ECG DATA TRANSFER THROUGH USB INTERFACE WITH AUTO-FEEDBACK CONTROL TO A TREADMILL by Leslie O. Santiaguel A Design Report Submitted to the School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, and Computer Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Mapua Institute of Technology September 2011 1 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My deepest thank you, dearest Lord, for all the gifts you have given me and for directing my path to the following persons who have been instrumental to the completion of this design project. To my alma mater, Mapua Institute of Technology, for having an internship program in place with the Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU) in Taiwan. This affiliation served as the stepping stone to accomplishing this research project. This would have not been possible without the efforts of Mr. Noel B. Linsangan, who encouraged me to pursue the internship, and Ms. Eunice Cespedes, who fixed the requirements for the internship. To the people who have warmly welcomed me in CYCU, the Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, Room 501. Dr. Yu-Show Tsai, laboratory professor, was helpful enough in assigning me with a research topic and in providing laboratory partners who could help me. James Chang taught me the fundamentals of ECG as I am a biomedical engineering neophyte. Alan Cheng was kind enough to let me use his hardware project on the ECG device and microcontroller as the basis for this research. Leo Lee coached me in coding for the waveform part in the program. Chen Yao-Tang helped me in interfacing hardware with software by helping in the programming of the heart rate determination. My other laboratory mates were supportive enough to encourage 3 me to go on when I felt like my project was too hard to accomplish, and were also thoughtful enough to compliment me when I was able to perform well. To the other Filipino Mapuans who were with me during my stay in Taiwan, I extend my sincerest thanks as they were my family there. Being homesick was a challenge but with their company, time seemed to pass by in a flash. My stay in Taiwan would not have been complete if not for our shopping, travels, food trips and exploration of the country’s cities. To my family, parents Susana and Loreto, siblings Lorraine and Lowie, who supported my decision in pursuing an international internship. Aside from the financial support, my family inspired me to finish the project so I can already go home to the Philippines and be with them again. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE i APPROVAL SHEET ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF FIGURES viii ABSTRACT x Chapter 1: DESIGN BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION 1 Background Intended Application Different Features Major Component Statement of the Problem Objectives of the Design Significance and Impact of the Design Scope and Delimitation Definition of Terms Chapter 2: REVIEW OF RELATED DESIGN LITERATURES AND STUDIES Studies on Electrocardiogram devices Studies on Auto-feedback control Chapter 3: DESIGN PROCEDURES Conceptual Diagram Block Diagram Design Procedures Hardware Development Schematic Diagram 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 9 12 12 16 20 20 21 23 24 25 5 Software Development System Flowchart Chapter 4: TESTING, PRESENTATION, AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA Hardware Test ADC and Data Transfer Test GUI ECG Waveform Test Chapter 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Conclusion Recommendation 31 31 35 35 43 46 53 53 54 BIBLIOGRAPHY 57 APPENDIX 58 Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix A: Operations Manual B: Pictures of Prototype C: Program Listing D: Data Sheets MSP4305529 Data Sheets TPS736 Data Sheets INA118 Data Sheets OPA2335 Data Sheets 59 61 64 86 87 112 120 126 6 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1: Paces by Incline Table 18 Table 2.1: Total Calorie Burn Table 19 Table 3.1: Bill of Materials 28 Table 4.1: Test Case Analysis Table for Serial Port 47 Table 4.2a: Test Case Analysis Table for User Input Test 48 Table 4.2b: Test Case Analysis Table for User Input Test 49 Table 4.3: Test Case Analysis Table for Conditional Test 50 Table 4.4: Test Case Analysis Table for Auto-Feedback Test 50 Table 4.5: Sample Inputs and Computations Table 52 7 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1: ECG Compression Diagram 13 Figure 3.1: Conceptual Diagram 20 Figure 3.2: Block Diagram 21 Figure 3.3: Design Procedure Flow Chart 24 Figure 3.4: Electrocardiogram Device Schematic Diagram 25 Figure 3.11: Auto-Feedback Control Flowchart 31 Figure 3.12: Graphical User Interface 32 Figure 4.1: Tapping the probe to the PCB 36 Figure 4.2: Lead V1 Oscilloscope Output 37 Figure 4.3: Lead V2 Oscilloscope Output 37 Figure 4.4: Lead V3 Oscilloscope Output 37 Figure 4.5: Lead V4 Oscilloscope Output 38 Figure 4.6: Lead V5 Oscilloscope Output 38 Figure 4.7: Lead V6 Oscilloscope Output 38 Figure 4.8: Lead I Oscilloscope Output 39 Figure 4.9: Lead II Oscilloscope Output 39 Figure 4.10: Lead V1 Matlab Results 40 Figure 4.11: Lead V2 Matlab Results 40 Figure 4.12: Lead V3 Matlab Results 40 Figure 4.13: Lead V4 Matlab Results 41 Figure 4.14: Lead V5 Matlab Results 41 8 Figure 4.15: Lead V6 Matlab Results 41 Figure 4.16: Lead I Matlab Results 42 Figure 4.17: Lead II Matlab Results 42 Figure 4.18: Sample ECG waves and Intervals 43 Figure 4.19: ADC test results 44 Figure 4.20: USB CDC API test results in HyperTerminal 45 Figure 4.21: GUI interface test screen 51 9 ABSTRACT Electrocardiogram (ECG) is an interpretation of the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time, as detected by electrodes attached to the outer surface of the skin and recorded by a device external to the body. The primary goal of this project is to create auto-feedback control of a treadmill through a user’s heart rate that is generated from his electrocardiogram. A 12-Lead ECG in analog circuit was used with a microcontroller to perform analog to digital conversion and transfer data via Universal Serial Bus Communication Device Class Application Programming Interface (USB CDC API). The ECG result is then transferred to a host which is a personal computer that has a graphical user interface programmed in Visual Basic. The software will then evaluate the data transferred and display an ECG waveform. Simultaneously the GUI software can extract the value of the user’s heart rate and compare it with different bench marks based on the user’s information. Through the user’s information maximum heart rate, target minimum and maximum heart rate, metabolic rate, and calories burned will be generated. The software has tables to check for displaying the auto-feedback control. The auto-feedback control covers the inclination of the treadmill and the pace per mile or time of the user to achieve better feedback with the user’s workout. Keywords: Electrocardiogram (ECG), heart rate, Microcontroller, Auto-Feedback Control, Universal Serial Bus Communication Device Class Application Programming Interface (USB CDC API) 10 CHAPTER 1 DESIGN BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION Background A person’s heart rate, defined as the number of heart beats per unit of time, is one of the medical measures being used to gauge physical wellbeing. The heart rate is measured by finding the pulse of the body. This pulse rate can be measured at any point on the body where the artery's pulsation is transmitted to the surface by pressuring it with the index and middle fingers; often it is compressed against an underlying structure like bone. There are various noninvasive methods used to obtain the heart rate, with one of the most precise outputs being obtained from the electrocardiogram, the trace produced by electrocardiography, a procedure used to detect heart activity thru an external device attached to the body. The ECG produces a waveform which has various sections and among these, the QRS section is used to detect the heart rate (Chan & So, 2007). Electrocardiograms have long been used to interpret and monitor the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time. The use of the electrocardiogram was widespread during the time of Willem Einthoven who introduced it at a meeting of the Dutch Medical Society in 1983 using the string galvanometer. Later, the electrocardiogram went through innovations and enhancements that brought about the present applications in 3-lead, 5-lead, and 11 12-lead systems to be used for the diagnosis of heart activity. The leads measure the differences in electrical potential between two different points on the body which are bipolar leads, or one point on the body and a virtual reference point with zero electrical potential, located in the center of the heart which are the unipolar leads. Moreover the 12-lead ECG offers the most comprehensive view of the heart’s electrical activity and the 3-lead ECG is frequently used for emergency situations, telemetry monitoring and medical procedures (Marriott, 2002). The ECG is mainly used within medical establishment premises such as hospitals and clinics to detect unhealthy heart activities. Most ECG systems today are inaccessible for personal use outside the hospitals due to its physical size, cost, weight, and difficulty in operability for ordinary people, hindering on-thedot monitoring of the heart rate and subsequently, abnormal heart activity recognition. Various alternatives used to measure heart activity have surfaced in the market, with the heart-monitoring watch being the most popular. However, its output is not as precise as the ECG as there are several sources of errors, like loose wear; and readings are not very accurate (Dr. Ingrid Waldron, 2008). With the ECG being limited to medical premises, its purpose is also limited to the detection of heart irregularities once a patient undergoes the procedure. If the ECG can be made into a less bulky piece of hardware, then it can also be used by people to proactively monitor their heart rates outside of the hospitals. 12 Moreover, not only unhealthy heart activity can be checked, but also normal heart activity, when engaging in exercise, for instance, can be monitored. The project has its features on both hardware and software. On the hardware part, an analog circuit offers the capability of extracting ECG signals from the user of the treadmill with a 12 Lead electrocardiogram. The analog device on the printed circuit board can accommodate the following lead as inputs: Lead I, Lead II, Lead V1, Lead V2, Lead V3, Lead V4, Lead V5, and Lead V6. And the project offers a power efficient device since it can be powered by a battery or from the power supplied by the USB port. The software part of the project offers the real time acquisition of the ECG data in a graphical user interface coded in object-oriented programming software. The graphical user interface features the explicit inputting of age, gender, height, weight, target zone,and treadmill’s speed. The explicit inputs and implicit inputs which are the ECG signal from the hardware taken from the user will be used in the following computed information: maximum heart rate, target minimum and maximum heart rate, work-out status, metabolic rate, and calories burned per mile. Lastly one of the main features of the project is the auto-feedback control of the treadmill from the software’s GUI for the inclination of the treadmill based from the computed boundaries of the user. 13 One of the major components is the microcontroller, MSP4305529. Its main purpose is the acquisition of signals from the analog circuitry, then conversion of these signals into digital form. Data transfer is accomplished thru its integrated USB supporting USB 2.0 (Texas Instruments, 2010). Another major component is the INA118, which is an amplifier integrated circuit used for electrocardiogram signal acquisition. Its input, obtained thru the lead, are tiny electrical charges produced by the human heartbeat. Its versatile 3-op amp design supports amplifying of small electrical charges, allowing it to output enhanced electrical charges. As such, it is widely used in medical instrumentation (Texas Instruments, 2009). Paired with the INA118 are the integrated circuits OPA335 and OPA2335 which are both operational amplifiers that will boost the output voltage acquired signal of the ECG. Lastly, the TPS73633 is an integrated circuit, which is the main source of power of the ECG device. It maintains the maximum voltage capacity of the ECG device as the components used are intended for low power consumption only (Texas Instruments, 2007). This part is necessary as the voltage obtained from the USB port is greater than the maximum voltage capacity of the INA118 and the microcontroller. 