Denis Martindale

Poetry Series
Denis Martindale
- poems -
Publication Date:
Publisher: - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale()
I was born at a very early age, they allowed me to live, but forced me to go to
School. That's where I sang hymns from my tiny Songs of Praise hymnbook.
Most of the time, I try to rhyme using the common metre 8 syllables then 6 then
8 then 6 verse style. I've been writing hymns and poems and stories for a very
long time and have added 800 poems on already.
My poems have been in Church magazines and local papers and magazines and
on local Radio as well as Christian TV and Radio channels. Some of my poems
have also been on the UK Shopping channels like, and and in one month about a dozen poems were read out on
Revelation TV.
I've had some publishing success with Forward Press which is now called Forward
Poetry. Their website forwardpoetry-dot-com has a Contests webpage, so I visit
and write my poems for these contests.
Poetry isn't cheap. Consider the words of Jesus who said we should count the
cost. Consider the paper and pens and the printers and the computers and the
Internet costs and the time and the energy it takes to create something for
someone I'll probably never meet in this lifetime. The costs soon mount up and
the financial returns seem insignificant, but the poetry is part of me and it's a
part I want to keep as well as share...
Apart from my Christian poetry themes, I like the magnificent paintings of the
wildlife artist, Mr Stephen Gayford and have created a collection of poems about
these incredible creatures. Some poems have been read out on the Shopping
channels, along with a few romantic poems including The Gifts That Say I Love
You and the poem called Somebody Loves You.
My Stephen Gayford website has a search feature to check for all creatures great
and small. Google search will also have some results for Denis Martindale and
Stephen Gayford.
The poemhunter website lists the recent poems submitted and from these I can
check the themes and topics of interest and start new poems which I can share
with my fellow poets. - The World's Poetry Archive
I see myself listed among the top 500 poets, whatever that really signifies is not
as important as actually clicking the top 500 poets link and being reminded of
who they are or were. Each leaves his or her mark on the world stage, his or her
heartprint, to say, I was here... But to share something worthwhile that makes
someone's day is easy to do. If we can help change a person's life for the better,
then we really have made a difference...
In the meanwhile, keep up the good work and seek the love of God, the blessings
of Jesus and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit... because while poetry is eternal,
God created eternity... - The World's Poetry Archive
* A Matter Of Faith!
When God looks down upon this Earth,
The world in which life lives,
He wonders if we know His worth
And that He still forgives...
He wonders if lost souls will find
Forgiveness in His Son
And if each one will change their mind
For God's will to be done...
To think, this young Earth He once made
Exhibits proofs worldwide,
Disputing proofs that Man's displayed,
Defiant, full of pride...
Yet scientists can't prove God lies,
By dating what remains,
It doesn't matter how each tries,
Or how they trick their brains...
The centuries have proved God right,
With truths that bear His mark,
His signature by day and night,
Shines even in the dark...
And all Creation proves the Lord
As quite beyond compare,
Such that His love can't be ignored
Since God still hears each prayer...
No wonder, then, the Saviour died,
To save the lost world here,
Submitting to be crucified
So sin was crystal clear...
Man's unbelief will lead to Hell,
Of that, there can't be doubt,
That's what God's prophecies foretell,
Till God casts demons out...
Consider what the Bible says,
Old Testament and New,
In truth, it tells us, more or less, - The World's Poetry Archive
The things that Man must do...
To God, life's like an open book
Throughout Eternity,
Each day He simply has a look
At folks like you and me...
When God looks down upon this Earth,
The world in which life lives,
He wonders if we know His worth
And that He still forgives...
He wonders if lost souls will find
Forgiveness in His Son
And if each one will change their mind
For God's will to be done...
Denis Martindale, copyright June 2014.
This Gospel poem is about the recently promoted
Gospel film called A Matter Of Faith that tells
us the story of God's revealed truths and proofs
about the Creation, life itself and the fallen
state of Man's soul. This requires Jesus Christ
as the only begotten Son of God. For He alone,
is the Saviour of the whole world. For He lived
a sinless life, was sacrificed for our sins and
rose from the dead and will live for evermore...
The teaching of all Creation without a Creator,
now does that really stand up to the evidence?
God gave us prophecies to prove His existence
throughout time. From Adam and Eve, Abraham,
Noah, David, Joseph and Mary, life after life,
when rooted in faith, meant God's blessings
followed God's blessings. Where are they now?
It's truly a matter of faith that will help us to each
regain what we've lost up to now. But the damage
already done has sabotaged the faith of billions.
So watch out, world, because God hasn't finished
with us yet... TO BE CONTINUED... - The World's Poetry Archive
Google search the websites for GOD TV
and Revelation TV and their Watch Now
TV programmes. Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
* About Revelation Tv
Several of my Gospel poems have been
read out on Revelation TV and I often
write about the programmes and topics on
this Christian TV channel thanks to the
receiving of their monthly RTIMES newsletters.
You can hear the word of the Lord each day on
Revelation TV on Sky, Freesat or Freeview HD, or
the Roku set top box or Revelation TV online.
You can search my poems for Revelation TV
programmes and topics, using keywords
like Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Church, baptism
and revelation tv or revelationtv.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
* Beauty Is Upon You
rose without a thorn.
dew on grass each morn.
sapphire shining sea.
apple on the tree.
sunshine on the Earth.
day God granted birth.
wings on butterflies.
grace that God supplies.
diamond wedding ring.
season known as Spring.
little lambs that play.
snow on Christmas Day.
rainbows up above.
sentimental dove.
young bird new to flight.
shooting stars each night.
the dolphins as they leap.
the peace that comes with sleep.
ten thousand whispering sighs.
true love that never dies...
Beauty is upon you like true love that never dies...
Beauty is upon you like true love that never dies...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2001.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
* Beyond The Art Ache...
Imagine yourself an artist,
The brush within your hand,
The gentle motion of the wrist,
For hours there to stand...
With the smell of paint that lingers,
Upon the canvas wall
And, of course, upon the fingers,
Before you wash them all...
Imagine yourself as patient,
Enough no more to ask,
As if the Lord had stationed
Yourself for just this task...
And bade you stand the whole day there,
Your artistry to prove,
I wonder how long you would care
Before you chose to move...
Imagine yourself as willing,
Each art ache to endure,
For your subjects look so thrilling
You could not want for more...
White tigers or an elephant,
An eagle flying high,
Their beauty so significant,
You dare not pass them by...
Imagine paintings you have done
That families can own,
Fine art prints, sold by the million,
Because of you alone...
That must be worth each art ache,
The times they took their toll,
For what a difference God can make
When God stays in control...
Imagine such a legacy
Each artist leaves behind,
The beauty and the majesty - The World's Poetry Archive
To bless both heart and mind...
I merely sit and write in rhyme,
Reminding you of such,
God bless the artist so sublime
God grants the magic touch...
Denis Martindale, copyright January 2016.
Poem based on so many hundreds of magnificent
wildlife paintings by artist Stephen Gayford.
Google-search as well as image search for the
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
* Denis Martindale Ebook Poems
The poemhunter website page
For Denis Martindale,
Also provides another stage
That goes beyond the scale...
For way up top and way up right
The ebook link is there,
So visitors may take delight
With what the poets share...
A PDF file to download?
Yes, that proves quite a choice,
With all those poems that have showed
That could make us rejoice...
I have a link that goes to mine,
Upto this very day,
When it downloads, that's mighty fine,
So what more can I say?
It's like a backup, yes, it is,
It could go back for years!
To me, that grants some sense of bliss,
That could prevent some tears...
Email that PDF as well?
That's how a copy's made,
With PCs now, you just can't tell,
If files have gone or strayed...
Have you an ebook, just like me?
Is it downloaded yet?
Next month, update your poetry,
With ebooks your best bet!
I've sixteen hundred poems now,
Some in anthologies,
I wonder what God will allow
Before my life must cease? - The World's Poetry Archive
I'll just take one day at a time!
New poems now and then,
Download my ebooks full of rhyme,
Content to smile again...
Denis Martindale, copyright May 2014.
Shortcut link:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
* Here Is My Incredible Invisible Poem!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
* How To Think Like A Writer!
At the top of Everest stands
Each writer of renown,
While lesser mortals use their hands
To tear that mountain down...
But leave it there as tall, as high,
A challenge to each soul,
It teaches us to touch the sky,
Beyond safe self-control...
For what are mountains but the Earth
Forced up by pressures made?
By such as these a writer's worth
Stands openly displayed...
To go beyond the blank white page,
To stretch forth words and rhymes,
Until, at last, the final stage,
That beckons better times...
Have pity on the writeless ones,
Their wisdom fades away...
But writers can share with their sons
Their precious thoughts each day...
And once departed, thoughts endure,
Beyond their mortal frames,
Perchance with fame for evermore
The whole wide world acclaims...
So write for men and women, too,
With children still in mind,
Declaring every point of view
Your little hearts can find...
Yes, write of love and write of hate,
Of war and peace in turn,
Perchance in these you'll reach the state,
You'll teach more than you learn...
But who of us can publish well?
It's partnerships we need,
For every tale we seek to tell, - The World's Poetry Archive
Ten more may not succeed...
Discouragement? That's bound to grow,
But think and persevere
And set that inner light aglow,
Till shining crystal clear...
If not, alas, I'll pity you,
Alone with words as friends,
In search of something that's brand new,
A quest that never ends...
Your hands are also meant for prayers,
Ask God for His advice,
For loving-kindness He still shares
With writers who are wise...
Denis Martindale, copyright May 2014.
The poem title is based on the Huffington Post article
and other points of interest on the pinterest website
that the poemhunter twitter comments led me to see...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
* I Am An Elephant!
It's true, I am an elephant!
In fact, I've always been!
I've got this trunk way up in front,
Stuck here, right in-between...
I've got two tusks that weigh a ton
That press and push and poke
And it's like God was having fun
And thinks it's all a joke...
I've got these massive ears as well,
Like pizzas piping hot
And four feet that are bound to swell,
So thankful I am not...
I've got a teeny-weeny tail
That I'm too fat to see,
That swirls around when there's a gale
And keeps on swatting me...
Now, is this fair? Now, is this right?
Just munching all day long...
To end up bloated through the night,
Like something's really wrong?
With pesky flies upon my hide
And birds upon my back,
My word, the times I've sighed and sighed
I can't give them a whack...
And when I run, it's hard to stop,
Fair warning, please stand clear,
'Cos if you don't, you're sure to drop,
Squashed flat when I come near...
And must the sun be oh so bright?
It really hurts my eyes...
But no-one listens to my plight,
Again, that's no surprise...
No wonder, then, I've had enough!
I'd rather be a cat!
If not, I'd rather be a dove, - The World's Poetry Archive
A pigeon or a bat!
If not, I'd rather be a cow,
A horse, that's what I want!
Just anything, because right now,
I am an elephant!
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
* Stephen Gayford
Masterpieces for the masses!
Loved lithographs! Sweet prints!
A treasure trove of canvasses
With wondrous shades and tints.
Consider how this painter hopes
To capture all he can.
Reflect on how he always copes
And stays the artisan.
With finite detail to control,
To share his point of view,
This artist has a special soul,
A noble spirit, too.
Rejecting basics and extremes,
Perfection to create.
Respecting quintessential dreams
And so encapsulate...
It's finished, no more need to fuss!
What glory this achieves!
Rejoicing in what's done for us,
That each, in time, receives.
There's joy as we anticipate
This craftsman's artistry!
Yes, all things come to those that wait...
Yet patience is the key...
How many paintings Stephen's done,
In truth, I cannot say,
Yet he portrays a sense of fun
At work, at home, at play...
If you're like me, you've got a few
To beautify your home...
So, Stephen, thank you! God bless you!
Wherever you may roam...
copyright, Denis Martindale.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
* The Cross Of Christ
The jeering crowd like jackals stood,
To see what must be done.
Though once they thought this man was good,
They didn't see God's Son.
They called Him Rabbi, Teacher, Lord,
Yet now He was Rome's slave.
So all His claims were now ignored,
For who was He to save?
The nails were driven deep inside...
More drops of blood soon fell...
Once lifted, hoisted, crucified,
His life was just like Hell.
Torment and torture lay ahead.
Excruciating pain.
His scourged back stung and bled and bled
As briars bruised His brain.
His mother wept each passing hour.
'Dear God, have pity, please! '
And yet there came no sign of power,
No rescue, no release.
The soldiers gambled for His clothes.
One wash and they'd be clean.
His life and death the Father chose,
Thus stays the Nazarene.
'It is finished! ' the Saviour screamed
With one great final sigh...
Though not defeated as it seemed,
For Jesus had to die.
To think, the Holy Spirit shares
Forgiveness in His Name!
No other man on Earth compares.
Not one could do the same.
For all have sinned and gone astray
Like sheep in darkest night.
But blessed are they that find the Way
And walk within His light...
He died for you. He died for me.
God's Son fulfilled God's plan.
From Calvary came clemency! - The World's Poetry Archive
Behold the Son of Man!
Behold the blood! Behold the Lord!
For this man was the Christ!
The Lamb of God! His heart outpoured!
The Saviour sacrificed!
Oh, who can count the callous sins
That Jesus suffered for?
Behold the precious Prince of Peace,
The King of Love and more!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
* The Dream Of Revelation!
I reflect upon my visitation, the time of revelation,
When sleeping one night, the dream began for me,
For there I was and made aware physically of my dream,
Standing, upon the slope of a hill, one leg higher than the other,
Balanced there, by my own decision, becoming more aware...
Beyond my hill was another hill, yet upon it a silhouette,
That of a man hoisted high upon a cross, crucified,
And I will not deny what I saw before any man,
For it was Christ crucified, revealed to me at that time,
For there He was, squirming in agony upon that cross...
At first, I made out His form and the cross clearly seen,
Then I saw Him in agony, though distanced from me,
With no sounds of His screams made for my ears to hear,
But then something else happened that was unexpected,
Something I have never experienced happening before...
Above the cross was a focus beam of light from Heaven,
Straight down upon that cross it fell, quite suddenly,
No prior warning given, but that this light was like flames,
I stood still, quite baffled and amazed, yet not scared at first,
Thinking this was merely a beam of light and nothing more...
But then the light hit the cross and was redirected at me,
I saw it cross the hill and the space between Him and me,
Then I was engulfed in the blood red fire light in seconds,
I felt a fire flood within me, warming me, quickening my soul,
But instead of judgment and death as I first expected,
All I felt was love...
A sudden realisation that it was because of Jesus I was spared,
Yet not just spared and left to fend for myself as if unloved,
No, everything had changed because of what Jesus did for me,
So I stood there, still balanced, one leg raised higher,
Yet now completely bathed in fire, light and love...
And while the dream stopped there, as if all was said and done,
Every now and then, God reminds me of the revelation, - The World's Poetry Archive
That I am not alone, that I am fully known, fully loved,
That I am not a child of darkness but a child of light,
My life no longer devoid of hope as for those who are lost...
This memory is my shield of faith against the darknesses,
This memory is my helmet of salvation against the sadnesses,
This memory is my armour against all the fears and the doubts,
For my soul is eternal and preserved beyond both time and space,
No longer can I say I am not loved or that I stand alone...
Though I stood alone upon my hill, yet the Lord was with me...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2012.
The Revelation TV website and watch now details
can be found on Google. Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
* The Gospel Is The Heart Of Everything!
Without love God sent from Heaven
Each life fills with regret,
For how else is Man forgiven
And how else could God forget?
For sin remains, no thought to leave,
Until God paves the way,
Until, like others, we receive
Escape from Judgment Day...
Why else would Jesus choose to die?
The Father loved Him so,
Yet God loved Him and you and I,
Thus Jesus had to go...
To Calvary and all that was,
First beaten, scourged, despised
And only then, nailed to the Cross,
Where Christ was sacrificed...
The Lamb of God, the Son of Man,
Messiah and much more,
Because, through this, it served God's plan,
Both then and evermore...
Few could have gone and suffered all,
Few could have stayed the course,
Yet Jesus went for God's people,
Who'd broken all His laws...
And we're the same, yes, here, today,
We're guilty sinners, too,
God pardons now, please don't delay,
Lord Jesus welcomes you...
Amazing grace? New lives for old,
The Gospel's offered still,
Thanks to God's Son, as good as gold,
Who died on Calvary's hill...
Denis Martindale, copyright May 2014. - The World's Poetry Archive
Use Google search to find the Revelation TV
website and its online, WATCH NOW details...
Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
* The Prestige Of The Poppy
Behold my form, my humble guise, my fragile fashioned grace.
Look deep within the giver’s eyes, some noble hopes to trace.
November’s here and folks look back to what heroes have bought.
They stood as one as things looked black, courageous as they fought.
Not all survived the grief-filled times. Not all returned scot-free.
Not all were able to pen rhymes of utmost misery.
I’m just a poppy, nothing more. I spilt no dropp of blood.
I didn’t wince with pain through war... nor turn the foul flood.
I didn’t march across the fields, nor swim against the tide
And yet I’m loved by each who yields a conscience still inside.
Think not that I, if human, too, could idly watch death grin.
For as a man, I’d join the few that knew that they must win!
I’d take up arms against the foe! I’d train and fight so brave!
For deep within my heart I’d know, a free world I must save!
Think not that I could turn and run and let the children down,
Nor unborn babes hid from the sun be born to wear a frown.
I’d fight for freedom, live or die! Regardless, come what may!
Because I’d know, that even I, must face God’s Judgement Day!
I’d not despise the souls that prayed as they stayed home instead.
I recognise a conscience weighed, yet blood weighs more once bled!
So buy a poppy... show you care! Give generously with love!
For every poppy that folks wear is seen by God above...
Poem by Denis Martindale © November 2003.
Royal British Legion: poppy-dot-org
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
* The Prince Of Prints
Behold the precious Prince of Prints,
By wildlife he is stirred!
Yet who is he who uses tints?
Mr Stephen Gayford!
He also serves who stands and waits,
As every artist knows...
And blessed is he who celebrates
As each new painting grows...
From many sketches Stephen starts
Each brand new masterpiece!
He shares them all to cheer our hearts!
His wonders never cease!
He's busy as the humble bee
That flies each waking hour...
From diligence comes majesty,
From steadfast love comes power!
Let's praise the Lord for Stephen's eyes
That see God's handiwork
And for each vision, oh, so wise,
For Stephen doesn't shirk!
He's on the go, while standing still,
He's always standing tall!
This Prince of Prints perfects each skill,
So God can bless us all...
Denis Martindale, copyright, December 2010.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
* Vision For Israel!
The Lord of Lords and King of Kings
Has set this land apart
And so it stands above all things,
The blessing of His heart...
Show charity that never ends,
Israel's beyond compare,
Behold the vision, too, my friends,
Support God's people there...
And so He asks that we should pray,
For miracles and more,
Until He comes one precious day
This sad world to restore...
Denis Martindale, copyright January 2016.
Find out more by watching Revelation TV,
the Christian channel on Sky TV that is
part of the 'Church Without Walls'...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
[+] Poemhunter [+]
Across the hills, across the plains,
Across the sands and seas,
He searched for poems and refrains,
For wonders never cease...
While there's a child within God's heart
And His remembrance, too,
The Poemhunter scans for art,
Esteems each point of view...
Across the noblest hopes and dreams,
Ideals and fancy thoughts,
The spectrum of Man's mad extremes
Proves that it takes all sorts...
While there's a vision, judge or law,
Or simply self-control,
The Poemhunter must explore
Their sanctity, their soul...
He reads the rhythms, rhymes and rules
That writers would relay,
He heeds the wisemen, sighs at fools...
Lets God guide him His way...
While there's a cherished childlike prayer
That words can somehow bless,
The Poemhunter's search will share
God's Truth and happiness...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2010.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
24 Carat Heartache
The first time that I fell in love, she took my breath away,
As if there were not words enough, her beauty to relay...
So sweet of face with golden hair and smiles to melt the heart,
As if the answer to my prayer and God's most joyful art...
To think, God made her as she was, to tantalise and tease,
So that I'd feel a sense of loss the second love must cease...
She moved away, I loved alone, my love I saw no more
And when my heart became as stone, I asked what love was for...
A mere rehearsal, just for now, as if to pass the time?
Or just to lead you on somehow, temptation, sweet, sublime?
If so, I vowed no more, goodbye, good riddance to it all
And no more reason left to sigh, if I ignore love's call...
But love came calling just the same, no mercy could I find,
Each year new beauties to enflame, each decade left behind...
The loneliness still comes and goes, just like a Christmas cold,
Despite the fact, I'm sure God knows, I've got a heart of gold...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
5,4,3,2,1? We'Ve Got Your Number!
Pick up the phone, then dial your call...
They'll answer, yes, but then they'll stall!
Press 1 or 2 or 3 or 4,
Or 5 or 6 or even more...
Oh, lucky you, the music plays,
Yet seldom can it soothe delays!
'Our staff are busy! ' So are YOU!
For now, nobody's got a clue!
Ho, hum... Ho, hum... Ho, hum... Ho, hum...
So far, their 'service' sure seems dumb!
Ten minutes drag when you're enraged!
Alas, my friends, they've got you caged!
They've got you dangling on the line!
Success or failure? Still no sign!
This sort of thing is getting worse This can't be progress, it's a curse!
Timewasters, truly, that's a fact!
The worms have turned! It's time to ACT!
Complain! Complain! Again! Again!
Let's make THEM feel 'HOUR' sense of pain!
Don't let them 'off the hook', my friends Until, at last, this folly ends!
Let's make them 'pull the plug' and soon!
Let's make them lose each loony tune!
Forget the music, it's absurd!
Forget it's US who pay the cost
And all goodwill from US is lost!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
It came to pass one deadly day the Antichrist was born,
Despite the fact that Christians pray and seek this world to warn...
For destiny must play its part, fulfilling prophecies,
Regardless of Christ's painful heart concerning tragedies...
The child came to this world alone, no twin to hold his hand,
No partner who might yet condone the evils yet unplanned...
The witches and the warlocks knew, alerted to his birth
And so companions grew and grew to celebrate his worth...
And so from childhood worship rose, bestowing hopes and dreams,
So he might overcome his foes, sometimes through dark extremes...
Thus childhood blighted he became, the dark arts' lord of death,
Condemned to Hell, yet without shame, defiant breath by breath...
God held no great esteem to him, God couldn't change his mind,
For evil filled him to the brim, that's why he loathed Mankind...
So wars meant nothing to this man, they merely paved the way,
For domination was his plan, despite God's Judgment Day...
So millions suffered here and there, the toll was great indeed,
He conquered hearts instilling fear so that he might succeed...
Success is such a fickle thing, how short though it tastes sweet,
Ask any man who's been a king, how soon he tastes defeat...
And so the great day of the Lord was prayed for by the wise,
For prophecies can't be ignored when signs shine in the skies...
So be it sun or moon or stars, each heralds what must be,
Declaring what must come to pass, proclaiming certainty...
At Armageddon, fools still mocked, the Saviour they despised,
Yet even Satan can be blocked through God's Son, Jesus Christ...
The Lord appeared, His glory shone, far greater than the sun,
To Hell, the Man of Sin had gone, the day Lord Jesus won...
Denis Martindale, copyright August 2015. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Brush With Genius
Before the brush was in his hand,
The artist said a prayer!
For all his friends across the land
With whom he planned to share...
Lions, tigers and bears, oh, my!
The artist sketched them all,
So expertly, for by and by,
Each one would grace his wall...
Each canvas like a photograph,
A treasure to behold,
As if that wasn't quite enough,
Each one was framed in gold...
Each masterpiece was well received
And prints were sold worldwide,
As tributes to what he'd achieved,
Of which he should take pride...
And yet here was a humble man,
Self-taught and yet what skill,
Yet when we do the best we can,
There's bound to be a thrill...
Release your hidden genius
And God will bless you, too!
Like Stephen Gayford can bless us
With paintings old and new...
Denis Martindale, copyright, December 2011.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Christian Poetess
Behold, a Christian poetess,
Seeking the ultimate good,
Not just the feel-good, right now.
One who cares, dares, shares
And says her prayers,
Acknowledging the purposes
Patience keeps secret for a season,
Its legacy to unfold later,
To be revealed in the fullness of time...
For her, love isn't a sport or game,
Played upon the heartstrings,
Meant for subtleties and follies.
She is so much more than today's woman,
For she thinks with an eternal mind,
Borne of passion, poetry and inspiration
And words of comfort nestle in her heart,
Fastened there, to abide forever.
To her, Christ is the King of Love
And she is but the handmaiden,
Chosen by grace, indwelt by love.
May she hold on to her heart
And treat it with tenderness,
For the blood that flows there
Brings remembrance of the divine
And the wisdom enriching her mind
Is like that of refined gold...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Cool Place
The tiger's paws were very hot
As he stepped on the ground,
Yet he recalled a shady spot
Was nearby to be found...
So off he went in search of peace,
Just one step at a time...
Content that there he'd find release,
A cool place, so sublime...
At last, he reached his gentle rest,
Away from all that glare...
And all at once, he felt quite blessed,
As if without a care...
His tender tootsies throbbed no more,
He splashed his paws about,
The ripples went from shore-to-shore...
A cool place, without doubt...
Then suddenly his body stopped,
Submerged up to his chin,
His tensed-up muscles simply flopped,
To utter joy gave in...
The tiger smiled a winsome smile,
A sigh of sweet relief
And there he rested for a while,
Now cool beyond belief...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'A Cool Place'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Different Perspective
The artist bought his canvas frame,
So brilliant, pristine, white,
Another chance to increase fame,
To share some new insight...
Another reason to improve,
Exploring pastures new,
Perhaps a landscape meant to soothe
Or abstract point of view...
The artist stared at what he'd bought,
Placed on his easel there,
He studied it while deep in thought
And even said a prayer...
Yet brushes stayed unused that day,
The paints not mixed or stirred,
He merely stared for some delay
Brought silence, not a word...
No inspiration, there and then,
No image in his mind,
No revelation once again,
No painting meant to find...
Until some lucid thought arrived,
Formed deep within his heart
And so the untouched frame survived,
Because he made no start...
To him, the brightest white he saw,
Was perfect as it was,
A precious work of art, yet more,
Untainted there because
He saw its inborn decency,
Its truth made manifest,
So why disturb its dignity,
The holiness expressed?
He took it to his living room
To hang it on the wall,
Somehow it made the decor bloom, - The World's Poetry Archive
From there down to the hall...
Reflecting light to symbolise,
God's presence there to stay,
A sweet reminder to his eyes,
Perspective, so he'd pray...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Glimpse Of Eternity
As I began to say a prayer, I saw God's curtains part,
Then came the vision, oh, so rare, at first it broke my heart...
I saw two angels fly above, one holy, peaceful, glad,
The other wicked, hateful, rough, tormentor of the sad...
One sang a hymn of righteousness, a tribute to the Lord,
The other silent, would not bless, determined to stay flawed...
Each then approached, my soul to take, they fought like cat and dog.
That day I prayed for mercy's sake surrounded by a fog...
My soul grew weary, darkness fell, the angels battled on...
Then suddenly, I was in Hell, all life on Earth was gone...
The Devil laughed to see me there, where darkness claimed each fool,
Instead of Heaven's light to share, where righteousness had rule...
But in the miry clay beyond this world and all there is,
Christ's grace released me from each bond and made the demons hiss.
They could not keep me chained, enslaved, in their foul Purgatory...
By faith, my wretched soul was saved, blood-cleansed by Calvary...
Thus I ascended from Hell's stench, born free, yes, born again,
As if all sins from me to wrench, now not like other men...
God's fire filled by veins anew, rekindling precious praise,
With tongues of angels shining through the dazzling rainbow haze...
I walked towards a palace now, adorned in precious gems,
And saw God's angels humbly bow, all crowned with diadems...
They welcomed me with open arms, as if with hearts of gold
And as Christ walked, they laid their palms, as in the days of old...
Christ stopped as He observed my face, He called me to His side,
I suddenly felt love's embrace and, oh, the tears I cried...
And as I wept, He wiped them all, this man who died for me...
Like Brother Peter, Brother Paul, I glimpsed eternity...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2011.
Based on the website: aglimpseofeternity-dot-org
Testimony Time on Revelation TV
also has some insight into such
heavenly experiences. We view the
channel on UK Sky Digital or on
Revelation TV's WATCH NOW: - The World's Poetry Archive
Website: revelationtv-dot-com
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A God-Man!
With Pentecost, God's Spirit came,
His ministries to start,
With those who called upon Christ's Name,
To dwell within each heart...
A God-Man here, a God-Man there,
Redeemed, bought with a price,
For God has love beyond compare,
Through His Son's sacrifice...
So centuries have spread the Word,
God's message to the lost,
To let them know what once occurred
When Jesus paid the cost...
A God-Man here, a God-Man there,
Reflecting night and day,
Then praising God, then drawn to prayer,
For Jesus is the Way...
And now we live close to that time
Lord Jesus must return,
That's so exciting, so sublime
As prophecies we learn...
A God-Man here, a God-Man there,
Revealing truths untold,
With dreams and visions everywhere,
God-blessed and good as gold...
That's why the battle's to and fro,
Some stand while others fall,
Yet there's a hope that helps us grow,
A hope that's meant for all...
A God-Man here, a God-Man there,
Releasing those enslaved,
God's Royal Pardon should they care,
If trusting to be saved...
The harvest grows each day, each week,
Each fortnight, month and year,
Because the Saviour's quite unique, - The World's Poetry Archive
Emmanuel... He's here!
A God-Man here, a God-Man there,
Behold Christ's legacy,
Evangelists who dare to share
God's gift: ETERNITY!
Denis Martindale, copyright November 2015.
Find out more by watching Revelation TV,
the Christian channel on Sky TV that is
part of the Church without walls...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Knight Of The Realm
When he was young, he learnt to fight, yet not to prove his power.
He was a hero not through might, but that he would not cower.
He chose his battles not for fame, but for good reasons why,
For what good was a foolish aim if he should lose and die?
When he was young, he learnt to pray for courage and resolve.
He studied Scripture every day in order to evolve.
A man is more than flesh and bones and more than muscles, too.
More known for what his heart condones and if his word is true.
When he was young, his parents taught respect and courtesy,
So that temptations never caught the man he chose to be...
Thus years passed by and wisdom smiled and gave his spirit peace.
By faith he served, as if God's child, his good works to increase.
When he was young, Christ used him most, a champion of the Lord.
And while he travelled coast-to-coast, his fame was not ignored.
He counselled lost souls to repent, he shared God's gentle grace,
Because Christ was his one true friend, the Judge that all must face.
When he was young, he had no wife, no heirs to call his own,
Instead, he offered Christ his life, as knights serve kings alone...
The Holy Grail was like his muse, yet faith more wisdom brings...
No better king should a knight choose than Christ the King of Kings!
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2011.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Moral Compass
Those without a moral compass
Have lived to know the shame.
Those without the Saviour Jesus
Treat life as if a game...
Lord Jesus taught us how to pray,
Abiding by God's rules
And yet what's going on today
In Colleges and Schools?
A moral compass, day or night,
Obeys God's laws each time...
It serves as both God's salt and light,
Upholds the law not crime.
Society is orderly
Or else it's bound for Hell.
God won't be mocked, as history
Is oh so quick to tell...
A moral compass guides each soul,
If each soul makes that choice,
Yet parents must maintain control,
Protecting girls and boys...
If God our Father wants us blessed,
Then we must do our part.
It's up to us to do our best,
In spirit, mind and heart...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2011.
If we don't all pray for Britain,
the Devil will prey on Britain!
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital and
via the Watch Now webpage on the
Revelation TV website: - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Mother's Protection
The zebra foal's Mother was wise,
She kept the foal at bay,
So that no other zebra tries
To coax her foal away...
And so they bond the first few days,
Beneath the searing sun
And thus the foal with Mother stays...
Its life has just begun.
Together now and side-by-side,
The two unite with love,
A sight that fills the Lord with pride
As He looks from above...
For love is all that has true worth,
To stand the test of time...
Ask anyone upon this Earth,
They'll tell you it's sublime...
The foal is destined to survive,
If given proper care
And left to live will surely thrive
With Mother standing there...
As decades come, as decades go,
Each zebra roams the land,
Content to see the whole herd grow
The way that God has planned...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'A Mother's Protection'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Myriad Of Dreams
To dream of those who passed away
Is sometimes hard to bear,
But when we dream another day,
We praise God for His care...
To think, that we can dream at all,
Is wondrous and benign...
Each time a loved one comes to call,
We lose the need to pine...
It helps when movie stars are seen,
Celebrities and such,
With some dynamic, some serene
And those we love so much...
Perhaps romance reminds us, too,
Of what love still exists,
With ever-changing points of view
So that our faith persists...
Consider visions, prophecies,
Or warnings now and then...
Who knows what Jesus thinks of these?
They prove beyond our ken...
But mostly dreams just come and go,
Some random, hit-and-miss,
Yet when I dream of you, I know
A sense of perfect bliss...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A New Dawn
This is a tribute poem, an alternative version
of 'A New Dawn' by poet Matthew De Gasperi.
It is shared here by his kind permission...
Imagine Jesus speaking to the multitudes.
I believe that this version is the sort of thing
that He would share with them, along the lines
of the Sermon On The Mount... Even so, it is
the rising of the Son at Easter that is the
most important New Dawn for Mankind.
A New Dawn
As the changing of the seasons gives rise to new life,
So the rising of the sun gives birth to a new day.
Free from the worries of yesterday,
A breath of fresh air blows across your face
And all things become new...
No regrets, only mistakes...
So forgive and forget.
Those haunting memories creep in at random,
Disturbing the moment,
Distracting, destroying what they may,
Yet in quiet reflection, be still...
For it’s only in the mind...
Learn to feel, not to react.
Patience... Time... Peace... Tranquillity...
Pain will diffuse, anger will dissipate,
Fear will disappear... and sadness will turn to joy...
So have faith,
For the things that are, will not always be...
They are temporary.
It’s simply said... but difficult to do...
It takes time... and patience... - The World's Poetry Archive
Do not fear, for you, too,
Can experience inner peace.
Let the healing rain wash you clean...
Let the sun's rays illuminate your face
And feel the cool, cool breeze...
Watch the trees blow in the wind,
Feel the moist earth,
Look at the clouds passing by...
The song of the heart is full of overflowing emotions...
Sometimes lacking, yet still at peace...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Poem For Denis
Last night, I dreamt and what a dream, in Heaven, there I stood
And walked beside a silver stream that blessed the neighbourhood.
Ten angels flew above my head and pointed where to go.
I changed direction there instead, towards the holy glow.
Lord Jesus welcomed me within and then gave me a crown.
To Him, I was both kith and kin, as He bid me sit down.
A scroll appeared to float mid air and Jesus read it out.
He said to listen close then share with those still prone to doubt.
The poem spoke of many things and prophecies as well
And warned that even mighty kings might even go to Hell.
I trembled as the Lord relayed the future fearful years,
Declaring even those that prayed would bear their share of tears...
The noble soul would cling to Christ by faith and faith alone,
Recalling what He sacrificed in order to atone...
Yet scoffers had no hope at all, for nothing could be done
For those who wouldn't heed God's call and trust His only Son.
That's why the judgments must be sent, each sinner to be judged,
Such times come not by accident, else innocence is touched.
So mark it well and watch the stars, as secrets are revealed
Beyond the realm of calendars, come stars as yet concealed.
The sun and moon must spin in space as God commands them to,
Till Christians meet Christ face-to-face and bid this world, 'Adieu! '
The poem ended suddenly and I woke up dismayed
And as such times seemed close to me, I prayed and prayed and prayed.
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website... - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Poem Is...
A poem is a set of thoughts some writer may express,
Such that with these as his cohorts, who knows if he will bless?
Yet if he does, then shake his hand and pat him on the back!
If not, then banish from this land, or else give him the sack!
A poem is a set insight some writer may relay,
That helps to pass some stormy night or some cold rainy day...
If not, a night without a storm, a day with sunshine filled,
It matters not if hot, cold, warm, as long as we are thrilled...
A poem is a set of themes some writer thinks as wise,
Enough to share with us his dreams with reams before our eyes...
As if to serve some higher will, or merely help his tribe,
Ten years may pass, yet he writes still, as if some royal scribe...
A poem is a precious gift, some writer's masterpiece,
Through which the reader has to sift, its nuggets to release...
Or else it's just some words that rhyme, or unrhymed phrases penned,
In either case, was it sublime, as if a brand new friend?
A poem is a talent shared, fresh-written or in books
And thus with others is compared as each new reader looks...
Anthologies are all the rage! That's where my poems are!
You see, in time, I reached the stage when I became a star!
So read my poems here and there! Reflect on old and new,
If you like them, then say a prayer, because I've prayed for you...
That you may find my treasure trove, my love-filled legacy,
My talent meant to bless us both... for all eternity...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2012.
The poem was written in regard to a TV series
on Sky Digital's Disney Junior and Disney Junior+
entitled A Poem Is... It was described in this way:
A series of classic poetry shorts read by iconic
British celebrities combined with powerful - The World's Poetry Archive
animation moments from Disney's magical legacy...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Poet's Guide To Britain
A legacy of untold wealth
Adorns the British Isles,
As if a tonic to one's health,
Beyond a million smiles...
From far and wide, the tourists fly
To roam Earth's tapestry
And yet no man need ask them why,
The truth is here to see...
Behold the cameras clicking still,
Landscapes, seascapes and more,
While love exists, they always will,
From shore-to-shore-to-shore...
Each capital attracts the crowds,
Each airport bids them near,
For cameras act as talent scouts,
As wondrous sights appear...
How many poets daily write
Of precious places seen?
God's handiwork creates delight
That keeps the tourists keen...
Thus England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales
Are loved with thankful hearts,
With loyalty that never fails,
As praise to God departs...
Each English rose that grows transforms,
Like perfumes young and old,
Our weather either chills or warms,
Depending what takes hold...
Yet through it all, what scenery!
What treasures will each find?
Yet best of all, for you and me,
Our memories that remind...
Take stock of all the journeys made
By bus, car, coach or train,
Those joyful times must never fade, - The World's Poetry Archive
They'll never come again...
They'll be replaced by journeys new,
North, south, east, west to roam...
Each poet with a point of view,
Reflected in a poem...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Positive Life
First, save up all the cash you can,
Then send the rest to me...
And always have a backup plan
Or maybe two or three...
Don't trust the Government at all,
The leaders just don't care,
They'll simply drive you up the wall,
Despite your every prayer!
Don't put your trust in bonds and such
And stocks and shares avoid,
They've helped a few, the rest not much,
No wonder I'm annoyed!
Don't bet on horses, no, no, no,
Ignore the greyhounds, too,
'Cos some of these are way too slow,
That's why I'm warning YOU!
My Pension Plan is my concern,
No bedroom tax for me!
If there's one thing in life to learn,
It's own your house rent-free!
With loft conversion, extra room,
Sort stuff and store upstairs,
Less clutter seen, one would presume,
To simplify affairs...
And as for paintings, stamps and jewels,
It's pot luck what occurs,
With many wise men proved as fools,
For pure greed often blurs...
Can you afford that holiday
In New York, Paris, Rome?
You'll never see me fly away,
I'd save cash staying home!
And don't forget to haggle, friends!
Don't be ashamed to beg!
For on this truth, your life depends, - The World's Poetry Archive
If you, expenses peg...
Folks rip you off from left to right,
Compare the shops and see...
If you save cash, you'll sleep at night
And thank God, just like ME!
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Real Gem
A classic beauty met my eyes
As if from Roman years
And there she was, so worldly wise,
Adorned with pearls like tears.
With jet black hair to match her dress,
She smiled on my TV,
Exuding humble happiness
For all the world to see.
I watched enthralled yet not at gold
For necklaces and rings,
For she was winsome to behold,
Outshining all these things.
God bless her gently day-by-day,
This girl with twinkling eyes.
I hope God hears these words I pray
Because she's really NICE...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Regal Pose
One lioness stood out a mile
And thus in stature grows,
As though she had a sense of style,
Possessed a regal pose...
Had she observed some ancient rules
To win such fervent stares?
Did she have eyes like limpid pools
To catch some in her snares?
One lioness transcended all
And others knew their place,
She held the lions in her thrall
Through dignity and grace...
Her hunting skills unbeaten here,
She shifted moods to suit
And chief of all, she knew no fear,
Not foolish, just astute...
One lioness still in her prime,
A prize if courted well,
A noble queen, if given time,
Yet who there could foretell?
A regal pose if seen by Man
Could target her one day,
To steal from her that noble plan
To live her life her way...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'A Regal Pose'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Story For Everyone!
The Bible pages tell us truths,
Some truths God only knows!
Of wayward kings and wayward youths,
Of faithful friends and foes!
With love the wondrous central theme
Across the centuries,
As God works out His perfect dream,
His Kingdom borne of peace...
God talks to each heart on this Earth,
Through stars that shine above
And blessings that we don't deserve,
Except that God is love...
That's why the sun and rain exist,
That's why each rose can bloom,
That's why we smile when we've been kissed
And then hope to resume...
The flowers reach up to the sky
From where all blessings fall,
While Man looks up and questions, Why?
Until he hears God's call...
And only then can Man find hope,
Enough to read God's Word,
Such that he finds the faith to cope,
When strength alone's absurd...
For what can strength do when death nears?
Delay a little while?
But after that, Man fights his fears,
Not always with a smile...
No wonder, then, that Christ was sad
The day He faced His death
And yet He gave God all He had,
Until His final breath...
The Bible tells us what it cost
To spare us all from Hell,
God's Son once died to save the lost, - The World's Poetry Archive
With love that's hard to tell...
Some weep when they explain such things!
Some tremble mightily!
How come God let the King of Kings
Die there... on Calvary?
To suffer so, to bleed and bleed,
As if His life in vain...
How then could Jesus Christ succeed
To rise from death again?
Yet God had promised Jesus so,
That's why Lord Jesus died,
Despite the fact that He must go
And there be crucified...
Of all the stories to unfold,
The Bible grants us faith,
The greatest story ever told
God shares, our souls to save!
If we've believed and were baptised!
If we've been born again!
Then we join hands with Jesus Christ
And likewise preach to men...
We tell the stories to ourselves
And to our children read,
By taking Bibles from our shelves,
Our hearts and minds to feed...
And maybe one day we'll support
God's Christian Ministry
And spare some money and some thought
For the Bible Society!
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2014.
The Bible Society details can be found
from the Google search engine results...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Time To Worship
Once in the presence of the Lord,
We praise Him as our God!
By faith, we stand in Christ assured,
Saved by His holy blood.
Our minds recall His benefits,
His courage when He died,
Yet now upon His Throne Christ sits,
Triumphant, glorified!
No more a mortal man on Earth,
He shares Eternity.
And God, His Father, knows His worth
And grants us clemency.
A royal pardon is decreed
To all who love His Name,
Because from sin each soul was freed
When Jesus bore our shame.
Around the Throne of Mercy stand,
With angels gathered near,
Who seek to learn what God has planned
For every coming year.
Let worship flow like waterfalls
And rest like morning dew.
As every precious saint recalls
When Christ said, ' I LOVE YOU '
The King of Love commands respect,
By Him all things were made.
His parables make us reflect
How far each soul has strayed.
Yet trust in God, for He's the best!
Salvation makes us friends.
In Christ, we rest, forever blessed,
Where worship never ends!
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2011. - The World's Poetry Archive
A Time To Worship can be seen on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital and
via the Watch Now webpage on the
Revelation TV website:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Tribute To Blake
When I behold the works of Blake, his visions to unfold,
I see the journey I must take to sift out all that gold.
I see the sun, the moon and stars, the tiger and the lamb,
I see Man's sin that often bars from God, the great I AM.
I look at Adam and at Eve, once holy in God's sight,
Until the day they had to leave God's Garden of Delight.
When Satan's subtle serpent's hiss shared whispers soft and low.
Such that nigh Eve, truths went amiss and sins they, too, would know.
When Adam found poor Abel dead, what thoughts ran through his mind?
For Cain, his angry thoughts had fed and rocks weren't hard to find.
And while times past, not even kings were free from sin's embrace,
And were not slaves their underlings, to favour or erase?
To think, that Blake could weave his spell, depict the good and bad
And with his visions, tales to tell, the wondrous and the sad.
And even now, his art survives the centuries untamed,
With verses scrawled, till truth arrives, anointed and enflamed!
What righteous thoughts the prophet shared, recalling Bethlehem,
A thousand angels Heaven spared near to Jerusalem.
The poet knows their harmonies, the artist knows their joys,
No wonder, then, Blake pictured peace with Scriptures as his choice.
Such precious prose writ for that time, produced a millionfold,
Such that his legacy's sublime, distinctive, faithful, bold.
Could you devote your life to art? Could you excel like Blake?
If so, God bless your noble heart, as you, your journey take!
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Trifle Disappointed!
The week's shopping was delivered at last
and I had to help get that lot into the house,
to the kitchen worktops, floor and the fridge...
So in went a few trifles, the milk and the eggs,
some to the top fridge section, some to the base.
The top section trifle devoured within the hour,
the others left for later, or so I thought...
At 10pm, the next day, all was not well...
The trifle I took out the base section was, erm,
frozen solid, not a sign of a trifle treat in sight.
So I left it in the kitchen to defrost, as yer do...
At midnight, I thought I'd check it again...
The spoon couldn't sink into that trifle at all, at all,
so I tried again a few hours later, as yer do...
At 3am, the spoon squished its way into that trifle,
over here, over there, a trifle to the left and to the right,
so I tested a squidgy spoonful and decided it was OK,
then another spoonful, then another, then another...
Pretty soon, I'd devoured three quarters of it down,
but that last quarter wasn't looking at its best...
sort of iffy rather than lovely, so I admitted defeat...
Decided not to finish off whatever it was that was left...
I hate wasting food with so much food waste nowadays...
Not too impressed with meself at the moment...
In fact, I'm a trifle disappointed, to say the least...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Walk In The Sun
The penguins waddled gamely on,
Not one said, 'Boy, we're lost! '
They had the sun to hope upon
And so the ice they crossed!
They first went left a mile or two...
Then waddled to the right...
No fish in sight! What should they do?
They could go on all night!
They turned around, then waddled back,
To where they started from!
The ice was white, but things looked black!
Yet they kept their aplomb...
They huddled close some warmth to keep,
A gentle breeze blew by...
They found some water, oh, so deep!
They heaved a long, long sigh...
They all went crazy running fast!
One mad dash for some fish!
And after dinner, peace at last!
That was their fervent wish!
They all laid down upon the ice,
Their tummies resting there...
To them, this place was Paradise,
While they've got fish to spare...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'A Walk In The Sun'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Water Melon's Truth 2
Roving back through the wild centuries,
At both rust and ripeness time,
To land blood-wet, with martyrs fed,
A water melon still conceives
What alone bears peace - a sweetheart,
Storing Summer's blood, with its timber-scent...
Each slice is meant for your lifetime sweet,
Munch as you would grapes or savouring kisses.
Her only hope: wish for nothing on earth,
Save eternal be her internal love's season,
So that every man wishes
He were in her place.
This is a variation on the poetry
by Yoonoos Peerbocus on poemhunter-dot-com
'A Water Melon's Truth', copyright 2009.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A Year Full Of Memories
Man begins the year after a cold Winter
And in need of hope and revival...
He welcomes the early splendour of new buds
For they serve as the heralds of new life...
Daffodils brighten up a faded garden
And therefore bless us in a spiritual way,
Just as the sight of the first butterfly...
A flitting red admiral can make us smile,
Thrill us and fill our hearts with wonder.
Summer holidays are known for children at play.
The 'orrible 'omework is finished for a while!
Outside the house is a brave new world!
The glorious garden is now a place to party!
The sunshine treasure trove starts early
And though it fades late in the evening
It still retains its welcomed warmth...
Autumn has its own treasure trove, the harvest,
Gleaned from a generous Mother Earth.
Once upon a time this was a special event,
It galvanised a community into action As the harvest was safely gathered in...
Beyond the open scenario of the stripped fields,
The trees are conserving their strength.
They are retreating their life's blood...
Spindly branches clawing it back into themselves,
As protection against the fierce force of the winds
And the harshness of the coldness to come...
Man retreats to the warmth of his homefire
And makes himself as cosy as he can, still in prayer,
Facing the future in the bosom of his family...
October fades and November is born, only to pass us by,
And Christmas begins to nestle its way into our hearts.
To those that believe, this is the time of good cheer,
Giving and seeing a child's eyes sparkle with joy...
Therefore thanksgiving is in the air
And the Lord is on our minds and in our hearts - The World's Poetry Archive
Bestowing upon us the memories of the year...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
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Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Across The Falls
While Mother Earth adorns herself
With splendid scenery,
It's God Himself who shares His wealth
Throughout eternity...
And so Man looks at all there is,
At mountains, rivers, lakes
And waterfalls bring instant bliss
And soothe our sad heartaches...
The wolf across the falls would go,
Observe his silvered fur,
Just like the water, all aglow,
Transparent, just a blur...
Mid-step, he hears a sudden sound,
Looks back, in case of harm,
Then glad there was no danger found,
With no cause for alarm...
Thus, on his journey, gingerly,
Across the falls once more,
With footsteps borne of certainty,
His balance ever sure...
Once safe, he'll take the time to stare
At God's great cavalcade,
Yet only Man gives thanks in prayer
For all the Lord has made...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Acts 29
The Holy Bible shares the truth
No matter who you are,
You may still be as but a youth,
Or famous movie star...
Yet God still preaches to this day
Beyond Acts 28,
To tell us Jesus is the Way,
The One to celebrate...
Disciples went from place to place,
The Gospel to impart,
Good News each sinner could embrace
And welcome in each heart...
With many healings as they went,
By faith and Spirit-led,
For they knew they were Heaven-sent
And knew why Jesus bled...
The Church began as Christians met,
Discussing Christ, God's Son,
To think He paid for each sin's debt
To pardon everyone...
But who would choose to serve the Lord
And who would walk away
And who would merely seek reward
Avoiding Judgment Day?
God sought the love of mortal man,
Eternal Life to give,
Not just to do the things he can,
But truly, truly live...
For what is life without God's love,
What purpose could it serve?
That's why Christ left His Throne above
And died for us on Earth...
No wonder even now we strive
To know the Father's will,
So that ambitions don't deprive - The World's Poetry Archive
What He wants for us still...
It's why evangelists must preach
And why they count the count,
You see, God calls each one to teach
In hopes to save the lost...
While fellowship can be so sweet
With praises that ascend,
It's Jesus who makes us complete,
For He's the Sinner's Friend...
He changes hearts and minds, of course,
He shares His future plans,
Our partnership to reinforce,
So that each understands...
For what can we do without Him,
His Holy Spirit knows,
That's why He fills us to the brim
So that love overflows...
Acts 29 is here today,
It's Good News here and now,
That's why the Church should kneel and pray,
Before the Lord to bow...
With signs and wonders Christians learn
The power of the Lord,
But greater still if they discern
God's grace that's shared abroad...
A billion souls could yet be saved,
But only if we try,
How else will sinners' sins be waived,
Before the end is nigh?
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Adam And Eve And Jesus
I wonder how beautiful Eve was. Was she so beautiful
That Adam was swayed by her beauty?
Or was it like an echo of doubt within his own heart?
Or did he believe that Eve was sent by God
As if to say, 'Don't worry about what I said before...
It's OK, go ahead, eat the fruit. It's just fruit.
It can make you wise, but don't worry...
You won't really die...'
Was Eve already pregnant before she ate the fruit?
Was this fruit like a pregnant woman's craving
For something illogical?
Or was it that she was jealous of Adam
Naming the animals and even her as well?
For whatever reason she ate the fruit,
Remember, she was still alive. She didn't fall down dead.
She was still within that same day.
So Adam should have had a brain in his head that said,
'I'll wait till tomorrow! If she's still alive then,
I can consider God as telling us a lie...'
In that same day,
Sin in its wretched contamination perverted Mankind.
Here, in Genesis,
We learn that God would send a Saviour.
Throughout the Old Testament,
We learnt more and more of God's plan.
The passion of the Christ shows us
The courage it takes to be a Saviour.
But how many would pray
And intercede for torturers and sadists?
Throughout the centuries since, we have a Saviour.
He is the King of Love and the Prince of Peace,
The Good Shepherd and the Lamb of God,
The Friend of Sinners yet the Justified Judge. - The World's Poetry Archive
His name is Jesus and He is truly unique, special, holy.
No wonder billions honour Him every day,
For they, too, have known of Genesis
And seen the revelation...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Adopt A Dolphin!
In this most precious world we live
Are creatures wild and free
And while most take, we know some give
To share nobility
That's why we smile like dolphins do
When good deeds can be done
Perhaps just by a chosen few
Who see good works as fun!
We learn that dolphins send out waves
And also hear these sounds
We likewise learn how each behaves
Beyond their leaps and bounds!
We know that dolphins leap for joy
And Flipper proved that well!
As if the air was just a toy
Where they could fly a spell
Each dolphin's like a good luck charm
Deserving of respect
So let's defend them from all harm
In ways we can protect
It's great to be a dolphin fan
You'll find it so worthwhile
Adopt a dolphin, if you can!
You'll make a dolphin smile!
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2011.
Website info: www-dot-adoptadolphin-dot-tv
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Adopt A Whale
As wondrous as the stars at night,
That shine so bright and strong,
The precious joy that brings delight
Is that the whale has song.
The siren of the sapphire seas,
With tunes so lyrical...
To me, these are the things that please,
With each a miracle...
Perhaps it tames the savage beast,
As one of God's celebs
That glides below from west to east
Mid music of the depths...
Perhaps not with another whale,
But there and all alone,
With love his only Holy Grail...
Or Philosopher's Stone...
Like happy humans humming tunes,
Like hummingbirds and such,
The lonesome whale's seen many moons
And dreams of love so much...
When whalesong's played, we listen close,
To each new siren call...
There's only one thing each whale knows,
In life, true love is all...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2011.
Web site: wwf-dot-org-dot-uk/Adopt_A_Whale
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The white tiger cub had blue eyes!
He looked adorable!
The sight of him was some surprise,
The day he came to call...
He had a swagger in his stride,
A special confidence!
Just like a lion full of pride,
This tiger had few friends!
The other tigers envied him!
You see, he looked too cute!
Filled up with beauty to the brim
And his horn first to toot!
'Hey, look at me! ' He seemed to say!
'Admit it, I look cool! '
That made the tigers walk away...
And he felt such a fool!
When wisdom slowly filtered through,
He quickly changed his style.
And stopped the things he used to do...
He didn't even smile...
Now humbled, he walked all alone...
Unloved, unliked, unsure...
Nobody even shared a bone...
It shook him to the core!
One tiger showed him pity, then...
His loneliness to end...
Humility's the moment when
You're thankful for a friend...
copyright, Denis Martindale.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Adorable'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Adorable Ii
The cheetah cub was spotted there,
For all the world to see,
Yet didn't seem to have a care
Or brag, 'Just look at me! '
Content beneath the golden sky,
While in the prime of health,
It humbly watched the day go by,
No pride within itself...
If only we were just like that,
No ego and no wiles.
Just peaceful like that purrfect cat,
Content with just our smiles...
Laid back, no worldly woes at all,
Just basking in the sun...
Adorable and wonderful
And problems, no, not one...
But truth be told, such times take hold
Then quickly melt away...
That's why we treasure them like gold
And plead with them to stay...
Yet they must visit others, too,
To share dreams beautiful...
For other folks... like me... like you...
Like things adorable...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Adorable II'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
When two white tigers felt such peace
In their own company,
Tranquillity had brought them ease,
So pleasing now to see...
No fighting here, no growls, no scowls,
No sneers that chill the heart,
No argument that quickly fouls,
No hate to keep apart...
For now, as true friends, side-by-side,
There's harmony and more,
Serenity and smiles so wide
That each one knows the score...
A gentleness has come to stay,
Refreshing and sublime,
They seem almost to be at play,
Like children lost in time...
When humans learn to live as one,
Their hearts entwined with love,
What wondrous things will then be done,
As God's grace proves enough...
If two white tigers can enlist
True love beyond compare,
Such adoration must exist
For folks like us to share...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Adoration II'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Advice In The Wilderness
I dreamt I saw Christ walking
Within the wilderness...
And with Him, Satan talking,
To curse and not to bless...
I watched the Devil laughing
At Jesus all alone,
And as the Lord was starving,
Advised, 'Make bread from stone...'
Lord Jesus quoted what He'd learnt,
That Man needs more than bread,
That comes to us from ovens burnt,
So that each one is fed...
Each word of God can feed the soul,
As if a child within,
So that it gains some self-control
And faith that won't give in...
Then Satan promised all the lands,
The kingdoms he possessed,
If Jesus merely raised His hands
In worship, He'd be blessed!
Lord Jesus knew His Father's will,
The Lamb of God was He!
The Saviour who would climb that hill
That men called Calvary!
The Devil merely cleared his throat,
As he continued on
And of the Scriptures he took note,
'One life, then it is gone...
If you fell from a mountain top,
God would protect His Son...'
But Jesus Christ refused to drop,
To test what could be done...
To Calvary, Christ went to die...
A crown of thorns to wear...
To suffer shame for you and I, - The World's Poetry Archive
Man's shameful sins to bear...
God's great advice He listened to,
By faith, He bled and bled...
You see, He knew God's Word was true...
Enough to raise the dead!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
African Beauty!
What beauty radiates from her,
That cheetah, eyes aglow,
With dainty, dappled spots on fur,
Like footprints, toe-by-toe...
Steadfast, alert, with regal stare,
Her senses all combined,
So that she's primed and so aware
And utterly refined...
And yet there's more besides than these
That set her quite apart,
Beyond the charms that quickly please
All creatures young at heart...
Consider how she twists and turns
When hunting for her prey,
Increasing skills she's learnt and learns
With every passing day...
What beauty, too, when cubs are raised,
As mother to them all,
Her gently ways so highly praised,
Her wisdom to install...
That cheetah's not just any cat,
She's debonair and sleek,
In fact, she's so much more than that,
She's truly quite unique!
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'African Beauty'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
African Cape Buffalo
When I first saw the buffalo,
Of course I was impressed,
How mighty must a creature grow
To stand out from the rest?
My camera zoomed in on his face,
His nostrils, eyes and horns,
I noticed how his every gaze
Just stares at you and warns...
To his own kind some warmth was shown,
To strangers, he just glared,
As if our presence to condone,
Despite the fact he cared...
If I approached, no welcome mat,
No hint of 'How'd you do? '
But I'd be told to promptly scat,
While his pure anger grew...
Despite the fact he looks sublime,
He sometimes turns quite mean,
So I'll stay here and bide my time,
Quite casual, serene...
No point in going in too close,
He runs too fast, you see,
Safe distance, then... Not friends, not foes...
That makes good sense to me!
Denis Martindale, copyright October 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford. Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
African Evening
'Isn't this nice? ' the lioness said,
'A summer breeze and day near dead
And crystal clear enough to search,
To hunt again, if I've the urge.
Of course, I might just have a snooze...
For now, I'm fine, nothing to lose.
No cubs to crush this quiet time...
The day's gone well, in fact, sublime.
So belly down and front paws stretched,
To watch the sky this day has sketched...
To gaze serenely without cares
And look at clouds pass by in pairs.
Life's not so bad, still lots to learn.
I'll find a mate, when it's my turn.
There's no rush yet - this year, next year.
I'm quite content just lying here...
I've got no stomach pains today No cause to kill or hunt new prey.
No need to see death haunt the eyes
As suddenly my next meal dies...
For now, it's peaceful as can be There's no sign here of misery...
There's just the sun... and clouds above...
And, somehow, these things seem enough.
No thirst have I, as evening calls,
No lions here, no evening brawls,
No lions roaring back and forth,
Just nothing south, east, west and north.
This land is mine and mine alone A greater peace I've never known.
I'm getting sleepy in this sun,
Yet glad to know my work is done.
So sleep it is... just lying down...
To rest again, take off the crown,
To put aside one's majesty...
To savour life, as one born free...'
copyright, Denis Martindale. - The World's Poetry Archive
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'African Evening'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
African Giant
Across the plains of Africa,
Elephants come and go,
There lives this mighty superstar,
That most have come to know.
This is no small thing that you can pet
Or treat as if a child...
For he's as tall as you can get
And sometimes he gets wild!
If he runs at you all at once,
Don't stand there, waiting, friend!
Don't wave to him and act the dunce,
For soon, your life will end!
This creature's one you won't forget!
He'll dance upon your grave!
To run away, that's your best bet,
If you your life would save!
African giant, please stay there!
Let's keep things peaceful now.
You're big enough to show some care,
To let me live somehow...
I won't approach your giant frame
Or challenge you to fight...
Let common wisdom be our aim
And please, let's stay polite!
The plains are big enough for us...
The sun is way too hot...
And running's such an awful fuss
Aand in the end, for what?
You'd be upset! I'd be upset!
And each would look the fool...
No need for us to build a sweat...
Let's choose to play it cool.
Relax! Calm down! OK, alright!
Breathe in and out. That's good.
You're doing great! It's out of sight. - The World's Poetry Archive
You see, I knew you could!
I'm not the kind to hurt a fly...
Let's settle down, OK?
Let's watch each moment pass us by...
Let's both enjoy the day...
copyright, Denis Martindale.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'African Giant'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
African King
It's rare to see your lion face
For most would stay away,
Yet if you don't give me the chase,
I'd see your mane like hay...
Ten thousand strands of fine-formed fur
Adorn your majesty...
Gold ribboned bands that somehow stir
My sense of chivalry.
Yes, royal blood flows through your veins,
Enough to warm my heart...
Till I recall what vicious pains
As sovereign you'll impart.
African king, yet savage beast,
You rule your world with fear.
While in your eyes I seem the least,
I'm not all I appear.
For I'm a hunter, born and bred,
A carnivore like you.
I'll throw my spears till I get fed...
Most times, my aim stays true...
I've seen your glowing eyes at night,
Your silhouette so close...
I've seen the fearful birds take flight,
As tension overflows...
As long as I respect your space
And you respect what's mine,
We'll each survive by God's good grace
And we'll both get on fine.
There's room enough and game enough
To live our whole lives through...
So if you let me do my stuff,
I'll keep away from you...
copyright, Denis Martindale.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting - The World's Poetry Archive
by Stephen Gayford called 'African King'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
African Monarch
Come, feast your eyes on royalty!
The Lion King and more!
As if God granted some decree
That all observe his law...
For who could doubt the lion lives
As sovereign lord of all?
His one loud roar as proof he gives!
Who can withstand that call?
It causes bravery to crack
And fears are swiftly stirred!
It sends a shiver down your back
The first time that it's heard!
All through his youth, he trains and trains,
Like one in search of prey...
To see him run across the plains
Would take your breath away!
I'd rather stroke a pussycat
Than cuddle close to him...
For if I got as close as that,
I'd be a dead pilgrim!
While it's true, some folks would quibble,
With one called royalty...
To keep a wide berth's sensible...
Quite logical to me...
copyright, Denis Martindale.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'African Monarch'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
African Princes
The lion king's the alpha male,
The one who rules his pride
And he's the one who mustn't fail,
The one who must preside...
The cubs are princes, still unscarred,
Untested for a while,
Not called upon to play their part,
No wonder they still smile...
But time moves on and cubs will grow,
To roar with all their might,
As if to let their parents know
In time, their future's bright...
So parents watch the young guns more,
Teach hunting skills each day,
Reducing every foolish flaw,
To help them catch their prey...
The lion king's the alpha male,
For now, but not for long,
Perhaps one prince will blaze a trail
And prove he's just as strong...
For princes wait their destiny,
The chance for everything!
Not knowing yet who's meant to be
The future rightful king!
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'African Princes'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
African Queen!
The lofty-looking lioness
Was quite a sight to see,
With feline posture and prowess
She strode with certainty...
She knew the lions looked her way,
For she was mighty fine,
In fact, she really made their day,
They thought she looked divine...
With such an audience as these,
She grinned from ear-to-ear,
You see, young males weren't hard to please,
Whenever she drew near...
A tail swish here, a tail swish there,
A kind look now and then,
So that she looked beyond compare,
That's right, ten out of ten...
She'd learnt a lot from Mum, no doubt,
That sideways glance worked well,
As did that royal walkabout,
That always cast her spell...
Decorum was of course maintained,
But subtle hints were shown,
That's why no lion's yet complained,
For she deserves her throne...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'African Queen'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
African Radiance
Behold the lion's golden mane,
His stature and his stance,
As if he stalks through golden grain,
A vision to entrance...
Such poise, such grace, such confidence,
Such priceless majesty,
Such wondrous, thunderous elegance,
Such precious sovereignty...
Behold the lion's state of mind,
Without one trace of love,
As if he'd left that far behind
When times were getting tough...
His mane was gold, his heart was black,
Just outer radiance...
The hunt was on, no turning back,
No change of sentiments...
Behold the lion's sombre stare,
Fixated on his prey...
As if no mercy left to spare,
Regardless night or day...
He looks determined, without doubt,
As if the end is nigh,
As if his prey had no way out,
No time to wonder why...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'African Radiance'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
African Sun
African sun, behold him there...
One lion, nothing more.
He's lying down without a care,
No yearning to explore...
Perhaps his paws are hot as coals
And he's plum tuckered out...
Exhausted by his long patrols,
He just can't move about...
It's all your fault! Yes, you're to blame!
You've paralysed a king!
You might have well have made him lame!
Now he can't do a thing!
No longer can he stalk or creep
To quickly catch his prey!
I bet he'll soon be fast asleep
Until the end of day!
For shame, I say! Have pity soon!
He hasn't even roared!
In minutes, it will be high noon,
Please let him be restored...
If not, I'll have to pray for rain
And then he'll get upset!
He hates damp grass across the plain,
His fur all soaking wet!
Of course, I'll leave it up to you...
God help you to decide...
Five minutes more! Then say, 'Adieu! '
Let conscience be your guide!
I bet his eyelids weigh a ton!
I bet you're proud of that!
African sun, look what you've done!
He's like a pussycat!
copyright, Denis Martindale
The poem is based on the magnificent painting - The World's Poetry Archive
by Stephen Gayford called 'African Sun'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
African Sunset
As the sun was setting slowly,
The lion settled down...
Forewarned, majestic and holy,
Adorned in golden brown...
Without a qualm, without a care,
At peace with all he knew,
Just calmly breathing in the air
Beneath the sky so blue...
The hot, hot sun had soothed his mind,
All signs of rage had gone
And as it left the day behind,
The moon must carry on...
Night creatures stirred within the soil,
Yet few would sense his power...
Nor think of him that he was royal
And over them he'd tower...
The birds approached him without fear,
They knew that he was old...
They taunted him as they drew near,
Delighting to be bold...
The sunset of his life was now,
When midnight comes to call...
He bore no frown upon his brow...
You see, he'd done it all...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'African Sunset'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Afternoon Dip
Yes, the stream sure looked exciting
And pleased the tiger's eyes,
With his memories delighting,
He ran to Paradise!
He squelched his way on soft warm mud
And leapt into the air,
To part the waters with a thud
That made the birdies stare!
'He's back! ' they said in unison...
'We'll never get him out! '
They watched him while he had his fun
As he splashed all about...
'He's acting like a cub again!
Just like he did last week!
You'd never guess that he was ten
And simply past his peak! '
The tiger paused, looked up a spell...
'What's that! ? ' he growled aloud!
The birdies trembled, silence fell...
The tiger felt right proud!
The birdies gulped, as birdies do,
And shut their beaks real tight.
The tiger sniggered for he knew
His power and his might!
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Afternoon Dip'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Aim Higher
Through win and lose it's best to try, to seek the highest good!
Through hit and miss, and laugh or cry, to do the best you could!
The world is like a hungry man that aches for peace inside!
In Heaven above, God has a plan, yet Man must lose his pride!
God tells us straight, 'If you'd obey, war's but a memory,
With peace surrounding you each day and children full of glee!
What use is conflict all the time? What use is despot rule?
What use is hardship wrought by crime? Why live life like a fool?
Far better, then, to think things through! To mull the pros and cons.
To pray then plan what you should do - this is the best response!
Aim higher! Lift up holy hands! Like sunflowers, stretch above!
Then as you follow Christ's commands, your life will fill with love!
While sunshine warms the outer skin, His Love can warm the heart!
Aim higher! Let the Saviour in, so that new life may start...'
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Aiming For A Better World...
If we don't try to make the world a better place
Then it will become a bitter place...
A wasteland of broken hearts and broken dreams...
A void in space, a place to avoid...
If we didn't want the world to improve
Then why would we send our children to school
To pass exams for a future career?
If we want the best for our children
Then shouldn't we want the best for ourselves?
Yet Jesus once prophesied of plagues, famines and wars
And rumours of wars in the end times...
Does that mean there's no escape?
Shouldn't we at least try to reduce the number of plagues?
Shouldn't we at least try to reduce the number of those starving souls?
Shouldn't we at least try to reduce the number of wars?
We ought to pray for peace and be peacemakers...
We ought to feed the starving... but do we?
How come there are millions spent on trying to go to Mars?
How come we don't help those on Earth first?
Where are our priorities, our scruples, our sense of justice and injustice?
Where's our full portion of love, compassion, everyday kindness?
Are we too old to learn old tricks rather than the new?
The old ways were based on the fulness of a community spirit
That reached out with the arms of Christ to one and all...
Is that fellowship dead and gone with the old prayer books
And Church services of yester-year?
Or does love live on by the example of faithful friends of Christ?
God knows what we ought to be doing... Do we?
And if we don't, are we willing to ask? To find out? To sacrifice?
Somehow I cant help wondering if anyone knows what love is any more...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Ain'T Life Tedious?
'I don't know about you, sunshine,
But I think it's getting worse...
There was a time I thought things fine,
But now it's like a curse...'
'Us meerkats, always running round...
And looking left and right,
And scared to death of every sound,
Nerves shattered day and night! '
'The kids don't care! It's all a game!
We get no sympathy!
The faces change, yet life's the same
And that's what's bugging me! '
'Variety's the spice of life!
That's what the humans say!
But all I see is pain and strife...
Constant running away! '
'Just look at these short legs I've got,
I was taller last year!
And why must it always be hot?
Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear! '
'The humans drink Pepsi and Coke!
I think we should complain!
God, this is a terrible joke! '
Then it poured down with rain...
copyright, Denis Martindale.
The poem is based on the magnificent
wildlife painting by Stephen Gayford.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
All Good Things Come To An End...
One of the hardest things to bear
Is when you lose a friend.
Someone you loved who made you care,
And yet all good things end.
That's why I'll treasure every kiss
That you once blew to me
And every measure of true bliss
That leads to ecstasy.
While life goes on, it's not the same,
For there's a missing piece.
The part that's like a candle's flame
Or like the Golden Fleece.
Some think that friendship's merely smiles,
Just laughs along the way...
Like holy magic that beguiles
As long as it can stay.
That's why I offer up a prayer,
Sweet Princess God has sent!
Your kisses are beyond compare!
God bless my precious friend!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
All The Time In The World
All God's secrets to unravel,
That was his holy quest...
First the secret of time travel,
Would make folks most impressed.
The scientist spent many years,
Inventing wondrous things
And he got praise from all his peers
And, oh, what joy that brings...
Time travel was a hidden truth
Within God's precious plan...
The scientist misspent his youth,
Such is the plight of Man....
But suddenly the truth was known!
He knew it could be done!
As if by God it had been shown,
Energy from the Sun!
And so the man looked at the sky
To see the Sun above,
Considered all that energy
And knew it was enough!
When NASA heard his plan unfold,
They sent him on his way!
But Russian spies were very bold
And kidnapped him that day!
The Russians interviewed him soon,
Gave everything he'd need...
At first, they flew him to the moon
To help him to succeed...
The spaceship left the moon and went
Towards the Sun that shone,
As if the Russians were Hell-bent,
As they for months were gone...
Then suddenly the past was changed!
New timelines were enforced!
A billion human lives were changed - The World's Poetry Archive
With energy they sourced...
Success at last, yet at a price!
The scientist was thrilled,
Yet then there was a sacrifice...
The scientist was killed...
The Russians kept the secret hid
Until I found it out!
And when they learnt the things I did,
They chased me all about!
That's why through time I travelled back!
You'll never guess to when!
But now they call me Captain Jack!
The man who lived again!
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2011.
The poem is based on Captain Jack Harkness,
the heroic Dr Who and Torchwood character,
a time traveller who can die... yet live again...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
All Things Beautiful
Imagine all things beautiful,
Exquisite and sublime.
Quite delicate and lovable,
To stand the test of time,
Just as if the whole Creation
Was blessed from first to last.
