JEFFERSOX eoum, PUBLISHED WEEKLY Bf B, S. C1LLI8ER & (0. n \ )|, 18 THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUAEI 8. 1855. i h i. lit- tlat he left ha naiferm at your hou=e *?-n h* went '?ff *? P'ss bis vacatio,, at tie V. nite Mountains. Don.' sTuple, tben. to doi; the regimentals. T'^re is no company it our house, and vomwl 1 only be seen by : ;)y hc.'land. myself, i"^- the servants — You must fii;t wiih m|5 ,?peratelj. sud trj :he pff-'et on Bokoc* f yoa srcuse his i 'iloas'j. all ray dc'^t will van^h into 'ihia air aisii I ehall hj* t--.e happie.-t of wo .m=n. Let. the austveitc this letter be your fiesr self. •A'ii^-u with macll'vo. Ilnr.EX.' On- th« af f ernooa J?l!swing the day on :rr!iich thi* private and confidential epistle lad bcec despatched, a baud?onie young r'tfllow—apparently—in uniform, w^s pre i.'>>nted bv Mrs B'lltor to b^r husband as tier c.-insiu. Mr Reynolds of West Point | BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL, nor did t.e object of hi* gallantry receive hi- { acknowledge t h > < l-.i--_paa.<;f.,l/i, W i £ jj the aame pleasure she »aai- j lawful, wife ?' "' ' Mr tnc co!-.!est to pass witbont « It P v ' f c t J f l l r D w t t t K T . V . i T ; feited at those of her cousin. Their eve? I do.' replied 51:>say. taking the repcnt- me-.M Mr. Chapmas'.i foaily were *Sj tnrw, S«n>t«i»! \Ve-jlr»'»», Pai« in ifce Laia», AflirtWbat is a yeir? ' I'is bet a m-t often : thej ^milijd on each ether, aud Dollars and Filly Cents L*^ianer JQ his ariiis; 'shong!» it is !:ir-j mo« tt;e best customers'for the twnpttor [ lioo^ nf ih«- Kidocy, ])i*ea&o» '!' tie H<-«d, Tbnn', Oi. hfcv'darfc rclliiiir strfam ; PE:; A N N U M , they whispereii'to^fctutr. Mr B »Iton began I Ktnr *ad &iua, »>d »J! iho«e <5ir»-ifui aftirtticm? aruing f'"!i:--h is so qaickif ^oae lh»t we to belitfve mv tyas .dieu I se«; her ia tK a t w*l~" rt! L ? vil! $ I?nrDed lheir «*rfSw .riv; oci Two DOUHHS xiT foeta- ' from a tecrrf hibtl of youth, wh rb prod'jce.- Ccfc»t mto be u e *sy. W;.eu f he tai'13 tfaa cleared. dress ' D v t h e I.berahtjofMr. Bripgg. who aerer Account il : i' a ilr»-«T> ; 1 ; ace* • • wr<ceatiaroll.ii paif. -mireiy in advance | t:onal tW»!htr, r*>iui<->.» ."VLtrrupi- nujMirfuue, a-r* in Tt- : L; a ~ir. ; .>t (brob toi*.\ to s«d . srcci ffl , a t , iL} be3t of fiii he did not retire as usual to his study, but ^* V-»-nrr" ia.yai.v i* 3ef«rre<} beT»nri tbe ' the end «fc*troj-« both b dy aod -.. 'I will cer-r a'=u K.J it again, Neil,' Paid O> that's oul iriji heart. neighlor. remained on the field, watchful and alert.— the Ixdr, Imlf sobbirg, half«ryiiig. v u t >G arr.N •ipimi »n ii tne rear 'Oier will . '.'. L. •:, :,r< !<--• uw and strong »•. fifth season eitne It The evident snrcisj of their plot redt.-n.hled g* S-jr>-<ri(>tion» lot -ii months, Si 25,10 be Especiai'y, wl*> bnrc rnix-»a* th« victims cf Sclitiry !i ti. ;I 3-i:i» li.V did start. a fraitTo ai-ikd a long .s'ory short, the ,psrti?s fulTiie Vice, Ui»i drcadial sai ilrJtruMJre habit, whid voar. 4*idi&rari».blv iu ad ran"t'-e maliea of thi? couspir»t-:rs, and shan ly rvf— — ^Vta; ic » year! 'T:« b t a turr returned to breaki'i-'t st tbe villa. Mrs ADVERTISING. Biiton retired for t-ie night, h« was a dcci n. * r. of Oi t i a i e ' j c4.i brzzeu wnt-ei; ~he f na» o • *• Tt^in- -re lor a sqatre cries? wfc Bolton was cured cf her doubts Mrs. MarOr hil a ; ,_•• LJ>. u !:.•• book dd.l viotrm ot the gr^eu eyed rain?rer. i mind his conversation with Mr. •5!, lor hrc - i*eftinr.»— larger one* ii. th* -am" Wji.cj. tito- mu.i >b'xtt> »eal. off. say of her love of miisquerading, while B..1, *O. woman ! wciiann ! inexplicible riddle!" Ti Bl proportion Cao'r or lin^ancc C.">Tcr'>pci <!.«• .'."M::. :i rr. uiar call b .ic full cn:ifiii>:-..Cf Ti- !<Ll a r\r't< u|-x>:ithr r ad fen* . ' directsd i J «P l>**Not tou made Lia peace !>/ promising in future ! s WOT his he mattered tn bim3<;if. "Starve her. m»lWhirii we laitt Iritil • Vr AJt>wot J'erioiM, of ilitx coi.t( m|- 4!uje marriajr". io bo a litij: i ; studious, and a little more / ft •• .no • sti'p* and ire shall wa k e e! S beroR a» ire of piiyoicaJ wc-^t-i«~>, -ii-.iiid, U ami' trt'at lier. aud she cling-) to yoa iik* a dog ' fruit sold to Mr Chapman and his familj. L fu-'.- weary roit! no more. e.--u;ulj U: J. «i«l be rt».;ored to peril-..-' iu-aJto Siigiii — urroa: d he r witb every luru.-y. graat h-ar atteutive. year as it happened. wa8 a year of Vi'hal i» a } car ? ' !"^ but a brcalh V. B. f'AI. ••!•:», il»r AiDtricin er^ry wi-h. a d her h.:art turn-) from yoa ctRHD IN TWO DA v* on N PACGE MADE. hard times. 1 The boot business Frcm time's M f.catnis bl:-wn, tsrd Asnliar t-ii<>n*p«r i!« th'Or-ncE, Na 7 Snuth Frederic* .' frer. T Dnon frusn with c-nrem 11 0 Helen! H.tlcn! little ."-• • - . . - . _ • oar.ard >Vr Ihe ..-.I.. at its worst ebb; little work and very , Scir York, :inj Philadelphia. and i* Baltimore S«rri-i, fw,t (•.<),•, «j, tf,, »i. i.e.-»i _ We Ijojr Jin weaiy re- a-. d I espeuc this t'r->ui you !' A cr-SE F<iR HARD nsrES. l titikt- a(jTeFiJ«Tocuu«*rffai»<rri^ticn» low wages-and yet the price of every kind lf}*iir p*n>«;!ar in cbtcrrio? die Ao; o aad Num*j"i* Ii5:e the ba(J>id c:i Jbi: ware, f''t'! jff**1 ttr u*, Hr# r***-^--1'* '*-;' I-- rcber, cr yoa will cjiitaSie is*- i.lns* T! e nex* »morn;ng be rose frveriali and ot provision, were up to the Lichest cotcb, Or tj.-w opnti thr^ iairr.— «« (.»• .-•-,«-;.-r -,* ar*-— KOSTO?.". S^-ti!- » . * ~ i»r. - • • - - • . 6.v. 'M v <ipsr «ir. i am Tnry-fijppy T/» f»r><- Ton," ,t nnt'T-ppv. snt.l -li« e .r'-uji'v p-is.'f] - rri-^cva ' How much lar.-; Tinva. TOU ;»0r ^or« ; - Uic ai;! u.'nijrn and money extremelv tight )»»•'• Ru;l<ii:,i>: NF.\V VOIIK, Tribanr B u i H K r " Mcn.btr IM" ll...- K i al C ': r- c,f Snj^i-cns, London, ^^^^e .in_| B.ic-Trt raid Boltoa. shaking his (her) hand coruial bif cay fo' the coti.-pirators. wishina touiake your lot. Mr Ur^i*'^ sua. r H I L A ' l E L P H J A , N. W.coracr Tbird «ad Cliestuu! "rndaiitp frnai noe of the ju---l « :j<irt- in c-i!!.-»i-!. - f the i; •I have or.*- — aero Ir. "I fifien heard my wife speak of assurance doubly•r sure, counterfeits!!, with ^'hat f 3 re. r * 'Tif bat a type i -liird fc'Tatr5, ?:«! llj --. • ; . • t v ii>.~c !:fc has---, ] seem to be in the lessf affected bj the bard Ol file's of! rbang ;i» sci-ne ; br~ti «;>cnl in th«- (ir»t I!>--*p:ta!» ol' Jx»c!'.-i, Pari*, Piiilyiiu.'and Desired to know vnu for her sate cruel ski-II. tiie phases Unc acre ' and brro you are taVi ng tbroc j times, low prices of labor, Ligh price* of of an absorbing inu a d ^ I j t h ^ a , an.l fNc^'hcrf*. h:t^ e^irc'.€-d «o:t:r «.f Ih* Toinh's haj:j?T morn coini-^ Jtallj" ci li-irf mine It is a grf-:it j>l''a*nre to meet n tual passion. That evccing Bolton passed agricultural papers'; and all because yon ! gwindns, or tbe scarcity of rnotiev Mr IMPORTANT NGH1E, IV i!d !«ili- :r-.d v a t i r v > »recn; a«toni»hiue eurrs iiiat R-I--I- rTcr fcr.own, uianv trouMed ' :-c -tlt-hjan fmni a scbool so r aruous for math- shut up i:i hi? study a prey to despair It have one acre of ground ! How many such N - r « t -'i-nrut r% j - r i n - - -i>r..v«xl» the ri.>«-in~ ic thr cars anil licad, wbco a«J«^), sr»-at n?r1812 hi3 two oldest sons, all of them Tin-1 Autuum wuli a u-ar; : b« iiiC alarrcrd ;tt ac«]<Vii ^0'itid-, ^i c ha-hriaunatiMl prvfiuiencj I shall a?k your a-'d. was ten o'clock when Le hi-ard a light tap a' papers would you h:ivo to take if you h»d had a little spare change to let on Short Tn H'i-/- ira n .4 ot.'ii When comes «,id \Vi»u r — dfaUiai d 2!! r b fr»f)ii«-3t lilnsbinr, attended sorot-tujjes WiUi a hundred acres." tt y -ur L isure, ia tbi solution of a few tbe hay wi:;dow that opened on tbe piazz:i. Oftivr'. r.nd > $ o] tlte IL. time ' with interest' to their needy neigh.^Ii.^l fiml u Jerri here. ?M p* miii-1, TTI-M- tiir* rt imD0diatiriy. T A K K P.Al.Tir'I j.A!t NOTR'H. 'I bhoul-i:i't p!n>b:ibly need uny more bors. a/t-lnf tt'ay<ic'» War. •Who's there;?' he asked, as he undid the pr. J. adilri->b-s all tlii£-if trho liavc inji.icd tb'-ni'O hm-'fT rnaflicmatiM.'' cried the young fastening. than I tike uowivou know Mr. Chapman, One day Mr. Chapman, who was short, , by piivair auni jrtjjiro,- t-r imiuij- -if---, ri:.; >eJ l i l l X S C A L L A HER. ' V T e i e b'-red cnoush with them at one can 'go through all ttc motions' on apnlk-d to Mr. Briggs for a ; half for * a d S-Milarj- Flabil,' niins both Body arid 'Hu»b !—not a w o r l ; it's only I.' replied '^a! " ' . - . . . I i.ufil'iiir llir-tn for r-ilhvr h.-im-v o<- tacitly. the Point in term-time I Lave no idea of a v .ics. one acrn as well as on a hundred.' •ouarter,' meaning fifty dollars for thres * ii i Th' -c an' »<w f { t h i - - !•! .,::'! lu-Lm-ii. ir t-fliv:- promonths. s p - n d i p i j my vacation over triangles and 'A man can throw away raouey without •~—* *™ e.irlv fi»l"li-of y . i .. • • Wt-akii--— uf the •And who are yoa?' risked Bnlton^grufly. RO IJERT II." d ALL A I I K R . ' EV n W. LOUIXG ! Lui;i>-. I'j.iJ* Ill li.»he 1.!. l).'r:in«.->f I >i^!*l ar,v. if he has a uiitid to For all the good 'Yes,' said Mr. Brigzs. 'I have a 'half Q* 'i'nur old friend—Ned Marsay.' * ( < .,1,1111.^.0- lini>,:r ) I.i;«« i,l Vi:-«:i:.'..r i' ' - . • • - . ! : the Heart. Dj — B it. my di-ar sir.' rcmonstrafpil "Bolton. you get from those periodicals, you might a 'whole,' just as you like. 1 'Come in. Ned—co;iiein What brought Xariftr Jj'it'ilint;. adjoining 1 rvtrri'i I!,'U' p-ji-ia, Nrrv,m» IrnUbil-iy. I/ ?anc- '"< iilof liic DireaM.:~ HELEN DCLTO'J was raan-ieil ton. gently, -don't you thick the study of math- you here at this hour? And bow's your as well, probably, throw the money they H'nrt.iiiziu't • lli/. 'What, a hundred dollars by you tlesa iii-c KU:I«....I>. (."f : • ' • : ! i l - i i . ' t y , Svinpl .3i» of Con1 • • ! " - • ' . . . u • i u::in j-b- adored, a man whom she the lielle ematics one of t!ie most important, of pur- wite ?' cost into the fire, tl^ey are nothing but hum- times 1 I don't see how it cornea. T«ii ( J !;•' i -. . 1 . -V >:i < .». ^ucv,» en the mind arc of f.v-i .-c;i.--'i.-. dtBtingoisbed :imidst a s s i t w ? and your boys tion t work any harder than 'Why. you know bet .er than I do. You bugs.' m*ch t'j !>•• divaded :: I^oss ol Memory, Confusion p| I- j throng of f lit-.irs. more or less liisin ere.sieii, • . -. < '. r'»3ir.M I d r G •• t ,. No. my bny !' oried the vonns gentleman. have seen her later ' 'I pay in all only eight dollars.' I and my boys do, aad we can hardly get d i a - . Di-j-n »-i- -i '. •" i'ir;t-, J'vi! For^lioliiie^. A\rr-.ion •i • • • i I., r ( v - i , . ; r ( i vi'-'h it;- 1,'tfart i . > • - . , - ! / , Scl( DratHut, Lore oTSoJitnde, Timidity, i and uiori; or lcrt> distinguished He was sl-ippins his host on the back. -Give me i - ,.j 'Eight dollars ! e>.<out!h to buy a 'tip top' along: we are as saving and pinching aa can, r •I seen her ! You know I haven't seen &C. a i- .- IU-- (if iln- <-v:iii |!i-..-ilucrd. Sui-Ii |'-TX u- j Laiid.-oiui-. acc-.iiipIirLi.-d i::tellcctu:il. of ir : , . . . _ . u-.-ir. wii.e. acd tin- hidir-s ' barrel of flour, an-1 a leg of bacon , and be, too; times are so dreadful hard, and ever her at all yet. 1 siiitiM l»rf re cont<-cj]>laliai M»rriaie consult Pr. .I.-'ia i ."* • • i ii •• P. - i . i - !. • ari-! stoa, I reproachable tuou!-. :\-.i'l icdepeDtieuifor Bat war is nothing without mathemat then if you r>>!td tbest periodicals, there is ry thing a family Las to buy ia so dreadful and 1)<at punri-st.orni. I r! act t'»lne !><• licaov •But >he's b-_-en ia year house two days ' i. . - ' ' . - • . • • ; r*-vi 1 prevent, Iji.t ajip:y im.-r.--diati-i) a- ;1 S-STC- ronnelf frota j tune Tii ir trisrca ajfr-.-td pi-rl'ectiy fc'l;e i-' • twice the atiiount of the money spent in high, and wages so low ; potatoes, a dollar* • • I I - -, . LT ' u p ri ) I I l i r < - i n - r . «.i|l|| . ;i- ,; u- • ! 'You're mad. the drt-adtul and awful canse.jiieaces oi lliis tt-rfibl< I w i-s iiki- liiiiirf-lf. tired of, citv —.. life —•• asifi the Fla^g matljcmatics ' I s-.y again.'cried 1 • • . ; -n 1 i.Ti'v w-H- id- i bushel, beef fifteen cents n pound, pork six* 'Xot a bit of it. [Tear me,' replied Mar- time, reading them ' • • : ii- • -i . n ir-,! n i i h i; -.- . M • .1-1) ,t OR^onvsTON-s m-fnoRATiN-r. RCMEDV | friv-.iities ,,flW!;,v. ,J-;,:diy learned a! ! ' . - • vom g hoppful 'T.'iat s for tt:c et»ui- saj -I left her to jjo :-o Boston, on busi•I do usually rcud or hear r?nd almost teeu cents, eggs, twenty-five cents a doien, _ ;i (••<ni ')!,•>; \ Mr \\ i: \K> - •'•. 11 i'i ii-.;- i r tfTflIt w::s i-.< r i;U.-baiiij'j> ile-liv to re-i<ltJ" Df r department Give nic a fleet horse every word there is in them, my boys and and flour, ten or twelve dollars a barrel.—• uf-ss. CA}:'.'C-tirii; to In) absent a fortnight — Ry tM*.-i-.i i i.l i nl mportant remedy, n-catnesj ' • • • : • .' 1 .1 '•_'! w o!c e i r :-ouu i at ! i-> i-<suiip. and a s! arp «ahr<? and tbe smil<- of a sweet- However. 1 despatched my affiirs in two I take turns in reading, and one reads a- How can a man live ?' f thr ->r?u:i!- ar»- cured au-J iu(l v i » i .- rr-iloiv:! ?• ' 'I : . . • . - . . : , ; ' • ; :;n Ri .-t N - H - - - H - . i u « l I!i-l iliiati-it ijidiL'ii'i-:. ^' ,.-i. wiiroli w:.-s ^ituated on t h e he r't as lovely ts Helen, aod I care for while the rest work.' 'Iffl. •-••«, ran li»i-r ' It won't be hardly fair for me to tt?k days aud h a s t e n e d hoc1?, for I am soy.ung louc! k i d u a : - \Thn lu>d 1—! all lr:jie, h<ve beM iouq^iitrlj ; • ;->••. ^ i.iro'iv iii ;?nij. ^.-nis i x ' V miles ab.-ve New uc'ilsijig else. Complete nonsc-isel no wonJer yeur you for that twenty five collars now, will n l i i - v i - d . AH4ai!--fd:iMfnt tj* a husband that absence is a painful afiair to l\.rk. J O H N .«. C . \ L L A i i i : R . . J n . Hi-- hjr^e rnd his sword, MAmtTAGE, me. Judge of my surprise when J found shop don't turn out any more boots in a day it ?' r. •. a I'hy'ci! nr >'.-i-t.- ' [> • ; - ! . ! ;l - j t , .-,. y.-rrosi" IrritahiliA i i h-s lady. !'i-' P'- rlcss, Liiiuon Viiia nas i-tii't i:i lit1 Italian it do-.-s !' 'Twenty-five dollars 1 WLit do you mean? she had gone off. no ou2 knew whither. I than p . i D )' • >-n • ii..v '••• -n j . i i <••.!:• H ry, '['ri !::'i •' ' ' • i.r Kxliauotion cf tile Are a I l h a t an- priz-.-d ; ^ ' \ ' f . :ni«i rnvi-i-fd :tf. r rra'. i s f » - t i t of jrrout c :i;.|." :'i . : : ( - . I k . - . - t - I - - - ! i v f i , | i - i i ! i Pf. Jo!ill-tn:i. I don't understand you V Perhaps we dt-n't do as great day's 'iw-iiie hi- tiiii'- i c - t - : ' . ; ' By Orlan 'a rhe fearless." was at a loss to know wbat was the causo of ,'-'^_ \ » i '..-, . - — - ' §>1 i'i- p-i-i u^ iN wi-rt- 'aid i,-m wish . -;i;a lite I;-, t!.ew.\. I li.--ar you have some good bits I !«•:(.-,-f- nii:-l !/«• , -i • : -K"iii"!ii - >^!ii i Ii • p t » - p « i c s Itr-iiri •>_•', :' •<•' work, some cays, a-; some of our neighbors; 'Don't yon resciicct we had a bet betvaen mail. f!i> ea-apade. when, as luck would have it. [.1;ri'! -J-l. I-.---I.—]y. i. •- U- • .- ,.-i-r>?.i .1) nmli i- ; • . :i-'--. :i«-c(ir-!i.,i i i i ilji- ui -s; 'I'.ppror- ii j nil S i r , i i'i ymir -r-i 1 ! >!.:ill t i y t h ' i r I t - M i u d a I f t t ' r. winch she car. le.<sly Iff; in but I gups- in the course of a year, we us abont the price of some fruit ireos I 11 :. . - - « • ,. • • • a s I'mse ol i <••!{'! s of Ijtirt^ape-gardcniug l u t . n ;ia:-: n , i M l ( t-i-ir.orrmv. I brought a pair of Ripturn out as many :icc--rdiug to the hands bought five years ago next spring?1 II-T -Iro.-.-iug room, from your wife, and whicb A. ing cf the trees-, and tli^ir piotdresquegronp po1.! spurs iu my pocket—and I moan to explained everything Here it is.1 at work as most do. 'Ah ! I do remember something about it. ( TITif. :> «i;. i ;_'-. M) thi- 1 iivi! :r.\'l in t!r.- ruea-l iw. tlu- g;vo your nags the :-a5i to-m-^rrow. No i:oi,Fl:r a nd fire 'I suppose it is out of these publications ! You were to give me twenty-five dollars B-.i!ton eagerlycanght t!ie letter, the sa-no ;. i of :i-! W S - . i i • X ' e r n U - i . CO • r;i vi and It.f.Vi l. 1-O.lil>.M.\ s i i - t f o,.'-'ie.- f - r un-! I b^ive Lad enough w i t h wbiob the reader is already acquainted you get vour fooli&ii notions about so ma- i if you didn't get your twenty-five dollars C . ..Ill • I.I • i i ' i l I . . I I. . : •> • • • • : .- i : i i - -i :is il .1,1 U i e ::: ' . ; f \.: I.e.' lu-i.-? J.'f l> i l ; • « ' ; •. . • o ' - i - a v i t i ; d nags at f h > - Pnint ' aii'l perused it eagerly. After readiug it he ny kind.-- of fruit trees. One of my boys j back from me for the products of these trees !<• v." : • • ; S • i,i '. I ii- ..i' <_• - • • iniii maud ht:il pi!e--l and balanced th<>se f . ^ r JL • f • in |l»fiii:,^ f i • Anytbing of mine is nt -.on s ivloe.-ir. • i • . .ri ;• • M \ -,i V •,...• iiai.-ird it back to ilarsay, with a hearty cime home a while ::go and said Mr. Briggs , and things I It will come very handy jost - . ! • rn • • • I '.: • : ii e- i i. nitiids of v e - d i i r e — s l ' a < i c d tiie- r i v i . - M j u s - K - i j J J r J j . i i r o . wi:', a st.rely <-"W had got lots of fruit trees and such things j now.' ..*•: ••' • • . I 1 ; i x • " in Hi \V.. . . la'ig'i. i'ansi'.ii.. . Lin - W r t . i - ; i i - . ! \!- r • ! ,n ..'• . « h - rt- it wiiiitcd ?!iade. crnvrned the <ii!i.iiii> 1 •iti-n • •!• v i :• •'.• i! L=i!. i Mi 1 1 ; I can ii.-tr.ily T>"-!\'7.c s:ii'l tiny n u i i g sol - . i': i u '. an "ii :! y > •: i!ie m.-i ! : » i - i . - i l i - . 'By Jove! Ved, said he. Til turn tlio that cost. I don't know how much, and | 'Don't be too fast neighbor? I am a«V f. •.! : i : . Scrip 4" inc.iti .! ! ! in j i - t xvlii.Tc- >jt I'.:.iiiiered crest was m e Jed :i- d - t K t u r i i i n g bis back to Mr BnftOh;-that ; ^vr'ii-. ; taM'>« ^n them. i>.tid p-iy them for this Will wanted me to buy .-ome grape vines, pear ! fraitl it won't come very handy just DOW.—• F - . ' . ' r i n i :' i:; - t i ; - - ' d ^ ' i « . i t i > MOdlDf titti Al- • • I uraiici i ' . : i. '. jTKSoi a!I.per.>OBs jMHist the d a r k blae .-ky. .->-jd p^'initte'.i you r.r- married. IL Ie:i Do you- rem.-m- j >u f.irgive me if I should give your wife a trees, a: d so r-n I told bitu it was all fool That was what I was dunning yoa for, that \^' n*: rs IM J V ii. ^ir-. . !i :n •! i'i Mi'.lt.-.l i i-nsii'n;inn t!ii>~c glimpsesof'tbo nob'c river jnst siurc h.'i- t : i c l.-jjf ^vi-nit-g wt- parsed togefln-r f ishnes?, and not to let me bear about spend twenty five dollars I' T*ll- .••:- , l i - i . 2 • , i • ! '• L V,".-, :•-.•- Ill tin rough scare?' !'•"- li'.i- n ii .|. i1urii:io:i i-J' life. TT lur a iiinii i i? wo,i ! t • ..'_vc iiiu-t lovingly 5Phftraonia W < - n it ' • in • R :> : l ill •What, you don't pretend to say we aava p.-rioi!. •Gan I ever forget it, Dick!' r«plierl the •1 douvt if you can senre her ' replied Mr uig tnniiov S-) f 'oTsjjlv. You have I dare V n i ' i n 'i ! ; i ii ;• •( '• •' of the taan--iri:i wore #paci'>us. S 'in • Iialt a 9 :.- ^ • • ,I j say laid out tuu or fifteen dollars this lady had twenty-five dollars w o r t j of stuff tram oci n r a w i l l Mor-iay. laughing 'Sue's as bold a creature l>rtt /-;/' ;^7 '< • : r- '• ' . . . • i T- !i -.• i irsi - for ri;Ji:i;r and dnviu-; oyour garden.' ' I t sec013 vi'-u did forget me,' said the as evi'r fired a fowling-piece without wiuking spring' dri<ty aiiil *u:i •> a.