to conclude that
both newspapers regard the Mindanao conflict as highly significant and sets the agenda of the issue
by using more substance-based articles in greater frequency and prominence.
Abrio, Doyle Felix T. (2008). Factors affecting audience share of ABS-CBN's Wowowee and
GMA's eat bulaga in Barangay Mintal, Davao City.
Noontime shows are among the to top-rated shows in the Philippines. However, there is a disparity
in the results of audience surveys from Mega manila and Davao City. Wowowee has higher ratings
than eat bulaga in Davao City in contrast to what Mega Manila results show. This study aimed to
see whether the factors that affect audience choice that McQuail presented in his integrated model
of the process of media choice leads to the preference of one show over another. This study also
liked to know whether media issues affect Davao City audiences' TV viewing habits and
preferences. The results of this survey showed the factors provided by McQuail affects media
choice. These factors were media availability, publicity, timing, presentation and issues. It is also
found out that the media issues didn't significantly changed the audiences' TV viewing habits and
preferences. It also found out that watching show from one network for a long time leads to
preference to the same network. This recommends that the producers of noon time shows should
provide shows that meet the needs of the viewers provided by this study. It also recommends further
studies upon this matter at other places in Davao City.
Boluso, Abigail. (2008). Fact sheets as one of the internal written communication: a survey among
employees of the Marco Polo Hotel of Davao.
This study aimed to determine the role of the fact sheets as one of the internal written
communication of the Marco Polo Hotel of Davao. These fact sheets are one of the employees'
evident means of knowing what is going on in their organization. A survey was conducted among
thirty employees who answered the survey questionnaires. The frequency and the percentage of the
responses in a particular item of the survey questionnaire were computed. Results of this study
found that The Marco Polo Hotel of Davao ensures good internal communication. Some factors,
however, may just affect the employees' perception towards their fact sheets. Identifying noise as an
element of the Shannon and Weaver model, reasons like manner of presentation of their fact sheets
and their busy schedules leads to the employees' failure to read these fact sheets. But nonetheless,
the employees have a positive response with this written communication as a source of information.
Capili, May Che B. (2008). The effect of NCCC Cares' Educational Assistance Program among its
grantees: a study on five selected cases.
Five randomly selected cases of college grantees of NCCC Cares' Educational Assistance Program
were presented to determine the extent of effect of the program. Program evaluation was
determined through these four grantees' Measures: 1) Grantee Selection, 2) Grantees' Academic
Performance, 3) Effects of Program Components, and 4) Parent Perception. Qualitative data were
gathered through in-depth interviews. The program guidelines and requirements and the changes
incorporated were also reviewed. The three components of EAP namely: Tutorials, Values
Formation and Counseling were explored to know how these components have an effect on the
grantees' performance. Grantees' grades prior to availing and through the course of the grant were
also considered to fully determine the extent of effect of the program on grantees' academic
achievement . Also the appraisal system by means of giving out of incentives was added as one
indicator of effect.. These measures enabled the proponent of this study to determine the effects of
the Corporate Social responsibility of the Educational Assistance program of NCCC Cares to its
grantees. Grantees' Measure enabled the analysis of narratives in determining similarities and
important insights of the program's outcome. The study shows that the assistance offered by the
program could either motive the grantees to strive more or be lax since no grade requirement is
needed. The Performance Appraisal System, giving incentives in the form of gift certificates to
students who performed well in their studies to motivate grantees to perform well in their studies. It
also showed that EAP created the impact not only on the grantees academic performance but also
other student , such as retention, persistence and increased options for college education. The three
program components were instrumental in developing capability and responsibility to its grantees.
However, factors such as family problem and adjustment on new environment inadvertently affect
student performance. The program with the aim of catering more students to the program did not
require cut-off grade in applying for the program. It caused the foundation to change the name of
the recipients from 'scholars' to 'grantees'. One grantee pointed out that could have an effect on
grantees' performance since the term scholars connote a higher and strict grade requirement. In
conclusion, two (2) valuable variables in determining program effectiveness are highlighted:
'Quality of interaction.' These are important to grantees' perception of effectiveness in the
implementation of the EAP's objectives. Interaction and communication particularly with the staff
affects the grantees in varying levels.
Correa, Zea lo Ming P. (2005). Critical discourse analysis of selected speeches on women
This study was undertaken to examine the feminist discourse reflected in five selected speeches of
Davao City Councilor Angela Librado. The selected speeches were those which only dealt on
women's issues and concerns. To investigate on Librado's feminist discourse, I identified the
variables in her speeches which could reflect her ideology and these included thematic concerns,
organizational structures, transactivity and use of pronoun. The analysis of the study was grounded
on the basic theoretical assumption of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) focusing on the dialectical
connection between text and context. Through this dialectical connection, I looked at the interplay
of her feminist standpoint, her speeches and the context of her speeches. I focused on looking at the
variables which I have identified and probed on how, through these variables, her ideologies were
manifested in her speeches. The thematic concern and organizational structure revealed her feminist
positions in conveying the issues and concerns of women. On the other hand, investigating on her
use of language – that is the transactivity of her clauses/sentences and the use of, using Roger
Fowler's term, “pronouns of solidarity and power,” revealed a contradicting ideology. Looking at
the transactive and non-transactive forms of clauses/sentences, I found out the Librado rarely
positioned women as active agents in statements portraying women in subjected role and in
statements that call for action to change women's situation. Her use of “pronoun of solidarity”. On
the other hand, result showed that she refers frequently to women when using the “pronouns of
power”. These results indicated that while Librado speaks of the marginalized sector of women, she
rarely appeared to be in unity with them. I have concluded that Librado's use of language, although
it speaks of women, tends to reproduce women's powerlessness in the society which could have
stemmed from several possible reasons. One assumption that I have included was the difference in
social class between Librado and the marginalized sector of women, therefore there was a limited
instance were she expressed her unity with the oppressed sector. Another possibility is her national
democratic ideology which considers the national issues as superior to or encompassing women's
concern. However, since the study is limited to analyzing the text as the material for the study, the
abvementioned possibilities remain as assumptions. The study maybe an example of how the use of
CDA could reveal the manifestations and implications of ideology in communication. Most
importantly, being a critical discipline, the study could provide constructive criticism and
alternatives for institutions or practitioners who are faced with the everyday interaction with
Gulanes, Giovanni I. (2005). The rhetoric of five speeches of Senator Mirriam Defensor- Santiago
This study was conducted in view of the of the significance of rhetoric not only in understanding
the personal, political, and professional prudence of Senator Mirriam Defensor-Santiago, but also in
appreciating its role in the pursuit of our nation towards a free and democratic society. The study
aimed to analyze and determine what kind of rhetoric Senator Santiago had in five selected
privilege speeches she delivered during the formal sessions of the Senate. To systematize this,
Kenneth Burke's Dramatistic Pentad with its five elements – act, scene, agency, agent and purpose –
was needed. And in the discussion of agency, the study was further analyzed by using Aristotelian
principle to determine and quantify in every paragraph of every speech the persuasive modes used:
ethos, logos, and/or pathos.In addition, the study also analyzed what rhetorical devices or any style
that were identified with the speaker in the selected speeches. After the five elements of the pentad
were identified in every speech and were examine how each element affected each other as reflected
in their ratios, it was found out that agent or the speaker herself was the predominant source of
motive of the communicative act. It was the central element that influenced other elements of the
pentad immaterial of the issues and scenes of the different speeches. Also, it was concluded that
Senator Santiago, the agent, made use more of logical appeal (logos) compared to emotional appeal
(pathos). This was reflected in her fondness of using legal provisions and analytical reasoning to
substantiate her arguments. However, there could be no objective comparison to the ethos or the
credibility of the agent, because it could not be just be an effect of the text of the speech, but an
overwhelming product of her general background as a person, as politician, and as professional. It
was conclusive that the kind of rhetoric Senator Santiago had in the selected speeches was brought
about by the agent's ethical position as a distinguished senator, a staunch oppositionist, an
exceptional intellectual, an anti-corruption crusader, a legal expert, and a defeated presidential
candidate. Limited studies in the Philippines setting have been found in this area: hence, the results
of this study would provide additional information on rhetorical criticism of prominent political
personality using the “dramatistic pentad” of Kennth Burke and “persuasive modes” of Aristotle.
Abrenica, Judy Anne C. (2002). The views of muslims Christians and lumads on peace
The struggle for the attainment of peace is the most eminent issue confronting the Philippines today.
Filipinos have been constantly searching for this and yet, until the present time we are still on the
process of researching. The study presented the views of the Muslims, Christians and Lumads on
peace in Mindanao. It attempted to answer the questions facing the country today. Specifically, it
aimed to determine the views of the Muslims, Christians and Lumads on peace and uncover
differences and similarities that may have impede the peace process. This may provide assistance to
the government in designing policies and alternatives to war which will enhance the relationship of
the tri-people in Mindanao. To achieve this end, the study employed face-to-face interview to three
communities in Davao City. Its respondents were the Muslims, Christians and Lumads of the city. A
semi-structured interview was used in the data collection. Within the conduct of the study, it has
been found out that Muslims, Christians and Lumads viewed peace as mutual understanding among
Filipinos. However, conflict arises as the three groups of people search for the attainment of this
end in different paths.
Acampado, Noel A. (2004). Land use and ownership patterns and the concept of “kapobrehon” of
the upland Mandaya in Sitio Magobahong, Brgy. Abijod, Cateel, Davao Oriental
Magobahong is an upland community with a Mandaya population occupying vast land areas. The
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) issued a stewardship contract under the
Integrated Social Forestry Program to the people on the basis of the land being occupied and
cultivated, making them in their (the inhabitants') view, “owner” of minimun 1 hectare of land per
household. Agriculture is the primary source of livelihood. The people have planted their land with
abaca, from which they earn money through the fibers or “lanot”, coconut trees that give them
copra, falcata trees for lumber, rice, corn, fruit trees, vegetables and spices. The people are also
engaged in minor hunting and gathering activity. Children do foraging for such things such as
bananas for subsistence supplement. The sense of ownership of land has made the people motivated
to work for and in the land harder. It draws them to engage more in tedious farming activity
neglecting other possible works available outside the cultivated land. The people are working harder
to cultivate and maintain their lands for their benefits. Land use in relation to sources of income is
described and outlined in this paper. Despite the land that the people have secured access to they
still consider themselves as poor (“pobre”). The paper considers two kinds of poverty in evaluating
their concept of “kapobrehan”. One is lack of food or hunger (absolute poverty), which after
evaluation has been discarded due to the availability and abundance of food in the area. Second, is
the absence of things which the people want (relative poverty). These things are things they want to
buy, to achieve, and to do but they cannot. These are quite varied and include having appliances like
TV, radio etc., education on all levels, elementary, secondary, and tertiary, and a good and “easy”
job different from what they do now.
Aldeguer, Anna A. (2005). Overseas employment as perceived by selected overseas filipino
workers of Barangay Sirawan, Toril, Davao City
This study is entitled “Overseas Employment as Perceived by Selected Overseas Filipino Workers
of Barangay Sirawan, Toril, Davao City”. It aims to answer (1) reasons for the decision to work
abroad and it focuses on the perceived benefits derived from overseas employment with reference to
the socio-economic condition of the OFWs and the (2) problems encountered by OFW in overseas
employment. This study is a descriptive survey research with forty-four informants. The researcher
used the snowball technique as well as simple frequencies and percentage in the analysis of the
data. The study shows the following findings: (1) the poor condition of the people because of lack
of jobs will likely serve as catalyst that a person will go abroad; (2) the good opportunities that the
host country will provide is one of the “push” factors why overseas employment occurs; (3) positive
things happen in the family in terms of the socio-economic condition such as acquisition of
investment and stable jobs and income; (4) improvement on personal growth as well as on social
status in the community can be observed; (5) unlike before overseas employment, the OFW families
are no able to have access to basic services and amenities, such as in terms of health, education,
etc.; (6) however, overseas workers also experience difficulties and problems in overseas
employment. Nonetheless, the OFWs of Baranga Sirawan think that the positive things brought by
overseas far outweigh whatever problems they encountered in working abroad.
Alerta, Edylene P. (2000). Four battered women: in case study analysis
This study examines the different situational patterns of battering and the way the battered mothers
under the care of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)- Substitute Home
Care for Women are similar and different. The respondents consisted of four women who were
physically, mentally and psychologically maltreated by their husbands or spouses, lovers, etc.
The researcher used a non-experimental method of research, particularly the case study method.
The data collected was through the use of a three-hour moderately scheduled face to face interview.
Field notes of observations, visual images, published texts and historical documents all provide the
qualitative materials for analysis. The information collected through open-mended questions
enabled the researcher to explore the study in more depth, through recording the respondents'
perceptions and experiences int heir own words and analyzing their responses.
Alfonso, Mira Fe Mediana (2000). The Alimaong (holy warriors) and their ancestral land claim in
Brgy. Lion, Camiguin Province
The Alimaong, who are, traditionally, the warrior class of the Higaunon, is now the name of an
indigenous people's organization. Also a nationwide network, it had its founding in the island of
Camiguin in the year 1996. the “Supreme Council of Datus Alimaong (the Holy Warriors)” is
composed of some indigenous people who refer themselves as “Higaunon” and some of the non-IPs
in Camiguin. When the organization was established in the island and made an Ancestral Domain
Claim, there was controversies vis-a-vis their indigenous as “Higaunon” and as Alimaong (the Holy
Warriors). Government authorities have denied their claims, however, using IPRA as their bible,
they continue to assert their identity. With the use of a historical approach, this paper tries to clarify
these issues.
Ali, Catherine Rumaya. (2004). Notions of bad luck and misfortune among the clata of Biao
Guianga and the end during tabbad ceremony
Biao Guianga is a rural village of Tugbok District, south of Davao City. It is a place that we usually
connect with the Bagobo Clata. Like most indigenous communities in the Philippines, the Clata
culture is fastly being replaced now by the cultural values of the outsiders. Biao Guianga,
historically opened itself to several outsiders, the Japanese, owners of the abaca plantations that
Davao is once famous of and the Visayans who became laborers in these plantations. The Clata,
eventually, succumbed to the Visayan culture. Despite the cultural change, the Clata persists to
observe their traditional “tabbad” wedding ceremony. This paper discusses the social context
surrounding the continuing observance of this ceremony. In particular, it explores the belief systems
that strengthen the continuing adherence to this ceremony. A society's shared cosmology gives
meaning and values to the daily experiences of its inhabitants. Belief systems function as a guide to
how moral values and ways of thinking are shaped, similar to Durkheim's ides of “conscience
collective.” interviews with Clata reveal that persistence of the “tabbad” wedding ceremony is
closely related to their perception of early existence, vis-a-vis with nature.
Alicante, Charlotte L. (2005). The technology of amulets: a study of “kargada” (power object) of
Moncado alpha and omega in Brgy. New Israel, Makilala, North Cotabato
This research study is focused on the description of the technology of the amulets, specifically, the
technical processes that the makers of “kargada” (lietrally, “load” is a Visayan term of amulets for
Moncado Alpha and Omega) or craft-men follow from beginning to end to create and produce an
amulet or the “power objects”. The study is done in the community of Moncado Alpha and Omega
in Barangay New Isreal, Makilala, North Cotabato. Specifically, it aims to (1) present the fidderent
“kargada” and their different uses; (2) to describe the steps and processes in creating it; (3) to
describe and classify the materials used in making them; (4) to describe the profile of “kargada”
craftsmen as to their community statuses and special skills. Information was gathered through
interviews with the craft-men and “destinos” in the Dakung Balay. The amulets, as a tool, serve as
general protection to the wearers and believers. The “kargada” craftsmen learned their technological
skill through experience of carpentry, training and apprenticeship taught by the religious leader and
trained by previous makers of the “power: object (gahum). The process of creating a power object
needs minimal or elaborate processing. The technology of amulets is the process by which the
craftsmen fashion different objects to form or create “kargada”.
Anano, Liz Diane Darang. (2003). Cultural mapping of Isla Verde
Isla Verde in Davao City is a “melting pot” of Southern Mindanao for it has drawn people with
different cultural orientation fro mother parts of the Philippines. The area is an enclave of migrants
from different places of the country. Thus, this research paper “Cultural Mapping of Isla Verde”
identifies the various ethnic groups in Isla Verde, Davao City. However, i do not include here an indepth discussion of their cultural lifestyle. This paper also has drawn a map to identify the
geographical location of these ethnic groups. Based on the map drawn, these ethnic groups are
distinctly settled in-groups or enclaves. Moreover, this paper also identifies the various reasons that
influence these groups to settle in Isla Verde.
Anadon, Roselie P. (2002). A study on the characteristics of street children in three selected areas of
Davao City
Roselie P. Anadon, a BA Social Science student of University of the Philippines Mindanao,
conducted this study entitled, “A Study on the Characteristics of Street Children in the Three
Selected Ares of Davao City Namely; San Pedro Street, Bankerohan Pubic Market, and Ecoland
Terminal. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the street children in the three selected
aforementioned areas. These characteristics include the following variables; socio-demographic and
family information, economic activities, health and nutritional conditions, peer relations and gang
membership. The needs and future plans of street children—respondents were also included.
Moreover, this study has 45 respondents selected through the non-probability purposive sampling
method. This is a descriptive study utilizing the survey method. Responses were gathered through
face-to-face interview with the respondents with the aid of tape recorder. Tables and percentages
were used to represent and analyze the data gathered. Pertaining to the results of this study, it was
found out that males generally outnumbered females. Respondents' age ranged from eight (8) to
seventeen (17) years old. The respondents had high literacy skills. Most were engaged in single type
of work. Reasons for working were mostly economic in nature and they mostly earned more than 20
(twenty)n pesos a day. Many were from big families. Parents of the respondents were engaged in
the informal working sector of the society. Common problems at home as they experienced were
product of tight financial problem. Most of the respondents observed proper sleeping and bathing
habits, as well as proper sanitary practices. However, they suffered from illness common to those
who were exposed to pollution and bad weather condition. The respondents were also fond of
making friends and were engaged in healthy activities. There were some who were gang members
and were belong to gang with more than 20 members. Most of them joined gang for protection and
to have sense of security. Some were engaged in gang wars, but they also look for a living and play
games with their colleagues. In addition, few were smoking and gambling. With regard to their
needs, the respondents had high needs for money and education. While to attend school and to work
and study at the same time were the plans of most respondents in the next five years. Lastly, the
respondents generally would like to engage themselves in white-collar occupations, which provide
stable and high income.
Ancheta, Jay Neil Abarca. (2002). Locus of control of attribution style: an exploratory study among
the University of the Philippines in Mindanao sophomore students
The study revolves around two widely used concepts in Psychology. These concept are usually
encountered on Social Psychology books and literatures, which is a branch of Psychology that
studies how people think and feel about their social world and they interact and influence one
another. Locus of control is that concept in Psychology that refers to how a person perceives the
causes of life events. Attribution style, on the other hand, refers to whether an individual attributes
successes and failures to internal or external forces. It is important to note that at this point that
locus of control and attribution style are similar and related concepts. The objectives of the study
include an exploration to the kind of locus of control-attribution style that explains the students in
the University of the Philippines in Mindanao. In order to ascertain the objectives, the InternalExternal Control of Reinforcement Scale was used. It has been observed that majority of the
students project internal locus of control and attribute the causes of events to internal factors such as
their own personal effort to an activity. If they think they have great contribution to any outcome,
whether it turns successful or not, they perceive to it as dependent to themselves.
Andrada, Saudi A. (2005). Attitudes and practices toward contraceptives among the Kalagan
Muslims in Sirawan: a case study
This study was conducted to determine the attitudes and practices of Kalagan Muslims toward
contraceptives and its usage. With a focus on studying the Muslim husbands' and wives' views on
contraceptives, six Kalagan Muslims were selected to contribute in attainment of the follwing
objectives: (1) to determine the attitudes and practices of Muslims, both husbands and wives in
Sirawan towards contraceptives; (2) to present the Muslim's beliefs and approach toward
contraceptives with regards to their Islam culture and religion and, (3) to discuss the perspective of
religious leaders of Muslim culture and their role in influencing behavior in relation to the use of
contraceptives. This descriptive case study acquired the collected qualitative data through the use of
interviewing method. Guide questions generally comprised by open-mended questions about the
use of contraceptives were strategically constructed to record the relevant data for the research.
After tabulation, interpretation, and analysis, the findings are as follows.
In general, the attitudes and practices of both husbands and wives in Sirawan toward contraceptives
are gradually changing from the original belief that the use of contraceptives is not allowed in their
religion to the acceptance of contraceptive use as birth spacing between their children. The
respondents revealed the use of pills, intrauterine device (IUD), injectable and condoms as
contraceptive methods to attain birth spacing of children. There are contraceptive methods however,
that remain unacceptable such as tubal ligation and vasectomy. This stems from their belief that
altering any part of their natural bodies is not Islamic, therefore, not accepted by majority in their
The concept of social interaction is used to understand the attitudes and practices of Kalaga
Muslims toward contraceptives. It posits that the social interaction of the respondents toward their
husbands or wives, friends or neighbors, their religious leaders, and their barangay health workers
affect their decision to use or not to use contraceptives. It revealed that their barangay health
center's family planning program, specifically the “Mother's Class” somehow influence them
toward contraceptive usage. Respondents define contraceptives as birth control or birth spacing
between their children in order to have a better living condition. Few Muslims in Sirawan now
practice the use of contraceptives such as the chosen respondents of this study.
Ang, Tracy U. (2001). The nature of communication about coitus between filipino parents and
adolescent children, its impediments, consequences, and ways to overcome its barriers
There has been scant research on the communication about sex within the Filipino family despite
the universality of the problem of teen pregnancy, unplanned parenthood, abortion, HIV or STD
victims, among others. This study strongly believes that parent-teen communication about coitus
can provide the anesthetic medication to our country's growing social problems. That is why, it is
intended in the study to capture the nature of communication about coitus within the Filipino
family, its hindrances, outcomes, and the mechanisms on how to overcome the hurdles of a direct
parent-teen communication about sex. Twelve case subjects in Davao City, particularly the mother,
father, and adolescent children of both gender were interviewed. All of them wither belong to the
upper or middle class. It has been found out that communication about sex does transpire within the
Filipino household despite the preconceived notion that Filipino parents are naturally shy.
Nevertheless, it is a communication style that can be direct, indirect, or a combination of both.
Among the factors that have been derived to cast an influence on the communication style of the
parents include the following: economic function, gender, parenting attitude, general values,
religious values, parent-teen relationship, and parental orientation on premarital sex. These
variables function in interacting and interlocking manner of parents to generate a particular
communication style about sex. Another cause for the not so apparent communication about sex
within the Filipino family is that it diverges in forms and in degrees. The forms of communication
can be viewing, tell tale, social role modeling, and formal forum approaches which continuum is
structured from being unintended to an intended mechanism of communication. Communication
about sex also varies in degrees, determined through the most practiced means by Filipino parents.
The first degree is consequential which many parents have done at least once in their children's
lives because it merely involves telling children about the consequences of sex. The next is
proscription which pertains to parents openly discouraging their children from indulging into
premarital sex. The last degree is explanation which involves detailed communication about the
physiology of sex, healthy alternatives on sex, among others. Parents must realize that they have to
overcome their reservations to talk about sex to their children because the earlier and the more sex
and its related topics are directly communicated with children, the lesser curiosity and malice the
latter will have on sex and the more likelihood that they will defer or avoid premarital coitus
Angsinco, Arnell Jan A. (2005). The dynamics of Kapatagan Public Market, Barangay Kapatagan,
Digos, Davao del Sur
This study aimed to describe the dynamics of Barangay Kapatagan Public Market, Barangay
Kapatagan, Digos City, Davao del Sur. The proponent identified key informants through the use of
simple random sampling. A survey questionnaire and in-depth interview were made among 40
respondents, containing inquiries about their day-to-day marketing activities and rental payments to
the barangay in the months of January-May 2004. The data gathered were tabulated, summarized
and analyzed. The proponent designed a system analysis approach in order to analyze the market
place of Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City, Davao del Sur. The study has carefully described the
current market status and day-to-day marketing activities in Barangay Kapatagan Public Market. In
which, the current market of Barangay Kapatagan has a very good potential to develop into a huge
market and it could also provide an effective approach for invigorating othr agrarian communities in
the Philippines.
Arguelles, Jonah Fe E. (2008). Anthropology of small-scale mining: minding risks in the everyday
life of Monte de Oro small-scale miners
This study is about the lives of small scale miners in a village in Monte de Oro, a small village in
Compostela Valley. It describes their conditions and everyday concerns within the mining
operations. Particularly, the study details the miners' personal experiences: what is like to be a miner
and how they make sense of and cope with the actual and imagined risked involved in their work.
Small-scale mining operates by using 'backward' technology of excavation using labor intensive
hammering system of mine extraction. The miners' lives revolve around the tunnels, their shanties,
and the business of processing the ore and selling the produced gold. Men, women, and their
children, each their own ways, are involved in the various aspects of the work. For ordinary
observers, it may appear as a boring and tiring form of living. But for the miners, it is the only way
they know how to live and they are forced to adapt their needs and forms of leisure to this routine.
The risks inside the tunnels are great. It comes from the six hour exposure on often-gaseous
environment during exploration, the bone breaking digging of boulders during extraction, the
carrying of five(5) bags of mixed samples – all tasks requiring intensive muscle-work. Living in the
area is also risky when miners are faced with the threat of bankruptcy if the tunneling fails.
Environmental risks such as bar downs and landslides occur, when safe mining procedures are not
followed. Deaths normally happen due to mismanagement and poor regulations. The ironic part of
the situation is that despite these hazards, more and more people are rushing to make a living in the
mining site. Miners may assess the situation, weighing in its risks and possible compensations. The
miners' range of options may be limited by the dominant economic structures operation in their
lives but these do not cancel their agentive acts of making varied ways of construing their contexts
and developing coping responses. Minding and taking the risks, in varied forms in the everyday
lives of miners, are manifestations of the dual structural and agentive plays within the daily acts of
survival among small-scale miners. There is another irony in the miners' circumstances: the
perception that they are “rich” because they have the actual gold, whereas their real situation can be
described as “living at the edge.” The twist is that this reputation of being “rich” which is actually
an illusory perception – is also one of the attractions of going into mining, as it gives the miners an
elevated “status symbol” that continuously feeds their hopes and perseverance. Because of the
wider context of structural poverty, the people are continually being drawn to mining. Their lack of
alternatives have caused them to develop minding and taking risks, which have become helpful
means of having a positive perspective of small-scale mining.
Arriesgado, Ailene Ereso (No Abstract)
Au, Arlene J. (2001). A profile of child street traders in selected areas of Davao City
Child labor is one of the social problems that plagued developing and developed countries
nowadays. That is, children are employed as factory workers, miners, and street traders among
This study is entitles “The Profile of Child Street Traders in selected Areas of Davao City”. This
study aims to give a descriptive profile of the child street traders as well as to give a descriptive
background of some of the factors behind the child's early employment. The findings of this study
are based on the face to face interview conducted from January 12, 2001 to February 11, 2001 with
children aged 7-15 years old. Specifically, twenty respondents from each area were purposively
chosen. The information gathered are then transcribed, tabulated and summarized and then
interpreted through frequency distribution tables and graphical representation.
The findings of the study reveals that majority of the respondents are in the age bracket of 13-15.
Moreover, most of the respondents originate from Davao City and are currently living near the
workplace. Males dominate street trading activities except in bankerohan where majority of the
respondents is females. Despite the fact that these children are working, most of them are still
studying, with the majority still in primary education. Most of the respondents are engaged in
vending and earned between P5-41.00 daily. A big number of these child street traders came from a
nuclear type of family with a big household, having 6-8 members. Most of their parents have a low
economic status. Amidst the fact that majority of these parents are employed, their income still are
not enough to support a big family as they are engaged in low paying jobs. There is therefore the
interconnection of different factors behind the child's early employment.
Avila, Ava Patricia Cabiguin. (2002). Culture changes among the Matigsalogs in the lumads-dev
area in Malabog, Paquibato district, Davao City
This study tells us of the cultural changes that the Matigsalogs of the Livelihood for a United
Matigsalogs' Determination towards Sustainable Developments (LUMAD-DEV) in Malabog,
Paquibato District, Davao City went through. The study aims to describe the lifestyle of the
Matigsalog community both then and now as they were influenced by external forces and how these
forces affected them and their way of life.
Agents such as the illegal loggers, the Hijas de Jesus sisters and the Bisaya settlers brought changes
to the Matigsalog group. Contact with outsiders brought both positive and negative changes. While
the illegal loggers bribed their way into their land leaving the forest barren, the Hijas de Jesus later
conducted livelihood programs to uplift their economic condition. Slowly, they have gained
confidence and achieved sustenance through active participation self-reliance and growth
productivity. Amidst the economic progress they are gaining, still, depressing encounters do occur
like unpredictable weather phenomenon. Also the inevitable pull of city ways that have attracted
many of the younger generation influenced by some Bisaya setters. Since climate conditions are
unavoidable, they tried to live with it. However, the influence of the Bisaya settlers and the
inevitable fascination by the youth with modern ways today, prompted the old Matigsalogs to plan
on building a school to preserve their living traditions.
This study discusses the life of the Matigsalogs today, particularly illustrating their lifestyle and
some ways of city-life combined.
Balayong, Cherry Lyn dP. (2002). The use of pornographic materials by male students of UP
The focal point of the study is to determine the motivating and deterring factors of the use of
pornographic materials by male students of the University of the Philippines in Mindanao. It also
looks into the views that the students possess in regard to the pornographic materials they ave used.
The study involved forty0eight first to fourth year students of UP in Mindanao . The students' ages
ranges from 16-23. the religions of the students include Roman Catholic, Iglesia ni Kristo,
Protestant, and Moslem. However, some of them claimed that they have no religion. The data were
gathered with the use of an interview schedule.
The study revealed that the students are motivated to use pornographic materials because of
curiosity, sexual pleasure, boredom, and to release tension. Their family, religion, law, school and
society, in general, hindered the students in using pornographic material. The views of the students
towards pornography mostly fell into the neutral level of agreement.
Balite, Roselan Daleon. (2005). The socio-economic implication of the community-based resource
management project (CBRMP) to the project beneficiaries of Barangay Lawigan, Tubay, Agusan
del Sur
This study aims to find out the socioeconomic implication of the Community-Based Resource
Management Project (CBRMP) to the beneficiaries of Barangay Lawigan, Tubay, Agusan del Norte.
The study employed personal interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) to the beneficiaries
to obtain the data needed. There were a total of seventeen (17) respondents all of whom are
members of the People's Organization known as Lawigan Fisherfolks and Farmers Association Inc.
(LAFFA) organized to undertake the CBRMP interventions.
In analyzing the data, the researcher employed simple descriptive analysis regarding the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents. Narratives of the respondents were also used in
describing their situation before and after the implementation of the project to determine if there
were really socio-economic improvements.
Findings of the study revealed that majority of the beneficiaries belong to the lower class in the
society and their main source of income is farming. The implementation of the CBRMP Project in
Barangay Lawigan provides livelihood to the beneficiaries. Through their participation in the
different project intervention particularly in agro-forestry and reforestation they were able to send
their children to school , buy appliances, procure electricity while those beneficiaries who were able
to apply the Community-Based Forest Management Agreement (CBRMA) got the chance to own a
Balofinos, Edsel C. (2000). Problems and coping strategies of children separated from their parents
who are political detainees
This research study is basically descriptive and exploratory in nature. It intended to discover the
problems and coping strategies of children separated from their parents who are political detainees.
An in-depth interview was conducted to three respondents from Davao City who became the
subjects of the study. The interview was designed to use the Visayan vernacular to be able to get the
necessary data from the respondents clearly and accurately. Data was presented by looking at each
respondent's cases regarding their separation from their parents. The responses were categorized in
terms of their similarities and differences and then content-analyzed. The problems identified were
inclined to economic dislocation, transfer from one place of residence to another, an need for
adjustment in a new environment, disruption in family arrangement, disruption of schooling and
other psychological factors like anger, fear, and anxiety. The problems experienced by the
respondents also tend to depend on the duration of their separation from their parents and how close
they are to that family member. Very close bonding and longer separation seemed to show that more
problems arise and more serious coping strategies are employed. Three coping mechanisms were
identified in the study, namely isolation and denial, strength of will and fighting, and mental flight.
All of them also manifested coping through seeking help from other people especially from other
institutions which offer rehabilitation and help from them.
Bardilas, Marites P. (2001). Factors that contribute to the incidences of young parenthood in Tubay
Municipality , Agusan del Norte Province
Young parenthood is one of the social problems visibly confronting the Philippine society. This
study entitles “Factors that Contribute to the Incidences of Young Parenthood” was accordingly
conducted with the aim to gain a holistic and interdisciplinary understanding of such phenomenon.
