exhibition boards - University of Bristol

Student Learning Hub
University of Bristol, Beacon House
Proposals for Beacon House
Welcome to this exhibition which shows proposals being brought forward by the
University of Bristol to refurbish and improve Beacon House (former Habitat Building) to
provide a new student hub with additional study and learning spaces and a new public
reception point for the University.
The Grade II listed building has been vacant since Habitat closed three years ago. Situated on the
Clifton triangle, it is ideally located for the University on a popular student walking route linking the
Clifton Halls of Residence, the Richmond Building (Student Union) and the Victoria Rooms to the
main precinct.
Earlier this year the University received planning and listed building consent for the change of use
and modifications to the ground and upper ground floors of the building to provide new retail and
student study space.
Since then the University has successfully acquired the freehold of Beacon House and is now
bringing forward comprehensive plans for the whole building. These feature a new student
learning centre with quiet desk study spaces and separate areas for group working, as well as a
café, a pop-up bookshop and a new front of house reception for the University.
The project will deliver significant improvements to the student experience and create a flagship
student facing facility on the city campus and act as shop-front for the University in a highprofile public location. The building will help shift the axis of the campus towards the city and
the Students’ Union building and help to create a central spine to the city campus connecting all
along from Tyndall Avenue to Queen’s Road.
Have your say
The University and its project team would like to hear the views of those living and working in the
area and also feedback from University staff and students before submitting an application for
planning and listed building consent.
Please make any comments or suggestions and post your completed form in the box provided or
return to ABC at the address shown.
The consultation material is also available online at www.bristol.ac.uk/beacon
If you have any further queries please contact:
ABC, Consultation Co-ordinator
Tel: 0117 977 2002 or email: info@abc-pr.co.uk
Client - University of Bristol
Architects - AWW
Planning Consultant - Alder King
Building Surveyors - Walker Ladd Ltd
M+E Consultants
- Silcock Dawson
Public Consultation October 2014
Student Learning Hub
University of Bristol, Beacon House
Campus map
Campus map
Site Location
Located at the Clifton triangle and near the University of Bristol main
precinct, the site maintains a prominent position at the corner of Queen’s
Avenue and Queens Road.
Beacon House is a Grade II listed building formerly known as Queen’s
Hotel. It was built in 1854. The façade on the upper floors (above the
existing canopy) has period architectural decoration in the form of
pilasters, cornice and frieze. These features are typical of the building’s
neo-classical style.
The interior has been remodelled extensively to suit its former use as
a retail store (Gardiner and Sons Ltd, Debenhams and most recently
Building Analysis
Beacon House is situated on a pedestrian thoroughfare which is an
important route between Whiteladies Road and Park Street. It is also
close to the University of Bristol’s main precinct, and is on a natural
route between the precinct and the Student Union.
The building’s main frontage is along Queens Road and turns the corner
to Queen’s Avenue. The previous retail unit occupied lower ground,
ground and first floors, as one large unit. Consequently there are large
shop fronts that give views into the building and are suitable to house
The upper floors of the original neo-classical building are separated from
the large retail unit, and can be accessed via a door in the front façade.
Planning Statement
Heritage impacts are a principal consideration at the site given the
property’s Grade II listed status and also its location within the Clifton
and Hotwells Conservation Area. Therefore it is necessary to ensure
that any proposal preserves or enhances the character and appearance
of the conservation and does not affect the property’s character as a
building of special architectural or historical interest.
The exterior of Beacon House
Further, due to the property’s prominent position on a busy public
thoroughfare, it will also be necessary that the property retains a
vibrant frontage at ground floor level, thereby maintaining an active and
interesting street-scene.
Public Consultation October 2014
Student Learning Hub
University of Bristol, Beacon House
• Create a new focal point for the University, in a high profile public
location with a manned reception point providing access for students
and the general public.
• Provide an open and welcoming space to students and new visitors to
the University alike.
• Maximise the use of study space, to meet a growing demand by
students for flexible learning spaces.
• Create a high quality flagship student facing facility on the city
Queens Road Retail Frontage
The existing building’s interior
• Main entrance for public and student enquiries.
• Creation of a vibrant and dynamic space which encourages interaction
between the University and the public.
• University Reception desk to be manned during normal working hours.
• Exhibition/ display space, to showcase the University and its research,
teaching and cultural assets.
• High quality environment to be vibrant, dynamic and attractive, in line
with the desire to be a flagship facility.
• Provision of a café for students and the public with flexibility of layout
to house temporary retail/ exhibition space.
Lower Ground and First Floor Retail Space
• The main focus is to provide flexible study space that feels student
friendly, robust, vibrant and modern.
• Maximum flexibility and study seat numbers (balanced with high
end quality finish) target for 350+ seats (20% social learning, 40%
group space, 40% quiet/ silent space, with mix of 3, 6, 8 size group
• A teaching/ event space used for different purposes at different times
of the year, from study, to skills teaching to events.
• Use of the entrance along Queen’s Avenue as the main entrance for
students, with access control/ security
First Floor - Beacon House
• Creation of a post grad-graduate research hub, this would be part of
the study space and learning commons mix.
• Access to be via the main student entrance and controlled so that
only post-graduates will be able to use the space.
• Priority will be to provide space to facilitate events and social learning.
Public Consultation October 2014
Examples of the University’s other learning spaces
Student Learning Hub
University of Bristol, Beacon House
Public Consultation October 2014
Student Learning Hub
University of Bristol, Beacon House
Public Consultation October 2014
Student Learning Hub
University of Bristol, Beacon House
The two storey later addition adjoins Beacon
House to the rear and has its main elevation
along Queens Avenue.
It has high level windows on the first floor
which do not positively contribute to the
listed building, do not have any particular
architectural merit and are also provide
insufficient light into the building. Therefore it is
proposed that these windows are enlarged by
lowering the sill to enhance the interior space
for students and to create a more attractive
and interesting streetscape.
Due to their good size the existing ground
floor windows will be retained. It is considered
that they will lend themselves to the proposed
ground floor café and student study space,
thereby maintaining an active and vibrant
Public Consultation October 2014
Student Learning Hub
University of Bristol, Beacon House
Your Feedback
Your views are important in helping to finalise these proposals.
Please complete a comment form and either post in the box provided or return to ABC at the
address shown.
If you leave contact details at the exhibition we will make sure you are kept informed about the
progress of this project.
What Happens Next
End of October 2014
- Submit for planning and listed building application.
November 2014
- Design Team prepares detailed drawings to enable project to be tendered.
January 2015
- Receipt of planning approval.
February 2015- Contractor appointed.
March 2015- Work commences onsite.
August 2015
- Project complete for start of 2015/ 2016 academic year.
Feedback from this consultation and ongoing discussions with Bristol City Council and other
consultative groups will be carefully considered by the University of Bristol and their project team as
the scheme is prepared for a planning submission at the end of October.
Once the application has been submitted to Bristol City Council you will then have another
opportunity to see and comment on the proposals. Once registered the full suite of planning
documents will be available to view on the Council’s public access system, www.bristol.gov.uk, and
following the planning links.
You can view this exhibition and other information about the project online at:
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the team at the exhibition or contact:
Avril Baker or Carolyn Jones
ABC, 5 Lilymead Avenue, Bristol BS4 2BY
Tel 0117 077 2002 or email info@abc-pr.co.uk
Public Consultation October 2014