-Ct- i Th- ' ' . take marine ri = C' li.f si;abl(*s. la a ward, tbe fslab- you MS: ea<iet. pointing to Boltoa 'Y'-s. nearly as n;ucb again : I have laid 'More than that from that very twentyor put over a fire-barred gitc. Si'.c • :n . • • • - , , • . ' . ii < . j Smith' ;i. i'l'.!-. H i i d i t s -tyi,j were sach us f - w geis TH ' COURTS, .My d e a r ' said M r B»it-ia. 'since you 1 d'-servos a lesson f > r this last freak. Why. out twenty-five dollars for trees and garden five dollars' worth of trees and other things! : : i t i > r ; i i . . :,. til n can b .-sst of—it was the bmu-J of op have company to amuse you. I trust you and she out bloomers IJ.o-'mer Iu regimentals ! fruits ' Here is an account of e7ery thing you bate ' .' ••'••rf. i- ami ta-te. ii i ; . \ u , A i i K n •Twenty five dollars' I wonder you are bought and paid for: of course it dou't in.ycur c->usiii will excuse m'e T n m calcnia- J —only t h i n k of it !' ' .;.v n .. • : . ' . ; ' (cot !• • ..I m - igh : i • ;. : - ! • . - ! . : . :-':--.-.: sf«a tfjffj - , . :!.^ ar-c^-of *»,KJ«S irTe^-ala; .,^!ius, »ad I DON l C PETE s V n ' P: sileoi !:avo a j)l:ui In tny h?ad ?o? Lriug rot on tie town, or in j.iil at least, before clude what I have sent you gratia.' pr.'U'K: r r " \r. w, Iniii aii.«w-?r tliat quostiun by la)i;ig be h a t e to loro a nionieut.' 'And you ha>c- Certainly uot been stiagy. SAMPSON DIUGU1D, Chie/ Ki^h-eer. ing her into subjection.' replied Bolton, smi- uow.' . •:, ' .1 -r '! '.-- - 1 " I l> (!:iv fore tue reider a copy of a letter, i rirked • I am not afraid of either. I'll bet you Why the bill amount* to thirty seven dol/-• Mrs. Bolton gave the required license. ling. 'But you 11 sleep here to night 1' 11 • - h- IJisUict o! Columbia, i r ; : \- • "icry p r i v a t e coufidential,"aada Mres.i ' . v a I ih* D-panmcnts w i : i i : : . ' the twenty five dollars. I'll sell you that a- lars ! is it possible 1' a:id the hu-'iand rani-hud into liis - t u l y . •Xo. I'll go back to the tavern.' 1 ,, -, V'.' N i r. 1 'S 111 ii|:V p a i [ i ed to a uiarrii-d c u u » i n — a wild dasb : g ba •t'V. I S..iunr-l Gariaml, It i? just so; you have had over twenty ' l l n w did I play my part, dear Ili-ien?' Very well—perhaps timt-'s bvst. Come m mat of fruit from those things for which t I. II! untie : S'a----. in IT.* ! • i • '• " ' u I i!i — r. A.- Ii i - n. 1 '»' • i; ir- P. Thu man, rum :-i-;iriiin cr-.-aiuro. wLo lived some teu or a.s : ;e<l the cadi r I paid thtwenty-five dollars, in five years.' bushels bf apples, and three bushels of round here to -morrow ni-iriting early.' J - ' I - I) pt'-r . 1 ConnU r n ' M - t i - li rhls Alrcai'v u p T i v l .i. ' 1 J M— M Bnvii. t w e i i f y luilt-s off 'Done ! 111 stinc; you; so your trees will pears, and these alone come to twenty-fivo •Admirably. Miliicent; lut Imw provok• of KlGtlT THOUSAND c pits b»vrbt<>i] 'Well, then, good,' said Marsay — • i -"l.\ Ijnjj.iN.s. Treasurer. .•'.;::?. HLLi;:.'jfiLTON' TO r,ir.s. JIILLICSXT - ' i-y tli- inveotot . MIC r.cin •i.f ..- <>n the iniiiglj cool Henry was.' I 'I'M cut acro>s the lawn.' And the two cost you fifry dollars sure, in money, be- dollars.' c;:;-:..!* T"\VILI.IS, s-cu-iarv. • • - «-. A t - ni • • ••:.•- ' ' • ' ! > ' • ..!. ' - i r. n MAI; SAY. sides the time throw-i away in setting them 'I own up the ' corn;' draw the aote ftr •1 am piipi'd at his beliaviiir.' replied j friends separated. i i in •• • \ • | »':ini|i» u t • ! v fin.- i v i 1 '•L..:di-ii Villa. Sept. I, 1?5— seventy-five.1 M i l l i c e n t -and will do my best to shake his The next incmiingjHrs. Marsay was walk- out. aud taking can; of them. iii..i ;•. « . . •!'!:. in S-l-.i-i C.:! ,.>i r. ; la <•') >vi h j i u r i •-Ty D • Ji ' • - . ' : — Y o u a>k u c - i f I philosophy' - l . l , i _ ||. . . ,,; .„!;! • • 'As for the timt spent in setting them ^JNTo, I guess we will let the twenty-fir* >. ; ' :: , • ii» . i - i i t i i - . . B W f l E F ' R ; ; ! ; I ing by herself in a little wood backr of the . • • • am liafipy. and I will try to ausw ;r you \ i• • • <• :> •.• K-cn z\'. en Hr G F •\Vo will flirt all the evening,' said Mrs. j villa, when she was suddenly encountered by out, or taking care of thetn. it is as good go; I only" mention it to show yoa that 97 -1: - : Jk_ .!• •" • : - ••• ! iii m -"is • tii, C i ' - i i ! : , r a It w i f with all rlin fr:i!iknc>s tiiat y.iur fi 1. lity. B< lion exercise as playing:baH, wicket, or anything there tnay be good seuse in now thiigs I Holton. a n; -.1 : frif»ds!ii;>. kftuJuess and tru-iwortliiness in e!se While we were sitting them out,-one sometimes Now I will bet the twenty-five Tiiat we will,' replied Millicer.t. gaily: •Well met. young gentleman,' saij be, taiiev Virginia *jiire \Vidiout b<.i"g tbe most mix .-."able 'ail! we'll siiub him most outrageously-1 of your boys cum':- to get my boys to go dollars over again, that my store bill has > /• . i verv sternly A Nil ; tt'iinan on tbi; face ot the eartb. I a:ii far •11. r.- i-'im»--s inv niuid Prudence a trrrii far ,-;••,, ,,\ ,, toalifnt , rise early.'said Millieent, carelessly over to Mr Moody s, where ho said there not been half as large the past Reason as •lirinet lasurance Company, from bi i;ic ••nsfont. ^Vhea you saw our ribli prying olii tbi g: si «'il help tbe plot '1You -r-ll <-.<; for • ' • , : .„„ ',/„,., ,;,' , / f . always-do when I have business on was to he a great t'nne playing ball; and I your^. though I have had one more in my ll'iiV iff-if l ')'i*-if» on ,'.'1 kind* of rrrtptrly, .1/tr,.'..-•!p!ar<'. •,un call?.) ir a [ii-rfei-f rnrajji?'. aloti2 bv ti-lii:.g tales of me to Mr. Bdltoti,' hand. : wus the replv have no doubt your boys spend just as much family.' , / | A: n,! for : «/i.«f, tV-. cf />.-»> iind «T;ii. ;«i,''. rairs. ; yoa L a v . .-.•,.•!! my Uonry. who was t >u a s:-.i 1 M rs B 'If I had not been so badly taken in b*» 'Pardon me.' j^aid Miliicent. I thought time playing as mine do with our trees and Cap; i i •••'. >(>'). n-1 ,. ;->ower to increase the way iri.'.n Ii 'Oit-, you would have ei;vi d rue : T:ie ladies were sitting togothc-r on the Mr Bolton a man of elegant leisure, who so forth; aud then something is done, but in fore. I would stand you: but I guess ii won't siune t.. S'-OO.OOO. M ; ...-., h K ., il'.". • olthe citizens of Virginia fees- tiiv I n t . tlion^h viiiir-fls' toarried to th:i ajar 8«.>f.i. nn-i Millie-. n r lri-1 li.-r arm r mud ITel despised business and was fortunate enotgh playing, the streng-.h is all laid out for noth- be safe/ .17 r • . ; a*. ofyc-o.r hearv-. But y«m will sec him—you ciiN wai-t M rs Pra-lon-cc, a thin, ?b-irp to b.ive none on lii.^ hands.' 'We have raised ocr own potatoes, corn, p • -•-: » ii.-C-.'iij-nnt-i^ a !l -;n5»ct| . must see him. fur I My on you fir t!u cse- nofed demoiselb-of fifty, shopped at t t e '• -' ' • .> . - . i f l l s l . --n- 1 ^;l8!il l•Well, itdoa'c cosf anything to play ball, peas, beans, and all other garden vegetables. "" • -• > 4 . -Tlie care of my houjr is sufficient busi- , .in- citntiiictei! on the cution « f a pn-ject I L.ive coiiceived. wav. anil utfercd a little scream as she be- ness ' bat trees cost money.' r. T- • MVH '«:t vr- : 1'n lav .ir ot ;h- " ; Our eggs are always fresh, and ia abas. naftv M i v - ; -.-, .-tnii <_•-•'7.1)11)v. •Uneliv then: tbougli tny bunbaad is al: held them iii'-: '~i:ic ne ii I ' "' -• ' *•• • ! -r «"•.«. i c •-. ,< ' —• V/u.i^i' The fitn-gniiig c-iiivorsation occurred in dance from the oest; aud for more t'uan tvo • P!i'it-il ' I do not umlerstauii you,' said OFFICE—WINCHESTER, '•'.!. i-.ii'i I am t r u l v «>!»tis-.l ' • • !'-.•• l"i Ihf bcautilul .md 'I '.-poT I d bctti-r not ootnf in ni>m ' she ; M i l i i c - n t coolly. in all to me—tboug'i I never regret tbrt i i t - s i i . , p bctwt.t-u t.\o neighbors, both boot- years we hare not been without ripe fr*sU J«J> S , . "MU~ p - i ' - l ' t l - !!>•".! l i H ^ l t l « l j - !tl" H, :il! s : makers, in a town not uiore than twenty fruit.' saiu I in'.'S your pardon for i tru-ling; gay society I unsigned f <r 1. is sake, to ->njoy C • F . N u < •Tell me. sir.' continued Bolton,'were you l)> it-: • • •: •'• !'"'!i ;• • ' >i i' ih F. miles from Boston. : lut I wanted to ass you if you wo:;ld i.ave bis «iri:p-iny.—I begin t i four that I a t , not, ' W.-'l. I declare, that is goatctbtvg I • net well received at. my house?' U)<*II]VK: <>l u-ine it N ai ori.-f ti. ilcr^i.'t *\ :>• •'. r ! ; • .'. .T In i. :• t-.-3 I - ' W ' Mr. Briggs, in whoso shop the conversa- never thought of; but it takes tao much a in ^' . > • '•••: ull n ai! to him. lieacpt-ars to me••/<>••••ait; 'My dear H e l i n was certainly very glad . . M i >'tii;ir\!:i '; I h.u--:: j •' ' i l l " n u m . ' i r n v • t i com.- in. Pr'bdence—this is only my to see me.' answered Millicent; 'but you be- tion took place, was a man of more than or- time and bother to get these things started I .-ay i t i — i differeiu. O : o - - ' l a t . L. CUrJr, lam • i 1 l'f, it in*:i!.i!'!r In-leri! iho~o l . - m i i i -t lf.t«, an.'. cou in I- to.-i »ady /' beiore wo w-.-re married—bt: vnulii i gan t" b"re me with your angles and hypo- dinary intelligence for ont-of hi* advanta- —then it is aa everlasting job to take care of W!h 'h • r i v i - i -n • I ' 1-1 • w i l l -M> lh»! ii i i-r.'Yes. uiim.' replied the maid, primming • t:icnu?es as sooi; as you were presented to ges and circfauistaiKvs in life He Joh K.-.r. i change color if I accvptcl the bad of aaothHe bad bad tieen iieen j them.' ^ -<!.--. i,.ti is r.i «•••• r: B. %V ^^ cr in a ;nll-rooni Now I may flirt witli up LIT parcbeii lips a poor boy. and by industry, observation i . i • n 'ea it 'It needs r.o more time and money tka!> niJ Yuu were dtdAlemmt enn::y-i;j:, mo;iA ; .; :'ar Jcfcrson Countv i • - • v-' ' en t-!l M r Iv-lton.' ! t i i - - \ • I M I : I ^ par?->u who drops in i> cisioially and economy. 1-ad wc-rkel his way on in you throw away on things that azaoant to C/t-r.' -iy. • •k \V t vt>r of au. tvouiiiii—aud who. by the way. i5 a •Yi?<. ruim I hopes you bears me r.o ma•Yet my honsc and all it contained were life, and reared r.nd well educated a family nothing at all: arid an abundance of fruit • i: i ; j j V^'-aRant suau -wit!.nut causing him lice. mim. for earning iu without place ! at your service. I allowed you to of children,'who. like liuis-jlf, were indus- will save the expense of A heavy meat bill, N:.\\:IN IULLO.VEL:. the -«lig';test u,iea^ine»s ii e ."LVUIH to liav.- I ' i t tlujre was a oung gentleman ride my horses, shoot over ujy dogs, aud trious and steady. For a f;w years pa?t. which is not healthy in hot weather. N* n f- r . ; co desire to Joonopnliz^ mjoitentioi.. a id f.u w t!i you. 1 he had become intoreired ic horticulture; doctor hss been called to set foot into my ransack my irraperie.s ' ; : •? away f-om me th:-t I ,;now " "; ' ' - " ; •. •.- . n ( i i ' a w a v . Prudence, an.l d-jliv-=r my erand both {'or exiTcUa and 'iruuscinent had j door for over four years past. Fresh rip* •And I availed my-df of the privilege, sir. .»' >• .S talc ia say dvspanj. TLosi cidi- jand ' ! your horses, astoni-hed your poiutcrs. turned iiis1 aitention to cultivating his ' one j frui's are sure remedies for1 all ailments, Sri M» :ill i!u',-sc misAi-nhlf. Hi > a ten tion was first called j and they are not hard tc take. Prudence trippi-'l away a:;d tarp^J tvit.i an i riiin-d your graperies. What more j acre farm. : I tva !•> ri-riin n>v Pr in her nails at the study door B«ceiring ItKtvivi-.g no would yoa have roe do I I could'nt empty to this, by means r-f a ' back number' of the ,' JV'r. Chapman put the 'fifty' into hi* vour . - I . ioj I t - i t - r !•! si »:•. . « 11 i n - » ^. -_» :he tva K3^dk:!u- Calendar, who burned theiii-niry rep "•'. she employed her kaucklc-s. and that y.iur collar—I have no head for drinking.' Ncic England Farmer, which was pat j 'wea::el-jjkin,! and left with a 'flea in h'w ear." n t t Coaip '. i* • ' s-vi.-.euce • of AL xv.dr'.a Wk» t" Vi Ui i'Vi-n ::,vrnu.-n 1 1 t!ii.t>T«i.irxii U> ! st-nsible per on 7 producing no effect, she- opened the door England farmer. •You have forgotten one thing in tue cate- round some thi:igs bough t. at the store — we satt - cciv i v - a3-^ i;. '- u-'iir r o popitiii ini. I Th* h-ii-sof A.I. x«»*» r f i t ' i i i v a n\i'< I H SH^KEURP «'a^i ^ . < ' - n - - - B.»r,k -«t Va as ' ^ ilked in. Mr. Brigirs found this so interesting, that gory of vour exploits, sir.' much 1-,,-i, b.e,.i to 1,-^ «['' «« ,,,lj rcry occasion :o compu'e lime, eiuirr in »r.vMuc«- <»r rca _., At tii? r<c?Dt municipal election* in Tera* i \t \! - - - , r -- -he purchased anith<T at the periodical de- theTCnow Xo'h>n?s appear ID have b?en very tue> t h f r :ia u 'Misses savs as hr>;r supper's and " -Name it.' tbe brcik a^'uttVl ha®* ' ' "' ' Jit>r . -' ' 'To dMerrnvae at onrc. anrf »lmo«t at )« . •I -.lid not give you carLi Ltanc'is to mate pot and then he became a regular subscri- cess! i! ioefetring:their candidate*; At Austin, Sin T. A Ttt'cxu. Pr-v: orBatikorVaJleyofVa. a l<>i:g acci'Bi.t ot' UtH^*"1' ? h ; «" you ;ir? waHted diri-ctiy. sir ' 'and ihi« w'.h niieir i C vcriam.y.) t!i.- •: v i ' ; .. ber. His sons became interested in the Aoto ,ie, ti < : T - I < :.. Victo-ia. and Laraca, they car'IX-Il her not t-> wait t';r me,' replied Bol !.,v to my wife.' 1 ions, lie, nl! the m .n'fi <n >>t thr w-rlc. tva*t »«r t'uturf, in the pr ried • very:hin=r. J. J K-;ndricfe was elected M»7Uartfftr('i Firi laseraac* Company, same direction, and iiie ton. without raisins his eyes from the s'lect •N->. miit--;d ! f>r that was my duty to a hand resting on his chia. 1 c--iiturv, <s » df*i.!i"r.i-.ui:i Iv-i nppii-ciaiw.1 bv : L.3va'-a; IJapt. H.JS H. E Boehner, Mayor e otto-, . interest ., . of , . the ,. fa^h ., oorr <ol" ^a^aca^oapi. --.t\-\'.:OTiflTT of stratigth:or.ig!yp!.ies that lay befort him to whom ih<? pr»b:.'tu i^ :> fi -jn-n-ly r r - S T > er ana sons increased to toe pitch indicated j ..t-an,. ? R. A Rtuh^rford, pre'ty woman, neglected uy ner husband:— .- . .MavorofBanrM . . u . - . i v* u - i - i f«J-. 31". : t u r o of i u t - - l i i ; : - n c e a t i r t a t t e itiou .°ba5"^;** , 1 ; , , f h , » f.irarnnnrr /n»i>7 ~untlnn i Ci \V P i ' m r „ , . . . » ; . . ,,. * « _ _ . _ / T V l ! ncss pur-iv. >; an-l ihfre are R I iu the foregoing cotiv r.-atioo ihfir j G W Pa' ihe Advocate. May or of Victoria. Uel'i TO sans dire ' i ^.v—^^^rtfTji^rptnii-l—C-";--r "/;i! I iiske-1 him -.vnaf i;e thought f r.lie \,\^ I ft. rl..-- tabl* -^ toes i i--v.-a- '>nai:y pu ; ih-m te > In time, every men of the aero of ground •,i;,-cr f/" !—• ,- .-_ • -.' M>()r>. er!l:^p•; v'-u d->e*i> t kt;ow as how there's •Sir. you nave abased my hospitality." iutroouc -,i L v tbe Dutchess of Mosiep.-•i.-.e-.-,- ^^f !™Th" cashier ofihe farmers* anil Mechanics' su.-h x was brougiit und.-r th-: spade, and almost '\ ^nng gen'k-ttirii 11 t«-s ' s and n«rful a raii-ndar i-annot •Sir. yon bore me. I would be alone/ :. at Indianapolis, recently ij-campti. t»oin« fur eveningcostame, he replied: -T e soSi Manufactories. MiHs Ma <-;>-rdiiv l",'.i.-h' into jrraeral us . and : y e s — i n v wife s cousin.' •This iuso'ence is too much !' said Mr. every 'best,' variety of fruit had a place with him all ihe ayailble foods. One account lidity of a frui.catcd triangular pri m i = c'u'nerxn e!! -.'^ II •:<**•Stor---, Merchanwild pr fu-b'e t i u i t > . 1 Ivpe io ivs *^»d ii s :er cou-in. sir I was in B-.iitou ; -aiid let me tell you that 1 have there, and the and sot-s foaud pleas- stale? the aoinunt abstracted as high a» 350.0CO, f u n d by adding together ^he ahituues <»f • : useh-'ifl Fnr'iisuri? %'.•«•• S on th-' whih: the Prcsfdeni 01 [be Bank says St will nut at in f >:'-. V'- .'ci-.. . tne three vortices of the i-icliaecl sejtiou. tiaient.'^x^y^M excuse me for th«; stu cocie here to chastise yon—1-3 demand satis- ure and profit in t':e garden after being j ' : • • • • • ' S5.00O. ; ,r which be boUs itia»elf pMSvBlu :-. \- ..- i a •'» -v'!! admit at>d multiplying their 5um by oiie-thitc of brother' **" hopos th:is it was her faction You are a soldier—you know what \ cooped up ia the ship till the ' stent' was aily rrspynsibie Vp;-';ca'i "- '••'" insurance rr-.s done and tbe ezercisa was far more profitthe area cf the base . and I found his bsr.l Why so. that means.' B. W. , he Winchester Virsjiiiiaa stales t:wt fross 1 nev r tells , . Cuarlc^town. 01 had beeu ruuni-g on ?hat jaltry guo n-\.-j •Of Bourse,' replied Mi'Jicsnt. a little fiat- ! able than the spasmodic violent exercise an e.-'imate mftic with soni1? rarv, it would appear In iic absence ol the Ajeni T-.fii rohn "-'11 will anpn.^ attend to thpra :i:rra all the tittiC. taken in games. Ji.tts P. Baowv, ESIJ "••*" Bat I chose to 1> tered. 'Well, we'll see about that—well i ilis\ liie mi lien of Frederick County. Va., have promptly. Persoa- ai a ''israric.' address ihrc-a^b 31 r. Chapman, tho other neighbor, was DOW OB hand, orespectto have delivered whe» •]S«'.w. doa:r MjlKceat. th-s question is— a-j-ac.-iiou/eaid Barrange time, weapons, ai d plice.' ihe mail. are ah e to r^-eive it. not less than 130.0CO bavc 1 lost his heart nr nor, I Th^t is t';e fi'im his paper -I (! es 'Waerever I meet my foe. there I make a man of the -eominm stamp.' He looked tnev 7 bushels o! w!^a' from the crop nf last year. This upon everything new or uncommon as 'folit was her brother ? c mv battle ground !' answered Mr. Boitoo. , -1 , , , - ' , , , >*is aa larger larger SIT-Irinan stick ihan nsaal osaal at Ait period of th« •Cau-e. sir.' •Tht re is uo time nor pia;;e like the pre-ent; ly and • bonscLS-J, and was ready to sneer ye,r. and ,-, atrri&atable' :o«h( !he low condition of the ' Answt-.r!' :and for weapons, here are a pair of hair trig- at every one who stepped rsida from the j niflhiig strfam«. 1 pref-r not to' said the silly to Tn-DorMT? L^l^oPe: f • gers ;' and he produced a brace of duelling common track It Sooted simply . Pe.vsfos farv. — ^..-i- ag jje 5p0|;e him to see a man stay at home irotn 'mas man irora 'masSuthf rland. the president cf S»;hpr!and. uf iihe late r.a:kma^ <o», • . « % l i _ t ^ t " .,.:,« ..I > i • fu-are; anJas snob; 1 recoramt-nd Mr Bolton ros ai;d took hold of m th? <ol Jiers ot'the war ol I»r9, is will ia dl1 cried Milliccat. turuiDg pale; ter,' or -training,' or shows,' and spend hi.« vrntion Boot and Shos Manufacturer, ; tion as I :»ro ingeiiieas in planning ot :ti- u at \V.i?-hin?ron, sn^. it is stated has wriuaa to Philsharp shou'der time in cultivating a garden; or instead of iv •Hr-.-ittjr iht? one in-: 1 >sed •carrying a jest too far Mr Bolton, *o v.> . tcv fie\p'-iia ;ba! t.V bcnntj land bill wili pass theTica doors ms< <•'] ih- Hf/i-'W Brink. - L - t m ' i go. sir!' said the handniaidti,. tri'Ai\^* I liave beet' playing a cruel loitering awnv^the evening at the store. ( i,..,. ' VOE, too—txcu^o m-^' for flattering— to 'be &r . to m-- I [• tn i-i ; r\ H,. py byaa ,.,,„„ i^-gc7mfc vote, and J»* al»> ezpreiwea a A > j n ; n-viv^o fa:F ' t i a d Winvr BOOTS ARCH'D PIXOX. eli-irpiy -1 m not used to be treat ,-d lu I e ! the wildest little ruaicap living, and Uiat A>D SHOES <rrrbracin 2 r r . - r s-v p : nc! n<> soV\\\i^ I aia not what I seem ; I am smoking, and hcari ig or telling a deal of j «Hjfi«rni; ppriion thai'»: pass tike Boose cf r . » E waanigcr'jr If I am -i servaut. I has niv size. solcc'fH with »r-ir i-B - "xt-f- s v '•. 111;*^ r | marriage h^s net :auied yon in t!ie lea-t; liat wmnaii' ^^ **u—out a wild, self-willed nothing or worse tn spend the evening at j : i »-i=>i-i-:,- ! i-. <ioo-c. oi.iy tauiiht you tbe Ot COllC ri'.l. 1g home, reading euch 'r onsense' as the Farmer \ 'A WOOITV* IT.u'i/ser, tt»d Ck'is .