PULPIT AND PEWS * JULY 2014 “A Passion for God, Compassion for People” COMMITTEE HIGHLIGHTS Adult Choir *Marta Eenhuis Tom Lovell Larry Shaffer Kathy Shaffer Jason Heitland Stacie Heitland Jasie Heitland Marsha Mott Pat Treloar Katie Lightbody Harold Arians Praise Band *Harold Arians Sue Roenfanz Katie Lightbody Lisa Arians Frankie Winegardner Randy Cram Tom Lovell Jason Heitland Barry Cory Jasie Heitland Prayer Chain Alice Futrell Steve Futrell Barry Cory Marsha Cory Bob Halford Carol Lee Halford Cathy Swager Carol Miculinich Delores Mosher Karen Anderson Mary Lou Fitch Tracy Hansen Kendra Walker Welcome Pastor Brian & Diane Harris! Pastor Brian will officially start on Sunday, July 6th as our Interim Pastor. He will then help guide our Search Team in choosing a Head Pastor. (I received this from Skye Alison, pastor and insurance representative for Osborne Insurance Group. I felt it needed to be passed on.) JUST AN ENGINEER? If you worked for the British company G. P. Latter & Co., you would probably be either an engineer that designs metal parts, a machinist that makes them or perhaps someone who sells them. You go to work, do your job, make metal parts, get paid and go home. Nothing special about that, right? WRONG. Not at G. P. Latter & Co. It is in royal service. On its letterhead you will find proudly displayed the Queen's Coat of Arms, and underneath - "By appointment to Her Majesty the Queen, General Engineers." G. P. Latter & Co is a holder of a "Royal Warrant," -- a special commission to work for the Queen. Go to the web site of the Royal Warrants Holders Association, and you will find all varieties of businesses in service to the Royal House of Windsor: egg sellers, mechanics, button makers, stationers, computer suppliers, stationers, just to name a few. You see, it does not matter what you do, but WHO YOU DO IT FOR. Are you a royal warrant holder? Do you see yourself working for a GREATER Kingdom cause? In Genesis 1, God commissions all in whatever we do to be the chosen royal agents of His business in this world. The Queens kingdom cannot be fully manifest without engineers, egg suppliers, and mechanics dedicated to His service. The same is true in God’s kingdom. Whatever you do, know that you bear His royal crest. So, as you leave for work this week, know that you are going by appointment of His Majesty the King of all Creation! A work prayer: Holy God, as King you are the highest authority. You have called every man and woman to serve you by doing daily work well. I commit myself to your service today and every day. Amen. REMIX316 will continue to be downtown Clear Lake on Thursdays during the summer. Chris feels this is a great place to promote all we do at FCC. If anyone would like to spend some time with Chris and the kids please feel free to join them! Also every Sunday from 3-5 p.m. (Weather permitting) REMIX316 will hold a meeting at FCC for fun, fellowship and praise. (See Chris’ update on page 2). Page 2 CALENDAR Saturday, June 28 LARRY SHAFFER’S 70th BIRTHDAY OPEN HOUSE Saturday, June 28 thru July 1 NACCC Annual Meeting & Conference in Omaha, NE Sunday, June 29 Worship 10:10 am (Nursery) 5th Sunday Fellowship and Food-on-a-Stick following service Monday, June 30 Kendra on vacation Ginger Holmes in office 10-12 Marsha Mott in office 12-2 Tuesday, July 1 Kendra on vacation Pat Treloar in office 10-12 Dee Mosher in office 12-2 Wednesday, July 2 Kendra on vacation Vickie Nelson in office 10-12 Dee Mosher in office 12-2 Thursday, July 3 Kendra on vacation Tracy Hansen in office 10-12 Linda Thoen in office 12-2 Thursday on Main Friday, July 4 Happy 4th! Sunday, July 6 Worship 10:10 am (Nursery) Pastor Brian Harris Officially starts Thursday, July 10 Thursday on Main Sunday, July 13 Worship 10:10 am (Nursery) Thursday, July 17 Thursday on Main Sunday, July 20 Worship 10:10 am (Nursery) Thursday, July 24 Thursday on Main Sunday, July 27 Worship 10:10 am (Nursery) Lake Day and Potluck Monday, July 28 Community Kitchen Thursday, July 31 Thursday on Main National Association of Congregational Christian Churches IT’S HERE! The NACCC's 2014 Annual Meeting & Conference June 28 - July 1 in Omaha, Nebraska. Jane Angle has agreed to be our delegate. I also know that Tom & Jan Lovell plan to attend. Let me know if anyone else is planning to attend! Please continue prayers for success and guidance to the conference leaders and members. Hello Everyone, Here is just a short update on how our first few summer Remix events have been going. First of all, we had a positive response from our youth that they liked