Just to grant us great elation,
So not to be downcast...
Imagine all things wonderful,
Designed as God knew best.
Intrinsically incredible,
Impeccably addressed.
With sweet miracles unfolding,
Like shooting stars above...
With our God, the Cosmos holding,
Beholding it with love...
That is how the great designers
Upon this Earth must feel,
When they pause to form their finest,
To showcase and reveal...
Exhibiting each masterpiece,
Each brilliant in its way,
That we partake in what can please
With every passing day...
Upon this Earth, where angels roam,
Unseen by mortal man,
God's Spirit visits every home
To do the best He can,
With inspirations old and new,
To share with young and old,
What's beautiful and meant for you,
As if it were pure gold...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2011.
Thanks to James Russell, bid tv Sky UK... - The World's Poetry Archive
The poem was based on the bid tv presenter
telling us the legend of a Russian who wanted
to create the beauty of a flower in a rock...
He spend years making his sculptured artwork.
The legend says that it was so beautiful that
those who gazed upon it immediately wept...
The expression used to define the Inspirations
product range sold on bid tv was the desire to
create all things beautiful. So this poem was
written to explain why Man seeks to create as
he does. The Holy Bible tells us that it was God
who inspired Man to be a creative designer of
all things beautiful... That is why we have such
masterpieces in the form of the arts that may
bring us a measure of happiness here on Earth.
I call this the double blessing, for we who create
are first blessed. Sharing the blessing with others
means we are blessed yet again... and hopefully,
God is blessed, seeing the good that we share...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
All Tired Out
All fired up, all tired out,
The lion cub was through
And now there wasn't any doubt,
For no more could he do...
His little legs had run a mile,
By chasing all that moved
And though he lasted for a while,
Right now he must be soothed...
His precious paws had tender toes,
His muscles needed rest,
He only had a tiny nose
For air from east to west...
He watched the gliding clouds go by
And lay there hypnotised,
As they serenely sailed the sky
Across the land he prized...
One day he'd be the lion king
Who'd dominate for sure,
The guardian over everything
That life prepared him for...
Just give him time, for destiny
To bring these truths about...
And leave his royal majesty,
Today, all tired out!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
All-Singing, All-Dancing
I saw her sing, I saw her dance - with eloquence and style.
She had the talents to entrance, bewitch men with her smile.
She had such beauty, men would stare, transfixed as time went on Until the second they'd despair, when suddenly she'd gone.
The stage was lonely, just like me, when magic must depart...
It's so hard to take it lightly with such a lovesick heart.
I know I'm not the only guy to love her to the hilt,
In time, a diamond ring to buy, through trust that's gently built.
I see her, sometimes, in my dreams. She's just like Supergirl.
She's so much more than first she seems, more precious than a pearl.
A billion pearls just aren't enough. The world has nought to trade
For just one kiss to show my love... God knows how much I've prayed.
Till then, let angels help her sing, their wings inspire dance,
So that she can do anything - her beauty to enhance.
For beauty blesses one and all, with wonders that astound.
Yes, love is God's great miracle... Love makes the world go round...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Almost Extinct
Alone upon a snow-decked hill,
The tiger looked around,
Although the air was not quite still,
He hardly heard a sound...
The scenery was all but white,
Beneath a solemn sky,
His eyes were dazzled by the light
Till night must make it fly...
Alone upon the rockface there,
No tigress at his side,
The loneliness was hard to bear,
Despite his stubborn pride...
The hill was his, that much was sure,
His castle yet his jail,
Where he was rich and yet so poor,
Although the alpha male...
Alone, with no thoughts but his own,
His heart as cold as snow,
So what's the use of crown or throne
Or fame and fortune's glow?
If loneliness is of no worth
And detrimental, too,
I'd search each town upon this Earth,
To hear one, 'I LOVE YOU! '
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent
wildlife painting by Stephen Gayford
called 'King of the Castle'...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Along Life's Journey
Along life's journey God's decreed
Are always stops and starts
And yet good people meet each need
Because they have good hearts.
They may have twinkles in their eyes,
Or smiles to share each day,
With faith more than you realise,
To help you on your way...
If not for good friends here and there
And strangers who assist,
This world would be so full of care,
Good times could not exist...
And yet, we, too, respond sometimes,
As if instinctively,
With action, not just writing rhymes
For those with eyes to see...
If God commends each sacred soul,
Then He must share His love
With those who maintain self-control
And pray to Him above...
To think, that every life on Earth
Can choose the right and good
And seek to prove our lives have worth,
When we do what we should...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Alpha Male
The wolf was well aware of things
That lesser wolves ignored,
For alpha males who lived like kings
Were hardly ever bored...
Too much at stake to let life slide,
Too much as life went on,
For alphas have no place to hide
And no place when they've gone...
So here and now are all they own,
As leaders of the pack
And lonely while they rule the throne,
For there's no turning back...
It's theirs as long as others fall
Beneath their power and might
And so, for now, they've got it all,
Protecting day and night...
It's Nature's way, for strength endures
The heat, the cool, the cold,
With dedication that ensures
Their steadfast grip and hold...
The years may come, the years may go,
Then old age takes its toll,
That's when new legends daily grow,
As new blood takes control...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Alpha Male'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Alpha Pair
Two wolves waited, no plans as yet, just watching time go by...
No enemies, no food to get, no need to fret or sigh...
The best of days that's ever been... thus they felt inspired.
The day seemed tranquil, calm, serene... all their hearts desired.
It was as if the alpha pair were blessed beyond belief.
As if true love was in the air, the air they two could breathe...
There were no fears in either face, no doubts in either mind.
Affection somehow took their place, all troubles left behind.
Two wolves fated, that they would meet, unite and learn to love.
To lead the pack as they compete to prove themselves enough.
For them, this world was all they had, they hunted to survive.
It's true, some thought of them as bad, yet they must stay alive.
It's Nature's way, the strong endure, outlasting all the weak...
It's live or die, by tooth and claw, eternal hide and seek.
The hunting game goes on and on, relentlessly, my friend...
It stays the same, it's never gone, each lives until life's end...
No wonder, then, that days like this are cherished one-by-one.
A perfect sky, a savoured bliss, both soothed beneath the sun.
It's not the time to intervene or taunt the alpha pair...
Leave well alone and don't be mean... or else you must beware!
copyright, Denis Martindale.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Alpha Pair'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Always Alert
The telltale sign of tiger trials,
The eyes that stare ahead,
No more each twinkle that beguiles,
Just fearsome cause for dread...
The sense that trouble's close at hand,
Just lurking near with glee,
For some, that's hard to understand,
Perhaps a mystery...
But tigers capture every scent
That wafts downwind each day,
As if to signal foul intent,
Or victims on their way...
Always alert, the tiger roams,
Perchance to gain somehow,
He's not like those who leave their homes,
Exploring to allow...
The telltale sign explains the change,
The stern mood in his mind,
The world to him now seems so strange,
Who knows what he will find?
Though he's the hunter through and through,
He, too, has enemies,
Always alert, he seeks that clue
That's cruising on the breeze...
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Always Alert'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Always Awake
Three meerkats perched on yonder rock,
Their transfixed eyes steadfast,
Their predators, of course, to block,
No chance that they'd get past...
Alert, on guard, thoughts kept in check,
Three meerkats stood their ground,
Perchance to see a distant speck
Or hear a far-off sound...
No uniform could represent
The valour in plain sight,
For family and sentiment,
Right there in broad daylight...
Defiant to the uttermost,
Resilient through and through,
As if some great eternal boast,
'We'll stay on guard for you! '
Three meerkats, simple souls, no more,
Yet bold as brass each day,
That's something we'd best not ignore Courageous, come what may!
Stand tall, like meerkats throughout time,
Like heroes, know your place!
That way, you'll always be sublime...
No matter what you face!
Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Always Awake'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Alysia, while hope burns bright,
Let confidence excel,
You choose to walk within the light,
So that your life goes well...
I sense the time is near to share
And whisper love in every prayer...
Alysia, two lips you own,
Let love transform each kiss,
You are a princess on a throne,
Success is more than this...
I pray God grants you grace to spare
And miracles beyond compare...
Alysia, that is your name,
Like no-one else on Earth,
You shine as strong as any flame,
So never doubt your worth...
I know that love is everywhere
And ever more for one so fair...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The leopard laid low to ambush
Whatever came his way.
When hunger gives big cats a push,
They'll hunt the livelong day.
His whiskers twitched as tensions grew,
He dare not tap his toes,
He merely crouched, maintained his view
Of passing friends and foes...
His back was stretched, at peace for now,
No awkward pains to bear...
While he was poised with furrowed brow
And one almighty stare!
He licked his lips imagining
The thrill the chase would be,
The feast the drawn-out day could bring
If all went hopefully...
His stomach rumbled without shame!
He licked his lips again!
He lacked all guilt, all sense of blame,
Until the moment when
All hell broke loose, the chase was on!
His body was a blur...
And suddenly! One life was gone,
His mouth was full of fur...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Ambush'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
There's always one! Yes, that's so true!
That tiger cub's at fault...
There's always one that must outdo
And won't come to a halt!
The ambusher must bide his time,
Just out of sight in wait...
As if to say he's in his prime,
His ambush to create!
The feisty fiend's on tenterhooks,
He's trembling there with glee,
Convinced like other callous crooks,
'There's no-one who sees me! '
For shame, you naughty so and so!
You scamp, you swallywag!
You rotten rogue, you friendless foe,
No longer playing tag...
You're up to no good, that's the truth,
Obsessed in doing harm,
Your staring eyes serve as the proof,
They've lost all sense of calm...
You ambusher! When will you learn
It's best to be a friend?
But friendship's something that you spurn...
Today and till life's end...
Denis Martindale, copyright, December 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Ambusher'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
American Icon
I've travelled near, I've travelled far,
Across each noble land,
I've slept beneath God's shooting star,
Observed what God had planned...
Yet there are icons God has made,
Each nation then may choose,
The eagle soars high, unafraid,
Amid the clouds to cruise...
America personified,
Triumphant borne of faith,
The sun above to serve as guide,
To help it to stay brave...
For what are wings if courage fails?
Each eagle's meant to fly,
Despite the storms, despite the gales,
All odds meant to defy...
From such as eagles, planes exist,
From planes, came rockets, too,
Then to the moon would Man persist,
To land a chosen few...
Behold the eagle, icon still,
Like Voyager in space,
Permitted by the Father's will
To glide with utmost grace...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'American Icon'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
An Aspect Of Water
An aspect of water
Is that it owns all, yet possesses nothing,
That it is service-bent, yet never spent...
It is the revered ancestor of all living things...
It steams upward, with its heat held glorified,
As a newborn streaming stretching body of the sky...
To draw down from heaven... both beauty and grace...
Shower-made, it falls fast and thin
Upon the oldest survivor, Earth...
All ears, listen through the ear
To each drop's eternal music,
Whose separate consciousness
Dances to the rhythms of the waves...
(This is an edited version for comparison only...
The original poetry is by Yoonoos Peerbocus
Use the Poem Search to find the title itself...)
http: //
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
An Easy Mistake To Make...
'O Autumn mist! O solemn shroud! O cloud that walks the Earth!
Please hide the sins God disallowed that haunt me from my birth!
Come freeze them hard, come melt them down, come bear them all away!
Forbid them not to make God frown upon His Judgement Day!
Approach me now, encroach my heart, my spirit and my soul That with my sins you may depart that I may find parole!
Let guilts diminish one by one, evaporate from sight
And once the healing has begun, leave me all sparkling white! '
'Forgive me, human, if you will! I cannot bring release!
You need God's Son on Calvary's Hill! His Blood will grant you peace!
What sacrifice could I convey to match the Saviour's Blood?
Believe in Jesus Christ today! Have faith and trust in God! '
'O mighty mist, your words are true! Lord Jesus died for me! '
'I'm glad you're saved! May God bless you! God's Love's no mystery! '
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
An Epistle From One Who Loved You
Greetings, my brethren,
May God bless you in His Holy Name.
I was once among you long ago.
Remember the gifts we shared?
Remember the stories we told each other,
Our encounters with the Lord?
Surely I remember those hours,
Time flickering by, like the flames of our fire.
How the years have melted away since then,
As each Winter yields to Spring...
I laugh at the smiles upon our faces,
I marvel at the answered prayers
And so many healings along our path.
How many sandals did we wear away?
Our journeys from town-to-town,
Singing newborn hymns fresh-written,
With psalms poured out like wine,
Anointing our hearts afresh...
I forget the words, yet not our joy,
Such was our heady portion in the Lord.
Were there not prophecies, too?
And revelations new every morning?
As if awoken from sleep, still grasped.
Such lessons to learn and such lovely words.
Disciples side-by-side, arm-in-arm, like cedar trees,
Interlocked, standing firm, upright in the noonday sun,
Smiles for everyone along the dusty roads...
Yes, I remember, with a glad heart within me,
We chosen few, adopted sons of the Most High,
Spirit-filled and Spirit-blessed...
Yet time took your souls, yes, one-by-one,
While I must kneel in prayer alone,
Youth departed, now as old as time,
No mountains dare this body climb...
I miss you all, my brethren,
Now absent from this Earthly life, - The World's Poetry Archive
Your faith, your strength, your courage,
Your wondrous outstanding love...
I would join you yonder, where angels fly above,
Yet every day I ponder. Lord, is my faith enough?
And then Christ came, He spoke to me...
New prophecies revealed for future years,
Time and times again, unfolding scrolls,
Beneath the sun, the moon and stars,
Engulfed within their circuits, waiting...
Their canvas like a sparkling backdrop,
A spreading curtain framing all below.
Once written, I shall join you, brothers.
Receive me then, with that steadfast love,
That treasure trove, our treasure trove on Earth...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2012.
Dedicated to John, upon the Isle of Patmos.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
An Ode That Changed My Heart
Within a new anthology
Were poems by the score
And they brought such delight to me,
I read these more and more...
But then an ode I came across
Transformed my heart and mind,
Such that it cleared out all the dross
My lost soul chose to find...
For there it was, in righteous rhymes,
The silver-tongued could speak,
Retelling Christ from ancient times,
Who preached to Jew and Greek...
To tell them what the Lord had planned,
His Kingdom rule on Earth,
Such that the Lord would bless each land
And by that prove His worth...
The future mapped out dead ahead,
The years as yet unplayed,
God's fellowship so lambs were fed,
When every saint obeyed...
The precious presence of the Lord,
The signs and wonders, too,
The Holy Spirit's great reward,
To prove God's Word was true...
A brand new thing would be revealed,
A secret truth untold,
Protecting hearts as if a shield,
A treasure good as gold...
Such that the faithful would still serve
When things were looking bad,
Remembering their learning curve,
God's pardon that each had...
For God forgives and God forgets
The sins of fallen Man
And overcomes such harsh regrets, - The World's Poetry Archive
So each life has a plan...
A wondrous purpose, borne of prayer,
Anointed with our praise,
Each sacrifice that shows we care,
Our dreams by nights and days...
For what is Man without God's Love,
His mercies near and far?
Alone to stand, to gaze above
In wonder at each star...
To choose to follow where God leads,
Or hide away in fear,
Yet with the Lord each heart succeeds,
Whatever might appear...
A flood of tears fell from my eyes...
All burdens swept away,
The time God helped me realise
Salvation came that day!
I read the poem and I smiled,
My heart released from pain!
Through Calvary, I was God's child,
When I was born again...
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2014.
This refers to the poem called SON OF GOD.
It explains the Gospel film called SON OF GOD.
Some poems affect us more than others.
Some poems can help us find the LORD...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Animal Kingdom
God's animal kingdom on Earth,
Still thrives 'most everywhere!
It spreads itself for all it's worth
On land, or sea or air...
With variations for each kind,
In size and colour, too,
For some advantage yet to find,
So credit where it's due...
Amazing how such creatures live!
From tiny forms they grow,
Sometimes they take, sometimes they give,
In constant to and fro...
From simple cells to giant size,
Some fat and others thin,
Survival means they get first prize,
Some lose and others win...
How long will Man let creatures be
Before he takes their land?
Time's running out, that's plain to see,
For all Man's schemes are grand!
The oceans and the seas aren't safe,
Pollution's here to stay!
The future's looking somewhat grave!
Will Jesus save the day?
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2014.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Another Jungle Pool
The jungle pool awaited him,
White tiger, tall and lean,
Engulfing him, so sleek and slim,
His black and white to clean...
A dozen frowns at first appeared,
Till he felt sweet release,
His face now soothed from ears to beard,
All tensions brought to peace...
His greyed reflection danced below
Amid the ripples there,
Next to the blue streaks to and fro,
That mirrored clouds mid-air...
What swam beneath he had no clue,
Yet instincts served him well
And thus he stayed, like tigers do,
As Nature cast her spell...
This was his portion to receive,
His chance should he remain,
The gentle coolness to retrieve,
The sunshine's heat to drain...
If he were human he would pray,
Give thanks to God above,
Yet all he did was smile and stay,
For tigers, that's enough...
Denis Martindale, copyright, December 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent wildlife
painting by Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Another Look At Easter
the mask He wore,
the flail,
the cross He bore,
the nail...
the Saviour frown,
folks choose,
the thorny crown,
The day
made the hammer raised,
made the sign,
made the crowd so crazed,
made drugged wine...
made His Mother safe,
made Him sigh,
made the tomb His grave,
they watched Him die..
Yet who believed God's Son could live,
Come Sunday once again?
Or that through love He could forgive
Beyond just now and then?
Or that the Father would bestow
Salvation's grace to bless?
Or that today each heart could know
Christ's joyful happiness?
Two thousand years have almost past,
Two thousand years, my friends,
Yet love like His remains steadfast
And proves it never ends...
So harken to your hearts within,
Let conscience prove the key,
Another died to save from sin,
Thank God for Calvary!
Denis Martindale, copyright September 2014. - The World's Poetry Archive
The Revelation TV website
and watch now details
can be found on Google.
Seek and ye shall find...
God's Riches At Christ's Expense...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Another Stretch
The lion cub awoke from sleep
One eyelid at a time,
Wondering extra dreams to keep
Or face the world sublime...
With one slow breath, his legs had moved,
He squinted at the sun
And though he'd hoped that he'd improved,
His waking wasn't fun...
Though his heart was still in Dreamland,
Like us, he'd things to do...
With dangling legs, he tried to stand,
But they were stubborn, too...
He stretched his legs with all his might,
His eyeballs stared ahead,
To get accustomed to the light
That stirred him from his bed...
'What's going on this brand new day? '
'Who will I fight and win? '
'Who's up right now who wants to play? '
His memories made him grin...
Another stretch, another yawn,
Another longdrawn sigh,
Once done, they helped him face the dawn
And hold his head up high...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Another Stretch'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
At first, two meerkats looked intense,
Not gentle in their minds,
Testing things that would help their friends
In sensing what both finds...
Calm down? No, that would bring sleep soon,
In time to risk their all,
Perchance to doze, perchance to swoon
And into dreaming fall...
To many, such as these prove fun,
In oh so many ways,
Outlandish, there beneath the sun,
Not moving as each stays...
And yet, they stand guard, hours on end,
Not tempted from their posts,
Trustworthy still as they defend,
Indifferent to boasts...
Courageous, yes, defiant, true,
In steadfast love they wait,
Perchance to do what they must do
And thus anticipate...
To me, that's noble, without doubt,
If loyalty proves worth,
Of all the creatures spread about
Now living on this Earth...
Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Anticipation'.
The first letters of each line spell out the words:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Anything Good On The Telly?
I was happier with one channel
A long, long time ago...
To watch, record and plan all
The programmes it would show...
Along came 2 and 3 and 4
And then came number 5...
And after that, Sky brought us more,
For me and for the wife...
We then got Virgin Media,
With TV, Broadband, phone...
And then my wife got greedier,
So we took out a loan...
I got a brand new aerial
And climbed up on the roof...
I fell off and the wounds won't heal,
I also broke a tooth...
At last we're getting Freeview
And so we cancelled Sky...
We dropped Virgin Media, too...
And one whole month passed by...
September's retune wasn't good
For neighbours in our street...
Now no-one in the neighbourhood
Gets Freeview, once so sweet.
We've all been told we must upgrade
From boxes that went wrong...
And throw away the ones they made
That didn't work for long...
So off I went to try again
For bargains I could find...
Some boxes were beyond my ken
And put me in a bind...
December's retune's on its way...
God knows what happens next!
I think I'll wait till Christmas Day,
So I won't get perplexed!
I might return to Sky, who knows?
I'll have to wait and see...
I could get lucky, I suppose... - The World's Poetry Archive
And win the lottery!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Appearing Day
Her smile is gracious as God's stars that nightly fill the sky,
As sweet as water when it's sparse and when one's throat is dry...
As precious as the rainbow's glow, as in an arc it spreads
And like a waterfall in flow that stirs the waterbeds...
Her hair is dark as ravens' wings, yet when the light is right,
There's silver there like angels' wings that perfectly delight...
A small white feather decorates just like a totem pole,
As from a dove that never hates, with love its constant goal...
Her lips are soft and sweet to kiss, as if to say, 'Thank you! '
As if expressing utter bliss, romance forever new...
They make her heartfelt feelings known, no secrets can they hide.
They say, 'Don't leave me all alone with yearnings here inside...'
Her heart is tender as the doe, that walks in innocence...
Two hundred ponies to and fro, her marriage recompense...
And yet her heart she cannot sell, but only give away...
This Indian Princess, known so well, they named, 'Appearing Day'...
Debra Paget played the part of Appearing Day in the film
Broken Arrow and she also appeared in the film White Feather.
The Indians leaving their lands behind has also been explained
in the poem The Legend Of Running Wolf on poemhunter-dot-com
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Arctic Apparition
The white wolf waited wilfully
With what would pass for guile,
So long it seemed eternity
I looked at his profile...
Yet in my quest to photograph
This untamed creature there,
He hardly moved along the path
And seemed content to stare...
Until his prey was seen or heard,
He breathed in and breathed out,
As if a statue, never stirred,
To leave me full of doubt...
But finally, he heard a sound
And like a ghost he flew,
As up he sprang, one single bound,
The hunter through and through...
My camera clicked as he streaked by,
Like lightning left-to-right,
An apparition leaping high
And such an awesome sight...
I have his pictures to this day,
Still mounted on the wall...
'The white wolf hunting for his prey! '
What memories I recall...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Arctic Apparition'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Arctic Beauty
The wily wolf deserves respect.
Some children think it's cute...
But most of us, I would suspect,
Are somewhat more astute!
The wolf is wild, no fast-formed friend,
Untamed by modern man.
It doesn't seek to comprehend
What humans want to plan...
The wolf is wary all the time,
To every sound it hears.
Its instincts are, of course, sublime,
Whenever danger nears!
The wolf survives cold Winter's spell...
Determined day-by-day...
To bide its time, then howl, 'Farewell! '
When Spring is here to stay!
The wolf delights in Summer's heat
With all that this entails For then, its speed is hard to beat,
In fact, it rarely fails.
The wolf is known to howl at night,
To serenade the moon...
This wailing noise can cause us fright
And some of us to swoon...
The wolf won't change to suit Mankind...
It's lived without his aid.
A wilder creature's hard to find.
The legends never fade.
The wolf is callous to the core,
Like any hunting beast.
Each bloodied tooth, each bloodied claw
Proves hunting hasn't ceased.
The wily wolf has cubs to feed,
The future to preserve...
It doesn't kill for hate or greed...
Just life upon this Earth... - The World's Poetry Archive
copyright, Denis Martindale.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Arctic Beauty'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Arctic Fox
The arctic fox was laying low,
With cunning in his eyes,
While just above the ice and snow,
Just waiting in disguise...
A patient creature, yes, indeed,
Yet patience was the key
And with this friend he would succeed,
Sometime, eventually...
His gentle breath belied his heart,
It was as cold as ice,
Starvation tears the soul apart,
From then on, it's not nice...
So hunting prey was his sole aim,
His only chance to live,
And so I ask, is he to blame,
If he, no chance will give?
The arctic fox must bide his time,
While time was on his side,
To contemplate upon his crime,
So many can't abide...
Despite the fact some can't condone,
His dinner keeps him strong,
Since no-one's here, he's quite alone,
Till dinner comes along...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Arctic Fox'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Arctic Glow
Amid the twilight, nestled there,
The lone wolf bides his time,
Upon the snow so cold, so bare,
Yet he looks quite sublime...
Amid the Arctic glow that gleams
And glistens, sparkling bright,
While other creatures close to dreams
Surrender to the night...
Yet he looks on, surveying all,
Regardless of life's trials,
Outliving those that fade and fall,
Surviving through with smiles...
For he stores Summers in his mind,
Recalling how things were,
The seasons life once left behind,
Each but a distant blur...
His wistful eyes still twinkle here
As snowflakes cool his head,
His recollections crystal clear
To soothe his soul instead...
He lives by grace, by sun, by moon,
Blessed by their Arctic glow,
Awaiting Spring that's coming soon,
To see the flowers grow...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Arctic Glow'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Arctic Hero?
The white wolf appeared the hero
Amid that arctic scene,
Where those temperatures hit zero,
As winds grew strong and mean...
With nought but fur to keep him warm,
He battled night and day,
Despite the bitter cold and storm,
He stayed to hunt his prey...
The hard decisions had been made,
For hunger hurt like hell,
The only way to make it fade
He knew by now so well...
Thus to the strong and to the brave
Were weaker lives bestowed,
When none on Earth was there to save,
When none no mercy showed...
It's just the victors left that boast,
If boasting swelled their pride,
If by such joys they felt engrossed
And conscience gave no guide...
Though Nature gave him teeth and claws,
And cunning ways to plot,
This white wolf chose a silent pause,
Reflecting on his lot...
Denis Martindale, copyright, December 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent wildlife
painting by Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Arctic Icons
When Polar Bears walk on the ice,
Their tootsies somewhat cold,
It isn't much like Paradise,
If I may be so bold...
You wouldn't catch me visiting,
With smiles upon my face,
I'd only stand there wondering
About some warmer place!
Though nothing new beneath the sun
And lack of scenery,
The Mummy Bear and little one,
Seemed happy, I'll agree.
Perhaps their coats were just enough
To help those two survive,
Yet both of them seemed warmed by love,
In fact, it made them thrive!
Though humans pose for photographs,
Say 'Cheese! ' to form a smile,
These Polar Bears were sharing laughs
That lingered for a while...
As humans, we've got memories,
A treasure trove within...
So like these Polar Bears, find peace...
Press on and don't give in!
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Arctic Icons'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Arctic Spirits
Two Arctic wolves as white as snow,
With eyes of black and gold,
Surveyed the landscape to-and-fro,
Amid their world so cold...
Just taking in the sights they saw,
Yet listening all the while,
For not one sign would they ignore,
Their hearts so filled with guile...
The hunt was on, their lives to keep,
For Winter's mercies fade,
For now, it wasn't time to sleep,
Nor time to be afraid...
As long as they had eyes to see
And ears for them to hear,
Each moment was a mystery,
Of things both far and near...
Each rustle could be just the breeze,
Or maybe their next meal,
To nourish them to fight the freeze
That every soul could feel...
Like Arctic spirits, vigils kept,
The two wolves stood their ground,
But woe to anything that crept
That these two wolves had found...
Denis Martindale, copyright, December 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent
wildlife painting by Stephen Gayford
called Arctic Spirits.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Arctic Sun
Wrapped up within his blanket fur,
The white wolf looks serene,
The arctic sun makes him a blur,
Pristine and oh so clean...
And while he's there, not here with you,
You're safe as safe can be,
To zoom in through your camera's view,
To see what you can see...
He looks like Lassie painted white,
Quite harmless, don't you think?
He looks refined and most polite,
But wait until you blink...
For in a moment, he can stand
And run from there to here...
And suddenly, he'll shake your hand
And shake your heart with fear....
Appearances deceive us all,
Sometimes you just can't tell...
It's only when you hear wolves call,
That beauty casts no spell...
It's then that Nature's rules enforce
Her laws by night and day...
To tell us, who has teeth and claws,
The hunter or the prey?
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2009.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Arctic Sun'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Arctic Sun Ii
The white wolf danced at break of day
With sunshine beating down,
Upon the snow to melt away
Old Mother Nature's gown...
The hunting hadn't gone so well,
But Spring was in the air!
Good riddance to cold Winter's spell
And to its sad despair...
Roll on the lengthening of hours
That sunshine would impart
And precious strengthening of powers
That stirred within his heart!
Begone the biting storms and winds!
Let gentle breezes blow!
Be glad, all creatures! Now begins
The seasons waters flow!
The white wolf danced with utmost glee!
Goodbye to loneliness!
And so he frolicked, fancy free,
His new hopes to caress!
And as he danced on yonder hill,
I danced right there and then!
He stared amazed to see such skill
And howled and danced again!
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Arctic Sun II'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Arctic Wanderer
The arctic wastelands numb the bones
And wolves aren't yet immune,
Upon the winds you'll hear their groans
And moans that won't end soon...
For arctic wastelands test the souls
Of all who wander near,
As if to find out what controls
Their every thought and fear...
The arctic winds feel no remorse
As they go howling by,
They simply blow, maintain their course,
While all God's creatures sigh...
The wolf must wander like the wind
Along some unknown path,
For come the day he's left behind,
They'll write his epitaph...
For now, he lives, to face the storm,
To battle through each hour...
Remembering he once was warm,
But now he's feeling sour...
So woe betide whatever's found
That he can eat today!
His heart's turned cold, just like the ground
That hides what he calls prey...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Arctic Wanderer'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Behold the lion, the noble cat,
Defiant all day long.
The perfect, great aristocrat,
Majestic and so strong.
Profound provider for the pride,
Tenacious and extreme.
A fierce some creature! Run and hide!
Don't stare as in a dream!
Adorned, he stands, with golden mane,
So regal and refined!
Up close, he snarls with bold disdain!
Why should he fear Mankind?
Perhaps you've studied in College
And learnt a thing or two...
Survival skills give him the edge...
He'll get the best of you!
Yes, courage is his middle name,
His bravery's well-known,
Each eye is like a fiery flame,
Each tooth is hard as stone.
Each claw extends as tension grows,
As instincts change his mood!
It's then the lion truly knows,
It's time to hunt for food...
Like him, I think I'll stay alert...
I think he'd understand
That I won't risk my getting hurt...
I'll never shake his hand!
I won't approach and stroke his fur
Or pat him on the head...
The only thing that would occur,
Is that I'd end up dead!
copyright, Denis Martindale.
The poem is based on the magnificent - The World's Poetry Archive
wildlife painting by Stephen Gayford
called 'Aristocrat'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The lion king posed quietly
Without a single roar,
As if the whole wide world to see,
So they could shout encore!
With arrogance and more to spare,
The lion drew a crowd,
His golden mane a halo there,
No touching was allowed...
Just like the Sphinx, he looked sublime,
A hero through and through,
Yet haughtiness is such a crime,
Yet this was all he knew...
His challengers were forced to run
To save them from their fears,
So many battles had been won,
He left a trail of tears...
No challenge left, he merely posed,
For now he lacked all friends,
His solemn stare as if to boast,
This legend never ends...
But old age came and slowed him down,
His eyes now weak and frail..
And suddenly he lost his crown...
No more the Alpha Male...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Arrogance'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
He sought the justice meant to be,
His city to redeem,
As he played the vigilante,
His nightmare yet his dream...
At first, alone, a tortured soul,
With body scars to match,
Yet striving to maintain control,
Those criminals to catch...
Don't think that he first played it well,
Revenge burned in his heart,
He travelled Heaven, Earth and Hell,
His message to impart...
But soon some allies joined his side,
With all their skills employed,
Close friends who helped this man decide
His errors to avoid...
While others thought his life was fun,
A playboy on the make,
The city shook with all he'd done,
Fear stirred his foes to quake,
His love affairs were here then gone,
Like whispers on the wind,
Like silver stars that sometimes shone,
Their starlight to rescind...
The island where he used to live
Was steeped in hate and death,
With enemies that won't forgive,
But fight with every breath...
Surviving all, this man became
A hero known to most,
Though very few found out his name
To cause this man to boast...
In time, he even trained the Flash,
The fastest man alive,
So very young, so very rash - The World's Poetry Archive
And yet he seemed to thrive...
Then other heroes joined these, too,
Their cities to make safe,
For folks like me, for folks like you,
Such heroes must be brave...
As long as justice proves the prize
And teamwork leads the way,
Each hero wears his own disguise
Upto this very day...
So train and learn! Suit up and fight!
In ways beyond our ken...
By brightest day, by darkest night,
Save souls and lives again!
Denis Martindale, copyright September 2015.
The poem is based on the comic book hero
called The Arrow, whose story has become a
TV series alongside that of The Flash...
Together, the two heroes fight crime in the
name of justice, soon to be members of the
famous Justice League of America...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Artwork That Inspires Poetry
My Stephen Gayford wildlife artwork poems
are sometimes started like this,
with over 400 uploaded, to share each storyline,
from incredibly-detailed paintings,
the lions, tigers and bears,
their family scenes together.
I like art and poetry websites, too,
as I can develop brand new themes,
new dreams, poetry portrayals from such as these...
The highlights, the tones, the light and the shadow,
the effervescent or fluorescent colours, the vibrant scenes,
altogether, creating magic each artist meant to share...
If our poems reflect such glory, we have done well...
But how will we know without finding the pictures?
Search engines help with a title or a keyword,
a remembrance of some artist and his particular style,
or a recommended place to start in search of art...
To see art fullscreen on one's large TV,
now that's something, the colours alone so pristine,
yes, there are splendours out there, somewhere,
awaiting each poet's pen, with paper at the ready
for all our unwritten wondrous words, yet to be...
and just an hour away... just an hour away...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
As Faithful As Forever
Yes, as faithful as forever, that's how she was to me!
She was noble, she was clever and welcomed chivalry!
She championed every worthy cause and blessed both rich and poor.
She lived obedient to God's laws and loved Him more and more!
Charity was her middle name... Upon the streets she stood!
Collecting funds became her aim - she did the best she could!
With table tops outside the shops and bric-a-brac galore,
My mother truly was the tops with trinkets by the score!
The paperbacks were on display - romances by the ton!
And hand-on-heart, I'll truly say, she'd read them, every one!
She sold them off for cash-in-hand, her charities to bless...
So children in another land would find some happiness!
My mother knew that she was smart, yet she chose to be bold!
My mother had a wondrous heart... Her soul was good as gold!
Lord Jesus told her to prepare as she reached her life's end!
'For all your life you've showed you care. You tried to be a friend.
Your time is near, and so be strong! Have faith, you're in My hands!
I know for life you truly long, yet I have other plans...
Believe in Me, no more than now, when weak and at your worst!
For I am He who will allow your future, blessed or cursed!
Indeed, I've seen with My own eyes your good deeds, one by one!
I've seen your frowns and heard your sighs; I know what must be done!
Your journey waits - be strong, be brave! Yet know tranquillity...
For everyone God bid Me save will always come to Me...'
This prophecy was then relayed to those most dear to her...
So they would know, 'Don't be afraid! ' For such things must occur!
Her last week on this Earth was spent at home then hospital...
She claimed loved ones to her were sent and that she heard them call.
She saw the dead, her family... they waved to her in bed!
Within that week God's prophecy came true as Jesus said...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
As Free As A Fox?
The fox, of course, was born with teeth that one day would be used!
Designed to hunt and cause some grief and so it's been accused!
Who owns the land on which it stalks the prey it needs to live?
Is it the man who's tamed the hawks and dogs that won't forgive?
Is it the man that rides the land on horses six feet tall?
Or is it God who knows it's manned who truly owns it all?
God doesn't ask us for advice to say what must be done.
He simply tells us to be nice and not make killing 'fun'.
He won't condemn if we eat meat, give thanks and praise the Lord!
Yet Man is more than food we eat, for all of us are flawed.
What does God want the fox to do? Eat vegetables instead?
Just like a cow that's forced to chew the grass beneath its head?
God made the fox 'as is', OK? It's got four legs not two...
God gave us brains to use each day! And so, what should we do?
Put all the foxes into jails? Life sentences enough?
Or simply death 'if all else fails' when Man likes 'sport' not love?
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
As Light As A Feather!
My heart's as light as a feather,
Each time I kiss your face,
Like each time you say I'm clever
Or handy round the place...
My heart's content when you're around,
For love's here in the air,
It's almost like we're Heaven-bound,
With miracles to spare!
My heart's at peace, with you, my dear,
No arguments hold sway,
With you, the future's crystal clear,
Blessed by the prayers you pray...
My heart's aware that kindness reigns,
Whenever you're in sight,
No bitter words to bring us pains,
Just thoughts meant to delight!
My heart's blessed by the constant love
That eminates your soul,
And thus, to me, more than enough,
So that I am made whole...
My heart's alive, no more than now,
Your love has set me free,
On bended knee, should God allow,
I ask, 'Please marry me! '
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
As Resplendent As A Renoir!
I wish I could own a Renoir, a master of the arts.
You see, to me, he was a star! He's captured many hearts!
He had a sense of fun, that's true! He sensed Man's need, of course!
That's why he painted just for you! Life's promise to enforce!
We were not meant for cold, dark rooms! We seek out summer days!
We do not seek the dooms and glooms! We like the summer haze!
We thrive on picnics in the sun! We celebrate with friends!
We take that party spirit won until the evening ends!
We swim, we dance, we toast the joy that God put deep within!
We play with every girl and boy! Sometimes we let them win!
Yet most of all we look around! Exploring all the while!
Rejoicing at the gifts we've found that thrill us till we smile!
That's life! Not hiding in the house! Not sulking, life's not fair!
Not skulking round as if a mouse! But outside... everywhere!
The colours Nature shares are grand! The flowers bid us near!
The birds may glide down, softly land, as if they show no fear!
Why, then, can't we, enjoy life, too! ? Paint pictures like Renoir!
Who knows what artwork you can do? Just wish upon a star!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
As Steadfast As A Lighthouse!
It was indeed a long time ago
Determined men chose to break their backs
To build that yonder lighthouse
To provide safety in the storms
And to lead the way home to port
To safe harbour once again
To help mariners home to their loved ones
To the little ones still praying
To the warm fires still burning
To the cooked meals prepared in faith
To the comfort of their sofas and chairs
To the removal of cold clothes
To the warmth of waiting beds
To the dreams instead of nightmares
To life instead of death...
So do not look at that lighthouse
And merely see a lighthouse
Nor touch its old cemented stones
And merely touch cold stones
Nor gaze up towards the beacon of light
And merely see that bold bright light
For you are looking at the difference
Between mortal success and failure
Between joyful smiles and solemn stares
Between prayers answered and those dismissed
And even more...
For if those mariners return not to their wives
Perhaps no more children will be born
Perhaps no more wages to support those loved ones
Perhaps the cost of a funeral here and there
To destroy all the money saved over the years
So I plead with you a century after being built
Give honour to those who kept their vigil
And manned the lighthouse to help Mankind
And sacrificed their waking hours for others
Others not known by name yet still cherished
Cherished all the same throughout the years... - The World's Poetry Archive
Beyond this sun, this moon and stars
Our God looks down below
All-knowing and all-seeing evermore
Yet He does not build the lighthouse
Merely lets others create its stance
Amid the golden sunlight as by day
And the silver moonlight as by night
Perchance to prevent the unthinkable
The horrors of the storms unfolding
The screams of fearful men at sea
The cargo still at risk below
Perhaps the Captain going down with his ship
As his last act of duty upon this Earth...
While men endure the storms at sea
The lighthouse fails them not
Nor does it move itself to cower
Nor pretend it cannot see the sea
Nor can it run to them with mighty hand
To lift them from their plight
It merely offers light and nothing more
Yet that is the light they need
When the sun and moon and stars
Have no more to show the way
And if not for the lighthouse
Would those men have travelled so?
To risk their all for wages week-by-week
Or fish the sea for food for others to eat?
The lighthouse grants them courage
To endure all things and persevere
All things savage, wild, untamed and so severe
So do not merely see a lighthouse
For it is so much more...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Ascending To Heaven
When poets pen their brand new rhymes,
The ink anoints each page,
Each holy word to Heaven climbs,
Ascending at that stage,
Evaporating one-by-one,
On thermals to God's Throne,
The Father shares them with the Son,
So all their wisdom's known...
Some poems please them oh so much
They're shared with angels, too,
As if each felt the Master's touch,
Proclaimed His point of view...
Perhaps you wrote that Jesus bled,
That each soul's saved by Him!
Perhaps your poem's framed and read
By saints and seraphim!
If not, maybe you're not that good,
You haven't yet excelled,
But let's suppose one day you could,
Your poem then beheld...
What wondrous thoughts inspire those
Who please the Lord above?
Till your turn comes, God only knows
The poems He will love...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls
It is a matter of life and death.
We sense our mortality in the destiny of another.
This isn't easy for us to confront.
We seek ignorance of such final thoughts.
Only those who have been made aware,
Can truly face death.
We look at its empty eyes and see nothing.
At first, we are afraid.
This is our human existence at stake.
If we were merely mortals, then this would be normal.
However, humans are not merely mortals.
Every single word within us cries out against the waste.
I am unique. So are you.
There is an expression,
'We will never see his like again.'
Even so, Easter has taught us
That God preserves the life force beyond death.
It is the hope of resurrection
That sustains us in this life.
Those that have this faith in God,
Believe in the past, the present AND the future
And we therefore spend our lives
In prayer and good works.
No matter where we are,
While there is a single thought left within us,
We can still pray.
This is life.
Not the striving for more and more things,
While others starve to death.
Let's be more sympathetic
In regard to complete strangers,
Men, women and children
Facing terrifying squalor, disease and persecution.
It's easy to feel sorry
For the good old Georges of this world,
Because they are the good ones we don't want to lose.
But what about the tiny babies - The World's Poetry Archive
Who haven't the strength to lift a finger
To do any good works?
They are more deserving if left to live a full life
Than the ones who have already lived for decades...
Many of these have never seen a shoe...
And they don't even know that each one of them
Has an eternal soul...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
At Halloween
At Halloween, when nightmares start
And all things go awry
And there come strains upon the heart
Such that we're prone to die
And all at once a startling sound
Leaps like a lion's pounce,
It's then hobgoblins come around
And when your courage counts!
At Halloween, when ghoulies go
About the business here
And howling storms begin to grow
And growl as if with fear
And lightning strikes both Man and tree
And beast that's in the field,
It's then the ghosts are plain to see
With nothing left concealed!
At Halloween, when witches fly
On broomsticks high above
And brave old dogs begin to cry
When they've all seen enough
And little girls and little boys
Are told to go to sleep,
It's then the vampires steal their toys
And all their trinkets keep!
At Halloween, when warlocks scheme
To bring all kinds of hells
And sorcerers join as a team
As wizards cast their spells
And leprechauns protect their gold
And to the death they'll fight,
It's then policemen aren't so bold
And won't go out at night!
At Halloween, when mortals pray
For sunshine once again
And for the moon to pass away - The World's Poetry Archive
Till noon's struck by Big Ben
And scaredy cats are mortified
By teeny weeny mice,
It's then your eyes are open wide
If you're touched by surprise!
At Halloween, I stay in bed!
I won't go out at all!
The blankets hide my trembling head!
I can't stand, walk or crawl!
The lights stay on all through the night!
I play the music loud!
Of course, I know I look a sight...
But so would you, no doubt!
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2011.
Poem accepted for publication in 2012 by
Forward Poetry, Peterborough, England.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
When meerkats stand and stare and stare,
Attentive they must be,
As if to prove how much they care
For friends and family...
No wonder, then, they gain respect,
From humans far and wide,
As from such duties none neglect
As they stand side-by-side...
Their little eyes are on alert,
Their little minds on guard,
In hopes that none of them get hurt,
For tragedies hit hard...
While other meerkats scampered near
As if life seemed a ball,
Two meerkats stood, no sign of fear,
Merely surveying all...
In time, some others would replace
And give these guys a rest,
For now, they stood there, poker face,
Content to do their best...
Two heroes there, one young, one old,
Four eyes as black as soot
And theirs the story to be told
Because their hearts were good...
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Attentive'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Attentive, Too
Two elephants were side by side,
Attentive to their needs,
The larger one was tall and wide
And that is why she leads...
The baby of the family
Saw big legs everywhere,
Yet each belonged to those that see
He lived without a care...
That little one had much to learn,
With many years ahead,
Sometimes new dangers to discern,
Sometimes to softly tread...
Sometimes to trumpet loud and proud,
Sometimes a tender touch,
Sometimes to stare up at a cloud
And wonder oh so much...
Attentive to each other's ways,
Their changing moods through time,
Rewarding those deserving praise,
When each one proved sublime...
Such are the choices each must make
Preserving harmony,
Avoiding every old mistake,
Yet living fancy free!
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The awesome tiger walked close by, without a single clue,
For I was hidden, safe and dry and there my wonder grew.
This spectacle that few have seen and lived to tell the tale,
Was so majestic, so serene, perhaps an alpha male...
He strode this Earth as though a king, as if to be obeyed...
As if some tribute I should bring, his wrath to be outweighed.
As if the champion of the chase, instead of random chance,
His every move exuded grace, as if life were a dance.
His stripes were like Venetian blinds, like slit slats on his fur.
Up close, they were like warning signs, my death could soon occur.
My body, like a statue, stayed, immobile, locked in time...
The deadliest game I ever played was awesome, quite sublime.
He was the cat, I was the mouse... existing side-by-side.
The aim, of course, was just to browse. My eyes browsed open wide!
His body passed beyond my gaze, his tail swished left and right...
And with that parting of our ways, my heart filled with delight...
It was as if Death knew my name, yet couldn't claim me then!
I know I'll never be the same! Halleluyah... and... Amen!
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Awesome'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Back 2 Back
Two meerkats stared, one left, one right,
On guard, my friends, on guard!
With whiskers twitching, what a sight!
Eyes scanning yard by yard...
Thus back to back, coats intertwined,
Two heroes braved their foes
And while they posed there so inclined,
They knew they mustn't doze...
But it was warm and things were calm
And heads were heavy, too,
Yet they must stand and raise alarm
So nothing could get through...
But eyelids weren't as fast to raise
As at the start of day,
Then staring eyeballs start to glaze
And wobbly legs give way!
Two meerkats almost dozing till
One heard the other snore!
'That wasn't me! ' said he, quite still,
The other to implore!
The dozy meerkat stood up straight,
His weakness to discard!
They also serve who stand and wait!
On guard, my friends, on guard!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Back To Back
Back to back, there stood two meerkats,
Just staring into space,
As if they looked like scruffy brats
Who had no poise or grace...
Yet each meerkat found affection
And mutual respect,
To gaze off in each direction
With peace you can't neglect.
As they leaned against each other,
Just taking in the day,
Were these two father and mother
To little ones at play?
Perhaps they stood there tired out,
Without the strength to move...
Plum-tuckered out to run about
And now stuck in a groove...
Suffice to say, they made me smile...
Life's no long drawn out thrill.
Sometimes you need to rest a while
And just take time to chill...
It's nice to let the world go by,
Watch fluffy clouds sail past...
You'll never hear a meerkat sigh
Who's found true love at last...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Back To Back'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Backlit Prince
To some, that lion lounging there,
Was quite the sight to see,
Not quite enough for folks to dare
Approach his majesty...
But at safe distance, humans smile
At such magnificence,
It's true, they fondly love such style,
Yet know they can't be friends...
While he stays there, they feel such bliss,
It seems all's going well,
Although it wouldn't go amiss,
To say that time will tell...
In just one second, he can stand
And run for all he's worth,
To scatter those upon his land
Not of his royal birth...
A backlit prince that lion seems,
How picturesque, how quaint,
Yet not the stuff of winsome dreams,
For cuddlesome, he ain't...
Please don't be fooled by fabled tales,
That lion's biding time,
When he stands up, he never fails
To prove that he's sublime...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Backward Glance
Two meerkats stood amazed, aghast,
For there above them flew
A wondrous bird that was so fast
They knew not what to do!
Survival instincts kept them close,
So back-to-back they stood,
Clenched jaws, clenched backs, clenched claws and toes,
Although this did no good!
That bird flew over once again,
It simply was a blur,
Its shadow disappeared and then
The meerkats chose to stir...
They warned the rest who scarpered off
Till every one was safe,
But those two meerkats had to cough,
You see, they weren't that brave!
The bird had flown to who knows where,
Yet never to return,
But every day those meerkats stare,
On guard not to adjourn...
From truth the adults never strayed,
'You should have seen its wings! '
Young meerkats giggled unafraid,
'Old fogies seeing things! '
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Behold the badger! What a sight!
Full-grown and in his prime!
Surviving every day and night,
Yet pristine and sublime...
Distinctive in his stature
And confident as well,
Yet practiced both in tooth and claw,
With secrets yet to tell...
With grandeur, he surveys each scene,
Accustomed to life's ways,
To visit places that he's been,
Exploring still some days...
Life's like a journey, here and there,
Beyond both sleep and food
And faithful feelings help him care,
Perhaps to bless his mood...
The badger has a noble stride,
Wherever he may roam,
He need not cross the whole world wide,
The forest is his home...
He does not own a house or car,
A caravan or yacht,
Yet through the life he's lived so far,
He glad with all he's got...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Badger'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Badger Family
The badger and the twins looked great,
So lively, full of fun,
With brand new lives to celebrate,
So warm thanks to the sun...
Their little eyes surveying all,
No coaxing to explore,
So off they ran, no thought to fall
Upon the forest floor...
Their little noses sniffing in
Aromas near and far,
While I watched them with silent grin
Not ten foot from my car...
I sketched the little ones at play,
Their antics made me smile,
Perhaps that's why I stayed all day
And not just for a while...
When I got home, no-one was there,
No wife as yet for me,
That badger's joy made me aware,
Of all that yet could be...
I sighed as I had done before,
The years were passing by...
Yet who knows what God has in store?
Alas not you or I...
Denis Martindale, copyright December 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford. Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Badger Watch
My badger watch began one day
When through the woods I went,
I saw a badger come my way,
He strolled as if a gent...
A touch of whimsy in his heart,
No trace of self-control,
As if aware he looked quite smart
And pride lurked in his soul...
I hid behind a nearby tree
And smiled at him again,
So glad that he could not see me
As I peeked now and then...
As he passed by, I gently moved,
A little to my right,
Content he had not disapproved
As I still hid from sight...
Then it occurred how God must gaze
Upon the world below,
To think, He watched us all our days,
Because He loved us so...
So I looked up and thanked the Lord,
Then turned no more to roam,
Because my faith was reassured
As I walked humbly home...
Denis Martindale, copyright December 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford. Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
From time to time, our moods must change,
That's just the way we are...
So none of us should think it strange
To wish upon a star...
By faith, we claim a miracle,
A vision or a dream,
A lullaby so lyrical
That somehow fits the theme...
The meerkats looked, as meerkats do,
To watch the sunrise soon,
Because, to them, it was brand new
And brighter than the moon...
They had no clue how it got there,
Or how it sailed the sky,
Or how its light was hard to bear
And so they wondered why...
On balance, it brought light and heat,
On balance, hip hooray!
Somehow it made their lives complete
And brightened up each day...
So it felt good to watch it turn
Brilliant golden yellow...
And so they perched, content to learn...
Balanced, feeling mellow...
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Balanced'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Balancing Act!
A lonesome leopard climbed up high,
The branch sustained his weight,
Yet balancing was hard to try,
Such skill he must create...
So there he was with swishing tail
As angry as could be,
Because, of course, he mustn't fail,
As that would hurt, you see...
With one leg here and one leg there,
But hope not yet in sight,
With back legs trembling, taking care,
Claws holding on quite tight...
He gulped as he maintained control,
Yet passing time brought faith,
Till something happened in his soul
That made him bold and brave...
The trembling stopped and came no more,
He seemed to glide along,
Sure-footed now, less need to claw,
His muscles felt quite strong...
When fears are conquered one-by-one,
It's wondrous what we do,
Just like that leopard having fun,
Success will come to you!
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent wildlife
painting by Stephen Gayford nb Google search:
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Banana Nirvana
The small banana grew and grew
And curved as if it should,
In time to be given to you
Because you thought them good.
You peeled the outer casing back
And chomped the chunks with glee,
As if there were no style, no knack,
No need for artistry...
Just chomp, chomp, chomp! Without restraint,
With no words to be said,
As if there were not one complaint
To make you pause instead...
Within a minute, all had gone...
The rest then thrown away...
Like chompanzees you carried on,
Back to your games to play...
Then I chomped my banana, too,
With gusto like you did,
To ape the silly things you do,
Because you're just a kid...
I must admit, I had some fun,
Remembering my youth,
Yet I'm your Dad and you're my son...
Bananas are the proof...
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2012.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Banyan Tiger
Among the trees the tiger trod,
A striking sight to see,
Yet close-up you could think him odd,
Despite such majesty...
His propped-up ears above his head,
His whiskers twitching still,
Yet if you've paused and haven't fled,
You're bound to feel a thrill...
The biggest big cat of them all,
Twelve foot from nose-to-tail,
Enough to make a strong man fall,
Or tread soft on the trail...
The tiger knows his way around,
He's walked this path before,
So less surprises to be found,
Of that you can be sure...
So be advised, safe distance keep,
That Banyan tiger's wise,
He knows the times to run or creep,
Or stay still in disguise...
Let tourists visit, walk and roam,
Let tourists smile all day,
But as for me, I'll stay at home,
Much safer, friends, that way...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Banyan Tiger'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Love it or hate it, that is my name.
I fought against the Romans and I lost.
They were ready to crucify me.
They were ready to end my life.
But my hatred lives forever.
Love it or hate it, I live another day.
The Rabbi Jesus died in my place.
Another day and it would be different.
My war does not change in any way.
Not while Israel walks in chains...
Love it or hate it, here I am before you.
Look at me with my blood still flowing...
Hear me as I speak to you, one to another.
See my hands moving freely here and there,
Yet nowhere near Calvary today.
Love it or hate it, Rome let me live.
Caesar plays his games with us all.
One false move now and I can still die.
But we all die, that is the lot of Man.
Jesus would have died sooner or later.
Some say Jesus has risen from the tomb.
Would that I had been there to see it.
I could have thanked the man myself.
I could have asked for a miracle.
Take this heartache from me...
Forgive the Romans? Let them be?
Let them crush Israel underfoot?
Let God work out His purposes?
Forgive me, friend... I do not comprehend.
You may forgive the Romans, Jesus...
But love it or hate it, for good or ill...
I am still Barabbas... - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2011.
Based on the film Barabbas...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Barbary Lion
The lion stared at his domain,
The land he'd been scarred for,
Beyond this, what was there to gain?
He couldn't want for more...
As long as Man was out of sight,
He thought he ruled alone,
For only then did things seem right,
For this was all he'd known...
Yet Man had plans, that land to seize,
A new town must be built,
No more the grass, no more the trees
And all God's creatures killed...
The plans stretched out for miles, of course,
No place for lions there,
With profit margins to endorse,
To bless some billionaire...
So who can turn the tragic tide?
To some, it's just a game
And once the land's been crucified,
The bankers have no shame...
So many bribes to grease the hands,
While rich folks smile with glee,
So who's to blame, if no man stands
Opposing infamy?
Denis Martindale, copyright October 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford. Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Barbary Prince
While Summer lends its warmth and light,
The lion swaggers well,
For he was born to fight the fight,
To have a tale to tell...
Sometimes to scatter scars around,
Sometimes to start the feast,
Sometimes to stand and thus astound
Each creature and each beast...
For many cower at his roar,
To cringe yet one more time,
Confronting fear of tooth and claw,
Of one who's in his prime...
For now, he's but a prince and yet
One day he'll rule as king,
Such that he'll be in no-one's debt,
Then he'll have everything...
The sun and moon care not of him,
The stars see nothing new,
Yet he can make the future grim
Before this day is through...
He craves no permit from the rest,
One roar and cowards flee,
One roar and everyone's impressed,
Yes, even folks like me!
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Barbary Prince'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Barn Owl
The barn owl swiftly rose on high,
Serenely so, in fact,
To glide across the pale blue sky,
As if no need to act...
I saw it land on yonder tree
And set my camera's view
To focus on its majesty,
To learn what it would do...
And what I saw felt mine all mine,
As if the only one
To see its glistening black eyes shine
And shimmer in the sun...
For it stayed still as if to pose,
Permitting me the chance
To zoom in more, till way up close,
The picture to enhance...
My camera clicked time after time,
To capture all I saw,
Because, to me, it looked sublime
And thrilled me to the core...
But glad was I that it was free,
To live its whole life through,
Not put on show for you and me
To stare at in a zoo...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2015.
The poem is based on the magnificent wildlife
painting by Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Battle Scars
The lion's eyes looked dead ahead,
No smile or smirk in sight,
Just sending out a sense of dread
That others may take flight...
Why fight if you can run away?
Escape the pain and strife...
Born free to see another day,
Another day of life...
The lion's mouth concealed his teeth,
Small daggers every one,
So sharp they'd cause you instant grief
Before the battle's won...
And 'neath his dainty-looking paws,
So gentle, silky-soft,
He hid his vicious callous claws
In wait for those who scoffed...
It's true that he had battle scars,
Yet he had learnt his trade,
No longer thinking it a farce,
A game that lions played...
One lion wins, it can't be two...
One lion takes the prize!
That's why he'll do what he must do...
Look deep into his eyes....
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Battle Scars'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Be All That You Can Be
While God gives days and God gives nights,
While sun and moon still shine,
Let each preserve his human rights,
Yes, yours and theirs and mine...
While grass still grows and trees still climb,
While meadows grant us peace,
Let there be moments lost in time
For Man to find some ease...
While children play and sing their songs,
While fairytales are told,
Let each child learn where he belongs
And treated good as gold...
While lions roar and cats meow,
While dolphins leap for joy,
Let there be worship men allow
For every girl and boy...
While there are waterfalls and streams,
While mountains touch the sky,
Let pilgrim souls still dream their dreams
And giants still defy...
While freedom is worth dying for,
While Christ still sets us free,
He's living proof we can do more!
Denis Martindale, copyright January 2011.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Be Brave!
Be brave! They say, but they don't know
The terrors that I've seen!
Pink elephants with eyes that glow
That glare and look so mean!
Those elephants can really roar,
Like trumpets from their trunks!
Then they taunt me with their encore,
They dance as if they're hunks!
They may look hunks to someone else,
As they prance on the ground,
But I wish they'd say their farewells,
I don't like them around!
You've never seen long tusks their size!
Like spears from left to right!
I put my hands upon my eyes!
I just can't stand the sight!
Pink elephants! They're everywhere!
The cops won't do a thing...
They smile at me like they don't care,
Say I'm imagining!
I don't take drugs and don't drink booze!
God's got it in for me!
They'll lock me up, won't let me loose,
They'll throw away the key!
At last, I'm all alone, at last!
This padded cell is great...
No longer feeling quite downcast...
The catering's first rate...
I think I'll stay here for a while...
No trunks, no tusks, no ears...
In fact, that thought sure makes me smile...
I could stay here for years...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Be Careful!
The panther turned his head around,
He knew that I was near,
Regretfully, I'd made a sound
And it was crystal clear...
I didn't panic there and then,
I simply froze, that's all,
Somehow I counted up to ten,
Deciding I should stall...
As long as I kept mighty still,
No further sound was heard
And though it was an act of will,
My silence was preferred...
That panther hadn't seen me yet,
While I blinked quietly,
Pretending that I needn't fret,
Heart beating frantically...
The panther turned, continued on
And I was mighty glad
And when I saw he'd safely gone...
I felt a lucky lad...
One camera click was all it took
To turn that panther's head
And though he had a long, long look,
I'm still alive, not dead!
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Be Careful'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Be Loyal To The Royal!
When the Royal British Legion
Began its ministry,
There was no quick completion,
No finished certainty.
Instead, there was a battle,
That went from war-to-war...
When souls were sold as chattel,
Possessions, nothing more...
Yet men weren't born for ditches
And pain and grief and mud...
For each soul has its riches
Beyond each dropp of blood.
Each man still has a family,
In Heaven or on Earth...
That's why we wear the poppy,
Remembrance has its worth.
The noble know their value,
They don't need preaching to.
They know what men have been put through.
Each had his job to do...
Yet charity still beckons us,
A duty to perform...
Beyond the thoughts we can't discuss,
Beyond the raging storm.
The welfare needs of others
Are here this very day.
If helping's not above us,
Then God will lead the way...
Support the Legion's service now
In sacrificial love.
By simply asking who and how
Is really not enough...
There's so much more that's left to do
Beyond the where and why.
The biggest question mark is YOU...
Don't pass the Legion by.
Remembrance isn't once a year,
Observed and then dismissed.
Remembrance isn't just a tear - The World's Poetry Archive
Or tears if griefs persist.
Remembrance is a lifetime
In which to do our best.
It's 'Buddy, can you spare a dime? '
And not how well you're dressed.
It's offering a helping hand...
Like others have before...
For all across this noble land
Are hearts still marked by war...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Beak Kind To Birds!
Beak kind to birds both near and far,
Both high and low as well...
To me, each bird's a superstar!
In fact, to me, they're swell!
Beak kind to birds and show you care
With titbits now and then...
And watch with wonder as they share
Their breakfast once again!
Beak kind and keep your cats at bay...
Else feeding birds take flight!
It's nicer seeing birds at play
Than watching them take fright!
Beak kind to birds, give them their space
So they may co-exist...
For none on Earth can take their place,
So they'd be sorely missed!
Beak kind to birds, they'll flock to you They're all our feathered friends!
It doesn't matter, black or blue...
Beak kind - 'cos it makes sense!
Denis Martindale, copyright 2003.
Update: Mid February 2012, I saw a beautiful TV advert.
It was about garden birds trying to get a table so they
could eat their food. It was like us when we go out for
the evening to a really posh restaurant...
The peckishbirdfood-dot-com website has the TV advert,
if you'd like to see the pretty birds all in a row...
Other poems that feature birds:
Nature At Its Best
Use the search feature here: - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The leopard looked and listened, too,
While seated on the ground...
Observing from its point of view
Then suddenly spellbound...
For while with beauty of its own,
It felt life's beauty shared...
You'd have to have a heart of stone
To say you've never cared...
The leopard looked at all there was,
At sights both near and far,
As if it never came across
The beauty of a star,
The beauty of a waterfall...
The beauty of the plains,
The beauty of both great and small
And life that still remains...
The leopard looked and purred with praise
As if a saint reborn,
Content to live its final days,
No need to feel forlorn.
You see, it knew, we live our time,
Our share in history...
And blessed are those that call sublime
God's greatest gift: beauty...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Beauty'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Beauty As A Force Of Energy!
When Van Gogh painted what he saw,
He shared that vision well,
With every brushstroke to outpour
The tale he had to tell...
With circled swirls of blue and gold
He gave us his insight,
For all God's beauty to behold,
No matter, day or night!
When Stephen Gayford paints at first,
The details all shine through,
The talent's there, quite unrehearsed,
So credit where it's due...
Thus lions, tigers, bears and such
Are painted one-by-one,
Perfected by the Master's touch,
Yet with a sense of fun!
For beauty comes to those that wait,
Because they seized the day,
Because they chose to celebrate
The gifts God gave away...
Thus time and space and energy
Combine with wondrous grace,
To showcase what God meant to be
To bless the human race!
That's why the children love the snow,
The little birds that sing,
The dainty flowers God helps grow
When April signals Spring...
A latent powered reservoir
Falls down from skies above,
To let each flower be the star
In gardens blessed by love! - The World's Poetry Archive
Yet don't forget the tallest trees
That stretch forth leaves like prayers,
To dance upon each passing breeze
That proves that God still cares...
While Nature's realm seems just a part
Of God's vast universe,
It's this that grants each broken heart
New hope inside that stirs!
Our cameras still take photographs
Wherever we may roam,
Safari lions and giraffes
Form slideshows when we're home...
Let's give thanks for awesome dolphins,
Dogs, cats and butterflies,
Their beauty shines when Man begins
To see them through God's eyes!
Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2014.
The title is based upon the inspirational vision of
Louie Schwartzberg as explained by the deviantart
website featuring his celebration of God's Creation.
The poem is also based upon the magnificent paintings
by Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Beauty At Its Best
The human female has her wiles - her perfumes all make sense,
Yet conquers men with painted smiles as they become her friends...
But beauty's born within the heart and nurtured by the soul...
And only blessings can impart, not seeking to control...
In truth, I've seen a million maids without a single flaw.
True beauty never, ever fades, of that you can be sure...
Yet please don't tell me of beauty, as if some treasure chest.
God gave me the pleasant duty to see it at its best...
True beauty stays within the mind, as if within a dream,
Kept safe and never left behind, like something to redeem...
God's siren throughout history! Sweet as the morning dew!
It beckons us, 'Remember me! Let me inspire you! '
It's up to you, reject, accept... embrace it night and day,
Or at arms' length, it could be kept, or simply turned away...
I humbly know I can't deny how much my heart's been blessed!
With these two eyes, I know that I saw beauty at its best...
Denis Martindale, copyright January 2011.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Beauty Beyond Belief!
Behold the beauty of her face, the twinkles in her eyes,
Her smile, her style, her noble grace, her countenance so wise.
Behold the beauty of her hair cascading left and right,
The way it shines beyond compare, so debonair and bright.
Behold the beauty of her lips like effervescent wine
And how genteel the lady sips when she decides to dine.
Behold the beauty of her neck, the pendants that she wears,
The choicest gems we're meant to check as she attracts our stares.
Behold the beauty of her form that stands out from the crowd...
Defiantly beyond the norm, she holds her head up proud...
For she's no timid little miss content that she's called cute...
For she's aware of all she is and seeks to stay astute.
In this old world, where youth excels, opportunity knocks...
It has been said that beauty sells as fast as diamond rocks.
To me, she's sweet, as good as gold, as fine as filigree.
When God made her, He broke the mould, for she's a sight to see...
From head-to-toe, beauty above and beauty underneath...
She's the reason I fell in love... Beauty beyond belief!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Behold The Beauty
Behold the beauty in His eyes, the windows of His soul,
Though with the power to mesmerise, He would not seize control,
For all the love He owns He shares, His very life to give...
Behold the answer to your prayers, the reason that you live...
Behold the beauty in His mind, the faith that dwells within,
God's treasure trove He meant to find by those still lost in sin...
Since all have sinned and gone astray, God's Son was sacrificed,
From Genesis until today, Lord Jesus is the Christ...
Behold the destiny ahead, tomorrows' sorrows, too,
The purity of life He led is meant to comfort you,
Through all the seasons, come what may, through final seconds here,
The Rapture, friend, is on its way, whatever may appear...
Behold the Man, called King of Kings, the Man called Lord of Lords,
God's Son with healing in His wings who brings each saint's rewards
And stirs the stars and makes them shine, just like we can on Earth,
Behold Lord Jesus, yours and mine, if we respect His worth...
Behold the love, the joy, the peace our God has promised soon,
The miracles He will release, each one a wondrous boon,
Unearned yet granted by God's grace, bestowed on all Mankind...
If you behold the Saviour's face, what blessings you will find...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Believe And Be Baptised!
To those who have believed in Christ,
Confirm that trust somehow,
With holy faith to be baptised,
For such God would allow...
The act of witness sets apart,
It serves to end all doubt,
In fact, it often warms the heart
And that's what love's about...
Submission is the act called for,
The cleansing of the soul,
The chance to serve God more and more,
With Jesus in control...
A dedicated servant stands
Above all else in sight,
As one who seeks the Master's plans
And strives to make things right...
No nagging thoughts can come to call
Once baptised in Christ's Name,
These only haunt the ones who stall,
As if to taunt with blame...
But each decides the time and place,
Once true love has been stirred,
The Gospel teachings to embrace,
Rejoicing in God's Word...
What higher than the Father's will
Revealed to each who prays?
The Holy Spirit blesses still
The pilgrim who obeys...
A royal robe of righteousness,
A shield of faith to hold
And lives on Earth meant to express
The greatest story ever told!
Denis Martindale, copyright October 2014. - The World's Poetry Archive
The Revelation TV website
and watch now details
can be found on Google.
Seek and ye shall find...
(Today would be a good idea...)
believeandbebaptised dot-co-dot-uk
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Best Poem Ever!
The angel of the Lord appeared
With scroll and quill at hand
And then to me he gently neared
To say what God had planned...
He told me straight that I must write
A poem to be blessed,
In fact, he promised me that night,
It was to be the best!
So I began at first to think
Of words that I would share,
Then realised there was no ink,
Just scroll and quill and prayer...
The angel bid me write without,
Then ink would be supplied,
So I dispelled all trace of doubt
And thus I humbly tried...
The ink appeared upon the scroll
As each new word was thought,
To leave my spirit and my soul
As I wrote what I ought...
So I explained the Cross of Christ
With Mother Mary close,
The Lamb of God was sacrificed,
Surrounded by His foes...
The Easter Story said it all,
But now my words brought tears
And on the scroll to spill and fall,
To signify my fears...
For I could not be brave as He,
My Saviour, Lord and King,
The Friend of Sinners died for me
And that meant everything...
The poem finished, tears above,
It vanished from my sight,
God took the symbol of my love - The World's Poetry Archive
And then the quill took flight...
The angel smiled because he knew
How much the Lord was pleased,
Then said, 'My friend, God loves you, too...
And now with love increased...'
The angel vanished from my home,
Just as I sensed he would,
To leave me thinking of that poem,
That made my heart feel good...
I can't recall each word, each rhyme,
But still throughout the years,
I can't forget that precious time,
The reason for my tears...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2014.
You can hear the word of the Lord on the
God TV and Revelation TV channels...
Check Google search results for these...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Best Wishes!
A tiger sketch was found one day,
'Best Wishes' it proclaimed,
Apart from that there was no way
To learn what it was named...
Yet it had helped my mind recall
One cat we used to keep,
Who used to stretch, meow and crawl,
Then was much prone to sleep...
One afternoon, I sketched his form,
So fluffy like he was,
So soft to touch, so smooth, so warm,
So very rarely cross...
He lay there quite contentedly,
While I still carried on,
Till I had finished what pleased me
And he had upped and gone...
His name was 'Tiger' and I know
His picture was a treat,
Because to me, it went to show
How 'Tiger' was so sweet...
Purrhaps that's why, now I'm a man,
I love what artists do
And I'm a Stephen Gayford fan,
To whom I say, 'Thank you...'
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife sketch,
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'
plus his year-by-year calendar pictures, too.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Beyond A Mother's Love
All these things the good Mother has received
with the tender passing of the seasons and the years,
each granted to be a second blessing to others,
so think of how true love begins in the human heart,
how the mind decides and applies that love everyday...
Love is a heartfelt choice that leads to an action,
the softness in the voice, the tightness of an embrace,
the smile on the face, the twinkling in the eyes,
the pat on the back, the quick kiss on the lips,
the nurturing spirit, the regular saying of prayers,
the holding of hands and the letting go of hands,
the birthday treat, the wrapped-up Christmas gift,
the great expectations, the words of comfort or praise,
the putting on of shoes, the taking off of shoes,
the washing of feet and constant humility hour-by-hour...
Without love, a family falls, spirits dwindle,
hopes melt away each midnight hour,
dreams change, fears freeze, burdens linger,
friendships become distant memories,
food doesn't taste as good, the days feel longer...
In truth, love lives in the here and now,
plans ahead, fights the trials and tribulations,
strives to overcome, seeks godly grace,
finds unmerited favour of the Lord, lets God in...
else all remains outside His sovereign will,
His wondrous purposes for each eternal soul...
Without a Mother's love, the world changes,
so how much is that change going to be
without our Father, who art in Heaven?
FAMILY... what does that mean to God?
Father And Mother, I Love You...
If only that were so for one and all...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Beyond The Astral Plane
From books I'd read, I learnt so much
That I thought I was wise...
But all at once felt out of touch
When looked at through God's eyes...
One night upon the Astral Plane
Where I would sometimes go,
My spirit slowly seemed to drain...
How come? I didn't know.
I'd left the Earth to gaze at stars,
The distant suns so bright
And watched the shooting stars that pass
Across the darkest night...
I swam with dolphins there in space,
Beyond their seas and pools...
While angels sang with utmost grace,
Observing all the rules...
But then I heard God's holy voice!
He whispered, 'Calvary...
Forget these visions and their joys...
Repent and pray to Me...'
Then I saw Christ once crucified!
And oh, what tears I wept...
The Astral Plane no more was tried...
For wiser truth I kept...
The Astral Plane? It merely drifts...
With Christ it can't compare!
The Holy Spirit grants His gifts,
Eternity to share...