Indeed, this study focused on four major factors that possibly contribute to the incidences of young
parenthood. These include socio-economic, cultural, geographical, and psychological maturity
factors. This study was conducted to non-randomly chosen seventy-four (74) young parents residing
in the randomly selected seven (out of thirteen) barangays of the purposively selected location of
the study that was: the municipality of Tubay, province of Agusan del Norte. Findings of the
std=udy revealed that several factors contribute to the incidents of young parenthood in the field of
the study. However, their indiviidual contribution to this social issue differed. Indeed, the interplay
of socio-economic, cultural, geographical, and psychological maturity factors resulting in the
incidences of young parenthood, was therefore made evident in this study.
Barro, Giusepphine T. (2005). Socio-environmental history of Sitio Locatong, Biangan, Makilala,
Cotabato (Mt. Apo Natural Park)
This paper examines and analyzes the environmental conditions changes of the Locatong
environment in the foothills of Mt. Apo from a historical perspective. Using a periodization scheme,
the study follows the timeline segments based on the transformation that happened to humanenvironment relations in the course of time, starting from the period when ther place served as
hunting ground of the Tagabawa Bagobos, the entry of the Christian settlers, the changes in the
landscape and resource-uses of drifting groups, and the ensuing attempts by both state and nongovernment agents in responding to present environmental and developmental challenges faced by
present area and people. The changes that took place within the Locatong environment are divided
into three major periods: Locatong as pangayaman and ban-nua, Locatong as logging and
plantation area, and Locatong as popular site of development projects. Following these periods, the
paper discusses how not only the physical environment shaped the lives of the inhabiting human
population but also on how the changes in the values and lifestyle s of the inhabitanta affected the
physical environment. Moreover, it assesses, how the abundant environment of Locatong had
always been a venue for utilization of resources—subsistence in the early times, cash cropping in th
1960s, and as present-day site for resource management and development projects—all done in the
same of survival.
Bayotas, Michal Darwin Mercado. (2004). What's in a name? The Kagan ethnicity and identity
The Kagan of Barangay Leling have lost most of its traditional culture. Regardless of being
assimilated and acculturated, they perceived their ethnic identity based on the interplay of different
ethnic markers. Language is one of the markers that the Kagan perceived to be vital to be
considered as part of the Kagan community. However, language is not the sole ethnic marker in
distinguishing the Kagan identity. The concept of Kagan lineage (ancestry) is also one of the ethnic
markers of identifying the Kagan identity that is supplemented by place of origin and history ethnic
markers. And what is more important is that the Kagam strongly believed that they belong to the
Kagan indigenous people regardless of the shortcomings of religion, shared customs and material
sulture as ethnic markers. Also, the Kagan recognized the Bagobo, Tagakaolo, Manobo, and B'laan
to be the lumad occupying the region of Davao del Sur. Specifically, the Kagan came largely in
contact with the Manobo were some of the Manobo intermarried with the Kagan. The Kagan also
acknowledged the Bagobo where they had wage war in the past. Furthermore, they recognized the
Bisaya migrants who brought changes in the culture of the Kagan. It is important to note tjat that
Kagan is asserting that they are a distinct indigenous group and not a subtribe of the Tagakaolo.
The Bisaya migrants gave the name “Kalagan” to the Kagan, which is widely even used among
other indigenous groups. The perception of the Bisaya migrants was that the Kagan were the
original inhabitants of Barangay Leling. They were one of the first lumads in Davao del sur together
with the Bagobo, Tagakaolo, Manobo, and B'laan. For the Bagobo, Tagakaolo, Manobo, and B'laan,
they perceived and recognized the Kagan in Barangay Leling as Kagan and a distinct indigenous
group who occupied the vast plain areas near the coasts of Davao Gulf with their own sets of shared
language, territory, history, customs, beliefs, and practices.
Bernadas, Marian Nicole Risonar. (2006). Perceptions on the Gawad Kalinga's impact on the
housing beneficiaries by the GK stakeholders of San Nicolas GK Village
Generally, the purpose of this research is to know the perception of the selected housing
beneficiaries, of San Nicolas GK Village, on how Gawad Kalinga and its programs, affected their
lives. Gawad kalinga is a non-government, non-profit organization and a ministry of Couples for
Christ which aims to rebuild Philippines by building communities and empowering the poor
through its holistic and sustainable programs. Its programs for the housing beneficiaries are Shelter,
Education, Health, Livelihood and Community Development. This research employed case study
method. Key informant interviewing were done on seventeen (17) housing beneficiaries of San
Nicolas GK Village, Punta Dumanlag Matina Aplaya to get their perceptions on Gawad Kalinga and
its programs. Interviews were done also on two Gawad Kalinga workers to provide insights on
Gawad Kalingaw Davao and how the different programs are implemented. Participant-obeservation
was also used on the 25th of February 2006 during the GK1M B: Isang Milyong Bayani at the
research locale at the Paseo se Aduana GK Village. Reference was also made on the official
publication of couples for Dhrist, Ugnayan, and Gawad Kalinga's official website, as well as the articles in Gawad Kalinga Davao office. The perceived
impact of Gawad Kalinga through its programs to the housing beneficiaries by the selected housing
beneficiaries is similar or consistent. They perceived their community to have transformed from
chaotic to peaceful. They have observed that their neighbors are now disciplined—do not engage in
fights, no longer loiter—and are compassionate to one another. Most importantly, they perceive
their lives to have been better as a result of the programs of Gawad Kalinga. As a result, they
perceive Gawad Kalinga to be a good organization that has transformed and uplifted their lives.
Thus, Gawad Kalinga has indeed transformed and uplifted the lives of the selected housing
beneficiaries of San Nicolas GK Village, and empowered them through its different programs. It has
given the housing beneficiaries access to opportunities of being educated through the tutorials and
scholarships provided by Gawad Kalingaw; live secured lives through the houses and lots given,
and earn a living through the livelihood seminars.
Bisahan, Ria Faith Nob (2006). Cultural attitudes towards animals of Talandig's of barangay
Kibangay, Lantapan, Bukidnon
This is a descriptive exploratory study about the cultural attitudes towards animals among
Talaandigs of Barangay Kibangay,Lantapan, Bukidnon which specifically discussed the (1) animal
ethcnocategories of Talaandig, (2) practices of Talaandigs towards animals, and (3) perceptions that
the Talaandig have held on the kind of beings that animals are viewed. Human cultural attitude
towards animals is the core basis of human-nonhuman relationships and so this topic was chosen for
discussion to be a window for understanding human relationship to nonhumans. Animal
ethnocategories (considering that these are linguistic constructs which enable a culture to give some
order to its universe, organize collective perceptions, ad bear out relationships between being and
phenomena) can tell us something about the attitudinal and behavioral reactions of the perceiver,
particularly humans, to hypothetical or real animals. The practices or applications of animals in
human communities are probably the reasons of the emergence of the human-animal relationships,
in the first place. Studying the different forms of human applications of animals mirrors the ability
of humans to think of animals with which 'social relationships' could be established. And the
perceptions towards animals can give us insights on how animals would make use of different
animal species. Qualitative method of data gathering was used, specifically interviews and note
taking of activities during the duration of the research , to generate general information about the
Talaandig culture. Afterwards, two sets of survey questionnaires were used to gather more data.
Quantitative data from the first set of survey questionnaire were tallied according to frequencies
while the data gathered from the second survey questionnaire were analyzed using Cluster analysis.
The tandem of qualitative and quantitative methods of research give these findings:
1. Four ethnocategories were prevalent in the Talaandig community namely mananap,
langgam, isda/seda, and ulod. These ethnocategories each have specific descriptions that are
attached to them and generally the difference in their descriptions is affected with the
geographical location of the animals falling in each ethnocategory. Also, these
ethnocategories appear to be use das referance to animals if they are in multitude or are
2. There are nine practices or application of animals in the Talaandig community namely as
food, objects in disputes and punishment, bride price in marriage, sacrifice in rituals,
indicator in cultural activities, material, subject in dances, ingredient in anting-anting, and
domesticated. Very notable of the findings regarding the practices of the Talaandig involving
animals is that they have preferences in the edibility of an animal. Small or young monkeys
are not edible and oral tradition prohibits the eating of animals that have been benefited by
humans. Another significant finding is that the community have a belief on a 'giving
environment' and that humans are required to offer animal blood in compensation for taking
something from the environment. Lastly, it is worth noting that the Talaandig concept of
animal domestication is different from that of the Western view as emphasized in the
absence of the concept “pet keeping” in Talaandig community.
3. There are six dimensions representing human perceptions towards animals namely useful,
important, needed, dangerous/hazardous, smart/easy to understand, and
pest/nuisance/annoyance. Using these dimensions, animal species ratings were obtained
which were further analyzed through cluster analysis of three independent variables
(dimensions, animal species, and respondents). In the clustering of the dimensions, it
appeared that some of the dimensions are more closely related while some are not. In the
clustering of animal species, it is significant that the level of domestication or the
commonality of an animal species affects how people perceive them. Lastly, the clustering
of respondents emphasized geographical location or addresses of the respondents according
to sitios as a factor in the difference of perceptions.
In general, the findings in this study would add to the limited available resources on human-animal
relationships. This would hopefully broaden the scope of social science research through inclusion
of nonhuman studies in our field. Also, this study is a way of making unfamiliar things to familiar
for that is what the Talaandig culture is to the macro level, it is still unknown to the outside world.
Finally, this study is an evidence that quantitative and qualitative research could go hand in hand in
realizing their aims and that this hopefully would be a way of eradicating the prevalent
discriminatory attitude of science to another.
Bisnar, Grace Mae B. (2007). The story of success and failure of two cooperatives in Kabacan,
North Cotabato
This is a case study of a success and failure of two cooperatives in Kabacan, North Cotabato, the
Christ the King Multipurpose Cooperative (CKMPC) and Kabacan Polymedic Cooperative Hospital
(KPCH). Both cooperatives are national awardees in cooperative but have different statuses at
present. KPCH is continuously operating successfully while the CKMPC is still recoveirng from its
loss. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that led to te success of the two
cooperatives, and to discover the hindrances to the successes of these two mentioned cooperatives.
This study also discussed about their respective histories, and whether they fulfilled their vision and
mission through the programs and services they offered. It has also evaluated the two cooperatives
using the basic principles of cooperativism as enunciated by the Rochdale Pioneers.
This research employed major data gathering techniques of documentary analysis and key
informants interview. Key informants were purposely selected based on their personal knowledge of
the working and history of the two cooperatives. Documents used in this study were collected in the
main offices of Christ the King Multipurpose Cooperative and Kabacan Polymedic Cooperative
Hospital;among these were written documents, records, and pamphlets of the organization.
The study aims to demonstrate cooperativism in action. It will inform the readers of the social and
economic benefits brought by the cooperative to its members and the community. It can alsi be used
as models and may inspire others to organize their own cooperative.
The factors that were identifies by the respondents of the Kabacan Polymedic Cooperative Hospital
with their success were members' participation; presence of effective, capable, and dedicated
leaders; transparency; effective development program; and the continuous education of the
members and officers of the cooperative management. On the other hand, the Christ the King
Multipurpose Cooperative respondents summarized the factors that had immensely influenced their
failure which includes the lack of monitoring on the inputs and outputs of the cooperative; the lack
of competent and trusted leaders, and the lack of education drives for members of the cooperative.
The four principles of cooperatives are open and voluntary membership, democratic member
control, member economic participation and continuing cooperative education and training. A
cooperative, theoretically, should become successful using these four principles of cooperatives.
There were differences between the operation of CKMPC and KPCH, according to the respondents.
These differences were focused mainly on the management, members' attitudes and education
drives. Since a cooperative depends on the function of the members and the management, the
cooperative may fail if one or the other does not perform their duties well. With this realization, this
study has proven that the principles of cooperation should indeed be followed for cooperation
groups to be successful.
Buena, Aizza E. (2008). Feeling nako depressed ko: notions and experiences of UP Mindanao
students who claimed to have been depressed
This study explores the lives of young adults who have been depressed. Their admission – and thus
acceptance – to have experienced depression is important for them to be healed. This study gives
due importance to the informants' notions and experiences focusing on the informants' standpoints,
we will be able to hear their voices in the tumultuous tide of the phenomenon. Morevoer, this study
does not negate that depression an illness – as what many medical doctors claim, it only aims to
show other perspecives. The eight key informants of this study are students and graduates of Up
Mindanao. I included my own experience of depression in this study. My subjective consciousness
and experience vis-a-vis what the medical authorities said about my condition motivated me to
conduct this study. The other seven key informants were chosen through purposive sampling from
my network of friends. Thus, pakikipagkaibigan and pakikipagkapwa were very important in the
conduct of this research. Prior to my interviews, the informants gave their verbal free consent to
have their stories included as data of this study. Further, there was an agreement between the
informants and me to have their real identities hidden. Written consent was not obtained since the
informants would not fix their signature. To surface the inter-subjective understanding of the
narrative accounts of the informants, this study wove Shutz's phenomenological framwork and
Alejo's concept of loob. However, while this study privileges lood as a framwork, it also exposesits
limitations. Alejo's loob is crucial understanding the intersubjective experiences of depression, but it
does not capture the local notions of self. The informants did not necessarily refer to their loob to
understand themselves; they tapped the notions of “feeling” instead. The more common way of
expressing the self is through the idiom”feeling nako”. Feeling nako expresses the intuition of a
person. Hence, the significance of this study lies on the intersubjective conception of depression and
Alejo's concept of loob. The study found sadness to be the major symptom of depression among the
informants. Most of the experiences narrated here have a common theme., which is that of losing a
part of one's self. The notion of losing a part of one's self is what created and sustained the cyclic
feeling of sadness, which eventually led the person to accept or reject the phenomenon. Some
informants consider depression an illness but others do not. The study found that one's view of
depression – whether it is an illness or not – is highly dependent on the degree and cause of
phenomenon. For example an informant who got depressed because of her thesis will find it easier
to recover even without any medical help. Her problem would be solved once she finishes her thesis
; thus, her case is considered situational. On the other hand, an informant who got depressed
because of a more complex and difficult situation is more likely to take medication. Hence, her case
is not only situational but also medical. Finally, the study learned that culture mediated the
informants' interpretation of depression. This further shows how culture influences the definition
and diagnosis of an illness. Doing this study phenomenologically helped me analyze the
informants' notion and experiences of depression as well as appreciate their healing processes.
Moreover, my own experience of depression helped me identify similarities and differences
between our experiences. Consequently, as my informants spoke of their experiences, depression
was seen not merely as a medical phenomenon but a culturally mediated process. Thus, it pictures
how depression was regarded, experienced and lived by the informants.
Cabaraban, Herbelle Rengel (2002). The impact of paper industry corporation of the Philippine
(PICOP) on the socio-economic condition of people in Mangagoy before and after downsizing
The domination of industries has been the main scenario in the era of industrial revolution. In line
with this, the study aims to determine the positive and negative impact of the introduction of an
industry (PICOP) in the community of Mangagoy and to its people particularly on their socioeconomic condition. The study shows that the first two decades of the paper industry had positive
impact to the people of Mangagoy. The industry provided employment for almost 70% of the
workforce of the community. However due to the Asian crisis in 1990, the company was also
affected that led to downsizing. The company needed to lay off workers and this was the beginning
of the difficulties experienced by the people of Mangagoy. The downsizing of the paper industry
resulted to the increase of unemployed people in the community. As many people lost their jobs,
socio-economic conditions of the people negatively change. The ability of the people to buy their
basic needs declined. Furthermore, health and education are also adversely affected.
In conclusion, birth and decline of industries in a community may provide positive and negative
impacts on the community.
Cabazares, Janus Ruel Tagle (2006). Dynamics of environmental discourse of a non-government
organization (NGO) local community integration
This study analyzes the Kinaiyahan Foundation Inc. (KFI) reforestation project in Namnam
Barangay Marilog, Marilog District, Davao City through looking into the dynamics that occur with
the environmental discourse within the interaction of KFI and the Namnam community in the
context of reforestation project. This analysis will be achieved through dealing with th question of
the process of introduction of environmental discourse and then the question of re-interpretation of
the above through the participation of the community based organization (CBO) members.
This analysis is guided by the framework of Hilhorst's (2003) duality of discourse which provides a
compromise between Foucault's hegemonic discourse and the social agency of Giddens (1984).
The data were gathered through participant observation of social interfaces of the project like
Pahina meetings, trainings, and discussions of the participants. Additional data were also gathered
through semi-structured interviews with key informants from CBO officers and KFI staff.
This research highlights the assertion that discourses get re-interpreted at the local level, the project
intoduced an environmental discourse to the community . In the community's participation, they
renegotiated the dominance of the discourse through shifting the focus to socioeconomic discourses.
Cabillas, Rainel Joy O. (2002). A multiplicity of factors attributed to the low propensity of students
pursuing voc-tech education
This paper focuses on the occurrence of a prominent phenomenon, which is the continuing decline
of the number of students opting to pursue vocational and technical education over the years.
Vocational and technical education is a program undertaken by the government, which aims to
enhance the skills and knowledge of students in related vocational and technical tasks. However, the
Philippine government education system, the primary implementing agency of this vision, has
failed to actualize it. Thus, this study was conducted to address the matter by investigating the
influences that explain why students do not opt to enroll in vocational-technical institutions. The
research utilized two research strategies to understand the phenomenon. These are the survey of
students at UP Mindanao and the case studies of parents of fourth years high school students of the
Davao City Special School. A total of 125 students, drawn by simple random sampling, participated
in the study. The case study respondents were chosen purposively. The survey results reveal
multiple factors that explain the behavior of student-respondents in choosing to pursue a regular
course in college and a regular university such as UP Mindanao. The major factors ranked, include
the following: personal interest and inclination; parental/family influence; perceptions of
vocational-technical courses; prestige of the university; job assurance and high salary upon
employment; socioeconomic status of the family. In addition, other factors, though minor, have
contributed to the formation of a decision in choosing a course and UP Mindanao, and these include
the influence of peers and friends and the students' aptitude for an academic undertaking. The case
studies, on the other hand, reveal additional factors such as exposure to voc-tech related tasks and
education, and success stories of significant others in their voc-tech career. The most significant
insight that the case studies have revealed concerns the perception of parent-respondents of
vocational/technical careers. Despite the fact that their children have been exposed to the nature of
this career and its possibilities of greatly improving one's socio-economic status through the success
stories of their kin, there persists this notion that an academic career is far superior. The family's
socioeconomic status and one's aptitude for an academic undertaking, however, circumscribe this
belief. Therefore, even if one has a far superior regard for a four-year course, he/she cannot pursue
it without an aptitude for it and the capacity to afford this long-term and expensive training.
Government should, therefore, reverse this mindset, which is prevalent among us Filipinos, IF it
wants to succeed in it vision to make voc-tech courses saleable, profitable, and respectable.
Cabrera, Aimelynn Marie de Leon.(2002). Values as an indicator of gender orientation
Understanding and learning the lives of human beings are truly interesting, may it be about the
males, females, lesbians, and gays. Even though only a small portion of their lives is being focused,
one is still able to gather and learn important information. Results gathered may constitute as
additional knowledge regarding these individuals. These will serve as a good contribution in
understanding them more. Individuals constitute the society and it has been known that in a society
certain norms are posed to serve as guide to persons' actions, behaviors and the total make-up of
their daily lives. Some of these norms correspond to the values observed by people. Values are seen
as important elements in shaping the values, actions and way of life of a certain person, although
these may be affected by different factors within the society and the differences in experiences.
Therefore, specific values are used in the study to help determine if the values of individuals
specifically, males, females, lesbians, and gays differ in their intensity or direction. Various factors
within the society and the differences in experiences affect the values of a person, which contribute
on how they may strongly or mildly adhere to a certain value. With this, one may determine if
values can be an indicator of gender orientation. It is essential to look into things, which will
advance the knowledge of individuals as to who they really are amidst the structured format of a
Campanero, Sherae Ann Simon. (2007). Assessment of the level of awareness and response of
residents of Barangay 36-D on central 911
This is both qualitative and quantitative research. It focuses on the assessment of the level of
awareness and response of residents of Barangay 36-D on Central 911. it measured the level of
awareness of the residents of Barangay 36-D on the following components of Central 911: police
emergency assistance; medical emergency assistance; fire emergency assistance; urban search and
rescue assistance; K-9 unit assistance; means of reaching central 911; Central 911's personnel.
Further, it assessed the effect of their awareness in relation to their response. This study used the
stimulus-response theory of John Watson as its framework. According to this theory, when a
stimulus is present, response will also follow. Response is said to be determined when it has already
been associated with the stimulus. Meditated Learning Experience (MLE) theory of Dr. Reuven
Feuerstein was also used in this research to bridge the gap between stimulus and response.
According to this theory, learning process has an indicator. As used in this study, the meditator is the
awareness. This research used survey questionnaire as its primary method of collecting data.
Statistical methods like weighted mean and t-test were used to interpret the gathered data.
Through the data obtained from the survey questionnaires, the researcher found out that residents of
Barangay 36-D are moderately aware about Central 911 and this awareness has affected their
response towards 911. among the identified functions and services of Central 911, the means of
reaching Central 911 was the most known to the residents of Barangay 36-D. Apart from the level
of awareness, it was also found out that personal experience on 911 also influenced the residents'
Clamonte, Valeriano A. Jr. (2002). An exploration of the social classes among settlers in Bago
The objectives of the study are: (1) to describe the general conditions of social stratification in the
community; (2) to identify the factors, dimensionsand indicators of stratification in Bago Oshiro;
(3) to arrive at a conclusion on the basis of how the community's stratification is maintained,
sustained, and changed. The study involved 120 households from twelve different puroks in
Barangay Bago Oshiro. An interview schedule was used to gather data. The study reveals that the
average age of the respondents is 45.5 years for both husbands and wives. Many of the settlers have
their region of origins in the Visayas and Luzon. Majority of them hails from Cebu and Bohol, and
parts of Luzon especially the Ilocos region.m ost of the respondents were already born in Bago
Oshiro. Some 95 percent are Catholics. The average number of children per household is four but
other extended family members were also present. The extended nature of the household is
characterized by in-laws and unmarried brothers/sisters of the couple. Neolocal type of residence is
reported by a majority of the respondents. These households live mostly on decent housing made of
concrete and wood. The average educational attainment of the respondents is high school graduate
for both husbands and wives. Yet quite a number of households have espouses eatned college
degree. An average number of 3.5 children per households attended school where 62.5 percent went
to public schools. Majority of these children attended public institutions while there are also some
that went to private schools. The average annual income per households was P96, 750.50. some
57.5 percent reportedly have two or more sources of income. The income incurred by the household
comes mostly from salaries/wages of employed respondents. Income from farmers is meager due to
the slumping copra price in the market.
Cleto, Fina Delice Almoradie (2003). The operative moral framework of selected farmers from
Koronadal and Tampakan and how they arrive at a decision to hypothetically adopt BT corn, which
is a third wave technology
This descriptive research using a series of key informant interviews aimed to determine the
operative moral framework of selected farmers from Koronadal and Tampakan to hypothetically
adopt a third wave technology, specifically Bt Corn (a genetically modified organism). The research
also aspired to give insight as to how such a framework serves as a guide in the decision-making
process in adopting or rejecting the technology hypothetically. The pretests of the primary research
method, the interview schedule, were able to determine the farmers as the key informants because
they were the ones who were more or less knowledgeable of Bt Corn and thus could express clearly
how they perceived Bt Corn and how they might respond to it should it be made available to them.
The summation of these perceptions and responses suggested that the operative moral framework of
the selected farmer informants is utilitarian. Through the findings of the actual research, the
researcher was able to conclude that the farmer-informants are indeed utilitarian because the
objections presented to Bt Corn adoption were all extrinsic. Utilitarianism as an operative moral
framework guides them in making the decision whether to hypothetically adopt or reject the
technology by allowing them to first conduct individual risk-benefit analysis as their basis.
However, in conducting such an analysis Bt Corn must be factually judged (based on the best
scientific literature) and morally judged (based on the best moral principles). In the case of this
study, the latter depends in the former. The government, who in their opinion has the capability to
scientifically assess the technology, must be able to assure them that Bt Corn will harm at most only
insects and non-farm animals. Only then can the hypothetical adoption of the technology be
established as moral. Any probable risk of harm to humans and farm animals is intolerable.
Unfortunately, the government has not given them such an assurance and therefore to further
conclude, the farmer informants will not adopt Bt Corn if it were made available to them, despite
their desire to avail of its many hailed benefits such as better yields, higher profits, easier storage,
Climaco, Jojie Ann B. (2006). Child labor in Mangagoy Public Market, Bislig City: Eight case
Using the theoretical standpoint of Bourdieu, this study examined te conditions under which eight
children of Mangagoy Public Market engaged in child labor. This study also presented an overview
of children;s working conditions. Moreover, the child laborers' opinions and suggestions on ways to
help them are also presented. Interviews with children and their parents revealed that their parents
earning very low incomes due to low-paying jobs, unemployment of parents, and a great number of
family members to be fed, pushed these children to work. Aside from their families' situations,
working children of Mangagoy Public Market also revealed that they work for reasons of buying
material things and saving money for their education and wanting to do something else rather than
doing nothing at home. These children also work under uncomfortable and risky conditions such as
being exposed to filthy environment without any protective gear. That situation makes the children
prone to different diseases. There is also0 no immediate assistance when unexpected accidents
happen and these children are prone to being involved n market brawls with fellow workers or
bullies in the market. This study also revealed tht there were no programs by the Bislig Local
Government and non-government associations that focus on helping child laborers. However they
offered different scholarships and livelihood projects such as offering loans with low or zero
interest, but children and parents revealed that they were not able to benefit from it. In this
connection, children suggested for the proper implementation and dissemination of the said
projects. Children also suggested for their parents to look for jobs, and for the government and
community to provide them financial and educational assistance. This study contributed to shifting
attention to the actors themselves, the child laborers, rather than seeing them as “oppressed” or the
“victim”. In this connection, it is recommended for the local government or any concerned
institution to listen and take action to the suggestions of these working children.
Cloribel, Diocy Olayer. (2002). A Study of homelessness among elderly people in Tagum City
This study, which was conducted in New Visayan, Tagum City, is about Homelessness among
Elderly People in Tagum City. Its objectives are to describe the characteristics of homeless elders
admitted in the home for the aged and to know the underlying reasons why these elders were
admitted in the institutional home. The data were obtained though survey-interviews with elders
who were sixty years of age and above and have been staying in the home for the aged. Interviews
among key-informants were also conducted. In addition, the existing records available in the
government institution concerned were also used. Most of the elders admitted in the home for the
aged were poor, had low educational attainments and had low paying occupations. Most of them
lack resources, lack work experiences, have no savings and investments and no health insurances.
They are socially isolated and lack human interaction. Most of them also have suffered a variety of
physical health problems but have gained access to health care system since the home provides all
their basic needs, from residential to medical care. However, unlike homeless people, elderly people
have privacy since they are settled in the center. They have no criminal records and did not
experience any physical and sexual abuse or any violent crimes. Like homeless people, elders who
are admitted in the institutional home pursue immediate comfort and care and attention from people
surrounding them. They often seek short term satisfaction and medium term survival. For them,
preparing for the future and living in the present is difficult.
Colegado, Paul Jeremiah P. (2006). Imagining/positioning the self in online RPGs: cultural
dynamics in online games
This study is an exploratory study on computer games and computer simulations online.
Specifically, it focuses on finding out how the online gamers portray their “self” in Ragnarok
Online and the effects of online gaming on the self of the players. Further, this study explores the
expression of the Filipino players of their culture in the game, and finds out in return the effects of
the expression of these cultural practices of the “self” of the players. The general objectives of the
study is finding out how the online gamers portray their “self” in Ragnarok Online, and the effects
of online gaming in return on the “self of the players. The study also finds out the expression of the
Filipino players of their culture, including the effects of their expression of culture to their selves.
Specifically, it provides a brief description of the Internet cafes, situated in Barangay Sto. Nino,
Panabo City including the services they offer, their location, and their clients. Further, this study
provides a description of the Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (particularly
Philippine Ragnarok Online), including the definition of some terms used in the game, its rules and
policies, violations and sanctions, history of the virtual worlds in the game, how to play the game,
description of status builds, basic interfaces, and the virtual characteristics played in the game.
This study also describes some cultural practices practiced by Filipino players in the game and the
socio-demographic profile of the Philippines Ragnarok Online players; ascertain the factors that
influenced these players to play Ragnarok Online; know the advantages and the disadvantages of
playing online games; know how the players portray their self in the game; to explore the
expression of the Filipino players of their culture in the game, and to find out in return how their
expression of culture affect the “self”. The location of the study is Barangay Sto. Nino,Ppanabo
City. The respondents of the study are the Ragnarok Online gamers, and some internet cafe incharges. The data were gathered through personal interviews, participant observation,
“pakikipagkapwa”, “pakikibagay”, and “pakiki-isa”. The data is analyzed qualitatively.
The theories being used in this study are the ideas of Sherry Turkle in her book entitled “Life on the
Screen:Identity in the Age of Internet”, and the theory of Darlyl Bem on self- perception.
Based on the results, the study was able to arrive at the following conclusions: (1) Playing the
online game has enabled the players to portray their self in the game; (2) online gaming has affected
the perceptions, emotions, and attitudes of the players; (3) the players were able to express their
culture in the game, this is manifested in the following results—(4) in terms of asking for discount,
“appealing for pity” is one of the “techniques” employed by the Filipino players in the game; (5) in
terms of courtship or “panliligaw” the players are conventional, because they dwell on the idea that
guys should be the first one to make the move,; (6) “Filipino time” is still practiced by the Filipino
players in the game; and “po”/”opo” are used by the players to connote respect for others in the
game. Through online gaming and the expression of cultural practices, the players were able to
realize in return, their attitudes and emotions which has affected their “self”.
Concha, Lucky Julie P. (2004). Clata or guiangan: the identity confusion of the Bagobo group in
Biao Guianga, Tugbok district, Davao City
The term “Bagobo” is used confusingly by various writers to denote different ethnic groups in
Mindanao. Among these groups, only three: the Tagabanwa (Tahavawa), Obu (Ubu'), and Guiangan
(Jangan) or Clata (Klata), are consistently mentioned together. The last group that I mentioned is
facing a dilemma on their self-ascription: whether it is “Clata” or “Guiangan”; thus the objective of
this study aims to find out how they really call themselves. This study aims to presents the possible
sources of their confusion on their identity rather than attempt to describe a clearly perceived ethnic
identity. The respondents have different answers when I asked them on how they call themselves,
which I categorized into three: 1) “Clata” and “Guiangan” are two terms referring to one Bagobo
subgroup; 2) “Bagobo-Clata” is their tribal name and “Guiangan” is the language; and 3) “Clata” is
different from “Guiangan”. A conclusion drawn is that the terms “Clata and “Guiangan”
consistently denote the same Manobo group. The National Commission in Indigenous People
(NCIP) has recognized the term “Clata/Guiangan” to denote this group. Meanwhile theit culture is
in an advanced stage of change due to the influence of migrants. Intermarriages and their
acculturation to the Bisaya or mainstream culture has made them less orianted or knowledgable
about their culture. However, there are a few of them who want to preserve the Clata traditions.
Even though it is said that they share material culture and folklore with other Bagobo groups, there
are still differences in their culture, such as the style of wedding ceremony. At the same time, there
are parts of their traditional culture that they want to change, particularly the way of treating the
dead. It is important to have a study focused on Clata because most of the studies done were all
about the Tagabawa or Bagobo in general.
Coresis, Ma. Katrina B. (2003). Economic condition of the manobos in barangay Manobo, Magpet,
North cotabato: then and now
This is a research study on the socioeconomic condition of the Manobos before and after the entry
of the different agents of modernization. It focused on the changes brought about by the logging
operations and other change agents, upon the economic life of the Manobos and their way of
responding to these changes. Colonization has brought about major changes in the native economy.
Among these change agents, it is the logging operations that greatly affected the people especially
those whose lives are deeply entrenched in the forest—the indigenous people.
By 1960's, Barangay Manobo was not exempted with the influx of migrant settlers and logging
concessionaires. As a result of the depletion of forest resources, the traditional hunting and
gathering activity of the early Manobos was replaced with ecologically sustainable slash and burn
system for self- provisioning. Moreover, with the interaction between the lowlanders and the
Manobos, the latter develop a taste for consumer goods. Subsequently, this prompted the Manobos
to enter into a kind of trading with the lowlanders to generate money through the surplus production
of crops. These crops include, Tahiti (an indigenous plant used in making soft-broom), abaca,
coffee, banana, and vegetables. At present, majority of the Manobos in the area engage in farming;
however, the traditional economic activities still continue to exist side by side with surplus-oriented
mode of production. In order to facilitate the financial assistance given by the government for their
livelihood projects, they organize themselves into community organizations and cooperatives.
