Synopsis Marketing Channels 1. Where Mission Meets Market Learning Objectives After reading this module, you should be able to: Discuss how pooled resources, collective goals, connected systems, and flexibility relate to successful marketing channels. Defend the association between a marketing organisation’s mission statement and the market(s) that it serves. Define a marketing channel, and explain how marketing channels create exchange utility. Trace the evolution of marketing channels from a production to a relationship orientation. Define channel intermediaries and explain how they create customer value. Describe how the definition of marketing channels relates to the Channel Relationship Model (CRM). Sections 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 The Elements of Successful Marketing Channels What Is a Marketing Channel? Evolution of Marketing Channels Channel Intermediaries: The Customer Value Mediators Channel Relationship Model (CRM) The CRM: Compass Points Key Terms Learning Summary Marketing channels have traditionally been viewed as a bridge between producers and users. However, this perspective fails to capture the complex network of relationships that facilitate marketing flows: the movement of goods, service, information, and so forth between channel members. Marketing and distribution were inextricably intertwined at the beginning of the twentieth century. As the production era of marketing emerged, the demand for middlemen increased. In a historical sense, these middlemen contributed substantially to the movement of goods and people from rural area to new industrialised urban centres. By the 1940s, when the selling era in marketing began, new sort of middlemen – now known as intermediaries – had surfaced in the marketplace. Large retailers expanded further, Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 1 Synopsis / Marketing Channels while smaller retailers generally settled into unserved or underserved market niches. The selling era rather quickly gave way to the marketing concept era. The increasingly widespread recognition of the importance of the marketing concept during the latter half of this century has been paralleled by an emerging behavioural thrust in marketing channels. Since the core of marketing is the exchange process, marketing channels can be viewed as exchange facilitators. This allows marketing channels to be defined as an array of exchange relationships that create customer value in the acquisition, consumption, or disposition of goods and services. Exchange relationships, and thus marketing channels themselves, emerge from market needs as a way of more efficiently serving market needs. Exchange utility is the sum of all costs and benefits recognised by the exchange parties. Utility can feature form, place, possession, and time dimensions. This broadened definition of marketing channels offers several advantages: (1) it allows marketing channels to be studied as behavioural systems, (2) it extends the scope of the functions performed within marketing channels to include those involved with usage and disposition, and (3) it illustrates the trade-off of costs and benefits that inevitably occur in exchange relationships. A sense of shared purpose connects organisations and individuals in the marketplace. This is also true of marketing channels. For this reason, the activity known as channel management can be viewed as the point at which an organisation’s mission and the market(s) it serves come together. An organisation’s mission is its strategic charter that describes the ways the firm will seize market opportunities while satisfying the needs of internal and external customers. A mission statement also describes who the firm intends to serve, how it intends to serve them, and what means will be used to establish competitive advantages in the market(s) of interest. Toward this end, the overriding mission of channel intermediaries is to serve as middlemen. But this role should be broadly defined – for any organisation or individual who mediates exchange is a middleman. Channel intermediaries serve four key functions: to promote contactual efficiency and routinisation, to provide assortment, and to minimise uncertainty. A contemporary relationship-oriented approach to the study of marketing channels is adopted in this book. A Channel Relationship Model (CRM) serves as a framework for presenting the material addressed throughout the text. Three fundamental interactions are shown in the CRM. The first occurs within the marketing organisation. The second develops between marketing organisations. The last interaction unfolds between marketing organisations and their environments. Through the CRM, the role of channel environments, channel climates, and interaction processes in fostering business relationships is investigated. The CRM perspective will ultimately enable you to better understand how exchange partners can achieve their strategic aims through interacting in marketing channels and dynamic marketplaces. Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 2 Synopsis / Marketing Channels 2. Channel Roles in a Dynamic Marketplace Learning Objectives After reading this module, you should be able to: Relate role identity to channel member performance. Compare and contrast the wholesaling and retailing channel functions. Discuss major trends in the wholesaling and retailing sectors. Demonstrate how SIFTing can be used to establish differential advantage in the marketplace. In ecology, the principle of interspecific competition maintains that when similar species compete for scarce resources, less-fit competitors usually perish This concept can also be applied to the complex environments in which channel members compete. In business, all successful channel members have evolved to meet the particular demands of their competitive environments. This evolutionary process is never ending. The Channel Relationship Model (CRM) illustrates the complex environments in which channel members operate. The principle of interspecific competition suggests that channel members must also fight to achieve competitive advantages. Three outcomes are possible as a result of interspecific competition. They are: Competitive Superiority. A particular channel member may emerge as competitively superior. This superiority can force rival organisations into extinction as competitors for limited resources are eliminated. This is the essence of the Darwinian concept called ‘survival of the fittest’. Transportation industry channels are littered with the carcasses of companies, such as Pan American Airlines, who failed to change as their competitive environments changed. Restrictive Ranges. The competitive advantages of channel members may differ across distinctive environmental conditions. Thus, another possible outcome is that some organisations prosper in one place while others flourish in different domains. This process is known as range restriction. Ideally, each organisation recognises its limitations in any environment, and then chooses to compete in the setting most conducive to its well-being. For instance, Sears recognised that its expertise (and future) lay in retailing, and pulled out of the financial services industry. Realistically, however, many organisations fail to recognise the perils of their current environment until after it is too late to act. Character Displacement. The final possible result is that channel members rapidly evolve in diverse ways, taking on different properties to minimise direct competition. This process is called character displacement. It suggests that each corporate ‘species’ must continuously adapt to dynamic channel environments. Harried grocery shoppers are increasingly turning toward online grocery shopping as a convenient alternative to physically visiting a store, for example. These outcomes of interspecific competition promote role specialisation in competitive channel environments. In this module, we will discuss the types of roles that develop out of interspecific competition. First, however, we need to look at the Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 3 Synopsis / Marketing Channels behaviours that channel members must develop in response to the strengths and weaknesses of other firms. They must also respond to opportunities and threats in the environment itself. Over time, these adaptive behaviours may become nearly instinctive. Sections 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Channel Behaviours in Competitive Environments Channel Roles in the Exchange System Supplier Relationships Customer Relationships Lateral Relationships Establishing Channel Role Identities Key Terms Learning Summary Marketing channel members have to adapt to attain or maintain their positions in increasingly competitive markets. In this process of adaptation, each channel member attempts to differentiate itself from any other member. This process describes the pursuit of a differential advantage. A differential advantage may be viewed as the marketplace’s perception of an organisation’s distinctive characteristics that set it apart from competitors in ways enticing to customers. Each business entity must distinguish itself in some way to persist and/or prosper in a competitive marketplace. Channels are not formed through an arbitrary process. Instead, an underlying structure shapes members’ behaviours. This structure makes it possible to explain and predict how channel members will perform in market settings. The basis for this structure is referred to as channel roles. Channel roles are sets of activities or behaviours assigned to each intermediary operating in a channel system. Over time, each channel member will attain a special role identity. Role identity specifies the characteristics of an individual or organisation that are considered appropriate to and consistent with the performance of a given channel role. New channel role expectations encompass the exchange attributes and benefits expected by customers. Role expectations capture the potential of alternative channel intermediaries to satisfy the consumption decision criteria. All intermediaries play a negotiatory function within marketing channels. The negotiatory function can take different forms and extends beyond assembling, grading, and sorting products. Intermediaries may intercede in the distribution, merchandising, and/or service processes associated with marketing flows. Some intermediaries simply provide a means for transportation and logistics management, while others supply merchandising assistance to sellers. Still others offer a variety of intermediary services to the channels they serve, ranging from the warehousing of goods to the provision of consumer services. It is clear that channel members play a variety of roles in the flows of goods and services from producer to ultimate user. These channel roles emanate from the Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 4 Synopsis / Marketing Channels nature of channel member interactions or relationships and can be categorised into supplier, customer, and lateral relationships. Supplier relationships include source firms, producers, and wholesalers. Each of these channel members sells goods for input into production processes or for resale. Wholesalers market products and services for resale or institutional use. Customer relationships are handled by another type of intermediary: retailers. Retailers sell products or services to the ultimate consumer. Lateral relationships occur between channel members at relatively equivalent positions in the channel system. 3. Conventional Marketing Systems Learning Objectives After reading this module, you should be able to: Discuss how conventional marketing channels are like business teams. Explain conventional channel design. Discuss why channel design decisions are critical to the success of marketing organisations and marketing channels. Discuss the various channel design options. Describe how to identify the best channel design. Explain how to evaluate the performance of channel structures and how to modify existing channel arrangements. Discuss the growth of multichannel marketing systems and how to design channels to capture channel positions. Design issues are critical in marketing channels. Issues such as selecting the right members, assigning them the proper functions, and having everyone fulfil their responsibilities can mean the difference between success and failure. In the Channel Relationship Model, market coverage, efficiency, effectiveness, and service levels are issues which must be confronted in channel design. In this module, we will discuss these issues. Sections 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Conventional Marketing Channels as Organisational Teams Conventional Marketing Channels: Issues and Answers Making the Channel Design Decision Selecting the Best Channel Design Evaluating Channel Structure Performance Modifying Existing Channels Designing Channels to Capture Channel Positions Real-World Channel Design Key Terms Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 5 Synopsis / Marketing Channels Learning Summary Good channel design is often the key to market leadership and overall business success. Because they generally require years of continuous attention to develop, sound manufacturer–intermediary–end-users linkages are often barriers to competitive entry. Without the benefits that accrue from solid market channels, even marketers with superior products can fail in the marketplace. Using channel design as a strategic weapon creates sustainable competitive advantages (SCAs). SCAs refer to skills that a firm does exceptionally well which also have strategic importance to that business. SCAs allow firms to gain an advantageous position in the market relative to their competitors on a long-term basis. Channel design decisions are among the most critical facing marketing managers. The type of channel chosen directly influences each of the other marketing decisions. Marketing channels essentially perform the task of moving goods from producers to consumers. In doing so, they overcome the time, place, and possession gaps that separate goods and services from the consumers. To achieve these critical outcomes, channel members must perform several key marketing functions, including information, promotion, negotiation, risk-taking, and billing, among others. The process by which various channel design alternatives are evaluated in terms of their performance competencies is known as channel efficiency analysis. This assessment centres on the relative performance of alternative channel designs. Channel effectiveness analysis on the other hand, considers the strategic fit with the overall marketing strategy of potential changes in the channel design. When compared to efficiency analysis, the evaluation of effectiveness factors in a marketing channel requires that the evaluator assume a longer time horizon. A variety of circumstances can indicate that a marketing organisation needs to design or redesign its channel. Such circumstances would include the organisation’s development of a new product or entire product line, its decision to target existing products or product lines to new consumer/business markets or geographic areas, or an awareness that significant changes have been or are about to be introduced to some other aspect of the organisation’s marketing mix. Moreover, such circumstances could arise when existing channel members change their policies, consistently fail to perform as expected, or are engaging in practices that cause conflict. When a new firm is established, either from scratch or as the result of merger or acquisition, the need to establish new channel arrangements is clear. The various channel structural alternatives available to a producer firm can be identified in terms of the following three dimensions: (1) the number of levels in the channel, (2) the number of intermediaries operating at the various levels, and (3) the types of intermediaries used at each level. Each intermediary that performs a function necessary to convey the market offering closer toward the final user represents a channel level. A channel’s length is described by the number of its intermediary levels. Second, companies must determine the number of intermediaries to be used at each channel level within a given market area. Three basic designs are available: intensive, exclusive or selective distribution. Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 6 Synopsis / Marketing Channels Finally, firms must identify the types of intermediaries that are available at each channel level. The following distribution alternatives are generally available: manufacturer’s salesforce, manufacturer’s representatives, or industrial suppliers. In most instances, producers will be able to identify several intermediary alternatives. The intermediary alternatives need to be evaluated against expected sales and costs, control and resources, and flexibility criteria. The best channel structure is reflected in the design that offers the desired performance effectiveness, at the lowest possible cost, along each marketing function to be executed. Unfortunately, reality dictates that the selection of the optimal channel design will often prove impossible. Therefore, managers should strive for the best possible design alternative by evaluating the various design options along the following criteria: service output levels desired by customers, channel objectives and product characteristics and market behaviours and segments. Once they have entered into a channel arrangement, channel members should periodically review their intermediaries’ performance. Channels or intermediaries can be evaluated on the: quality of their customer service, competence with which they manage the marketing functions assigned to them, share of the market they have achieved in the assigned area and their potential for additional share gains, and the level of attention they pay to the manufacturer’s product(s). Channel adjustments – purposeful modifications to intermediary relationships – become necessary when conditions in the marketplace change. Three specific types of channel modification are those associated with product life cycles, customerdriven refinement, and the need for multichannel systems. The most difficult adjustments are those whose implementation necessitates revising overall channel strategies. Meeting customer needs is a necessary but insufficient condition for success in the marketplace. In marketers’ attempts to foster every edge possible through channel design, the concept of a channel position should not be overlooked. A channel position is reflected in the status a channel member earns among intermediaries for supplying market offerings, financial returns, programmes, and systems that are better than those offered by competing manufacturers. An enticing channel position can be achieved by treating each relationship with one’s fellow channel members as partnerships that should provide desired benefits to the partner on a long-term basis. Channel members should strive to provide their intermediaries with superior value from the resale of products, support programmes and incentives, or the channel relationship itself, relative to those outcomes offered by other producers. This is known as the pursuit of a sustainable partnership advantage and, in their channel design efforts, marketers should also be guided by this goal. Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 7 Synopsis / Marketing Channels 4. Marketing Mix and Relationship Marketing Learning Objectives After reading this module, you should be able to: Describe why the marketing mix variables are ingredients in successful channel relationships. Define the concept of product and the interface between product and relationship marketing. Relate agile competitive environments to the notion of products-in-process. Explain the general approaches to marketing channels pricing, and identify the relative advantage of the relationship pricing approach. Distinguish between push and pull promotion strategies and relate these strategies to relationship building. Demonstrate an understanding of the link between place and marketing channel management. Explain how relationship building may ultimately attain the marketing concept. Sections 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 The Marketing Mix The Product Ingredient The Pricing Ingredient The Promotions Ingredient The Place Ingredient Strategy Formulation: Role of the Marketing Concept Key Terms Learning Summary The marketing mix offers the means by which the product, pricing, promotion, and place variables present in a channel relationship can be strategically apportioned to meet the channel’s needs. Marketers must carefully consider how to combine the marketing mix ingredients to achieve the desired relationship outcomes. These mix elements are the manageable components by which the norms, behaviours, and functional outcomes of marketing relationships can be developed over time. A product is a unique bundle of intangible and tangible attributes offered en masse to customers. Products provide the vehicles through which exchanges of value can simultaneously satisfy buyer and seller needs. Portraying products as value satisfiers in marketing relationships implies channel members should transform their operations from function delivery systems to value delivery systems. In a function delivery system, marketers’ attentions are typically focused inward; products begin with the organisation and channel partners aim to develop superior physical processes for moving products from the factory to the market. In a value delivery channel system, marketing attentions are first focused upon external concerns. Channel partners look outward to identify customer needs. Products, thus, originate from a desire to Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 8 Synopsis / Marketing Channels satisfy customer needs. The value delivery sequence involves the assessment, provision, and communication of customer value. Price is the final exchange value of a good or service, as has been agreed upon by the seller and buyer. Any discussion of pricing should begin with the notion of valuation, or the simultaneous appraisal by potential channel partners of an offering’s economic and psychological worth. In marketing channels, each exchange partner provides some added value to the offering. Channel members expect and must receive compensation in exchange for their role in enhancing the value of an exchange object. The price should allocate compensation proportionate to each channel member’s contribution. Algorithmic (cost-plus, break-even, modified breakeven), market-orientated (competitive pricing, market-entry, skimming-the-cream) and relationship-orientated (volume pricing, functional allowances, promotional allowances) methods of setting prices exist and each can be applied within marketing channels. An underlying factor influencing any channel pricing decision, but in particular relationship-orientated pricing decisions, is the notion of establishing price legitimacy, or the convergence of the buyer’s and seller’s valuation of a market offering. Price-legitimising techniques are supposed to communicate a sense of fair play to customers. The seller is attempting to promote a sense of value to customers. Promotion involves any purposeful communications employed by channel members to inform, remind, and/or persuade prospects and customers regarding some aspect of their market offering. In channel relationships, promotion is a portfolio of persuasive tactics that can be wielded with the purpose of informing, changing preferences and attitudes, positioning and/or repositioning products, and, ultimately, stimulating sales. But the contemporary view also posits promotions as a means of relationship building. Relational promotion involves any communications between channel members that is intended to facilitate new or fortify existing exchange relationships. Over time, relational promotions should lead to relational communication. Relational communication is a continuous process in which the sender and receiver of a message become essentially indistinguishable, since the message and feedback become virtually simultaneous events. The outcome of relational communications is shared meaning, or synchronous cognition. Five objectives are usually associated with relational channel promotions: stimulating sales, sharing information, differentiating offerings, accentuating value, or stabilising seasonal demand. Relational promotions tactics can be classified into two strategic categories, consisting of pull and push promotions. The final ingredient in the marketing mix of any channel participant is place, or all those distribution, logistics, and behavioural functions that regulate the flow of market offerings between exchange partners. The goal of place is to minimise the costs of these functions while maximising customer satisfaction. A trade-off exists between channel costs and the benefits afforded to exchange partners. These tradeoffs are linked to the other ingredients in the marketing mix. The four components of the marketing mix support a channel member’s marketing strategy and, ultimately, its market offering. A marketing strategy can be defined Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 9 Synopsis / Marketing Channels along three basic dimensions: the channel member’s markets, functional area strategies, and strategic assets or skills. The marketing concept is the core of any marketing mix strategy. It asserts that customer satisfaction is the basis for all marketing mix decisions. The contemporary view is that this idea needs to be taken one step further, to a relationship marketing concept. The marketing relationship concept is the culmination of all exchange relationships; it delivers exchange value by addressing simultaneously the needs of each link in the marketing channels and produces long-term relationships and profits by creating more customer satisfaction. 5. Environmental Scanning: Managing Uncertainty Learning Objectives After reading this module, you should be able to: Understand how channel members affect and are affected by the channel environment. Discuss the importance of dynamism in marketing channel flows. Identify the environmental variables that affect marketing channels. Describe the impact of internationalisation on environmental scanning. Relate the political economy model to contemporary marketing channels. Explain how the political economy framework encourages a social system perspective for managing the channel environment. A marketing channel must continually adjust to its external environment – economic, technological, political, legal, ethical, and sociocultural factors. Look back at the Channel Relationship Model and notice that the internal channel environment – the relationship process within a marketing channel – is encased in this external environment. These macroenvironmental forces that change the movement and shape of a marketing channel are the topic of Part 2. Channels are always changing – even when they don’t appear to be – because their environments are never static. Moreover, current conditions in the channel environment can influence the strength of the channel relationship. The environment can either enhance or lessen a channel member’s control over its counterparts. Changing environmental conditions can also affect channel participants in different ways. As such, channel partners must be concerned with more than just how changes affect their own operations; they must be aware of how the channel environment influences all channel members. In addition to continual change, three other properties have relevance to channel environments: variability, potency, and distinctiveness. Variability. The development and subsequent performance of marketing channels depend on the ever-changing environment. Channel relationships are Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 10 Synopsis / Marketing Channels actually moving even when they appear static. Whether and how channel members remain connected to one another is related to environmental influences. Potency. Current conditions in the channel environment influence the strength of the channel relationship. The environment may either enhance or lessen a channel member’s control over its counterparts. Distinctiveness. Each channel member is unique. Changing environmental conditions affect channel participants in different ways. As such, channel partners must be concerned with more than just how environmental changes affect their own operations; they should also be aware of how the channel environment influences all channel members. A channel member engages in practices which transform its surrounding environment. For instance, if many producers in a country opt for cheaper, but highly skilled, labour overseas to reduce costs, this can have a detrimental effect on the home economy, leaving people under- or unemployed and lessening the purchase power of the marketplace. Two other properties are important to us. First, the impact that any environmental variable has on channel relationship is irreversible. Once something has altered the state of the channel relationship, it will never be the same again. This is not to say that channel members cannot successfully adapt to their changing environment; they can. However, the influence of environmental forces on channel relationships is nonetheless permanent and has a lasting effect on the performance of the marketing channel. The second relevant property is the fact that channels inevitably must expend energy to preserve relationships in the wake of environmental change. This consumption of energy is known as entropy. Entropy accounts for the disorder, uncertainty, and wasted effort present in any physical environment. Unless preventative measures are taken, entropy always increases through a naturally occurring process. As a result, channel managers must continually struggle against entropy’s negative effects. This is particularly difficult because of the constant yet unpredictable forces of the external environment that impact marketing channels. Sections 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Entropy and Environmental Scanning Decision Support Systems The External Channel Environment Internal and External Political Economies: An Environmental Framework Key Terms Learning Summary Entropy accounts for the disorder, uncertainty, and wasted effort present in any physical environment. Entropy always increases in any naturally occurring process including working systems such as marketing channels. Channel members always operate under conditions of uncertainty and entropy. Together, these characteristics make environmental scanning a necessity. Environmental scanning involves the Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 11 Synopsis / Marketing Channels appraisal, prediction, and monitoring of all external factors that may substantially impact a channel system. A great many performance problems may be linked to circumstances where the behaviours of channel members remained static while their channel environments changed. To achieve the state of equilibrium they naturally seek, organisms must receive and respond to information cues from their environment. Similarly, if channel members are to accurately assess their position in the system, they must obtain useful market intelligence for decision making. Here, market intelligence refers to data that is useful as an input into managerial decision making. In this way, all channel