
Survey of Programming Language Concepts, COSC-3308-01
Tutorial 6
Abstract Machine Concepts
Lectures 3, 4, and 5 cover the definitions of the following declarative programming
concepts: statement, value expression, environment, semantic statement, semantic stack,
single-assignment store, execution state, and computation.
There exists a visual abstract machine, called VamOz (Visual Abstract Machine for Oz),
which can be freely downloaded from http://www.imit.kth.se/~schulte/misc/vamoz.html,
which is executing kernel language programs as defined in the book Concepts,
Techniques and Models of Computer Programming by Peter Van Roy and Seif Haridi.
VamOz has been developed by Frej Drejhammar and Dragan Havelka with contributions
from Christian Schulte. The idea is to give students a tool with which they can increase
their understanding of how the abstract machine computes. VamOz has been used
successfully in 2003 in the Datalogi II course taught by Christian Schulte at KTH. The
language supported by VamOz is mainly the kernel language as described in Section 2.3
together with threads as introduced in Section 4.1 of the above mentioned book. Oz files
loaded in the evaluator are automatically converted into kernel syntax. The following
primitive operations are supported by VamOz: record operations (Arity, ., Label),
equality tests (==, \=), order tests (>, <, >=, =<), operations on numbers (+, -, *, /, div,
mod), type tests (IsProcedure).
Exercise 1. (Execution of Abstract Machine Examples) Using the visual abstract
machine, execute the following Oz programs. Note the semantic stack size (called in
VamOz, the “thread stack”) during the execution of some specific calls. Compare and
explain the thread stack size in case of FactProc and FastFact.
a) local X in
local X in X=2 end
b) local B in
if B then skip else skip end
c) local B in
B = false
if B then skip else skip end
d) local FactProc R in
proc {FactProc N ?Res}
if N==0 then Res=1
else local M in
{FactProc N-1 M}
{FactProc 3 R}
e) local FactAux FastFact X in
fun {FactAux N M}
if N==0 then M
else {FactAux N-1 M*N}
fun {FastFact N}
if N>=0 then {FactAux N 1}
X = {FastFact 3}
Exercise 2. (Environment Adjunction and Projection) In the following we will use
E1 = {X  x1, Y  x2}
E2 = {Y  x3, Z  x4}
E3 = {X  x5, Z  x6}
1. Find all possible i and j with i, j  {1, 2, 3} such that for the environment E = Ei + Ej,
we have E(X) = x1 and E(Z) = x6. Give an example of Oz program fragment using local
statement which has the environment E.
2. Find all possible i and j with i, j  {1, 2, 3} such that for the environment E = Ei + Ej,
E(X) = x1 and E(Y) = x2. Give an example of Oz program fragment using local
statement which has the environment E.
3. Give the environment E3|{Z}.
Exercise 3. (Free and Bound Identifiers) List
free and bound variable identifiers.
1. local Y in {P X Y} end
2. {P X Y} local Y in {X P Y} end
3. proc {Q X} local Y in {P Z Y} end
4. proc {F N} local M in {F N M} end
5. case X of f(Y) then {P Y} else {Q
for each of the following statements the
Y} end
Exercise 4. (External References) List for each of the following procedure definitions
the external references.
1. proc {P X Y} {Q X Y} end
2. proc {P X Y} {P X Y} end
3. proc {P X Y} {X Y} end
4. proc {P X Y} {Q Z U X} end
5. proc {P X Y} local Z in {Q Z U} end end