14 Statement of the Problem Physical fitness is the goal of most people nowadays as aside from visual benefits like good looks, it also allows people to be healthy. One of the measures used to determine physical fitness is a person’s weight. Exercise is the primary method used by people to obtain physical fitness. One of the most popular exercise equipment is the treadmill, used to walk or run in place at varying speeds. The misconception of people exercising thru the treadmill is the main concern seeking to be addressed by this research. More often than not, people who exercise thru the treadmill do not know their minimum and maximum limitations. As such, they can’t make the most out of their workout, by exerting less than the recommended physical effort, under working-out or worse, exceeding their physical capabilities and harming themselves by over working-out. Some treadmill users are not aware that monitoring their heart rate could be a great help for them in achieving their desired results when working out. Objectives of the Design 1. To assemble a cost-effectiveelectrocardiogram device in a printed circuit board with surface-mounted analog components and a microcontroller unit. 15 2. To implement a USB CDC API feature from the microcontroller of the ECG device to the personal computer/notebook by means of a USB data cable. 3. To program a graphical user interface (GUI) which will display and process the ECG data obtained from the ECG device. 4. To incorporate the hardware and software components to comeup with a functional real time auto-feedback control software that will control treadmill inclination to trigger the user’s workload increase and therefore result in the burning of more calories Significance and Impact of the Design The project gives a big contribution to the physical fitness of the people today. The project would help treadmill users, those who are trying to lose weight or wanting to achieve physical fitness. The project is appropriate for use in fitness centers or even for home/personal use because of easy operability and all in one feature, presenting several measures such as heart rate, metabolic rate, net calories burned, etc. The project will give users the benefit of maximizing their workout with the use of the treadmill thru having their heart condition and physical condition monitored real-time while they are workingout. The project offers the fusion of biomedical engineering and physical fitness in a very economical and compact device. Hardware-wise, the project offers a compacted and smaller version of the electrocardiogram, compared to the ones available in medical establishments. The project has an auto-feedback 16 control mechanism through the treadmill. As for the software, it is coded in a straightforward fashion using the Visual Basic programming language. Compact hardware, coupled with basic, and therefore user-friendly graphical user interface, allows for a non-intrusive monitoring device that can be used without difficulty. Given this, treadmill users can easily attach the heart rate detecting device to their body and let the program perform its purpose of providing them with feedback of their work-out rate thru various measures like the heart rate, metabolic rate, etc. Scope and Delimitation The project covers the analog to digital conversion of the ECG signal from the analog circuitry which is composed of surface-mounted components and integrated circuits on the printed circuit board. The project covers the data transfer of the converted signal through the feature of the MSP4305529’s USB CDC ADI that transfers high bandwidth sending of data to the COM port of a personal computer. Moreover the project has the software part which contains the auto-feedback control coded in Visual Basic. The software’s graphical user interface for the auto-feedback covers the acquiring of the basic information of the user for the computed boundaries for the calculation of real-time autofeedback control of the treadmill. The software also covers the display of the waveform of the transferred ECG data from the microcontroller. And through the ECG data the software is coded with the So and Chan algorithm for the 17 extraction of the heart rate for the completeness of the auto-feedback control. Lastly the software’s auto-feedback control GUI for the treadmill covers the control of the treadmill’s inclination. The software also covers the additional features of displaying the values of maximum heart rate, target heart rates, workout status, metabolic rate (calories burned with respect to time and heart rate), total calorie burn per mile, net calorie burn per mile, and pace per mile. The project limitations include the input, obtained from an ECG simulator, PS410 as a wearable device to obtain the actual heart rate from a human subject which was unavailable for use during the time of the research. Furthermore, data transfer which contains the microcontroller computed heart rate will be sent in a packet together with the ECG data which is a more precise way of acquiring the heart rate value for the auto-feedback control. Another limitation is the type of connection used in the project. A wired connection was used thru the use of a USB cable even though the previous electrocardiogram device was built with Bluetooth functionality. The Bluetooth feature from the previous device was also similar in the approach of transferring the ECG signal from the microcontroller to the host. The Bluetooth module will act as a wireless bridge for the data transfer where the microcontroller will be programmed to place its acquired signal through the TX register while if it is through a cable the microcontroller will be programmed to place its acquired signal on the assigned buffer in the USB CDC API feature. Another limitation is the display of the waveform of the 11 more leads of the electrocardiogram for a more visual interpretation of the status of 18 the user. The implementation of auto-feedback controls’ treadmill inclination that could be controlled physically and in real-time together with the software’s computed results was also not covered by the research. The same with the treadmill’s speed that is displayed real-time and could be controlled through the software’s graphical user interface. Lastly a database of the user’s information and results are also not covered by the project since the application of autofeedback is real-time to any user at a given time depending on his or her desired results. Definition of Terms ECG – acronym for electrocardiogram, the trace produced by electrocardiography, a procedure used to detect heart activity thru an external device attached to the body (Marriott, 2002). Heart Rate - the number of heartbeats per unit of time, usually expressed as beats per minute (BPM) (Dr. Ingrid Waldron, 2008). Universal Serial Bus (USB) – an industry standard developed in the mid-1990s that defines the cables, connectors and protocols used for connection, communication and power supply between computers and electronic devices. (Hui Pan, 1998). USB Data Cable – a cable which supports data transfer through an A-Style connector and a Mini B-Style Connector and the acquisition of 5 Volts power supply. 19 Lead – any of the conductors connected to the electrocardiograph, each comprising two or more electrodes that are attached at specific body sites and used to examine electrical activity by monitoring changes in the electrical potential between them. Integrated Circuits (IC) – an electronic circuit manufactured by the patterned diffusion of trace elements into the surface of a thin substrate of semiconductor material (Wylie 2009). Operational Amplifier – produces an output voltage that is typically hundreds of thousands times larger than the voltage difference between its input terminals (Bryant, 2011). Microcontroller - is a self-contained single chip processor with all constituent subsystems of a larger computer system (Barret, 2006). USB CDC API - The USB CDC API (USB Communications Device Class Application Programming Interface) for the MSP430 is a turnkey API that makes it easy to implement a simple data connection over USB between an MSP430-based device and a USB host (Texas Instruments, 2009). COM port - The COM port software mechanism is a popular means of communicating with a peripheral from a PC, due to its simplicity. It was originally designed for communication over the RS232 port, but it has now grown beyond these hardware limitations. Often today it is used in the form of a “virtual” COM port operating over USB or Bluetooth, interfaces which by now have mostly 20 replaced RS232 on the PC back panel. It is for specific use in the Windows operating systems (Texas Instruments, 2009). Visual Basic – A version of the BASIC programming language from Microsoft specialized for developing Windows applications (Gross, 2008). Auto-Feedback - the use of difference signals, determined by comparing the actual values of system variables to their desired values, as a means of controlling a system (Lewis, 1992). Real-time – responding to input immediately So and Chan Algorithm – algorithm used to obtain the heart rate thru QRS detection of the ECG signal (Chan & So, 2007). 21 CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED DESIGN LITERATURES AND STUDIES This chapter places the current study on electrocardiogram systems into the context of previous, related research. ECG data acquisition, transfer, manipulation, preservation and interpretation are discussed. The feasibility of a PC-based ECG interpreter is explored. Various equations for computing heart rate related values are discussed. Explicit user inputs, such as age, height, weight and gender, and implicit inputs, like time, speed, and heart rate are taken into consideration. Konkala (2009) proposed a PC, specifically web-based, application for ECG. In this study, he mentions how ECG is vital in detecting and diagnosing heart conditions. However, not everyone has access to high-cost ECG devices, and untrained people do not know how to interpret its results. He proposes a system that would take make the best use of the PC given that it’s being used as a tool in several software applications. This was done by developing a web-based lab view web browser that is able to access and control ECG data. According to Wang and Yeh, 2008, QRS point detection in the ECG signal has already been studied for a long time. Among the points in an ECG signal, the most important information can be found in the the Pwave, QRS complex and T wave. However, there are some problems encountered such as noisy ECG signals 22 and power-line interference. With these problems, the incorrect information may be obtained. As Mukhopadhyay and Mitra (2011) propose, ECG data should be compressed to reduce the amount of processed data, increasing processing time and reducing needed data storage in case of long-term ECG data recording. Coded in the C programming language, the algorithm is tested on a variety of pre-obtained ECG data. Before compression, detection of the significant wave points occurs. The R-Peaks are detected at first by a differentiation technique followed by a localization of the QRS points. The output is then analyzed whether it’s from a QRS region or not, then is subject to a compression method depending on the QRS region. Two compression methods are discussed, lossy and lossless, with each having advantages over the other, including file size and data preservation. Since data are broken down when they are subjected to compression, data compression is performed to integrate them into a single unit. The output is compressed ECG data, which can either be stored or transmitted. 