Despite the government projects and policies channeled through these organizations, they are not
enough to bring about significant improvements in the economic lives of the Manobos. There is still
much to be done.
Corpuz, Lday Lynice Simbron. (2002). The tribal council and its role in the continuation of the
B'laan culture of Tampakan, South Cotabato
The culture of B'laan in Tampakan, South Cotabato is considered at its peak of dramatic change.
The B'laans have been assimilated and accultured by Christian migrants, the Bisaya/ Kristiano, the
term used by the B'laan to refer to inhabitants from Luzon, Visayas, and vrious parts of Mindanao
who settled in South Cotabato in the years 1930's and 1940's. Some of the B'laan customs, beliefs,
and traditions are no longer observed today. Their concept of sunggod (dowry), polygamous
marriage, and m'ngayoh (man hunting) are some of those cast off. From the point of view of the
B'laan tribal leaders, the present generation of the B'laan are not as rigid as their ancestors in terms
of following and preserving the B'laan culture. The tribal chieftains perceived themselves as
important individuals in the preservation of their culture. They always take the lead and courage the
B'laans to resist changes that could lead in their assimilation. It keeps on coming back to them that
they are used to be majority in Tampakan and not the settlers. What has been left to them today is
their diminishing culture. What they take to consider at present is the continuation of their
remaining traditions particularly its suitability in the modern world.
Corvera, Maria Cecilia Campos. (2002). The Christian catholics: a study of a Christian
fundamentalist movement in Barangay Gata, San Agustin, Surigao del Sur
This study is a discussion of the historical development of the Christian Catholic Fundamental
Movement in Barangay Gata, San Agustin, Surigao del Sur, Northeastern Mindano. Specifically, it
aims (1) to uncover the religious beliefs and practices; (2) to characterize the socio-demographic
background of its members; and (3) to discuss the influences of their religious beliefs to their socioeconomic condition. In doing so, field works, participant observation, interviews and survey were
conducted. The Christian Catholic movement was founded in aurora, Zamboanga del Sur between
1983 and 1984, by Ching Elbina—a pastor of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines
(UCCP) and a missionary of the Christian Catholic Formation Course. It attracted members mostly
from Zamboanga del Sur and its neighboring provinces who generally have poor socio-economic
status. Inspired by the founder's concern in the literal interpretation of the Bible which gave them a
sense of certainty and doctrinal purity. Nilo Rolloque, a long time friend of Ching, became the
spiritual leader of the group when the two split up and eventually led the movement of more than a
hundred families to Surigao del Sur from 1988 to 1998. their withdrawal from their provinces was
propelled by their fear of the coming great tribulation or the rule of the 666 which is elaborated in
the Book of Revelation. Their settlement in the mountainous area of Surigao is guided by three
biblical signs (location in the east; a vast open sea and; an assemblage of islands) describing the
“promised land”. since 1988l they have been living in an extremely poor socio-economic condition
in the upland which was even worsened by the one-man rule of Nilo. Eventually, it led to the
division of the group in two, but they still coexist at the present in the same area. As their religion
further induced them to utter poverty, the same religion makes them docilely enduring to their own
predicament. Hence, to fundamentalists like the Christian Catholics who emphasize the literal
interpretation of the Bible, the centrality of religion in the conduct of their lives is considerably
Cruz, Amihan D. (2000). Patterns of growth and change among the Mandaya of Montevista
Hitherto, researchers and anthropologists have done varying studies in an attempt to explore the
Mandaya indigenous group. Their studies had been successful. As we can see in the Filipiniana
section of our libraries and in some of our government offices today, books and write-ups about this
indigenous abound. The patterns of Growth and change Among the Mandaya of Montevista is an indepth examination of how this separate assembly from the same indigenous group maintains and
expresses the dynamism of their culture, and how the Bisaya (non-natives) brought them to their
current trend of lifestyle. Aside from containing the pattens of grwoth and change in the structure of
the Mandaya of Montevistas' culture, the contents also include their current thought and information
about the development and alterations occuring. The patterns of growth and change that the
Mandayas has undergone, gradually diminished their traditional culture. Basically, education is the
institution that triggered the changes in the other social components. Religion on the other hand, is
the tool that the Bisaya (non-natives) used to initiate interaction with he Mandaya. The Mandaya
community of Montevista, Davao del Norte has been chosen as the target population, because a
study has not been conducted yet in this band of Mandaya which is a prerequisite posted by the
Center for Integrative and Development Studies (CIDS).
Cua, Liezl Ladesma. (2000). Patterns of growth and changes among the Isama of Samal Island
Considered to be not represented in the ethnographic literature in Mindanao, the Isama of Samal
Island has long been existing as an indigenous group in the area. This is an ethnographic study
exploring the culture of the Isama. This provides an in-depth examination of the patterns of growth
and changes that happened in the group over time and how external influences caused such growth
and changes. Particularly, the influences brought by the Visayan people (Bisaya) who are
considered to be the dominant group in the island. Through contact and constant interaction with
them, the Isama learned and adopted the ways of the Bisaya that affected their traditional lifestyle.
They embraced the culture of the Bisaya and through the process of acculturation, they adopted the
norms, values and life ways of the dominant Visayan culture. This altered their indigenous way of
living. With the advent of modern ways, the Isama were assimilated in the mainstream society.
Dagani, Criscelda Uy. (2000). Pagtukoy ng mga palatandaan kung paano ang hiya ay nadadaig sa
komunikasyon ng magulang at anak tungo sa pag-uusap ng sekswalidad
Ang problema ng di sinasadyang pagbubuntis at STD ay kalat na sa buong mundo. Marami na ang
ginagawang pagsusuri at mga programa na ang hangad ay sugpuin ang pagkalat at paglaganap nito.
Sa Estados Unidos, ang mga ganitong programa ay nakakarating na sa mga kabataan, subalit dito sa
Pilipinas, ng ganitong mga programa ay hindi pa tanggap sa kulturang Pilipino. Sa Pilipinas, ang
mga kabataang Pilipino ay may malaking pagpapahalaga sa kanilang pamilya. Dito umiikot ang
kanilang mundo. Karamihan sa mga kabataang Pilipino ay nakdepende pa rin sa kanilang mga
magulang. Dahil dito, kung hangad natin na ipaabot ang programang pampamilya sa mga kabataan,
mainam na ito ay simulan sa pamilya. Mayroong dalawang sinasabing pinagmulan ng hiya. Ito ay
ang sosyal na konstruksyon at ang personal na konstruksyon. Ang sosyal ay dulot ng mga
pinaniniwalaan ng lipunan at ang personal, base sa personal na karanasan. Sa Pilipinas, ang
nakikitang maaaring pinagmulang ng hiya ay ang sosyal na konstruksyon. Ito ay dahil sa ang
lipunan ay hindi pa kasing liberado katulad ng Estados Unidos kung ang pag-uusapan ay tungkol sa
sekswalidad ng tao. Base sa kultura ng Pilipinas, mayroong tatlong palatandaan kung paano ang
hiya may madadaig sa pag-uusap ng magulang at anak tungkolsa paksang sekswalided. Una dito ay
ang tuksuhan. Ang tuksuhan ay kalimitang ginagamit ng mga Pilipino upang isabi ang mga bagaybagay na nais nilang iparating sa kapwa sa pamamagitan ng biruan. Panagalawa ay ang paligoylogoy. Ito ay ang pasimula ng pag-uusap sa ibang bagay hanggang sa ito ay humantong sa pag-usap
sa paksang nais pag-usapan. At ang panghuli ay ang euphemism. Ito ay ang paggamit ng mga
katawagan o mga termenopampalit ng mga salitang inaakala nilang hindi kanais-nais. Sa
pamamagitan ng mga palatandaan na ito, magiging madali ang pagbubukas na usapan.
Dela Cruz, Ramon Alfredo Esmeralda (2003). Sago to the Manobo of Cabanbanan Bunawan,
Agusan del Sur
This study is the discussion on the uses and roles of sago to the Manobo in Cabancanan, Bunawan,
Agusan del Sur. Specifically, it aims to (1) determine the different traditional uses and goals sago
plays to the Manobo in Cabanbanan; (2) know where the Manobo acquired their knowledge and
technology on sago; and to (3) characterize the current situation of sago as a marketable commodity.
In doing so, field works, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, participant
observations, and library research were conducted. The Manobo have been using sago as building
materials and for food since the informants of this research can recall. Sago was also used as animal
feed, wood fuel and as barriers against soil erosion. The Manobo still use the traditional ways and
tools on harvesting sago. Significant changes were made by the introduction of modern equipment
such as the chainsaw, which made harvesting easier. New commodities such as sugar and canned
goods revolutionized the cooking of sago dishes. The passage of the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act
(IPRA) in 1997, redefined the Manodo outlook on land. The Manobo, after IPRA, were able to draft
an ancestral Domain Management Plan (ADMP) which aims to claim the ancestral land of the
Manobo community in Cabanbanan and revive old Manobo customs. Through the ADMP, the
Manobo were to define the uses of their land and the ownership of resources found within. A strict
protection zone was segregated to protect the remaining sago stands and other resource. Karaga
Biodiversity and Linkages Inc., a local non-government organization, in collaboration with the
ADMP and the Manobo were able to launch sago conservation efforts. However, this was
discontinued due to lack of funding. The arrival of immigrant settlers in Cabanbanan during the
1960's paved the way to the shift of sago from a gathered crop to a cash crop. The settlers' house
construction required nipa from the Manobo sago, resulting to trade. Rice and corn took the helm of
Manobo agriculture when the settlers introduces its large-scale planting. The establishment of
monocropping by the settlers changed the Manodo from being swidden farmers to fixed land
farmers. Sago, originally a part of the Manobo diet, changed in role to a life saving crop.
Sago now is more valued for its nipa than for starch. Sago is also labeled as food for the poor. Rice
is a status symbol; those who can afford rice are considered rich. The Manobo prefer rice to sago,
they only eat sago when they could not afford rice.
Delos Reyes, Harley Farrah C. (2006). Binilik: the concealed women of the dulangan manobo in
Kulaman Valley, Sultan Kudarat
This study entitles “Binilik: The Concealed Women of the Dulangan Manobo in Kulaman Valley,
sultan Kudarat” describes the Dulangan Maobos' practice of keeping an unmarried daughter of a
datu from public view. The study describes the training of the binilik from the girl's adolescence up
to her married life. It also includes the marriage rites involving binilik. A binilik is spared from any
task that requires her to be outside the house. Marriage of the binilik is arranged by her parents and
the parents of the prospective partner. Marriage of a binilik entails the discussion of the sunggod of
the bride price. Most of the data were taken through verbal accounts from the last women who
experienced being a binilik. Perceptions from other Dulangan Manobo about the practice were also
taken into account. Keeping a binilik gives the family a higher social status because they were able
to exempt the young woman from contributing in their daily subsistence. The binilik demanded a
very high value but was not seen as a mere commodity. The girl was considered precious to the
parents and the exchange of the bride price did not imply the selling of the woman. Rather, the
higher bride price was made as payment for raising the child with knowledge on the domestic
responsibility. The researcher also examined how the influence of social factors such as the onset of
education, religion, influx of lowlanders and the change in the economic condition of the Dulangan
Manobo affected the practice of keeping a binilik. It can be said that these factors' influence on the
Dulangan Manobo community have later led to the disappearance of the practice.
Diezon, Christine June L. (2004). A Study on the possible relationship of the Locus of control and
self-efficacy on the employees of the local government unit of Sto. Nino, South Cotabato
This study is entitled “A Study on the Possible Relationship of the Locus of Control and Selfefficacy on the Employees of the Local Government Unit of Sto. Nino, South Cotabao.”
Two personality constructs were considered to find out if a relationship existed between the two
constructs. To do this, two scales were used to measure the two constructs. The IE Locus of Control
Scale was used to measure the Locus of Control while the Generalized Self-efficacy Scale was used
to measure the Self-efficacy. The employees of the Local Government Unit of Sto. Nino took these
two scales. The result of the scales were then analyzed using Pearson Correlation to find out if and
when a correlation existed between the two variables. T-test was also used to compare the means of
the variables, while ANOVA was used to compare the means across categories of the variables.
The analysis yielded a correlation between the two variables, the Generalized Self-efficacy and the
IE Locus of Control scores. A negative correlation existed in the two variables, a higher Generalized
Self-efficacy score would usually a lower IE Locus of Control score. Across age categories, a
negative correlation was observed, with a higher Generalized Self-efficacy score usually yielding a
lower IE Locus of Control score.
Age was proven to be a moderate predictor for Locus of Control. Analysis yielded that as age
increased, the more possible an Internal Locus of Control is. Age was proven to a weak predictor
for Generalized Self-efficacy, still the relationship is a positive one, since as age increases, the more
possibility there is of a High Self-efficacy. The results, when categorized per gender proved to be
very weak.
Diosma, Bryan H.(2002). Tourism industry in Davao City: focus on the Kota Kinabalu-Davao City
air linkage
Davao City's tourism industry has been developing and growing. Since its inclusion into the
BIMP_EAGA, it has been the recipient of various project aimed at improving the city's economy.
Tourism has been one of the areas affected by this inclusion. Davao City considers tourism as one
of the city's major industry. He Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area
is an organization of ASEAN member states committed to helping each other to achieve economic
stability. Regional cooperation is the main goal of the organization. Through regional cooperation
they are able to help each other realize each members niche in the ASEAN. The working group of
EAGA in the Transportation and Communication enacted policy no TC1.3/1.4 or the improved air
linkages policy in the whole of EAGA. The creation of additional air service is the realization of
this policy. It is then the purpose of this undergraduate thesis entitled “Tourism Industry in Davao
City: Focus on the Kota Kinabalu-Davao City Air Linkage” to evaluate the said air services and to
find out whether these additional air services had met the objective of the policy of improved air
linkages. And to find out if it had a positive effect on the tourism industry of Davao City.
The method utilized in this study was the evaluation method. The data collected in order to analyze
the air route was secondary information. The data gathered were historical data, existing studies in
EAGA, and government statistical data, specifically that of the Department of Tourism, Department
of Transportation and Communication. The data analyzed were by comparing the outcome of the
implementation with the objectives already set by the policy. The indicator used in the study is
effectiveness, it measures the achievement of the outcome in terms of accomplishing the goals set
by the policy. The study found the implementation of additional route was effective in the sense that
it was able to meet the objectives or the standards set by the policy. It was able to increase the
accessibility of the region in question as well as renewed foreign tourist interest to the region there
was an increase in the number of passenger rates in Davao City, as well as the hotel occupancy
rates. There was also increase in the rate of visitors in two tourist spots of Davao City, one of which
is the Philippine Eagle Center and the other is Paradise Beach Resort. In conclusion, the data
showed that overall the implementation of the policy through the establishment of the air linkage
was effective. Even if one would say that the operation of the route in question was ceased, still the
reason for this cannot be equated to the ineffectiveness of the policy or the route. Since the cause of
the cessation was the Asian Financial Crisis, which is an external factor.
Dominado, Hiyas Zulla. (2004). The Badjao diaspora and their views on normal education
The Philippine educational system which is mainly a legacy from the Americans, promotes free
formal education to all Filipinos in the primary and secondary level. Formal education is a
purposeful task to impart specific skills and modes of thought which includes training in reading,
writing, and other disciplines such as science and math. Education involves the transmission of
skills, attitudes, values, beliefs, traditions and social standards for effective participation in the
society. Despite the government's active campaign in making education democratic, participation is
alarmingly low among the Badjao also called Sama Dilaut (Nimmo 2001). the Badjao in
Taluksangay is often discriminated by the mainstream society because of the ir continued adherence
to their animist's belief as mentioned by Bottignolo (1999), that Badjaos are ignorant Muslims; most
of them still cling to old and pagan practices. This paper aims to find out the perceptions of the
Sama Badjao also called (Sama Dilaut) regarding formal education. I am particularly interested in
how these perceptions are being shaped by their socioeconomic experiences. Most of the date were
gathered in Isla Verde, Boulevard, Davao City supplemented by my fieldwork in Taluksangay,
Zamboanga City in summer of 2003. a survey was conducted in order to know how many have
entered formal schooling. Eight key informants were chosen for a more in depth interview.
Interview revealed that few Badjao in Isla Verda and Taluksangay have gone to school. Factors for
this low participation include discrimination from the larger society in the case of Badjao in
Taluksangay and economic constraints for the Badjao settled in Isla Verde. Poverty, early marriage
and large family size are also significant factors in shaping their perceptions. Formal education at
the moment does not hold meaning in the everyday life of the Badjao.
Duero, Seiglyn G. (2005). Betahan as an agent of change in the lives of the Dulangan Manobo in
Sitio Mantil, Kulaman, Sultan Kudarat
This is a descriptive study exploring the changes that has been brought about by the introduction of
the betahan in the lives of the Dulangan Manobo in Sitio Mantil, Kulaman, Sultan Kudarat. The
perceived and observed changes were followed by interviews. In particular, the study focuses on the
influences brought about by the introducation of the betahan. The betahan was introduced in the
Sitio by a migrants who had the means to own such form of technology. Despite the geographical
location of Sitio Mantil the betahan has been operational for some time now. With the introduction
of the betahan two opposing view emerged among the Dulangan Manobo, that of the older
generation and that of the younger generation. The elders refused tppatronize the betahan since it is
not part of their culture and they did not wish to embrace the changes the betahan brought to their
community. On the other hand, youth instantly accepted the betahan because it served as the
medium for learning which altered their indigenous way of living. The changes that occurred
among the Dulangan Maobo in Sitio Mantil can also be attributed to the fast migration of the
settlers to the Sitio. The increase in the number of settlers in the area increases the interaction
between people of different cultures.
Duhaylungsod, Aaron Paul T. (2006). Barangay Mt. Diwata: its transformation from an uninhabited
hunting ground to a bustling mining community, 1983 to the present
The study focuses on the transformation of Barangay Mt. Diwata, popularly known as Diwalwal
found in Monkayo, Compostela Valley Province from an uninhabited hunting ground of the
indigenous people into a bustling mining community with special attention to small-scale mining
industry. The research is essentially qualitative, making use of Pagtatanong-tanong as the primary
method of gathering data from present and former barangay officials backed up by informal
contacts with key informants randomly chosen based on their position in the community.
The discovery of gold in Diwalwal spread like wildfire in the neighboring towns and municipalities.
It sparked a hold rush phenomena with people coming from as far as Leyte to the neighboring
towns and municipalities of Monkayo who started gold panning in th Balite area. The underground
mining mostly small-scale until today's combination of large-scale and numerous small-scale
mining in Diwalwal. The coming of people who normally carried arms led to numerous deaths
resulting to the decision to create a barangay government in the area. Moreover, the first two
administrations (1984-1997) were not able to solve the problem of peace in the area. Starting 1997,
during the first term of Francisco Tito, the problem of peace appeared to have improved according
to several “abanteros”. The study also shows how the local government unit in the area, specifically
the administration of Tito, responded to the problems faced by the people as a result of the various
forces acting on each other in Barangay Diwalwal. Problems continue to exist in the area foremost
of which are: the peace and order condition, albeit in a reduced form today; ecological concerns;
and the entry of foreign mining companies in their community. Strengthened by their experiences
since 1983, the local officials and constituents are confident that, together, they would be able to
face the challenges posed by the mining activities within their barangay. This study contributes to
the discourse on community formation and local governance. It also provides first hand information
on the current issues and concerns that is faced by Barangay Diwalwal. The results of this study
provide some insights and information on the operation of the mining industry in the country.
Ebrado, Donde Aries (2006). Perceptions of the Sitio 117 & San Gabriel settlers on the legitimacy
of their land possession vis-a-vis the existence of UP in Mindanao
This study aimed to determine the perceptions of the settlers on the status of their land ownership,
find out the arguments of legitimacy of both the settlers and the university, determine the history of
the land ownership of the two communities, determine how the settlers of the two sitios were able
to acquire the lands they are presently occupying, discuss the role of the Board of Liquidators to
claim of the settlers, discuss in brief the land ownership crisis between the settlers and the
university, and to find out the compromise that the settlers might want to have with the UP in
Mindanao Administration. In depth semi-structured interview with the respondents was the main
method used for the study. Selection of respondents was done on purpose, the target respondents
were the old settlers of the community. There were twenty (20) respondents for the study, ten from
each community. Formal interview sessions were done for two consecutive weeks. It was found out
in the study that the conflict on land ownership with a government agency is not actually new for
them as they have already encountered the same nature of a case with the Bureau of Plant and
Industry (BPI) in the 1960s and 1970s. However, before the case with the BPI was settled, there
came in the University of the Philippines in Mindanao who have gained legal ownership of the land
through Presidential Proclamation 822. it was found out that the settlers perceived that they
legitimately own the land because hey have existed in the area since 1950s, they were the first to
occupy the land , they have applied ownership of the land through the Board of Liquidators (BOL),
and that they have had a land title to show as theirs. On the other hand, aside from the proclamation,
the university has had a memorandum of agreement with the BOL which in effect presents the
nullification of the prior application of the settlers to the BOL and leaves the university the right to
transfer/relocate the settlers. As of present, no formal settlement happened yet between the settlers
and the university. The university has presented series of proposals for the settlers, including a
relocation site, but these are all still hanging. The settlers, on the other hand, are strong in their
belief that they are the real owners of the land.
Edillon, Riza Mae P. (2006). A Descriptive study of the prostituted women survivors in Davao City
This is a descriptive study of the lives of prostituted women survivors before, within, and after
prostitution. It presents the various stages in the life of a “survivor” of prostitution.
This is a case study methid using primary data gathered through in-depth interviews. It was
conducted in Davao City at the Drop-In Center and Main Office of Talikala Incorporated, a nongovernment organization providing assistance and education to prostituted women. Participants of
the study were five(5) prostituted women survivors, all of whom are members of Lawig Bubai, an
organization of prostituted women organized with the help of Talikala Incorporated.
I used the support system theories of Caplan, Germain, and Silverman to explain how prostituted
women survivors cope with their difficulties while they were in prostitution and when they left
prostitution. Social support systems provide people opportunities for feedbacks about themselves,
and it aids people to cope with their struggle when they are undergoing a change in roles. I also
used the extrinsic motivation theory of Twain in explaining that these women's motivation to get out
of prostitution. Motivation is an important mechanism that drives people to do all means to achieve
a goal. And in the case of these prostituted women, their goal was to become a survivor of
prostitution. Results of the study reveal that all five (5) prostituted women survivors came from
poor families, were not able to finish school, and started working at an early age, reasons for
entering prostitution are deception (sex trafficking), unexpected family problems (like child getting
sick, stepfather needing to be operated)m being left behind by irresponsible partners, no other
choice to earn a big amount of money except through prostitution since unable to finish school and
poverty. Within prostitution, these women have experienced various forms of abuse coming from
their family, customers, pimps, floor managers, and from people in the community. These women
have employed coping mechanisms such as resorting to drugs and alcohol, and to pouring out their
emotions in order to survive these struggles while they were still in prostitution. The presence of a
support system such as Talikala and Lawig Bubai were essentially helpful in the coping and
surviving of these women. Reasons for leaving involved being educated by Talikala, concern for
their children, being asked and offered to leave by a live-in partner or a customer, realization that
prostitution is not there for them forever because as they grow older they become undervalued, and
the plain reason of not wanting to be in it already. After prostitution these women were able to find
new jobs and started a new phase in their life. These women are looking forward to a future wherein
they would have stable jobs, and these women are driven to achieve and realize their plans.
In conclusion, the study was able to find out that there are factors that pushed these women to enter
prostitution; that they have experienced and endured struggles within prostitution by employing
coping mechanisms and with the help of support systems; that they are factors that made them
decide to leave prostitution; that they were able to survive their detachment from prostitution
because of coping mechanisms and institutional support; and finally that these women have plans
waiting to be realized now that they are out of prostitution.
Egot, Aileen Joy Cubero. (2006). Coping mechanism of abused women
This study examines the different individual and institutional coping mechanisms employed by six
battered women of Davao City and Monkayo, Compostela Valley Province. The individual coping
mechanisms were categorized into two types; the problem focused and emotion-focused.
Meanwhile, the formal institutions that may intervene in the abusive relationship are; government
organizations, local government units, non-government organizations, people's organizations, police
force and others. The respondents for this study were six women who were physically,
psychologically, verbally, economically and sexually abused by either their husbands or live-in
partners. Three of which were social clients and under the protection of the Department of Social
Welfare and Development—Substitute Home Care for Women located at the City Jail Raod, Maa,
Davao City, while the other three respondents used a guide questionnaire in which the questions
were mostly open-ended. The survivor theory (Gondolf and Fisher, 1998) was used as the
theoretical framework of this study. This approach is consistent with the view that abused women
are active decision makers who constantly employ coping mechanisms which they think as
appropriate to their circumstances. These six abused women had employed similar and different
individual coping mechanisms. Most of the respondents has employed emotion-focused individual
coping mechanisms. Only two of them had used the confrontive problem-focused coping
mechanism. This shows that the abused women were more likely to focus more on dealing with
their emotions rather than with their objectivity in analyzing the kind of coping mechanisms
appropriate to their respective situations. All of the respondents were able to ask for institutional
intervention. They had either gone to their barangay councils, to local police stations or to a
temporary shelter (DSWD-SHCW).
Esmero, Manases Capayas. (2004). Dibabawon ethnicity and identity: the politics of otherness
It is inevitable that sociocultural system undergoing changes by colonialism, development
integration or state policy recognizing indigenous population has an immense effect in the
formation of ethnicity. The Agusan Manobo and the Dibabawon both claimed that they are the
original inhabitants of CADC no. 155 in Brgy. Sta. Emelia, Veruela, Agusan Del Sur since time
immemorial. However, the ancestral domain claim was awarded to the agudan Manobo, making the
Dibabawon only a part of the claim. Non-recognition of the Dibabawon is a product of
interconnected situation: political interest by way of state laws and policies, and the generalization
of academic knowledge of indigenous population used by the state. This problem has created a
phenomena of shifting identity. A situation where the Dibabawon, accepted the Manobo identity by
joining in the ancestral domain claim. An identity which is more accepted is more productive
politically and economically
Estandarte Karen Joy A. (2005). Migration patterns and adaptive strategies of Indonesians/”marore”
in Southern Philippines: a case study on the Marores in Isulan, Sultan Kudarat
This study provides a description of the migration patterns and adaptive strategies adopted by the
Indonesian entrants in Southern Mindanao. It looks into the geographical scope and location with
which this particular migration takes place and the factors influencing the migrants' decisions to
move in Southern Philippines. The existence of family networks and social ties and other
facilitators of migration (such as religious institution) are the major players in hastening the process
of adaption of the Indonesians or “Marores”, whether as an individual or as a group. As an
individual, their social adaptation is tied to their job and family,while as a group, external factors
such as Indonesian Consulate General and religious institutions gain attention in this social process.
Estoque, Nova Boyboy. (2006). Interaction of visually impaired students in mainstream class: a case
Education is everyone's right. However, there are less fortunate people who are unable to acquire
formal education, such as handicapped people. But with the help of some institutions handicapped
people are able to study. These institutions provide the necessary trainings and things needed in the
studies of the handicapped students.This study entitled “Onteractions of Visually Impaired Students
in Mainstream Class: A Case Study” was accordingly conducted to determine the experiences of
visually impaired students in mainstream class, how they cope with different situations in the school
or classroom and to descrbe how they relate to sighted students and teachers. The study chooses
five respondents to represent the visually impaired students as permitted by the principal of Davao
School and Rehabilitation Center for the Visually Impaired, and eight selected sighted students,
assigned as dictators (those who assist the visually impaired during dictation), to represent the
regular students. Advisers were also interviewed and the principals of the schools. This was
conducted in two different schools in Davao City, the Davao School and Rehabilitation Center for
the Visually Impaired and Talomo National High School. A finding of the study revealed that
integration program of the visually impaired students in the mainstream class is not successful.
Visually impaired students have found difficulty studying in mainstream class. In most of the
lessons they have to rely for the help of their dictators and not all times their dictators are there to
help them. Moreover, visually impaired students cannot participate in many classroom activities
because the teachers just give them considerations. And so, the visually impaired students do not
attain full learning in the areas of science and mathematics. Furthermore, if the visually impaired
students found difficulty in the mainstream class, the sighted students particularly, the dictators also
found difficulty having them in the mainstream class. Though, the dictators pity the visually
impaired classmates, they cannot avoid becoming annoyed with them during dictation times
because it is a burden on their part. The dictators cannot concentrate doing the task for themselves.
Moreover, the teachers also found difficulty handling the visually impaired students since there was
no special training given to them on the right methods for teaching the visually impaired students.
This affects the learning of the visually impaired students as well as their effectiveness as teachers.
Estrada, Jhoana Myla Aquino. (2005). Household and agricultural roles of women in Barangay
Kapatagan, Dogis City, Davao del Sur
This study focused on the purposely-selected members of Kapatagan Livelihoos Development
Cooperative (KALIDECO) or wife of the cooperative members. There are fifty respondents in this
study and all are residents of Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City, Davao del Sur. The study aims to:
(1) know the different roles of women in household and farming; (2) find out if these women are
just playing a 'helping out' role in their household and agriculture; and (3) find out if they
experience multi-taking roles.Studies revealed that women play different roles in the household and
agriculture. In the household, women are expected to wash the dishes, clean the house, wash and
iron the clothes, take care of the need of the children and husband, buy the grocery needed for the
house, look after the sari-sari store, prepare and cook food and also budget the money. Moreover,
women also plays different roles in agriculture such as weeding, plowing the land, planting and
harvesting the crop, applying fertilizers and pesticides, selling the product to the metro, managing
the farm and preparing the snack of the laborers. Furthermore, about thirty-five of the respondents
said that they also work as a laborer on other people's land to make their needs meet.Given such
results, it is then concluded that women are not only playing the 'helping out' roles in the household
and agriculture instead they are actually the primary movers.
Eugenio, Jan Perry B. (2001). The Perceptions of the communities in Bago Oshiro on the
establishment of the University of the Philippines Mindanao
This thesis paper concerns the perception of the settlers of Bago Oshiro on the establishment of the
University of the Philippines Mindanao. UP has brought several changes, both positive and
negative, through the years since its entry in the community. The study dwells on the benefits and
the problems the community has experienced, as well as the immediate actions, and the needs and
wants of the settlers, that came along with UP Mindanao's expansion.
Felipe, Catherine N. (2006). A Case study on child labor in small-scale mining
This is a study entitles “A Case Study on Child Laborers in Small-Scale Mining.” this study aims to
provide a description of the work conditions of child laborers. The findings are based on face-to
face interview that were conducted in Monte de Oro, Barangay New Barili, Maco, Compostela
Valley with children aged 10-16 years old. Guide questions in general comprised of open-ended
questions about the children's work conditions to gain substantial information relevant for the
research. This study is guided by the structuration theory of Giddens on the interplay of the agency
and structure in society affecting the children's decision. A child is a person below the age of 18
years. Child labor is defined as the participation of children in a wide variety of work situations, on
a more or less regular basis, to earn a livelihood for themselves or for others. The findings revealed
that children aged 10-16 years old participate in the small-scale mining activities. Children are
involved in the extraction, transportation and processing of minerals. Five of the children are full
time workers and one of them works only in the afternoon. Children who are underground workers
are assigned to work in narrow tunnels where they dig minerals in uncomfortable positions and
without enough ventilation. Children who carry and transport ore carry sacks of mined soil/rock on
their backs. Children who are involved in the processing of minerals do not use any kind of
protection while in direct contact with mercury. Half of the earnings of child laborers went to their
mother, to buy food and other basic needs of the family. Small-scale mining is the prime source of
livelihood in Monte de Oro wherein child laborers work for subsistence. They work to support the
family's income. These children who work do not attend school and most of them had quited school.
The mining area had no health centers. Children also have not received any services/projects for
their health and safety from the local government. From the work conditions of children, it can be
said that it fits the definition of “child labor,” wherein they work under conditions that are
considered hazardous to their health and physical well being. As a child they have the right to be
informed about their situation, as a child they should be protected from all types of work that can
harm their physical and mental well being. Although children perceive their work as normal but still
laws and regulations should be implemented in the area to protect these children at their age. These
children should be going to school, to acquire the necessary knowledge for their full development as
Fernandez, Johanna Gatdula. (2005). A Case study on the symptoms, history and developmental
measures of school-aged children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD)
This study is concerned about the cases of three school-aged children with ADHD (Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) from Ebnezer Christian School, Davao City. ADHD is a behavioral
disorder that may begin in early childhood and often lasts through adolescence and adulthood.
Children with ADHD consistently have short attention spans, difficulty controlling their impulses,
and are often physically restless. Since no one yet knows the true cause of ADHD, this study
attempted to determine the general symptoms of complaints on the three areas of the children's life
—health, family and school. This study also verified on the details of the family history of these
children so as to prove any possible theories regarding the common factors and conditions
associated with ADHD. It also investigated considerable evidences on which between
environmental factors or genetic factors had more to do with the cause of the disorder. This study
also bore out developmental courses and treatment in managing the behavior of an ADHD child.
