LOYOLA PATIENT NAME ______________________________ UNIVERSITY M.R. NUMBER. _______________________________ HEALTH SYSTEM D.O.B. ______________________________________ EVALUATION HISTORY FORM Loyola University Chicago Occupational Health Services Type of Exam: Preplacement Return to Work Disability Workers’ Compensation Transfer International Service Health Maintenance Other (List Reason) Separation/Retirement Periodic Medical Surveillance • • Name Social Security No. - - Address Telephone ( ) Sex: Date of Birth Male Female Employer Job Title Private Physician’s Name Address Specialty Telephone Who should be contacted in case of an emergency? Name ( ) Relationship Address PAST MEDICAL HISTORY Telephone (Home) ( ) Telephone (Work) ( ) (A) When was your last complete physical exam: (B) Have you been told you have any medical problems? (C) Medications (List any used on a regular basis, include birth control medications and nonprescription drugs such as vitamins, cold remedies, aspirin, etc. If none, so state.) (D) Do you use any prostheses, colostomy appliances, artificial limbs, braces, etc.? (E) (F) Hospitalizations/Operations/Accidents/Injuries (since last exam)? None No change since last exam Date Description Have you ever received a transfusion of blood or blood products? If yes, when: Date: No No Yes (please explain) Yes (please explain) Yes--please list date(s) & type(s) No Yes EVALUATION HISTORY FORM (G) Page 2 No Do you have, or have you ever had any allergies (food, medicine, latex, other)? If latex allergy, what type? Localized rash How has your latex allergy been diagnosed? Yes (please list) Generalized hives asthma nasal/eye symptoms patch test blood test other (H) Do you have any physical limitations or restrictions which affect any of your activities at home or work? No Yes (please list) (I) Communicable Diseases: ¾ Have you ever had: No change since last exam ¾ Immunizations: PAST MEDICAL HISTORY DATE: • Diphtheria/ Tetanus • Measles (Rubeola) No Yes, Date: • Mumps • Rubella (German Measles) No Yes, Date: No Yes, Date: • Hepatitis B • Chicken Pox No Yes, Date: • Measles • Hepatitis B No Yes, Date: • Mumps • Rubella ¾ Tuberculosis: No Have you ever had tuberculosis? (J) Last skin test date RESULT: Chest X-ray date RESULT: Yes • Varicella • Other Reproductive: ¾ Have you and any partner: • Had difficulty conceiving or been unable to conceive a pregnancy? • Suffered a spontaneous abortion? If YES, how many? • Experienced a stillbirth child? • Had a low birth weight child? • Had a child with physical development or behavioral disabilities? • Had a child with cancer? FEMALE ¾ Do you have periods? No Yes • If YES, are your periods regular? ¾ No Yes • If YES, how often? No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes MALE Any difficulty with sexual function? No Yes • If YES, please explain: • If YES, for how many days? ¾ Have you ever been pregnant? No Yes • If YES, how many times? • If YES, how many live births? (K) No Do you have any hobbies? Hobbies Substances Used (glue, paint, chemicals, etc.) Yes (list below) Physical Exposures (noise, temperature exposures, etc.) PAST MEDICAL HIST. (L) Travel ¾ Are you required to travel for your job? No Yes (explain below) ¾ Have you traveled outside the U.S. in the last year? No Yes (explain below) ¾ Have you ever been treated for an illness in another country or treated for an illness you contracted in another country? No Yes (explain below) No change since last exam Age, or Age at Death If deceased, cause Other major health problems Father FAMILY HISTORY Mother Siblings -Brothers/Sisters Children Spouse Comments: Marital Status: Single Married Divorced Separated Widowed SOCIAL HISTORY No. of Dependents at home: Tobacco Use: Never Past age started Age stopped Present age started Alcohol Intake: Beer Wine Spirits Cigarettes Cigars Pipe # # # /day /day /day or or or Any history of treatment? No Yes, please describe Have you ever used drugs or been treated for drug use? No Yes, please describe # # # # # # Packs/day /day Bowls/day /week /week /week EVALUATION HISTORY FORM Page 4 Review of Systems: Do you have any new or persistent symptoms or medical problems since last exam? F No If YES, complete the following and elaborate in the “Comments” section on page 7. If NO, proceed to “Occupational History” on page 5. NO YES GENERAL BONES/JOINTS Night sweats or fever Neck Injury Recent weight loss/gain Neck Pain Blood or bone marrow disease Back Injury Bleed easily Back Pain Anemia Joint Injury/Pain Swollen glands Muscle Injury/Pain Problems with immune system Arthritis Cancer Broken Bones F Yes NO YES Hay fever MEDICAL HISTORY NERVES SKIN Convulsions/Fits/Seizures (Epilepsy) Change in any wart or mole Head Injury Skin diseases Memory Loss ¾ Difficulty Concentrating If YES, list here: Numbness/Tingling Carpal Tunnel Syndrome EYES Fainting/Dizzy Spells Wear eyeglasses? Headaches ¾ If YES, please specify: □Reading □ Distance □Contact Lenses: □ □ Left Eye Only Both Eyes □ Right Eye Only Paralysis Trouble Sleeping Stress Color Blindness Depression Cataracts Any Mental Disorder Glaucoma Vision Problems LUNGS ¾ Shortness of Breath If YES, please specify: Any Lung Trouble ¾ If YES, please specify: EAR, NOSE, THROAT Hearing Problems Asthma Noise in Ears Bronchitis Balance Problems Pneumonia Sinus Problems Tuberculosis Mouth Sores Persistent Cough Change in Voice Cough up blood Hoarseness Exposed to Second Hand Smoke Difficulty Swallowing ¾ If YES, please specify where: F Home ENDOCRINE Diabetes Thyroid Problems ¾ If YES, please specify: F Work EVALUATION HISTORY FORM Page 5 NO YES NO HEART GENITOURINARY Heart Problem Blood in Urine ¾ Kidney Problems If YES, please specify: YES Reproductive Problems Chest Pain Bladder or Reproductive Infections Heart Failure Prostate Problems Rheumatic Fever Irregular Heart Beat High Blood Pressure VASCULAR Swollen Ankles Stroke/Blood Clot ABDOMEN Cramps in Legs when Walking Varicose Veins MEDICAL HISTORY Ulcers Change in Bowel Habits OTHER Hernia Please explain any medical problems not listed above: Nausea/Vomiting Pain in Abdomen Liver Disease Hepatitis/Jaundice Blood in Stools Black Tarry Stools Vomiting of Blood OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY EXAMINER’S COMMENTS: Usual Occupation Present Job No. of Yrs. At Present Occupation: NO Have you been injured at work in the past year? ¾ If YES, give date and describe: Did you receive Workers’ Compensation? Date: YES EMPLOYMENTHISTORY EVALUATION HISTORY FORM Page 6 List each job in reverse chronological order (include military service and foreign posts): Date Position / Job Duties Company Name From To NO I) YES Have you ever worked in or around the following? ¾ Chemical Plant ¾ Construction Site ¾ Cotton, flax, or hemp mill NO YES V) Have you ever suffered any known health effects from any exposure? ¾ If YES, explain: ¾ Electronics Plant ¾ Farm OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE QUESTIONNAIRE ¾ Fiber Mill VI) Do you have any environmental allergies (hay fever, etc.)? ¾ Foundry ¾ Mine ¾ If YES, explain: ¾ Outdoor Areas ¾ Paper / Lumber Mill ¾ Refinery ¾ Shipyard VII) Do you have any history of insect or tick bites? ¾ If YES, explain: ¾ Dusty Jobs ¾ Other job sites with hazardous exposure • If YES, please list: VIII) Have you ever used or been exposed to the following chemicals or conditions: ¾ Arsenic ¾ Asbestos ¾ Benzene ¾ Beryllium II) Have you ever received medical surveillance, periodic check-ups or tests as part of a prior job? ¾ If YES, explain: ¾ Cadmium ¾ Carbon Tetrachloride ¾ Changes in temperature/ temp extremes ¾ Chromates III) Have you ever been hurt or injured in previous jobs? ¾ If YES, explain: ¾ Dust ¾ Fluorides ¾ Lead ¾ Loud Noises IV) Have you ever left a job for health reasons? ¾ Mercury / Other Heavy Metal ¾ ¾ Lasers If YES, explain: ¾ Pesticides EVALUATION HISTORY FORM Page 7 NO VIII (Cont’d) OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE ¾ Phenols YES NO YES IX) Have you recently used any of the following personal protective equipment on your prior job? ¾ Phosgene ¾ Plastics ¾ Respirator ¾ PVC’s ¾ Hearing Protectors ¾ Radioactive Materials ¾ Gloves ¾ Repetitive Motion / Vibration ¾ Protective Clothing/Shoes ¾ Solvents / Degreasers ¾ Safety Glasses/ Goggles/Shield ¾ Spray Painting ¾ Others (list): ¾ Trichloroethylene ¾ Welding / Soldering • ¾ Others (list): • • • • • • • COMMENTS Comments and/or explanations of Positive or Abnormal Responses: Applicant/Employee: I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge: Signature _______________________________________________________________ Date _________________________________ Medical Reviewer’s Signature: ______________________________________________ Date _________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEDICAL EVALUATION Physically qualified to perform essential functions included in the job description Without limitation/restriction/accommodation With limitation/restriction/accommodation Describe: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Not physically qualified to perform essential functions included in the job description. Unable to determine if physically qualified to perform essential functions included in the job description. Reason: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ NP/OHS RN Signature ____________________________________________________