Since childhood,you’ve been trained by their rules Now it’s time to rewrite them. FaustoPinarello 2 3 Team Sky DOGMA 65.1 | DOGMA K | BOLIDE 4 British professionalism and Italian talent: a deadly mix that created the legendary blue line, an extraordinary team able to dominate the world’s greatest cycling competitions. Team Movistar DOGMA 65.1 | DOGMA K A legendary alliance which has written 30 years of cycling. Since 1983 Pinarello has tied its name to the greatest Spanish team of all time, writing pages of legendary history. 5 ...come Davide contro Golia? No, perchè Davide era solo piccolo e forte, noi siamo di più, siamo Italiani e la nostra creatività è la vera differenza tra noi e loro. TABLE OF CONTENTS 08 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 12 DOGMA 65.1 THINK 2 18 DOGMA 65.1 THINK 2 HYDRO 20 PARIS 50.1.5 THINK 2 22 ROKH 30.12 THINK 2 24 MARVEL 30.12 THINK 2 28 RAZHA 24.UD 30 SPEEDY (KIDS BIKE) 31 PISTA (TRACK FRAME) 32 MATT (TRACK FRAME) 34 BOLIDE (TT FRAME) 36 SIBILO (TT FRAME) 37 GRAAL + ANURA BAR (TT FRAME) 40 TREVISO + CATENA 41 FCX (CYCLOCROSS) 42 DOGMA XM 9.9 (MTB) 47 DOGMA XC 9.9 (MTB) 50 DOGMA XC 7.7 51 GEOMETRIES 57 PINARELLO CYCLING KITS .. as David and Goliath? No, because David was simply small and strong, instead we have much more, we are Italian and our creativity is the real difference between us and them. FP Fausto “...sì, vi è una analogia tra il 1952 ed oggi. Tutti coloro che salgono per la prima volta su di una mia bici, hanno sempre il solito sorriso. E’ probabilmente l’immagine della gioia”. Nani Pinarello Carla “...yes, there is an analogy between 1952 and today. All those who get on one of my bikes for the first time, always have the same smile. It ‘s probably the image of delight.” 7 The push thrusts on the pedals are symmetric and opposite for left and right side thrusts. Conversely, the pull on the chain is the same in both cases and always applied to the right side of the frame. The result is that the overall deflection produced by the summation of the two stresses: Top Tube Seatstay The so-called “high” asymmetry that compensates the pull on the The right seatstay is sturdier and stronger than the left one. handlebar comes from the lower left of the top tube. right-side thrust + pull on chain and left-side thrust + pull on chain is not symmetric because in the first case the two stresses are added to each other and in the second they are subtracted from each other.That was the basic reason for creating DOGMA the first asymmetric racing bike. (patend pending). Fork and frame together as one: introducing the ONDA 2! The form of the new ONDA 2 improves aerodynamics significantly, eliminating the empty space between fork and down tube, effectively creating fork and frame that act as one body. By eliminating the space between fork and frame drag is significantly reduced as there is no longer turbulent air between the two. Equally important is the new form’s impressive effect on stiffness of the front end. The new form is 19% more rigid when analyzing only the form and geometry and becomes even more rigid when taking into account that it is constructed with our new Torayca 65HM1K carbon with Nanoalloy technology. ONDA 2 is strong, resistant and reactive with a special profile to ensure even more rigidity. The right leg is a bit larger with a different structure than that of the left one in an effort to compensate for the asymmetry of forces applied to the bike both during normal use as well as under more extreme circumstances such as sprints or climbs with high gradients. 1” 1/8 Conified 1” 1/2 Fork The Right Chainstay is slender near the bottom bracket and thickens towards the dropout. The left chainstay, on the other hand, is reinforced up to the bottom bracket (the classic breaking point of many frames) and thins noticeably towards the dropout. Down Tube The right fork blade is significantly sturdier than the left one, with a more angular form. 21.8 x 58.4 There is deep ribbing on the righthand side only, from the bottom bracket almost up to the head tube. 25.5 x 58.4 The behavior of a bicycle under pedaling forces is not linear but rather asymmetrical. This is due in most part to pedal forces being applied evenly on both right and left sides (assuming an athlete has a normal and efficient pedal stroke) although the force generated by both right and left is transferred only to the right side of the frame as the chain is located only on the drive side. During part of the pedal stroke forces applied to the bike are opposing and during the other part they are transferred. This, in addition to asymmetric forces being applied to the handlebars as the athlete pushes and pulls even lightly during normal pedaling, creates an input that is not efficient and linear. In other words, pedal forces applied to a symmetric frame can only give an asymmetric and less efficient output. This phenomenon is easily verified and can be visible almost to the naked eye. At Cicli Pinarello all new projects are validated first and foremost by theoretical studies using FEM (Finite Element Method) analysis. Upon completion of these theoretical calculations all results are then verified in the laboratory. In both theoretical calculations as well as laboratory studies, the asymmetric behavior of a symmetric frame is evident. The frame can flex up to nearly 5mm on one side and only 1-2 on the other. This can only be contrasted by an asymmetric frame construction. On one side the frame is perhaps too rigid in which case some material can be removed. On the other side the frame is too flexible and needs to be reinforced or made more rigid. Working with carbon fiber the task of increasing rigidity and flexibility in determined areas is facilitated with the type of carbon, quantity of material, direction of the fibers and shape of the frame all can be changed to achieve the desired result. Design of an efficient frame, with asymmetry in both form and construction is possible through a long process of advanced analysis, using the latest technological software. ONDA 2 with new front end and down tube improves by 6% the aerodynamic impact from the DOGMA 60.1 NewCarbon 65HM1K Torayca® Nanoalloy Technology eps™ by PINARELLOLAB: With Nanoalloy Technology™ Reduces weight while increasing strength +29% The PINARELLOLAB has introduced the E.P.S. (Expandable Polystyrene System) production process in an effort to both increase rigidity and safeness as well as to decrease the overall weight of the frame. Increased compaction makes for a more rigid frame which allows you, the rider, to have greater control of the bike and lose less energy due to lateral frame flex. The E.P.S. process allows Pinarello to eliminate extra and unnecessary material as the compaction of carbon layers is optimized thus translating into an overall weight savings. This process also eliminates small imperfections that come about under traditional frame production methods. These imperfections are often the cause of structural failure and represent a risk for the rider. By eliminating these structural imperfections through EPS processes, Pinarello has improved the safety of its frames above the industry standard. Toray® has been our exclusive supplier for the last 5 years. The Japan-based industrial colossus supplies the most important aerospace and automobile companies and is a world leader in terms of production output, technology and innovation in the field of special fibers. The Torayca® division, dedicated to carbon fiber processing, will supply the newly developed 65HM1K fiber with Nanoalloy™ technology. The E.P.S. system consists in laminating carbon sheets around Polystyrene forms with perfectly smooth surfaces and leaving these forms inside the mold during the pressure phase of production. The mold expands both due to increased heat in addition to added air pressure leaving a controlled and optimized thickness of carbon material throughout the frame. The polystyrene mold is then removed when the production process is complete. Carbon fiber starts as a filament measuring 5-8 micrometers in width that is produced through a long and complicated process of pirolisi oxidation and carbonization of Polyacrylonitrile and is the material with the highest resistance to breakage that exists in the market today. Brake Cable Think2™ by PINARELLOLAB: new versatile frame made to function perfectly with both electronic and mechanic groupsets. The new Pinarello frames are made under the Think2 philosophy, or in other words, designed to adapt perfectly to either mechanical or electronic groupsets thanks to a new system of adaptors that allow for perfect integration and internal cable routing for both systems. Stopper Electronic Cable Stopper Mechanical Gear Cable When we refer 65HM we are referring to fiber with a tensile modulus of 65 tons per square centimeter. When we refer to 1K it means that there are 1000 fibers per strand Using a highly resistant and reliable fiber such as Torayca 65HM1K with Nanoalloy™ allows us to employ less material compared to traditional fibers, hence the final weight is lower, although stability and safety are improved. resistance to impact When subjected to violent impact, carbon fiber can snap, with evident safety hazards: dangerous flying splinters that can injure the cyclist and the possibility of a crash. Toray has solved this problem by inventing a system that prevents microfractures from spreading and avoids immediate collapse with the neat rupture of the fibres. The extraordinary Torayca Nanoalloy™ technology consists of nanoparticles embedded in the carbon fibre mesh that expand on impact to prevent the fiber from breaking. Our current 50HM1K fibre is already 29% stronger on impact than conventional fibres. The new 65HM1K with Nanoalloy™ technology adds another 23% to that advantage, making it 59% more resistant than conventional fibers. ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA THINK 2 SYSTEM THINK 2 SYSTEM PINARELLO | DOGMA 65.1 THINK 2 RAD SYSTEM INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA HYDROFORMED SYSTEM INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA THINK 2 SYSTEM THINK 2 SYSTEM APPROVED THINK 2 SYSTEM INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED TRACK GEOMETRY TRACK GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK APPROVED APPROVED ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA TRACK GEOMETRY APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM TRIATHLON GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA EM APPROVED TRIATHLON GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM 12 SPECIAL FRAME 4 KIDS APPROVED PINAFITGEOMETRY M ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED SINGLESPEED SINGLESPEED HYDROFORMED SYSTEM VINTAGEREPLICA VINTAGEREPLICA SINGLESPEED SPEEDCITYBIKE ** Photos are for color reference only. ** ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET PINARELLO | DOGMA 65.1 THINK 2 850 I FP50 I Black Matte I Orange gloss (Limited Stock Availability) $5,300 ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET SET opposite view 863 I Black I Fluorescent Yellow gloss Carbon: 65HM1k One frame w/ Electric and Mechanical cable routing. (frame, fork, and seatpost) $5,300 13 PINARELLO | DOGMA 65.1 THINK 2 862 I Red I White gloss $5,300 746 I Black on Black gloss and matte $5,600 859 I Naked gloss (Special Order Only) $5,300 PINARELLO | DOGMA 65.1 THINK 2 860 I Black I Red I White gloss $5,300 ** Photos are for color reference only. ** 14 858 I FP50 I Black I White gloss $5,300 857 I White I Black gloss $5,300 861 I Naked I White I Azzurra Blue gloss (Special Order Only) $5,300 881 I Black I Red gloss I 80th Anniversary Campagnolo (Special Order Only) $5,300 15 PINARELLO |DOGMA 65.1 THINK 2 PINARELLO | DOGMA 65.1 THINK 2 856 I Movistar gloss (Limited Stock Availability) $5,700 813 I Union Jack gloss (Special Order Only) $5,700 814 I Italian Flag gloss (Limited Stock Availability) $5,700 ** Photos are for color reference only. ** 16 799 I Team Sky gloss (Special Order Only) $5,700 17 M PINARELLO |DOGMA 65.1 THINK 2 HYDRO M PINAFITGEOMETRY RAD SYSTEM DOGMA 65.1 Hydro ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET The bike of Champions, theASYMMETRIC icon ofFRAMESET road bikes, is now available also with disc brakes. Same geometries, the same identical feeling of riding, but withSYSTEM the ONDA addition of SYSTEM a new INTEGRAL INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL ONDA ASYMMETRICNew FRAMESET ASYMMETRICbraking FRAMESET system. fork descended from ONDA2 called ONDA HD (Hydraulic Disk). THINK New chainstaysTHINK to accom2 SYSTEM THINK 2 SYSTEM 2 SYSTEM INTEGRAL ONDAbraking system derived from our INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA modate the newSYSTEM RAD DOGMA XC. THINK 265.1 SYSTEM Hydro obviously uses Torayca 65Ton HM THINK 2 SYSTEM The DOGMA 1K with Nanoalloy technology, exclusively from the Japanese carbon giant, only for Pinarello. Disc brakes at the soul of the granfondo movement showtime! ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED APPROVED INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK HYDROFORMED SYSTEM INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET SINGLESPEED SINGLESPEED VINTAGEREPLICA VINTAGEREPLICA PINAFITGEOMETRY SPEEDCITYBIKE INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA HYDROFORMED SYSTEM SINGLESPEED INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM TRACK GEOMETRY TRACK GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK APPROVED TRACK GEOMETRY TRIATHLON GEOMETRY DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED THINK 2 SYSTEM INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET DOGMA K Hydro RAD SYSTEM 65.1, the DOGMA K is also now like the DOGMA ONDA TWIN ARMS ASYM available withONDA disc brakes. INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM Same geometries, the same identical feeling of riding, PINAFITGEOMETRY but with the addition of a new braking system. THINK 2 SYSTEM THINK 2 SYSTEM New fork descended from ONDA2 called ONDA HD FORK(Hydraulic STOPPER SYSTEM Disk). New chainstays to accommodate the new RAD braking system derived from our DOGMA XC. XPOWER SYSTEM DOGMA K Hydro obviously uses the Torayca 65Ton HM 1K with Nanoalloy technology, exclusively from the JapaAPPROVED RAD SYSTEM nese carbon giant, only for Pinarello. ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED TRIATHLON GEOMETRY SPECIAL FRAME 4 KIDS Black I Red Carbon: 65HM1k One frame w/ Electric and Mechanical cable routing, also Hydraulic Disc Brake specific internal routing, 135mm rear spacing for disc brake hubs, designed for 10 mm through axels. (frame, fork, and seatpost) ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET $5,300 HYDROFORMED SYSTEM 920gr SIZE 54 948gr SIZE 54 ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASY INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTE THINK 2 SYSTEM THIN DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM DRO APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED 1038gr SIZE 54 DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM PINARELLO |DOGMA K HYDRO ET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET Black I Red gloss Carbon: 65HM1k One frame w/ Electric and Mechanical cable routing, also Hydraulic Disc Brake specific internal routing, 135mm rear spacing for disc brake hubs, designed for 10 mm through axels. (frame, fork, and seatpost) $5,300 1224gr SIZE 53.5 APPROVED 1098gr SIZE 54 1248gr SIZE 53 DOGMA 65 DOGMA 65 DOGMA K DOGM 1298gr SIZE 54 DOGMA K DOGMA 65 1098gr SIZE 53 DOGMA XM 1598gr SIZE 47 1198gr SIZE 53 1448gr SIZE 52.5 N ET RIC ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA RAD SYSTEM RAD SYSTEM THINK 2 SYSTEM THINK 2 SYSTEM THINK 2 SYSTEM M 18 The hydraulic side of Pinarello SuperBikes: innovative! APPROVED APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM ASC ASYM SUSPENSION ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET 1148gr SIZE 53 ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA 1510gr SIZE 53 ONDA CURVE ASYMMETRIC RAD SYSTEM RAD SYSTEM THINK 2 SYSTEM THINK 2 SYSTEM ASYMM INTEGRA THINK 2 1510gr SIZE 51.5 1810gr SIZE 53 1810gr SIZE 54 1598gr SIZE 50 1298gr SIZE 38 1048gr SIZE M 1698gr SIZE M PINAFITGEOMETRY FORK STOPPER SYSTEM XPOWER SYSTEM RAD SYSTEM 19 APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED ED PINARELLO | PARIS 50-1.5 THINK 2 780 I Black Matte I Red Gloss Carbon: 50HM1.5K Think 2 Compatibility, One frame w/ Electric and Mechanical cable routing. (frame, fork, and seatpost) $3,500 783 Black Matte I Pink Gloss Material: 50HM1.5K Think 2 Compatibility, One frame w/ Electric and Mechanical cable routing. (frame, fork, and seatpost) $3,500 ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET SPECIAL FRAME 4 KIDS APPROVED HYDROFORMED SYSTEM ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET TRIATHLON GEOMETRY TRIATHLON GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK THINK 2 SYSTEM APPROVED THINK 2 SYSTEM INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK APPROVED APPROVED ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA APPROVED THINK 2 SYSTEM DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM TRACK GEOMETRY TRACK GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK THINK 2 SYSTEM TRACK GEOMETRY DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED SINGLESPEED SINGLESPEED HYDROFORMED SYSTEM VINTAGEREPLICA VINTAGEREPLICA SINGLESPEED SPEEDCITYBIKE ** Photos are for color reference only. ** NDA 781 I Black Matte I Yellow Gloss $3,500 PINARELLO | PARIS 50-1.5 THINK 2 I Easy FIt SET 784 I White I Red Gloss $3,500 APPROVED 20 DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED 21 STEM VED PINARELLO | ROKH THINK 2 Black I Orange (Limited Stock Availability) $3,750 ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET SPECIAL FRAME 4 KIDS APPROVED INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA HYDROFORMED SYSTEM INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA TRIATHLON GEOMETRY TRIATHLON GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK APPROVED THINK 2 SYSTEM INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK APPROVED APPROVED ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA SINGLESPEED SINGLESPEED HYDROFORMED SYSTEM VINTAGEREPLICA VINTAGEREPLICA 786 I Black I Yellow (Limited Stock Availability) $3,750 23 SPEEDCITYBIKE SINGLESPEED INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM TRACK GEOMETRY TRACK GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK THINK 2 SYSTEM TRACK GEOMETRY ** Photos are for color reference only. ** ONDA ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET 788 I White I Black $3,750 DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED 22 DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED PINARELLO | ROKH THINK 2 ESET 785 I Black I Red Carbon: 30HM12K Think 2 Compatibility, One frame w/ Electric and Mechanical cable routing. The ROKH is available as a complete bike only. Bike Groupo: Shimano Ultegra 11sp (CT) Wheels: Fulcrum Racing 5 Brakes: MOst B-Max Force Brakes Post: C-Alu Cranks: Ultegra 11sp Cassette: Ultegra 11 - 25 Bar: MOst Jaguar XA Stem: MOst Tiger Alu Painted Saddle: MOst Bobcat Tires: Vittoria Zaffiro Pro $3,750 PINARELLO | MARVEL THINK 2 ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC ONDA M ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM SYSTEM ONDA ONDA INTEGRAL STEM SYSTEM ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET SPECIAL FRAME 4 KIDS ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA HYDROFORMED SYSTEM APPROVED HYDROFORMED SYSTEM SPECIAL FRAME 4 KIDS APPROVED INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK THINK 2 SYSTEM APPROVED APPROVED INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA TRIATHLON GEOMETRY TRIATHLON TRIATHLONGEOMETRY GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL INTEGRALSYSTEM SYSTEMFORK FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK TRACK GEOMETRY TRACK TRACKGEOMETRY GEOMETRY TRACK GEOMETRY ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET SINGLESPEED SINGLESPEED SINGLESPEED VINTAGEREPLICA VINTAGEREPLICA VINTAGEREPLICA INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL INTEGRALSYSTEM SYSTEMFORK FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA HYDROFORMED SYSTEM HYDROFORMED SYSTEM SINGLESPEED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED TRACK GEOMETRY TRACK GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK APPROVED VINTAGEREPLICA SPEEDCITYBIKE SPEEDCITYBIKE SINGLESPEED INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA APPROVED 24 TRIATHLON GEOMETRY DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED 810 I Black I Red (Available in Easy Fit Geometry) $3,750 777 I Black I Blue (Limited Stock Availability) $3,750 ** Photos are for color reference only. ** ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET PINARELLO | MARVEL THINK 2 ESET MESET THINK 2 SYSTEM THINK 2 SYSTEM 779 I White I Black I Red $3,750 776 I Black I Yellow Carbon: 30HM12K Think 2 Compatibility, One frame w/ Electric and Mechanical cable routing. The MARVEL is available as a complete bike only. Bike Groupo: Shimano Ultegra 11sp, Wheels: Fulcrum Racing 5 Brakes: MOst B-Max Force Brakes Post: C-Alu Cranks: Ultegra 11sp Cassette: Ultegra 11 - 25 Bar: MOst Jaguar XA Stem: MOst Tiger Alu Painted Saddle: MOst Bobcat Tires: Vittoria Zaffiro Pro $3,750 25 PINARELLO | MARVEL THINK 2 I Easy Fit Black I Red Gloss Carbon: 24UD Bike Groupo: Shimano 105, Wheels: Shimano WH-R 501 Brakes: MOst B-Max Post: C-Alu Cranks: Shimano R565 50/34 Cassette: 