23 Figure 2.1 ECG compression diagram Khalil and Sufi (2008) affirms the statement of the above project about compression to efficiently transmit ECG data to reduce data size at a greater extent. However, a challenge is seen if ECG data from a lot of people are being transmitted simultaneously, data compression alone may be insufficient and ineffective as congestion may occur, leading to data loss. This scenario can be observed in healthcare facilities with data being obtained from several patients at the same time. The ECG reading would have to be as accurate as possible as it is a doctor’s basis in detecting heart activities and possibly heart abnormalities. As for the equation in QRS detection, So and Chan (1997) researched on the development of an affordable real-time ambulatory electrocardiogram monitor prototype. Their system consists of an analogue signal conditioner, a micro-controller, external RAM and ROM, and a PCMCIA flash memory card and interfacing chip. The research carried out the ECG data compression and realtime diagnosis. Their purpose of ECG analysis, a reliable QRS detection algorithm with as little computation as possible, was developed. Their paper reports that their work in the development of QRS detection algorithm was successful with respect to the first derivative method as described in the paper by Friesen et al. The five studies above are similar to, but also different from this research. Firstly, all researches, including this one, make use of ECG data as input with the main purpose of preserving as much information as possible. The difference can be noted in the data acquisition method, speed, data manipulation and storage. 24 This research obtained ECG signals from a simulator, PS410, since a wearable device to be used by a human subject is unavailable. PS410 is proven to be a reliable simulation device and is in fact being used to calibrate a number of ECG devices in healthcare facilities (Texas Instruments, 2009). Next, ECG data, once acquired, is processed real-time. Given this, there is no need for storage as data is immediately being passed to the host computer for conversion to a readable format, ASCII. There is also no need for storage as historical data is not needed any more as the system requires the current body condition in order for it to give a timely recommendation. Contributing to the accuracy of the data obtained is the non-usage of compression algorithms, which contributes to the correctness of the data obtained. Compression is not needed any more as data is significantly smaller in size compared to those being obtained from hospitals, which are a recording of long-term ECG data. On another note, noise minimization was not performed on the obtained data as the essential ECG signal points can be determined even with the presence of noise. Also, the researches above were concerned mainly in the acquisition of data, and not any more with its presentation to the research subject. This research is different as it has a graphical user interface which would allow users to see their heart rate, along with other measures. This supports the objective mentioned earlier about the project being usable by persons who do not need enough medical knowledge to interpret the ECG signals they can see, and just need the essential data, in this case, the waveform illustration, and computed measures like heart rate, etc. 25 AUTO-FEEDBACK CONTROL The auto-feedback control part of the project focuses on how the treadmill will respond automatically based on the user’s needs, specifically the heart rate. A basic and standard formula computing for the maximum heart rate of the user is computed as Maximum Heart Rate = 220 – Age. The maximum heart rate is then used together with a multiplier from the user’s desired target zone to define the target zone boundaries (minimum and maximum). There are five treadmill workouts using a heart rate monitor that help the user maximize his workout that will give corresponding computed maximum and minimum target heart rate (Waters, 2008). These minimum and maximum target heart rates could help the user in determining if exercising via treadmill helps in reaching the target workout zone. Conversely, it would if allow the user to know if the workout being performed is too much and is stressing and straining the heart. Below are the five different target zones: The Healthy Heart Zone: 50% to 60% of the individual maximum heart rate. This is a safe, comfortable zone reached by an easy walk. This is the best zone for people who are just starting to exercise. This zone has been shown to help decrease body fat, blood pressure and cholesterol. The Temperate Zone: 60% to 70% of the individual maximum heart rate. This zone provides the same benefits as the healthy heart zone, but 26 is more intense and burns more total calories. Achieved through a faster walking speed or a slow jog. The Aerobic Zone: 70% to 80% of the individual maximum heart rate. This zone will improve a person’s cardiovascular and respiratory system and increase the size and strength of the heart. Achieved through a steady jog. The Anaerobic Threshold Zone: 80% to 90% of the individual maximum heart rate. This is a high intensity zone is achieved through a “burning” run. The Redline Zone: 90% to 100% of the individual maximum heart rate. This zone is the equivalent of running full out, and is often used in “interval” training. This zone should be approached with caution and can lead to injuries when sustained for a long period. On the other hand, another part of the auto-feedback is the equivalent paces by incline which determines the treadmill’s mode in terms of its speed and inclination. A table below from is used in the project to make the auto-feedback control for possible real-time interaction with the user’s target-zone and heart rate. 27 Treadmill Equivalent paces by incline MPH 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% setting 5 12:31 11:44 11:05 10:32 10:03 9:38 9:16 8:56 6 10:26 9:52 9:24 9:00 8:38 8:19 8:02 7:46 7 8:56 8:32 8:10 7:51 7:34 7:19 7:05 6:53 8 7:49 7:30 7:13 6:58 6:45 6:32 6:21 6:11 9 6:57 6:42 6:28 6:16 6:05 5:55 5:45 5:37 10 6:15 6:03 5:52 5:42 5:32 5:24 5:16 5:08 11 5:41 5:31 5:22 5:13 5:05 4:58 4:51 4:45 12 5:13 5:04 4:56 4:49 4:42 4:36 4:30 4:24 Table 2.1 Paces by incline table 8% 9% 10% 8:38 7:32 6:41 6:01 5:29 5:02 4:39 4:19 8:22 7:19 6:31 5:52 5:21 4:55 4:33 4:14 Another feature of the project is computing for the metabolic rate, total calorie burn per mile, and net calorie burn per mile. Metabolic rate is discussed as the heart rate, a marker for metabolic rate and energetic requirements. The metabolic rate is dependent on physical activity, which in turn is related to, and likely determined by, the heart rate itself (Boraso, 2001). Moreover the human metabolic rate is the rate at which our body burns calories, therefore with the increased exercise intensity muscles burn more calories, and so the heart beats faster to provide the oxygen necessary to convert those calories to the form of energy that can be burned by muscles. Keytel, et al. (2005) came up with a formula for determination of calorie burn if VO2Max, oxygen intake, is unknown: For males: ((-55.0969 + (0.6309 x Heart Rate) + (0.1988 x Weight) + (0.2017 x Age))/4.184) x 60 x Time For females: ((-20.4022 + (0.4472 x Heart Rate) + (0.1263 x Weight) + (0.074 x Age))/4.184) x 60 x Time 28 8:07 7:07 6:21 5:44 5:14 4:49 4:28 4:10 Lastly another feature of the project is giving the user the total/net calorie burned with respect to speed of the treadmill. Walking speed is defined to be anything less than 7 MPH while running speed is 7MPH or more. In the flow chart below, the net calorie burn measures calories burned, minus basal metabolism (Cameron, et al., 2004). Running Walking Your Total Calorie Burn/Mile Your Net Calorie Burn/Mile .75 x your weight (in lbs.) .63 x your weight .53 x your weight .30 x your weight Table 2.2 Total Calorie Burn Table 29 CHAPTER 3 DESIGN PROCEDURES This chapter gives an overview of the step-by-step process that was used in making and developing the design prototype. Two major components of the project are the hardware and the software. A detailed explanation of the subcomponents of these components is presented below. CONCEPTUAL DIAGRAM User PC ECG Device Treadmill Figure 3.1 Conceptual Diagram The diagram above in Figure 3.1 shows the conceptual diagram of the project that helps in gathering possible design options and approaches in developing an electrocardiogram project intended for use in application to physical fitness. The project is composed of an ECG device that is capable of acquiring a signal of up to 12 leads that are attached to a user’s body. The 30 device is composed of surface-mounted components and integrated circuits that function in acquiring ECG signals from the user’s body. After acquiring the ECG signals, the ECG device will now send the data into a personal computer through a universal serial bus data cable which is a USB mini to a standard USB. The ECG device also will acquire its power source through the USB data cable from the personal computer since its components require only low power consumption. The personal computer should have Visual Basic software installed, the program which will be used to run the software of the project for the auto-feedback control of a treadmill. A more detailed explanation will be discussed in the latter part of this chapter under the design procedure section. BLOCK DIAGRAM USER ECG PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD ECG SIGNAL Analog Circuitry MSP430F5529 PC USB CDC API Visual Basic GUI TREADMILL AUTO-FEEDBACK CONTROL Figure 3.2 Project’s Block diagram The diagram above is the representation of the flow of data within the project. The signal from the human body, acquired through leads that extract the ECG signal, is transferred to an ECG printed circuit board that contains analog circuitry and a microcontroller unit. The analog circuitry is connected into the input pins of the microcontroller for the data manipulation of the acquired ECG signal. The microcontroller is responsible for the analog to digital conversion of 31 the acquired signal and the transfer of the converted signal to the universal serial bus cable through the MSP4305529’s feature of the USB CDC API. The personal computer that has Visual Basic installed will receive that digitized ECG signal and use it in computing for the auto-feedback control values of the project. A more detailed explanation of this will be discussed in the latter part of this chapter. Below is the flow chart of the design procedure that was used as a guide in integrating the hardware and the software components of the project. Each part will be further discussed in detail below. The project started through data gathering from documents, lectures and related literatures available in the biomedical engineering laboratory of the Chung Yuan Christian University. Previous schematic diagrams and projects were introduced by fellow laboratory students and were considered in conceptualizing the planned project. Reading related literature about previous hardware devices for electrocardiograms also contributed to coming up with the planned project. After integrating all the data gathered, the finalized schematic diagram was tested in simulation software, Multisim version 10. When the desired outputs and components values were already obtained with no errors and bugs, the schematic diagram was then transferred to another simulation software, Protel DXP 2004. This was to surpass the limitations of Multisim as Protel DXP is a tool which can construct the printed circuit board layout with actual components based on the supplied schematic diagram. board with manual routing of After finalizing the printed circuit components, the construction of the 32 electrocardiogram hardware device followed. Figure 3.4 is the schematic diagram composing the electrocardiogram device. This was designed by Mr. Alan Chen, a post-graduate student of biomedical engineering of the Chung Yuan Christian University. The design’s schematic diagrams and PCB were allowed to be used as the hardware of this project as they have already been proven to be working templates and would therefore be a good foundation for developing the project. The researcher was tasked to complete the printed circuit board by soldering the components and the microcontroller unit’s program. 