CURRICULUM VITAE NAME: Vankov Hristofor Petrov ADDRESS: Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 72 Tsarigradsko chaussee, Blvd. 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria Tel.: +359-2-7 144-543 Fax: +359-2-975-36-19 E-mail: EDUCATION: 1979 - 1982 Doctor degree at the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE) of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria Thesis: "Properties of electron-photon showers at high energies" M. Sc. degree at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute "M.I. Kalinin", Leningrad, The Soviet Union (now SaintPetersburg State Polytechnical University, Russia) Subject: Physics of Dosimetry and Radiation Protection Grade: excellent LANGUAGES: Bulgarian, English, Russian PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Present position: Associate Professor in Particle Physics and Astrophysics Lab. in INRNE, Sofia, Bulgaria Apr. 2005 - Sep. 2005 Visiting Professor, Tohoku Gakuin University, Japan Dec. 1998 - Dec. 1999 Visiting Professor, Saitama University, Saitama, Japan 1989 - 1991 Assistant Professor (1 degree), INRNE Aug. 1988 - Feb. 1989 Research Associate, Bartol Research Institute, Univ. of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA Assistant Professor (2"d degree), INRNE Research Associate, INRNE Research Scientist, INRNE PRINCIPAL RESEARCH AREA: cosmic ray physics, astroparticle physics RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PRODUCTION: Publications in journals and proceedings with strict referee supervision: 66 Publications of preprints and full papers in conference proceedings: 28 The full list of publications is given in the Appendix. Computer programs with registered copyrights: "EMCASR - a set of subroutines for simulation of electron-photon cascades". (Published in Com~.Ph~s.Comm. 16 (1 979) 363-372, obtainable from CPC Program Library, Queen's University of Belfast, Catalogue No. AAUV). Theoretical and practical courses: laboratory physics, 2 semesters, Sofia University, 1976, cosmic ray physics, 1 semester, Tohoku Gakuin University, Japan, 2005 Thesis supervision: Master of Science: "Monte Carlo simulation of the processes in the electromagnetic cascades". Temenuzhka V. Vodenicharova, 1977, Sofia University. "Modeling of electron-photon showers", Krasimir Stoev, 1984, Sofia University. "Triplet production process and its influence on electromagnetic shower development in a photon field", Eleonora Y. Krasteva, 1995, Sofia University. "Modeling of Cherenkov light from EAS from primary energies of 3 Rumyana Hadzhiyska, Sofia University, 2008 - 100 GeV", ACADEMIC REPERCUSSION: Papers are published in the principle journals with the greatest international importance: Science Physical Review Astrophysical Journal Physics Letters B J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys Comp. Phys. Comm. Atomic Data and Nucl. Data Tables Astroparticle Physics Astron. Astrophys. Proceedings of International Cosmic Ray Conferences (ICRC) Number of noticed citations: more than 900 Scientific projects which involve international collaboration groups and finished successfully: Two projects with Bart01 Res. Institute, Univ. of Delaware, USA (Prof. T. Stanev), two projects with Dept. of Physics of Saitama University, Japan (Prof. A. Misaki and Prof. N. Inoue), one project with Hirosaki University, Hirosaki, Japan (Prof. S. Kawaguchi), MAGIC collaboration (continues). PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS: International Cosmic Ray Conferences: Tsukuba (Japan) 2003, Rome (Italy) 1995, Moscow (Russia) 1987, La Jolla (USA) 1985, Plovdiv (Bulgaria) 1977. International seminars, workshops and schools: Meudon (France) 2000, Jap. Phys. Soc. Meeting, Matsue (Japan) 1999, AGASA meeting, Akeno (Japan) 1999, Int. Workshop on: Nucl. Theory, Rila Mountains (Bulgaria) 1997, Tokyo 1999, RKEN (Japan) 1993, Varna (Bulgaria) 1993, Thessalonica (Greece) 1991, Berkeley, LBL (USA) 1988, Trieste (Italy) 1987, Erice (Italy) 1986, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison (USA) 1985, Leningrad 1978. Organization of international workshop: Int. Workshop on "Electromagnetic Cascades in Particle Astrophysics" (co-organizer Prof. T. Stanev), Varna, Bulgaria, Oct. 5 - 8, 1993, Collaboration meeting of MAGIC collaboration, Sofia, May 2007. SCIENTIFIC VISITS: Max Planck Institut fur Physik, Munchen, Tohoku Gakuin University (Japan), Saitama University (Japan), ICCR Tokyo (Japan), Hirosaki University (Japan), Bart01 Research Institute, Univ. of Delaware (USA), Univ. of Bordeaux I1 (France), FIAN Moscow (Russia), INR Moscow (Russia), FTI "A.F. Yoffe", Leningrad (Russia) PERSONAL DATA: PLACE OF BIRTH DATE OF BIRTH NATIONALITY SEX MARITAL STATUS MAIL ADDRESS PHONE E-MAIL Draganovo, Bulgaria 20 March 1947 Bulgarian Male Married with two children "Rassadnik Konyovitza" 3 1, vh.J, et.6, ap. 150 Sofia 1330, Bulgaria (+359-2) 929-66-39 GSM: (+359)-888-72-75-80 vankov~irume.bas, bg APPENDIX: Full list of publications (96 titles) 1 . E. Aliu et al. "Observation of Pulsed ?-Rays Above 25 GeV From the Crab Pulsar with MAGIC", Science 322 (2008) 1221. 2. E. Aliu et al. "First Bounds on the High-Energy Emission from Isolated Wolf-Rayet Binary Systems", Astrophys. J. Lett. 685 (2008) L71. 3. MAGIC collaboration. "Very high energy gamma rays from a distant Quasar: How transparent is the Universe?' , Science 320 (2008) 1752. 4. J. Albert et al. "Periodic Very High Energy y-Ray Emission From LS 1+61° 303 Observed With The MAGIC Telescope", Astrophys. J. in press. 5. J. Albert et al. "Very-High-Energy y-Ray Observations of a Strong Flaring Activity in M 87 in February 2008", Astrophys. J. Lett. 685 (2008) L23. 6. J. Albert et al. "Multi-wavelength (radio, X-ray and gamma-ray) observations of the gamma-ray binary LS 1 +61 303", Astrophys. J. 684 (2008) 1351 7. J. Albert et al. "Systematic search for VHE gamma-ray emission from X-ray bright high-frequency BL Lac objects" , Astrophys. J. 681, 944 (2008) 8. G. Tagliaferri et al. ", Astrophys. J. 679, 1029 (2008) 9. J.Albert et al. "Upper limit for gamma-ray emission above 140 GeV from the dwarf spheroidal galaxy Draco", Astrophys. J. 679, 428 (2008) 10. J. Albert et al. "Implementation of the Random Forest Method for the Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope MAGIC", Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 588, 424 (2008). 11. J. Albert et al. "MAGIC Observations of the unidentified Gamma-ray source TeV J2032+4130", Astrophys. J. 675, L25 (2008). 12. J. Albert et al. "VHE Gamma-Ray Observation of the Crab Nebula and Pulsar with MAGIC", Astrophys. J. 674 (2008) 1037. 13. MAGIC Collaboration and J. Ellis et al., "Probing quantum gravity using photons from a flare of the active galactic nucleus Markarian 501 observed by the MAGIC telescope", Phys. Lett. B 668 (2008) 253. 14. J. Albert et al. "Unfolding of differential energy spectra in the MAGIC experiment", Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 583,494 (2007). 