105 11 - 25 Bar: MOst Xylon PG Stem: MOst 4 Bolt Saddle: MOst Bobcat Tires: Vittoria Zaffiro Rigid $2,550 PINARELLO | RAZHA K 24.UD 778 I Black I Pink Carbon: 30HM12K Think 2 Compatibility, One frame w/ Electric and Mechanical cable routing. The MARVEL is available as a complete bike only. Bike Groupo: Shimano Ultegra 11sp, Wheels: Fulcrum Racing 5 Brakes: MOst B-Max Post: C-Alu Cranks: Ultegra 11sp 50/34 Cassette: Ultegra 11 - 25 Bar: MOst Jaguar XA Stem: MOst Tiger Alu Painted Saddle: Women’s MOst Tires: Vittoria Zaffiro Pro $3,750 (Easy Fit geometry also available in Marvel 810 colorway, see page 19) ** Photos are for color reference only. ** 26 Black I Silver Gloss 27 PINARELLO | RAZHA 24.UD PINARELLO | RAZHA 24.UD 774 I Black I White $2,450 798 I Black I Orange (Limited Stock Availability) Carbon: 24UD Bike Groupo: Shimano 105, Wheels: Shimano WH-R 501 Brakes: MOst B-Max Post: C-Alu Cranks: Shimano R565 50/34 Cassette: 105 11 - 25 Bar: MOst Xylon PG Stem: MOst 4 Bolt Saddle: MOst Bobcat Tires: Vittoria Zaffiro Rigid $2,450 805 I White I Red $2,450 ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET SPECIAL FRAME 4 KIDS APPROVED M ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA HYDROFORMED SYSTEM INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA TRIATHLON GEOMETRY TRIATHLON GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK APPROVED APPROVED 28 DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED APPROVED SYSTEM DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK APPROVED APPROVED ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM TRACK GEOMETRY TRACK GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK THINK 2 SYSTEM TRACK GEOMETRY APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED SINGLESPEED SINGLESPEED HYDROFORMED SYSTEM VINTAGEREPLICA VINTAGEREPLICA SINGLESPEED SPEEDCITYBIKE ** Photos are for color reference only. ** AMESET APPROVED 29 PINARELLO | SPEEDY (Kids Bike) 792 I Black SPECIAL FRAME 4 KIDS APPROVED HYDROFORMED SYSTEM TRIATHLON GEOMETRY TRIATHLON GEOMETRY TRACK GEOMETRY TRACK GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA VINTAGEREPLICA VINTAGEREPLICA SPEEDCITYBIKE ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA APPROVED THINK 2 SYSTEM APPROVED ONDA TWIN ARMS ASYM PINAFITGEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET SPECIAL FRAME 4 KIDS APPROVED PINAFITGEOMETRY HYDROFORMED SYSTEM SINGLESPEED ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET HYDROFORMED SYSTEM ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET RAD SYSTEM INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET SINGLESPEED ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET TRACK GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK SINGLESPEED APPROVED THINK 2 SYSTEM THINK 2 SYSTEM INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA THINK 2 SYSTEM THINK 2 SYSTEM THINK 2 SYSTEM THINK 2 SYSTEM TRIATHLON GEOMETRY TRIATHLON GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK APPROVED APPROVED INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA APPROVED FORK STOPPER SYSTEM TRACK GEOMETRY TRACK GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK APPROVED TRACK GEOMETRY APPROVED ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA (Track Frame) D ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET 733 I White I Red I Black Material: 6061 T6 Triple-Butted Aluminum (frame, fork, and seatpost) $1,000 Material: 6061 T6 Triple-Butted Aluminum Bike Group: Shimano 2400 Crank: Miche 46/39 145 mm Cassette: SRAM 11-26 Wheels: Formula Brakes: Promax RC-452 Post: MOst Alloy Bar: MOst-DB 38 Stem: MOst 4 bolt 90mm Saddle: MOst Kids Tires: Kenda K-191 $900 PINARELLO | PISTA DA Kids Bike APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED XPOWER SYSTEM APPROVED APPROVED ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET HYDROFORMED SYSTEM 920gr SIZE 54 948gr SIZE 54 1038gr SIZE 54 DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM RAD SYSTEM DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED 791 I APPROVED White DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED 1224gr SIZE 53.5 1248gr SIZE 53 1298gr SIZE 54 1098gr SIZE 53 1598gr SIZE 47 1198gr SIZE 53 1448gr SIZE 52.5 1148gr SIZE 53 30 1510gr SIZE 53 1510gr SIZE 51.5 1810gr SIZE 53 ** Photos are for color reference only. ** 1098gr SIZE 54 31 SIN (Track Frame) $8,500 Born to fly in an oval fast! TRIATHLON GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK (Track Frame) PINARELLO | MATT White (special order only) (pursuit) TRACK GEOMETRY TRACK GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA TRACK GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED 32 PINARELLO | MATT Red (special order only) Carbon: 60HM1k (Frame, Fork, Seatpost, NEW sprint bar) $8,500 APPROVED SINGLESPEED SINGLESPEED HYDROFORMED SYSTEM VINTAGEREPLICA VINTAGEREPLICA SPEEDCITYBIKE SINGLESPEED We have a mission to create the fastest bikes available. This mission applies not only to road bikes, but also to the track. We set out to make the fastest bike possible for this discipline and analyzed each and every aspect of the track bike and looked for areas where it could be improved. Collaborating with top athletes including those of the British Cycling Federation in preparation for the Olympic games, we were able to gather priceless information and feedback that permitted our engineers and experts at the PinarelloLab to create the most advanced and highest performing solution for track racing available today. The MAAT has a specific track racing geometry that is made for pure speed and biomechanical efficiency. The frame structure for a track bike must be quite different than that of bikes made for other disciplines as the demands of this sport are quite unique. To create a more explosive frame a new tube structure was developed to insure rigidity and reactiveness. The ultra-oversized down tube with a trapezoidal tube structure assure optimum power transfer and eliminate any lateral flex. The MAAT’s fork is also extremely rigid and responsive thanks to its wide stance, carbon reinforcement and anti-flex vertical columns. With the same objective of improving power transfer the engineers in the PinarelloLab have developed the widest available steer tube on the market. The 1 ¼” - 1 ¾” steer tube along with a wider fork design offer unparalleled front end stiffness with increased control. Feedback from professional athletes proved to be fundamental in designing the MAAT’s revolutionary new handlebar. Top athletes expressed a need for a handlebar that was more rigid and flexed less. They also voiced concerns about handlebar designs that limited their freedom of movement, often times hitting their knees during sprints. Our engineers specifically designed the the most rigid handlebar available in addition to developing a sprint specific geometry that gives greater freedom of movement. Ergonomic bends were studied for a more aggressive and efficient position and grip. 4 bolt closure for a safer, stiffer and more effective clamp. These technological advancements, along with the following combine to make the most efficient track bike available: Asymmetric rear triangle, Serrated/grooved design on dropout walls to improve wheel positioning, Dropout regulator for perfect fit and safer closure, Airfoil seat tube design Hidden seat clamp on rear of seat tube. 33 PINARELLO | BOLIDE ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET SPECIAL FRAME 4 KIDS INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA HYDROFORMED SYSTEM INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA TRIATHLON GEOMETRY TRIATHLON GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK THINK 2 SYSTEM APPROVED THINK 2 SYSTEM APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK APPROVED APPROVED ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA SINGLESPEED VINTAGEREPLICA SINGLESPEED HYDROFORMED SYSTEM VINTAGEREPLICA SPEEDCITYBIKE SINGLESPEED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED Aerodynamic drag APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM TRACK GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM TRACK GEOMETRY TRACK GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK THINK 2 SYSTEM M ONDA ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET APPROVED INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA AMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET -15%* SYSTEM ROVED DOGMA 65 MESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET M ONDA SYSTEM OVED INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA THINK 2 SYSTEM APPROVED 34 *rispetto alla Pinarello GRAAL * compared to the Pinarello GRAAL lence in those areas; a new bottom bracket BB86 to maximize the stiffness in this crucial point of the frame; a new removable front derailleur hanger: for flat races the derailleur can be completely removed, replacing it with a special plate; Think2: the BOLIDE is fully compatible with both mechanical and electronic groupsets; the position of the water bottle can be lowered towards the bottom bracket to increase aerodynamic performance; the sections of the down tube are optimized to “hide” the bottle from the airflow; horizontal rear dropouts (as normally used on track bikes), in order to adjust and move the wheel closer to the frame; in the bottom bracket there is a special area designed to accommodate the SRM ® sensor. BOLIDE is obviously a frame approved by the UCI, and it is therefore may be raced in any international competition recognized by the UCI. BOLIDE has reduced the aerodynamic drag by 15% and the total weight by 5%, from the Graal. A technological BOLIDE, a concentration of innovation and Italian craftsmanship, a new accomplishment for Pinarello. PINARELLO | BOLIDE Black Gold (Special Order Only, additional colorways TBD) Carbon: 65HM1k (frameset) $13,500 For over a year Pinarello Lab technicians and engineers, in close collaboration with Team Sky, have worked to improve the time trial bike which swept the 2012 Tour de France. And they have created a real BOLIDE. If it is true that all bike manufacturers start from aerodynamics to create a time-trial bike, only a few go so far as to investigate the impact of the air flow on every single component with the manic approach as it was for us on this project. An extraordinary labor that allows the BOLIDE to reduce by 15% the total aerodynamic impact, compared to the Graal. The major developments for the aerodynamics are: the use of new airfoil tube sections, that are designed to ensure the lowest aerodynamic resistance in all wind conditions (frontal, lateral, etc.), as well as, in certain conditions, to generate a forward thrust; The use of a “concave back” on the seat tube, to allow a closer position of the rear wheel, significantly improving the