I've dreamt of Christ... I've seen His love...
There's so much to discuss!
He lives on Earth, He lives above...
To think, Christ died for us...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2011. - The World's Poetry Archive
The poem goes beyond the poetry of Dave Alan Walker.
His poem, Astral Plane, is on the poemhunter website.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Beyond The Beautiful!
Whatsoever strikes a chord in the human heart,
Be it the ponderings of sunshine or rain,
Will never be as beautiful
As the true love that blossoms like a rose,
Or the thrill of that first perfect kiss...
Yet if a poem can capture that magic
And compress it to just a few lyrical lines,
With all the majesty of a holy psalm,
Then the inspired poet or poetess
Has served both God and humanity well...
For having seen the beautiful
And sharing it afresh with others,
Delighting in the cosmic carousel,
Is that not the expression of harmony,
As with one's own kindred spirits here on Earth?
Therefore pray for poets and for poetesses,
That their visions and their dreams are blessed,
For they are loyal to their vocations,
Blessed anew when you sigh or smile at winsome muse,
Shed abroad for your eyes and ears to perceive...
And perhaps, anointed with precious prayers,
A prophecy or two, a wondrous promise of good tidings,
An undeserved godly favour, a word in season,
With translated interpretations the Holy Spirit shares,
Customised to your life's journey, meant just for you...
Denis Martindale, copyright November 2015.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Beyond The Burdens!
Ever wondered why life's not fair?
It's because fairy tales are for children
and romance novels are for adults,
but true life, that's reality, that is...
That's when someone's sneaked in,
torn a few pages out of our life stories,
left us bewitched, bothered and bewildered,
left us lonesome and forlorn, utterly crushed...
But sadness passes and God restores our souls,
Sunlight inspires us once again,
The sparrows still sing unafraid,
They still soar like eagles on high...
Yet what of us, the fragile ones here on Earth?
If not for faith, hope and charity,
we'd be nosediving all the time,
flat on our faces once again,
too dazed to stand up and FIGHT!
How do we fight? We use our heads,
we use our hearts and our prayers,
we throw down the gauntlet with gusto,
steadfast against all present sorrows,
challenge every despicable foe,
defy all the odds, get up and stand tall...
until the next time... and what then?
But the next time, we've changed,
we're the new and improved model,
the one that's oh so ready for battle,
the one that's not so battle-weary,
not so much the easy-pickings we used to be,
the one who sees the bully and doesn't run,
the one who doesn't flee, legs like a blur,
arms waving like a little defenseless girl...
So they'd better watch out... next time!
'Cos believe it or not, we're ready! - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Beyond The Destiny!
Hello, poet, hello, poetry!
Hello to questions within!
Hello to God-blessed destiny,
If you do not give in...
And yet, in truth, I tell you this,
it all depends on you
and not the poems that you'll write,
yet credit where it's due...
Your life's a one-time here decree,
a gift surpassing all,
if you believe in destiny,
then, please accept that call...
To think, use ink, to write what's right,
but then and only then,
find time, the writing time, insight,
That God grants once again...
Because, in truth, God only knows,
each great verse meant to be,
the good you share that grows and grows,
if that's your destiny!
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Beyond The Magic Of Love!
Teenagers so quickly fall in love,
delaying kisses and cuddles and caresses,
then submitting to each in turn,
to treasure them not so much,
to dismiss them each in turn...
That's the time to be thankful,
another of life's little lessons learnt,
that the magic is only there for a spell...
the fairy dust so quickly loses its twinkle...
the softest caress soon loses its charm...
But someday, true love blossoms,
else it's not for now,
as it's not true love...
but that works both ways,
you love and you are loved,
thus two loves become one...
with no more need for magic, just love...
If not for love, in its purest form,
none could be steadfast across the years,
nor sacrifice and sacrifice again,
find smiles beyond the tears,
embrace silences without fears,
nor prosper in partnership yet to be...
For love gives all, yet demands all,
for it deserves nothing less...
that's why love is the greatest lesson,
the greatest lesson of them all...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Big Daddy!
The elephant stood mighty tall,
He really made me stare!
Against that giant, I'd feel small,
Believe me, I'd take care!
I'm not the sort to take a chance
Or follow some new whim
And so, when he chose to advance,
I didn't run to him!
In fact, I turned, then ran off fast,
Then ran on faster still,
I didn't know how long I'd last,
I ran till I felt ill...
Then I looked back and there he was,
A few yards off, no more!
'Big Daddy' didn't look that cross,
No way could I be sure...
And so I prayed, just like a child,
Please God, I'm not that brave,
That elephant seems mighty wild,
Please God, just keep me safe!
The elephant then turned around
And gently walked away...
Though I was trembling on the ground,
That really made my day!
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Big Ivory!
Some elephants grow big and strong
Big ivory on show,
Because each tusk grows very long,
Curved forward, as you know...
Imagine if you had those, too!
Each kiss you're bound to miss!
Your lips held back, so 'I love you! '
Would hardly lead to bliss!
What was God thinking on that day
When elephants were made?
With two great tusks right in the way
And think how much they weighed!
'Why me? ' the big guy must have thought!
'They don't half look a sight! '
Perhaps he stood still, overwrought
And asked God, 'Is this right! ? '...
Did he have wrinkles from that time?
Feel sorry for himself?
Or did he stand tall in his prime,
Accepting his good health?
Though Adam could have moaned aloud
And voiced such travesty,
The elephant stood tall and proud
Of his big ivory...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Big Trouble!
Two rhino calves looked mighty small
Next to their parent there,
Such that they hoped they'd be as tall
And make the others stare!
It's hard to see a rhino smile,
Who knows the mood they're in?
And who's to stay around a while
To see if it will grin?
The two calves walked quite gingerly
Around the heavyweight,
Not boisterous, full of jollity,
The risk was far too great...
Their parents sense this must be so,
No sudden moves that fright,
Just gently, gently... somewhat slow...
No matter, day or night...
Yet somehow tenderness gets shown
Within the group they form,
Such that among them all it's known,
Emotions that feel warm...
And humans, too, should copy this,
Allow some space between,
Yet still maintain that share of bliss
That none should intervene...
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Black Beauty
Behold the black panther's beauty!
That striking set of eyes!
Yet survival sets its duty To hunt until he dies...
So each night, he's slowly bidden
To stalk his prey once more...
Within that darkness he's hidden,
In silence, to be sure...
He treads the ground with gentle paws,
He sniffs the breeze for clues,
He hides his teeth, he hides his claws,
This untamed wild recluse...
The night is young, his turn will come...
His blood runs cold each time...
His heart is beating like a drum...
Yet onward he must climb.
The hours pass, yet he must wait...
The vigil must be kept.
No rest, he mustn't hesitate...
He mustn't be inept!
Was that a rustling dead ahead?
Was that his answered prayer?
Was that a creature that just fled?
All he could do was stare!
Here was the beauty and the beast...
The devil in disguise...
With hunger raging, unappeased...
Till something near him dies...
I pity him, his victims, too...
Is there no other way?
Each night they do what they must do,
The hunter and the prey...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Black Beauty'.
More Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
http: //denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Black Headed Gull
An artist came along one day
And saw you as you were,
And you saw him, yet chose to stay,
Like no harm could occur...
So all seemed well, relaxed, at ease,
With you his subject there,
Black headed gull, so full of peace,
Alone, without a care...
The artist sketched the gentle scene,
For canvas later on,
While you observed him, quite serene,
All trace of doubt now gone...
Safe distance, wasn't all you felt,
You sensed nobility,
A fellow creature who had knelt,
Just sketching, fancy free...
God must have smiled at such a sight,
Content at what He saw,
Perhaps it filled Him with delight,
As He knew so much more...
One day, that picture would be framed,
For wildlife prints sublime
And all because this peace you claimed,
In this, your special time...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Black Headed Gull'.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Black Jaguar
Black jaguar... so slim... so sleek,
So dignified a sight,
To me, you're precious, quite unique,
A creature of the night...
When you appear, my eyes set fast
Upon your style and grace,
Yet suddenly I gaze aghast
Upon your hunter's face...
I see the hunger in your eyes,
I know you need your prey
And though I'm taken by surprise,
I won't stand in your way...
Like you, I eat what God provides,
Like you, I must survive,
Like you, each hungered heart decides
Just how to stay alive...
So journey on unhindered by
This mortal man you sense,
Because you'll find no reason why
We two could yet be friends...
I seek no conflict with your kind,
Let's merely co-exist,
Two hunters who must daily find
The meals we can't resist...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Black Jaguar Cub
A tiny black jaguar cub,
So sleek and so petite,
Was now a member of the club
That made them feel complete...
For now they were a family,
United in one cause,
Content to share their legacy,
Fulfilling Nature's laws...
As if their future was secure,
Their place on Earth intact,
Such that they couldn't ask for more,
Their presence was a fact...
And others, too, would carry on
The destiny they knew,
From generations long since gone,
Born free, not in some zoo...
While land remains for them to roam,
While water flows nearby,
While there's somewhere they can call home,
There's little left to sigh...
Such is the life they live out now,
Till newborns come along,
If Man just lets them live somehow
And never does them wrong...
Denis Martindale, copyright September 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford. Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Black Lion!
Black lion, whence came thou to me,
That I might know thy might?
For what a sight thou art to see,
To stand as dark as night...
To glare and stare at underlings,
Not half as strong as thee,
As if thou art the King of Kings,
With utmost majesty!
And art thou Lord of thy domain,
The conqueror of all,
As if thou ever would remain
And God not bid thee fall?
Yea, time shall turn and slowly gain
The measure of thy soul,
To fashion scars and pass on pain
Beyond thy self-control...
While lion-hearted, mark this well,
Strength often brings remorse,
What seems like Heaven turns to Hell
When judgement takes its course...
Youth tarries long to cast its spell
That pride might yet deceive,
Yet Samson still has tales to tell
Of when strength's powers leave...
Denis Martindale, copyright August 2015.
Poem based on the magnificent lion paintings
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Black Magic
Black Magic, I shall name you thus,
For you are rare indeed,
So separate from all of us,
As if a noble breed...
A panther with a haughty smile,
As if with secrets hid,
Yet with the looks that quite beguile
Despite the things you did...
Though I look on with eyes bewitched,
In awe at what I see,
I stay while you remain transfixed
And not chase after me...
To watch you there has calmed my soul,
The pace you set makes sense,
Why run around, lose self-control,
Instead of making friends?
Is that your plan? To take life slow?
No enemies to make?
Allow this man some time to know,
To simply take a break?
If yes, I owe you one in this,
A share of grace to give,
A chance for peace, a chance for bliss,
To live and yet let live...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Black Satin
There, in the distance, oh so far,
We saw a big black cat,
I said it was a jaguar,
Some disagreed with that...
No, that's a leopard, there's no doubt!
No, it's a panther, mate!
And while we tried to sort it out,
We all agreed, it's great...
The cat moved closer, closer still...
We got a better look...
My word, it was a wondrous thrill,
As each checked his own book...
Comparing photos for a while,
We all became engrossed...
Contrasting size, head, profile,
I pipped them at the post...
The jaguar was yards away
And we, our cameras clicked,
Then suddenly, we'd cause to pray,
As his black lips he licked!
Our cameras flew up in the air!
Who knows if each survives?
You see, we left them, lying there,
As we ran for our lives!
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Black Satin'
which is on http: //
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Black Wolves
The black wolves stretched their legs again
And crunched the new-laid snow,
Not knowing where, not knowing when,
Yet still they had to go...
For hunger pains drove them along,
While they had strength reserved,
For yet more food to keep them strong,
So life could be preserved...
Though Spring and Summer gave them hope,
The Winter took its toll,
There had been five that tried to cope,
Now only two could stroll...
Combining both their powers meant
The final two might live
And by survival to prevent
What Winter won't forgive...
So no more running fancy free,
No frolics in the sun,
They must outlive this misery
Until the battle's won...
Thus two black wolves walked day by day
And also night by night,
In search of creatures for their prey,
Starvation at its height...
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Blessed For Eternity!
How blessed is Eden now to me,
A Paradise on Earth,
That's stirring up new poetry
That's meant to prove her worth...
A holy realm that God has blessed,
Just like a precious pearl,
Like some handmaiden God loves best,
A wondrous, gracious girl...
As if she spoke with whispered tones,
As gentle as a breeze,
Just like you hear upon the phones,
Soft-spoken, meant to please...
Yes, Eden, you caused me to pause,
Recalling times gone by,
Beyond God's prophets and God's laws,
To Adam's lonesome sigh...
Surrounded by the creatures there,
Just friendship to impart,
He needed someone meant to share
The love inside his heart...
And so he pined, a lovesick fool,
Not knowing what to do,
Alone to live, alone to rule,
Not saying, 'I love you! '
Yet Eden, like a miracle,
Is just the first to know,
A brand new start for one and all,
A chance for each to grow...
Thus love is born within your arms,
As radiant as the sun,
When Adam fell for Eve's sweet charms
Before the day was done...
From Eden's heart came Eve that day,
The day that Adam cried,
When joys from Heaven came his way - The World's Poetry Archive
In all that God supplied...
Someone to talk to now and then,
Someone to praise God, too,
Someone to hold close once again,
No wonder, his love grew...
Yet Eden, now you're everywhere
And that I know full well,
Within the words of every prayer
Wherever humans dwell...
From dust we came, then flesh and bones,
Yet Eden calls to me,
With whispered wows in dulcet tones,
Blessed for eternity!
Denis Martindale, copyright 8th of May 2014.
Use Google search to help find the GOD.TV
website and its online, WATCH NOW details.
Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Blessed Is She
When I reflect upon her face,
No matter, day or night.
I sometimes feel my heartbeat race
Expressing my delight.
For blessed is she, with female grace
And smiles that glow so bright.
Yes, she, to me, none can replace,
No matter, black or white...
When I recall her voice so sweet,
I cherish every word.
I sometimes feel that she's complete,
No wonder that I'm stirred.
For blessed is she, as if elite,
As one who is preferred.
Yes, she, to me, is hard to beat,
No matter what you've heard...
When I respond to all she is,
I often pause to pray.
I sometimes feel a sense of bliss
That money can't repay.
For blessed is she, a first-class miss,
Much more than just OK!
Yes, she to me, is all there is
God-blessed in every way...
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2011.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Blinded By Belinda!
Belinda! Belinda! Belinda! Oh, won't you marry me?
Your negatives would hinder, say YES, bring ecstasy!
Don't put it off another day! Don't leave YES till tomorrow!
Just shout the word I hope you'll say and that would end the sorrow!
You see, my heart is all on fire! It only beats for you!
For you're the one that I desire! As if you never knew!
You must have seen the longing looks, heard sentimental sighs...
All straight out of Mills & Boon books! Say YES or my heart dies!
I'll simply pine and fade away! Have pity on my soul!
Say YES TODAY! YES! YES! TODAY! Or else I'll lose control!
I'll sob and sob, throw tantrums, too! I'll not give up, my girl!
Please won't you see my point of view! You've set my world awhirl!
I'm not the same as once I was! As cool as cool could be!
And you're the reason, all because you're gorgeous! Meant for me!
Forget the millionaires out there! Forget the hunks you've seen!
Just marry ME! You know I care! Though I've not got a bean!
We'll live on love! We'll both get by! Who needs a Rolls-Royce, dear?
With love, we'll both have wings to fly! If not, we could stay here!
London's great and it suits me fine! Much better than New York!
If you stay here, we'll just recline! Lie on a bed... and... talk...
Say YES! Let's marry this July! Let's tell our parents soon!
In August, we can boldly fly... off to our honeymoon!
What's that? You simply have to leave? Oh, bother! (Censored! Damn!)
Gordon Bennett! (Censored!) Oh, good grief! Au revoir, my honey lamb!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Blue And Gold Macaw
The blue and gold macaw looked round,
Surveying what was seen,
Above the forest trees and ground
Still vibrant verdant green...
And little knowing Man encroached
To cut it day by day,
Until the final time approached
And all was swept away...
For now, the birds had homes to build,
The last this land would claim,
For soon their hopes would end up killed
And Man's greed was to blame...
Macaws would live then fade out fast,
Like dodo birds decreased,
Man never harkens to his past
As he strides west to east...
If God looks down and lets Man be
To do the worst he can,
Is this His fatal destiny,
His purpose or His plan?
Or merely freewill without pause,
The proof of all Man's sins,
Before God judges us with laws
When Christ returns as Prince?
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Blue Tits On Damson Bush
Such tiny birds, such precious things,
Contented side-by-side,
One there with perfect spreadout wings,
As I looked on with pride...
A mini spectacle I'd caught,
Beyond their normal pose,
That left me humbled, deep in thought,
With wonder that still grows...
Like Leonardo watching well,
To study what was seen,
As if a new tale he would tell
With his flying machine!
For flight has always been Man's dream,
Ascending high above,
As if that would seem all supreme,
Like angels full of love...
If not for birds, would Man fly now,
Across this world with hope?
It's thanks to these, so spare a bow,
Because we've spanned the globe...
With Nature's lessons all around,
God proves Himself sublime,
You see, God's wonders still astound,
If we but take the time...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Blue Tits On Damson Bush'.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Boast About Your Bargains!
Price-drop-tv is where it's at,
If money you would save,
That's where they like to trim the fat
Off items that we crave!
From gadgets through to jewellery,
The list goes on and on,
The prices plummet till they see
Their present stock's all gone!
Some shopping channels stare amazed
When viewers pay much less,
That's why the channel's highly praised
Based on our happiness!
Consider what you'd pay elsewhere!
It's frightening when you think!
Price-drop-tv, just doesn't care,
They let the prices sink!
Yes, my home's now full of bargains,
They're there in every room...
The money saved just simply stuns,
Much more than you'd assume!
So, take advantage, just like me...
Remember to be kind!
Each time you watch price-drop-tv,
Keep other folks in mind!
I've saved a fortune every year,
My receipts are the proof!
The facts are there, quite crystal clear,
I'm telling you the truth!
I've bought things for a penny!
I've bought things for a pound!
Yes, in fact, I've bought so many,
I boast bargains that astound!
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2012. - The World's Poetry Archive
A poem celebrating price-drop-tv's 9th birthday
here in the UK, where the shopping channel is
on Sky, Virgin Media, Freesat and Freeview.
Visit Facebook: facebook-dot-com/pricedrop
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Bob Hope Esquire
My good friend, Bob, deserves acclaim! He loved to make folks laugh!
Indeed, this was his claim to fame... and now his epitaph...
His mind was like a library - one-liners as a rule!
His heart was good as gold, you see! That's why he played the fool!
His long nose was like a ski slope that's always heading south!
Despite his 'snozz', he learnt to cope and utilised his mouth!
Do you remember fondly, too? He flirted all the time!
He told each girl, 'Sure, I love you! Hey, babe, you look sublime! '
He charmed us all: half wit, half style! He made us grin and grin!
God blessed us with Bob's roguish smile... and also with his chin!
Bob played the hero with panache! We hoped he would succeed Especially as folks paid him cash to star and play the lead!
I pray my good friend Bob's received in Heaven, by the Lord...
And all lost golf balls are retrieved as part of his reward!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Bonkers For Conkers!
A tiny chestnut tree grew tall
To span the decades well
And in the Autumn or the Fall,
Its spiky conkers fell...
The green leaves lost their chlorophyll,
Became like gold leaf's glow
And children gathered with the thrill,
Grabbed conkers then would go...
A piece of string, a three inch nail
And soon it's testing time,
For some succeed while others fail,
No reason and no rhyme...
Some are champions, born to win,
Despite a crack or two,
As if so brave they won't give in,
They're forced to see things through...
The chestnut tree stayed where it was,
Of fights it wasn't told,
But if it knew, it would be cross,
Because that's kind of cold...
Its children smashed to smithereens,
Defenceless every one,
By human children, even teens,
As if such games were fun...
Tremendous trees deserve much more,
Their grandeur warms the heart...
Alas, Man has no Conkers Law,
So no-one makes a start...
Thus conkers end up fighting fights,
While children laugh with glee,
For all of these lack wise insights,
Hence inhumanity...
Now you may giggle, laugh and snort!
Why should you care at all?
I bet you never gave a thought, - The World's Poetry Archive
Why should you? You've left school...
Should conker contests carry on?
Or should we get them banned?
If all the chestnut trees were gone,
Perhaps you'd understand...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Two tiger cubs had claimed a tree
As if it were their own
And guarded it with dignity,
As if they were full-grown!
They glared at those that ventured near,
With stern-stared loathsome looks,
As if they hoped to instil fear,
Like proper gangster crooks!
They arched their backs, their necks held high
With awesome jawsome jowls,
As if to give the evil eye
Backed up with fearsome scowls...
The gruesome twosome joined by oath
To fight with all their strength!
The passersby ignored them both!
Just sauntered by at length...
Two tiger cubs had claimed a tree,
Their castle for the day...
Like bookends in a library,
Determined, all the way...
Each little rebel with a cause,
Defiant to the last!
Their tiny claws inside their paws,
Though harmless, were quite fast...
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Bookends'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Border Patrol
The tiger crunched the frosted ground
As he went on patrol,
With nothing living all around,
He stood a lonely soul...
But food was on his mind once more,
So hunting he would go,
Despite the cold none could ignore
And all that dazzling snow...
Today he couldn't run as fast,
Yet neither could his prey,
That's why he needn't be downcast
Till it had got away...
For now, high hopes were in his heart,
He licked his lips with glee,
For he raised hunting to an art
And patience was the key...
He was the king of all there was,
This land was his alone,
He loved this land and all because
Each hiding place was known...
Survival has one Golden Rule,
Don't give up, don't give in!
That's why the tiger seemed so cruel
Each time he chose to grin...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent wildlife
painting by Stephen Gayford nb Google search:
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Born Leader
Amid the pack, a cub was born
And each wolf watched him grow,
From fragile creature so forlorn
Beneath the moonlight glow...
Yet in the dark nights, courage burned,
White hot to overflow...
Such that their doubts he overturned,
Their scorn to overthrow...
Be wary of this wolf, they thought,
For he's like none before,
In every single battle fought,
He proved he knew the score...
With dominant tenacity,
Cold Winters to endure,
He stood supreme, with dignity,
With strength none could ignore...
To him, survival was the key,
Refusing to be bossed,
With no way out and no mercy,
As if his soul were lost...
Behold his features so distinct,
A wolf not to be crossed,
For destiny and he were linked,
No matter what the cost...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Born Leader'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Boy With A Dolphin
Boy with a dolphin, two species at play!
Submerged for a moment then up to the spray!
Two mammals at leisure, no danger in sight
Just swimming together neath golden sunlight!
Neither is greater or lesser at all...
Each is the partner as pleasures enthrall!
The dolphin is noble and caring to boot...
Fraternal in spirit and physically cute!
The boy holds the dolphin in tune with his friend,
'You lead and I'll follow! ' They both comprehend!
No biting or scratching, just true courtesy
That's borne of God's blessing and joint harmony!
Could this be the blueprint of how life was planned?
Exploring the Cosmos by space, sea and land!
With love as the standard, the hallmark of grace
And proof is made known by the smile on one's face!
If so, keep on smiling and bubbling with joy!
Remember the dolphin! Remember the boy!
Keep faith with God's Spirit and radiate love!
And soon you'll be flying with angels above!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
When God made Man, this world to rule,
From Adam, God made Eve,
Yet did God make each one a fool,
The Devil to believe?
Consider all of history,
Its lessons learnt and lost,
Consider Man's humanity,
Each action has its cost...
With exploits here and exploits there,
Man seems hell-bent on death,
His wars have always caused despair,
Lives stolen from each breath...
With callous crimes and cruelties,
With turmoils far and wide,
It's very hard to salvage peace
When hatred burns inside...
Bravado's such a great deceit,
'I dare you! ' Satan says,
Could this be why Man must compete
And widows say their prayers?
Could this be why great strides are made,
Technology and such?
Yet all such joys are bound to fade,
If Death comes close to touch...
While pioneers transcend all fears,
Past records still to break,
Mortalities will span the years,
Yet not for righteous' sake...
Merely to brag, to swell with pride,
To say, 'I beat the rest! '
So many men have tried and died,
To leave us unimpressed...
To see a bird bids Man to fly,
A whale bids Man to dive,
'The moon above, that's not so high, - The World's Poetry Archive
Let's see who can survive! '
And so, Man dares, bravado reigns,
Where wisdom fears to tread,
Refusing still to reach for gains,
When no-one gains if dead...
The skier on the mountain slope,
The diver 'neath the waves,
The spaceman gliding near Earth's globe
Who prays that God still saves...
Bravado fills our veins and more,
It fills our midnight dreams,
Yet in those dreams, blood's rare to pour,
It's life that brings extremes...
The young man on his motorbike,
The old man in his car,
They speed along the roads they like,
Perhaps one day too far...
The wrestler in the grudge match,
The boxer beaten down,
The burglar with a heist to hatch,
The king who keeps his crown...
No man is safe from 'I dare you! '
If he would be a man,
Yet what does God want us to do
To stay within His plan?
When wisdom lives within the mind,
It prays before each act,
For wisdom proves itself as kind,
When bodies stay intact...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Breaking Cover
The tiger sneaked a private glance
Between the close-knit leaves,
Who knows if there would be, perchance,
Some walking meal that breathes?
There was no scent upon the air,
No dainty morsel near,
The hunger felt he had to bear,
Till made to disappear...
With softly-trodden tootsies stepped,
He paced himself once more,
To face the lonely vigil kept
When hunting was a chore...
Without a drink to calm his nerves,
On tenterhooks he walked,
His tail now twisting with its swerves
As onward still he stalked...
His patience almost at an end,
He heard a creature run
And all his hopes were on the mend,
The hiding part was done...
On breaking cover, he gave chase,
Too soon a meal to gain,
No wonder frowns grew on his face,
Next time, he'd use his brain...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Brethren Wolves
Who was the elder of them both,
These brilliant brethren wolves,
United by a solemn oath
Each family approves?
And who now was more dominant
In stature, strength and guile,
Such things are not proved evident
By just a proud profile...
For both found strength in unison,
As sons of alpha males,
As side-by-side joint battles won
Such that each rarely fails...
Prized predators without a doubt,
Feared by both great and small,
As long as wolves are still allowed
To lord it over all...
The lone wolf isn't quite as brave,
His path more solemn still,
His journey closer to the grave
If injured or if ill...
But brothers aren't just company,
They're soulmates to the end,
Soon alpha males for all to see,
On that you can depend...
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Brethren Wolves'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Brian The Robot
While Brian's got no soul at all,
Just innards and a shell,
Of all the robots it stands tall,
For wonders it can tell...
Though Brian's just its brainy name,
It knows a thing or two,
Yet Brian's only got one aim,
Comparing costs for you...
All Brian needs is our support,
So it completes its task,
A little time, a little thought,
Are these too much to ask?
With each request the truth's soon known,
The data's scanned and found,
Such that the price, when it's first shown,
Stands out and can astound...
Since humans can save cash and time,
It must be logical...
Technology has proved sublime
And blesses one and all...
As long as humans face the facts,
Then Brian's quite a friend,
For courtesy it never lacks
When saving cash we spend...
Insurance is its tour de force,
Its reason to exist,
But humans have so many flaws,
Confusion can persist...
But thanks to Brian, that's all changed,
A few facts and it's done,
A quick quote's promptly then arranged,
Care of confused-dot-com...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2013. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Bridget And The Bridge
Young Bridget was a cautious soul,
Not one to risk her all,
She'd rather have her self-control
Than jump up high then fall...
That's why she froze one Summer's day,
When at the bridge she stood...
She didn't trust the stones or clay,
She didn't trust the wood!
While others crossed the bridge ahead,
She watched through gritted teeth,
With one almighty sense of dread
That strengthened disbelief...
Yet there she stood while buses drove,
Full up for all to see,
Her mind, though numbed, for courage strove,
Yet brave she wouldn't be...
So Bridget made her way back home,
As if she had no choice,
As if no more from home to roam,
While she regained her poise...
Though fifty years have come and gone,
The bridge remains quite strong...
While Bridget lived her life alone,
Still asking, 'Was I wrong? '
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2012.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Bright Eyes
He really doesn't have a clue,
He's still too young to know!
He does what little lions do,
He's always on the go...
He's scratching backs, he's biting tails!
He's pouncing now and then!
He's challenging the other males!
He wins four out of ten!
His tiny teeth aren't up to much!
His smooth young claws are stubs!
His awesome ears keep him in touch
With antics of the cubs!
He dribbles and he's got no shame!
He's often known to drip...
Though every lion has his fame,
He's hardly cool or hip!
But he'll get better every day
Because he's keen to learn...
That's how great lions find their way,
In time, respect to earn!
One day and his courageous heart
Will grant him everything...
One day, he'll really look the part,
One day, he'll be a king!
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Bright Eyes'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Bring Your Requests Before The Lord
Bring your requests before the Lord because He hears our prayers,
Bring your requests in sweet accord because our Father cares.
No other God exists above, no other God below,
No greater father shows his love with blessings to bestow
Consider Christ while on this Earth, He taught us how to pray,
That proves that even we have worth although at times we stray
Does God look down and hate us all? Why, then, would Jesus die?
Lord Jesus died because we fall, yet to the Lord we cry
Our sins confessed, we praise the Lord, our Father still forgives.
God's Spirit tells us, stand assured, because Lord Jesus lives
While He's in Heaven at God's side, our Father knows our needs
Because the Saviour crucified loves us and intercedes.
It doesn't matter what you've done, because Christ died for you.
God sacrificed His only Son, what more could they both do?
Bring your requests before the Lord! Use God's Word when you pray.
No prayer that's heard will be ignored! God's love is yours today
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Brother Sun And Sister Moon
When light was fashioned here and there
Before the Cosmic dust,
God saw it was beyond compare
And worthy of His trust,
That's why He gave Man eyes to see,
Observing all he could,
From what there was and was to be,
Then choosing what was good.
The sun and moon shone day and night
While Adam looked above,
Then Adam sensed something not right,
He had no-one to love...
The lights of day and night combined
In perfect harmony,
But he had no-one he could find
To keep him company...
'Why is this so? ' he asked the Lord,
Who'd saved the best till last...
'Fear not, your plight won't be ignored,
Your loneliness is past.
You had to sense it in your heart,
To learn just how that felt...
To know there was a missing part
That caused your joy to melt...'
Then Adam slept, one rib to lose,
The Lord new life to make...
The woman Adam was to choose
To take away the ache...
When Adam woke, his eyes were glad,
For beauty was at hand
And gone all thoughts of feeling sad,
When told what God had planned...
That's why the sun and moon are friends,
For they portrayed the truth,
Upon each other, each depends - The World's Poetry Archive
And that's a solemn truth...
They comfort every seeing eye
With newfound happiness...
Brother and sister in the sky,
Shine on, the world to bless...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Brotherly Love
Many tigers can get along,
Yet brothers most of all,
Beyond the bond that makes them strong,
Regardless, great or small...
Of all the creatures on this Earth,
That roam both near and far,
Heed well when tigers show their worth,
Each one proves he's a star!
Reach past the tiger's eye and see
Kept hidden there behind,
Enthusiastic harmony,
Valued because it's kind...
In families, where love holds sway,
No harm is borne of hate,
Much joy is brought and shared each day
And there to celebrate...
Rejoicing isn't always shown,
Try smiling every hour,
It's simply good they're not alone,
No need displaying power...
Distinguished fellows side by side
Are safe through self-control,
Love's there to bless each tiger's stride,
Each going for a stroll...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Brotherly Love'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Two cheetahs look out with concern
At Nature in the raw,
With focussed eyes that seem so stern
At sights they can't ignore...
Each joins his father and mother,
No more the awkward child,
Together, brother and brother,
Two cheetahs in the wild...
For everywhere, new dangers roam,
No matter where they go...
No matter, near or far from home,
They fight... or flee each foe...
Their fast legs save them from defeat,
To fight another day...
From predators too strong to beat,
These two must run away...
As scavengers, they've got it made,
But fights just aren't their style,
When all the factors have been weighed,
They'd rather run a mile...
But come a fight they can't avoid,
They'll take it in their stride...
With valiant courage then employed,
Two brothers... side-by-side...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Brothers'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Brothers In Arms
Two young tigers stood side-by-side,
Facing the world assured...
With both their jaws now open wide,
With pride, the tigers roared!
The hunters snarled like angry kings
To all in their domain,
As if the rest were underlings
They must remind again...
They shared a sense of destiny,
Born free and yet what for?
To take their part in history!
To fill the world with awe!
To stand united, unafraid,
If challenged, not to fail.
Like living legends, undismayed,
Determined to prevail!
Like champions, to stand their ground,
Defiant to the end...
Two young tigers, the best around
And each the other's friend...
Brothers in arms and warriors,
Tenacious day and night,
Miraculous and glorious,
Both valiant inside.
Two sets of eyes, two sets of ears...
Two hearts that beat as one...
Their loyalty outlasts the years,
Through all that must be done...
Life's sometimes good, life's sometimes bad,
Life's sometimes in-between...
For them, the future's ironclad...
If we don't intervene...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Brothers In Arms'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Brothers, Two...
Outstretched, flat out, like bookends there,
Two golden lions laid,
Two brother lions without care,
Completely unafraid...
Enjoying sunshine, warmth and all,
So casual, at peace,
Before the time the moon must call
And sunshine had to cease...
Born free, they basked, not sent to schools,
With info to discuss,
Apart from Man and all Man's rules,
No taxes, work or fuss...
Just layabouts with no TV,
No radio or such,
No newsflash updates urgency,
No way to keep in touch...
Yet don't they look so calm, serene?
No troubles to relay,
No burdened brows to make them mean,
No thoughts to move away...
I envy them! No rent, no bills!
No pension scheme or plan...
While I am here, all aches and ills,
A tired, worn out man...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
(It's entitled as Brothers II, hence the poem's title.)
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Buffy The Vampire Slayer!
At dead of night, out on patrol,
She went to cemeteries!
She hoped to meet no living soul,
Just vampires there to seize!
She took them on as if her fate,
In alley ways as well...
And while she thought karate's great,
She sent vampires to Hell!
Those bloody vampires think they're smart,
But she thought they were dumb!
The cross she wore upon her heart
Was prone to turn them numb!
With wooden crosses here and there,
Plus wooden stakes for luck,
She chased those lost boys everywhere
Until their hearts were struck!
Along the way, she fell in love
With Angel and with Spike,
But pretty soon, she'd had enough!
'Go on, get on yer bike! '
She kicked them both right to the curb,
She cried, 'Just go away! '
She couldn't let lost boys disturb
Her duty day-by-day!
At times, she fancied human boys...
She had a fling or two,
Or three or four, like they were toys,
Like some cheerleaders do!
She kicked her legs up like the rest,
Did cartwheels now and then,
But when night came, she tried her best,
Out on patrol again!
One time beneath that golden moon,
That glowed up in the sky,
She almost fainted with a swoon - The World's Poetry Archive
That made her wonder why!
At home, her mirror view revealed,
Two tooth marks on her neck!
She screamed and screeched and loudly squealed,
Yelled words like, 'What the heck! ? '
The next few nights left her aghast!
Her dreams were up the creek!
Her night patrols now in the past,
Meant things were looking bleak...
She used to kick lost boys KERPOW,
While thinking she was cool!
She's just another lost girl now!
She shoulda stayed in School!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Building The Foundation
God's Holy Spirit tells us straight, lost souls will one day die...
Then what have they to celebrate? Salvation's past them by!
We've got the means to preach worldwide, it's time to count the cost.
Christ gave His all when crucified... Please give to save the lost...
When Christians pray, God bends an ear... He studies every word...
How many pray to God each year? The truth is somewhat blurred...
Of those who love Him most of all, obedience is king...
They serve the Saviour just like Paul, who gave God everything...
The rest resist God's perfect plan, they wander to and fro,
Sometimes they serve the Son of Man, sometimes they just say, 'No...'
Sometimes they offer words of praise, sometimes they seek the Lord...
At other times, they act like strays, the Shepherd they've ignored...
God wants to build His Kingdom now, not for some future time,
Not for some future heads to bow, but now, while in our prime...
Today's the day... this unique day... this moment must pass soon.
What must we do? We must obey... Don't wait to watch the moon...
God's Holy Spirit tells us straight, lost souls will one day die...
Then what have they to celebrate? Salvation's past them by!
We've got the means to preach worldwide, it's time to count the cost.
Christ gave His all when crucified... Please give to save the lost...
(July 2011)
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Burning Bright
Oh, how brilliant is the legend
In oranges and blacks.
You look and then your breath suspend...
The tiger nothing lacks!
With stripes so strong, so debonair,
So vibrant in the sun!
How dominant, beyond compare,
A vision that can stun!
Take in the stance, the mouth, the teeth,
The claws in paws of gold...
They keep their secrets there beneath,
For they must not be told!
But come the time the tiger stalks
The prey that's dead ahead...
Those claws aren't merely just for walks...
I'm sure you've guessed! Nuff said...
The tiger tempts nobody close,
He growls contempt for all...
For now, he merely strikes a pose,
As if his curtain call...
Endangered species come and go!
His legend's burning bright!
Yet how long for, no man can know...
Please pray again, tonight...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Burning Bright'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Bush Master
No more the lion cub is he,
Now full grown in his prime
And gone is all timidity
Because this is his time...
Prepared for such a day as this,
His eyes survey the land,
His destiny won't go amiss,
In truth, his life is planned.
This season changes everything,
He walks as if he rules,
As if he were their only king,
Adorned with gold and jewels.
It's true that lions should be feared,
It's true that they are fierce,
Yet openly they are revered
By men and all their peers.
Bush masters live, take life and die,
With cubs to take their place,
Without the need to question why,
As if no shame to face...
If left alone, they may endure
A thousand years or more...
If not, extinction, death for sure,
Gone with one final roar...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Bush Master'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Buzzard On A Branch
A buzzard on a branch looked round
Because he heard a noise
And though I hadn't made that sound,
He looked at me by choice...
And so we stared, no movements made,
As if within a spell,
With both hearts beating unafraid,
No thought to bid farewell...
A buzzard isn't much to see,
Brown wings, face, claws and beak,
So not much of a mystery,
Not highly-prized to seek...
Yet I knew well that buzzards fly,
A thing that I can't do...
And when us humans question why,
We're jealous through and through...
Perhaps that's why I sighed that day,
Though he knew nought of this,
God chose our gifts a certain way,
That's why some gifts we miss...
The buzzard turned and flew above,
To leave me far behind..
To question, were my gifts enough,
Still playing on my mind...
Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
By His Stripes
By the stripes of Jesus Christ
Humanity is healed,
Far more than when first realised
Once truth has been revealed...
The price is paid for all Man's sins,
God's grace is thus poured out,
His signs and wonders thus convince
To overcome each doubt...
The precious Gospel spreads Good News,
God's Spirit leads the way,
Yet after that, it's we who choose,
If willing to obey...
For Heaven waits each willing child,
The faithful drawing near,
The process means they're reconciled,
Forgiven year by year...
Salvation offered to Mankind,
Eternal Life and more,
We humbly seek until we find,
It's then that we adore...
It's then we preach for all we're worth,
Determined still to save,
To each lost soul upon this Earth,
Just what Lord Jesus gave...
Denis Martindale, copyright July 2014.
The Revelation TV website and watch now details
can be found on Google. Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
By The Water Hole...
Two lion cubs were peaceful there,
When by the water hole,
As if life held for them no care,
No torment of the soul...
As tranquil as the water's flow,
As gentle as could be,
Yet all the while they didn't know
They were delaying me...
I longed to swim stretched out all wet,
Cooled down from Summer's heat,
But here's the closest I could get
Before we're bound to meet...
And so I waited, hid from sight,
With silent sighs and stares,
To wait my turn and stay polite
And seeking God through prayers...
And soon the cubs slinked off at last,
With parents close behind,
So that my waiting time had past
And God was oh so kind...
I swam and swam and swam and swam,
Enjoying all God gave,
Content to be the way I am,
A patient soul... not brave...
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
By The Waterhole
Two lion cubs laid low once more
Just by the waterhole,
Where they explored their sense of awe,
At peace, not on patrol...
For here, beneath that golden sun,
The silver shimmered still,
Upon the water, having fun,
Just randomly at will...
The cubs surveyed their vast domain,
Content to rule it all,
To daily take the mighty strain,
In answer to the call...
The destiny that falls to those
That Nature bids them hear,
Such that their stature slowly grows
Until their future's clear...
For now, their blessing seems so weak,
So gentle on the breeze,
So natural it's not unique
And yet the wise man sees...
One day, like Titans, side-by-side,
Their skills in one accord,
The lion kings no longer hide,
Their legacy assured...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Calling All Experts!
In God's time, He made a guru, an expert in his field,
Then God asked him, 'What will you do with wisdom I revealed? '
The guru answered straight away! 'Lord, here am I, send me!
Lord, my heart's willing to obey, yet I deserve a fee! '
'In Heaven, I've made room, My son, a mansion filled with love!
It's yours for all the good you've done, so is this fee enough? '
The guru smiled, 'Indeed, my Lord! Just tell me where to go!
No more need I to seek reward now that I'm in the know! '
And so the guru crossed the globe, to share his expertise
And everywhere this man brought hope, no thought of charging fees.
Yet God blessed him beyond compare, long life and health and grace,
Such that this man was glad to care and help the human race.
He spread the Gospel far and wide, he taught both young and old,
He preached of Jesus crucified, with faith as good as gold.
Like Solomon, he made things plain, each need was recognised,
He eased Man's sorrows, guilt and pain, baptised each saved by Christ.
When Heaven called, this man went home, his earthly life complete,
Gone were the days he used to roam, shake hands and greet and meet.
His final prayer before he went, departing from us all,
'Lord, I'm so glad that You're my friend! Thanks for each miracle! '
Denis Martindale, copyright August 2015.
Calling all experts! That is what God does
every day, but who will answer that call?
Imagine what God could do for this world
if the God-given talents were best used!
That is what Revelation TV is all about!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The Cross of Christ laid on the ground
And Jesus closed His eyes,
His beating heart the only sound
That He could realise...
They held Him down and nailed Him fast
As He screamed out in pain,
His blood ran cold, for now, at last,
He knew He would be slain...
The Cross of Christ was hoisted up,
With Him, the Romans' toy,
They offered Him the drug-filled cup,
Some mercy to employ...
But He refused to dull the ache,
The horror and the fear,
He knew the sacrifice to make
And kept it pure and clear...
The Cross of Christ was where He stayed,
No angels rescued Him,
They humbly watched as Christ obeyed
Before God's seraphim...
The Father stared from Heaven's Throne,
At Christ who wore a crown,
Forced there by Roman hearts of stone,
Now gambling for His gown...
The Cross of Christ was hid from sight
As God's Love looked away
And turned that sacred day to night
As He kept tears at bay...
One angel wept, then all joined in
And God wept tears as well.
This was the sacrifice for sin...
So we'd not go to Hell...
The Cross of Christ was where He died,
That place called Calvary,
That green hill far away supplied,
That haunts eternity...
That day when Mary's heartbeat stopped
In unison yet lived,
That time the Saviour's head had dropped, - The World's Poetry Archive
With death His precious gift...
The Cross of Christ still bore His Blood,
Though Christ was in His tomb
And God observed that holy flood,
With hatred and with gloom...
Yet Christ had prayed, forgive them all,
They know not what they do...
So God sent preachers like Saint Paul,
Because Christ died... for you...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2010.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
In ancient times, young Arthur stood,
Above the stubborn stone
That held a destiny so good,
For one and one alone...
Who held the sword within its power
Would rule the kingdom well
And suddenly, within the hour,
That secret it must tell...
When Arthur pulled and pushed the sword,
He learnt the lesson there,
That strength alone is self-assured,
A King must show a care...
As force is just the start, not all,
It's wisdom that each needs
And blessed are those who hear its call,
Without it, none succeeds...
When Merlin played his magic arts
With potions and dark spells,
His incantations fooled men's hearts
With showmanship that sells,
The kind that seems salvation's friend,
Yet pagan were his ways,
Perhaps until his very end
When he, the Lord, obeys...
Meantime, King Arthur had a dream,
A city built with love,
Where men were noble not extreme,
Still courteous though tough...
If peace could blossom like the rose,
Men had no cause to fight,
No need for men to come to blows,
To prove the best or right...
Thus Arthur chose his noblemen,
His knights who'd won their spurs,
With them, he strove for peace to gain, - The World's Poetry Archive
No matter what occurs...
While wisdom led him by the hand,
His heart and head were one,
Such that his fame had crossed the land
From dawn to setting sun...
But Fate was working in the courts
Where justice was dispensed,
Such that King Arthur heard reports
And he became incensed...
A rage then festered in his soul
Through infidelity
And of his wife he lost control,
Despaired eternally...
Such is the bond 'twixt man and wife,
Let no man come between,
Else fear to lose his very life,
If he should intervene...
When Merlin heard the sorry state,
He mourned for Arthur's loss,
He wept at this, the twist of Fate,
As callous as Christ's cross...
The Queen discovered lust cares not
For commoner or King,
Not even there in Camelot,
Could she escape its sting...
For like a scorpion's deadly kiss,
Was lust the final flaw,
That killed a kingdom's wondrous bliss
And shook it to the core...
Think not, that Camelot was spared
The rumours and the sighs,
Though many noblemen still cared
Despite those that despise...
With heads held low, for shame, for grief,
Their legend tainted thus,
One knight fought on in his belief
The Holy Grail heals us... - The World's Poetry Archive
And so he journeyed far and wide,
Christ's cup to heal the hurt,
Yet who knows if it was supplied?
Because the legend's blurred...
Some say it was, by grace, in time
And Arthur was restored
And Camelot endured sublime,
Blessed by our Sovereign Lord...
Yet others tell of Arthur's death,
Excalibur returned
And with the parting of his breath,
Was Arthur's dream now spurned...
But this I know, of all Man's dreams,
God's roses truly grow
Within the hearts that spurn extremes
And yearn for Christ to know...
It's not the chalice that can heal,
Forgive or mend the mind,
It's just God's grace that grants appeal,
Atonement, pure and kind...
A godly knight can journey lands,
His quest may guide him well,
Yet only Jesus understands
How Heaven saves from Hell...
Did Merlin find God's grace at last?
Did Lancelot find peace?
Did Arthur overcome the past?
The legends never cease...
Such legends now are all we've got,
That's why they're highly prized...
Yet Christians wait God's Camelot,
The Golden Age of Christ!
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2012.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Camilla The Camel!
Yesterday I bought a camel
And I paid through the nose
And although she's one large mammal,
It's true, her dribble flows...
I hadn't seen her face close-to,
Was told she's known to spit,
So with my camera zoom to view,
I sighed, confirming it!
I couldn't get a refund back,
The seller scarpered fast,
So there I stood, things looking black,
To see his jeep fly past...
I heard him laughing, cash-in-hand,
Content that he'd conned me,
For what I'd bought then couldn't stand
Upon her wonky knee!
Camilla the camel laid down,
Determined not to move,
She looked at me with such a frown,
With nothing left to prove...
I looked at her, then asked the Lord,
For patience by the ton,
Camilla looked at me quite bored,
So nothing could be done...
But then a stranger came along,
Saw us and understood,
Then bought Camilla for a song,
Yeah, he conned me real good...
For from a distance I observed,
Thanks to my camera zoom
And thus the truth I had unearthed,
Which filled my heart with gloom...
Camilla soon stood up again!
Pretending all the while!
Did I imagine it just then? - The World's Poetry Archive
I swear I saw her smile!
Camilla looked quite spritely now,
No limp, no pain at all...
Camilla, you should take a bow,
At least a curtain call...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Careful Watch
Two lion cubs were quite alone,
No parents were close by,
So there they waited, on their own,
Beneath the clear blue sky...
They both looked left, they both looked right,
As careful watch they kept,
On anything that stood in sight,
Or anything that crept...
Because the other cub was close,
They both would form a bond,
As if each life the other owes,
For now and years beyond...
A partnership was bound to be,
The other to defend,
But sweeter than mere family,
With each, the other's friend...
For now, the fragile felines stayed
As they surveyed the land,
As both their parents they obeyed
And tried to understand...
Yet one day, too, as lions learn,
Their time could come real soon,
When to their young cubs they return,
Some sunny afternoon...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cat In A Wooded Landscape
The cat had wandered far from home,
God knows how he got there,
Now all alone he had to roam,
With no-one else to care...
The wooded landscape looked forlorn,
Just rocks for company,
That's why he treated life with scorn,
As lonesome as could be...
He ventured far and wide each day,
Another cat to find,
To offer hope along the way,
Perchance to change his mind...
And so for weeks, he travelled hard,
Across by day and night,
So terrified he stayed on guard
Through every sound and sight...
At last, the wood came to an end,
The city streets he saw,
In time, God helped him meet a friend,
The city to explore...
No human master to control,
Just living fancy free,
To find some food and have a stroll...
How nice... Don't you agree?
Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cat Nap...
The tiger had a long, long day
And sleepytime was back,
With lonesome dreams that might relay
His hopes when things looked black...
For solitude has novelties
That dissipate with time,
Companionship's thus meant to please
And makes one's life sublime...
And so the tiger let sleep come,
With visions in the night,
That sometimes guide the wearisome,
To overcome their plight...
For loneliness, that's hardly fun,
Its short term blessings fade,
Until one finds that special one,
For whom the heart has prayed...
Submitting to the midnight realm,
One wishes on a star,
To conquer and thus overwhelm
What hinders, near or far...
Who knows what tiger dreams will share,
What future loves are shown?
Or if that tiger's bold to dare...
To act on truths made known?
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Catching The Sun
Two meerkats stood on tippy-toes
With both of them alert,
On guard against all nearby foes,
So no friends would get hurt...
Defenders every sun-filled day,
Like knights of old they stood!
Defiantly, for come what may,
Determined to be good!
Their little hearts were filled with love
As they stayed side-by-side
And though they didn't look that tough,
Their friends were filled with pride...
To think, that meerkats prove their worth,
With courage shining through,
Yet live their lives beneath the earth,
To do what meerkats do...
They don't have mansions, boats or cars,
They don't own stocks or bonds,
They don't have gold or silver bars
Or fancy hair like blondes!
They're merely meerkats, nothing more,
So there's no great pretence...
But there's one thing you can be sure,
They're loved by all their friends!
(August 2011/The poem is based on the
magnificent painting by Stephen Gayford
called 'Catching The Sun')
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The tiger looked with expert eyes,
Content to see for miles...
And in his own eyes he was wise,
His black heart full of wiles...
There was no doubt within his mind,
This was the time to choose...
A better time he wouldn't find
For him to have a snooze...
He stretched his awesome long legs out,
Then curled up in a ball...
Quite sure there was no-one about,
His catnap came to call...
His eyelids drooped, like weary tails,
Their blackness dead ahead...
And nothing short of fearsome gales
Could open them instead...
Deep breaths and he was on his way,
To where all tigers go,
When big cats' dreams they must obey
And this each one must know...
His whiskers flopped like withered strings,
No longer tight and taut...
So much for tigers thought as kings,
If by his dreams, he's caught...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Catnap'.
The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Caught By The Light!
The lioness was deep in thought,
The shade clouds minds that way,
Until she by the light was caught,
Then wisdom came to stay...
And hunting skills are quick to snatch
The instincts still inside,
Such that one's prey one's meant to catch,
Or else it's time to hide...
When sunshine grants more details seen,
The prey sees just as well,
With just the gap that's in-between
To halt things for a spell...
That's why she seldom hunts alone,
It's just a numbers game,
The oldest game that she has known,
Survival without shame...
How else could she raise cubs for years?
Though judge her if you will,
Yet those who work and have careers
Are those that seldom kill...
Their supermarket's there in town,
With meat that waits in-store,
While lions simply hunt prey down
And kill by tooth and claw...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent wildlife
painting by Stephen Gayford nb Google search:
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The white wolf wasn't all too keen
To challenge anyone.
He heard a noise, his heart turned mean,
Beneath the fading sun...
When cautious instincts made him wait,
His eyes scanned high and low.
In seconds, he would learn his fate...
To stay here or to go...
The lone wolf listened for some clues
Of movement left or right.
Another noise was more bad news...
Yet he was born to fight!
The minutes melted silently...
Yet nothing more was heard...
Now drained of curiosity,
He took a chance and stirred.
With leaps and bounds, he crossed the plains,
Escaping dangers there.
The cautious white wolf broke the chains
That he was forced to bear.
The path ahead was open wide
And so new life begins...
New confidence helped him decide,
Throw caution to the winds...
His heartbeat calmed beside the stream...
He drank his fill... time passed...
In time, this day would seem a dream...
For now, he slept... at last...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Cautious'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Celestial Solitude
While challenges as yet remain
Upon this Earth we live,
Sometimes it helps if we refrain,
At rest, till God can give...
Not all are athletes circling round
A stadium to win,
Sometimes the race is homeward bound,
Alone, just staying in...
Apart from every other soul,
The heart beats gentler still,
Allowing God to take control
According to His will...
Celestial, such times will prove
What God has got to say,
Beyond His softened words that soothe
That follow when we pray...
The hand of God can crush the fool,
The evil and the proud,
Yet give to us each Golden Rule
To show what's been allowed...
For both the rich and poor alike,
Receive the sun above,
Until that day when Death must strike,
Can we live with God's love?
The humble and the fearful, too,
Can bow their heads in prayer,
To intercede for me and you,
For whom the Lord must care...
If not, then why should Jesus die,
Upon the Cross of Christ?
Or grant us grace in full supply,
Unless we're highly prized?
In solitude, when saints calm down,
With heartbeats on the wane
And absent is the fretting frown, - The World's Poetry Archive
That signals fears or pain...
Eyes closed in meditative mode,
The Lord's not near or far,
He's everywhere to bear the load,
Wherever burdens are...
Cast all your cares upon the Lord,
No matter, great or small,
Receive, like Peter, your reward,
Like James and John and Paul...
Amid the storm, amid the calm,
Christ beckons us stay close,
He gently guides us by the arm
To new things He still shows...
That's why, today, the saints are led,
From place to place to place,
Still trusting Christ the King who bled...
And died to grant them grace...
That's why, each day, they preach the Word,
With wisdom borne of joy,
For solitude has truly stirred
God's gifts that they employ...
At times, when poems trickle here,
Creating line-by-line,
It's though I sense the Lord draw near
And simple truths refine...
Like furnace gold that's purified,
Fit for the Master's use,
My eyes though light are open wide,
Transfixed by what He'll choose...
My solitude can bring forth fruit
That only silence sends,
Perhaps with words that gently suit
The sharing with my friends...
Thus poems come and poems go,
I dare not hold them fast,
For some are meant for all to know,
Till I must go at last... - The World's Poetry Archive
But until then, it's solitude,
So poems can be born,
God blessing in each interlude,
Not just the breaking dawn...
So, please, excuse when I'm apart,
I'm with the Lord, you see,
It's time to have a heart-to-heart,
The Prince of Peace... and me...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2013.
Hear the word of the Lord on GOD TV,
on Sky, Virgin Media, Freeview HD, or
Roku box, or visit the website god-dot-tv
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The tiger cub was prone to sit,
To squat for all to see,
Perhaps to pause, to rest a bit,
Or just to pose with glee...
Now quite aware how charmed they were
Each time they stopped to stare,
To them, more than a ball of fur,
His destiny to bear...
Perhaps to be the alpha male,
Courageous, brash and bold
And not the tiger cub so frail,
With fluffy stripes of gold...
One day would come, when he would stride,
So sure, so confident
And in his heart a sense of pride
At what his parents meant...
They knew the changing course of time,
The spanning of the years,
The seasons passing so sublime,
The conquering of fears...
The stretching forth, the legacy,
The claiming to be done,
The awesome waiting destiny,
For him, their precious son...
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Chasing The Rainbow!
From Noah to the present day,
A rainbow spans the skies,
Such that a man is prone to pray
For all that God supplies...
For colours that enhance our views
For blue eyes and brown eyes,
A spectrum blessing we can choose,
Until in Paradise...
A rainbow shows us harmony,
No grey, no black or white,
A sharing of each frequency
That brings us sheer delight...
A miracle that's sevenfold
Each time we look ahead,
A treasure trove we can behold,
From indigo to red...
And see, it circles us above,
As if it were a crown,
As if a measure of God's love,
Should we look up not down...
And with God's promise, even now,
Come sunshine or come rain,
Of all the things God may allow,
The world won't flood again...
Thus Man builds houses everywhere,
Communities as well
And Churches full of praise and prayer,
Good News to hear and tell...
To chase a rainbow may be fun,
For soon each must depart,
Unless you touch that hidden one
God placed within your heart!
Denis Martindale, copyright October 2014. - The World's Poetry Archive
The Revelation TV website
and watch now details
can be found on Google.
Seek and ye shall find...
(Today would be a good idea...)
believeandbebaptised dot-co-dot-uk
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cheek To Cheek
Two tigers wandered to and fro,
Like restless tigers do,
Until they chose to take things slow
Just like the chosen few...
Let others pounce and leap for joy,
Explore for all they're worth,
But these two tigers played it coy
And settled on the earth...
Thus side-by-side and cheek-to-cheek
They nestled 'neath the sun,
Content merely to pause and peek
At others having fun...
As if to say, 'You go for it!
We'll stay here keeping guard...
Conserve your strength, keep fighting fit,
Just don't you play too hard! '
While others every joy embrace
As if Hell-bent on thrills,
Some tigers simply spend their days,
Like statues watching hills...
They look like bookends on the shelves,
Now rooted to the spot!
Wise tigers learn to pace themselves!
That sun is too darned hot!
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Cheek To Cheek'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cheetah Babies
The cheetah babies looked around
Like sourpusses do,
So tired out that they both frowned,
As they felt somewhat blue
Plum tuckered out! Fatigued, all in
Their little legs quite weak,
Their present mood was numbed, chagrin,
No grin at all, just pique
Their parents gave them time and space
The twins were known for this
No stamina to keep the pace
So things were bound to fizz
So things went quiet for a while
As they remained so still
Almost as if each lost his smile
And life had lost its thrill
Tomorrow they will both go nuts!
You'll see, it never fails!
Their smiles as bright as megawatts!
Together, chasing tails!
Like energetic so-and-sos
Chaotic and Hell-bent
They'll keep their parents on their toes
Till all their strength is spent!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cheetah Glow
With those distinctive tear-stained eyes
The cheetah looked around,
With ears alert to realise
Each sudden nearby sound...
In hunting mode, the cheetah sensed
Each second one-by-one,
Alone, aloof and without friends
Beneath the burning sun...
The sizzling light shone down all day,
Upon the cheetah's fur,
To warm its cold heart all the way,
Whatever must occur...
For cheetahs want to stay alive,
Regardless of the cost...
They fight a war so they survive,
Until the war is lost...
This cheetah's stare looked left and right,
For something unaware,
Before the creature's taken flight
On land or in the air...
As fast as cheetah legs can run,
Starvation is the foe,
Beneath the ever-burning sun
That makes the cheetah glow...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Cheetah Glow'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cheetah Haven
The mother cheetah settled there,
With two cubs still in tow.
This was the time to shed her care,
Her tension and her woe.
The cubs looked timid, as did she,
Yet danger wasn't near.
In time, they found serenity
And lost all sense of fear.
Their hearts were beating gently now...
They nestled, sunshine-blessed...
Content to be at peace, somehow,
And thankful for the rest...
Togetherness makes life complete,
A morsel to enjoy...
A portion that makes life more sweet,
If wisdom we employ.
For life deserves a change of mood,
Not busy, draining power.
What creature always hunts for food
With every passing hour?
That's why the cheetahs found this place,
This haven in the sun,
This miracle they could embrace
Until the day was done...
Let others run and swim and fly,
Let others walk or crawl...
The cheetahs watched the day go by,
Spectators of it all.
The cubs were pleased, the day went well,
They must do this again...
This secret they must never tell...
Just visit... now and then...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Cheetah Haven'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cheetah Sunset
Another Summer's day must end,
The cheetah left fatigued,
So there he was, without a friend,
Still hoping to succeed...
To him, that meant his suppertime,
Some random passing meal,
For how else could he pass his time,
With hunger pains so real?
The sunset loomed and that prevents
His hunting skills, of course,
When running leads to accidents
And even more remorse...
He studied well the local land,
The ground both near and far,
A final chase foreseen and planned,
Before each coming star...
Another Summer's twilight came,
The cheetah's hopes to melt,
Survival was his only aim,
Imagine how he felt...
From some, he'd get their sympathy,
From some, he'd get dismissed,
Yet hunting, that's his destiny,
The next day to exist...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Cheetah Sunset'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cheetah Vigil
The cheetah vigil first began
When hunters searched for game,
With rifles hanging from each man
Until they each took aim...
Then friends and foes were near to death,
As they fell one-by-one,
Upon the ground to fight for breath,
Before their lives were done...
The sound of guns would spook the birds
That settled in the trees.
The elephants were lost for words,
As death crept by degrees...
The orphaned remnant left behind
Escaped while they had time,
With grief still stirring in each mind
At such a ghastly crime.
What magic would men think of next?
What callous acts would come?
The cheetah paused, looked back perplexed,
Like others feeling numb...
Who gave these men the right to kill
For souvenirs not food?
To stand and fire guns at will
In this calm neighbourhood?
The cheetah sighed with great dismay
That chilled his very soul,
Yet kept his vigil through that day
With utmost self-control...
Tenacity can change the heart,
Turn good folks into bad,
These hunters came and wouldn't part
Till they'd got what was had...
From this day forth, the rules had changed,
The cheetah knew that well...
For now, no peace could be arranged
Within this newborn Hell.
The vigilant may yet survive,
Forewarned with time to hide...
To stay the fastest cat alive - The World's Poetry Archive
Despite the grief inside...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Cheetah Vigil'.
More Stephen Gayford poems:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The cheetah nestled in disguise
Amid the scenery,
Awaiting still what God supplies
To creatures such as he...
Yet I could see that cheetah's stare
At anything that moved,
The patience that he brought to bear
As hunting skills improved...
Was he alone? I couldn't say,
That's why I stayed alert,
No reason now to walk away
And suddenly get hurt...
My admiration kept in check,
I scanned both left and right,
No other head, no other neck,
No creature taking flight...
And so we waited, cat and man,
Two strangers 'neath the sun,
Obedient to Nature's plan
When hunting must be done...
Then all at once the cheetah leapt,
His dinner had arrived,
Another date with death was kept,
Two out of three survived...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cherish God's Child
If you could but cherish God's child,
Revered Saviour within...
You'd see beyond this world so wild,
Perhaps lost souls to win...
If you could but give extra time,
A golden hour or two...
Perhaps you'd find God's truth sublime,
Give credit where it's due...
If you could but open His door,
God's opportunity...
You'd search God's Word, discover more
And gain God's clemency...
If you could but study and learn,
Absorb faith like a sponge,
What wondrous wisdom you'd discern...
Should you but take the plunge...
If you could but stretch out your hands Like Christ upon His cross,
Be humble to the Lord's commands,
You'd count your dreams as dross.
If you could but cherish God's child,
'Our Father who art in Heaven'
Would cleanse you till you're undefiled,
In Christ's Name... loved, forgiven...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cherish Her
If she's the one you love and trust,
Who lives within your heart,
Then cherish her, for this you must,
Your true love to impart!
For love compels us to respond
To all we're meant to be,
Not just today, but far beyond,
For all eternity!
That's why God wants us at our best,
Not coasting throughout life...
And if a man seeks to be blessed,
He cherishes his wife...
Forgiveness heals the burdened soul,
To free it from despair...
And yet more blessed is self-control
And when two hearts can share.
Togetherness brings happiness
And riches more than gold,
Such that contented souls confess
The joys they have and hold.
So cherish her, your other half,
Who makes your life so sweet!
With every smile and every laugh,
She makes your life complete!
Let others envy, near or far,
The beauty in your lives
And let your marriage set the bar
For husbands and their wives...
Not all are married happily,
We strive to make it so...
God tells us daily, love's the key...
The rest is ours to know...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cherish The Child
Cherish the child within your care
While childhood yet remains,
Anoint your love with precious prayer
Regardless of life's pains...
For sorrow comes to one and all,
No matter who you are,
Yet we must rise each time we fall,
No matter, near or far...
Cherish the child within your reach
While childhood yet exists,
For close-at-hand there's time to teach,
If patience still persists...
Rewards await the heart that shows
A constant love each day,
A love that gently glows and glows,
No matter, come what may...
Cherish the child within your life
While childhood runs its course,
Against this world so full of strife,
Its follies to enforce...
Protect each fragile fragrant flower
So that the child may bloom...
With love the everlasting power
That brightens up each room...
Cherish the child, that little one,
That sacred soul God gave
From when its life has just begun
Until your final wave...
God's promises can be believed,
Your hopes and dreams are known...
Our Father blesses prayers received
From those He calls His own...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cherish The Choice!
Like each poet, I cherish the infinity of choice,
the tickling to-and-fro sensation of creating ideas,
sifting through unspoken dreams and themes,
fashioning exquisite memories in the minds of others,
regardless of the hours thinking, formulating,
editing into a final compression of expression,
then the caring and the sharing, hoping for a miracle,
that time of collective community celebration!
And could it be, that we, of all the Earth,
were chosen with a divine purpose,
cherished, revered, esteemed and loved,
guided towards the ultimate perfection,
that of infinite expression, beyond this mortal realm?
Are we to become the poets of Paradise,
the future heralds of Heaven?
And if not so, then will we languish with the lost,
doomed for eternity, cast out, despite our devotions?
Let that not be, if grace permits, before our parting,
for if we were blessed, did we not strive to bless,
to care and to share, to pour out pleasures?
And did we not forego the seasons our own lives,
with the passing of our youth, into old age,
still writing and sweetening the pot of life itself?
And did we not forsake temptations great and small,
just to pen a poem, start a story, create a character?
And was that time well spent, all those hours and pages?
If at life's end, judgment falls on those of us,
who sought to save others, what hope for Mankind?
For they sought nothing, not even their own pardon!
Therefore, I pray, that God will cherish the choice,
just as we have cherished each chosen word - The World's Poetry Archive
and valued the vessel that each brings to bear,
the content of collected words, the flurry of phrases,
the effervescent and fluorescent lava flow
that is the quickening and the awakening
of titanic truths and defiant dreams unfolding,
with visions before our mortal eyes, secrets revealed,
prophetic utterings captured and written down,
whether on parchment or the finest paper at hand,
whether scrawled upon prison walls, held fast,
declaring each displayed dramatic portrayal,
meant to create human emotions leading to responses,
in the dearest hopes for a better world!
Consider us with the most tender compassion,
some of us were meant to outshine the sun,
shame the moon with our brightness and holiness,
yet we fell from grace during our loneliness,
wandered like sheep across the grassless land,
denied still waters of refreshment, alone...
And if there is no merit in such deprivations,
yet God is acclaimed for His mercy, even so,
that is Your choice and may we cherish the choice,
else what purpose may we serve beyond this life,
stretching forth beyond this mortal realm?
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cherished Infant
Hello, white tiger infant cub!
So cherished by the rest!
As if part of a private club
That thinks that it's the best!
Today, you're quite their golden boy,
Their firstborn, full of fun!
I guess you're now their pride and joy,
Their precious number one!
I bet they've got great plans for you!
They're grooming for success...
For now, you haven't got a clue...
Life's full of happiness!
But down the road, you'll earn your keep,
With teeth and claws to match!
Then your weak legs must learn to leap,
To chase... and track... and catch!
Today, you look so cool, so cute!
So sweet and debonair...
One day, you'll turn into a brute
Who simply doesn't care!
A cherished infant here and now,
An innocent today...
No furrowed lines upon your brow,
Just stripes that look OK...
So swish your tail and pause your paws...
Be thankful while you can...
One day, you'll be a tour de force,
A tiger feared by Man!
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Cherished Infant'.
The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Chewing It Over...
Two pandas by a tree trunk sat,
Their breakfast close-at-hand
And though some folks would call them fat,
How could they understand?
Not everything's in black and white,
Up front and crystal clear,
So don't trust everything in sight,
Things aren't all they appear...
Life's so complex and that's a fact,
It's not see-through like glass,
The Universe is densely-packed
With suns and moons and stars...
Where they came from, God only knows,
The pandas have no clue,
Chewing it over as day goes
Is all these guys can do...
Two pandas merely while away
The morning that God gave,
Without a single word to pray
For knowledge that we crave...
They only know it's time to eat,
So on the grass they squat,
As if refusing to compete,
Like Man who thinks a lot...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Chewing It Over'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Child Of The Rainforest
The leopard cub felt mighty good,
It was a brand new day,
As he surveyed the neighbourhood,
Intent on nought but play...
Without a single thought to harm,
Just like a winsome child,
Determined not to cause alarm,
Just acting meek and mild...
The sunshine spread across the plain,
To wake each drowsy soul,
As if to say, 'You've much to gain,
Just get up, take control! '
Yet Man woke, too, with selfish needs,
Beyond what God advised
And Nature dies when Man succeeds,
If life's not highly prized...
The leopard cub could be the last
Of all the leopards there,
For Man was prone to acting fast
Without a single care...
Rainforests come, rainforests go,
Man doesn't give a damn,
For all Man's thoughts are go, go, go,
For every scheme and scam...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Chill Out
'Hey, man! ' the Polar Bear began,
'Chill out! Lie down a spell...
The Universe has got a plan,
A secret it can tell...
So take your time, pin back your ears
And listen now with me...
Yeah... Cast away your morbid fears,
The years of misery...'
'Hey, man! ' the Polar Bear went on,
'Why don't you lose that frown?
Yeah, worry is the Devil's con!
Why look the sad old clown?
Life's good sometimes, it makes us smile,
Life's OK now and then...
Wrinkles don't suit that great profile!
Like me, count up to ten...'
'Hey, man! ' the Polar Bear summed up,
'Get comfy! Sheesh, relax!
Yeah! Be glad with a half-filled cup!
Let others break their backs...'
So I laid down and went to sleep...
Next to the Polar Bear...
Till I heard the alarm clock 'BEEP! '
'Cos sadly, life's not fair!
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Chill Out'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Christ, God's Cherished Child!
Before this Cosmos came to be,
God knew the future well,
For some would spend eternity
In Heaven or in Hell...
God had a plan to grant free will,
So people made their choice,
To learn to love, or hate and kill,
So who, then, heard God's voice?
When Jesus came to live on Earth,
That day a king was born,
Yet only angels praised His worth,
To herald that new dawn...
Thus Christmas grants us God's Good News,
The Saviour's great debut,
His destiny to save the Jews,
Yet also folks like you..
His generation was so lost,
The Romans ruled by fear
And even Christ was double-crossed
Before His death was near...
Regardless of His sacred heart,
His foes were everywhere,
Opposing Him in every part,
As Christ was hanging there...
The Cross of Christ was stretched-out death,
The sacrifice was His,
Salvation meant His dying breath,
Christ's love was shown in this...
He interceded there and then,
'Father, forgive them, please! '
Then Jesus died before those men,
To save His enemies...
Thus God explained His perfect plan,
The Lamb of God was slain,
Yet Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, - The World's Poetry Archive
Was raised from death again...
To walk among His friends once more,
As proof that God forgives,
So from then on they were secure
To know that Jesus lives!
Eternal priest, eternal king!
Anointed for all time,
So who knows what God's Son might bring,
So blessed, divine, sublime?
God's cherished child is Jesus Christ,
Through Him, God's Spirit came,
How blessed are those who are baptised,
Rejoicing in His name...
Denis Martindale, copyright September 2015.
Find out more by watching Revelation TV,
the Christian channel on Sky TV that is
part of the Church without walls...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Christ, Our Awesome Saviour!
Not one upon this Earth God made
Was like His Holy Son,
Lord Jesus Christ came to our aid,
Forgiving all we'd done...
In His Own body, took our place,
Received God's Judgment Day,
So when we look upon Christ's face,
No wonder that we pray...
For there's God's grace for all to see,
If through the eyes of faith,
Lord Jesus died on Calvary,
Triumphant, pure and brave...
And on the third day raised again,
Eternal life proved true,
Lord Jesus is the light of men,
You see, He died for you...
To think, the Cross of Christ grants love
The world has need of now,
For how else can we rise above
To all God can allow?
The Holy Spirit lived in Christ,
His daily path to guide,
So, even with Him sacrificed,
God's love still shone inside...
So aptly called, King of the Jews,
Though few to Him have bowed,
With signs and wonders came Good News,
No more the deathly shroud...
While not all know His Majesty
And prophecies decreed,
The saints who love Him bend the knee,
To pray and intercede...