>/ <ic k-'. Thr p u W i p arn inrttsn' •sav.—The Or : iav.'rab v your t-eti'-i-.trtcitiss Y a "!)--rveK" said Mr B»lt»u. c as h-> »s tatlr >->.'-•: • ' ' w-H p.-i.-m Didn't you. tt the awl Horliculiufist .iff rJj S-nn. •>" ii-.-h -.Mr.- iin-a mnjoritv of' fiisioaiau "haa difcrtnl. C-»-.'J. laugh •Thisill^-t.jn. w-it'u a derisive 1 «•! H tha- •' < ~ v oth-r ••staMi-hnvr.t sr.tiug dowo. -that yi=u \rjs:',d the v^n.l-r iNCC»sr«-R N> renat-ei 2S 'fiSS b.ia.rdiug scutivl. out t-f revi-ug'. for th'.- sji-tr Years pass, and Mr Brisss'' one acre i.Tirn N"--! lh? Sr/Ki/i"'- in Ci'i>?r;ss from that Slate n.iri!?r dent JL-geunity. ?^*>««iieajee of impa t nt«>cir. in tv..;i C ?--om your .\5 'a i >t d- hi ui :.% b-pn nv wife s brother k'ou i^i.u puuit*, deceived in jt^"1^ boj^s of im- farm' shows that he- :-nd his boy? have not t.-i T:,r • '\ft th- rep(*ii of ;hf fa^itire sjave lavr.. and .m > i , Ci>i.J I""«' ••» o-i " ' " " i * »ih - i shi.- kepi us. . . .sKfv.t . . . . -.^ c.....iru.':i.s SIR: manoer. and for a >r> prr.hib : -!?v-rv in anv of the lerritoti* »--.-iiracv. auuJ-b«v« OM n- — ! aiue Vuiaigrt : s parr-jt uud coiopsl th c _>•:. • •:•! t ' o nieauiDg. or leave the room—I blindness and indifLr JU^.^««ft2 of mv read -the papers' in vain. Tbey h;:ve learn. and J»T ciji!!y Kar/«-as ancf in saving i: may .V reii*i on ID rtf'Ct all il hia iGdiffttrent which.' ; on paiu ut being horse whipped, to se -vij it ed how t ) ?et oat z tree, and bow to -take cape by an incredible MT \< is an in ina-nii-us. ci-atripro.His»-> to accorapii-b \< •\Vell.» r,—it'I mu«t speak out.—I thinks take your weapoa and jour <^y F.>rtv-li-ve boaus. taden with salt, «t*rteiT claret sauce t Did ji u \ ' nn her vntb yi u r-ot Care" of iv after it w:is set out. Everything up to lur vance whkh wii! ctten i« attended wsh tnir-n sa- rr^HEsnij^criber is prepartvl'o i he farf--'m v.-i.rk» in ihi* couaiy oa ihe 1-th Intiant. — T 1 'l:at when young gentifetnen has their aria# eab'f t'"« business mrn -s.ihl oVandower's •ho .ved it received tbe rig'-ij kind of food We ri-sr^t 'Mr Bolton! glm^ed rvil Mr. 4.'»*. » t»ti.vfcv•»-w* « melon — fpatch t *j x-»ue PL A: , rob J. mer^ w'fi anv sjnoapit't' :r^«S >.' iearn that i»n ortwefre of them str>t» i.':»oat ladies' waisc*. a .1 theai is atarr'ud a an c: t( - oc. ;iMoa for the infomiatioo TER .at S7.7& t*-r ton The cash and ihe bas l why rehearse those exploits? alarmed, nm „„. not ueeeiri —-\ ^ * *- and >tr--iiglitway began to bring b"f re !h'"v ha';J 30. -.e any coDsi'*erab!e diKtaaca - 7 'T- .._ esir they ought to be their wives, or 5 ru 10 m f mosf aeci-mp mv each order -rin- tiuie seems auiu..| for my now. I anj your friends wif e - l am^X^* ^ C ' ee s for good cnltivaJion. In down !f:e rfvrr. Ten only jrct to ihe mootb of th* Very re*-pecu'u! Iv yoar ob^di uas-way.v ;hetr si ters,' E M AlSQ.riTH tiaie the w::n! ? liver. The reMrftie are h ins at the banks In difCOHfJttot aS « -ar u r old Uiu Fremsli l i c i - v i i teaebrr »t<«i.uv» if^rii Millicent MarsaJ of whose mad'freaks , V^* t"c family were ferent "JOS. H places. The !<•*» mn=-t he rerv hearv. 'Dm; h ' so taisyouus gentleman had his i-.ave doubtless heard so mncti. O. if m^X *^*° 'Applied; ''aad«ftbe u/ IFxei :i*rr .-L.V Yiur hc*ba«il is r.way—yen mlisr, surplus found s=..-m round Helen s wa Bt." A T 108 A L L bastard were Biily here, he would confirm 1 '^S*****-»«h tiie neiglibori at good TI AVE r-- eivpd a FM^IVO-'D KinnenrV n»n- ne';ij5 b; lootily—coaie to Lindea V lia; — Vv'ovV ACCEPT.—The Washfng'f.n SfDtfneI*n. •I se:;d it with.inv ow& eyes, sir ' the tnjt'-i of all Iliave stated !' | wATan-cd to l^r sapej jj . jo\i m ist not come as Miliioent M irsiay. fflt |v ii'.-'jri<:.-- by an'hiirity. »bat aider DOcJrcaa«»t»Be«» f WM.L. •Pshaw • he's only her cotsia 111 go IndiansAn.-r*r| ^ -jai^nt cavalier, iare<3i h i t b ? r b y •Ton bear her, Marsay!—come forth r! -«. %^BO ric'i and temptQt as a rior to will Judge Doa.jlas accept a Presidential norain*. •j^ht d. wu to scpp^r' f!Ction! ! •i.ppUs cried Boltoa. And Mr Edward Marsav-i and . J.. so green j tion. ' j tba attrmcuow of my brigut eyes: UM » M fast a3 wi Mr Boltott w»i* ?«*y atteutive to b s wifs stepped forward from a scfeea of bushes ! ««» CUrt of tie Circuit Ccxrf, pears; they went i T<mrself in short, bat as j-jur brother l],cs . it, the table, bat not so ittoum« ss toe ciclat, which hid scrretl to cunceal him. 'Do T0« ' ^S0* »t To J. TIPPING, Esq », out. down like oaripe fmit,Iflguld ripen you 25, ' iUtvnoJ is, tbo West Point <*^ T< R tM .J«Baary *,!«». The wife cf Deacon Aiao* >hut« ; a piece. 5ba d-rd a! tSa.i.ler c«>t from £S r *' " i \ \ H E U £ itav w ut&Br . L-* an* —iieedv r-«i f* ^ V «ji- l->r <»<t iiri??'»- ComplafntR Gie< - jjj-i-.- *S$L£ r\?°^ ™? ' M I S G E I I i A J Y. r 5 1 ; f 4c f 00 T v 1 *, * . , ^ T H • .1.4 I ' I In u| ^^ r \1 XHtqmhi free Press. [Foe the Ti -LET JUSTICE 15 E IRGINIA FREE PRESS A2sl) FARMERS5 REPOSITORY. o:y Frt»Prt«. OV DIUSATIC SOflE-n. : 5Ir. Stnart presented Our D••mocratic- coten-? ar:M. are all very In the S:NATF. on tae I>gi*!a;ure ot XI ithiyan x • hnert, rtc i v j . . _ - l s V - - > < J T ;h^ Js macaopji>s.fil to Secret S i-i-.:ii's. Toe F. YOUNG MENS' DRAMATIC aOC!& At the CoBveiitioa-o.' Oi.. S.-Mi.-r-- recently held j a jo Stch, Mcs«ai. EDE-OHS, » the rautksa tf w ar-.ids Senators and requests Repre- ft' in ' i ! i sccrti 135-j -uti?a ft »?•; :ien "or ;r.)iiti-.-al par- ia WfebingMn. Geo. Cooroi*. <>l K-.-ntneky, was I TY OFCaAKLESTOWN,itjosire»p*ctralI • • Tn- r '.•-•?>.,' a> f,< >wsi I a f.t« fa*t i«<af of your paper; acs-J we r-s;Kad to "A> i.-cs"~io us*- their best excrric:.>:o prcviite the tbe Sinaie— Sewud IS D;CK.II-»O 5. ^Yl!l T A!- IT annnaucetothe Lsdiesand Gentlemen, mat tke^ po*os,is fcb's-jTent to ihe-e -. • •: w •rter." by fsr-n: -let j-u-.iee I* done :** «rr, aod i Ctiiirtnan cf the C Mini- e-o of an act prolibiting tt.e introJ-jction or I s-vv anothrr p»'rJormance on men wbo i:buccs to tcrge:. it it ait; -t e.'try it-sis- a::.: ; e >:>i- * I e < h : Hoo^f— St-warc S9 let tbe i-4 »'< truth be tali. It ii u eriaii-» tow t .os, «nd a speech in J-Q?: or. of ttesi. from | xisu-nce of slavery in "ny oi" the territories, espe!ati«ve«'jrn* held far the D< caccrai;-: taensbt r r P: iinsoa It. Seyajcar 13, Unnt'J ai-U i i >caiterThursday Ectnixg, Febmary 22nd, 1855, ; a part cftli«- troth—is order tlat t i J t w h K h w j cially in Kansas anJ Nebraska; and u> introduce ihe VJic-.itia Lcgisisiuie : \ - . - ..- «a>a«c- i which we ilhi f.'l o -i - : On which occaoton will be presented Colmut mar ftrrr Jo create ffn'tt aaprvfdaa. 13 the pr.ii»e cr ball be j without delay, a bili for the latter purpose; andalcrrfcoac! re;ihat<-rery Ci« t Hi a* el^iei* De :: eelebratrd Piay cf our [ i jury of «J iaJiv-.'niJ—a» to •««• po-itiri- «ratm ' — i ' l-atUi'-al -ttKtUty' has to.t; que . M . : (feat! t!-.<? . -0:n u i . thptjvr iai:i the act of j Mor^aflA V.\Xi.\^ c. >'. "ore Democratic irirnJiioi the* -r co f .oc ed iisseheme* j ei the fugitive slave laur. to »-:i V.i . wa <.« royed £>v tire. '.>--:he'*->re:iii-»»-wefc*T< cor tufci&i oe:ar f, sod . ai-U M THE IHON CHEST $ .etJeeonns: t,.f that'.be "T::: TM '.-' S ••.itfjf" Mr Cass addressed the Senate in reference to j th-iD any oi.6er Siate iu the no* f .r the letter cf "A» Oiwerrer." ; ^ . the savages, first prom utgtd tht-coctrit t; whitli thete iny-nc ions. SnX-.raEi a!ly, he said, tha: I <sap!c areat Monk *rest from \\Vwid not » i«tr/r«l«uon. i*<l cotstrw-Jcn of Tit P. HONOR ABKE 3irRDERI!Ih >J H r r i o d , tte .k<-uta wr ba» t-f Natiu:. i. Ucmocratic P ua- a Ffee boaes oi her MO* w^re left pb:eaca oa every *-aen some yj ar=, a?o ihe Lesi>!ature of Michifan hU Irlfrr. jottify th? i-fer-fx--, ibn Mr. F mite.;.- had »t After which a beautitnl SO?.'G. tbc-e Or llir 16ih u'timo. bv Rrv. \Ym L. Marphrv. Mr. battie-BeJsl. trom Bar-.aers ti^tail to the glorious :' insl ncted hrr lie "gation in Co.-.gress to vote 10*madr diliee t .o^-Trr-to c-tcrtiia tike »o*t reiutleperHot far; ;cr :—:": i- r-r.f '_ he ' -tMiescf the par- vicwrv en the Ttararf. V.'Iut right, then, hid the Wtlrani Proviso, hesaid hesbcald resign wbeu T 10.VA5- MK>!<;F.!.L.'OI u-ud-.u-.i. and .M;>stTDiA To conclude with the much admired and mirth . Mr. W. I ,f tbr L". S. .'.-jsary j tT, :: fur e . e r v «on !cr the cfaee I -' ; •.tiange-rs. feicn?, aB'i paa>'r> t.->':3 across th^ ! called npoa tc act. Tbe legislature, however, le- A J.CN'K!>S. . f Fairf-ix coui.ty . provukine Diauia of BCI B'wJrr .. . • -n't- for cr • W.l.'lcwc? j *I>* b»-*s» t J-usr^on, laa ie pr.ser.t deuK-cratic O:ean. to come am3»tsre vur h?rira»e. while old ' pealed ibe-* instructions, and at lt>- i pi.ff ; «-J ti« » id thereto:e be did no\ j \t I.-,vt.t:»Till -. by R,v G. H. Mania, Mr JACO3 TThi- I'srir, »?rd..e. !<«•. rxft*-? THETOOrXLES. ] -)f?aciza:-i'n i> nei;h?r ic( v or It is :<:in t a r ^ a n i e •iere poor aud [Grrai ap :e-i2n. Ee sheu:d DJ«- n eilher follow tbe*e i&- \ Ai^OLDai.d :tli» SARAH E. \\ IRE. a:i . fL-^ud un. AL.: -.-_«. ij not Mr. F'l own letter. <P»b J^T1 Ai'inist-ion 05 els.—Deors open at 6J o'clock far hark- U«nt. .*J :!.„• D^-a>o«T«-j- in ii€ •>artT wh> h t a s rxUtf.1 *i'ce th* f ;st 1 Taian^n OM the Colh inline, by Per. Atdrrw RoWr, JOHN p!au?e J T:n~ c.jaL:r;.-*i i.tree i* f&e asylum s-trociions n'.-r revign. and he proceeded a». week? flzri-,-) in » bich h- falercrtd the 'o: :n» oppre<»» T . . -Sll-LMA.N *uJ M:.v* MARIA SWART, al! of —pert'ormar-iv to commence at 7 o'clock. Front rsltsy «S»]r*, in '!" E • : - ' - tamiacr. II* appear, Ppress-dof aj: ca«i»ris. whea drtven'fmin lsn:;;a to slate fai.s rcss-jr.?. ihetr tjuke of ih- S..e m-in! effect cf se!«::io? seats for the Ladies. An Officer will be ia eitenibeaigam nt iet us aiiff. t ,bis pjx;--«M:Hc-• mn L a cut'.. their ra;ive land by-ri-. .-.-«:ism. bat those to €«»;•!• r :; -i Cc;;. . Ev-ia:cr»cj ha« e oa Be .«.a:J —TK" .'emccratic party h;u\ k-si th^a dar?c^ iii-.t"-ii>f j ol order. o*n cntBher to rre»ii-; aver them—of the pnpr.'tly cf j -re t h?t K t j- •.;-'. ry • t t! c »>J Ihe ITl'i ii!:i:no. at Arcola, hr Eider R. C. I., s.-hwho jousht it had no :i5ftt lo take our real evtate ceadacc- in Michigan. Th-.-se tesoluiions result ia, K.'.'nuH i»J- rctnrt : '• •.:« f-r.ocr ^i!of«Ferrnarv S. IS.'-j !ic appciitatrui apoc a Hr^r-tcn, Humid of i farmed on .t-r the ao^! o: llr. Jef-.-'fon in «»f«iTi-.e the i m:D, Mr BEVK.RLV C. ROEsSfiAU. uf FaiHat C. and t!i-.-i.,e it amjn? inewseirej, *ri:*j'*ipazins far I: . ' .- •• i tQKr&K'. to :l •• ;<- j!^ cf th* ctsoa of tae new pan.- there. 1 ;uu r.i-vv ; u , ;n , M .., C A r .[ARlNK ISASilULA LEii, oi Loe• .Vi?;A.-T« mm, &-., :-.a--c f.roml the b.j««icn that [ We qn.Ue : <nn tt,? f.rsr v. :nt •: :!.•: ::>• - .;!ijn. acd gar-.ra vt or. • .r. -.iji [A \vduse J " 'r.-tructed to WU 10 depnve Ameiican M»(e:i. 1 the c*»try i^r^'l <h^« i' ps-t i«4 gone.— Vl d"i»irccujtv. ,.; s, Virjiaiaa; v-;^.;..- a»l ,,,ifi.,i . ;! V..". ie pn.-frrrtJ a roccUia o tl-it .,.,«_ iiua— I cf.Marsl»ai:'iLiteoiAVa " b^r, accL-r3|A.« ;b? d-rc:nne nl r. > • ' - th? territories cf the po'*er to rt^n-ate tbeir rrlaf he e»< i-aid, i.-.d fc«-|.rr:a" •'S v.»!i a i-rihearrivafct ilr. (1:0^:, a Drt-cr&tAt the C. S. Hotel. Frederick city. M.I.. o i the Hth EI.\Tth-»- Ba>etnent RiKitas'' CSovre.' VTwIJ acy b-dy fa.->frase iroci a raw c.>-^Hn fi-biVn * h i ; e t h e v l - tions bet'.vcen masters an;l servant.---, anil to vote for Ultimo, of IK-o-y V,-. by tUv. U 11. .Mania. Mr. PETEI1 A. F K V i:: Sjt'ai'J *•»*• l ' r i i i - i •. ]':. i ' t p.'iia which ur.T:I th'T f oca fcr the to Ui ihr f Hoiei. hav.-been ne'.T'-.-tiiteJ ^cs wh.i aesoia^our sea-Uvru. jQrics the c!t! .-i c.r Iha-e ictier-. tti: Jhs ajrpo^tee wa* IK.' Sir. >! :hjt!»;iti7'e slave act urhich passU d Ali-i M . V R T H V \. COST, both ol Loud, un s-retu"- ii» liT'e ' • '.-it (.V*i r.-. ioJ educati^. He S"?'»oo ahijh and ihe subscribt-r may bt iuob-J. daily di-pfr-iri; intertill tf a: 1S»" aii .\lJig?, and saw j ed to guns efi&cJ to a solemn guarantee ofth-'conF.'*,<«i choice? A»d coaM any body rrallv u:.agine 1 c f P a r i ? : 2 ' 'tant c i r c u i Al the sani-> \ me :m*l p'aoe, by ihe same, (.•EORGE cc •! L:i: ia) Uxi t -.- c '•-! ihir.gsi-i ibis iii'e, t o a i i who patronize him, """ Ksritackf«r6«.!jer sor/.i^rs massacred i sti'ution. I sh»H neither obey these ins-tiactions \ . ! R E a n d .V.i»; SARAH A. SPR.NU, belli oi LJU that 4,- ,\<ji c nar'.':ttr* no* t'.prfrin.!rd f aaJ thai tb-:- only son. sr.-J a liberal cosin.- raiio'i t l i" a H -.vir.s: lately 1 Bsltrmorf, where he made tt-"'. j-a.'.eU.Si.i ibi? vi.Jtias whj.fif ;d ihe Cspi:» 1 n^r resign my seat. If a politira! partv \rhsD«rer d :u i c,.iH2tv. rcM T. c-!,y t Maj-a.:!.aactt'J Yaatc* is not now . i t the seniimenis. were though; t ra'•:--".p.fir# to 1 .• t'"rnishoi da:iv, he is now pre-. We lave beictcfcrc iat^m&iti! cor tel>f, tbongli : A i sh.- >a:uc f'Kf. S-.- ihe >atne, WILLIAM P. HILbead of the eitablithaeatu. because Mr. Tyler irouIJ p(-li;ica: p. !;OL with vbi. :'..e \i-z'. r.--^-^ <rf acd r'area- in :he street the :yp?s and presses, and or by wha vver c«in',.inr,i;oT< i; a^ainspO'Ter, .^an horot tbe bocks cf th? National lEteliiseccer, by a i-nropel iii opr>3nents uoldin? legislative (rusts to I F.UV. I'.-rti t-rU cf ButkettsTi.te, Md., and :isi AX- r«ared to Serve up Oitftrs n an v way b» the Can oa *£ r fti«r.d« j«tir* ti Te »rr ra--'*Ura, very fe» a<* aftfft.'.' Here permit me to »ar. in paren be*J3, otherwise—ard rvervitjiiisr 'he markets arfhMl ni .•-•-.-.- . simply declaration ol r'tettio* to ix-come Ame-i- j violaie !ln:ir o i!i<=cieni-€» anrl con^is'ency or rcsi«-n J r: LOCKER ot LoveltsTilte. ,-lboU .Vr. V.'t^s. Tbry »rc tbe | wl.Tre=. - - ^-; . » •. d lo eat a n ' drink served in unexceptiurtbia that I eutertain the warmest feeljars of reyird fo.- Mr. i in C.ub WAS their p.^-i ion-i: wrntd radically iffect ihe orsanican ri'iz.i.r, •> ill rai'i.-''! them have one On Ih-i5th uitimo. bv Kvr. Mr. Brasncier.DANI El. r K~a ikat t.Ur «;irU ever Mv'e O v > t e r j Jin ^heil. S'av and1 si.>ot-Kroiu. 'ui w.; b; • ;kc ' ° ' " fcoritr <-( 'r.e Clowe, asd preferred hiao to any ofthe gentl.riaen : amed zitio-t of ibe Senate, and be incocipa'.ib'e \vj-i •:= STALKY ami Jii« HELKX AGATHA LICKLiUEK, aad six; v acres t f l a i i , w hi e the gallant nii ilia He hopes his friends will Mil show him the Tlijt i* erujr.-d i:j ii c M : .. .. '• 4&mt ' ?a<-e -"< (•race as ibe rt-pr*senta:ive branch of th? sovereigndaughter of Sir. Henry L c'-c i:.! -.-—ail ol Jt-tTefsca. Manoal»( • ' » * « . ic c-ai.'i<-ct:-ti with ihe position which was avsijrnrd to "f Xjv.Vert and Vrf-utit, who helped to d i.-.' !i"ht ol their countenances." assarance that tbe e rjt!U3ti.i:ic S-'Ci'.-rres •dc,j>t«l« «nfj?«> ya.:» t i . l ' t iJi-cngfc • • • ' They ty of the Stall?*. Tbe Senate vi-o-j';.l loio every i?»the Eisli-haa.. tir-ir sarase allies at Plait1 --a. I 2>.-.'i«.» e iha! he wiU fill it worthily, and 1 thini JOHN W. GALLAHEll. r• V V i t i twl w l at a t sra. s chnr.icterisric oJ permanency as the power WAS - !! \Vi!!i e. gtn- j burs, (th- Sirau^a oltiie >ec..nJ war ot In •rrm ra jtrclcr ec:;v«rU orer II -• v. -1 <iyfd D-m <r»t< 1 kuow him wei! cacn-h to assert thai hii inaif c moj. D i e d : Sp:. Febrnarv S ' *.' . "» : :ial iiistritf : t " !> raoc transferre:! from one party to another. This would ' • •un.--- the d.-nc-.) ibeMarflaRtJiain-Jte-men.-vhoimii '/hi*4i»» l»«on prrrrr ia c«r 0"n <" .-r.^;•vho imnsortslciiy T.?.iU C3u»e him tc ffcriak from beii»- |i,e subject OtstheSfhh cf Jwnary, in tliii pl*rr, Mrs. ELIZA '. ;or b operate sijain*.! the democratic party, for th.-ir oprhn!.!i r ih ii meetings in >-- ;.-. • .h-j, M .: ve <"at \.\ih P.-ir-t: the Pennsylvania Pennsy H well 11 ia «rrrj! other*. Let «J tilt * If To the Patrons of the B P.VKKEK, wiU- n»" Mr. Thi'iua> I'urkrr, tbruierly ol orneM^.paperccmaiiat, or coatrov r « y ;. j|u. thtf j^,,, cret. wnen -oarcfJacJ «-• re r-OI2 lUand r«v» DieaQizaiicD-i w. t. .;.,,;•»..* r -nn r,.i ^.i P*»TV •e-;s ,\vao.h'l)>ei Perry tr. to innih;i!5i<«: a n n i h i l a t e the eu- po- ent« do not recogatz^ the right to instruct. AIsffadUBatts, ; jcj 56 years a/i.i 11*. 'Honl.-rtrna W h i * In lS8*~J»irly t j must be tolJ. "Lvt j i--_!c; '-,. ,i ;-t../' p-Tfecte-d in se'.rr: - . .- : u- , - n The inte'irap: p.-.^i-rmtion whi.h is advccated ''SPIRIT OF JEFFERSON." einy i'a L^-e Erie :«.:•.! ih L > ii-irmna, Tennes•Mi -i.JcmSK.V \Yhip ia 153-1 that they wouM not Ho the Isl i. «:»n?. at her resiJesce ia \Viichi-Siter, y I !.,,k>pon Jii. a)- j, r5rt4_ ^ j m j <erkbl( . <, r , r , n c.iua^ i*.siil|pq ' .. ; . '. . * s*e, anil Ki-nsneici^Biiitia. \ r hj.i'i:;it ;t :iji 'er Jzi !r- by the r.f. R- r- 3r! >'r wou.'d exclu-ie .from political T ha< now Lcen several months since the antierT0t» H« **• ^r-^_ _««. H« — ~" ~« S*^> ML. A N N E 'i I C K i i U , \»it' cl the lale Juiise Hp^:ty w a . - f i r e l — S f a v it . . ' tne fiisi General w h o f i - l r a t the head of S t . G . Tucker. i SDn at Nfjr Orlt-an-. w i;ld «ti bus forty acres coufidcnc'? •t up tc.'c; f-v Mr. Z'^.^Laer : to keep fcr::ver n the ceoo;b WTiig" fjr th -«a ! M«4e in I**JO wai a Itadir.; Kizned di-p^ed ot the office ot the "SpiiuT cr ; ' :ia o-gin Z'.-d Am?r;c3n army at tiaehec. be^a-i^e I, about cnougL k.r a iiarJen and gtave-yard. j£rr^B.-oN," in hop-s it would enable him at once W b f . So WM Join M. r-tton. These men all <lcj mirid' of th" J-eciilc. the aurmory cf the things he H: tlie 3Ut jltimi, STEPHEN PLEASVNTOX, j T A L K I N G 5...\riSUI.:-:. II? solemnly prottsted K:jai:«s: ad such isiqai- he was b::u across th Atlantic; ?.n I the^ l,i-t sar1,, ~ t tile up its buboes* which had been accnmu»ert>»2 ihr H'tigs *nd I»»T<: cxsi'.ed by the Oo:.e fcr Ihcm. The press at Washington hai been vivinr si :ner of the Declaration of iBilepeni'en.-e t "i= me.isures arnich\rcretieoeraTlv thtbaiisnteJ lati.i" for i. n years. Tn-re have been b.n tew. inStslrMn t!iT:79 h yf»r o! his »4-\ after a •-!<• « 'I'"'--' The r'ai; aemiors o! t!.; "\II-~ v;.i L'_'>'a'»-Jre eeran orcr the beadf of the oM lincrj ! So tb-.t '.Vise, throwlnjcff nftc (diti;ni of the docnacul whieli eora3 n aces n he \vr.s a (Jy.b.'!:c. The adoption of fi'a->r ,v -d" cotuparati ve. who hive been srenetous enoujh I v ambitions :Doiiticians to " i ^'-o r' ' On Thursday la«', ia \Va.-hiii3loa city, his Ejcc^U-utenders! the aaoiination f. r t" lit* i &ates S-nator CDt-iaorafrs tte honor? done him here, a year cr two McCoinu rrM L^cock, are doslily de«r to the ijcmsc! r^\rer \ V h a would have reen the fcte ot th? inea:--jr'.' reronmended oy the Lt'gis!a:\ire of .Vi- e.vS.-n..r Dcu'F^LiiT. . M U L i > O , Minister ot ^.o.-ta to come u rward ana liquidate their accounts, raauy to »ith I Hon. Mr. B;tc?, i f S ; . >;tii:; I . his letter uf Ci»i £':•-.-o'!*• 13 ii it.••;• -ni: "' p nsiooin?tkepoor rbiyan vo'jid be a signal for brea'iin? u p Jii-s Rk-3, GiMletnaU. auil San Salta-J-T. since. Un-ier his//an.t, tbe maj» are burlbea from the very fccl ihit itcy wcr« Oace \Vliig».— cf which have been standinz tor years, aad tie a,! «-;trv:v •:-. f Gen. \Vf>hin!rt"-"'> bare-looted sol- K07erMm;-nf. and the dissolution oi '.hi- i-urf- ileroi-y. muut't out in>i:;niU-ant lo th-m persoually, whilst At hi* resiJe» « in \Vas'.