helping lead worship on June 8th. So thank you to everyone for giving the youth (and myself) that opportunity. There is interest from the youth to lead worship again in a similar style if there is another opening down the road where you could fit us in. Thank you for giving us a shot! We have had just short of 20 students involved with Remix so far this summer. They have come from 7 or so area churches. These include primarily Clear Lake churches, but also a church in Mason City, Ventura, and Garner. We have between 7-10 students attending on average weekly. Each week, we have added a couple new first time students. I know of a couple new students coming next week because they are older or younger siblings of the students that came last week. We are currently reading/studying through Louie Giglio's book "Wired For A Life Of Worship" and talking about the importance of worship in our lives and finding out God's plan for our lives. Students are weekly engaged in a time of contemporary worship lead by a youth band, whole group teaching/sermon lead by me, several outdoor team/ individual games, and prayer/devotion/Bible study time with snacks to end the day! Each week, students have taken some of our print materials (left over business cards/brochures) to hand to their friends. We also had a group of about 12 come talk with me during the first Thursdays On Main event and they took home cards and contact information as well. Thank you for all of your support in helping Remix reach out to students! Chris Phalen, Remix316 Core Staff BIRTHDAY PARTY AT OAKWOOD CARE CENTER THURSDAY, JUNE 26TH AT 2 P.M. We are in need of 4 dozen cookies. Please contact Kendra at the office or Laura Heitland if you are able to donate or help. Drop cookies off to the office Thursday morning. OPEN HOUSE For Larry Shaffer Come and celebrate with Larry Shaffer As he turns 70! For his 70th Birthday on Saturday, June 28 From 2-5 At 12558 Cardinal Avenue Please No Gifts “Pray for sunny weather!” Page 3 This Sunday is Fifth Sunday! Fried Twinkies, Snickers-on-stick, of course corn dogs! The list goes on! Join us for fellowship after the service on Sunday when we celebrate 5th Sunday with a State Fair theme. We will highlight “food-on-a-stick”. I hear there are good things coming! Sunday Morning Bicycle Ride /Breakfast Thank you to Tracy Hansen, Mallory Oppermann and Vickie Nelson for bringing goodies to share Father’s Day Sunday! Mark your calendars for July 20th—the next church bike ride. Please let Alice Futrell know if you can bring rolls or coffee cake for that morning. Alice will also need help with that event. If you plan to attend and can help, please let Alice know at Futrell@netins.net First Congregational Church has just became part of the Thrivent Choice program! What this means is if you have insurance through Thrivent Financial, FCC has been approved to receive your Thrivent Choice Dollars. Thrivent Choice is a charitable grant program that allows eligible members to recommend where Thrivent Financial distributes part of its charitable outreach funds each year. First Congregational Church will be listed in the program’s searchable online catalog. When eligible Thrivent members direct Choice Dollars to FCC, Thrivent will review it and make an automatic deposit when approved. These funds may be used to carry out religious, charitable or educational purposes for FCC! NEEDED PICKUP OR VEHICLE WITH DRIVER TO PULL THE FCC FLOAT IN THE CLEAR LAKE FOURTH OF JULY PARADE! Also, if anyone would like to ride on the float please contact Chris Phalen, Jan Lovell or the office! The 50th Anniversary Celebration is coming soon...watch for details! If you have any ideas or would like to help, please contact a council member SINGSPIRATION INVITATION * SUNDAY, JUNE 29TH @ 6:00 PM You are cordially invited to attend the Singspiration to be held at Opportunity Village, Clear Lake campus, in the Gym. Special Music * Interpretive Dance with friends of the Village * “Forever a Village” inspirational Short-Movie Pies and Ice Cream Social Afterwards * Retiring Offering for IFCA Last year they had 100+ people from 10+ churches attend! In the spirit of Christian unity...Pastor Rich Murray Mark your calendars for the upcoming “First Congregational Church’s Lake Day”! Potluck Lunch with lots of food, fellowship and fun! July 27th at State Park Cabin. Watch for Details! CONGRATS! LAURA & LANGDON DEVINE! Please note that Birthdays are put in our monthly newsletter. If I have missed you please contact the office. I would love to include you! Page 4 Relay for Life Fundraiser