That's why disciples everywhere
Acknowledge Christ as King,
To such as these, now blessed by prayer, - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Son means everything...
Our awesome Saviour knows each heart,
The thoughts within each mind
And He proves willing to impart
God's mercies to Mankind...
So let us listen to our Lord,
Let revelation bless,
That we may stand and rest assured,
Each challenge to address...
And like a mighty army strive,
Each lost soul to reclaim,
Because Lord Jesus is alive
And mighty is His Name!
Denis Martindale, copyright November 2015.
Find out more by watching Revelation TV,
the Christian channel on Sky TV that is
part of the 'Church Without Walls'...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Christ: The Light Of The World
A nightly vision came to me, as in the dream I slept,
Pertaining to humanity and every tear once wept...
But God refused to let it lie, without a hope or prayer
And on the future, let me spy, my broken heart to spare.
I saw the Earth amid the stars... and sun and moon above,
It teemed with life, as if not sparce, yet here, more than enough.
And this new Earth was beaming light, just like the sun and moon,
It truly was a wondrous sight and to my eyes, a boon!
It simply took my breath away! I asked God to explain...
He said the vision won't delay, the Earth will smile again...
With humans by the billions now, awaiting Christ's return,
Beyond the times God must allow and lessons still to learn...
The Earth was filled with melodies, from both the young and old,
The creatures forming harmonies of greater worth than gold...
Men prayed, Lord, heal the planet, too, let planet Earth be blessed!
Yes, this was what my eyes could view, a new Earth at its best...
Then darkness melted in my mind, to steal the dream within,
As if my very soul was blind, by doubts and pain and sin.
When I awoke upon my bed, the blankets I unfurled
And at God's painting smiled instead: Christ: the Light of the World!
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2012.
The poem is based on the famous painting of
Jesus Christ that's known across the world.
William Holman Hunt's picture can be found
on the Internet eg Google images search and
with cross references for St Paul's Cathedral.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website... - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Christian Chamber
Four chambered-hearts that beat with love
As saints when born again,
By faith with prayers that rise above,
Beyond all mortal ken,
I challenge you, be witness to
God's awesome faithfulness,
Proclaiming His world point-of-view
And miracles that bless...
For what's faith's point without reward
And answers to our prayers,
If not in praise of Christ our Lord,
Who for Mankind still cares?
We know He's risen from the dead
For witnesses agree
That love beyond the Blood He shed
Lives for eternity...
And while we live and breathe on Earth,
His Name forever praised,
We merely stay to state His worth,
So everyone's amazed!
And blessed are those who persevere,
Beyond these present trials,
For Heaven's holy light shines clear,
Enough to grant us smiles...
That's why our faith still warms our hearts,
When others' faith grows cold,
You see, true faith's not stops and starts,
It shines as good as gold!
So grow in faith, while there's still time,
Be bold and steadfast still...
You see, God's love remains sublime
To saints who serve His will...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Christian Mingle!
The King of Love knows my heart well,
As much as He knows yours,
That secret love you're scared to tell,
The one your heart adores...
The time when friendship paves the way,
Perhaps to finer things,
The time when courtship seems to say,
Your little heart has wings!
The King of Love has plans to share,
The rest of life to run,
That's why you hesitate in prayer
About that special one...
And then blurt out your selfish needs,
Your hopes that you're still blessed,
Not knowing if your dream succeeds,
Yet stating your request...
Time passes by and that love dims,
Replaced by someone else,
You go to Church and sing God's hymns
And sigh for wedding bells...
When true love seems to call your name,
Could this help your heart heal?
Yet now love's changed, it's not the same,
You pray, this time, it's real...
You're on the journey most have trod...
Will you still serve the Lord?
Will you obey the will of God,
Or will He be ignored?
Disciples come, disciples go,
Fulfil your destiny!
In time, the Father lets you know,
So mingle carefully...
Denis Martindale, copyright August 2014. - The World's Poetry Archive
The Revelation TV website and watch now details
can be found on Google. Seek and ye shall find...
In August,2014, the website featured news of
the rom-com, Christian Mingle, the Movie...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Christianity 101
Blessed is the man who finds the Way
And lives for Christ the Lord,
For he shall see a newborn day
With love as his reward...
Blessed is the man who does what's right
And honours all God's truth,
For he finds wisdom day and night
Instead of God's reproof...
Blessed is the man who learns God's Word
Its treasures to unfold,
For he by revelations stirred
Helps others to be told...
Blessed is the man well versed in prayer
When Scriptures fill his heart,
For he has prophecies to share
By God's grace to impart...
Blessed is the man with self-control,
His every step to choose,
For he shall keep his sacred soul
Fit for the Master's use...
Blessed is the man who tithes with love
God's Kingdom to increase,
For he by faith receives enough
So wonders never cease...
Blessed is the man who comforts those
Whose faith is weak not strong,
For his compassion always shows
And prospers all day long...
Blessed is the man who meets his end
With utmost sanctity,
For he in Heaven meets his friend
Who died on Calvary... - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Christianity, Faith, Revelation T V!
Lord Jesus is the One we love,
More than ourselves it seems,
Yet He's the Lord of Lords above
Who knows our hopes and dreams...
Yet there are others, unsaved, lost,
For whom the Saviour died,
That's why the Gospel Truth has crossed
This world both far and wide...
And we who serve the King of Kings
Are part of God's Crusade,
Enjoying all the joy He brings,
For all good things we've prayed...
Please join us when you can, dear friends,
Support the work we do,
So that the whole world comprehends
How Heaven waits for YOU!
Denis Martindale, copyright October 2015.
Find out more by watching Revelation T V,
the Christian channel on Sky T V that is
part of the 'Church Without Walls'...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Christ's Brave New World!
The poet sat, no thought in mind,
No theme to spur his skills...
No cause for him to stir Mankind
To overcome his ills...
The world had ended all its wars,
The starving mouths were fed,
The injured bodies cured of scars,
Man lived in peace not dread.
The unemployed earnt money, too...
Thus taxes were decreased!
Since everyone had work to do,
Man's tensions had been eased.
The Golden Rule of Love had meant
A blessing for each life!
Gone were the times we'd most resent
Which led to pain and strife!
On Christ's return men's souls were healed!
The Golden Age at last!
The devil lost, was forced to yield,
And so he was aghast!
Prosperity was common place
And crime had gone as well...
God put a smile on every face,
Man's troubles to dispel...
The poet sat, no need to write No change to campaign for!
No need to stay up late at night,
Emotions to implore!
And thus he sat, contentedly,
Serenity itself...
No need to make the earnest plea
That Man must share his wealth...
No babe went hungry on the Earth...
Each child was catered for...
The Saviour's world was full of love!
His Blood had proved the cure!
The poet smiled! Don't think it odd!
He'd seen perfection come!
Behold the Man! The Son of God! - The World's Poetry Archive
It's His millennium!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Church Without Walls
We serve a Saviour good as gold,
The greatest story ever told!
The King of Kings, the Lord of Lords,
Lifegiver of love's pure rewards...
We live by faith, we testify,
Eternal life can never die!
We fellowship both near and far,
To pray and wish upon a star.
Lord Jesus is that star, that light,
That shines for us by day and night!
Christ leads the Way to Heaven's Throne,
Reminding us we're not alone...
For in His Name, we daily walk
And of His glory we would talk,
To save the lost who need God's grace,
To see the Father in Christ's face...
Give praise with us and magnify,
Give glory to the Lord on high!
Let's preach and prophesy of Him,
Who daily fills us to the brim!
Thus we in all good works excel,
For Jesus, our Emmanuel...
Think not that we ourselves were good,
Or daily did the things we should,
For all, like sheep, have gone astray...
Till Calvary and Good Friday,
When Jesus bled and died to save
And Easter Sunday left His grave!
Then God's good Spirit helped men search
To find God's grace within the Church...
Yet now, without walls, we on Earth,
Will tell the world about His worth,
That all might know the Saviour's Name,
His light and His eternal flame,
His Book of Life, His destiny!
The King who died for you and me... - The World's Poetry Archive
Thus of His Kingdom there's no end,
That's why we trust in Him, our friend,
Who one day will return and reign!
A thousand years of peace! Amen...
(May 2011)
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Close Comfort
Two cheetah cubs stood unafraid
Together side-by-side,
Thus harmony was well portrayed
And thus personified,
Love's treasure trove, tranquillity,
Too precious to neglect,
Made manifest for all to see,
With mutual respect...
We savour peace while it remains,
Like sunshine from above
That gently warms the dusty plains
As if God smiles with love...
The cheetah cubs breathe in, breathe out
And not much more gets done,
What need have they to run about
Beneath that sizzling sun?
Their hearts beat gently, life goes on,
Contentment overflows...
Their sibling rivalry has gone,
But how long for, who knows?
Yet while peace nestles in each heart
And love indwells each mind,
Tranquillity can thus impart
Good reasons to be kind...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Close Comfort'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Close Companions
Two tigers rested, both at peace,
No arguments at all,
No disagreements to release,
No sudden need to brawl...
Serenity was in the air,
Tranquillity sublime...
As if they had all day to spare
And yet not waste their time...
They gently breathed the sunshine in,
As if they felt caressed...
No pesky flies, no tails to spin,
Contented and so blessed...
Was this their dreamworld filled with love?
Was this their answered prayer?
If so, perfection proved enough
That they were glad to share...
If only Man had peace like this!
A place to sculpt or paint,
A paradise of precious bliss,
So delicate, so quaint...
Where music lilted lyrically,
Like waterfalls at play...
Like Heaven, where God's majesty
The angels praise each day...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Close Companions'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Close Encounter
And there he was, like mercury,
Dressed in his leathered skin,
The elephant that looked at me
And knew that he would win!
While I stood still with mounting dread
And in one of those jams,
His tusks were pointing dead ahead!
Just like battering rams!
I could run left, I could run right,
A nearby tree to climb,
Then hold on tight with all my might
As we two passed the time...
Then suddenly he walked away!
He left me standing still...
Perhaps I'd live another day,
Though right then I felt ill...
I gulped and walked away real slow...
Quite gingerly at first,
Then scarpered off, now on the go
And running at full burst!
The elephant let out a roar!
He bellowed loud and clear!
I kept on running all the more,
Like you would, too, my dear!
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Close Encounter'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Close Family
Time melts in magical moments,
As if within love's spell,
Each day we can share it with friends,
Before we say farewell...
The cheetahs shared a common bond
Borne of their company
And showed to all that they were fond
Of their close family.
It wasn't fear that brought them near,
But gentleness within With those held precious and most dear,
Yes, one's own kith and kin.
They found serenity that day
Beneath that soothing sun,
It thus became the perfect way
To find peace, one-on-one...
The blowing breeze caressed their cheeks
Upon that afternoon
And in that calm, their silence speaks,
Although this must end soon...
For now, they shared tranquillity,
No need for food and drink,
Just simple sweet civility,
Reflection, time to think...
Time melts in magical moments,
As if within love's spell,
Each day we can share it with friends,
Before we say farewell...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Close Family'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Close Family Ii
The meerkats posed together close,
All staring straight ahead,
Each youngster with a twitching nose
Though healthy and well fed.
Their beady eyes like polka dots,
Were blinking all the time,
Yet they were cherished tiny tots
And thought of as sublime...
Some families are known to part,
To wander far and wide,
Yet meerkats haven't got the heart,
So they stand side-by-side.
Together, like the China wall,
United, good as gold!
It's all for one and one for all,
Like musketeers of old...
If only humans were the same,
All friendly as can be,
Not seeking wealth, not seeking fame,
Just glad that they were free.
Just sharing what God gave Mankind,
This Earth that spins in space...
Like meerkats, I believe we'd find
A smile on every face...
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Close Family II'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Close Protection
Their close protection suits them best
And that's what each provides,
For meerkats live to help the rest,
To make sure peace abides...
What use is life, if constant fears
Condemn us day-by-day?
What use is life, if all our years
Condemn us in that way?
The sentinels are now on guard!
Their eyes are everywhere!
No single clue can they discard!
Approach them if you dare!
You'll tire first, make no mistake...
Escape routes all around...
So give up now, for goodness sake!
You can't dig underground...
They'll snigger as you scratch the dirt,
Frustrated to the hilt!
They'll giggle as your claws get hurt,
For you're not that well built!
They'll wait you out till you concede
And lamely walk away...
Then they'll stand tall, on guard, take heed!
They'll never be your prey!
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Close Protection'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Close To Jesus
Close to Jesus, so few have been, yet with their stories told,
Through these we see the Nazarene, the Saviour to behold...
From birth to death and far beyond, God's Son has proved His worth
And thus, to Him, we each respond, while we live on this Earth...
Of those we know, some prophets shared what they perceived of Christ,
At whom the disbelievers stared the day He was baptised...
Yet John the Baptist spoke the truth, 'Behold the Lamb of God! '
Though just to them, He seemed a youth, for these, He shed His Blood!
To think, He healed the sick He met and those then brought to Him,
Forgiving sins that caused regret, for guilt can make us grim...
The multitudes were like lost sheep, each one had lost his way,
When God's commands they wouldn't keep, He taught them how to pray.
But while His fame was widely known, disciples came and went,
Until Saint Peter stood alone and called Him Heaven-sent...
'You are the Christ, God's promised Son! No other can we seek!
You speak the words, then deeds are done that make You quite unique! '
Though Peter knew the truth full well, the Saviour he denied!
Three times he lied and wouldn't tell, with Christ soon crucified...
Through John and Mary's eyes we see the Saviour lifted high,
The Lamb of God met Calvary... His destiny... to die...
It didn't end with mortal death, as one would first assume
Behold Jesus of Nazareth, not bound by any tomb!
God raised Him up from Death's embrace, from Hell to Heaven's Throne!
Through Him, receive God's perfect grace... Believe in Christ alone.
His Blood can cleanse and make us whole, for He makes all things new!
Let Jesus in to save your soul... Let Him come close to you...
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2011.
The poem is based on the Gospel teachings
in the Close To Jesus DVD dramatisations
the Amazon shopping website found for me.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cold Stare
Snow leopards shiver just like us
When snow falls from the skies,
But they aren't prone to make a fuss,
Like we do, full of sighs...
They sadly sit and simply stare,
Sourpusses to the end!
As if too late to show they care
Or somehow to defend...
They don't build snowmen, like we do,
With Christmas in our thoughts,
Each Winter, they must battle through,
As they feel out of sorts...
They don't wear booties crushing snow,
They don't wear scarves and smile...
They don't wear gloves when on the go,
They simply use their guile...
Preventing times when they feel weak,
Perchance more life to give,
The family is all they seek,
To help each other live...
Cold stares are all they share today,
With feet that feel so numb
And knowing more snow's on its way
Means there's much worse to come...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Cold Stare'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Colourful Duck!
My word, that duck was colourful!
No wonder he felt glad,
You see, he looked so loveable,
Content with all he had...
Admired by the ducks nearby,
He waddled spritely past,
As if a giant butterfly,
No need to feel downcast...
Red Admirals were put to shame
By such a one as he,
For next to him, they'd look quite tame,
He was a sight to see...
With reds and whites and blues and greens
And yellows, browns and more,
For some you could call inbetweens,
If you were keeping score...
My camera clicked away to catch,
A sight so memorable,
Because, to me, he had no match,
He was that colourful!
With him in mind, I bought new clothes,
My image to enhance...
With fancy cuffs and fancy bows,
Now I'm the fancypants!
Denis Martindale, copyright December 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford. Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Come, Hold My Hand
'Come, hold my hand! ' the angel said, 'I'll lead you to a land
The Chosen Few alone must tread the day they understand
That God is love and so much more than human souls could sense
The day they open up the door... forgiven... now His friends...'
And so the angel led me there and proved my gallant guide
As I intently spoke a prayer, yet stared, eyes open wide!
'Behold the Tree of Life God made so many years ago!
Behold the ancient leaves that fade and yet by faith they grow!
Behold God's rainbow-like raptures 'twixt Heaven and the Earth!
How beautifully its light captures His holiness and worth!
Behold God's mountain borne of gold - its glory shames the sun!
Yet it's as nothing to Christ's fold - God's Shepherd loves each one!
Behold God's angels soaring high in perfect unison,
Their energy is God's supply - His gift to every one! '
'These sights, ' I said, 'Are not enough! It's Jesus I would see!
For Jesus is the Lord I love! The King of Calvary!
I've felt each blow, His cross of woe, six hours 'neath the sky!
I only know, I love Him so, who for my soul would die! '
The angel said, 'Your heart speaks true! I'll lead you to His Throne!
The day of death I'll fly you to the final vision shown...'
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Come, Hold My Hand!
'Come, hold my hand! ' the angel said, 'I'll lead you to a land
The Chosen Few alone must tread the day they understand
That God is love and so much more than human souls could sense
The day they open up the door... forgiven... now His friends...'
And so the angel led me there and proved my gallant guide
As I intently spoke a prayer, yet stared, eyes open wide!
'Behold the Tree of Life God made so many years ago!
Behold the ancient leaves that fade and yet by faith they grow!
Behold God's rainbow-like raptures 'twixt Heaven and the Earth!
How beautifully its light captures His holiness and worth!
Behold God's mountain borne of gold - its glory shames the sun!
Yet it's as nothing to Christ's fold - God's Shepherd loves each one!
Behold God's angels soaring high in perfect unison,
Their energy is God's supply - His gift to every one! '
'These sights, ' I said, 'Are not enough! It's Jesus I would see!
For Jesus is the Lord I love! The King of Calvary!
I've felt each blow, His cross of woe, six hours 'neath the sky!
I only know, I love Him so, who for my soul would die! '
The angel said, 'Your heart speaks true! I'll lead you to His Throne!
The day of death I'll fly you to the final vision shown...'
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Comfort One Another
If you've got hope, if you've got love,
Comfort one another...
For this will please the Lord above,
Jesus Christ, our Brother...
Though all like sheep have gone astray,
Consider what He's done,
For He Himself taught us to pray,
So that we might be one...
That's why we pray... through smiles, through tears,
Through all that life provides.
For God is faithful through the years,
Through centuries, God guides...
We're not alone by day or night,
Lord Jesus never leaves,
Because in us He takes delight,
He's in the air each breathes...
The same air Jesus breathed on Earth,
Still circulates around,
It's in each child that's granted birth...
Yes, everywhere it's found...
This world awaits the Son of Man,
Just like the Bride of Christ...
God's prophecies reveal God's plan,
As yet unrealised...
Be patient, children of the Lord...
Hold fast to faith within,
For not one prayer shall be ignored,
Therefore, let's not give in...
As long as there are stars above,
As long as Israel stands,
The world is held by Christ above,
Safe in the Saviour's hands... - The World's Poetry Archive
(July 2011/Written especially for Voice In The Wilderness)
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Common Scents!
When I was young, my garden grew
Its rambling roses there,
Thank God, because the whole year through
Sweet perfume I could share...
From dainty petals stored in jars
Came my first fragrant friends,
Still cherished like they're superstars,
In mixtures and in blends...
In time, I learnt of other plants,
Aromas all their own,
Like precious gifts meant to enhance,
Once every secret's known...
From Nature's wondrous treasure chest,
Comes perfumes young and old,
Such that we've only to invest
Our time to find pure gold!
That's why designers roam the Earth,
Researching as they go,
To learn which plants they find have worth
Of all that Man can grow...
Experiments then pave the way
So progress is assured,
For from each scent a single spray
Can bring its own reward...
For while its presence still exists,
Consider what it does,
As buyers spray a tiny spritz
And then proceed to fuss...
With oohs and ahs and sudden smiles
And spritz, spritz, spritz again,
Each perfume goes through many trials,
For women and for men...
Is this new fragrance sweet or what,
Too spicy, or just right
And is it cool, or is it hot, - The World's Poetry Archive
For daytime, or for night?
As cheap as chips, or way too much,
Or somewhere inbetween?
Perhaps it's truly hard to judge,
Without appearing mean!
I'm testing perfumes now and then
And savouring each one,
Technology's beyond my ken,
But I'm just having fun...
I'll spritz, spritz, spritz at breakfast time
And hold my head up high!
Then recommend what smells sublime!
Just buy! Just buy! Just buy!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Two wolves were waiting side-by-side,
At peace, they looked serene,
Yet both their eyes were open wide
With hunting skills so keen...
They looked majestic, yes, indeed,
Yet those around weren't pleased,
For soon it would be time to feed
And tensions were increased...
Wise creatures now remained quite still,
No sounds to make at all...
For soon they knew that blood would spill,
In one almighty brawl.
The waiting game went on and on,
With gamblers here and there,
Beneath the brilliant sun that shone
Without a single care...
Companionship is well and good,
As friends can testify,
Yet these two owned the neighbourhood
And creatures that ran by.
To some, these wolves with pristine fur
Looked awesome without doubt,
But oh what frightful things occur
Each time there's food about...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Companionship'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
What can be said of wolves as friends,
As comrades, chums or mates,
As each one on his pal depends
And with him celebrates?
Like criminals in cold cahoots,
As callous as they come,
We'll always know them by their fruits,
Yes, all of them, not some...
Yet there they stand, no shame in sight,
No guilt for evil deeds,
Just grins that signal their delight
When either wolf succeeds...
Their partnership was borne of guile,
Now they walk toe-to-toe,
Together for a long, long while,
No matter where they go...
Beware of such as these, beware,
Their hearts are black as coal,
Such that they hunt and fail to care
For any life or soul...
Though they appear like dogs so tame,
They wouldn't hurt a fly,
If you meet them, then you're to blame
If you stand idly by...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Comrades'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Conquer Your Mountain!
Behold your mountain, mark it well,
This challenge and this quest
And then with prophecy foretell,
One day you will be blessed...
It's just one mountain, nothing more,
Unconquered for a time,
Until the day God lets you soar,
Triumphant and sublime...
With preparations well in hand,
Your journey thus begins,
It's paramount such things are planned,
Because the air soon thins...
The cold must be endured, brave soul
And fear must be cast out,
Such that your faith maintains control
And dominates your doubt!
Consider how Mankind was made,
How God made Adam first
And then from him, one rib was laid,
Such that new life emerged...
From what you are, God takes a part,
Then gives a hundredfold,
So when you give, give from the heart,
New blessings to behold...
Your mountain can be conquered, friend,
It's up to you to try,
For when you win, then at the end,
Your hand will touch the sky...
And God's hand, too, from Heaven's throne
Will reach to your hand there...
To share with you that joy unknown,
The answer to your prayer!
Denis Martindale, copyright, December 2011. - The World's Poetry Archive
The Christian poem is based on GOD TV's vision for 2012
which was explained in their December 2011 newsletter.
Just after the poem was done, I saw a TV show with titles
that ended with the famous Paramount Studios mountain,
so the poem was changed to include a reference to it.
GOD TV on Sky and Freesat and Virgin Media.
Website: god-dot-tv
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Consider It A Privilege!
God loves the poor, God loves the rich,
Each has a learning curve,
Consider it a privilege
When God asks you to serve...
The widow's mite was praised by Christ,
Her gift to gladly add,
No wonder she was highly prized,
For it was all she had...
If you've got more, it's by God's grace,
God's mercies show His love,
Put one big smile upon God's face,
When your gift's seen above!
Denis Martindale, copyright January 2016.
Find out more by watching Revelation TV,
the Christian channel on Sky TV that is
part of the 'Church Without Walls'...
You can learn how and why to donate by
watching the 'Time For Revelation' show...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Contented Mother
Behold the truth in black and white,
Two Pandas truly blessed,
Together, what a wondrous sight,
No wonder we're impressed!
There's the mother, so contented,
As proud as proud can be...
There's the baby there, presented,
For all the world to see!
To think, the mother's lived so long,
Endangered though she is,
Yet now her hopes are oh so strong,
Her heart's now filled with bliss...
Her baby's barely got a clue,
Yet peace seems everywhere,
A tender touch says, 'I love you! '
For true love's in the air!
Yet each father, mother, baby
Needs something to be done!
Each Panda has a destiny,
If Man protects each one...
Consider wildlife charities,
Can you provide support?
The chiefest of all remedies
Is that we spare a thought...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Contented Mother'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The lioness paused and sighed and stayed,
Her hothead cubs in tow,
For now, they stopped, the cubs obeyed
And they were lying low.
The sun still laboured in the sky,
The day went gently on...
They stared and watched the circle fly
So calmly as it shone.
How could they know its flames of fire?
Its furies far away?
Its spurting streams ascending higher?
Its passions night and day?
To them, the sun was like an eye
That witnessed good and bad...
And punished them and made them fry
And thirst till they went mad...
Yet mercy fell from Heaven, too...
Like raindrops and like tears...
And new days came with morning dew...
That melted all their fears...
And so, by faith, contentment flowed
As long as rivers lived...
To such as these their lives were owed
And life is no small gift...
The waters helped the trees stand tall,
Reach out and offer shade...
The lioness observed it all...
The way such things were made...
Yet only we can give God praise
For all that He has done...
Contentment comes... Contentment stays...
When wisdom's work is done...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Contentment'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cool Cat!
Amid the heat the tiger lurched,
Fatigued not quite as strong
And yet onwards he gamely searched
And would search all day long...
And there it was, as if a dream,
A Paradise on Earth,
Although to others just a stream,
To him, it had great worth...
He waded in, a weary soul,
The stream then chilled his bones,
Content to find that waterhole,
His grins replaced his groans...
Oh, yes... this was the place to be,
Where rocks contained the flow,
Preserving still life's mystery,
Of things we're yet to know...
He closed his eyes and savoured all,
His muscles now at ease,
Acknowledging God's miracle,
The tiger felt such peace...
If he but knew what humans do,
His praises would express,
The joys known by the chosen few
When God grants happiness...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent wildlife
painting by Stephen Gayford nb Google search:
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cool Dreams
A slippery seal laid on the ice,
Not far from dreams, it's true,
He twitched his whiskers once or twice,
There's not much else to do...
For when sleep comes and yawns begin
And drooping eyelids fall,
It's then you know you just can't win,
You've got no chance at all...
Your neck slumps down, your muscles flop,
Your breathing changes speed,
Until your mind knows it must stop,
For sleep is what you need...
So off you go, you sleepyhead,
You silly so and so...
There's nothing more that should be said,
Sweet dreams as you breathe slow...
You take your time, flat out, like that,
You know you've done your best,
Keep smiling like the Cheshire cat,
You're bound to wake refreshed!
Beneath the sun, beneath the moon,
Beneath the stars that shine,
Because we know we need sleep soon,
God bless your dreams... and mine...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Cool Dreams'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cool Refuge
At last, a place to hide away, cool refuge from the sun...
Some solitude, a chance to stay, where nothing much gets done.
A perfect spot meant to beguile the busy beasts on Earth,
No more to worry for a while, for what is worry worth?
The sun was fierce and in his face. Too close for comfort, friend.
The tiger tried to slow the pace till he was on the mend...
And once his ears heard nothing new, he slowly closed his eyes
And lowly breathed and time just flew and caught him by surprise.
The sun had moved across the sky, now tired, in retreat.
The tiger didn't question why the sky eye lost its heat.
Enough to know his cool refuge would soon be cooler still...
His change in mood would then be huge and end this passing thrill.
The tiger tarried in repose with great tranquillity
And gently scratched his tickled nose with tingling ecstasy...
One final hour in the shade... his refuge then grew cold.
The sad decision must be made, now that the day grew old...
So up he stood, with strength renewed, recharged and vibrant now
And thankful for this interlude, vowed to return... somehow...
Denis Martindale. copyright, June 2009.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Cool Refuge'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cool Water
As if cool water called his name,
The tiger had obeyed,
Remaining calm as his first aim,
Thus by cool water laid...
Upon the rocks he flicked his tail
A little less and less,
For beauty spots like this can't fail
To spread some happiness...
The tiger spread his weight around
With tooties to one side,
As if his Shangri-La had found
And here he would abide...
No other creatures dared approach
The growling so-and-so,
Now settled like a real slow coach
Who didn't want to go...
Cool water soothes the savage beast,
That's just the way it is,
Now from the greatest to the least,
Seduced by utter bliss...
Well, good for him! I'll give him time
Before I take my bath...
With patience, it could be sublime
And not my epitaph...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Cool Water'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cool Waters...
The tiger sensed bath time was near,
So he obeyed that call,
The stream had always brought him cheer,
Close to the waterfall...
Where water gently took its time
To bubble here and there,
Like poetry that chose to rhyme,
Its purposes to share...
The tiger walked beside its flow,
Then glided fully in,
To watch reflections come and go
As new ones made him grin...
For such as these brought memories,
Of youthful sunny days
When innocence had offered peace
Before each adult strays...
The tiger laid, his coat to dry,
All cares had left his mind,
The past a blur, no need to sigh,
All doubts were left behind...
And when he rose and left the scene,
For yet more truths to learn,
Beside the trees of emerald green,
He promised to return...
Denis Martindale, copyright October 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford. Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cooling Down Time
The tiger touched the water's edge...
What wonderment he felt...
As if cascading from a ledge,
His tensions seemed to melt...
The sun was not as harsh or fierce,
His coat was not so warm...
When hearts feel good, each burden clears
And gentle dreams take form.
His tender toes walked on soft mud...
His muscles eased once more...
The water helped to cool his blood,
So why should he explore?
Heavy's the head that wears the crown,
In charge of everything...
That's why he stayed and settled down...
Relaxing like a king...
Blessed by water he loves so dear,
Beneath the shady trees...
A wise man won't approach him here...
Not while he's found some peace...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Cooling Down Time'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cooling Off Time...
The tiger wasn't quite as pleased
As when his day began,
The temperature had much increased,
Thus he no longer ran...
The shady brook enticed him near
With promised pleasures soon,
With one intent now crystal clear,
Stay upright and don't swoon...
His noble head was spinning round,
As if within a haze,
But then the brook was sweetly found
And so he took his place...
The water gentle next to fur,
The ripples spreading light,
The outside world became a blur,
As every care took flight...
And so he mellowed 'neath the sun,
Blocked by the spreading trees,
The healing time had just begun,
His tensions to release...
'The lucky so and so! ', I thought!
'He beat me going in! '
And what a lesson that has taught...
Sometimes, I just can't win!
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cooling Waters...
That tiger's really made me wait,
He's wading in the stream,
While I'm here, forced to hesitate
And stand here in a dream...
I watch him wade and wade and wade,
I watch him cooling down,
I watch him while he's got it made,
As I glare with a frown...
I'm hot and bothered, frazzled, fried,
Fatigued down to my feet,
While he's cooled down, well satisfied
And thinks that life's so sweet!
It's no good sighing like I do,
Although I got here first,
I had to let him jump the queue,
Or I'd have come off worst...
So there he stands, so calm, serene,
While I just grit my teeth,
But surely now he must be clean,
Go on, turn round and leave!
I look at him, he's seen me glare,
Impatient as I am...
Yet he's so happy standing there,
He doesn't give a damn!
Denis Martindale, copyright September 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford. Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cosmic Creator
Praise the Lord for creating light and the formation of the heavens!
For He, from the vast expanses selected this special space, for Earth:
The Mother Planet... for upon this world was fashioned greatness,
With a myriad of majestic miracles, born in a divine sequence,
Like a configured musical composition, indeed, God's masterpiece!
Behold, a sun and a moon! Yet our sun and our moon!
Designed even before the waters of the world were divided!
Then were the seas stretched out and the mountaintops set...
Once in their appointed places, the stage was therefore complete.
Then came the players in life's rich and passionate pageant.
Behold, the creatures that were granted their times and their seasons:
Out of the earth they peered, each asking, 'Who is our Master? '
Out of the seas they peaked, out of the skies they stared,
For there was no sovereign but the Invisible God,
Yet Man, a little lower than the angels, was destined to rule!
From Eden's soil where no sin soiled or stirred came primeval dust.
God breathed upon that chosen handful of delicate dust to form
Adam's handsome singular soul then Eve's beauteous second soul!
Following the Fall, the Children of God's love brought forth new life,
By uniting half and half, within the woman's wondrous womb,
The pre-destined place for mortal procreation...
Consider the exquisite wisdom of the ages: the challenge of children,
The legacy of the Lord, but, chiefly, above all temporal forms,
The blessing of love, for it is the foundation of all things fruitful!
Indeed, if you have ever loved, or been loved, turn to God, this day,
And, with the sincerity of a satisfied soul, say, 'Thank You! '
God, the Cosmic Creator, envisioned and blessed and magnified love,
This miracle of miracles, this splendour of splendours, this holy joy!
There can be nothing more precious! For what is life without love?
As it is written, 'Wherever God is, love is... for God is love...'
copyright, Denis Martindale.
Find out more about God by watching the GOD TV and
Revelation TV channels. Check Google for details. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
His upward curled moustache looked cute
Upon the cougar's face,
Just like a villain or a brute,
No shame at his disgrace...
Despite such features well-defined,
Distinguished, come what may,
Who knew what thoughts were on his mind,
Regardless, night or day?
His reputation well-deserved,
Or just a bad profile?
Now hidden close, I still observed,
Impressed by strength and style...
But as I looked intently on,
His tear-stained eyes looked, too,
Aware of me until I'd gone,
Completely out of view...
He had no cash, no food, no home,
No chance to spend or save,
He only had the chance to roam
And sometimes misbehave...
He wasn't trained, he wasn't schooled,
Thus hunting made him so
And that was why my judgements cooled
Before I chose to go...
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Could I Be Left Behind?
Evangelists will come and go,
With Good News year by year,
Content that each lost soul could know
That God makes one thing clear...
A judgement day for sin must come,
Repentance, that's the key,
Lord Jesus bled for all not some,
Christ died on Calvary...
The risen King has changed Man's fate,
Salvation has been bought,
God's royal pardon, love not hate,
That's what each Church has taught...
Christmas and Easter spread the word,
Like Pentecost as well,
In hope each lost soul could be stirred
Away from sin and Hell...
Lord Jesus said He would return
And that grants Christians hope,
Yet many lost souls need to learn
This truth across the globe...
For on that day of days take heed,
Not all will then depart,
Because of each thought, word and deed
That taints the sinful heart...
And so the lost souls must repent
And think again in time,
To trust in whom God says He sent
With holiness sublime...
So ask yourself! Do you trust Christ?
Always or now and then?
Perhaps you've even been baptised...
Yet are you born again?
The Rapture's almost like a dream,
Yet God's dreams all come true,
So now's the time to join God's team, - The World's Poetry Archive
Choose well, it's up to you...
No second chance if left too late!
Christ wants to save Mankind!
So ask yourself and please don't wait!
Could I be left behind?
Denis Martindale, copyright October 2014.
The Gospel poem is about the
Revelation TV debate on the
prophesied Rapture to come...
The Revelation TV website
and watch now details
can be found on Google.
Seek and ye shall find...
(Today would be a good idea...)
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Could You Be A Better Person?
Could you be a better person?
Could you be a sacred soul?
And what if times should worsen?
Could you keep self-control?
Could you forgive betrayal
Or beatings by the score?
Could you forgive when some are cruel
And rotten to the core?
Could you by faith and faith alone
Risk all of your life's blood?
Could you be brave, your fate to own,
In full view of our God?
Could you sacrifice your happiness
So God set your foes free?
Could you accept Death's cold caress
Like Christ on Calvary?
Could you cope when you owned zero?
Could you serve until the end?
Could you be a better hero?
Could you die to save a friend?
Could you deserve this world to rule
With billions in your care?
If not, get saved, don't be a fool,
Take time to kneel in prayer...
God's light has come to show the way,
God's love has blossomed here...
God's Son has taught us how to pray,
Forgiveness conquers fear...
A better person died for you...
And billions will agree...
Could you now truly love Him, too?
Admit... 'He died for me...'
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Count The Cost
Lord Jesus said to count the cost
Before you follow Him,
Before you seek to save the lost,
Each called as God's pilgrim...
For there are demons left and right,
With scoffers dead ahead
And darkness that's as black as night,
For which Lord Jesus bled...
Lord Jesus said to walk with love,
Yet love's more than a kiss,
Yet God grants you with grace enough
That you won't go amiss...
If you but clasp it to your chests
With footsteps borne of faith,
You may be liked as welcomed guests,
In time, some souls to save...
Lord Jesus said that talk was cheap,
Your actions prove your worth
And what you sow is what you reap,
Like wheat upon this Earth...
The legacy that each would leave
When your life's work is done,
Must merit what you will receive,
Rewarded by God's Son...
Lord Jesus said to count the cost
And most knew what He meant,
Though Jesus Christ was double-crossed,
To His own cross He went...
No angels called to rescue Christ
From what God had revealed,
The Lamb of God was sacrificed
And by His stripes we're healed...
Lord Jesus said eternity
Was offered to the wise
And such were bought at Calvary - The World's Poetry Archive
Before God's Son would rise...
Evangelists are born not made,
Faithful fishers of men...
That's why the cost is sometimes paid
By Christians now and then...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Courage, Jesus, Courage!
When Christ prayed in Gethsemane,
His cup to be removed,
He still prayed with humility,
In hope that God approved...
Yet God saw Christ's disciples,
For whom their Lord must die,
With Christ's Scriptures in the Bibles
On which we all rely...
How could He then release His Son
From suffering and death?
How could He stop what must be done
To halt Christ's final breath?
God sent an angel, one alone,
To strengthen Christ again,
That He, by grace, could thus be known
As Christ, the Light of Men...
And thus, the Saviour's tears were wept,
Unseen by friend or foe,
Until He woke the ones who slept,
Fatigued and slow to go...
But then marched Judas, kissed the Lord,
Betrayed Him in that hour,
Despite the folly of reward
That brought no peace or power...
Thus Jesus judged by mortal souls,
Faced persecution's claws,
Submitting to its cruel controls,
Its twisted thoughts and flaws...
To feel the lash repeatedly
Upon His fragile frame,
Delivered then to Calvary
To bear our sinful shame...
The hours passed and darkness fell,
Men cowered in their fear,
As if the whole world went to Hell - The World's Poetry Archive
With God's wrath oh so near...
Then death for Jesus came at last,
With victory assured,
While those who loved Him looked aghast
As blood from Him outpoured...
His lifeless body taken down,
His eyes closed in respect,
Then they removed the thorny crown,
The symbol of neglect...
Laid in a tomb as prophesied,
Awaiting Sunday's dawn,
God's precious promise, if Christ died,
Salvation would be born...
Fear not, believers, in the know,
God's promises come true,
Though into Earth each man must go,
God's grace is ever new...
The dead shall rise again one day,
The Rapture makes this known,
Then living saints are snatched away,
No more to stand alone...
That's why disciples preach God's grace,
Forgiveness here and now,
If we but look upon Christ's face,
The crown upon His brow...
His battered back, His hands, His feet,
His bloodstained lips and eyes,
We know God's pardon stands complete
If we would just be wise...
Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Covet To Prophesy!
Sometime, somewhere, somehow, for sure,
I'll write without a doubt,
Just plough through that great field of words,
Just scattered all about,
Till from the remnants gold remains,
I've plundered from the Earth,
Sometime, somewhere, somehow, for sure,
I'll prove to God my worth...
I'll think, I'll plan, I'll dream, I'll scheme,
I'll get that poem penned,
That sovereign masterpiece I've hoped
Would help folks comprehend,
Beyond all poems ever known,
Beyond all thoughts revealed,
I'll think, I'll plan, I'll dream, I'll scheme,
I'll find God's truths concealed...
Won't stop, won't quit, won't fall or fail,
My life's work this must be,
To share with all, the hidden things,
Each waiting mystery,
Each blessing still in store and yet,
Meant for another time,
Won't stop, won't quit, won't fall or fail,
My quest is too sublime...
I must succeed, before I die,
Before my life is done,
Before the final breath is past,
My last beneath God's sun...
Mankind needs love, faith, hope and truth,
He needs them day and night,
I must succeed, before I die,
While I've still time to write...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Crashing Waves!
I'm glad to be a dolphin, I can wave my fin at you!
I can smile my gracious grin and then blow a kiss or two!
I swim as fast as boats can! That's amazing, don't you think! ?
And yet, don't close your eyes, man, or I'll vanish in a blink!
My home's here, where I'm feeding... My family's around me...
I'd say that I'm succeeding, as long as they surround me!
It's great to go exploring and to be a pioneer!
You see, there's no ignoring all the beauty that's down here!
It doesn't matter where we go, as the beauty's always there...
All colours of the rainbow bring us sights beyond compare!
The humans sometimes meet us as they like to share their lunch!
It's nice to see them greet us as they seem a friendly bunch!
Great to see them now and then... and yet, suddenly, they go!
Soon they wander off again... Why they leave we just don't know!
Yet I'm glad each dolphin saves all the memories that they've shared:
All the times we're crashing waves! All the times when humans cared!
When you humans visit dolphins, you're made welcome neath the sky!
Come, let's play and let's be friends, till each one waves goodbye...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Create A Better World!
A little kindness now and then,
An act of charity
And later give as good again,
For God alone to see
A pleasant word some heart to bless,
A poem or a song,
A tender thought meant to express
That we on Earth belong
A birthday card, a Christmas card,
Some greetings to relay
To someone held in high regard
Upon some special day
A 'Get well soon! ' can mean so much
Because somebody cares
And simply wants to stay in touch
To say, 'God hears our prayers! '
It's not that hard to prove your love,
Or kindle it once more,
Not just for simply buying stuff,
As if it were a chore
Consideration, that's the key,
Of that, there's not much doubt
Let's change the world through poetry
And spread the word about!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Created In God's Image
God's spirit yearned to recreate
Himself in human form...
He fashioned Adam to be great
With living blood so warm!
Five senses ruled his waking hours
Before his dreams were born,
But Lucifer, with jealous powers,
Looked on with mounting scorn!
'Is flesh to be eternal now? '
He pondered questions new...
'There must be more to this somehow!
Yet what am I to do?
This must not be! It can't be right!
I'll fight with my last breath! '
And so his spirit, black as night,
Grew plans for Adam's death!
When Eve awoke at Adam's side
For all eternity,
The Devil's eyes were opened wide
And fixed on trickery!
'She's weak as water, soft as clay,
As fluid as the sea...
With doubts I'll lead her trust astray Then she'll belong to ME! '
With words as subtle as a snake,
He slithered in her mind...
'Forbidden fruit! ? It's yours to take!
What secrets will you find?
What wisdom waits? What blessings there?
How can your heart ignore?
Discover truths God hates to share!
They'll shake you to the core! '
When Eve devoured all she could,
She laughed and Adam heard.
He, too, believed the fruit was good
And disobeyed God's word!
And so began mortality...
The Earth knows that full well!
While Satan's set for agony, - The World's Poetry Archive
Please don't join him in Hell!
Lord Jesus died lost souls to save
And Mankind to restore...
Beyond this life... Beyond the grave...
Salvation evermore...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Creativity Continued
The first line of the poetry came visiting one day
And hit me with alacrity and wouldn't go away.
It stayed with me the whole day long, repeating in my mind
And finally, I'm not that strong, I let the verse unwind.
I made some coffee, then returned and read the poem through,
Regretting what I once had spurned and thought of what to do.
How could I make this poem great, transform it, make it shine?
What precious thoughts could I create? I needed help divine.
I bowed my head and simply prayed, for love to lead me well,
Forgiveness for each time I strayed, delayed what I should tell.
The prophet as the psalmist knows the duties I forgot,
The poet must receive his prose, strike while the iron's hot.
Revitalised, with hope renewed, by faith, I wrote once more,
The second verse improved my mood and thrilled me to the core.
Then suddenly, I thought of her, my dream girl long ago
And of true love that once could stir this heart to overflow.
But life goes on, we parted friends, I miss her now and then,
That's how it is when true love ends, but that was way back when.
The third verse shared the love we had, the sweethearts' tenderness,
The magic moments we were glad and thought God chose to bless.
Now all that's left are memories, the fragments of romance,
The peace of mind as tears decrease, no more a second chance.
The poem done and sent by mail, accepted in due course
And published so it told the tale: Two lovers and their flaws.
My broken heart has never healed, through cracks the poems rise,
Like wheat within a farmer's field, they try to touch God's skies,
They blossom in the readers' hearts, they nestle in their minds
And then, not one of them departs, for such as these are signs.
The years bring wisdom, come what may and creativity,
If we but only seize the day, to be what we must be.
For some, romance leads to respect, then children by and by.
In time, they, too, will pause, reflect, create and ask God, 'Why? '
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cross Examined
Of all the trees God ever made, one tree was set apart,
For on that tragic tree was laid the Saviour's beating heart...
The tree would lift the Lord on high upon that fateful day,
When Jesus Christ was meant to die, to take Man's sins away...
And there He was before the crowd, who mocked Him to His face,
As God prepared for Him a shroud when taken from that place...
Golgotha was its awful name, the hill the skull was seen,
That was its only claim to fame... except the Nazarene...
Upon the Cross a sign was nailed which vainly called Him king,
Yet to that crowd, the Lord had failed to change a single thing.
The Romans ruled, so no change there, the Jews were merely slaves
And Jesus Christ was lost in prayer, before His death He braves.
One thief believed, the rest did not, why trust in Paradise?
Christ said He was the way to God, the holy sacrifice.
His hour came, He breathed His last, they took His body down.
The crowd departed still aghast, while I picked up His crown...
It fell to me, and how I wept... His Blood still on each briar.
That night I prayed, I never slept, for hatred turned to fire.
They beat Him up, they scourged His back, they nailed Him high above
And even then, when all looked black, He prayed for them with love.
I mourned for days, then heard it said, the Saviour was alive!
Yet still I prayed beside my bed, for how could He survive?
The rumours went from street to street as if from friend to friend.
Such that each person I would meet hoped this was not the end...
I'll wait and see... I'll follow John and James and Peter, too.
If true, I'll tell you later on... Till then what can I do?
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Cross Reference
When we cry at the Cross of Christ, the angels weep for joy,
For they know what was sacrificed for every girl and boy...
Sons of Adam, Daughters of Eve, estranged by sin and shame,
This very day you can believe... Believe in Jesus' Name...
When we cry at the Cross of Christ, or kneel at Calvary,
Perhaps we'll even get baptised. God knows. Let's wait and see...
A billion Bibles aren't enough to feed the hungry souls
Who daily serve the King of Love and strive to meet His goals...
When we cry at the Cross of Christ, we witness from then on,
To shout, 'Hosanna in the highest! ' until the Devil's gone!
The Battle is the Lord's not ours, yet each is called by name.
His holy gifts and precious powers will prove we're not the same.
When we cry at the Cross of Christ, God helps us to repent,
We see God's Son so cheaply priced though He was Heaven sent.
Let wisdom guide us day by day and conscience night by night...
Let God's love teach us how to pray and help us do what's right...
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2011.
Cross Reference is a programme on Revelation TV.
Once we become Christian believers, how are we to
go into all the world and present the Gospel of Jesus?
We can watch Revelation TV on Sky UK and
the website's Watch Now Internet connection.
Website: revelationtv-dot-com
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Crush, Bang, Wallop!
Love, the tricky bit that each life has to offer...
First the rush and then the crush,
but it depends who and what we're looking for,
perhaps to complete us,
making us think love in itself is the happy ending...
or the happy beginning.
I like the tenfold increase in feelings and yet,
surely that's the attraction and the addiction of love...
Perhaps our onefold normality is deliberate,
compelling us towards that higher reality,
that sensation of everything alive and new...
that striving in pursuit of happiness...
The daredevil mentality, risking all,
yet not, indeed, for all in return...
No, that would be too much to hope for,
too much to handle all at once...
Thus love comes to us in stages,
with letdowns along the journey,
deflating our inflated hopes and dreams,
like the popping of bubbles or balloons...
Life is complicated enough without love,
but love is the only game in town...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Crystal Charisma
As clear as crystal necklaces
Worn by celebrities
And snowflakes as each passes
Upon a wistful breeze,
Or spiders' webs with morning dew,
So gossamer, so fine,
Transparent is my love for you,
My sweetheart Valentine...
As clear as crystal solitaires
That grace 9-carat rings
And icicles mid Winter's airs
As each new Christmas brings,
Or skating rinks spread out for all
To while away an hour,
Your eyes to me send out their call
With such hypnotic power...
As clear as crystal stars at night
That twinkle 'gainst the sky,
As if to shine with all their might
Intent to mystify...
I look at you and feel the thrill
Of love reborn, 'Hooray! '
Yet wonder if I ever will
Declare that love someday...
As clear as crystal would life be
If you said, 'I love you! '
Then all my doubts would surely flee,
For what else could they do?
As clear as crystal is my love,
Alas, I'm oh so shy...
Till God grants courage from above,
All I can do is... sigh...
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2012. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The dolphin's such a gracious gift,
With wisdom all its own,
With love that grants a precious lift,
In groups or all alone...
As if this world with wonders strewn,
Was meant to be explored,
Beneath the sun, beneath the moon,
Defiant, self-assured!
The dolphin scans its world ahead
As well as all around,
For by its sensors, it's been led,
With echoes that rebound...
And, oh, what splendours each will find,
What colours yet to see,
Some still unknown by humankind,
But savoured privately!
Stay curious, my dolphin friend!
Explore for all you're worth!
And may your daydreams never end,
As you, with us, share Earth...
Stay curious, by day, by night,
Indeed, your whole life through!
To me, you're such a wondrous sight,
That's why I'll pray for you!
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Curiosity'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The chimpanzee could not believe
The mirror that he saw...
It had some magic to deceive
And trick him once before...
The chimpanzee reflected on
The one who made no noise.
The copycat, the clever con...
The one so full of ploys.
How does he copy what I do?
He moves left just like me!
As I move right, then he does, too!
He does it so quickly!
If I jump up, or I jump down,
Or wave my arms about,
Or show my teeth, or snarl, or frown,
He somehow works it out!
I walk away then I run back!
He meets me face-to-face!
I'd like to give him such a smack,
Yet one who's hit repays!
I offer food and so does he!
We watch each other eat...
I stare at him, he stares at me...
We touch each other's feet!
It's sometimes said we only get
The friends as each deserves...
I must confess, it makes me fret!
He's getting on me nerves!
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Curious'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Curious Presence
There was a presence, close to me,
With soft-like sounds no more,
At first, a solemn mystery
Until I could be sure...
And then a lone wolf dead ahead,
From nowhere, now in sight,
Such that there was a sense of dread,
A chill that led to fright...
And yet I sensed the danger passed,
As if there were no harm,
Its curious presence there at last,
No mutual alarm...
No fear from me, no fear from him,
Just co-existence now,
Living souls, with each a pilgrim,
With peace our silent vow...
He looked at me, his coat aglow,
His eyes like dogs I owned,
Perhaps that's why I let him go,
His future life condoned...
With ears on high, transfixed above,
Alert to all around...
Though times were hard and life was tough,
A vision to astound...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Curious Presence'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Curious, Too!
The tiger woke up suddenly,
A fragrance filled the air
And then great curiosity
Caused him to wonder where...
He walked around to seek it out
And found a dainty flower,
A precious thing beyond a doubt,
Its perfume sweet not sour...
He'd never found its like before,
Did others grow nearby?
While he had time, he could explore,
It couldn't hurt to try...
So off he went past birds and trees
Not knowing how birds flew,
Just glad one flower came to please
And offered something new...
Another flower's scent was nice,
He tracked that down O.K.,
It was as if God blessed him twice,
That pleasant Summer's day...
He asked what greater could he find,
Then saw a waterfall!
The sudden sight just blew his mind!
Its beauty said it all!
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent wildlife
painting by Stephen Gayford and its title is
Curious II, hence the poem title Curious, Too!
More pictures: Google search gayfordgallery
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The tiger cub rests on his own,
All scrubbed up, looking cute...
His lifestyle you may not condone,
When he hunts meat not fruit...
Yet doesn't he look stunning there
With fur refined like gold?
As if he didn't have a care,
A sweet sight to behold?
Admit it, aren't you somewhat drawn
To study him at length?
No longer quite so full of scorn
When thinking of his strength?
He's not the average pussycat
That whimpers soft meows...
Nor does he seem to be a brat
While he lies there to browse...
But give him time, for he must grow,
In length and height and weight,
No more the little so-and-so
You either love or hate...
Is it so hard to comprehend
What Nature makes him do?
He'll not look quite as cute, my friend,
When he starts chasing you!
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Cute'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Dancing On Ice
The compere and his co-host,
Resplendent, caused a stir!
Watched on TV from coast-to-coast
With all male eyes on HER!
She outshone all the stars above,
Gold sequins here and there
And suddenly I fell in love,
All I could do was stare...
I thought that I'd gone deaf a while,
Each time she said a word,
For all she had to do was smile
And nothing then was heard!
I turned the volume up a bit,
To hear her once again,
Returning to my chair to sit
And ogle like most men...
And all at once I heard a sigh
That started from my heart
And watched her till she said goodbye
And sadly saw her part...
Since I'd recorded everything,
I watched her smile once more...
And simply with the joys of Spring,
I heard myself say, 'PHWOAR! '
I've not said that a long, long time!
Yet now it was deserved!
You see, to me, she was sublime
And oh, so sweetly curved!
Of course, I'll tune in next week, too,
I like 'Dancing On Ice'!
Now I'm in love I've got to view
That girl who looks so nice!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The lion lowered length-to-length,
With danger on his mind
And so he girded all his strength,
His purpose now defined...
His crinkled wrinkled brow felt tight,
His eyes glared to and fro,
Against each danger he must fight
And overcome each foe...
Survival was his only thought,
Adrenalin, his friend,
He'd either catch or he'd be caught,
To win or meet his end...
The sun above had seen it all,
Yet did not stir to save,
Why would it care if he should fall
Or fight so fierce and brave?
The lion's courage made him stay,
He didn't turn and run,
He didn't whimper like a stray
Unhelped by anyone...
His heart was beating oh so fast!
Then suddenly he leapt!
He lived with scars that never passed,
Yet his one life he kept...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Danger'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Dappled Sunlight
The lion stared with gemstone eyes
And heard with ears erect,
Alert and focussed, sternly wise
At all he could inspect.
No more the cub content to play
Or waste his precious time,
For suddenly there came the day,
They saw him in his prime...
The world had changed, new thoughts were born,
He hunted with the rest,
He stood as high as golden corn,
Content he'd passed each test...
The future grants a destiny
Each lion must embrace,
With royalty and majesty
Throughout his adult days...
Dappled sunlight caressed his brow,
Did more than keep him warm,
It showed us all how he looked now,
In stature and in form.
Dappled sunlight caressed his coat,
To show each forehead frown,
As if to show each line God wrote
Upon his noble crown.
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Dappled Sunlight'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Dark Elegance
The big black wolf was strong and tough,
No coward soul was he,
But certainly devoid of love
When hunting carefully...
That was the time when play had past,
When hunger drove him on,
The time his long legs moved so fast,
Before his prey had gone...
No matter, whether day or night,
The big black wolf knew well,
His presence known would cause a fright
And all one's peace dispel...
You see, he had one life to live,
Each meal he had to find,
No angel came to him to give
Some fresh food to be kind...
We each must strive to make ends meet,
Not all choose grass or greens,
That's why life isn't always sweet
When hunger intervenes...
But there's a certain elegance
That predators preserve,
Despite the fact they're not our friends,
To God, they still have worth...
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Day Of Freedom
When freedom came, the sadness went Weights fell off my shoulders!
The feeling then was Heaven-sent No more mighty boulders!
I stood up straight! I sighed then smiled!
Breathed deep! Reborn anew!
Somehow my soul felt reconciled,
My heart no longer blue...
Transformed by truth, the spirit flies As if on angels' wings!
No more the man who pines or cries
At what love sometimes brings...
Then clarity swept through my mind
As swift as dynamite!
The day I left my past behind
And just enjoyed the flight...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The chimpanzee was playful now,
Aggression still not near,
His heart was full of joy somehow,
Without one trace of fear...
To him, the world seemed full of love,
His family close by,
The times were neither rough or tough,
No cause to sigh or cry...
He lacked the knowledge yet to be,
Of struggles dead ahead,
Life held no sense of urgency,
No troubles filled his head...
He knew not death or pain or strife,
He knew not love's remorse,
He only smiled the smiles of life,
He couldn't see its flaws...
Nor did he know how Man would smile,
His homeland to remove,
That time would come in a short while,
No chance to disapprove...
Daydreamer, savour every day,
Endangered till life's end,
You've some time left, so play, play, play,
I'll pray for you, dear friend...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent wildlife
painting by Stephen Gayford nb Google search:
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Day's End
As cotton clouds still crossed the sky
As if they'd just been spun,
Lionesses watched the day pass by,
Relaxing in the sun...
Contentment conquered all their qualms,
They saw no need to move,
No sudden panics or alarms
And nothing left to prove...
For them, it was a normal day,
With sunshine everywhere,
A gentle breeze seemed here to stay,
As if without a care...
A mellow mood from first to last,
Perfection, so to speak
And yet day's end was coming fast
To end another week...
And so they lingered side-by-side,
Just blinking now and then,
With sunshine as their only guide
Till moonlight shone again...
The heat would fade, as light must, too...
The lionesses sighed...
A shame they can't give thanks like you
For all that God's supplied...
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Day's End'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Death Of The Trees
My town is a place where
The rich tourists come,
With mountains and rivers
That glint in the sun!
Luxuriant beaches
Of ivory sand,
But all the jade forests
Now no longer stand!
There once were lush jungles
That grew dense and tall,
But woodcutters came when
The town was still small...
They hacked all the trees down
And shipped them away,
In huge merchant vessels
That sailed to the bay!
They went back to Europe
With precious hard woods,
Sold it as furniture
And other fine goods...
I wish I could travel
In time to the day
Before people cleared all
The forests away!
I wish I had seen them
Before settlers came,
The mountains and rivers
May still be the same...
Iron, Yellow, Black Wood
And most of all trees,
Don't sway any more in
The fresh coastal breeze...
This poetry is an adapted poem for - The World's Poetry Archive
Lisa La Grange, her copyright,2012.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Decide Who's On Your Side
God forgives me, for He loves me,
He gives me what I need…
God knows, of course, I’ll sometimes fail,
Yet wants me to succeed!
So I’ll stand fast every moment,
Watch me! Just wait and see!
Yes, I’m on the Jesus Journey,
Commenced at Calvary!
Now I get up every morning,
Rejoicing in my soul!
For what use is there in scorning
The Lord who’s in control?
So I’ll battle on each hour,
Each day, week, month and year...
When my precious life is over,
I’ll hear the angels cheer!
A billion Christians, maybe more,
Have faith the world can’t hide...
I’ll greet the world, thrilled to the core,
Because He’s on my side!
God forgives me, for He loves me,
He gives me what I need…
God knows, of course, I’ll sometimes fail,
Yet wants me to succeed!
So I’ll stand fast every moment,
Watch me! Just wait and see!
Yes, I’m on the Jesus Journey,
Commenced at Calvary!
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2010.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Dedicated To Laughter!
Dedicated to laughter! Yes!
It gives your brain a tickle!
It brings a lotto happiness,
You've gotto have a giggle!
Don't hold it back! Let it be free!
Roll on the floor as well!
Then other folks will laugh with glee And think it's wonderfell...
Children are known to laugh the most They've learnt to tell jokes, too...
With limericks from coast-to-coast
To get the message through!
Yes, laughter lifts the lungs like songs...
Thus tensions melt away...
That's why all comics should get gongs
When honours are given in May...
If I get knighted, as it were,
The day I leave The Mall,
Be kind enough to call me, SIR!
Not Mister, mate or pal!
All wise-cracks pour from lightning brains
That see life's ironies,
Sifting out truths from lies like grains
With food for thought to please!
I'd like to think that humour spreads
Like smiles as joy imparts.
Some jokes are like fine thoroughbreds They're trained to thrill our hearts!
Blessed is the soul that's learnt to laugh
Yet cares for other folks It proves a noble epitaph
That one was known for jokes!
A precious pun's not always cute!
But sometimes it's OK...
So do your best to be astute!
You'll make somebody's day!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Deep Freeze
As the snow was going nowhere,
The tiger settled still...
Content that he saw nothing there,
He rested on the hill.
He looked to both the left and right,
From his high point of view
And all he saw was white, white, white!
And so, what could he do?
He yawned at so much tedium...
With nothing there to eat...
And coldness filled him to the brim
And gone all trace of heat!
Somehow, he felt he couldn't win!
'Why can't I fly like birds? '
'Why me? ' he asked, with such chagrin!
In short-clipped angry words...
Of course, we know, life isn't fair!
For some, it's way too cold.
Yet starving was so hard to bear...
And he was getting old!
He wasn't like he used to be,
So fast upon his feet.
'I'm getting on, that's plain to see...
Now things are not so sweet! '
And so he moaned, like old folks do,
About his aches and pains...
Stuck to that hill as if with glue...
Then suddenly, it rains...
'For pity sake! ' he groaned again...
'This really's not my day! '
And so he stood, right there and then...
And sighed... and walked away...
More Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
http: //denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Deep In Shadow
The tiger stared ahead with grace,
In his declining years...
Deep in shadow and dark of face,
Devoid of any fears.
His stunning face just said it all...
Majestic, yet at peace.
Spectacular and wonderful,
Serene and so at ease...
If only we, were tranquil, too,
No matter what life brings...
If we could change our point of view,
We'd change from underlings.
Life wouldn't treat us as its slaves,
With fears to send us numb...
Success belongs to he who braves
Each test to overcome.
The tiger stood the test of time,
Survivors always will,
Yet every single day's sublime,
If blessings over spill...
As long as faith can conquer doubt,
Its power none ignores...
Deep in shadow, yet hope shines out,
As long as love endures...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Deep In Shadow'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Deep Thinker
The lion's legs were full of lead,
He stared before he slept,
With rumbling thoughts still in his head,
Which their own vigil kept...
How come those clouds stay in the sky
While freezing rain falls down?
How come the sun and moon pass by?
Such questions made him frown...
The world was simple years ago,
His parents seemed so wise,
Somehow those two stayed in the know,
With twinkles in their eyes...
Now all grown up, he'd time to stare,
Ask questions now and then,
Alas, the answers were so rare,
He'd give up once again...
Why did he always feel alone,
With others still in sight?
Who could he ask of all he'd known?
Why is it dark at night?
Why is it water's dripping wet?
Why am I sometimes strong?
And while such questions made him fret,
He'd ask them all day long!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Deep Water!
The tiger cub had all but grown
And now the world seemed his,
For as a tiger all alone
Deep water proved such bliss...
The days were hot, yet he was warm,
Then went from warm to cool,
So from extremes he could transform
And bend things as a rule...
No wonder, then, a tiger grin
Was firmly on his face,
The second that he waded in
So gently, full of grace...
To see the bubbles near his nose
And silver ripples spread,
The sun reflecting all its glows
Straight up beyond his head...
This is the life, he soon declared,
His tootsies squelching mud,
His whiskers twitching, nostrils flared
And now much cooler blood...
The tricky part was when to leave
This sacred Shangri-La!
His former life on land retrieve
To wander near and far...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Deep Water'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Defining Moments Of Our Love
Are written on my heart
And when I sleep, they glide above
And to my mind impart,
The fantasies and memories,
The hopes, the dreams, the prayers,
The yearning here to find release,
That only true love shares...
Defining moments of our love,
God meant to shine like gems,
Began as diamonds in the rough,
Yet now are diadems...
Now cut to size so expertly,
Transcending time and space,
Within each look you give to me,
Each smile upon your face...
Defining moments of our love,
Consider all they mean,
Together now, more than enough,
That none should intervene...
Joy blossoms here, true tenderness,
The like we've never known,
Forever-fashioned, meant to bless
Two hearts that felt alone...
Defining moments of our love,
To me, they're everything,
I am the hand, you are the glove,
With wondrous warmth to bring...
When our eyes meet, words fall away,
To melt upon our lips,
Cascading down until they stay,
Fixed to our fingertips...
Defining moments of our love,
Could fill an aviary,
If every day looked like a dove,
So pure and fancy-free... - The World's Poetry Archive
Content am I to stay this way,
Reflecting on the past,
Yet praying that true love will stay,
For evermore to last...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Definitive Beauty
When I first saw that special girl, I had to say a prayer...
As if she set my heart a-whirl, I wanted God to share...
Of course He knew just how I felt, as if filled to the brim,
As if my very heart would melt, right there in front of Him...
I told Him straight! She's wonderful! I feel I could propose!
She's like a walking miracle! She fills my heart with prose!
Is she the one, the one for me? Or should I walk away?
With God, there's some uncertainty... His silence makes my day...
Just lost in wonder and in thought, like God's not on the phone,
No way to know when God says nought, it's like you're on your own!
She smiled at me and I smiled, too, but smiles can still deceive...
It's hard to tell with I love you, so what could I believe?
But sad to say, it all went wrong, I left without a friend,
The two of us did not belong, my hopes were at an end...
I still recall her gentle face, my dreams of happiness...
My beauty's in another place... while I know loneliness...
Perhaps her beauty's just skin deep, that sometimes not enough
And yet sweet memories I can keep, my fantasies of love...
I hope God leads her to her man, her husband, given time...
If not, I'll always be her fan... Her beauty was sublime!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Delighting In Dolphins
God's dolphin came to me last night I dreamt it rescued me!
It came to help me in my plight
As I was in the sea!
No other soul appeared in view...
Yet loneliness was gone!
Once God had told it what to do
I wasn't on my own!
The dolphin smiled, extending love,
And helped to ease my mind...
Instinctively I reached above
And left my fears behind!
As I held on, it led the way,
From open sea to shore...
Then other dolphins came to play They thrilled me to the core!
Thus tears of joy began to fall,
Replenishing my faith!
By grace, God heard my plaintiff call
And sent a friend to save!
Now near the beach I swam the rest...
Then turned and blew a kiss...
I prayed the dolphins would be blessed,
For they had brought such bliss!
Then off they went, still leaping high Their joy of life's unique!
Though water-bound, they yearned to fly,
Another friend to seek!
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2002.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale, R.I.P.
With the last breath gone... Mid that sudden glare...
While the Earth moves on... Now, out there, somewhere...
As the bright light shone... And all my soul went...
So, it was all done... Life's final moment...
Then my spirit sailed... Yet upon nothing...
Shallow... shadow... void... And lacking loving...
With my spirit caught... Anticipating...
Thinking one pure thought... As if now waiting...
Firm faith still guiding... While just hoping there...
But undeciding... Merely coping there...
Star specks receding... With less light showing...
While I'm here needing... For more than knowing...
Then God is near me... His love enfolding...
As if to steer me... While I'm beholding...
I'm no longer hurt... God's grace unswerving...
Then warmth and comfort... All undeserving...
Through the Lord of Lords... This soul saved by grace...
No need for rewards... Now I see His face...
Dressed in righteous robes... Two Princes so sublime...
Sharing brand new hopes... Beyond both space and time...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Detecting Our Heritage!
God grants the wisdom to look back, to study distant things,
To wander off the beaten track in search of ancient kings.
To study maps and newfound sites and covet treasures lost,
Yet chief of all these sweet delights goes far beyond the cost.
For knowledge gained expands our hearts, not just our minds alone,
With secrets that the past imparts beneath each rock and stone.
No stone unturned, that's how it seems, yet courtesy still guides,
No point in striving for one's dreams, if greed then overrides.
Man's heritage comes with a price, the buildings and the lands,
Sometimes to plead some sacrifice, sometimes to plead new plans.
So restorations lead the way, reviving histories,
Conserving for a brand new day, perhaps for centuries.
Metal detectors are employed by those who hope to find
Some trinket that can be enjoyed, gold coins still on the mind.
But gold and silver have I none, nor do I fret for such,
You see, my quest has just begun, my heritage to touch.
God's treasure troves I may not own, but my heart doesn't care,
For all God's blessings I have known, I find them everywhere.
I stay the seeker for this cause, to leave some legacy,
Despite Man's sins, despite Man's flaws, I love humanity!
Denis Martindale, copyright August 2015.
The poem helps to remind me of the film called
'The Raiders of the Lost Ark' as well as the
modern tales in the TV series called 'Relic Hunter',
yet also of anyone who goes exploring and who
truly seeks to cherish the heritage of the past...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Devoted Mother
The tigress took her time this day...
Her cub was close at hand
And that was how they chose to stay,
As though it had been planned.
Togetherness brings tenderness,
Life-bonding to and fro.
Togetherness means gentleness
And friendship that can grow.
Together now, not separate,
As if it couldn't end.
For now, the cub looked delicate,
A fragile, feline friend...
The sun looked on with watchful eye,
To glide past up above.
The tigress seemed to pause and sigh,
To signify their love...
Today's the day these two must bond,
Forever, from now on.
To think of now and not beyond,
When peace has come and gone...
Devotion forms a daily gift
That hovers from the heart
And gives another's heart a lift,
And yet that's just the start...
For love endures, though seasons fade,
As months melt into years...
Love steers the course of plans we've made,
Beyond our doubts and fears.
The tigress tries to do her best In all things, she's superb.
If by her love, you've been impressed...
Stand back... and don't disturb...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Devoted Mother'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Devotion stirred within her heart,
The lioness looked proud!
Her cub was playful from the start
Whenever folks allowed...
He'd ambush unsuspecting friends,
Close family or not
And bite on every tail that ends
And chew it on the spot!
This biased mother loved her child
Who made the others vexed!
This phase would pass, yet now she smiled
To think what he'd do next!
He was a charmer through and through,
Though some would call him strange...
For chewing tails was nothing new,
No matter how times change.
His tiny teeth would sharpen soon
And folks would bite him back!
His turn would come when he would swoon
Because of their attack!
For now, he thought the world was his!
The little so and so!
Yes, ignorance is sometimes bliss,
But don't chew tails! No, no...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Devotion II'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Diablo was a jaguar,
As black as midnight skies,
That sometimes hide the brightest star
From everybody's eyes...
Yet he had eyes like greenest jade
That looked into your soul
And thus caused you to stare afraid
That you might lose control...
The natives knew him very well
And thus decreed his name,
For they believed he came from Hell,
Their very souls to claim...
Thus superstition ruled the day
Whenever he was seen,
So even brave men ran away
From one so dark and mean...
Yet time past by and all must age,
Men and jaguars, too,
Till one man stood at centre stage
To do what he must do...
He faced his fears, he slayed the beast,
The natives called him king,
While Diablo's life had truly ceased
And he lost everything...
Denis Martindale, copyright September 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford. Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Did U Know?
Creation's such a wondrous thing!
Who else but God made this?
And thus what praises should we bring,
For truly they are His?
What man can make a single star
That shines just like our Sun?
Or place us here, right where we are,
Yes, every single one?
Can we control the oceans wide?
Can we control our hearts?
Can we control our thoughts inside
Or wisdom God imparts?
And what of sin and what of death
And what of Calvary?
Some know Jesus of Nazareth,
I know He died for me...
Eternity awaits us all,
Forgiven or cast out,
A Paradise for those who call
To Christ, rejecting doubt...
For centuries have come and gone,
What else ought we to know?
For those to whom God's light has shone
Are surely meant to grow!
So ask away, let wisdom preach,
Then pray with all your might,
Observing what God seeks to teach,
To gain some new insight...
For what is Man without the Lord?
What purpose does he serve?
Through perfect truth Man rests assured
Upon God's learning curve...
That's why the Christian studies still,
Finds meanings in each word,
Drawn closer to God's perfect will, - The World's Poetry Archive
His inner conscience stirred..
We're in the Last Days prophesied,
Fulfilling what must be,
Soon Christ returns to claim His Bride
To share eternity!
Denis Martindale, copyright August 2015.
'Did U Know? ' is a collection of classic questions
that only the Holy Bible truths can answer in full.
You'll find the details on the Revelation TV channel.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Digital Tv Dolphins
I've never seen a dolphin so cute and crystal clear Nor with a greater grin as if from ear-to-ear!
The eyes like magic marbles, the fins like shining shields,
The tail bursting with bubbles... What joy each dolphin yields!
Blue bubbles dance in sapphire seas above the sandy depths,
As scuba divers swim with ease between their bracing breaths!
Thus Man and dolphin co-exist contentedly at play,
Where neither is the egoist true joy decides to stay...
Thus, time permitting, friendship grows, bonding beyond compare,
To blossom like a radiant rose... resplendent and so rare...
The photogenic dolphin... our friend without a doubt!
Into his world he lets us in... and that's what love's about!
Approachable and beautiful, so gracious and sublime...
Each somersault so wonderful, so special, every time!
The world is full of splendour - ask those who watch tv!
Yet what could be more tender than dolphins in the sea! ?
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The wolf watched everything in sight
While he heard every sound,
For soon he'd run with all his might
Across the unturned ground...
No farmer ploughed across this land,
The wolf was on his own,
No creature there to understand
His hunger that had grown...