The primary method used in this study is the interview method. Three cases were analyzed and the
respondents of the study include the children diagnosed with ADGD, their parents and their
teachers. Inattention, impulsiveness, mood and energy swings, and aggressiveness are evidently
common to these children. Pre-natal diet, social or environmental factors do not mainly seem to
cause ADHD. But maintaining a good and consistent relationship between the child and his
parents/teachers is very important. Coping ADHD through counseling, school intervention,
behavior management and medication were provided so as to comprehend how to effectively deal
with the condition.
Fernandez, Mishelle Sapio Alim. (2005). Grounding work-life studies on narratives: some initial
This study, “Grounding Work-life Studies on Narratives: Some Initial Efforts,” aimed to determine
workplace concerns through analysis of narratives of selected workers in selected enterprises and to
come out with hypotheses or the beginnings of a theory on work-life. The work-life narratives were
analyzed through grounded theory approach. Three phases of coding were used: open coding,
coding for the so-called 6 C's (Cause, Consequence, Context, Condition, Co-variance,
Contingency), and work-life coding. The retrieved data from the [hases of coding were then
integrated into the axial coding. Hypotheses, as the final product of a grounded theory approach in
this case, were generated. Work-life balancing strategies were either offered enterprises or
negotiated by workers with their managers. Managers were judged as good or bad according to how
they fulfill whatever promise they give to workers.
Ganir, Eula Valdez (2006). A Descriptive study on the process of prenda among the dulangan
Manobo of Lageton Barangay Tinalon Kulaman, Sultan Kudarat
This study entitled “a descriptive study on the process of prenda among the Dulagan Manobo of
Lageton Barangay Tinalon Kulaman, Sultan Kudarat presents what prenda is, the process involved,
and the reasons behind the prevalence of prenda. The location of the study is in Kulaman, Sultan
Kudarat particularly in Sitio Lageton Barangay Tinalon. Primary data were gathered through
interviews using survey questionnaire. Library research primarily from published literature and
journals were also conducted. This paper is a descriptive of prenda, a Cebuano term referring to
transferring of “right-to-use” or cultivate an area. There are three reasons behind the prevalence of
prenda; payment for debt from gambling, payments for hospitalization and procurement of bribe
price (sunggod). The prevalence of prenda is a clear indicator that land is individually owned
contrary to the commonly held assumption that indigenous people such as the Dulangan Manobo,
view land as communal property. Although there is a subdivision of land ownership, this does not
mean that the Dulangan Manobo neglect the concept of collective ownership of land. It is important
to emphasize that within the domain of the Dulangan Manobo land is communally exclusive to
them however, they recognize individual land ownership within the bounds of the shared domain.
Garcia, Thaleya Aurene P. (2002). Impact assessment of the establishment of PNOC geothermal
plant in Barangay Ilomavis, Kidapawan City on the Manobos
This reseach study is focused on the socioeconomic conditions of the Manobos before and after the
establishment of the PNOC Geothermal Plant. Socioeconomic conditions refer to the standards of
living, health, education, sanitation and economic conditions of a community. The respondents in
this study are located in the relocation site in the plant site within the ten-kilometer radius of the
plant. To obtain the data needed, the survey, using the questionnaire, was used. The questions were
translated in the Manobo language. The impact of the establishment of the plant is primarily felt by
those who are in the relocation site. They are the ones directly affected for they are given houses
and provided with free water and electricity. The maintenance of the place is also shouldered by the
PNOC. The lives of the Manobos after the establishment of the geothermal plant did not change that
much. Changes seen are in their health and in the infrastructure in the place which include the
gradual pavement of the roads and the accessibility of transportation. In terms of their health, there
is also an improvement. At present, majority of the respondents said that they are in good shape and
do not get sick often.
Gempesaw, Ian Matuguinas (2006). Landscape transformations of a Punta: a socio-environmental
history of Purok 3, Punta Dumalag, Brgy. Matina Aplaya, Davao City
This research study is an attempt to write the history of Purok 3, Punta Dumanlag that is tied to or is
particularly illuminated in the landscape transformations of the place for the past 50 years.
Likewise, part of the study were to (!) explore the factors/ agents/ conditions that led to the
landscape transformations of the place, (2) describe the landscape conditions of the place
historically and at present, and (3) describe the patterns/ changes regarding land-use of the place by
humans as well as non-humans historically and at present. The researcher has found out that
through the past 50 years, Purok 3, Punta Dumanlag had undergone series of landscape
transformations: (1) As coconut orchard, (2) Log ponds/ Log yards, (3) Settlement Area, (4)
Privately Owned/ Idle Land, and (5) Marine Turtle Sanctuary. Although the first two
transformations have already been concluded, the next three transformations have remained or are
still in existence. On the same note, it can be said that the greatest transformation that Purok 3,
Punta Dumanlag had undergone was its transformation from an island that was dominated by
natural flora and fauna to a reclaimed area or is connected with the rest of Punta Dumanlag (Purok
1&2) at present. Moreover, there are three chief agents of landscape transformations of Purok 3,
Punta Dumanlag: 1)the migrants, 2) the laborholders, and 3) the state (in this case the local
government). Likewise, it can also be said that the landscape transformations of Purok 3 might have
been influenced/ shaped by other factors/agents/conditions. Such were maket economy, family
relations, natural or physical forces (such as geography and tide flow), etc. Furthermore, it can be
said that historically, before the arrival of settlers in Purok 3, non-humans have dominantly used the
innermost shorelines of Purok 3. and upon the arrival of settlers in the area (or in Punta Dumanlag),
certainly, humans and non-humans have shared in utilizing the area. But accordingly, at present,
since some portion of the innermost shorelines of the island had been declared as Marine Turtle
Sanctuary (and majority of the innermost portion of the island has been proposed to become a
Marine Turtle Protection and Conservation Area), at the end, it suggests that it would still favor
non-humans in utilizing the area but with the help of humans. And accordingly, as soon as the
elevated portion and some parts of the shorelines of Purok 3 was utilized by humans, it was turned
into an (1) agricultural [by 1950s to 1970s], (2) industrial [by 1960s to 1980s], and (3) residential
[by 1970s up to present] areas.
Gordo, Catherine Tenorio (2002). Case studies on the motives and motivation of selected Kabataang
Makabayan KM members for joining the organization
This research aims to deal with the motives and motivation of selected members of the underground
youth and students' movement, the Kabataang Makabayan (KM) for joining the organization. Three
willing members of the Kabataang Makabayan (KM_ Davao City) were the subjects of this study,
namely, Isabel, Isagani, and Crispin. This study used the case study method in answering the
different factors influencing or motivating the individual to join the KM, specifically their reasons
for joining the organization. Interviews were scheduled and participated. It aims to contribute to the
discernment why some youth of today's generation actively participate and commit to an
underground movement. The result shows that the members interviewed belong to the middle class
sector of the society and received secondary education in private schools. Isagani and Isabel are
taking up their undergraduate degrees in one of the city's prominent university while Crispin, who
after taking up two years in college, dropped-out from one of the city's premier college. Close
family and peer-group relationships were established prior to the members' membership in the
organization. This study concludes that the motives and motivation of the selected KM members are
not limited to the realm of the Psychological theory, which asserts that people or particular
individual joins certain mass movements or organizations because of discontent or personal failures.
This study proves that there are other factors, such as direct involvement, agitation, understanding
and role acceptance that motivates them to join the Kabataang Makabayan.
Halud, Leila Asani. (2002). A narrative analysis of Bangsamoro mujahideens self accounts of peace
Personal experiences of fighting for peace could provide insights on how peace is construed by the
Bangsamoro. Narrative analysis was used to understand the Bangsamoro construction of peace and
how they plan to attain such peace. An episodic interview instead of a straight narrative interview
proved more useful for extracting the data. Considerable meanings of peace were categorized by
specific classifications. Patterns were then established for analysis. Narratives revealed political
ideas that pertained to the creation of independent Bangsamoro state, a way to peace in the political
aspect wherein they hold the power and control. The free and totally complete practice of Islam
determines serenity of Muslims in the religious aspect of their lives. Sustainable economic
development programs and equal access to economic resources of the country. Economic peace can
be achieved only if there is an integral power in administration, thus, it demands an independent
state. The respect and tolerance of culture will mean cultural peace giving an importance to Islamic
customary laws and traditions. Lastly, the absence of war and prejudice against Muslims in the
Philippines will promote harmonious and peaceful living among the people. From the findings of
the study, this kind of peace was revealed to be only attainable through Jihad or armed struggle, a
religious obligation in Islam, unless the government favorably liberates Muslims from the
Philippine control where they feel relative oppression. The Bangasamoro people constructed peace
as the self-determination and independence in their homeland that would eventually attain the end
goal of peace in political, religious, economic, cultural and social aspect of their lives under the
adherence to Islamic principles.
Hermosilla, Janice Cabilogan. (2005). A Descriptive study of digit-gambling in Barangay
Poblacion, Compostela, Compostela Valley Province
This is a descriptive study of the nature and dynamics of digit-gambling in Brgy. Poblacion,
Compostela, Compostela Valley Province. This study provides a description of digit-gambling as an
existing activity in the municipality as well as the relationships of the participants involved.
The objectives of the study are: (1) to describe the activities that happen in the game and to list
words or terminologies used in digit-gambling; (2) to gather the reasons of particular individuals
who bet; and (#) to characterize the people involved in this gambling game and the specific roles
and functions that they portray as part of the activity. This study also used both the qualitative and
quantitative methods in gathering data and information needed. It used the survey method in
gathering the personal profile of the respondents. Tabulation and computation of percentages were
also used to organize the data gathered from the survey. Participant observation was done and
formal and informal interviews with the key informants were conducted. The tayador, ushers,
coordinators, and financiers are the major actors of the digit game. Besides, the presence of the
authorities in digit-gambling suggests what kind of role the government portrays. Moreover, digitgambling is perceived by the respondents as a source of income and also provides them leisure and
fun. Basically, digit gambling is a form of recreation for the participants involved in the gambling
game. It also provides added income and employment that are relevant in the economic condition of
the municipality. Furthermore, the study provides the list of words or terminologies used in digitgambling as well as the activities that happen within the activity. The study also revealed that the
existence of digit-gambling in Compostela is only beneficial to the few most especially to the
financiers. On the other hand, it is disadvantageous on the part of the tayador because they are just
taking the chances of winning by betting numbers without the assurance of a sure win or a big
Hernandez,Leilah G. (2004). Legal pluralism among the Tagakaolo today: a case of marital dispute
settlement in barangay Buca, Sta. Maria, Davao del Sur
Institutionalized in the marriage practices of the Tagakaolo, like other groups of indigenous people
(IP), are tedious contracts of the giving of 'brideprice', locally termed sablag, that are asked by the
woman's side from the groom's side. In times of conflict and separation in these marriages, the
Tagakaolo usually resort back to what have been given and spent in the acquisition of the wife. This
paper examines one case of dispute locally termed “iliguay ug asawa” or “ 'taking' of somebody's
wife” that has occurred among the Tagakaolo of Barangay Buca, Sta. Maria Davao del Sur, in
relation to the Ips' integration to the local system. A certain degree of “legal pluralism” has emerged
with the existence of both state and customary legal systems continuously gives “alternatives” or
“options” for the complaints in dispute cases. Moreover, the IP status of the Tagakaolo offers a
plurality of options for venues including dispute settlements using their customary law, especially
when the parties in a dispute are all Tagakaolo. This case highlights the seeming indispensability of
the Tagakaolo Justice system in sesolving disputes in marriage at present, which at the same time
would have possibly invoked state-court trial in case of failure in the customary law trial.
Jaducana, Maricel Lapa. (2004). “If only I could turn back time” inteviews with young and
cohabiting mothers from Daliaon Plantation, Toril, Davao City
Western theories usually have the tendency to discuss life-cycle as a series of stages, such as
infancy, adolescence, to adulthood. In particular, George Herbert Mead believes that during
adolescence, the individual curiousness of self shifts from “I” to “me”. The shift is seen as a shift
from individual's “significant others”, e.g. From parents to peer group. Erik Erikson also stated that
during adolescence there is an identity crisis. Young people find his own identity in his friends,
whom they get along well, because of common preferences and lifestyle. Oftentimes, parents could
not understand this behavioral change. This is explained why young people are closer to their
friends than to their parents at a time in the popularized phenomenon “generation gap”. This
overemphasis on life's stages, perhaps, resulted in a very rigid form of lifestyle for each stage,
particularly at what age to marry. This paper examines cases of cohabitations from a rural
community in Davao City. In Barangay Daliaon Plantation, there is a gradual increase in the
number of couples engaged in cohabitation. Most of those who cohabit are young women forced
into it by teenage pregnancy , poverty, low educational attainment, family problems, and the
decision of parents. In Daliaon Plantation, there is a total population of 2, 434 and 507 households.
According to the barangay profile household is considered as one family. Out of 507 households, 77
couples cohabited. In the survey of the barangay health workers, those who cohabited are female
adolescents in the age set of 16 to 20 years old while most of the males who cohabited are in the age
set of 21 to 25 years old. Cohabitation is an arrangement certainly deviates away from society's
norm. For cohabitation to be accepted, however, standard social practices observed by a couple
before church wedding followed. In Daliaon Plantation, “pamalayi” is being practiced. “Pamalayi”
is observed to show respect to the women's relatives and for the man to officially recognize the
woman as part of their family. The “pamalayi” signals the union or living together of the
Jamiri, Rashid J.. (2007). Comparisons of motivations for leadership position by heads of student
organizations of UP in Mindanao and Ateneo de Davao Unviersity
The objectives of the study are: (1) to identify the motivations for leadershiop pposition by heads of
student organizations of UP Mindanao and Ateneo de Davao University; (2) to determine if the
heads of student organizations of UP in Mindanao and Ateneo de Davao University consider the
motive “to serve” as one of their reasons for becoming leaders; (3) to determine if the heads of
student organizations of UP in Mindanao and Ateneo de Davao University consider the the motive
“to serve” as necessary and sufficient, necessary but not sufficient, or not necessary at all; (4) to
identify the similarities and differences of motivations for leadership position by heads of student
organizations of UP in Mindanao and Ateneo de Davao University. This study is an exploratory type
of research. The researcher used survey method by distributing questionnaires to the respondents.
This study mainly utilized the quantitative method in examining the data. Frequency distribution
and percentages were employed in analyzing data. The over-all total number of respondents is 48.
The total number of respondents from UP in Mindanao is twenty-four (24). There were eight (8)
males and sixteen (16) females and their age ranges from seventeen (!7) to twenty-one (21). they
are from different year levels like second year, third year, and fourth year. They also came from
different courses. On the other hand, the total number of respondents from Ateneo de Davao
University is also twenty-four (24). there were twenty (20) males and four (4) females and their age
ranges from eighteen (18) to twenty-three (23). they are also from different year levels like second
year, third year, fourth year and fifth year. They are from different courses. The study revealed that
the heads of the student organizations of UP in Mindanao were motivated by seven (7) different
categories of human motivations which include the need for affiliation, need for self-actualization,
social expectation, cognitive needs, personal beliefs and values, need for achievement and esteem
needs. While Ateneo de Davao University student leaders were motivated by eight (8) different
categories of human motivation which include the need for affiliation, cognitive needs, personal
beliefs and values, need for self-actualization, social expectation, need for power, need for
achievement and esteem needs. It also revealed that all heads of student organizations of UP in
Mindanao and Ateneo de Davao University were similarly not motivated by safety and security
needs. Majority of heads of student organizations of UP in Mindanao and Ateneo de Davao
University were similarly motivated by the need for achievement, need for affiliation, cognitive
need, and self-actualization need. Minority of heads of student organizations of UP in Mindanao
and Ateneo de Davao University were similarly motivated by esteem need and social expectation.
Majority of heads of student organizations of UP in Mindanao differed from the minority of heads
of student organizations of Ateneo de Davao University in terms of personal beliefs and values. On
the other hand, majority of heads of student organizations of Ateneo de Davao University were
seemingly motivated by the need for power while all heads of student organizations of UP in
Mindanao were apparently not motivated by it. Majority of heads of student organizations of UP in
Mindanao and Ateneo de Davao University considered the motive “to serve” as one of their reasons
why they want to be leaders of their organizations. Furthermore, majority of heads of student
organizations of UP in Mindanao considered the motive “to serve” necessary and sufficient while
only a minority of heads of student organizations of Ateneo de Davao University considered the
motive “to serve” not necessary at all while minority of heads of student organizations of UP in
Mindanao considered it not necessary at all. No respondents from both universities considered the
motive “to serve” necessary but not sufficient.
Jaranilla, Jasmin C. (2002). Gender sensitivity among bachelor of arts in social sciences students of
UP Mindanao
This study is about gender sensitivity of the Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences students of UP
Mindanao. Profile of the students such as place of residence as rural or urban, year level, sex,
religion, age and educational background were gathered. The use of Analysis of Variance in showed
that among the socio-demographic variables, only age, year level and residence as Rural or Urban
were seen as factors that affect gender sensitivity of the BA Social Sciences students.
In the self-administered questionnaire are the list of statements about gender-related issues and
problems. The students were asked to rate each statement in a 5 point Likert Scale basis. The study
revealed that the BA Social Sciences as a degree program offered by the University of the
Philippines in Mindanao are effective in inculcating gender sensitivity among the BA Social
Sciences students. It is because the scores of the BA Social Sciences students in the gender
sensitivity study are increasing, as the year level becomes more senior. Even though there is no
formal integration of gender topics in the BA Social Sciences curriculum, it has successfully
instilled gender sensitivity among the students through teacher's initiative.
Lamela, Maria Luche Corvera. (2004). Ethnicity and indentity of Kamayo in Poblacion, San
agustin, Surigao del Sur: the recosntruction of the forgotten past
Ethnic identity is hindered not only by vague ethnic markers but also by some factors responsible in
shaping and reshaping the ethnicity of the group. Endogamy, transmission of learned behaviors,
need for territorial boundaries, and competition over the given set of resources played vital roles for
the survival of population through legitimizing numerous isolating mechanisms such as residential
concentration, occupational specialization, distinct forms of dress and speech, separated public
facilities, public rituals, courtship and marriage, folklore and other factor that exhibits ethnic
distributions. The ambiguity of Kamayo ethnicity say something about the group. Primarily, it is the
result of social intervention of outside cultures. As social beings, it is most probable that constant
contact to other people will result in the modification of ones culture perceived by others as evil or
bad and adopting ways of living according to the prevailing norm. pressures from the dominant
culture led them to seek changes to become more similar to the mainstream and more modernized
society. This drive for change was probably one of the factor that led into the disappearance of their
key transmitting agent that could somehow help remind them of their past. This also explains
maybe why they only knew little of their past and do not have definite story of their ancestry.
Laud, Glenn Mitchell Orito. (2001). Performance evaluation of the employment provision of the
Magna Carta for disabled persons
Persons with disabilities (PWD), like abled members of the society, are also active participants of
the labor force. What differentiates them is their handicap which poses a lot of inequalities towards
their employment. The solution to this problem does not come on the option of altering the physical
disabilities of the PWD's. Instead, changes are pursued towards the environment. And through the
enactment of R.A.7277 or the Magna Carta for the Disabled Persons with emphasis on tis
employment provision, the aforementioned inequality in employment will be given appropriate
attention and solutions. This is then the purpose of this undergraduate thesis entitled “Performance
Evaluation of the Employment Provision of the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons” to look into the
aforementioned problem. To find out whether the implementation of the Employment provision had
met the objective of providing equal employment opportunities for PWD's. The method utilized in
this study was the evaluation method. It used two sets of interview schedules separately conducted
to implementing agency informants and employed PWD's. The data analyzed was a result of
comparing the outcome of the implementation to previously announced objectives of the
employment provision. The indicators used in the study are effectiveness, which measures the
achievement of outcomes, and responsiveness, which measures the satisfaction of the needs of the
target clients. The study found the implementation effective in the public sector as most PWD's are
employed in government agencies, however, many of these PWD's are contractually employed. The
implementation was also found to be effective in the private sector. Although there was increase in
the private employer population, a decrease in the worker population also occurred brought about
by the ill-working attitude of workers and seasonal closure in private institutions.
With regards to the provision on Sheltered Employment, the implementation was found to be
ineffective. The small number of workshops in the city, lacking service, and negligence of
implementing agencies have deprived these workers of equal employment opportunity. The
implementation regarding Apprenticeship/Learnership opportunities was also found to be
ineffective as factors involving the lack of budget and demand from employers and the low
assurance of employment have stood as big obstacles to its success. On the other hand, the section
which provides incentives for employers was found to be properly implemented. Although only few
employers availed the incentives, implementing agencies have done enough effort in informing the
private sector about the provision. This low turn out was a result of employers not responding to the
efforts extended by these implementing agencies. In conclusion, the data showed that the
implementation process of the employment provision as a whole is not that effective. However, this
ineffectiveness should not be entirely blamed on the implementing agencies. Low qualification, lack
of budget, no vacancies and ill-working behaviors of some PWD's are also important factors
contributing to the failure of the implementation.
Legarde, Aileen P. (2005). Leadership and resolution of conflict among Koronadal B'Laan
The period before 1940 could be considered the period Koronadal B'laan maintained their absolute
indigenous structure. However as time went on, Christians invaded their place, and this led to the
deterioration of their cultural beliefs and practices. This particular study is an in depth exploration
on the leadership and resolution of conflict and the changes it took through time among Koronadal
B'laan. The traditional political structure of Koronadal B'laan was kinship-based. The settlement
was led by a Bong fulong who they believed was the oldest and wisest man in the community. He
maintained order and peace in the village. When conflict occurred he resolves it through traditional
method of conflict such as al maliw, saklang luas, and askalot. The influx of Christian migrants to
the area led to the deterioration of their indigenous structure, due to the influence brought by
Christianity and the imposition of national laws. Eventually, there was shift of governance, as well
as changes in the resolution of conflict. Furthermore, the creation of Indigenous People Rights Act
of 1997 brought back the Indigenous People, the B'laan, into the mainstream of society.
Consequently, the B'laans had an independent political structure from the local government, leading
to the restoration of their customary law.
Lim, Maidy Lynn E. (2002). A Case study of perception of religion among the male catholic San
Pedro-based street children in Davao City
The aims of this research are to find out (1) the selected group of San Pedro-based street children's
perception of religion and, (2) identify the relevance of such construct in their lives. As a descriptive
case study requiring qualitative data, the eleven male Catholic San Pedro-based street children aged
between eleven and sixteen years old, and educated in the public schooling system of the
Philippines, were purposively chosen based on their performance during the data gathering process
which lasted for a period of five months. Employing the complementary function of the interview
and direct information method, the researched data were gathered using the pre-constructed
interview questionnaire.The findings of the study revealed that the selected street children's
perception of religion though vague is in coherence with the universally recognized concept of the
phenomenon. To them, religion is defined as an unexplainable system of beliefs that is centered on
the faith in one God. In religion, the believers are properly taught the rituals that initiate their
personal engagement to God. Different kinds of religion exist because if the varying culture of faith
and of people. All religion, however, function by uniting the believers around a shared reverence to
the sacred. From this emerges the dysfunction of dividing the adherents of one faith to those
affiliated to another. Functioning in the individual level, the respondents view the construct as the
source of the necessary moral principles that will work to change the badness of the individual's
being and bring goodness to his life.In separately explaining essential religious elements
represented by God, church, and prayers, the respondents expressed a clear understanding and
strong conviction in their concept of God. For them, God is the powerful being that exists in spirit
and was personified in the human being that is Jesus. He protects and helps them and changes their
hearts to make them better persons. As the center all of the sacred, His presence is regularly felt in
the sacred structure that is the church. The church is the house that will give more meaning and
significance to prayers. Prayer is an act committed to intimately engage into a communication with
God. While the respondents have clear understanding of the connection of the above mentioned
religious elements, they cannot fully recognize its place in the overall dynamics of religion. Thus,
when asked about the relevance of the construct in their lives, they were divided into two camps
with different answers but with the same point: they need God and not religion as a whole.
Lobos, Dorothy D. (2000). Patterns of growth and change among the Kalagan in Madaum, Tagum
This is an ethnographic study exploring the culture of a minority group in Madaum, Tagum City.
This group is the Kalagan. The study's primary purpose is to set forth in clarity the Kalgan culture
and its growth and change over time. In the matter of research process, the treatment was intended
to be exploratory covering the components of the culture and its interaction with one another. The
study had successfully presented the changes and growth that have occurred among the Kalagan in
Lopez, Ulyn Galindo. (2002). A Study of the application of Abraham Maslow's theory of
motivation to first year and second year nursing students in Davao City
This research study which basically aims to apply Abraham Maslow's Theory of Motivation to the
reasons of first and second year students in Davao City in taking up BS Nursing.The course a
student is taking up in college determines his/her future career or vocation. Nursing students will
eventually become nurses by profession.For the past two years, there has been an increase in the
demands for nurses abroad especially in the United States. The research determined the strongest
reason these nursing students have in choosing the course; then the reasons he associated them to
the levels of Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy on Needs which determined the present needs, and needs
for self-actualization. Survey method using purposive random sampling was employed gathering
data such as socio-demographic background, reasons for taking up nursing, choice of school, and
questions regarding desire for overseas work, and migration, the target population were the first and
second year students on the six schools in Davao: Ateneo de Davao University, Brokenshire
College, Davao Doctors College, Mindanao Medical Foundation College, San Pedro College,
Teccaro College Foundation. The research also presents the implications of increase in nursing
enrollment to overseas work, migration and nursing instruction.
Maali, Shemar P. (2001). The study habits of first year students of UP Mindanao AY 2000-2001
The study entitled “The Study Habits of UP Mindanao First Year Students A.Y. 2000-2001” was
conducted as an undergraduate thesis requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Social
Sciences. Its aim was to describe the study habits of first year students in terms of motivation,
common approaches to studying, study techniques, note-taking techniques and preparation done for
quiz/examination. The study assumes that there are differences in the study habits as employed by
male/female, CHSS/CSM students, dormitory/non-dormitory residents, and by those who graduated
from private/public high schools.
The method that was used in this study was descriptive in nature. It used a survey questionnaire
patterned after Likert Sealing. The data analyzed was the result of the computation of average
weighted mean and of the t-value of the answer of the respondents.
In conclusion, the data showed that there are differences in the study habits of male and female and
of those enrolled in CHSS and CSM. On the other hand, there are no differences in the study habits
as employed by the dormitory and non-dormitory residents as well as those who graduated from
private and public high schools.
Macaso, Jonalyn A. (2006). A Descriptive study of Christian-Muslim intermarriage
This is a descriptive study of Christian-Muslim intermarriages. This study traces the stages that the
relationship has gone through, with an emphasis on the difficulties encountered and the resolutions
made within the intermarriage. This study describes the couples' marital adjustments on their
familial roles and their feelings of satisfaction/dissatisfaction within their marriage.
This study applied the purposive sampling method and conducted in-depth interviews with six key
respondents, three man and three women who intermarried from Mlang, North Cotabato, and Davao
City. The three women are Christians while the three men are Muslims.
Christian-Muslim intermarriage is explained by making use of the post structuralist theories of
Homi Bhabha and Bourdieu that embark upon the ideas of hybridity and agency and structure. This
idea of hybridity implies the occurrence of mixture from which the ambivalence enters. In that
sense, binary opposition is not emphasized. Hybridity will explain the blending of two religious
practices: one was converted to Islam but maintained practicing the Christian holidays from their
former religion. Furthermore, this theory helps in highlighting that behavioral practices are
negotiable. Spouse's and children's preference to adopt certain mainstream practices are allowed;
the latter are given the option to live between the boundaries of Islam and Christianity. Bourdieu on
the other hand, explains that agency is the ability by which an individual can make action on its
own. But the agency of the person will be subjected to the structure. Which implies constraints to
one's agency. Also, agency is shown when the couple and their children behave in a manner that is
not strictly leaning towards the religion they embraced. But despite this agency, they are still
bounded to the structure encompassing their social space in relation to the interplay of power—the
question of who is dominant and compliant—between two sexes; thus this implies that agency
works but only within its limitations in compatible with existing fissures within the social structure.
The results of the study show that the couple encountered difficulties and identified resolutions
along the stages of the intermarriage. The following are the stages of intermarriage: courtship,
dating, engagement, wedding and married life. The difficulties that confronted these stages started
from families of both sides, friends. These also include aspects of religious conversion and
stereotyping against Islam to be catering polygamy. Resolutions made to counter these difficulties
include ignoring the problem, confrontations, tolerance, and conversion.
Madridano, Lynda Idong.(2002). Social comparison as a determinant for level of academic ability
The study of social comparison is a determinant for level of academic ability seeks to find out if the
sophomore students in the University of the Philippines in Mindanao engage in comparison to
determine the level of their academic ability. Survey among the selected respondents painted an
intriguing picture of the individual who compares. In applying Leon Festinger's Social Comparison
Theory, interpretations of the respondents' answers gave affirmation to the application of the theory.
The results of the study showed that sophomore students compare their level of academic abilities
with their classmates. They can determine their level of academic ability by looking at the academic
performance of their classmates. This is done by comparing their test scores in examination as well
as by comparing their grades in written assignments, class participation and projects. For them,
contact with media of information such as the television and printed materials (books and
magazines) provides them a venue for verifying and assessing their own level of academic ability.
Majority of the respondents compared their level of academic ability to those whom they considered
as models and inspirations. These persons were observed by the respondents to be the “better
performers” and achievers in class. In addition, it has been found out that mass media played an
important role in recognizing their level of academic ability. Access to various forms of information
and self-enhancement materials—such as books, magazines as well as television shows provides an
area for them to discern and evaluate how poor, satisfactory, or excellent they are as students.
Makalasay, Zenaida Ellegue. (2005). Socio-demographic mobility of Maguindanaon migrants in
Davao City: an exploratory study
The setting of this study is in the Muslim Village in Times Beach, Davao City. It is one of the two
identified “known” territories of the Maguinadanaon in the City. Muslim communities in Davao
City have always been characterized by its distinct ethnic composition. Despite migration, various
Muslim ethno-linguistic groups tend to form their own community and thus create a certain
territoriality. The socio-demographic profile and mobility of the Maguindanaon has been slowly
changing over time. The aim of the study is to describe and explore the dynamics of the sociodemographic mobility of the Maguindanaon migrants in the city and the factors that can be
attributed to these changes. To obtain the necessary data, an interview schedule was conducted
among fifty (50) Maguindanao household heads which were chosen through simple random
sampling. In general, migration affects their spatial distribution as they have been known to be
traditionally concentrated in rural areas like Cotabato and Maguindanao. Their household structure
tends to be nuclear and family size smaller. The comparison of the Maguindanaon and their parents'
educational attainment shows a certain level of intergenerational mobility already. Maguindanaon
women, despite their educational attainment, have lower if not lesser opportunity for occupational
mobility as most of them are confined in housekeeping. In general, occupational mobility of the
Maguindanaon is viewed in this study in two perspectives: 1) in comparison with their fathers'
occupation and b) occupation before and after migration. From largely agriculture-based
occupations of their fathers, more Maguindanaon are already entering the informal and service
sector. The occupation of the respondents before and after migration shows no significant difference
at all as most of the occupations they held are menial and low-productive in nature. Establishment
of Muslim communities like that of the Muslim Village in Times Beach is inevitable as
Maguidanaon migrate from their place of origin because of their social and economic condition
such as the piece and order problem that they frequently encounter and the poverty that they are
experiencing. Hence, it is not surprising that majority of the Maguindanaon respondents no longer
express any desire to go back to their place of origin and thus prefer to live here in the city.
Mata, Ana Mae Dioso. (2000). The level of stress among primary, secondary and tertiary teachers in
a workplace
This study aims to find out whether there is a significant difference in the level of stress and the
coping styles often used by the primary, secondary and tertiary teachers. A hypothesis was
established that primary teachers experience the highest level of stress. Thus, in able to test the
hypothesis and to come up with a significant data, the survey questionnaire method was employed
to the purposively selected samples of primary, secondary and tertiary teachers of the Rizal
Memorial Colleges. The data gathered requires a nonparametric statistical test where two methods
are used; the Kruskal Wallis Test and the Mann Whitney U Test. The study turned out that there is
no significant differences in the level of stress and in the coping styles that are often used by the
three groups of teachers. Each group is affected by all the stressors that emanate in the workplace
but, there are specific stressors that cause high level of stress in each group of teachers.
