Supervisory Control by Using Active Virtual 3D Models in-the-loop T. Reichenbach, D. Miklić, Z. Kovačić Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Department of Automatic Control, Zagreb, Croatia Inputs (trajectories, references) Virtual Outputs (states, events positions, velocities, etc) I. I NTRODUCTION If an assumption is made that virtual models are as close as possible to the real ones, events in the virtual world should reflect those from the real world. The concurrence of real and virtual systems allows the use of virtual sensors instead of real ones. Ordered by increasing complexity, virtual environment (VE) can be used for visualization, collision detection and collision avoidance. Real-time collision avoidance strategy assumes that a feedback from a collision detection algorithm executed in VE must exist [1]. Regarding the implementation of effective collision avoidance strategies, the main usability factor of such virtual modeling and collision detection engine is its ability to interact with other applications. Herein we demonstrate the concept of supervisory control using active 3D models in-the-loop that are effectively interacting with the Matlab+SimulinkTM simulation environment thanks to the Matlab’s built-in Component Object Model (COM) support. The examples presented in this paper demonstrate the seamless integration of the developed virtual modeling engine with a supplementary Simulink models. The paper is organized in the following way. First we describe the concept of supervisory control using active 3D models in-the-loop. Then we describe integration of the virtual modeling engine called L.I.S.A. and Matlab using COM. Two examples demonstrating the applicability of the concept are presented; implementation of a virtual sensor, and introduction of the virtual reality feedback in the closed control loop. II. V IRTUAL MODELS IN - THE - LOOP CONCEPT The overview of the proposed concept is shown in Fig. 1. The reference or desired behavior is both input into the real system and into the virtual models of the real system. Real World Corrections Abstract— Virtual 3D models play important role in a today factory layout design, physical modeling, control synthesis, performance analysis, dynamic simulation and visualization of real systems. In this paper, we go one step further and besides visualization, we monitor all measurable states in the real system and use active 3D models in-the-loop for real-time supervisory control. Such concept enables an event detection not possible with conventional sensors, including the ability to predict possible outcomes in the system operation. A virtual environment simulator and the way it can be connected to other simulators (e.g. Matlab/Simulink), is presented. The examples of virtual sensors, and collision free-based trajectory planning for robotic manipulators are demonstrated. Fig. 1. Outputs (states, events positions, velocities, etc) Virtual World A general schematic of the virtual models in-the-loop concept Outputs of the real systems are, however, inputs into the virtual system enabling tracking of processes and events happening in a real system. The virtual system output serves as a feedback for the real system, allowing calculations made in virtual systems to regulate the behavior of the real ones. This feedback loop enables use of virtual sensors and the ability to predict possible outcomes in system operation, generally used in a collision avoidance. III. C OLLISION DETECTION The basis of a virtual environment is the ability to detect interactions between objects, namely collisions. Collision detection is a part of interference detection, which can be divided into three portions: collision detection that detects whether objects are in collision, collision determination that finds the exact collision point, and finally, collision avoidance that determines what actions should be taken in response to the collision. There are numerous approaches to a collision detection problem [2], which can be mainly grouped into ; space-time volume intersection, swept volume interference, multiple interference detection, and trajectory parametrization. A collision detection algorithm used in this paper belongs to a multiple interference detection category. This implies the algorithm reduces a general collision detection problem to multiple calls to the static interference tests focused on detecting intersections among simple geometrical entities; triangles and oriented bounding boxes (OBB) belonging to the objects being tested. As the algorithm is static, i.e. collision detection occurs only at discrete times, it is fast enough and effective from the computational point of view, thus it can provide real-time collision detection in very complex (high polygon count) virtual environments [3]. An intersection between two OBBs, A and B is is based on the separating axis theorem presented in [4] and [5]. According to the separating axis theorem it is sufficient to find one axis that separates objects A and B to determine they do not overlap. After the intersection between the OBBs is determined an exact collision point is found with triangle/triangle intersection test. The algorithm used for triangle/triangle intersection test is the algorithm from in ERIT package [6]. The collision point and the normal to the collision surface are further used for a collision avoidance algorithm [1], where automatically the collision-free path is generated only by specifying the desired start and the end trajectory point. IV. A PPLICATION I NTEGRATION U SING COM This section specifically focuses on integration of