«ii>,'loa city, 0,1 Fridaj last. declination, Mr. Bites s-ajV: them: thpr are Hacking every part cf tlie D strict, y know lh»t the culy jray to hoU nich »lit»pcry Ther. nr • i n a r y honest men who scout all idea of 0( aitl.uniiiati i. "' tne L'0-««'i-. ^'-^ *. """ ' ll""?s' i; i- Mir alt to us. (Ht-rs who marcn •! aa •-h D.-!.-.\varten 'he ice, T which, at ihlspcrtin^ar juncture, is i(:^iific<int f icug.'j. " M v p. cur. ia.-y circura'Mrii es i!:0'i;!i M c h a s to folitkiim i. to give lSi«a ttc bft»t |-,|ace« ! danger and are ptepared to sacriSoe tbe structure JUH.\ W M A t : R Y . in ihe -Itilh vear ot his age, leavIn i!i- h oe. therefore: oi a speedy settiement of enable me tn ftel cuinf' r :;. • a-.! i i: • p« nJeut. are and miiir-d iti.i'-e hritlui 1 v:^i'>ri-s ;it Tr»D!on and ' I l:---i'i!v:!i tr. one overpowering i;«>pujse. Petiiion* arc circulating here (which bear the ni'rre of lli.t we tacrely bcgta this ar:ic!c to slate «.hat Mr. , u - /vv ,!„«• au-i •* ;.- ek»Mreu tire sons ai..l *• v^-.j tli-"-' hR'! 'iu- • •'•'••'rv.' our }i'if>!'t our a.-, i-u .;>, uv ,-h.,il st-i.d out to those nt our disnot su-jj as 8o wairai.t u > . i n a l j ; , - i 'lin;: my pri- l'i ii).-..-'i'n come who n^ver ligned them,) inritiag him to I ccome WI.-E ba« pircn the gotd people notice that he mfrms I -hsl femrin in the position I am tritil the end d^hl,-r>. n.e ride.-t a s.-n twenty-iw.i year* old. uud lant subscribers wi'.b wbom we have had no settlcri'.'i amniu:!>ie H f-iin< ir.k • ,'".«..i'ayi'm! us ! vate pars-uit. ."nJ dev-iin.;n 1 nsy lime and enera c^^JiJate for re-election ; ant! the ?rrat --virroav *o bavc theoi taxtd until tbcr i-voct and groan ! Arc Th u .,- G . :hi"!? -wi- -• d ' • • i.-i .-• i^h 41 i;j • »'. in-.- t-T.n unless the democracv of Mu-h'S-tn tli.-'y.:u:i 3 e*taaan-:ni^ beuveon ;wo and three yea.-s innu >i;ue A;>'il ISaS, a Circular tVr their in.=pecEI.-S t j -tie p lUie service. ;;• V.'hcii 1 v.-i-y" ! i -••.'i!l r'Q'iire ra" tn act against iry convii-iions of f--.--.TZs.," to bi sirc« him .ho'tly, will Jocbtless facilithey rcvly f . r tuck a mult r Arc their j-ookets preiu.ii w h i c h u e h.ipe mav iiulu-e ih^m to remii us ^^ ,—.... -—•. urn ambitii. J u^ an active r>r - ; i - ' l c . a I -.v-. -i .: tiave I'T.g'h !an ! hreadih of ihe an ' i .«n upri^in? t. e!- duty. AVhat iear. abc.v% all thinrs, i* ;bat ihe u! I. i,i h • A'Jierican i?ait t . r b u k ' - u - h crving tate the buiiae^-s aail tc-nd to forestall the sctio . of a at once :he money thry may consiUer due, or their pare! for to ittoii; a drjiletion ? led ine f) sa riiice much hf liui'j and comfort lor i-iy p-npli- nnv K» struck with judicial blindle« wi'h no;e lor thr- amount. Conventisu. We- hope that Dem'DCra's will hav< peneI or;'.! 31 e iu o r a n <l a • tbe p r i v i e g - ol S»•!• i :j iht; 'ii,''i p';i-e< "f II j ,-•((.-:; " '.*•!,! -li n - n . i n s ar> |-ii"i<hed fcr national <>flVi •-•-;. U KOUM'V 1..VN0 IJIUL. The ac<onnt< of sct^cttbi'"? ar.d adveit scrs m Thf-r i - a pectt'tiar si?ni:lejncv -in 1 apprnpri- an tration caoHgh to Dodentmd this nus dt gum,*, and public iiie. But I was loi:j: ago cun-.i i ' f : b a t i»! iVi-i 'i' ti) ilio melanc'i >!y list of ihip^opli; J. initrtrd . not earning i'ii* and il.o L.'J- inii-sr Ccnnties are ready ;..r settelleciual in:i ady (.-u near ;c,;in to pa. r riuii?m )ard, atece^ss in tlie above, oomin? as •.: lide*. fn>m an wiio !ia' .no: wi^dosn enoush to appreeia e iht- va,-, -f!Vf i not In crcrbirsc as ;hry-.rere befure. f r squat* of ^i ii«/iiwri/ljn«, !« bill, afur i:..l.-f»ti.; ; LIe cffott* on the part < tiemen:. and we hv-pe moslot them will save us tne i.' . n z once ~o ifaoruuuhly l»'ait n E- to ma'<e me < !' v leran w h l has reilsred hono T'O!P -erv! • •<;•• nl H - ii>!i:-j inns, nor virtue and firmness tititiaes. PUILO VERH'AS. trouble aiu exivn^e ofcuilectiag in person. This O, was j>»««e«! by the Senat<! os Munday, by content wilii deleai. 1 for ii-iati !y I . M t h e desira, • n .:;ali D oiainiain them. , Feb. 3, 1:55. per iec his lile—and ji..t; ed not In- li'n d i i 'much,, r, may te. >aid. tbai we >hall espect * Tote ol 30 to 15. The Senator! from Virginia voted BS I'SIVEBSAtLV KNOWS— fur for pnllic >:s lion, alonsr -v::h ibe p "ver to ob-.ain : Mr. S;aat: sa«l " sufficient unto the day is ihir sirinly true— !:i mdizolioti is the pan-nt of a 1 ihe money a; «"<*> as n fjr.ce of his country. H; Itnow* v.-^ia . it co-t to : i t : and ever &inre my parpdse h:-. be-?n scttlvd %raii«t it, beeau«f- it contained some provision* beyond M \HIUAGIi evil theti'i't When the proper t mt> comes 1 shall proiKjrtiou or tli ial diseases. Dy.-entcry, dMir : les'.-ue the We.-tern iri ' t::.' n ^ ' i i l v « r a > p n l never airain to exliaast my ricri'i-'.in 1 waste my tho«: embraced in the uitrui tioas of ihc Vitgiaia Leg5 h"prep3~ed n art Unti'l then, think H it is ununn, Ii tninK ,! ••: -, mortiu-i liver Complaint, aud many other . cholera other u.s- i The Clerk of ihe County of Frederick issued 9S better teriiim*- in toiisosne t f.' >rts (and ;->erhap> '.am trig savages, and theirscracel/ less barbarous a l l •_•- litv -s--ir.' to ti-i.uble the Senate . UB a n v .r iiUtare! »•;,«» t-uu.i«-rjtL-a :n the csly inspector's weekly cataand_ frui'.ics tll-.rt-) to cii;i.i> I tin .--lipp^ry heights IOI1S were tht-a laid |Cll.llt. 0|ri,-aili-..are sci-.erattd hy i!idi»e*ticii bill, M it now stands, prjpo;e5 to give ICO acres marriage lisen^es las: year, and the Cleik of the of politics. Hisidrs. my of ^tan? on most political f.nd abettors; and no rairvel that his soul revolt-; upon th" <'.i!'jecl. The re?olutio T..i..k of lhai, >lys|>0|itici! think" of it,' all who <uiler oil IhetaoU-. of I i'iil t'i all ji«r« jn« who served during any ol the -Br«r» !:t the p:oaosition to gift these same ia-;ds t*'every Corporation ol Winchester 10, makiu^ 103 in all, subjects are forced and .'":;:lei.!, my liabi'.s are reE advise all pci^'i's o w n i n g Virgii.ia L-inds, T-.f b - u n t v land bill, submitted bv Mr. Rroad- fr.:m disordervd s:oaiachs, an I il you aie w i l l i n g to be •inet J790 ; to the widows of sue!* Revolutionary cuicen aud desiring to sell U.e same, lo AJvi-rius exclusive of those Grelca Green pcrformaii; : es of tired a n J " d. niestic. and .: 1 iny souii;cs oJ happi- vagabojd foreigner wbo may choose to s-tiie up >n head. was t h e n laSen up and debated at some guided by advice, f»mMlcd iipoii experience, r«r-i:rt at M<i iielJur" at ha-'e not alrea < < • received Und ; and for ness are at i.c-me." t!ieiii—whether they bii tht; li*(al desceniiniti of len-.-i'ib-. S-!v»!ors Bell Cass, Ba.'ser, Bu'ler. Dix- once (doi 't di-|ay a day) to HouSand's Geraian Bmera, — lii.-t in iheif own local papers, »» ihat their CupiJ, the recurJ of which reduucils lu the cr.-dit by 1)!. C. M. J;ick*nn. nliicli, aj an all«frativ«s neizhoofs may become acquainted w i i h il.eir de•ervice oot lets thin fourteen day», except to person* Wesus^e-*'- : o Mr. \Visi.' that if h: would pa^te t!u-e u!u \vcr-- ;;.i,-;.'.::?; c'lnlnii in ihe. murders on. Shields Samit-r, Dcdse. ot Iowa, ard others. J>rr|>ared if adjoining States. 127 licenses wen? 2 a:: ted in r.. -alive, and i-visrorant, - • , , . . - alcn.* ant) u:iu]i).r»M'hed. swe- and n-x'i in .-<»ue j-'urnal i.f wide t:n-u!atioo acmilly cngagpj in bitUo It al*3 -prorK«e* to add F i n a l l y , alter bein^ variously amended, it was this in bis p.-:o:i'.-al album; Le miglit fiad co:c;or committed at Raisia a;d Meigs. or not. We comt Ci.-i.crai Pepul-; liO Arch Street. \Vo have ined thrse ', prirt'ed at a c:.>taiice, so thiii ihe atteuiio:. td'strant h i ^ county for 1S53, and 10! for 1852. Those twc.'.t,- per cciit to t'je invalid pension* of cffifcrs and pa--til. Bitters, and k^iow fhat they arc excellent lor the di«- | "or> tnnv be d i a w u to Hie pMivriy. The best pamend them to those who ars aivravs prating: our irom the Corporation office, have been :be s.'une for j ia it alter 11%* fourth Thur.»';:v i" Mry. Is r:iR HorsE Or' RKPRKSESTATIVES Mr. AV-ite eases specified above.—PhiltuUlphitt City Htm. See Tier forty 'KT ceiittcthe pcntion* ef priva'.es. in Pei;:)sy.vaiii,i ;o auvt-iise Virginia Lands, '.-ternal, everlasting, uadyin<r, and riei-er-to-be-forthe last two years. The trembling bachelors of T U E X E V K 0. S. !*EN.VfOH [r't-b. S—2t. asked leave in tnti-otlucud the. JolloA'ing preamble au rertisccient. 3IASThere id a great diipcaition on the rart cf persons unis i!,- VALLliV SiMtltT, paWUhedai (Jhambtr*. ^otten cibli^ation to ;".-rei:rners. P.obably there SACHUSKTTS. and Danville, who could cot get up a single case fcr friendly tD the bill to magnify ill provisi.i:,!, to alarm bur^', I'a.. t'V P. S D o h f i t *. Co. It-circulation OCJ-HEXUV'SINVIGORATIXC CORDIAL:—The are some persons yet living on the Day shore of Whereasdiscuj-sior.s bavebeen indulged in in this H}meu last ytar, should take a few instrociive the I'tiblic as to the quantity of lami likt-ly to l«s rais llTree times as lar^s- as ih.- averago circjluiion Eferiry Wilson, E^q , /jn e'ecle,! lo ihe IT. S.. Virginia, who can recall pleasant letainiscenccs House, in eommiitee ol the whole, which wi'.h oth- m.-rits ol this .purely vegetable extract for the removai , ot Coiintv papers in Pennsylvania, and care has i d cure of pliysical prostration, genital drbilily, ut-r•jnired, and to ur?e that the value of warrants will be so '.es.'icns from the beaux of Frederick, whose OK'ito from Massacimst.!«, if a r.jtive of NV'.v ! of the tender mercies of those who were their un- er circuius'atices. lead 10 the conviction lhat there av.-us affection*, fee., &c., are fully i.escribed in another j l)t,en c xerc».-.i-«: in have U*sien>i»elj ctrcnlated arrdsoyi u to rei.der Ibc donation of little benefit to the has al«-av£ been : "Faint heart Lever von lair Flamp^bire. and is abou; D year:: oi n^e. He exists in this lonntry an exltnslv secit-l oaiti-bound i : .• •. of this- paper, to which ihe reader is referred.— j old 4cldicr*. It is to be hoped, however, that the went to^a'.-liusetts in 1K3J. p. or e nd friendless, i i-V.frn guests at iki p.-riod to which Gen. Coombs political asso'.-inti-jn, which seems inttndt-U so ia- §2 per b o n i - . 3 buttles for S5. »ix bottles for $.•? ; j inons ihe as-ru-.tliural cii!i!!inii:!tv, :ix y being »cn!ady."— H7n. R.p. erallT ti.e in..i>: -ub-i?.n!ial patrons. It is generally and worlce<! as a jonrneym;:!) »ho--ma '<T at ?Caticif. refers. l^rlere -.viia ;he p u r i t y ut elections and the It-gi*- j: H. per doze/..—Observe tbe marks of the OUNUISE. Home of Representatives will piy no attention to the r believed that an ativeiiUei.-..-;it i-f Real liMate in lie too\the "stuirp' iii 18v ' as he ' Natick ShoeIraion ol thCi u n t i v — M . c l i an as-ociatiori has enI'l-eparcJ o.ily bv S. E. COlir.N:. .No. 3 Franklin How, This speech may, also, bs Toithy the notice of clamor* on ihc cu>>ject, b: t w i l l pats t!ie bill prcuiptly. this i-Hjrr. wiil be riad by more Farmers,'tnd mater," in favor oi Gen. Uarrison. r.nd was hirjVint- Street, below Ei«tith, Philu .elph:.. Pa., TO d-el ihf foars and iu-luced the solemn vatnings JJvcry day the old soldiers arc pauinp away. ptrv.u.s d is post d tn purchase The goM miiiiaj interest of Virjini.i, itf.ppe irs, sell "Ucied to the Massaj'husftta ^jnste in that II.inter Land B i i l Democrats, fur. Mncc rthe bolus of \Vashingun, in his farewell addr<.'!»— hcr.-- \VHOM .-VH- ORDERS MUST UK ADDRESSED.— iherel r--- I'jjaore respectaclc Druggists ami Alerchaut* ; th:it i»:iiil t-l roper:y t h a n it inserted in any oiner uas teen sugureJ over by that rensr 'f.-:' L ''iitle:naii K.T Sale by all is mor-extensive than many j)er>ons are .i\v;.re. ye?.r. He was several lihies re-ele-:'eil, an:i in fore. T-IE SPOLIATION BlI^L PASSED. iourisal in ':i : > p a n « - t 'hf •-•' u-ilry. The Valley The Peteisbur^ Intelligencer gives a list t-mhra- 1850 was i!i'- President of the SeraK Subiequett- lo inaice it mjr^ pn^'ilt'Ai to D -aiooi atii: stomachs. /les-i'crd. That in ihe opinion cf this H )»se th-.- th." iiitiuiit the C •^•diuV i'i:,-ui..tivii lies aai.ilv in the ri> h and prpi\-i.niary -J. 1-> cing fifteen ol ihe most important mires, ihe a?- ly he tee.-mt- the leader i f tlie Ireesoil psriy of tin-, m.'.'ht be able to rt-aJ i; \vithou: danger of be- existencecj'asecret oath-bound poliiical ass.n.-iHTlt<! Senile oTthe T'uitcd Slates, oa Tues-lav, parsed ulona ..-oniuies ,,1 F R A N K L I N and <;US;BEaMassa buseit?. and was t>t ice th«-ir cam'idati: for prcsraie vaiuc ot which is esiiiaat.ed at §1,700/00. tinii. h ^ v i n r in view an' iuten'creiice \v "i i,; • N O T I . : the hill from the House to pay lor ios«?» by French inz iruublsd witb the slightest n.::;»sea. LANLJ. but \ c t it is DC! cui.tKn-il to tli<- e counties. Ol these, Gve are n t \vurked. for want of capital, jnvetnor. In lf-53 lie wa(| i memberof the State Sitnctv of ibe t a i n t box, ai:d iho dir. c i u . f \L Lerty Ssnlim'.. Hj>o!iatic-v< prior to 1"H>1, by a vote of 2H to 17. It i* 1 vin n'ja-esalso :n A d a m s , i'mk, La: ca-it-r and or beeiins-j :'n-ir cnvnership is disptttet!; and four, Cor.sii uticnal Conyrtlioil, ar;l re't-nily, we beTor tile moi'c convenient and sati.^f^ctory idjostraent ihei.-unise Lt' or municipal legislation,is LrLaium en the Ea-t, Fnlu.ii. Brd!o;d .in-.i S.-n»tthocg'u, however, that the President w i l l not approve of out Hccoual4 all anc-unts due for si h-ciipTi^its, advalued at $*j"5.000. ar; cwufd by En^h^h cnmpa- lieve, ?avc in bisadhes O"f to t".e Know Notliioff inci nsi.-lf-nt with and dangerous-u t!ie ui:-tiin:ii.n* y .Vfi'liK LJti.vril. >-i n:i ihe \V.->t, ai.'i I'antiitgdoii, Ju!;i:.-ti. P|-rry the cie»«ur<-, aad this opinion »aias ground from the fact ViTtist" ', &i: . w i l l he muite up tu the first ul J;ii:uary ( nies. The gr-.-at dra whack to gold m i n i n g in Vir- moveircnt He is now ihS to ihe *< at >•! l!,?p;:bli(:.inisin and directly hostile to .lit g<?niand C. nire on lh>- X i u t h . Fiom ;:ie^e p?rts ct'onr l*r.35, by which tune w«- hope to n i i k c settlement w i t h that Mr. WELL', the naw Si:intor from New Hampginia. and i:i ether States, has been occ;isi--tied by in t h e H . S. Senate latelj..occupied by the Hen. Mr. Stephen J. W r i i h t , a young man ot 19 years ] us of S a-' raanv A ^ ' i - ti!ir.:M b i v . r.-m.-v-.- : 10 Vi,p;ina- : .• ho a.r»? 1:1. If J»It-d ' ; . - . > ivrll as lho»e whomt-y lia\ e hv I\-r. Rockvilie wa>kiilnl Li.- ilie explosion ul ill--itamci St-.-r.-'.n- •S'ant <-f -iiirinaie machinery. It is thought Edurnrd Kverett. an>' at pr<s.'nt Resoiixd, That every attempt to prus^ribe any cl-ii'us shire, the Pre»id*nt'< intimate friend ar.d former law 1 a^aiiHt u». As ihe *-xj» 'ti-i'S ol rur busiitess hate ar,.l oilier", it i--uut io b-.- douctcd,; year atthat tlr's dii'i n!:y has been surmnunted b\ i h - use appointed temporarily by I -, governor. tary, on the I 1:1 ot A . . I I I lav. i-.i 'lie U.i> of San. class oi L-itiz-ns o;i accoant ot their rcin;ioiis o- ili-;rea>ed, \»r sliall expect punctuality upoti tin- part ot ia, partm-r, niado a inccch ji M . ; : « t the biil, and invoked the irr -.»-ar ftillow. ol ths •'Enrelra Cru^huig Machine." inverted by a pii.isus or u i h a r t n or i n j u r e any reJijiuus d^nomIlaphacl. His friendhent (Tcrej a reward of cur patr«ii*. I f coercive lui-ahi be adopted to pr-x-iire oon«i«tenr;.' of pirty in regard t3 it. It is stated, too, : Would it not rf ?.>•»! ptitiejl for V .rjinians la A G - i l C I J I / r U H A I j I \New York me<^ianic. It i? in u=e at one rt the THE viula- « iii.t is jn-t!y di:<' «-, the fault w i l l col be ours. Tho-e S50U for iiit- b.-dv, an;l il W;H r.-tovei -d, brvug'it -o i n a t i u n !>y national le:;i>loi .i.'n. i^ in .iirtci that President PiEtcn, whiU; a member of the Senate, 1 '•i i r u :n.-ir prrpf-nv m l;i>- no ice <-f tho-^ who are mines. The Intelligencer isi'f ihe opinioi :bat as ticn of iheconsiiioiion ot the United ftin ihis ci'y. I ' U i i e d in Ytriba Uu n:i C.-melery, and a xt iio have bf> n i.nliilerJ bey-ji.d further endurj' ci- ca:ij c. Diempfaliug ;i n'ai.-va! ie. tbcir Stau- by advtiurot»d BK*!"'1 tnc claim*. The claimants have been for soon as the present sirfJs in the money m a i k e t is /Infill(dl. That while a careful a.-ut s:ri'.'('i MI. ..nueiit was t-Ticed u p .n iii. y.ave. .Mr. u t expect :anl«:-r leui< iiev. Ju-tii:e to iiiirx'lves, sa "We art1 p'eased to lea u (-^nys the L^esl'tiri Wrialr. in-- laiiit-:, f u ; , n r!. ui H I . - cit)'. was liitti isiraiio.'i of Hie naturaliza'.ion laws is ;i so enr.i d'J- a. well t u i l i >e -A ho luve iciudly indulged u5,will require ^ in IT ii in i»ir psp- i I mure than fifty years asking the justice cf tbeircountry; ; .!•>•;•.!. u'"':! m i n i n g will induce rapit^ii-is to io. ,.i- \_ , ; . , ; • p:ip-T •-' ill be tor warded to the inoiiiiit aciitn. v>t !li"ir ?p;!re I'ucth in l h - 1 State ii :i!so men- WasbingtoBian,) this instiSution con i n u e s t o s r o w r e s u l i n j i'.i \V,ikr5-:-. Uli.nie i-i KM. Un lu-ariii^ iv yet ev.ny in:< rl'-jix-.'.ce w i ' h th-.- ?uaran!--..• «BI< ti-u years ago, whea C rj~res« forth*; first time BCII. N G A I . L A I I E R & CO. a. 'T'--- . i «'•'• on • w ln» f 03 ) "'a5*6 l n e f^qucst — tions that copper a;>d i i l v e r a r e t o be '.oaud to a 'n th; SbteciYi and favor of ;:ie j jhlio, an I we hope '.lie :.t"Vs .. I in-. >..n s i!i-;tt.i he iliieo'eii I lie body iu rights r-f naturalized citizens is irn-oiisi^'. i-.; v.-i'.lr knowlpdjed the deb«, Prenident POLK forbad*, an.l 1 li> tars; • >!/.- ci'id iht- ;-avv jutvenNi.:? custom it Noremlic: 16, ISM. great -rxtcut. •ru*li*d tbe lionet tvliieh had been revived in in v v an it wi'.l mor > t':an re.ilite thi ei.i-'-t.-. - i on- nf its nu- h .- disinterred and fur»ai'd<r i i-.< iii- sia'ivt- p'.ice — th; plighted faith ot the nation, aud uiiniu f i j vs 'M'.l > • :ve to-li<-v.- iis standiiif,-. A.I cumTherro'lrsi was <rot»pl«etl W i i i i , -lie j-::i i wns i»-i its ti-'^^'lii and ptospejily. ••hjn; bos cm. Tfow the on* man poirrr is again to be it u ». i >* .\ \ : * : *. u i.. » r : u N H.. n u n . n V. i in b--- J!tl ::'t'Sv' 'I r '> Hichmomt Post iu rekrr.-'jce to TVilscn merou-iri'-ads T!ieen?rp.-, a n ' en:- , -vise ol the placed .u char:;- "i V» - i i > P..t,g.. A:. Go's Express, Objei linn was mare. : rxerciicd. Hrw in'icli better i< our zcvcrnoient tbac a P. .->. DErHERTvt CO. at iMassachaset!?, whose election to the Sena'e ii Principal, ire highly com-: i .>ad;ib!e, an'l deserve a and shipped via P.ii.»-.n.t Or! :li • coa-t ,11 (juba, Air.'--Vine.—I move a sn=pension c f t h e rules n<' ci-;- sri- \vi!l % (Jliaii'i.erii'.iirsr, Pa. 4e»]i' li«iu nndcr s«ch a Mate of tliiny*? the United Slates, in c-jnscq-ience of his f i r m e r generous pitronage. Tiie" j'loTing \v_ take from tho pas-sens-is lr.-:d ;t:i in ii^.i i t . i uiceiing on a i d wha tht- vote lobe regarded as a t-s-t qu'-slion. .- n a : . ,.r.-r F-i> 'i.irv M IS35. Mr. Wentwurth. of Illinois.— 1 want a call of beard of the s;eariu'r OT ace •.••\.,i .'t tii-stench ariT12ST Q.UESTIOX OX Till: TARIFF. a noleri'c;vt\i !iora him :r '-s not exet^'ng jii li;ses \vi i bFree Soil or abolition rroc'iviti«:, is muirh depreObi'ti .ry sing from the deeomp.i.-L-d body, ;;:id thi-y had t h e tbe House for a l u l l vote. We ought to show!'«•• • • < • • • - • a'.iove that ni,m:>'jr t>l '•You ir. ••.'.'. if you please! anmtnee tiiatonr lec- co'.iiu thro-AM overbuaid. The pyrt nis \vi.-re mu h hands- I am prepared. Pah Sic ciated ia the Sou'h, say15, "Nobody but an anti-slaYesterday xras the Jay set apari !••>• Mr. Ilors1 ic.s w i l l I- chars* '! iv.:ti»i'.!ina lo the r.d'.titisin^ ILLh.