JULY LECTIONARY READINGS: July 6 Genesis 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67; Psalm 45: 10-17; or Zechariah 9:9-12; or Song of Sol 2:8-13, Psalm 145:8-14; Romans 7:15-25a; Matt 11: 16-19, 25-30 July 13 Genesis 25:19-34; Psalm 119:105-112; or Isaiah 55:10-13; Psalm 65: 1-13; Romans 8:1-11; Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 July 20 Genesis 28:10-19a; Psalm 139: 1-12, 23-24 or Isaiah 44: 6-8; Psalm 86:11-17; Romans 8:12-25; Matt 13:24-30, 36-43 July 27 Genesis 29:15-28; Psalm 105:1-11, 45b; or 1st Kings 3: 5-12; Psalm 128 or Psalm 119: 129-136; Romans 8:26-39; Matt 13:31-33, 44-45 Welcome to our Church Family through Baptism Carver Dane Schallock Elle Marie Schallock Anna Marie Lloyd Oralia Ann Hernandez July Birthdays 1 2 4 5 6 8 13 14 25 26 31 Cynthia Kimball Lloy Flickinger Nancy Halford Rhett Molencamp Sharon Spragle Marian Baker Ella Ernst Robert Halford Tim Neubauer Kevin Terwilliger Glynis Gagnon Bob Ingersoll Lydia Futrell Culver’s in Clear Lake Monday, June 30th, 2014 5:00—8:00 p.m. 10% of all proceeds benefit Relay for Life NICCU Tumornators Elle Marie Schallock Anna Marie Lloyd Oralia Anne Hernandez Carver Dane Schallock I will be out on vacation June 30th thru July 4th The church office will still be open from 10 a.m.- 2 pm. Thank you to everyone that is staffing the office while I am gone. June 30; 10-12 - Ginger Holmes; 12-2 - Marsha Mott July 1; 10-12 - Pat Treloar; 12-2 - Dee Mosher July 2; 10-12 - Vickie Nelson; 12-2 - Dee Mosher July 3; 10-12 - Tracy Hansen; 12-2 - Linda Thoen CLOSED JULY 4TH...HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY 4th ~ Kendra Walker Please contact the office. If you have any college or graduation news, new arrivals or hospital stays or a family event that you would like published. Page 5 Thank You... Members of the First Congregational Church, My family and I would like to express our thank you for all the prayers, well wishes and contributions you gave to us during my accident & recovery. Your thoughts and prayers on caring bridge kept us strong and determined to move forward. We are so blessed & honored to have such caring and thoughtful members of our community. God Bless, The Eric Perry Family Thank You, Your generosity is Saving Children’s Lives! Dear Partner, Thank you for your congregation’s gift of $500.00. The generosity of churches like yours enables World Vision to provide essential care, encouragement, and hope to hurting children and families. You are a vital part of the work we do in the name of Christ. World Vision is a global ministry with skilled staff, dedicated leaders, and faithful supporters. As we continue to see God’s miraculous hand transforming lives, please know that you are an essential part of this work. Your congregation is truly a champion on behalf of the poor and needy. “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” Philippians 1:3-5 NIV World Vision is truly blessed to have you as a church partner. Thank you for your gift and your compassion for others. If we can help you with anything else, please call us at 1.866.376.LOVE. In His name, Richard E. Stearns PS We have great resources for your church! Visit our website at:worldvision.org/church Thank you! First Congregational Church of Clear Lake, We really appreciate your generous donation of $150.00 on 6-9-14. Your generosity helps keep KCMR Radio on the air! First Congregational Church, Thank you so much for your continued support & prayers & gift of money. Rex has 1 more chemo treatment Friday, then we go to Rochester, July 2nd and 3rd to see what our next steps will be. Again Thank you. Rex & Jodie Dear Ms. Walker and Members of the First Congregational Church, Thank you so much for the donation. It is greatly appreciated. Family Alliance for Veterans of America Dear Sponsors, Thank you so much for your generous give of $25.00 for our anti-parasite campaign. Your support will give children the tools to battle intestinal parasites—and help prevent them from returning. Jim Cook, President Children’s International I would like to thank everyone for welcoming me to First Congregational Church! It is an awesome family to be part of. I would also like to thank Marsha Mott, Jane Angle, Linda Thoen, Tracy Hansen, Pat Treloar, Dee Mosher, Vickie Nelson, and Ginger Holmes for volunteering to be my cover when I am out. I am truly blessed, Kendra Walker Does this look familiar? If so, it could be yours? It was left in the pew on Brad’s last Sunday. It has been sitting in the office since then. Please let me know if it belongs to you or a friend.