15. J. Albert et al. "Discovery of Very High Energy gamma-rays from 1ES 10I 1+496 at ~ 0 . 2 1 2 Astrophys. "~ J. Lett. 667, L21 (2007). 16. J. Albert et al. "Observation of VHE gamma-rays from Cassiopeia A with the MAGIC telescope", Astron. Astrophys. 474, 937 (2007) . 17. J. Albert et al. "Discovery of VHE Gamma Radiation from IC 443 with the MAGIC Telescope", Ap.J Lett. 664 (2007) L87. 18. J. Albert et al. "Constraints on the steady and pulsed VHE gamma-ray emission from observation of PSR B 1951+32/CTB 80 with the MAGIC Telescope", Astrophys. J. 669 (2007) 1143 . 19. J. Albert et al. "MAGIC upper limits on high energy emission from GRBs", Astrophys. J. 667 (2007) 358. 20. J. Albert et al. "FADC Signal reconstruction for the MAGIC telescope ", Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 594 (2008) 407. 21. J. Albert et al. "Variable VHE gamma-ray emission from Markarian 501", Ap.J 669 (2007) 862. 22. J. Albert et al. "Discovery of Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from the LowFrequency-peaked BL Lacertae Object BL Lacertae ",Ap.J Lett. 666 (2007) L17. 23. J. Albert et al. "Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Radiation From The Stellar-Mass Black Hole Cygnus X- 1" , Astrophys. J. Lett. 665 (2007) L5 1. 24. J. Albert et al, "Observations of Mkn 421 with the MAGIC Telescope", Ap.J 663 (2007) 125. 25. J. Albert et al. "Observation of very high energy gamma rays from the AGN 1ES 2344+514 in a low emission state with the MAGIC telescope ", Ap.J 662 (2007) 892 . 26. J. Albert et al. "First bounds on very high energy gamma-ray emission from Arp 220", Ap.J 658 (2007) 245. 27. J. Albert et al. "Detection of VHE radiation from the BL Lac PG 1553+113 with the MAGIC telescope ", Ap.J Letters 654 (2007) L119 - L122. 28. J. Albert et al. "Discovery of very high energy gamma-rays from Markarian 180 triggered by an optical outburst ", Ap.J Letters 648 (2006) L105 - 108 . 29. J. Albert et al. "Variable Very High Energy Gamma-ray Emission from the Microquasar LS1+61 303", Science 3 12, 1771 (2006) . 30. J. Albert et al. "Discovery of VHE gamma-ray emission from lES1218+30.4", ApJ Letters 642, L119 (2006). 3 1. J. Albert et al. "Observation of VHE gamma radiation from HESS 51834-087lW41 with the MAGIC telescope ", Ap.J Letters 643, L53 (2006). 32. J. Albert et al. "MAGIC Observations of very high energy gamma-rays from HESS J1813-178", Ap.J Letters 637, L41 (2006). 33. J. Albert et al. "Flux upper limit of gamma-ray emission by GRB050713a from MAGIC Telescope observations ", Ap.J Letters 641, L9 (2006) . 34. J. Albert et al. "Observation of Gamma Rays from the Galactic Center with the MAGIC telescope ", Ap.J Letters 638, LlO 1 (2006) . 35. J. Albert et al. "Observation of VHE gamma-ray emission from the Active Galactic Nucleus 1ES1959+650 using the MAGIC telescope", Ap.J 639 (2006) 761-765 . 36. A. Misaki, N. Anohina, N. Budnev, S. Nazarov, V. Galkin, M. Higuchi, M. Isiwata, S. Kawaguchi, E. Konishi, S. Kochanov, A. Lagutin, T. Matsuyama, K. Minoura, I. Minorikawa, I. Nakamura, S. Politiko, R. Raikin, N. Takahashi, M. Tamada and H. Vankov. "The design study for the hyper Baikal detector (HBD) in lake Baikal for extremely high energy neutrino astrophysics -strategy and the present purpose". In Proc. 28"' ICRC, Tsukuba, 2003, p. 1361-1364. 