Medalla, Analiza B. (2001). A Study of attrition and retention of pupils in public elementary schools
in Toril, Davao City
The objectives of this study are: (1) to determine the rate of attrition and retention of pupils in Don
Juan Dela Cruz Elementary School and Piedad Central Elementary School in Toril; and (2) to find
out the reasons for the attrition ad retention of elementary pupils. A survey method was employed in
this study which involved 42 respondents, of whom 62 were teachers and two were guidance
counselors of the two schools in Toril.The study revealed that the two central schools in Toril were
experiencing the problem of low cohort survival, low completion, and high dropout rates. The study
has also identified various reasons for the attrition and retention of pupils. These reasons were
related to the pupils' characteristics, social influences especially found in school, and pupils' family
background (which includes its characteristics and socioeconomic features). Under the pupils'
characteristics, dropouts were found to have learning disabilities, poor health and nutritional status,
excessive absenteeism, and tardiness. On the social influences, dropouts were found to have
committed offenses, were prone to peer pressure, had low participation in extracurricular activities,
and low academic achievement or school performance. Under the pupils' family background, they
were found to have single-parent type of family, big family size, were mostly the eldest in the
sibling order. Dropouts also had parents with single-type of family earning, low education and type
of job. Parents of the dropouts were also found to be incapable of providing their children's cost of
education. Moreover, most of these dropouts had also engaged into jobs.
Merquita, Errol Arquilao (2002). Using management concepts to understand the livelihood
strategies of the Badjaos in Davao City
This study attempted to understand the livelihood strategies of the Bajaus in Davao City. Once
maritime nomadic, the Bajaus have had to adjust to present-day conditions to survive. What
managerial skills and strategies they have evolved were the main concerns of the study. Concepts
obtained from the management literature were initially used to frame this ethnographic study. The
risks in making judgments of Bajau culture in terms of another culture were recognized. However,
the comparison mainly served to highlight the differences and proved useful in understanding the
Bajaus in their own terms. Why they may seem to care little about planning, organizing, directing,
saving and seeking new information may be understood in terms of their values and belief system.
Millado, Frances Carmel P. (2006). Roles of elected sitio leaders and recognized traditional leaders
in sitio Namnam, Barangay Marilog, Barangay Baganihan, Marilog District, Davao City
The study examines the roles of the elected sitio leaders and recognized traditional leaders in Sitio
Namnam, Barangay Marilog-Barangay Baganihan, Marilog District, Davao City. By “traditional”, it
refers to the social attitudes, beliefs, principles, and conventions of behavior which is derived from
past experiences and is continuously transmitted up to the present; the term can also be
interchanged with “indigenous”. The method employed is key informant interviews and participant
observation. The conduct of this study was greatly assisted by Kinaiyahan Foundations, Inc., a nongovernmental organization which is currently implementing a tree-nursery and reforestation project
in the area. Several case studies were also included in examining the said issue. In analyzing the
gathered data, the researcher used the concept of Donald Kurtz on power resources as a theoretical
framework. These resources are classified into material and ideational. By “material”, it refers to
the ideologies, symbols, and information resources. They are utilized by the aforementioned leaders
to ensure submission by their constituents. This study contributes in giving the readers a picture on
how state laws like the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) and the Local Government Code
(LGC) which are also made to acknowledge and accommodate the rights of indigenous peoples
(IPs) are appropriated by the IPs themselves.
Napoles, Janice B.(2001). A Case study of contract farming in Barangay Daliaon Plantation
The objectives of the study are: (1) to describe the characteristics of farmers engaged in contract
farming; and (2) to determine the consequences of contract farming in Barangay Daliaon Plantation.
The study involved 93 contract farmers of whom 48.39 percent were tenants; 22.58 percent, CARP
beneficiaries; 5.38 percent, land borrowers; 23.65 percent, owners. An interview schedule was used
to gather the data. The study revealed that the mean age of contract farmers was 35.48 years. Most
of them got married at the mean age of 23.29. the mean number of years that they resided in
Barangay Daliaon Plantation was 27.23 years and the mean number of years that they engaged in
contract farming was 6.24 years. The mean educational attainment of the contract farmers was 5. 81
and their wives, 7.21. The mean number of family members was 5.80 and the mean educational
attainment of the children was 7.02. They were have P 43 301.08 as mean annual income under
contract farming. The consequences of contract farming in Barangay Daliaon Plantation include the
following: (1) The assured annual income by contract farmers though it remained low and limited
as before the contract farming; (2) The ability of contract farmers to send their children to school;
(3) The availability of farm financing; (4) The ability of farm marketing; (5) The availability of
hired labor; (6) The availability of farm facilities; and (7) The availability of income and financial
Napao, Mae N. (2002). Test anxiety among students of UP Mindanao
Test anxiety has been a subject of a number of in depth studies in psychology. Different approaches
like psychobiology, cognitive and behavioral approaches have already been exhausted to study and
have a deeper understanding of it. Test anxiety as a subject already gained attention in the research
community by focusing on the trait and state personalities of individuals or groups of individuals.
Test anxiety is a combination of physiological, emotional, and cognitive components that are caused
by the stress of taking tests (Plotnik, 1999). It affects the achievement of students either by too
much worrying or by increased motivation on one's performance on the test. There is a need to
capture an understand the nature of test anxiety among UP Mindanao students and the preparations
they do for tests as influence by the course from which the test has been taken. This is to provide us
with an empirical evidence that students are affected by it. These is a need to know whether test
anxiety is helping a student or threatening him/her in his/her performance in taking the test. The
method used in this study is descriptive method which is aimed for having more information and
greater insight about test anxiety. Moreover, statistical analysis was also used for the inferential
portion in the data analysis. This research inquiry has found out that UP Mindanao students
experience a mild level of physiological and psychological symptoms of test anxiety. They
generally practice the physical and mental preparations for test anxiety. There were also enough
data to disprove the notion that a particular course can influence the anxiety levels, as well as the
extent of their preparations. This study recommends to future researchers about test anxiety to focus
on other variables which could cause the differences on the anxiety levels of the students.
Nueva, Ma. Katrina T. (2002). The level of social acceptability of first year students in UP
Mindanao to adopt third wave technologies
This study was conducted to determine the level of Social Acceptability of first year students in UP
Mindanao in adopting third wave technologies. It aimed to know how the respondents perceive
third wave technologies and why they perceive it as such. This study also searched if there exists
any significant differences of the level of social acceptability between the male and female
respondents; between those that came from the rural and from he urban areas; between those that
were educated at a public secondary school and a private secondary school; between those having
different religious affiliations namely Roman Catholic, Protestant, Iglesia Ni Kristo, and Islam; and
between the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS) and College of Science and Math
(CSM). This study is a descriptive research using survey as the main method. The research
instrument used to gather the data was the questionnaire. The result showed that there is no
significant difference on the level of social acceptability between the aforementioned factors.
Therefore, the factors identified do not play a significant role now in determining the level of
acceptance or rejection of the respondents regarding third wave technologies. This showed that the
respondents are not bounded by these deep-rooted cultural orientations. Rather, their perception on
third wave technologies depended on their knowledge of the technology.
Olaguer, Ria Trina Rimando (2003). Changing patterns of leadership among the Mansaka of
Barangay Golden valley, Mabini, Compostela Valley Province
This paper studies the changing ptterns of leadership among the Mansaka of Barangay Golden
Valley, Mabini, Compostela Valley Province. This community was part of the area considered as the
exclusive domain of the Mansaka and thus, was able to retain their traditional pattern of leadership
until the early sixties. Traditionally, the headman known to them as the Matekadong, is the sole
arbiter in all the affairs and activities of the community. He is approved through consensus by his
clansmen based on his physical prowess and mental capacity. The Matekadong assumed political,
social, economic, and even religious functions and authority. Politically, the legislative, judicial, and
executive power are concentrated in the Matekadong's hands. The laws observed by the community
are according to their customs and beliefs. They also have a distinct way of resolving conflicts and
settling disputes and in implementing penalties. The entry of mining companies owned by Manuel
Elizalde Jr. who was also at that time, the head of the Presidential Assistance for National
Minorities (PANAMIN) gradually introduced the Mansaka not only to the mainstream culture but
also to the dominant political system. Such contacts led to the emergence of the Barangay Council
of the civil structure in one hand and the creation of the Tribal Council on the other. With the
institutionalization of the Barangay Council, the functions and authority once solely held by the
traditional leaders became limited as they now share the political authority within the community
with the officials of the Barangay Council.
Olis, Sheila May Bastan (2004). We are the kamigin: the role of politics and language in the
formation of an indigenous peoples identity
As of this study, the name “Kamigin Tribe” serves as the recognized title of the people living in
Sagay, Camiguin. They claim to have descended from the “original Manobo settlers” who came
from Mindanao. Four periods revealing the development of the Kamigin identity over the years are
presented in this study. These are the: Pre-Colonial Period to Colonial Times (since time
immemorial—early 1940s); the Period of Volcanic Eruption and the Massive Out-Migtation to the
Time of Returning to the Island (1871-1960s); the Arrival of Government Agencies and the
Beginning of Reorganization (1970-late 1990s); and the Period under the NCIP (1997- present). The
last two periods show the role of bureaucracy in organizing an indigenous group and affecting its
process of identity formation. Relatedness through the Kinamigin language, the use of a traditional
naming system and residence are the most pronounced and adhered to by the Kamigin when they
construe their identity.
Onggo, Marie Lyn M. (2002). A Narrative analysis of the seminar workshop of gender awareness,
University of the Philippines in Mindanao, January 18, 2002
This study used narrative analysis in analyzing the narratives of the participants of the Seminar
workshop on Gender Awareness to acquire information about the insights and realizations they had
after attending the particular seminar. Narrative interviewing was the method employed in gathering
data that were analyzed by identifying indexical and non-indexical substances of the statements of
the participants. The ordering of events or trajectories were obtained from the indexical statements
of the respondents as well as the collective trajectory of the group. The argumentative and
descriptive non-indexical statements conveyed the insights and realizations that the seminarworkshop generated. The stories of the participants revolved around the activities in the seminarworkshop with their relevant experiences about the concept of gender. The trajectories of the
participants showed the values they had in their lives, revealing their perspectives of the world. The
collective trajectory illustrated the activities that the group did, the sharing of participants, and the
discussion. The structure that was used by the participants was that of sequencing of events with the
activity of that day as the pattern of their stories with some incorporation of their realizations in
connection to every new concept that they learned. Cause and effect narrative structures was also
used to show the reasons raised by the participants in explaining the currents gender system. The
study showed that narratives, being forms of human communication, revealed the recollection of the
people about what has happened, arranged the experienced in a sequential manner and acquired the
possible explanations for such experiences, and showed the chain of events that shaped their
individual and social life.
Otero, Christina Bernolo. (2002). The changing Badjao community in Matina Aplaya, Davao City
Only few researchers have been conducted to explore the Badjao indigenous group. Very limited
information is available with regard to their culture in libraries and agencies around Davao City.
The “Changing Badjao Community in Matina Aplaya, Davao City” is an in-depth examination
of how this indigenous group maintains and expresses the dynamism of their culture. It further
exposes how they have adapted to the way of living completely complicated than what they are
accustomed to as they have been adopted by the Hope of Asia Foundation Inc., a Christian
denomination supported agency. The study covers all 24 households in the community as its
respondents. Using several ethnographic tools such as key informants, survey, non-participant
observation and immersion, the essential data were collected, interpreted and analyzed. As it
appears, the influence of the immediate Christian culture, as well as the exposure to the culture of
the mainstream society, caused a magnificent change in the lifestyle of the Badjaos in this
community. These influences altered most specifically their religious beliefs, in turn, reverberating
to the socio-political economic and socio-cultural aspects of their culture. It is in this case that they
are now slowly undergoing the initial phase of acculturation that, if not contained, will ultimately
result to the complete deletion of their culture.
Pabia, Nethanel Joan Ko. (2001). Views of self and reality: an exploratory study among second year
studebts of the University of the Philippines Mindanao
This is an explanatory study about the views of self and views of reality of the second year students
of UP Mindanao. It centered on how the self in which one's beliefs, values, and attitudes about one's
self and the world, play an active role in shaping one's view on how things in the world works.
This study searched for patterns in the respondents' self-views and reality-views and their possible
co-variations. The results showed that majority of the respondents tended to see themselves as
forceful in that they exhibit behaviors, thoughts, and feelings expressing energy, intensity, and
persistence towards others, as well as outgoing in their social interactions. With this kind of selfview pattern displayed by the second year UP Mindanao students, most of them held a social
constructivist view of reality, making them consider how other people interpret, know, understand,
and act on the “external world”. The data gathered from the respondents, however, were not
sufficient to show and support the possible co-variation between these views.
Pacete, Anna Farina Flores (2002). Poverty incidence in ten selected Barangays in Cotabato City
Poverty as described has many ramifications. It works in a vicious cycle wherein the chains of
events begin with poverty and end with it. Poverty has been the most dehumanizing problem that
obviously and visibly plagues a great majority of the Filipino people. Its many faces can be spread
out in the country. In Cotabato City, a great number of the residents fall into the category of the
poor, half of the Cotabatenos are living below poverty line. These families came from diverse
ethno-lingustic group, however, the Maguindanaons recorded the highest number based on the
results of the study conducted in the ten selected barangays in the city. All of the respondents lived
in a substandard and submarginal mode of living manifested through poor housing conditions,
malnourishment, weak education, low level of employment, low income due to underemployed or
unemployment, large number of family members, poor sanitation and the like. Poverty in Cotabato
City reached an alarming situation. This was further worsened due to the influx of migrants coming
from war torn areas of Maguindanao. The local government now faces a great challenge of
providing employment opportunities for the many jobless Cotabatanos as well as to those transient
residents from nearby municipalities.
Pacificar, John B. (2007). A Descriptive study on the knowledge perceptions, and techniques of
habal-habal drivers on City Ordinance No. 737
'Habal-habal' is a local dialect for motorcycle taxis. Its operations have been around since 1998.
due to the increasing number of accidents involving habal-habal, the City Ordinance No. 737 was
created. This ordinance was created to ban habal-habal operations in Davao City. This study is
about the knowledge, perceptions, and techniques used by the habal-habal drivers on City
Ordinance No. 737. The study examines the agency of habal-habal drivers operating in Mintal and
Bago Oshiro in Davao City with the presence of the City Ordinance No.737. The main objectives of
this study are the following: (1) to determine the knowledge of the habal-habal drivers regarding
the city ordinance, (2) to determine the perceptions of the habal-habal drivers on the city ordinance,
and (3) to determine the techniques used by the habal-habal drivers to deal with the implementation
of the city ordinance. To analyze the perceptions and techniques used by the habal-habal drivers,
this study employs Anthony Giddens; (1979) theory of agency and structure and Michel de
Certeau's (1984) concept of tactics. Data were gathered through interviews with habal-habal drivers
who were members of habal-habal associations, 'warik-warik' habal-habal drivers, officials of
transport agencies authorized to implement the city ordinance, and UP Mindanao students who have
also been passengers of the habal-habal. Results indicated that all the habal-habal drivers have the
same views on the city ordinance. They are all in favor of a section in the ordinance requiring
motorcycle drivers to wear crash helmets because it addresses the issue of safety. As with the other
sections, they are all against these because of their detrimental effects to their operations. They have
also found different ways to void getting caught. In conclusion, the habal-habal drivers practice
agency which is manifested in their ability to give accounts for their persistence on operating
despite the presence of the city ordinance and in the different techniques they use to avoid being
apprehended. The shortcomings of the government in providing transport services to the public in
the viewpoint of the habal-habal drivers are at the same time, used by the habal-habal drivers to
give justification for their operations, in addition, the shortcomings of the city ordinance in the
implementation aspect are also exploited by the habal-habal drivers in getting away with their
violations. The knowledge of these shortcomings is the resources drawn upon by the habal-habal
drivers from the structure in the social system implicated in the practice of habal-habal driving. It
represents a cycle of how individuals capitalize on each other's lapses.
Paclibar, Ralph James G. (2005). The lives of Papa Guibernas: narrative variations in a millenium
Reverend Maximo Guibernas is the late founder of New Israel Moncadistas, a religious movement
having its locus of activities in New Israel, Makilala, North Cotabato. His Christ-like life-history is
an important pillar in the “theology” of the millenarian believers. This study looks into the
variations of the life-history narratives that the believers transmit to new generations of believers.
This study gathers sample-collections of these Papa Guibernas narratives circulating among old and
new members of the place. By describing the changes and continuities, in details and structure of
the sampled narratives, this study opens an important preliminary step in local community social
science research along the theme of “memetics.” The gathered narratives about the life history of
Papa Guibernas were analyzed to determine the various themes and figurations present. Some
themes exist commonly throughout all the narratives and these common themes were subsequently
scrutinized to analyze and identify the discrepancies between them in the various narratives. This
research can be considered as an exploratory study on the theory of memetics—the replication of
ideas from one individual to another—whereby the narratives collected provide a very good
example of meme replication and as a basis for future memetic studies.
Paradela, Leslie Anne Casuyon. (2006). Mananambal/tarabawian: traditional healing practices of
two communities in Mt. Apo natural park
This is a descriptive study about the traditional healing of the Bagobo-Tagabawas of Sitio
Malumpine, New Bulatukan and the Moncadistas of Barangay New Isreal as communities located
within the Mount Apo Natural Park in Makilala North Cotabato. Furthermore, the study (1)
determined the different healing methods of the two communities, (2) described how the
communities practice their traditional healing methods and health care system, and (3) described the
interaction of the two villages in their healing methods and their changes/continuities. Traditional
healing of Malumpine Bagobo-Tagabawas and New Israel Moncadistas are composed of four major
empirical categories: (1) the objects used, (2) the methods involved, (3) the ailments cured, and (4)
the relevant views of the traditional healer regarding any of the previously mentioned categories.
The researcher has found out that the first two categories, namely objects used and the methods
involved can be further classified into various sub-categories based on a biosemiotic perspective.
The healing objects can be categorized as: (1) organic natural objects, (2) inorganic natural objects.
And (3) man-made objects. Meanwhile, the methods involved in traditional healing can be
categorized into two: (1) energetic or physical healing; and (2) informational or semiotic healing.
Objects and methods involved in the traditional healing of both groups are often used as
combinations of any number of the aforementioned categories. However, that Malimpine BagoboTagabawa were found to have favored the use of organic objects like animal parts and herbal plants
coupled with the use of energetic or physical traditional healing methods like “palina” and boiling
objects like herbal plants to cure most ailments. On the other hand, New Israel Moncadistas prefer
to use inorganic natural objects like 'healing stones' together with man made objects such as
“oracions” and “kargadas”. Although they also use energetic or physical traditional healing
methods like “haplas” and “palina”, the New Israel Moncadistas still prefer informational or
semiotic healing like 'spiritual healing' or 'operation'. Over the course of time, the BagoboTagabawas traditional healers of Malumpine have been highly influenced by their environment
particularly in their traditional healing methods wherein most, if not all, of the objects and methods
that they use are from the forest of Malumpine and its neighboring areas. Their observations as well
as interactions with numerous plants and animals have led them to cope up with unique and
sometimes unusual methods of healing different kinds of ailments. On the other hand, although they
are located within the same surroundings, the traditional Moncadista healers of New Israel have
gravitated more towards the socio-cultural aspect of traditional healing, particularly those related to
their faith and harmony as a community. Nevertheless, both Moncadista and Bagobo-Tagabawa
traditional healers have commonalities in their healing works either from decades of interaction or
some form of socio-cultural osmosis wherein only certain beliefs or practices could be assimilated
into either group. An appropriate example of this is the mystical experience of most BagoboTagabawas and Moncadista traditional healers wherein they reportedly died, but a few hours or days
later miraculously survived. Afterwards, they either had dreams or visions in which they discovered
their capacities for healing.
Parian, Paul Dennis P. (2001). A Study of social change among the relocated scavengers in Kabayan
Village, Tibungco, Davao City
The objectives of the study are: (1) to describe the socioeconomic changes in the living conditions
of the relocated households in Kabayan Village, Tibungco, Davao City; (2) to identify the problems
perceived by the relocated households in their new place of residence; (3) to find out the
mechanisms that sustain the relocated households in their livelihood; and (4) to find out their
aspirations and expectations in life. The study's respondents were targeted initially at 98
respondents, but due to the problem of availability only 70 respondents were interviewed. All of
them were beneficiaries of the Special Project of Scavengers (SPS). An interview schedule was
used to gather the data. Use of informants and available literature were also employed. The study
revealed that their economic condition had improved during the SPS implementation but slumped in
their present relocation due to the lack of livelihood and job opportunities. Prior the implementation
of the project their mean monthly income was 2,924 pesos. It has increased to 4,081 pesos during
the SPS implementation and dropped into 1,512 pesos in their present relocation. As a consequence
to the slump in their economic situation, their food consumption, access to recreation, clothing, and
capability have improved in their present relocation. Their access to different social services and
amenities also improved, such as better access to public schools, health centers and clinics, police
and fire-fighting facilities and transportation. As to political empowerment, the study revealed that
in the dump site they have already exhibited community participation. This was improved during
SPS as there were new associations that were organized. The peace and order situation appeared to
be better than at present and their exercise of their right to vote also improved through the periods.
The common problems that are being encountered by the respondents at present are high debts, lack
of stable jobs and alternative sources of income, lack of income and capital, low food consumption,
insufficient supply of water, lack of free health services, lack of education and lack of cooperation
among the members of the association. The study further revealed the following findings regarding
their aspirations and expectations in life. Their aspirations are; (1) to be able to pay all their debts
especially to the DSWD; (2) to be able to answer the educational needs of their children; (3)
available livelihood opportunities; (4) more government assistance; (5) available stable jobs; (6)
enough water supply; (7) better health condition; (8) their business to prosper; (9) better food
consumption; (10) and for them to be able to finish and furnish their houses. Majority of the
respondents showed pessimism in the realization of these aspirations because of their worst
economic condition at present.
Peloton, Mark Alan B. (2001). A Study of the consequences of urbanization in the Kalagan
The objectives of the study are: (1)to identify the social, economic, and political changes occurring
in the Kalagan households; and (2) to find out the problems brought by urbanization in the Kalagan
community. The study reveals that several social changes are observed in the community. In relation
to the decision-making process of the households, 56. 25 percent of the fathers decided on
household matters 20 years ago. At present, 64.13 percent of both parents decide on household
matters. In education, 34.4 percent of the children had access to the elementary school in the
community but none of them had access to secondary and tertiary schools in the community 20
years ago. At present, more Kalagans have education. More Kalagans have also graduated from
college. They have realized that it is important to have formal education for future employment.
In realization to health services, they visit their health center much often at present (78 percent) as
compared 20 years ago where 42 percent of the respondents had not gone to the health center. Sick
members of the household are also taken to the nearby hospital (70 percent) at as present compared
20 years ago where sick members of the household were just taken to quack doctors. Regarding
access to social services as electricity, transportation, communication and water, 100 percent of
Kalagan households at present have access to electricity from Davao Light and Power Company.
Pedicabs have also become readily available. PLDT lines are installed in their community. Water
reservoirs are also installed to improve water services in the community. As regards to the economic
changes in the community, the study reveals that 48 percent of the households were engaged in
fishing while 44 percent of the households were engaged in farming 20 years ago. At present, high
cost of living have impelled Kalagans to find other means of income. Now, more and more
Kalagans seek employment (32 percent) and look for other sources (74 percent) to augment their
income. The study also reveals that there are no significant political changes in the community
because Kalagans are immensely integrated in the political system of the Philippines. All of them
participate in local elections and support government activities and projects. The study also reveals
that problems accompanied social, economic and political changes in the community as
consequence of urbanization. Social problem experienced in the community are the increase in the
vulnerability of their culture to change, loosening of social control, exposure of youth to western
lifestyle. The economic problems experienced in the community are low economic opportunities,
low dependency from traditional occupations like fishing and farming, an flow income of the
household, though prices of basic commodities continue to rise. The political problems are conflict
between the teachings of Islam and some projects of the Local government and limitation on the
authority and power of the religious and traditional leaders in the community. However, such
political problems experienced in the community are shared only by a small percentage of
Petilos, Norhatta T. (2001). Perceptions of the freshmen students on the psychological development
program in the University of the Philippines Mindanao for the first semester of SY 1999-2000
This study aims to determine the perceptions of the freshmen students of the Psychosocial
Development Program in the University of the Philippines Mindanao for the school year 19992000. The Learning Resource Center that implements the Psychosocial Development Program of
the university is the primary source of information. There were155 participants who were asked to
answer a survey-questionnaire. The frequency and the percentage of the responses in a particular
item of the survey-questionnaire were computed. This study found out that the Psychosocial
Program is perceived as a helpful tool for new students in the University of the Philippines
Peralta, Atrhur John Alvero. (2003). Social distance among UP Mindanao students
This study is on the topic of social distance among UP Mindanao students. Social distance is
defined by this study as the sense of the degree to which we feel a differentness or a sense of
otherness towards persons from a particular group which prompts us to distance ourselves from
them. This study is concerned mainly on how one feels in interacting with students of the university.
It does not dwell on actual physical distances between students but will inquire on the covert
distances that students place between them and others. The study determined the magnitude of
social distance placed by students on the basis of age, gender, religion, ethnicity, social class and
organization affiliation. It also investigated on which of these factors prove to be the greatest and
least factor that causes social distance. The study was undergone at the University of the Philippines
in Mindanao. The primary method used in this study is the method. The samples (respondents) of
the study were stratified into four categories: freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. Two
hundred survey forms were handed out to respondents which were afterwards collected and
responses were tabulated. It was found out that students of the University of the Philippines in
Mindanao place little social distance among themselves. Differences in social class prove to be the
greatest factor while religion is ranked as the least.
Pergis, Hazel Paloso. (2002). Ten cases of dropout students from two public secondary schools in
Davao City
This study deals with the ten cases of dropout students in two public secondary schools in Davao
City. It aims to describe the common socio-demographic characteristics of the students and their
reasons for dropping. Semi-structured interview and secondary sources were employed in the study.
Through uncovering the life experiences of the dropout students, the researcher was able to identify
common socio-demographic characteristics among the ten dropout students and relate them to their
reasons for dropping.As revealed in the study, most dropout students came from poor and largesized families whose parents have low educational attainment and were involved in the unstable
jobs in the informal sector. Teacher's indifference (negative attitudes towards the students), financial
difficulties, peer pressure, inadequate and unsatisfactory school facilities, health problems, laziness,
teenage pregnancy, and lack of motivation from the parents, teachers and the self were identified as
the students' reasons for dropping. Free secondary education is not enough to lessen the number of
dropouts every year. There is a need to provide economically disadvantaged students with financial
scholarships/grants which would include fare and meal allowances. With the economic crisis
experienced by the government at present, it must give priority to education rather than
militarization in terms of allocating its annual budget. Parents and teachers have significant role in
motivating the students and inculcating in them the value of formal education.
Pesana, Jerlyn L. (2005). The coming out process of male Muslim homosexuals in Barangay
Sirawan, Toril, Davao City: A Case study
The study on coming out process of male Muslim bayot took place at Barangaw Sariwan, Toril,
Davao City. Five case studies of male Muslim bayot were taken in the field. Most of the
respondents perceived that homosexuality or pagkabayoti can be determined through biological and
environmental factors. Biological factor is what they attributed as 'inborn' tendency to pagkabayot.
Environmental factors such as mother-child closeness and girl and gay friends also influenced
gender identity development of Muslim bayot.The process of coming out among male Muslim
bayot can be viewed into three; Muslim bayot as gay, Muslim bayot as Moro and Muslim bayot in
the community. These are different contexts that somehow determined how they have managed to
come out to self and to others.
Pinoon, Lorevill Senajon. (2006). A Study on the implementation phase of the institutionalism of
coastal resource management (ICRM) for coastal school in Panabo City, Davao del Norte
This study was conducted to identify the process of implementation and the impact of the
implementation phase of the Institutionalization of Coastal Resource Management for Coastal
Schools as a whole. Institutionalization of the program provides a new way of mandating the
involvement of the people in the Coastal Resource Management program of the government. The
result of the program showed that institutionalization of the CRM program became integrated into
the students' learning in the school by allotting one hour instruction every Tuesday and Thursday to
the students. The Coastal Resource Management was integrated into Panabo City's coastal school
activities and programs ever since the Institutionalization of Coastal Resources Management
program was launched last 2004. This change in the school curriculum produced parents'
involvement—some voluntary and some were incentive-driven—in coastal resource management
program introduced by the government agencies such as Regional Fisheries Training center and
Local Government Unit-Agricultural sector. Thus, this became a way of community participation on
the implementation phase that is measured in this study through programs launched in the
community by ICRM, organizations actively involved in the program attendance of parents and
community leaders on ICRM programs, and pupils' participation on ICRM programs. The
community participation through ICRM would probably be a way to achieve the goals of Coastal
Resource Management (CRM), which is to achieve food security, abundant coastal and marine
resources and global competitiveness.
Pinton, Luz Mae Gabia (2007). Attitudes norms and behaviors of mothers towards child
immunization at Baliwagan Balingasag, Misamis Oriental
This study assessed the attitudes, norms and behaviors of mothers towards child immunization. This
study used the theory of reasoned action (TRA) of Martin Fishbein and leek in exploring mothers'
attitudes, behavior, and subjective norms—the evaluation of what others have to say of the planned
course of action. The study has employed purposive sampling method and utilized in-depth
interviews with the aid of questionnaire. Two hundred survey questionnaires were distributed to the
childbearing mothers of Barangay Baliwagan. Interviews of other key- informants like the midwife
and health worker in the center were also conducted. Mothers have different attitudes with regards
to their assessment about child immunization. Some of them believed that immunization is very
helpful and beneficial to strengthen the child's immune system. They enjoyed the privileges of
having free medical and dental check-ups and even the acquisition of relief goods. The most
common reason among mothers with un-immunized children: lack of money for donations and
injection fees and fare going to the center because of poverty. Their income is not enough to support
the cost of the vaccines for immunization. Moreover, qualitative findings indicated that mothers'
behavior is not only predicted by their assessment of the positive possible outcome and their
analysis of other peoples' approval and disapproval of their choice action, but also, the mothers'
demographic background and personality factors. In this study, this intervening factor is called
'limiting factor'. The result of this study shows that mothers who experienced poverty, thus, have
less formal education and unstable income and also have previous personal conflict with the
personnel in the center were mothers who had un-immunized children.
Pomarin, Mynabal T. (2004). At the crossroads: the politics of sama ethnicity and identity
The Sama embraces ethnicity based on cultural, religious, and economic affiliations. It can mean
economic marginalization. For the Sama, it can be inferred that economically, they are backward
and less developed. Ethnicity could also include cultural affiliation. It could also refer to the Sama
as having an own language and a practitioner of its remaining traditional practices. The Sama
depicts an identity that is constantly changing. “Modernization” is challenging the main fabric of
indigenous communities. The advent of a 'civilized' society imposed by the colonial religion and
government system have affected the 'Sama ethnicity'. Changes in Sama culture and society was
further hastened by the influx of lowland migrants from Luzon and the Visayas. As the Sama
welcomed these unprecedented opportunities for what they feel as “advancement,” their cultural
heritage has been sacrificed. Thus, the concept of one's identity and its traditions imply
'backwardness'. The issue of ethnicity is nothing but the inner conflict a person experiences. Sama
may carry different identities, base on what would, for him/her, be advantageous to use. In their
quest for a good life, indigenous peoples shift their identities to compromise with development.
Ponce, Shlwyn Khier Y. (2005). A Case study analysis: on sic drug abusers of Davao City
This study is about the six cases of drug abusers in Davao City. It aims to know when these abusers
started to use prohibited drugs, and more specifically, it aims to reveal what are the reasons behind
doing so. Through their narratives, the researcher was able to dig into the consciousness of the drug
abusers. With the help of the follow-up interviews, there were commonalities found as to why they
resort into drug abuse. The study showed that almost all of the respondents tried taking drugs at
their puberty stage. Peer pressure and curiosity were found to be the main reasons which enticed
them to try it. Generally, young adolescents resort to drug abuse for recreational purposes or for
leisure. At the moment, drug abusers are seen as nuisance to the society. But I argue, that the cases
of drug abuse should be critically analyzed. Parents play the crucial role in preventing their children
to get into drugs.
Principe, Antoinette Guerrero (2000). Personal constructs and schemata and their implications on
gender stereotypes: an exploratory study among UP Mindanao freshmen students
For a long time now, women have always been considered as the subordinates of men and perceived
as the weaker sex. This devaluation of women goes even way back the time of the Greeks.