members are, or at least ought to be, information seekers. Information overload refers to those situations where the capacity of channel members to comfortably manage data is strained because of excessive amounts of information. To avoid such overload, channel members must first decide which information will be most useful for making channel decisions. Information overload can also open up market opportunities. Channel members sometimes receive conflicting accounts of changes in the environment. Thus, they must address the accuracy and precision of this market intelligence – the degree to which they can use it with confidence or certainty. Because information is so valuable to channel members, it is also a competitive resource. Environmental information is especially valuable because it assists channel members in planning for the future. When properly used, environmental information can also help fortify the trust between exchange partners. But there is still potential for problems and misuse. Channel environments are entropic because they are characterised by a property known as dynamism. The notion of channel dynamism is that energetic environmental forces concurrently emanating from and directed toward marketing channels are constantly changing. As a result, channel managers need to be flexible, prepared, and attuned to their surroundings. However, merely recognising the existence of a changing environment is insufficient to safeguard success. For that, exchange partners must continuously scan the environment. Successful scanning also requires that channel members assume a disaggregate orientation, in which channel members do not view the environment as a single or complete entity. Five key components of the environment must be monitored: competitive, economic, technological, sociocultural, and legal, ethical, and regulatory. Four types of competitive channel environments exist. Horizontal competition occurs between channel members operating at the same level. Vertical competition occurs when channel members operating at different channel levels compete for a share of the same market. System competition occurs among complete channel units. Network competition occurs among a labyrinthine network of channel members contending across industries and markets. Predicting and responding to the anticipated impact of the economy is a particularly important aspect of channel management. Yet no single environmental issue is more difficult to forecast. The state of the economy is constantly being measured through a variety of indicators, ranging from gross domestic production to consumer confidence indices. The nature of any cues about the state of the economic environment is always tempered by the conditions prevailing within the following Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 12 Synopsis / Marketing Channels four economic indicators: economic infrastructure, consumer buying power, currency stability, and national trade policies. The first, critical step in environmental scanning is identifying what questions to ask. These questions might pertain to: current or future trends, customer preferences, industry directions, success or failure of current channel strategies, and competitors’ strategies. The answers to these questions can be gathered and interpreted through a decision support system (DSS). Only the information that is likely to prove useful should be entered into a DSS. The technological environment encompasses those processes by which knowledge-based products and information itself are introduced into channel systems. Because technology is predicated on information sharing, one can easily see how channel relationships might develop for the sole purpose of research and development. A sense of a technological imperative is now emerging in many channels settings. The technological imperative suggests that most channel structure is derived from the prevailing technology operating within the channel. Two general, technology-based channel structures currently exist that influence channel relationships. One, called pooled interdependence, describes two channel members who operate independently, but whose pooled resources contribute to each member’s overall success. The other technology-based channel structure is known as sequential interdependence. In sequential interdependence, technology, and the changes that generally accompany it, is pushed through channel members. Information and technological flows are essentially one-way. For a two-way exchange to occur requires an integration of channel members’ technology-based knowledge. This results in a reciprocal imperative. When the values, attitudes, and lifestyles of consumers change, channel members must adapt their need-satisfying marketing mix strategies in response to these consumers’ changing needs. This process changes the products and services all of us acquire, use, and dispose of in our roles as consumers. The sociocultural environment exists as the point of connection between channel members, society, and its culture. In fact, the sociocultural environment is truly an aggregation of all other environmental factors. 6. Legal Developments in Marketing Channels Learning Objectives After reading this module, you should be able to: Provide an overview of the US antitrust legislation that relates to marketing channels. Discuss the differences between per se- and rule of reason-based court decisions. Discuss how existing legislation influences channel practices such as tying arrangements, resale price maintenance, and dual distribution. Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 13 Synopsis / Marketing Channels Discuss evolving legal issues such as slotting allowances and parallel import channels. Understand the difference between legal and ethical imperatives in channel management. Risk-taking involves any activity where there is a chance of loss. Decisions to take part in channel relationships always expose each participant to various types of risk. Many of these risks are economic, psychological, or social in nature. But channel relationships also involve legal risks. Although one would assume clear guidelines are in place that permit an accurate assessment of the legal risk associated with channel decisions, this is not entirely the case. The judicial system that has evolved to protect business interests still permits only educated guesses concerning the legality of many channel activities. The US justice system colours most legal issues in shades of grey, rather than in black or white. US antitrust legislation is a model of flexible law, capable of evolving with changing times and unforeseen circumstances. As a result of its inherent flexibility, the legality of several channel practices is far from clear and so the possible risks can only be estimated. Antitrust law, for instance, is rarely certain. Instead, it depends ultimately on how judges and juries see the facts, then evaluate these facts based on the law. Because laws are written and passed in Congress, it is impossible to separate politics from US antitrust legislation. As such, the legal and political components of the external environment are a distinct force in the CRM. Firms that want to manage their channel relationships with the utmost efficiency must understand the laws that apply to their particular marketing activities. Regardless of how they arise, legal problems in competitive markets can be neither avoided nor resolved without a general understanding of the relevant laws. The laws defining the nature of legal channel behaviours must be understood as a complete body, even though that is not how they evolved. Otherwise, a course of action intended to avoid or escape one legal transgression may only result in a firm being entangled in the web of another law. When developing channel strategies, managers must understand the laws affecting those strategies, as well as the legal defences available under those laws. Perhaps most importantly, channel managers must also understand how the courts interpret these statutes. These interpretations establish precedents regarding what is and what is not acceptable channel practice. Finally, effective managers should be sensitive to signals that suggest these legal roadmarks are likely to be redefined in the future. In this module, we present an overview of the US laws affecting channels practices and discuss their judicial interpretations. We also look briefly at what the future holds in the way of emerging legal issues. Finally, we discuss the best means for staying clear of possible legal difficulties – by acting ethically. Sections 6.1 6.2 6.3 A Historical Overview of Federal Legislation Affecting Channel Practices Traditional Legal Issues in Channel Relationships Emerging Legal Issues in Channel Relationships Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 14 Synopsis / Marketing Channels 6.4 6.5 Moving Beyond Legality: Toward Ethical Channel Management Key Terms Learning Summary The US government seeks to harmonise the profit-seeking behaviours of channel members with the interests of other channel members, competitors, and the consuming public. Federal antitrust and pricing laws are the most important tools wielded by the government in this quest. Antitrust law in the US generally rests upon three statutes: the Sherman Act of 1890, Clayton Act of 1914, and Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914. Jointly, this legislation inhibits or prohibits business activities that represent unfair methods of competition and/or tend to lessen free market competition. Pricing behaviours are governed principally by the RobinsonPatman Act of 1936. The Celler-Kefauver Act was passed in 1950 to regulate horizontal or vertical mergers that tended to inhibit free market competition. Both of these later acts were passed to close loopholes in original antitrust legislation. The Sherman Act introduced two important concepts. One is the per se rule. To win judgment under a per se rule, a complainant need only prove the existence of a certain prohibited practice and that this conduct falls within a class of ‘plainly anticompetitive practices’. The other concept is known as the rule of reason. Under rules of reason, the courts undertake a broader inquiry into the facts associated with the dispute. Specifically, the history leading up to the dispute, the reasons why the disputed practices were implemented by the accused firm, and the effect the disputed practices have on competition in and outside of the channel are considered. When channel disputes arise, judgments are more likely to be based on the rule of reason. Several channel behaviours have traditionally been subject to evaluation under antitrust and pricing legislation. These practices include price discrimination, resale price maintenance, vertical integration and mergers, dual distribution, tying arrangements, refusals to deal, and resale restrictions. Each of the other practices is prohibited when certain circumstances are present or when certain market conditions are met. The nature of these circumstances or conditions is, however, subject to debate. More recently, the legality of slotting allowances and parallel import channels have been called into question. Slotting allowances are currently legal. Some types of parallel imports channels are viewed as illegal, while others are not. To this day, the legality or illegality of several channel practices represents something of a game of chance. Since no one really knows in advance when an injury to competition will be claimed or how the courts will rule, channel members should avoid engaging in legally risky behaviours altogether. This goal can be achieved through moral channel management. The moral organisation operates well above the ethical standards prescribed by the law itself. Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 15 Synopsis / Marketing Channels 7. Ethical Issues in Relationship Marketing Learning Objectives After reading this module, you should be able to: Understand the importance of ethics in building and sustaining channel relationships. Describe the ethics continuum and the balance of interest between buyers and sellers. Identify and discuss the basic ethical dilemmas that can arise in marketing channels. Distinguish between rules-based, consequence-based and experience-based moral codes. Describe individual, organisational, and environmental factors that affect a channel member’s ethical or unethical behaviours. Assess why codes of ethics offer no panacea for resolving ethical conflicts in channel relationships. Describe the four components which must be in place for an ethical exchange to occur in a channel relationship. In the Channel Relationship Model, ethical and social responsibility forces are important components of the external channel environment. In this module, we will discuss the nature of moral and ethical behaviour in marketing channels and the delicate balance between the interests of buyers and sellers. We will then review several ethical dilemmas encountered by channel members in the competitive marketplace. We also discuss a variety of approaches to moral decision making that are available to help channel members resolve these dilemmas and present a model of relationship ethics. Most marketers agree that marketing decisions should be made in accordance with accepted ethical principles. Ethics, after all, lay out the differences between right and wrong. But just what is meant by the term ethics? A variety of definitions have been offered: ‘Ethics refers to standards of right conduct.’ ‘Ethics is an inquiry into the nature and grounds of morality where the term morality is taken to mean moral judgments, standards and rules of conduct.’ ‘Ethics comprise moral principles and standards that guide behaviour.’ ‘Ethics is the art and discipline of applying ethical principles to examine and solve complex moral dilemmas.’ Each definition is clearly concerned with the relationship between morality and decision behaviour. We provide a definition of marketing ethics that summarises the descriptions offered above: Marketing ethics refers to the moral standards that underlie exchange processes. This definition is applicable to marketing channels because it advances the position that ethics is predicated on interactive decision behaviours. Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 16 Synopsis / Marketing Channels Critics often charge that marketing is the functional area most likely to be the source of unethical behaviour in a business. As evidence, these critics point toward instances of deceptive advertising, unscrupulous sales tactics, misrepresented product capabilities, and unfair pricing tactics. For more than a century, marketers have been singled out as the perpetrators of unethical actions against consumers and other businesses. This is because marketing is the business function most responsible for communicating with prospects and customers and satisfying their needs. As such, the actions of marketers are clearly in the public view and susceptible to close scrutiny. Sections 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 Personal Conviction and Exchange Conviction Social Tact and Relationship Ethics The Ethics Continuum Ethical Dilemmas in Relationship Management Moral Codes in Channel Relationships Model of Relationship Ethics The Components of an Ethical Exchange Process Key Terms Learning Summary There is substantial opportunity to act unethically within many types of marketing relationships, a circumstance that is no doubt facilitated by the fact that marketing is clearly in the public view and susceptible to close scrutiny. Still, marketers’ interests are always best served by seeking a trusting, ethically grounded relationship with the various publics they serve. Marketing ethics refers to the moral standards that underlie exchange processes. Exchange conviction addresses the intensity of the confidence and faith a given channel member is willing to invest in the value systems of other channel members. For successful relationships to develop, each party must have confidence that the other is equally committed to doing the right or moral thing at all times. Several factors influence a channel member’s conviction, including the nature of performance outcomes, the competitive arena, expediency, and customs that prevail within the channel. It is crucial to acknowledge that morality in marketing relationships is a two-way street. Ethical behaviour depends largely on the state of cooperative morality that exists or develops among channel members. A person’s ethicality cannot be viewed as something that is distinct from the social system in which the individual interacts. This condition is reflected in the concept we call social tact, or individuals’ prescribed ways of dealing with others in their environment. For relationships to flourish, as opposed to merely enduring, each exchange partner must modify the ethical content of their behaviour to pursue moral convergence with some channel counterpart. This involves relationship ethics, or the process by which organisational ethics are adapted to suit the needs of exchange relationships. Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 17 Synopsis / Marketing Channels In marketing channels, one firm’s ethical actions can affect another firm’s actions in many ways. To illustrate, consider the buyer–seller relationship itself. The buyer has to be aware of the seller’s persuasive tactics. But at the other end of an implied continuum, the seller must pay careful attention to the customer’s behaviour. This balance between what can sometimes be essentially opposing views is reflected in an ethics continuum. On one end of the scale lie the sellers’ self-interests – otherwise described as caveat emptor. The concept of caveat venditor, or seller beware, lies at the other end. Caveat venditor draws on the outright pursuit of customer satisfaction as an organisational ethic. This ethics continuum suggests that channel members, on either side of exchange relationships, are continually modifying the norms, rules, and standards governing exchange behaviours. Hopefully, these modifications result in outcomes that satisfy the other party. A wide range of channel situations potentially feature ethical dilemmas. The channel behaviours receiving the most ethical attention over recent years include: exclusionary tactics, diverting practices, repressive control manoeuvres, and anticompetitive promotions. Exclusionary tactics are intentional strategies aimed at restricting normal channel flows in a distribution system. Diverting practices refer to any actions involved in the unauthorised distribution of goods or services, including grey marketing. Repressive control manoeuvres describe coercive attempts to manipulate other channel members’ business practices and include full-line forcing tactics. Anticompetitive channel promotions involve opportunistic efforts by one channel member to unfairly or inappropriately manage the distribution of products through brand discounts, aggregate rebates, and slotting allowances. Moral codes address how channel members employ rules and standards to help decide what is right and wrong. Issues of right and wrong in channel relationships are not always cast in black or white. Three basic moral codes – rules-based, consequence-based, and experience-based – enable decision makers to make more sense of the often-times complicated notion of right and wrong in channel relations. Still, no single moral code can guide what is ethical or unethical in all possible situations. Instead, combinations of all three strategies are probably used to arrive at morally sound decisions in most situations involving an ethical dilemma. A variety of individual, organisational, environmental, and relationship dimensions influence an individual channel member’s moral reasoning and decision making. Individual factors range from one’s personal values to one’s upbringing. The organisational environment consists of the collective values, attitudes and norms that stem from the goals shared by those individuals who make up the organisation. In addition, the actions of top management and organisational referents, as well as the presence or absence of corporate ethical codes, exercise substantial influence on organisational value systems and, consequently, on the ethical or unethical behaviours that emanate from within the organisation. The most promising organisational avenue for preventing or resolving ethical conflicts lies in the development of an organisational code of ethics. An ethical code should clearly delineate what the organisation expects from each of its internal stakeholders. But even the best code will only be effective to the degree that the organisation’s designates follow its ethical prescriptions. Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 18 Synopsis / Marketing Channels The macroenvironment includes laws and regulations, as well as the sociocultural, political, and technological rules and standards that form society’s values. Equality of exchange, the promise principle, morality of duty, and morality of aspiration must all be present for ethical exchanges to occur in channel relationships. Parties to a fair exchange must be equal in need, although not necessarily in terms of power, knowledge, or moral goodness. The promise principle suggests that promise keeping is probably the best way to generate trust. Finally, while the morality of duty is characterised by ‘thou shalt nots’, the morality of aspiration is characterised by ‘thou shalts’. 8. Global Challenges and Opportunities Learning Objectives After reading this module, you should be able to: Discuss how environmental uncertainty impacts global channel strategies. Discuss the major factors that underlie the selection of international exchange partners. Distinguish between multinational, global, and transnational channel relationships. Recall the indirect methods of developing international exchange relationships. Recall the direct methods of developing international exchange relationships. Explain the connection between the macroenvironment and international channel strategy. Describe the process of initiating international channel relationships. In this module, we examine how channel members in all industries confront different tastes and preferences in the global marketplace. First, we consider the reasons for entering into international exchange relationships at all. Next, we explain the various types of international exchange relationships and the various methods of entry. Then, we explore the interface between international marketing channels and their macroenvironment. After all the factors are in place, we answer the question: how does one select an international exchange partner? Sections 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 Reasons for International Exchange Relationships Typology of International Exchange Relationships Direct and Indirect International Marketing Channels Interface between International Marketing Channels and the Environment Selecting International Exchange Partners International Exchange Relationships: Successes and Failures International versus Domestic Channel Relationships: Some Perspective Key Terms Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 19 Synopsis / Marketing Channels Learning Summary Channels firms enter risky waters when they develop international exchange relationships. Still, more firms than ever before are engaging in international trade. The primary reasons for seeking membership in international exchange relationships are to: facilitate market entry, boost market share while gaining synergistic advantages, introduce new products through existing channels, improve service performance, or respond and adapt to changing local market conditions. International channel arrangements can be characterised in many ways. The term international merely suggests something is occurring between nations. Those firms operating in different countries are generally called multinational corporations. Several categories of international exchange relationships exist. The first is multinational exchange relationships (MERs). MERs occur between trading partners that operate in foreign markets as if they were local concerns. MERs offer international marketers an opportunity to engage in what might be described as a series of domestic strategies executed in foreign markets or countries. MERs are based on one exchange partner’s ability to effectively adapt to the environmental circumstances and opportunities prevailing in a market of interest. Each MER is customised to satisfy the needs or master special environmental conditions associated with a foreign market. Transnational exchange relationships (TERs) also exist. Rather than engaging in a country-by-country adaptation, TERs approach international relationships from a regional perspective. TERs follow channel strategies tailored to the requirements of entire market regions. While TERs generally involve fewer exchange partners than do MERs, these partners are usually much larger in scope. Global exchange relationships (GERs) are a third category. GERs involve essentially boundaryless relationships among exchange partners. GERs do not develop on the basis of markets; instead they result from the pursuit of strategic alignments. Strategic alignments exist when there is an agreement or shared consensus between the organisational visions of two or more exchange partners. GERs require the highest levels of integration among international partners. Entry-level international exchange relationships can assume many forms. For simplicity, we classify these entry modes into two opposing categories: direct and indirect methods. The direct method is one in which the exchange partner takes a membership position in the home country or region. A membership position implies that the exchange partner actually becomes a player in the foreign economy. When indirect entry is used, the channel member manages the distribution of products in a target country through foreign designates. A foreign designate is any intermediary that facilitates the distribution of domestically produced goods through some foreign target market. The repercussions of the macroenvironment are acute in international channel relationships. No formula exists for dealing with the complexity of international exchange relationships. It is nevertheless important to evaluate environmental conditions before an international channel relationship is consummated. These environmental conditions fit into five basic categories: economic, political/legal, sociocultural, technological, and physical/geographical factors. Unforeseen changes in economic cycles, monetary policy, and interest rates always influence channel Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 20 Synopsis / Marketing Channels performance. Unfavourable economic factors often lead to the termination of international relationships. The extent to which the political or legal systems of a host nation promote or repress foreign investment in its local economy dramatically influences international channel environments. The beliefs, values and lifestyles that prevail in a target nation should be evaluated when international marketing channels are developed and executed. To develop successful international relationships, prospective partners must adapt to any cultural idiosyncrasies present in their new channel role expectations. By being sensitive to these socially and culturally based differences in international marketplaces, exchange partners can better cultivate long-term relationships. Technological advances are leading to more efficient use of raw materials, improved manufacturing productivity, and superior product quality in all marketing channels. Changes in technology also influence how channel transactions are conducted. The topographic layout, natural resources, regional climates, and weather patterns of a target-country also affects the exchange relationships consummated there. The process by which international partners are chosen warrants special attention. The overriding goal in selecting international partners should be to identify opportunities to develop and secure strategic alignments. When prospective partners pursue conflicting goals, the relationship is unlikely to flourish. International channel environments are dynamic, and in many instances significant environment circumstances lie beyond the control of either partner. The process of selection, then, may be best approached as a refinement process. Several rudimentary factors should be evaluated in this process. We call these factors the Five Cs: costs, coordination, coverage, control, and cooperation. Three types of costs are germane. The first is initial costs involving outlays associated with setting up a marketing channel. Preservation costs address the forecasted expenses of maintaining an exchange relationship. Finally, logistics costs reflect the expenses related to transporting goods and managing inventories. The coordination factor requires that prospective partners estimate how the necessary functional operations will be allocated among the channel participants. The territorial coverage that a prospective exchange partner is able to comfortably handle needs to be determined and agreed upon, as well. A realistic assessment of how much effort will be required by each partner to ensure customer satisfaction should also be launched. Exchange partners likewise need to negotiate who will have control over key channel resources. Issues of cooperation remain an important consideration in this selection process. Cooperation is essential to attain strategic alignment in the prospective relationship. Failures in international relationships usually result from a breakdown in how one or more of the following issues are handled: differing expectations among exchange partners, slow reactions to changing market conditions, clashes in exchange partners’ corporate cultures, or prematurely developed international exchange relationships. While international relationships are risky and difficult to administer, they still offer great promise. International relationships help channels partners to: address Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 21 Synopsis / Marketing Channels current gaps in a market’s needs or wants, optimise their manufacturing and distribution capabilities, share the risks associated with entering new markets, facilitate new product innovation, gain and then exploit economies of scale, or extend the market scope of their existing operations. 