33 DESIGN PROCEDURE START A Data Gathering (Documents , Lectures, and Related Literatures) Microcontroller Programming Is the data useful ? No No Is the program successful? Yes Yes Yes Identify which schematic diagram and components will be used . Graphical User Interface Programming Simulate and Test Software Testing Yes Is there any errors and bugs? Is there any errors and bugs? No No Finalize schematic Diagram and components No Software/ GUI Finalizing Construct Hardware END Is construction Complete ? Yes Yes Hardware Testing Is there any errors and bugs? Figure 3.3 Design Procedure Flow Chart No A 34 35 Fig. 3.4 Electrocardiogram Device Schematic Diagram 36 37 The schematic diagram above has sub-schematic diagrams for determining the voltages on Lead RA, LA and LL. In the case of building this project, this part of the hardware has been skipped and replaced by a jumping wire to the next part of the schematic diagram, because the project focused on determining the important leads and these leads are just for reference only and these reference voltages are already provided by the PS410 ECG simulator. Secondly, the schematic diagram above also has parts for leads V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, and V6 since they are all referred to as unipolar leads that are attached to the chest of the user but with varying distances to each other. The schematic diagram consists of an instrumentation amplifier which will amplify the signal taken from the chest of the user under extensive noises from the body. After passing thru the instrumentation amplifier the signal will then enter as input in an operational amplifier that will amplify the ECG signal into noticeable voltages. The values of the resistors and capacitors completing the diagram are all pre-computed values of the data sheets of the two integrated circuits depending upon the needed application. Thirdly, the schematic diagram for the leads RA, LA, and LL and the electrode connector was also present. In this part of the schematic diagram the voltage taken from the user of the body will pass thru two different operational amplifier stages instead of passing into an instrumentation and operational amplifier. The electrode connector showed in this figure is a 15-pin female connector that will recognize the wire and leads for ECG signal acquisition. 38 Fourthly, the schematic diagram for the microcontroller unit of the hardware and in the schematic diagram for the USB interface was also included. The MSP4305529 has its pre-computed values for its resistors, capacitor and oscillators prescribed in its data sheet for different applications. Part of this MCU is the JTAG which is connected into respected pins of the MSP4305529 for interfacing with the debugging program from the IAR embedded Workbench software. A group of LEDs are connected to its assigned pins for testing and verification purposes. Lastly, there is schematic diagram for the power supply of the device. This part was necessary in the diagram because the components and the integrated circuit composing the diagram are all low power consumption devices. BILL OF MATERIALS The above schematic diagrams are provided with components supplied by the biomedical engineering laboratory which were supplied by a recognized company,Texas Instruments. To further explain the cost effectiveness of the hardware part of the project, below in Table 3.1 are the prices of the materials taken from Texas Instruments’ online ordering and shopping catalog of components. 39 Device Description Quantity Price Per Piece MSP4305529 1 P 1125 INA118 8 P 325 OPA335 8 P 67.5 OPA2335 4 P 90 TPS73633 1 P 45 Resistors 6 packs P 15 Capacitors 6 packs P 22.5 Switch 1 P 25 JTAG connector 1 P30 Parallel connector 1 P 45 USB connector 1 P 30 2 Layer PCB 1 P 1000 USB data cable 1 P 300 Total Cost P 6275 Table 3.1 Bill of Materials Total Cost P 1125 P 2600 P 540 P 360 P 45 P 90 P 135 P 25 P 25 P 30 P 30 P 1000 P 300 Once construction of the hardware by soldering each component to the circuit board was completed, the project’s hardware device was then subjected to testing before proceeding with the programming of the microcontroller unit. Testing the hardware was done by applying a temporary voltage source to the circuit board and by using an oscilloscope to determine the digital output of a lead which was displayed in waveform. The preliminary results of the hardware testing conducted will be discussed in the succeeding chapter. When all of the 12 leads displayed a clear output on the oscilloscope, the next part of the project was then ready for implementation, which was the programming of the microcontroller unit. The microcontroller used in this project is MSP4305529. The project’s microcontroller can be programmed with the use of the IAR Embedded 40 Workbench software. The project’s program was coded in C language and was automatically converted by the IAR Embedded Workbench into microcontroller language. The project’s microcontroller program covers the analog to digital conversion of the signal transferred from the analog circuitry of the 12 leads of the electrocardiogram device and the data transfer from the microcontroller to the PC host using the Universal Serial Bus Communication Device Class Application Programming Interface (USB CDC API). The 12 bit analog to digital conversion of the project was accomplished with the help of example program number 6 of MSP430 Family User’s Guide (Texas Instruments, 2010), which is the MSP430F552x Demo - ADC12, Repeated Sequence of Conversions. With some modifications with the sample program, the program successfully performed a repeated sequence of conversions using "repeat sequence-of-channels" mode. The repeated sequence of conversions was performed on Channels A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 and A7. Each conversion result was stored in microcontroller memories ADC12MEM0, ADC12MEM1, ADC12MEM2, ADC12MEM3, ADC12MEM4, ADC12MEM5, ADC12MEM6, and ADC12MEM7 respectively. After each sequence, the eight conversion results were moved to A0results[] up to A7results[]. The conversion was verified through the IAR Embedded Workbench’s watch window in debugger mode. These results can be seen in the succeeding chapter. The data transfer using USB CDC API was accomplished with the help of the MSP430 CDC Application Examples. Example number 5 which is the High41 Bandwidth Sending Using sendData_waitTilDone() was used as the foundation program. Modifications were done with the example to fit the requirement of the project of sending the ECG siginal continuously and real-time to the host for the outputting of the waveform in the graphical user interface. The program performed by filling up the buffer of the microcontroller with the results of the analog to digital conversion results and then automatically send the data through the COM port of the HOST contiously in the background instead of waiting for all of the data to be received in the initial process of the application. For initial verification of the data transfer of the microcontroller the personal computer’s HyperTerminal was used to view the transferred data in ASCII values which represents the result of the analog to digital conversion of the ECG signal. After the data transfer of the ECG signal was successfully done the next procedure of the project was the construction of the software part of the project which is the auto-feedback control of a treadmill in a graphical user interface program in an object oriented software, Visual Basic. Below in Figure 3.11 is the flow chart for the auto-feedback control’s graphical user interface. 42 Software Part – Graphical User Interface START Input Age, Weight , Height, Gender, Target Zone, and Treadmill Speed Actual Heart Rate = AHR Maximum Heart Rate = MHR Min. Target Heart Rate = MinTHR Max. Target Heart Rate = MaxTHR Metabolic Rate Total Calorie Burn Net Calorie Burn Work Out Status Time Yes IF AHR>=MHR No Display Computed Values Target Zone ++ Yes No IF AHR <MinTHR No IF AHR >=MaxTHR Yes Yes No Work Out Status = Bad Auto-Feedback ++ Work Out Status = Good Work Out Status = Bad Input User Choice Increase Target Zone ? WARNING Auto-Feedback = 0 Work Out Status = Bad Display Computed Values End 43 Figure 3.11 Auto-Feedback Control Flow Chart The software part of the project was coded in Visual Basic. The objective of the Treadmill Auto-FeedbackControl Interface was to let users see their current workout status into a graphical user interface. See Figure 3.12 for the actual graphical user interface of the project. 1 11 2 12 3 13 4 14 5 15 6 16 17 18 19 7 20 8 10 9 21 22 Figure 3.12 Graphical User Interface 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. COM Port Drop Down Box Height Text Box Weight Text Box Age Text Box Gender Radio Buttons Target Zone Combo Box and Radio Buttons Connect Command Button Disconnect Command Button End Command Button Waveform Picture Box Actual Heart Rate Text Box Maximum Heart Rate Text Box 13. Target Minimum Heart Rate Text Box 14. Target Maximum Heart Rate Text Box 15. Work Out Status Text Box 16. Metabolic Rate Text Box 17. Total Calorie Burn per Mile Text Box 18. Net Calorie Burn per Mile Text Box 19. Speed Command Buttons 20. Speed Text Box 21. Pace per Mile Text Box 22. Inclination Text Box 44 The flow chart of the Treadmill Auto-Feedback Control Interface in Figure 3.11, which is mainly focused on developing an auto-feedback control, contains different variables such as information explicitly inputted and implicitly inputted by the user, like the data received from the electrocardiogram device. The graphical user interface first processes and detects which COM PORT the device is connected to. After selection of which COM PORT comes the inputting of user information such as height, weight, age, gender, and target zone. These are mandatory before the “Connect” button is enabled, which will establish the connection between the ECG device and the host software. The graphical user interface was coded in such a way that when the connection is already established, it will save time of the personal computer, with the assumption that when users virtually connect the device and the host software, the users would right away proceed with their work out. The actual time of the system is saved because the software uses the time as one variable in solving a computed value of Metabolic Rate. The other computed information of the user will also be flashed as soon as the input and connection are already established. The maximum heart rate would depend on the user input of age while the target minimum and maximum heart rate would depend on the user’s inputs of height, weight, gender, and target zone. As soon as the electrocardiogram device sends the ECG signal through the COM Port, the GUI’s picture box will automatically display the corresponding waveform for the said signal. Simultaneously, the ECG signal being sent to the COM Port will be undergoing data processing thru the So 45 and Chan algorithm for the Actual Heart Rate value extraction. This algorithm would first detect the QRS points then save these into a data array. Next, this will undergo slope detection and peak value using formulas, this will be performed five times to allow for getting the mean of the slopes and peak values obtained. When the GUI’s acquisition of actual heart rate is successful, signified by the appearance of a value on the actual heart rate text box, the computation for the computed boundaries of the auto-feedback control will be processed. The computed values are the work out status, metabolic rate (calories burned with respect to time), total calorie burn per mile, and net calorie burn per mile. The main feature of the project’s software is integrating the computed feedback values of a user and coming up with an auto-feedback control of a treadmill. The treadmill’s inclination will be set to increase if the computed target minimum heart rate is not yet achieved by the user. When the user is already above the target maximum heart rate, a corresponding work out status will be displayed and the software will continuously ask the user to move to the next target zone for safety reasons. If the user is in between the target heart rates, the user will see at the GUI the corresponding work out status, which is “Good,” because his work out is just right. When the user decides to continue working out to the next target zone, the auto-feedback control’s inclination will be reset, but when the user still insists on working out on his current target zone but has reached his maximum heart rate, the auto-feedback control will be set to zero and the Treadmill Auto-Feedback Control Interface will automatically shut down. 46 CHAPTER 4 TESTING, PRESENTATION, AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA In this chapter, various tests were conducted for the Treadmill AutoFeedback Control Interface and hardware parts of the project in order to determine the functionality and reliability of the project. This is also to determine if the stated objectives were achieved. Detailed discussions will be made for each test for better interpretation of data. HARDWARE TESTING Electrocardiogram Waveform Testing In testing the hardware, composed of surface mounted integrated circuits and other electrical parts, resistors and capacitors, an oscilloscope was used to determine the output signal of each lead of the electrocardiogram device. A PS410 ECG Simulator by Texas Instruments was used to determine if the electrocardiogram’s output waveform is correct. The PS410 ECG simulator is a handheld device which simulates a full range of cardiac rhythms and a wide variety of ECG conditions. The ECG simulator is well-matched with the hardware design which consists of 12 leads. Procedure: 47 1. Attach the power source and lead connector to the device. 