Generally speaking, this stud revolves around the subject-matter—gender stereotypes. Specifically,
gender stereotyping as a psychological functioning perceived by the selected freshmen students of
the University of the Philippines Mindanao. Furthermore, this study employs two theories that
helped explain this phenomenon, the personal constructs theory and the gender schema theory. It is
the objective of this study to find out the personal constructs and schemata of the UP Mindanao
freshmen students and describe gender stereotypes in terms of these personal constructs and
schemata. This study also tasks in seeking patterns in personal constructs that represent gender
stereotypes. It is also the purpose of this study to assess the usefulness of the Repertory Grid
Technique and the Auto- Rep software as methods for analyzing gender stereotyping. The results of
this study show that UP Mindanao students are not that inclined in making stereotypical judgments
based on FEMALE, MALE, BOTH, POSITIVE, OR NEGATIVE categories. However, a pattern
inverse relationship that was manifested from the results of the respondents showed that respondent
made stereotypical judgment if these constructs were compared in terms of POSITIVE-FEMALE,
NEGATIVE, BOTH categories opposite NEGATIVE- FEMALE, MALE, BOTH categories.
Puyod, Edward Nino P.(2000). Activity preferences and factors affecting participation in extracurricular activities among UP Mindanao undergraduate students
UP Mindanao students have been generally termed as passive, apathetic, and non-participative. This
study was conducted to verify the speculations and identify and weigh the factors influencing
student participation. In addition to this, activity preferences of the students were identified. 263 out
of 476 students were surveyed for this study, and it was discovered that the students tend to
participate more on concerts, parties, and variety shows rather than in politically inclined and social
issue based activities such as general assemblies, forums, symposia, and on ceremonial gatherings
such as investitures and inaugurations. It was also discovered that the distance of UP Mindanao, the
rough road going to the campus, and the uncertainty of the availability of transportation vehicles
were major factors affecting student participation. It was also known in here that academic
responsibilities hinder majority of the UP students to participate in university activities.
It was therefore concluded that UP Mindanao students are generally passive, and what contributes
to this passiveness is the environmental factors mentioned and the deep focus on academic
responsibilities. The recommendation was that the UP Mindanao administration would speed up the
process of cementing the roads, initiate time management forums, symposia, and seminars and
encourage the students to participate in extra-curricular activities as part of their development
Rabago, Fairy Faith B.(2005). Women and religion: the roles of women in the growth of the
Kingdom of Jesus Christ, the name above every name in Catitipan, Davao City
This study provides in-depth research of the roles of women in the continuing growth of the
Kingdom of Jesus Christ. The Name Above Every Name in relation to its unconventional, femaledominated bureaucratic framework. Enclosed in this study are the particular positions reserved and
mostly occupied by female members in line with the women's commonly shared personality. This
study uses the relationships established among the total population of the group, number of women
members to its growth and expansion to explain the significant roles of women in the group. These
particular roles could be summarized into the following: “certified fruit bearers” (for recruitment),
“cheerful givers” (for financial support), “workers in the spirit” (for spiritual growth and
membership monitoring) and planners and coordinators (for activity/program development. Such
roles are all great relevance to the “success” in growth (increasing membership in national and
international level occupied with its rising financial status) of the group, but not an absolute
guarantee that women members exercise more power than men. Women as the greater components
in the Kingdom's population and dominating sex in the organizational structure simply speak of
woman's development in the religious arena from follower image to a position-oriented individual.
Racho, Gerald B. (2002). The Perception of stakeholders on the entry of FILCABS in Tagum City
The objectives of the study are: (1) to determine the perceptions of the motorcycle drivers,
motorcycle operators and commuters on the City Ordinance that allows Filcab operation in Tagum
City; (2) to find out if the socioeconomic characteristics of the stakeholders will affect their
perception of City Ordinance No.68; and (3) to identify the problems associated with the
implementation of the City Ordinance No.68. The study involved fifty (50) motorcycle drivers, (50)
motorcycle operators and fifty (50) commuters. To gather the data, an interview schedule was used.
The driver respondents are presently registered with the Land Transportation Office and have
motorcycle driving as their means of livelihood. The operator respondents are non-driver owners of
motorcycles who have a regular clientele of motorcycle drivers who rent his or her vehicles, and are
presently registered with the Land Transportation Office. The commuter respondents are currently
residents in one of the 23 barangays of Tagum City who regularly ravel in a public transportation
mode. The study revealed that 27 percent of the driver respondents did not understand the details
pertinent to the provisions of the Ordinance. Twenty percent of the driver respondents found that the
Ordinance lacks provisions that would address to problems of the motorcycle drivers who would be
displaced by the project. But 20 percent viewed the adoption of an efficient transportation mode to
be essential in the development of the new city. Four percent complained that they could not afford
the high cost of maintenance of a Filcab vehicle. One respondent noted that the City Ordinance
would benefit the commuters in Tagum City. Twenty six percent of the operator respondents
observed that the local government of Tagum is merely adopting a national law. Twenty percent
speculated that the present demand of public utility vehicles in Tagum City could not support the
competitive existence of both transportation modes. Eighteen percent complained that the
Ordinance failed to institute measures and programs that would provide assistance to the
motorcycle operators who would be displaced by the project. While 18 percent of the operator
respondents admitted that they lack knowledge of the details regarding the provisions of the
Ordinance, 18 percent were also optimistic that the project would hasten the development of the
new City. Sixteen percent of he commuter respondents suggested that the newly created city
deserve a transportation mode that would suit its new status. Another 16 percent of the commuter
respondents expressed doubt regarding the ability of the Ordinance to reduce the fare rate in the
city, as the rate presently used by the motorcycle drivers follows the standardized rate of fare.
Fourteen percent of the respondents also recommended that the public utility Filcab be allowed to
pass by the subdivisions and minor streets of the city. This would ensure that the bulk of the
commuters in the city would benefit from the project. The other commuter respondents added that
the new transportation system would have the following benefits: it would lower the transportation
fare in the city (14 percent); the competition posed by Filcab drivers could curd the abusive
practices of motorcycle drivers (10 percent); the problem of heavy traffic in downtown Tagum City
would be solved (10 percent); Filcab vehicles could better negotiate the unpaved roads of the city (6
percent); and the establishment of Filcab routes would allow commuters to identify the spots where
they can access public utility vehicles (6 percent). There were also respondents who were
apprehensive that the project would only aggravate the unemployment problem in the city (8
percent). The study also revealed that certain socioeconomic factors predisposed the motorcycle
drivers and operators to oppose City Ordinance No. 68. Motorcycle drivers and operators who have
(1) a low household income, (2) a large household, (3) members of organizations that are critical of
government policies, (4) a poor educational background, (5) migrants from regions where the
residents are experiencing economic hardships, and (6) motorcycle operators whose spouses are not
earning an income disapproved of the implementation of City Ordinance No. 68. Certain socioeconomic conditions of the commuter respondents also tend to affect their attitudes toward City
Ordinance No.68. These conditions are as follows: (1) household with large income; (2) small
household size; and (3) place of residence in the city. The perceptions of the respondents of the City
Ordinance No.68 discerned the major defects of the project. The look on the social and economic
characteristics of drivers and operators brought light to their dire social and economic conditions.
Their present condition would compel them to oppose the implementation of the City Ordinance
No.68. The social and economic characteristics of commuters also heighten their inclination to
stand against the implementation of City Ordinance No.68 .
Ramirez, Kathrine S. (2005). The Early settlers in Barangay Kapatagan, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur:
then and now
The study deals with the early settlers of Kapatagan, Sta. Cruz Davao del Sur focusing on the
factors that led to their migration to Kapatagan, the changes in the area as a result of the foundation
of the settler's community, the reason for their continuous stay in the area, as well as their present
condition. Data are gathered through informal interviews with and observation of the early settlers
who are still residing in Kapatagan. Tagalog and Cebuano with the occasional Ilonggo language are
use in the conversations. The major findings of the study are: (1) poverty in the place of origin was
the “push” factor that caused migrants to leave their home place; (2) the availability of land was a
powerful “pull” factor that caused migrants to settle in particular area, in this case, in Kapatagan;
(3) the changes introduced by the settlers to the area include roads, new crops like vegetables, fruits,
corn and others, electricity water system, market, recreational facilities, church, and school; (4) their
survival was made possible through the approval of the Bagobo leaders and assistance provided by
the Bagobos; (5) even if the lands are given for free is not enough to provide an affluent life. Other
source of income is necessary as well: and (6) finally, the factors that allowed for their settlement in
Kapatagan are the beauty of the place, its climate that is similar to Baguio, availability of food, and
the fact that they have nowhere else to go.
Ranoco, Juliet Lao.(2001). The Perception of UP Mindanao students towards homosexuality
This study was about the Perception of UP Mindanao Students Towards Homosexuality. It was
conducted in a survey-questionnaire technique. The total number of respondents is one hundred
fifty two (152) students. This was divided into four (4) year levels, which consist of male and
female. There were nineteen (19) ,males and nineteen (19) females in every year level. The survey
questionnaire obtains questions regarding students Perception of Homosexuality and other
questions essential to the study. The objective of the study was to know the behavior, feelings and
opinions regarding the morality of homosexuals, presence of homosexuals, causes of
homosexuality, and social impact on homosexuality on lives of people and society. The findings
revealed that UP Mindanao students believed that morality of homosexuals is neither good nor bad.
The students felt okay when they see a homosexual person and they would rather talk, smile, and
greet the homosexual. Same as the presence of homosexuals, the students would also talk to them.
In the frequency that UP Mindanao students mingle with homosexuals, it reveals that they would
mingle with the homosexual every time they see them. The UP Mindanao students also believed
that homosexuality is a learned behavior. As to the treatment of homosexuals, students believed that
homosexuals should be treated as normal individuals. However, with respect to establishing an
intimate relationship with a homosexual, student have a negative attitude towards them; thus they
would not want to establish an intimate relationship with a homosexual. The students also believed
that homosexuals has a social impact on the lives of people and it has contribution in our society
specifically broadening people's concept of sexuality.
Reyes, Rocelle E. (2006). Construction of gendered identities: a case study of seven gay students at
the University of the Philippines in Mindanao
The study explores how the seven cases of male gay students at the University of the Philippines in
Mindanao construct their identities as gays. It delves into the participants' definition of themselves
as gays and the direct influential factors in the formation of their gendered identities. The
participants' definition(s) and perceptions of homosexuality, the reactions they received from the
immediate surrounding concerning their identity as gay men, and their responses to the different
forms of discrimination experienced are also explored and described. Case study is the primary
method used. The data were gathered through personal in-depth, semi-structured form of interview
with the seven cases of male gay student at the University of the Philippines in Mindanao
The major findings of the study are: (1) the participants' concept of themselves as gays is structured
around the beliefs of the dominant social institutions; (2) the seven participants defined themselves
as formal gays; (3) the social environment is perceived as the most influential factor that contributes
to a person's sexual orientation; (4) the religious stands of Christians, conservatives, and absolute
norm-conformists contribute negative perceptions against homosexuality; and (5) finally, the
participants' acceptance of their identity as gay has become their most beneficial and effective
response to the differential treatment of the society.
Robles, Jodie Mae Trinidad (2002). Eleven cases of homeless children in two drop-in centers of
Davao City
This study deals with the problem of homelessness specifically among children in Davao City. It
aims to identify the factors associated with homelessness among children in Davao City. It also
aims to know the common characteristics, experiences and significant problems of the homeless
children, as well as their sentiments and aspirations in life. The study focuses on 11 cases of
homeless children in two government drop-in center in Davao City. Interactive Interview with the
aid of Guide Questionnaire was the main method used in gathering the data needed. By studying the
stories of the 11 homeless children, the researcher was able to identify the specific factors that
brought about their homelessness. The data revealed that domestic violence and physical abuse on
children are the main factors that cause children to run away and eventually and up in the streets.
The socio-economic status of the respondents' family, which is determined by the family size and
source of income, is also another factor that is associated with homelessness in children. The study
found out that all of the respondents came from large size families and their parents had low levels
of income. Common experiences and problems of the children in the streets were also identified.
When ties with their families are broken, these homeless children face the harsh realities of street
life as they struggle to survive on their own. They develop strategic ways of inhabiting the street
and learn various and creative means of gathering income. Most of the respondents work as street
vendors or “car watchers” while others ask for coins from other people who pass by. As similarities
in their economic activities brought them together, these children are exposed to “gangsterism” and
different vices. Eventually, they become vulnerable to violence and crime.
Rosal, Eleanor Legada. (2005). The idea of being indigenous among the Bagobo-Tagabawa of Brgy.
Kapatagan, Digos, Davao Del Sur
Barangay Kapatagan used to be the haven of the wild deer and boars before the logging concession
began in the area. Thus the land was used as the hunting ground of the Bagobo-Tagabawa in the
past. Today, the area is an enclave of settlers from different tribes. The Tagabawa also moved in the
place but constitute only about ten percent of the populations. However, with the establishment of
the Barangay Tribal Council (BTC), the Tagabawa are again considered as an organized and welldefined indigenous population. The BTC however do not only consists of Bagobo-Tagabawa but
also Igorots. Hence, the inclusion of the Igorot in the ancestral domain claim of the Tagabawa raised
the issue of the idea being “indigenous”.Thus, this research paper seek to know the concept of being
indigenous of the Bagobo- Tagabawa as viewed by the members of the Barangay Tribal Council;
the similarities and differences of this self-definition with the literature and the state's definitions;
and finally, the relationship between their understanding of being indigenous and ancestral domain
claim. Basically a qualitative study,the author used Key Informant Interview (KII) and documentary
analysis in gathering data. The major findings of the study include: literature and the state's
definition are not exactly parallel to the self-definition given by the Tagabawa Tribal Leaders;
Poverty and illiteracy determines the idea of being an indigenous community, and since their idea of
indigenous evolves in this definition, they have included the Igorot in the Barangay Tribal Council
and they wanted also to include them in their domain claim.
Salado, Jetren Manulat. (2003). The Impact of culture change in the health practices of the B'laan in
Barangay Cablalan, Glan, Sarangani Province
Culture change affects the lifestyles and beliefs of the B'laan in Barangay Cablalan, Glan, Sarangani
Province. Specifically, it influence the manner the B'laan treats their illness. Healing rituals and
herbal medicines were the effectiveness of synthetic medicines, the process of traditional healing
have slowly vanished. Among the identified agents of change in the vanishing of the traditional
health practices of the B'laan are education, religion, and material progress of the community.
Religion, however, is believed to be primary change agent. The conversion of the B'laan into
Christianity has changed their belief on deities and spirits to God as the sole healer and creator of
the world. Another material progress visible in the Barangay is the newly constructed Barangay
Health Center. The people in the area constantly come for health consultations when the health
center was opened to serve them. Free medicines and check ups are among the services offered in
the health center. Through these present services, the B'laan respond favorably to the health
workers. Found as an alternative for the unavailability of synthetic medicines is the use of herbal
ones. But the application of it is considered only as first aid treatment. The B'laan now use synthetic
medicines if they have enough resources to acquire them.
Salcedo, Johanna Espinosa. (2002). The local government code and the empowerment of the local
government unit: a case of the conversion of Koronadal from a municipality to a city
This study discusses the local government code and the empowerment of the local unit of
Koronadal. Particularly when Koronadal was converted from a municipality to a city. This study
revolves around the subject matter of change specifically change currently experienced by
Koronadal City and its people. Specifically, it dwells on factors which favored the conversion of
Koronadal into a city and the step taken by the local government of Koronadal in realizing its city
status, the opportunities and benefits derived from the conversion of the municipality, and finally,
the challenges and problems faced by Koronadal city as a city and assessment of the struggles used
by the local government in coping and dealing with the problems. Interview was used and
supplemented by secondary data. The results of the study show the empowerment of the local
government in accordance with the spirit of the Local Government Code of 1991 could spur a local
unit like Koronadal city to further growth and development. Problems continue to exist but an
empowered community possesses the tools necessary to create a better community.
Salili, Cherly Torregoza. (2005). The Langkilaan rattan gatherers in Brgy. Bayugan III, Rosario,
Agusan del Sur
This paper aims to determine the process involved in rattan gathering that would include the socioeconomic profile of the gatherers, their organization of work in the field, and how they gather
rattan. The study also aims to determine other market participants involved in rattan gathering.
Moreover, it aims to describe the management practices on the level of the gatherers as well as on
the level of the local government of Agusan del Sur regarding rattan gathering in the chosen
locality. Primary data were gathered through personal interviews with the gatherers and the buyers.
A field observation in the actual site where the gatherers were currently having gathering operations
was also done. Secondary data were obtained from the Provincial and Municipal Environment and
Natural Resources Office of Agusan del Sur and Rosario, Agusan del Sur respectively. The
Langkilaan rattan gatherers get financing or cash advances from their buyers for them to buy their
basic needs for their 15-day gathering operation in the site. Although they are of one group, they
still gather rattan individually. They do not follow a specific schedule for cutting out, rather, gather
as many rattan as they can, since they do not have an exclusive access to the site and the
competition is high. The baskets' peak season is during rainy season while the gatherers usually
have bigger rattan delivery during summer. This is the reason why buyers sometimes buy the rattan
splits at a lower price. The local government of Agusan del Sur does not have certain laws and
policies regarding rattan gathering in Bayugan III. No cutting permits are released (given/produced)
to people (gatherers) to give them the license to cut rattan in the area. However, PENRO personnel
revealed that they allow small rattan-gathering livelihood in the area, since rattan naturally grows in
the site and is good for basket weaving only.
Santella, Berlyn Mae I. (2005). Ethnicity and identity: he Tagakaulo of sitio Guisok, Barangay
Demolog, Malita, Davao del Sur
The Tagakaulo of Sitio Guisok have seemingly and ironically lost most of its traditional culture
even though they are considered a solid Tagakaulo community. However, regardless of the fact that
they are assimilated and acculturated, they perceived their ethnic identity based on the interplay of
the ethnic markers. Paramount of which is the concept of Tagakaulo lineage or ancestry, language,
origin of the place (territory), and history as the ethnic markers that the Tagakaulo perceived to be
vital and be considered as part of the Tagakaulo community. Furthermore, the Tagakaulo's oral
tradition is take into account as one of the vital ethnic marker in claiming their identity. It somehow
represents who they are, what they believe in, and show their way of living as a people or
community. Oral tradition reinforces community identity (the Tagakaulo identity) and this is the
reason why they continue to be Tagakaulos, because they trace their past to the stories that are real
to them. What is more important with respect to the Tagakaulo identity is that they (Tagakaulo)
strongly believed that they belong to the Tagakaulo indigenous people regardless of the
shortcomings of religion, shared customs and material culture as ethnic markers. Also to be able to
assert that an individual belong in a particular ethnic group, outsiders should believe that indeed
they belong to that ethnic group. This study of ethnicity and identity of Tagakaulo in Sitio Guisok is
based on ethnographic fieldwork involving interview guide and survey questionnaire based on the
proposed ethnography report per site and one-on-one interviews with the key informants.
Santiago, Maricris G. (2000). Child caring practices of selected working parents in green meadows
This study tried to find out the child caring practice of working parents in Green Meadows
Subdivision in Mintal, Davao City. This study tackled the patterns in taking care of the children by
their working parents. It also covered the important roles played by working parents in the
formative years of their children. Snowball sampling technique and the purposive sampling
technique were the sampling methods that were used in identifying the respondents of this study. On
the other hand, it is the interview method that was used to gather all the data that were needed. The
study found out that in dual career families, katulongs are hired to lessen the work-loads of working
parents at home. The child is usually left in the care of the katulong whenever both parents are in
their workplace or in an out of town business trip. It was also found out that parents spend quality
times as much as they can with their children. Both the mother and the father engage in activities
together with their children whenever they can. These activities range from simple talks during
dinner to consoling their children whenever they have nightmares. Furthermore, the study found out
that working has some advantages and disadvantages. With both parents working, the needs of the
children will be provided. However, with both of them employed, it is inevitable that their time
spent with their children will lessen.
Santillan, Glen Puno (2003). Stress and the coping mechanisms of UP Mindanao freshmen students
The study highlights the factors that causes stress and the coping mechanisms of UP Mindanao
freshmen students AY 2002-2003. Stress refers to how a person is being affected towards a given
situation (for instance, exam.) Coping mechanisms on the other hand refers to how a person deals
with stressful situation. The objectives of the study include the description of the factors that causes
stress and identification of the coping mechanisms employed by UP Mindanao freshmen students to
lessen stress. It has been observed that majority of the freshmen students of UP Mindanao suffer
stress due to exams, peer pressure,environmental conditions, death of family member, conflicts,
burnout, negative life events, frustrations, cultural differences, and parents' high expectations. On
the other hand, coping mechanisms such as removing stress, cognitive coping, managing stress
reactions, withdrawal, aggression, sleeping, rationalization, regression, and avoidance were utilized
to cope with stress.
Separa, Ofalen Joy A. (2003). The Dibabawons of East Asuncion, Davao del Norte: process of
acculturation and its impact on indigenous knowledge with focus on natural resource management
This study illustrates the process of acculturation undergone by the Dibabawons of East Asuncion,
Davao del Norte and its impact on indigenous knowledge, with focus on natural resource
management. This study aims to describe the agents that fueled the changes in the subsistence
pattern of the Dibabawons. Further, the agents of change identified in this study are the DacudaoDalisay logging concessionaire, the state, and the settlers. The logging concessionaire is deemed as
the one with great effect, which altered the traditional Dibabawon subsistence pattern. After the
destruction of the forest covers in east Asuncion, the kumads had to adapt the modern ways brought
by the settlers and introduced by the government with the altered physical environment, their
traditional subsistence pattern was no longer applicable. Along with the abandonment of their
traditional subsistence pattern, their indigenous knowledge in natural resource management is also
gradually set aside and replaced with modern and more sophisticated ways. However, despite of its
sophistication, it did not prove to be sustainable because the Dibabawons of today are living in dire
poverty due to limited resources, a condition that is very opposite to that of their ancestors.
Furthermore, at present, they are still undergoing a process of acculturation. With the presence of
would-be agents of change, such as Saug River Multipurpose Project, Lazaro Mining Company, and
KADIMA- Inc. Change is an inevitable aspect of culture, however, it must be critically assessed in
order to avoid unwanted circumstances that cannot be undone. Moreover, this study discusses the
importance of indigenous knowledge, particularly on natural resource management. This should be
preserved for it holds a great potential in sustainable development planning that will greatly
contribute to the development of our country, not only for the present, but also for the future
generations as well.
Sevilla, Miracle P. (2003). Bisaya migration and settlement: acculturation, displacement and
dispossession of the T'boli in Lake Sebu
The research is focused on the effect of Bisaya migration and settlement on the lives of the Tboli in
Lake Cebu. The settlement of the non-Tboli on the community of the Indigenous People resulted to
the latter's culture change. Changes on the Tboli economy and politics, and on the indigenous belief
systems and customs were considered for this study. The migration and settlement of Bisaya in
Lake Cebu resulted to the acculturation, displacement, and dispossession of the Tboli. Indigenous
belief systems and customs of the Tboli are slowly eroding due to the acculturation of the Tboli to
the Bisaya culture. The economic dominance of the migrants in the area has continuously
marginalized the people. There is also fear on the loss of the traditional Tboli politics as a result of
the changing Tboli cultural heritage. The Tboli adopt strategies to cope against the adversities
brought about by these conditions. Upholding a life of austerity, seeking assistance from the CIP,
and striving for education are some of the people's coping strategies.
Silva, Geraldine C. (2003). Articulation of the traditional and state-introduced political structures
among the T'boli of Sitio Lakag, Barangay Laconon, T'boli Town, South Cotabato
The study was on the articulation of the traditional and state-introduced political structures of the
Tboli in Sitio Lakag, Barangay Laconon, Tboli Town, in the province of South Cotabato. In the area
of study, state-introduced council and the customary structure are present. They coexist with one
another as the latter had been a part of the Tboli life. The barangay council is divided into several
committees, one of which is the Barangay Committee on Tribal Affairs which seeks the advice of
the datu in conflict resolution. Moreover, the barangay council takes care of the programs and
projects for which the state has budget. It can be said that there hasn't been any pronounced conflict
between the customary and the formal structures of governance. It is notable however, that the
power and the function of the datu has weakened due to the dominance of the state-introduced
political system. In Sitio Lakag where majority of the population is Tboli, there is a heightened
awareness of the right of the tribe to practice their culture. Sitio Lakag went through a political
struggle to reclaim their land from a Chinese businessman named Antonio Nocum. As a result of the
political struggle over land, the Tboli political awareness is heightened. Their experience on land
taught them to be well-informed and vigilant on what is imposed by the state and other institutions
generally considered as outsiders.
Sucgang, Annareza M.(2001). A study of the wage differentials between men and women with
similar occupants
This study aims to: (1) find out if men and women in a printing press receive equal wages for equal
work and (2) identify the reasons for the wage differentials between men and women with similar
occupations. This is a case study of seventy employees, of whom 54.29 percent were male and
45.71 were female and with age range between 20-56 years old. An unstructured face to face
interview was done with the manager and employees encountered in Midtown Printing Press, Inc.,
Toril, Davao City. The study revealed that the employees with similar occupations had varying
salary levels indicating that wage differentials exist. Only twenty-nine or 41 percent had similar
jobs in the company. These occupations include the Clerk, Stripper, Color Setter, Desktop Designer
and Yearbook Out putter. The mean salary levels for these particular occupations were P4266.67,
P4122.67, P3798.33 and P4600.00 respectively. The lowest wage earners were the female workers.
Furthermore, wage differentials between men and women occupying similar jobs were defined
through different reasons. The access of women to equal pay for equal work was restricted by their
traditional roles. Sex roles defined women as unproductive and unskillful as based upon the
perception of the employer to female workers. Moreover, the study revealed that reasons for wage
differentials between men and women also involved the socioeconomic conditions of the individual
(such as civil status, age, firm tenure and educational attainment) and the characteristics of the firm
(job titles, departments and house of work). The wages of the employees in the young age group
who had single status were the lowest and the old age group with the married status had the highest
salary level. This is so because those who were in the old age group had invested longer years
servicing the company than those who were in the young age group who had just spent less years of
working experience. Longevity caused the wages of the employees to increase reflecting returns to
experience. Moreover, wage differential was also found out among the employees with different
levels of educational attainment. Despite women's higher educational attainment, they still earned
lower than men did. Although they had similar educational attainment and position with men and
the earning gap had narrowed, they still received the lower pay. It was also found out that women
work for longer hours than men do but were paid less in return. Aside from that, married women
had limited economic participation due to the additional costs of benefits for the part of the
employer. But benefits were appropriated to comply with the requirements imposed by the
government through the Labor Code. The study also reported that sex roles of men and women
contributed to the pay gap since men were perceived to work faster, to perform better and more
productive than women. Their physical capability enhanced the perception that they can handle
heavy and laborious tasks so they were paid with higher wages in return.
Tadios, Felma Joy Israel. (2001). Goal attainment evaluation of TESDA
The focal point of this study is to evaluate the goals of Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority through the training programs offered in the Provincial Training Center located in Tugbok
District. Anticipated and unanticipated consequences were checked in accordance to the goals set by
the training institution, as it was enacted in Republic Act 7796. It was the policy reforms' main
thrust to develop middle-level manpower and to enhance the productivity of trained individuals.
Thus, the study deemed it important to see how the skills training was able to provide meaningful
changes through employment and establishing self-owned businesses. Using the evaluation model
of Hammond, the inputs and process refer to the institutional and instructional factors that produced
the anticipated and unanticipated outcomes of the training programs. The inputs, process and the
outputs of the training program were assessed in accordance to the goals set by TESDA. The trained
individuals, together with the trainers and TESDA Officials were interviewed. The data gathered
reveal that the institution failed to implement the Dual Training System, and they failed to comply
with the 1:3 ratio of tool/equipment per trainee that they have set. Then a large preponderance of
trainees did not pass the trade test. Furthermore, the study conducted shows that the private-public
institution linkages were not properly planned. In terms of productivity and employability, no one
established their own business and few of them were employed right after the training. Meanwhile,
occupational and income changes brought about skills training were relevant only to less than a
dozen trainees out of the 90 trainees interviewed. The study then infers that the success of TESDAPTC in attaining its goals is true only to the 11 trainees being interviewed. The goals failed to be
achieved for the 79 other trainees included in the study. TESDA-PTC in Davao City failed in its
goal attainment for the year 1998-2000, as expected in RA 7796.
Tagubase, Janice J. (2001). Study of the causes of student attrition in selected public secondary
schools in the school division of Davao City
The objectives of the study were: (1) to determine the causes of student attrition in the public
secondary schools in the school division of Davao City; and (2) to identify the strategies employed
by the schools to prevent student attrition.The study involved 669 student drop-outs from the two
selected public secondary schools namely: Davao City National High School and Sta. Ana National
High School. The methods used were case study, survey and the use of existing information
regarding student drop-outs. The data were gathered from the record center of the two schools.
Interviews were also conducted with the school guidance counselors for additional information.
Interview schedule was used. The study revealed that the most frequent cause of student attrition in
the public secondary school was illness. This was followed by change of residence, then the lack of
interest in school, employment, family problem, financial problem, student's help is needed at
home, early marriage and pregnancy, and peer problem. With the above causes, the schools
employed different strategies to prevent student attrition. The following are: counseling services,
home visitation, initiating reading meditation program, conducting seminars on responsible
parenthood and symposiums regarding drug use, AIDS, and sex education. Among the strategies
that were employed by the guidance counselors, counseling and home visitation were often used.
Tan, Lynnart Walford A. (2001). The level of perception of the second year college of humanities
and social sciences students of the University of the Philippines-Mindanao on guidance services
with regards to their academic adjustments
This study is about the perception of the second year, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
students of the University if the Philippines-Mindanao on guidance services with regards to their
academic adjustments. The main purpose of this study is to know how well the students are familiar
with their respective guidance services so as to be able to have effectivity on both parties. Also, this
study aims to help the students and the guidance services in a way that their strengths and
weaknesses are known.
Tedlos, Abigail Gonzaga. (2005). Sabong insdide and outside the cockpits: the social networks of
This study is entitled “Sabong Inside and Outside the Cockpit: The Social Networks of
Cockfighting.” This study shows the different social networks of cockfighting among the
sabungeros. The networks of sabong are composed of the network of individual within the cockpit,
the socio-regional/national context and the super-natural links. Within these networks are the
different individuals and organizations that work together to sustain sabong. The network of
individual within the cockpit includes handlers, the matchmakers, the gaffers, the cashier, the
masyador, the sentenciador or the referee, the kristo, and the bettors. The socio-regional/national
context include the cockpit and their owners, the local breeders, the game promoters, the financiers,
the local and national politicians and businessmen, the state regulatory agencies, and the regional
and national game-fowl breeders association. This network of individuals is not found within the
cockpit yet they influence so much the cockfighting activity. The super-national level includes the
international breeders. Each of these networks is interacting with one another.
Terrante, Noreen O. (2001). A Study of the aspirations and expectations of street children in the first
district of Davao City
The study aims: (1) to present a description of the characteristics and existing condition of street
children in Davao City; (2) to identify some reasons for the proliferations of street children; (3) to
determine street children's problems and needs along with their aspirations and expectations. This is
a case method study of 50 street children, of whom 70 percent were males and 30 percent were
females and with age ranged between 10 and 17 years old. An unstructured, face-to-face interview
were done with the street children encountered in the areas of poor urban communities and street
trading points in San Pedro, Bankerohan, and Ecoland Terminal. The study revealed that many of
the children had not reached the appropriate level for their ages. Those respondents who droppedout of school pointed out the economic difficulties as their main reason. The street children had
irregular meals, with a large number of them to support their basic needs. And most were exposed
to ailments because of the nature and hours of their street works. The study further revealed the
difficulties of aspects of street life for the youngsters: long hours of work and low earnings;
dangers, such as brutality of the older streeters or vehicular accidents and so on, hazards of
exposure to pollution and sudden temperature changes; initiations to dangerous activities by gangs.
Some of the reasons for the presence of the youngsters on and off the streets were the following: a.
The street children's family background: low educational attainment of parents, low income of
parents, large household composition; b. The street children's place of origin: many of street
children have migrated from nearby provinces and a significant proportion of street children lived in
poor/slum communities; c. The street children relationship with their families: death/ separation of
parents or the presence of a stepparent that oftentimes result to maltreatment and a significant
number of street children did not go home regularly; d. The street children's membership in a gang:
many of the youngsters were introduced to petty crimes and dubious activities. The street children
had problems and needs alongside their aspirations and expectations. The problems were
financially-related, school-related, family-oriented, physical and emotional ones and work/streetrelated. Their aspirations were mainly: (1) to find stable jobs and earn decent salaries; (2) to finish
school; (3) to reunite with their families; (4) to settle with a family of their own and own a business.