9. Channel Climate Learning Objectives After reading this module, you should be able to: Discuss the role that channel climate plays in establishing and maintaining exchange relationships. Describe the processes contributing to cooperation and coordination within marketing channels. Distinguish between the roles of power and dependence within marketing channels. Explain ways in which conflict in marketing channels may be resolved. Distinguish between the various compliance techniques in channel relationships. Understand the relationship-building process in marketing channels. Sections 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 Channel Climate: When Relationships Get Heated Important Channel Climate Behaviours Achieving Cooperative Channel Climates Conflict Resolution and Channel Climate Compliance Techniques Relationship Building in Marketing Channels Nurturing Channel Relationships Improving Channel Performance through Cooperation Key Terms Learning Summary Going it alone in business is difficult at best, implying that participation in channel relationships is the best way to go for most marketers. Still, conflict is likely between channel intermediaries. Much of the opportunity to remediate such conflicts lies within a channel’s climate. This sense of a climate emerges from the naturally occurring interactions of the various boundary personnel who represent the firms operating within the channel. Channel climate may be defined as the bundle of characteristics of the channel organisation reflected in the descriptions channel members give of the policies, practices, and consideration that exist in their channel environment. Consideration is behaviour that reflects mutual respect, trust, support, friendship, and a concern Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 22 Synopsis / Marketing Channels for the welfare of channel partners. Workable relationships with channel partners are a critical asset for any channel member. A cooperative climate is reflected in the members’ willingness to work or act together in pursuit of some common purpose. A coordinated climate is evident when the members are working or acting together in a harmonious or synchronised fashion. The pursuit of interfirm cooperation and coordination represents a strategic response to conditions of uncertainty and dependence. Conflicts occur when channel members sense that the behaviour of their counterpart is impeding their attainment of goals or effective performance. Power is the ability of one member of a channel to evoke a change in another member’s behaviour. The dependence of any member reflects a power-submission dimension – dependence represents the relative power a manufacturer can bring to bear as it attempts to ‘persuade’ a distributor to contribute to its objectives. Power and dependence exist as complementary concepts; power results from and strengthens the dependence of one party upon another within a dyadic relationship. Conflict can be handled in ways that lead to constructive outcomes. Behaviourally oriented conflict resolution strategies can be divided into four distinct processes: problem solving, persuasion, bargaining, and politics. The goal of most intrachannel influence attempts is to adjust the target firm’s or person’s behaviour in directions that comply with the source (i.e., influencing) firm’s or person’s desires. These intrachannel influence attempts generally involve efforts to alter the target’s perceptions of the desirability of the intended behaviour. Seeking the compliance of a channel member through altering the target’s perceptions regarding the desirability of the intended outcome is appropriate when the behaviour in question is related to a goal shared among the channel partners. The pursuit of intrachannel compliance should begin with the process of building rapport within the channel climate. Once rapport is established or attempts to do so are well under way, several interfirm compliance strategies are available for use. Two of the more common strategies are information exchange and recommendations. Compliance strategies not based on changing target perceptions of the inherent desirability of the intended behavioural response are also available. These include requests, promises, and threats strategies. Higher-performing channels generally see exchange processes as part of building a long-term relationship, while lower-performing channels are more likely to view exchange as a discrete or one-time act. The process of building relationships within marketing channels consists of four basic stages: awareness, exploration, expansion, and commitment. Channel relationships often fail to develop because too little attention is paid to matching expectations between channel partners. Future or current partners must understand each other’s goals, as those goals relate to the relationship. Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 23 Synopsis / Marketing Channels 10. Conflict Resolution Strategies Learning Objectives After reading this module, you should be able to: Define negotiation and describe how it can be used to turn conflict into positive channel outcomes. Describe several negotiation strategies, and when and how they should be used to resolve channel conflict. Discuss how problem-solving strategies can be used in channel settings. Understand how persuasive mechanisms operate in channel relationships. Understand when legalistic strategies should be used to resolve channel conflicts. Describe how channel climate can be shaped to influence the types of conflict resolution strategies used in marketing channels. Attempts to unilaterally apply power usually fail in today’s marketing channels. In today’s competitive, information-driven, and globally accessible marketing channels, coercion is no longer a viable management alternative. Successful channel leaders are changing the nature and meaning of power and how it is employed to settle conflicts. Time Out 10.1 discusses one of the things it takes for success – and for successfully resolving conflicts – in today’s channel relationships: trust. In this module, we expand on the discussion about conflict resolution that we began in Module 9 by looking at the various ways channel partners can resolve their conflicts. Conflict resolution strategies can be divided into five broad types, each of which will be discussed in detail: negotiation, problem-solving strategies, persuasive mechanisms, legalistic strategies, and climate management. To complete the discussion, we will introduce the concept of interdependence, the dimension of conflict resolution that ties all of these strategies together. Sections 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 Negotiation: The Art of Give and Take Problem-Solving Strategies Persuasive Mechanisms Legalistic Strategies Taking the Long View: Managing Conflict through Managing Channel Climate Interdependence: Tying It All Together Key Terms Learning Summary Conflict resolution strategies can be divided into five broad types: negotiation, problem-solving strategies, persuasive mechanisms, legalistic strategies, and climate management. The success with which channel conflicts are resolved often depends upon negotiation. Negotiation involves mutual discussions aimed at resolving conflict. It is a fact of marketing life that should be mastered rather than feared. Boundary personMarketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 24 Synopsis / Marketing Channels nel should continuously consider the impact that their negotiating strategies will have on channel relationships. Negotiating strategies should not be selected until after channel members have evaluated what they seek for their relationship’s future. Channel members that use predatory negotiation strategies would consider the idea of relationship-sustaining bargaining sessions unsophisticated or weak. Predatory negotiators try to grab as much as possible by giving the other as little as possible. Channel members who are willing to lose, conceal information, or stand by commitments to accept only favourable settlements generally prevail. By contrast, symbiotic negotiation strategies feature attempts to create mutual value through a process of trade-offs and bargaining. The prevailing atmosphere is, ‘I will help you if you help me.’ Open submission strategies involve one channel member’s concessions to another on all but the barest aspects of the issue in conflict. Such actions might be taken to build a more productive relationship. Joint gains can be achieved through win-win strategies. Here, participants seek to avoid behaviours that would worsen their relationship. Behaviours that would increase the substantive elements of the issue under negotiation are actively sought out. Channel parties should base their negotiations on substance. This involves (1) separating people from problems, (2) focusing on needs rather than positions, (3) developing options for mutual gains, and (4) using objective criteria. Symbiotic strategies designed to create mutual value through cooperation and collaboration are diametrically opposed to predatory strategies intended to claim value. Using negotiating strategies for claiming value generally blocks its creation and makes one susceptible to predatory negotiation strategies. When attempting to resolve conflicts through negotiation, each party should do their homework, deal from the top of the deck, remember that quitters never win and the importance of a positive attitude, and strive to build bridges rather than walls. Problems routinely arise in channels. A problem-solving strategy is a plan of action based on a channel member’s goals or objectives and its analysis of the situation. One problem-solving strategy is logrolling, in which each party identifies its priorities and offers concessions on those issues they view as less significant. Another involves compromise, wherein conflicts are resolved by establishing a middle ground based on the initial positions of each party. A third problem-solving strategy involves aggressive, one-sided attempts to solve problems by threats, persuasive arguments, or punishments. Once negotiation and problem-solving efforts establish open lines of communication, the real process of conflict resolution can begin. Much of that work involves persuasion. The act of persuasion implies that one channel member has influenced another member’s behaviour, with those behaviours relating to a course of action sought by the persuader. But persuasion is not something one channel member does to other channel members. Persuasion is done with others. It involves a cooperative effort, and a process of give and take. Arbitration and settlements are legalistic strategies aimed at gaining compliance or a solution to an otherwise unresolvable problem. Either method should only be used as a final option. Their use suggests that a solution to the problem could not be Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 25 Synopsis / Marketing Channels worked out through other, more harmonious procedures administered through normal marketing channels. Serious disputes in channel relationships usually do not pop up overnight. Mindful of this, marketers should try to adopt long-run views of how best to handle conflict in channel settings. Perhaps the best way to achieve this is by shaping the channel climate in ways that contribute to the development of trust between the channel members. The use of positive problem-solving and persuasion behaviours is then much more likely. 11. Information Systems and Relationship Logistics Learning Objectives After reading this module, you should be able to: Explain how systematising information can enhance channel performance. Define logistics and apply the concept to channel management. Describe how information and logistics interface with channel management. Explain how tailored logistics and supply chain management can foster relationship-building. Identify the principal inputs and outputs in the logistics system. Relate the five logistics mediators to customer satisfaction. Discuss major trends in transportation and inventory management. List the logistics challenges which accompany global distribution. In logistics each exchange partner’s actions are characterised by: Information Flows. Information drives channel systems. Information flows between channel members must be effectively coordinated. Control from a Distance. Channel members usually cannot personally deliver goods to each of their customers. Channel members often delegate the responsibility for physical distribution to other organisations. Still, ideally, channel members maintain some control over product quality and service. Integrated System. Logistics involves an integrated process. Logistics merges technological, transportation, communication, and information management tools to foster the efficient flows of goods through marketing channels. Information is an essential element in the exchange process. In this module, we will study how information is moved through channel systems and how it relates to logistics management. This process of moving information is known as systematising information. Systematised information involves any rule-based method used to arrange, coordinate, or share data between members of a distribution channel. Systematised information is a cornerstone of logistics. To appreciate the role of systematising information, consider how a clothing manufacturer knows what types and sizes of blue jeans to supply to a particular retail store. The answer? It receives systematised information about consumer Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 26 Synopsis / Marketing Channels clothing preferences from the retailer. For example, major suppliers of apparel to retailers like Macy’s or Selfridges automatically refill stock to these stores as it is sold. No restocking orders, no approvals, and no guesswork are required in this replenishing process. The need to purchase new stock is transmitted directly to the manufacturers from the retailers’ computerised cash registers. Manufacturers, suppliers, and retailers are increasingly sharing information to create competitive advantages in the marketplace. The relationship between Macy’s and its suppliers shows how such advantages might arise in vertical channel systems. Systematised information can also occur horizontally – that is, at the same channel level. For example, car manufacturers are increasingly sharing information to gain competitive advantage through product innovation, market expansion, reduced costs and other gains. The CRM shows how and why information is a key interchange in any channel relationship. Firms simply cannot successfully meet the challenges of a dynamic external environment without continued flows of accurate information. Sections 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 Logistics Logistics and Channel Management Relationship Logistics Model Logistics Inputs Logistics Mediators Logistics Outputs Key Terms Learning Summary Imagining distribution channels without considering the critical role of information is difficult. Systematising information involves any rule-based method used to arrange, coordinate, or share data between members of a distribution channel. Systematised information is a cornerstone of logistics. Firms cannot successfully meet the challenges of a dynamic external environment without continued flows of accurate information. Logistics management involves the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, cost-effective flow and storage of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods, and related information from point-of-origin to point-ofconsumption. These actions are performed so that channel members can transform their market offerings in ways that match customer requirements. Information drives the flow of goods and services through channels; it allows channel members to maintain or achieve control from a distance. Logistics help a firm tailor its efforts to satisfy continually changing customer needs. Logistics also help a firm create competitive advantage. No single measure can efficiently assess the effectiveness of a firm’s logistics programme. Isolating the costs and returns associated with the flows of goods through channels is quite difficult. Profitability is a common performance measure. Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 27 Synopsis / Marketing Channels Many yardsticks are emerging as tools for evaluating logistics performance. One such measure is customer responsiveness, or a channel member’s ability to adapt to its partners’ changing needs and service requirements. A four-step process – consisting of external and internal audits, evaluating customer perceptions, and the identification of opportunities to establish competitive advantages – is available for identifying customers’ service needs. Logistics systems are frequently described in terms of delivering the right product to the right place at the right time in the right condition for the right cost. This sense of rights connects customer responsiveness to each level of the marketing channel for any product or service offering. Logistics strategies are now adopting a longer-run orientation in their efforts to secure greater market coverage, customer satisfaction, product customisation, and cost containment. A variety of logistics activities promotes customer satisfaction as goods move toward their point of consumption. These activities range from resource procurement to the management of returned goods. Supply chain management (SCM) is a cooperative approach aimed at maximising logistical outputs while simultaneously minimising logistical inputs. Properly executed supply chain management produces value at each logistics system level. The notion of supply chain management rests on channel integration. Channel integration involves systematising information to reduce suppliers’ and retailers’ inventory needs. Manufacturers are usually more certain about the resource inputs they need because their production schedules operate on real time. SCM can also reduce stock-outs (that is, running out of merchandise for which demand exists). Supply chain management focuses attention on the need to develop relational rather than transactional exchange in logistics systems. Effective supply chain management tends to forge cooperative efforts outside the traditional boundaries of channel settings. These cooperative efforts might include market research, product engineering, and total system designs. For supply chain management to foster better retailer–vendor and retail–manufacturer relationships, partnerships must address matters extending beyond the distribution and handling of inventories. The Relationship Logistics Model (RLM) shows how systematised information and logistics relate. The RLM has five components: logistics goals, systematised information, logistics inputs, logistics mediators, and logistics outputs. Logistics goals and systematised information have already been discussed. Logistics inputs are the human and capital investments in the flows of goods and services through the marketing channel. These include natural resources, human resources, and financial resources. A wide variety of logistics mediators impact the flows of goods and services in a distribution channel. The major categories of logistics functions that contribute to efficient, cost-effective flows through distribution channels are discussed in the module. These activities can be grouped into inventory management, transportation, warehousing, purchasing, and packaging categories. Inventory management is aimed at minimising inventory carrying costs while ensuring that sufficient stock is maintained to satisfy customer needs. Electronic data interchange (EDI) facilitates information exchange between channel members. EDI involves the paperless Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 28 Synopsis / Marketing Channels transmission of information – including sales data, purchase orders, invoices, shipment tracking data, and product return information – between manufacturers, suppliers, and retailers. EDI’s use signals a shared commitment toward the efficient management of inventory throughout a channel. The physical movement of goods from one location to any other destination is called transportation. Transportation accounts for a substantial portion of logistics cost for most firms. There is a saying that, ‘If you aren’t managing your transportation, you aren’t managing your supply chain.’ Warehousing is another important influence on logistics costs. Warehousing involves the physical storage or stockkeeping of raw materials, product components, and/or finished goods. Warehouses perform three functions: movement of goods, component parts, or raw materials; materials handling; and storage. Purchasing links buyers and sellers at each channel. Purchasing involves forecasting demand, selecting suppliers (also known as sourcing), and processing orders. Packaging refers to the materials used to encase materials or products while in transit. Packaging can optimise logistics efficiency and effectiveness by reducing weight and space requirements, ensuring product quality, and selling the product. Three primary outputs are associated with logistics systems. The first is a competitive advantage. The second output is known as efficiency. Finally, logistics systems are responsible for the most important output of all: a satisfied customer. 12. Cultivating Positive Channel Relationships Learning Objectives After reading this module, you should be able to: Understand the recruiting process within market channels and identify the market, product, and firm factors considered. Describe the screening process and the selection criteria considered in the selection of channel members. Discuss the special measures that are often necessary to motivate independent intermediaries to support the best interests of their suppliers. Describe how recruiters can secure the success of new channel memberships. In general, successful marketing channels are characterised by a nurturing or supportive environment and a suitable match between what each channel member needs and is capable of providing to the channel system. Corporations sometimes must sublimate portions of their skills to the good of the channel system. Thus, organisations like Roadway Logistics should ship or store component or finished goods if they perform such functions better. In this module, we will discuss the five steps that are involved in the cultivation of a positive channel setting: recruiting, screening, selecting, motivating, and securing. These steps are shown in Exhibit 1.1. Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 29 Synopsis / Marketing Channels Exhibit 1.1 Developing positive channel relationships Sections 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 Recruiting and Screening New Prospects Selecting the Right Channel Partners Motivating New Channel Members Securing Recruits for the Long Term Appendix 12 – Managing Impressions in Channel Relationships Key Terms Learning Summary Cultivating positive channel relationships is a matter of serious concern. The five steps that are involved in developing long-term channel relationships are recruiting, screening, selecting, motivating, and securing. Recruitment involves those plans and actions aimed at actively soliciting participation of a new channel member. When recruiting prospective channel partners, the recruiting organisation should consider how its needs relate to the prospects’ qualifications and needs, and vice versa; communicate honestly about the constraints and realities of the channel role; and learn all it can about the prospects’ expectations and be prepared to fulfil them. Not every firm that is recruited is eventually selected for channel membership. In fact, most firms are screened out as inappropriate candidates. Screening is an inherently negative process in that recruiting organisations are seeking reasons to reject rather than accept prospective partners. When screening prospective channel members, recruiters should consider their market segments and products, fit the prospects’ strengths and competencies into their products’ life cycle, remember that Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 30 Synopsis / Marketing Channels bigger is not always better, and consider the support that is likely to be required by the various prospects. Once prospects have been recruited and screened, the right partner is selected from among this smaller pool. Various criteria should be considered during this final evaluation of channel member prospects, including sales factors, product factors, experience factors, administrative factors, and risk factors. Distribution functions, service functions, intelligence-gathering functions, and quality of relationships should also be considered as new channel partners are selected. Recruiting organisations usually have only limited control over their independent intermediaries after they come on board the channel. Special measures – including Distributor Advisory Councils, personal contact, assurances of future relationships, threats, and/or the provision of adequate support – are often required to motivate partners to act in the recruiting organisation’s best interests. Finally, securing recruits for a positive, long-term relationship requires developing a partnership between the channel partners. Boundary personnel must be able to identify and respond to their new partner’s unique needs and problems. One way to do this is to recognise that, just as any other living thing, relationships pass through a life cycle of birth, growth and maturity, and death. Each stage has different needs and effects on the relationship. In the end, a relationship is what the two parties make of it. The two primary factors are the total package of benefits the partners achieve from it and the level of customer service involved. 13. Transaction Costs in Marketing Channels Learning Objectives After reading this module, you should be able to: Discuss the continuity of exchange processes. Critically assess the assumptions of an input-combiner orientation in deriving exchange value. Explain why transaction cost economics (TCE) provides a more realistic account of the economics of exchange than does a production orientation. Discuss how resource scarcity affects transaction flows. Understand how transaction costs impact channel members’ market versus hierarchy decision. Identify the importance of transaction-specific assets in channel dependency. Interpret the types of exchange relationships that result from transaction cost economics. Exchange processes lie at the heart of the Channel Relationship Model. An exchange process is the mechanism that connects channel members. This connection allows resources to be pooled and risks to be assessed in the channel members’ pursuit of achieving collective goals. When considering the exchange Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 31 Synopsis / Marketing Channels process, it is worth bearing in mind that 1) a single process can generate a number of outcomes, 2) the natural course of an exchange is affected by the environment in which it occurs, and 3) a process can persist either indefinitely or only until some specified condition is met. In Part 4, we will look at the economics of exchanges in some detail, beginning in this module with transaction costs, the economic cornerstone on which channel member exchanges are based. Our discussion begins with a brief look at the conditions that must be in place for an exchange to occur, then an overview of the types of value that can be derived from channel exchange. Next, we introduce the concept of transaction costs as they relate to exchange partnerships and explore the problems and pitfalls of transaction cost analysis (TCA). Finally, we take a brief look at four types of economic exchange relationships. In Chapters 14 and 15 we will discuss two special types of exchange relationships: vertical marketing systems and franchising. Sections 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 Conditions for Exchange Factors in Deriving Economic Value Cooperation versus Opportunity Costs Transaction Cost Analysis Transaction Cost Analysis: Problems and Limitations Economic Exchange Relationships Key Terms Learning Summary Exchange processes can persist indefinitely or until some specified condition is met. The natural course of an exchange is affected by the environmental conditions in which it occurs. Each exchange transaction thus differs from all other transactions. For exchange to occur in marketing channels, each party must possess goal preferences, anticipate the outcomes of the exchange, direct its actions toward goal preferences, and be willing to create or accept new behaviours to facilitate attainment of those goals. Value is a quantifiable assessment of the costs and benefits jointly derived from the offering and the exchange process itself. Various types of value can be derived from channel exchange. Exchange value and value relationships change over time. This is why exchange inputs are valued relative to how, when, and where they are obtained. Scarcity also affects the costs of goods and services. The demand for products strongly influences the valuation of outputs. The success of channel members depends in no small measure on their ability to prepare for exchange and adapt to unanticipated changes in supply and demand. Channel members can estimate value based on: primacy of the exchange, vicarious role-taking, transaction regularity, and subjective probability. Firms cannot exist without markets, nor can markets exist without firms. Firms and markets thus share a common purpose. The sense of cooperation deriving from Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 32 Synopsis / Marketing Channels this shared purpose implies that each channel member’s willingness to assist the other should produce an outcome that neither can attain individually. But channel members also incur opportunity costs – embodied by resources which must be surrendered to gain something else – in their efforts to maximise exchange value. Opportunity costs provide the backbone of a concept known as transaction cost analysis (TCA). TCA suggests that firms should pursue the most cost-efficient channel arrangements based on cost avoidance. As avoiders, firms constantly try to minimise the costs of market exchanges. Transaction costs involve all expenses resulting from the negotiating, monitoring, and enforcing activities that are necessary for firms to accomplish their distribution tasks through exchange. Transaction costs also involve the cost of arranging, monitoring, and enforcing contracts. Transaction costs occur whenever firms transfer title of economic assets and enforce their exclusive rights to those assets. In a general sense, transaction costs are simply opportunity costs that feature both fixed and variable components. Firms can seek to build relationships and channel transactions outside the firm, that is, in the market setting. Transactions can also occur within the firm, that is, within the hierarchy. According to traditional economic theory, firms should expand internally until the marginal cost of an extra transaction outweighs the cost of market exchange. TCA relates to channel design decisions in those circumstances where, for example, a manufacturer performs all distribution tasks for itself through vertical integration as opposed to using one or more intermediaries to perform some or most distribution tasks. Three conditions must be present for firms to choose hierarchy over market. These conditions are: 1) a high level of environmental uncertainty must exist in the transaction cost assessment; 2) the assets involved must be highly specialised and unique to the exchange process; and 3) the transaction must occur frequently. Either directly or indirectly, channel members’ transaction costs always relate to information procurement. Exchange information is material knowledge that affects the behaviours, experiences, and outcomes associated with an exchange. The types of information costs that channel members must account for include commodity and labour inputs, market behaviour costs, pricing data, monitoring and enforcement agreements, and costs relating to efforts aimed at protecting property rights. Transaction cost analysis hardly offers channel members a panacea, plagued as it is by certain limitations. These limitations frequently relate to the complexity of exchange, which in turn can relate to the nature of the product, firm, or market involved in the transaction. The complexity of an exchange makes isolating the particular costs and benefits associated with it difficult to assess. At other times, one or both exchange partners fail to act rationally, or pursue opportunistic outcomes. Each behaviour poses another obstacle undermining the accurate assessment of transaction costs. Opportunism involves a situation where information is disseminated with the intention of disguising one’s true purpose, or otherwise misleading one’s exchange partner. TCA assumes that opportunism is likely to arise in channel settings. This is a primary reason why TCA theorists suggest firms should use vertical integration rather than the market when developing channel systems. Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 33 Synopsis / Marketing Channels Channel members also operate in unpredictable environments. For this reason, transaction costs are often speculative or based on imperfect information. Another potential problem area is the number of firms in the industry. Oligopolies tend to limit transaction costs because of the limited number of exchange alternatives. Also, the impact that data have on a transaction complicates the situation. Asset specificity encompasses the value of capital and other resources unique to a particular exchange. Transaction-specific assets hold little or no value outside of the explicit exchange between channel members. This is why exchange participants tend to quickly become dependent upon one another. Several types of transactionspecific assets come into play in an exchange. These include specific site assets, specific human assets, brand capital, and time specificity. 14. Vertical Marketing Systems Learning Objectives After reading this module, you should be able to: Discuss why channel structures are best designed one ‘building block’ at a time. Describe the parameters associated with the vertical integration decision. Describe the channel options available within administered, contractual, and corporate vertical marketing systems. Understand when a corporate, administered, or contractual vertical marketing system should be used. Describe when a business organisation should or should not vertically integrate. Discuss when corporate vertical marketing systems should or should not be used. Define value-adding partnerships. Describe how to improve channel relationships through the use of traditional vertical channel designs. In the process of building channels, marketing and distribution functions can (and should) be fit together in logical, sturdy, and creative ways. In this module, we will discuss the process of building channels through vertical integration. First, we will explore the three traditional types of vertical marketing systems – administered, contractual, and corporate – along with when each type should be used. We will then look at two new concepts in vertical integration, value-adding partnerships and the concept of treating every product as a service. Before we introduce vertical integration, let’s review why firms build channels in the first place. Sections 14.1 Building Channels 14.2 When Should Organisations Vertically Integrate? 14.3 Value-Adding Partnerships: Beyond Vertical Marketing Systems Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 34 Synopsis / Marketing Channels 14.4 Key Terms Learning Summary Rather than trying to go it alone in a distribution setting, almost all marketing organisations are better off affixing themselves to one or more partners. These partners can be independently operated or managed as a single corporate system. Probably the most important distribution decision faced by manufacturers or retailers is whether they can perform any or all of these channel functions more efficiently and effectively through the use of intermediaries or through vertical integration. From the manufacturer’s perspective, a vertical integration decision relates to whether the firm should establish its own sales branches and warehouse facilities, or, in some instances, its own retailing units. The two primary reasons why firms vertically integrate are cost reduction and environmental control. Vertical marketing systems (VMSs) have emerged in recent years to challenge the dominance of conventional marketing channels. VMSs consist of a producer(s), wholesaler(s), and retailer(s) acting together as a unified system. In a VMS, one channel member either owns the others, franchises the others, or has so much legitimate or contractual power that the other firms cooperate. The three types of VMSs are administered, contractual, and corporate. An administered VMS is a conventional marketing channel characterised by highly effective interorganisational management. Contractual VMSs consist of independent firms operating at different channel levels that integrate their distribution agendas on a contractual basis. These formal contracts are intended to secure greater economies of scale and market impact than any member could achieve alone. Two popular non-franchising types of contractual VMSs are retailer-sponsored cooperative organisations and wholesaler-sponsored voluntary organisations. Corporate VMSs combine two or more stages of production and distribution (including end-user distribution facilities such as retailers) under a single corporate ownership. A corporate VMS is a vertically integrated channel system. Corporate VMSs are used by organisations that seek high levels of control over their channel functions. Within a VMS, an entire channel is linked together as a single unit of competition. This directly contrasts with conventional channels, where independent members often assume that their competitive advantages result strictly from actions taken at their channel level. The development of VMSs often provides an effective strategic option for organisations that are struggling in competitive markets. When a manufacturer owns and operates wholesaling and/or retailing units, the VMS is forward integrated. When retailers or wholesalers operate manufacturing facilities, a backward-integrated VMS exists. No firm operates a complete corporate VMS – from raw material to the final user’s doorstep – across all distribution functions. A completely vertically integrated firm is inevitably afflicted with diseconomies because each channel activity cannot achieve minimum average cost levels. The make-or-buy issue lies at the heart of the vertical integration decision. Assuming that the firm in question has adequate power and size, vertical integration Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 35 Synopsis / Marketing Channels has historically been shown to be the likely response in marketing channels facing intense competition, resource scarcity, and variable demand. But the make-or-buy decision in marketing channels remains complicated and potentially hazardous. For one thing, because the vertically integrated unit has a captive source of supply or demand, normal incentives to perform efficiently within the channel can be dulled. The cumulative result of these inefficiencies is called control loss – or those losses resulting from employee behaviours within vertically integrated systems that are not consistent with the firm’s overall profit-maximisation objectives. The classic American view of vertical integration throughout distribution channels has focused on ownership. But the ability to fashion successful distribution alliances among firms, as opposed to engaging in outright ownership, is likely to prove a critical determinant of success in the years ahead. The Japanese have long practiced a form of vertical integration that works through ongoing association and minimal ownership responsibility. This is known as soft vertical integration. Value-adding partnerships (VAPs) involve a set of autonomous companies that work closely together to manage the flow of materials, goods, and services along an entire value-added chain. The term value-added chain describes the processes and activities occurring at the various steps that a good or service passes through from the raw material stage to the point of consumption. VAPs are quickly gaining favour throughout the global economy. Each company in a VAP should cultivate relationships with only a few suppliers of critical materials, finished goods, and/or customers. For VAP partners to help one another, they must set up effective ways to share information. Having too many partners effectively precludes this opportunity. Too many partners also means too few repeat transactions and less opportunity for close relationships and other efficiencies to develop. At the same time, partners should avoid becoming overly dependent on too few relationships. Each smaller company or unit operating within a VAP focuses on performing just one step or channel function within the value-added chain. For a VAP to sustain itself, the partners must adopt and follow a set of ground rules that facilitate trustworthy transactions. Despite the many uncertainties and opportunities for gamesmanship existing in any channel environment, a sense of partnership must somehow become an enforceable reality. VAP partnerships can be more easily sustained when each partner decides they will: (1) not be the first member to play games, (2) reciprocate with both cooperation and the lack of it, (3) not be too greedy, and (4) not be too clever and try to outsmart its partner. Another new view of vertical relationship between manufacturers, resellers, and customers is emerging. This new view requires that organisations think of every product as a service. Each organisation should look at what the product in question does, rather than what it is. Once that perspective is adopted, the task of marketing the product to the next channel level becomes only one of the organisation’s opportunities to do something extra for its customers. This leads to a sense of bundling, where a desirable collection of benefits is spliced together to pursue or sustain a preferred customer relationship. Moreover, once an organisation views a product as a service, a willingness to contract out channel functions emerges. This Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 36 Synopsis / Marketing Channels process is known as unbundling, and can lead to natural efficiencies within marketing channels. 15. Franchising: A Global Trend Learning Objectives After reading this module, you should be able to: Define franchising, franchising relationships, franchisers, and franchisees in vertical marketing systems. Discuss the benefits franchisers and franchisees receive from the franchising channel. Discuss the primary concerns of franchisers and franchisees. Describe the current domestic and global trends in franchising channels. Explain the processes in deciding whether to join a franchising system. List and describe the potential sources of conflict in franchising channels. Provide an overview of the current legal and ethical standards in franchising channels. Understand the methods used to resolve franchising channel conflicts. Discuss the future direction of franchising. In this module, we will look closely at the contractual vertical marketing system known as franchising. We have singled this type of vertical marketing system out for extra attention because franchises are an increasingly important part of the economy. Franchising is growing on a global scale. First we will discuss the franchising relationship as a whole, and the various types and benefits of franchising. We will then consider relevant franchising and environmental trends, sources of franchising conflict, and current legal standards in franchising. The module closes with a discussion of how to make franchise relationships work and of some predictions about the future of franchising. Sections 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 Franchising Systems Relevant Trends in the Franchising Environment Internal Environmental Factors Conflict in Franchising Current Legal Standards in Franchising Making Franchise Relationships Work What’s in Franchising’s Future? Key Terms Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 37 Synopsis / Marketing Channels Learning Summary Franchising involves a contractually based, continuing channel relationship in which a franchiser provides a licensed privilege to do business in a specified area plus assistance in organising, training, merchandising and management in return for a consideration from the franchisee. This consideration usually takes the form of start-up fees, continuing royalty fees, and the franchisee’s agreement to abide by the constraints of the franchising contract. Franchising relationships actually consist of three relationships: legal, business, and a relationally oriented association between the franchiser and franchisee. Franchising provides opportunities for all parties involved in the channel relationship. For the franchiser, franchising offers an alternative to developing a company-owned chain, vertical market expansion financed essentially through externally sourced franchisee funds, and a highly motivated channel management team. For the franchisee, franchising provides an alternative to independent operation, proven products/services/concepts and operating procedures, and an established brand/image that creates instant credibility and attractiveness in the market. Two forms of franchising arrangements predominate. In one form, known as product/trademark franchising, franchisees distribute a product under a franchiser’s trademark. Automotive dealerships are a good example. In the other, known as the business format franchise, franchisees replicate a complete business concept, including product or service, trademark, and methods of operation, in their own communities. The fast-food industry provides numerous examples. The specific prototypes of these broad formats are being altered to adapt to the changing demands of today’s marketplace. Franchisees are deeply concerned with profits. They are likewise concerned with the possibility of losing their business at the end of the contractual period, franchiser expansion in their territories, and getting requisite returns for the royalty fees and promotional payments to their franchiser. Franchisers are also deeply concerned with profits. They are also concerned with whether franchisees honour their contractual agreements in the areas of purchasing, operating procedures, and income reporting. Franchising is affected by environmental changes, which present both challenges and opportunities to the industry. One of the strengths of the franchising channel form is that it can change to rapidly accommodate the changing consumer and industry needs that emerge as a consequence of social/cultural/demographic, economic, international, and industry changes. Franchisees tend to be entrepreneurs. Such an orientation contributes to the probability of an individual franchisee’s success. Beyond this, prospective franchisees can improve their chances for success if they nail the numbers (in their franchising contract), measure (franchisers’) management, cross-examine current franchisees, and carefully comb the franchising contract. Ideally, the interests of franchisers and franchisees are one and the same: the better franchisees do, the better franchisers do. But life in channels often fails to Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 38 Synopsis / Marketing Channels follow the ideal; franchising systems are rife with potential and actual conflicts of interest. Conflicts frequently arise over the issues of tying agreements, expansion/encroachment, whether termination/renewal clauses are executed capriciously, and/or whether less than full or accurate disclosure of facts and conditions pertaining to the franchising arrangement has been revealed. After years of relative inaction, legislators at both the state and federal level are again introducing measures to address the concerns of both franchisers and franchisees. To make franchise relationships work, franchisers should ensure that their franchisees are always able to communicate with them and feel part of the franchising system. Franchisers should make sure their franchisees are aware that they are appreciated, particularly when their performance merits such consideration. Franchisers should also strive to develop a sense of rapport with their franchisees and must provide the necessary expertise to them. Beyond these considerations, franchising is unique among other marketing channel alternatives in that it features a mechanism to substantially reduce the potential for serious channel conflict – the intelligent contract design. An intelligent contract specifies: the unique roles of each contracting party, franchiser and franchisee operating procedures as precisely as possible within the antitrust-based obligations of both parties, how the performance standards of the franchisee and franchiser will be established and revised, the criteria that must be met before market or product expansion can occur, and all reasonable causes that can lead to the franchiser’s termination of the franchising agreement. Finally, franchisers should, in most instances, strive to develop a strategic partnership with their franchisees. This end can be achieved by successfully addressing the following issues: mutual responsibility, communicating up and down the channel, treating franchisees as customers, and providing leadership and a positive attitude. Looking toward the future, it is apparent that the franchising industry will continue to become more diverse. Flexibility will emerge as perhaps the major factor contributing to or inhibiting the success of future franchising channels. Conversion franchising will gain speed, particularly within international markets, and US-based franchises will increasingly look overseas for their future expansion and growth in profitability. Finally, multiple unit franchising will continue to gain popularity and strength within the US and international franchising systems. 