So there he stayed before his crime,
As if quite dignified,
So statuesque, so cute, sublime,
Yet starving deep inside...
Of course, he'd done this all before...
That's how he still survived,
But, oh, my goodness, what a chore,
Till his next meal arrived...
He licked his lips, let out a sigh,
Then breathed in long and slow...
For all day long beneath God's sky,
He stayed, nowhere to go...
But that wise wolf survived again,
Another moon to see...
That's why we'll hear him howl again,
All night, till half-past-three...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Dignified'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Distant Movement
Snow leopards are quite rare today,
In fact, they're almost through,
Unless Man seeks to pave the way,
To do what he can do...
For now, this creature crouched alone,
On granite rock to poise,
A distant movement was now known,
The leopard had no choice...
For Man had intervened before,
Encroached upon its land,
In ways no leopard should ignore
If it knew what Man planned...
For Man could be its friend or foe,
Be callous or be kind,
Yet how on Earth was it to know
What each man had in mind?
And so each leopard, though sublime,
With beauty from its birth,
Faced unknown dangers all the time
Regardless of its worth...
For Man, the hunter, king and clown,
Called all the creatures his
And even when he let them down
Thought ignorance was bliss...
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Also search websites for Adopt a Snow Leopard... - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Distinguished though the leopard seemed,
He still recalled his past,
As if at rest, in thoughts he dreamed,
Yet knowing these can't last...
As if his destiny were planned,
He knew he must succeed,
For as an adult, he looked grand,
The alpha male, indeed...
That's why he didn't rush love's game,
Nor seek a female friend,
Content in what his life became,
He thought it couldn't end...
But then Man came, to take the trees,
His precious land to roam,
In time, to bring him to his knees,
Alone, without a home...
Unstopped, Man always gets his way,
Distinguished by desires,
The forests plundered, lands decay,
To please the city buyers...
Yet leopards couldn't say their prayers,
For God's grace to implore,
They'd simply hide where no man stares...
Till doomed for evermore...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Distributing Invaluable Knowledge As You Observe
To think, a Christian Gospel tract
Can help to save a soul...
And yet, in truth, it's proved a fact,
For God's love makes us whole...
Anointed by our Saviour's prayers,
The Holy Bible stands
A witness just how much God cares,
Wherever Scripture lands!
She chose her spot where most folks were
And gave out tracts that day...
A miracle just might occur,
As she went on her way...
She prayed that God would open eyes,
As well as hearts and minds,
So that lost souls would realise
God's wonders and God's signs!
The tracts were just like promises
God had prepared before...
All His people know what bliss is,
At times, thrilled to the core!
The day when Bible verses rule
And Satan's lies all lose!
The day that he can't cheat or fool!
The day that sinners choose...
Disciples spread God's Holy Word,
His Good News far and wide...
Our eyes observe, no longer blurred,
Our hearts are warmed inside!
For God so loved the World He gave
His one and only Son
And in Christ's death, God wants to save
From all the sins we've done...
To think, a Christian Gospel tract
Can help to save a soul...
And yet, in truth, it's proved a fact, - The World's Poetry Archive
For God's love makes us whole...
Anointed by our Saviour's prayers,
The Holy Bible stands
A witness just how much God cares,
Wherever Scripture lands!
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2012.
Shortcut info: tinyurl-dot-com/dikayo-poem
The Gospel poem title's based on the initials
spelling out dikayo since the dikayo-dot-com
website was featured in a short video showing
Mariya giving out Christian tracts to passersby,
in the hope of preaching the Gospel to them.
God bless Mariya who emailed me the video link.
Video shortcut:
It links to parts 1 and 2 and also the
dikayo username playlist for lots more!
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Divided We Stand
'And who are these, dividing land
That they themselves don't own?
And what is this that they've now planned,
Each with a heart of stone?
The Holy Land is sacred earth,
Not theirs to pick and choose...
To Me, it is of priceless worth
And given to the Jews...'
'It's up to you. It's down to you.
Freewill gives each the choice.
It's not as if none has a clue,
My prophets are My voice...
If evil prospers for a while,
Then each must bear the shame.
I know that evil can beguile,
But love remains the same...'
'I AM the LORD, creating all,
The very air you breathe...
And at My feet each one should fall
And all your sins should grieve...
Must I come down from where I rule
To force you to repent?
Must I treat each as if a fool?
I'd rather be your friend...'
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2011.
If we don't all pray for Israel,
the Devil will prey on Israel!
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital and
via the Watch Now webpage on the
Revelation TV website: - The World's Poetry Archive
http: //
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Do You Believe In Angels?
Do you believe in angels, friend?
They all believe in you!
I know it's hard to comprehend,
It's too good to be true!
It's too good that God made each one
To help us day-by-day,
Yet we know life's not always fun,
Ask those who kneel and pray...
Do you believe in angels now?
Like you did as a child...
Or has your faith been crushed somehow
Or have you been beguiled?
Has science talked you out of truth
That once your heart received?
Now you're full grown, no more a youth,
Since then, were you deceived?
Do you believe in angels here?
On this, God's precious Earth...
Has something gripped your heart with fear
To steal away self-worth?
Consider how the seasons change,
The years remain the same...
Why then, today, should it seem strange
That angels know your name?
Do you believe in angels, too?
Their wings a glorious sight!
Enough to warm the likes of you
And bear you up in flight!
From land-to-land and shore-to-shore,
Their legends are renowned...
And blessed are we forevermore
Each time they come around!
Do you believe in angels, friend?
Or do you think them odd?
Read the Bible from end-to-end - The World's Poetry Archive
And heed the Word of God...
I pray you learn to love the Lord,
His Spirit and His Son...
Holy angels of one accord
Help them to get things done!
So please, please, please! Please, please! Please, please!
Believe, believe, believe!
For when you do, what hope, what peace,
What joy you will receive!
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2012.
We can learn more from Revelation TV
on Sky Digital and Freesat channels.
Website: revelationtv-dot-com
Angels Gallery:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Do You Believe In God?
The Universe unfolds each day, God's map for lost Mankind,
Yet to the sun and moon some pray with faith that's oh so blind.
The Universe holds secrets still, alignments in the stars,
Perhaps one day we'll get a thrill from Jupiter and Mars.
The Universe sends forth its sounds like Morse Code from above,
But even while noise does the rounds, there's not one word of love.
The Universe has stars to spare and yet what are these worth?
So I believe it's best to care about what's here on Earth.
This Sacred Earth is where Christ trod as He preached to and fro
And where He led the lost to God... and bled... His love to show...
This Sacred Earth stores memories of Calvary and more,
Of Israel and God's prophecies fulfilled and yet in store.
This Sacred Earth still spins in space awaiting Christ's return...
For miracles that must take place and lessons Man must learn.
This Sacred Earth obeys God's Laws - it's us God must forgive.
Faith's choice is mine and also yours. Christ died that we might live.
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2011.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Do You Love Yourself, My Friend?
Well, do you love yourself, my friend?
Do feelings strip you bare?
Sometimes like pains that never end?
Or does life treat you fair?
Does inner peace and love and joy
Continue day by day?
Or do life's nuisances annoy
Like they won't go away?
But, do you love yourself, my friend?
Regardless, good or bad?
Perhaps you're broken, on the mend,
Not wanting to feel sad?
Perhaps God speaks to you, yes, you...
Perhaps He's just a guide...
Perhaps He's just to help you through...
Or does He live inside?
Yet, do you love yourself, my friend?
Are tears your only gift?
Nobody else to comprehend
Or give your heart a lift?
God loved the world, He gave His Son...
Christ died for you and me...
That's how my sinful soul was won...
Through Christ and Calvary...
But will you love yourself, my friend?
Like Christ loves from the heart...
With all the love that God can send,
Then pray, 'How great Thou art! '
God's love is greater than Man's hate,
More constant than this Earth...
So read God's Word and celebrate...
And love for all you're worth!
Denis Martindale, copyright January 2011. - The World's Poetry Archive
The poem is based on the Revelationtv show,
'Time To Worship' shown today,07/01/2011.
God's Word Teaching from Matthew 19: 19.
Website: www-dot-revelationtv-dot-com
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Doctor Who And The Tardis
From Gallifrey, where Time Lords rule,
The Doctor chose to leave,
Despite the danger, played it cool,
Though he could hardly breathe!
The Tardis key was turned around,
The door was opened wide,
Then closed shut with a creaking sound
Once he was safe inside!
The console beckoned to him now,
Controls were blinking still,
He wiped away his sweating brow,
Then felt a sudden chill...
Alarms were sounding, time to go,
The Tardis chose where to,
Amid the ebb, amid the flow,
Time-streaming ever new...
The final lever fully forced,
There was no turning back,
The energy was fully sourced,
From holes in space so black!
Then suddenly, he coasted free,
Past stars and galaxies,
Amid God's vast eternity
Where wonders never cease!
The Tardis twisted like a top,
Beyond the mortal realm,
The Doctor praying it could stop
With him safe at the helm...
Then with a massive jolt time lurched
To normal time again
To offer what the Doctor searched,
On Earth, with human men...
Nine hundred years for him had gone,
Regenerations soon,
So time to spare while sunlight shone - The World's Poetry Archive
Till night revealed the moon...
Adventure here, adventure there,
Adventure near and far,
The Tardis keeping him aware,
As if his guiding star...
The Time Lords fumed their renegade,
Their outlaw hiding out,
Their fallen friend who thus had strayed
To leave them filled with doubt...
To think, he chose to be a thief,
To meddle recklessly,
It staggered them beyond belief
For he loved Gallifrey...
The Tardis door was beckoning,
The Doctor braved the odds,
He marched as noble as a king
Whose destiny was God's!
Who was this Doctor, friend or foe?
This man who looked so strange?
He was the hero in the know,
A thousand worlds to change!
This man has proved the test of time,
Fought evil day and night,
Defending every paradigm
That he believed was right...
He's sacrificed a billion dreams
That billions more might live,
Yes, through times' portals and times' streams
He gave all he could give...
Yet he was nothing without friends,
Companions on the way,
Until for each, their journey ends,
Not one more day to stay...
Then all alone, the Tardis knows,
His solitude and more,
Until another friendship grows
To even up the score... - The World's Poetry Archive
Don't take for granted what he's done
Or what's still left to do,
So many wars that must be won
And by a chosen few...
Regenerations in the wings,
New faces yet to be,
God only knows what hopes he brings
Throughout eternity!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Dollar Science
'If you send a thousand dollars,
Then God will bless your heart! '
Yet no matter how he hollers,
I've no money for a start...
That preacher guy won't get my cash
Because the cash ain't there,
In any case, I won't be rash,
So he's a billionaire...
He doesn't need a mansion home
With swimming pool to match,
Or fancy jet to fly to Rome,
If there's some plane to catch...
No wife have I, no kids have I,
So why the heck should he?
And while there's starving kids that die,
I'll think of them not me...
He doesn't need a temple site
To worship God above,
He doesn't need the widow's mite
To prove that she's got love...
He'll not get a single penny,
He'll not get a single dime!
He's no prayer of getting any,
When he's just a waste of time!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Dolphin Daydreams
Sometimes, when I'm just half awake,
When life's much less extreme,
I know it's time to take a break,
It's then that I daydream...
Like Walter Mitty, off I glide...
Into some wonderland!
Just to coast along the seaside,
As if with nothing planned...
God's aqua waits, I softly reach,
To join the water's flow...
Right there, along a golden beach,
With sands as soft as snow...
The thought of this can quite astound
And always proves enough...
Daydreams of dolphins all around,
A circle filled with love!
To think, that dolphins make amends,
No judgments harshly made...
Just fellowships among my friends,
As if for each I've prayed...
'Be safe, be glad, be healthy, too!
Let happiness take hold...
Because, my dolphins, I love you!
To me, you're good as gold! '
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2011.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Donkeys Driven To Despair!
Have you seen those donkey adverts?
Mistreated one-by-one
And every burden hurts and hurts
While suffering the sun...
The cruelty goes on for miles,
With hardly time to rest,
Yet on they walk through all such trials,
As if to do their best...
Have you seen those donkey adverts?
The look that's in their eyes?
But does your conscience sound alerts
So that you realise?
Or do you wait a minute till
Such horrors leave the screen?
Or does your heart stop with a chill
That humankind's so mean?
Have you seen those donkey adverts?
How much should donkeys lift?
Should we respond, roll up our shirts
And each donate a gift?
There are so many charities,
But love still stirs my heart...
Somebody help these donkeys, please...
Let each one do his part...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2012.
Charity site: www-dot-thebrooke-dot-org
TV advert: www-dot-thebrooke-dot-tv
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Don'T Deny The Power!
When Jesus walked this sinful Earth, He came to save not judge,
But many gave the Lord wide berth and then they wouldn't budge.
If they but heard His Name they left! They chose to disobey!
Thus disbelief had led to theft, to steal their hearts away...
But there were some, who sought Him out! Despair had led to faith!
Thus faith had overcome their doubt, so much that Christ could save!
With nought to lose and much to gain, the hundreds hoped He cared.
He healed the sick, released their pain and all their sins He bared.
God walked with Him by day and night, God's Spirit guiding, too.
To bless all people, black and white, each Gentile and each Jew.
It didn't matter, rich or poor, if born a slave or free,
God's miracles were theirs for sure, all paid through Calvary...
Lord Jesus promised to the Church, if two met in His Name,
They wouldn't have the need to search, He'd be there just the same.
So while some claim His ancient power has somehow gone away,
In truth, He's here, yes, every hour and hears the words we pray.
Please don't deny His Ministry! Please don't deny His love!
Please don't deny His grace for me that God bestows above!
Please join with us who still believe, in hope to understand...
By faith, together to receive... Touched by our Saviour's hand...
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2011.
The poem is based upon steadfast faith
that holds fast to the promises of God.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Don'T Peter Out
Before the Saviour met His end upon the Cross of Christ,
He washed the feet of each close friend, for each was highly prized.
Though Peter looked and stared amazed at what God's Son would do,
Such love for him was not embraced, 'I should do this for You! '
Yet Jesus said he must be clean, his soul was in great need...
This was God's time to intervene, so Peter then agreed...
Yet this same friend denied the Lord, 'I do not know this man! '
His coward soul proved him a fraud... How could he know God's plan?
His expectations led astray, his hopes completely crushed...
To him, it was like Judgment Day, now humbled, he was hushed...
Yet Jesus prayed that he might stand and rise above it all...
One day to hold Christ's holy hand and preach as bold as Paul...
You've lost someone, I've lost someone... Like Peter, we've all wept...
Yet through it all, let's love God's Son, the promises He's kept...
So count your blessings in the Lord... Salvation here and now!
That's why we stand in Christ assured, that's why we kneel and bow...
Yes, there's a God and God is love, no God has greater worth...
His grace for us is quite enough, more grace than we deserve.
Life isn't always Sunday School... We must withstand the knocks!
Just trust in God! He's not a fool... God thinks outside the box!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Don'T Tell Us, Tell Him!
We've heard her say that she's in love,
Or that she thinks she is,
Of course, that isn't near enough
For two hearts to find bliss...
The boy-in-question doesn't know,
He hasn't got a clue,
But all she has to do is go
And blurt out, 'I love you! '
It's true, she's shy, she's always been,
But that's a poor excuse,
Especially if, when you're quite keen,
On someone you could choose...
To get to know that special one,
That's what life's all about,
It's finding facts that's half the fun,
But she can't sort things out!
We tell her straight, to take a chance,
That first step's not so hard,
It's like the first step of a dance,
One foot and not a yard...
So why can't she and why won't she
Admit and not employ
The lovesick words of poetry
And simply TELL THE BOY!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Doting Parent
The Mother penguin gazed upon
The gift God gave to her
And there they stayed as God's light shone
On all that could occur...
Togetherness now warmed their hearts,
Just like the sun above,
Because that's how all friendship starts...
It's purely based on love...
That's why they stared without a word
Into each other's eyes,
As if God's truth inside them stirred
So that they'd realise...
That love was all we need to give,
Beyond it nothing more,
For it endures the life we live,
So steadfast and so sure...
The winds may blow, the snow may fall,
The storms may rage all day,
Yet when true love makes its first call,
You know it longs to stay...
That's why the little one we see
Will one day share love, too,
With its own child that's yet to be,
Both thinking, 'I love you! '
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Doting Parent'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Double Trouble!
Two cheetahs, like two naughty tots,
Were on the prowl again,
For they enjoyed it lots and lots
When they were raising Cain...
With nothing safe within a mile,
Two cheetahs outran all
And though those scamps had cause to smile,
Pride comes before a fall...
They terrorised the neighbourhood,
Like whirlwinds oh so fast,
As if the act itself was good
And yet it couldn't last...
Surrounding creatures scattered wide,
The cheetahs stood alone,
Their victims found some place to hide,
From hearts as cold as stone...
A sudden sense of loneliness
Was all those cheetahs knew,
Like distant clouds God's love can't bless
Amid the sky so blue...
And so the cheetahs changed their ways,
For all the world to see
And from then on, throughout their days,
They cherished company...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Dreaming Of My Dream Girl!
A dream begins like any dream,
From darkness into light,
Commencing like a newborn stream,
Regardless, day or night...
And there she was, in front of me,
Enough to break my heart,
Recalling all I hoped would be,
Until we chose to part...
Since she remained, content, at peace,
I lifted up her hand
And gently kissed it, so at-ease,
Though nothing had been planned...
I sought to kiss her lips as well
And, to this, she agreed,
It seemed that love had cast its spell
And oh, what joy that freed...
We walked together, more than friends,
Yet stopped to kiss again,
That's sometimes when a good dream ends,
But no, not there and then...
As night approached, what would we do?
Just separate once more?
It's then I told her, 'I love you! '
As if to reassure...
'Come home with me...' That's what she said...
I heard myself say, 'Yes! '
And though I woke up in my bed,
I smiled... with happiness!
Denis Martindale, copyright May 2014. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Dream's Treat
As I walked in the street,
I met a beggar, asking for some money.
I gave him a few pounds and went on.
As I walked in the street,
I met an old man, asking for directions.
I gave him a few roads he had left to go.
As I walked in the street,
I met a Poppy Appeal fundraiser.
I gave him a few pounds and then a 'Thank you! '
As I walked in the street,
I met a preacher asking, 'Are you saved? '
I gave him a handshake and I said, 'Amen! '
As I walked in the street,
I met the Saviour, Lord Jesus, my friend!
I gave Him everything, my heart and my love...
When I awoke from the dream,
I could still remember the face of Jesus...
It took ages to draw and paint, but it's done...
Every time I pray at home, I gaze at His face.
I call my picture, 'The Master Peace'...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2011.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Dreamy Distractions!
Some dream of school and work and home
And folks they're prone to love,
Sometimes, no matter where folks roam,
Such sights aren't quite enough...
They wake up feeling mystified,
Mixed up by what each seems,
Are these some thoughts that God supplied,
Or random plans or schemes?
I dream of towns and countrysides,
Of shops and factories
And yet whatever each confides,
I'm not that hard to please...
I've often been to sail at sea
And dipped my toes in streams,
I've spoken to Her Majesty
And sang with The Supremes...
I dream that I drive racing cars,
Or ride my motorbike,
Sometimes I visit distant stars
To go just where I like...
Despite the fact I know that I'm
The last who's picked for teams,
When I'm asleep, I'm quite sublime,
No wonder I like dreams...
Denis Martindale, copyright January 2016.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Drinking Session
Behold the mighty elephants
Now standing side-by-side!
As if they all were drinking friends,
With all mouths opened wide!
With loud guffaws and 'One more, please!
And let's come back real soon...'
As if their lives were such a breeze,
They'd sing a merry tune!
They've wet their whistles, that's for sure,
Those elephants with trunks!
And if that water wasn't pure,
They'd all be drunk as skunks...
But water's good enough for them!
That sun is way too hot!
Yet a wee drink solves that problem,
'Ah, yes, that hits the spot! '
Behold the mighty elephants
Still splashing here and there!
And yet all life on this depends
And water's sometimes rare!
They lap it up, 'Let's seize the day!
Let's party, while life's good! '
In fact, they had so much to say,
They woke the neighbourhood!
Denis Martindale, copyright,2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Drinking Session'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Sometimes the lion king roars loud
For everyone to hear!
But there are times he's not too proud
And hardly one to fear...
We all feel drowsy now and then
And can't avoid a yawn...
Sometimes we can't count up to ten
And look somewhat forlorn...
This lion king feels drowsy now,
His kingdom slips away...
His weary head begins to bow
As stronger forces play.
To stay awake is such a chore!
His weakness is confessed.
He breathes much deeper than before,
Admitting he must rest.
So sleepy-time approaches him
And so his eyelids droop...
His eyesight fast approaches dim
As he departs the group...
Let others guard the lion pride,
Let others look around,
This lion king that yawned and sighed
Is gently sleeping sound...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Drowsy'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Drying Off
The tiger's mouth was open wide
When he first saw the stream,
Because he knew what it supplied,
An answer to his dream...
The hot, hot sun was beating down
And sapping all his strength...
Yet there, amid the trees so brown,
Would be some peace at length.
So inward joys soon bubbled up,
Urged on in sweet surprise,
As if he were a week-old cub
So near to Paradise.
The water welcomed what leapt in
With one almighty splash,
With surface circles made to spin
And nearby fish to dash...
An hour passed and he must leave
His Paradise on Earth...
His former life and times retrieve
And show what he was worth.
But first the drying off a while,
So he would look his best,
So he could make the ladies smile
When suitably impressed...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Drying Off'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Of all the creatures that occurred
The duck has his place, too
And while he's still a common bird,
Share credit where it's due...
For on a pond, or brook, or stream,
He quacks for all to hear
And because he's living the dream,
His freedom's held most dear...
When children see the duck they smile
And thus affection grows,
Although they laugh at his profile
And stare at his long nose...
He bears no hatred in his heart
And bread makes him your friend,
As long as we can do our part,
He stays right to the end...
The duck seems quite a placid soul,
Content to waddle by,
Then suddenly he takes control
And soars up to the sky...
Can you do that? I wish I could!
I'd join him on the wing!
We'd first survey the neighbourhood,
Then fly off... wandering...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Each A Teacher
From Adam to the latest born upon this sinful Earth,
Behold each soul, bereft, forlorn, of such diminished worth...
For Adam, with his woman Eve, defied the Lord of all
And with the Devil to deceive, God's angels saw them fall...
No longer wise in their own eyes, both man and woman knew,
Their nakedness to realise and with it, guilt that grew...
No longer quite as innocent, no longer fancy free,
They wondered what their Father meant, was death a certainty! ?
When God returned, the failures fled! Excuses left their lips!
A bloody sacrifice lay dead and from it blood still drips...
Life for a life, soul for a soul... Both man and woman groaned,
As Father maintained self-control the moment blood atoned...
Each a teacher, the Christians preach, salvation to impart,
Damnation's door no more to reach, if Heaven's in your heart...
While demons teach the lost to stray with every dying hour,
Hell waits lost souls on Judgment Day, for them, no saving power!
While you have breath, turn to the Lord, the Teacher who knows best,
The Teacher with His blood outpoured... so sinners could be blessed!
The Teacher who will come again, Jerusalem take note!
Believe Christ now, don't wait till then... Delay's no antidote...
From ages long since past and done, to ages here and now,
The Father has declared His Son, as with a solemn vow...
God promises a pardon to believers far and wide,
Eternal life for me and you in Christ once crucified...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Each Creates His Own Legacy...
Over fifty years ago, the world of wildlife changed.
Maharaja Shri Martand Singh helped to do that.
He saw a nine month old tiny white tiger cub,
which was in his forest, now known as Bandhavgahr.
The cub had chocolate stripes and blue eyes
and that tiny creature was called 'Mohan'.
There had been earlier reports of white tigers,
yet little Mohan was the first to be captured.
Today, white tigers are generally found in zoos
such as in America, Europe and Asia.
White tigers are wonderful and each exists today
thanks to Mankind's dedicated conservation work,
leading to the careful breeding programme
meant to carry on the legacy of Mohan...
Stephen Gayford's wildlife artwork blesses us, too.
He captures the essence of the white tigers in his art
and his framed prints promote wildlife conservation.
Some buyers of his pictures become collectors...
they may like lions, tigers or bears, pandas or penguins,
or prefer the majesty of eagles, falcons or kingfishers,
or the mystery, serenity and tranquillity of dolphins,
or merely find some amusement derived from meerkats.
Each buyer appreciates Stephen Gayford's devotion,
his awesome talent and meticulous attention to detail,
which together form his own legacy to one and all...
Each one of us is unique in what we can do,
and so, in truth, each creates his own legacy...
Denis Martindale copyright June 2015.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Each Step Has Its Story
It's God who stares upon our steps
And contents of our hearts,
He knows our heights, He knows our depths,
He knows our stops and starts...
So why not trust the Lord above,
Like many poets do?
They know He sees us from above,
Yes, even me... and you...
Perhaps that's why disciples pray
For everyone they meet,
That God will guide steps on their way,
That bless their souls and feet...
Don't think that I can always walk,
That steps come easily,
These mortal steps of which I talk
Are borne of faith, you see...
We know of Footprints In The Sand,
That caused someone to sigh,
Yet Christ was there to hold the hand
Each time when questioned why...
He won't desert the broken heart,
Reject the sinful soul,
That's why saints sing, How Great Thou Art,
For God is in control...
Let God be God and Man be Man,
Let wisdom grow and thrive,
How else can we fulfil His plan
In Heaven to arrive?
God's got more steps to Paradise
Beyond this Earth's domain,
By faith, let's climb and not think twice,
For there's so much to gain...
It's step-by-step, a gentle stride,
From Earth to Heaven's Throne,
With Jesus Christ, walk side-by-side,
For Heaven is our Home... - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Each Time I Think Of Him
When I recall my youthful days,
The schools of years gone by,
I simply pause for prayers and praise,
Then wistfully I sigh...
When I recall the Autumns gone
When precious light grew dim,
I still give thanks Christ's light has shone
Each time I think of Him...
When I recall the girls and boys
And close-knit band of friends,
I knew my heart had made that choice
For every one God sends...
When I recall the blessings shared
Were not through idle whim,
Christ's greater friendship comes prepared
Each time I think of Him...
When I recall my family,
The most part Heaven-bound,
That's all because of Calvary,
Forgiveness that we found...
When I recall my time draws near,
I choose not to be grim,
For I believe my Saviour's here
Each time I think of Him...
And Heaven waits the humbled soul,
When all life's trials are done,
Relinquishing to God's control,
All triumphs that were won...
And Heaven's where this spirit goes,
To join Christ's seraphim,
Because my joy just overflows
Each time I think of Him...
Denis Martindale, copyright July 2014. - The World's Poetry Archive
The Revelation TV website and watch now details
can be found on Google. Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Eagle Watch
The morning came, the eagle stirred, one leap to fly again.
The tourists smiled to watch this bird, the envy of all men.
For who has not at one time slept and sometime in the night,
Believed that if they also leapt, they, too, could rise in flight?
Within one dream, atop a hill, I ran and ran and ran...
And all at once I felt the thrill when my first flight began!
I left the hill, I left the Earth, to glide upon the sky...
It was as if my soul gave birth to something that could fly!
No holding back, I had to hurl myself upon the wave!
Like Superman and Supergirl, I flew as if by faith!
I knew just how the eagle felt, designed for higher things...
A better hand I had been dealt, transforming hands to wings!
Each time I see an eagle soar to heights beyond my eyes,
I realise what dreams are for, to simply mesmerise.
Today, each pilot flies above, content to do his best...
Just like the eagle that I love... God help them to be blessed...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Eagle Watch'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Early Learning
The mother and her zebra child
Were eating side by side,
Amid a cool breeze oh so mild
Each met the day with pride...
United in their newborn love,
With tender looks now shared,
You'd think that love was quite enough
For all that life prepared...
Yet early learning teaches things,
That tender looks can't bless,
For zebras have but hooves not wings
To save them from distress...
And while the herd hopes to protect,
At times, it won't succeed,
So early learning helps direct
Young zebras most in need...
It's Nature's way to help enhance
Survival now and then,
Instead of purely random chance,
Depending where and when...
That gentle zebra has no clue
And hasn't even guessed,
Yet it responds to, 'I LOVE YOU! '
And trusts that Mum knows best...
Denis Martindale, copyright, December 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent wildlife
painting by Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Early Spring
The tiger rested on the snow
That early Spring had thawed...
And caused some new snowdrops to flow,
As slowly they were poured...
The tiger knew from years gone by,
The season's signs increased,
When creatures stirred without a sigh
And patience was appeased...
The tiger rested all alone,
Content to take his time,
His heart was still as cold as stone
And lacked all thoughts sublime...
But give him space to dream a while...
Of tigresses' soft paws...
And then you'll see that tiger smile,
As Nature takes its course...
From this day on, the sun would shine
A little more each day...
And each would seek a Valentine
With whom they hoped to stay!
When birds made nests in trees above
And tigers roamed the land,
In search of what's described as love,
As if these things were planned...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Early Spring'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Eaten In Eden
Eve, the Mother of Mothers,
Woken from her first sleep,
Thoughts coursing through her brain,
Accepting every sight and sound,
Sensing the presence of her humanity...
This form was all she was,
It ended there beyond herself,
Yet there before her some likeness,
Some extra humanity...
Words within her telling her things,
Recognising colours and forms,
Seeing flying birds and crawling creatures,
Seeing eyes looking back at her...
Ears, what were these hidden in her hair?
Detectors of left and right events,
Alert to buzzing of bees, eagles landing,
Her own movements across the grass...
And hands and feet, shaped alike,
Fit for purpose, yet what purpose?
Then there were bones within warm skin,
Yet even more, blue lines above bones.
Strange endings, nails, hard skins,
Fingers and toes curling, gripping,
Chest curves hiding the human heart,
More bones front and back,
Being able to twist left and right...
Hair, strange, without senses, dead,
Like twigs on trees, hanging down,
Then an awareness of something,
There between two eyes, a shape,
A mere blur when the eyes are open,
One eye closed and it appears... - The World's Poetry Archive
And what is that drawing in and forcing out?
The chest filling and emptying,
Yet again, for what purpose?
Oh, my, the amazing concept of the head,
A heavy rock to carry, perhaps for balance?
And a falling gap for thoughts to share,
Leaving her head to venture forth,
And thus she talks and walks to Adam,
To be touched and embraced, softly,
To feel the warmth of his skin...
Is that how she looks with hair and form,
With arms and legs, fingers and toes,
A few differences, yet much the same?
If so, then why, for what purpose?
Strange thoughts tumbling within,
Puzzled frowns upon her brow...
What am I? What are you? What are we?
And slowly the answers unfolding before her,
As if she were a child beside him,
Needing to be taught afresh, listening,
Yet feeling inferior for lack of knowledge,
Surely knowledge is power, to be desired?
And what now? Rules? Told what to do?
This, yes, that, no? For what purpose?
Confusion as to Creation, her creation,
All these creatures, lovely, ugly, why?
Birds flying, yet she had no wings, why?
Forced to walk, forced to run, but why?
Flying is easier, faster, more beautiful...
Adam, fellow humanity, fellow thinker,
Does he know all the answers?
No, he only knows a few answers...
Feeling weakness, inferiority, not being wise,
So many secrets, things unexplained,
Curious, needing answers, feeling left out,
Burdened with strange doubts, as if unloved, - The World's Poetry Archive
As if not counted trustworthy to know...
But even now, more strangeness,
A creature that talks as well,
A fellow thinker, with questions, too,
A serpent, nothing more,
A fragile thing easily crushed underfoot,
Another reason to tread carefully...
What's that? Eat of the forbidden fruit?
Creator keeping secrets from us?
Holding back both wisdom and power?
But why? For what purpose?
Too many questions. Something's wrong here.
Heart aching for answers, yet no-one in sight...
Just one bite, that can't hurt, can it?
Something eaten in Eden...
And so the fruit is swallowed and death was born.
Something new under the sun, manmade...
Something that changed everything...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Edge Of The Night
The lion lurks as daylight dims
Still draped with golden mane,
Subservient now to hunter's whims
From which he won't refrain.
For hunger grows from deep within,
His life is on the line
And so his hunting must begin,
With cold skills to refine...
His eyes adjust to black night views,
His ears hear near and far...
No tiny meal could he refuse,
No creature could he bar...
The darkness hangs there like a shroud,
Engulfing all below...
The only light God has allowed
Is moonlight still aglow...
Its moonshine lends night victims hope,
The chance to run and hide,
The chance to flee, survive and cope
With fear, eyes open wide...
The lion's strong, the lion's fast,
Determined to succeed,
That's why before this night has passed,
He'll feast through stealth and speed...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Edge Of The Night'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Eight Syllables
God's here! It's time! He's back again!
The poem's on its way!
When writing time calls for my pen
As I begin to pray!
'I'm ready, Lord! Inspire me,
Let wisdom lead me now! '
And thus God grants new poetry,
To melt my furrowed brow...
Eight syllables were in my mind!
Then six to follow on...
A leap of faith would help unwind
The twirling lights that shone...
Within those lights were mysteries
And prophecies galore,
In hopes to melt the miseries
That life still holds in store...
The first line penned, the second, too,
The phrases set in time,
Now all I needed was a clue
To match the words in rhyme...
The mind-set locked on only this
And left and right ignored,
To concentrate, not stray amiss,
To wait upon the Lord...
And there it is, the daydream clue,
Eyes open with insight,
Beholding like a TV view
The things I had to write,
The path set out, a forest trail,
To track where it might lead,
As God revealed a brand new tale
To help me to succeed...
Yes, that works well, the verse takes shape,
Another scene appears
And it thrills me in my dreamscape, - The World's Poetry Archive
With laughter and with tears...
God has a sense of humour, folks!
He's witty and He's wise!
He shares a modern twist on jokes
That takes me by surprise!
The storyline so quickly forms,
From sudden thoughts within,
It's like the heart inside me warms,
My head's still in a spin!
Yes, I've got it! There's the punchline!
My poem's almost done!
Well, praise the Lord! It's worked out fine!
My word, Lord! That was fun!
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2012.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The cheetah checked the path ahead
For prey and foe alike...
Yet all was calm, no need to dread,
No need to flee or strike...
No conflicts loomed, no burdens sensed,
No sudden terrors here...
At last his soul felt recompensed
For times he shook with fear.
On making sure that all took place
Without the need for fights,
He simply walked, with gentle grace,
Just taking in the sights.
This therefore meant the time was his,
To do with as he pleased.
Serenity transformed to bliss...
His muscle tension eased.
In moments, he was confident...
As if his heart felt blessed.
As if this day would be well spent...
Because it felt his best.
Taking in the sweet air's fragrance,
Its innocence felt good...
And he exuded elegance,
As if he'd understood...
That life is precious, so sublime...
Enjoy it when you can.
One third asleep, the rest gives time
To think ahead and plan...
And so he walked, to think of schemes,
To make his life worthwhile.
There's nothing wrong with dreaming dreams...
Of elegance and style...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Elegance'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here: - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Elegant Reflections
The tiger's golden stripes stood out
Upon his famous frame,
Mid dazzling colours all about,
Yet none were quite the same...
Yet when upon the waters stirred,
Reflections rose above,
But he cared less at what occurred,
Cool water was enough...
He strode ahead, partaking all
The stream had there to give,
Before a brand new night must fall
On all below that live...
Mid Summer's heat a tiger sighs,
Yet here was cool relief,
With all the joy that God supplies,
As if beyond belief...
To think, that he, was privy to,
A shelter from the heat,
While other creatures had no clue
That this could be so sweet...
He sniggered to himself with glee,
The selfish so-and-so...
And never told a soul that he
Found such a place to go...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Elegant Reflections'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Elephant Heaven
The sun was hot, the breeze was cool,
The day had just begun...
The elephant must find a pool
Where he could have some fun!
So off he went, his trunk held high,
Remembering the past!
With one huge twinkle in his eye
Till he arrived! At last!
The water waited patiently...
Warmed by the sun above...
The giant slipped in daintily...
His heart so full of love!
'This is the place! I'll stay awhile...
I'll rest and take my ease...'
He slurped the water with a smile,
'I'll do just as I please! '
With that, he splashed and thrashed around!
The fish fled for their lives!
They'd lost the sense of peace they'd found!
God knows how each survives!
The elephant then had a whim...
Submerging like a whale...
'I'll show these fishies how to swim! '
Flat out, he swished his tail!
The fishies looked enthralled, amazed!
Astounded he could float!
If men had seen this, they'd be dazed,
For he was like a boat!
The elephant went on his way...
Refreshed, revitalised!
At last, he bid them all good day...
Gob smacked... and still surprised!
Denis Martindale, copyright,2011. - The World's Poetry Archive
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Elephant Heaven'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
When I first saw his giant form
The elephant looked down,
He touched me with his trunk so warm
While I stood with a frown...
I kept my cool and forced a smile,
Yet he knew how I felt,
To be in awe of his profile,
As if my heart could melt...
Yet he was patient with my fear,
Such fear he'd seen before,
But tenderly he made it clear,
We were at peace not war...
In silence, I had found a friend,
No words passed to and fro,
Just gentleness to comprehend,
What more was there to know?
Our partnership began that day,
A circus act was born,
With one week here, then on our way,
To greet a brand new dawn...
It's fun to give my friend a bath,
Whenever we're on tours,
But he won't sign an autograph,
That's up to me, of course!
Denis Martindale, copyright December 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford. Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Ellie The Elephant
A local circus elephant
Was advertised for sale!
A Google search proved relevant
And showed I couldn't fail!
I drove round to the circus tent
And haggled there and then!
Not much was spent, down prices went,
Less a hundred and ten!
My trailer loaded, I drove home,
With business schemes in mind,
As long as we could weekly roam,
Some profits we would find...
The library books had much advice
On what I'd need to do
And thinking that I now was wise,
Forgot about the poo...
I wrapped a towel about my face
And shovelled poo all day!
That elephant's a real disgrace!
How much does this stuff weigh?
I bought the food in wholesale stores,
To save some pounds each week!
Back then, I wished I'd bought a horse,
To get a winning streak!
But Ellie was a cheerful soul,
As gentle as could be
And when she saw my self-control,
I think she warmed to me...
I washed her down and kept her clean,
Behind her ears as well...
I brushed her teeth and in-between,
But wondered, should I sell?
Yet Ellie's so affectionate!
With twinkles in her eyes!
She's happy here, how can I hurt - The World's Poetry Archive
This elephant so nice?
We've been together through the years,
Two friends for all to see!
For every child that strokes her ears,
The second ride is free!
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2012.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Elusive is his middle name...
He is so hard to catch.
In fact, this is his claim to fame,
That few big cats can match.
You may find one, or maybe two,
Or three, or four or more,
If you can search the whole day through
And you can bear the chore...
Yet this is when the magic starts,
But then it takes control
And burns a memory in men's hearts,
Each spirit and each soul...
Find your spot, then keep safe distance...
To see him in his prime,
As if he were a noble prince,
With whom to share your time.
Beyond the beauty Nature gives,
Add speed and strength and style.
Once you have seen the way he lives,
Add to these, grace and guile.
Behold his features, how he moves,
The way he interacts,
His hunting skills, as he improves,
According to the facts.
Consider quickly, while you can,
For soon he will be gone...
He does not live as long as Man,
Whose legacy lives on...
Elusive creatures do their best,
Surviving day-by-day...
If what he does, leaves you impressed,
Leave him to live... OK?
The poem is based on the magnificent 'big cat' painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Elusive'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Elvis Aaron Presley
Elvis was lucky... He deserved to be lucky...
And somehow I think we were lucky, too...
So many songs, so many shows, films, articles...
So many good things to remember him for...
So many beautiful, handsome photos of years gone by...
So many happy-go-lucky smiles and, in time, so many tears...
But when our tears subside... all that should be left is joy...
This is how I wish to remember Elvis...
For me, there could be no other way...
To know him, was to love him... to thank God for him...
He had a love of life... he revelled in its twists and turns...
This love made him want to sing and to dance...
He loved Gospel music and the hope and the peace it gave...
He wasn't ashamed of the Gospel of Christ...
God's blessings were there, if you only looked for them...
But the greatest blessing is in the sharing of blessings...
It is this sharing that is the greatest legacy of Elvis...
Not only was he a son, he was a star...
Not only was he a gentleman, he was a king...
Not only was he a friend, he gave of himself...
Not only was he a seeker, he was a preacher...
Not only was he a singer, he was the voice...
Not only was he a dancer, he was the dance...
Not only was he an actor, he was the story...
Not only was he a performer, he was the event...
Not only will he be missed, he will be forever loved...
You see, God only made one Elvis...
And then He blessed him...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
To some, she was a dancer,
With magic steps to boot,
To some, a sweet romancer,
With classic smiles so cute.
To some, she was an actress,
Rehearsing what to say,
To some, a model in a dress,
On catwalks, hips to sway...
To some, she was a living doll
With whom to fall in love,
To some, she was an angel,
Or a fairy up above.
To some, she was their pride and joy,
The apple of their eye,
To some, a tricky tomboy,
A princess or a spy...
To some, she was astute, alert,
Whose heart was good as gold,
To some, she was a saucy flirt,
Outrageous and so bold...
To me, she was a rising star,
Quite heavenly, divine...
Well deserving of an Oscar
And to be my Valentine...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2011.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The mother zebra loved her foal,
She memorised each day,
Because her child must learn its role
And thus at first obey...
Come here, go there, do this, do that,
That's just the way it is,
Sometimes they've got no time to chat
Or share their private bliss...
Yet when the pace slows down again...
These two share looks of love,
With mother thinking way back when
She, too, looked up above...
To see her mother at her best,
Yet also as her friend,
To know together they were blessed
Such years on Earth to spend...
If only humans grasped this truth,
Not just for early years,
When they enjoy the fruits of youth,
Before each disappears...
So cherish golden memories,
Each precious sacred smile,
Each sunny day, each gentle breeze,
Enchanted for a while...
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Enchanting'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The leopard lingered all alone,
At rest for all to see.
With curled-up tail, in mid-air zone,
That stayed there playfully.
Sometimes a leopard finds a spot
Where all seems quite serene...
A wistful part he likes a lot,
To melt into that scene...
Thus time itself slowed down as well,
Life settled to a pause...
In fact, there was no way to tell,
Except the sun, of course.
You see, the sun is prone to move
Across the pale blue sky...
As if it had something to prove,
Yet leopards know not why...
This leopard knew that sleep was near,
He felt it in his bones.
He sensed the sun would disappear,
Replaced by darkened tones.
Then shadows bring old dangers back
And predators that pounce...
When hunters prowl in midnight black,
Survival's all that counts.
For now, the sunshine was his friend...
If he stayed here, static...
That's why his mood was confident,
Cool and enigmatic...
Sunbathers know the peaceful glow
The sun was meant to share.
Why not let go? Just take things slow...
Forsaking every care...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Enigmatic'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Enter The King!
The lion smoothly sauntered in
With royal poise and grace,
With confidence and winsome grin,
As if he owned the place...
And few were those who disagreed,
His sovereign status there,
Why risk their lives or just to bleed
With scars beyond compare?
He bore no qualms inflicting pain
Against an equal foe
And lesser foes caused him disdain,
For soon they had to go...
To lick their wounds, if still alive,
To curse and rue the day,
That they each chose to stand and strive
Against him, come what may...
Enter the King, His Majesty!
Gangway, he's coming through!
The fool would look him in the eye,
So credit where it's due...
Because the King is oh so large
And your blood he can spill...
Stand clear and let the King take charge,
To feast on what he will...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by wildlife artist Ian Kent called 'Enter The King'.
This is similar in style to paintings by artist
Stephen Gayford nb prints sold on the UK
shopping channel in special art evening events. - The World's Poetry Archive
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Entertainment Overload!
I've got programmes on my Sky box
And on my TiVo, too...
And every series I think rocks,
Is stored on my Freeview...
Catchup TV is on the go,
Pick channel, time and place
And with the news, I'm in the know,
Till I'm blue in the face!
Sometimes I sleep, I just nod off,
Some shut eye then occurs,
But when I wake, I've slept enough
And clear my eyes from blurs!
I check the EPG What's On
And choose a show to watch
And yet as soon as it has gone,
I check a different box...
I hate those logos on the screen,
Voiceovers at the end,
As they're the worst I've heard or seen,
They drive me round the bend!
I've given up on videos,
I've switched to DVDs,
I buy in bulk, record my shows,
Then play them when I please!
I hate the TV licence yet
It's cheaper than the fine!
A thousand pounds! I'll not forget!
That scares like Frankenstein!
There's no point having holidays,
Because they don't make sense,
I'm entertained so many ways...
Despite the vast expense!
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2012. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Eternal Legacy
The dream began with distant stars, the sun and moon in view.
I looked at Venus, then at Mars and then I saw Earth, too.
Then suddenly they disappeared! No longer in my sight!
What meant the vision that I feared? For all went black as night!
I heard a voice! It stopped my heart! It filled my soul with grief!
Tranquillity was torn apart to question my belief!
I sensed this was the King of Kings, Jesus, the Lord of Lords!
The One of whom each angel sings, the bringer of rewards!
'What's your eternal legacy? ' The Saviour asked me straight.
I showed no sign of certainty and had to make Him wait.
I thought of every noble deed that I had ever done
In answer to the Holy Creed in service to God's Son.
'You know the good, You know the bad! The future's yet to be!
What more have I that's left to add? What extra legacy?
Beyond the property I leave, upon my final breath,
What more on Earth can You receive that follows from my death? '
Then Jesus said, 'Pray for the Jews! Pray for Jerusalem!
Pray for lost souls so they may choose the blood I shed for them!
Ask God to guide your daily path, for light to lead the way,
Before men read your epitaph, save souls from Judgment Day! '
With that a silence followed on... I rose to greet the morn...
The truths He shared have never gone... they meet me every dawn!
I'll not forget the way He spoke that time I lay asleep...
For in that dream, before I woke, I heard my Saviour weep...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Even Her Shadow Shares Her Beauty
Even her shadow shares her beauty,
Insomuch as it shows us her form.
A gentle lass, not proud and not snooty,
Her laughter so kind and so warm.
Her posture, her stance and her manner,
Each gesture reflecting her style,
Composure, and even her glamour,
Her lips and her mouth and her smile....
Her hair as it nestles her shoulders,
Cascading like gossamer threads,
Her arms as they sweetly enfold us,
Her fingers caressing our heads.
Her figure that beckons us closer,
Attracts us to ever draw near,
To taste of her lips like ambrosia,
When perfect love casts out our fear.
Behold how her shadow shows glory,
Her essence, her being, her all.
It tells us the truth of her story,
Her life, in real time, on the wall.
I'd rather kiss her than her shadow,
I'd rather be wed to her heart...
I'd rather be father to children I'd know,
A parent new life to impart.
I'd rather reach out to caress her,
Undress her, make love and be blessed.
While shadows grant limited pleasure,
Her body is truly the best...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Evening Dip
The tiger traipsed towards the lake,
Fatigued, no longer proud,
Plum tuckered out, for goodness sake,
His roar not quite as loud...
His long tail swished from left-to-right,
Less gusto than he hoped
And while he tried with all his might,
He'd wondered how he coped...
Ah, there it was, the lake so wet...
So cool his dip would be...
Where he would soak, relax, not fret,
His long legs dangling free...
With toasted tootsies soon to rest,
With whiskers floating there...
With him content and somewhat blessed,
To drift without a care...
He licked his lips while leaves passed by,
With long breaths in and out...
He was so happy he could cry!
Yes, that's what life's about!
Of course, he knew it couldn't last...
The first chill told him so,
That's when he left the lake quite fast,
For somewhere else to go....
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Evening Drinks
The elephants had made their way
To where the water was,
The mother and her calf to stay
Until their time to cross...
And only then, when all seemed well,
Some evening drinks to share,
God's miracle was there to tell
That He had heard their prayer...
Another feast of simple things
That made their lives worthwhile,
Before the evening dark night brings
God's moon above in style...
Mid fading light and softening heat,
The calf felt precious peace,
The kind that comes when life's complete
And wonders never cease...
The mother's heart was filled with joy,
A tear came to her eye...
And love like that none should destroy,
No need to question why...
Just evening drinks, tranquillity,
Unspoken heart-filled awe,
Good company and harmony...
Now who could ask for more?
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Evening Drinks'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Evening Patrol
The white owl wings sweep through the air,
Each feather plays its part,
Fuelled by the strength that got them there
When that owl made his start...
He glides from tree to tree to tree,
Observes life's cavalcade,
The pageantry that few eyes see,
As sunshine's glow must fade...
Less details seen as twilight bears
Its full weight from now on,
An owl's designed without such cares,
Despite the sun that's gone...
The moon's enough to fly around,
To set off or to land,
Another meal must yet be found
And so each evening's planned...
His hunger spurred each new event,
His every twist and turn,
Each changing thought to comprehend,
To update and to learn...
For this patrol, like those before,
This owl must fly alone
And that once seen fills us with awe,
The like that's rarely known...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Evening Patrol'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Evening Sun
The white wolf stood and stared a while...
The water soothed his feet.
Perhaps he'd search another mile
For food that he could eat.
The sunshine faded, night approached,
A sudden chill was felt...
The silvered twilight moon encroached
And darkness soon was dealt...
The evening sun bid all farewell,
Its time had come and gone,
Replaced by stars that cast their spell
As moonlight carried on...
The stuff of legends now took hold,
He howled his hunger out...
Who knew what wonders would unfold,
What fears to cause men doubt?
Now all his instincts forced his pace,
For he, too, must survive,
Against all odds, through nights and days,
Perchance to stay alive...
It's true that wolves have wily schemes
To brave the midnight storm,
Yet pet dogs dream their pampered dreams,
In comfort, calm and warm...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Evening Sun'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Ever Watchful
As the ever watchful cheetah
Was resting on the ground,
She believed no-one could beat her
While listening for each sound,
Yet her eyes could see much further
Than pricked ears could relay
And so her eyes would serve her,
Protecting her each day.
A mother's love is diligent
And seeks the common good...
Her eyes are always vigilant
To scan her neighbourhood...
So watch out, fellow predator,
This cheetah's wide awake...
And be wise, don't seek to hurt her...
Your life could be at stake...
If left alone, her family
Will last for many years,
Yet ever watchful she must be,
Diminishing their fears...
It may be sunny overhead,
With gentle breezes, too...
Yet all God's creatures must be fed
And don't care what or who.
Compassion's limits she knows well,
Yet love still has its place...
If you look hard, then you can tell...
Her love shows on her face...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Ever Watchful'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Every Day With Jesus
If each believes, then each receives
What Jesus wants to share,
For He's the Lord who will not leave
His precious ones in prayer...
Consider what the Word proclaims,
With blessings and rewards.
God made the stars and gave them names,
So trust the Lord of Lords...
If each forgives, as God forgives,
The Holy Spirit smiles,
For He indwelt the Lord who lives
To overcome His trials...
Anxieties will come and go,
God's peace is here to stay...
Armed with God's Word, His light will glow,
A beacon night and day...
From Bethlehem, where Christ was born,
Fulfilling prophecy,
God shared with us a brand new dawn
The angels yearned to see.
Disciples learn what God reveals...
We know much more than then!
When God restores and Jesus heals,
Let's praise the Lord! Amen...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Every Man Remembered!
Their names are there for all to see,
by those who still have eyes to see,
yet those being honoured each day
are now far beyond this world of pain,
but still remembered and more by those
who truly loved and knew them well,
who remembered shared joys and sorrows
and their hopes for their tomorrows...
Though many a man has gone, the debt goes on,
for every second of the peace that's ours
was bought and wrought by blood...
and it was theirs, dear friends, all theirs...
They fought shoulder-to-shoulder, for us...
and thus more fondly called to mind by poppies,
Remembrance Day crosses... and tears...
for they are still loved... while every man
is found worthy of his remembrance...
Denis Martindale, copyright August 2014.
A tribute to the RBL's Poppy Appeal and
the Every Man Remembered! campaign...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Exciting The Writing!
My thoughts and inspirations drive
My pen across the page,
Applying pressure as I strive,
To reach that final stage...
Consumed by contemplations made
That yet conduct my tour,
Till all my dreams are there displayed,
Both now and evermore...
My wondrous words and ready rhymes
Must resonate with style,
Beyond a message of our times
That's meant to raise a smile...
And for this reason, I press on,
Regardless, day or night,
Till every blessing's come and gone,
Till my new poem's right...
But now it's done, no more to share,
So emptiness begins,
A solemn silence fills the air,
My pen no longer spins...
No longer flicks, no longer moves,
No longer swirls about,
No longer comforts, heals or soothes,
No longer casts out doubt...
That's when the poet's heart grows cold,
Though once was sizzling hot,
Because the story has been told,
The poet's on the spot...
Another poem, yes or no?
Or put the kettle on?
In truth, the poet's greatest foe,
Is time not built upon...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
To say the sun was way too hot
Was simply not enough.
To think, that tiny golden dot
Was burning bright above.
The lion cub had spent his strength,
Just playing with his friends
And now, he laid down, stretched full length,
Exhausted as day ends...
The adult lions stared amused,
Yet knew one day he'd learn.
To pace himself, for there's no boost
And there's no second turn...
The slightly older cubs still played,
While he laid motionless...
They'd learnt some wisdom and obeyed,
Without the need to guess.
The lion cub could hear them still
And gazed through weary eyes,
For he'd lost both the strength and will...
To join the other guys...
Plum tuckered out! All on his Todd!
He couldn't pounce or creep...
And since no-one gave him a prod,
He gently went to sleep...
'Poor thing! ' the adults all agreed,
Acknowledging their sorrow...
And promised they'd help him succeed,
'We'll feed him up... tomorrow...'
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Exhausted'.
More Stephen Gayford poems can be read here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Extreme Dream Team
Though we pen poems by the ream,
As if to praise God's perfect theme,
When tired out, we sleep and dream
And sometimes to a mad extreme...
Maybe our hearts are prone to scheme,
Or in our eyes there's fixed a beam,
Where evils pour down like a stream
And cling and stink like clotted cream...
Maybe our lives aren't what they seem,
Just commonplace and not supreme,
We're not the leader of the team,
Or smile as with a God-blessed gleam...
Though evil spirits may blaspheme,
God's still the Holy Elohim
With seraphim and cherubim!
That's why I pray... before I dream...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
and the Revelation TV Watch Now link
on the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Eye Of The Leopard
Determination serves him well,
Tenacity and truth...
The leopard knows life's weary spell!
He's felt it from his youth.
He must not sleep! His eye must see!
There's danger all around!
This is the price of living free,
Undaunted and unbound.
The leopard loiters, sniffs the air,
His eye looks left and right...
Of every movement he's aware
Through instincts and insight...
Each day's the same, if he survives,
To tread the earth alone,
To hunt in search of other lives,
Because that's all he's known...
His hunger drives him on and on...
Relentless, still, of course...
He hunts until the hunger's gone,
Then feeds without remorse.
His eye has seen so many things
That swim and crawl and fly...
Above him now, a pair of wings
That glide across the sky!
The leopard sighs with envy at
The bird beyond his reach!
If he had wings, he'd make him scat!
What tricks that bird he'd teach!
The leopard looks, then walks his way,
Towards survival's end...
So he can hunt another day,
Unloved, without a friend...
The poem is based on the National Geographic Wild HD details
received from Sky Digital for the September 2009 programme
called 'Eye Of The Leopard'. Fully featured on pages 20 and 21
of the September 2009 Sky Magazine! - The World's Poetry Archive
I can well imagine wildlife artist Stephen Gayford painting this!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Eye To Eye
I like most elephants I've seen,
I like them, yes, I do...
I like it when they don't act mean,
I like how they swim, too...
I like the way that each one grins,
I like their tusks like nails...
I like their wrinkled leather skins,
I like their swishing tails...
I like it that they look so wise,
I like their marching troop...
I like the twinkles in their eyes,
I like their ears that droop...
I like the way they walk along,
I like their patient grace...
I like it most that while they're strong,
Thank God, they know their place...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Eye To Eye'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Eyes Berg
Behind my eyes the ice stays cool,
To melt it now would play the fool...
The shields are up both left and right,
Protecting me by day and night.
I play the games they bid me play
Despite the fact I long to stray!
Conforming only for their eyes...
The hidden truth behind my lies!
If I were free to do my best
Perhaps Mankind would then be blessed!
Yet what if I should do my worst?
Be warned, for then you'd all be cursed!
What man could stand my awesome wrath?
For I could rip this whole world off!
Let loose my gruesome subtlety
Would surely lead to infamy!
And then what use would good deeds serve?
I'd truly get what I deserve!
I think it's best to play their game
For law and order bear no shame!
There's no great profit made by crime
And prison walls slow down all time...
I couldn't bear a life inside...
So let their conscience be my guide...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Eyes Of The Forest
When tigers pause, their eyes stare deep,
Across each forest scene...
To scan for creatures that can creep,
No matter, mild or mean...
This tiger searches high and low,
His eyes pan left to right...
And as they wander to and fro,
The tension starts to bite!
In seconds, everything could change,
A false alarm or what?
A broken twig or something strange
To put him on the spot?
That's why his paws are prone to pause,
Sometimes to poise mid-air...
Until his eyes have learnt the cause,
They'll dangle, dainty, there...
Those precious paws hold claws within,
So he can hold his own.
If he must fight, he won't give in...
His heart is cold as stone!
The gentle cub is long since gone,
This adult heart beats now...
Survival instincts carry on,
To them, each soul must bow...
He knows that one mistake and then,
They'll write his epitaph!
Now safe, he treads the ground again...
And carries on his path...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Eyes Of The Forest'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Eyes Of Warning
The tiger stared with full intent,
With focus, dead ahead,
With firm resolve not to repent,
Despite the sense of dread...
For in the battle he must fight,
Just one would walk away,
So he must move with all his might
Upon this fateful day...
The challenger was also strong,
His courage matched his own
And if they fought the whole day long,
By this, each would be known...
One victor only thus declared,
One victim of his wrath,
To die or live if he were spared,
Perchance to walk it off...
The tiger stared, with warning eyes,
Gave one last chance to run...
Before the wounds, the scars, the sighs,
Before this day was done...
The challenger dismissed the threat,
Two Titans fought head on...
And at the end, while both had bled,
The challenger had gone...
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Eyes Of Warning'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Fairy Dreams
As carefree as the fairy smile,
Upon her sugared lips,
With chocolate hair for her profile
And almond fingertips,
With candy floss to make her dress
And jellied jewels on wings,
The fairy portrays happiness
Each time she hums and sings...
As carefree as her thoughts may be,
She wiles away each day,
Oblivious to destiny,
Whatever comes her way...
Her black-blue eyes gaze down below
Upon the human realm,
Content that God is in the know
And always at the helm...
By faith, she smiles, her heart at peace,
Like saints who pray on Earth,
In hope God's powers to release
That He may prove His worth...
She sits upon her rainbow high,
As if in perfect rest,
She knows the who, the how, the why,
This helps her to stay blessed...
While she's as precious as the sun
And fairy, fairy good,
She cannot kiss us, every one,
But if she could, she would...
While in her carefree state alone
Her fairy dreams exist,
Her beauty's never on its own,
As long as prayers persist...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Faith... Hope... Love...
Faith From The Father,
Hope From The Holy Spirit
And Love From The Lord Jesus!
Comfort all people who've suffered, their troubles to dispel!
Keep praying till they've recovered out of the depths of Hell!
Don't think of life as yesterday, its trials still repeated!
Just choose to let it melt away, till it's been defeated!
Live for this day, not two or three! Just bid tomorrow wait!
Treat with contempt all misery! It isn't all that great!
Don't be 'prone to melancholy'! Why be so negative?
Neither be so falsely jolly! Just live and then let live!
Bad news may come! That's how it is! And yet, why add to it?
No need when something goes amiss to throw some kind of fit!
What use are tantrums nowadays? What progress do they bring?
Be positive and learn to praise the Lord in everything!
I know that's hard when things look bad yet God is known for love!
He grants us strength we never had, to think on things above!
From what the Bible says today you'll get some peace of mind...
But only if you pause and pray! Remember! Seek and find!
God's Word helped Jesus overcome when demons came to haunt!
He knew God's Truth! He wasn't dumb! He conquered every taunt!
While on the Cross, He prophesied! He quoted from the Psalms!
Within His heart Christ stored with pride God's comfort so it calms!
He had a quote to fondly share! God's Light to shed abroad!
It's in His Name we say each prayer! Christ is our Sovereign Lord!
Why think that Christ cares not for you who once was crucified?
Why flout God's Word, say it's not true, rejecting strength supplied?
In truth, I say, behold God's Love! Give thanks with every meal!
Then learn to think of things above, for truths God would reveal!
I tell you this, the Lord forgives! Be pardoned through Christ's Blood!
Draw near to Him, for Jesus lives! He draws us near to God!
Rejoice, I say, again, rejoice! Be open to the Lord!
This is the highest, noblest choice! Have faith... and rest... assured...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Fallen Angel
An angel with a broken wing
Crashed down upon my head!
Apologized for everything,
Despite me there, half dead...
He picked me up and prayed for me,
Concussed and nonplussed, too,
Still glad that I had eyes to see,
Though I was black and blue...
He brushed me down then shook my hand
While I was fit to swoon
And hoped that I would understand
That he'd be leaving soon...
God told me straight to pray as well,
That broken wing to heal,
Then after that to rest a spell,
Sit down and have a meal...
The angel's wing clicked into place,
He waved then flew away,
To leave me there with squashed-up face,
That really made my day...
But life goes on and so did I,
My nose all out of joint,
With people always asking why,
But then they get annoyed!
No-one believes a single word,
They frown at my demise,
Yet they weren't there when it occurred
And what they say's not nice...
I've been on TV now and then,
Yet folks just want to mock,
I'll never do that stuff again,
As I'm a laughing stock!
My wife was kind in her pretence
That she believed it's true,
I know I've lost her all her friends - The World's Poetry Archive
By what I've put her through...
Then one day, she got up and left,
Divorced within a year,
I live alone, feeling bereft
And often shed a tear!
Why did God let that angel fall?
Straight down upon my head!
What happened drove me up the wall
And I'm still seeing red!
My life's in tatters, thank You, Lord!
Forgive me for my doubt!
You see, I'm not as self-assured
And scared of going out!
Why me? That what I want to know,
No witness at the time,
Just me alone, an average Joe
And now well past my prime...
It's just not right, it's just not fair!
I always went to Church!
It seems to me, You just don't care...
You've left me in the lurch!
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Fallow Pair
The two male deers were quite content,
Companions full of grace,
No hate, no guile, with each a friend,
Fond memories to trace...
From years gone by, both warm and cold,
Adventures day and night,
Surrounding beauty to behold,
Beneath the sun's great light...
The forest birds still sang along,
Some flying overhead,
Some building nests they hope are strong,
For offspring to be fed...
With tiny flower fragrances
God placed upon the ground,
That would help to bless the senses
And sometimes quite astound...
And here, I stand, observing all,
My Nature Watch complete,
Regarding both the great and small
That I by chance would meet...
The two male deers oblivious
As I smiled by a tree,
Accepting all things glorious
That God meant me to see...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Fallow Pair'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Family Outing!
When meerkats have a day-off planned,
The family outing starts!
Young meerkats scamper cross the land
With joy inside their hearts!
The kiddies do what kiddies do
And frolic in the sun,
With parents hoping they'll live through
What's needed to be done...
From Meerkat Manor they've explored,
Their day-off to peruse,
That yonder hill that they've ignored
Till now the one they choose...
As kiddies climb, they might get weak
And that could calm them down,
Yet since some kiddies are unique,
These kiddies went to town!
The parents crawled the final stage...
Fatique had worn them out...
You'll know it when you reach that age...
Your bones display no doubt...
So meerkat Mum and meerkat Dad,
Were glad they made it home!
They ached so much that they felt bad,
Vowed never more to roam!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Family Portrait
The lion and the lioness
Posed still, so full of pride,
Determined that they would impress
Spectators far and wide...
The family portrait must be done,
For future eyes to see,
That's why they braved the midday sun,
Just for posterity...
Of course, she fussed, as mothers do,
While he remained serene,
The lion king in perfect view
Still waiting on his queen...
Then all at once, the moment came
And cameras clicked like mad,
As lion cubs too young to name
Stared at their Mum and Dad!
Photographers were quick to check
The pictures they had stored,
For every tail and paw and neck
So nothing was ignored...
'Thank God that's over! ' thought the king,
By now he'd had enough!
He left them all, yes, everything,
And said, 'I'm going, love...'
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Family Values
Father And Mother, I Love You!
That spells out F.A.M.I.L.Y.
And God bless if it's oh, so true,
The way that He blessed me!
It's like that painting that I've seen,
Two cubs, one lioness...
On Family Values I'm so keen,
For love brings happiness!
We know that lion cubs aren't tame,
Yet they still fool around!
And everything's to them a game,
No matter what they've found...
The lionesses gather near
To grant a helping hand,
For while their love stays crystal clear,
Who knows what cubs have planned?
When evening comes, they settle down
And peace arrives at last!
Their Mother doesn't wear a frown
Or look at them aghast!
With one eye open, one eye closed,
The cubs are close to sleep...
Why is it now she loves them most?
She doesn't hear a peep...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Family Values'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Father Figure
The lion cub thought life was good,
While at his father's side.
Protected in this neighbourhood,
A member of the pride.
A social group of relatives,
Where each one plays their part Each makes mistakes and each forgives,
While love lives in the heart...
The father figure led the way He set the mood for all.
It didn't matter, night or day They listened to his call.
His mighty roar was heard for miles,
On land and air above...
Yet silent were his lion smiles
That helped him show his love.
The cub tugged on his father's tail
Then jumped upon his back...
Without a thought that love would fail
Or that he'd ever lack...
This was their way, to take their ease,
To nestle in the sun...
Father and son, both blessed by peace,
As if this must be done...
When wisdom splits the lion's share,
Then others, too, can eat.
If not, then let the weak beware,
As others feast on meat.
Humanity learns lessons, too...
It turns away from war...
Then gentle folk, like me and you,
Can help to feed the poor...
When wisdom leads to clarity,
We open up our eyes
And then donate to charity,
So one more soul survives... - The World's Poetry Archive
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Father Figure'.
More Gayford poems on denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Father Time
When Father Time appeared to me,
I saw him in a dream,
His face benign with sympathy,
Not callous or extreme...
Aware of mortals and their thoughts,
Aware of every scheme,
Yet opposite to all reports,
Each life must have its theme...
He held life's wondrous hourglass
That tracked the falling sands,
The quest of time that comes to pass
In all God's sovereign lands...
Such that each grain that tumbled down
Marked all Man's noble plans,
Beyond each tear, each smile, each frown,
Each cosmic circumstance...
The hourglass was almost drained,
Not much time left to run
And not much point if I complained
When my life, too, was done...
Yet Father Time had warned me thus,
Prepare to meet God's Son,
The Saviour, Lamb of God, Jesus,
The precious holy One...
Through Christ I'll stand, yet not alone,
Faith kindled, boldly stirred,
The Holy Bible that I own
Will guide in what's preferred...
So thank you, Father Time, old friend,
Your warning has been heard,
Upon two things each must depend:
God's timing and God's word...
Denis Martindale, copyright June 2014. - The World's Poetry Archive
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
artist Raipun, thanks to her art collection on
deviantart. Google search for Christiane Vleugels.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Father, Son And Holy Spirit
You bless the Church worldwide,
Our every prayer, You hear it,
Since Christ was crucified...
That's why disciples preach Good News,
With miracles and signs,
With words of knowledge for the Jews
To serve as their guidelines...
Beyond the apple of Your eye,
Beyond Israel's domain,
You gave the Gentiles reasons why,
They, too, Your love could gain...
That's why a wondrous multitude
From every worldly tribe,
Still reads God's word that was first viewed
By every holy scribe...
Translations scattered everywhere,
Still sharing all God's best,
With prophecies we're meant to share
To north, south, east and west...
A billion souls could yet be saved,
Like ripples spreading out,
Disciples baptised, fully bathed
And cleansed beyond all doubt...
Consider, then, what's left undone,
Be patient, if You can,
For lost souls distant from God's Son,
Yet still within Your plan...
Draw such as these close to Christ's Cross,
Your saving grace to learn,
In Jesus' Name, we ask because,
Time helps them to discern...
This world will share a Golden Age,
A thousand years of grace,
When Jesus Christ rules centre stage,
Such that we see His face... - The World's Poetry Archive
Yet faith grants now a foretaste here,
Eternal life and more,
When perfect love casts out our fear
And pardon makes us pure...
Without the Saviour's precious love,
This world is lost, indeed,
Upon His Cross, when nailed above,
He chose to stay and bleed...
And then to die, atoning, Lord,
So that God could forgive,
So that this mustn't be ignored,
If we, in Christ, would live...
So many souls we're preaching to,
Good feedback all the time,
With praises rising up to You,
So humble, yet sublime...
The battle is the Lord's, we know,
We merely point the way,
Yet help us, Lord, as on we go,
While on this world we stay...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2013.
Hear the word of the Lord on GOD TV,
on Sky, Freeview HD, or the Roku box, or
visit the website for updates on god-dot-tv
GOD TV's prophecy is to save a billion souls!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Father's Day
The lion king was not opposed
To when his cubs came near,
He was at peace and not engrossed
As neither cub showed fear...
One stretched across his back and played,
The other cub to fight,
The lion king was not dismayed,
He let them scratch and bite...
The cubs were cheerful in their sport,
Their tiny growls amused,
The lion offered no retort,
Nor company refused...
To think, he towered oh so tall,
Yet to these he was kind,
As if he did not fret at all,
As if he did not mind...
Could this be love? To tolerate?
Just let the world pass by?
To silence growls displaying hate,
With grace in full supply?
Each day for him was Father's Day,
He was their Majesty,
Yet why not let them pause to play?
They were his legacy!
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent wildlife
painting by Stephen Gayford nb Google search:
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Favourite Son
If you can learn what must be learned
As lions like to do,
Then one day, what respect is earned
When others look at you...
If you can leap and pounce at will
And growl a mighty roar!
Then surely life would prove a thrill
And who could ask for more?
If you can stalk your prey ahead,
Outwit it every time,
Then you and others can be fed
With fresh food so sublime...
If you can pace yourself each day
And yet remain aware,
Then who cares what the others say?
Don't worry, let them stare...
If you can find a lioness
With fire in her eyes,
Yet looks at you with happiness,
You've found yourself a prize...
If you can show a father's love
To each and every one,
Cherish your diamonds in the rough,
When you're a lion, my son...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Feline Grace
A sleek black panther had appeared,
It slinked along so slow
And even as it gently neared,
I didn't turn and go...
For there was wonder in my eyes,
So statuesque I stayed,
Regardless that it wasn't wise
To pause with thoughts delayed...
My luck persisted for a while,
As if a miracle,
The panther couldn't see me smile,
My camera catching all...
Like models on a catwalk pose,
This panther took its time,
With feline grace each step it chose,
Superb and quite sublime...
And when it turned and walked away,
Its tail swished side-to-side,
Content to live a perfect day,
If sunshine served as guide...
While just a tourist, I was glad,
Although I dared not blink,
For it enjoyed the grace it had
And that sure made me think...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Feline Grace'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Fingers Of Freedom!
One morning, I looked out of the window,
as I let my eyes survey the garden,
to my amazement, I saw a butterfly,
there hanging within a spider's web,
that was supported on the washing line...
I immediately went to the kitchen,
opened the back door, went outside,
I walked up to the butterfly, checked it,
yes, it was still alive, with no spider in sight,
so my fingers surrounded the butterfly,
gently wresting it from the spider's web,
somehow freeing it to live another day...
There it was within my grasp, to choose,
if life or death, but of course, I already knew,
for my hope was to bless and not to curse.
So the butterfly righted itself, its wings safe
and I stood there, watched it fly to freedom,
safe and sound away from the spider and from me...
yet was that butterfly a female with eggs to lay?
Did I save more than one butterfly that day?
Are there thousands of butterflies alive now,
because I chanced to look out my window,
at that exact time in our lives upon this Earth?
And if I had got up an hour earlier, what then?
Would I never have seen that butterfly?
Would I have merely made the coffee?
Would I have merely watched the news on TV?
That chance event has changed my life...
For that was another fateful day I became a hero...
The day I saved another... with the fingers of freedom!
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
First Adventure
Two tigers traipsed their jungle jaunt,
With nothing else in sight,
The universe itself to taunt
And ready for a fight!
It didn't matter, great or small,
For neither tiger cared,
This was their moment, walking tall,
Their first adventure shared!
