Leadership Essay - Scriptorium Online Editing

Situational leadership styles can be categorized into four quadrants according to degree of
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directive and supportive behaviorSituational leadership can be conceptualized by
compartmentalizing the styles into four quadrants along a continuum of low to high directive and
low to high supportive behavior (Norton, 2007, p .92). When leaders use situational leadership,
they must carefully evaluate the situation in relation to their goals and objectives, while also
Comment [MMB1]: I doubt it’s a continuum if
it’s compartmentalized.
Try, “Situational leadership styles can be
categorized into four quadrants according to degree
of directive and supportive behavior.”
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considering the developmental level and the motivation of the employees as prime determinants
of leadership style. An adaptive leader adopts a directive, coaching, participatory, or delegating
approach, or a combination of stylesapproaches, in order to accomplish the “tasks” or objective
of the organization (p.92).
The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize the principles and concepts of situational leadership
by applying them to a case study from the perspective of a leader teacher who has the ultimate
Comment [MMB2]: I have issues with the word
conceptualize. It has a precise use, but we tend to
use it in places in which it doesn’t belong! What
word do you really mean here: understand,
describe, categorize?
responsibility for implementing sweeping changesis responsible for changing the textbook,
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assessments, and classroom participation requirements of a class mid-semester. The
Comment [MMB3]: Always good to briefly restate what you’re doing
complexities of implementing changes, especially when the changes are unwelcome and require
a high level of commitment from all stakeholders, are inherent components of organizational
leadership. This case study will help me understand the multi-faceted process of implementing
radical change from the perspective of key stakeholders. As athe leader, it will help me
understand the benefits and challenges of altering my preferred style of leadership
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