>sol! ai Piii>iic Sii-. at niv rjsid-n-ie very man could have- been elected from Massachu- taref- on C h e m i i t r v and k.j idr- ri sti- n-* are vle- a.'l" ted ai I:M- news, ar.:l ihe fatii' r iuuk (he noil The tlou;e retused the call. Tribute.'- o; i<>pci'i will becha.g<;u at adT«X, chairman of the Committee of Ways and livered evi ry Thursday < i'L«!ii(;;r at (•» oVi.tclr. — i:. Cnarv-t r.v:i t a TtUJRSD-\Y the I5:h M . ISayly, of Virginia.—No gentleman can pro- r.'tes. setts. Rut an anti-slavery man v. ho was not a A n d as otji objeiU is to in-;par! tiseln: knowlfdge. •jtcaiiK-r from Xe-.v Y o i k , in the hop'' nt'bearing V-'IM-ini; i. \'in-'., all my Ho i^.-n . : .t x-} i K.t;i:hen c'urnitiue, Mf»r,s, for ttsting '.he H>u*e of Rcpreseniatires pose a test lor me. The resolutions contemplate Know Nothing, would have gone to the Senate for we shall ?.< all times bs ph; :sed to rti j-,-- visitors lhat ibe foilin had floated asltnr;, or oi'possi!>lv no acti'in. andl shall vote against the motion to AI comii.ani'.'Rtior.-. designed tu promote tlie per-^.i.i-joi vt-r-. snpttior FeatherB«l». Bedstead* seein? ii at sea from 'he deck ot the .-it-amor. He on ihe queslion of a rncdlfication of the Tariff. — sonal in't'r -t> of i n d i v i d u a l s . IT thai do tut pos- "• d Bed(li:i? «..-.•.-. - i I Parior Chain, Lounge*. the purpose of agitating the Slavery question. — tfi-'A-m' c'l • z-'. Those fro- : i a i.'i-!an.c", w i - h i n ^ t o anivt-d at Panama w i t h o u t hearin:,' anything of iiis suspend ihe i-iiles. Th« rerrnue has fallen off the last year to the asuss •.'I'li'-i^ iiitfie-.;. \viil b: charged fiT a t i b e u- T a - 1 - -J :.'•'.•,! SMV^>. Carp-ting, and a variety of attend the lectures, will li-i,: a hr-ar y welcome, p. This, Wilson, if he b>: in full communior with the Mr. Stan on, ot Ten' essee.—So shall I, JuJgs sthil son's remains, and suppu^iii,' i h -1:1 to t>e iripeles--!}a<Uvr ! i>i!i ' rat'*. Those nj'aa orl•:•n^ive per- u ' i i - i neat :i..-i -!!•;-.!> • i-'jriiituri.-. 'I'eria.s made «oBjit ol sir millions cf tlo'Jars, sn^ therefore the good sup;-.T, and a cornfot iubie bed." lost, cama on to ihis city. By i!u iast mail hi: has Bavly, aud I'm no Know .Nothing. party, maim! Jo. Ho will not dare to attempt it, sonal (h.Tr: ter vil! not lie'i. woiire f v ,r tny rr.larti 'n co longer exist--'. There and therein ccnsist ihe beauty and virtue of the known oa ih • .t:iy ot • .T Mr. Jones, ot Tennessee.—I am -a'isfi-;J that n j KNOW X o T H r ^ j VicTom-.—Y.'ill'rm received a leltf-r in!-, nning him that on i.'ie '2l)t!. ot All t!5cru?n!o ii rv.-ar;itd Ly Xe-.vspaper aSUSAN MA:C*.V£LL. good, 1 ut harm,-will be done to day, aad therefore October the coffin was tmind on ttii? bench cf Boca is nX the slightest reason fur believing that 'he H. Gi'inl^. ii. Knuw Noil ing. has ti • n e!-;ct'jd to esniN will be tviaruei! ;it the u-ua! aiivniisiiiL' Order. I: does TrhM nothing e's; could ever do. — Perruarv .4. TR'iS f!on«e will en'.er upan the suljecl at all. The ih: N e w York Stale Senet'e, from ih' CI):h : di-ni'.t. Chica, near Key \Vrsi., o f f i h j coast of Flbrida, move tne House adjourn. N"-. carried. ( M u c h rate* ; n:vl must bt- a'/coinpanied by the CJUh or iis It st;>ps I'.c niotr'i of ih-; Doston Abolitionists." and theie buried. Tile in-crspti n'.-a i!ie colfin confus'on prevailed amid cries of "question," '-face, e>i'.iivaUnt, dedti'Hintj the cotnmi--inn. overl^(or::s the Seward corditii.n • :ir: i late.— f resent Coagrcss tia* only a three weeks' existence, LJst «f Letters The Uev. Mr. Goodwin l;;kes ihe s.';r vaca'e : !'.- gave ihe li.idcrs a cluo to its dcisti-.^tivii, ana they the mij-ic," &c. Patent medicines shall oe i-ha:'Ct:il lor at the n••d it has done mi?chief eaoaih to the country a!l^-TJie F.itl-r'^ii Whig publishes extracts Gr,ve:'nor Clark. cpnsi c r r d a a' addrer.-ed a note to Wrils, Fargo <]"• Cn . who u-roie The question was then taken on suspend in? the 3'ial nairin? in th^- _PoM-OSi'--e, at > rates i f v e a r l y adverisenitnl.s, and •' bi-hi'p readT withoai attempting to disturb the revenue from the Resolutions cf i^° German Social Dcr,tt- IriuirpK over Sewarriism. Compared with l:-t to WakefieM. Ord.-rs were 'trail-milled tu have rules, iiui; decided n- gaiively—yeas lU-i, na- sS3-.- notices" do«ble the advt- tisin^ r.iit-s. Extra'.-ts Jajiuarv •:-.-t. IS5;V ,,,An R Bel!, tii™ r.-mnii s a^ain disinterred rri 1 l'«rivard-(l to t .vu-tliinis not voting in the affirmative. The vote t r o m o i h e r .cipers retVrring to Mtuh advor'.i^rments U - l M v i f i;.ii«-. W A Bferfjw OHIO*, John »y»ttm. cralis Asf».ia!ion nf Ki-;hmor,d, vl':^ adroiatethe Novc:B3ei. the result i< .\is I li-«-. : M;-j. :•:•,- a »V;:i:^-:i--id, where they have nov.p-obably found v/as asrollows: L. i .y P.ri.v. :i. I»-.vr, - '^""^'"Klizabeth Eakle. painsl. U l l m a n . November. I fO3; inajtirity tnost ultra and agrarian d jctrines, an entire r uan § c forGcio'win. Yeas—J. C. Al'en a r j Willis Allen of II!., Aj»- \vill lie >u!'. 'i.'t !•• th^ n-^u! U' adi'ertisirig rates. ACOXY. D.nV. .I ••"-<.— CVM'V. ^—>vr^us<nj II— WilJ:-Miiiry, 1>." "> - .-I.M'- : X "•' N i ;:;in.,' their 'ast resiin^-pla'-e. The yn-i :g man had been Candida e»' a;>n"unceiiHnts tor orii'-e<:f eraoltifietdn, A^e, Bailey ol Ga., Bark^dale. Barry, a re^id''!^ of this Htv'for some time, and, as we in our cMisti'.ution. abMionitm, and many" other "ain ia two eouEtles in ih;ce cionth*. '•> 823. F—iji; i-1 ,!•;:-•••• {^5/ejr, Rev E Hitchcock, J m c n c w i l l incharct'd at a d v e r t i s i n g rales. & t: : Belcher, B.jnton, Bliss. 8oc'.ck. Boyce, Brcckin are informed, was uuiHi esteemed. There 5ever w»«, in the history cf O outrr.g-cous tcccts eBtire'y icecmpatible with oor K^"Th- a! ove rates arc not to vitiate any ex- lisrii Iliri.'. - 'J- ilrski:. AViiliain Uajierty. Francisco lid^e. Rrid^es. Caskie, Chandler, Cha.-tain. Chri-• pericxS whea thi- les kr-f nr.-rj in such trepidation as It'r*" H.iMr'HiaB.—The Know, i\..lbinsr S'atv' H-.'--.\ii. JobB^J-W— Mrs Amanda Jackson. K— ki'vt and instittition?, end ask?, "Are native 'Viri m n . (;la:ke, Crai^e. C:iriis. Davis ni R. 1 , Da- istins cont act. Convcntio- f-">r Ne'1-' Hai:;.-shire met ;.J MarchesI—Jaciib/JWIison, Johasoo fe Kable. It — Miss th« present. Sc lonjf liavo l!u-y been tu;^i:i» at the ginians to be pursued and persecuted withalltaac- ter oa Tuesday *.:"• nunj.': ;^ed_fpr »ov in..; Ralph vi* D,i\ K ol fnd..'jn, E Imonds, Edmundsoa, MrsflfiSnfc N — Win Narcross, Tabiiha N:sei teat, the very iJra of giving it«p is aiisi'lutely exE'liott ol'Ky., Elisnn, En?lish, Farley, Florence, n?r cf abuse for acting from a sense of duty and --' cr, Gei.rj- >",-i!;. De W'! Nooney. H— PeMetcalf, instead of Rev. J inn ...r^rc, -bo is meliA few dayssin-.-e, ir Ligan conity, Va., a nnn Baltimore fllarkei H a v i a j dr-ir^yed the Whi.; party, as they Puller, GidHings, Gret.-n, Green-vood, Mamillou, ifr Robinson, John J [lamsb-ir?, Mrs Robinson, the impu.'sirs of patriotism, and yet such men. these gib'c. Mr Metcalf has {n;rt.:.'frre 1 1 "" a Demoo.'iiie name ol Mark);am, bein» cnimged in some- tiastii;!js. IIetid:ic!>«, Uenu, Hiuhard. FL i.--ier, at i" 11 :ie, the gbmt of Know Nothin^^u i» bzu-.tiivg,.-is lle^d, Mr tlam-ey, tjampson Russsll. — thi:ig about which b.; wisbej the fid oi one of his Hi ; l, Hi.lyt-r. [pgerspli, Johnson, Jones of Tenn.. fanatical foreigners in our uiidtt, these deadly foes crat. He is ?. lawyer, an ' pn-iJ.-ni - ! a hz:..(*•!• in rirrrr iwizi'iablr >hapc. An>l hnvin; noni'iia» ndola>h Nevrpir:. v.-h-.Te he reside-, Tiie Bo-' • i r.->i f-avs s ,pe. calle-i on him f>r assists! ce. The vo:in^ S— E S Siivd-r. Suniif! SiKetnsker, t l . i n n a h E r to our country, these plagae spots upon the Vir>t La., Keitt. Kidive'.l, K.; ',z, L'tclier, Lamb t«<l wen wh« have her<it;far« acted with the Wlti; 1 thai tiis i« fts formidabl • a Tiomin3ii'>n as couiu Shau un. Mr. Smiii.. ( Alt..) Jjrafs Sullivan, Chaw rti" K C d aid in ari impertinent manner, v.'hrie- Jones Lilly. Liodsley.Macdonsld, M'Dousal. McMol- G llCUf.At. II I'BICKS IN TUB Bj* ginia character — to so not only ucrebuked and pos^iblv t:ivi.*b<cn maoc;against the Dencerai*, man f an r , tha leaders arc «iiiK'aV3ring to divert the attenM Streit. H i i n i i t o n Sellers. T— Eliza Taylor.— upon, tl;? iH.'her. <E..!i;-g to another sen to uke Fvf the ictck ctidi--: K.'.4 len, MoNair, A]cQ.ucen. Mixwel!, May, Milter, who will endeavor :<• coui ' ?ra :t it by iicrenserl cjunscathed, but to b? petted, a id flattered, and ronition cf the -O!i Liners," by the hue and cry of Abolicharg'c of "the taU''=r •'' hznsi. start.-d to chasiise the of lr.d . Morrison. Ni'.-ho r s, N-.ible, Olds.'Orr, PerReported expressly .'/'•'•' n " d-msud. We W — K. Rah \Val>.n. Marv P Wilson. W W ;1 1 ertion in I '-h. If of Goven . r Bdacr. Tlie election AVard. JOE1N P. ERO\V>', P. M. pl imcnted. and confided in 1 Is this the state of lionisni against all \vh» will not aid them -a ho'ding on disobedient *oi\. Ii- ^' ro^ ^ !»' house, the fath- kins ol'Li.. Phelps. Richardso.i, Riddle, Rc-bbir.s, r Lbl. Fehrnary S. ISDl. to t a»* spoils of ollicc. U. it a day of r?c£G!iing is near thing?, which a wild and unreasoning devotion tc •wiil tab? j-lace rext mon,' : . er pursuing, and soon a!te." disappearing from the, Kuifin, Rui^ell, Seymour, Shaw, Shou-tr, quote BominallB*^^*8^1 •t fci-id, wlien th<« inprinctilud opoihmea will have to Hr-iT-ii -'•'""''s We quote Glades in keg party, has brought upon Virginia!" j^'Tht.- Abiojaon De^. .^r<:tspea«-i :husof Mr. sight of the son who remained ,.-.iimi, u? heard a Simons, Sing'eton, S^vih of Tex., Siaunton. of for Elent. .1 <-!,",.* WeMern 101,, l-J els. f.ollai Iiui bluw of so ^ir)•J^llar a -nind as to ir.duo? him tu T'-B yie\t te honest hji:h. __ y.. fj-raub, Staart ol i.jjch., Siuait of Ohio. Tavt Wise : ,. , lie 15 U. IS IsvALV.UiLE IJEMErrc?.— Here «rp a ft-w simple at once tosveihe cause. On tiin iflg ronil I the a n i l Lot forrni-rly ?he residecce of 1 SPOON I.V. reini-dii-s ior very preva.e: t disorders, which vre have •• in I'.? r,-«M;!i?rii?' car.sars rf l^'.O, "\Tr. curnt-r o f ' h e iioii*-. i/p limn' ' I'i- lather lying on Airs. Olf-jtt is for t e n t . Arp'y 10 no hesitation iu recommending as infallible : Wise w?s ih • a.kno-A-le-l'.-'d mouth ficce ol Vir- hisf'ce. AL< iari'-i• ne 11 rfiltii c:i! in ticai'i ly a H. IS55. BENJ. TOMLTIfSON. 1¥« notice thit s ivjm:>.?r of ocr krofoco cotemprtnia Wl:ivc?ry. In ihiKrcsjnct'y lie x.-as the au- blow wiih an hie. iio.l in the aj.-nies of death: in Fur »ea s- tclcness— stay at home. For drunkenness — dri::k cold water. thor cf s h ' most furious t: ;i ;e= niniriM our parly |»«rari«-i in Virginia are their spoons in Unc'ie fact, h- ii'.-'.'d but ar»rn t h i ' t v minute*. The ranrfi*ro?IJa&lc nnd Eio^sorable For health — take "AVER'S PILLS." and our m?n, ihe utieran"! o:' whicn is an offence derer (she >cm wh" r,^(i i!e •) 'Vr.s K^prehended, and 8»m s stutc-pan. Th; mail routes are beiap putFor accidents- keep osit of danger. EMPLOYMENT! of so much magnitude in !;a;n^ eyev :ii tu r>q'iirc on the !nt:ii ,iir-;iu;i • : ;i> • axi- np-::i an c x a m i n a in the pipers ol the v*ricu; Centres? : >n r.! To irake manor —advertise ii the "Free Pn-«t." an jnoie mor 'yirg in ii< na'iire iharj OE subscriiwr IH desirojs .if securing the serpl-iii. 10 ui l l . ' ^ n ', 1 2 f o l 5 r t < Duvhr.ra. Eastman, ^tagler. tion l«»;ore a Ju*ticf c! tha Peace, admilt^d it to be Di^nev, For Coujhs and Colds— take Cherry Pectoral. Bi:»ri-:s. N.iw, «-e avitnire this plaa very much. fouryear'.- service in the t.-.iLifinatcri.v 1e woa'.d ih- v.-fapoii with whi'.h he kill 4 | U i'aiber. The Faulkner. Fen'iX ol Ohio vices ol one i r inoie Ag- nu in every county and if SOAP.—In good demand with sales at To keep out of jail — j<ay your debis. r be "iV'itb ibcs^ remarks v? \?i!l a p p l y th. match name M a ' k h a m . ?2(- ihe TViZ-uv!! A'iviyiate. lias F "inkliVG~-^ G'ev. Green giioti Howe. I 6 to 7 '.-. luvrn in tbe Union. Tne ousiaess is easy and •O'-.ii coa*:dera .ioa 03 th; pirt of ihs Powers that To be happy — saKxtibc tor a newsp«p»r. to the first lisht am! can be attende\l to t y any one. A cppiCATTLK —1'00 olf n-J a' Ih- -'-.:lcs on Thursday been tor years noior bus on !• • >i-,',HISOI Sandy, by H rlan of In-iiajja; Haven^/Anox. Latham, To nleasu all — aind yi;ar own busiues*. » i-« a»ve a tet&nc? to proaote encrg* Is behalf of t<-.l oi only S5 win be required, and any man of orj all ot wlii.-li tteic >o!d ai S'l-25, to g(j 00 on the To have a good conscience —"pay the priirer.'' , . , j ,„« of N Yj.k, igMaiiewn Mayits coiinec ion wita :,loodsh-''i ami homicide. : the j:r*at cause of Democrjcy. Besides, too. as all . Mott, th? pres nt '"'anal O-immtssioner dinary energy can clear from five to eight dollars Lmdl'-y.Lyon. McCtilloc^. Morsan, Murrav, i the h.)u''. etjiial to £H 00 10 $11 75 nett. Torlt gaat'.y in aarncs<!, W I T shoali not a dirisi^n MErao?isrCt;csc«.— Rev. T. H. Monroe statc-s in Pennsvlcania, wase!::;!?d bv th;- Kno'.v NothREVOLTING SPECTC^S. — Two negro—: wrre exe- a l l Mi.,dr.«<w3nii, iV/^..of.-VI^so"n; Parker, .'i.uv'KU3K--.U —"•»* n ket iiglu u..' price- lietliuin? per day at it. Fui! particulars and all necessary ins vo'.e, 'hough before L-s c'ection Indenied bePni iiif-rinaiittn will be given ty addressing the tab.«f ihe jpjiU be hai 7 We are desidedly in Javou;- through the Faitmoni Virginian, tnat lour hundred ins conn-i.-tcd with iheo" : :er flnd snl^< q'lentH' de- cated in Mmigomery, Aia^Hiiia, on Fri-.lav la-t, O i v e r o f N Y..rh.--i' "<^, Pratt. PrinsU-, \V~t «jti..:e ST { o s~ 03 C.KIN.—i!::.jt:ii''s i»bt and market active. We s-fiber. For the puipose ol covering postages aud PcL'>^e- Ritchie, of Pa.. Ritchey, of i:, th«'j?h we have never had a taste during our persons have L'sen :iJde'l to the Methodist Churcr., nounced it in the bitterest r?rm*. TI.e a.-ia---p scorns one oi'ih-'in I ir killing hia wife, arid t n j other f T P . - k ' a , and correspoiidcnce. pervjns applying, Sa 3 w a r d 3ha R-a- U'in-SSa "- j Q.ioii- Whit'-at83 ii>87cls. Yetlowat 88 to90 riy. expanse wh:l« editoria! career. As the example has been in Mariou county, during the last s;i weeks ; and to biive irritated the Kir-nv .>fc:hirf, and a bill g to kili bi< master. Thy J rirnal says: P.' -,:" ..'•..1-iff-r, wi'! b*- expected !<> ejclose in their application p o^' r c n .PPo l T-p n n . . D:i!-:n FBI-IT—Sales of Apples at S',-3 oS'.-'jO v OI •ei, howcrer, w» trust in scun; Previcential turn the revival is siiil progressing ia th-. churches un- his b"en iatrodacett intc llie LasisUtare abi>li-hTWENTY-FIVE CENTd. (in cask cr postage -Oae ot the prsoatrs died at once an;! easily ; i f j ""$'.;j&!ef. Tbiustua, Tracy. Wade \Vheei- P caches i.tjn.75 Ioi2,25. ••:'- ; ". ,';jr.. Z'lllic'.fffr. ky uhich we cur jet jur pevrter spoon ia,sonieo$ der ihe pa-toral charg.' of; 3 L'in, Wes;- ins the O'lice. and there i- i-rcry it!.!i".'i!ioti t h a t it thee o:her. other, owins owing 10 to si-sms siirns delect in ariang?:n arfaog?m-nis Dk>:n.-h.-. —AM- in demand and sell ai iSaSOe itautps.*) or their applicaiions will not In answerwill be parsed by large t-.ij irities it; !io;b houses. f;e ne>-k was not dislocated—the l:m>t o:' the ! « > p - . W. A. Kf.VSLER. FLOUR —I'us maruei has a downward tenden- id. Direct -ikes* dajs. ____ r Irv Siniih, Win. \IcCarty a-id G. U. Jores. S)xCO!,Pb:Jdde!phia, Pa. c-itching-under bis chin, did not slip Hi= arms e cy. B u v c i - are holding ofl" lor a further decline 1 A S:.-.-;R ix rns ST Mici'.—The PeJersburg not bei.-ie sufficiently picioneJ, be was enab. •! >•• Februarys. I835-3-.* I'Uii. .: «'.: >r N u CONCERT. aud :lie maiu--i is 'jiaeiive We qunteHciward srt. J3TTh^ Couibeilaua- Tflecraph'says that DO (Va.) EtT,-*s sives w!: :: purports 11 !>e an ac- rea h the rope wi;h his hands, h i •liiss imn^.-a^ '.< Jo'in L:---k'i«Ier, son of Air. GeorgeLi'jk'iJ-r, re- atS33~i H s^ 50.'Jity Mills 33.^7 a $3,'jQ. ! IPS; than seven men were killed upon ;he Bait i- count o.' .e <Jcctiiir: ofa .ive -nake "rum ihe stom- an •.yelling vociferously. I t r c q i i u - d f-t^yf'' b i - i - •_• ;>b 'ii3mile-i South or this place, shot afew T\"c clip the follcwie; froai the Washington Star. It BOOK9 .' ! ft'ss.—cjalesof OtieratSl to S3. Re:l Fox 37i di.-- ••;: '•••, nil <hs larra owned by his father, a gray tu 50 cts. \J ink 50 tof>2j cts. Coon and Grey Foi mcre and Ohio Rail Road during ihn las. week. — oi a msn ria:n;d TV ad?, vMi-ir-.n-ing t h e pa>t sam- \ time to disengage him. About 'tt au *xtrait of a notie-e of a caacert of tne "Piii'.harTUST received, Braddock.s Expedition, pub•weie Society" oi'thet citr. It was with mu?h plea<A mnjoritj af theta were eaip'oyeca of :he Cutti- iner, wts in the habit sla-.,ir.a t h i r - i fro:n a riv- j al:ecded ,he rex-oltnj; spectacle." ^^a the Eas'--'- me^surinz acn>ss from one ead of the \vios 1 i :G 15. ;\J iiskratG to 8. Rabbit I to 2. t) lisued by the Historical Society of Pennsylto the othc-r seven feet lieu inches the largcrt :hat ha> ulet in a field inhere l was t t x v > : K . The Ex' : GIN-SENG.—Market dull. Held nominally at 20 j?Wtn. S. vania , «T« w» r-»J it, and we an? nrre our citizens will l>c aoae preSJ; sa> = ihe snsse wa i almost transparent h ;i ATTEMPT.—W^Jc? the lifeol ever been se«n in ibis country, tt lilttil a lars*- t - ' - J J CSS. McCuilocb'a Cammercial Dictionary, 2 TO!S ; th* le>* ;--..!(.: by a ; • - . • . < • . ! . AH hive heard and a^>dog fioin ;he ground, by iii biil a";er beicg wounrede Vh i v t s o( ^n-at bri i :ne.-. an;; •-•as :ive an i tlocs.— Receipts are light and demand firm. [t i* saii that a vessel of war is to b? seat cut Lvr.i-r.- «T4 V i r g i s i a n , tha' : a^^^'lts ago, on his R u t h Hal!; f rrtiitu-I tlic C ie voice of our voing frienc : d.-d. a q'ur^'i inrhe* loo?. 7i:r. W . it i? aid. bad lor S.iiesat SV,aO l.> =8 00. list jlv, to Bird Island, in redness tie wr^n:;-; Claijorne, is u n d - r crrestj^' We are not f u i i y Stephen's Book of the Farm, by Skinner; rlaiidel't "Aaj;»ls, ever bright and fair," Some oi'oar citizens snz^sst !hai this i; the E-JLARD—salts in bits, at 9 to 10 cts. Kegs 11 to > :-'a:tu-u In' o;ir Guana triggers there at he iiaads suim::itnj fai'en troubled; .tith .1 feel is sot" suffoca- his ovetseer, ?ome v/o «^}S; bat l-arn that tlie Tt'\vatt on the Horse, by do. ; •uc hy ilia Retd, wa«aUo <-t>cored. This y<,jn; Isiiy tion and tin-osua! fullnes: cf ih; s'omaeh. of the Government of Vfn-iZiiela. S'immer Hill larmaj^ft the m&si fari^-usand °le to whi:h ihe H m. H;nrv Deuingerso frcq.oer.t- l-:j cts. Mason's Farrier and Steed Book, by do.; H it Hrau;er acio.-ig us, has a file contralto voice ol much UATS.—G x>d demand, and sales at 50 :o 55 ct«. inio-aied as :n th*fgi*ig severe ii'-'tries noon lv all id-^d in his speeche-- ia Congress. Nut browGems ol Engli; h Poetry ; f* rer tad e,im^»a», af-i tril^ make a superior vocalist, .\-3.—Rx&s'.:r, ,V. Y, F-b. 1.—Gi?at ex- slave atiac!'5r^>« latter was arrne-i w i t h a re- ing cua't jay, not iiacrcMea don't care. L-. F. B Ji'er. of L'>v?el!, who refused R.YE-—S.: es of Md. at 111) to SI 20 Pa. 120 to Romance ot American Landscape ; R'gutfr. ItCATU Ob' BiSUl)l» 8130 obey the ciricrs o;'th; Gjvernor of Masssch-Jse des^r.T- in^-sS lw disc'mrjr-d t vo balls into Read's Poems ; N-'thi•-.-; viotorv in SMKB ROOT.