So stride for stride they strutted forth,
Exploring, come what may,
Yes, forward east, west, south or north,
Until the end of day...
Together, proud and jubilant,
Triumphant tigers still,
It didn't matter where they went
And, boy, was it a thrill!
Their first adventure, on the prowl,
No Mum and Dad in tow,
With nothing but a mighty growl
As onward they must go!
United, steadfast, confident!
Give them a real wide berth...
If they see you, stay nonchalant
And run for all you're worth!
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'First Adventure'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
First Born
The first born tiger cub that day
Had no idea at all,
Just like the rest, he chose to play,
To tumble and to fall...
In time, he learned to stand up straight
And look Dad in the eye,
Acknowledging his Dad was great,
Oh, my, oh, my, oh, my!
Yet tiger cubs must grow and grow,
That's just the way life is,
Who knew what strengths he had to show,
What things would go amiss?
His destiny was years ahead,
For now, he just chewed tails
And filled the other cubs with dread,
Like other alpha males...
Then came respect, less fights, less brawls,
Less bickering and such,
As if a time of miracles
Had kept them all in touch...
First born or not, his stripes were earned,
He did things well, somehow,
He's turned out right by what he's learned,
He's quite the tiger now...
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
First Flight
The eagle teetered on the ledge,
Its first flight dead ahead!
Surveying all, next to the edge,
Its young heart filled with dread!
But Nature whispered on the wind,
'Just take your time, my friend...'
And though the eagle's brain still spinned,
Its fears came to an end...
Then all at once, its heart was brave
And with one single bound,
It raised itself as if by faith,
Its wings above the ground!
And off it swooped, the maiden flight,
With courage fate decreed...
And gravity soon lost the fight
With thermals to succeed!
So up it flew the thermal swirl,
Cascading now and then...
Then onward, upward, twist and twirl,
Till coasting once again...
But, oh, the flying! That's first rate!
Although it feels so rash...
Of course, the landing's not that great,
First time it's with a crash!
To think, each eagle's forced to learn,
To wing-it, as it were...
And just like others, take its turn,
So miracles occur!
Who knows how high the eagles fly?
I'm jealous as can be!
But I'm no angel, just a guy...
I'll stick to poetry...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2011. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
First Kiss
Blind dates were not the norm for you, yet it worked out that way...
So I dressed up in all things new in hopes I looked O.K.
And so it was that we first met, shook hands, all smiles and grins
Still asking what the Fates had set as our blind date begins...
The restaurant turned out first class - our meal was well prepared.
Your finger paused, caressed your glass... I wondered if you cared.
You laughed at jokes made up in haste and ate contentedly...
The wine was excellent to taste and mellowed just like me...
I walked you home beneath the stars that twinkled like your eyes In time we knew this date would pass though it had been so nice!
Outside your door I shook your hand yet sighed so sad to part!
I prayed that you could understand the hopes within my heart!
You turned to go, my heart stood still - I breathed not in or out!
Then you turned back! We shared the thrill and kissed away all doubt!
Thus love was born, made manifest... acknowledged by our lips
And by the way we felt so blessed - hearts, toes and fingertips!
When I walked home I walked on air! My mind still in a dream!
I thought you were beyond compare - we're now a kissing team!
From that first kiss we've seen love grow to blossom like the rose...
God gave us light then watched it glow, recorded now in prose...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
First Kiss Blues
Oh, the beauty of that sunny day!
How wonderful, just to be with you!
A short and sweet picnic in the Park.
Not a care in the world.
There you were, stunning yet serene.
I reached forward to touch your hand.
You caressed my cheek.
I wanted to kiss you then.
A silent sigh swept over me.
I rested my head on the grass.
We looked up at the clouds together.
Two clouds coasted across the sky.
'Do you think they're in love, too? '
We made our way across town.
The streets as busy as they ever were.
'I've got to go to classes! ' you said...
And suddenly it happened...
You kissed me, instinctively.
I kissed you back, longingly.
It was so sudden, almost perfect...
With a bit of planning, it could have been.
But that first kiss only happens once...
In a second it was done,
Never to be repeated.
Yet with it comes the hope for seconds...
'See you tomorrow! ' you said...
Leaving me to live
The loneliest day of my life,
Without you...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Five Friendly Flitterbye Fairies!
Five friendly fairies were twiddling their thumbs!
Agreeing quite wisely how tedium numbs!
'If only the humans believed we exist,
They'd wish on a star and our aid they'd enlist!
They'd welcome us fairies as five friendly folks!
They'd tell us new stories and jovial jokes!
They'd pour out their sorrows and thank God we cared!
They'd offer us sweeties for wisdom we shared!
They'd bring back the sparkle that once filled our wings!
They'd listen to songs that each flitterbye sings!
Us flitterbyes sit on their rooftops each night!
We know all their dreams while we're hid out of sight!
We used to be famous in forests worldwide!
But Man has sawed trees down, where can we abide?
If only us fairies could help in some way!
We can't keep on twiddling our thumbs night and day!
Let's help their computers! Let's send their emails!
Let's lead them to tutors! Both males and females!
If not, we'll all perish, forgotten, dismissed!
For nobody loves what has ceased to persist! '
So up stood the fairies as friendly could be,
Determined to help with elect trickery!
Bearing new emails they flew across space
Taking each thought to that one special place,
That one special person who loves fairies, too!
God blesses flitterbyes! How about YOU! ?
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Fizzy Faith!
A fizzy faith's a busy faith - bubbling with new ideas!
It longs to save and so it's brave enough to conquer fears!
It does much more than just survive Man's plans for history!
A fizzy faith will surely thrive throughout eternity!
If someone else has fizzy faith they'll prove it beyond doubt!
Since Calvary, when God forgave, they want to shout it out!
They study what the Bible says! They search each prophecy!
They often focus with new prayers - God's lines are always free!
Perhaps they'll write a brand new song, or parable or verse!
Perhaps they'll choose to right a wrong so things do not get worse!
Perhaps they'll work behind the scenes - anonymous to most...
And though they act as go-betweens, they've lost the need to boast!
If you're like these then you'll behave as if your life's brand new!
Let God in Heaven increase your faith! Be a 'fizzy faither', too!
It's up to you to comprehend the Christian path God gives!
You know Lord Jesus is your friend! You know the Saviour lives!
Reach out to save lost souls from Hell! Unlock their chains by prayer!
Of all truths that Christ teaches well, His first is, 'LEARN TO CARE! '
That way you'll make a difference NOW! God's Love will prove the key!
Reflect on who, what, where and how! Fulfil YOUR destiny!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Flat Out
The sun was mighty warm today!
The lioness concurred...
She found a pleasant rock to lay,
A spot that she preferred...
And then she sort of melted there...
And with that rock was one,
Such that she simply didn't care
About that sizzling sun...
Her heavy eyelids flickered still,
Some consciousness to keep,
As if a final act of will
Before she slipped to sleep...
Her breathing in and breathing out
Were simply not the same
And should there be a single doubt,
She'd swear, the sun's to blame!
Flat out, she was, her tail as well,
Like one long stretch of string...
As if the victim of a spell,
She couldn't do a thing!
The mighty huntress met her match!
Flat out, for all to see...
And there she stayed, some sleep to snatch,
From noon till half-past-three...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Flat Out'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Fleeting Sun
The wolf was prone to roam the land,
Regardless, rain or shine,
Because he knew that life was planned,
Except for when he'd dine...
He hunted here, he hunted there,
As sunshine led the way,
Till moonshine offered light to spare
At every end of day...
So he preferred to take things slow,
Till his next meal was seen,
Then with a spurt, be on the go,
When things can turn quite mean...
The fleeting sun could grant success
Or fast escape for some,
The fleeting sun could curse or bless,
For now, the wolf looked glum...
'How long? ' he asked, yet he endured,
Starvation growing still,
No longer feeling self-assured,
With nothing near to kill...
Nobody there to sympathise,
Or care about his pain...
The fleeting sun lights up the skies,
Regardless who will gain...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Fleeting Sun'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Florida Panther!
Florida Panther, I see you!
Your markings make you known,
That's why I need no further clue
Than photos I've been shown...
And aren't you looking thin, my friend,
So sleek and debonair?
Fit as a fiddle, end to end,
That's why I must take care...
But, my, aren't you the pretty one?
As golden as could be,
That's why you're shining in the sun
And quite beguiling me...
It's just that I respect your kind,
So feline, full of grace
And while, of course, you're hard to find,
I'll not forget your face...
As long as we can part this day,
Your portrait I can paint,
So glad, in time, when people say,
'My word, that cat looks quaint! '
When we're long gone, such paintings tell
How good you looked right now,
So, adios, my friend, farewell,
All I can say is, 'WOW! '
Denis Martindale, copyright October 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford. Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Focus On Friendship, Faith And Love
A happy man is he who's found a lass that he can love...
As if by beauty he's been bound yet wouldn't shake her off!
Her lips like magnets draw him close till he looks in her eyes!
What happens next God only knows for eyes can hypnotise!
Each word she says he dotes upon as if she were sublime!
He'll write her poems signed Anon and pray for every rhyme!
He'll offer chockies, roses, too, and orchids from a shop!
He'll send her cards marked I love you! , heart pounding pitter-pop!
He'll watch her lips, as if a hawk, perchance to try his luck!
Then suddenly, no chat, no talk, as courage he must pluck!
Not now! Not now! Ooh, maybe soon! Ooh, coulda been! Too late!
Yet if they kissed, perhaps he'd swoon! That wouldn't look too great!
His pitter-pop is racing now! He's focussed, that's for sure!
Yes, pretty soon, he'll slowly bow in search of sweet amour!
It's time! It's time! Their first kind kiss! He's fainted clean away!
To see his smile, he'll die of bliss! God let him live! Oi, vey!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
All senses now are focussed well,
Survival calls again,
The lioness obeys its spell
That haunts both beasts and men...
The hunger gnaws within us all,
It comes and will not budge
And why, united by its thrall,
We serve, yet with a grudge...
The lioness now stalks her prey...
With eyes and ears alert,
With nostrils flared for scents that stray
Within the land of hurt...
For here it is that death draws near,
As Mother Nature knows...
And all at once, peace turns to fear,
Till life comes to a close...
The lioness may look refined,
Defiant, noble, brave,
Yet hunger leads to thoughts unkind,
With few around to save.
Her prey is fast, the chase is on!
Escape is rare, so rare...
Yet suddenly the prey has gone...
And leaves her fuming there...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Focussed'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Follow The Leader
Two tigers traipsed the river's edge,
The leader heard a noise...
When entrusted with this knowledge,
Both tigers had no choice...
Two tigers traipsed beneath the sun
With one cold thought in mind,
Two heads much better than the one,
With so much strength combined...
In silent mode, they took their time,
Each stealthful step so slow...
While undetected, each new crime
Meant victims sensed no foe...
Suffice to say, their moment came,
The frantic prey ran wild,
The tigers chased like burning flame,
No longer meek and mild...
Though it didn't happen often,
The tigers had to pause...
For failure dogged them once again,
Their prey escaped their claws...
The starving tigers felt dismay,
The next meal had to wait...
With luck, they'd last another day
With cause to celebrate...
Denis Martindale, copyright, December 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Follow The Leader'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Two penguins stood in one embrace,
United side-by-side,
Despite the coldness of the place,
They shared a sense of pride...
An inner warmth then grew within,
Like humans often feel,
As fondness grows and dreams begin
When something seems so real...
The ice stayed cold beneath their feet,
The sky stayed blue above,
Yet God knew how they looked so sweet,
As warmth turned into love...
From that day on, these two stayed close,
Contented lives to live,
For each goes where the other goes,
Companionship to give...
That's why they never felt alone,
Each sheltered from remorse,
While others nurtured hearts of stone,
As if the only course...
I envy all that fondness shared,
No matter, day or night,
Alas, for me, nobody cared...
And folks, that just ain't right...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Fondness'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Fools' Prophet
The idol stood where all could see
And some folks simply praised,
While some at home watched on TV,
Aghast, dismayed, amazed...
But on it went and more would bow,
Before the idol's face,
Not caring what God would allow,
They laughed despite disgrace...
The Antichrist stood there well pleased,
As each was marked for Hell,
While others saw him as the Beast
The Bible books foretell...
Some miracles were quickly done,
To goad some more to kneel,
Rejecting Jesus as God's Son,
Their souls sold for a meal...
False prophets come, false prophets go,
Yet such as these must stay...
So that the whole wide world would know
God's planned a Judgment Day...
The Antichrist was warned ten times
That he could still be saved,
But on he went, committing crimes
And growing more depraved...
Behold the Bible truths before
The Lord must judge you, too...
For every one who breaks God's Law
Is like Judas the Jew...
And Hell awaits the damned, the lost,
The unforgiven fools,
To pay the piper... and the cost
Of breaking all God's rules...
The Antichrist shook hands and smiled
At converts young and old
And with his lying lips defiled - The World's Poetry Archive
Each fool that would be told...
A thousand credits to each man,
A bar of gold as well...
A pittance if you knew his plan:
Eternity in Hell...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Fools' Prophets
A prophet came as if to preach, with miracles as well...
With strangely spoken truths to teach, to save lost souls from Hell.
It seemed that though he knew God's Word, he'd often add a twist...
Until all wisdom had been blurred and none could get the gist!
His fame and fortune none could doubt, for they grew hand-in-hand,
But none could work his teachings out, for none could understand...
One day, he preached of sacrifice, the next, God was our friend,
The next, that God was not so nice and Hell would never end!
He quoted scriptures now and then, with parables to boot,
To follow with a joke again that people thought was cute...
He even uttered prophecies and some of these came true,
The rest proved lies, catastrophes, as if he had no clue!
He fleeced the foolish flocks each week in lands both near and far,
As every dollar he would seek, saved in his cookie jar...
At first, I thought he was a saint, this devil in disguise,
Whose lifestyle knew not one restraint, then God opened my eyes...
Now I won't give a single dime, a dollar, franc or pound...
To contribute would be a crime, like all the scams around...
God couldn't bless the likes of me, until I understood,
Not all who speak of Calvary are there to serve the good...
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2011.
The poem is based on all those
preachers who have souled out...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
For God So Loved The World
For God so loved the world He gave
His one and only Son,
His Holy Child who was so brave
He did what must be done...
He gave His life, His final breath
That He might be our King...
Behold Jesus of Nazareth,
To us, He's everything!
The God who made the Universe
Can hear us, none ignored
And spare us from Man's sinful curse
By Jesus Christ, the Lord...
For who else died to rescue us,
So many years ago?
He blesses us and lives though us,
If we let His love flow...
God calls us from the Devil's rule,
So we are born again,
To cast away the inner fool
That taunts us now and then...
Forsaking feelings, Christians live,
Past doubts of every kind,
Deciding we can not forgive,
But God helps change our mind...
God's plans for us are Heaven-bound,
Not finished here on Earth,
Where every demon thought is found
And proved to hold no worth...
Did Jesus brave the Cross of Christ,
So we could all be rich?
The Lamb of God was sacrificed,
To grant Mankind God's bridge!
Saint Paul believed God had a plan,
He preached from house-to-house,
In service to his fellow man,
His children and his spouse...
When whipped like Jesus Christ before, - The World's Poetry Archive
Saint Paul still carried on.
Awaiting miracles in store,
Until his life was gone...
The Church continues to this day,
Blessed by the words Paul wrote,
Because in faith, with much to say,
He shared God's antidote...
The poor, the weak, the frail, the sad,
The lost and lonely, too,
Have found by faith they can be glad
And so, dear friend, can you.
But gladness comes as but a gift,
Something we have not earned,
So as it comes, look up and lift
Your arms with hopes still yearned,
Then pray for others, if you would,
To grant them God's relief,
So that they, too, learn God is good
And turn from disbelief...
For God so loved the world He gave
His one and only Son,
His Holy Child who was so brave
He did what must be done...
He gave His life, His final breath
That He might be our King...
Behold Jesus of Nazareth,
To us, He's everything!
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
For Michael Jackson Fans
In a changing world, his face changed, too.
The boy became the man.
He changed the world, its point of view,
As each became a fan.
He danced his way across the world,
His albums played and played...
And he stood tall, with arms unfurled,
Triumphant, unafraid.
The world moved on and so did he
With every day and night.
He faced it all and danced with glee,
Precision, feather-light.
He thrilled his worldwide audience.
He mesmerised each crowd.
His soared high with resilience
In all that God allowed.
He smiled as sweetly as he could
When things were getting rough,
Yet when condemned, he sought the good
And prayed to God with love.
Both saint and sinner, king and fool,
Both wise and innocent,
He clinged to youth, as if in school
And welcomed each new friend.
To those who care about him still,
Now that my friend has gone...
I pray his music always will
Grant joy though he's danced on...
May God grant mercy to our hearts
And bless our tender tears...
As Michael, Champion of the Charts,
Leaves Earth and disappears...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
For The Needs Of The Many
The Garden of Gethsemane was where the Saviour prayed...
Preparing faith for Calvary, He wept there, heart-dismayed...
Was this the night? Was this the hour? Was this the time for tears?
Was this the moment for God's power, God's love to cast out fears?
'When I consider the kingdoms and all the sovereign lands
And all the cherished wisdoms that are God's destined plans,
And let my heart and mind reflect on each damned sinful soul...
Then who am I, that I neglect the Lord of Fates' control?
When I consider slaves enchained, the sins that each can do
And all the evils that remained, evolving, ever new,
I mourn for future lives as well, like grains of sand that drift...
Then who am I, to break the spell, to grant a holy gift?
When I consider such a price, before me, yet unpaid,
The horror of the sacrifice, the contract to be made,
The dark despair when demons laugh and scoff at such a plight...
Then who am I, this epitaph, my final act to write?
When I consider pain and death, they make my blood to boil,
That they must take my final breath, as if their fitting spoil,
Yet I will win and live again! I will not leave them any...
Forgiveness offered to all men, for the needs of the many...'
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
For Whom Did Christ Die?
The destiny of Jesus Christ
Was shared in prophecies,
From Genesis, Man realised,
God only grants us peace...
For Adam sinned and Eve sinned, too,
Thus all descendants choose,
So that includes the likes of you,
If Gentiles or if Jews...
And so, throughout Man's walk on Earth,
From birth until old age,
Each soul is proved to lack true worth,
Deserving of God's rage...
Yet here we are, surviving still,
A remnant caught in time,
While God explains His sovereign will,
So perfect and sublime...
God knew that when the Romans came,
The whip and cross brought death,
Yet Jesus died to bear our shame,
Within that final breath...
With John and Mary at His feet,
The closest of them all,
To see that sacrifice complete,
In answer to Man's fall...
So those for whom Christ chose to die,
Were there, both near and far,
A distant Pilate asking, 'Why? '
Each thief who bore a scar...
For kings and priests, for free and slave,
For children yet unborn,
No wonder, Jesus came to save,
Despite the pain and scorn...
The King of Kings, the Lord of Lords,
Good Shepherd, Lamb of God!
Deserving all His rich rewards - The World's Poetry Archive
Because He shed His Blood...
Yet thinking more of you and I,
The love still meant to share,
Beyond that final day to die,
All worldly sins to bear...
God's harvest soon to be fulfilled,
Its number yet unknown,
Yet every heart is blessed and thrilled,
Salvation's grace to own...
More than Matthew, Mark, Luke, John,
Peter and Timothy,
The names go on and on and on,
For all eternity...
A billion souls still lost, astray,
The battle rages now,
Will they escape God's Judgment Day?
Perhaps... if we tell how...
If not, what can be said of us,
'Well done, you're highly prized! '?
Therefore preach about Lord Jesus!
You've found the Cross of Christ!
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2014.
You can hear the word of the Lord on the
God TV and Revelation TV channels...
Check Google search results for these...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Forest Glade
White tigers like to rest and so
They find a gentle spot
And there, they stay, just laying low,
As they like that a lot.
As if their strength of great renown
Had disappeared from view,
They stretch their paws, their frowns droop down
And muscles relax, too.
White tigers get their lazy moods,
The wise do not disturb.
You can't tempt them with juicy foods,
For appetites they curb.
They know it's time they should be still,
So why do other things?
There's nothing like the silent thrill
That warm contentment brings
White tigers, please leave them alone,
Don't try to chase them off.
Especially not the ones full grown
That feel they've had enough.
Just live and let live, give them space.
Don't say you're unafraid!
Let them enjoy their gentle pace
Within the forest glade.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Forest Haven
The tiger saw me near his home,
His Shangri-La and more...
To him, as sweet as honeycomb,
A place to rest each paw...
'Yes, come on in and join me here,
Without a moment's doubt,
Without a single trace of fear,
For that's what love's about...'
'Just you and I, with no regard
Of past mistakes we've known...
The two of us should now discard
All thoughts to live alone...
No need to fret or fight or flee,
No need to laugh out loud...
Just settle down right next to me...
My soft fur's like a cloud...'
'Don't wear a frown! Don't hesitate...
What have you got to lose?
The sun's so hot... It's getting late...
Let's share this evening's views.
There's no-one else to intervene
To steal this time of bliss...
My forest haven's so serene...
It really, really is...'
(August 2011/The poem is based on the
magnificent painting by Stephen Gayford
called 'Forest Haven'.)
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Forest Nomad
The wolf had roamed the forest trail,
A nomad, nothing more,
At times, still starving, looking frail,
Wondering what life's for...
At other times, he'd run for miles,
A tour de force, so fast,
His mind so cunning, full of guiles,
Till hunger came at last...
That's why he walks and doesn't run,
Conserving energy
And biding time beneath the sun,
For all the world to see...
But come the night, his luck will change
As trees will hide him well
And when the world turns dark and strange,
The tales that he will tell...
For now, he looks a fragile thing,
A victim like the rest,
But come the night, behold a king,
With hunting skills to test...
He'll turn the tables round about,
It's then his turn to stalk,
Then only fools would search him out
And in his footsteps walk...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Forest Nomad'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Forest Phantoms
Two twilight wolves were on the prowl,
Fur coats to keep them safe
And now was not the time to howl,
They must stay strong and brave...
For in the twilight, creatures stalked,
With camouflage and more,
As midnight came, nobody talked,
Of that you can be sure...
Two forest phantoms side-by-side,
United in their quest
And staring out, eyes opened wide,
Surveying east-to-west...
Ethereal ghosts in twilight blues
And also moonlight whites
Against the very darkest hues
That dress the solemn nights...
Two predators in need of food
Without a single qualm,
Fixated by their foulest mood
That seeks another's harm...
They didn't choose this way of life,
This awesome tragedy,
So have compassion on their strife
And all they're forced to be...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Forest Sentinel
The wolf was waiting, as you do,
Yet who could tell what for?
The scenery, the point of view?
Perhaps a sense of awe?
A sentinel from Summers past
With Winter here today,
Now braving winds approaching fast
With sunshine kept at bay...
Beyond a mumbling, grumbling tum,
A belly void of food,
The wolf knew he must overcome,
Not simply change his mood...
He paced himself, saved energy,
Reserved resources still,
For fate would change his destiny
According to its will...
Perhaps a father one year soon,
The wolf must yet survive,
Beneath the sun, beneath the moon,
To somehow stay alive...
In life, there were no guarantees,
Just 'maybes' now and then,
So he endured the Winter freeze,
Like last year, once again...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Forest Sentinel'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Forest Shadow
The stalking tiger crunches snow
Beneath his heavy frame,
Still biding time while hungers grow,
For him, life's not a game...
The Summer breezes now feel chilled,
White snow shines everywhere,
Such that his heart's no longer thrilled,
Because he doesn't care...
So hungers drive him on and on,
Relentless, without peace,
Until he's eaten and they're gone,
For some short time to cease...
For him, no easy street to walk,
He takes what he can get,
You see, he has no knife and fork,
No table, dinner set...
So who are we to criticise?
Our meals are cooked and hot!
The shops are where we buy supplies,
So we're not on the spot...
His shadow roams the forest still,
He hunts just to survive,
He hunts this day and always will,
That's how he stays alive...
Denis Martindale, copyright, December 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Forest Shadow'.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Forest Splendour
White tigers try to keep awake,
Yet keep on dozing off!
So ultra cool, for goodness sake,
They think that others scoff...
Look at him now, he's not that strong,
Sleep's beaten him again!
Plum tuckered out, he can't last long...
Bet he can't count to ten!
White tigers like to do their best...
They show off every day!
They're happy most when they've impressed
And not just thought okay!
The strain soon wears, fatigue comes back
And nobody's immune...
And all at once their muscles slack,
About late afternoon...
This white tiger's now flat out,
All restful, suddenly...
Wondering how that came about It's quite a mystery!
He's run around and feasted well...
He's warmed up by the sun...
I think he'll stay there for a spell...
Don't wake him, anyone!
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Forest Splendour'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Forest Stream
The lonesome tiger waded through
The forest stream one day.
I'd watched him, though he had no clue,
With equal stealth to stay.
I saw the tiger tread his path,
Suspecting everything.
This was no peaceful, joyful bath...
Who knows what life can bring?
The hunter knows what trees can hide...
He dare not make mistakes.
And so he stares, eyes open wide...
When crossing streams and lakes.
His ears are scanning left and right...
His life depends on these.
He needs them every day and night,
With sudden noise he'll freeze.
His senses span the spectrum's range
And profit from their news.
Detecting every second's change,
Exchanging points of views.
Reflexes spark the sudden chase,
When prey seeks to escape.
When all at once, it's one mad race
And then the hunt takes shape.
For now, the tiger wades the stream,
Defensive at this time...
For me, it's like I'm in a dream...
To see him in his prime...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Forest Stream'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Forest Tracker
White tigers track the forest floor,
Like this one did one day,
Steadfast and with his tightened jaw,
He went along his way...
Sometimes to pause and listen well,
Then one step at a time,
To catch a glimpse, some sign to tell,
To perpetrate his crime...
The villain of the piece was he,
Of that there was no doubt,
Though just a stroll it seemed to be,
Watch out! Watch out! Watch out!
I wouldn't snap a twig or two,
If I were walking near,
In fact, I think I'd be like you,
Just paralysed with fear!
I'd watch that tiger walking past,
While I stood still unseen...
If he saw me, then I'd run fast,
'Cos tigers can get mean!
For now, he's like some cuddly cat,
Ol' Blue Eyes, all alone...
And yet, please don't be fooled by that,
You see, he's fully grown!
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Forest Tracker'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Forest Waterhole
White tiger, wading slowly in,
Contented as can be,
Away from all your kith and kin,
You find tranquillity...
The fluid motions nestle close,
To greet your every stride,
To welcome you in your repose,
As from the heat you hide...
The gentle touch caresses you,
No judgment for your sins,
All washed away like morning dew,
You're treated like a prince...
The sunbeams settle on your back,
Defiant to the end,
Upon your stripes both white and black,
That form a perfect blend...
White tiger, won't you spend a while?
Please stay! The sun's so hot!
Forget your subtlety and guile,
For they won't help a lot...
The forest waterhole is cool,
Your friend in times of need...
And though it's merely just a pool,
It's wonderful, indeed!
Denis Martindale, copyright, December 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Forest Waterhole'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Forever Friends
Oh... how could I forget you guys?
My joy on you depends!
In fact, you two have been so nice,
Let's stay forever friends!
Through thick and thin, through fast and slow,
Through here, there, everywhere,
Through every day God lets us grow,
You're in my every prayer!
That's how it was for these guys now,
Three elephants who knew
The joy that comes when folks allow
Those three words, I LOVE YOU!
They shared a bond, a partnership,
As they stood side-by-side...
And interlocked, their trunks would grip,
Like handshakes full of pride.
The adults watched these three at play...
In this, their neighbourhood.
You know, I think it's safe to say,
They made their hearts feel good...
Togetherness is love's reward,
If we invest the time...
Like when we're praying to the Lord,
His presence is sublime...
God blesses those who learn to love...
Through faith that never ends!
His precious ones are known above
As His forever friends...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Forever Friends'. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Forever Together
While stars still twinkle high above
And planets spin in space,
Forever together in love,
Combined in one embrace,
So shall our two hearts beat as one,
Till God grants bodies new,
Because my heart's been truly won
By my sweetheart, that's you...
While sunshine streaks to planet Earth
To lighten up each day
And waves still rise for those that surf
And splash them all with spray
And rainbows span across the sky
And little robins sing,
So shall my mind not ask God why
To me you're everything...
While snow-capped mountains brace the storms
That Winters still release
And snow melts when the Springtime warms
And waterfalls bring peace
And angels minister to saints
In Churches far and wide,
My love endures and never feints,
For you fill me with pride...
While songs are whistled, hummed or played
Confessing love's so sweet
And lovers smile still unafraid,
Yet both swept off their feet,
While memory serves both young and old,
God's goodness failing never,
With Him, our future's good as gold...
Forever... All together...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Forging Ahead
Places to go! Places to see!
The tiger started well.
Life's journey was a mystery!
What next? He couldn't tell!
The water was his challenge now...
So slip-purr-y below...
He was forging ahead somehow...
Where to? He didn't know!
His paws were muddy, yet he tried
To reach the other shore...
Onlookers thought that he could glide
And watched him even more...
He told himself he mustn't slip!
That's why he did his best!
He coasted gently like a ship
That sailed from East to West...
Forging ahead! Some progress made!
The distant shore drew near...
By faith, he'd stepped in unafraid!
That's how he'd made it here...
Then suddenly, in waters deep,
The tiger had to swim...
And forward motion had to keep,
With him no longer slim!
Stiff upper lip and all that stuff!
He paddled, plodding on...
While the going was getting tough,
His strength was not yet gone!
He made it! Yes, success was his!
He sniggered, full of glee!
And in that time of purr-fect bliss,
His joy was plain to see...
He swaggered cross the sands beyond,
As if a thoroughbred!
Like every tiger who is fond
Of always forging ahead...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting - The World's Poetry Archive
by Stephen Gayford called 'Forging Ahead'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Forgiveness Of Sins
In truth, the hardest thing I've done,
Was turning from revenge
Against the evil of someone
Whose life was like a stench...
For he was rotten to the core,
Determined to be bad
And I despised him all the more
With all the hate I had...
Just like a cancer in my heart,
Hate festered deep inside,
But that was simply for a start,
For love within me died...
And faith and hope and charity
Lay shrivelled in the dust,
Till God took me to Calvary
With my own sins discussed...
Without excuses, I stood still
And stared at Jesus Christ,
For He obeyed His Father's will
When He was sacrificed...
And God told me Christ shed His Blood,
Forgiveness to provide,
Behold the Man, the Lamb of God,
The King they crucified...
Now on my knees, with words unsaid,
Just tears the only proof,
I simply wished that I were dead
And that's the solemn truth...
For all like sheep have gone astray,
Not one is guilty free,
I'd no escape from Judgment Day,
Except Christ died for me...
While God forgives, I found it hard,
Condemned, with furrowed brow,
For when could I this hate discard - The World's Poetry Archive
And thus God's grace allow?
Somehow hate died, my soul reborn,
The day I understood,
Forgiveness shared with one forlorn,
Who judged yet wasn't good...
Faith blossoms when the soul is healed,
Faith grows when God forgives,
Faith overflows with Christ revealed,
In knowing Jesus lives...
That's how the Christian Church began,
With sinners' sins confessed,
To turn from hate, to love God's plan,
All Holy Spirit blessed...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Read revelationtv-dot-com/about/salvation
More here: m-dot-godlife-dot-com/forgiven/
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Forgiving Is For Giving
Forgiving is so hard to do,
Let's keep it to ourselves
And let's forget each chance to view
God's Bibles on those shelves...
And let's forget the tears we see
When others plead their cause,
Like we've not heard of Calvary
God meant to open doors...
Forgiving is so hard, I know,
No need to grit your teeth,
Just tell such people they should go,
Deserving all their grief...
Then watch them walk away heads bowed,
Because you're in the right,
Why should your pardon be allowed?
Hold back with all your might...
That's what I thought, till God found me,
Forgiving all my sins,
From gruesome guilt He set me free,
As if somehow He wins...
He took my heart and broke it fast,
In seconds, I found peace,
Yes, peace that God has meant to last,
Else why grant me release?
'Forgiving is for giving, son...'
That's what God seemed to say
And once His miracle was done,
Not one could take away...
So now He watches from above,
Will I show pardon, too?
Will I forgive and share God's love,
Let God make all things new?
Or will I stumble like a clown,
Not fit for Kingdom use?
If so, I'll let my Saviour down - The World's Poetry Archive
Each time that I refuse...
Oh, Lord! I tremble at the thought!
But it's so hard and yet,
Grant strength that I do what I ought,
Teach me not to forget...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Four Ducks....
Four ducks were in the Park one day,
Their colours quite unique,
Like patchwork quilts that flew my way,
When life was looking bleak...
As if reminders of God's grace,
Who fashioned one by one,
To be more than a pretty face,
Eyes twinkling in the sun...
From every angle that I saw
A different spectacle,
Variety not to ignore,
For each looked beautiful...
A polar bear looks white, white, white,
A panther looks so black,
Yet these four ducks were pure delight,
No blessing seemed to lack...
Variety sets each apart,
Identifies us all,
As if each one's a work of art,
A precious miracle...
Four ducks helped me to change my mind,
God's truly blessed this Earth,
Don't be surprised if you should find,
Perhaps, we, too, have worth...
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2015.
Poem based on 4 magnificent wildlife paintings,
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Four Friendly Froggies!
Four friendly froggies were learning computing!
Yet they were so humble and not high faluting!
They were never despondent, but glad as could be!
Their PCs weren't cluttered so they felt so free!
Defragmentation? They laughed at the thought!
But three months went quickly and then they were caught!
Their PCs turned grumpy! They crashed every day!
They wouldn't behave and they wouldn't obey!
So in came the experts, the techies, the geeks!
They oiled the main drives and got rid of squeaks!
They fiddled with software and fixed every one!
They looked like they'd finished but they'd just begun!
'Cos then they got soppy and tweaked them some more!
They took out each floppy then nailed shut each door!
They souped up the innards and graphics and sounds!
Then ever so greedy, said, 'NINE HUNDRED POUNDS! '
The froggies soon told them in choice words to go!
The techies repented, reducing the dough!
One hundred pounds later, the techies went home...
And four friendly froggies then emailed this poem!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse
I saw them riding in a dream, Hell-bent upon their course,
And each one with a sickening scheme as he rode on his horse...
And so they moved, this world to claim with utmost misery,
With death and suffering as their aim, their shame and infamy!
I saw them riding coast-to-coast, on sturdy steeds at night
And evil had them all engrossed, as if they were held tight...
And so they moved, one thought in mind, to bring the world despair,
Until the time four horsemen find their victims unaware!
I saw them riding recklessly, regardless, side-by-side,
As if their perfect destiny, each smiled with stubborn pride...
And so they moved and cut to shreds the mortal flesh of Man,
While moonbeams shone upon their heads as all four horses ran!
I saw them riding to my town and to my very street
And there they cast their curses down upon men's hands and feet...
And so they moved, unmerciful, upon the young and old,
To fill up every hospital with fever and with cold!
I saw them riding from my home, to Europe, for a spell
And I beheld that even Rome was subject to their Hell...
And so they moved, unmoved by deeds, unspeakable and foul,
Men's lives to quench like choking weeds or wicked wolves that howl!
I saw them riding, north and south, and east and west in time,
With blasphemies to fill each mouth, as if their perfect crime...
And so they moved, sharp tiger-toothed, repentant, not at all...
Four horses and four horsemen proved that even the mighty fall...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
How blessed are those that choose to write,
Expressing thoughts sublime,
As if to seek the greatest height,
Perchance then free2rhyme...
For they shall find God's thoughts revealed,
From age to age to age,
With precious truths that always yield
Sweet poems page by page...
Thus through the day and through the night,
God's thoughts are shared on Earth,
Such that our weary hearts take flight
Remembering God's worth...
To think, that He should be so kind,
With prophecies and such,
Allowing us to keep in mind
God loves us very much...
I know that there are sad times, too,
Yet faith still proves the key
That's always there for me and you,
For all eternity...
Yes, blessed are those that choose to write,
For they shall learn God's love,
And free2rhyme will gain insight
Till called to Him above...
Just think of all the great rewards
That people could yet gain,
If serving Christ, the Lord of Lords,
God's Gospel to explain...
God's pardon isn't once a year,
It's every day we live,
It's every time that we draw near
And ask Him to forgive...
No wonder, then, God's poets share
Amazing grace and more,
They hear Good News, then kneel in prayer, - The World's Poetry Archive
Then preach from shore to shore...
If free2rhyme, what strides we'd make,
Improving as we go,
Lost souls to Heaven we could take,
More wonders there to know...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Live broadcasts are also on some UK
Freeview HD and Roku set top boxes.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Fresh Snow
The wolf woke up, chilled by the snow
That nestled on his nose,
He knew that snow was slow to go,
Thus faced the Winter woes...
The wolf was quite aware of these,
He'd faced them all before
And thus he yearned Spring's sweet release
When even snow must thaw...
Till then, he knew that meals were rare,
So he must scavenge now
And eat his fill to fight despair,
Some future to allow...
His eyes and ears and nose took in
The clues that helped him live,
For these would help the wolf to win,
Another year to give...
Survival proves the golden rule,
The hardest game there is
And for each one that plays the fool,
Life bids a farewell kiss...
The wily wolf must do his best
To greet the Spring next year
And while fresh snow is such a pest,
Its warning's crystal clear...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Fresh Snow'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Friends Forever!
To think that I had lost my way and let my heart grow cold,
Such that I rarely said, 'Hooray! ' nor thought of being bold!
My life was like an empty cup with cobwebs on the side!
My soul in need of topping up... No shepherd as a guide...
What use were stars? They gave no calm. What use were sun and moon?
They could not keep me safe from harm or grant me wish or boon!
What use were mountains, forests, lakes? While scenery can soothe
Lord Jesus knows of Man's heartaches and knows how to improve...
Outside the door each day He stood as patient as the snail...
The Noble Nazarene who would succeed where others fail...
For only He was good enough to serve God to the end...
Yes, only He, the King of Love, forgives and stays a friend...
I'd checked the Gospels through and through! I tried to understand!
The door was open! Born anew! Christ took me by the hand!
A dropp of blood from Calvary fell from His wrist to mine!
Transfusing life-long ministry both human and divine...
His Spirit filled my every thought - I knew what must be done!
To reach the lost as Christians ought - and lead them to God's Son!
To live with love, to serve with joy, to teach and prophesy!
For every adult, girl and boy needs Christ as much as I...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Frightday The 13th
Oh, dear, it's here, it's back again!
Unlucky souls to claim!
When accidents strike now and then,
This awful day's to blame...
When scamps and imps set up their traps
For mortals on the go
And laugh when seeing folks collapse
Or bathtubs overflow...
The gremlins love this day, of course,
They think it's such a hoot!
It's when they all come out in force
With pranks they think will suit...
It's open season on Mankind!
Alas, no mercy shown...
And woe to you if you should find
You're walking home... alone!
Grown-ups are seen as pompous fools,
Stuck-up in many ways,
With gadgets that work miracles
They advertise with praise...
But gremlins use these gadgets, too,
And know their little quirks,
So they know how to upset you
When something hardly works...
Computers can be set to fail,
The software soon goes wrong,
Each soldered wire looks so frail,
That weak link's not that strong...
That battery goes on the blink,
That TV just won't start,
That pen's so slowly leaking ink,
No wonder folks lose heart...
That's why I'm staying home today,
You won't catch me outside,
No sabotage will come my way - The World's Poetry Archive
If I stay here and hide...
My sandwiches will do just fine,
I'll read my magazines,
To rest in bed and drink my wine
Till I reach the 14th!
Denis Martindale, copyright March 2015.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
From Emptiness To Holiness
With humbled hearts and empty hands some kneel before the Lord,
So poor they have no homes or lands or things that they could hoard.
They have no extra food to share, no water near to drink,
Yet they approach our God in prayer and they should make us think...
With broken lives and worried minds some groan before the Lord,
So hurt as if the devil blinds and binds them with strong cord.
They have no other force for good than Jesus, strong to save
And so they ask Him if He would release them to be brave...
With foolish dreams and vanities some ache before the Lord,
So lost they know they cannot please, yet faith makes them assured.
Because they know that Jesus lives! He's called them one-by-one!
He promises that God forgives! So what more could be done?
With everything that we may own, let's come before the Lord,
So that our prayer requests are known and subject to reward.
For He alone can light our path, grant joy instead of pain,
To cast out tears and makes us laugh, so that we trust again...
With such a love that God extends in Heaven and on Earth,
Let us approach our God as friends, because He knows our worth.
How blessed are those He's freeing and each who understands.
It's in Him, we have our being, our lives are in God's hands...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
and the Revelation TV Watch Now link
on the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
From First Thoughts
From first thoughts formed within the mind,
The heart is brought to play,
To fashion themes from all one's dreams
With precious prose to say...
And thus begins, the scribbling phase,
The scratching on a page,
With winsome words of wisdom penned
Towards the final stage...
Prophetic visions gather close
Within the inner eye,
Presenting truths and fantasies
Enough to make one sigh...
Enough to make one laugh or weep,
Enough to pause in prayer,
Enough to tantalise the soul
To help each one prepare...
Then back to read the sentences,
Reciting every word
And listening to the nuances,
Once heard and then preferred...
So changes come, to heighten truths,
Loose meanings cast aside,
For clearer inspirations bring
God's insights to abide...
And only then, when God has shared,
Can everything transform
Into the greatest story told
That causes hearts to warm...
For in Man's words and thoughts and rhymes
The Lord expresses joys,
Reminding us, like Jesus Christ,
That each soul has a choice...
Thus every day come challenges,
Unbidden, like the snow,
Unbidden like the fiercest winds - The World's Poetry Archive
That no man wants to know...
Yet in the storms, none stands alone,
By faith, God's love prevails
And that shows why the world is full
Of poems telling tales...
Denis Martindale, copyright June 2014.
Google search the websites for GOD TV
and Revelation TV and their Watch Now
TV programmes. Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
From Genesis To Revelation
When Adam named each living thing, as he was told to do,
He saw that some could fly and sing. 'Why can't I do these, too? '
He saw some creatures burrow down beneath the earth below
And this new puzzle made him frown, 'Where do such creatures go? '
He saw the sun, he saw the moon and stars that filled the sky.
'Why does the sunshine go so soon? ' Such riddles made him sigh.
So many questions filled his head when he was all alone.
He closed his eyes and dreamt instead with answers still unknown.
When Eve arrived, he saw her face and welcomed this new start.
This miracle had proved God's grace for prayers within his heart.
But Eve, beguiled by Satan's lies, led Adam's heart astray
And from their Earthly Paradise, these two were led away.
The Bible says that all have sinned. We live, but then we die.
For by God's laws each soul is pinned unless God's grace comes by.
Thus Jesus died as Easter shows - His life's blood sacrificed.
His righteousness pays what each owes and so we trust in Christ.
Believers preach what we've been taught. God blesses every word
That says how Jesus Christ has brought new life as our shepherd.
God's revelation comes to you - like prayers that fly to Heaven!
The most important thing to do - believe, so you're forgiven!
God blesses those who turn in faith and trust the King of Love!
He promises each soul is safe, forevermore above...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
From Gethsemane To Golgotha
When God is silent, doubt begins,
Yet Jesus prayed again,
Was this the time to die for sins
And if not now, then when?
And if that cup of death must be,
Was that too much to ask?
Would Jesus walk to Calvary
And thus complete the task?
Gethsemane beneath His feet,
Upon the world He made,
Where Judas came, his friend to meet,
One kiss with Christ betrayed...
And then the dark night of the soul,
Would Jesus stand His ground?
Would Jesus master self-control
With demons all around?
The leaders of His day played sport,
His flesh their battlefield,
They gave His pain no single thought,
For He, the thousands healed...
Yet Christ withstood the onslaught till
Golgotha was declared
And so Christ climbed, obeyed God's will,
So that we could be spared...
Though sin is deadly every time,
Yet pardon has its price,
Behold the man, God's Son, sublime,
Behold the sacrifice...
And let imagination serve
To stir compassion's sigh,
As Christ is raised up from the Earth
And destined thus to die...
Cascading mercies fall below,
From front and back descend,
As righteous blood must overflow - The World's Poetry Archive
From Christ, the Sinner's Friend...
By faith, just faith and faith alone,
The Saviour suffered all,
His love, the greatest ever known,
His finest miracle...
Yet God works miracles as well,
He raised Christ from the dead,
To prove that Christ could save from Hell,
For that is why He bled...
The risen Lord has much to do,
Two thousand years or so,
Still reaching out to me and you,
For how else can we grow?
Today is just another day,
Unless God gives us light,
His Word is there to lead the way,
To help us do what's right...
A thousand pages thereabouts,
With Israel centre stage,
God-given faith to end our doubts
In this, God's golden age...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2013.
Hear the word of the Lord on Revelation TV,
on Sky, Freeview HD, or the Roku box, or
visit the website revelationtv-dot-com
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
From Plymouth To Paradise!
From Plymouth to Paradise, Lord!
GOD.TV and beyond!
Revival that can't be ignored,
As lost souls still respond!
With miracles and visions, too,
With dreams and prophecy
Concerning Christ, the Saviour who
Once died on Calvary!
Through Him and what Your love has done
The world will understand,
With faithful hearts that trust Your Son
And all that God has planned...
That nations gain God's blessings still,
His favour day-by-day,
So praises rise above each hill
With all the prayers we pray...
For what is love without God's grace,
His mercies so sublime?
We may not see our Saviour's face
Till Christ returns in time!
Yet while we wait, like angels here,
Let all the saints express
The perfect love that casts out fear,
To share our happiness!
For what is joy if kept within,
That no-one else may know?
Once pardoned, saints escape their sin,
God's blessings overflow!
A mighty river stretches forth,
From Jesus' hands and feet,
From east to west, from south to north,
Its mission to complete!
That's why we know the Lord prepares
His saints for harvest hours,
He lives in every heart that cares, - The World's Poetry Archive
Bestowing special powers!
That we might know His holy heart,
Like angels near and far,
This brand new year let's make a start,
That proves each saint a star!
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2014.
GOD.TV website and watch now details can
be found on Google. Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
From Poet To Page
It matters not if night or day,
A poem must be born
And here's the sign, it's on its way,
So fragile and forlorn...
A single thought within the mind,
A stirring all its own,
Then inspiration I must find
So that it's not alone...
I fan the flames that rise within,
With light and heat released,
A thousand thoughts can now begin
Until my heart feels pleased...
And with a whisper, nothing more,
An eloquence flies out,
Sweet utterings I must explore,
With wonders all about...
And soon I'm counting syllables,
Eight, six, eight, six again,
Thus on the page a new verse falls
As ink flows from my pen...
Calligraphy's a faithful friend,
Italics here and there,
I watch them as they swirl and bend
Like dancers in mid-air...
I've got no clue what words I'll write,
Yet I'll invest my time,
For treasured gold or new insight
Still hidden in the rhyme...
Behold, the challenge has been set!
All skills rise to the top
Until all answers I can get,
I'll strive to write not stop!
May God preserve that hope in Man,
That poets seek to dream,
As if each working out life's plan - The World's Poetry Archive
Until it proves supreme...
A kindly word writ well can soothe,
A truth revealed excels,
Life's lessons help us all improve,
Just like the Bible tells...
The last verse now and it delays,
It staggers awkwardly...
It totters there as half displays
Before it comes to me...
I sigh, another poem's done,
I feel the Muse move on...
'Goodbye, dear friend, today's been fun! '
Too late, my Muse has gone!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
From Text To Speech
Sometimes, when I've new poems penned,
I read them out once more,
In my own voice from start to end,
Each message to explore...
Yet there are programs I can use
That share from text to speech,
That's why their voices I can choose
To find their range and reach...
I test the pitch, I test the speed,
The male or female voice,
In hopes I find just what I need,
So I can make my choice...
And then my headphones help me hear
The way each voice portrays,
So that much closer I may near
The best of all each plays...
Regardless of each comma's pause,
Delaying what I wrote,
I listen as each voice outpours
Inflections of the throat...
Perhaps I'll change a word or two,
Perfecting where I can,
Just like wise poets often do
To make their poems scan...
So go online with Google search,
Text programs to install
And maybe you'll soon get the urge
To test just one or all...
I've found them useful as a sign
In phrasing thoughts I've penned
And so, I bid you go online,
To test them out, my friend...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
From The Rose To The Ring
To think that love is everywhere
And that it's Heaven-sent,
A poor man or a billionaire,
Each learns by accident...
It may take time before love grows,
From one romantic thought,
Yet soon it blossoms like the rose,
As tender hearts are caught...
And when their friendship flows like wine
Such that the whole world sees,
They each become a Valentine,
The other heart to please...
With gentle words they bill and coo,
As if still on their search,
Yet love and marriage rendezvous
Within God's Holy Church.
That's why each man on bended knee
Proposes, ring-in-hand,
When love responds to Destiny
So weddings can be planned...
Life's great adventures make us pray,
To be all we can be...
God bless you on your Wedding Day
And all eternity...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2011.
This is in response to the Forward Press Publishers'
Poetry Competition about the Royal Wedding:
Competitions: forwardpoetry-dot-co-dot-uk
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
From Visions To Revelations!
Transcending time, transcending space,
His mind was just a blur,
Behind his eyes, behind his face,
Where dreams can still occur...
And prophecies get written down
Ahead of what will be,
As if time were a golden gown
Or scroll of poetry...
The prophet sensed God's presence there,
He shivered at the thought,
For though he'd sought the Lord in prayer,
Would he do what God taught?
He trembled like a little lamb
When first stood on its feet,
Surrounded by the great I AM,
Enveloped in the heat...
Then came the Word... Poured out like gold,
Refined and purified,
With all God's wonders to unfold,
The man's eyes opened wide...
He saw a river flowing still,
A multitude baptised,
According to the Father's will
And in the Name of Christ...
With men ascending Heavenward,
The second each was bathed,
As if washed clean, now seen as good,
Each pardoned, loved and saved...
Rose petals floating from the sky
To form the Jesus Rose,
That makes each sinner ask God why,
Yet only Jesus knows...
His resurrection made it plain,
For Jesus rose that day,
Despite His crucifixion pain - The World's Poetry Archive
Which now had drained away...
The prophet saw the world spin round
Much faster than before,
With all the Christians Heavenbound,
Its weight was less not more...
The Rapture changed the world he knew,
The secret must be kept,
Beyond the time he bid Adieu,
Till in the grave he slept...
But after that, the prophecies
Would reach the whole world wide,
Concerning Christ, the Prince of Peace,
The Saviour, crucified...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2013.
Hear the word of the Lord on Revelation TV,
on Sky, Freeview HD, using the Roku box,
or visiting the website revelationtv-dot-com
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
From Wishes To Kisses!
Along life's journey, love drew near and led me by the hand
And whispered dreams into my ear as we crossed 'Wonderland'.
Love played soft music meant to soothe such that I felt no fear
As if my soul mate could improve my life if she were here.
Then loneliness and pining came as if to reinforce
The need for her, to stake my claim, as if it were fate's course.
Then destiny chose prophecy to overcome my doubt.
I thought, 'Love's got it in for me! ' There seemed like no way out!
Reality tried sabotage but fantasy returned
And brought a mighty entourage, persuaders I'd once spurned.
'OK, I give! I'll fall in love! I'll do the best I can!
I'll even pray to God above like every other man!
Don't care how long I wait for her, whoever she may be!
As long as true love starts to stir and she, in turn, loves me!
I know they say no guarantees, just promises, that's all...
Yet grant me kisses meant to please and cuddles that enthrall...
If not, I'd rather live alone, unloved until I die...
To leave this world as ghosts that groan, lamenting, Why, Lord, why? '
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Front Line Credo (Reflections Of A Soldier)
I'm here as a matter of choice - not drafted as some are.
Someone the Government employs, transported oh so far.
I'm trained to be the very best a soldier's meant to be.
This is no drill, this is no test, this is no strategy.
This time it's real, no turning back. The way ahead's unclear.
To some, the future's looking black. That's why I'm standing here.
To make a difference, turn the tide, succeed if fate gives grace.
So when our hopes have been applied, a better world takes place.
I'm here till orders have been sent, perhaps when things improve.
When there's proof of peaceful intent that means it's right to move.
Who knows if wars will ever cease? Or if Mankind unites?
What use is life if wars increase through bickering and fights?
Until the day when 'Peace is King', Man rides the learning curve.
Praying, hoping and wondering how best to bless the Earth...
The world awaits a better day, like angels up above:
A higher duty to obey that God reveals as LOVE...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Frosty Beginnings
The treasured cougar cubs looked round
At all the new-laid snow...
For magic stole away the ground
That still remained below...
Their paws were cold, their noses, too,
And all that was between
And from the cougars' point of view,
It's true they weren't that keen...
While we, as humans, still complain,
When sunshine starts to fail,
Or we receive one ounce of rain
Or short term fall of hail...
Their lives go on, surviving youth,
With all their smirks and smiles.
Old cougars are the living proof,
Triumphant through their trials...
Frosty beginnings warn us well
That Autumn's on its way,
Before the full-blown Winter's spell
When snow on lawns must lay...
Each snowflake silver star then falls,
From dark clouds up above...
As we await till Christmas calls
To fill our hearts with love....
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Frosty Beginnings'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Full Attention
The tiger took his merry time
Wading in the water...
Why shouldn't he? It felt sublime,
Perfectly in order...
So he went up and he went down
And he went left and right
And though each stripe looked like a frown,
His joy was at its height...
This is the life, he seemed to say,
Nothing else quite like it!
No hurry to be on his way,
In truth, he must admit!
Up to his neck in Shangri-La,
Nirvana, Heaven, peace...
It wasn't likely he'd go far,
When he could take his ease.
Did it have his full attention?
Yes, he felt comfy there...
Had he lost all apprehension?
He didn't have a care!
No point in leaving for a while...
So he felt mighty glad...
If anything can make you smile,
Like him, get stuck in, lad...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Full Attention'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here: - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Full Of Faith!
And it came to pass that a certain man
Read the Word of God and then full of faith
Created something new...
He created something brand new...
He created a new universe...
Out of nothing but faith, there it was before him,
Just a bubble before his face...
He let it grow larger and larger.
It almost filled his room...
Come with me, he told it.
He led it outside into the garden.
Grow bigger, he said... and it grew bigger...
Let no other human see it, he said.
It became invisible to humans.
Let there be me within it, he said.
With all the physical needs supplied, he said.
Oxygen, food, drink to drink and so on... he said...
Then he disappeared into the new universe...
Let there be spirits, living spirits, he said.
Let them appear as with human form, he said.
Let them fall in love with each other, he said
And from their love create newborn baby spirits, he said
And such commands came to pass...
The spirits were immortal, undying, yet creating
And centuries passed by, for him, for them...
Still protected by his faith, thinking all things possible,
He determined that he would become a spirit, too.
Let me become... he said...
Yet he was stopped from speaking the rest...
He heard a powerful voice... Who are you? he asked...
I am the God of all creation, the Lord said.
Wow! said the mortal man, immediately humbled.
Your Word helped me create this place! he said. - The World's Poetry Archive
Look at my spirit beings in love with life! he said.
Yes, I know each and every one of them, said the Lord.
Why do you reveal yourself now? asked the man.
You cannot become a spirit... warned the Lord.
You are a mortal, soon to die, said the Lord.
I want you to give all this up, said the Lord...
Return home, where I can save you, said the Lord.
For as a mortal, you have sinned, warned the Lord.
You need to be forgiven, explained the Lord.
Then I can grant you eternal life in Jesus, said the Lord.
Wow! I understand, replied the repentant man.
You let me see all this according to my faith, he said.
Did I really need to create all this? he asked.
Yes, you did, for your faith is so powerful, said the Lord.
It is because I told you it was so, the Lord explained.
You trusted my Word, therefore trust Me now, He said...
Once forgiven, you can be baptised, said God,
Baptised into eternal life as I promised...
Can these spirit beings continue unharmed? the man asked.
Yes, for they know not sin, they never will, God said.
Oh, that's wonderful... the man replied...
Take me home, he asked of the Lord...
And God took him home, so he could believe the Gospel.
As it is written, what shall it profit a man
To gain the whole world and yet lose his own soul?
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website... - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Further For The Father
Hid deep within the Christian heart, within the Christian mind,
God's Holy Spirit must impart some treasure Man can find...
Else all that's left is sentiment, the dreams of what should be,
Like Christ, to be the sinners' friend, takes more sincerity...
essence of the life divine, the spark of life in store,
radiance of God's design that shakes us to the core,
basic right that each would seek, that second chance He shares,
human right to be unique, yet faithful in our prayers...
Consider all that life allows, the good and bad as well,
Yet most of all the holy vows that rescued us from Hell...
If not for these, salvation's just another game or sport,
Yet God's the Father we can trust, if we do what we ought...
If not, what then? Just discipline, delays on lower paths,
The higher paths so rarely seen and meagre epitaphs...
Go further with the Father, friend, go further with God's Son,
Go further, even to life's end... There's so much to be done...
starving and the lonely wait, the cowards filled with tears,
foolish ones who hesitate with nothing done for years...
wonderful, the beautiful, the rich and famous, too,
petty and the pitiful are sinners through and through...
If only Christ lived in us here, while we on Earth remain,
God's light would shine so crystal clear, His one eternal flame.
Go further for the Father, please, go further, faithful, pure...
They say God's wonders never cease, so let's go further more...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website... - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Future King!
Of all the tiger cubs that year
This tiger cub was wise,
Beyond all doubt, beyond all fear,
With eyes still on the prize...
So every challenge that he faced
Was met without delay,
Despite the fact he wasn't praised,
He'd be a king one day...
He grew the stronger week by week,
He chased the others round,
Enough to prove himself unique
With every new skill found...
And wily was his subtle mind,
Matched by a patient heart,
Enjoying lessons he could find
That kept him strong and smart...
While others dozed, he kept alert,
Till dreaming forced him down,
Yet in his dreams he fought, though hurt,
As if to earn his crown...
He stood alone, as kings must do,
He strove to beat the rest,
While kings like him are oh so few,
He proved he was the best!
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Gangway! New Poem Coming Through!
The poem banged upon my door!
'Come on, it's life or death! '
I wondered would must lay in store,
No time to catch my breath!
The poem nodded, entered in,
Sat down upon a chair,
I got some paper to begin,
Quite ready now to share...
The poem gasped, as poems do,
To gain some sympathy,
Yet that, of course, was nothing new,
But each time works with me!
I said, 'Calm down! Breathe nice and slow...
Take all the time you need! '
And so the poem had a go,
Spoke lines that I must heed...
'My word! That's quite a tale you've told!
I think that's quite sublime!
I wonder how that will unfold
When I create each rhyme! '
'Just do your best, like always, mate!
I'll put the coffee on!
Let's hope that we can celebrate,
Then after that, I'm gone! '
And so I pondered and I mused
And edited like mad,
Till every word I once perused
Was bound to make us glad!
I then recited what I wrote,
The poem wept with joy!
'You certainly have won my vote!
Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Oh, boy! '
We drank our coffee, said farewell,
I opened up the door,
Then suddenly a silence fell - The World's Poetry Archive
That's so hard to ignore...
'I'll not see you again, dear friend! '
The poem told me straight,
'My work's now done, this is the end,
But thank you, you've been great! '
And then the poem disappeared
Before my very eyes,
It was exactly as I feared,
Just like the other guys...
They come and go, like angels do,
God's wonders never cease
And yet with thanks, I'm telling you,
That poem brought me peace...
Denis Martindale, copyright June 2014.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Gayford Gallery
A poem about the wildlife artist, Stephen Gayford
Imagine God gave you a gift with which to bless us all
And simply let your life to drift so that you might stand tall...
And in the years that followed on, your blessings blossomed well,
Such that your doubts were truly gone, what stories you could tell...
Just think of those who stand and paint, made famous over time,
Such that their art is not just quaint, but thought of as sublime...
With auctions here and auctions there and exhibitions, too...
And compliments beyond compare because of what they do...
Each dedicated artist knows the sacrifices made
And though each legend grows and grows, it's just that each obeyed...
Their destiny is in their hands, their paintings on our walls,
Their galleries across the lands wherever greatness calls...
Perhaps a hundred hours done for each and every week,
Preserving still a sense of fun in artwork that's unique...
With family values well expressed in lions, tigers, bears,
Our Stephen Gayford does his best, remembered in our prayers...
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent website
gayfordgallery-dot-com where we can visit and
enjoy wonderful artwork meant for one and all.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Get Your Hair Cut!
The perfect haircut suits you best,
Short back and sides, my lad!
So take your cash and go invest
In what makes most folks glad.
It's up to you to make the choice,
I gave you good advice...
So why look like the other boys,
When you could look quite nice?
I've seen you in the smartest suit
Let down by scruffy hair...
That's hardly what I'd call astute,
So almost debonair...
You used to be the one to watch,
The guy who had it all...
So why not take it up a notch?
Good-looking, standing tall.
Please get your hair cut soon as poss!
Don't dilly-dally, friend!
My word, it would impress the boss,
On that you can depend!
Keep up the good work that you do,
Eyes twinkling day by day!
Sit down, relax, snip-snip, you're through...
Thank God for that! Oi, vey!
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2011.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Gethsemane Miracle!
Alone He walked for private prayer, disciples holding fast,
Christ's countenance that of despair, His hour had come at last.
Gethsemane was quiet now, as twilight there encroached,
As Christ's head bore a bloodied brow, temptation thus approached.
And there were whispers in His mind that matched His fearful heart,
Perhaps the Cross of Christ to find, perhaps chance to depart.
Was there still hope? Or some way out? Was there escape for Him?
Or was there now no single doubt, God's cup filled to the brim?
Lord Jesus prayed as trembling hands conveyed His weakened state,
Obedience to God's commands or some new twist of fate?
Three times to pray the cup might pass, in case God chose this path,
Three times and each with mercy scarce, one choice, Christ's epitaph.
And then an angel there appeared to strengthen Christ with faith,
Convincing Him that though death neared, Christ only Man could save.
For that one angel, give God praise, he helped the Lord stay true,
For blessed is He who still obeys and sees salvation through.
Who knows what words were said that night as Jesus stood His ground?
For courage came instead of fright, with God's grace all around.
And though disciples slept nearby, fatigued by all they'd done,
The Saviour's faith was flying high, like eagles 'neath the sun.
He groaned that they no angel saw, that blessing they had missed!
Then came the traitor to the fore and he, Christ's cheek had kissed.
The hour here, the Lord stood still, no coward soul was He,
Because He climbed up Calvary's hill, the rest is history.
The time will come, when each is called to give the Lord account,
Of each word spoken, typed or scrawled, of great and small amount.
Yet if we saw an angel here, like Jesus did that time,
Perhaps we'd find bold faith not fear and lives would be sublime.
Behind the scenes, a war is waged, as good and evil fight,
If evil makes you so enraged, then fight with all your might.
To think, that angels visit Earth, to think that one helped Christ.
And though unnamed, each one has worth, more than we've realised...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2012. - The World's Poetry Archive
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Giant Panda!
A baby Panda has to eat,
How else can Pandas grow?
He has to stand upon his feet,
To go where he must go!
He has to blossom like a rose
That rises to the sun
And that's the answer, Heaven knows,
Why chewing must be done...
But left alone to chew, chew, chew,
The growing Panda swells!
His belly bulges into view,
As he does nothing else...
As if there's reason to make haste
While he looks mighty glad,
No exercise to trim his waist,
He looks just like his Dad!
But Giant Panda, must you stay
As plumped up as you are?
It's for your sake, I dare to say,
Look out! You've gone too far!
You used to be quite thin and flat!
Why make each day a feast?
Go on a diet! Lose that fat!
Lose thirty pounds at least!
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent wildlife
painting by Stephen Gayford nb Google search:
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Gifts For The Home!
When Stephen Gayford paints for you
It's wondrous what will be,
Perhaps a close-up point of view
Of creatures few will see...
White tigers are quite rare, of course,
Endangered as they are,
Not like the cow, the sheep, the horse
You find both near and far...
When Stephen Gayford paints for you,
It's beauty that he shares,
Beneath a sky that's oh so blue
Are lions, tigers, bears...
Yet each of these can still express
The journey life endows,
Perhaps the chance for happiness
That sometimes life allows...
When Stephen Gayford paints for you,
Across the world he'll roam,
Not just to sketch life at the zoo,
To share gifts for the home...
He's right there where the creatures live,
With camera close-at-hand,
Then sketching creatures that he's with
So that you'll understand...
When Stephen Gayford paints for you,
It's like a photograph,
With striking colours bold and new,
Like light upon a path...
To draw you in, to make you smile,
To help appreciate,
That life's a gift to share a while,
Something to celebrate...
When Stephen Gayford paints for you,
His talents make him glad,
For he knows what his paintings do, - The World's Poetry Archive
From feedback that he's had...
Perhaps his paintings grace the hall,
Enhance the fireplace,
I only know they help us all,
Put smiles on every face...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent paintings
by Stephen Gayford, sold as gifts for the home...
Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Young giraffes can feel unhappy,
With their Mums oh so tall:
Mum's always looking down on me,
Because I'm oh so small...
It can't be right that she's up there,
With tiny me down here!
That's why I think that life's unfair!
Her legs fill me with fear!
I could be trod on every day!
I keep safe distance now!
And I intend to stay O.K.
So that I don't shout OW!
My tiny tootsies I'll protect
Till I grow up at last,
When that time comes I'll get respect!
That day can't come too fast!
I love my Mum! She loves me, too!
But oh the things she's done!
You don't know what she's put me through!
You see, she weighs a ton!
She's like my uncles and my aunts,
Their eyeballs way too high!
Safe distance! That's my only chance!
Till we see eye to eye!
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Give God A Go!
The world would be a better place, if people were polite...
There'd be a smile on every face and that helps make things right...
There'd be a song in every heart, sweet thoughts in every mind,
Such that all sadness would depart, if only folks were kind...
Is that too much for me to ask? Too high for us to aim?
Is doing good so hard a task? If so, that's such a shame!
But even if we fail today, tomorrow still awaits,
Of course, it helps for folks to pray, just as the Bible states!
On different levels we may be, yet each can do their best,
But then we'll have to wait and see who wins this valiant quest!
Where will we be a year from now? How many good works done?
What will the Lord above allow when that full year has run?
Without His help, we won't get far! Without Him, we'd be lost!
He made each sun, each moon, each star! And how much would they cost?
Let's have a think! What could we do, if we gave God a go?
I know I've tried and yet have YOU? You little so-and-so?
That way, you'll help the world advance... If I can, then YOU can...
Give God a go! Give God a chance! Then help your fellow man...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Give Thanks In All Things
The hardest lesson that I've learned helped make me what I am.
It felt so hard, at first I turned away from Christ, God's Lamb.
For there He was, upon the Cross, in total agony.
While I looked on, in total loss, aghast at Calvary...
But then God's Spirit helped me stay, six hours long and more.
I watched the seconds pass away, I watched Christ's Blood outpour...
I watched as John and Mary wept... My heart as numb as stone.
And slowly was our vigil kept, so Christ was not alone...
Lord Jesus promised Paradise to one thief by His side,
The other thief was not so wise, yet all were crucified
And on that day, Christ breathed His last, His life came to an end
And those who loved Him felt downcast as they lost their best friend.
I've never wept like that before, to me, He was God's Prince.
He preached and thrilled me to the core, now He died for my sins.
When Sunday came, I heard the news, He'd risen from the dead!
In Christ, God's message to the Jews, believe in Him who bled...
God's Spirit taught me prophecies, that's why I preach God's word.
Believe in Christ, the Prince of Peace, the Lamb of God preferred.
Give thanks in all things here on Earth and do the things you should.
Give thanks with love for all you're worth, because the Lord is good.
( July 2011)
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Given Hearts That We Might Love
Given hearts that we might love,
Until they're called above,
With those we leave behind...
Who keep our love in mind...
In time, when tears have passed,
We'll meet again, at last...
Our lives on Earth are short
And thus our thinking's caught,
Yet God reveals His Word
And faith inside is stirred,
Such that new hope is born,
No more to feel forlorn...
That's why faith lights our path
And teaches us to laugh
And with each prayer we pray,
Reach higher day-by-day...
Eternal life awaits
As we pass through God's Gates...
Think not it's meant for all,
For each must hear God's call
And in a moment rise,
To see through brand new eyes,
Then on God's promise stand,
As each one holds His hand...
The ones who've gone before,
Must surely know the score,
For in Heaven they abide,
With smiles so broad and wide,
Content to wait for those
Whose love still grows and grows...
Be patient, then, my friends,
For true love never ends,
It blossoms like it must
In those whose hearts still trust...
There's nothing more sublime,
Except we'll meet in time... - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Global Reach, Eternal Impact!
Global reach, eternal impact!
That's what the Gospel means,
Salvation now, to be exact,
Angels behind the scenes...
When saints combine in harmony,
United in God's cause,
The Great Commission's ministry,
God's truths to reinforce...
Jerusalem was just the start,
From Pentecostal prayers,
From Christian joys within each heart
That melted all their cares...
Such that, as one, within God's grace,
The Church of Christ began
And still it tells the Human Race,
Of God's eternal plan...
When sins are pardoned by the Lord
His healings cross the globe,
With signs that must not be ignored
And wonders full of hope...
And words of knowledge shared in time,
Transcending just the now,
To future years that prove sublime,
As prophecies allow...
With dreams and visions, books and scrolls
And tales that we could tell,
Our God will save a billion souls
That could have gone to Hell...
Thus more will join the Jesus Team,
Throughout our last days here,
To overcome each demon's scheme
To rule Mankind by fear...
A billion souls God seeks to spare,
His Cross of Christ Crusade,
Anointed by each holy prayer - The World's Poetry Archive
Believers ever made...
Redeem the time and seize the day,
Both precious as can be,
A billion souls must find their way
To Christ and Calvary...
Beyond Man's hatred and his wars,
Beyond his thoughts so vain,
As saints, we stay upon God's course,
To make the Gospel plain...
Lord Jesus died to save the lost,
God pardons through His Son,
To ransom us, Christ paid the cost,
To save us, one by one...
Denis Martindale, copyright May 2014.
Use Google search to help find the GOD.TV
website and its online, WATCH NOW details.
Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Go Sober For October!
I toast the man who gives up booze,
I celebrate his style,
He really hasn't much to lose
If sober for a while...
No heavy glass to strain his wrist,
No belching later on
And much more chance of being kissed
Before each night has gone...
I toast the man who stands his ground,
Not tilting to the left,
Who doesn't waste another pound
And once home feels bereft...
Not swaying as he walks about,
Not driving half awake
And with no need to act the lout
Before some great mistake...
I toast the man who doesn't need
That first drink of the day,
He knows it's better to succeed
Than drink his life away...
My coffee cup's filled to the brim,
I toast that man right now!
Come October, let's pray for him!
'God get him through... somehow! '
Denis Martindale, copyright September 2015.
The poem is about the UK TV advert I saw for the
no-drinking campaign, Go Sober For October.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God And The Middle East
Let's not dismiss the Middle East,
God still has hopes for her,
In truth, to God, she's not the least
In what must yet occur.
For day by day and night by night,
His eyes survey these lands
And God will move with all His might
Fulfilling all His plans.
Let's not prevent what God will do,
As nations side-by-side,
As if to stand against the Jew,
For this God won't abide...
As nations shake like dominoes,
We watch the weakest fall.
How much each owes, God only knows,
No matter, great or small.
God's prophets preached what God preferred
With miracles to share.
God blesses those who trust His Word
And heed His warnings there.
Let's shake off fears and kneel and pray...
In God we trust again.
Lord Jesus Christ will rule one day!
For this, we pray. Amen...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2011.
We can hear the word of the Lord
on Revelation TV on Sky Digital
as well as the WATCH NOW link
on the revelationtv-dot-com website.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God Bless Countdown!
God bless Countdown on Channel Four
With consonants and vowels galore
And gorgeous Carol Vorderman If she can't do sums no-one can!
She gets a nine day after day!
(Ten out of ten, from me, I say!)
And Richard hosts with repartee...
We groan at puns yet all agree
That here's a show that's wonderful Easy-going and amiable!
Half wit, half style and full of fun,
Good sportsmanship from everyone!
Just when I've got a sweet old six,
Some guy with seven gets his kicks!
When I've got seven, he's got eight!
And I start thinking, 'Great... just... great! '
I had a nine in ninety-two!
Since then I haven't got a clue!
How do they do it! ? Life's not fair!
It's just a game! Oh, yeah, oh, yeah!
I've memorised the dictionary!