2. Set up the oscilloscope with one channel. 3. Connect the ground clip to the wire of the device that is connected to the ground. 4. Tap the probe to the end points of each lead one at a time (R76, R77, R78, R79, R80, R81, R82, R83). Figure 4.1 Tapping the probe to the PCB 5. See oscilloscope’s display. Oscilloscopes Actual Waveform Results: 48 Figure 4.2 Lead V1 Oscilloscope Output Figure 4.3 Lead V2 Oscilloscope Output 49 Figure 4.4 Lead V3 Oscilloscope Output Figure 4.5 Lead V4 Oscilloscope Output Figure 4.6 Lead V5 Oscilloscope Output 50 Figure 4.7 Lead V6 Oscilloscope Output Figure 4.8 Lead I Oscilloscope Output Figure 4.9 Lead II Oscilloscope Output To verify the acquired hardware results, example waveforms of each lead were used to compare with the following outputs from the Matlab software developed by Mr. Alan Cheng. Please see figures below. 51 Figure 4.10 Lead V1 Matlab Results Figure 4.11 Lead V2 Matlab Results Figure 4.12 Lead V3 Matlab Results 52 Figure 4.13 Lead V4 Matlab Results Figure 4.14 Lead V5 Matlab Results Figure 4.15 Lead V6 Matlab Results 53 Figure 4.16 Lead I Matlab Results Figure 4.17 Lead II Matlab Results The results of the electrocardiogram device based on its actual output and computed Matlab output were acceptable. The noise on the actual results through the oscilloscope’s display was negligible because noise was most probably caused by the oscilloscope’s channel probe as the signal output of the ECG device is fixed. The results from the actual outputs, even in the presence of the noise, conformed with the expected output. 54 The expected output should include the relevant points in the ECG, such as the P Wave, QRS complex, ST Segment, T wave, U Wave and RR Interval, which can be seen in the diagram below by Yanowitz (2006). Figure 4.18 Sample ECG waves and intervals Analog to Digital Conversion and Data Transfer Testing The last part of the hardware testing was the acquisition of the signal from the analog circuit by the microcontroller and converting it to a digital signal and transferring it to the PC host. The verification of the results of the microcontroller’s analog to digital conversion was done through the IAR Embedded Workbench’s watch window tool in debugger mode (figure 4.19). Lastly since that the data sent is still preliminary the test of the data transfer using USB CDC API to the PC host was completed, in the HyperTerminal software of Windows XP. The HyperTerminal could interface the COM ports allowing for display of data transfer in ASCII characters (figure 4.20). 55 Procedure: 1. Connect the PS410 ECG Simulator device to the ECG device. 2. Connect the USB data cable to the ECG device and PC. 3. Connect the MSP430 USB–Debug Interface (MSP-FETU430IF) to the device’s JTAG connector. 4. Turn on the ECG device. 5. Open IAR Embedded Workbench. Load Workspace/project. 6. Perform compile and debug into IAR embedded workbench. 7. Open a watch window and view the results. Figure 4.19 ADC test results Procedure: 1. Connect the PS410 ECG Simulator device to the ECG device. 56 2. Connect the USB data cable to the ECG device and PC. 3. Turn on the ECG device. 4. Open HyperTerminal. 5. Connect using the appropriate COM port assigned to USB CDC API. 6. Start call and view the display of characters. Figure 4.20 USB CDC API test results in HyperTerminal SOFTWARE TESTING The software testing part of the project covers three parts: (1) the verification of the electrocardiogram waveform transferred through USB interface to the Visual Basic program, (2) the GUI testing of the Treadmill Auto-Feedback Control Interface, and, (3) the analysis of the GUI’s auto-feedback control. 57 GUI ECG Waveform Testing This testing part of the Treadmill Auto-Feedback Control Interface mainly covered verifying if the displayed waveform in the graphical user interface was identical with the results acquired through the hardware testing and expected output of an electrocardiogram waveform. The same procedure was done just like with the viewing of results in the HyperTerminal but this time in the developed graphical user interface. Procedure: 1. Connect the PS410 ECG Simulator device to the ECG device. 2. Connect the USB data cable to the ECG device and PC. 3. Turn on the ECG device. 4. Open Visual Basic Program and load the project. 5. Connect using the appropriate COM port assigned to USB CDC API. 6. Verify the results of the waveform inside the picture box. The first phases of the testing were unsuccessful due to the waveform displaying in an inverted manner. This was due to the microcontroller outputting negative values. These values were transposed to come up with the right values which led to the correct waveform. The second part involved testing the software’s GUI testing, performed via trial and error procedure. This was for the sake of ensuring that no bugs existed 58 and that the debugging performed on one part of the graphical user interface would not affect the whole project. The serial port test was conducted to make sure that the serial port connected to the host computer was working. This was needed as the ECG signal is needed for the smooth execution of the program. In the absence of the serial port or incompatibility of the serial port format with the program, the program was not expected to function. Test Case Serial Port Test Condition Serial Port Exists Serial Port Test Serial Port Does Not Exist Serial Port Test Serial Port Not Supported Expected output Normal Program Execution No ECG signal for Program Execution Actual Output Normal Program Execution No ECG signal for Program Execution No ECG signal for Program Execution No ECG signal for Program Execution Judgment Passed Passed Passed Table 4.1 Test Case Analysis Table for Serial Port The next set of test cases concerned user inputs. These consisted of data input validations like type (digits for age, for example) and allowed inputs (only one out of pre-defined choices, for example). 59 Test Case User Input Condition Expected output Actual Output Judgment Valid Height Input Enable Weight Text Box Enable Weight Text Box Passed User Input Invalid Height Input Disable Weight Text Box and Program Error Disable Weight Text Box and Error Passed User Input Valid Weight Input Enable Age Text Box Enable Age Text Box Passed User Input Invalid Weight Input Disable Age Text Box and Program Error Disable Age Text Box and Error Passed User Input Valid Age Input Compute and Display Maximum Heart Rate, Enable Gender Radio Buttons and Target Zone Combo Box Compute and Display Maximum Heart Rate, Enable Gender Radio Buttons and Target Zone Combo Box Passed User Input Invalid Age Input Disable Gender Radio Buttons and Program Error Disable Gender Radio Buttons and Program Error Passed Choose Computation for Male Choose Computation for Male Passed Choose Computation for Female Choose Computation for Female Passed Choose Computation for Healthy Heart, Display Target Maximum and Minimum Heart Rate, Work Out Status, Calories Burn per Mile, and Auto-Feedback Values Choose Computation for Healthy Heart, Display Target Maximum and Minimum Heart Rate, Work Out Status, Calories Burn per Mile, and Auto-Feedback Values Passed User Input User Input User Input Male Radio Button Checked Female Radio Button Checked Healthy Heart Target Zone Radio Button Checked Table 4.2a Test Case Analysis Table for User Input Test Another set of tests was conducted to make sure that the GUI design responds to the events. Certain GUI elements were disabled whenever their preconditions were not fulfilled. Also, computations are dependent on the selections made by the user. 60 Test Case Condition User Input Aerobic Target Zone Radio Button Checked User Input Temperate Target Zone Radio Button Checked User Input Anaerobic Threshold Target Zone Radio Button Checked User Input Red Line Target Zone Radio Button Checked User Input No Target Zone Radio Button Checked Expected output Actual Output Choose Computation for Aerobic , Display Target Maximum and Minimum Heart Rate, Work Out Status, Calories Burn per Mile, and Auto-Feedback Values Choose Computation for Temperate, Display Target Maximum and Minimum Heart Rate, Work Out Status, Calories Burn per Mile, and Auto-Feedback Values Choose Computation for Anaerobic Threshold, Display Target Maximum and Minimum Heart Rate, Work Out Status, Calories Burn per Mile, and Auto-Feedback Values Choose Computation for Red Line, Display Target Maximum and Minimum Heart Rate, Work Out Status, Calories Burn per Mile, and Auto-Feedback Values No Computation, Display Target Maximum and Minimum Heart Rate, Work Out Status, Calories Burn per Mile, and Auto-Feedback Values Choose Computation for Aerobic , Display Target Maximum and Minimum Heart Rate, Work Out Status, Calories Burn per Mile, and Auto-Feedback Values Choose Computation for Temperate, Display Target Maximum and Minimum Heart Rate, Work Out Status, Calories Burn per Mile, and Auto-Feedback Values Choose Computation for Anaerobic Threshold, Display Target Maximum and Minimum Heart Rate, Work Out Status, Calories Burn per Mile, and Auto-Feedback Values Choose Computation for Red Line, Display Target Maximum and Minimum Heart Rate, Work Out Status, Calories Burn per Mile, and Auto-Feedback Values No Computation , Display Target Maximum and Minimum Heart Rate, Work Out Status, Calories Burn per Mile, and Auto-Feedback Values Judgment Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Table 4.2b Test Case Analysis Table for User Input Test The third part consists of the validation of the auto feedback process of the software. This was to justify the correctness of the program in computing for various values to come up with a decision, like inclining the treadmill or prompting the users that they have reached the maximum heart rate for their desired target zones. 61 Test Case Conditional Test (Actual Heart Rate greater than or equal to Target Maximum Heart Rate) Conditional Test (Actual Heart Rate greater than or equal to Target Maximum Heart Rate) Condition Expected output Actual Output Judgment Move to Next Target Zone Change target zone computational Values and reset AutoFeedback values Change target zone computational Values and reset AutoFeedback values Passed Stay on current Target Zone Check Actual and Maximum Heart Rate Check Actual and Maximum Heart Rate Passed Table 4.3 Test Case Analysis Table for Conditional Test Lastly, a conditional test was done to check how user decision would affect the program behavior. A difference in the computations and GUI display was expected. Test Case Condition AutoFeedback Test Maximum Heart Rate greater than or equal to Actual Heart Rate AutoFeedback Test Maximum Heart Rate less than Actual Heart Rate AutoFeedback Test Actual Heart Rate less than Target Minimum Heart Rate AutoFeedback Test Actual Heart Rate greater than or equal to Target Maximum Heart Rate Target Maximum Heart Rate greater than Actual Heart Rate and Actual Heart Rate greater than Target Minimum Heart Rate AutoFeedback Test AutoFeedback Test Actual Heart Rate Change Value Expected output Display Warning, Maximum Heart Rate Box turns Color Red and Terminates Program Maximum Heart Rate Box turns Color Green Increase Inclination Percentage and Work Out Status equal “Bad” Message Box Display and Work Out Status equal “Bad” Actual Output Display Warning, Maximum Heart Rate Box turns Color Red and Terminates Program Maximum Heart Rate Box turns Color Green Increase Inclination Percentage and Work Out Status equal “Bad” Message Box Display and Work Out Status equal “Bad” Judgment Work Out Status equals “Good” Work Out Status equals “Good” Passed Compute and Change Display Computed Information Compute and Change Display Computed Information Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 62 Table 4.4 Test Case Analysis Table for Auto-Feedback Test 63 Lastly, the auto-feedback control of the GUI was checked. Procedure: 1. Open Visual Basic Program and load project. 