37. Y. Fukushima, Y. Wada, N. Inoue, H. P. Vankov and EUSO Collaboration. "Simulation studies on air fluorescence and Cherenkov lights from UHE air showers for EUSO experiment". In Proc. 28Ih ICRC, Tsukuba, 2003, p.603-606. 38. H. Vankov, N. Inoue, K. Shinozaki, E. Konishi, S. Kawaguchi, A. Misaki and M. Kato. "Ultrahigh energy gamma ray cascading in the geomagnetic field and its development in the atmosphere", In Proc. 28Ih ICRC, Tsukuba, 2003, p. 527-530. 39. H. Vankov, T. Stanev, N. Inoue, A. Misaki, S. Kawaguchi and E. Konishi. "LPM showers in the atmosphere taking into account the geomagnetic effect". In Proc. 28IhICRC, Tsukuba, 2003, p.523. 40. H. P. Vankov, N. Inoue and K. Shinozaki. "Ultrahigh energy gamma rays in the geomagnetic field and atmosphere", Phvs.Rev. D67,043002 (2003). 41. H. Vankov and T. Stanev. "Lorentz invariance violation and the QED formation length". Phys. Lett. B538 (2002) 251 - 256. 42. V. Avati et al. "CORAL. A cosmic ray experiment in and above the LHC tunnel". CERNl20001-003, SPSCP321 ,08.01.2001. 43. N. Inoue, K. Shinozaki and H.P. Vankov. "Characteristics of gamma-ray air showers around 1 0 ~ ~ e VJ." .Phys. Soc. Jpn. 70 (2001) Suppl. B. 108-1 13. 44. N. Inoue, K. Shinozaki, H.P. Vankov, and M. Zha. "A profile of EHE gamma-ray shower and its detection by the Telescope Array". In Proc. 27Ih ICRC, Hamburp HE 1.7 (2001), p.659. 45. S. Kawaguchi, H. Vankov, M. Kato, E. Konishi, and A. Misaki. "Behavior of individual '~ electromagnetic cascade shower with the LPM effect in geomagnetic field". In ~ r o c . 2 7 ICRC, Hamburg , HE 1.5 (2001) p.470. 46. L. Dedenko, M. Kato, E. Konishi, A. Misaki, S. Polytiko, H. Vankov, Y. Yamada. "Influence of the LPM effect on electromagnetic cascade shower in the atmosphere". GRIPS Res. Report Series 1-99-0005 mat. Grad. Inst. For Policy Studies, Saitama, Japan), Nov. 1999. 47. N. Inoue, K. Shinozaki and H.P. Vankov. "Shower development of extremely high-energy cosmic rays". In Proc. of Intern. Workshop " Space Factorv on International Space Station", June 7-9, 1999, Tsukuba Space Center of the NASDA, Ed. T. Ebisuzaki et al, Universal Acad. Press Inc., Tokyo, Japan, p. 123- 130. 48. V. Anguelov and H.P. Vankov. "Electromagneticshowers in a strong magnetic field". J, Phvs. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 25 (1999) 1755- 1764. 49. T. Stanev and H.P. Vankov. "The nature of the highest energy cosmic rays". Phvs.Rev. D55 (1997) 1365-1371. 50. F. Halzen, R.A. Vazquez, T. Stanev and H.P. Vankov. "The highest energy cosmic ray". Astrovarticle Physics, 3 (1995) 151-156. 51. V. Anguelov, S. Petrov and H.P. Vankov. "Triplet pair production in electron-photon cascading in a soft photon field". In Proc. 24th ICRC, Rome, 3 (1995) 790-793. 52. T. Stanev and H. Vankov. "Hybrid simulations of electromagnetic cascades". Astroparticle Physics 2 (1994) 35-42. 53. T. Stanev and H. Vankov. "Electromagnetic cascade simulations using prerecorded shower library". In Proc. 23th ICRC Calgary, 4 (1993) 167-170. 54. H.P. Vankov. "Neutrino astronomy". Physics World (the Journal of Bulg. Phys. Union) 15, No.4 (1992) 193-204 (in Bulgarian). 55. T. Stanev and H. Vankov. "Hybrid electromagnetic cascade simulations". In Proc. 22nd ICRC, Dublin, 2 (1991) HE 2.1. 56. T. Stanev and H. Vankov. "Air shower detection and the energy flow in electromagnetic cascades". J.Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 18 (1992) L49-L54. 