air flow in that area; complete integration of the brakes, which “hides” them from the air flow, greatly reducing aerodynamic resistance internal cable routing that optimizes the interaction between the airfoils and the air flow, in addition to an aesthetic impact, innovative for a racing bike; integrated handlebar, which gives a unique continuity with the frame and greatly reduce the resistance, compared to a traditional stem and bar; the integration of battery and electronic controllers, completely hidden inside the frame of the BOLIDE; electronic shifter controls integrated into the handlebar, which further reduces the turbulence in the frontal area of the bike. Another important improvement is the stiffness of the frame. This, allows the rider to utilize all the power he generates. This stiffness is a “trademark” of Pinarello and has been obtained through the structural optimization of the tubes: unlike traditional aerodynamic airfoils, the sections we have developed to optimize the aerodynamics, while maintaining almost constant stiffness compared to the Graal; a tapered headset with 1” 1/8 and 1” ¼ bearings, which gives a perfect compromise between handling and aerodynamic performances; asymmetric chainstays, Pinarello’s DNA, oppose the asymmetric forces created by the power applied to the chain; the lay-up optimization of the carbon layers, to reinforce specifically the more stressed areas of the frame; the use of our new and unique Torayca 65HM1K, which allows an overall weight reduction of the frame, with unequalled structural characteristics compared to the conventional fibers. BOLIDE is special also for the myriad of small details that can be seen: the most noticeable are the hidden brakes: completely designed by Pinarello LAB, they disappear under two covers to reduce the incidence of wind that, create uncontrollable turbu- Controller rear brake Battery front brake FULL internal cable routing junction 35 PINARELLO | BOLIDE I SIBILO PINARELLO | GRAAL 610 I BoB gloss Carbon: 60HM1k Frame Set and Electric Frame Set Shimano Di2 Electric Internal Routing Only (frame, fork, seatpost, and Anura bar) $8,500 Team Sky (Special Order Only, additional colorways TBD) Carbon: 65HM1k (frameset) $13,500 SIBILO Movistar (Special Order Only, additional colorways TBD) Carbon: 65HM1k (frameset) $13,500 533 CDE gloss ** Photos are for color reference only. ** 36 37 Chris Edvald Team Sky Team Sky FROOME Tour de France 2013 38 BOASSON HAGEN TT Norvegian National Champion 39 PINARELLO | CATENA I TREVISO VINTAGEREPLICA OFORMED SYSTEM SPEEDCITYBIKE SINGLESPEED ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA THINK 2 SYSTEM The FCX Cross is the perfect bike for the cyclecross racer who wants the speed and handling of a Pinarello road bike with a design specific to off road racing. The frame design is derived from the Dogma K, giving this frame all of the speed and reactive nature of a pure road bike, but with several elements specifically designed to make this a perfect performance cyclecross machine. The FCX Cross is built on an asymmetric frame to confer a more symmetric and efficient power transfer with each pedal stroke. The top tube is rounded and more ergonomic than its road counterparts in an effort to increase comfort and facilitate shouldering the bike during intense race situations. Internal cable routing makes for both a clean look in addition to keeping the mud and grime, always a part of cyclecross, away from your cables. Mechanical disk brakes ensure surefooted braking even in the worst conditions. RAD system on the rear chainstay places the brake on a more robust tube both increasing the frame’s structural integrity and offering a more stable braking performance. Available in four sizes and two colors. Sold as either frameset or complete bike. 583 I Black Material: Cro-Mo Steel DB Wheels: MOst Duel Track Cranks: Most Alloy 46t Cassette: 18t + 18t FW Brakes: Tektro ECO Post: C-Alu Bar: Drop + Flat Stem: MOst 4 bolt Saddle:DROP-IN MOst Leopard Tires: Kenda K-191 BEARINGS SYSTEM $1,000 APPROVED SINGLESPEED HYDROFORMED SYSTEM VINTAGEREPLICA VINTAGEREPLICA SPEEDCITYBIKE SINGLESPEED ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA THINK 2 SYSTEM 40 ** Photos are for color reference only. ** EED VINTAGEREPLICA 753 I Black I White Material: 30HM12K Bike Groupos: Shimano 105 Wheels: Alex CXD5 Cranks: Shimano CX50 46/36 Cassette: Tiagra 11-25 Brakes: Tektro Lyra Mech Disc Post: MOst C-Alu Bar: MOst Xylon PG Stem: MOst 4 bolt Saddle: MOst Bobcat Tires: Kenda K-191 $2,800 PINARELLO | FCX (cyclocross) ESPEED 725 I Black I White Material: Alu 6061 - T6 Bike Groupos: Shimano Sora Wheels: Shimano WH-R501 Cranks: Sora 50/34 Cassette: Sora 11-25 Brakes: Tektro ECO Post: C-Alu Bar: MOst DB Flat Stem: MOst 4 bolt Saddle: MOst Leopard Tires: Vittoria Zaffiro $1300 41 PINARELLO | DOGMA XM Carbon: 65HM1k ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET 29er Dual Suspension Frame Set (frame PINAFITGEOMETRY and fork: Fox Factory 32 - 90mm of travel)INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA $7,500 ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET PINAFITGEOMETRY ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA HYDROFORMED SYSTEM INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA THINK 2 SYSTEM THINK 2 SYSTEM TRIATHLON GEOMETRY TRIATHLON GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK THINK 2 SYSTEM APPROVED THINK 2 SYSTEM TRACK GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK APPROVED APPROVED ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET SINGLESPEED INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA SINGLESPEED HYDROFORMED SYSTEM VINTAGEREPLICA VINTAGEREPLICA SPEEDCITYBIKE SINGLESPEED INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM TRACK GEOMETRY TRACK GEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK THINK 2 SYSTEM INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA SPECIAL FRAME 4 KIDS APPROVED INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM FORK STOPPER SYSTEM APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK HYDROFORMED SYSTEM ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET RAD SYSTEM ONDA TWIN ARMS ASYM ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET XPOWER SYSTEM APPROVED RAD SYSTEM DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM The new DOGMA XM® 9.9 is the outcome of innovative vision, it APPROVED PINARELLO | DOGMA XM INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA 9.9 is the result of a strong desire to get out of traditional schemes and DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM bring revolutionary ideas in the full-suspension world. APPROVED We consider ourselves pioneers but with consciousness and experience arising from our history in road racing and new staff in the Pinarello LAB with unquestioned mountain biking experience.This new staff that looks to DOGMA 65 DOGMA K the future is oriented to innovation and new cutting-edge solutions. DOGMA 65 As is our philosophy, even here, we don’t trace the old paths, but we try to open new ways. Certainly difficult, but the unknown way DOGMA XM can open new scenarios; definitely extraordinary. ASC ASYM SUSPENSION ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA ONDA CURVE ASYMMETRIC RAD SYSTEM RAD SYSTEM PINAFITGEOMETRY THINK 2 SYSTEM THINK 2 SYSTEM ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA THINK 2 SYSTEM FORK STOPPER SYSTEM XPOWER SYSTEM RAD SYSTEM APPROVED APPROVED DROP-IN BEARINGS SYSTEM APPROVED JUMP! The New DOGMA XM 9.9 Asymmetric welcome to the new era of MTB. Innovative vision, Formula 1 technology, here is the first full-suspension MTB by Pinarello. IGUS® BUSHINGS 42 43 BB92 PINARELLO | DOGMA XM PINAFIT with Forkstopper™ On the DOGMA XC and DOGMA XM we use the front system PINAFIT with Forkstopper ™ to enable you to exploit the full power of the perfect front triangle, a system that is exclusive to Pinarello. All MTB manufacturers build their own frames on the assumption that the front fork should rotate 360°. This forces them to stretch the main triangle, compromising its own natural stiffness, contrarily to that of road frames. With PINAFIT pushing on the pedals, you have the unbeatable feeling of riding a road bike, the front triangle has indeed overwhelming lateral stiffness because it is a perfect triangle. The Forkstopper also protects the frame and handlebars in case of falls, preventing their impact with the top tube. XPOWER™ Closure MONOLINK Asymmetric RAD™ System The seat clamp is our proven XPower ™ which ensures an extended grip on the seat tube, reducing about 50% stress to the area. Four screws lock down the seat post to the frame making it a single body. L’ammortizzatore della DOGMA XM poggia sul nostro Monolink Asymmetric Leggero ma robustissimo, una vera opera d’arte del CNC, fulcro indistruttibile del quadrilatero posteriore Onda Curve Asymmetric™. The shock on the DOGMA XM rests on our Monolink Asymmetric Light but sturdy, a true work of art of CNC, the indestructible core of the rear quadrilateral Onda Curve Asymmetric™. DOGMA XM utilizza il sistema RAD, ovvero monta la pinza freno sul fodero basso sinistro.Questo ci permette una frenata più simmetrica e sicura che non incide sulla stabilità generale del telaio. DOGMA XM uses the RAD system that mounts the brake caliper on the left chainstay. This allows a more symmetrical and safe braking that does not affect the overall stability of the frame. Ours is not a phobia of symmetry, but the mathematical proof that the symmetric positioning of components in many cases makes little sense. The case of the central shock absorber is one of these. The right part of our frame is dedicated to the crank, and the front derailleur; focal point of the traction of our bike where the forces are prevalent, and where the weights are significantly unbalanced on the frame. The central shock on DOGMA XM, thanks to our ASC does not directly touch the carbon frame, but it is indirectly connected to the bottom bracket thanks to a aluminum arm anchored with 8 bolts. This ensures less stress to the frame and further strengthens the bottom bracket. The central shock is not symmetrical to frame, but asymmetric to perfectly balance the right side of the frame where the crank and front derailleur work. This results in a perfect balance of the weights and volumes that will make your pedaling more symmetrical and balanced. Floating front derailleur. The front derailleur on the DOGMA XM is not fixed on the vertical tube, but it follows the movements of the rear stays. It is indeed anchored on the chainstay to give you a perfect shifting even in extreme conditions. IGUS ® bushings DOGMA XM has replaced the classic 15mm bearings with low friction IGUS ® bushings, a guarantee of durability, performance and low weight. Through axle DOGMA XM mounts both wheels on a through axle 15QR and 12x142 for outstanding performance and riding comfort. PINARELLO | DOGMA XM Traditional Frames ICR™ Internal Cable Routing All cables of DOGMA XM pass internally. It also has an adjunctive hole for a possible adjustable seat post with remote control. 