Tolentino, Catherine C. (2005). Antang-antang: sessions and negotiations among the dulangan
Manobo of Kulaman Valley
This study entitled “Antang-antang: Sessions and Negotiations among the Dulangan Manobo of
Kulaman Valley” presents what antang-antang is, who are the key people involved in its practice,
and how it is practiced in conflict resolution and in marriage arrangements. The research site is in
Kulaman Valley particularly Sitio Mantl in Brgy. Kiadsam, Sitio Tudog in Brgy. Bugso, Manobo
Village in Polacion, Laguton, Brgy. Tinalon and Sitio Lawan in Brgy. Masiag. The researcher
mainly used the interview as the principal tool in gathering the data which is aided by semistructured questionnaires and tape-recorded accounts of cases solved by antang-antang. Results
showed that antang-antang is a process operative among Dulangan Manobo both in marriage
transactions and in conflict resolutions. The key people involved in its practice are the leaders like
the datus, the Sultan and the authorities like the barangay officials or sitio leaders. Its function today
however, includes its application in the intermarriages between Dulangan Manobo and settlers.
Aside from that, it is now also being used to solve disputes regarding wife-stealing, murder, and
even quarrels, in the context again of both Manobo to Manobo and Manobo to settler relations. The
changes that have occurred among the Dulangan Manobo in education, religion, and inter-ethnic
marriages have in a way shaped their present society, some of which have accompanied their
traditions as they adapt to new set of rules.
Torotoro, Jenirose Bucao (2005). The changing roles of married OFW: muslim women in Barangay
Sirawan, Davao City: a case study
BARANGAY SIRAWAN, DAVAO CITY: A CASE STUDY” tried to find out (1.) the factors that
motivated or pushes the Muslim married women of Barangay Sirawan, Davao City to work abroad;
(2.) the perceived changes in their roles as mothers and wives; and (3.) how the family members
respond to these perceived changes. A snowball technique was the sampling method employed in
the identifying the informants of this case study. On the other hand, personal interviews were used
in obtaining factual and personal information about the lives of the married OCW Muslim women
along with their husbands and children. The study revealed that the growing poverty in the context
of structural and adjustment programs that produce landlessness and impoverishment among rural
populations have pushed more married Muslim women to join labor force. The lack of opportunities
considering the level of educational attainment, there are fewer avenues for local employment that
would allow these women to explore better jobs, acquire greater skills, and obtain a more secured
future. With the growing family dependence on women for income, especially among the poorer
households, the traditional husband-wife roles have changed over time. Thus, the role of the
married Muslim women in the labor force could be justified on the grounds of the insufficiency of
family income. The study found out that the growing number of women engaged in economic
activities such as working abroad as domestic helpers has been greatly contributed by the
insufficiency of family income to meet the rising levels of living conditions as well as the increase
in population creating more demands and needs to be satisfied. Several adjustments have been
undertaken as the wives/mothers leave their family behind and upon their return from abroad. The
husband assumes the wife's obligations, thus he performs as the “father-mother” to the family. On
the other hand, the children are affected with the mother's absence. Manifestations of insecurities
among other children who have mothers in the family were evident and the early independence they
experienced. The children were more responsible because they helped in the household chores.
Upon the mothers'/wives' return, the family also has to go another period of transition, living as a
whole family again. It is noteworthy that there were struggles of the husband to assume the wife's
responsibilities and the children's hostility and aloofness. Furthermore, the study revealed that
working abroad has brought advantages as well as disadvantages to the married Muslim women's
families. It is also remarkable that due to familial pressure, sense of personal and economic
autonomy of women and alleged success stories of those who migrated for greater income abroad
contributed to the changes that affect the migrant workers' family.
Tumlad, Ria Florlynn Pagaran (2007). Creation and recreation of space and social relations: a
descriptive study of sidewalk vending in San Pedro Street, Davao City
This study describes the practice of sidewalk vending in San Pedro, Davao City. This study
identified the people involved in sidewalk vending, described how sidewalk vending is practiced,
identified existing relationships in the practice of sidewalk vending, and described the perceptions
of various sectors on sidewalk vending. The study has employed purposive sampling method and
utilized in-depth interviews with key informants, participant observation, and casual conversations
with people identified to be involved in the practice of sidewalk vending. It also presented a map on
different types of vendors present in the research area and how the vendors are distributed in the
sidewalks. This study highlighted the initiatives and creativity of sidewalk vendors in their struggle
to sustain economic activity within the public space. Subsequent with the post-structuralist
perspective, the study had presented the role of the sidewalk vendors as agents, capable of
contesting the dominant and conventional use of sidewalks in pursuit of their economic activity.
The study was grounded on a social perspective that power possessed by people within the social
margins, though unevenly distributed, remains potent in negotiating meanings and policy
formations. Giddens' structuralist theory served as the general framework of this study. San Pedro
Street is a highly contested place. Different construction of meanings competes in defining the
sidewalk's utility. The sidewalk vendors, although viewed as nuisance by prevailing laws and were
driven away by some formal business sectors, has used strategies like forming associations (for the
local government to grant them the right-to-use of sidewalk spaces), and have forged and
maximized social relations that enabled them to acquire vending spaces. Their presence within the
sidewalk has presented the multi-functionality of the portions of the streets that lead to the tolerance
of various sectors on the existence of this kind of formal economy. In this study, sidewalk vending
is redefined in various perspectives. For the government, sidewalk vending is initially viewed as an
urban problem, a nuisance, and illegal. However, this is later recognized as an alternative economic
activity among the urban poor. The formal business sector also viewed sidewalk vending as part of
the informal economy. But among the vendors, sidewalk vending is an assertion of right to
Tumpag, Mirasal A. (2005). The sea and the standards of health and sanitation: a study of
cleanliness among the Badjao of Canaan, Matina Aplaya, Davao City
This study aims to know the perception of Badjao parents on cleanliness and its implication to their
health and sanitation practices as to personal hygiene, environmental sanitation, food preparation
and care for children. It was conducted also to asses the health and sanitation practices of the
Badjao parents of Canaan, Matina Aplaya based on the existing standard of health. Findings showed
that some of the health and sanitation practices of Badjao are closely related to the sea. If seen
through the guidelines of health and sanitation, the practices of the Badjao did not coincide since
they have their own perception of cleanliness. Badjao parents of Canaan, Matina Aplaya perceived
cleanliness as anything subjected to water especially seawater. They have held this perception
throughout the years because of the lack of interaction from the outside world. Illiteracy and
poverty are other factors that affect the health and sanitation practices of the Badjao. In view of the
findings, the researcher recommends that health personnel and authorities must hold community
assemblies on health and sanitation practices in Canaan, Matina Aplaya. Literacy programs must
also be implemented as well as livelihood and skills development to augment their family income
and improve their ways of life.
Tusoy, Rhes Resus. (2003). Changing lifestyle of the Badjao: the case of Isla Verde, Davao City
The Badjao in the Philippines is but among the many indigenous groups confronting change. This
study discusses how the Badjao in Isla Verde, Davao City maintains and changes their lifestyle as a
result of their migration to Davao City from Jolo, Sulu and Zamboanga in the early 1970s. It further
analyzes how they have adapted to a way of living different from what they are accustomed to in
Jolo. Based on my interviews, their migration to Davao City, as well as their exposure to the
lifestyle of the mainstream society here, have caused significant changes in their lifestyle. Badjao
experts such as Nimmo (2001), Teo (1989) and Roces (1927) have observed the same for several
Badjao in other parts of the country. These Badjao were full-time boat-dwellers. They lived in
houseboats and constantly move from place to place, thereby earning them the label “sea nomads”.
In recent years, however, they have moved from their boats to stilt-supported houses. At present,
their stilt-supported houses form a definite territory which they call their community. Moreover,
exposure to the mainstream society has given the Badjao choices on what kind of lifestyle to follow.
In Jolo and Zamboanga, the Badjao are primarily fishers. Almost all their economic activities is
derived from the sea. The women in Jolo weave mats or tepo and help their husbands in fishing.
However, at present, they are undergoing economic changes. In Isla Verde, men sell pearls, stones,
and shells while women engage in ukay-ukay or selling second-hand clothes.
Ulangkaya, Antonio Raizulli G. III (2002). Performance evaluation on the Mindanao Rural
Development Program (MDRP)
By the virtue of Executive Order 474, signed on the 24th of March 1998, the Mindanao Rural
Development Program was created. The Mindanao Rural Development Program is a joint effort
between the Government of the Philippines and the World Bank. It aims to alleviate poverty,
develop agriculture, and provide sustainable development to the island of Mindanao amidst sociocultural diversity. The Mindanao Rural Development Program is implemented through a four-phase
scheme. Each phase has a specific number of participating provinces and municipalities. Each phase
also has a given time frame to work with. Implementation of the projects is in close coordination
with the local government unit and other involved government agencies like the public works
development, environment department, and the agriculture department. The program is presently on
its first phase. The first phase of the program runs from the year 2000 up to June 30, 2003. It needs
to complete at least 60 percent of all the approved projects it is currently implementing. Failure to
complete at least 60 percent would equate to termination of the program because it would be
deemed as a failure by its primary funding institution, the World Bank. The present performance of
the program does not exhibit its capability to meet the June 30, 2003 deadline. It is plagued by
numerous problems, which in turn cause delays that greatly affect the pace of the program's
implementation. This paper focuses on the description and evaluation of factors contributing to the
lackluster performance of the Mindanao Rural Development Program. The research method used in
this research was the evaluation method. It used one interview schedule conducted to informants
within the Monitoring and Evaluation department of the Mindanao Rural Development Program.
There were two indicators used in this study. The first indicator used is the number of projects
implemented in a span of time. This indicator took into consideration the number of implemented
projects within the given or set time frame that is imposed upon the policy by itself. The other
indicator is the current status of the projects. This indicator evaluated the status of the projects, and
assessed if the said projects would be completed within the given time frame. In conclusion, the
study confirmed the lackluster performance of the Mindanao Rural Development Program, most of
its projects have not even reached 60 percent of its completion, some have not even been started.
This study found that the recent election, slow project preparation, lack of personnel, and financial
mismanagement have caused the Mindanao Rural Development Program's problem.
Valentin, Charmaine Pasion (2001). Barangay Tawan-tawan's social change as an agrian reform
The objectives of the study are: (1) to know the physical, socio-economic, and political changes in
Barangay Tawan-Tawan as it became an Agrarian Reform Community and (2) to find out some
unanticipated changes brought by these programs.The study involved sixty-eight (68) Agrarian
Reform Beneficiaries with various farming conditions prior to the proclamation of Barangay
Tawan-Tawan as an Agrarian Reform Community. These farming conditions include sharecropping, land-renting, informal agreement between landlord and farmer, and sometimes absence of
any agreement. To gather data, an interview schedule was used. The respondents are presently
residing in Tawan-Tawan, owner of the land granted, dutifully tilling said land, and deriving from
said land his/her primary source of income.The study revealed that subsequent to the barangay's
ARC proclamation, a number of physical facilities were established. Barangay Tawan-Tawan's ARC
profile indicates that these infrastructures were due to the implementation of Agrarian Reform
Program. Thus, the program directly caused physical change. However, key informants did not
attest that physical change is directly attributed to ARP's implementation. Although the year these
facilities were installed followed after Barangay Tawan-Tawan's proclamation as a ARC, this does
not mean to them that facilities were established under the name of Agrarian Reform Program.The
study also revealed that respondents undergo economic changes as they became Agrarian Reform
Beneficiaries. They are now perceived to have: (1) higher farm produce; (2) easier means of
transporting farm products; (3) higher farm income; (4) sufficient income status; (5) adequate
number of meals a day; (6) better living condition; and (7) more purchasing power for home
appliances. Before the barangay's proclamation as an Agrarian Reform Community, beneficiaries
were characterized with: (1) sufficient income, and (2) adequate number of meals a day. These
characteristics increased as they became Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries. This economic
improvement is counter-acted by respondents' degree of access to basic social services. As shown in
the study, despite the existence of social services, beneficiaries were unable to avail from such. The
beneficiaries are using (1) petroleum gas, (2) water pump, (3) antipolo or open pit toilet, (4)
jeepneys as their transportation facility. A good number are unable to send all their school-age
children to school. The study further revealed that prior o ARC proclamation, respondents were
unable to accept scientific ideas and practices. But these characteristics strengthened as they became
Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries. There is now increased (1) access to health services, (2) tendency to
practice what they had learned from health symposia and seminars, (3) belief in medical
practitioners, (4) tendency to use scientific practices in mending the sick, and (5) tendency to take
medicine suggested by doctors and other health practitioners. Nevertheless, ARC proclamation did
not affect health practitioner's frequency of visit to Barangay Tawan-Tawan. Also, subsequent to
ARP implementation, there is a decrease in respondents who were aware of the existence of health
seminars and symposia. Prior to ARC proclamation, respondents were already politically
empowered. These characteristics are further enhanced under the ARP implementation. They have
now increased (1) tendency to be appointed as political leaders, (2) frequency of attending barangay
meetings and activities, (3) tendency to vote during local elections, (4) tendency to consider
candidates' attitude and implemented programs as voting criteria, (5) ability to air out sentiments,
and, (6) ability to influence barangay decisions. Moreover, during the years following ARC's
proclamation, respondents decreased their tendency to regularly vote during national elections.
Also, their tendency to join organizations was not affected by the program's implementation. The
study indicated that the baragay's ARC proclamation did not bring any unanticipated consequences
in the beneficiaries' life and the community as a whole. Where ARP only caused expected
consequences in the form of (1) infrastructure development, (2) existence of Tawan-Tawan MultiPurpose Cooperative, (3) land acquisition, (4) increased in income, (5) acquisition of more home
appliances, and (6) better standard of living. Aside from these, there are no foreseen unexpected
effects brought by the proclamation of Barangay Tawan-Tawan as an Agrarian Reform Community.
Velasco, Kim Lambert B. (2006). The Indie music scene of Davao city: an outlook on the local
Indie music scence
The study revolves around the Indie music scene of Davao City. It focuses on the perspectives of
the musicians and the audiences, which comprises the local Indie community, as well as the
perspective of the local community on Indie music and its culture. Data are gathered through
informal interviews of the respondents while observing the local music scene. Participant
observation was also used to be able to get a better perspective and understanding of the scene. The
respondents were chosen specifically for their roles in the research.
The major findings of the study are: (1) Indie is a “tag” used to refer to both the music, as well as
the culture and lifestyle; (2) Indie can be treated either as a transitional phase into becoming part of
the mainstream music scene, as treated by the local independent musicians, or as existing and selfpreserving culture, as perceived by the local Indie musicians and the local Indie community; (3) the
success of the Indie music culture, in the eyes of the local Indie community, relies on its ability to
sustain itself without being incorporated into mainstream music culture; (4) the fluid nature of the
relationship between the mainstream and Indie music makes it difficult to delineate one from the
Villasan, Marcel Aparicio. (2004). The myth of the stakeholder: using and managing the gold
resource in Upper Consuelo, Bunawan, Agusan del Sur
Resource management has become a by-word in the Philippines in the 1980's. In the present-day
discourse of resource management, in particular, the role of the stakeholder is emphasized.
Stakeholder is an individual or a group of individuals solely relying on the resource.
Social contract theorists believe that man by nature is selfish. Adopting the idea of man's
selfishness, many discourses have been presented both by natural scientists and technocrats that aim
to solve the problem of resource management such as the global ecosystem approach and the
bioeconomic model framed after Garret Hardin. Another proposal is offered by the Bruntland
Commission using the concept of “sustainable development”. This paper is set out to discuss the
dynamics and socioeconomic processes surrounding the exploitation of the gold resource in Upper
Consuelo, Bunawan Agusan del Sur. In particular, it discusses the social relations shared by the
inhabitants of Barangay Consuelo with the local government unit and mining company and how
these social relations mold their attitude and discourse toward the gold resource. The responsibility
of managing the gold resource in Upper Consuelo is vaguely passes from the community, to the
local government unit and then to the mining company. I believe that the irresponsible behavior of
turning over the responsibility of different stakeholder is a result of the conflicting policies
contained in the Local Government Code of 1991 and in the Philippine Mining Act of 1995. this
irresponsibility has implications both to international and local literature that elevate the role of the
stakeholder in managing natural resources. At the moment, the gold resource in Upper Consuelo is
viewed as an important source of livelihood by the residents, the mining company and the local
government unit. But as it stands now, nobody is empowered to come up with a management plan
for it. With this, i argue that the gold resource in Upper Consuelo will be diminished soon if the
local governments and the community fail to discuss specific roles need to best manage the
Zerna, Adelaine Fatith P. (2005). Hunting ground plantation area, nature park: landscape
transformations of Barangay Eden, Toril, Davao City
Landscape Transformation of Barangay Eden, Toril, Davao City presents three major historical
landscape transformations: first, as hunting ground for the Tagabawa Bagobos; second, as an abaca
plantation; and third, as an eco-tourism zone. The key informants of this study were the elders of
the Barangay who were born and raised in the said area. To obtain the data needed, narratives were
taken from each of the respondents. The researcher integrated Gisli Palsson's paradigm of humanenvironmental relationships with the landscape transformations on the ares: Eden as a hunting
ground with the communalist paradigm; Eden as a plantation area with the orientalist paradigm; and
Eden as a nature park for eco-tourism with the paternalist paradigm. It can be said that the
orientalist and paternalist paradigms co-exist as the dominant orientations as shown in the people's
practices and plans.
Apalit, Abegai Verzosa (2003). Assessment of the milkfish culture practice of Davao City
The study aimed to define and describe fishpond operations for the production of milkfish in Davao
City. It identified production inputs and the relation of each to production levels. Data were
gathered from five milkfish farms within Davao City. Eleven inputs were considered in determining
variation in milkfish output levels. The variables were found to be statistically significant were age
of the pond and milkfish fingerling stock. Milkfish fry stock, hired labor, farm size, acclimatization
time, miscellaneous operating costs, operator milkfish culture experience, pesticide use, and the
application of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizers did not have statistically significant impact
on the variation in milkfish output levels.
Arcamo, Sandra Mae V. (2002). The value of Sarangani Bay as a waste sink for organic pollutants
coming from livestock and poultry sectors
The study's main objective was to estimate the value of Sarangani Bay as waste sink for organic
pollutants coming from the agricultural sector, specifically, the livestock and poultry sectors,
focusing on quantifying the current level of water pollution in the bay and projecting or forecasting
the level of water pollution discharges in the bay at year 2010.
secondary data on pollution discharges from livestock and poultry sectors were used to answer the
objectives mentioned above. However, the data were based on physical estimation only, thus, the
data were very hypothetical. The major pollutants involved are the biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD), suspended solids (SS), and nitrate (NO3). The data involved the aggregate pollution
discharged in General Santos City and Sarangani Province.
Because of the increasing pattern of pollution discharge into the bay, water pollution was very
prevalent. Even the forecasting result would show that the pollution in the bay would worsen as the
years go by.
Department of Environment and Natural Resources' standard would at least help minimize the
pollution discharges since they would set a maximum allowable limit of effluent. ENR would also
set a fine for sectors that exceeded the allowable limit in Sarangani Bay based on Pollution
Adjudication Board (PAB) Resolution.
Belda, Katherine L. (2003). The extent of adoption to production technologies among mango
farmers in Tugbok District, Davao City
This study that focused on the extent of adoption to production technologies aimed to know the
profile of mango farmers in terms of demographic, socioeconomic and communicational factors;
describe the extent of production technology adoption of mango farmers in Davao City with respect
to the practices of flower induction, fertilization, irrigation, ad pest and disease control; and to
identify how differences in the level of educational attainment, age, size of family labor, land
tenure, farm size, perceived credit availability, perceived cost of production inputs, membership to
cooperatives or farmer's organization, attendance in trainings/seminars/workshops related to mango
production, and extension services affect farmer respondents' extent of production technology
adoption. The extent of adoption to production technologies among mango farmers differ
significantly when grouped according to educational attainment, land tenure, and credit availability
extended by banks, loans, and other sources in their place. This study shows that educational
attainment is significantly related to production technologies. Farmers with higher educational
attainments have more chances of being exposed to new ideas and technological advances and of
learning new skills in farming. Exposures influenced their decision to adopt more agricultural
innovations and consequently be integrated in their usual farming practices. The extent of adoption
to production technologies is also affected by the tenurial status of the farmers. Farmers who are
landowners tend to adopt more production technologies compared to tenants or caretakers. The
extent of adoption to production technologies is also influenced by the farmers' perception on the
availability of credit. The more credit is available, the higher the adoption to production
technologies. Based on the results of the study, it is recommended that mango farmers sign
membership to cooperatives where they could possibly obtain information regarding production
technologies, and at the same time avail of loan to finance the adoption of different new
technologies. It is also recommended that the government, through the Department of Agriculture,
should extend assistance to the farmers cooperative in the form of trainings and financial assistance.
Finally, further studies may be conducted to determine the economics of mango production
technology adoption.
Cagatin, Jade Gambuta (2003). Economic analysis of sea cucumber marketing in selected areas
around the Davao gulf
The study attempted to analyze the market for sea cucumber in selected areas of RegionXI. Data
were collected through interviews of 21 fishers and 11 traders. Separate questionnaires were
designed for the fishers and traders. This was done to describe the marketing practices, problems
encountered, potential and available resources, as well as to determine if sea cucumber catching and
trading could be sustainable means of livelihood. Results showed that there were market linkages
from the fisher to direct consumers, local market through first-level trader and second-level trader,
and to Manila for possible exports and consumption in restaurants. Catching and trading sea
cucumber was not found to be a sustainable means of livelihood since catching sea cucumbers was
only a “side trip” for gatherers or fishers and traders did not have other business aside from sea
cucumber trading. For fishers there should be a declaration for closed-season during spawning
period, while the traders believed that they should be taught improved drying techniques to improve
Coronel, Jeffery Jefferson Y. (2002). Estimating the households willoingness to pay for the
improvement of amenities in the Philippine Eagle Center
This study determined how much the residents of Poblacion, Davao City are willing to pay for the
construction of additional amenities for the Philippine Eagle Center. The additional revenue would
be used to fund the improvements in facilities in the Philippine Eagle Center and fund its other
conservation projects. The study conducted a survey interview to 100 household respondents, which
were randomly selected from Poblacion, Davao City. The survey questionnaire used in the study
consisted of four parts; introduction, socio-economic and demographic information, reasons to visit,
and willingness to pay. The average household size was approximately 6 people with an average
household income of P15,570. Ninety percent of the respondents have been to the center with an
average of 5 visits. The study suggested improvements in amenities, in particular the renovation of
the Visitors Lounge and a Covered Concrete Pathway. The results revealed that 76% of the
respondents were willing to pay for the proposed improvement of amenities and the mean WTP
value is P10.47 per visit. With the use of the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) model, it was found that
the total household monthly income and the number of visit had greatly influenced the WTP values
of the respondents. A household with a great number of visits expressed a lower WTP than
households with lesser number of visits. This could be attributed to the diminishing marginal utility
of a person. The study has a small sample size of only 100 and a small adjusted R-squared value.
Cualing, Mar Bianca F. (2003). An evaluation of the community-based forest management program
(CBFM) in New Bataan Municipality, Compostela Valley Province
The general objective of this study was to evaluate the People's Organizations' (PO's) competence,
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) performance and the effectivity and
sustainability of the CBFM program. It employed the descriptive-correlational method to describe
the PO's competence in the CBFM program as well as the performance of DENR. It also
determined the relationship between the level of DENR performance, PO's competence and the
effectivity and sustainability of the CBFM program. The instrument used in the study was structures
interview questionnaire answered by respondents from three various PO's considered in this study
and the DENR staff assigned on the area that is New Bataan Municipality, Compostela Valley
Province. The results of the study yielded moderateness in PO competence in terms of social
preparedness and DENR performance in terms of capability-building programs, community
organizing and networking, general assemblies, operational mechanisms and promotion of
sustainable livelihood. The results also emanated a significant degree of relationship between the
level of DENR performance, PO competence and the effectivity and sustainability of the CBFM
program. The proponent of the study, therefore, recommended that there should be greater levels of
assistance, monitoring and supervision of the CBFM program from the DENR, other agencies and
the private sector.
Elcana, Maria Elena G. (2003). Marketing margins for pineapple in the Philippines
The study was conducted to examine marketing margins as one way of assessing the efficiency of
marketing systems for pineapple in the Philippines, as well as problems involved and government
policies, which could affect its competitiveness in the world trade. The study used annual data on
farm, wholesale, and retail prices from 1975 to 1999 and used models. Marketing margins a
different levels were examined. The models were estimated using the SPSS computer package test.
Results showed that prices moved together. As farm prices increased, wholesale prices increased. As
wholesale prices increased, retail prices increased, and as farm prices increased, retail prices
increased. It was a sign of an efficient market. The margins showed a different picture, margin from
farm to wholesale did not change as farm prices increased, margin from wholesale to retail
decreased as wholesale prices increased, and margin from farm to retail did not change as farm
prices changed. Margin did not change when farm prices were involved. The implication is that
farm prices were higher than wholesale prices in most instances, and farm prices were higher than
retail prices in some cases. The common problem was on the road and infrastructure. There were
programs that did not respond to the problems. Policies such as the EVAT and the 2.5% withholding
tax greatly affected the competitiveness of pineapple in the world market as it led to high
production cost, and thus, high export prices.
Gonzales, Arthur Mancera. (2002). Evaluation of the impact of environmental management system
on the input use of San Miguel Corporation Davao Brewery
Industries are vital components of the economy. Through the years, the industries have both
contributed to the development of this country and, unfortunately, to the problem of pollution and
environmental degradation. ISO 14001 or the Environmental Management System (EMS) aims to
reconcile this dilemma. Amidst unsuccessful management systems, EMS promises to enable the
industries reduce their polluting capacity without compromising competitiveness. In this country,
San Miguel Davao Brewery is one of those taking the lead in adopting EMS. It is therefore the
purpose of this undergraduate thesis entitled 'Evaluation of the Impact of Environmental
Management System on the Input Use of San Miguel Corporation Davao Brewery' to conduct a
careful analysis regarding the efficiency of the aforementioned system. Using Cobb- Douglas
production function as a model, the study quantitatively accounted and regressed the 1997-2001
data obtained by brewery focusing mainly on the level of input use and the savings obtained by the
said brewery. By quantitative accounting, the study was able to decipher trends that indicate the
impact of EMS to the input use of the brewery. However, statistically the model yielded no valid
justification that EMS indeed had significant impact in the given five years. Henceforth, along the
analysis, the model may have indicated impact of EMS, but statistically, the model used was not
able to exhibit concrete and significant impact on EMS on the input use of the brewery.
Jarabelo, Crystalle Lauren M. (2003). Analysis on the impact of marketing costs on vegetable
farmers in Southern Midnanao
This study aimed to determine the proportion of impact borne by each producing farmers in
Southern Mindanao in the advent of increasing marketing costs. The proponent identifies key
informants through the employment of simple random sampling. A surveyed questionnaire was
distributed among the 219 farmers containing inquiries concerning their marketing and production
activities in the year 2001. the data gathered were summarized, tabulated and analyzed using the
multiple regression. However, the proponent designed two data sets namely the aggregated and
disaggregated, which has undergone a tedious combination of variables in order to come up a sound
econometric models. Secondary data sources gathered from the different government and nongovernment offices were employed to potentially show in a much wider scale the market attributes,
constraints and problems that were faced by the farmers as they engage into vegetable marketing.
Data obtained was rigorously treated with multiple regression which was used in the estimation of
both the supply and demand elasticities needed for the final calculation of the Margin-Fisher Model.
The estimation results that were drawn in this study were carefully analyzed as this could be a
potential venue that government policies be addressed in favor of the farmers.
Lofranco, Christy Amor P. (2001). Valuation of the decline in fish catch in Sarangani Bay due to
organic and nutrient pollution
This study was an attempt to quantify the decline in marine municipal fish catch in Sarangani Bay
as a result of pollution. It focused on the organic and nutrient type of pollution from agricultural
industries particularly livestock and poultry sector. Regression analysis was used to assess the
relationship between pollutant loads (BOD and NO3) and fisheries productivity in the Bay.
Statistics showed that the volume of production was negatively affected by the amount of pollutant
discharges. Both variables were significant at five percent level. Results also show that P608.35
million was the loss to the fisheries sector in a span of 12 years, from 1990-2002.
Lunod, Milva L. (2003). BIMP EAGA: it's impact to Mindanao exports
This study was conducted in order to evaluate the impact of the Brunei-Indonesia-MalaysiaPhilippines East ASEAN Growth Area to Mindanao exports to Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia. In
the course of the study, a theoretical framework on export demand was formulated which then
served as the basis of the empirical model employed. Furthermore, a combination of qualitative
(before and after analysis) and quantitative (using econometric model) method was used in the
making and analysis of the study. The main constraint of the study, however, was data
unavailability. Finally, the impact of EAGA to Mindanao's export industry, from 1991-2001, in
terms of export volume, vale, trend and growth rate was assessed; the island's exports profile was
examined; factors affecting its export performance to IBM were identified; policy implications
emanating from the study were explored; and recommendations addressed to the concerned policy
making body and for further study were then drawn.
Mitchor, April N. (2001). Estimating households willingness to pay for improved water quality
through the implementation of the waste water collection and treatment system in Poblacion, Davao
this study intended to estimate household's willingness to pay for the implementation of the
Wastewater Collection and Treatment System in Poblacion, Davao City. Specifically, the study
aimed to identify and assess the various factors which affect the person's willingness to pay. WTP
bids were elicited through the use of the Contingent Valuation Method. A survey was conducted to
50 randomly selected respondents in the Poblacion area of the city. The use of the CVM in
estimating households' WTP for wastewater collection and treatment service worked quite well in
this study. Relatively large number of respondents revealed positive WTP bids with an average of
Php67.60 monthly fee. Assuming that the same value holds true for the other people or households
in the whole of Poblacion as well as the other two service areas of the project which are Agdao and
Talomo, approximately Php47,493,326.40 annual revenue can be generated by the local government
in the three service areas. However, this figure is inadequate to finance the annual operating
expenses of the project thus, the need for the local government to exert effort in finding alternatives
in raising funds to support the project. Results of the study can help the local government in
assessing the economic viability of implementing wastewater collection and treatment services fee
among households.
Papica, Karinna E. (2001). Estimating the household willingness to pay for the preservation of
Talomo-Lipadas watersheds
the study attempted to determine how much the residential water uses of Talomo-Lipadas were
willing to pay for rehabilitation, protection and management of the watersheds. Primary data were
collected from 55 randomly selected respondents from Poblacion, Davao City, using a questionnaire
specifically designed for the study. The survey questionnaire used in the study consisted of four
parts; introduction, socio-economic and demographic information, awareness and attitude towards
the Talomo-Lapidas watershed management, and willingness to pay. The results revealed that 85%
of the respondents were willing to pay for the program and the mean WTP value was P55.09 per
month. With the use of the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) model, it was found that the total
household monthly income greatly influenced the WTP values of the respondents. A household with
high monthly income expresses a reltively higher WTP than those with lower income. The major
limitation of the study is that of having a small sample size, which was only 55 and a small Rsquared value.
Pelpinosas, Marina L. (2003). Economic analysis of oil palm production in the province of Agusan
del Sur
This study was conducted to analyze the production of oil palm fresh fruit bunch in the province of
Agusan del Sur from 1985 to 2000. Linear regression approach was applied to analyze the trends in
the volume of production, area developed to oil palm plantation, yield per hectare and average price
of oil palm fresh fruit bunch. The Cobb-Douglas Production Function was utilized in determining
the fitted model in the production function. Results revealed that there was an upward trend in the
volume of production and yield per hectare. Trend in area increased gradually while price of fresh
fruit bunch showed fluctuations. It was also found that there was a positive relationship between
volume of production and the following factors: area, yield per hectare and price of fresh fruit
bunch. However, there was an inverse relationship between volume of production and the following
variables: prices of inputs (labor and fertilizer) and amount of rainfall. Furthermore, the study found
out that production of palm oil in Agusan del Sur significantly contributed to the national
production from year 1985 to 2000. finally, the study also found that consumption of palm oil in the
country depended largely in the province of Agusan del Sur. However, production in Agusan del Sur
did not fully meet the demand of the country, which resulted to an increasing trend in import of
palm oil. This implied that production in Agusan del Sur, and indeed in the country, was not
adequate to supplement the demand of palm oil in the country.
Quiamco, Melissa Katrina D. (2001). Estimating the preservation benefits of the Philippine monkey
eating eagle
This study was designed to determine whether people place certain values on the existence of an
environmental resource specifically on an endangered species such as the Philippine Eagle. The
study sought to identify and analyze the factors affecting the values of people's willingness to pay,
and qualitatively assess the values people attach to an environmental resource.
The use of a contingent valuation survey helped determine the monetary value of welfare of
preserving and protecting the Philippine Eagle. Results indicated that a person's preference was
largely influenced by its age, level of education, income and household size. The older, the more
educated and the larger the income of the person, the higher was his willingness to pay for the good.
However, the larger household size of a family made the willingness to pay bid of the individual to
decline. Substantial non-use economic values such as bequest, existence and option values were
associated with the preservation of the Philippine Eagle.