57. H.P. Vankov and P.V. Stavrev. "Electromagnetic cascading of ultra-high energy photons (E > 10'' e v ) in the Earth's magnetic field". Phvs.Lett. B266 (199 1) 17858. D. Bourilkov, S. Petrov and H. Vankov. "Low-energy threshold calculations of EAS with primary energy 1013- 10" eV". J.Phvs. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 17 (199 1) 1925-193 1. 59. F. Halzen, R.J. Protheroe, T. Stanev and H. Vankov. "Isotropic TeV gamma-ray background". In Proc. 21th ICRC Adelaide, 2 (1990) 399-402. 60. T. Stanev, F. Halzen, H. Vankov and T.K. Gaisser. "Muon number fluctuations in air showers". In Proc. 21th ICRC .Adelaide, 9 (1990) 146-149. 61. F. Halzen, R J . Protheroe, T. Stanev and H.P. Vankov. "Cosmology with 100 TeV gammaray telescopes". Phvs. Rev. D41 (1990) 342-346. 62. T. Stanev and H. Vankov. "Air-shower detection of ultrahigh-energy muons and neutrinos". Phvs.Rev. D40 (1989) 1472-1476. 63. T. Stanev and H. Vankov. "Proton generated MeV gamma rays from SN 1987A". Astrophvsical Journal 343 (1989) 828-833. 64. P. Stavrev, N. Gavritova-Stavreva, H. Vankov, K. Barkalov and V. Yakovlev. "Analysis of the dependence of scintilation detector's time and amplitude characteristics on the box geometry". Bule;. J. Phvs. 16 (1989) 150-158 (in Russian). 65. Ch.P. Vankov and J.N. Stamenov. "Hadron and muon components in photon showers at 10" eV". In "Genesis and Propagation of Cosmic Rays", Ed. by M. Shapiro and J. Wefel, D. Ride1 Publ. Comp., (1988) p.255-260. 66. J.N. Stamenov and C.P. Vankov. "Muons in air showers initiated by high energy gammarays". In Proc. 20th ICRC, Moscow, 6 (1987) 35-37. 67. J.N. Stamenov, Ch.P. Vankov and T. Vodenicharova. "Simulation of gamma-initiated showers". In Proc. 19th ICRC. La Jolla, 7 (1 985) 243-246. 68. T. Stanev and Ch. Vankov. "Production of high-energy muons in gamma showers". Phvs. Lett.158B (1985) 75-76. 69. T. Stanev, Ch. Vankov and F. Halzen. "Muons in gamma showers". In Proc. 19th ICRC, La Jolla, 7 (1985) 219-222. 70. T. Stanev and Ch. Vankov. "Electron-photon cascade development in lead". Bulg. J. Phys. 9 (1982) 129-137. 71. T. Stanev, Ch. Vankov, RE. Streitmatter, R.W. Ellsworth and T. Bowen. "Development of ultrahigh-energy electromagnetic cascades in water and lead including the LPM effect". Phvs.Rev. D25 (1982) 1291-1304. . . 72. T. Stanev and Ch. Vankov. "Development of electron-photon cascades in alternate layers of lead and plastic". In Proc. 17th ICCR, Paris, HE 4.1-5 (1981)(late volume). 73. T. Stanev, S. Petrov, Ch. Vankov and J.W. Elbert. "Some energy and angular characteristics of electron-photon cascades in air". In Proc. 17th ICCR, Paris, 6 (198 1) 256-259. 74. Ch. Vankov, S. Petrov and T. Stanev. "Fluctuations in the longitudinal development of electron-photon cascades in lead". In Proc. 17th ICCR, Paris, 5 (198 1) 166-169. 75. A.Ganchev, S. Petrov, T. Stanev and Ch.P. Vankov. "Simulation of electron-photon cascades. 3.: Lateral characteristics in lead in a wide energy interval". Bulg. J. Phys. 8 (1981) 129-138. 76. I.P. Nedyalkov and H.P. Vankov. "About the possibility for investigation of density distribution of the Earth with neutrino beam". God.VTUZ, 17, book 2, (1980) p.69-74 (in Bulgarian). 77. T. Stanev and Ch. Vankov. "LPM cascades in lead". In Proc. of Int. Seminar on Cosmic Ray Cascades, Sofia, 1980, Ed. by T.K. Gaisser and T. Stanev, p. 149-156. 78. T. Bowen, R.W. Ellsworth, T. Stanev, R.E. Streitmatter and Ch. Vankov. "LPM bremsstrahlung and pair production probabilities in lead and water". Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 24 (1 979) 495-508. 