2. Connect using the appropriate COM port assigned to USB CDC API. 3. Input the following: a. Height b. Weight c. Age d. Gender e. Target zone 4. Click the “Connect Button.” 5. The following were displayed dynamically: a. GUI waveform b. Actual heart rate c. Work-out status d. metabolic rate e. Pace per mile / Time f. Inclination 64 Figure 4.21 GUI interface test screen 65 Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Parameter Height Weight Age Gender Target Heart Zone Waveform Actual Heart Rate Maximum heart rate Minimum target 9 heart rate Maximum target 10 heart rate 11 Work-out status Metabolic rate (male) 12 Time Your Total Calorie 13 Burn/Mile Your Net Calorie 14 Burn/Mile 15 Speed Speed classification 16 Pace per mile/Time 17 Inclination Formula Input-dependent Input-dependent Input-dependent Input-dependent Input-dependent Data transfer dependent Data transfer dependent 220 – Age .50 * maximum heart rate Value 5 feet 8 inches 210 pounds 23 M Healthy Heart N/A 80 197 98.5 .60 * maximum heart rate Actual Heart Rate < Minimum Heart Rate or Actual Heart Rate => Maximum Heart Rate = BAD Minimum Heart Rate < Actual Heart Rate < Maximum Heart Rate = GOOD ((-55.0969 + (0.6309 x Heart Rate) + (0.1988 x Weight in KG) + (0.2017 x Age))/4.184) x 60 x Time Program-dependent 118.2 57.87 4.7811 .53 x your weight - Walking or .75 x your weight (in lbs.) - Running 111.3 .30 x your weight - Walking or .63 x your weight (in lbs.) - Running Input-dependent <7MPH, Walking >=7MPH, Running Inclination and speed dependent If Actual Heart Rate < Minimum Heart Rate = Inclination + 1 63 5 Walking 10.03 4 Table 4.5 Sample inputs and computations table 66 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION In concluding the results of this project, all the objectives set forth by the researcher during the beginning of the project were achieved in the end. Recommendations are also stated so as to suggest possible improvements in case the project will be further studied by other researchers. Conclusion The electrocardiogram signal is used as primary input in the autofeedback mechanism of the software as it would control the parameters in the program. However, the acquisition of this signal and its transfer to the PC host is not a straightforward process as some data manipulation would have to be performed. The interface between the PS410 ECG simulating device and the PC host was established using several components as discussed in the previous chapter. The main parameters being looked at to test the effectivity of the software are the heart rate measures and other computations dependent on the heart rate data. As seen in the test results, the software was able to output the expected values. Given this, it can be concluded that smooth processing of the ECG data was accomplished since the outputs depended on the ECG data. In terms of the hardware design, the entire hardware cost approximately P 7,000.00 only, much cheaper compared to the ECG interpretation devices being manufactured today. Data was transferred only thru a USB cable connected to a 67 PC host. Other low-cost components were the components used in the device, like the microcontroller and the integrated circuits. The program was asked to input some information like age, gender, height, weight and desired target zone, and all of these were used in computing for the minimum and maximum heart rate, work-out status, metabolic rate/ calorie burned with respect to time, calories burned per mile, total calories burned per mile and net calories burned per mile. Because of data dependency, there were some fields which would change when the value it was based on changed. The program is flexible enough to compute for the values in real-time, allowing the user to see his work-out information while he’s at it. Lastly, the system was able to initiate an increase in treadmill inclination once the target minimum heart rate is reached for the chosen target zone. This was accomplished by employing all the gathered information from the user by integrating this with the processed results of the ECG data. Recommendations There are several enhancements that can be made to the project. To improve its outputs, its hardware design can be enhanced. In this project, what was used was only 1 lead ECG as it can obtain the essential signals alone. However, a larger number of lead ECGs, up to the maximum number of 12, can be made use of so as to obtain more strong signals, and consequently lead to determining more accurate data. 68 Another hardware component that can be boosted is the connection between the project device and the host computer. Data was interfaced from the device via wired connection thru the use of a USB cable. During the testing of the interface between the ECG device and the host computer, the researcher was able to observe that the outputs had varying noise, which was supposed to have been caused by the cable itself. This was assumed since, as per observation, the output was influenced by the cable’s condition. For instance, when the cable was bent, the output was seen to be noisier compared to the output when the cable was laid straight. Additionally, a clearer output was observed during the first few tries, and as the testing was repeated, the output got noisier. To account for more flexibility in data acquisition, a wireless connection can be utilized. With a wireless connection, data interference will be minimized. This was proven in the later version of the ECG device designed by Mr. Alan Cheng wherein the device has a Bluetooth component which was responsible for sending data to the host computer. The PCB of the device used in this project has a specific portion allotted for the Bluetooth device, therefore it’s already wireless-ready. Although historical data is not vital to the performance of the project, it can help by providing previous data to the user. For instance, a user can look back to his previous treadmill-running days and evaluate how he has been doing, like if he has reached his target zone by having a heart rate within that zone’s 69 limits; and may reach the conclusion that since he is already doing well at a particular target zone, perhaps he can move on to the next zone to challenge himself to exercise more. With the availability of a database, the user would also not be required to enter information such as age, gender, weight and height every time he uses the system. Finally, since the project was able to provide inclination changes visibly via the program, it can be interfaced with a real treadmill so the inclination may be controlled. Given there are several technologies already existing for sending signals from this device to the treadmill, integration can be done without difficulty. This would enhance the usability of the project as its purpose will be served by the controlling of the exercising device it wants to be in command of, the treadmill. Aside from the feedback from the device being sent to the treadmill, outbound and inbound data transmissions can also be done. This can be accomplished thru the sending of the treadmill speed to the device, so it may dynamically calculate for the speed-dependent values. Currently, speed is being entered manually and is constant all throughout one program run. With speed being sent from the actual place where it is existing, the treadmill, dynamic data is expected, hence real-time calculation of values will also happen. 70 BIBLIOGRAPHY Alenasco A. and Garcia J. 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Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Volume 91, Issue 3,Pages 245-254. 73 APPENDIX A Operations Manual 1. System Requirement a. Intel Atom Dual Processor 1.6 GHz b. Windows XP Operating System c. 2GB Memory RAM d. Microsoft Visual Basic 2. Installation Procedure a. Install Microsoft Visual Basic software to laptop or desktop. b. Connect the device in the USB port of the laptop or desktop. c. Install MSP430 CDC setup information for the ECG device. d. Open the software. 3. User’s Manual a. Connect the ECG device to the USB port through a USB data cable to the laptop or desktop. b. Connect the PS410 ECG Simulator to the ECG device. 74 c. Turn on ECG device power switch. d. Run the Visual Basic graphical user interface software. e. Choose COM port for the MSP430 CDC API. f. Input required user information and target zone. g. Click connect button in the GUI. h. Proceed with the work out. i. Input treadmill’s speed at GUI (optional). j. Click disconnect button and close/end the program when finished. 4. Troubleshooting Guides and Procedures a. If the COM port does not appear, check the port status of the laptop or desktop. Make sure that the ECG device is active and particular port is detected. b. If the com port is fine and the software cannot detect that specific port, unplug the connection and close the program. It is recommended to connect USB data cable before opening the program. c. If the program terminates when running the graphical user interface restart the program, do not click the connect button twice. d. If the display of the waveform is slow close other computer application. 5. Error Definitions 75 a. Check Comm. Port Settings – Error in com port setting. APPENDIX B Pictures of Prototype Electrocardiogram Device Top and Bottom 76 Electrocardiogram Device and PS410 ECG Simulator 77 Electrocardiogram Device, PS410 ECG Simulator, Laptop Computer, and Oscilloscope 78 APPENDIX C Program Listing MSP430F5529 Program #include "Common\device.h" #include "Common\types.h" #include "Common\hal_UCS.h" #include "Common\hal_pmm.h" #include "USB_Common\descriptors.h" #include "USB_Common\usb.h" #ifdef _CDC_ #include "USB_CDC_API\UsbCdc.h" #endif #ifdef _HID_ #include "USB_HID_API\UsbHid.h" #endif #include "main.h" #include "USBCDC_constructs.h" #include <intrinsics.h> #include <string.h> volatile BYTE bDataReceived_event = TRUE; // Indicates data has been received without an open rcv operation //volatile BYTE bDataReceiveCompleted_event = FALSE; // data receive completed event //volatile BYTE bDataSendCompleted_event = FALSE; // data send completed event char outString[32]; WORD x; WORD rounds=0; // Dummy variable for use with abortSend() #define MEGA_DATA_LENGTH 2046 BYTE dataBuf[MEGA_DATA_LENGTH]; int w; #define Num_of_Results 8 volatile volatile volatile volatile volatile volatile volatile volatile unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned int int int int int int int int A0results[Num_of_Results]; A1results[Num_of_Results]; A2results[Num_of_Results]; A3results[Num_of_Results]; A4results[Num_of_Results]; A5results[Num_of_Results]; A6results[Num_of_Results]; A7results[Num_of_Results]; 79 unsigned short int z=100; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Main Routine | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID main(VOID) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer Init_StartUp(); USB_init(); USB_setEnabledEvents(kUSB_VbusOnEvent+kUSB_VbusOffEvent+kUSB_dataReceivedEvent+kUSB_Usb SuspendEvent+kUSB_UsbResumeEvent+kUSB_UsbResetEvent); //ADC ##################################################### P6SEL = 0x0F; // Enable A/D channel inputs TBCCR0 = 625 - 1; // TBCLK = 4.8k Hz TBCCTL1 = OUTMOD_2; TBCCR1 = 300 - 1; TBCTL = TBSSEL_2 + ID_2 + MC_1 + TBCLR; REFCTL0 &= ~REFMSTR; // Reset REFMSTR to hand over control to // ADC12_A ref control registers ADC12CTL0 = ADC12SHT1_2 + ADC12SHT0_2 + ADC12REF2_5V + ADC12REFON + ADC12ON; // Ref = 2.5V ADC12CTL1 = ADC12SHS_3 + ADC12SHP + ADC12DIV_2 + ADC12SSEL_3 + ADC12CONSEQ_3; // SAH source = TB0.1, ADC12CTL2 = ADC12TCOFF + ADC12RES_2; // 12bit, temperature sensor off // VR+ = VREF+ = 2.5V, VR- = AVSS ADC12MCTL0 = ADC12SREF_1 ADC12MCTL1 = ADC12SREF_1 ADC12MCTL2 = ADC12SREF_1 ADC12MCTL3 = ADC12SREF_1 ADC12MCTL4 = ADC12SREF_1 ADC12MCTL5 = ADC12SREF_1 ADC12MCTL6 = ADC12SREF_1 ADC12MCTL7 = ADC12SREF_1 end seq. >> LPF I ADC12IE = 0x08; ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12ENC; ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12SC; + + + + + + + + ADC12INCH_0; // ref+=AVcc, channel = A0 >> LEAD V6 ADC12INCH_1; // ref+=AVcc, channel = A1 >> LEAD V5 ADC12INCH_2; // ref+=AVcc, channel = A2 >> LEAD V4 ADC12INCH_3; // ref+=AVcc, channel = A3 >> LEAD V3 ADC12INCH_4; // ref+=AVcc, channel = A4 >> LEAD V2 ADC12INCH_5; // ref+=AVcc, channel = A >> LEAD V1 ADC12INCH_6; // ref+=AVcc, channel = A6 >> LPF II ADC12INCH_7 + ADC12EOS; // ref+=AVcc, channel = A3, // Enable ADC12IFG.3 // Enable conversions // Start convn - software trigger //ADC##################################################### // Check if we're already physically attached to USB, and if so, connect to it // This is the same function that gets called automatically when VBUS gets attached. if (USB_connectionInfo() & kUSB_vbusPresent) 80 USB_handleVbusOnEvent(); while(1) { switch(USB_connectionState()) { case ST_USB_DISCONNECTED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); break; case ST_USB_CONNECTED_NO_ENUM: break; case ST_ENUM_ACTIVE: if(!bDataReceived_event) { // Enter LPM3 w/interrupt // Do this until a key is pressed if(sendData_inBackground((BYTE*)outString,strlen(outString),1,0)) // Send it; no timeout { USBCDC_abortSend(&x,1); // Operation may still be open; cancel it break; } } else { bDataReceived_event = FALSE; USBCDC_rejectData(1); for(rounds=0;rounds<50;rounds++) { if(sendData_inBackground(dataBuf,MEGA_DATA_LENGTH,1,0)) // Send all of RAM { USBCDC_abortSend(&x,1); // Operation probably still open; cancel it break; } } if(sendData_inBackground((BYTE*)outString,strlen(outString),1,0)) // Send it; no timeout { USBCDC_abortSend(&x,1); break; // Operation may still be open; cancel it } } break; case ST_ENUM_SUSPENDED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM3 w/interrupt break; case ST_ENUM_IN_PROGRESS: break; 81 case ST_NOENUM_SUSPENDED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); _NOP(); break; case ST_ERROR: _NOP(); break; default:; } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | System Initialization Routines | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID Init_Clock(VOID) { if (USB_PLL_XT == 2) { P5SEL |= 0x0C; // Enable the XT2 pins. Without this, the xtal pins default to being I/O's. // Use the REFO oscillator to source the FLL and ACLK UCSCTL3 = (UCSCTL3 & ~(SELREF_7)) | (SELREF__REFOCLK); UCSCTL4 = (UCSCTL4 & ~(SELA_7)) | (SELA__REFOCLK); // MCLK will be driven by the FLL (not by XT2), referenced to the REFO Init_FLL(USB_MCLK_FREQ/1000, USB_MCLK_FREQ/32768); // Start the FLL, at the freq indicated by the config constant USB_MCLK_FREQ XT2_Start(); } else { P5SEL |= 0x10; default to being I/O's. // Start the "USB crystal" // Enable the XT1 pins. Without this, the xtal pins // Use the REFO oscillator to source the FLL and ACLK UCSCTL3 = SELREF__REFOCLK; UCSCTL4 = (UCSCTL4 & ~(SELA_7)) | (SELA__REFOCLK); // MCLK will be driven by the FLL (not by XT2), referenced to the REFO Init_FLL(USB_MCLK_FREQ/1000, USB_MCLK_FREQ/32768); // set FLL (DCOCLK) XT1_Start(); // Start the "USB crystal" } } 82 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------VOID Init_Ports(VOID) { // Drive all I/O's as output-low, making sure there's no shoot-through current. There // should be no floating I/Os, to prevent unnecessary current draw during USB suspend. PAOUT = 0x0000; PASEL = 0x0000; PADIR = 0xFFFF; PBOUT = 0x0000; PBSEL = 0x0000; PBDIR = 0xFFFF; PCOUT = 0x0000; PCSEL = 0x0000; PCDIR = 0xFFFF; PDOUT = 0x0000; PDSEL = 0x0000; PDDIR = 0xFFFF; PJDIR = 0xFFFF; PJOUT = 0x0000; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------VOID Init_StartUp(VOID) { __disable_interrupt(); // Disable global interrupts Init_Ports(); SetVCore(3); frequency Init_Clock(); __enable_interrupt(); // Init ports (do first ports because clocks do change ports) // USB core requires the VCore set to 1.8 volt, independ of CPU clock // enable global interrupts } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// To be robust, an application should handle fault events that invoke the NMI vector. #pragma vector = UNMI_VECTOR __interrupt VOID UNMI_ISR(VOID) { switch (__even_in_range(SYSUNIV, SYSUNIV_SYSBUSIV)) { case SYSUNIV_NONE: __no_operation(); break; case SYSUNIV_NMIIFG: __no_operation(); 83 break; case SYSUNIV_OFIFG: UCSCTL7 &= ~(DCOFFG+XT1LFOFFG+XT1HFOFFG+XT2OFFG); // Clear OSC fault source flags SFRIFG1 &= ~OFIFG; // Clear OFIFG flag break; case SYSUNIV_ACCVIFG: __no_operation(); break; case SYSUNIV_SYSBUSIV: // In the rare event of an internal system bus error - must clear the flag and re-initialize USB. SYSBERRIV = 0; // Clear flag USB_disable(); // Disable USB if (USB_connectionInfo() & kUSB_vbusPresent) USB_handleVbusOnEvent(); } } #pragma vector=ADC12_VECTOR __interrupt void ADC12ISR (void) { static unsigned int index = 0; switch(__even_in_range(ADC12IV,34)) { case 0: break; // Vector case 2: break; // Vector case 4: break; // Vector case 6: break; // Vector case 8: break; // Vector case 10: break; // Vector case 12: 0: No interrupt 2: ADC overflow 4: ADC timing overflow 6: ADC12IFG0 8: ADC12IFG1 10: ADC12IFG2 // Vector 12: ADC12IFG3 A0results[index] = ADC12MEM0 >> 4; // Move A0 results, IFG is cleared >> LEAD V6 A1results[index] = ADC12MEM1 >> 4; // Move A1 results, IFG is cleared >> LEAD V5 dataBuf[w] = - ADC12MEM1 >> 4; w++; if(w==2046) w=0; A2results[index] A3results[index] A4results[index] A5results[index] A6results[index] A7results[index] index++; = = = = = = ADC12MEM2 ADC12MEM3 ADC12MEM4 ADC12MEM5 ADC12MEM6 ADC12MEM7 //DATA TRANSFER >> 4; // Move A2 results, IFG is cleared >> LEAD V4 >> 4; // Move A3 results, IFG is cleared >> LEAD V3 >> 4; // Move A4 results, IFG is cleared >> LEAD V2 >> 4; // Move A5 results, IFG is cleared >> LEAD V1 >> 4; // Move A6 results, IFG is cleared >> LPF II >> 4; // Move A7 results, IFG is cleared >> LPF I // Increment results index, modulo; Set Breakpoint1 here if (index == 8) 84 { (index = 0); } case 14: break; case 16: break; case 18: break; case 20: break; case 22: break; case 24: break; case 26: break; case 28: break; case 30: break; case 32: break; case 34: break; default: break; } // Vector 14: // Vector 16: // Vector 18: // Vector 20: // Vector 22: // Vector 24: // Vector 26: // Vector 28: // Vector 30: // Vector 32: // Vector 34: ADC12IFG4 ADC12IFG5 ADC12IFG6 ADC12IFG7 ADC12IFG8 ADC12IFG9 ADC12IFG10 ADC12IFG11 ADC12IFG12 ADC12IFG13 ADC12IFG14 } Visual Basic Program Imports Imports Imports Imports System.IO.Ports System.Text System System.IO Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary Imports System.Windows.Forms Public Class Form1 Dim WithEvents RS232 As SerialPort Dim Dim Dim Dim inData As String bDataReady As Boolean counter As Integer = 0 ReceiveData As String Dim i As Integer = 0 Dim resultArray As String() Dim temp_ahead As Integer = 0 Dim X_Start As Integer Dim Y_Start As Integer Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim k As Integer = 0 g1 As Graphics fm As Graphics p2 As New System.Drawing.Pen(Color.Red, 1) p1 As New System.Drawing.Pen(Color.Blue, 1) Dim DataEnter As Boolean = False 85 Dim SaveFalg As Boolean = False Dim bFirst As Boolean Dim bMarker As Boolean, MarkerX, MarkerY As Integer Dim end1, end2, end3 As String Dim request_data_flag As Boolean = False Dim pc_check_flag As Boolean = False 'auto-feedback Dim tz As Double = 5 Dim age As Double = 0 Dim mhr As Double = 0 Dim ahr As Double = 0 Dim r2 As Double = 0 Dim r1 As Double = 0 Dim speed As Double Dim distance As Integer Dim time As Double Dim incline As Integer 'Basal Metabolic Rate Dim H1 As Double = 0 Dim H2 As Double = 0 Dim FH As Double = 0 Dim W As Double = 0 'Calories Burn Dim TCB As Double = 0 Dim NCB As Double = 0 Dim calorie As Integer Dim Dim Dim Dim msg As String title As String style As MsgBoxStyle response As MsgBoxResult Dim dd As Date Public Serial_data_count As Integer = 0 Public Serial_data_tmp As String Public Serial_array(100000) As String 'inData 'Array Dim clock1 As Double Dim clock2 As Double Dim hours As Double = My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime.Hour Dim minutes As Double = My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime.Minute Dim seconds As Double = My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime.Second 'metabolic heart rate Dim MR As Double ' Dim gender As Integer 'So and Chan Dim a As Integer = 0 86 Dim b As Integer = 0 Dim hr_time_count As Integer = 0 Dim maf_count As Integer = 0 Public maf_array(5) As String Dim hr_maf_results As Double Public hr_array(5) As String Dim setting_onset As Integer Dim detecting_peak As Integer Dim maxi As Double = 0 Dim slope_threshold As Double = 0 Dim onset_check As Integer = 0 Dim hr_onset As Integer = 0 Dim peak_address_ptr As Integer = 0 Dim hr_peak_addr_tmp As Integer = 0 Dim HR_peak_tmp As Integer = 0 Dim hr_slope_tmp As Double Dim hr_slope As Integer Dim detect_peak_counter As Integer Public peak_address(5) As String Dim heartrate As Double Delegate Sub SetTextCallback(ByVal InputString As String) Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load For Each sp As String In SerialPort.GetPortNames() cmbCOM.Items.Add(sp) Next cmbCOM.Sorted = True cmbCOM.SelectedIndex = 0 bFirst = True End Sub Private Sub btnStart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnStart.Click Dim mBaudRate As Integer Dim mParity As IO.Ports.Parity Dim mDataBit As Integer Dim mStopbit As IO.Ports.StopBits Dim mPortName As String clock1 = hours + (minutes / 60) + (seconds / 3600) mPortName = cmbCOM.SelectedItem.ToString mBaudRate = 9600 mParity = Parity.None mDataBit = 8 mStopbit = StopBits.One RS232 = New IO.Ports.SerialPort(mPortName, mBaudRate, mParity, mDataBit, mStopbit) 'RS232.Encoding = Encoding.Unicode RS232.Encoding = Encoding.ASCII If Not RS232.IsOpen Then RS232.Open() RS232.ReceivedBytesThreshold = 1 87 Else MsgBox("!!!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical Or MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel) End End If End Sub Private Sub btnClose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClose.Click If RS232 Is Nothing OrElse Not RS232.IsOpen Then MsgBox("!!!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical Or MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel) Exit Sub End If RS232.Close() RS232 = Nothing End Sub Private Sub btnEnd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEnd.Click If Not RS232 Is Nothing Then If RS232.IsOpen Then RS232.Close() End If End End Sub Private Sub RS232_DataReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles RS232.DataReceived 'If e.EventType <> SerialData.Chars Then Exit Sub 'Do ' inData = RS232.ReadByte DataEnter = True Serial_packet_process() soandchan() hrmafprocess(inData) hrslopeprocess(inData) printX(inData) If Serial_data_count = 89961 Then Serial_data_count = 0 End If 'Loop While RS232.BytesToRead <> 0 'RS232.DiscardInBuffer() End Sub Function printX(ByVal Xvalue As Byte) X_Start = 1 Y_Start = (PictureBox1.Height) g1 = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics g1.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel g1.PageScale = 1 g1.DrawLine(p1, 0, CInt(PictureBox1.Height), CInt(PictureBox1.Width), CInt(PictureBox1.Height)) g1.