Don't go to sleep till half-past-three!
Yet still they beat me EVERY DAY...
God bless Countdown... yeah... OK...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God Bless Israel!
The Holy Bible stays God's Word,
Its wisdom leads to faith,
The Christian Gospel means we're stirred
Through all good things God gave...
Yet Israel proves God's constant key,
The apple of His eye,
The precious land of prophecy,
The prize of God Most High...
While nations gather hand-in-hand,
Must Israel stand alone?
Yet nations fail to understand
That God sees from His Throne...
All His plans are meant for blessing,
The Church was grafted in,
With such noble hearts confessing
Their love for kith and kin...
So that's why I pray like others
Who know the words of Paul,
That we're grafted in, like brothers,
The root supports us all...
So why the silence of the crowd
That walks a different course?
How can they be so weak, so proud,
No rescue to endorse?
Yet God bless Israel, year by year,
Regardless, come what may,
Till Jesus comes to make things clear
To all who've gone astray...
Today there's blindness in Man's plans,
So Israel strives till then,
Blessed is the heart that understands
We're grafted in... Amen...
Denis Martindale, copyright October 2015. - The World's Poetry Archive
Find out more by watching Revelation TV,
the Christian channel on Sky TV that is
part of the Church without walls...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God Bless The Poet Within!
The Christian poet grabbed the pen
And found some paper, too
And thus began to write again,
You know, like writers do...
With inspiration not his own,
That he should think to boast,
For he knew he was not alone
While with the Holy Ghost...
The words alighted on the page,
The phrases and the lines,
Beyond the normal pensive stage,
To match the Lord's designs...
When sometimes Scriptures fall in place,
The puzzle to complete,
Another proof of perfect grace,
When blessings taste so sweet...
The Christian poet paused and wept,
So moved by what he wrote,
For he alone was not adept,
Nor had much cause to gloat...
Yet suddenly he recognised
Here was a hymn composed,
A song in praise of Jesus Christ,
The One that he loved most...
And every day the world joins in,
To sing the words he shared,
That say that Jesus conquered sin,
Just as God's Word declared...
That poet cared not for reward,
For God filled every need,
You see, each day, he served the Lord
Who helped him to succeed...
Denis Martindale, copyright October 2015. - The World's Poetry Archive
Find out more by watching Revelation TV,
the Christian channel on Sky TV that is
part of the Church without walls...
Reflect upon all the hymns believers sing,
thanks to the thousands of Christian poets
who wanted to share their godly blessings...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God Bless You On Your Birthday!
May God bless you on your birthday
With gifts and cards and such
From those who care and those who pray
And those who love so much!
While birthdays come and birthdays go,
It's love that's always here
And that's God's way to let you know
You're special, too, my dear!
Congrats on all the good you've done You went the extra mile!
You shared your wondrous sense of fun
And thrilled us with each smile!
You did your best! You blessed our hearts!
You proved your heart is kind!
And though it's time to make new starts,
Some new friends you will find!
Perhaps they should be told that this
Is when your life began!
Yet now, I'll send my magic kiss
'Cos I'm a friendly fan!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God Bless! 24-7
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! - The World's Poetry Archive
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
bless! God bless!
Denis Martindale, copyright December 2010.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God Exists!
The Bible starts and ends with God,
Jehovah, Lord of all,
The King with sceptre and with rod
And at His feet we fall...
For He has proved His holiness,
His justice, truth and love,
That's why God's angels praise and bless
His miracles above...
Though Man rebels against His laws,
Opposing night and day,
God can forgive each man his flaws,
Repentance is the way...
But thinking thoughts rejecting Him
Cause sorrows yet to come
And Judgment Day's when things turn grim,
For billions, not just some...
God sent His only Son to Earth,
To suffer in our place,
So Jesus came to prove His worth,
Then offer us His grace...
That's why the Christian Gospel's shared
Across the whole world wide,
For on His Cross Lord Jesus cared
And stayed till crucified...
Two Kingdoms rage, one good, one bad,
God knows which one will win,
Despite the fact that hearts are sad
That God knows every sin...
A clever man may think he's wise,
Enough to leave God out,
That sinner won't see Paradise,
God's Bible leaves no doubt...
The Holy Spirit tells us straight,
We're sinners through and through,
Condemned by filth, by greed, by hate, - The World's Poetry Archive
Then tells us what to do...
He leads us straight to Calvary,
That's where we learn the truth,
Lord Jesus died for clemency,
For pardon, not reproof...
Yet billions still aren't saved as yet,
So evil still resists
And with that comes each dark regret,
Till each knows God exists...
When God raised Jesus from His death,
Man's sins could be forgiven!
Thank God, Jesus of Nazareth
Wants us to go to Heaven...
Denis Martindale, copyright August 2014.
The Revelation TV website and watch now details
can be found on Google. Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God Help Me!
God help me lern from my misstakes,
I no Ive mate a few.
Yet my heart fur perfectshun aches,
Id like ter be like You...
So this is like my little prayer Take me under Your wings!
Teech me ter be beyond compare...
You no so menny things!
When I woz young I trite my best,
But I woz jussed a kid...
I hoped that folks wood be imprest,
I reely, reely did...
Exams were hard, I coodent swat,
Too menny books ter reed!
Thats why I dident pass a lot...
Cos faxs I coodent heed.
But You cood help me as a friend,
The sort ter sort me out,
The kind whose kind so at the end
Thered be no kind of doubt...
Then folks wood treet me ass they shood,
They woodent laugh at me...
I no my English aint that good,
Im not quiet error free...
Ive heard that You like helping folks!
I challunge You today!
Pleas make me smart and end the jokes
And pranks that peeple play...
They giggle, smerk and tornt me, Lord!
Thats not how we shood live!
Yet if Your blessings are outpord,
Their giggles Ill furgive...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2011. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God Is Faithful!
When angels sing and give God praise,
Not one gives praise alone,
For some remain with Him always
In Heaven near His Throne...
What needs have they compared with ours?
What burdens could they know?
They glorify the Father's powers,
They neither reap or sow...
Yet we, upon this Earth God made,
Are sometimes hot or cold,
Are sometimes reaching out for aid,
Believing what Christ told...
That God is faithful without doubt,
To prosper and to bless,
To spread Good News and shout it out,
Proclaiming happiness...
Despite the fact that some are sad,
Some lonely and forlorn,
God's children have a perfect Dad,
A rose without a thorn...
A blessing to His people here,
A challenge every day,
A chance to conquer every fear,
A light to lead the way...
God blesses those who can forgive,
To honour Him above,
For such as these have learnt to live,
Through Christ and perfect love...
The righteous trust in Jesus Blood,
The righteous yet endure,
The righteous live by faith in God
And will for ever more!
Denis Martindale, copyright October 2015. - The World's Poetry Archive
Find out more by watching Revelation TV,
the Christian channel on Sky TV that is
part of the 'Church Without Walls'...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God Is In Control!
Almighty God forgives Mankind!
That's what the Bible says!
That's what from Genesis we find,
That's why we pray our prayers...
Yet God's much more than perfect love,
He's perfect wisdom, too,
That's how He knows all things above,
The future's nothing new!
God's prophets understood the Lord,
His insights led them well,
No wonder each was overawed,
What tales they had to tell...
Yet most of all, we learn through Christ,
Our God is in control,
Why else would Christ be sacrificed,
If not to save each soul?
Freewill, of course, lives near and far,
Yet planets don't ask, 'Why? '
Just like each sun and moon and star
That moves through space on high...
But sin led Man to constant doubt,
From Eden to this hour,
Yet grace can turn our lives about,
God's pardon grants us power!
So once we, too, are born again,
At last our lives make sense,
God's Spirit guides us now and then,
So that each comprehends...
God's prophecies should be discussed,
The Last Days to reveal,
For only then can saints learn trust
And know God's love is real...
Denis Martindale, copyright August 2014. - The World's Poetry Archive
The Revelation TV website and watch now details
can be found on Google. Seek and ye shall find...
This Gospel poem is based on the Scripture
Romans 8, verse 28 about God working things
towards the good for those that love Him.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God Is Love
God is Love, no more, no less...
Guiding Man to happiness...
Giving life and nourishment...
Sovereign rule and government...
Consider the flowers grown from seed,
None of these is known to bleed.
Yet animals that roam the Earth
Know a higher sense of worth...
To them, are granted eyes and ears,
Perhaps to see and hear for years...
Above these creatures Man exists,
Despite his evil, he persists...
Yet God is slow to anger, thus,
The Lord bestows some grace to us...
We live and move and have our being,
While the Lord is overseeing...
Neath the angels, Man is known,
And by the Word of God is shown Highways of Wisdom, Paths of Peace,
Eternal Truths that never cease
And Sacrificial Love in Christ Of all Mankind, He is the highest...
For on the Cross He gave His Blood
To serve as God's Almighty Flood
That cleanses sinners from their sins
Because Lord Jesus is God's Prince,
His Go-Between, His Holy Son,
Revered for all the good He's done In life, in death, in new life, too...
Christ died for sinners, me, and you!
Praise Him! For there's none else above
Who best portrays that God is Love...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God Made
the night and made the day,
the course of time,
a garden Man could stay,
all things sublime...
the creatures great and small,
the air they breathe,
the Earth look beautiful,
Man's mate called Eve...
a Saviour for their sins,
a sacrifice,
the Prophets to convince,
Christ pay the price...
the choice quite plain from then,
His pardon clear,
a way to save all men,
His presence near...
God made
God made
God made
God made
God made
God made
God made
And that's
the Heavens for His joy,
the stars for light,
each girl and made each boy,
them with insight...
the sun and moon and Earth,
the planets, too,
each one for each has worth
why He made you...
Man made salvation yes or no,
Man made confusion reign,
Man made the Lord to stay or go,
Man made God think again...
Man made world wars from one to three,
Man made the world to burn,
Man made the Antichrist, you'll see,
Then God made Christ return!
Denis Martindale, copyright September 2014. - The World's Poetry Archive
The Revelation TV website
and watch now details
can be found on Google.
Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God Made Your Lips
God made your lips for me to kiss. Your hands for me to hold.
God made your smile for me to miss and treasure more than gold.
God made your ears so I could tell how beautiful you are.
God made your eyes to cast a spell, no matter, near or far.
God made your arms to hold me tight each time before I leave.
God made your legs to stir delight like Adam saw in Eve.
God made your doubts to fade away, for years have come and gone.
God made your joys thank Him each day our love goes on and on.
God made your heart a lot like mine - hold fast to what God says.
God made you my sweet Valentine, you're always in my prayers.
God made your mind, your memories, your dreams and all you're worth.
God made you precious so you'd please the luckiest man on Earth!
God made your blessings one by one and when I look at you,
I wonder what great thing I've done that you should love me, too.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God Nose!
God help me lern from my misstakes
I no Ive mate a few
Yet my heart fur perfectshun aches
Id like ter be like You
So this is like my little prayer
Take me under Your wings!
Teech me ter be beyond compare
(God nose so menny things!)
When I woz young I trite my best
But I woz jussed a kid
I hoped that folks wood be imprest
I reely, reely did
Exams were hard, I coodent swat
Too menny books ter reed!
Thats why I dident pass a lot
Cos faxs I coodent heed
But You cood help me as a friend
The sort ter sort me out
The kind whose kind so at the end
Thered be no kind of doubt
Then folks wood treet me ass they shood
They woodent laugh at me
(God nose my English aint that good
Im not quiet error free)
Ive heard that You like helping folks!
I challunge You today!
Pleas make me smart and end the jokes
And pranks that peeple play
They giggle, smerk and tornt me, Lord!
Thats not how we shood live!
Yet if Your blessings are outpord
Their giggles Ill furgive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God, Let Me Love Somebody
Oh, Lord, You made the eyes that love,
You made the lips that kiss,
You made the heart with hopes enough
To pray for perfect bliss..
You made the arms meant to embrace
And fingers to caress,
You made the symmetry of face
To smile with happiness...
Oh, Lord, You made the memories
Reminding us each day,
You made the hands, You made the knees,
No wonder that we pray...
Yet time is running out for me,
Like grains of sand that fall...
And soon I'll meet eternity...
The day I hear You call...
Oh, Lord, my heart was born to love,
To ache till I find her...
To wish upon a star above
For mercy to occur...
The rainbow has the sky to span,
The river has the sea...
Behold this mortal son of man,
Who asks, 'Let one love me...'
While there are hills and mountains, too,
While valleys plough the land,
While there are songs with 'I love you...'
I sigh to understand...
The years have flown, I live alone,
All loves have come and gone...
And while, to me, Your love was shown,
How can I carry on?
The loneliness is hard to bear,
As if a cross of gold
That shines with light beyond compare, - The World's Poetry Archive
Yet to the heart feels cold...
If loneliness is all I'll know,
Until my days are done...
Then know this, Lord, I'll pray to go...
Unless I love someone...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2011.
The poem is based upon the poetry by
Dave Alan Walker on poemhunter-dot-com
His poem is called Let Me Love Somebody.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Goddess Of The Moon
I'll not forget that awesome night
When I beheld the winsome sight
Of she who held the silvered moon
As though a beach ball caught one June!
The vision I observed was rare
And who was I this dream to share?
Yet there she was, as large as life!
Smiling like a new-made wife!
Adorned like Virgin Mary blessed
And by her touch the moon caressed...
It was as if she saw its worth,
While we just watched it here on Earth...
And merely thought it good as dead,
While she displayed true love instead!
Why should we love the moon at all?
It's hardly worth the time to stall...
It just reflects the sun at night...
And causes tides to move with might...
And gets the poets hooked on love...
And yet I'd ask, is that enough?
Who knows if we will colonise?
For now, her beauty filled my eyes
And bid me stop to tell the tale As if I were the only male
To wish upon a distant star,
Then praise the Lord or shout hoorah!
Think of Mary near November!
Mary Christmas in December!
Why should I see a maiden thus?
Reveal such visions or discuss
The Mystic Maiden? Goddess? Friend?
God grant me time... to comprehend...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Godly Goals
Prophets and angels both believe
God's power and His plan,
God's Spirit tells us to receive
Salvation's Son of Man...
And in those days, it came to pass,
As Christ began to share,
His listeners laid upon the grass,
As Christ told them to care...
To love and be loved in return,
Reach out, forgive, forget,
To feel and heal and yearn to learn,
Teach someone new just met.
To seek and find each soul now lost,
Like lambs far from the fold,
To free each one at any cost,
Held close like precious gold.
These are Man's choices and his goals,
Man's holy hopes and dreams,
As preachers pray for all lost souls,
To turn them from extremes.
Consider Christ once sacrificed,
God raised Him from the dead,
Such that disciples are baptised,
Washed by the blood He shed...
Receive God's gifts as He supplies,
Have faith in God not fear,
Righteous rewards await the wise,
When Jesus will appear.
Prophets and angels both believe
God's power and His plan,
God's Spirit tells us to receive
Salvation's Son of Man...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2012. - The World's Poetry Archive
We can learn more from Revelation TV
on Sky Digital and Freesat channels.
Website: revelationtv-dot-com
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Breath Of Fresh Air
As the Lord looked on the nations,
He sighed at all He saw,
Though He gave them revelations,
They still despised His Law...
Though He prophesied the future,
In hopes they'd understand,
Each time they saw these truths occur,
They doubted what He'd planned...
The Last Days came as prophesied
With Israel newly-formed
And with the blessing God supplied,
Some hearts were gently warmed...
Now Christians woke up from their sleep
With satellite TV
And asked their partners to dig deep
For each new ministry...
God's breath of fresh air crossed the Earth
With millions saved each week,
Who celebrate the Saviour's birth
For they know He's unique...
The greatest story ever told
Is taught both night and day
Through preaching that's thought good as gold
By those who fast and pray...
(June 2011)
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Destiny For Me
Within the womb God chose for me, I waited so forlorn...
I didn't know my destiny or when I would be born.
I didn't know the words to speak, I only had one thought...
I knew that I was quite unique, without me being taught.
I sensed that there was so much more than one great beating sound
That was my mother's heart, so pure, I felt love all around...
The months crawled by and so did I, content within her form...
There was a peace no man could buy, so tender and so warm.
Then came the day she gave me birth, to lay within her arms...
She told me that my life had worth and quoted from the Psalms.
My father held me to his heart and welcomed me as well.
In time, my parents would impart the truths that they must tell...
And so I learnt of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of my soul!
The Lamb of God once sacrificed, whose blood would make me whole!
God called me near, by name, that day and promised Heaven's bliss
And so I humbly knelt to pray - to enter into this...
I saw a feather quill on high fall from God's holy dove,
'By faith, write poems till you die, to save the lost with love.'
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Eternal Love
The miracle of love's reward,
Indwells us every day
And blessed are those that trust the LORD,
Whatever, come what may...
Like Jesus Christ from Nazareth,
Before the day He died,
Until His final fatal breath
When He was crucified...
The King of Love they call Him now,
Who faced the Devil's scorns,
Despite the crown upon His brow
That soldiers made from thorns...
No wholesome winsome essence then,
Yet Jesus paid sin's price
And for one thief before all men
Christ promised Paradise...
If not for love, its strength, its faith,
Not one of us could stand,
Before the LORD so strong to save,
Nor even hold His hand...
How blessed are those that hear Him call,
Behold the Son of Man...
God's love persists, enduring all,
Eternity to span...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013.
Several of my Gospel poems have been
read out on Revelation TV and I often
write about the programmes and topics on
this Christian TV channel thanks to the
receiving of their monthly RTIMES newsletters.
You can hear the word of the Lord each day on
Revelation TV on Sky, Freesat or Freeview HD, or - The World's Poetry Archive
the Roku set top box or Revelation TV online.
You can search my poems for Revelation TV
programmes and topics, using keywords
like Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Church, baptism
and revelation tv or revelationtv.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Favourite Poem!
A famous poet died one day
And then to Heaven rose,
Where angels' harps began to play
As each sound overflows...
A thousand doves flew overhead,
To guide the poet home,
Yet one thought filled his mind instead,
What was God's favourite poem?
From childhood rhymes that he once penned,
Would God find favour now?
Or rhymes that said Christ is our friend,
If only we'd allow?
Or Nature's cavalcade on Earth,
Adorned for Adam's eyes?
Or Eve's great beauty and her worth
In Eden's Paradise?
Or cosmos thoughts beyond the stars,
The Universe revealed?
Or prophecies that came to pass
Or scrolls remaining sealed?
Or visions that came day and night
As from the throne of grace,
Or joys beyond Man's known delight
In seeing Jesu's face?
The poet walked the streets of gold
Within the Pearly Gates,
All true the legends that were told
For each who celebrates...
The Saviour beckoned him advance,
As if to grant reward
And yet the poet took a chance,
One question to the Lord...
'Of all the poems that I wrote,
Which one pleased God the most?
For I wrote many thoughts of note, - The World's Poetry Archive
Thanks to the Holy Ghost! '
Then Jesus smiled to show He cared,
'God liked your last one best! '
The poet stood there, unprepared,
As if he were perplexed...
Then Jesus said, 'When that was done,
Your life was thus complete,
When finally you'd meet God's Son,
Right here, where life's so sweet...
Your life's the poem that God saw,
Your faith's the rhyme to love,
That's why you're here for evermore,
To share your thoughts above...'
Denis Martindale, copyright June 2014.
Google search the websites for GOD TV
and Revelation TV and their Watch Now
TV programmes. Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Gift To You!
With God in Christ upon a cross, our Saviour paid for sin,
Till Sunday morning brought that loss its finish thus to win
God's Holy Spirit's ministry, God's pardon to allow,
By faith in Christ through Calvary, God's gift... To you... Right now!
Denis Martindale, copyright September 2014.
Example of a 4-lined Gospel poem
that doesn't contain the letter E.
A poetry challenge set recently
on the Quora website I visited.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Golden Age!
Blessed is the heart that beats with love,
Forgiving like the Lord,
Who sees all things with grace enough
To grant His saints reward...
To think, that Christ went to the Cross
And suffered for Mankind,
Such that for every pain and loss
His faith could be refined...
Let patience walk its perfect path,
Let grace outpour like gold,
Let Jesus lead by rod and staff,
His purpose to unfold...
For what is Man who lives in time,
Except to serve each day?
In search of everything sublime
And shared with those that pray...
So many secrets stay concealed,
The prophets wait their turn,
Until their day when truth's revealed,
More wisdom still to learn...
When visions come and dreams explain,
What hidden knowledge grows,
For all on Earth that yet remain
Of those the Saviour chose...
When signs in Heaven are made clear,
The sun, the moon, the stars,
Mankind will know the Saviour's near,
God's plans will come to pass...
And peace will reign upon this Earth,
As sure as day and night,
As Jesus Christ will prove His worth
By making all things right...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2013. - The World's Poetry Archive
Hear the word of the Lord on Revelation TV,
on Sky, Freeview HD, or the Roku box, or
visit the website revelationtv-dot-com
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Greatest Desire Is You!
God's greatest desire is you,
Transcending time and space,
To love you with a love that's true,
Anointing you with grace...
Like sunshine warms the flowers
That blossom in the glow,
Consider all God's powers,
Forever more to know...
God's greatest desire is you,
Both now and ever more,
Grant credit where credit is due,
With worship to adore...
Like rainbows kissing mountains,
Like eagles circling still,
The Lord above seeks faithful friends
To walk within His will...
God's greatest desire is you,
Throughout the livelong day,
Much more, if you but knew,
Beyond the words you pray...
Like precious psalms that honour Him,
Your heart was born to love,
That's why God fills it to the brim
And yet that's not enough...
God's greatest desire is you,
Freewill is but the start,
It's grace that helps you through,
No longer far apart...
Like silver stars God helps you see,
Cross galaxies on high,
God fills you with His majesty,
He melts you with a sigh...
God's greatest desire is you,
For friendship so sublime,
That's not just for the chosen few - The World's Poetry Archive
That stand the test of time...
Like faith that builds tomorrow,
From nothing more than trust,
Reflect on joy not sorrow,
From promises discussed...
God's greatest desire is you,
The Saviour paid the price,
The King who died for every Jew
To grant them Paradise...
Like helping Gentiles to be saved,
God's grace is good as gold,
That's why they're baptised, washed and bathed,
Accepted in His fold...
God's greatest desire is you,
Forgiveness here and now,
His Royal Pardon ever new,
Eternal Life His vow...
Like diamonds glistening in the sun
And snowflakes Christmas Day,
God's love for you has just begun
With more along the way...
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2013.
The poem is based on the Daystar Gospel channel,
as it expresses God's love throughout the centuries
from Adam and Eve, to the present day and in His
future promises contained in the Bible prophecies.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Greatest Gift Is Love
Upon this special speck in space,
Where each of us has lived...
The Lord bestowed His awesome grace,
His Son, His greatest gift
And from God's grace, salvation came,
To set this world aright,
As if with one eternal flame
To set this world alight!
God's royal pardon, set in stone,
This world His solemn seal,
The sun and moon saw Christ atone,
They witnessed love so real...
The stars surround this glorious globe
To shine by day and night,
Yet none more righteous than the robe
Removed from Christ in spite!
God's Spirit groaned upon that day,
The day Lord Jesus bled...
The day Christ took Man's sins away
When holy blood was shed...
To think, that we, with all our sins,
Do not possess the might
That Jesus Christ, God's precious prince,
Presented in His fight!
God's Son, what kind of Man was He,
To suffer on His cross?
He was the Man of Destiny
And we know Him because
God's love outshines each sinner's guilt,
God's love transforms their plight,
God's love forgives the ones who killed
His Son without insight!
Consider love, with hearts of gold,
Your love just can't compare!
The greatest story ever told - The World's Poetry Archive
Portrays the Father's prayer...
That we, in Christ, forgive as well!
That we, in Christ, shine bright!
For there's a Heaven and a Hell
And conscience as our guide...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2012.
The poem is written for the Church Without Walls,
the Christian ministry shared by Revelation TV.
We can learn more from Revelation TV on the
UK Sky Digital and UK Freesat channels.
Website: http: //
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Handy Hourglass
God waits in glory on His Throne,
The sands of time His slaves,
His Son the One who can atone
For each who misbehaves...
Though gradually the sand grains fall
Within God's hourglass,
His prophecies affect us all,
As each one comes to pass!
His special schedule offers grace
To those who would believe,
For holy healing can take place
In those who would receive...
And so He waits for Man to choose,
Eternal Life and more,
For both the Gentiles and the Jews,
Christ's Gospel can't ignore!
Each Christmas comes, each Christmas goes,
The grains of sand to change,
To snowflakes, thus each overflows,
To melt and rearrange...
The weeks and months and years roll by,
Then prophecies increase,
Upon the Earth, the sun, moon, sky,
Will wonders never cease?
Then suddenly the sands stay still,
While angels rally round,
As Christ now stands to serve God's will,
They hear the trumpet sound!
Then Heaven fills with saints galore,
When raptured in Christ's Name!
Then God's sands fall for evermore...
Man's destiny to claim...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2012. - The World's Poetry Archive
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Heavenly Joys!
God's Heavenly joys release us
From sorrows now and then,
For the Bible says Lord Jesus
Is soon to come again!
If we but knew the day, the hour,
What treasures would we spare
Before Lord Jesus comes in power
To meet us in the air?
How many lost souls would we bring
As Heaven's trumpets call?
Yet on that day we meet our King,
God bless us one and all!
Denis Martindale, copyright January 2016.
Find out more by watching Revelation TV,
the Christian channel on Sky TV that is
part of the 'Church Without Walls'...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Highway To Happiness!
Happiness isn't happiness unless it is shared.
It's like having a secret love, then being told,
You must keep it a secret FOREVER!
No, love, like that, couldn't endure alone.
Nor can you smile every single second.
Life isn't one happiness after another...
Happiness isn't simple, but it's not complicated, either.
Christmas is coming! Go bankrupt buying for others!
Will you be happy in January? Completely bankrupt?
Far better to find God's highway to happiness...
I wonder what it is? I wonder where it is?
Are we making God happy? If not, He can't make us happy.
You see? Happiness is nothing unless it is shared...
And who better to share it with than God?
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Not Dead!
When God declared He made us all,
From then on, we've been told
And so, we choose to trust or stall,
While all our lives unfold...
The tiny baby lacks the thought
That's needed to believe,
Yet loving parents know they ought
To let that child receive...
That's why the sun shines in the sky,
With rainbows high above,
That's why each mind can question why
And reach out to God's love...
God's seen the future and He's shared
The good and bad with us,
But then to prove how much He cared,
He sent His Son, Jesus!
And what on Earth, did we to Christ?
We nailed Him on a cross!
A crowd watched Jesus sacrificed,
God's Lamb who suffered loss...
God could have made the world to end!
Destroyed us, every one,
Yet Jesus as the Sinner's Friend,
Forgave us as God's Son...
The risen Saviour stands alone,
The only name to save,
For only Jesus can atone
And overcome the grave...
And even now, we're still informed,
God's Heaven has been seen,
Such that our hearts are strangely warmed,
More than they've ever been... - The World's Poetry Archive
But pity those that won't believe!
The children of the night,
The Bible's truths they don't receive,
They won't walk in the light...
My heart despairs for such as these,
They must be born again!
Without true faith, how can they please?
Like Scrooge, they fail till then...
Yet we were once without the Lord,
We thought we knew it all,
Now He, alone, is our reward,
Revealed in God's Bible...
Denis Martindale, copyright,11th of April 2014.
The Gospel poem is based on the new Gospel film
starring Kevin Sorbo. The film's promo trailer was
shown on Revelation TV today and Howard Cronk
explained the making of the Christian faith movie.
Google search links to the trailer, the website, etc.
The Revelation TV website and watch now details
can be found on Google. Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Poet To The End!
Twenty-six letters to be read,
All mixed up on the page,
Each humbly serving, A to Z,
Presented on my stage...
From fancy fonts come fresh insights,
Calligraphy and more,
To bless each poet days and nights,
Their readers to implore...
And so it was, I lived this life,
Carved out my words like meat,
To soften pain and sorrow's strife,
With poems that were sweet...
Like healing potions for Man's cares,
When folks felt out-of-sorts,
I poured on servings all my prayers,
My dreams and themes and thoughts...
The whole world reads my poems now,
They come from near and far,
Because to God I made a vow
And wished upon a star...
I am God's poet to the end,
Despite life's aches and pains,
For God has proved my only friend,
No other soul remains...
Yet while I live and take in breath,
My dreams and visions fly,
To Him, Jesus of Nazareth,
My Saviour in the sky...
And from His Throne where faith outpours,
Like waterfalls of love,
He sets me right upon the course,
With grace that proves enough...
By faith, I write, not knowing yet,
The journey I must take,
With verses borne of sights I get, - The World's Poetry Archive
That form the words I make...
Thus comes my portion, there, in prose,
Like nectar from the flower,
Like fragrant stirrings from the rose,
That share God's holy power...
Just like the busy, busy bee,
I search God's Word each day,
From Christmas Day to Calvary,
God's Word has much to say...
The prophecies alone will bless,
God's promises explained,
For peace of mind and happiness,
Such wisdom could be gained...
God's Word in action cross the world,
Translators here and there,
Like them, in praise, with arms unfurled,
I wrote, God's Word to share...
The Jesus Gospel's robed with rhymes,
With rhythms all their own,
To criticise these fallen times,
Yet say we're not alone...
A million poets pray for me...
Beyond my neighbourhood,
Because they share my destiny,
Because they've understood...
I hold them up before the Lord,
My brethren here on Earth...
God bless you all, in sweet accord,
You see, I know your worth...
Perhaps, like me, a Christian, still,
On Christ you must depend...
If so, I pray you serve God's will,
God's poet to THE END...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Poetry Of Love
The Bible says that God is love,
In oh so many ways,
Beyond the prayers that soar above
With sprinkled psalms of praise...
If not for love, this Universe
Would shrink away to nought,
With darkness left to prove the curse,
With light no longer brought...
But until then, let those with eyes,
Take in the sights to see,
Let those with ears then realise
That God made all things be...
The gentlest bird that ever sang
Sends forth a joyful song,
Just like our Church bells cling-a-clang
When Sunday comes along...
The snow-topped mountains rest sublime
As symbols of God's love,
Because they stand the test of time,
If grace proves strength enough...
The rivers, too, grant life to all,
Not holding back their share,
If only we were like Saint Paul,
Who proved his love in prayer...
If only it were possible
To share God's love with you,
Yet God must work that miracle,
So you may share it, too...
But why should God love us on Earth,
Unholy as we are?
Our future lives must have some worth
Beyond a sun or star...
They shine with light and fill the sky,
The night is blessed, indeed
And yet, beyond the question, 'Why? ', - The World's Poetry Archive
Remind us of our need...
For who would rather forego joy
God's love shares day-by-day?
Except the fool, the naughty boy
Or girl too proud to say...
Yet I confess God's love grants me
Most reason still to live,
Because I trust in Calvary,
With faith God will forgive...
So even sin and death are tamed,
Defeated by Christ's Blood,
Such that in Heaven I am named
And claimed by Him and God...
By faith, I preach the Word of Truth,
Declaring far and wide,
That God is love, with Christ the proof,
For Christ was crucified...
Yet more than this, God raised His Son,
As Priest and Lord and King...
And now I know what God has done...
God's love means everything...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2013.
Hear the word of the Lord on GOD TV,
on Sky, Virgin Media, Freeview HD, or
Roku box, or visit the website god-dot-tv
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Power To Your Pens!
God's power to your pens,
If you write for your friends,
Bestowing wisdom, humour, joy or love!
For as each poem blends,
The rhythm never ends,
For poetry's preserved by God above...
Within each poet's heart,
Is stored a noble art,
A precious gift God sent to bless Mankind!
At every poem's start,
An angel plays his part,
Encouraging all rhymes to be refined!
Please don't turn him away!
Instead bid him to stay!
He ministers to all who seek the Lord!
In silence, let him pray!
He serves God every day!
And if he could, he would share his reward!
Use clarity of thought
And choose words that you ought!
Express yourselves in rhythm, reason, rhyme!
What miracles are wrought
When genius is caught!
That's when a poem proves to be sublime!
Wondrous words excite us!
Dancing round inside us!
Esteem them all, as servants they have worth!
You that would delight us,
Harken, then, as writers!
Be open to God's friendship here on Earth!
Transcending what's the norm,
Wise words, like bees, must swarm,
Let poems play the heartstrings with finesse!
Like lightning, dreams must form! - The World's Poetry Archive
Dig deep! Release the storm!
God's power to your pens, my friends! God bless!
Denis Martindale, August 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Precious Paradise
My death was sudden, dark then light,
A stairway led above...
God's precious Paradise in sight,
God's Heaven filled with love...
And so I climbed a thousandfold,
Each step my strength to wane,
Not called by silver or by gold,
Nor driven to remain...
The world for me was long since gone,
No looking back for me,
Ahead of me the light that shone
For all eternity...
And so I climbed that thousandfold,
Each step to leave behind,
The greatest story ever told
Recalled within my mind...
As yet another hundred climbed,
Some songbirds gathered near
Like tambourines their voices chimed,
Like tinkling waters clear...
Then angels sang sweet harmonies,
The like I've never known,
Assuring me the Prince of Peace
Was waiting by God's Throne...
And with Good News that warmed my heart,
My legs began to run,
A hundred steps would soon depart
As I ran to God's Son,
The Holy One who paid the price,
Ran down to meet me, too!
Christ flew me up to Paradise,
Then told me, 'I love you! '
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2012. - The World's Poetry Archive
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Precious Perfect Plan
Before my soul was granted here
Within my Mother's womb,
Until my birth when she was near
In my delivery room,
God held my soul within His hand,
Then bid me live my way,
Until the time I'd understand,
As I began to pray...
From that day forth, my fate was sealed,
Both good and bad to know,
Sometimes the road ahead concealed,
Then blindly I would go...
Amid the fog and snow and storm,
Amid the darkest night,
To question if God's love was warm
When there was no insight...
But dark days strengthen hearts of gold,
Though painful they may be
And yet what lessons we behold
From Christ and Calvary...
My youth was but a blur in time,
A streaming streak, no more,
But then I met the Lord sublime
And felt His love outpour...
This dream I dreamt changed everything,
I stood there on a hill
And in the distance, Christ the King,
Was on His Cross, not still,
For He was writhing there in pain,
A twisting silhouette,
To die for me, to clear sin's stain,
To pay off every debt...
Then suddenly, a beam of light
From Heaven shone straight down
Upon Christ's Cross with all God's might - The World's Poetry Archive
And on Christ's briar crown...
Then light reflecting came my way,
Engulfing me with heat,
A golden glow as if to say,
Today in love we meet...
God's precious perfect plan was known,
Through Christ and Calvary...
God's love for me was clearly shown
For all eternity...
No more could I regard my dreams
As mine when Christ had died,
To concentrate upon my schemes,
Once He was crucified...
Though billions go to sleep each night,
Will they dream dreams like mine,
To stand within God's golden light
And shine and shine and shine?
Or will the darkness from closed eyes,
From closed thoughts and closed minds,
Cause them to never realise
God's prophecies and signs?
So I'm praying every hour
That mortal life extends,
For the Lord's love and His power,
On which each friend depends...
What is His plan? What must I do?
How best to save the lost?
Now saved, I must save others, too,
And not just count the cost...
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website... - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Precshush Sound Of Love
Shush.... Can you hear God's sound of love?
As soft as April rain
And carried on a gentle breeze...
Ah, such a sweet refrain!
Shush... Listen for His tender voice...
He's whisp'ring soft and warm,
As in a Mother's lullaby,
Sung to her child newborn...
And you'll hear Him in the raindrops,
Each tumbling to the earth...
Close-up kissing field and pasture,
Propagating brand new birth...
Then hear Him in the falling snow,
That's floating to the ground
And in the rustling of the trees...
Ah, yes, the sweetest sound...
Shush... Hear Him in a violin,
So smooth and finely strung...
Then listen to a blessed songbird
That's tending to her young...
And hear Him in a symphony,
In music so sublime,
It lifts you to the highest peaks
Of ecstasy divine!
Shush... Then hear Him... in the silence...
Between the tender sighs
Of the two whose hearts are woven...
(You'll see it in their eyes!)
Shush... Listen in the darkest hour,
Before God's dawn breaks through!
This is when you'll hear Him clearly...
He's whisp'ring, 'I love you! ' - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale, adaptation, March 2012.
This is a Gospel tribute poem, adapted from
poemhunter-dot-com poet, Valerie Dohren's
winsome poem called The Sound Of Love.
Copyright applies to Valerie Dohren.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Secret Splendour!
It is the sunrise once again - that special moment when
The light of heaven warms the morning flowers!
The chorus of the sparrows flies round and round like arrows
In celebration of the dawning hours!
Plants with petals open wide in thanks for heat supplied,
And fragrance fills the very air itself!
City gents are on the march with shirtsleeves full of starch All business-like and on-the-look for wealth!
Young children, with a yawn, greet each new day with scorn With school, perhaps, the first thing on their minds!
The family pets awake! (Let them out for goodness sake!)
And so, you see, each brand new day unwinds...
Town gossips start to call, and give their very all,
As soon as they can sit beside a phone!
The pilgrims start to pray, petitions to relay,
And God gets an earache when the grim ones moan!
How few have seen the splendour of sunrise soft and tender Unparalleled in Nature’s vast array!
Late nights are our excuse - that’s why so many choose
To snooze and snooze and snooze... past break of day...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
God's Sweet Serenade Of Serenity!
The soul that lives within you now
Carves Destiny as though a plough!
Decisions made might lead to Heaven...
While some, through sin, must be forgiven...
God’s Law required a sacrifice,
Yet only Christ could pay the price!
Through Him, alone, your sins are waived...
In Him, atoned, you could be saved!
By faith, Man reaches to the Moon Tomorrow Mars, or some day soon!
Yet only God could pardon sin,
At Heaven’s Gates to call you in!
No Christmas yet could save your soul Nor Easter, somehow, make you whole!
But Jesus who climbed Calvary’s Hill...
Presents His Blood... calms conscience still!
The Saviour’s Love redeems Mankind And, so, when guilt attacks the mind,
Christ whispers with sincerity,
'Tranquillity... serenity...'
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Go now, My Son, to doomstruck Earth
On which the lost all die...
Die well for them and prove Your worth,
Yes, go and testify...
Search for the lost, the sick, the sad,
Search for the wayward sheep,
Expressing love they've never had,
Yes, wake them from their sleep...
Go now, My one anointed child,
Out from Your Heaven here,
Defying demons so defiled,
Yes, fill them all with fear!
Search high and low for their domains,
Search everywhere You go,
Expressing freedom so none gains,
Yes, let the Devil know...
Go now, My Shepherd, now's the time!
Of this You can be sure,
Destroy the Devil's paradigm,
Yes, now and evermore...
Search out disciples, teach them well,
Search out the blind, the lame,
Expressing faith that saves from Hell,
Yet only in Christ's Name!
Go now, My love, My dearest love,
Of all the loves I've known,
Defying death, yet raised above,
Yes, even to Your Throne!
Search hearts and minds and hopes and dreams,
Search revelations, too,
Exploring all of Man's extremes,
Yet preaching, 'God loves you...'
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Going Home!
This tiger simply had enough!
His ears were way too cold!
This Winter had been way too tough
And he felt way too old...
Why was his anger fever-pitched
Just like a crazy cub?
His tootsies throbbed! His whiskers twitched!
His back was playing up!
'I'm going home! To Mum and Dad! '
He vowed with all his might!
Reflecting on the things he had,
The Prodigal took flight...
Backtracking homeward off he set,
Towards that Shangri-La,
Towards the joy he'd not forget,
Regardless near or far...
The days passed by, the weeks passed by,
Yet where could home be found
Beneath that awesome pale blue sky
And snow upon the ground?
The months relented, then Spring came,
The tiger's hope returned,
Though not quite home, his home to claim,
The dream that he had earned...
Denis Martindale, copyright, December 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Going Home'.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Going In
The tiger's tail was piping hot
All the live-long day...
And that one tail was all he'd got
To swipe the flies away!
Its twists and turns were quite enough
To signal it was time
To find that place when things got tough...
The stream was so sublime...
So off he went in search of peace,
His own sweet Shangri-La...
Where all his tensions found release
As if it were a spa...
When going in, the soft mud feels
So squelchy there below...
Yet somehow that sensation heals,
As mud slips to and fro...
Now halfway in, with all legs wet,
He stands still there and then...
He loses every frown and fret
And he's refreshed again.
The final part to be revived
Must be his twisting tail
And just as soon as it's arrived,
It quivers without fail...
He's well and truly in it now!
He's cooling down a treat...
Yes, Mother Nature, take a bow!
This river's hard to beat!
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Going In'.
More poems here: denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Gold Finches With Thistle
Though not as proud as peacocks are,
Each gold finch seems content,
Not like some human superstar,
Some ego to present...
Just nibble, nibble, then move on,
With beaks that chomp and chew,
Until another seed has gone
With nothing left to do...
Gold finches seek the thistle for
The seeds they tweak to eat,
It takes all sorts, yet folks adore
These finches oh so sweet...
Their fancy colours change our mood,
Like clowns or harlequins Each finch dressed up to nibble food,
Yet looked on like a prince...
The humble sparrow doesn't mind
The breadcrumbs that we spare,
But thistles are the things to find!
Gold finches want their share...
Though I like creatures great and small,
I must admit it's true,
While I like robins most of all,
Gold finches are liked, too...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Gold Finches With Thistle'.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
'That's it! I'm pooped! ' the lion said,
'I'm just a cub, that's all! '
And so he laid his heavy head
With no more strength to crawl...
'I've done the lot! ' he said with pride,
'I've jumped, I've pounced, I've chewed! '
And having yawned, now bleary-eyed,
He sighed, a worn-out dude...
'I know it's only half-past-three!
But I'm plum-tuckered now!
Did you see my sister chase me?
All I can say is wow!
She's run me ragged all day long,
As if she had it planned!
She bit my tail, that's simply wrong!
She's getting out of hand! '
The lion cub complained again,
'She's safe for now, I know,
But I'll get back at her and then,
I'll teach that so-and-so! '
Then all at once his eyes shut tight,
All golden rules to flout,
In dreams he schemed with all his might,
'I'll sort that missy out! '
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Golden'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Golden Eagle
The golden eagle, what a sight!
Across the pond, they know!
A wondrous creature when in flight,
Its silhouette aglow!
Just like an arrow cross the sky,
Angelic-like above,
The kind of bird Man questions why
This life seems not enough...
Yet viewed up close, designs are known,
Each eye that sees so far,
Each feather there so that he's flown
As if from Earth to star!
With claws to help him land as well,
The mountain face to grip,
So that he's like a miracle
That's never meant to slip...
The golden eagle still inspires,
He's known the whole world wide,
A brilliant bird that one admires,
Regarding each with pride...
Prospectors understand gold's worth,
Romantics comprehend,
Like eagles that have blessed this Earth,
Let's soar like eagles, friend!
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Golden Eagle'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Golden Glow
Amid the golden glow he gazed,
His golden mane aflame,
A mighty lion, highly praised,
Deserving of his fame,
Triumphant in his claims to power,
Majestic to a fault
And when I saw him in that hour,
My search came to a halt...
My camera caught his royal stare,
His glory at that time,
His dignity beyond compare,
So handsome, so sublime...
As conqueror by tooth and claw,
I thought, how could he fail?
Perhaps he'd live ten years or more,
This wondrous alpha male...
To think, he stood there all at ease,
As if there were no harm,
As if he earned some right to peace,
To breathe without a qualm...
Yet he must fight to stay the king,
Each challenge overthrow,
That's why I stood there wondering...
Amid the golden glow...
Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford called 'Golden Glow'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Golden Silhouette
The tiger met my stare that day,
Two hunters full of life,
Two species searching for their prey,
Each seeking to survive...
And as I stared into his eyes
While he was on patrol,
I slowly came to realise
That he stared at my soul...
He knew we shared a common bond,
With courage day and night,
That fought each battle and beyond
Against all foes in sight...
Yet he and I weren't enemies,
Although we weren't close friends,
Somehow we sensed a solemn peace,
The kind that rarely ends...
While co-existence yet remains,
We knew each had a share
And to this day, he roams the plains,
As if without a care...
Each has his purpose on this Earth
And how could I forget
His strength, his grace, his noble worth,
His golden silhouette?
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Golden Silhouette'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Gone But Not Forgotten
Yes, you're gone but not forgotten, the memories still cling!
Yes, I know that death must happen yet I'm still wondering!
I have ten thousand anecdotes that only we have shared...
Enough to stir ten thousand notes, enough to prove I cared...
And yet I care more now than then, the grief consumes me still...
Your passing is beyond my ken... In fact, it's made me ill...
I hear your voice within the house, yes, even though you've gone!
Although I'm silent as a mouse, your voice won't carry on!
You speak my name, a moment's grace, a gift from God I think...
I look around to see your face... my timing out of sync...
I know you've gone! Your ghost abides! Your spirit dwells in dreams!
Sometimes my spirit coincides as if we're joining streams...
It's then that I fear for my mind... They say time heals our hearts...
I pray God's healing I will find and that a new life starts...
Perhaps I'm meant to love again! If so, then bless me now...
In truth, I don't know where or when! What will the Lord allow?
Yet if I stay a single soul, and marriage isn't mine...
Down Memory Lane I'm proud to stroll to seek the Valentine
Who stole my very heart away a long, long time ago...
Though gone still loved this very day... As if you didn't know...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Good God, I'M Soaking Wet!
The day arrived and I felt glad,
I was to be baptised...
To follow through on all I had,
Transformed by Jesus Christ!
With Bible verses in my mind
And also in my heart,
I left the house my fate to find,
'My God, how great Thou art...'
As the Baptist Church was waiting,
I travelled on my way,
With no trace of hesitating
Or reason to delay...
When I arrived, I was on time
As I walked down the aisle,
The flowers simply looked sublime
And people made me smile...
And once prepared, I waded in,
And stood there soaking wet,
To end one life... new life begin...
Immersed from toe to head!
When raised up to the air again,
New oxygen to breathe,
I stood tall with all my brethren...
My word, what a relief!
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Good Morning, Dad!
If you begin your every day
With prayers to God on high,
The chances are that come what may,
You'll ask less questions why...
You'll have less grumbles you could voice,
Less mumbles mourning things,
It's up to you to make a choice,
For who knows what prayer brings?
'Good Morning, Dad! ' may start you well,
With 'Thank You! ' now and then,
When everything's been going swell,
Sometimes beyond your ken...
It even makes the angels cheer
When they see faith like yours
And 'Praise the Lord! ' God loves to hear,
That makes His day, of course!
Communication, that's the key!
Without it, you lose hope,
Your life becomes a mystery,
You find it hard to cope...
'Good Morning, Dad! ' begins your call,
So why not chat a while?
God's love has patience with us all,
So why not make Him smile! ?
Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2014.
The Revelation TV website and watch now details
can be found on Google. Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Good Mother
The mighty meerkat family
Preserves both young and old,
Good mother love humility,
Good father strong and bold...
Good children learning what they can
Within their happy home,
Yes, such as these are blessed by Man,
Wherever we may roam...
Good mother love preserves the peace,
When squabbles come to call,
Good father disciplines don't cease,
Some wisdom to install...
We see the mighty meerkats stand
Like watchmen on the tower,
United in their steadfast band,
Protecting every hour...
Good mother guidance at its height
Can melt each meerkat's frown...
So one looks left and one looks right
And one looks up and down...
Togetherness can bless their lives,
So they see eye-to-eye.
The mighty meerkat still survives,
Though centuries fly by...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Good Mother'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Good News! Bad News!
My heart goes out to those I love,
My prayers ascend each day,
To mingle with the saints above
Who lived and loved God's way...
Lord Jesus grants eternal life,
God's gift beyond compare!
Yet Jesus prophesied of strife,
So that we'd stay aware!
So that's the reason I believe
And study world events,
Despite the fact that Christians grieve
For family and friends...
While God still heals and still rewards
Each child who seek His grace,
We know that He's the Lord of Lords,
Triumphant, full of grace!
My heart goes out to each lost soul,
Apart from Heaven's joys,
The ones who lack all self-control,
Preferring evil's choice...
Till Christ our Saviour comes for each
Who glories in God's signs,
Each day we preach! For we must preach,
While revelation shines...
Denis Martindale, copyright August 2014.
The Revelation TV website and watch now details
can be found on Google. Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A cute white lion cub posed there,
Sphinx-like for all to see,
So gorgeous and so debonair,
Born free and fancy free...
Serenity personified,
Tranquillity sublime,
That's why I stared, eyes open wide,
As if now lost in time...
Imagine how the years would grant
Him stature and allure,
So he could do the things he can't,
For then he'll do much more...
Today, he's just a ball of fur
With arms and legs attached,
With head and tail and gentle purr,
With beauty rarely matched...
But when he's grown, my word, what then?
A lion king, no doubt!
For sure, a royal sovereign,
Distinctive, standing out!
If God and Man let him survive,
What wondrous things he'll do!
That could be said of all alive,
Including me... and you!
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Gorgeous'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Great And Unsearchable Things
How great is He, the Lord of Lords
And Cosmic King of Kings,
His treasure trove filled with rewards,
Great unsearchable things!
With wonders and with prophecies
And miracles sublime...
How great is He, the One who sees
How each child spends their time...
How great is He, the Holy One,
Creator of us all,
Who sacrificed His only Son,
To save us, great or small...
With grace bestowed right here on Earth
We must be born again...
No more to boast of our own worth
When Christ died there and then...
How great is He, our God divine,
In granting Paradise,
A home that could be yours and mine
If we would just be wise...
That's why the Bible tells us straight
The wonders yet to be
Will be so perfect and so great
They'll last eternity!
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Yes, there he was, the livelong day,
Content to peck, peck, peck!
Without complaint, no thought to say,
He'd hurt his poor old neck!
Alone, without a single friend,
To peck like mad as well,
Poor soul, not one to comprehend,
About his private hell...
I looked upon his plight and sighed,
I couldn't help him out!
If I approached, instincts would guide
And then he'd fly about...
So I stood still, accepting this,
That some things must be done,
My company he wouldn't miss,
Despite his lack of fun!
So for a while, I watched him there,
Just pecking wood away,
A little guilty I should stare,
Yet it turned out OK...
He must have felt he'd done his best,
With everything so neat,
As if somehow he'd passed God's test,
With his hard work complete!
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Great Spotted Woodpecker'.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Great, Just Great!
Five o'clock and day was dawning,
God tapped me on the head,
While it was a brand new morning,
I'd rather sleep instead...
'Oh, no, you don't! ' said God aloud,
'Get up, your poem's here! '
With no more sleep to be allowed,
I stood up with no cheer!
I made some coffee right away,
I needed it real bad,
I drank it black without delay,
My word, that made me sad...
Computer on, Wordpad began,
The title typed and so,
From here on in, I had no plan,
I knew not where to go...
The poem prompted me again,
So I yawned as I typed...
A tiger sauntered in and then
I wrote how it was striped...
The black, the gold, the black, the gold,
With frowns above his eyes,
Such that the poem smiled now told,
While I was full of sighs...
Computer off, then back to bed,
Still yawning long and deep,
Back into Dreamland I then fled,
To catch up on my sleep...
My sweetheart waited my return,
My dreamgirl looked so fine...
Then my alarm helped me to learn
That it was almost nine...
Alas, I was now late, of course,
They sacked me on the spot!
Escorting me outside by force, - The World's Poetry Archive
To see the parking lot...
So now I sleep the whole night through
As well as all day long,
You see, there's not much else to do,
When everything's gone wrong...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Group Hug
The meerkats looked and looked and looked,
But nothing was in sight!
Yet all day long, the sun had cooked
And fried and fried and fried!
They'd stood their ground, while standing tall,
Through teamwork, each was safe...
When evening came, I watched them all,
Defiant, noble, brave...
Then suddenly, they huddled close,
Like bugs upon a rug...
Now crouched up tight, each cuddled nose
Caressed in their group hug!
I've never seen the like before!
So intimate, so sweet...
A parable I'll not ignore:
Love makes our lives complete!
I'm not the sort to cuddle folks!
Most folks don't seem to care!
I'd be the butt of countless jokes,
If I should ever dare!
Yet should I envy the meerkat,
With friends on every side?
Oi, you! Watch out! Whose foot was that?
Be careful, pal... all right?
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Group Hug'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Guardians Of The Den
Behold the untamed meerkats there
Now side-by-side on guard,
As if the whole wide world to dare,
As if all else were barred...
Each stare's just meant to make it clear,
'Clear off, the lot of you!
There's no-one here who wants you here!
So you know what to do! '
Bravado's such a wondrous thing
In ones as small as these,
As if to leave us wondering,
Can they do as they please?
For each one's a tiny meerkat
And not that tall in height!
So who are they, to make us scat,
To scarper left and right?
To you and I, they're not that strong,
Courageous, yes, but weak,
To fight with them would just seem wrong,
Their faces look so meek...
Let's let them be all they can be,
Just visit now and then,
So we can come back soon to see
The guardians of the den...
Denis Martindale, copyright, December 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Guardians Of The Den'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Hallmarks Of The Hero
From ancient times, each hero stood
Against each evil foe
And for the good did what he should,
Heroic deeds to show...
The humble hero knew his place,
To sacrifice his all,
Perhaps to save the human race
Or teach God's truth like Paul...
From time-to-time, their tales are told,
Like stories, nothing more,
Like parables, though good as gold,
We might choose to ignore...
We were not there, not witness to
Their strength and bravery,
Yet credit where credit is due,
Meant for posterity...
Initiative is borne of faith,
Directing every thought,
Is there someone I'm meant to save?
Some battle to be fought?
Is there a maiden in distress?
Some Princess I'm to love?
Some King that I must yet impress?
Or challenge rise above?
Perseverance has helped them, too,
How else could they endure?
To keep in mind that point of view
That helps them suffer more...
For sacrifice is everywhere,
As every parent learns...
But what are heroes without prayer,
If God above each spurns?
Thus heroes have a right to choose,
Freewill determines fate,
Another fight to win or lose, - The World's Poetry Archive
The victor thought as great...
Consider every hero known
And all they sacrificed...
Of all of these, one stands alone...
Our Saviour, Jesus Christ...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
To think that the adult lion
Was once a tiny thing.
So his mother kept her eye on
This one who would be king.
She knew that he was full of life,
Vivacious, full of fun!
Yet he must learn to conquer strife
And fight until he's won.
No easy street, no gentle road,
No straight smooth path ahead...
For him, there was a higher code,
Just like a thoroughbred...
Each day would be a battlefield,
Pretenders for his throne,
Contenders waiting still concealed
Until they are full grown...
For now he was a handsome beast
With tiny hidden scars...
Aware that others never ceased,
He dare not let them pass...
He met each challenge with a sneer
And then a grisly growl...
Yet knowing he would win and jeer
And hear his loser howl...
It's Nature's way... it's raw, it's wild,
It's life and death, my friend...
No place for those so meek, so mild,
With no thought to defend...
This handsome lion knows his worth,
His offspring know it, too...
His mother knew it from his birth...
A winner through and through!
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Handsome'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Handsome Beast
The tiger stood his ground one day,
Like posers often do,
To let the others have their say,
Express their point of view...
To stare at him, with jealousy,
Each time his fame increased,
While tigresses looked longingly,
'He's such a handsome beast! '
The tiger stayed still, like a king,
As if the world were his,
While all the rest were wondering
What magic spell is this?
As if they watched him mesmerised,
Fixated and so pleased,
While tigresses all realised,
'He's such a handsome beast! '
Of course, the magic couldn't last,
That's life, we all move on...
Endangered species leave so fast,
They're here... and then they're gone...
For now, he's truly in his prime!
The foremost not the least...
While tigresses think he's sublime,
'He's such a handsome beast! '
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Handsome Beast'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Hanging Around
The leopard leapt and climbed the tree
He spotted on his way,
Up there, the whole wide world to see,
Time passing, come what may.
The world was hot, too hot to care,
Too hot to walk or run...
The leopard stayed, content to stare,
Now shaded from the sun...
No point in all that stifling heat
Which makes it hard to breathe...
It hardly made his life complete,
As one would first believe.
The leopard paused and settled down
And heaved a weary sigh...
Forgot his speed of great renown,
Fixed on one spot to lie...
Oh, yes, he could get used to this!
Tremendous, quite refined!
He'd twigged this would be perfect bliss,
Outstretched and now reclined!
The leopard looked for miles and miles,
Surveying all he could,
Upon this world of tests and trials
And on his neighbourhood.
To some degree, he ruled it all,
No matter, day or night...
So many heard and feared his call,
In seconds to take flight.
Oh, yes, the leopard knew his place...
The way things had to be.
For now, this peace he would embrace...
Just hanging around, you see...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Hanging Around'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Happy Birthday, Bid Tv!
God bless you on your birthday!
Thank you for Megadeals!
When prices plummet all the way
That's something that appeals!
It's then that we are most inclined,
To switch our TVs on...
So many bargains we can find...
Act fast before they're gone!
First come, first served! Get on that phone!
Sometimes to multibuy!
So many Christmas gifts to own,
Oh, my, oh, my, oh, my!
Of course, it helps to save a pound,
Yet there's much more to tell...
To think,12 years you've been around,
With penny deals as well...
Framed Stephen Gayfords now and then,
Fantastic fashions, too...
And with gifts for home and garden,
Let's thank God for Freeview!
You're my favourite of all stations...
You share such happiness!
So enjoy your celebrations!
12 years of sweet success...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2012.
Bid TV is on UK's Sky and Virgin Media
as well as Freesat and Freeview and
there's a live broadcast on its website. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Happy Birthday, Jesus!
Happy birthday, Jesus,
enjoy it to the max,
Look down from Heaven
with a heart-filled joy,
Every heart among us
that finds time to relax
Reflects again on
Mary's baby boy...
Nativity's the reason
that love gets shared abroad,
The Christmas Gospel carols
sung once more,
Remembering the One,
Good Shepherd, King and Lord
That all God's holy angels
yet adore...
And who are we today
to differ from their love,
At distance from the Saviour
You still are?
Like wise men from afar,
we ought to look above
And humbly choose to gaze
beyond each star...
For blessings still unfold,
revealed as prophets told,
More precious than the
present days on Earth,
Yet blessed if we behold,
God's Son, as good as gold,
More precious than this sad world
should deserve... - The World's Poetry Archive
Happy birthday, Jesus,
enjoy it to the max,
Look down from Heaven
with a heart so glad,
Of all that trust Your Name,
there's not one soul that lacks...
You're the most perfect gift
we've ever had...
Denis Martindale, copyright Christmas Day 2014.
The Christmas poem is based on seeing
the Gospel film called The Perfect Gift
thanks to the upbeat film being shown
on the Revelation TV channel today.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Happy Birthday, June 2012
I can't believe another year
Has come and gone again!
Price-drop-TV has brought us cheer
And gets ten out of ten!
Just think of all the money shaved
Off prices every day!
Just think of all the money saved
And shout hip, hip, hooray!
I can't believe the one pound deals
Or those one penny shocks!
I stare amazed and my head reels
'Cos price-drop-TV rocks!
I've bought my prezzies by the score
And Stephen Gayfords, too!
If I were rich, I'd buy some more,
Just like collectors do!
Praise God for precious gifts we've seen,
Like diamonds, rubies, pearls
And tanzanite fit for the Queen,
Princesses, ladies, girls...
Yes, happy birthday! Where's the cake?
What's that, they haven't any?
My word, come on, for goodness sake!
They sold it for a penny!
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2012.
A poem celebrating price-drop-tv's 9th birthday
here in the UK, where the shopping channel is
on Sky, Virgin Media, Freesat and Freeview.
Visit the username (pricedrop) on facebook!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Happy Mother's Day
It's Mother's Day! It's here again!
My word, she will be glad!
So, come on, all you gentlemen,
Who celebrate with Dad!
It's time to cherish who she is
And what she means to you!
Perhaps with just a little kiss
With precious gifts brand new!
They may not be expensive rings
Or necklaces of gold,
But mothers have their own heartstrings
Of which you can take hold.
So give them precious greeting cards
With messages of joy
And sentiments of high regards
From every girl and boy.
For who are we without the ones
Who laboured long ago?
They granted life to smiling sons
And daughters as we know.
May God bless Mothers near or far!
God knows they need His love!
They need not wish upon a star,
Just pray to Him above...
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2011.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Two pumas nestled oh so close,
Togetherness with care,
In harmony, as friends not foes,
At peace, this day to share...
Soft breathing, there, no qualms at all,
Contentment, hearts at rest
And not like cats that scratch and maul,
For these two cats were blessed...
Brother and sister, gently stirred,
Tranquil side-by-side,
Transfixed in thoughts that each preferred,
With wisdom as their guide...
Just think, if two wild cats seek peace,
How much, we, too, need this,
A golden time, the day to seize,
In harmony and bliss...
Sometimes we rush like wild cats do,
We scurry near and far,
We worry, yes, the whole day through,
Serenity to mar...
Yet if we simply made the time,
To settle now and then,
We'd find that harmony sublime
And praise the Lord again...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Having A Whale Of A Time!
'Gangway! Gangway! I'm coming through! '
The massive whale declared!
'Yes, move aside, I'm wide, it's true!
If quick, you won't get scared!
I'll wave goodbye as I swim past!
Then I'll bid you farewell...
My, my, I'm really going fast!
As if you couldn't tell...'
'The new kid on the block, that's me!
I've not been here before!
I've put on weight, that's plain to see...
I'm bound to eat much more!
One day, I might be twice the size!
If that were possible!
I'll exercise, don't worry, guys!
I'll still look wonderful! '
'It's warm today, I'm feeling spry...
Quite frisky, don't you know?
And when I feel I'm on a high,
There's no point going slow...
I'm on my way to who knows where...
That could be miles, OK?
Yes, move aside, don't stop and stare!
Gangway! Gangway! Gangway! '
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2011.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
He Is Alive!
Though they called me Doubting Thomas,
I know Lord Jesus lives!
I know Lord Jesus died for us
And, through Him, God forgives!
The Lamb of God was sacrificed,
God's utmost love to show...
I tell you, Jesus is the Christ,
For this truth you must know...
While some were there when Jesus died,
As witnesses on Earth,
In Heaven, Christ is glorified,
God's angels know His worth...
They magnify His Holy Name
With praises evermore,
For life will never be the same
For Mankind, to be sure...
In truth, He is alive! Amen!
God's Holy King and Priest,
Returning soon, we know not when,
Like lightning, west-to-east!
His miracles are with us here
To help to save the Jews,
So hearts and minds are crystal clear,
Believing God's Good News!
What wondrous grace, love undeserved,
No pardon could we buy,
Yet from His Tomb, Christ was unearthed,
With power from on high!
What greater proof of love than this?
Forgiveness here and now...
Eternal Life! Eternal bliss!
No wonder angels bow!
The Gentiles, too, are grafted in,
United in God's Tree,
Such that God pardons every sin - The World's Poetry Archive
Because of Calvary!
The sinless Saviour paid the price
That none on Earth could pay,
His Blood should make us all think twice,
For all have gone astray...
He is alive! Amen! Sweet Lord!
The prophecies outlined
What never should have been ignored,
If wisdom we would find...
Messiah! Thank You! Yes, indeed!
Your courage means so much...
Life offered in the Blood You bleed,
Love in Your healing touch...
From age-to-age, Christ's truths bring hope,
To both the young and old,
To strengthen us, to help us cope,
As sheep within His fold...
For we are His and not our own,
He makes us all complete...
Good Shepherd, lead us to God's Throne,
His wondrous Mercy Seat...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2012.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
He Who Surfs Online, Saves Online
‘Lord, must I use the Internet?
It seems so hard to me! ’
‘Save as many as you can get!
Tell them of Calvary! ’
‘Lord, must I really go online?
There’s danger everywhere! ’
‘So many souls are not yet Mine...
They must be made aware! ’
‘Lord, must I get a website, too,
Maintaining it each week? ’
‘Search for lost souls and I’ll bless you,
Each soul is quite unique...’
‘Lord, must I learn H. T. M. L.
And all that webpage stuff? ’
‘Yes, then you’ll save lost souls from Hell,
So that they learn to love...’
‘Lord, please, find someone else, I pray...
My mind can’t take it in! ’
‘This is your chance... if you obey,
A million souls you’ll win! ’
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2011.
We can hear the word of the Lord on - The World's Poetry Archive
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital and
via the Watch Now webpage on the
Revelation TV website:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
He Wrote A Million Poems!
He wrote a million poems down,
They're on the Internet,
He was the bard who wore the crown,
The King we can't forget...
Three verses here, four verses there,
Sometimes a sovereign speech,
While not all stands beyond compare,
There's much that each could teach...
A thousand themes have come and gone,
Writ large upon the page,
His mental prowess shone and shone,
Until he felt his age...
Yet pen in hand, he wrote each day
And sometimes through the night,
With poetry still on its way
To fill him with delight...
Some think he was addicted to
The Muse in all her forms,
As if for her his love stayed true,
As if her presence warms...
Yet God inspired all his verse,
From Scriptures wise and pure,
That's why, of course, each poem stirs
God's love for evermore...
A million poems for the Lord,
Then God told him to rest,
From all the words that he'd outpoured,
Because he'd done his best...
His gentle heart gave out and so,
His soul ascended high,
To find God's peace so few can know,
In Heaven, by and by...
Denis Martindale, copyright September 2014. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Healing Scriptures
There are many healing scriptures
The Holy Bible shares...
When we let God's wisdom teach us,
There's power in our prayers!
If not, then Jesus would've said,
We needn't pray at all,
Yet for this cause, Lord Jesus bled
And in His Name, we call...
Why leave it till we're desperate
When we can ask God now,
When there's no more need to bear it,
Any longer anyhow?
Yes, rich or poor, we can be healed,
Regardless of our wealth...
Let's pray God's love will be revealed
When we're restored to health!
God's miracles have not run out...
His love can never end...
As if to stop each stumbling doubt,
He sent Christ as our friend...
Lord Jesus went to Calvary...
God raised Him from the dead!
God proved through Him, we've been set free,
To live new lives instead...
So pray believing, in His Name,
Thanksgiving in your soul...
When healing comes, no more the same,
As Jesus takes control...
Then testify, proclaim His worth,
Praise God for what He's done!
Such that God's glory fills the Earth
With Good News through His Son...
(August 2011) - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Hear God's Call Sung To Bond's Thunderball Theme
Love is the meaning we're alive!
Love shares so others may survive!
Love cares for this world, lost souls and all!
So it lives to hear God's call!
Love lifts the spirits just to bless!
Love's gifts grant more than happiness!
They won't make us sinners doomed to fall!
For love lives to hear God's call!
Any wisdom love learns pure gold
That's meant not just for one to hold!
Love's like a kiss upon your lips!
Love's touch is more than fingertips!
Yet love's sure, here's the first great truth of all!
So love lives to hear God's call!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Hear God's Call!
Love is the meaning we're alive!
Love shares so others may survive!
Love cares for this world, lost souls and all!
So it lives to hear God's call!
Love lifts the spirits just to bless!
Love's gifts grant more than happiness!
They won't make us sinners doomed to fall!
For love lives to hear God's call!
Any wisdom love learns pure gold
That's meant not just for one to hold!
Love's like a kiss upon your lips!
Love's touch is more than fingertips!
Yet love's sure, here's the first great truth of all!
So love lives to hear God's call!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Hear My Call
The Spirit of the Lord is here
With power all His own,
Such that God's people need not fear,
We do not stand alone!
The righteousness of Jesus Christ
Outshines the brightest star!
The ones He loves are highly prized,
No matter who we are...
The grace from Calvary's enough
For all eternity!
Once born again, transformed by love...
Forgiven, friends, set free!
The Holy Bible testifies
The future times ahead,
For every prophet prophesies
As he himself was led!
The Spirit of the Lord is here
With Revelation now...
With signs and wonders that appear,
God's blessings to allow...
Let every Christian count the cost...
Christ died to save us all...
Through us God preaches to the lost
And tells them, 'HEAR MY CALL...'
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Heart Gallery
I had a dream the other night,
At first, a door appeared,
Yet, suddenly, to my delight,
It opened when I neared...
So in I walked and looked around,
Inside the gallery,
With all my poems to be found,
Gold-framed for all to see...
More than a thousand frames I saw,
Extravant, no doubt,
A fact that made me feel unsure,
What was this dream about?
With many people reading there,
Some laughing now and then,
Some weeping, too, with some in prayer,
Though these were mostly men...
I asked some people what they thought,
Concerning what I wrote
And one-by-one got each report,
So that I could take note...
It seemed that some were very pleased,
While others merely sighed,
While those that wept felt guilt had ceased,
Through Christ once crucified...
And those that laughed at my ideas,
Still smiled quite joyfully
And thus dispelled my growing fears
About my poetry...
Some wanted copies for their friends
Or wrote quotations down
And since the sharing never ends,
I felt no cause to frown...
When everyone had left and gone,
Lord Jesus stood alone,
He told me straight, to carry on, - The World's Poetry Archive
Write new things yet unknown...
And when I woke, I wrote some more,
Because He told me to,
The Gospel Truth I can't ignore,
Because it's meant for you...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2014.
You can hear the word of the Lord on
GOD TV and Revelation TV channels.
Lots of tune-in and watch-now info if you
check Google search results for details.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Heart Take
How much can my heart take when the heartache weighs it down?
I am so close to heartbreak that my heart and lungs could drown!
I am so close to dying of the pain that never ends...
And so, what use is crying... or the comfort of my friends?
To God I turn for reasons! Yes, I need an answer why...
I've seen unpleasant seasons and His blessings pass me by!
I've felt death's presence touch me! I've heard its loathsome laugh!
I wonder will it budge me? Will it bring my epitaph?
To God I seem to gravitate... or levitate above...
To God, the Father of my fate, the Lord I serve and love...
Yet will He answer truly? Or keep His silence still?
Make me humble not unruly... though I'll grumble while I'm ill...
The stars can't tell me slowly, nor the planets, sun and moon...
Does God still want to know me? How I yearn to hear Him soon!
If I have sinned, forgive me... If I have harmed, be kind...
I plead, Lord, stay here with me! Or let my life unwind...
Lord, I need to get an answer, otherwise my heart will break!
Though what happens must occur, just how much can my heart take?
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Heavy Drinker!
The elephant's well known to be
A creature of restraint,
Right up to when he gets angry,
Then quite polite he ain't...
He's not like humans on the booze,
With parties Friday nights,
He's more inclined to have a snooze
Than getting into fights...
He doesn't drink a scotch or two,
Or three or four or five,
For alcohol's the Devil's brew,
So please don't drink and drive!
He doesn't raise a glass and slurp,
Or comment on bouquet,
Nor does he belch, nor does he burp,
Like drunkards do, OK! ?
He merely strides to yonder stream,
With utmost dignity,
Despite the fact he's wide of beam,
With his trunk dangling free...
It's then he drinks and drinks and drinks,
But only what he oughta,
So no horse play and no high jinks,
Because it's only water!
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent wildlife
painting by Stephen Gayford nb Google search:
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Each rhino stands a bulky beast,
My word, they sure stand out!
They start off big, then they're increased,
Then spread their weight about...
Yes, heavyweights, that's how it is!
Their strength self-evident...
To them, their weight seems not amiss,
That's just the way it went!
The rhino's horn is his defence,
It's like an afterthought...
Against the ones who aren't his friends,
So that he won't get caught...
And at forty miles an hour,
Well, you try matching that!
Who can comprehend his power?
With one foot he'd squash you flat...
No wonder that he eats a lot,
So he can run at length...
He's fat, yet doesn't care one jot,
He must keep up his strength!
Well, I'm glad I'm not a rhino,
As bulky as can be...
'Cos I'm quite thin in fact and so
I'm happy being me!
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Heavyweights'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Hello, Poetry!
I saw the poetry walking towards my house,
Then straight up to my door,
I got down the stairs in time,
I let the poetry in and I offered some coffee...
After the coffee, the poetry explained,
So I got the pen and the paper,
Started taking as many notes as I could...
The poem certainly was a tricky theme,
But the poetry had every faith in me,
Told me to give it a go, see what I could do...
Then the poetry stood up, shook me by the hand,
Yet there I stood, knowing another visit was soon,
So once the poetry had left, I sat down again...
Loads of ideas fluttered in my brain,
Like a host of butterflies swirling inside,
Then they settled and stayed completely calm,
So at last, I could think and make a start...
I was puzzled as to how to present the tale,
This was neither funny or serious in nature,
Just a basic account with what happened next details,
Something was missing, a jigsaw piece,
A spasm of inspiration bringing things together...