44 45 PINARELLO | DOGMA XM 6 Points of rotation with bushings Sometimes something leads us to revise our way of thinking ... this is the case: revolutionary! Black/Gold Carbon: 60HM1k 29er Frame Set (frame and fork: Fox Factory 32 - 90mm of travel) $3500 6 Points of rotation with bushings Stiff as a road bike, suspended only when needed, without any remote control! this is the Onda Curve Asymmetric! The dream of every biker? it’s obvious: to have a bike that dampens only if necessary. Until now, this was possible only by remote controls. Our rear quadrilateral Onda Curve Asymmetric™ changes all that because it is very firm on flat ground and it works only on uneven terrain. It is a unique combination of technologies. PINARELLO | DOGMA XC 9.9 Examples of Full Suspended MTB frames on the market 6 Points of rotation with bushings Most frames on the market today have about 6 points of rotation with bushings. This almost always takes place near the wheel or the bottom bracket. The sixth rotation point is always active, regardless of terrain, and therefore results in an inevitable weak point, a heavy point since there are bushings and screws, a point which requires constant maintenance and cleaning. ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ** Photos are for color reference only. ** PINAFITGEOMETRY All this no longer exists in Dogma XM, we have eliminated the weak point! Our rear stay Onda Curve Asymmetric™ has only 5 flex points, an extraordinary monocoque in which the kinematics functions thanks to its exclusive carbon flexible arm that makes the quadrilateral rigid on even grounds and flexible only on uneven grounds. You can easily imagine the benefits of this: a stiffer and more reactive bike, active and absorbing only if clearly needed. A cutting edge technology derived directly from the rocker arms of Formula 1 cars, special materials and a particular lay up of carbon that allow a precise and controlled flexion able to rotate our rear quadrilateral Onda Curve Asymmetric™ with extraordinary and infinite precision... just when you need it! 46 Welcome to the new era of MTB Fully Suspended! ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET ASYM RAD SYSTEM DOGMA XM: 5 Points of rotation with bushings + Onda Curve Asymmetric INTEGRAL SYSTEM ONDA THINK 2 SYSTEM ONDA TWIN ARMS ASYM PINAFITGEOMETRY INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK FORK STOPPER SYSTEM INTEGRAL SYSTEM FORK XPOWER SYSTEM ASYMMETRIC FRAMESET HYDROFORMED SYSTEM 920gr SIZE 54 948gr SIZE 54 1038gr SIZE 54 1224gr SIZE 53.5 1098gr SIZE 54 RAD SYSTEM 47 INTEG THIN Black/White Carbon: 60HM1k 29er Frame Set (frame and fork: Fox Factory 32 - 90mm of travel) $3500 SHIMANO® Traditional Frames SRAM® You thought that everything had already been invented... right? The traditional frames have the rear stays directly connected to the top tube, this means that every vibration coming from the rear triangle is directly transferred to the top tube and often to the handlebar, thus compromising comfort and handling. We have divided the two main triangles, moving the rear triangle higher. This solution is associated with the asymmetric bifurcated rear stays, drastically reducing the shock from the rear for improved handling and stability. This is the meaning of ONDA XC Twin Arms Asymmetric. XPOWER™ Closure Shimano o SRAM? The seat clamp is our proven XPower ™ which ensures a more extended grip on the seat tube, reducing of about 50% the stress on a notoriously critical and stressed point. Four screws lock down the seat post to the frame making it as a single body. Whatever you choose, the derailleur will always work perfectly. As we have prepared two unique cable guides each with different angles, so you can assemble with Shimano or Sram. RAD™ System DOGMA XM uses the RAD system that mounts the brake caliper on the left chainstay. This allows a more symmetrical and safe braking that does not affect the overall stability of the frame. PINARELLO | DOGMA XC PINARELLO | DOGMA XC 9.9 “Without question it’s the best handling 29er I’ve ridden” Yolande Speedy SA Champion / Epic 2013 Champion ICR™ Internal Cable Routing All cables of DOGMA XC pass internally. 48 49 PINARELLO | DOGMA XC 7.7 MTB GEOMETRY Carbon: 60HM1k 27.5 Frame Set (frame and fork: Fox Factory 32 - 100mm of travel) $3500 DOGMA XM 9.9 A1 B1 S E1 L H a° b° TRV TRAIL STEM LEVER S 420 578 92 444 1097 321 73.00 69.75 90 89.8 80 170 M 450 597 92 444 1116 321 73.00 69.75 90 89.8 90 175 L 490 616 98 444 1130 321 73.00 70.25 90 84.6 100 175 XL 530 629 116 444 1141 321 73.00 70.50 90 82.9 100 175 TRAIL STEM LEVER DOGMA XC 7.7 A1 B1 S E1 L H a° b° TRV XS 400 556 92 415 1053 295 74.00 70.00 100 78.75 80 170 S 430 572 92 417 1060 295 73.50 70.50 100 75.50 80 170 M 465 591 92 419 1078 300 73.00 70.50 100 75.5 90 175 DOGMA®XC 9.9 50 A1 B1 S E1 L H a° b° TRV TRAIL STEM LEVER S 430 574 92 436 1079 302 73.50 69.75 90 89.8 80 170 M 465 593 92 436 1092 305 73.00 70.00 90 88.1 90 175 L 500 617 97 440 1118 305 72.50 70.00 90 88.1 100 175 XL 540 637 115 444 1136 305 72.00 70.25 90 84.6 100 175 51 44 46 44 46 46 48.5 48.5 48.5 52 52 52 53.5 53.5 53.5 55 55 55 56 56 57 56 57 57 59 59 59.5 59 59.5 59.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 49.8 74.4° 46.550.3 49.8 48.5 74.4° 50.3 74.4° 50 50.3 5274.4° 51.5 51.5 74.4° 51.552.5 51.5 53.5 74.4° 74.0° 52.5 74.0° 53 53.5 5573.7° 52.5 74.0° 53.5 73.7° 54 54.5 5673.7° 53.5 54.5 73.7° 55 54.5 5773.4° 73.7° 55 55 73.4° 56 55.7 5973.4° 55 55.7 73.4° 57.555.7 73.4° 56.5 59.5 73.0° 56.5 73.0° 59.556.5 73.0° 57.5 61.5 57.5 73.0° 57.5 73.0° 58.7 72.4° 58.7 72.4° Seat Center 72.4° 58.7 Tube to 11.3 51.511.8 11.3 11.8 52.512.4 11.8 12.4 53.513.8 12.4 13.8 54.514.5 13.8 14.5 5514.9 14.5 14.9 55.715.4 14.9 15.4 56.515.7 15.4 15.7 57.515.7 16.3 16.3 58.716.3 16.8 16.8 16.8 18.0 Top 18.0 18.0 Tube 120 120 73.0° 135 135 135 150 73.0° 150 150 165 73.0° 165 165 180 73.0° 180 180 200 200 Fork 200 Head 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 373 373 150 373 373 165 373 373 180 373 373 200 373 373 373 373 Head 362 362 373 374 374 374 384 373 384 384 395 373 395 395 401 373 401 401 395 395 395 Fork cm. 67 57.5 67 67 57.5 67 72 72 57.75 72 72 58.3 72 72 58.3 72 72 59.0 72 72 59.2 72 72 59.6 72 72 60.5 72 72 72 67 Fork 67 67 to 4.3 69.15° 40.6 4.3 72 69.15° 70.0° 4.3 70.0° 40.6 4.3 7270.0° 70.5° 4.3 70.5° 40.6 4.3 7271.4° 70.5° 4.3 71.4° 40.6 4.3 7272.0° 71.4° 4.3 72.0° 40.6 4.3 7272.5° 72.0° 4.3 72.5° 40.8 4.3 7272.8° 72.5° 4.3 72.8° 40.8 4.3 7272.8° 4.3 72.8° 40.8 4.3 7272.8° 73.2° 4.3 73.2° 40.8 4.3 6773.2° 73.7° 4.3 73.7° 4.3 73.7° 73.4° 4.3 73.4° Chain Bottom 73.4° 4.3 Stay Bracket 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 Fork Rake 110 115 110 70.5° 115 115 71.4° 120 120 120 72.0° 125 125 125 72.5° 130 130 130 72.8° 144 144 144 72.8° 152 152 163 152 73.2° 163 73.7° 163 170 170 170 184 73.4° 184 184 210 210 210 Head Angle 367 367 120 367 367 125 367 367 130 367 367 144 367 367 152 367 367 163 367 367 170 367 184 367 367 367 210 367 367 367 367 Head Tube 350 355 350 367 355 355 367 367 367 367 367 372 372 372 367 378 378 378 367 384 384 384 367 384 388 384 367 388367 388 390 390 390 396 367 396 396 395 395 395Reach 362 518 374 518 518 544 384 544 544 558 395 558 558 572 401 572 572 587 395 587 587 606 606 606Reach Stack Stack Stack 350 497 355 497 497 367 505 505 505 512 372 512 512 378 525 525 525 384 531 531 531 384 546 546 546 388 555 555 566 555 390 566396 566 574 574 574 589 395 589 589 608 608Stack 608 518 544 558 572 587 606 GRAAL SPEEDY GRAAL GRAAL GRAAL SPEEDY SPEEDY SPEEDY Stack Seat Seat Tube Seat Tube Length Tube Length Length 38 38 38 Seat Center Center Tube Center to to toLength Top Top45 Top 51 Center Top Top Top to Tube Tube TubeTop Length Length 51 Length 50.0 Center Tube Center toLength Center to Top to Top38 Top 41.5 Top to Top Tube Top Top Tube Length Tube 41.5 Length Length 46.5 5149 55 51 5551 56 55 5653 58 56 5855 60 5857.5 60 62.5 60 62.5 62.5Seat 41.5 41.5 Seat tube Seat tube Seat tube Center Center to center Center to center to center 46 46 46 50 50 50 54 54 54 58 58 58 CATENA 4.7 71.0° 71.0° 41.3 4.7 7273.0° 4.7 73.0° 41.3 4.7 7273.0° 4.7 73.0° 4.7 41.3 7273.0° 4.7 73.0° 41.3 4.7 7273.0° 4.7 73.0° 4.7 73.0° 4.7 73.0° 73.0° Chain4.7 Bottom Stack Stack Stack 612 651 45 49 45 49 51 49 51 53 51 53 55 53 55 57.5 55 57.5 57.5 497 505 512 525 531 546 555 566 574 589 608 Seat Seat Seat Tube Tube Length Tube Length 42 (XS) Length 42 (XS) 42 45(XS) (S) 45 (S) 45 (M) (S) 50 50 (M) 50 54 (M) (L) 54 (L) 54(XL) (L) 58 58 (XL) 58 (XL) Seat Seat Tube Seat Tube Length Tube Length Length 17" (S) 17" (S) (S) 18" 17" (M) 18" (M) 18" (M) 19.5" (L) 19.5" (L) 19.5" (L) 21" (XL) 21" (XL) 50.055 51.5 50.0 51.556 53.0 51.5 53.058 54.5 53.0 54.560 56.0 54.562.5 56.0 57.5 56.0 57.5 57.5 Center 46.5 46.5 Seat tube Center Center Center Effective to Center Effective Center Effective to centerTop Tube to Top to Top Tube Top Length to Top Tube 48 Top46 Length Length Top 48 50 52.352 48 48 52 54 52 52 56 58 56 56 60 60 60 Seat Stack TREVISO 67 67 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 Fork 72 58.8 60.2 61.2 61.2 cm.Chain to Bottom StayFork Bracket Length Head RakeHead Angle Fork Tube Reach Chain Bottom Fork Head Head Fork Reach BBBracket Stay Rake Angle Tube Length Chain Bottom Length Fork DROP Head Head ForkLength Reach Stay Bracket Rake Angle Tube Length 11.3 67Angle 4.3Length 367 Length DROP 40.6Rake Stay 56.3 Bracket Tube69.15° Length110 Length DROP Length 11.8 67 Length 40.6 56.5DROP 67 40.6 4.3 69.15° 4.3Length 110 70.0° 367 115 350 367 56.3 40.6 74.4° 56.3 12.440.6 56.5 56.5 40.6 74.0° 56.5 57.5 13.840.6 57.5 40.6 73.7° 57.5 14.540.6 57.5 40.6 73.7° 57.5 14.940.6 57.75 57.75 40.6 73.4° 57.75 58.3 15.440.6 58.3 40.6 73.4° 58.3 15.740.6 58.3 40.6 73.0° 59.0 58.3 16.340.8 40.6 59.0 40.8 73.0° 59.0 59.2 16.840.8 59.2 40.8 72.4° 59.2 59.6 18.040.8 59.6 40.8 59.6 40.8 60.5 60.5 40.8 Seat Setback 40.8 60.5 Angle 351367 357 351 357367 367 357 367367 374 367 374367 380 374 367 380 386 367 380 386 386 367 386 386 389 367 389 391 367 389 391 397 391 397367 397 394 367 394 394 410 410 410 Fork Fork Head RakeHead Angle Fork Tube Reach cm.Chain to Bottom Length Chain Bottom Stay Fork Bracket Head Head Fork Reach Chain Bottom Fork Head Head ForkLength Reach Stay Bracket Rake Angle Tube Length BB Length DROP Stay Bracket Rake Angle Tube Length Length DROP Stay Bracket Rake Tube Length120 12.8 67Angle 4.7Length 373 Length 57.1DROP 41.3 Length71.0° Length DROP Length 41.3 67 4.7 