—Seneca is i-J demand and sells hita. F^v»*aving hison-n life. Xo trial u a s History of all Nations, 2 -T.!S. ; direct!:'* lae disbandia? of afore:»a conpaay a~. j OntVrio Q.C13RE'. BKTWKEN A GOVEHNOE isn i LEOSSLALivinz«tor .Mr. J5r. TViLUAM C*rxas, otte of tis BUhcjv* of the v^cA*' "'-ort. r.e-.-i'-isathecoaiJnionofaeith- TjoK._i3<.i-. Goiman ha-s got into singular liitfi u!- readily at ;;{i u 55 cts. Salt Water Bobbles, by Hawser Martingale ; tachad to his regimeat, hasten reaiovesi from bi s G^i.-iwir, (a voang Ale:! !>t preach?:) tin; Knir.r vn TALLOW.— Sale? at I I to !2| cents. r t'ni. jf^mitted removal. Mrthetli.t Epi^c-^fel Caarth smth. dJeJ st ti< residence Fn M'.* Pictorial United Stales ;. iies i:> Mi inesoia. V/h'?nihe aonual seMon comjtatlon zs Cj'.oae! of the regi'.sen'. Xufiins . acdidate-, beinj' '-l-?c'ed ly P. majoriiv of i^f«^* —• — TIMOTHV SJ:EP.—Saies at £3 25 to S3 . >0. At A»di-noa C. II., B^a'.li Cirolian. en ?» 3n>!sy week. lie;irl<'l* i f Memory ; ineneec the Governor rulnsed to deliver his mesover C 00'.. A salute of "' )J g'.tna \v;i.; :ired ia hoa-/' 'J.-o M">as CRTIKO.—The k«ai VENISO.-I-• Prime saddles ar* worth >i to 10 — of the Bufi.tniin's History, 4 vo!s ; Ais Jeaih ws> act es['«e:t^ ; : T !<e w .;t is t ' : i . r l r » : . i t-^The \Vestcn. ( . V i i ) tt:r«Wsaysifcreeyooag or ot ih;! victory. sage jecanse the organic law Riade the choice tf Whole De»rG to7 cts. t/u'n has ma.!e himself on- of th^ Poets and Poetry of Europe, by Longfellow; . * few «*r« prerinn* to tie -«ud event, in h:« a<«i. health. men vf thai count,-. went to s church in that n'?..:v, public p n n i f r otdi^^cry as the first 1-UMne-\V-joi..—Idarkit dull and prices low. Sales of F.nri'.l Keepsake; Si DDE beasilv d:u:i'v. atvl: 4-haved s > very i«i j lvthit they alter tie cr^anization and choice cf 'h'.- Lea- "sn«-ashrii 15.'" 17; wa<nf-t at 2-t !f>'28 •'-. i>r C^per* had beea a taiuu-ter ci't'aa Me:h:-d:$: Ci'urch Whitney'-- Metallic Wealih of U. S. ; n-.-re "prornp:ly orJ;rei to jas! by one of h« tot.-a able i<.latcre was unders'oed to be in <a<-or of a for lortj -£v« year*, aad for aear tea year* he hid f xW B E » T — T h e market N «m thed*«i!-;e We Parable* by Krummicher; resi iitstice* -a'ro was prs-we:. The ten day they paper opp«ts«!d 'ohiai rlowevsr. he sub -q:i-ci y cniR«4 th« fuer*.i3as ofa Diih-p. He wt-i a very pious to ;»n month* old. p^ri>otlT quie: for hours. The recocsicieit-d bis poMtio'j and wot In his message, (j'loieintenortogtoj Reagl i-iO a £1 'JO; •;••>.*i prime J^ru«a!ein and its vicinities, by Odenheimer; Vere tritii :.>r tbo i. fence, and tw? of them fined eneed a sfvere atiact ofliait*? -.'..'M toivJOO; -omiii..-i. Whitf si 'J» ' i • 5^,00; nil ««ful ia>«, tad w*s oa« cf tht m;«t *UMT« vperandi is as fu!!c;ws: Mother oi" the Bibie ; for sale by fti;! aai s-ectencr"-.-4. t-:-ten-day*' irapr : son:i en;—the bat was not ccnfiaeJ to whereupo i theLegiaiattire r.-fn-ed to receive i:. as Faanlv prune £-200 tn S2 10. : rr «t»rt im the chiircH. F-bH. L M. SMITH. ' As soon as the -quallrr airckes, set ;he cbi!J up rh«>y ire etpectiDif a n e w Governor 10 supersede narai'd. t « friecd? persa:! oij,.,r trss; na?d $J aaJ sealenceil to five ilayV iaipropped by p'H-'Ws, if it cann-.t sit aKne, in.ii Gorniac. The message has beta printed in a!! the in about filteen mincw 1 S^UllKNOLDGV. Pofaioes. smear i;s fi'nyefs u'ith thick m :!?-s^ Thtn'put ! papei-s. ttoiigh it had Gil been olfieiaiiy received ytt a yoct n««.w RJSSEK-S.— Ste«p*iJe cr" —<»a bill"a d -zeu feathers ia'n its hind*, an the young j by the Leij:s!a'.nre. P^'.o-S • Peach bfows" and 4 a 'ectcre ?t "J : cf sisv« cccurnd 10 this YOUNG GE.NTLEMA.N" vrho Mas be-n ! i!iv n :.!it a lar3- - 7. •« ?»'•• by •un. ^ f n o meed O'je will s t and pick the teachers i-.-ra one band to I llii deliacai!3a of ciiir." o« Tj.-iJtT ; Wave* tciKJ -:ike!y«d leach::.a i.^r»'•> vt-ars. aiui whus:. ••parts KEYES & KEAR3LEY. ' ACCIDENT IN THE Tuwxei..—Ws 1 am from tbe Paten-.- Me t h : » o'h.-r unii! it drops Jileep .A* s-on as it at ectcr »*« Tory xearztc, la.J di-playc.! the carracra«»s j uoknoTra. OBJ of jhc-- taking .Jl.oOJcf mister's Fehrrrarv S ' are a Isc can- u-;,k-s. morv mnlas^tis sni morf !''a:3er^. rni: in | Charlci'.e*vi!le, JeSersonian that on Friday last j bring thr: ')e, l n-com.ueutluiioiis as ly cha %vith him. O >ntrn <*?loa«in;r to M r. Gen. Hi 1 troth of it* i«!eacc of pjreaolojy. I! ? is a ;eatlcP ,-nr- i : f n - r v • ?-''.nn 'ins TP!'? there will be si- ' aa accident occurred in the Eastern poiiion of ihe r. ; .'ity d-;Ti!--s a - i i t a t i j a as a Teacher, K «-«1'er. .oae to Mr. rt. *I. D?ctioson, oae to Joi-es & .; r in f ;iiij::< ••: ,t j > r ! v :i • ^ch'jo!. n o well reoai3>endsJ ly tlie preis geaeraliy. lence i'D-- enjoyment unspeakahV '.'' For Slire. Sl.-iter, and' t w o r-lhei-s- Th«.- en- belon-in* tc il.-ssrs. gro t-iy o"i^r!TPC with. • • sVERNON, Frederick, Md. main '.::nic' on the Biu; Ridu"?, ''-•'.' •.vhi:h hree A« he will rems^a ia t.iwn »i*y or two at Sap;>:n;1 HEALTHY NEGRO WOMAN, j j n s & Slatt-r e«joye : their fultrst coo£'l«i?e For a _,p an ootrnge on > sai ill wh' : f eirl. a I- -rtia;.- 8 1855-3.' . Ani/eyo'i.i^ i.-ray or5.:er. n;en =*ere --iriiis^ ! a i! wounded by a~. eip osion.— to»'« H-tj-1. theme Jc.-r'.-j a:-, exxxiaatiaa of their traiU toiOfd to wash and inm. .^i.-d hon^e-vork gfnIons tiai* ^e ^^ bt^f;l ns^t'"- 'heir deposiu ia haok /or ^ •• ' . in Ha;H?-.;•>£ C'itnty, hi' h»--n j n:-« in C.'ns:a-i'jiijple. Prites lo his o.'asia in th«Sa.—A'cVuwr-if P'jJ Post. ^m ^rall-.-. She has ^.n - ; >"'• ^ m-inih> -:!d. Eni'i h.-:Te in .3f;>3rtntiiijr of d,ua; MI. "tied. Ihe cnm. decii ins th. h ? 'ras 1 Lojjion. 'hai thec-jn-tin'iiasf 'ii:e of Payne's propu- The ir?n were engaged; in getting out a charge of For Sale. q l i r e of PR' > W N 4 V/'ASHINGTOX. pjvder fr -m a irill 'v :<~h had failed :o ei'j?cKi?, come within'iaf rMivi«i,-> t < i the l a r twM^'i. "thorp1-. r,o pla-j* liite ft'>rue.' T i« A L1G! IT WAGON, -u aol- lor e i t h - r o n e or Jacuarv 25 IS65-—3'.* '!:; dech'se in the amount o- U. S, and 'h^ ir 'r. iaitranwnt c.iu-e-i jgnitinr:. re..A • • ": T-Jc .. -rni-r has determined t>) sell t.ic roii!-^; ei!!»- m:'Fs pjetfca! ttian true. • Con^r-ni - v u.ii made :.l ihe nc-l 1 r c-'i.'^J iiarr.7 J?c M I T , l.S.>3,as. were ifteadi'iliy Wf-'jmt-.-i acd lisaiiiie^ : one ( h ' ^ " - . ssbep'ace. U-r?. 'o a • pa.,: > -u . OR SALE— ICOBo'bels oriroe Cloverseed.— .layi« not fsr distait, tsl it :a th ii '-t comp ••!•• r:;:.nihe same taanth of 1-51 is two : • i iSOO --tt-'linsra vear. f m •! mo '.-rate d - s i < v - iv'-sum a'e UitP« si^L.- ,ca: ned .'ii^.i ic a dty t<r fi-.i, 500 Aa»t-.-iS Corn. Terms Ca.-n, TtiOS. W. I'AViS. %« w«U far tko«t w'.-ainj to procure eoantiiitii IVi nch Spoliation V . I p i ~ - - J the F>e:at«.-n i'rjJ thousand d.-IJ.Ti.s. Tfc; a?; a;'-i?'war.iti Th-usb o t l t n directed to u-e c..p,--r ; : IT, •»•' 1|V^ 'ii«- =1 p-itl£:-— •' m ' i ' i - '.l i '' iliir. — i ;OHX D. LINE. i;-8, 1S55-J;'. •onra IB th« WSJT of Valentine*, to call npca Dr. Z*. M. Tuesday last, by a votf of 2JI 17. :t DOW > :.!;. ne«J» : •on *iien a :harge failed to iiai-t! since thj end of October. ni,? 'es of wine— the m^i-: s F. brnarv I IK55. •• us t;> 'a«-o— i r-e i : :i. who KM a lirjs a«^f tajsnt— feoth the si-iiature- ->f tne President :> bee^ n* a Ia .r. ^:'{'-s-'y ac^iected theadrice.. and thas b<-a-.Ui ; ••Tiv^ ani :i-> c >•.'. lo --h^ri.-Ji. '' A s.^-- I tlomestic 4»o«d-. nrs: sf rea mrnlhs oi r*f f BUSHELS D R I E D PEACHES die. 's pira: <-— :ru'.-. I' e-Js r-.!riajr bat b:a ' A PiiTtii.incn — M?.j:>!' 1 sc \l ?an<. <•' Tay !->r ! b.ile 4*4 in. Sheeting fl bale 03T r •:«•*• / »_> by KEYES i KEARSLEYdec -eass is S ' -• 2 ' • ' •-••••f».1 cortntv. Va.. & nativt- <>i" H;. tf^-hi •- his • . • -• • n r;.v lisa TiMKi. '—Aa ordiaary kofcing".urg, I bale 7S do., I Lai-.-Twilitu Ftbraarv 1. chiKfrr-n. w han.:re^i aa? scvvn rr;-;-: b! d-e . . '•--, I miiilafid dng '^is; cfft-reJ ("or sail" in Siate Cti. tfi'j-i :. -. Pe^iteiuiary Plaid, 10 do. Nankin. .- ;^- . > E !-,r;;-.J and fcrlv f: ir ;r5rs.f sr^Bi!' htl-li>o. U. is caw j Ws hire b*ra fararrJ with the February No. A R D OIL for-aleby V a . "fayhis abcl^i Tiie price asked sices dit-d ol his «i.-«-t. Boston, onWfiiae-tiav T. C. -.SlGAi OOSE, Sept. 21, '.3.4. ia his eStb-M -first rear. wcnnds. ft-r him wa* "aaly oae handrecl .J «r~Q3dej'« LiJy's Bsjlf," and fiid lhat i: improvtt-> ed tT«rr moati. Ths fjtshioas pktes sbne arc worth tin satecriptioa. • ^T f , - L . »• - -— - B? U,"K, GALLAHSR & C0._ Vfi i R S t» A"*' M 0 Jl S i 5 C-. Take Notice One acd ail. T 7 I J AI !^- to Sail Land, W I 1- W * •*•*•* T Wanted, A A F J i VIRGINIA FKEE PRESS AND FARMERS' REPOSITORY. Dissolution ofPartner^Mp, BR!LLIANrscaF.ffi£3 4| t t l i Psitarr-hip f i r e n - f y r; e exi- v'-r '^ r'Q".-S«rir,£: B-.I-.. i.\ liUEi. C. YOL" sO i C < » . •»•«> £••-•• v. u on t!. Isttu Janoiiry, injj. bv mutnal ••' r.waL Tbrj torn u citizct* ol Ca.-rie-uia-.;: a ii viciiiir. i.^ir mo*t eiaufil acknowitC'-.-L-: nis K r . h e lii i! ^tfO°sife '* aich iiaa beeu^ei••' u:t-.j. a:.- f; e '.ary have ir, 5cc:ie degrc; reripro. ..;e.i it;? ki..c - r s ci their psir.-n* irfnntishiEsr i-.tWj,-. Mra • he m a r k e t could aff.-rd. arxi whic.. they hare eo'.-a»cr..- U': sell a- ibe lowest prici's;--«>^Nil) c. SAM I EL C. YOU> 3 & CO. Jatienrir 1s. T FOR Fi-IBlUJARY, 1855. A: M A U U T , L i - - . y f'.- :«-• >-n*-5i o: ifa_- SiaU ef Dilware, •Jia-^s :Q I •' lf>35 to b* drawn ai Wilcamgtcn, Dei.. Saturday February 3. 1S55. 73 Number L-.'.trrv—13. Drawn Ballots. S-PUEVDID SCHEME. CATHARTIC PILLS br th«CT powerful influence on the intmtJ rivWi to purify the Mood and stimuOlatePERATE it into Vn'.thy a,-;iori. Th*r rcnu.'Te the ., .}..«=. tjettprt- hderlr if ijcce ,aa. ic>«*3 ni.r ic »kite it of •'.:»t;)ep«" [•« in •e tune lit..* :brtr it.:u rinpa(:-. ii ...•a has rtfly - in otelrnftions of the «tnm»eb, bcircis, Urcr, and other iHifina of the ixxlv, s-nd. by ris-toring their iirajrular itttioa to htahn, "conc-ct. whererer tier exist, snch ti-zTaogf*u»t.ts us an: lii» Stst cause* of dis*ase. j'c» erteasrrc tral cf thc:r tirtocs, fcy Professors, i*!if£f«iaiist iud P.-.tiT.M, has shown cures of daagaont C;V.LW-» alnunt beyond belk£ were they not irak*t-tnti-it«l by persons of *ad» eiJtoJ position anc. ciiirs.cicr a* to forb: i the suspicion of untruth. Tfcsi certincite* are published in ray American Almanac, wtii-h t'._~ Az*t»ts bc-lovr szsied «io |>le«ked to foini»h fr?r tj all iiioairinj;. Annexed we RIVI- iJirrrlioKt for their n«e in the toronlainti sTjiich they have "o«en found to cure. Fon CiiaTivtxi». — Take one or two Pills, or cnch qti^utitv ti in =cnl*v move the bovr.U. Costirr• .- re'jrjTatiuj; isxa-ic of PILE.", and t'ne cure of oc<* i .. Uic cure af Ujth. Nn |wi- T. crn f'"*l well while nnder a ccftivt hrxbit fit' boor. Hcacc it should be, us ii can be, pfe^Uy relift.-d. Foa l)r.-T-r.l-.-.!A, rhi-;; is the cause of CoKtiteacui, anu • -tifortali'ie, Uike unld dcv— — :" :"iur — teifimalatefbestotokdl Mid liver iatc heaJti H,.y will do it, u.J tt,» hrartfurti, badyttim,. "'••1 ion/burn of dysj>rj»i;i will pspidly 'ili :p;x^ir. TVh^n it luis gone, don't foreet wh it erT«i >ou. rnr a I 'nrt STOMACH, rr 3/er'*.W Inaction nftf* .1 d^n-r^'i'i <.f t' tL » x;, I:;-.- and • , ' . ' -fcr lr ;u» four to eijtht Pil> tt Sr*t, »:;i -i:.ii.".. : rvrards, end acdvity and »ti, • ' '• m. KoaN:..'. . : • • .-\'.-nr., N\C">E«., PUJ'M in ft/- X-,... -•• .'•. /.' • '.. ' r ><:/!•, Uilic frinn foar to eis'st pill* on gc:i:g to bed. If Vcev do not operate iurtic;rntlv, tak" nj'.r-? She in it d.ty until they -do. Tiune coinplah't ».;': ! •• s\";pt out frain the -tcto. l)-:E't wesr tbese aud their di»< : •?toinacu is fi:ul. Kol: S i;.,;-":. v. Li;V-:i-ti.A», a/^'/ <w/ Difotef oftlir Skm, take the Vlllt freely and frequently, to keep the benccis Djxn. TUe crnn;ict.i will cn:cr«l!y »ocn l«j;in to dii^uiiah i!;a <i;...-!n:x;r-.r. dreadful ai.-iin and s,:<r.'i \+;u Ji>--aicd rp by ; j>uri;i:;^ »!.ti I.-:::- If ' Ett of these Pilla, mad s •-. • . •• . '.-. M.^R:c-H to saturate vriiolc jyntfid CP:-.V':. .>•.;• gelded to their iijfiucnr,', ;,-.,-, •, £ L:.I- :iii:'.-ir i:l "pt-rfe-et health. l'»t:ei-!» ! j.-iur tidily t'j BorictV luriitis tlu.t you • world covered vritis pimp',*—, I.. • , ' . , , . : ' . : . •. . . :i <'^ aiiV of tUi- ii! . . : .ii.u your i 1 Prize of 840.000: 20000; I of 1.5.000: 1 of 1 00t]{i. t of 6000; 40 ol 1.000; 40 of 500: -200 of ^O: «fcc Tickets 310—> 53 W—daarter^ 5:! 50— Certificate ut pacia'esot i6 Wholes, 5 ISO 00 i5 Halves, 7000 " -£> Quarter*, Lottery lor the twnrfi? uf the S*Af« »J i-'« i? I'M l^.'ij iobe^lraw:i ,si Oe-., Sj.'jr-ldY. F-- r i*-y 10 i^aS. 75 Nuii«,o t - L i ; . v— '.'2 dr;r*n bailots. B3.ll.LUSr SCHKMK 1 Prize of §50 000. 1 of 30.000: I of '0.000: I of 13000: i of §.000: I of 6000; 1 ; of 3.535: 10 of ~2 000: 100 ot 1.000: '.03 do j 500. &.c. Tickets 515^H*1? C'-'Kiti - . Littery ler ;h» CUi-- :•; • Saturday. • . -J V. i 01 r-20rt CO 100 00 50 10 - A >"' •• l-.mrc.rt, - '. wn ,u Wntaia-fUd. IX.., r* 17 '.854 acC' them ia :.!i renters to t s best of his ability. Having now e:ubaiked scti.jarhat npca bis o-.vti l-.oo'tr. a; d cL>si >:t- of making by :..•> o.rn '.abotir, he ;*.— Le may t It appeal in vain ioz. "enercus pul -.c. Tise b.-st treats tlie ;-i-»-kei of this -- a C~> i n t i c - can famish. !-H I he sorve-1 Hi rejjnlarly an-' '-.?]'.'. at th-> l-jwc-.t -vir; tha'vrili a'..:jrd prc-l't. from a ikad arti !<• n tr.i -. ~oriGE'\v. you so. ASD JEFFEUS05 Iron and I!.-ass r Jan. 18. Ib5 >. Large Sale (if Stock and Farming pur*. mad l-nft•vry ll ..!- | . .• tin i'or Sale. Berkeley Land for Sale. r W, tat, I , ! /.rrangeinents jjgf^^ Notice. W O i K- Notice, Jefferson Farm for Sale, T Dried Peaches! Dried Peaches! ! V W N v -iv (H1«O»\, I Ivior.— \W f M. icccc of bhoaniy«nil »»«• tnd . A rip,, | msa o! ur- I! I5t \ a i «^Rf» snd •P?l?K£, JIU'U p-jw-iaf, W tc,*.«rer- '•»3. pabI 1'cBDtjrl- Police. I.L ilo~f knowing themselves indebted t o m e •i) c-ffn accoant, will call b?i\vi.'err this and the lath ta' J a n u a r y and pav up. or el.'*? tl e saint- by noie \iv Books mu»t he closed, and all open scroutits that are nut seliltd h- fn:e the !5:h wil! ulh1-1 A -t- bi-iii-p-ised cf. A 1 those who are owics: mo - ; o ! ^ii.'tes that w a n t to save cost, -.Till i-all an it pay. >. B Mv sti.-:,- is larger than i^ a.'er has bren, a:.o I am determished to sell w i t h o j t regard in : j <i-h, or on :'u-> D^H.J! cheap ti-rms. o n t : m o t o j o c J and punctual cus (..mers Come all ;hat wat ! liar^ains and esa;aiuefor yoars^J?!-*. y 1, 1 8 ^ 5 5 T . COON£! 4 WK v. « i i T « 'v ' Carpeting. Notice. Wanted. JACNDICE. DYSPEPSIA. CHROS1C OR SE« V'Jl\S DEBILITY, 1Z..IR PERS-FEIIR i; YIR GI^'IA. of l!\e Kidneys. rpHlusi.a&criberrespecitu!!. begsiraveto iclcrm ; •at] JL. the tiavelliosr public that lh:s Hotel is now ! rU '.:-,--rrrSicmai-fi. ,:gjiflk-jse.: aocLiuipruvta fur a belter atd xniarsed i UiruntliFiiiea. Inward Pilcj, Kullaecoai 11. !a'.io:i for travelk-r* .iurin^ iommer.'VViib -; i . i > c. K^«J so the ::«'t.5. AcfiftT of thr ;h«: lj!.- i:iij»n>vetaeni* sr.d a .ieiEruiined perseve;- ' Slcniicii. .*"«u««.». Heartfaarn, tt'jyistTrr Fcoil. ->.nce, no effort or ou; ; ay shail be vtiniins; to sen- [ F«ilar>i cr *<.>Jit in »fc*8tcwj*efc. Sow ^nebtiier li'.i Hotel in e~tr;- rnspett, to tie iuvaiiu or to i tion>. S;nfe"i£, or ."'UlU-r c- it the Prt of thr Siow; -hose trnvelliog on business or p easaie. ii> tch, S» - i:a-i».i.K of .1 « Und, Hvrrkd *i.d n.ffu-ott :oaiuj is and accominoJatiois. equ.jl to ai.v Uou-i ; 6rr*lhiu:. I*.utit-r.:-s al '.in" U:-i.-t. Choa&Htt or Sttib ia ta« Y.\lley- The tabie shall Ui rurni.-Urd with i calbis St'u.-'atii.-BS wr.rn in J Ivn.; Po>t««, Dijnnrj. of V.i-Mii. IX>>.-cr \Vrl-< l<-i-'e Ib* S.^hf. K«fer ih.;tie;l rura this and Baliiinore tnn: <<-ts. ji^uner ant Dull !> o iu t:-.c Uei,-J. Ceficuce» of Pi-ral'trs. < a^'y . n the anirsfl ol t"he UiiltflRi'r^ «iaiiy i » i r a i . ... V . . I - >.-i;t-.-< •.Tthi-SkiaauU Eyej, -;ai«, .it; au>plo time sii-*n :\.r pas-reins ;» dine • ° i'..-:! iu ihf Si«ic, Rick, C'hcst. I.iii:1.'*. here, r-e ->re ibscais leave I\:r \Vis ch*sler or l!a!- ; ^;r . SL'.!.:! a F ' i > K s ol" Hear, liiaur*. Pasrens^r* s:cppii;s* her? iu v:c»v our :s i'u7niu<,- in the F:<sh. Ccs•;aiil loc'liuic in..nn;3in ?cen< ry n ?•• r-s' a>-nnd . tai-ci.u.ii.-- : they w. 1 be well cared tor lir.riu} tbeir May. A ! call i* -uost rwpc-.-Huily solicite-J to ecable tl.c trave Ii:. j public to iuJge :'j- ihen selrps. ::-: v ciircl by M. OAitTU-.LL. , J?ue fi. 1S.VJ. CLAIM-: AGAKBT THE FEDERAL BQVERaSEHr. JOHN S GALLA !KU. : :v| PR C. M. JACKS OX, LaZt 'fl-:i! AvtKtor o/ ti.e l.'ni! 3 Slt-'.et Tr«surj, and uoiiEKT n. GALLAHEH, i ^ ' -^a- cas ""^ »•'«* «ri*« f^erh, of r., -,;., -. l~iKtii.\iJ . . . Dr. J. M. W . i-.-u. Lix=n;;tau. Va.. t>!x 6lJ>, J N O S &RO. U.O.U.LAHER. »a:J : "I sa e;it:rtly ou; cf ihe Otrmaa Bister*. l----*.\in.;^J). C. brccaie ail t'le rase. Nothing vUe sells." CflU on Penasyivcnia aviuoe. n-.-aii sid--. in j iiuve j _, J4|ac.a> l^,,:^ll!^ v-,.. .M,wh 17, ISii. laiJ & B r o t W r s 3aiWiDg,»a le-v floors Jrcia ! My<mrBiue»gi»«tie»»»«ti»fcetK».'' The Tenth Lcgioi:, ['uh!»TiL-<i a< \VooJitock. Va., Is*. • Icventors aad patentee-; -sho nsti1. an atorne;x n W.i>!;in?ton, cun have >Qeir ir;tcresisbe- said, Ja.i. lO.h, I5o0: .» Great -Medicine.—\Vc haie rclr^iacj fi'jm RC«Eaa«9bMK to the ijre t! f PaUnt Office sa'tixla.c cr-'lY a'.temied o l>y uuifurm!y of llu-various patt-ut iau!:c.iii.-i iif the Jay. .;. 'Id reusing as abore, as Joirs S. Git.LiDEa, jr., any thci«j',li'y ccnvsnccJ uf lueii value. -\u»oa» those we MJ-S s -ciai attention to that '.Tench of t conj.d-r w^rthv of notice, ;» the Gerailn Bittcr», :uMa.Vb'J. Iflal. the . F. BLESSING, (oufrctioncr, , ha* ^Duriosj the last summer. OULD respect'ttliy anroiiace to ihe citizens i son ot -Mr. Abrjiu CiaMll. of %k \hi* coqaty Vu~verV " coaaty, wu very the ser,ou>ly affpctc<t wiih LIT..T Ooan-Uint. of C!iar:ei'.i>,ar]J all persons and after tWsause, tliat .i-_- has :.uwor< hand and will cor.iintie hiri'i rain va,i-11:1 r.-Rirdk-s.fce purchased a bottle of t.> b« iupplieJ w th :he latest novelties of each s>ue- theffittkn»>CBda'trr w.-s; it, tras «o much relieved cf 1. > dutnatiuj; ILJ'^.IV, tl.a' be prt^urc.' auoih-?r fcule. i-'ssive season, ctimprisimr. ia part — CONFECTION AKHSS, I-f its choicest vatu-ties, ar.i! ;s now entirely tu health." Th-oy are i-in-lrcly v,-?ct..Me. free from all injiiriou-i srcii AS iugroJii.-u:i, aivi-jysst:-cu:!.hcu ilic system, aad uevcr Fine Cundv Toys. Jelly Cakes, picstrat,> it. l>on lions, G:tm. Cordial, L-rr.on, Forsale rt'bolcjalo by Drus-ist in »',} the principal and at rrU.I by »;-..-. Iit-caries aaj*torekeentr§ i» Cfuxalute a-zc/ Fruit Drops. ci:ii.-i, every tjwn ia the U;uu-u 5tate». W .il'js: Vanilla 2nd Burnt Alnmihi->,fff/ic/i a-td Exploding Sherds. R - H T Notice to All Concerned, Turnpike Notice, JIS public are.hereby notifu'd ihal the ar.mal sul -crip! ions for tne use oi'llie Berryvil - a n d Chailes'Gwn Turnpiirc, eipind ot the first (•;' Novi-mlHT. and t h a t contracts to ihe first o( Oc:ol*T, lh:>"> r.iav be made by appiic'-iiion Ui liieTreaMjn.-r, oi to THUS. A. MQORS, at Charie--io-i r n. The Ti;ll (i;>:'r,-jr<'i.s ar.- in- 1 .; ucted io allow no one to pass thi? Gau-s witliojt payta°nt cf tolls till contracts for inr.- ensuing year a ; e H-T,.;.> RATES OF TOLL To br cf-.'.'.rgtd jxnoKs ir'io conif o;» i\d leave Ihe Tai-nikeat the Kcb'.iiotEn cntl Summit Point ForS.