virtual modeling engine L.I.S.A. with Matlab/Simulink using COM [7], an application integration framework provided by the Microsoft Windows operating systems. A. A COM Interface for Collision Avoidance To enable other programs to use the virtual reality modeling engine, it was written as a COM local server. Its functionality was encapsulated inside a COM object and exposed through the object’s interface. The object was placed inside an out-of-process COM server that handles the tasks involved in providing the object to clients upon their request (see Fig. 2). Client application (Simulink) Fig. 2. Interface pointer (handle) Interface - Method1() - Method2() -... COM Object (VR engine) COM Out-ofProcess Server Basic COM topology for application integration The COM interface exposes the object’s functionality through a set of public methods. The methods can be roughly grouped together in four groups, by their functionality: • • • • scene object selection scene object manipulation collision detection collision free trajectory planning Most methods come in get/set pairs. By calling the COM object’s methods, clients can exercise complete control over the virtual model and get feedback information on it’s states. This enables client programs to use virtual reality models for various control tasks, ranging from simple visualization to soft sensors and virtual reality in-the-loop applications. B. Integration with Simulink Models Integrating COM objects into Simulink models is fairly straightforward, since Matlab features built-in COM support. The COM object must provide a type library which is a binary description of its interface. The object’s functionality is accessible from the Matlab command line or in m-code through Matlab’s built-in ”COM” object. To enable a more user friendly integration with Simulink models, a pair of s-function blocks has been built around the COM object, encapsulating scene manipulation and trajectory planning functionality respectively. The functionality has been split in two blocks to reflect the fact that one part of it deals with geometrical representations and relationships between scene objects thus belonging to the physical description of a system, whereas the other part provides trajectory planning capabilities and belongs to the control logic. The usage of the blocks in simulation models can be seen in the figures accompanying the experiments. V. E XAMPLE 1 - COLLISION DETECTION This example demonstrates the integration of the virtual reality engine within a Simulink model. Simulink is used for modeling system dynamics while a virtual reality scene provides spatial representations and interactions between objects. Component Object Model is the underlying technology that handles the communication between the two applications. The basic idea in the first example is to simulate dynamics of a ball in simple “pong” type game (A minimalistic depiction of two player indoor soccer match). The objective of the game is to keep the ball inside a confined environment by controlling two slabs, representing players, positioned at the opposite sides of the playing field. The field is constrained in y-axis direction, bouncing the ball back; furthermore, the playing field is cluttered with various objects that can change the course of the ball. To keep matters simple, we assume that the ball movement is confined to the x-y plane only and that materials are frictionless. A discrete simulation step of the simulation should be sufficiently small so that a collision will be detected before the object passed completely through the obstacle. To control the ball, one must control the two slabs that can move only vertically, requiring two control variables y1ref and y2ref , representing respectively set-points of the slabs. Additional parameters used are m1 , m2 , mball the slab and the ball mass, v = {vx , vy } the ball velocity, and ci , coefficients of restitution for the i-th object.1 The block schematics in Simulink, showing system structure, are presented in Fig. 3 and the actual virtual environment in Fig. 4. The dynamics of moving objects and control laws are modeled by ordinary differential equations and object positions are sent to the 3D scene model through custom s-function blocks. A feedback from the 3D model block provides collision information for the dynamical model. 1A measure of amount of energy lost in the process of collision. (x,y) (x,y) (x’,y’) sfcn_lisa COLLISION BALL DYNAMICS BRICK_1 POSITION CONTROL sfcn_lisa BRICK_1 VR MODEL BRICK_1 DYNAMICS PI Fig. 3. (x,y) (x,y) (x’,y’) PI BRICK_2 POSITION REFERENCE (USER INPUT) BALL VR MODEL BRICK_2 POSITION CONTROL (x,y) (x’,y’) (x,y) sfcn_lisa BRICK_2 VR MODEL BRICK_2 DYNAMICS “pong” type game simulation schematic in Matlab’s Simulink connected with a virtual environment simulator 3D Virtual environment simulator Sensor failure detection object position [mm] Fig. 4. “pong” type game simulation in a virtual environment simulator VI. E XAMPLE 2 - VIRTUAL SENSOR The simple example is given in Fig. 5 where the speed of real conveyer belt is passed through RS232 connection to the virtual conveyer belt, modeled in 3D environment. An infrared LED sensor, at the end of the belt, signals that the object has reached the end of the belt, and accordingly the belt can be stopped. The analogy in virtual environments is a virtual sensor, that detects collisions between a line, positioned at the same place as the LED sensor, and objects moving on a conveyer belt. Ideally, both should signal at the same time, although some small time margin is allowed, providing redundancy and exemption from a sensor