71.0° 120 373 362 14.2 57.3 41.3 72 4.7 73.0° 135 373 57.1 41.3 57.1 14.941.3 57.3 73.0° 57.3 41.3 57.3 58.8 15.541.3 73.0° 58.8 41.3 58.8 60.2 15.841.3 73.0° 60.2 41.3 60.2 61.2 16.541.3 72.5° 61.2 41.3 61.2 41.3 61.2 41.3 41.3 Seat61.2 Setback to Seat Tube Setback AngleFork Seat Setback Fork TopAngle cm. to Seat Length Setback Fork Angle cm. to 44Angle 49.8cm. 74.4°BB to BB 4674.4° 50.311.3 74.4° BB 56.3 367 110 367 367 115 367 367 120 367 367 125 367 367 139 367 147 367 367 158 367 367 165 367 367 179 367 367 367 215 367 367 255 367 367 367 Head CATENA CATENA CATENA DOGMA 65.1 Center Tube Top Center Top Length to Tube Center Top to Tube Top Length to 42(Dogma) Tube Top Length 44Length Top 44 49.8 12.8 12.8 55.514.2 14.2 14.9 5714.2 14.9 15.5 5814.9 15.5 15.8 58.515.5 15.8 15.8 16.5 16.5 Top16.5 115 70.0° 110 115 110 70.5° 115 110 115 71.4° 120 115 120 72.0° 125 120 72.5° 125 139 72.8° 125 139 147 139 147 72.8° 147 158 73.2° 158 165 73.7° 158 165 179 165 4.3 179 73.4° 179 4.3 215 215 73.4° 215 255 255 Fork 255 Head 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 493 501 512 520 527 542 550 561 569 584 Seat Seat Seat Tube Tube Tube Length Length Length 45 DOGMA XC (MTB) 42(Dogma) 44 42(Dogma) 44 44 46.5 46.5 46.5 50 50 50 51.5 51.5 51.5 53 53 53 54 54 55 54 55 55 56 56 57.5 56 57.5 57.5 59.5 59.5 59.5 52 73.4° 52 73.4° 54 54 5173.0° 54 73.0° 54 56 55.5 5373.0° 55.5 73.0° 55.5 57 57 5473.0° 57 73.0° 58 58 57 5573.0° 58 73.0° 58 73.0° 58.5 72.5° 58.5 72.5° 72.5° Seat58.5 Center 40.6 4.3 6769.15° 70.0° 4.3 69.15° 40.6 4.3 7270.0° 70.5° 4.3 70.0° 40.6 4.3 7270.5° 71.4° 4.3 70.5° 40.6 4.3 7271.4° 4.3 72.0° 40.6 4.3 7271.4° 72.0° 72.5° 40.6 4.3 7272.0° 4.3 72.5° 72.8° 40.8 4.3 7272.5° 4.3 72.8° 4.3 40.8 4.3 7272.8° 72.8° 73.2° 72.8° 40.8 4.3 72 4.3 73.2° 73.7° 4.3 73.2° 40.8 4.3 6773.7° 4.3 73.7° 41.1 4.3 6773.4° 73.4° 4.3 73.4° 4.3 73.4° 73.4° Chain4.3 Bottom 351 493 493357 501 493 501367 512 501 512374 520 512 520380 527 520 386 527 542 386 527 542 550 542 550389 550 561 391 561 569 397 561 569 584 569 584394 584 612 410 612 612 651 651 651Reach Stack TREVISO TREVISO TREVISO Seat Seat Tube Seat Tube Length Tube Length Length 42 (Dogma) 45 45 48.5 48.5 48.5 51 51 51 53 53 53 54 54 54 55 55 55 67 67 67 72 67 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 60.5 72 72 63.3 67 67 67 67 Fork 67 56.4 57.3 57.5 57.7 58.3 58.3 59.0 59.1 59.6 Reach Stack Stack Stack OGMA DOGMA XC XC (MTB) (MTB) DOGMA XC (MTB) 48 48 51.5 51.5 51.5 54 54 54 56 56 56 57 57 57 58 58 58 74.4°56.4 11.840.6 56.4 40.6 74.4°56.4 12.540.6 57.3 56.4 40.6 74.0°57.3 13.840.6 57.5 57.3 40.6 73.7°57.5 14.540.6 57.7 57.5 14.940.6 73.7° 57.7 40.6 58.3 15.440.6 57.7 73.4° 58.3 40.6 58.3 15.740.6 73.4° 58.3 40.6 58.3 59.0 16.440.6 40.8 73.0° 59.0 40.8 59.1 16.840.8 59.0 73.0° 59.1 40.8 59.6 59.1 40.8 72.4°59.6 18.040.8 59.6 60.5 19.240.8 72.0° 60.5 40.8 60.5 40.8 63.3 41.1 63.3 41.1 41.1 Seat63.3 Setback Seat tube toEffective Center Seat Top Tube Setback AngleFork Seat tube Effective Seat Setback Fork Seat tube Top Effective Seat Length Fork Center Top Tubeto center Angle cm. to Setback Center Top Tube Angle cm. to to center Length Center Top Tube 45Angle to 52 cm. 73.4°BB to center 48 Length BB to center Length BB 45 52 73.4° 57.1 51.5 48.5 5412.8 73.0° Dogma K Center Center Center to to Top to Top Top 48 43.5 44 49.8 45.574.4° 50.311.3 45.5 50.3 11.8 43.5 49.8 74.4° 11.3 45.5 46.550.3 4874.4° 51.511.8 48 51.5 12.5 45.5 50.3 74.4° 11.8 48 50 51.5 51.574.4° 52.512.5 51.5 52.5 74.0° 13.8 48 51.5 74.4° 12.5 5374.0° 53.513.8 51.5 51.552.5 53 53.5 73.7° 14.5 51.5 74.0° 13.8 53 52.5 53 53.5 54.573.7° 54.514.5 54.5 54.5 14.9 53 53.5 73.7° 54 54.5 55.573.7° 5514.5 54.5 14.9 55.5 55 73.4° 15.4 54.5 54.5 73.7° 55 55 56.573.4° 55.714.9 55.5 15.4 55.5 55 73.4° 15.4 56.5 15.7 56 55.7 56.5 55.7 57.573.4° 56.515.7 57.5 57.555.7 56.5 73.0° 16.4 56.5 73.4° 5973.0° 57.515.7 57.5 56.5 16.4 59 57.5 16.8 57.5 56.5 73.0° 16.4 59.557.5 6173.0° 58.716.8 59 59 57.5 73.0° 16.8 61 72.4° 18.0 62 58.7 61 58.7 63.572.4° 62018.0 58.7 72.4° 18.0 63.5 620 72.0° 19.2 61 63.5 620 72.0° 19.2 63.5 Center620 Seat tube 72.0° Effective 19.2 PARIS * MARVEL DOGMA DOGMA 65.1 65.1 DOGMA 65.1 PARIS PARIS * MARVEL MARVEL PARIS * *MARVEL Dogma Dogma KKK Dogma GEOMETRY 52 42 44 42 44 46.5 44 46.5 50 46.5 50 51.5 50 51.5 53 51.5 53 54 53 54 54 55 55 56 55 56 57.5 56 57.5 57.5 59.5 59.5 59.5 62 62 62 Seat Center Top Seat Setback Fork Chain Bottom Fork Head Head Fork Center Top Seat Setback Fork Chain Bottom Fork Head Head Fork Reach Center Top Seat Setback Fork Chain Bottom Fork Head Head Fork Reach Tube Top to Seat Tube AngleFork cm.Chain to Bottom StayFork Bracket Angle Fork Tube Reach Length Center Setback Head RakeHead to Tube Angle cm. to Stay Bracket Rake Angle Tube Length to Tube Angle cm. to Stay Bracket Rake Angle Tube Length Length TopAngle Length BBBracket Length Length to Tube cm. to Stay Rake DROP Angle Tube Length Top Length BB Length DROP Length Top Length 43.5 BB Length 56.4DROP 40.6 Length 42 49.8 74.4° 11.3 67 4.3 69.15° 115 367 Top Length BB Length DROP Length 43.5 49.8 74.4° 11.3 56.4 40.6 67 4.3 69.15° 115 367 351 52.3 52.3 54.256 54.2 54.2 56 60 56 56 58 58 58 Center Tube Center Top to Center Top Center Top Top toLength Tube to Tube 42 (XS) Length Top to Tube44 Top Length 45 (S) Length 44 48.547 Top Top Seat Seat SeatTube Angle Angle Length Angle 50.0 75.5° 75.5° 51.5 75.5° 75.5° 53.0 75.5° 75.5° 54.5 75.5° 56.0 75.5° 75.5° 57.5 75.5° 75.5° 75.5° 75.5°Top Seat Setback Setback Angle Setback cm. cm. cm. 75.5° 11.3 11.3 75.5° 12.3 11.3 12.3 75.5° 12.8 12.3 12.8 75.5° 13.3 12.8 75.5° 13.3 13.8 13.3 75.5° 13.8 14.4 13.8 14.4 14.4Seat SeatTube Setback Angle Seat Setback Angle cm. Seat Setback Length Angle cm. Angle cm. 46.5 75.50° 75.50° 75.50° 75.50° 95 95 95 Effective Seat Seat Top TubeSetback Angle Seat Setback Seat Angle cm. Length Setback Angle cm. Angle cm.74° 52.3 74°54.2 12.474° 74° 12.4 74° 56 12.4 13.573° 74° 13.5 74° 13.5 73° 58 15.573° 73° 15.5 73° 15.5 16.7 73° 16.7 73° 16.7 Top Seat Angle SeatTube Setback Seat Setback Length Setback Seat Angle cm. Angle cm. 48.5 74.40° Angle cm. 51.0 73.30° 74.40° 11.3 44 48.5 74.40° 11.3 44 11.3 50 (M) 48.5 52.4 73.30° 47 51.052 74.40° 73.30° 12.9 47 51.0 73.30° 12.9 55.5 73.30° 4754 (L) 51.056 73.30° 12.9 52 52.4 14.3 52 52.4 73.30° 14.3 58 (XL) 55.5 58.0 52 52.460 73.30° 14.373° 56 15.5 56 55.5 73.30° 15.5 56 55.5 73.30° 15.5 60 58.0 73° 17 60 58.0 73° 17 Effective 17 Top 60Seat 58.0Seat 73° Tube Effective Tube Top Tube SeatTube Seat Top Seat Effective Top Seat Length Length Length Angle Length Seat Effective Top Seat Tube Top Tube Tube Tube Top Tube Tube Angle 17" (S) Top 43 CM Length 56.4 Length Length Tube Tube Tube58.1 Angle Length Length Length 18" (M) 46.5 CM 59.9 57.4 Length Length Length 43 CM 58.1 56.4 73.5° 4319.5" CM (L) 58.1 56.4 73.5° 50 CM 62.1 59.2 43 CM 58.1 56.4 73.5° 46.5 CM 59.9 57.4 73.0° 46.5 CM 59.9 57.4 73.0° 21" (XL) 54 CM 63.7 60.8 46.5 CM 59.9 57.4 73.0° 50 CM 62.1 59.2 72.5° 50 CM 62.1 59.2 72.5° 50 CM 62.1 59.2 72.5° 54 63.7 60.8 72.0° 54 CM 63.7 60.8Top 72.0° Seat Center Seat Setback Fork Fork cm. Fork to to to BB BB 11.3 BB 55.7 Fork Chain Chain to Chain Stay Stay StayBB Length Length 55.7 Length 38.5 Chain Bottom Bottom Stay Bottom Bracket Bracket Length Bracket Height Height 38.5 Height 27.5 Bottom Fork Fork Bracket Fork Rake Rake Height Rake Fork Head Head Rake Head Angle Angle Angle Forkcm. Fork to Fork to BB to BB95 BB 52.6 Chainto Chain StayBB Chain Stay Length Stay 52.6 Length Length 35 Bottom Stay Bottom Bracket Bottom Length Bracket Height Bracket 35 Height Height 25 27.5 4.3 4.3 27.5 4.3 4.3 26.5 4.7 4.3 4.7 26.5 4.7 26.5 4.7 4.7 26.5 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 Bottom Fork Bracket Fork Rake Fork Height Rake Rake 4.3 72.0° 72.0° 4.3 73.0° 72.0° 73.0° 4.7 73.0° 73.0° 4.7 73.0° 4.7 73.0° 73.0° 4.7 73.0° 73.0° 73.0° 73.0° Fork 55.7 12.3 56.7 55.7 56.7 12.8 58.2 56.7 58.2 13.3 59.8 58.2 13.8 59.8 61.4 59.8 14.4 61.4 63 61.4 63 63 Setback 52.6 52.6 38.5 56.7 38.5 38.5 58.2 38.5 38.5 59.8 38.5 61.4 38.5 38.5 63 38.5 38.5 38.5 38.5 Fork 35 35 Setback Fork Forkcm. Chainto Fork Chain Fork Chain to StayBB to Stay BB to12.4 Length Stay 56.9 BB Length BB13.5 Length 56.9 40.8 58.9 56.9 40.8 56.9 40.8 58.9 15.5 59.1 58.9 40.8 58.9 40.8 59.1 16.7 60.1 59.1 40.8 59.1 40.8 60.1 60.1 40.8 60.1 40.8 Setback 27.5 38.5 27.5 27.5 38.5 26.5 27.5 26.5 38.5 26.5 38.5 26.5 26.5 38.5 26.5 26.5 26.5 26.5 Chain 25 25 25 4.5 4.5 4.5 Chain Bottom Bottom Fork Stay Bracket Bottom Fork Bottom Fork Bracket Length Rake DROP Bracket Rake DROP Bracket Rake65 40.8 DROP DROP 6540.8 4.5 65 65 4.5 6540.8 4.5 65 65 4.5 6540.8 4.5 65 65 4.5 65 4.5 65 4.5 65 4.5 4.5 72.50° 72.50° 72.50° Fork Head Rake Head Head Angle Angle Angle 4.5 72°4.5 72° 72°4.5 72° 72° 73°4.5 73° 73° 74° 74° 74° Fork Chain Forkcm. Fork Fork to to BB to 11.3 BB 57.1 BB12.9 Chainto Chain Chain StayBB Stay 57.1 Length Stay Length 4156.9 Length Stay Bottom Bottom Length Bottom Bracket Bracket 41 Height Bracket Height 2741 Height Angle Chain Chain Chain Stay Stay 73.5° Length Stay Length 73.0° Length 43.8 Stay Bottom Bottom Length Bottom Bracket Bracket 43.8 Height Bracket Height Height 30.144 Bracket Head Angle LEVER Tube Head Head Head LEVER Height Length Head Head LEVER Angle Tube Angle Tube 30.1 Length 69.75° 88 Angle Tube Length 30.1 69.75° Length 69.75° 88 17092 57.1 57.1 14.3 56.9 56.9 15.5 59.8 56.9 59.8 59.817 60.3 60.3 60.3 61 61 61Seat 43.8 4472.5° 43.8 44 4472.0° 44.4 44.4 44.4 44.8 44.8 Head 41 4159.8 41 4160.3 41 41 61 41 41 41 41Chain 30.1 44.4 30.1 30.1 44.8 30.1 30.6 30.6 30.6 30.6 Chain 27 2741 27 2741 27 2741 27 27 27 Bottom 27 69.75° 30.6 69.75° 69.75° 30.6 69.75° 69.75° 69.75° 69.75° Head Bottom Head Rake Head Angle Head Angle Angle Head Head Head Angle Head Tube Tube Tube Length Length 72.0° Length 75 Head Reach Reach Tube Reach Head Angle Head Tube Head Tube Length Tube 72.50° Length Length 97 Stand Tube Stand Over Stand Length Over Over 75 73.0° 90 75 90 73.0° 100 90 100 73.0° 115 100 73.0° 115 130 115 73.0° 130 155 130 155 155 Head 75 376 376 90 389 376 389 100 402 389 402 115 413 402 130 413 425 413 155 425 433 425 433 433 Head 469 486 496 510 525 549 Over 97 66cm 66cm 66cm 66cm Head Head Angle Head Head Tube Tube Length Tube 72° Length Length 105 72° 105 105 125 73° 125 125 150 74° 150 150 168 168 168 Head Fork Tube Fork Fork Length Length Length Length 105 377 125 377 377 150 377 377 168 377 377 377 377 Fork Reach Length Reach Reach Reach Stack Stack Stack Stack 377 374 377 374 374 388 377 388 388 390 377 390 390 404 404 404 374 510 388 510 510 529 390 529 529 556 404 556 556 576 576 576 510 529 556 576 Reach Stack Stack Stack Stack 400 412 606 606 432 606 606 440 606 604 604 604 623 623 Stack 606 606 604 623 Head Head Angle Head Head Head Tube Tube 70° Length Tube