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality 88 g1.ScaleTransform(1, 1) If DataEnter = True Then g1.DrawLine(p2, X_Start + k, Y_Start - temp_ahead, X_Start + (k + 1), Y_Start - Xvalue) temp_ahead = Xvalue DataEnter = False End If k=k+1 If k = PictureBox1.Width Then ' - TrackBar1.Value * 12 k=0 g1.Clear(Color.White) End If End Function Private Sub RadioButton1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadioButton1.CheckedChanged tz = 1 THR1.Text = Mhrtxt.Text * 0.5 THR2.Text = Mhrtxt.Text * 0.6 goodbad() End Sub Private Sub RadioButton2_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadioButton2.CheckedChanged tz = 2 THR1.Text = Mhrtxt.Text * 0.6 THR2.Text = Mhrtxt.Text * 0.7 r1 = THR1.Text r2 = THR2.Text goodbad() End Sub Private Sub RadioButton3_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadioButton3.CheckedChanged tz = 3 THR1.Text = Mhrtxt.Text * 0.7 THR2.Text = Mhrtxt.Text * 0.8 goodbad() End Sub Private Sub RadioButton4_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadioButton4.CheckedChanged tz = 4 THR1.Text = Mhrtxt.Text * 0.8 THR2.Text = Mhrtxt.Text * 0.9 r1 = THR1.Text r2 = THR2.Text goodbad() End Sub Private Sub RadioButton5_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadioButton5.CheckedChanged tz = 5 THR1.Text = Mhrtxt.Text * 0.9 THR2.Text = Mhrtxt.Text * 1.0 r1 = THR1.Text r2 = THR2.Text goodbad() End Sub 89 Public Sub HRtBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles HRtBox.TextChanged ahr = HRtBox.Text r1 = THR1.Text r2 = THR2.Text clock2 = My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime.Hour + (My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime.Minute / 60) + (My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime.Second / 3600) If ahr < mhr Then HRtBox.BackColor = Color.Green ElseIf ahr >= mhr Then HRtBox.BackColor = Color.Red Speedtxt.Text = 0 Timetxt.Text = 0 Inctxt.Text = 0 msg = "WARNING!" ' Define message. style = MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton2 Or _ MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation Or MsgBoxStyle.Critical title = "MsgBox Demonstration" ' Define title. ' Display message. response = MsgBox(msg, style, title) If response = MsgBoxResult.Ok Then End Else ' Perform some other action. End If ' END IF RESPONSE End If ' HEART RATE If ahr > r2 Then tresult.Text = "BAD" msg = "Do you want to go to the Next Zone?" ' Define message. style = MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton2 Or _ MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation Or MsgBoxStyle.YesNo title = "MsgBox Demonstration" ' Define title. ' Display message. response = MsgBox(msg, style, title) If response = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then ' User chose Yes. If RadioButton1.Checked = True Then RadioButton2.Checked = True ElseIf RadioButton2.Checked = True Then RadioButton3.Checked = True ElseIf RadioButton3.Checked = True Then RadioButton4.Checked = True ElseIf RadioButton4.Checked = True Then RadioButton5.Checked = True End If ' END IF RADIOBUTTON Else ' Perform some other action. End If ' END IF RESPONSE ElseIf ahr < r1 Then tresult.Text = "BAD" feedback() ElseIf r1 < ahr < r2 Then tresult.Text = "GOOD" End If 90 If gender = 1 Then BMRtxt.Text = ((-55.0969 + (0.6309 * ahr) + (0.1988 * (W / 2.2)) + (0.2017 * age)) / 4.184) * 60 * (clock2 - clock1) ElseIf gender = 2 Then BMRtxt.Text = ((-20.4022 + (0.4472 * ahr) + (0.1263 * (W / 2.2)) + (0.074 * age)) / 4.184) * 60 * (clock2 - clock1) End If End Sub Private Sub Mhrtxt_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Mhrtxt.TextChanged mhr = Mhrtxt.Text End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) ahr = 80 HRtBox.Text = ahr End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) ahr = 110 HRtBox.Text = ahr End Sub Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) ahr = 200 HRtBox.Text = ahr End Sub Private Sub Button7_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) ahr = ahr + 5 HRtBox.Text = ahr End Sub Private Sub Button6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) ahr = ahr - 5 HRtBox.Text = ahr End Sub Private Sub Agetxt_KeyPress(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Agetxt.KeyPress If e.KeyChar = Convert.ToChar(Keys.Enter) Then age = Agetxt.Text Mhrtxt.Text = 220 - age Agetxt.Enabled = False Tzgbox.Enabled = True btnStart.Enabled = True malerb.Enabled = True femalerb.Enabled = True 'This tells the system not to process 'the key, as you've already taken care 'of it e.Handled = True End If End Sub 91 Private Sub Button9_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button9.Click speed = speed + 1 If (speed > 12.0) Then speed = 12.0 Button9.Enabled = False End If Speedtxt.Text = speed timecheck() End Sub Private Sub Button8_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click speed = speed - 1 If (speed < 5) Then speed = 5 Button8.Enabled = False End If Speedtxt.Text = speed timecheck() End Sub Private Function timecheck() As Boolean Select Case speed 'Equivalent Paces by incline Case 5 Select Case incline Case 0 time = 12.31 Timetxt.Text = time Case 1 time = 11.44 Timetxt.Text = time Case 2 time = 11.05 Timetxt.Text = time Case 3 time = 10.32 Timetxt.Text = time Case 4 time = 10.03 Timetxt.Text = time Case 5 time = 9.38 Timetxt.Text = time Case 6 time = 9.16 Timetxt.Text = time Case 7 time = 8.56 Timetxt.Text = time Case 8 time = 8.38 Timetxt.Text = time Case 9 time = 8.22 Timetxt.Text = time Case 10 time = 8.07 92 Timetxt.Text = time End Select Case 6 Select Case incline Case 0 time = 10.26 Timetxt.Text = Case 1 time = 9.52 Timetxt.Text = Case 2 time = 9.24 Timetxt.Text = Case 3 time = 9.0 Timetxt.Text = Case 4 time = 8.38 Timetxt.Text = Case 5 time = 8.19 Timetxt.Text = Case 6 time = 8.02 Timetxt.Text = Case 7 time = 7.46 Timetxt.Text = Case 8 time = 7.32 Timetxt.Text = Case 9 time = 7.19 Timetxt.Text = Case 10 time = 7.07 Timetxt.Text = End Select Case 7 Select Case incline Case 0 time = 8.56 Timetxt.Text = Case 1 time = 8.32 Timetxt.Text = Case 2 time = 8.1 Timetxt.Text = Case 3 time = 7.51 Timetxt.Text = Case 4 time = 7.34 Timetxt.Text = Case 5 time = 7.19 Timetxt.Text = time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time 93 Case 6 time = 7.05 Timetxt.Text = Case 7 time = 6.53 Timetxt.Text = Case 8 time = 6.41 Timetxt.Text = Case 9 time = 6.31 Timetxt.Text = Case 10 time = 6.21 Timetxt.Text = End Select Case 8 Select Case incline Case 0 time = 7.49 Timetxt.Text = Case 1 time = 7.3 Timetxt.Text = Case 2 time = 7.13 Timetxt.Text = Case 3 time = 6.58 Timetxt.Text = Case 4 time = 6.45 Timetxt.Text = Case 5 time = 6.32 Timetxt.Text = Case 6 time = 6.21 Timetxt.Text = Case 7 time = 6.11 Timetxt.Text = Case 8 time = 6.01 Timetxt.Text = Case 9 time = 5.52 Timetxt.Text = Case 10 time = 5.44 Timetxt.Text = End Select Case 9 Select Case incline Case 0 time = 6.57 Timetxt.Text = Case 1 time = 6.42 time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time 94 Timetxt.Text = Case 2 time = 6.28 Timetxt.Text = Case 3 time = 6.16 Timetxt.Text = Case 4 time = 6.05 Timetxt.Text = Case 5 time = 5.55 Timetxt.Text = Case 6 time = 4.45 Timetxt.Text = Case 7 time = 5.37 Timetxt.Text = Case 8 time = 5.29 Timetxt.Text = Case 9 time = 5.21 Timetxt.Text = Case 10 time = 5.14 Timetxt.Text = End Select Case 10 Select Case incline Case 0 time = 6.15 Timetxt.Text = Case 1 time = 6.03 Timetxt.Text = Case 2 time = 5.52 Timetxt.Text = Case 3 time = 5.42 Timetxt.Text = Case 4 time = 5.32 Timetxt.Text = Case 5 time = 5.24 Timetxt.Text = Case 6 time = 5.16 Timetxt.Text = Case 7 time = 5.08 Timetxt.Text = Case 8 time = 5.02 Timetxt.Text = Case 9 time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time 95 time = 4.55 Timetxt.Text = Case 10 time = 4.49 Timetxt.Text = End Select Case 11 Select Case incline Case 0 time = 5.41 Timetxt.Text = Case 1 time = 5.31 Timetxt.Text = Case 2 time = 5.22 Timetxt.Text = Case 3 time = 5.13 Timetxt.Text = Case 4 time = 5.05 Timetxt.Text = Case 5 time = 4.58 Timetxt.Text = Case 6 time = 4.51 Timetxt.Text = Case 7 time = 4.45 Timetxt.Text = Case 8 time = 4.39 Timetxt.Text = Case 9 time = 4.33 Timetxt.Text = Case 10 time = 4.28 Timetxt.Text = End Select Case 12 Select Case incline Case 0 time = 5.13 Timetxt.Text = Case 1 time = 5.04 Timetxt.Text = Case 2 time = 4.56 Timetxt.Text = Case 3 time = 4.49 Timetxt.Text = Case 4 time = 4.42 Timetxt.Text = time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time 96 Case 5 time = 4.36 Timetxt.Text = Case 6 time = 4.3 Timetxt.Text = Case 7 time = 4.24 Timetxt.Text = Case 8 time = 4.19 Timetxt.Text = Case 9 time = 4.14 Timetxt.Text = Case 10 time = 4.1 Timetxt.Text = End Select Case Else time = 0 Timetxt.Text = time End Select time time time time time time End Function Private Function feedback() As Boolean incline = incline + 1 If (incline > 10) Then incline = 10 End If timecheck() Timetxt.Text = time Inctxt.Text = incline End Function Private Function goodbad() As Boolean 'Target Zone Status r1 = THR1.Text r2 = THR2.Text If ahr > r2 Then tresult.Text = "BAD" ElseIf ahr < r1 Then tresult.Text = "BAD" ElseIf r1 < ahr < r2 Then tresult.Text = "GOOD" End If speed = 5 time = 12.31 incline = 0 Speedtxt.Text = speed Timetxt.Text = time Inctxt.Text = incline End Function Private Sub H1txt_KeyPress(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles H1txt.KeyPress If e.KeyChar = Convert.ToChar(Keys.Enter) Then H1 = H1txt.Text H1txt.Enabled = False e.Handled = True 97 End If End Sub Private Sub H2txt_KeyPress(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles H2txt.KeyPress If e.KeyChar = Convert.ToChar(Keys.Enter) Then H2 = H2txt.Text H2txt.Enabled = False FH = (H1 * 12) + H2 e.Handled = True Wtxt.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub Wtxt_KeyPress(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Wtxt.KeyPress If e.KeyChar = Convert.ToChar(Keys.Enter) Then W = Wtxt.Text Wtxt.Enabled = False e.Handled = True Agetxt.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub malerb_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles malerb.CheckedChanged gender = 1 End Sub Private Sub femalerb_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles femalerb.CheckedChanged gender = 2 End Sub Private Sub Speedtxt_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Speedtxt.TextChanged Select Case speed Case 5 To 6 TCBtxt.Text = 0.53 * W NCBtxt.Text = 0.3 * W Case 7 To 12 TCBtxt.Text = 0.75 * W NCBtxt.Text = 0.63 * W End Select End Sub Private Sub Serial_packet_process() Serial_data_tmp = inData Serial_array(Serial_data_count) = Chr(Serial_data_tmp) Serial_data_count = Serial_data_count + 1 'ASCII End Sub Public Sub soandchan() hr_time_count = 0 If a < 5 Then maf_array(a) = 0 98 a=a+1 End If hr_maf_results = 0 If b < 5 Then hr_array(b) = 0 b=b+1 End If setting_onset = 1 detecting_peak = 0 maxi = 0 slope_threshold = 0 onset_check = 0 hr_onset = 0 peak_address_ptr = 0 End Sub Public Sub newmaxi() maxi = ((HR_peak_tmp - hr_onset - maxi) / 2) + maxi End Sub Public Sub newslope() slope_threshold = 0.7 * maxi End Sub Public Sub hrmafprocess(ByVal inData) maf_array(0) = maf_array(1) maf_array(1) = maf_array(2) maf_array(2) = maf_array(3) maf_array(3) = maf_array(4) maf_array(4) = inData hr_maf_results = (maf_array(0) + maf_array(1) + maf_array(2) + maf_array(3) + maf_array(4)) / 5 hr_time_count = hr_time_count + 1 hr_slope_tmp = 0 hr_slope = 0 End Sub Public Sub hrslopeprocess(ByVal inData) hr_array(0) = hr_array(1) hr_array(1) = hr_array(2) hr_array(2) = hr_array(3) hr_array(3) = hr_array(4) hr_array(4) = inData hr_slope_tmp = -2 * hr_array(0) - hr_array(1) + hr_array(3) + 2 * hr_array(4) If setting_onset = 1 Then If hr_time_count > 5 Then If hr_slope_tmp > hr_slope Then hr_slope = hr_slope_tmp End If If hr_time_count = 11 Then setting_onset = 0 maxi = hr_slope 99 slope_threshold = maxi * 0.9 onset_check = 0 End If End If ElseIf detecting_peak = 1 Then If hr_maf_results > HR_peak_tmp Then HR_peak_tmp = hr_maf_results hr_peak_addr_tmp = hr_time_count End If detect_peak_counter = detect_peak_counter + 1 If detect_peak_counter >= 100 Then If peak_address_ptr < 5 Then peak_address(peak_address_ptr) = hr_peak_addr_tmp peak_address_ptr = peak_address_ptr + 1 Else peak_address(0) = peak_address(1) peak_address(1) = peak_address(2) peak_address(2) = peak_address(3) peak_address(3) = peak_address(4) peak_address(4) = hr_peak_addr_tmp If peak_address(4) > peak_address(0) Then heartrate = 115200 / peak_address(4) - peak_address(0) heartrate = ahr HRtBox.Text = ahr Else heartrate = 115200 / (65536 - peak_address(0) + peak_address(4)) heartrate = ahr HRtBox.Text = ahr End If newmaxi() newslope() detecting_peak = 0 End If Else If hr_slope_tmp > slope_threshold Then onset_check = onset_check + 1 Else onset_check = 0 End If If onset_check >= 6 Then hr_onset = hr_maf_results onset_check = 0 detecting_peak = 1 detect_peak_counter = 0 HR_peak_tmp = hr_onset hr_peak_addr_tmp = hr_time_count End If End If End If End Sub End Class 100 APPENDIX D Data Sheets 101