A Secure Computing Environment

International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 2, Part 2, March-April, 2015
ISSN 2091-2730
A Secure Computing Environment
Avantika Dhavale1, Aditi Halgekar2, Snehal Wayse3, Pavan Kulkarni4
Students, Computer Department, Trinity College of Engineering, Pune.
Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Trinity College of Engineering, Pune.
Contact Email- avantika.dhavale@gmail.com Contact number- 7387709896
With the advent of various attack vectors on various computing devices, it is vital that we design a secure computing environment
which would be resilient to such said attacks. However, there is always a tradeoff between securing a device and incorporating various
functionalities into the device to make it more versatile. The more we secure a device, the tougher it becomes to add ad-hoc features to
it. Moreover, this tradeoff is very subjective to the needs at hand. It is incumbent on the administrator of the said device to manage the
tradeoff between securing the device and providing diverse functionality. In this paper, we describe our approach to securing a
computing environment and explain our rationale. This would be of course one of the multiple layers of security with which we would
secure the device.
Keywords— White-list, Hardened OS, environment, locked down OS, REL-ID,.
A security system identifies and mitigates the system vulnerabilities, by either removing them, or restricting access to them, to a very
small group. The competition between inventing new security measures to protect data and inventing hacking techniques in
conjunction with discovering and leveraging pre existing vulnerabilities is infinite. Therefore, securing data and resources is becoming
more and more challenging day by day.
Nevertheless, there exist several different techniques to secure the data being transferred over a network and also that on a user
machine. Uniken India Pvt. Ltd. specializes in securing data in motion through the use of the patented REL-ID based mutual
authentication scheme.
SSL is one such tool to secure data sent over a network, using cipher text. Using SSL data is kept confidential and message integrity is
maintained. However, recently there have been network security breaches, including the famous “HEARTBLEED” bug.
But, the question that remains is “what if the user machine itself is hacked?” REL-ID by Uniken India Pvt. Ltd. can be used to ensure
that the end user is secured as well as the tunnel. It also uses techniques of authentication to assure to each end user that it is
communicating with an authorized user and not a fake one.
Such security measures are used to secure data in motion, meaning data that has been shared between computers. They may prove to
be of minimum value, if the operating system on which it resides is compromised. It is therefore crucial to understand and remove the
security flaws in the operating system itself. We, on the other hand, are trying to secure data at rest, by coming up with various
approaches, one of which is application white listing.
In this paper, we will discuss ways to do this in the Linux Ubuntu operating system. Firstly, we try to harden the operating system.
Hardening is a technique to reduce vulnerabilities of the existing operating system. It aims to eliminate security risks in an operating
system. This is done by turning off all those services of the operating system which are not used or are risky and allowing only those
which are secure for users data. Thus, this environment becomes a kind of locked down or reduce version of a fully fledged operating
While the services which are "turned off" in hardening may be useful or beneficial in some or other way, if through their use there use
there exist back-doors to the system they must be shut down. Operating system hardening is a technique which allows us a security on
the machine level. A hardened operating system can be considered as a smaller version of an otherwise compromised operating
Secondly, we implement a technique called as application white-listing. It is the technique of preparing a list of all applications that
are safe to execute. All applications that excluded from this list are disallowed to spawn.
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 2, Part 2, March-April, 2015
ISSN 2091-2730
In our research related to data security we have discovered many ways to secure a transaction over a network. This
research has led to an understanding of topics like PGP,PKI, various encryption algorithms like RSA,SSL. We also
studied about significant ways to provide security to the end system.
Rel-Id, developed by Uniken India Pvt Ltd is one such infrastructure to secure the end system. This system along with an
application is currently being used for various banking systems. In this in client server architecture both the client as well
as the server are assured of the identity of the end system they are talking to. However, no matter how secure the
application is, if the operating system is compromised in some or the other manner, there exist a constant threat of the data
being watched or stolen or hacked.
Figure 1: Secure Tunnel but Insecure End Point
For operating system hardening we may try to reformat the operating system and install only those parts of the operating
system which are required for the users program to run. Hence hardening is depend upon the particular application for
which it was done in the first place.
We may also consider disabling guest login as an added security measure. This is done because even if the guest user is
not authorized, some kinds of penetration are always possible.
Also we may consider turning off services such as resource sharing, file sharing, printer sharing.
In white-listing all applications that are found to be suspicious, or might be containing possible back-doors are denied
permission to execute. This minimizes the threats to operating system.
This may start by preparing a list of names of applications which are safe to execute and checking the name of each
spawned application against this list. If a match occurs we need not take any action. If the application name does not
match with any of the supposed white-listed application, it is killed immediately. On a higher level, it should not be
allowed to spawn in the first place.
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 2, Part 2, March-April, 2015
ISSN 2091-2730
As a result of the implementation of the above mentioned methods, we obtain a secure environment, which the user may
trust for handling of confidential data. This environment can be depicted by the following figure
Figure 2: A secure environment
Examining the results of above mentioned methods, it became clear that unwanted applications and services of an
operating system can indeed be stopped from exploiting the vulnerabilities of a system. If the operating system is in fact
vulnerable to malicious applications, these methods can definitely provide a way to reduce these vulnerabilities.
Examining the results of above mentioned methods, it became clear that unwanted applications and services of an
operating system can indeed be stopped from exploiting the vulnerabilities of a system. If the operating system is in fact
vulnerable to malicious applications, these methods can definitely provide a way to reduce these vulnerabilities.
First of all, we would like to thank our guide, Prof. Pavan Kulkarni, for the motivation and guidance that he has provided
us. Secondly, we thank our head, Mr. Vamshi Krishna Ramaka for his help and support. Finally, we thank our friends
Miss Mehak Daftari, Miss Vrushali Deshpande, and Mt. Delwin John for their timely help and assistance.
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