Length 72° 105 Length Tube 88 170 69.75° 175 17097 92 88 92 69.75° 175 92 97 175115 97 175 97 175 115 115 Bottom 175 Fork 376 469 469 389 486 469 486 402 496 486 496 413 510 496 425 510 525 510 433 525 549 525 549 549 Stand 97 97 Fork 70°4.5 70° 70° 72°4.5 72° 72°4.5 72° 72°4.5 72° 72° 72° Head 72° Stack Length Bracket Head Rake Fork Fork Head Height Angle Fork Head Rake Rake Angle 4.5 Rake27 Angle 4.527 4.5 4.527 4.5 4.527 4.5 4.527 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5Head Reach Stack Stack Stack GEOMETRY Seat Seat Seat Tube Tube Tube Length Length Length 42 105 105 72° 110 110 72° 125 110 125 72° 125 145 145 145 155 155 LEVER 155 STERN STERN STERN 170 175 80 80 175 80 80 175 80 90 90 90 90 Fork Length 105 110 125 145 155 STERN Wheel Wheel Wheel Base Base 80 Base 80 107.9 107.9 90 107.9 109.5 109.5 90 109.5 112 112 112 113.6 113.6 Setback Wheel Base Reach Reach Reach 107.9 109.5 400 400 112 400 412 412 113.6 412 432 432 432 440 440 Reach 53 Top 55.5 57 44 59 47 Length 55.7 57 48.5 58.5 51.0 52 73.30° Seat 73.30° Angle 73° 48 Center 52 to 56 Top 60 52.3 Effective 54.2 Top56Tube Length 58 43 46 45 48 50.5 51.8 42 55 (XS) 4557 (S) 50 (M) Seat 54 (L) Tube 58 (XL) Center 56 to 60 52.4 Top 55.5 Tube 58.0 Length Top Length 44 Seat 46 Seat 47 Tube 51.5 Length 17"53 (S) 18"55 (M) 57(L) 19.5" 21"59 (XL) 49 Tube 53 Length 55 43 CM 46.557CM 50 59 CM 54 61 CM 50.5 Effective Top52.8 Tube 53.7 Length 55 58.1 56 59.9 57.5 62.1 58.5 63.7 14.3 Seat Setback 15.5 Fork Tube 60.3 cm. 17 74.4° Top 11.8 Seat 74.0° Tube 73.50° Length 73.50° 56.4 73.00° 57.4 72.50° 59.2 72.0° 60.8 12.95 Angle 14.5 15.2 73.5° 16.1 73.0° 17.1 72.5° 18.2 72.0° 515 533 546 555 345 357 Center Top Seat Head to Tube Angle Angle Length Top Length 47 50 53 56 49 53 55 58 52.5 54 55.5 58 74.5° 74.0° 73.5° 73.0° Stack 54 512 525 Seat TA each Seat Tube Center 71.00° 71.00° 71.00° 72.00° Dogma K CYCLO-CROSS tack Top Seat Setback Angle cm. Tube to Tube Length Top Length 59.8 Length 61to 42 BB 4456.5 Chain 46.5 57.9 Stay 50 58 Length 58.3 43.8 58.9 51.5 44 5359.8 44.4 5459.7 44.8 55 56 57.5 Chain 59.5 Stay 62 Length 42.5 42.5 to Top 42.5 48 42.5 Center 51.5 54 56 Fork 57 58to BB DOG 59.9 62.1 63.7 57.4 59.2 60.8 Seat 73.0° 72.5° 72.0° Center 44 44.4 44.8 Top 30.1 30.6 30.6 Seat 69.75° 69.75° 69.75° Setback 92 97 115 Fork 175 175 175 Chain 80 90 90 Bottom 109.5 112 113.6 Fork 412 432 440 Head 606 604 623 Head 4.7 69.5° 120 373 345 Seat 512 Center to Head TubeChain AngleHead cm.Bottom to Fork StayFork Bracket Angle StackTube Top Tube Seat SetbackRake Reach 35 25 9767 66cm 73.5° 13.1 4.7 70.5° 130 373 357 525 Length Top Length BB Length Height Length Length Height Length Tube to Tube Angle Angle Stay Tube Bracket Rake Length 73.5° 13.9 57.7 41.3 67 4.7 344 72.0° 515 140 373 370 Length 540 50 Length 73.25Length 10.8DROP 53.3 39.5 28.5 3.8 74.5 75 40.6 26.5 5.0 70.0° 120 Top Length 42.5 73.0° 15.2 57.7 41.3 72 4.7 73.0° 160 373 371 568 46 49.5 52 75.25 11.7 55.2 39.5 28.5 3.8 74.5 110 40.6 Bottom 26.5 5.0 Head 71.0° Head135 354 Reach 533 Stack 47 49 52.5 74.5° 71.00° 42.5 120 60 5 400 126 371 535 Chain Fork Fork 73.0° 15.7 58.9 41.3 72 4.7 73.0° 175 373 379 582 51.5 55 53.6 74.5 13.75 56.4 39.5 28.5 3.8 74.5 40.6 Bracket 26.5 Rake 5.0 Angle 72.0° Tube 145 Length364 546 50 53 54 74.0° 71.00° 42.5 155 60 5 400 138 372 568 144 Stay 73.0° 16.1 60.1 41.3 72 4.7 73.0° 190 373 388 597 53.2 56.7 55.2 74.5 14.2 57.95 39.5 28.5 3.8 74.5 160 40.6 26.5 5.0 72.0° Length 155 374 555 53 55 55.5 73.5° 71.00° 42.5 175 60 5 400 151 377 587 Length DROP 72.5° 17.2 61.1 41.3 72 4.7 73.0° 215 373 390 621 55 58.5 56.7 74.5 14.7 59.4 39.5 28.5 3.8 74.5 174 56 58 58 73.0° 72.00° 42.5 190 60 5 400 164 393 606 40.8 65 4.5 72° 105 377 374 510 58 61.5 58.2 73.75 16.2 60 39.5 28.5 3.8 74.5 204 Chain Setback Bottom Fork Head Head Fork Head 40.8 65 4.5 72° 125 377 388 ReachHead 529 StackReach Seat Fork Chain Bottom Fork Stack Stay Bracket Rake Angle Tube Length Angle 40.8 65 4.5 73° 150 377 390 556 Angle cm. to Stay Bracket Rake Tube Seat Center Top Seat Setback Fork Chain Bottom Fork Head Head Seat Center Top Tube Seat Head Rake Length DROP Length BB Length Height Length to Setback Tube Fork AngleChain cm. Bottom to Fork StayHead Bracket Angle Tube 40.8 65 4.5 74° 168 377 404 576 41.3 67 4.7 69.5° 120 373 345 512 Tube to Tube Angle cm. to Stay Bracket Rake Angle Tube 74.4° 11.8 56.5 40.6 27 4.3 70.2° 120 355 511 Length Top Length BB Length DROP Length 41.3 67 4.7 70.5° 130 373 357 525 Top Length 42.5 74.0° 12.95 57.9 40.6 26.5 4.3 71.0° 125 374 523 Length 45.5 51.8 BB 76 Length 10.3Height 54.5 36.9 4.6 Length 3.7 73.5 80 41.3 67 4.7 72.0° Head 140 50 45 73.25 48 10.8 53.3 53.3 76 39.5 10.9 28.5 55.8 3.8 36.974.5 4.6 75 3.7 Chain Bottom Fork Head 73.50° 14.5 58 40.6 26.5 4.3373 71.70° 370 131 540 378 531 42.5 74 95 41.3 72 4.7 73.0° 160 46 49.5 52 47 75.25 50 11.7 55.3 55.2 75 39.5 12.2 28.5 56.9 3.8 36.974.5 4.6 110 3.7 73.50° 15.2 58.3 40.6 26.5 4.3373 72.7° 371 153 568 383 556 74 110 Stay Bracket Rake Angle Tube 73.00° 16.1 58.9 40.8 26.5 4.3373 72.8° 379 168 582 385 570 51.5 74 125 Length Height 41.3 72 4.7 73.0° Length 175 55 53.6 48.5 74.5 51.5 13.75 57.3 56.4 75 39.5 12.6 28.5 59 3.8 36.974.5 4.6 144 3.7 52213 PINARELLO FRAME GEOMETRY 2014 72.50° 17.1 59.8 41 27 4.3 73.00° 185 392 582 50 53 59.3 75 12.9 61 36.9 4.6 3.7 74 140 41.3 73.0° 373 388 597 53.2 56.7 55.2 74.5 14.2 57.95 39.5 28.5 3.8 74.5 160 41 2772 4.54.7 70° 105190 41.3 4.7 73.0° 215 55 58.5 56.7 74.5 14.7 59.4 39.5 28.5 3.8 74.5 174 72.0° 18.2 59.7 41 27 4.3373 73.00° 390 208 621 389 604 41 2772 4.5 72° 110 Center Top Seat Bottom Fork Head Head Fork Reach58 Stack 61.5 Center Top Seat Setback Fork28.5 Chain 3.8 Bottom 74.5 Fork Head Head Reach Stack 58.2Seat 73.75 16.2 60 39.5 204 41 27 4.5 Setback72° Fork 125Chain Chain Tube27 Bottom Forkcm. 72° Headto Head Reach Stack to41 Angle4.5 Stay Bracket Rake Angle Tube Length Tube to Tube Angle cm. to Stay Bracket Rake Angle Tube 145 Stay Length27 Bracket Rake Angle Tube Seat Center TopLength SeatTop Setback Fork Chain Head Top41 BB Length DROP Length Length BBBottomLength Fork DROP Head Length 4.5 72° 155 ALU PISTA Length 53.5 46 Seat 50tube Center 54 to center 58 53.2 56.5 54.5 57 Fork 55.7 57.5 to 57 58.8 BB 58.5 56.9 Fork 58.9 Top to 59.1 Tube BB Length 60.1 56.6 50.5 57.4 52.8 57.7 Fork 53.7 57.7 55 to 56 BB 58.9 57.5 60.1 57.1 61.1 58.5 56.9 18" (M) 46.5 CM Reach19.5" (L) Stack 50 CM 21" (XL) 54 CM MAAT TRACK 54.5 Tube 51.2 Effective Top52.8 Tube 54.5 Length 51 11.7 54 12.7 Setback 55.5 13.9 cm. 57 14.9 59 12.4 Setback 13.5 Center 15.5 tocm. Top 16.7 12.2 46 13.1 49 13.9 Setback 53 15.2 55 cm. 57 15.7 59 16.1 11.3 17.2 61 12.9 Length 67 Tube 367 396 589 Fork367 Head 395 Head 608 Fork Stand Rake Angle Tube Length Over Length Reach Stack Length 43.5 45.540.6 Bottom 48 40.6 Bracket 51.5 Length 49.8 Height74.4° 11.3 56.4 40.6 50.3 27 74.4° 4.311.8 70.2° 56.4 40.6 120 Head Head LEVER STERN 51.5 74.4° 12.5 57.3 40.6 26.574.0°Tube 4.313.8 71.0° 125 Angle 52.5 57.5 40.6 40.6 26.5 Length 4.3 71.70° 131 Height 40.6 26.5 72.7° 30.1 69.75° 884.3 170 40.8 26.5 4.3 72.8° 53 53.5 73.7° 14.5 57.7 30.1 69.75° 92 175 54.5 41 54.5 27 73.7° 4.314.9 73.00° 58.3 30.6 69.75° 97 175 55.5 41 55 58.3 27 73.4°1154.315.4 175 73.00° 30.6 69.75° 56.5 55.7 73.4° 15.7 59.0 57.5 59 Head 61 Tube 63.5 Length 120 155 Center to center 175 45 190 Seat tube 48.5 51 53 Chain 54 Stay 55 Length 80153 40.6 80168 40.6 185 90 40.6 90208 40.8 56.5 73.0° 16.4 59.1 40.8 57.5 40.8 Bottom 73.0°Fork 16.8 Fork 59.6 Setback 58.7 40.8 Bracket 72.4° Rake 18.0Length60.5 620 72.0° 19.2 63.3 41.1 DROP 60 60 Top Tube Length 60 52 60 Effective 54 55.5 57 Bottom 58 Bracket 58.5 Height 5 Angle 5 5 73.4° 5 Seat 73.0° 73.0° 73.0° Fork 73.0° 72.5°Rake 400 Fork cm. 400 to 400 BB 12.8 400 57.1 Setback 14.2 14.9 15.5 Head 15.8 16.5Angle 126Chain 138Stay Length 151 16441.3 57.3 41.3 58.8 41.3 60.2 41.3 Head 61.2 41.3 61.2 Tube41.3 Length 67 4.3 69.15° 67355 4.3 70.0° 511 Wheel Reach Stack 72 4.3 70.5° Base 72374 4.3 523 71.4° 378 383 107.9 72385 109.5 72392 112 72 113.6389 72 72 72 Reach 67 67 400 4.3 412 4.3 432 4.3 440 4.3 4.3 4.3 Stack 4.3 4.3 531 556 606 570 72.0° 606 72.5° 582 604 72.8° 604 623 115 110 115 120 367 367 367 367 72.8° 73.2° 73.7° 73.4° 73.4° 125 139 147 158 165 179 215 255 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 Head Head Fork Angle Tube Length 351Tube 357 Length 367 37442.5 45 47 38048.5 386 50 386 389 391 397 394 410 371 Bottom 372 Bracket DROP 377 67 393 535 Fork 568 Rake 587 4.7 606 71.0° 120 373 362 72 72 72 72 72 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 73.0° 73.0° 73.0° 73.0° 73.0° 135 150 165 180 200 373 373 373 373 373 374 384 395 401 395 Reach Length to 493 501 Top 512 520 45.5 BOLIDE 53.2 Top 54 to 48 51 to 53 Top Center 50 56.6 41.3 Rake Angle 4.5 72.50° 57.4 41.3 184 Bottom 210 Head Bracket Tube DROP Head Tube 45 52.5 Length 55 Angle 52.5 55 56.5 cm. 48.8 51.4 54.5 51.8 76 10.3 48 53.3 76 Material 10.9 50 Dogma 55.3 75 12.2 65.1 65HM1K 57.3 75 12.6 527 51.5 Dogma Seat Center Top K 65HM1K 542 53 Dogma Tube to Tube 59.3 75 12.9 65.1 HYDRO 65HM1K 550 Top Length Dogma K Length HYDRO 65HM1K 561 45 51 50.0 Paris 50HM1.5K 569 49 55 51.5 Paris Easy Fit 50HM1.5K 584 51 56 53.0 Marvel 30HM12K 612 53 58 54.5 Marvel Easy 651 55Fit 60 30HM12K 56.0 ROKH 57.5 62.530HM12K 57.5 Razha K 24HMUD Stack Razha 24HMUD Seat Center Top FCX Tube to 30HM12K Tube Ma2 518 Length Top60HM1K Length Pista alu 38 ALU 544 41.56061 T646.5 Bolide 65HM1K 558 Dogma XM mtb 65HM1K 572 Dogma Seat XC mtube tb 60HM1K 587 Center Effective GRAAL 51 Center 46 Seat tube 49 Center 51 to center 44.5 73.7° Chain 73.4° Head Stay Angle Length Head CYCLO-CROSS 49 Seat 52 Tube 49 74.0° 52 74.0° Seat 53.5 73.5° Angle 55 73.0° 57 74° Seat 74° Seat Angle 73° Tube Length 73° 73.5° 44 73.5° 47 73.5° Seat 51.5 73.0° 53 Angle 55 73.0° 57 73.0° 74.40° 72.5° 59 73.30° 42.5 Bottom cm. Bracket Bottom Height 12.2 Bracket Stay Chain Length 73.5° Stay 4.3 Fork 4.3 Fork to Rake BB Fork ALU PISTA 41.5 ROKH * RAZHA K Top 38 50.5 to 52.6 51.8 BB 72 Setback 67 SPEEDY 574 589 608 Length BB 45cm. 95 48 40.8 Seat 40.8 Chain Angle 606 NA 390 396 395 497 505 512 525 531 546 555 566 to Center Top to 16.8 59.6 Center 18.0 Effective 60.5 Setback to TopFork Tube cm. to Top Length Setback Fork MAAT TRACK 350 355 367 372 378 384 384 388 Stack Center Tube Seat Length Tube 57.5 73.0° tube 58.7 Seat 72.4° Top Seat Center Tube Angle to center Top Seat Length 43 Tube Angle 46.5 75.50° 46 Length DOGMA 65.1 each 518 544 558 572 587 606 Seat 59.5 61.5 RAZHA 362 374 384 395 401 395 Stack EASY FITSPEEDY each TREVISO ROKH * RAZHA K CATENA 612 651 57.5 59.5 DOGMA XC (MTB) RAZHA 394 410 GEOMETRY 550 561 569 584 GEOMETRY I FRAME SPECIFICATIONS 386 389 391 397 Center to center to Top Top Tube Length to2014 77.0° 77.0° BB 77.0° PINARELLO