16. Long-Term Interfirm Relationships Learning Objectives After reading this module, you should be able to: Define the three types of exchange relationships. Discuss the four elements that are associated with all exchange episodes. Explain differences between discrete and relational exchange. Demonstrate how the presence of trust affects behavioural contracts. Discuss the role that reciprocity plays in social exchange. Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 39 Synopsis / Marketing Channels Explain the four stages of channel relationships. Identify the exchange governance norms that exist in all behavioural contracts. Apply the basic principles of relational exchange to buyer–seller dyads. In this final section of the book, we will address how shared values, purposes, and goals can serve as a bridge over troubled water. First, in this module, we will look at exchange relationships – what they are, what they are comprised of, the stages of channel relationships, and the norms that govern them. In Module 17 we will explore the emerging role of strategic alliances. Finally, in Module 18, we will close the book with a discussion of strategic implications for the twenty-first century. Sections 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 Exchange Relationships: Bridging Transactions Exchange Episodes The Discrete-Relational Exchange Continuum Stages of Channel Relationships Exchange Governance Norms Relationship Selling Key Terms Learning Summary While individual transactions are the economic cornerstone of exchange, they do not always describe the complex relationships that often emerge between channel members. Individual transactions may be referred to as exchange episodes. Four elements are invariably associated with marketing exchange episodes: products and services, and information, financial, and social exchange. The sum of all the costs and benefits associated with these exchange episodes is called exchange utility. Each party to a transaction both gives and receives utility. It is important to differentiate between exchange episodes and longer-term aspects of exchange. All transactions range from discrete (or transactional) to relational exchange. Discrete exchange describes highly impersonal, one-time transactions. In discrete exchange, there is only minor social exchange with little concern for the possibility of future interactions. Conversely, relational exchange may be compared to the behavioural actions and reactions that occur in a successful marriage. It addresses the long-term, ongoing relationships that develop between exchange partners. More and more companies are engaging in relational exchange with each other. These companies are more concerned with sustaining exchange relationships and less concerned with enforcing the precise terms of an exchange episode. Ongoing relationships are customised over time to the particular needs associated with each exchange partner. On their path to the preferred state of relationalism, relationships move through four stages: awareness, exploration, expansion, and commitment. The norm of reciprocity, reflective of the give and take that sometimes develops between exchange partners, provides the impetus necessary to move from awareness through to the commitment stage. Reciprocity can be facilitated or inhibited within an exchange Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 40 Synopsis / Marketing Channels relationship by the type of communication processes that evolve between channel members. In autonomous communication strategies, exchange between channel members is infrequent. This strategy is typically associated with discrete exchange. By contrast, collaborative communication strategies generally prevail within highly relational exchange. Collaborative strategies are associated with more frequent communication and more information sharing. Collaborative strategies are consistent with the cooperative character of relational exchange. The importance of developing and preserving exchange relationships can be demonstrated in buyer–seller interactions. The relational orientation has become known as relationship selling. In relationship selling, sellers actively engage customers as partners. For instance, buyers and sellers might co-design product offerings so they can each benefit directly from the exchange association. 17. The Role of Strategic Alliances Learning Objectives After reading this module, you should be able to: Define strategic alliances and discuss their impact on the US economy. List and discuss reasons why channel members form strategic alliances. Describe the three global alliance strategies, and assess their costs and benefits. Explain the process by which most alliances are developed. Discuss why many strategic alliances fail despite their intuitive appeal. Sections 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 Strategic Alliances: Definition and Characteristics The Nature and Scope of Strategic Alliances Types of Strategic Alliances Developing Strategic Alliances The Downside of Strategic Alliances Key Terms Learning Summary Channel members are increasingly collaborating as partners. Properly managed collaboration allows channel members to reduce the duplication of resources and efforts, while bolstering their collective market strengths. Channel members are also able to lessen the uncertainty posed by their channel environments by spreading risks. Collaboration likewise offers channel members the opportunity to achieve greater efficiency. The term strategic alliance describes a number of organisational structures in which two or more channel members cooperate and form a partnership based on mutual goals. Strategic alliances are also symbiotic relationships – interdependent, Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 41 Synopsis / Marketing Channels mutually beneficial exchanges between two or more parties. Strategic alliances often involve an overarching relationship between a series of channel members, each of which features different core competencies. Regardless of the strategic alliance’s shape or size, it is critically important that the strategic partners share common goals. Strategic alliances often allow cooperating channel members to achieve favourable competitive positions. Paradoxically, a state of increased competition among companies has led to a state of increased cooperation – in the form of strategic alliances – among companies. Strategic alliances are profoundly influencing conduct and consumption in global marketing channels. The rate of domestic alliance formation has been growing by over 25 per cent annually. Strategic alliances offer several advantages for their participants, including the opportunity to open new market channels, reduce wasteful or redundant activities, lower the risks involved in market and product development, gain market share, and expand into related and unrelated industries. But the overriding rationale for strategic alliances lies in their ability to create exchange value and positioning advantages by combining the complementary strengths of channel members. Three categories of strategic alliance options predominate. Licensing arrangements revolve around a contractual agreement where one alliance partner makes intangible assets such as technology, skills, knowledge available to another partner in exchange for some remunerative consideration. Joint ventures involve the creation of a new organisational entity by two or more existing firms. These firms then assume active roles in developing and implementing a marketing strategy for the joint venture. Consortia are highly integrated, industry-wide coordinated alliance structures, generally consisting of 10 to 50 firms. Consortia share the risks and benefits associated with the outcomes of their coordinated activities. Consortia operations are usually highly specific to a particular industry or technology market. Prior to entering a strategic alliance, channel members should evaluate the answers to two questions: What are the relative advantages of pursuing a stated business objective with and without the alliance? and Does meaningful exchange value exist that can be realised through this alliance? Once a firm determines it is likely to benefit from a strategic alliance, a four-step process is necessary to bring off the alliance. These steps are: achieving strategic harmony, selecting partners, developing action plans to achieve strategic objectives, and assessing the extent to which the alliance reaches stated goals. Many alliances experience problems almost before they begin. Well-designed alliances begin with clear strategic visions – a sense of strategic harmony exists among the partners. Strategic harmony is unlikely to be achieved if the alliance is one-sided. Strategic partners should also share a common orientation toward the future. The partners’ individual characteristics should mesh together in a logical, complementary, and mutually beneficial fashion. Generally speaking, strategic alliance partners should select partners that complement one another with respect to products, market presence, or functional skills. Once a strategic alliance is formed, the partners will generally form an alliance team. This team consists of employees from each firm engaged in the strategic Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 42 Synopsis / Marketing Channels alliance. While these designates, in part, represent their firm’s interests, team members’ highest priority should be the maintenance and success of the alliance itself. The alliance’s performance should be evaluated as part of the partners’ collaborative efforts. This evaluation should determine whether alliance benchmarks have been achieved, whether objectives need to be modified, and whether environmental changes have occurred that should make the partners reassess their strategic course of action. Many strategic alliances fail. Shortfalls in partner selection or alliance strategy development are the primary culprits. Channel members should not rush into deals or expect immediate results from a strategic alliance. Patience is usually a virtue, particularly since strategic alliances themselves represent a long-term commitment to collective channel performance. 18. Strategic Implications for the New Millennium Learning Objectives After reading this module, you should be able to: Summarise the areas of change in channels as outlined by the CRM. Understand key channels practitioners’ views on the future of marketing channels, specifically: The role of channels in the marketing mix The external channel environment The internal channel environment Relationships and the interaction process In marketing channels, organisations come together primarily as a way of achieving common goals. Based mainly on a desire to beat the competition, a relationship orientation will sometimes arise between firms in a marketing channel. The performance of these relationship-oriented channels is usually better than that which would be achieved by the firms if they were to act independently. That, in a nutshell, is what marketing channels today are all about. Throughout this text, we have seen how changes in the external and internal environments of firms bring about changes in their marketing channel strategies. Yet, despite the changes, the structure of marketing channel relationships themselves usually remains intact. The CRM, thus, provides a useful framework for looking ahead to the likely state of marketing channels in the next century. Think back to our description in Module 2 of how channel roles can be traced back to streetside peddlers operating in ancient Rome. Today, one would be hardpressed to find streetside peddlers dominating retail distribution in any first- or second-world economy. Times and circumstances have long since changed and methods of distribution have changed with them. After all, what would Thomas Watson, president of IBM during the 1950s and early 1960s, have to say about the Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 43 Synopsis / Marketing Channels millions of computers that IBM has distributed worldwide? Watson was once heard to speculate: ‘There is a world market for about five computers.’ The standards for achieving customer satisfaction have clearly changed as well. Exchange utility was discussed in Module 1. Examples of the importance of exchange utility are virtually endless. Take, for example, the notion of time utility. Many American consumers have come to expect one-hour service on everything from digital photo processing to prescription eyeglasses. Domino’s Pizza built its empire on fast, fresh delivery. FedEx, United Parcel Service, and the United States Post Office all compete for the rapidly growing overnight delivery market. Time utility applies to each link in the marketing channel. You may recall from Module 11 how emergent information technologies have changed the rules by which fast service is judged. From just-in-time manufacturing to quick-response retailing, timesaving tools for managing the flows of goods and services have become expected in marketing channels. The political economy model described in Module 5 illustrates how the socioeconomic and political landscapes are also changing. Instabilities and uncertainties in the political economy are particularly germane to the global dimensions of channel members’ environments. As discussed in Module 8, multinational distribution channels increasingly operate with little regard for the traditional borders of nations. In short, marketing channel environments today are marked by a nearly borderless world. The future appears even more unbounded. Sections 18.1 Channel Management: Practitioners’ Insights Marketing Channels Edinburgh Business School 44