-. : pike For the round trip. For every— Rural- f. a \Va»:on 4 cents. If fthcrU are mor.- thin four in.-hf s wk(l-.' half S:na!t: Horse Cart 0| " thc;c rated. Dimtle " do 8 " DC Carriage 15 " Single hnrse do 10 *' 'f Hound trip. Horse, -Mare, Geldiiiu: or Mule, - - - 3 " 20 S'iceii or llorses C} •' -f. S When the nit3;Her 13 > mor; or less the charge* I-'} to Bain proj>crtioii. iO C;itt!o - order of lac Boar JOH.N D. niciiAnosox, November 2'J, 1S5! — tf r C UJUEV cases artrr 9K>lt»l h.J ;' 1 hi-w Bitten »rc wcrthv the ittrntren of TnT»li«l». — F>-"L-- ._- ,- M •• •• "'.-• i» t u rrctiSca ion ol ;fc« liver a .kit l'-s-.-r ;iiam;i. cxeic t *ii!g ;he o>uat in ivc;kuir>s and aSl-e'ious oi tho >l;^ c crjan*. »-e withi! »ufi-. <v-rtjt:i a!!; NovuuUT "?, H5-J—ly Maryland and Virginia 'O.'c iigfs., Lsinons. lluisins, l^, Piurtcs, Citrons. Cu -. fioft and PiiTxr SluUed Filberts, Cocoa, Cream, And Ground Xuts, I Also — 2bj-s and Fancy FEMALE Treasurer. Fartiiersiiip Nnics. yiHE 'i!ri<.'isi.:;i_d havi tiiici. 1 .: into a Co-Parti. ruT.-liip in the Merchanti c Busine.<s in CMrIc;!cu"n. I'-m'.T thf- firm and name of ORAM L R S: H A W K S . Th- I h M l i t i e s from, ai:d me a>!-f:s .iae the estaW'shnifnt :.TO back to !~t of J;ft uar;-. l.<554 The b-j?iness t;iii be continued at the otd stand of A W. Cramer, who T?i!l f- ve it bis persona! attention. The .IP'" firm wi 1 ii<,; every elTurtio nieri: th« snppor! of the public, and hope to msife ii u! maiual h-nefit. ' VrELLS j. HAWKS. December 1 I?!o4. Tise Slore is ep«rn a^ •y are pr'cpareo to /urni^h all kinds of Caseiiher from iheir own, or patterns supplied • i h r i r custcraers — and the prices as lowascan afii^rded any where in :hs r 'ishboihofid. F. BE' - K H A M & SOX. Harpers-Ferry. September v'S, If-51. To the Citizens cf Jfjff.rso , Btrktlty. Fredcrick and Clarke Counties. MifiBLS WORKS. J. SIcDERMOTT & ^OV, FREDERICK CITY, M A R , OULD in;t«nn :h?ir Virginia customers aud iha public gt-Bcrally '.hat they continue to manyfaciure MONUMENTS, TO>JBS, I1E\L> ANL> l-'CiOT STONES, SCUOLLS. Ac.. MANTLC5. TILES, and liOL'SEWORK generally. T;.-tnbs eaciori.d ia tiiij most handsurae style. "Ali woik sold a: ciry prices am! -jfiivereil at our rislf islf acd and cxptnseT espi-me. V/._rt dene in the best style,by wurkiaen nut i-urpa??ed in aiiv ri;y in :he Union. Drawings of Mmiunu-uts, Tombs, llaad Stones. Scrolls, &e.. can be se«-;i a: the Shop of !Ur. iIK?«DERSON BISDOP, near the Academy, Charltstown, Jeffetsoa «.\ V'ir^iaia, who ii our autl.fifced .A;;er.t. Orders (baokfally received and proirptly atten- W ded tr. Novcmbe" !('>, r654—ly T "JEFFERSON HALL » HE undersigned liasju,M coaipleied, and fittnl up in the best manner. A HALL designed for Pabih: Lectures, Concerts, Exhibi:k. ... A r,, cevr FOR R.'iNT upuc rea»e"i»ble tero.*. The Hal! is in the centie of town, convenient ol acce»s, 70 feet in i;n? h, trd 16 in width. Farther i^lorniation, apply ;o ;fae Pi'opfiettrscf Sappini;ton's or Carter's lljicl, Charlestown, or !o Auauv. -.".». !,-.-,». J.W. HELLER. FAff.L AHKIVAI. Of Cloths^ Cassimers & Veslings. t riHK subscriber h-vs ju*t returned JL fruin New York, where he te~ l:cicd with pteat care his STOCK OF GOODS, embr.-iCiag the uost ..Til" >.ty!rs ot CLOTHS, CASSlSlSRES'AND V T ESTI^G3, -f. •Jcc.. t-> wiiicb he invites particular al- " ;er,;ion ol all in want of Cimhi•••», and which will tnu and make up in the lineal maamer a mostfashionabl-; sly!;. Th: Mib^criber rturnshis sincere!bank* t» the them t h a t he ery efl to JIT* faction. For th" !>?n?l:! cf h? La lie* 1 PATTERNS of ail *i«s ;.nd »iyte» and yoa!li>' CJoihe*. Goods parchssed «l»«wh8r« irili be tared as usa.-.!. J. R- A. REDMA>*. Chnrl-Mown, Oct.-ber 19. IPC-1—tl Heady-Made Oloi-Mng," T" AGAl.N appear telorc ytfn as a PrMp A. and .is I hope you have n;.i forgotten rcc in that capacity, "you ivili, one and All call on me Khotild }uuneec. any thing in that -.vav. Please call on rue at Ciiariestown, or .TIV son THOMAS J. BHAOO, j rpliE subscriber would rtrspee'!u!!y invite hi* J. frit-nt!s aad the public Kcr!cra!!v, ta hi* sioek l i v i n g nt-ar Mr. George B. B-.-all'sou the Charlesha oi•..••.vn a n d - Sheph-.-rdstown Road. As I have em- otREAfrY-tfADBCLG'rHfX(l,itllGt ployed him to do ihe work. I -i!«-ds*e myself that all lers to sill r*-ry 1;."" 'orCash. Ke is ahop«par«<l to make Coa:», Paut:* and Vests, at the ;Jvone»t noolder."- wil! be promptly attended. tice and ta ;:ie must iashionahie mauue'. F*l ruary 34, 1&53. C. G. BRAGG. His shop is in one of the rooms of Mr. Andrew Hanter'K ihe Coar:-Housc, and Beit door to E. E Co'jke'i Office. rpHS nnders sntd returns his Oct. 5. 1-54- . JOHN REBO. ' JL grateful ac-'snon-led-rcmfnis for ;he p itroaage rsteniled io him in hi line cf business—and respeci: ul!y an LL THK R E A D Y - M A D E CLOTHING & noun .-e- U- th? public -^eacriMir thai OTHER PROPERTY of l»aac Rose, ia 1.; c.1'itinues to cairy on th? BlackCharlesfo'.vn. iiarins been avMgiied, in trust, to the •••iiiih business rear'.he Chaileitowa urwdersi^nedj the satie will te-scW atvtry redceed I.'epof,.where everytiiirijr in his line prices. v/iU :-e done at short no'ice. in a substantial As ?reat harrains arc o!r.>rfd. *hf fnblic are re-.vorkaiar.liUc msunT, at f i i r prices. He wiil sprrifuily Mjiiciic-d ii> call »r-(i purchase. r ^ p i r i a i atten!;cn Io Sho'-i::;; hors,-.-, a s i n i e e d to Ali pi ii. n>- indeblid to ssiii Ro<e w i i l p'eane cafS cvi-rv branch cf tin.-'.r-mu-in?—tbVrefbre «;ive and se.lie w-lb the audersigaed at an f-a IT da?. him :t call. GEORGE W. SPOTTS. F. W. DREW, Au-roo-t 10, 1RT.1— ti Oct. 1i>. ISM. Trustee oftaae Blacks&iihin A Goods at Cost. W '•; J *o , I' -«lr, Biacksmithing, icd : opportunity nfui QJins hi* friends and the that be has renie.i ibe w r i l known »tan,i, be.- :i«oG»--i^ W. EicbfJberrr. S* m. es east •here he N prepar.-d io .••• al! kincs hi* 'in*- "f '-ii-iuess Gir.' me a N A T H A N H COPELAND. February I. Peruvian OVTLE& Ci» b n - - !•. st-ie tiie!: n ua np ,,; o: X->. !- P E : i l 7 V I A \ G'JAXO. from dire t itnrv""iau>«i> -no. virr-Tnl d pt-r, •which thev . tVr to iheir a grtcu!:niai luenu- at the :lowes: marU-a ra'e-. Alexandria Janomry 2a >^*. P SACKS G A SALT in Mere and t.< arriv.- A:-o.50«do P i N E to.. :..r sale KOWLS&GO. by Alexandria. Janna-v 25 1>5.'-__ 7000 USE. . ; rsale 3LEY. "TONS Windsor PLA-irER. on Wharf acd tv» ari:v» rr.oitlv F.»r *a!.< FO \VLEi CO. " Alexandria. January 55 1855. _ 1200 F!LL GOODS. DBB. J ast received by OetrAer «9 «»« A. W. CRAMER- Sellin? Off at Cost, E ir.Tiv ttos«- in want of CARPETING to '"TpriE underj-t-^ned haviar; made arrangements c'urlar£«;to.i n r w on f.iiiH. which will fT^Hn subscriter, Tin>tre i J L-an ; R.>e, anxions ! 0 JL tq-seU'fcia Store-House iinstDweliiogtotfceU". j so d low. JL to c-i>-<e HI;!, as soon is pi;>-i :. e. tne Sti-ck of ' £1 Applv to D A Y I D UOWELL.Cumm. tJ G ivt-rnment. will SP!I hi»— ynvnn^t Wanted. Ciothins and Dry Goods, (now ':oi:—.deib!y ir ..-rs-a^ ! Charie-town Jan STOCK OP D P. V Rl M »:^3 AT COST. \ N ELDERLY > V U M A N -'.rbite or black— Ju^uDdei>i^n:-1 will j.-spose ot. Et privsti; cd by the slock of thc'Berryv iie Branch Store,} J\. to take c inrce i 2^1 ii:i. '• One who .->uns Hotisl^-^is FA*!.VI, well known as the "\7hii; Ci-rrsH-nees to-day tosell offin ihe epalarw-J), at Tho.*.e wishing io »tt CH;;.'i? -JOODS, FOR j OASJJ. will piense E I V C an - a l l y call, where they • TT/~£ :'av- or, hsr. CALF for 'a win "et a c«m .via: 1. home 5-1,.! crr-o.i wa™es. VERY Miverior CO\ lainingsJSp'-Hy.-iyiDg near tiurfimit Point, con- and below Cash.. There is on hand, a large S.ock of ready made •rill d n l a large Stockand u-e!l assorted, s>ii:ed tu : » l RiES w L i t h we . -23,'lS- t-tf _E_- M. AISQ.UITH. by KEYES & KEAR3LEY. to Ofler Clothing, f.incy an.l doinestic D;-v Gi>ods, Boots j ':.e present anii approacbiii:; st-ason The pnblie j to the pn.iiie ar.H a* :hey loaj-ht at ihe lowest 18. ^.. . vsa •r iliemr.rertcijested ic-ca!!, esa.T^re. andj i''i-:"•; 'iieinj cish pr ce they -zii: ^ Ahis-propefn-^ anJ Shoes, Haisand Caps, all <>f v hi h &ha:l ai. i! for 5OBNG WILSO-X. RANGES. Lemon< enter;?.ir.atBlfor •iv^'^s. occupied as a bouse of mn*t be wh.jtri'h loget tiOOD BTJ^.?EL^ prime Wt.>:p Corn, for *<ale j advantages HirpsrSiTerry. No7ernDerC3, \^^',—'.i KEYES & Kb J tls .-: 2. not rqnaxx^"^»4 traveiien, ami has A.\D FASHIONABLE GO ''JDS. at afwat-ooe KEYES i. KSARSLEY. j twe>D Vv incheftet and <C.^v*a'y other p*jii,t '&>- h d l f o f t b e .-f-gular prices, taC l-e;:-»r call ia time November 10. 1851 5-k; \ Ivjn the main '-'-i-'roaghfaiv^wu—bein^direct- anc gtt the r supp'y. NOTICE. ' Roofs.. i rate 1-mesioae, and water ai'v^^Wd is of firsiOIL— I bav- recvived a Bai 'F.SONS k-r. v:i-i th^-t-:--eives indebted to tha '. BOYS' HOOTS, * very »np*»riBrh-tl I only inducement for paitii;:; -.vivV^'^a. 1. T h - ! ZWTHE/tZ: WILL ALFO HE AN Al'Crcl of Seaufoot Oil. niiiiersisiied by Note i r Acconnt will pi?a?e i ":K- which was mad«-to order. . . -( t~\ BUSHELS i i.-e Dried ..f «- ju-t receivec ; growing family. V*ty T. TlOff E VEft Y SA TURUA Y * !GH T. COM /?orne fir~ard and m;;|fe payment itamcdia:ely, as | ',• !=:.; S RIDENOUR. 1 U and for sjite I A-J.:re~s she -'ubscribf-r at. Summit ^^v A T EARL Y CANDLELIGHT. I ej:>ect to leave the county iboc: ti.e 1st of Jann' son county. Viitgicia. Shoes. those indetttd to !-aac Rose, .is also ary. If payment i^ nc: «;ade by thai lim-j t!' ., ' November •£•-, If 51. JOSEPH MORTiits*. \ ., T ADISS' HffFfS GOOPS now- and accounts wi:: oe ] laced it lae handi. iVse •-ri.n ho:iffht Goods at the anclion, veil! r.le^je r*-irr ; Another Irt of LAD IE?' v Nov. 2T IRSI—till 1.-: March—Spirit. \, LJ AH-a--=i .'. FieTk.-h .Mrriiio^; .i.V.o ^HOES—n-hich, io ad; ; -___\'-•*'. sooii ac'd'settle, atihcS-ore .>n Main Street. :ao o fiver tor coilect'oc.— A :arse ard •;-aeral \ PtaM. Ca~hmere and pbin ditto; '0\\E ;• CHARLES C. Oil ion io T.'1-t.r we.V've heretofore receded,; F. W. DREW, Tntclct. TABLER'S A\t>DY\E CSER.I& E V ' ,., Si'ksJ a«tnir.i c-i.-rs For * Most of ennciR^nd-. P- P.—T hsv* fur s;iiea -jocd r .«io?!f of LM iiis' worS -.'«•/ compt 'ic. rGV AND _ PECTOHAXT fur U d relief ai,d c jre 4 ,t'»ir- •-^^«o'*n, Oca;b..-r -J5, 1?SL J O H N L- HOOFP. \ On 19. 1>V. , znu a new oae-iiorse \V 3ON. e, is.;-:. ' s. feciionsfif the Tbroat and Lanss, *>i>ch as Coliis, t^r •23. i-N.t. : Candies I! €aad!c«I:! C C. C. Cou;bs. Croup, Consomptiirn. As:hma,'Vtf'hj'if>:;i» THi: GE\TLEME\ ' T>EAVEa x FELT BON N -.iTS. ior sale bv Coo"h Ho3r-e~ess, i£.:.. to !>•• ha.-l ai ;h;. Mark«-U ^*S»e*tTOold taifc ijii? method tc inC/40TH.S * tr».-t-i;. ^ * a. IT c? I D s5T l.'V rCEYES KEARSLEY. Hoaseof TtlOS. RAWLIXS. C>'1 ibe GenileJiea we have bo'iaht a ...,„ .. acd tae pi-rchising; comJannary 23. •I-.-T" v-.riftl ard la'-rer stnrJr of Cloth" and " have established a f rrs. 'ttr*'*. Cr.arlcstawn. ,\T riARl'ERSw. have been ia ',h« habit of ke;p*'i ar.d ;•• • eial sut, fc F .'^ir r.v CROP N.O. SUGAR, r £—ii wh.'cli we i r r i w an inspeciion. .IOHX I..HOOFF .laiitity ol t!;ebe:;f •'tOscriber MI. <-%4 .espec!f.!liy informs hhfriends do . MoIa-SiS; i f ^ n r . -: i l' Forsc-.e ancl wovid"**" ASTER >' Snrfm^tr 2. KEYES & SEA! . i andfis)ready JL and the pa^i pa^iic th'at ht basjusi filial a p h i s Street HaTannah Orai-res; want ol the same. rived f r - m KETisJ ^ KEARSUBY. TAIR «* t,a these ' TA IR RODS—I have by OYSTEFt S/^OOX, in hr-.udsocse style, v-hc're h? ; They purchase ih# Fresb Lemcms, Fa.-a .• bv a ha", s ina-^ •.rt!n?rtt t f Slair Ri.js ^ IU-.TLNor. J6- 1? wiii b.; pk-.seJ to see all ihose who may wisa any rncs; •fjEp^riencet: .-eh 1. KETES * KEARSLEY. i-i >h a:.d 30 3i inches Ions;, wfcic:. I .rus line.tnrii-'*:; and a-iv c^snppH»d fiimself wsih' will ; cheap lor cash or on short eiedii. a P"- nf Richard Fattf n'*best TRANSIT COM:.. served up to private parties, oa TABLET'S DIARRHEA CORDIAL:.* ie that Merchants THOS. RAWLIN3. when de*ired. PASSES, is prepared to do SURVEYING wi'H by the btx. vr LH vpecdy core of Diarrhea ar.d ^^mlli'?r trtj Jan'i-rv ^. advantage to cail on ats to lie had ll tbe Martet-Bwrse oi dai'.y. which wi.'l «r»?te' accnracy thjn can possiMytc don« wi-U. TWOS niwr.iics where. •s by thf Cao 01 otherwise. the onlinsrv Campa**. Person- Larin-f sarreyin^-* <>aott to do. will fiml th^ subscriber by droppicg hjin a> y 25 rr are solicitei'., and will be tin,* s,; E h«ve h:«re just retnrni'd rt>!urn>'d from from i raar-et wi'h an inshortest notiu.-s aad lowest rates. note at Harp«rs-Ferry. , creasni assci.-tm-nt to our usually f c l i s t o - k - -- -pv HESS TRiMMISUS— L-diesD--^' I'rim GEORGE MACZY. , Grwerfes. &c _i_t>SEIGLi:&cn of Dry € si Velvet and Ribbcc*. for sa'e by IJ , Octr.bfr2e. J854. CRAMER & HAWKS ----T.C.SIGAPOOSF.. t - d . f sirr whim whici the tbf ii.-aiket p-ice wil 1 h» ns ROCEEI-iS OF ALL December 21. paia in Ca&K, or No. I ^ott'r CAr,cIe*,,I<M)QG I.t2 BYLime f£J TrfTL/V BTJSiiELS HS subscriber bns jrst recsire.-t a oi TalJew. Tfcc.Zl. <^ 2 S. I IK/ by ssw.rtm'-^cfBritta a> Lamps, A lsr>, 1 B"! •5.3*1-ect. tt gyvuS* . 16,18SL. •p , Jefierson Farm for Sale. inner; PMlMfH*. j^rrnruttKfe ii*>M r-?' ?««-! s-aj.-., u-^^^^^S&\^5SS « ,hc i Vy tiih ti.- tae prtw^ciitwn tt evuy Jes.nptu'u c-t j dair-as h a i i n j t the Pedtral G..-VC-I: inent. - v i e ? c' rt-quirins atiention either i . ..; th- Eh'.MRTMKNTs. w i l ! i >;'or«- 'one the rasaio >^el to.ajJrtss n •-. as we unc.-trnke -i5' ot'cases u o a reasoi'ahU 1 !erm s , misiug ' casjccesiful in esiahiisuing a evciy kind acd from all parN . I Iv.i. pe, uianuS licnted in F«de:i,-fc Ci;y, M.I . as healthy 1( c'.hi ell ol wot d. glass, china, india rubber, &c. J p| .; ml a i'j'.'. u as any ia ihe Souihtrn '_ :/* Pound. Fruit. Spunge and all ;.-tiier kinds of Sttiu-s. CaKe.-, Ici-Crtams, Jtllies, <fec., made ta order, atid The b i i l J i n g is one of great architectural bei.u- fi rtjbl-ed to wedding and other parties on short notv, spa. .:::s ar.d cutatnodius, erected about SL-JI ti:e i i . tui-- or a u > o f t i i c ?.i:j... u\x- counties. Orders !»•> esir-x^ly ii'-r a Cflilesce, and ;.>!- t l a i k u l l y rec.ived and p r - i t u p t l y aticnilcd '.o. 7i, aoV.-a t.-"ihe a--«s u: > - i c h i« institution. Charleslowo, November 1G. ..: ighout, a: an ' -.— h is fuiLished ia ths t>csi ?(, expense of mure lhau S7.0CO l'!iis i :slitulio:i lias an abl Et..- i tucIilH B.-.irJ Library, e:.i''.lol P. ores- 1 rs and 'iVuc; cr.->, a lent iViusical l:ia!tuiaents. in T A V E N N E R & CO., No. 320 Baltimore and t':m •.-••pai.jal Ap;:ar£.ti;s. ai:«i u iscor.iid«i:tly believed thai it o3t-is as m a n y lai-iliiics lor iui- JLt/> 31reet, between Howard and Liberty, Baltipurtiuj; a thorough, exten>:vc ,i!:d it. i u^d e lurai .on moi'e, Mannfacuirf is ol .Vvo'tiVtr?/««(/ Trvn';s. I N OUll SADDLE DEPARTMENT v.e keep as any S ' m i n a r y in the land on iru.J tad ir.aiie tooraer, Sitmtaerset, Shafter, j Tbr School is NOT s r . c T A H t i x or the contrary, the jsicns: radios are strictl) i t q - . i i i f i ' ^ a t t f L d a i t c h Enc;li>h pad, f u l l qnilifd, Spanish a«J Cucimon ' Chu:ch«s pareists dt;sigiia;e, sic-.'ou panic J alivays Sai :k-s; Ladies'Saddles, plain and fancy. OUil HARNESS DliPAitTMEKT embraces b • n teacaer. tl rli^.idis w i l l be receive.! at a n y t i m e J n r i n g the dcuble a r d single Carriage ard Buggy Harness, best materials, aud in a s-lety j .''•:. r. anc. will b» char:.' c', propoi i" iai !y from t!:e g-iH.n up of the -.w ; nn! surpassed ia t!: s or.inv o:-.u-rcity—Stage,Om- ! : ite ot'ibeirtairaucc to cla»o of ihe •-c'.ioiasticy^ar nibu«, Wason, Cart, and Drav Hainess. iu J u l y . OUR 1JR1DLEDEPAR i'.VKNT furnishes evOn the l.-t if January nexf. after i!>e Christinas holidays, wiil be a very a p p r u p r i s i o time rorscbol- e'-.- varieti- of (air and black Leather and Webb - at;.! M-'utiri^alrs. ais to-.' ihe schoul, aud tli .- lik'nds of Female : O U l l ' i M i U N K DEPARTMENT contain cen• : J ^ ; i :ire t ..-»!•.-. ^ i l u i ' y ii,-. i---i ;o eail and t-xamiui- !'i.' superior accomu.i ii;:: !•.•;. s ior trospring ai.<; ;r..u f>ame(wana..redSoleLea;her) !'• '•; unc. iron hoaad TninUs, of tvery variety; and stud) in St-minary. * ^' F >r H>i3:d and TuiML-a, incliuliusr fnrtiish- L; ciivs' (res* Trunks. Bonnet Iloies, voie and pated K I K m-. Lights. Fuel, Washing, etc.,~S-*00 per ei ' I ' C v h . - r a n d common Vaiiscs, Carprt Bass, &c. Vif aiso ki-ep en hand Hi.:iu:j. Driving, AVa^on s.'l-.iiiistii: year; payable h a l t yearly ia adv, m i. and l)rav Wh : ps, Saddle Pcciets, Fly INeis, Linen For Uircalars and other partic'iUrs. address Uo'se Cjver«. &c. H. W I N C H E S TEH, ,Llav5t)3r every iacility, and 1'Cirg wcH posted in Dci-pm(.er3l. IS3-1. Tioident. ;!iet, we l.ny our materials at tha lowest r; 'i•«. altoost exclnsively fur cash. Our work is all miile by experienced and superior wuticmen. We A V I N G qualitie^ r s A t i n i i istratnr ol WIL- ti Mfto'e say to Couutrj' iKrc lants, and all others L I A M L\ •\YOKTiIlNGTON, iit-ce,.ii4, u- uitiii^ Gooils ia our line, ll at they will do well all p.?rsoo?having claim? against said Esiat. are I'- call at No. 320 Baltimore st'-ept. between H ov.-leqcebtei' to present t n e t n . properly aulhenti^.ated « d ar.d .Liberty. U. T A V E N N K R & CO. RI. tl.e er.rliest day pfaciicaiili-. Tliose who have June vi. l,--fil—iy. unsettled accounts, of any desci i ition, arc re- I .vi in d tc prepare I'.'.eir vouchers for an early ?ctIRON FOUNDRY, i':.-i!i ••!'. Those indebted to the- tstate are request'indorsi«r.e.l iinve lea.-ed ihe we!l known ed to :i!aae prjm;)t pavmcni., IILON F O U N D R Y , at Hirper.-P^rry, in the ( ' - n i n t y cf JuTersoti. ~Va., lately occupied and Ail.ninislrator ol V/. C. IVorthingion. J27" Per.son.- iiavini' Rni.!i> b.-'m u i t i p to h::i Li- *--'jrfee.l bv Hacb Gill.-cce. The uciliiies uf the lessees of procuring the b*'.>t stock, and at ill biiirv, will plvase return vti.'ai iia:a:iiia'i.-;y N«yeraber301:1854. S. Il._ times, iffurd a guarantee to their customers of piutnpt and ccrhraanlik? Css!in?r.. They have ihe very best workmen and solicit the pat- Halltovvn Mills, More New Goods. STATES HO 'EL, AT TUB HAIL. ROAD DliPOT, Also, z't the common vari. ;it-s— all ui w h i c h w i l l lie sild at low rates, at h i s C t u f t c t i o n a r y K-'al-lisbmen. arjoin'.ng H. L Eby & Sun's P a m i i v i v , \ybfrc be has just received FRUITS AND N U T S , of the latest imporlaiioa, such as — e',7 Confectionary, •"^tJL— 'an li:h Partnership Notice. Public Sale, Cross-Roads aad Summit Point m D T HE i-cl si ribe"> . .j 'j .cr-.-.'n • • ir si^ccn :r.-i.»-s iv (be K. . :: - c. i : ..lic gene75 > • •- ''-' U t a T T I I Coliutl.. tal'y, r/r iheir iir>eiH! r ouiatreu.-T ilnrirg ihi . '. ; - l i K M t : r.!:f ioo lev t>osi1 Spl<r»diM f ' a i . i - a l r.f S3? 000 : 1 of 15.000: | pa?i season, ?.r.d h.'p. I v siri'-t ; 1 of 15000: 1 r.f 10000: I'of 5.000: 1 ; nrts to ir.iiirt a opr.'i: . : ',ce, a ill- iV Fnva '. .'.• cs'iiri' ilii.ary di n i ! i: for o i i _; .- • celifbiateti of 3,505: 50 of 1.000; 50 of 500; 111 of j K^nient Ps't'Mruusi Thx-t>Uer, Ace. C'irnner and Ka^cr, ' if! — -i. :•.- ~ ^r, ubct.5! iO:00 we bavr prepare*! io : -• i;;i pseas -i th; Isr^rst t' - -."•>. Certifl - e .1 1 1 1'n:' •»;.':-. i.i the Pia's, • -•; ;i..i L» . our impror--ii ', , ' Geer Ifjra ao -J-jq.iirier Do Pi-Ktr <tn.d CL'" r— .•• : . :.•. • ihe larmer f;,n *'i h b ..Jcf. ;rac-' : ti • oaa •> i,. . is MTV •!.:•.. ia: i virtue o! a ilee i c! '.'!u>; t r i > m ll.-nry S:. <ji i-."..">. r.i .