79. T. Stanev and H. Vankov. "The LPM effect and the development of electromagnetic cascades in lead". In Proc. 16th ICCR.Kyoto, 7 (1979) 47-52. 80. T. Stanev and Ch. Vankov. "The electron energy flux in electron-photon cascades". In Proc. 16th ICCR, Kyoto, 9 (1979) 2 10-215. 81. H. Vankov and T. Stanev. "Propagation of high energy photons in the Earth's atmosphere". In Proc. of Leninmad International Seminar on Cosmic Nuclear Physics, Leningrad 1978. Ed. by V. Dergachev and G. Kocharov, LIYF, p.388-396 (in Russian). 82. S. Petrov, T. Stanev and H. Vankov. "Electron-photon cascades in lead and water at ultrahigh energy". Report at the 6th. European Cosmic Rays Symp., Kiel, 1978 (abstract only published), p.85. 83. B. Betev, T. Stanev and H. Vankov. "Simulation of heavy fireballs". Report at the 6th. European Cosmic Rays Symp., Kiel, 1978 (abstract only published), p.77. 84. T. Stanev and Ch. Vankov. "Simulation of electron-photon cascades. 2.: Energy and lateral characteristics in air". Bulg. J. Phys., 5 (1978) 556-562. 85. T. Stanev and H. Vankov. "Simulation of electron-photon cascades. 1.: Method of simulation and general cascade characteristics". Bulg. J. Phys., 5 (1978) 433-442. 86. T. Stanev and Ch. Vankov. "A set of subroutines for simulation of electron-photon cascades". Comp. Phys. Comm., 16 (1979) 363-372. 87. B. Betev, H. Vankov and T. Stanev. "Investigation of the structure of the electron-photon component of EAS near the core". Bulp. J. Phvs., 4 (1 977) 63 1-636 (in Russian). 88. B. Markovsky, T. Stanev and Ch. Vankov. "Could the new theoretical ideas of the multiparticle production be useful in the EAS studies". In Proc. 15th ICCR.Plovdiv, 12 (1977) 77-82. 89. T. Stanev, Ch. Vankov and T. Vodenicharova. "Monte Carlo simulation of the bremsstrahlung and pair production processes taking into account the LPM effect". In Proc. 15th ICCR ,Plovdiv, 7 (1977) 256-261. 90. T. Stanev, Ch. Vankov and T. Vodenicharova. "Monte Carlo model of the electromagnetic cascade development". In Proc. 15th ICCR .Plovdiv, 12 (1977) 97- 101. 91. B. Betev, L. Katzarsky, J. Stamenov, T. Stanev, S. Ushev, Ch. Vankov, N.V. Kabanova, N.M. Nesterova, S.I. Nikolsky and V.A. Romakhin. "Fluctuations of muon density of EAS at different distances from the axis". In Proc. 15th ICCR, Plovdiv, 8 (1977) 123-128. 92. B. Betev, T.Stanev and Ch. Vankov. "Estimation of the parameters of muon density distribution of EAS". In Proc. 15th ICCR. Plovdiv, 8 (1977) 530-535. 93. L. Popova, N. Yalamova and H. Vankov. "Investigation of the correlations of nucleon mean free path with some basic characteristics of electron and muon components of EAS". Bulg.. J. 3 (1976) 368-373 (in Russian). 94. B. Betev, T. Stanev, Ch. Vankov, N.M. Nesterova and V.A. Romakhin. "Fluctuations of the electromagnetic component of the EAS in the central region". In Proc. 14th ICCR, Munich, 8 (1975) 2989-2994. 95. N.V. Kabanova, I.N. Kirov, N.M. Nesterova, V. A. Romakhin, J.N. Stamenov, V. Yanminchev, B. Betev, B. Markovski, T. Stanev, S. Ushev and Ch.P. Vankov. "Investigations of the fluctuations of the muon component of the EAS at mountain altitudes". In Proc. 14th ICCR, Munich, 12 (1975) 435296. V.A. Dergachev, G.E. Kocharov and H.P. Vankov. "About possibilities for investigation of the nature of radiocarbon variations in the Earth's atmosphere". In Proc. of Soviet Workshop on Radiocarbon Variations in the Earth's Atmosphere and Radiocarbon Dating. Vilnus, 22-24 Nov. 1971, p.23-34 (in Russian). m.,