failure. The friction between an object and the belt is high, consequently the premise is that an object is moving with the same speed as the belt. However, additional camera detects if the object is moving or not because of the obstacle in its path. Sensor fusion between the camera and conveyer belt position sensor is used to determine object position. If the redundancy is not a requisite, only the virtual sensors can be RS 232 TCP/IP Belt speed [cm/s] Camera CamSensor CS4 Conveyer belt Driver Fig. 5. sensor failure detection used, thus lowering the complete cost of the system. VII. E XAMPLE 3 - COLLISION AVOIDANCE The Rhino XR3 robot has several predefined trajectories that are constantly traversed back and forth. The robot is traversing the same trajectory until it encounters an obstacle (a box). If an obstacle is hit the robot starts another trajectory, higher or lower in the z-plane, depending on the collision point. The Simulink schematics of the system is shown in Fig. 6 and the corresponding virtual environment for the simulation is shown in Fig. 7. The z-position of the box is changed interactively during the simulation (see top graph in Fig. 8) so it becomes the obstacle in the traversed trajectory of the robot. First, the collision occurs around 7s after the start (bottom graph in Fig. 8), forcing robot to another preset trajectory, afterwards after 12s robot is again forced upward to another trajectory. 0.65 x Scope1 0 sfcn_lisa y Box XY Graph1 0.4 Scope5 z Scope boolean Data Type Conversion Collision signal U U(E) −1 Z sfcn_lisa Integer Delay Rhino x_y_z Selector XY Graph Trajectory references Scope6 Fig. 6. Simulink schematics for the robot evading a box example box z−pos. [m] 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 5000 10000 15000 0 5000 10000 15000 0 5000 10000 15000 tool y−pos. [m] 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 collision 1 0.5 0 time [ms] Fig. 8. Box z-position, manipulator’s tool y-position, and collision state between the manipulator and the box Fig. 7. Virtual reality environment for the robot evading a box example The middle graph in Fig. 8 represents robot’s tool y-position, and it can be observed how it has increased after each collision. The complete tool trajectory in X-Y space is presented in Fig. 9. VIII. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS The significance of virtual 3D models in physical modeling, control synthesis, performance analysis, dynamic simulation and visualization of real systems is very high. On the other hand, virtual modeling tools and related applications use passive 3D object models (like the figures in the chess). For example, a data flow from a Simulink dynamic model of a process to the Matlab’s Virtual Reality Toolbox is always unidirectional. The potential of virtual models could be much higher if their passive role on the virtual scene would be replaced with the active one. Setting this as a design goal, a 3D modeling engine L.I.S.A. has been developed, whose features like collision detection and trajectory planning have enabled closing the feedback, and thus making L.I.S.A. the part of a closed control loop. In other words, the existence of virtual 3D models and collision detection in L.I.S.A. enabled implementation of a so called ”3D model in-theloop” supervisory control. ”Virtual model in-the-loop” is a step further from the passive visualization, as we still monitor all measurable states in the real system and visualize them, but we also detect events and predict possible outcomes in the system operation, turning passive 3D models into the active ones. The paper describes control concept implementation details on the examples of collision free-based trajectory planning for robotic manipulators and implementation of virtual sensors. Attention has been paid to integration of a virtual environment simulator and the process simulation model created in Matlab/Simulink. Regarding a future work on the systems controlled by the ”3D model in-the-loop” supervisory control, effective on-line collision avoidance algorithms must be developed and implemented. Performance in dynamically reconfigurable virtual scenes and scenes with 0.25 tool y−pos. [m] 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Fig. 9. −0.25 −0.2 −0.15 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 tool x−pos. [m] 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 XY position of the tool (for the robot evading a box example) stochastic movements of 3D objects (identified for example by stereo-vision and virtual scene reconstruction) should be thoroughly analyzed and optimal solutions should be found. IX. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was fully supported by a grant from the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (the project title 0036044 ”Integrated Control of Robotized Plants”). R EFERENCES [1] T. Reichenbach and Z. Kovačić, Cutting Edge Robotics. Advanced Robotic Systems (ARS), 2005, ch. Collision-free path planning in robot cells using virtual 3D collision sensors, pp. 683–704. [2] P. Jiménez, F. Thomas, and C. Torras, “3D collision detection: a survey,” Computers and Graphics, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 269– 285, Apr. 2001. [Online]. Available: [3] T. Reichenbach and Z. Kovačić, “Collision avoidance in virtual environment based on usage of kinematics derived from a 3d robot model,” in Proceedings of MED2003 CD, DNBI 85/-766/5-0-/, June 2003, Rhodes, Greece. [4] T. Möller and E. Haines, Real-Time Rendering. A. K. Peters, 1999, mÖL t 02:1 1.Ex. [5] S. 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