FRAME Stay Bracket 10.1 55.7 38.5 RakeDETAILS 62 Angle4.3 11.8 58.2 38.5 62 4.3 Length DROP 11 61.4 38.5 62 4.7 54.5 36.9 55.8Cable 36.9 56.9Think 2 internal 36.9 59 ThinkSetback 36.9 Seat 2 internal Angle 61 Think 2cm. 36.9 internal 4.6 3.7 4.6 3.7 Bo2om Bracket 4.6 3.7 Italian Threaded 3.7 Bottom Fork 4.6 Chain Italian Threaded to 4.6 Stay Bracket 3.7 Italian Threaded 75.5°Think 211.3 internal 75.5° 12.3 Think 2 internal 75.5° 12.8 Think 2 internal 75.5° 13.3 internal 75.5°Think 2 13.8 Think 2 internal 75.5° 14.4 55.7 56.7 58.2 59.8 61.4 63 Think 2 internal BB Length Height PF30 38.5 27.5 PF30 38.5 27.5 PF30 38.5 26.5 PF30 38.5 26.5 PF30 38.5 26.5 PF30 38.5 26.5 Think 2 internal PF30 Seat external Setback Fork PF30 Chain Bottom Italian Threaded Angleinternalcm. to Stay Bracket N/A Italian Threaded BB Length Height 75.50°N/A 95 52.6 Italian35Threaded25 Think 2 internal BB86 internal PF30 Seatinternal Setback Fork PF30 Chain Bottom Angle cm. to BB Stay Length Bracket DROP Tube 72.0° 73.0° Length 73.0° 74 94 110 73.5 80 74Bearings 95 741 ⅛ x 1 1/2 110- Drop in 741Fork 125 Head Head ⅛ x 1 1/4 Angle Tube 74Rake 140- Drop in 1 ⅛ x 1 1/2 1 ⅛ x 1 1/2 - Drop Length in 72.0° 14.3 ⅛ x 1 1/2 - Drop in75 4.3 73.0° 90 1 ⅛ x 1 1/2 - Drop in 4.7 73.0° 100 1 ⅛ x 1 1/2 - Drop in 4.7 73.0° 115 1 ⅛ x 1 1/2 - Drop in 4.7 73.0° 130 1 ⅛ x 1 1/2 - Drop in 4.7 73.0° 155 1 ⅛ x 1 1/2 - Drop in 1Fork ⅛ x 1 1/2 - Drop Head in Head 1 ⅛ x 1 1/2 Rake Angle Tube 1 ⅛ x 1 3/4 Length 14.5 ⅛ x 1 1/4 72.50° 97 1 ⅛ x 1 1/4 1 ⅛ x 1 1/2 - Drop in 1 ⅛ x 1 1/2 - Drop Head in Fork Head Rake Angle Tube Length 377 402 430 469 492 508 # of Sizes Reach 376 389 402 413 425 433 Stand Over 66cm Fork Length 12 8 Stack 12 8 10 469 486 4 496 10 510 4 525 7 549 7 7 4 5 6 3 4 4 Reach Stack 55 2014 T2 Pinarello Bike Specs MARVEL Spec sizes BIKE SPECIFICATIONS MARVEL T2 LEVERS Ultegra 11sp CRANKS Ultegra 11sp 52/36* R.DER Ultegra 11sp F.DER Ultegra 11sp BRAKES WHEELS CASSETTE MOst B-­‐Max Force Fulcrum Racing 5 MOst Jaguar XA STEM MOst Tiger Alu SADDLE ROKH T2 / RAZHA K Spec sizes Ultegra 11-­‐25 BAR Bars Cranks 42 170 CATENA 42 RAZHA 170 2014 Pinarello Bike 170 105 422014 Pinarello Tektro Bike Spec Spec 44 172.5 MOst Alloy 46t Shimano R 565 5 0/34 44 172.5 44 172.5 N/A 105 Cranks Cranks 44170 172.5 N/A 105 170 46170 172.5 170 MOst B170 -­‐Max Tektro Eco 46 175 170 46 175 172.5 KMC Tiagra172.5 (O-t-O) 172.5 172.5 MOst Duel Track Shimano WH-­‐R501 172.5 172.5 18t + 18t FW 105 1172.5 1-­‐25 172.5 Bars Cranks 172.5 Drop + Flat MOst 172.5 Xylon PG 42175 170 175 42 170 MOst 4175 bolt MOst 4bolt 175 42 172.5 MARVEL MARVEL T2 T2 Spec Spec sizes sizes Ultegra 11sp CHAIN Stem 90 RAZHA K 90 100 105 100 Shimano R565 50/34 100 110 105 Bars Bars 110 42 105 11042 42 MOst B-­‐Max 12042 42 12042 44 Tiagra 44 44 44 Shimano WH-­‐R501 44 44 105 11-­‐25 44 44 Stem 46 MOst Xylon P46 G 9046 46 10046 MOst 4bolt 46 100 (O-t-O) 52213 MOst Bobcat Women's MOst (O-t-O) MOst Bobcat MOst Bobcat 52 100 SEAT POST MOst C-­‐Alu MOst C-­‐Alu MOst C-­‐Alu 53.5 MOst C-­‐Alu 110 55 120 Frame Size Stem Bars TIRES ViToria Zaffiro Pro ViToria Zaffiro Frame Pro Pro ViToria Zaffiro Rigid SizeViToria Zaffiro Stem Bars 57 120 43 90 42 #Specifications subject to change (*= first delivery will be 50/34) (*= fi rst d elivery w ill b e 5 0/34) 90 42 without notice. 201443 Pinarello Bike Spec Sizing 46 100 42 46 100 42 49 100 42 49 100 42 MARVEL T2 Spec sizes MARVEL 52 100 42 52 100 42 Frame Stem Bars Cranks Frame Frame Size Size Stem Bars Cranks Frame Size Size44 53.5 110 53.5 110 44 Frame Size Stem 44 90 42 170 42.5 44 90 42 170 55 42.5 120 44 120 44 XS-42 90 46.5 90 42 170 46 46.5 90 42 170 55 46 57 120 44 57 120 44 50 100 42 170 49 50 100 42 170 49 90 SM-45 (O-t-O) MOst Bobcat MOst Leopard Sizing SizingSora Sora 50/34 100 100 100 100 110 110 44 44 44 44 44 44 55 55 56 56 57.5 57.5 59.5 59.5 110 110 110 110 120 120 120 120 44 44 2014 46 46 46 46 46 46 MARVEL T2 Spec sizes Frame Size 44 46.5 50 51.5 53 54 55 56 57.5 59.5 Stem 90 ROKH 90 Frame Frame Size 100 Size 43 43 100 46 46 100 49 49 110 52 52 110 53.5 53.5 110 55 55 120 57 57 120 172.5 172.5 172.5 172.5 172.5 172.5 Bars Cranks 42 170 T2 /42RAZHA K170 Spec Stem Bars Stem Bars 42 170 90 42 90 42 44 172.5 100 42 100 42 44 172.5 100 42 100 42 44 172.5 100 100 44 110 110 46 120 120 46 120 120 46 42 42 172.5 44 44 172.5 44 44 175 44 44 175 (O-t-O) (O-t-O) (O-t-O) TREVISO Spec sizes ROKH T2Frame / RAZHA KStem Spec sizes Handlebar Frame Size Size Stem Handlebar Frame Size 43 46 49 Stem XS-42 XS-42 90 SM-45 SM-45 100 MD-50 MD-50 100 Bars 90 42 90 42 100 42 Cranks 60 170 60 170 60 172.5 52 LG-54 LG-54 100 110 42 60 172.5 56 172.5 172.5 172.5 XS-42 175 175XS-42 Frame Size SM-45 175 175SM-45 LG-54 TREVISO TREVISO XL-58 172.5 Frame Stem Pinarello BikeSize Spec Sizing Frame Size Stem (O-t-O) (O-t-O) 44 MD-50 MD-50 46.5 LG-54 50 sizesLG-54 XL-58 51.5 XL-58 Cranks Cranks53 170 170 54 51 51 MD-50 (O-t-O) Handlebar Cranks MARVEL T2 Spec sizes MARVEL Easy Fit T2 Spec sizes 42.5 100 110 46 120 100 120 49100 51110 9060 42 55 55 100 60 44 60 57 57 100 (O-t-O) 44 (O-t-O) 59 59 110 170 170 172.5 172.5Sizes 55 may be changed110 without notice 44 110 110 120 120 120 120 40 170 170 40 175 172.5 175 40 172.5 40 172.5 (O-t-O) 44 44 44 44 46 46 44 172.5 110 46 172.5 FCX Cross Spec sizes 120 Frame Stem Bars Frame Size Size46 Stem 175 Bars Frame120 Size Stem Bars Cranks 46 175 47 90 42 47 90 42 44 80 40 170 (O-t-O) 50 100 44 50 100 44 47 170 53 100 44 53 90 100 42 44 51 100 42 170 56 110 46 56 110 46 53 100 44 172.5 (O-t-O) Stem Bars Cranks (O-t-O) 5590 11042 44170 172.5 CATENA Spec sizes 57100 12042 44170 175 Stem Handlebar Frame Size Size Stem 46 Handlebar175 59100 Frame 12042 172.5 RAZHA Spec sizes ROKH T2 / RAZHA K Spec sizes Frame Size Cranks Cranks43 170 46 49 170 170 52 17053.5 100 110 45 45 49 49 42 44 FCX Cross 53 53 90 (O-t-O) 42 100 172.5 42 172.5 110 Spec sizes42 KMC Formula 44 RAZHA Sram 11-26 44 RAZHA Spec Spec sizes sizes 44 Cranks 55 Sora 11-­‐25 Tiagra 11-­‐25 110 57 120 Frame Size Stem Bars Frame Size Flat StemMOst Xylon PG Bars MOst-DB 5980 12040 44 44 80 40 47 90 MOst 4bolt 42 MOst 4bolt 47 90 42 51 100 42 51 100 42 MOst Leopard MOst Bobcat 53 100 44 53 100 44 MOst Alloy Frame Size MOst C-­‐Alu Stem 55 110 44 55 110 44 47120 Maxxis Raze 33 9044 57 ViToria Zaffiro 57 120 50120 10044 59 46 59 53120 10046 Cranks Cranks Frame Size 170 170 Frame Size 45 Size 170 170 Frame 45 42.5 170 170 49 49 46 172.5 172.5 53 172.5 172.5 175 175 175 175 49 53 57 51 57 (O-t-O) (O-t-O) Sizes may be changed without notice 172.5 172.5 56 172.5 172.557.5 175 175 59.5 175 175 170 170 170 170 170 Bars 170 170 42170 170 42170 Promax RC-452 40170 MOst-DB 38Cranks Cranks 170 170 170 170 46170 170 170 170 170 MOst Kids 172.5 172.5 MOst AlloyBars 172.5 172.5 42 Kenda K-­‐191 175 44175 175 44175 Cranks 170 170 170 172.5 172.5 175 175 (O-t-O) 170 MOst 4-Bolt 90mm FCX Cross Spec sizes 56 (O-t-O) (O-t-O) 110 46 FCX Cross sizes FCX Stem Cross Spec Spec sizes (O-t-O) Bars Cranks CATENA sizes Stem Bars SpecCranks 90 42 170 90 Frame100 Size 100 45100 100 49110 110 53 42 Stem 44 9044 44 44 46 10046 110 (O-t-O) (O-t-O) 120 170 Handlebar 170 42170 170 170 175 42175 42 44 52213 57 CATENA CATENA Spec Spec sizes sizes (O-t-O) MARVEL Easy Fit T2 Spec sizes Stem Handlebar Cranks Stem Handlebar Cranks 52213 Bars Bars 40 40 42 42 42 42 Cranks 44 44 Bars 40 SPEEDY 40 52213 4052213 Shimano 2400 40 Miche 46/39 145mm 90 40 Frame100 Size Stem 40 40 Tekro Lyra Mech Disc 44100 80 100 40 100 47110 9040 40 Tiagra 110 40 51 100 (O-t-O) (O-t-O) Alex CXD5 Shimano WH-­‐R501 53 100 100 110 sizes 602014 Pinarello 170Bike Spec Sizing Spec Spec sizes 120 RAZHA60Spec sizes 175 Cranks Frame Size Stem Frame Handlebar Size Stem(O-t-O) 90 60 170 44 80 44 80 90 60 170 Stem Bars Cranks 90 60 170 47 90 47 90 90 60 170 Sizes90 may be changed without 42 notice100 170 51 51 100 100 60 170 Frame100 Size Stem Bars 60 170 90 42 170 53 100 53 100 110 60 170 Shim CX50 46/36 42.5 46 46 Tektro Eco 49 49 51 KMC 51 TREVISO Spec sizes 51.5 51.5 53 53 54 54 Stem 90 FCX CROSS 100 100 110 (O-t-O) MARVEL Easy Fit T2 Spec sizes MARVEL Easy sizes Shimano 2400 Sora 9spd 105 Fit T2 Spec Frame Size Stem Bars Cranks Frame Size Stem Bars Spec Cranks RAZHA sizes 42.5 90 Shim. CX70 40 Shimano 2400 170 Sora 42 172.5 MOst C-­‐Alu MOst Alloy 44 172.5 44 175 Cranks ViToria Zaffiro Rigid Kenda K-­‐191 Cranks 44170 175 52213 52213 170 (O-t-O) 170 170 172.5 172.5 Easy172.5 Fit T2 Spec sizes 172.5 Stem Bars Cranks Stem 172.5 Bars Cranks Frame Size 172.5 Size Handlebar 90 40 170 90 40 Cranks 170 Frame 175 47 47 170 100 40 170 100 60175 40 170 175 50 50 100 40 170 100 60175 40 170 170 53 53 110 40 170 110 40 170 56 60 170 (O-t-O) (O-t-O) 56 ROKH ROKH T2 T2 // RAZHA RAZHA K K Spec Spec sizes sizes Frame Size 42.5 TREVISO 46 49 105 51 Stem 90 90 90 100 100 100 110 100 110 120 110 120 Bars 42 42 40 42 42 40 42 40 42 44 40 44 (O-t-O) (O-t-O) Cranks 170 170 170 175 NEW! PINARELLO TRADE “STARS” FR-C JERSEY $200 WOMEN’S PINARELLO TRADE “STARS” FR-C SHORT SLEEVE JERSEY $185 Cranks 170 170 172.5 175 Cranks 170 170 170 170 170 170 172.5 170 172.5 175 170 175 PINARELLO CYCLING KITS by GIORDANA CYCLING APPAREL COMPONENTS Frame Size 44 MARVEL T2 Easy FiT ROKH 46.5T2 Ultegra 11sp Ultegra 11sp 50 51.5 Ultegra 11sp 50/34 Ultegra 11sp 53 52/36* 54 Ultegra 11sp Ultegra 11sp Frame Size Stem Frame Size Stem 55 44 90 Ultegra 11sp Ultegra 11sp 44 90 56 46.5 90 46.5 MOst B-­‐Max 57.5 90 MOst B-­‐Max Force 50 Force 100 50 100 59.5 51.5 100 Ultegra 11sp 51.5 Ultegra 11sp 100 53 100 53 100 Fulcrum Racing 5 Fulcrum Racing 5110 54 54 110 55 Ultegra 11-­‐25 Ultegra 11-­‐25 110 55 110 Frame110 Size 56 56 MOst Jaguar XA MOst Jaguar XA 110 43 57.5 120 57.5 120 46120 59.5 MOst Tiger Alu MOst Tiger Alu 59.5 120 49 MARVEL Easy Fit T2 Spec sizes RAZHA Spec sizes Frame Size 44 Cranks Cranks 47 170 170 51 170 170 170 170 53 175 175 55 57 59 Stem 80 90 100 100 Bars 40 42 42 44 Cranks 170 170 170 172.5 110 120 120 44 44 46 172.5 175 175 Cranks Cranks 170 FCX Cross 170 Stem 172.5 Frame Size WOMEN’S PINARELLO TRADE “STARS” FR-C BIB SHORTS $185 57 (O-t-O) Spec sizes Bars NEW! PINARELLO TRADE “STARS” FR-C BIB SHORT $200 Cranks PINARELLO CYCLING KITS by GIORDANA CYCLING APPAREL APPAREL PINARELLO TEES - $25 GIORDANA TRADE “TRE BANDE” SCATTO JERSEY $150 NEW! PINARELLO TRADE “RETRO” VERO JERSEY $110 Women’s Jersey colorways NEW! PINARELLO TRADE VERO BIB SHORT $140 Women’s Jersey colorways NEW! PINARELLO TRADE “TRE BANDE” VERO BIB SHORT $140 ++ MODIFY MODIFY Gita Gita Sporting Sporting Goods Goods 11 NEW! PINARELLO TRADE VERO JERSEY $110 58 WOMEN’S PINARELLO TEE - $25 *These bib short designs are also available in a women’s contour fit, with a women’s specific pad. PINARELLO LIMITED EDITION WATCHES $100 (one watch face w/ 2 bands) 59 The New Paris Skyline think asymmetric.