•. - di WuiBjogiont.Del, Ii jas cut one >tnall = . , alomlbctr! etaachiftc, Ii G.-o:2f T1':;-:-:. ri-c'd . aivi bis wife 'v. in••. ani! w - tt-arra-ii ii to '/ir. -fj more g.;ii a^.l break o:; SiUU;: v F. i*iu..ry -J4. !K>j l i .1.; in B t r K t l r v ai-d Je!T- >; i'>n Counties—and aud wiste less iban i t.v ( vp i .--.:ur now in v:ik • 11: ' v ••/ 7d. -• .<-,:; i.ii.! ctcjuet:—1 \v; use wiih ti«e same n:i:n. i 1:1 ^..r.»s :. d t,oi<e i: . u's. oif^r tr>r 'Ml •.'Dili r, <T-."- raaiit.- ilit-ro with s r. p<. t q u a M r J vy n > strap 1 Prize of •?']!,IHiO; 30.000;-20 GOO: 15.000: L A R G E TRACT OF LAND, in tbeconi-ny. Aisn s h e v - ' - r bt>tsjnr contain-.* i. :: Iv !>,";ii A'i;It!•'.:•> i • iiii |»ir !'y in th.' 8.338: 5 of 4.000 : 3 of 3.000 ; 10 of pleThreshtr a u a S h f . ! with Tomlliqg Shaft M CLU::M-.-..• B i.;.. J ffersoa, in two fdrm,-; •2:QQO- 100 of 1000; :!33 of Sirop. . the one kcr-wa a< ( FiC* - - - -:i • ••• - -r'COur Stock consis;« • ! the fo!! ,• sizes, aiid Ceriiricate ui , . _ - . '-V .li-s. £-^5;i Ot) !heir prifesat the Si >:• viz: «T«.\K IBOUSE FA871, " '23 Halves, Lsr^'-^t size ibrSaiiJ 10 LIJI^e>. Uii inch AS 3 THE OTHER A3 •2j U'.ia.t. is Cvlinder, iT'MO (-0 THE CltCEK. UK i;i»l,t:Y FA»:>J. »-}>T '.-in \. :ng. Do do 25 eighth* " 31,^5 Pjvrer for same, 130 (O ' T.I I'l i t r i V T!-. . . • r.-« the be^t mediDf.y of Sa'.:-MONDAY. March isJth, lS5r., V/i;h Strep, and wir. TcraHicg Sb-il and cii;c t-Tor dxoxcr.'d. '1. • t:ik"ii frct'ly j (Couuiy Ct-'Uit d-., . l'ia<-£nj S^h— MarJinsbuig, ^p"Oni--rs f r Ti.-h-i-Ln.j Shares a n ) CertifiGsars on Thresher . :sira. 2 5 C O and frconrntly, ocd lV.<- in «hich bow the cates u f Pv-rM::-* in ihi- Spltndi! Lotteries, Secon-l size 30 mo!i i'hi-.^licr, for 0 i:nd S ><-<-ds uf inriiraiJi- dista:,^ x- :,i U- ^u•l' r t nut of the Thf Sione Hoi^e Farm i.-i:nini -•<. ns by recent trill rf-L-iv" i 1 )- m.'i->t prompt atti"titi.>n. ant an acHorses, 1 7':!»'1 i-Vnti in lik»- .Li;: i.; :",r.- :!»• i-:i.d. !5v ihis jiroi^rty -15J Atr.-». •- 20 P.i>s It cur, tliry do •. • --sb as by : "i t .;f <ach :'>'.\ins w i l l b:' >ei.t i;n ae.:i,:'i!y P ( .-,ver i'.u s; me. 10000 sc.rvev. sistsofeicel ei;t L I M I ; -S FONli L A N D « h u fly-:. the icriiruk^l'. . . . . _ • :;..iUaa every after ii is u>vr tu J i , « to i me V,'i;ii Strop and v / i i a Toi.'j.i:^ : '-.i:"r, is weii Ti.u: i=:-u — aDtl has ;: ,1: .• s-;;: v-ia u! VVattT 32 00 \ -<. I' J. BU'.'KKY. Acf-nt, f xtra. J.ivKii C"-.!Pi.uvT, 3 A ' - y n r f r , ami all Bilious F.-s 1 . 1 55. V,';!ininitt.-ii. Uc!. K-."> ts.) r u n n i n g tr.rrtJgli t!. Il is admirably adarui i; :.• Tiiiid »:zc 4 and '> l.o ses, T!i.-c»'; -r, ,4f• . • . •_•'. l::r!:t — filh« !ti) 1)0 rai;i::g AVhea:. It has gnou iuipr. vnncais apufi P,,'.vf r. w i t h Stn.p, '. i ' . . . i-stion, or •i'.-.!r:irtioi'» '•' l^.' 1 \..~-rr. 't. -0 00 llngSbj • • • . U ' i ' h T. :,: ' -;-,:ii.!y Had • ' :••..•!<,! The Greek Fa • aias, a« by recent survey, L^J 5!;ak;rs \V a!s>it nr.t.: tat t . '.-, ,ir-"is to '.!;c •"|~^tIE -iib-ci !':•-, is vr.iu :. le»pectf'.tl!y iaforni 'lie j i C j ACRES. 1. has i u:^" c:i3n:i;v ot-.imbt" iieaith, and I lie ttmsti .'•.;::iri is rir'|t:«'tit'.y undu'1. nii/. - I Cha • . M : ' i v .-iniiy that as lol'.ou.--: M CO ianil— is principally ^<>nl S!;-if? \vi:b a rpr jui:.<:ij i v iin i..,h'i cajuw. InU'.irstinii is the synipFor S and !0 hjr«e? tbev b P ' :n-e:ves in liie rm-ni up hitn. tiLn!r.ic'.;cn uf t'..c di'.c ; • :,.pti« the 1 "•"> ("> siderable amoarit of valu.ihie Ic.-.v ground, i v i n : I-'or () acd 4 : .M ^. pisit'.'ii' Co ' i-II.i-i-,-. |..un-iiv d cupieJ by W. r 1 l.i'i ;i:t i •: •• -: • «ch i-.m ,i < d'cl,! tn ov. .'. . . .'< 00 upon the Upequon. w!]ich is the Wt^trrn bunndaAU-! i;..r -I and G hul-c , T. M'-D •««'•! a* a J.-vr-.-M Sinrr, a n i are p ; e. ry of the farm. It has a fine, bold >tiesm r u n n i n .; i;>to l!j.-> H-ji-.'. '!'. - . • •> J;in!idi> c, uith a 1 >%'itb These .Machines ire all corn: p.^r-' i . i !sir:.i-i, '.i'ni'i s w i ' l i c-.^iv v a i i e t v ot j through it andeinpi-i in:: it:to '.he O p - q u m . i MIJ; a n d dun;> . " • ' • Ct'!>U\cci-SK, o r ^ > t t . t :i.v, y es, &c-., and rca-'.v i tion v,',-. CAKK ('/;.'•. .-1.'<J and h ll . ipi.ibaa o! COVftlternatcly « . . ; • • • _ . •'.. , ]:r"r^ls. These (racts cf land lie cotmnient to several 7 to :!ic : :;. 'tie Sh'-p. an., a't v, ill farther •• l'« •••• .• :..-, !.I:.I.:H T. !i/iv sp'iits, w^ariiies*! t ' B u r n i V A i t Y , u . .. • -.. -.:^l :iutice and •Soniing mills, three or • u: .1 i >.•> irom Martin 1 ?>•«•!l . r i j i l riei lhat we have - a ' c u ' a t e U i-ur V.. ro«t'itiiiu'r,<. and ii . wiili MMr.^lIiiiCJ intaos: i ,. :... barg— 5 ;nik- or iwc fioai Jc-; :-: re the Uaitiinori; i '.va K «iii!i:y lo ,-1-i-j.. ;.-..'. ...:;;!•:. i,. i . ^ . r _ l iKou'hini^s; sea-on so tha'. the i; i . - v * : debited v:j FISEE r.iid Ohio R^il Raac — and »ix or seven miles fioin in «<•• \\> HIUH liiiji- tii- .-. . ;.::::;:. I:. r side; the s.kin ei iljitj :.: i u".< • Mschir.o n v. .T.ii.urr 25 7.;.d l5u- « h i f r of tin c • .. •- U y r ' w x v ; alsi n !'.;.- .-. . . two . v G O N ;;u the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, five miles ol "the btunmrli acid; t: i' ! < « • ; • > M I , ' tu ill- tc-,.ch ; carry ihtC.-.^:.' : i • :i. v h i c h we •-i.i Ui:i;:^h '.'.••> whii'h is iifon a somi Turrpik't- Iloail. <iir v h u i c sy-.;i:ii irril •' ! ••. \\ :'.'.• \ tu ("IMT, The title to the tck-U .'um! Js ;<--ijK;iy •; 11,' as all f u i chaser* at a I .v |i wliicli may luni t'i \,.\;i- .-, '< ,i .-. • •. .1-.-. . i i'.c, bii-ous impost d to parchaM-crin teaaih1" lie ;-i!i^rteu about, V,\> are al'-o ma! ii-.-j a very s:i .• i d;arr);t!':i, uvsr-nl- rs, v. A I.H-'JI::II i'.;>:e ui i!>ree i'V .-efert-nce to the seni.emen mertiuned l»elo«r. . < r fuur I'illa t:'l>ri. .i • : - :. follo-.vrd In" txvo or IE ainoi.n: o Ss c!f tirce ss yt n ihe o Tt:e anriivi.ied half jfeacii tract is conveyed to ird a :«.xv days, \\ill thrtv in tU^ »--onu!:5, and i in n ul it'<- Ci • — l;u;ii:-. ai;u Siiuiiiiii Point me. nn i I xvilt only sei • so m u c h . reiuovo rlic CH.I-H- »i ;.'! ilu-M i ' i i n ; v . i i v t.aving tieen suii ci ib-il. in v/hich w.- '.va:i:'.;r not eqn ilie : !.• • 'j'. -).T;ofSaic — Or.e-tourth npoa ih° 1st of A m i l . : Sce5to snifij' tfM'.ij ;;:iii;s whou you c:i:; liirc tiicui i -u;i;.i f i - l ti.f a i i ' h i ' i i t v f i - i I" i i r d upon us rr now in use Jor i n' sic Crr.ts. . iiy .; ,^j-">. !beba'ar.":> in t : r e eqiial • n n u a l . bf ;be iact of J c •;' ration Hi • atiderMzr. M! hereby ftiinvHATisv. C»!i-T. <"xf a!i iHPcrtmixtzr:/ Pein li.e •with interest from thai day — iha iateres: .•i-irin::iij::. ' • !.i:.. si ra 1 ! a » j i i - f . j ; 7 i :' '.tn- s '_r--<-;ii-rrs for saiii s: cfc rm arc ni]>iu!y ciirv-l by ihf p!ir.:yjiii^ rli'rnsnf wh«=n ihe binds are payable. po-^e-M'in ( t t-i-fi' i;::ii: • \v! •..r-M.r.ny fi (,'T i.i p i ''i pi "XV. )ir,>'i-!v t iili!iri<i-.i 1 <lip»c I'i'.U npon thi- !)l."t>J .t»J sl.c >1i!imlus wliich Canveyanef nn the 1 -t of April. 1S55 — she pnr-imili .' !' • i t t . U . T . . i' <v 1 -..'. i ; ;lu G i l l : 1 Kiev aiTorrl t,> t"..<; \ii-;i! ;>v ;>i-ip!e n;" J.ilv. For to lie •••! i .1: i! v - . i e ' i - S i i u r ' a v . ihi 16:h ;!a> no sou n the cuir.ti. •• . ;; • areacrop; • •has-?r cifcatin, : hj3i!s and deed o! trust to th-">c ami all k j d r n ! i ..;:.)•'..;,;;> Ti;>-v *hoald bo <il F e b r u a r t i.-.'x: K( '! . ' I • - * xi This Iu- been : '. ' tBscyot'our takcu ia nu'.il ues-.-s to Ujuvc thcbuwvU ;;( ntly, but ' i l l A l l \ V K L J . SMITH. Ret'tr to D Ei ConraH. E q . Maninsbtsr?, Va , uio-' |-.ii:rr:K-a|;;i!n - T ' . : : ires a i : i i l fivc'y. J \ <;;: KM 'lift.-. or *. R. Tiickc: . E^; . Winchester Va. of'the m<j>t»'..-;', . . «v1nee i u t i iA>^ a PINNV.R I'n.i, tlus is both agrucable and .V.A.NN R PAOF. ITj^" Pu-iS'-'s^ion niv !ti A p r i l 1st Iftjo, with leave u-i f-al. NII I'll! coil lit juiidc i.,< r. ji!. a>.u:t ti> fclte, _ \ - a;..; u c i — , • • ; . . : . ; i < _ . . . : .- :i;;: ri;:i r i DMAS Ii CKOVv'. : «inu ei*rl;ii>i!y none lias been iu:idu inure eifci'lnal to to tenants so cut aud secure the srrinvingcrop of • i f ' h f ai'i.viiiic;. :.i-u. «'•.-.. _ ~ .L . . . . . ..;. :,.iJanuary 2", l-.Vi the j>urj>"»i' '.i.r uliU-U a diuiur p.Ii la eiuploycd. t::r "111 >;<:cfc.TT. H MARSHALL, All work sent <i;it w^rrented to 1 e mauo in the PKr.i'Anui) r.Y I65.V January ^:rl•a5•.•^l_a;l t ra•--.-' .'.:; :'• c i>i;; J. O. JS*CSrJB£Et.r Ali liners aiMr ~.--jii i i ^ tUc u , . - I . will rev 1'rnctit-al and A n u l y t i c a l » JicuiJst, th? i-«— ,er <>f {he otht-r hall of" the t*o ceive iiniiieaiate tt'.cL i i L O V/ E L L , M A S S . lra<Vts referred !•• s'.mve. ! ivili at ihe same t i m e '/l.MMF.'i:! '.N £: CO. AND tULi) Ijy ami place. ar.J cp.m the sativ- ;t r'i'< >tli my itiit-rCharlestbwn, Jpnanrv 11. IN.").") e>t in ihe same and 'vil! give a ck-i'd «if warran y I.. M S M I I il. r.nt'«fotrn, tur the f-arae. i . ll. 1 I . \ M M ( I N I > . llH'pfn F'rrrj ISeapt S. U. i OU.NblV, ~ .Haviiiir b-^ii ii jio-.«i;s»inn of the iand in qnr<E b;g leave to infcrm the t';' .crs of Ji fllTlfil by Druc;l»i. . • » < r y >v iitfc . - It- A- ti.m for nestlv .'.D w^rs. as mv own maiden limd. son nn;l L u; < u n . lhal v; '. IVh •-. 1 •""•."! ! n-. usal.' cf Al'iCuinii'.'V LEAPER.- and bein? ucir..-i; -i:;>; -ri-.i. thi-re can be uo question w i ^ i to secure unc <.•'. : se I'ei-^bia- about mv titlo. i r.i-.-r ij il.c ^-ni)--ir.e!i a•;.»-.~.T"';'.".^.>T"-'-" " ~ ~ .-v?*' A \ N Ii t U C K E ll. their o:dt rs bove i! a med. tul R e n r e r - «vu -i di \.-,-ll in ' ! ff.lH ondrrsign . ,, . \ u t i r t i v to The ii^irs coss-^n-; tn 'h^ n^'uv sate. !i--!o-f Ih" first ol A|i- : l. Th'- i! :• - - : i : , ' M.I.Vi' ( V i " f ! l t Office of Wiachi'slcr & P. II. R. Co, ersol l~.''"> iin- '•-, ii •..:•..'• •••< : •• :'; - !•.•>! Machine A ' ..n . \ ' . i - I . . - ; : v . i - j ' ; i - . i i tilaii'r J. S . T U O K E I l . for the H.:its. : , •! (i .1 • '. i- : >s 'I'lit-i? au> J a n n a r v 1 1. 1^:>5. ui the kind in thtf Uniti-d ?: r ar ' after M O N D A Y T[1F. OC'D INST.. tLe ani! ili'-y pay...- . i." .. \ j i n ' r h . ' Jan. 11. 1.-55. '/.i.\l.\!t:RN':AX & CO. '! i" If A M . I'a^-cnser Train w n l I" 1 iM-:.• ' re t <• ..- . '•••<•< v>-'." l i " i i - < - a » ! i inr i-.i: l i r r i : ;i:. ! Ihe i'.:-i i••_' r Tir. i! «'i!l Mart in m I l i s i - i : ; - - I'-if IliTih'Tn 111". i '•'•• ' • ! . . l l ' l ' ^ o t . l . Hli under -ipiif ! offers !•>.- >;ile his KAI5M tin U~,,i ' .• • ' • :'!i •:ni:mt-f A M—'<eI 1-* i.i • t i u i t r lh>- >-n-..?-!.: sys«hicli he i .•-;.!•:; in J !l' -rs;ui cminty, Ya , iT w i l l l.-.ivv ltr,--i.':,-f. f-\ny u' I I i.'ili-tk ard pcr:=C"s'i-:io h a v e purr", ;<=«,: t_tOods a! ion at.. i t i c . s . • :.':ni ih ii ca-tosiiers ; :.'• .•.'.(«.'<•.•=. <T i i u n i - i i i i r ' j afu-r 'lie a r r i v a l of the th? A u c t i o n i r ih • Ti'i-te • uf i .1;-.-. iu.-e. a i e situated on the c2>: s: le nl l!i^ Sheaaudoah river, T i n y > rsue 'hey w J H r u ' M n 1 il;i- ' H - l s it' : C.irs !i>. Ji B i i > i : • Per order P q-iesteu to comi' anci >alce ihi-m sis-r.y ani! p i v 3 miles south tas>! uf Charles'. »vra. The tract ihfcurniniuiit. v. . , . , .I,,- v rv !>• •• J. GZO HEIST. P. Asm/. for them. Al^.1 i lose v i;,i ,^rc i'i . :j:i.-i! to Isaac contains «.r»t i-ttil b e - < ' C i i ; < d a i d r.t the.i.-'.v >i '.. ; :ii< To T V. :\.-:i- KI-.-P .T.-i'i O:. l>.'i"> l i i — - . pi iY<r to Ms appoirjtinent of Tiiistees. by ei'hS50 ACilES, l|n ttii-» lhr"V nio^t i..T. -.• ii;-.' !:: )•••.• that iluy may rr bw.k account i.r noi \ ?.re rt qiif ?'<-d to co:ne lor- chief)-,- of liine-M.'tv and red cr iron ore soil, cf f.-i ca-h. watd and st'itie tl^ ui iuimediKi'-lv '••ir!: i'.: "awclves ID he which mineral larjje dcp;)-jitt.-s are suppose;1, to i-x: nuUI t a l i c t h t s raeihcd of anf. \V DREW, . r i ' V !...'> cr i'j.i r, a.v.ii:i.t sir n^f'F. s r:'--.": ' i-t. About 140 acri-- are -.ii.i'f i r i i l n v a i i o o . 3'1 c< J. tii.u l« M :'. - LH<:ir> atnl G - - n - t-men of Jan. 11. 1S3-Y Trustee. _ •vliioh i* Wheat .MH; i|a-- i t - i . ! ; i e w e l l set in Gi ss, ca!! jmr.^..::.'' v MU! s---T'e iitt-n and vi -if. i v :|IT IM i : ; rirMron* <•! j-rincipaliy Tiin.i'hv ;u;ii Cl< v--r. in v . h i r h ii is aa<- for iht- l i t e r a l a G SCHOOL an.) BMU'C: !•«> mirabl/ adapted. The l e m . i i t i i n s part ot the t i a c t aini In jv ihat tiiLji;i HV,<: i.i - I I . Il a c!.i.| '..i uit't't . II i is clothed w i t h a va'.u^'-le gr >wi!i - (or it. I O i l ^ J = l ' l e l > ^ ''''' PejCiies U '- l 'h "' 1854 1 i:;^ i l i n -•> '. in>: . at 7 «i*i n nei Tuv^dav I U U a p i i m e ; u l i c ! f . just reef i •• !.«»•. d fursale TIMBER, chesobt ni ^!-t p--.!omi: ; ! Clock n Ihe -r:rk - lool-boosr, n Charies- low Also, a quality 'i.f C L O Y K R SEED, for Dating, intersperced -vi.'i i-itser •. j' i-.-i t • :i. O.-Tict X, t . 19 Thf t - r m - will be maJe io sai.-liy C L WdOD&CO. such as oaks, hickory. rt;t pine, ash, &c. Sll-t l!;e NELSON S. ANGiiLL. Witiehc-sicr, Jannary 11. 1^5'>— ')• This Farm prutiii-, s u i , ^ .1 t'io tiilK'rent acd Itidiaucorn t(jti,i! 'o :r;e best |jn,: i;i t^v county, an.l possesses ii'!:aV-l'.- ai-,!;^i.s L.r ei;l:?!r . JOURNE'r.ME.s .Mil!--' n : r-= to w h o m cropping or grazln.?, beinij either from a half constant ei.iploymenl and H! :al wagi-s will mile to Cj miles oif :rom 4 Merchant Mills, two of given. Apply to whi< h are rivor inill?- and a water o'lnmunicaiU n, pay D A Y - I ) KAttN?. eDaolirsr the proprietor to i!i l i v e r fru:n 500 t.i 1000 r:cd ai r.nv <.•! iamsiort, Md. Wi J a n u a r y 4, lS5".—fi'. husteisaday; il also as a GRAZING FARM hrts Potomac R a i ' trie -ad vantage of an altnu--; u n h m t t e d rans? bac-K s:tnply of B.I.* at propetty of the place, aud be:\veen it and tlie Bli'.t Riu'.ge V I N" C!s">I BNTWMOORE f6faa;eaKi>. 1 N - 5;.- Woman. She couk wash - r a t . <i ii,,i,,. i Suld for no Moar.tain, di*iani about a mile. &c. subset u-r-r, or ia his i Ti.e i.-nprriLvinrtnis inrtnis consis: of a BRICK f a u l t . She is atiout t h : i i y - t jght c- f,:rtv years ol DWELLING. ar:d all necessary as--, perfectly sound and hotics;, ...-.d ha- no hii*Prr-i'en», C subscribers having -:ch a- 5:abard or children I preler a e;. hmne in this se Company ' in?. Ice tlousf. &i\, sitQ'fier on pins M i . ! f. r Gri!idin» COP.N nr a<;j'i;nin? counties, aad will id! a bargain in "•• -^eRce. re*.rarkabie tor !w hej.lthTliR, w i l l '«•.•:•;» coasiani'.y nr, ban,! Piaster avvw her as 1 have no ise for her. l,.v.-i-t Cash price* \V.' w i l l also grind Cor^V finnesf. w i i h thre? nnlailin'tr springs of soil \v'A" VINCENT \f. MOORE. i\1ti-.l t'cr a!! per<"iis vho may favor as -j-'uh their TER \viihin a !ew y.a'ds of the rmildins: — ShanonGbarl'stown, J a n u a r y 4. ISJ3. Corn (cob and Ail) crushed aud in establish a repu dale Springs and Furnace w i . h i n 3 miles am! ' CO. SoU'h Bend F.-rge I mile also two Saw Rlisl.s Charleston-n. Baltimore, with my from a half 1 1 H ciiie of ihe premises are some or' 's, einb.'i'O ng some very the advaniase-s. The A i c x a n i r i s , Loudoun &• Hampshire rl.nlroad h^s been beaded vitbm £ Blew. mile of this fur.m and. will greailv eahance its val4 L A R G E ar.l w e i i selected Stock of fisrired T. C SifiAFOOSE. ue. A. and «i!ip-i Carpets, lor saV bv As the cridersT?ned has a ftvctirable opportcn :y N..V •::! IS54. SUPPLY to invest, he will sell a great bf.rgain in the a'icyc vored G. l\TE,\3. property. Ap^licaiion to ike subscriber on the t'aclion to all icy cust. alo, at .he s.ore of Messrs. Keyes premi^esor person or by let'er tiiroush the Charltsof BELLS, n.-arl.- new. for by H A V E a fnU or Flarpers-Fc-rry Pov-l-Ofike will be'November 0. I will g'll at a srsat FOX. a six horse team. a::ecd(.d to. THOMAS D. PARKER. NATHANIEL W. M A N N I N G . Novi-mVr 2. i?5l Mats. Decf-mber 1-1 1^5-1. CASE NliW S"?YLE \ S, for < ^ ct Ji.-ff;rson. Londonn Democrat and .U &, UAWKa. cc-pr ands«nd !>iHs t; thi? office. A SCHOOL T E A ' - M F . R i- n ; . ' i i r - :; . ID. T A Card. lVSCORDELLand BLACKSUE v haveeal'T£. t;rrf :in»o a Co-Parto«rsinp in she PRACfTlHE so scribe '-MH* i H F i-.,,-- V--nrtn- :]n TICE OF MEDICINE iBj wi!! berta.ty loattenj JL SiiurJav. th- 17; : ••< Pel* .*r Q n ai her a!: Pr. festional cti s. D»^hi and<!ay. Th« occcSersigDed taiesthU occssi-.n to say thai farz iore^mti!:- >>>u ii ,-i • , . :jiiv>wi<: iniecds in future* to y«vr hCj cndivii'ed icg PROPERTY v ^ : 1 3 hf aii of K • i >o. i;ic!u.:i. :; •' r? • - i M a r r - ; i •.'., .-a to the r:a, :.;c of Mi-tiic-iiic as abore MaS. S. BLAOKBL'RM. I two year o,J Colt, It yea'lu;^ _:.i . ana I ttd. Jan i?rr4. 1S55— rf. sp'ias do. ; 5 Miich Cows. 3 3:*ers, and 3 CaUes ; 47 Sheep .i Brnod SOTS and 3 1 ShoaK; IIS od^rsiirifd wvu.j very te=.r:c;fallv in•2 Farm. Wajcms; I'ji-r•m his ta->!o:n!TS, trienus and the puli'ic i Bir.fcear P looses, 4 Sic?!? and 6 Double- .s*aertl!y :bst be has thtsOav a*»o:ia£.-d with him ill business bis brothrr DANIEL C. SXYD'CH, 6 pair •NVzsoi! Gtsrs-^ad 9 rairPlooah do ; an.i! lias ihe busings v.-i!: U-A-uiiir t.; c>M.iiu(.u<l a large a*-or:n;t-ci if Fanrins Utensils, uci-'tr the aatu» and f-u; ol A!S O. SN'YDCK A BiiOTHCn, and they merit the -ends that ab'e tbem :aab!e terras pproTeJ securiIV. Saie to cofflmancfr at 10 o'clock. ». H as th-y can 'possibly 'cest-!vi oa in ,his market. "REBECCA HUNTER, I tr,ia;i ta»e1b:s occasion to re'.arn m\' crateful r-, 2j. 1835. ackncwiejgeffieMs tu a s<.P.rr:-ij f ur'.i: lor the HS eial iatrt.^ape hcretafure rxsiOKeJ u p in ine. and w.;alc respetUuiiy soi:.:ii lor ihe new.- lirm a conA S 1 haV:recV'l out ay Farm fo- three v«ar*. tinuauce. as no piia*wii!K' s->ai-ed \'V eirner !(' J O H N O. S.NYDER. -Cm. I wilt-stil all-icy rrrscnal Pn-pery at Public n-erit the same. Bei ryviiie. JsiinarT 1. K-s6o. SaW, on ThtrMiay, \'rl t<ay ..f February nest, on r the farm whsre I n.>H r.^ule, -1 .V'nd Horses, Cows. I pair Oseti.Sbeep a ; i H-'S~, am! all inv Farm- Hunt's Great HoderiTTleiaedyi ins Uten^;ls,cu^si>t^^^ ..).•" f-jgirj'h'""'v Tryii! Try il I Try U! a>eil H i o u l t i t a t e a t'jifn AlK^atl tav Iloascboid r l E National repntnthir. of lh>» r - .T.-'^e and Kitchen F-.r-i'-u"-.. 1*. medy is knutvi> to th;- p')i lie. Tt-e c r j niiT t ^ M s — A i ! v uni> : S!0 and over, a credit of rj.e-; i>:"i"j'-e< are uot labricatiotia. l-u 1 from disiin6 mouilis will gi^'en—uncci §!0. <-a>t. cnis..?d r,inis;ers, and hisl^v re-pei:!ab!<r wrauns. AMOS.JANNEY. Tne oublic wiil ficJ it a sat'-1 sr.ti t-ff-'iiire care lor J a n u a r y IS. l^a-'i. Conc-.hs, Colds, lufluenzi. Vi":. : ' ush, Dysp?ps:a. Si.-'k Headache. Weakness o; the Liver, or anv .-CV:t!c..ns of the ThVoat or •Zm->. where ths Lot aj- Li!";r-< am sot serum sly impa?rH. T "WILL «">)! si pnva ••. sale mv M ;; A j>iinJR2 tbe r- : L. B'nis, E;-q ice. Fr-?dfii.-^. ML cout:iii:ing } 01 an acre, tt'iiti a good smn« fuundasale in Charlestown by L M SMITH, sole tion. 32 by 17 fi^t. i'" ; B. Terms. Ca;-h, cr A.- • I'm Jeff! rsoa eoais:y, U2d jy Ag-'uis .hrungha credit of aiue raoiihs \vi.u 'non i an-i approve^ itt''!»• U kited S'ates. y. BiiMJAMIN COOK. D'-cembi-r iS. IS34J a n u a r y IR, 1^*5. B S B Blessing's Baloon, F S S W G °1SS^S T sr. B * *•* f P J*0 *H s IH pH 3JV-J 32. ^ ?flr lffl!4! *S!s S f t = — o: - •-• f IO — i— til CO — i»- tO tO — "I O CO O • > - > h5 - , - • - 2 2 re § •'' - " I! = H I'-' w , K) ^s c," »•< ?.s 195 w u. y «p3 r = ;