The average willingness to pay of the survey sample was estimated to be P139.97 for each resident
of Poblacion, Davao City. The payment vehicle was specified in the form of an annual contribution
to a trust fund. The value obtained can be reflected as preservation benefits for the Philippine Eagle.
Quintan, Katherine F. (2003). Assessment of forgone monetary benefits from the non-utilization of
coconut husks
The general objective of this study was to monetize the Philippines' and Region XI's forgone
monetary benefits, in real prices, from the non-utilization of coconut husks from 1991 to 2001. It
employed simple arithmetic and algebraic methods in the quantification process. The analysis of
forgone benefits was primarily based on the assumptions that all coconut husks could be processed
into two products, namely coir mixed fiber and coir dust, and that either the local or international
market could absorb all processed coir products. Results of the study sowed that the national
average estimated annual forgone benefits from 1991 to 2001 was about Php10.998 billion from
coir mixed fiber and Php7.260 billion from coir dust. Moreover, the average estimated annual
forgone benefits by Region XI for the same products during the same period was about Php3.421
billion and Php2.045 billion from coir mixed fiber and coir dust, respectively. The study
recommends that the government, through its agencies, should enhance effective market promotion
and development in local and export markets for coir products especially in the countries wherein
the Philippines have shipping advantage. For the development of the Region XI coir industry, it is
very crucial that the government resolves the problems and issues in our shipping industry. The
government should also increase the awareness level among the coconut farmers regarding the
potential income that the coconut husk can possibly give them.
Sambalod, Josie M. (2003). An assessment of fish production in Davao gulf for a sustainable use of
fishery resources
This study was conducted to assess the fish production in Davao Gulf. Specifically, the study aimed
to examine the trend in both commercial and municipal fishery production, the key determinants of
production, and to evaluate the existence of a significant relationship, if any, between the fish
production and its key determinants. Socioeconomic and scientific-technical based data were used
in the analysis. It was found that the total volume of fish production in Davao Gulf was increased
annually by an average of 645.17 metric tons. Multiple linear regression analysis was used in
testing the significance of the key determinants to fish production. Among the explanatory variables
considered in the study, it was found that at 5% level of significance, only the number of fishermen
had a significant relationship with production. The study concludes that the sustainability of fishery
resources was a function of intensive regulation among the user groups.
Sumajit, Rian Kay. (2003). A Study on skills mismatch in Region XI Mindanao
The study aimed to explore the dimensions of skills mismatch. It attempted to determine if the
educational institutions in Region XI, Mindanao, have been responding to the man power
requirement of the industries. Further, it also attempted to analyze the relationship between the
suppliers of skills and the “demanders” of skills. The study therefore, employed profit model
(perfect competition) in addressing the issue on skills mismatch since, it was believed to be the
most suitable mean to support the existence of the issue and to determine the relationship that exists
between the academe and the industries. Further, the study employed econometric model that was
derived from the profit model to aid in the quantitative analysis of the data and in determining skills
mismatch as well. Personal interviews with key informants from TESDA, DOLE, and NEDA were
conducted. Descriptive analyses (growth rates index and percent shares) were carried out based
from the secondary data acquired from the Philippine Statistical Yearbook, Southern Mindanao
Development Report, Southern Mindanao Statistical Yearbook and from Southern Mindanao
Development Statistics to further support and contribute to the whole analysis of the research.
Though the descriptive analyses lacked strong and substantial grounds for argument in determining
skills mismatch, the quantitative analysis was able to compensate for this deficiency. Moreover, the
informed opinions of key informants from government agencies: TESDA, DOLE, and NEDA
strengthened the (quantitative) findings. Thus based on these results, the proponent was able to
claim that skills mismatch really existed even before there were studies conducted about it and has
been an existing and growing issue until today. Since skills mismatch exists, it is tantamount to
claiming that the academe has not been responding to the manpower requirements of the industries
in Region XI, Mindanao.
San Juan, Charity Leene Ciudadano (2003). Impact of minimum wage on rate of unemployment in
Southern Mindanao: a policy analysis
The government defends the Minimum Wage Law, which is the lowest wage rate fixed by law/wage
order that an employer should pay his workers, as a necessary compromise to alleviate the negative
repercussions in the economy. Consequently, the adoption of the minimum wage law has driven
some workers, most likely the better qualified among those whose present wages were near the
minimum to enjoy higher wages. Others, particularly those with lowest pre-legislation wage rates
and skill levels are unable to find work. They are being pushed to the ranks of the unemployed. This
paper examined the structure of the labor industry and analyzed the demand and supply factors and
government policies affecting the industry. It argued that the imposition of the minimum wages
causes unemployment. The proponent collated time series data on four economic time series for the
yearly period of 1980-2002, a total of 23 observations for each time series. The series are:
Employments, Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), Minimum Wage Rates (AgriculturePlantation, Non-Plantation and Non-Agriculture), and Consumer Price Index (CPI base 1978). The
proponent employed the empirical model log Δ L = βo + β1 log Δ Q - β2 log Wm + β3 log P + â„®, the
study regressed three sets of data namely all variables in absolute values, first differences and the
logarithm and lag values of the said variables. In this study, the proponent obtained a strong
statistical inverse relationship between employment rate variable and minimum wage rates in
Southern Mindanao. However, the study was not able to draw statistical validity of the model, such
that the results obtained indicate a minimal display of concrete, clear and strong impact of minimum
wage rates on employment rates as assumed by the generated empirical model. But the proponent
was able to draw qualitative assessment on this regard.
Tiu, Jennifer M. (2001). Value of health effects of air pollution: Davao City, Philippines
There has been scant research on the health effects of air pollution in Davao City, Region XI,
Philippines, regardless of the fact that the problem is worldwide in scope. This study attempted to
establish the monetary estimated of the health effects of air pollution in the vicinity. The study
concluded that the growing number of motor vehicles in the locale causes increased emissions of
particulate matters of size less than 10 microns (PM10). Only PM10 was gauged in the study, as it is
the primary pollutant presently monitored by the Environment Management Bureau (EMB). The
valuation methodologies employed in the study for morbidity effects of air pollution are the Cost of
Illness (COI) approach and the Cost of Productivity Losses (CPL) approach. The cost of medication
and the foregone earnings of individuals when faced with air pollution-induced illness such as
bronchitis and pneumonia, were used as proxy values to determine the degree of damage to human
health. The total damage to human health in monetary terms for the year 2000 was concluded at
approximately P7.25 million, of which P6.72 million was measured through the COI approach and
P0.53 million through the CPL approach.
Tonel, Jefferson Mark P. (2002). The replacement cost approach as a method for the economic
valuation of magroves in Barangay San Isidro and Tambo, Samal Island
This study was conducted to identify the cost of rehabilitation and protection of the mangroves in
barangays San Isidro and Tambo, Samal Island and to be able to provide proper economic value for
the resource. In addition, the study also aimed to identify several mangrove-related concerns of
individuals affected by the depletion and abuse of mangroves in their respective areas. Interviews
based on a formulated questionnaire were conducted to 75 respondents selected through purposive
random sampling, where 40 of which are from San Isidro and 35 from Tambo. This was done to
derive the numerous externalities or forgone benefits experienced by the residents due to the
resource loss. Aside from this a standardized cost of replacement for the mangrove areas was
derived from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Region XI office,
which was used to compute for the economic values of the mangrove in the selected sites. The
overall costs of rehabilitation for the 30 hectares covered by the two focused areas amounted to
Php295,365.15. However, this amount was very minimal and were underestimation of the current
adjusted costs of replacement and protection because the values provided by the DENR was an
unadjusted costing from 1986 to 2000, which covered the project that commended in 1998. the
value provided was as mandated by law. In addition, the opportunity cost of volunteers of the
project was also derived to factor in the overall cost to society by the resource loss. Lastly, to
address the issue of probable underestimation of the replacement cost under the government due to
a 14 year unadjusted values, a new replacement cost was formulated by the study and was based on
prevailing (2002) market prices for both materials and labor. This value drawn was considered as
the realistic, adjusted, and maximum costs of replacing mangrove areas.
Torres, Rovel (2003). Willingness to pay for the conservation of Mt. Apo National Park
This study was designed to determine whether people would place certain value on the existence of
an environmental resource, specifically to the existence of Mt. Apo National Park. The study caught
to identify and analyze the factors affecting people's willingness to pay. The use of contingent
valuation survey helped determine the monetary value of conserving Mt. Apo. Iterative bidding was
used in conducting this survey to simplify the interview. Data were collected from 600 residents of
Davao City, Digos City and Tagum City. The average willingness to pay value derived from this
study was higher than the presently imposed entrance fee to Mt. Apo. Results show that the people's
willingness to pay was influenced by age, civil status, and occupation. People aged 21-30 years
gave the highest willingness to pay. Single people were more willing to pay then married people.
Students and white-collar workers were more willing to pay then blue-collar workers or those
unemployed ones.
Zamora, Carla Mae J. (2001). Determining the acceptable level of user charge for the collection and
disposal of household solid waste in Davao City
This study was an attempt to determine the acceptable level of user charge for the collection and
disposal of household solid waste in Davao City. Secondary data from a previous study regarding
the willingness to pay of the households in Poblacion, Davao City were utilized to come up with the
acceptable level of user charge. Other data such as the household characteristics of the nine districts
with the CTD system, sources and composition of solid waste and the revenues and costs of the
CTD system were also acquired to obtain an overview of the solid waste situation in Davao City,
ninety-four percent of the respondents placed a positive value on the solid waste management
services. The Ordinary Least Square Method was utilized for the analysis of data. The generated
mean willingness to pay or the level of user charge acceptable to the households of Davao City was
estimated at P61.42/month/household. Among the explanatory variables included in the model, only
education and household income were found to significantly affect WTP at 0.05 level of
significance. The marginal increase in the WTP for every year increase in education, holding other
variables constant, as well as for every peso increase in household income were P2.567 and
P0.0001097, respectively. The aggregated annual benefits for the year 2000 amounted to P117.2
million. The results of the study will be useful in providing pertinent information for the creation
and implementation of relevant policies responsive to the problem of solid waste. Furthermore, it
can aid the local government in developing a pricing scheme and in knowing the potential revenue
from the collection of the user fee set at an acceptable level.
Abatol, Oliver O. (2005). Shared architecture space: a contribution for the peace campaign in
Architects play an important role in maintaining the social order. This study was about the
relationship of architecture with the societies' condition and situation. It had found out that
architecture was not merely rebuilding and building physical environment but also linked in the
shaping of humans, behavior. This study served as a contribution of architects and architecture
related people in the peace campaign for Mindanao. It determined the best architectural area located
within the society, which was intended for the interaction as well as the socialization of Christians
and Muslims. Both Christians and Muslims were willing to do their best to achieve peace, which
they believed still attainable. This study had found out that educational facility was the most
favorable area for the interaction of Christians and Muslims. The most apparent structure suggested
by people selected was a school campus and they disapproved the worship area to be united and
connected with each religious structure. This study concluded that architects must use educational
facility supported with other areas for the purpose of peace campaign in Mindanao involving
Christians and Muslims. The researcher then provided a design concept for such areas.
Abrea, Antonietta C. (2004). The impact of Kipalicu River utilization for the environmental design
The research will study about the Kipalieu River. The river that is located along the Municipality of
Kapalong, Davao del Norte. The study will have two major phases that is the research pahse and the
design development phase. The research phase includes the study on its biophysical features and the
socioeconomic and cultural aspect of the community. The main objective of the study is to utilize
the river and formulate a design concept for a design development, which included in the design
phase. These objectives will give an alternative use of the river in addition to its existing use, which
is for irrigation, household activities like washing of cloths and others; it is also used as waste
disposal for animal manures and other waste products. This present situation gives an idea to
include the awareness of the people with regard to the importance of the river and its impact to the
human and its existing environment. Another concern of the research is the gradual lost of the
culture of the original settlers mainly because of the social change that happen in the community
and the migration that happen often times. The research will include the cultural aspect of the place
that comprises their art and architecture for the preservation of the cultural distinct identity of
Anonuevo, Jeremae O. (2006). Identification of underdevelop lots within the commercial business
district of Davao City and their potential for mixed use development
This paper tackles some of the problems of the Commercial Business District of Davao City and
how they are related to each other. These problems, in one way or another, affect the livelihood of
the people within the city especially those in the urban area and thus, needs emerge from these
circumstances. Davao City is a sprawling metropolis of over a million people located in the
Southeastern part of Mindanao with 71% of the population residing in the urban area having a
density of 2,262 persons per kilometer. Since Davao City significantly depends on agricultural
production, land in turn becomes essential for agricultural and residential use. As much as possible,
land should be well utilized. In Davao City's case, underutilized lots are scattered everywhere in the
Commercial Business District (CBD) alone, which is a sign of urbanization decay in the urban core.
For a solution to the problem presented, the concept of a Mixed Use Development is being
promoted in this study. The study focuses on the characteristics of a Mixed Use Development that
can relieve the ongoing situation of Davao City's CBD. The utilization of the underdeveloped lots
for the Mixed Use Development is the primary essence of this study. The underdeveloped lots were
analyzed regarding their potentials that were adequate for a Mixed Use Development. The bestsuited underutilized lot was chosen to be the site of the proposed Mixed Use Development.
The next part of the study is about how the lot can be best utilized as a Mixed Use Development and
come up with a design that can exemplify concepts which are the most useful based on its
Avila, Lara Bernadette C. (2006). Interpersonal distances of the elderly in Davao City
Human beings are territorial in nature. There is always a certain amount of distance that is
maintained when dealing with other people, much like a bubble surrounding each person. Done
consciously but usually unconsciously, this personal space determined how big the “bubble” each
person has. Edward T. Hall formulated categories on these distances. Several factors such as age,
gender, seating arrangement, degree of relationship and anthropometrics were used in the study and
was found out that they contribute greatly on how near or far the interpersonal distance of someone
is. Determining an elderly interpersonal distance with simple observation is possible. Observations,
informal interviews and photo documentation were some of the methods applied to verify the
factors that affect these distances. After thorough observations and testing of hypothesis, a new
range of interpersonal distances for the elderly is concluded. Guidelines for a non-medical health
care facility for the elderly are put together. The new interpersonal range is applied on it to help
improve physical comfort and communication among them.
Calderon, Jee Rose G.(2004). Microclimate-based residential design guidelines for Davao City
This paper represents a microclimate-based design guidelines for residential development within
Davao City. With this study, quality designed and cost-effective residential structures will be
developed. Thus, giving the occupants the comfort and satisfaction they need in their daily lives.
The microclimates of three areas of the city (urban area, urban fringe, and rural hinterlands) were
established through existing climatological data, land use maps, vegetative maps, and topographical
maps. Analysis of the established microclimates for the three areas showed that the City Proper has
the warmest ambient temperature (average 29.9°C) and the rural hinterland the coolest (average
22.6°C). Humidity levels of the three areas all averaged at 81%. The feeling of discomfort is mainly
attributed to heat and high humidity levels. Applying passive design principles, microclimate
elements were either modified or adopted to achieve the best use of the design elements so as to
provide comfort and energy efficiency.
Dizon, Ronald John T. (2007). Social stratification and housing preferences in Kidapawan City
Social stratification takes place anywhere in the world. It is an inevitable phenomenon that
transforms developing communities into its aesthetic and environmental state. In a developing city,
communities and land-uses are disorganized and poor in aesthetic sense. Houses sprout anywhere in
the city, whether formally or informally constructed. In Kidapawan, housing preferences in terms of
spaces, architectural elements and environmental quality are determined from a set of respondents
that are stratified based on their mean family income. These sets of preferences are analyzed
according to commonalities and differences among upper class, middle class, and lower class.
A model community that incorporates the common preferences of people without compromising the
basic laws and concepts of architecture is introduced. This community discourages social
discrimination and segregation but encourages social mobility, harmony, and peace among
Gomez, Ayris Quelly B. (2005).The architecture of the Igorots in Bukidnon – an adaptation from
the Mountain Province Igorot architecture
The aim of the study id to: identify the similarities and the differences of the Igorot Architecture in
Bukidnon and in Mountain Province; determine and analyze the factors influencing the Igorot
Architecture in Bukidnon and; to suggest possible architectural concepts that can be contributed to
the existing Igorot Architecture in Bukidnon. Thirty Igorot respondents from Bontoc and Kankanyaey ethno-linguistic groups were interviewed. Snowball sampling was used in the selection of
responents. The questionnaire included items intended to produce data in identifying the similarities
and differences of the Igorot Architecture in Bukidnon and Mountain Province and analyzing the
factors that influence the differences of the Igorot Architecture in Bukidnon from its origin.
Finding of the study showed that the basic features of Igorot Architecture in Bukidnon and
Mountain Province are manifested in the sturdiness and massiveness of their houses. The climate
and geographical setting, availability of materials in the locality, economic and cultural factors
influence the architectural character of Igorot houses in Bukidnon.
Lee, Lea Angela. (2005). Maximizing place utility scheme in an urban neighborhood:
approximation of physical and perceptual environments
On, 1998, there was a strong argument concerning the declaration of Kidapawan into a city by
virtue of Republic Act 8550 during Ramos Administration. Various issues surfaced among many
sectors especially with regards to its political viewpoint. The issues on a greater internal revenue
allotment (IRA) received from national administration had brought these sectors a statement that
such conversion of political jurisdiction would entail corruption and pretenses of Kidapawan as a
city. This, however, sometimes covered up main issues of urbanization concerning change ands
development. The researcher considered something beyond what has usually been surfacing in any
declaration of town into city and finding, something irregardless of political problem.
The approach to the study came to light from understanding various urban studies made after Kevin
Lynch's success of defining image of a city. It is a research in the relationship between various
persons' characteristics and their perceived environment (urbanized) characters in order to search
for distinct meaning in terms of information, service, livability and aesthetics as towards defining a
city. There are methods used in determining such structure that include mental maps and memory
listings where it is essential to identify areas within the urbanized area that are highly critical of the
needs for environmental actions. Such actions that are considered are those changes that people
make in their environment and in the study, modification and conservation of the identify landmark
or area is important to care about.
Lim, Careen Aleta C. (2005). Advancing constructive treatment of autism in the context of the
Davao City built environment
Institutions were ten the place of autistic. Many are the misconceptions and neglect to the issue of
autism. Conservatism is a prevalent Filipino culture. However, with therapy centers and specialized
schools being founded in the 90's, the treatment potential became brighter for the autistic.
Appropriate services and programs provide the opportunity for even the most severely disabled to
be taught skills to allow them to reach their full potential. Environment plays a big role in fostering
the developmental growth of these children as it contributes to better therapeutic advancements. The
incorporation of the services and programs to the built environment may be apparent in the
responsiveness of the students to treatment.
Lusterio, Jasmin G. (2206). Preservation of historic houses for adaptive reuse in the Island of
Over the years, the issue on the underdeveloped and dilapidated historic buildings is still a problem
in the province of Camiguin. It is very evident that the province possesses these historical and
architectural heritages but there are no actions taken upon by the authorities to come up with a
solution to this problem. The study promotes adaptive reuse as a response to the existing physical
problem of the province. The research intends to know the potential use of the existing heritage and
historic houses in Camiguin for contemporary uses. Also, it determines whether these houses can be
developed and reused. This is achieved through gathering data and preferences of the immediate
community of the study areas. The immediate community is the key players in the society.
Buildings with historical and architectural values that are located within the town have not been
properly preserved and utilized particularly, Neri, Llacuna, Corrales, Borromeo, and Reyes
buildings. After undertaking site and building analysis of the three building, it was found to have
great potential for adaptive reuse. It is also revealed that the community wanted particular places
and structures for various culture and arts performances. The suitability of these buildings for reuse
as commercial and civic buildings was likewise determined. Since the government was not
providing facilities for such activities up to the present, the study is conducted to provide possible
solutions for the promotion and development of culture and arts in the province. There were three
different levels of treatment applied depending on the physical condition of the buildings; namely
from the least intervened approach to the maximum, restoration for Reyes building, rehabilitation
for Llacuna's building and reconstruction for Neri's building.
Nacorda, Marneille T. (2004). Cultural effects on the space efficiency of hospitals in Davao City
The hospital that the current generation enjoys now is a product of complex needs figured, studied,
and answered by a lot of designers. Standards were even formulated to meet such. From the floor to
the ceiling to even the tiniest handle that had any contact with the users are carefully planned.
Technicalities of health care facilities were once the main focus of the latter's design. However, as
time pass by, effects of the user's behavior were given attention. Such were found out by many
studies that it has a great impact on the totality and efficiency of the hospitals.
Currently, concepts like healing architecture, medical mall concept and cruciform arrangement was
adapted. From the probing conducted by certain designers on such, findings show that they indeed
enhance the whole personality of the health care facilities. Nevertheless, application of the said
concepts on a certain area must undergo further study for it might not function as it has been where
it has actually been used and applied. From the query conducted, a new concept came to exist,
which was the answer to the problems identified in the existing hospitals in the city. This
formulated concept, which has been the basis for the design of a new general tertiary hospital was
the medical mall concept.
Narvaez, Nory Loyd P. (2007). Anthropometric proportions of pregnant women establishing safe
and ergonomic dimensions based on comfort-requirements
There are approximately 1,000,000 women pregnant at one time. In Davao City, there are
approximately 33,000 pregnant women from January to December 2005. the magnitude of their
population is a crucial concern in the provision for health, safety, sanitation, and hygiene.
Pregnancy is a state of becoming: an unborn baby is becoming a person capable of life outside the
safe, protective and totally sufficient environment of the mother's body, and a man and woman
becoming parents. Pregnancy is a positive growth experience for most expectant parents. It is a time
to draw on or develop a support system, to assess one's lifestyle and make changes if necessary to
ensure optimal health. This study aims to uplift and assist in the provision of good health through
specifying and knowing measures of comfort, safety and convenience for the pregnant mother.
These measures include material comfort, physiological comfort, bio-mechanical comfort, and
technological comfort but as an emphasis the study focused on the structural anthropometrics of
pregnant women. A total of thirty three body measurements are obtained from 120 pregnant women,
40 in each trimester. Also, to distinguish user responses to the external environment motion study,
study of reach, activity analysis, and present condition assessment were performed. Considerable
difference in measurements signified the apparent changes in the body of the pregnant women.
Measurements, such as weight and width of abdomen show the most effect of the pregnancy
condition. The different user needs, preferences and perceptions on their environment were
reflected in the recommendations for spatial provision, furniture design, equipment provision,
activity management and material specification. The pregnancy experience is defined by
relationships, finances, physique, emotion, responsibility, time and environment. However, there is
no universal agreement among medical professionals or the general public on the single best, safest,
and most comfortable way to experience pregnancy. But to a great extent the kind of pregnancy
experience a woman could have will largely depend on the care and provisions available.
The results were used to formulate guidelines for the design of maternity hospital. This facility was
aimed at providing comfort through the application of three (3) interventions namely educational,
physical, and medical intervention. This integrative approach aim at holistically address the needs
of pregnant women for comfort. The project is located along J.P. Cabaguio Avenue, fronting the
Davao Medical Center.
Pagaduan, Leslie Tom M. (2007). Green approach to riverfront development: balancing the built
and natural environmental in one spaces along the Davao River.
Open spaces are vital elements in our environment. The y perform necessary and positive functions:
they provide recreational opportunities for the people, protect physical resources like water bodies,
agricultural and timber lands and the different species they contain, and ultimately affect a wide
range of economic development from employment to tourism. However, in the constant
confrontation between open space conservation and development, construction emerges as the
tougher contender, open space are always vulnerable to demands from development interests that
lead to the creation of urban spaces and environmental degradation. This kind of open space
problem is evident in Davao City along in its one of the most important natural legacies – the
Davao River. This study identifies open spaces along the Davao Riverbanks and provides
approaches to achieve a balance of the built and natural environments through open space
development. The urban and natural character of the riverbanks along the Davao River differs,
from a densely-developed riverbank in the urbanized area, to a more naturalized riverbank in the
sub-urban areas. Also inherent with them are varying features, constraints, and functions such as
every riverfront is different and requires planning solutions appropriate to its unique conditions,
Davao riverfront and open space planning should reconcile theses defining elements with
environmental design and strategies through “Green Approaches”, in order to redress the balance
between development and open spaces, draw new investments to the city, and most of all, enhance
the river's ecological systems.
Salasain, Delsa M. (2007). Security-based design of seaports: towards a safe environment of
transient users in Mindanao
Security threat is one among the several worldly problems that need to be addressed. Security issues
are not just for the policemen or government to be acted with, general public as well should be
involved in responding to such activity. Crimes, such as theft, robbery, espionage, bombings,
murder, and other petty crimes like vehicular accidents, trespassing, abusing of authority endanger
the lives of people and threaten the built environment. But despite this, security as a design
requirement has often been inadequately addresses and inadequately funded.
Architectural vulnerability is one major factor that affects security in a certain place. An open space
like the seaports, a transport terminal with no boundaries aside from its surrounding water and
docks are one of the biggest targets of terrorism. Aside from its architectural vulnerability, numbers
of people are observed in the area for a certain period of time. With this security threats, passengers
have their own sentiments or views regarding the present situation and physical design of the place
and may behave differently with their environment. This research aimed to study how behavior is
affected by security issues as well as to eliminate or minimize security problems in seaports for a
safe environment of transient users. From the gathered data, the lack of facilities permit people to
isolate themselves and for these people to feel secured, they chose to stay inside their car or away
from the rows. Second is the ingress and egress of pedestrian and vehicle in the seaport influences
the traffic movement in the area. In this sense the proposed project is a security-based design of
seaport that fits to the perception of the Mindanaon's peaceful and stressful environment within.
Salazar, Mary Ann Celeste L.(2007). Functional aesthetics in offices: an evaluation of the local
government buildings in Tagum City
Environmental psychology deals with the study of the human behavior at work. The productiveness
of the workers depends on many factors. It could be their relationship with their co-workers or the
management, their age, social status, comfort and motivation, and it could also be the physical
condition or the conduciveness of the working place for working. The conduciveness of the
workplace or the working environment is an important contributos to the efficiency/ effectiveness of
the workers. Some people may tend to work slowly because their workplace is not suitable for them
or maybe the workplace lacks something that is essential for their work. It could be through
ventilation, lighting, acoustics and radio, it could also be the decorative elements and spaces of the
office buildings. Aesthetics also is important in determining behavior and plays a major function in
promoting motivations in workplace. Through preferential survey and informal interviews, site
visits and observations, it is revealed that the existing condition of the local government offices in
Tagum City is not conducive for most of the employees. There are existing aesthetics that are
helpful but the majority of it is not functional. With the preferential survey and informal interviews
results, merged with the office standards for lighting and sound levels, guidelines for incorporating
functional aesthetics in local government office was structured. Since not all existing aesthetics are
functional, the proposed project is a fit up one, integrating the preferred aesthetics with the existing
San Luis, Gladys B. (2006). A Comparative study of Muslim and Christian urban settlements in
Cotabato City – guidelines for a preferred urban community
Settlement segregation is a natural phenomenon between social and cultural groups. Although some
groups may not choose to physically separate themselves into isolated communities, generally those
with the most power wish to isolate themselves from those with less power. In 1989, 87.32% of the
Cotabato City's entire population lived in the urban ares. It is self-evidently clear that competition in
urban services exist. Also, there had been a 27% increase in Muslim population and 10% decrease
in the population of Roman Catholics from 1990 to 2000. The study, therefore, seeks to describe
how Muslims and Christians situate themselves within Cotabato City, and to prove the segregation
of settlements in terms of its physical and socio-economic condition and to correlate the identified
indicators of segregation with their preferences in the physical urban community design.
Architectural concepts for a preferred community development are suggested based on the overall
findings of the study. Through field visits and photo documentation the study revealed that all
barangays within the CBD are in poor physical conditions (no proper drainage system, poor housing
conditions, etc) and all are Muslim-dominated. Christian-dominated barangays, however, are
located at inner urban areas where basic utilities and facilities are existent but still needs
improvement. It is also revealed that regardless of the cultural dominance of the five (5) barangays
studied, Muslim dwellers are located at the barangay periphery while Christian dwellers are found
at the inner/central part of the barangay. Surveys were conducted to know specific preferences of
selected Muslim and Christian dwellers for community design. In social aspects, interviews and
surveys further revealed that Muslim and Christian social relations are clearly not friendly or
trusting kind. Christian respondents have prejudiced views of Muslims and their culture. In this
sense, the proposed project is an Islamic community development that not only provides
appropriate utilities and opportunities and venues for livelihood enhancement but also a community
that celebrates, not discriminates, the Islamic culture and way of life.
Santos, Jose Antonio Emmanuel T. ( 2005). Managing the Davao City inner-urban squatters thru an
incremental approach: transition housing as alternative in increasing tenure security
In less than four years, 1,855 Davao City squatter families have been relocated, most by less than
peaceful means. In a country where solutions to informal settlement issues are equated with
supposedly rational, yet unrealistic government provision of mass housing for the urban poor, this
research conducted surveys and interviews to understand what these squatters want and what
alternative scheme in housing, aside from relocation, would best fit them. It was found out that the
purchasing of socialized housing units or lodging in abandoned structures in the city is not a viable
option for Davao City squatters. Upgrading is a welcome improvement, however, not applicable to
all studied sites. It is also revealed that a great number of residents in squatter areas rent their
dwelling units, and proximity to livelihood plays a central part in influencing where squatters live.
It is recommended that the government provide a low-rent transition housing program that confers
land rights to its beneficiaries that will eventually lead to their acquisition of land titles.
Sarte, Loverly Marie M. (2007). Spatial morphological patterns of economic housing units: the case
of GSIS housing project, Matina, Davao City
A house undergoes a lot of significant changes over the years. An expansion of functions and
rearrangement of space are observable changes that inhabitants make in their dwelling unit. Since a
house is a prime reflector of a certain culture and man forms their dwellings in accordance to his
lifestyle and socioeconomic needs, the modification process should be taken into consideration in
designing these houses. A case study that was made on GSIS economic housing project in Davao
City tackled the spatial organization by documenting its transformation through the years and
analyzing the spatial morphological patterns they have undergone using the multivariate analysis
and space syntax method. From the results of the study, thee were three identified core house
models namely, the Open Plan, Close Plan, and the Combined plan. The Open Plan Model caters to
the changes a highly sociable family goes through while the Close Plan Model accommodates the
changes a Filipino family who places higher value on privacy undergoes. The Combined Plan on
the other hand is flexible and structurally ready enough to cater to an extended, larger family in the
future. It is therefore recommended that the developers in designing the core house models in their
projects should take into consideration the kind of models that will adapt to the Filipino family
culture since houses are constantly evolving to reflect changing economic conditions, culture and
tradition, social values and technological innovations. The designers should keep current with the
changing and growing needs of the people and their thirst for comfort and convenience.
Songcayauon, Ryan C. (2005). The formation of image and identity of Cotabato City in the context
of tourism industry and the visual preference of the people
The image and identity of a place depends on many factors: the people who live in such place,
people who visited such place, people who heard or read about such place, and the general media
who brings news and images about that place. Some images are true, and unfortunately some of it
are not. But no matter what the images are brought by these factors, there is one or more true
images that are hidden behind that large picture. The study aimed to identify or form the true image
and identity of Cotabato City, in spite of all the negative images brought by the factors identifies.
The formation of such was done in the context of tourism and the visual preferences of the people.
It is in the context of tourism because tourism is considered as one of the most prominent industry
around the world,in fact the biggest industry, which makes it an ideal aspect to use in the formation
since it could reach a larger scale of people. Visual preferences are taken with the identified tourist
attractions to give the study a more fixed and focused approach in its objective—that is to relate it
in architecture, which also played an important position in the formation of the city's image and
identity. Finally, the image and identity was already formed and identified—that Cotabato City is a
city full of history, diverse culture, and rich in natural features and resources.
Sy, Mary Grace T. (2005). Investigation of architectural elements of Davao City jail with respect to
rehabilitative treatment
Architectural design of a correctional facility must aid its operational policies and philosophies.
Since the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) of the Philippines seeks to safely
confine and rehabilitate offenders, physical components of a jail in the country should reflect its
goals and objectives. The purpose of the study is to investigate existing architectural elements that
efficiently facilitate the programs and services of the Davao City Jail and conceptualize a jail
environment that is conducive for rehabilitation of inmates. The dissertation is a study specifically
of the Davao City Jail.The study investigated the quality of living spaces, facilities for the basic
services, spaces for educational and religious programs, and the sense of security and control in all
areas if such are effective in delivering the said purpose of a Philippine correctional system.
Data of the study include the ocular survey of the facilities. A questionnaire was administered to a
sample of inmates to elicit their response to physical setup and services offered by the Davao City
Jail. Interviews with the inmates were also conducted to verify the results of the survey. The jail
officers were interviewed as well to provide familiarization of jail management and administration.
The results should determine the spaces and facilities that should be retained and those that need to
be improved and also what king of improvement is needed. From findings, programmatic and
agricultural recommendations were generated.