I tried three times to get the poem to say something,
To have some purpose, some measure of worth,
But nothing happened that proved helpful...
So I read my notes again... and yet again...
And there it was, just one word that wasn't clear,
Yet once corrected, the poem came to life...
The early attempts torn up, no longer needed,
But starting over was the turning point,
The greatest blessing that I had felt so far...
That one word made sense of the experience, - The World's Poetry Archive
Rekindling the writing skills once more...
So from then on, the rhyming lines flowed,
Smooth as silk, gentle, tranquillity personified...
It was done, checked, checked and checked again,
Saved, kept safe, then another printed copy made,
Created to appear in a fancy calligraphy style,
Framed especially for when the poetry returned...
The next day came and the poetry was back,
So after some coffee, I presented the framed poem,
So the poetry read the words slowly...
The poetry stood up, embraced me, thanked me,
Then left my house with the framed poem...
Didn't even pay for the poem or the frame...
And even to this day I've learnt,
The poetry never does...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Her Hand In Mine
She was a television star
And famed across the land.
Her beauty made me shout, 'Hoorah! ',
As most would understand.
I recognised her standing there,
Within that High Street store,
As if the answer to my prayer,
My dream girl, that's for sure...
Why she worked there, I couldn't say,
Perhaps her fortune changed...
Yet she looked happy in a way,
As she, some clothes arranged...
When I approached, confessing love,
At first, she merely smiled,
As if as gentle as a dove,
With me, her slave, beguiled...
'Please walk with me...' and she agreed.
We left there side-by-side,
Then suddenly I felt the need
That true love cannot hide...
'I want to hold your hand! ' I said,
To my new Valentine.
As if all shyness from her fled,
She raised her hand to mine.
It felt so warm, her arm did, too,
That's why I stroked her skin
And while it felt so strange to do,
She stood there with a grin...
It was as if she realised,
True love cannot conceal
Emotions if so highly prized,
So precious, new and real...
And so we walked, as if alone,
Nobody else in sight,
No longer walking on our own, - The World's Poetry Archive
While love was at its height.
Of course, I woke, as morning came,
My dream girl to depart...
Yet I will never be the same,
Nor will my thankful heart...
(May 2011)
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Her Heart Is Like A Rainbow!
Yes, her heart is like a rainbow God set upon the sky,
For here we see such colours flow, like twinkles in each eye!
Resplendent smiles transmit such joy that viewers stare amazed!
That's why she's liked by every boy and by each man she's praised!
When love begins to weave its spell to catch you unawares,
There's just no way that you can tell despite a million prayers...
Love strikes you like a thunderbolt - then suddenly you're caught!
Your heart is racing like a colt! She fills your every thought!
You hang upon her every word - a doting devotee!
Romance is kindled, hopes are stirred and even poetry!
They say that true love conquers all! It's friendly all the time!
You'll not find out until you fall... Like rainbows, love's sublime!
True love has secrets all its own to teach us tenderness...
One smile can melt a heart of stone, its emptiness to bless!
That's why her smile has magic, too, that only lovers sense...
To channel upbeat thoughts to you and all who are her friends...
There is no star that shines above to match her majesty!
So speaks the heart that's filled with love and knows its mystery!
Somehow she changes everything! It's magic, so it is!
Or could it be just the hoping for one teeny-weeny kiss?
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Her Ladyship
The lioness stayed, the sights to see,
As life continued on...
She knew one day, with certainty,
Her life would soon be gone...
Though now she was within her prime,
The peak years of her youth,
Those precious years would pass in time,
Towards the final truth...
Her ladyship looked quite refined
When seen both near and far...
Though many suitors she declined,
One day, she'd find her star.
Her special one, her lion lord,
Her regal Romeo.
The one her beating heart adored,
The one she'd not let go...
Togetherness is like a rose
That stirs from bud to bloom
And love is like a stream that flows
To wash away the gloom...
Her ladyship surveyed the land,
In search of one true friend...
Awaiting what their fate had planned,
Before she met her end.
Their cubs would learn their lessons well...
To stand as she stood now,
To see life's magic cast its spell,
Before one final bow...
Survival stirred her valiant heart,
Beyond death's cold embrace...
To live anew in cubs that start
Their lives and thus replace.
Behold life's grim mortality...
Let wisdom conquer dread.
Like her, you, too, can be born free
The day you plan ahead...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting - The World's Poetry Archive
by Stephen Gayford called 'Her Ladyship'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Her Smile
Her smile would melt an angel's heart and cause his wings to still
And even cause true love to start and all his soul to thrill!
Her smile would put him to the test for she's as pure as gold For of all women she's the best that Man could ever hold!
Her smile transmits the joy of joys no other girl could match She has the gift none else employs! Yes, she's the perfect catch!
Her smile transcends both time and space, to see it makes men freeze!
Like statues staring at her face, they stand there full of peace...
Her smile defeats the saddest woes - condemns them to disperse,
Such that this vision overthrows all sins and every curse...
Her smile, spellbinding though it is, and wondrous to be sure...
Is only outclassed by her kiss... once kissed, there's no known cure!
Yet I would risk a thousand deaths if she would kiss my lips!
Till then my heart just revs and revs like tapping fingertips!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Herein Is Beauty
Herein is beauty, not merely in the dearly covered flesh upon the bone,
Nor in the fashioning of a dress upon the form,
Nor in the twinkling, sparkling jewels upon the naked fingers…
But, rather, centred within the temple of the human heart,
Fastened to the eternal essence of the sacred soul…
There, in the midst of things, sheltered from all harm,
Exists the quintessential being, the true character contained,
And cushioned there are the colours of the rainbow,
Each representing a facet of the internal spirit of life…
Goodness and meekness and kindness and gentleness…
The softened sweetness, pure as honey,
Untainted by the harshness of life's cruel trickeries,
Unblemished, untarnished by the patina of time…
Look well upon true beauty, for it is worth the study…
Compare it with all that Man would call beauty…
There is no comparison in all of Nature's realm…
The Universe itself can barely contain it,
Yet it must, for how else could we, mere mortals,
Comprehend it and esteem its splendours?
Herein is beauty, not merely in the dearly covered flesh upon the bone,
Nor in the fashioning of a dress upon the form,
Nor in the twinkling, sparkling jewels upon the naked fingers…
But, rather, centred within the temple of the human heart…
God-made to stand against the rigours of time and space,
Twixt yesterday, today and tomorrow…
Beloved of God, forever, without ceasing, without compromise,
Without hesitation, disregard or dismissal…
For true beauty is His creation, His theme, His dream,
His one and eternal plan…
There is nothing more wondrous than beauty…
copyright, Denis Martindale
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Herein Is Beauty!
Herein is beauty, not merely in the dearly covered flesh upon the bone,
Nor in the fashioning of a dress upon the form,
Nor in the twinkling, sparkling jewels upon the naked fingers...
But, rather, centred within the temple of the human heart,
Fastened to the eternal essence of the sacred soul...
There, in the midst of things, sheltered from all harm,
Exists the quintessential being, the true character contained,
And cushioned there are the colours of the rainbow,
Each representing a facet of the internal spirit of life...
Goodness and meekness and kindness and gentleness...
The softened sweetness, pure as honey,
Untainted by the harshness of life's cruel trickeries,
Unblemished, untarnished by the patina of time...
Look well upon true beauty, for it is worth the study...
Compare it with all that Man would call beauty...
There is no comparison in all of Nature's realm...
The Universe itself can barely contain it,
Yet it must, for how else could we, mere mortals,
Comprehend it and esteem its splendours?
Herein is beauty, not merely in the dearly covered flesh upon the bone,
Nor in the fashioning of a dress upon the form,
Nor in the twinkling, sparkling jewels upon the naked fingers...
But, rather, centred within the temple of the human heart...
God-made to stand against the rigours of time and space,
Twixt yesterday, today and tomorrow...
Beloved of God, forever, without ceasing, without compromise,
Without hesitation, disregard or dismissal...
For true beauty is His creation, His theme, His dream,
His one and eternal plan...
There is nothing more wondrous than beauty...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The wizard was quite new to it,
He tried to pick his words,
For magic didn't care one bit
If wizards thought like nerds...
If wizards conjured up a spell
And language wasn't learned,
Then they could simply go to Hell
If wisdom wasn't earned...
A wonky wand was no excuse,
The girls were not impressed,
It wasn't something folks would choose
If folks would do their best...
And floppy hats get equal stick,
For leaning left or right,
Or front or back, well take your pick,
Each looks a sad old sight...
And as for brooms, what can we say?
Loose bristles falling out
And pretty soon they roll away,
Here, there and all about...
Watch out for splinters, if you're wise,
As they'll sneak up on you
And quickly bring tears to your eyes
When you don't want them to!
The wizard phoned his friend at work!
'What does HIMTARKO mean? '
The friend told him he was a berk,
'Look down, your legs are green! '
Ten wizards tried to cheer him up...
There, as sick as a dog...
'Come on, now, drink! Yes, drain the cup! '
He turned into a frog!
He croaked complaints as they checked books!
They cast spells day and night!
He gave them all such dirty looks, - The World's Poetry Archive
For none could solve his plight!
Their magic wasn't worth a dime!
Now magic's not his scene...
Frog potions wear off after time,
Alas, his legs stayed green...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2012.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Hey Howie
When little children go to school,
They learn what children can,
Perhaps to learn the Golden Rule,
Perhaps to learn God's Plan...
Thus Christmas comes and Easter, too,
Assemblies day-by-day,
Perhaps to learn God's point of view,
Perhaps to learn to pray...
The teenage years can take their toll,
Work proves to be quite hard,
To tax the spirit, heart and soul,
God lost in high regard...
Thus Christmas comes and Easter, too,
But praise has lost its edge,
No longer seen the thing to do,
Or something meant to pledge...
As life goes on, the talents form,
Thus music played its part,
The drummer boy soon raised a storm
As new songs thrilled his heart...
The group was playing here and there,
Success was on its way,
Yet where had gone that daily prayer,
What words were his to pray?
In time, despair began to grow,
Doubts crushed him like a vine,
There must be something more to know
Within God's great design...
And so, one day, he sought the Lord,
For who else could he turn?
That was the day when he implored
That he began to learn...
When prophets preach and God is close,
Amazing words explain
The future times God only knows - The World's Poetry Archive
And shows with much to gain...
And so one man found destiny,
When faith had conquered fear,
Such that it was now plain to see,
God in the Media...
One man could change TV in time,
Investing all he had,
A sacrifice which was sublime,
The kind that makes God glad...
Like tithes that come from rich and poor,
Esteemed by God above,
To change the world forever more,
Anointed by God's love...
Like Genesis, a brand new start,
A time for brand new things,
With healing for each broken heart,
Thanks to the King of Kings...
Without His blessing, who can stand?
Yet He blessed week by week
The sinful souls who held His hand,
His perfect will to seek...
Thus partners came from far and wide,
Gave Gospel gifts and such,
Tuned in each day and watched with pride
And chose to stay in touch...
With friendships formed across the years,
Creation's tale to tell,
To cast out foolish doubts and fears,
Their dangers to dispel...
The family that serves the Lord
Receives the Saviour's smile,
In time to share God's great reward,
If patient for a while...
But greater still to save lost souls,
Transform each brand new friend,
To teach souls of the Saviour's goals
So they can comprehend... - The World's Poetry Archive
To summarise, God still prepares
The Church to learn the truth,
Beyond the saying of our prayers
That we've learnt from our youth...
He chooses those who must be told
They have a destiny,
Then offers them the heart of gold
That bled on Calvary...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Hidden Danger!
The tiger knew that danger loomed,
This time with no mistake,
Perhaps this day he would be doomed,
His fear was real not fake...
A sense of dread can dull the mind
And then you lose a lot,
You need to run, but then you find
You're transfixed to the spot!
I saw him stand his ground and wait,
He didn't have a clue,
I saw him stare and hesitate,
Afraid to see things through...
I saw his whiskers stand on end,
His eyes move left to right
And yet on this you can depend,
I knew he'd soon take flight!
He shook his head, he strained his ears,
He flared his nostrils so,
But when all courage disappears,
He knew he had to go!
It's rare to see a tiger hide,
Or cower with dismay,
But I'll admit I stood with pride
To see him run away!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Hidden Observer
The lone gray wolf sat still once more,
Next to another tree...
As if to tap his frozen paw,
In time, impatiently...
The snow had stopped, the breeze was cool,
He sighed another sigh...
And there he sat, as if a fool,
For something to pass by...
An hour vanished like the sun
That clouds had blocked from sight.
Yet there was nothing to be done,
Waiting in that twilight...
Starvation haunts the carnivores
When snow sets on the ground.
The lone gray wolf can't rest indoors
When there's no food around...
Then drooping ears pricked up at last!
A rustling sound was heard...
The lone gray wolf then ran so fast
To catch the helpless bird!
The ancient battle then ensued,
The hunter and the prey...
This time, the wolf had won the fued
And food was on its way...
The ancient rules must still apply...
For Nature's Laws must serve her...
That's why, beneath the twilight sky,
He's the hidden observer...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Hidden Observer'.
The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Hide Away
The tiger tottered to-and-fro,
Exhausted by the heat,
Then saw a magic silver glow
Upon a flattened sheet...
He realised the stream was near,
A little hide away,
Then everything was crystal clear,
As if to make his day...
When tigers smile, they almost grin,
Stiff upper lip, you see,
That's why he slowly sauntered in,
Instead of joyfully...
But almost in, he gently paused,
As if with thankful heart,
With no idea how this was caused,
Yet ready to take part...
Thus gliding in, till shoulder high,
Then past the muddy spread,
He paddled on, now feeling spry,
In one straight line ahead...
This is the life, he told himself,
A wash down now and then,
A soothing booster to one's health!
Amen... Amen... Amen!
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Hide Away'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
High And Mighty
The lion lives another day
And soon it will be night.
He doesn't care, for come what may,
He taught himself to fight.
His jaws spring open! Hear him roar!
'Beware! ' he says, 'Beware! '
High and mighty in tooth and claw,
To claim the lion's share!
Stand clear, if you love life at all!
Stand clear and let him pass!
The lion's strength helps us recall,
He's in a different class...
God gave him claws, God gave him teeth,
God gave him hunting skills.
Let others stare in disbelief,
As savagely he kills.
His thoughts are his, his actions, too.
Let others dare to judge.
Let each one hold his point of view...
From his, he will not budge.
High and mighty and taking pride
In all that he surveys.
In all the dangers he defied
And conquered nights and days.
To weather storms and yet survive...
To hunt before death strikes...
To drink again, when rains arrive...
To wander as he likes...
To live and love the mate he chose,
New life to carry on...
For even life comes to a close
And he, too, will be gone.
For now, he stares on his domain,
Its sovereign, lord and king...
His like will never come again
In any living thing... - The World's Poetry Archive
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'High And Mighty'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
High Noon
Two cheetahs stared with great intent,
Across the land they shared,
Perhaps some danger to prevent,
So they remained prepared...
Their focus on things far away,
That few on Earth could tell,
For at high noon no shadows stay,
To move or prove all's well...
The sun, of course, would soon move on,
With shadows to return,
Until this time was all but gone,
With lessons still to learn...
A keener vision granting peace
When silence gave no clue,
Until the time high noon must cease,
Way past its rendezvous...
While creatures merely serve their needs,
Mankind wants so much more,
Through centuries he still succeeds
The Cosmos to explore...
Each generation comes and goes,
Yet each heart beats alone,
Each mind must learn until life's close,
For by this quest we're known...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'High Noon'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
High Spirits
High spirits made the zebra leap,
For joy within his soul
Was something precious he could keep,
If he let slip control...
Within a crowd, where he felt safe,
No tension spoilt his day...
And in these moments, living faith
Cast all his doubts away...
Now like a child, he kicked up dust!
His front legs rode thin air!
Safety in numbers caused such trust,
So he shook off each care!
The zebras laughed like zebras do...
They cackled one-by-one...
Although this wasn't something new,
Unshackled fears brought fun!
Some others copied what he did!
Like each of them agreed...
With joy of life no longer hid,
Their joy was joy indeed!
If only we could imitate
The zebra now and then,
We'd learn life's here to celebrate,
For death comes, who knows when?
It's why we often hum a tune
With half-remembered words...
Or stare at stars beyond the moon
Or whistle back at birds...
High spirits come and go, my friend...
It's not as if they're planned...
But when they come, on this depend,
You'll love Love's Wonderland!
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'High Spirits'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Highway To Heaven!
Behind the scenes where angels fly
Or walk like common man,
Are answers to the questions, 'Why? '
That God has yet to plan...
For angels gather high above,
To mingle in the clouds,
Or sometimes stride this Earth with love,
To mingle with the crowds...
Beyond the dreams and visions sent,
Man sometimes sees much more,
Yet blessings aren't by accident,
Of that you can be sure...
No angel seeks his own reward,
No angel seeks his gain,
He merely seeks to serve the Lord,
So our lives aren't in vain...
That's why such stories still abound,
In films and on TV,
Wherever there were angels found
And they helped you and me...
Each has a highway here on Earth
That leads to Heaven's Throne
And angels help us prove our worth
And prove we're not alone...
If we admire what they do,
Perhaps we, too, are blessed,
Each time we help another through,
Or humbly do our best...
No wings have we, no harps to play,
Yet love dwells in each heart
And if we follow this each day,
God's love will never part...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2014. - The World's Poetry Archive
The poem is based on the Gospel TV series,
Highway To Heaven, currently shown on
True Entertainment, UK TV, Freeview etc.
GOD.TV website and watch now details can
be found on Google. Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Highways Of The Mind!
When God made Man and Woman, too,
Freewill gave them their start,
But would they love God's point of view
Or from God's wisdom part?
We know they strayed and sin was born
The day they sinned inside,
Such that they left Him so forlorn,
Without one shred of pride...
But now in Christ, our hearts and minds
Are humbled by God's love
And healing Scriptures that each finds
Still prove God's grace enough...
Thus problems come and problems go
When faith directs our prayers,
For who is there more in the know
Than God who truly cares?
The highways of the mind await,
Constructed by the Lord,
We turn to love, we turn from hate,
We share each new reward...
How Great Thou Art was just a song
Till Jesus held our hands...
God's highways help us to stand strong
As each mind understands...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Himalayan Highlander
Serene snow leopard, high above,
Survivor to the end,
Regardless if no-one to love,
Not even as a friend...
Alone, almost unseen, yet still,
Determined to survive,
Highlander, there, upon a hill,
Where few could stay alive...
Deserving of respect at least,
Some admiration, too,
A cunning soul, a fearsome beast,
Yet cold the whole day through...
Protected simply by his coat,
With bristles as his fur,
Preserving like an antidote
Whatever may occur...
I cannot envy such a cat,
A predator, that's all
And hardly an aristocrat
When Winter comes to call...
Tenacity is there to see
Upon his frame and face,
If living grants us dignity,
Like us, he lives by grace...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Himalayan Highlander'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Himalayan Spirit
Snow leopard, you've got pointed ears!
My word, don't they stand out?
They're oh so cute, the little dears,
With small hairs all about.
And aren't your whiskers dainty things?
I bet they make you itch...
So fine like stretched out steel-like springs
And ready-primed to twitch...
I like your nicely turned-up nose!
It looks so pink and brown,
So all attention swiftly goes
From wrinkle and from frown...
Your lips are quite unmissable!
You almost seem to smile...
Your lips are almost kissable,
In fact, they quite beguile...
I daren't look into your eyes!
You're so fast on your feet...
To keep my distance seems so wise,
Because I'm mostly meat!
You Himalayan spirit, dear,
Who knows, we could be friends!
But you stay there and I'll stay here
Until our meeting ends...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Himalayan Spirit'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Himalayan Summer
The young Snow Leopard chose to climb
Towards the mountain top,
For he was bold and in his prime,
No reason found to stop...
The task ahead still drove him on,
Like fearless mountaineers,
As if all doubts were spurned and gone,
No blood, no sweat, no tears...
Just step-by-step with fate embraced,
As if his destiny,
Depending on the paws he placed
With steadfast certainty...
And thus he reached the mountain's peak,
Surveying all below,
Its scenery unique, but bleak,
Yet truly his to know...
For him, this was the turning point,
For victory was his,
With gentle mist there to anoint
His majesty with bliss...
He then let out a mighty roar,
'Today, this land is mine! '
That day he couldn't ask for more,
When life felt mighty fine!
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent wildlife
painting by Stephen Gayford nb Google search:
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Himalayan Winter
Snow leopards braved the Winter chill
As lonesome as could be,
Somewhere upon a snow-capped hill
They stayed there, one, two three...
The adult and two cubs at rest,
No predator around,
Except that cold made them distressed
As they laid on the ground...
The cubs looked weary and forlorn,
Yet neither cuddled close,
Despite the fact that it was dawn
And night sought its repose...
They merely blinked away the time,
Till food for them appeared,
No appetite to roam or climb,
As everything felt weird...
No doubt, if children, they would moan
And moan and moan all day,
But they felt numbed and cold as stone
Till Springtime came their way...
One wonders why God made the cold,
Was this Creation's curse?
Yet mercy comes as good as gold
When temperatures reverse...
Denis Martindale, copyright August 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
His Highness
To some, he stands a fiercesome beast,
Ferocious like a storm...
To some, he stands a royal priest,
With holy heart so warm...
This lion leads the way ahead
That others dare not go...
Yes, he has stood where few would tread,
How else to overthrow?
This lion lingers for a while
So everyone can see
Behind that smirk, behind that smile,
There's awesome majesty!
This lion is no easy mark,
No victim for the prey...
His passions need no match to spark
To stir him on his way!
This lion leaps ten feet and more,
With great agility...
To make you tremble to the core
At your fragility!
This lion rules his vast domain,
Without your sage advice!
Outlasting sorrow, pleasure, pain,
In truth, he's paid the price!
What have you done that could compare
With conquests that he's known?
This lion's earnt the lion's share...
It's his and his alone...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'His Highness'.
The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
His Majesty
Behold the lion first to feast...
Behold his majesty!
This is no timid, gentle beast,
No coward soul has he!
His golden mane adorns his form
As he surveys his land...
And it does more than keep him warm,
It helps us understand...
This alpha male, this awesome king,
This sovereign meant to rule.
This titan feared by everything
That's wise and not a fool...
This monument to grand design,
This creature cruel and kind...
This legend will forever shine
Inside each heart and mind.
His growls are fierce and frightening,
They pierce us every time...
With nought held back, like lightning,
Courageous and sublime!
Behold the beast, so widely famed,
Triumphant to the end...
With strength increased, he stands untamed,
On that you can depend!
Don't stand too close! Those sharp teeth bite!
Those claws are meant to scratch!
How few are those who want to fight!
They know they've met their match!
If you're not Samson, run and hide...
Survival is the key...
With all the wisdom God's supplied...
Avoid his majesty!
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'His Majesty'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Homeward Bound
The elephants were homeward bound
And walked as in a dream,
As if their peace were newly-found,
Content to be a team...
Left-right, left-right, they marched as one,
Slow motion, gently paced,
Beneath God's precious golden sun
They travelled without haste...
No point in charging dead ahead,
When patience was the key...
For that would merely lead to dread,
With great uncertainty...
The little ones among the herd,
Must be protected still,
Such that no troubles had occurred,
Here's hoping that none will...
Just look at how they live so long,
Till pensioners at best
And think of how they look so strong
And then you'll be impressed...
Thus homeward bound, the herd moves on,
From day to day to day...
Until, at last, the last mile's gone
And home's the place they'll stay...
Denis Martindale, copyright, December 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Homeward Bound'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Honesty Is The Best Policy
A brand new season's coming soon,
My spirit tells me so,
Perhaps sometime this afternoon,
I'll find the strength to go...
And from my heart and mind may rise
Another sad refrain,
Such that new tears could fill my eyes
As feelings I explain...
Love causes me to spill such thoughts
In rhythms and in rhyme,
Not merely writing bland reports
Of things once called sublime...
When I recall that we were friends
Till sorrows came about,
How can the memorised events
So easily fade out?
If I could take back words I said
And letters that I wrote,
To simply say farewell instead,
Would truly get my vote...
But life goes on, to pastures new,
To further dreams and such,
Though we still ponder what to do
And vainly stay in touch...
Perhaps it's time to call a halt,
Declare it all but done,
Just draw the line, admit each fault,
Confess that neither won...
Let all emotions fade away
Till snow falls on the ground,
To hide from us the games we play
When joys are newly-found...
With that in mind, my heart takes rest,
If you agree we're through,
No more to phone if no more blessed, - The World's Poetry Archive
If to our hearts we're true...
Love ran its course, the thrills are spent,
The tenderness has gone
And though we met by accident,
Let's now, by choice, move on...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Hope For The Future
The polar bear looked at her child,
The one she must defend,
The son who soon would face the wild,
The one who was her friend...
The tiny cub looked up above,
To see his mother there,
The one who filled his heart with love
And melted every care.
Their togetherness and gentleness
Remain a sight to see.
To those who share their happiness,
There's no great mystery...
For each shares hope, as days go by,
With bonds they share for life,
That help them bear and thus defy
The troubles and the strife.
If Nature didn't cultivate
The love that these two own,
Then each of them would face their fate
Unaided, all alone...
Through families, life perseveres,
For we know we belong...
Surviving through the passing years,
Resilient, ever strong.
Persistence and tenacity,
These strengths have proved enough...
Formed now in every family
With tenderness and love...
More Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Hot Lioness
The lioness was mighty hot,
Determined now to rest,
As if quite rooted to the spot
Where she could most be blessed...
Let others roam their vast domain
And pace both left and right,
For her, there wasn't much to gain
With that hot sun so bright...
So there she was, all golden brown,
With no-one to impress,
Just gently lounging, lying down,
Absorbing happiness...
It's wondrous what the sun can do,
If you've got time to spare,
Beneath a sky that's oh so blue,
To cast off every care...
As long as you can bear the heat,
Turn over now and then,
You'll find your life can be so sweet,
Almost beyond your ken...
The lioness gave no regard
When life was such a breeze,
She joined the poet and the bard
Who contemplate at peace...
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Hot Lioness'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
How Beautiful Is She?
With her Fiorelli handbag,
How beautiful is she?
She muses as she reads her mag
And yet has not seen me...
But here I am, transfixed in time
And mesmerised in truth,
For she's exquisite, quite sublime
And so hard to improve...
She's got pinache, she's got finesse,
She's got that fashion style
And in my heart, there's happiness,
Each time I see her smile...
To think, that God created her
For me to fall in love,
No wonder that such feelings stir
To thank the Lord above...
Dressed to impress, beguile, bewitch,
Catch mortals in her spell.
Who knows if she is really rich?
This sweet Fiorelli girl...
My first intent is just to stare,
To worship from afar...
Someday to tell her that I care,
'I love you... you're a star! '
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2011.
The poem's based on a www-dot-bid-dot-tv
picture for the Fiorelli handbags on sale...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
How Could They Dare To Kill The Crowd?
I stood completely straight,
Legs one foot wide apart,
Fingers one inch wide apart...
I threw my hands up suddenly.
The controllers might be racist,
The controllers might be fascist,
Yet there I was, in front of them,
Daring them to kill me first.
They shouted at me! I shouted louder!
They went away from me out of fear...
I knew each was but a coward,
As they came at me, clustered in a crowd...
I thundered protests, alone, out loud,
Like a frightening lightning cloud!
If they could not kill me alone...
Defiantly I watched and wondered...
How could they dare to kill the crowd?
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
How Dare You Read My Poem!
What! ? How dare you read my poem! ?
You've filled me with regret!
I had to edit and to trim!
It's not quite finished yet!
But you stood there and thought it done,
Then criticised with glee...
I tell you this, I'd just begun!
That's so unfair to me!
God help me to forgive you now,
You acted in advance,
That's why, in part, I can allow,
Perhaps you took a chance...
I'll share this poem later on,
When everything's complete,
I hope, by then, all doubts have gone,
If so, we'll stand agreed...
If not, it's just my point of view,
My final take, no more,
The way you take it's up to you,
That's what the poem's for!
Denis Martindale, copyright June 2014.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
How Do People Read Poetry?
Reading is the first step,
since the mind then gets the jist
of what is being shared,
perhaps with pictures played out,
as the storyline is portrayed
for dramatic effect.
The word school
may bring back memories
of infant school
or junior school
or senior high school,
or even some college
or university,
or perhaps a scene from
a film or tv show.
When the poetry has been read,
it may have a profound conclusion
that creates a sense of
the feel-good factor,
or cause laughter or shock
or even tears to flow.
This can happen as the poet or poetess
has just created the piece of poetry,
whether it rhymes well or not.
The rest of the world can read a poem like IF
and get the jist of the father and the son
fitting into society, while others see it
as a word of inspiration to try to reach
such standards in the future.
So reading has its effects and
the hopes and dreams we have
may suddenly blossom within us.
If we have read the theme before,
maybe we will not be as impressed,
so that erodes the effects - The World's Poetry Archive
the writer intended.
Perhaps the shocks do not shock as much,
or the jokes do not make us laugh as much.
Perhaps our current
mental and spiritual moods
are not up to receiving
some inspirational point of view.
It is the same with writers
who come across their poems
weeks or months or years later
and just feel amused at
the childlike views,
or the thought that all would
turn out well after all.
The writers may even edit their
previous poetry to provide
more insights based on
their life experiences.
On the poemhunter dot com website,
many writers are not English,
but share their version of English,
so we get confused at first
as to the real meanings
and cultural references,
but if we get some blessing at all,
then we have been rewarded.
Perhaps we then decide to write
our version or translation.
It is a matter of whatever
we have read before
that determines whether we choose
to read the next poem or not.
Many will be intrigued by the title,
or by the first glance that sees
lots of exciting exclamation marks,
or perhaps dialogue
with contrasting views.
We may just know the writer's work
and look forward to - The World's Poetry Archive
some new treat to savour.
But the vast majority of us
do not speak the words out loud
for fear of making mistakes.
When I write a new poem,
I choose to read it loads of times
and recite it as well.
I want to hear how it reads.
I even use text to speech software
and the poemhunter dot com website
has recently added voice readings
as a way to share the written word.
The talents of some voice-over artists
can transform the way a poem is presented
and so can the layouts of Internet webpages.
Some use calligraphy fonts that assist
in the beauty of the themes,
or special fonts for dramatic effects.
My Stephen Gayford poetry blog
just kept using black text
on a yellow background,
but other blogspot dot com websites
use fancy themes and layouts
to enhance their content.
Whether it is a book
or an Internet tablet
or a PC monitor view,
we can copy that text
and transform it with our
choice of fonts and perhaps
print off copies to frame
and display poetry in our own homes.
Maybe using a larger font size
improves the reading.
Thankfully, our Internet web browsers
have zoom-in text options,
so many more can read the poetry - The World's Poetry Archive
and participate... like the poets of
the poemhunter dot com website
each and every day...
Denis Martindale, copyright June 2014.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
How God Chose A Prophet
A fable once was told to me
When I was just a lad,
It told of God and prophecy
As thought of by my Dad...
God spoke to all the candidates,
If service was their aim,
Beyond bold speeches each creates,
As if intent on fame...
God bid them write a poem down
So that He might decide
The one to wear a righteous gown,
Yet not swell up with pride...
The one who wrote the very best
God would anoint in time
And raise him up so he was blessed
With every precious rhyme...
The candidates began to pray,
Then scribbled what they could,
God read the words they chose to say
And some were very good...
Then came a scruffy so-and-so
That many poets knew,
But hardly one they'd like to know,
The way that his hair grew...
God read his poem with delight,
God laughed and laughed out loud,
God giggled there with all His might,
Before that solemn crowd...
The scruffy man was smiling still,
To think God had such fun,
That gave his little heart a thrill,
Yet would he be the one?
God looked upon the scruffy man,
'A prophet you shall be!
Of all of these you know My plan - The World's Poetry Archive
To bless humanity...
The others wrote of punishment,
But you wrote words of love,
Containing humour to present
Forgiveness from above...'
And so, the scruffy so-and-so
Returned to Earth once more,
So that new psalms would overflow
Beyond each rule of law...
My Dad told me that laughter heals
And helps all kinds of folks,
More than the prophet who just kneels,
But never shares his jokes...
Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2014.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
How Long Can I Stand Idly By! ?
How long can I stand idly by,
While brothers lose their lives?
Or gaze upon the darkened sky,
Like husbands and their wives?
Or see and hear and smell the death
That falls upon this Earth,
When demons cast their foul breath
On rulers of high worth?
How long can I stand idly by,
With bank accounts untapped?
While sisters grieve and mourn and sigh,
Within their cities trapped?
While bombs are cast like seeds around,
To wipe out human souls,
Yet I've no tears left to be found,
No future plans or goals?
How long can I stand idly by,
Yet blaming God each day?
What must it take for me to cry,
To humbly kneel and pray?
Jerusalem, forgive me, please,
Like other cities, too...
Yet know this now, I'm on my knees,
Today, I'll pray for you...
Denis Martindale, copyright August 2014.
The Revelation TV website and watch now details
can be found on Google. Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
How To Stay Positive!
Just how can we stay positive
In this old world of ours?
At times, the only hope is IF,
Yet IF is full of powers!
For IF has changed the world before
And it will do again,
Regardless of old Murphy's Law,
When God is guiding men...
IF God above looks down below
And sees what Mankind does,
You can't tell me He doesn't know
When we get in a fuss!
When things go wrong, turn upside down,
Turn inside out as well,
The Lord sees every single frown,
Such things we need not tell...
Yet IF we pray and ask His aid,
Repentant of our sins,
Forgiving when we've grown dismayed,
We'll sense God's love begins...
IF from then on, we read God's Word
And heed the Lord's advice,
His proverbs will be overheard
Such that we'll all think twice...
While all the storms of life persist
And doubts grow strength to strength,
IF holds the power, while in the midst,
To overcome at length...
IF we forsake the awesome grace,
We may deserve our fate,
Yet IF we gaze upon Christ's face,
We'll see He's truly great!
IF He's still on our side, dear friends,
Hold fast sister, brother!
For on the Lord each soul depends... - The World's Poetry Archive
Comfort one another!
IF this old world still spins in space
According to God's Word,
Then pray you, too, will grow in grace,
IF grace is still preferred...
For worthy is the Lamb once slain!
What angel died for me?
Christ died my sin-stained soul to gain
And conquered Calvary!
IF God has proved Christ is His Son,
IF God in Him takes pride,
Stay positive in what He's done
As Christ was crucified!
The demons raged, yet each had lost,
Their fate awaits them all,
IF sinners know Christ paid the cost,
Let each one hear His call...
IF not, what hope? IF not, what love?
IF not, then sin has won...
Yet every time I look above,
I'm closer to God's Son...
And even IF I close my eyes,
He lives within my heart,
Christ's presence makes me realise
That living is an art...
IF we hold back, IF we give in,
IF we still lose our way,
The Lord remains our kith and kin,
No matter, come what may!
Just how can we stay positive
In this old world of ours?
At times, the only hope is IF,
Yet IF is full of powers!
For IF has changed the world before
And it will do again,
Regardless of old Murphy's Law,
When God is guiding men... - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2012.
Based on Andrew Wommack's Ministries
November 2012 Gospel Truth newsletter:
Staying Positive In A Negative World...
Christian Ministry website: awme-dot-net
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
How To Write A Poem!
Think of a title! Don't be rash!
Just take your time and don't be flash!
Then start one line but cross it out
If it should niggle you with doubt!
Be open to a million thoughts
Such as the poet often courts!
You know, the kind that children like!
The iron's hot! It's time to strike!
It won't take long if you rehearse It's only four lines for a verse!
If you write 'vivacious fashion',
God will smile and bless your passion!
Let God grant a rhymes bonanza!
Pretty soon you'll have a stanza!
Then when you're 'finished' try to trim
The brilliant insights sent by Him!
Compressing compositions down
Might make you scratch your head and frown,
Yet suffer for your art, my friend!
Strive for perfection till THE END.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Http: //Merrychristmas.Shows.It (Jesus And The
Celebrate Christmas with me in the spirit of goodwill,
God's blessed nativity salvation to instil...
The host of angels sang in praises 'Christ is born! '
The Halleluyahs rang that precious sacred morn!
Their worship filled the skies! They overflowed with joy!
'Hosanna in the highest! ' they said of Mary's boy!
The Virgin Maid conceived fulfilling prophecy!
Humility achieved this noble majesty!
The promise had come true! Redemption was at hand!
Forgiveness, pardon, too! Yet who would understand?
The shepherds must be told! The Lamb of God is near!
The Lord of every fold! Immanuel is here!
Thus shepherds held their breath! 'What wondrous truth is this?
God grant us life not death! Let us partake of bliss! '
Behold! Israel, take note! The King now dwells with men!
No more will Satan gloat! Behold, God's seraphim!
Hark to the Heavenly choir! God's triumph knows no bounds!
Their anthem raises higher beyond all mortal sounds!
And still their anthem plays though centuries have passed,
Transcending nights and days, to reach your soul at last!
To tell you this new hour that God who rules above
Can fill your heart with power, with wisdom, joy and love!
Good News anoints the Earth as the pearls adorn the sea!
Savour the Saviour's birth, celebrate Christmas with me!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Hunter's Moon
Beneath the silver-speckled moon,
That floated like the clouds,
The wild wolf smiled, for he would soon
Dispel all nearby crowds.
For he could howl, upon his hill,
Enough to chill your bones,
Enough to make a brave man ill
And fill his throat with groans...
This wily wolf could howl all night!
He sat still unafraid...
He grinned from ear-to-ear all right,
Then what a noise he made!
All ears for miles were tuned in now!
He sniggered, then he paused...
With one huge breath, he howled and how!
And, oh, what fear that caused!
Then three quick howls to pile it on!
Then silence, just for fun...
And just when folks had thought he'd gone,
He proved he wasn't done!
Beneath the hunter's moon above,
His body shook with glee...
He howled as they screamed, 'Lay it off! '
'You can't get rid of me! '
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Hunter's Moon'.
The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Am An Elephant!
It's true, I am an elephant!
In fact, I've always been!
I've got this trunk way up in front,
Stuck here, right in-between...
I've got two tusks that weigh a ton
That press and push and poke
And it's like God was having fun
And thinks it's all a joke...
I've got these massive ears as well,
Like pizzas piping hot
And four feet that are bound to swell,
So thankful I am not...
I've got a teeny-weeny tail
That I'm too fat to see,
That swirls around when there's a gale
And keeps on swatting me...
Now, is this fair? Now, is this right?
Just munching all day long...
To end up bloated through the night,
Like something's really wrong?
With pesky flies upon my hide
And birds upon my back,
My word, the times I've sighed and sighed
I can't give them a whack...
And when I run, it's hard to stop,
Fair warning, please stand clear,
'Cos if you don't, you're sure to drop,
Squashed flat when I come near...
And must the sun be oh so bright?
It really hurts my eyes...
But no-one listens to my plight,
Again, that's no surprise...
No wonder, then, I've had enough!
I'd rather be a cat!
If not, I'd rather be a dove, - The World's Poetry Archive
A pigeon or a bat!
If not, I'd rather be a cow,
A horse, that's what I want!
Just anything, because right now,
I am an elephant!
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Am Looking For A Poem!
I am looking for a poem
A famous poet wrote,
I am sure that you must know him,
Not knowing seems remote...
In pictures, he was seen to wear
That trademark bowler hat,
The reason for it wasn't clear,
But that's enough of that...
And he was prone to use that phrase,
'Ma Mama's got to go! '
And was well-known to waste his days,
That lazy so-and-so...
But when he wrote, what words he shared,
Recalling youthful times,
What magic in those thoughts declared,
What eloquence in rhymes...
What was his name! ? Alas, I'm old,
Forgetful now and then,
A hundred times I might be told,
But there, it's gone again!
He often brought us fairy tales,
You know the sort of things,
Those teeny-weeny cute females
With shiny silver wings...
And didn't he love pirates, too?
Oooh, arrrgh! Who stole me rum! ?
Set sail upon the ocean blue!
Get ready! Here we come!
And didn't he once own a horse?
He sold it for a cow!
He was completely mad, of course,
I think he's dead by now...
I am looking for a poem,
The Drunken Sailor, Pete!
The others had to row him - The World's Poetry Archive
So he could join the fleet...
He had two mates in Jack and John,
Who never drank a glass,
But after that, all memory's gone,
My search to you I pass...
I hope that you can help me out,
It's weighing on my mind,
I've got no Internet to scout,
But who knows what you'll find! ?
Forever in your gratitude,
Should you find some success!
I'm skint, so please don't think me rude
If I just say, 'God bless! '
Denis Martindale, copyright May 2014.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel Of Christ!
Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ?
Oh, no, in truth, not I,
From death He rose, though sacrificed,
With thousands asking, 'Why! ? '
Yet prophecies from centuries
Long past explained to Man,
The purposes God meant to please,
According to His plan...
So pardon me, if not ashamed
That God's Word was fulfilled
And that my lost soul was reclaimed
And that my heart is thrilled...
And that I walk by faith alone
And that I'm reconciled
And that to God my name's well known
And that I'm now God's child...
Yes, pardon me, for joys received
Because of Calvary
And baptised, too, since I believed,
Blessed for eternity...
With wondrous gifts the Spirit shares,
To help God's Kingdom grow,
In answer to the sacred prayers
That daily overflow...
Please, pardon me, for being bold,
Declaring Jesus Lord,
The greatest story ever told
Could not remain ignored...
I heard it as a child of grace,
I learnt Christ died for all,
I yearned to see the Saviour's face,
Like Peter did and Paul...
Do pardon me, I know that's quaint,
Your turn has not yet come,
Yet if you should become a saint, - The World's Poetry Archive
You will not scoff, like some...
That day will be the greatest day,
Once saved, the Lord will bless,
When all your sins are washed away,
If Jesus you confess...
By this I mean, Christ died for you,
Good Shepherd that He was,
When you're like me, you'll love Him, too
And boldly preach the Cross...
To those who trust grace proves enough
To reach God's Pearly Gates,
Christ tells them, as the King of Love,
'Eternity awaits! '
Denis Martindale, copyright May 2014.
Use Google search to find the Revelation TV
website and its online, WATCH NOW details...
Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Can See Paradise!
From death to Hell, then darkness felt,
Its evil presence feared,
Enough to make all courage melt
As soon as it appeared...
A beam of light from Heaven came,
Christ's hand was seen and more,
While I was thinking Jesus' Name,
I saw an open door...
Now lifted up, ascending high,
Transported safely out,
In time, I saw that darkness die
And love replaced all doubt...
A tunnel beckoned, thus I went
And through it I was moved,
Until at last I saw the friend
Who all my troubles soothed...
If not for love transcending all,
Forgiving all my sins,
How could I hear my Saviour's call
Or see God's Holy Prince?
Ascending high and travelling
Across both time and space,
The darkness thus unravelling,
Until I see Christ's face...
Uplifting light outshining there,
A wondrous, precious glow,
With matchless love beyond compare,
My sins as white as snow...
And grace beyond my wildest dreams,
Forgiveness through and through
And warmth within, like living streams
And liquid love flowed, too...
Unfolding visions met my eyes,
Explaining life and death,
Such that I can see Paradise, - The World's Poetry Archive
Jesus of Nazareth...
Perceiving truths few souls have known
And lived to tell the tale,
That proved with God I'm not alone,
His love can never fail...
Behold, a future meant to be,
A new world formed in space,
A new home for eternity,
Just for the Human Race...
God's glory found in every part,
God's presence felt within,
Fulfilling every human heart,
Devoid of death and sin...
If only words could thrill your soul,
The way these sights thrilled mine,
A foretaste of the Lord's control,
His majesty divine...
His untold blessings not revealed,
No eyes or ears can know,
Yet all such secrets stay concealed,
So that our faith may grow...
For what is Man if hope is lost,
Receiving all things now?
Except Lord Jesus paid the cost,
With thorned crown on His brow...
But we must wait and yet abide,
The Good News here to tell,
That lost souls need Christ crucified,
To pardon them from Hell...
That's why I preach as years go by,
Determined, filled with faith,
To share God's Word and let it fly,
For it is strong to save...
The Blood of Jesus shed for me,
In death, Christ paid the price,
That's why I share this mystery...
I can see Paradise! - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Feel Your Pain...
I feel your pain, I hear your tears,
I know the rain of all your years,
A mighty flood, a constant stream,
The wondering if your life's a dream...
I ache like you, within the crowd,
A lonely heart that wears a shroud,
While others laugh and celebrate,
My deep despair has turned to hate.
I shield myself from love's embrace,
No longer scan another face,
No longer stop to have a chat...
I simply walk away and scat...
I hide within a callous cowl,
Where no-one hears my inner scowl,
Nor stops to exorcise my pain
That every day brings once again...
My clothes are dark and dreary things,
For grief has clipped my cheery wings
That used to let me soar above,
The times my heart was filled with love,
When I could beat the nightingales
With songs of hopes and fairy tales
That voiced the joys that stirred within,
Until I found I couldn't win...
Now I no longer pause to pine,
Reflecting on some Valentine,
Recalling times when I was glad...
I now prefer remaining sad...
There's no more challenge, no expense,
There's merely sitting on the fence...
I used to watch the world go by...
Now I'm alone, I merely sigh...
No angel visits now and then,
I'm in a world beyond my ken.
The world turns still, without a qualm,
Yet offers me no healing balm. - The World's Poetry Archive
No birthday cards, no Christmas cheer,
No tell me, how you doing, dear?
Nobody cares, not even you...
God only knows what I will do...
I've paid my dues, I've prayed my prayers...
Yet no-one loves me... no-one cares...
There's not one kiss to melt my heart,
No sweet romance that's meant to start...
There's not one chance of ecstasy,
I guess such joys are not for me...
We all feel sad if we're not kissed!
If only genies did exist...
Denis Martindale, copyright December 2010.
The poem is based on the solemn poem penned by
Charlotte Murray, 'Nobody Hears Her Tears'
which I found on the website.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Have Fat Enough!
There comes a time when you look fat,
'Cos fat is what you are,
You've broken chairs each time you sat
And things have gone too far!
You need to diet! Yes, you do!
You need to flee the flab...
You simply grew and grew and grew,
Ate all that you could grab!
Well, now's a good time, change your weighs!
Don't squash the scales again!
If you get thin, you'll earn the praise,
So think thin until then!
So ask a Doctor who knows best,
Yes, you, just take your time...
Like Amy Pond who's so well dressed,
So thin she looks sublime!
It's up to you! Yes, you, not me!
My diet's going well...
Just be the best that you can be,
As thin as Tinkerbell!
That said, obsession's not advised...
So check your ideal weight...
'Cos someday soon you'll be surprised,
'Cos someday... You'll look great!
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2011.
Is this poem meant to deliberately offend?
Is this poem meant to accidentally offend?
No. It's meant to remind us of one lady who
finally had to admit it, 'I have had enough! '
So the poem was called, I Have Fat Enough!
This poem is based on the website feedback
read on myspecialk-dot-co-dot-uk by the dieters
who want less not more. They have all known - The World's Poetry Archive
that they should diet, so they decided to try it...
The rest is history: yes, his story and her story.
P.S. Doctor Who's assistant is Amy Pond,
who is played by the actress Karen Gillan.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Have Loved
It is true, I have loved,
About fifty times, I have loved
And each time I have loved,
The more I have loved...
And in you I have loved,
At the most I have loved,
At the best I have loved,
Because you are loved...
And if that isn't love,
As some would call love,
Then they don't know love
And may never know love...
Yet, for me, this is love,
For the one that I love,
For as long as I love,
Near the heart that I love
Of the sweetheart I love...
And you are my sweetheart, my love...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Hear The Song Of Your Sadness
I hear the song of your sadness,
I see the tears from your soul,
I feel the anguish and madness
As you seek self-control...
I damn all the demons within you,
Yet God's love will cast them out
And heal your body, through and through,
When true faith conquers doubt...
I hear the song of your sadness,
I see the firm tightened jaw,
I feel the battle and badness
As you to God implore...
I pity the past life so wasted,
Yet God's love still understands
And He loves you and erased it
With even greater plans...
I hear the song of your sadness,
I see the pain in your eyes,
I feel the absence of gladness
More than you realise...
Yet praise God, the season is ending,
Yes, God's love has granted reprieve
And He, like a shepherd, is tending
Each lost sheep who's learnt to believe...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Like You A Lot!
I haven't got a plush penthouse,
A mansion or a yacht,
I've never said some wedding vows,
But I like you a lot...
I haven't got a red Rolls-Royce,
Yet I don't give a jot,
I think of cars as merely toys,
But I like you a lot...
I haven't got a caravan
That's parked upon a plot,
You see, I've never been a fan,
But I like you a lot...
I haven't got a sniffling cold,
Or fever boiling hot,
But I think you're as good as gold,
Yes, I like YOU a lot!
Denis Martindale, copyright January 2016.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Love You Dearly
As long as there are waterfalls
And rainbows in the sky,
As long as I can hear bird calls
And see the birds that fly,
As long as there are stars that shine
In Heaven up above,
Know this, I love you dearly,
Because you are my love...
As long as there are butterflies
And flocks of sheep at peace,
As long as there are family ties
And friendships meant to please,
As long as there are challenges
And courage makes us tough,
Know this, I love you dearly,
Because you are my love...
As long as there are children's smiles
As they cast off their cares,
As long as there are tests and trials
And Jesus hears my prayers,
As long as faith helps me survive
To prove God's grace enough,
Know this, I love you dearly,
Because you are my love...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2011.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Love You Now
Our lives are not like rom-coms shown
With happy endings planned.
Sometimes we'll end up all alone...
And we'll not understand...
Just holding back our sacred tears
And trying to be brave...
Enfolding all our secret fears,
To take them to the grave.
Love's precious gift is meant to please
And warm our hearts for sure...
And yet life has no guarantees
To tease us with amour...
That's why we risk our everything,
Like gamblers, fast and loose,
Not knowing what the Fates may bring,
Not knowing what they'll choose.
To me, you are the sweetest face.
You truly make me glad...
My greatest joy is love's embrace...
What more is there to add?
I love you now, with all my heart,
To me, you are sublime...
To me, you are a work of art
Compressed in space and time...
Denis Martindale, copyright December 2010.
The poem is based on the poem penned by
Charlotte Murray, 'I Don't Want To Wait 'Til The End'
which I found on the website.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Loved You Once
all my heart, my spirit, body, soul...
all not part, with marriage as my goal...
all my strength, as if I were on fire...
all at length, as if love meant desire...
all my dreams, which came by day and night...
all extremes spent on this one delight...
all God gave, with passion borne of joy...
all to save romance and not some ploy...
love divine, not holding back a thing...
love benign that caused my heart to sing...
happiness no other man has known...
prayers to bless yet now I pray alone...
each embrace, until the day you died...
all God's grace yet now what sighs are sighed.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Must Go On A Diet!
Yes, I must go on a diet! I really, really must!
Yes, it's true I'd loathe to try it, but if I don't, I'll bust!
I know it's hip, this losing weight, to join a gym and such,
But exercise, I'd simply hate, as I don't like it much...
My belly's not worth looking at, it bulges now and then...
I'd merely roll, flat on the mat and not get up again...
I'll make a stand and walk it off, at double time, I guess!
Who cares if others stare and scoff, if I weigh less and less?
I've never run a marathon and know I never will.
I'd simply say, I can't go on! No stamina or skill...
I'll walk the streets or buy a bike, until my belly's right...
I'll give up all the cakes I like, chew carrots day and night!
I'll switch to fruits and vegetables... I'll do the best I can,
I'll overcome all obstacles to look like Peter Pan!
Ta-ta to sweet treats, smokes and beers! I'll live temptation free!
Who knows? It may take months! Or years! Or decades! Goodness me!
Too late to talk me out of it! My mind's made up, my friend...
I'll get this weight off, bit by bit, on that you can depend!
I'll tone up muscles here and there... I'll fight the flab each day!
Before and after! Please compare... The diet's worked O.K.!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Must Save Money!
When life was almost at an end,
The old man looked ahead,
Without a sweetheart, wife, child, friend,
A lonesome life he led...
So all the money that he had
Was counted once again,
Once added up, he felt quite sad,
With bills beyond his ken...
So he sat down, of course and prayed,
Begged favours from the Lord,
Yet nothing came as months delayed
With no sign of reward...
So at his bills he stared and stared,
Then cancelled what he could,
For others, prices were compared
With changes that felt good...
So while he kept the Internet
And phone and TV, too,
Downgrading brought him some regret,
But still he struggled through...
In time, he halved his weekly bills,
By haggling charges down,
Till Winter came with all its chills
And caused that man to frown...
So wrapped in blankets while at home,
Less central heating used,
Less time to leave his house to roam
Sure left him unamused...
No Christmas presents to and fro,
No Christmas tree at all,
Nowhere to go because of snow
And no-one chose to call...
So New Year came, increasing cold,
With three months as before,
Yet far less money now to hold, - The World's Poetry Archive
Life turned into a chore...
But on he went, from day to day,
By faith and faith alone,
That God would hear him should he pray
And even should he moan...
When Summer came, the old man died,
Nobody gave a damn,
He felt he had been crucified,
A sacrificial lamb...
The Government had crushed his heart,
His dignity they stole,
Yet on the last day, life to part,
They could not steal his soul...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2014.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Need My Beauty Sleep
Some days seem short, some days seem long,
Some days don't want to end...
Then we feel weak instead of strong,
No longer to pretend.
A sudden yawn, a droopy head,
Then heavy eyelids prove
It's time for us to go to bed,
While we've got strength to move!
So up the stairs we plod once more,
A second yawn to share,
Perhaps to kneel upon the floor
To offer God a prayer...
Then all at once, the lights go out
And forty winks begin
Beneath the blankets all about,
Wrapped tight to keep us in...
I need my beauty sleep, don't you?
I can't stay up all night!
I know when sleep is overdue,
So why put up a fight?
My muscles, what there are of them,
Just melt like morning snow...
As I slip into peaceful REM...
On memory foam, I go...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Pity Those
I pity those who cannot write,
Who go to bed and sleep at night,
To live their lives without insight,
It's true... I pity those...
I pity those who cannot write,
Who see the world in black and white,
No coloured themes, so sweet, so bright,
It's true... I pity those...
I pity those who cannot write,
Who never share some form of plight
And in that sharing end their spite,
It's true... I pity those...
I pity those who cannot write,
Who guard each secret as in fright,
Close to their chests to hold them tight,
It's true... I pity those...
I pity those who cannot write,
Who never have a fight to fight,
No striving for the highest height,
It's true... I pity those...
I pity those who cannot write,
Who seek to find no inner light,
Who never learn the Saviour's might,
Indeed, I pity those...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Press On To Win The Prize!
Yes, I press on to win the prize!
I've got no other aims...
With no distractions for my eyes,
For I'm not playing games...
This is the day of destiny!
One hour so sublime,
As if the Lord prepared for me
A treasure trove in time...
And for this day I've been prepared,
Like gold that's been refined,
No longer doubtful, timid, scared,
One purpose fills my mind...
I'm not alone for others seek
The prize that's meant for one,
Yet destiny makes me unique,
The battle's good as done!
So watch me win! Yes, cheer me on!
Rejoice and shake my hand!
The podium I'll stand upon,
As if God had it planned...
For He was there, my journey through,
Alongside all the way...
By faith, I tell Him, 'I love You! '
For Him, I'll win today!
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2012.
The Olympic Gospel poem was mentioned on the
Revelation TV's R-Mornings show, discussing the
Olympics news on the 7th of August,2012 and it
was read out to the viewers on the 9th of August.
We can hear the word of the Lord on - The World's Poetry Archive
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
and the Revelation TV Watch Now link
on the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Really Remember!
I remember weeping when my Grandpa died,
I remember weeping when my Grandma died,
I remember weeping when my Uncle died,
I remember weeping when my Auntie died,
I remember weeping when my Cousin died,
I remember weeping when my Nephew died,
I remember weeping when my Neice died,
I remember weeping when my Father died,
I remember weeping when my Mother died,
I remember weeping when my Sister died,
I remember weeping when my Brother died,
I remember weeping when my Sweetheart died,
I remember weeping when my Wife died,
I remember weeping when my Son died,
I remember weeping when my Daughter died,
I remember weeping when my Friend died,
I remember weeping when my Enemy died,
I remember weeping when my Neighbour died,
I remember weeping when my M.P. died,
I remember weeping when my Pop Idol died,
I remember weeping when my Innocence died,
I remember weeping when my Optimism died,
I remember weeping when my Freedom died,
I remember weeping when my Courage died,
I remember weeping when my Humour died,
I remember weeping when my Future died...
I... remember... weeping... yes... every... time... I... cried...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Should Be Doing So Much More
I should be doing so much more, the Christian saint confessed!
This truth had struck him to the core, he thought he'd done his best!
But truth be told, he watched TV... He tuned in day and night!
Three hundred channels there to see, some still in black and white.
He'd doze off in the afternoon for hours at a time...
Play catchup 'neath a silvery moon and think his life sublime!
The late night films would make him pray, yet never to complain...
He read the papers every day, the same sins yet again...
He didn't like the Government and yet he'd never vote!
Of course, folks thought he was a gent... He'd never rock the boat!
But God looked down and Jesus sighed... The Holy Spirit groaned...
Was it for this that Jesus died and all his sins atoned?
Alas, the decades soon rolled by... without the tithe God sought.
Alas, the man was soon to die, much younger than he'd thought!
And up to Heaven this man flew... his good works to assess.
Alas, his good works were so few... They BOTH failed to impress...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2011.
Based on Howard Conder's Q and A Show
in which he told us of the fruit that lasts for eternity,
the good works that are purely done for Christ.
He said, one day we'd look back on our lives and say,
'If only I'd done more...'
More info revelationtv-dot-com
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Survived... Beyond And Back
When my death came, I mourned my loss... and yet what could be done?
But suddenly I saw The Cross and Jesus Christ, God's Son...
I stared at Him a long, long while, above the ground below,
Where Jesus walked the second mile with warm blood still in flow...
Lord Jesus bled from hair and head, from back and hands and feet,
Till suddenly God's Son was dead, His sacrifice complete...
And in that second, I screamed out, enraged despite my grief
And in the crowd I ran about in utter disbelief...
They let Him die, they saw it all, they made me mad as Hell!
As if He were their spectacle and they were in a spell...
A sword appeared in my left hand, a voice said, 'Kill, kill, kill! '
Yet God made me to understand that Christ obeyed His will...
The sword fell down upon the ground as I gasped in surprise,
To see my King with thorns now crowned above His blood-stained eyes.
I trembled as my rage still burned, then fell down to my knees...
Here was the Saviour they had spurned despite His Mother's pleas...
I heard God's voice bid me depart and I went back to Earth
And there I wept with broken heart as if Man had no worth...
As if we all should go to Hell, no mercy to us shown,
As if we all should say farewell to all the joys we've known...
Somehow I slept, no more to weep, right there upon the floor,
Yet God gave me a dream to keep, to share for evermore...
I saw lost souls, so dark, depraved, a billion spared by Christ,
For by His blood their souls were saved when life was sacrificed...
And only then did my rage leave, as precious peace took hold,
With no more reason left to grieve through what I saw unfold...
God's mysteries remain as His, they last eternally,
As long as we know who Christ is... The King of Calvary...
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2012. - The World's Poetry Archive
The poem is based on the Biography Channel
which has shared the life stories of some who
died yet came back with accounts of Heaven
and some of Hell. In this poem, I'm exploring
how someone responds to the death of Jesus.
Initial rage is based upon human understanding.
God's Word reveals His eternal plan of salvation.
Whether we will accept near death experiences,
dreams, visions, prophecy or poetry, we are
meant to accept God's Word, the Holy Bible.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Used To Be Fat
I used to be fat,
Just like one spoilt brat,
As fat as a brat could be...
I could squash you flat,
Just as quick as that...
No-one stood too close to me...
Started a diet,
No need to fry it
And my weight began to fall!
One book! Just buy it!
You've got to try it!
And here's the number to call...
Just chew, chew, chew it!
Then loo, loo, loo it!
And soon, you'll be on the mend!
How do you do it?
Continue through it!
Persevere, my fat, fat friend!
I chewed like a cow,
Yes, I chewed and how
And I exercised each day...
Ta-da! Take a bow!
Just look at me now!
Admit it! I look O.K.!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Wandered Lonely In The Crowd
I'm not the sort that folks embrace,
If they've got hugs to spare,
Nor have I fans who fondly chase,
For I'm not debonair...
It's not that folks seem mean or cruel,
Like everyone's a fraud,
It's just that I'm invisible...
So no-one's overawed...
While I don't have a charming face
That causes girls to stare,
I wander round from place-to-place,
Yet no-one seems to care...
High Street or Low Street, shop or mall,
My faith won't be restored,
I'm not a chap they can recall,
It's like their memory's flawed...
I'd like to think I leave a trace,
A footprint here and there,
I'm of this Earth not outer space,
Not someone to beware...
It's true some people have the gall,
To shed no love abroad,
If I don't fly or I don't fall,
It's like the world is bored...
While I'm one of the Human Race,
I've got no chic or flair,
I know that I've seen better days,
But I think life's unfair...
Invisible to one and all,
No wonder I'm ignored!
That's why I need a miracle,
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Want To Change The World!
Everyone who wants to change the world has already done it,
just by wanting to, because that's the first step we must make
on our journey to joy, and without that first step, what next?
But once that first step has been taken, the second soon follows,
for the body's balance has changed, it's still leaning forward,
it's still in motion, with the body obedient to the mind,
with all the evidence of the heart's desire to complete its quest!
Yes, there will be setbacks and maybe we'll crawl along,
when once we were strong and so full of hope for Mankind,
but the years take their toll, so we must prepare ourselves,
make ourselves ready, even for this, even if we must crawl...
No need to be ashamed of crawling along if helping others,
so why foster any doubts at this stage, when things look bad?
Many a hero has humbled himself to rescue another soul,
forcing himself beyond his doubts and fears, towards victory,
valiant in spite of all to the contrary, steadfast, determined,
yet what better way to change the world than by love?
I can't think of any better way than by love... can you?
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Want To Live In The Spirit!
I want to live in the Spirit,
As all wise Christians would,
To read God's Word and to hear it
And learn what God thinks good...
I want to pray and to listen,
For guidance every day,
For only the Lord shares wisdom
To lead us on our way...
I know I'm human just like you,
We've known our share of trials,
But credit where credit is due,
We've known our share of smiles...
God loves a cheerful giver yet
He loves both rich and poor
And that's now why I don't regret
When God says to give more...
I can't outgive the King of Kings,
Yet what I give still counts
And who knows all the joy this brings
When I, all greed, renounce?
God's Holy Spirit points me to
The people in most need,
Then I must do what I must do
To help them to succeed...
It's all by faith, no more, no less,
The failures come and go,
Yet I press on with happiness,
The Gospel seed to sow...
I see the harvest growing strong,
Blessed by the sun and rain
And my heart knows it won't be long
Till Jesus comes again...
So here am I, a child of grace,
Forgiven through God's Son,
The Holy Spirit I embrace - The World's Poetry Archive
With thanks for all He's done...
I want to live in the Spirit,
I want to get things right,
For each new day I near it
When God calls me home one night...
Denis Martindale, copyright October 2015.
Find out more by watching Revelation TV,
the Christian channel on Sky TV that is
part of the Church without walls...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Was Born For This
Behold the times, the passing years,
The essence of excess,
While some excel in crying tears
Of awesome loneliness...
And children fare the childish times,
Oblivious to life,
As every adult slowly climbs
Man's mountain known as strife...
The years fade soon as memories,
Some chosen, some maintained,
Some simply kept that they may please
With thoughts of what was gained...
The terms at school, the tests trained for,
The pass or fail in each,
Perhaps the times when sweet amore
Came close enough to teach...
Yet school is where the poets learn
The crafts of masters gone,
Perchance that soon they, too, may earn
The light that brightly shone...
Thus dreamers dream with visions, too,
Then prophecies ascend,
Such that the truth is shared with you,
As if you were a friend...
Behold the essence, words revealed,
God's secrets for each age,
No more kept back, no more concealed,
Writ fresh upon the page...
Then published 'cross the world itself,
In stores and libraries,
Enough to nestle on each shelf
Awaiting new release...
The challenge set, the quest achieved,
The wisdom thus outpoured,
Allowing doubters who've believed - The World's Poetry Archive
To love our precious Lord...
God's Son now shining in men's hearts,
Resplendent in their souls,
As each upon God's journey starts,
Relinquishing controls...
Let God mark well His chosen ones,
Adopted in His fold,
Delivered daughters, sacred sons,
Triumphant, good as gold...
Yet know this, too, this poet blessed,
Has shared his Christian bliss...
My poet's destiny's the test...
Yes, I was born for this!
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2013.
The poem is based upon the GOD TV show,
Growing In The Supernatural, as it reminds
us of our God-given salvation and destiny and
that we can humbly say, 'I was born for this! '
Whether we become scribes, poets or prophets,
there's that inner conviction of God's direction,
regardless of the tragic times we live in and the
circumstances beyond our control, it is by faith
we endure and achieve all that is required of us...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Will Do It Tomorrow...
I've got this thing I've got to do!
You must know what I mean...
The kind of thing that makes me blue,
So that I'm not as keen...
The sort that glazes both my eyes,
Till my whole world's a blur...
It's not like I don't realise
When setbacks then occur...
I've got this thing that's on my mind!
You must know what that's like...
But motivation's hard to find,
It's lost or went on strike...
That little light that once had shone
Went out, yet I don't care...
Get-up-and-go has up and gone,
It's wandered off somewhere...
I've got this thing, this teeny task!
But start it? I cannot...
Although, God knows, not much to ask,
I think I've lost the plot...
Too much TV and magazines,
Or visitors that call?
Too many snacks as in-betweens?
Oh, no, not those at all...
I've got this thing that just won't start!
As if a broken clock...
As if I've somehow lost the heart,
Like I've got Writer's Block...
I scratch my head, then wash my hair,
My fingers slowly tap...
It's like somebody has to dare
To stir me from this trap...
I've got this thing, but it's got me!
I'm twiddling thumbs right now...
Please God, grant strength to set me free, - The World's Poetry Archive
Release me, Lord, somehow...
That's it! OK! I'll humbly pray!
God's bound to sort it out!
All I need now's a brand new day...
Tomorrow's fine, no doubt!
Denis Martindale, copyright October 2014.
The Revelation TV website
and watch now details
can be found on Google.
Seek and ye shall find...
(Today would be a good idea...)
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Wrote An Aweful Poem!
I wrote an aweful poem yet
The wind blew it away!
A paperweight I've to get,
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2014.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I Wrote The Perfect Poem!
Having wrote the perfect poem,
I placed it in a drawer,
Alas, for me, my luck's turned grim,
It's not there anymore!
I took the drawers out one-by-one,
The contents on the floor,
Not finding it was not much fun,
It cuts me to the core...
Nobody's been here, that I know,
Where has my poem gone?
To lose it now is such a blow,
No hope to build upon...
This situation's quite absurd,
A worn-out marathon,
I can't remember every word
And won't do later on...
I guess my poem's not that great,
So I've no need to pout,
No cause for me to celebrate,
No need to fret about...
If God could send an angel down,
I'm sure he'd help me out,
His wings could soothe away my frown,
His words could end my doubt...
I'm always leaving things behind,
Last week, I lost my pen,
Too many things upon my mind,
I'm just like other men...
I wish I'd got that poem scanned,
A copy there and then,
I'd have it here, right in my hand! ! !
But that's just me... again...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Ice Babies
Life is a process to be sure,
A journey to express...
Polar bear cubs must first explore
While clothed in Winter dress.
Ice babies wrapped in righteous white,
Their so-called land to roam...
The frozen surface day and night
Is their eternal home...
Each grunt is like a belly laugh,
Yet life is not a farce...
The sun shines down and lights their path The moon glows mid the stars...
It's deadly cold and bear cubs need
Their mother's warm embrace
And wisdom helps each life succeed,
Yes, even in this place...
The stars look down on Earth below,
Mere twinkles up above...
They match their mother's eyes that show
Her constant sacred love...
Life is a process to be sure,
A journey to express...
These polar bears learn what life's for...
In sweet togetherness...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Ice Babies'.
The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Icelandic Sunset
So few have seen what I've just seen,
On craggy rocks nearby,
A distant stream that's always been
Beneath that pale blue sky...
On my right side, a waterfall,
Cascading pink champagne,
With purple waters under all,
Still destined to remain...
The craggy rocks on my left side,
As if they came from Mars,
To stretch out to the landscape wide,
Where life seems oh so sparce...
Yet beauty graces all about,
In scarlet-crimson hues,
Like royal robes the land wears proud,
To shimmer evening's clues...
As I gaze down for miles ahead,
A flaming yellow sun,
Towards its sunset it has sped
For day's now almost done...
And mid this wondrous spectacle,
That only my eyes see,
It's like I hear the Saviour call,
Declaring love for me...
As to to say, 'I shed My Blood,
On Calvary's Cross to die,
That you'd be saved and come to God,
Not linger, asking why?
But suddenly, a leap of faith,
Would spare your life and more,
Eternal Life, forever safe,
Something to live life for! '
And so I stand upon the rock
As if baptised anew,
Now born again, despite the shock, - The World's Poetry Archive
By faith that gently grew...
This sunset here's my special one
Of all I've ever known...
For when this evening's truly done,
I 'll know I'm not alone...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I'D Rather Write
I'd rather write a poem, Lord,
Than mow the lawn today,
As mowing grass I'd soon be bored
And choose to walk away...
That wall needs painting, yes, I know,
Another month won't hurt,
I'd rather write and watch words flow
Than paint and hide the dirt...
I'd rather write a poem, Lord,
Than tidy up that room,
A tidy room's a poor reward
Compared with words that bloom...
That pile of clothes I'll get round to,
No pressure, they can wait,
I'd rather write my point of view,
As my views are first rate...
I'd rather write a poem, Lord,
Than wash the car outside,
It's not a Rolls, it's just a Ford,
With scratches dust can hide...
That stack of dishes, won't complain,
No rush to stand, wipe, stir,
I'd rather write my thoughts again
Before they melt and blur...
I'd rather write a poem, Lord,
Than shop for milk and bread,
Black coffee's okay, rest assured,
I'll give up toast instead...
I'll see my girlfriend, next week, soon,
Tomorrow or tonight...
I'd rather write this afternoon,
Please, Lord, if that's all right...
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2012. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
If God Made Thee Mine
If God made thee mine, and willed that I be thine,
What wondrous love with thee I'd daily share!
The world could not contain the joys of Lovers' Lane
Nor bind our hearts more tightly, this I swear!
If God made me thine, I'd kiss those lips of wine,
Anointing them with sighs straight from my soul!
My heart burns like a flame when whispering thy name
To melt within all thoughts of self-control!
If God made thee mine, my precious Valentine,
The yearning years at last would thus be stilled!
My pining would be done for I'd be with the one
Whom God had made to help me be fulfilled!
If God made me thine, I'd praise His love divine
And pray He grant us heirs and happiness!
A gorgeous girl and boy and times we could enjoy...
Yes, if God made thee mine to love and bless...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
If I
If I condemn the starving, sit back and let them die,
If at the lost I'm laughing, I ask, what use am I?
If I condone temptation and let it run its course,
Then I neglect salvation and Hell I thus endorse...
If I contrast the good and bad, yet choose the latter path,
Then I deserve to feel so sad within the aftermath...
If I control the purse strings, yet money I won't share,
How can I serve the King of Kings? How can He hear my prayer?
If I contain a billion sins from every thought and deed,
I need to seek the Prince of Peace, the Bible books to read...
If I, conned sinner that I am, dismiss Christ out of hand,
How will I live to love the Lamb of God as He has planned?
If I can't visit Calvary, if I can't praise the Lord,
If I can't see Christ died for me... then Hell is my reward...
If I consider, kneel and pray, repent, call on His Name,
No more will I fear Judgment Day, eternal life to claim...
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2011.
The poem is based on the Christian Gospel
and the choice between Heaven and Hell...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
If I Was Rich
If only I was really rich,
My pockets full of cash,
Then I would have a spending itch,
The kind you could call rash...
How many watches would I own?
How many diamond rings?
How many jets would I have flown
With princes and with kings?
How many mansions would I buy?
How many limousines?
How many film scripts would I try
Before I played my scenes?
How many autographs would do
To satisfy my fans?
How many standing in a queue
To learn about my plans?
How many girlfriends would I date?
How many would I love?
How many would I learn to hate
Before they got the shove?
Oh, dear, right now, I am not sure
I want to be that guy...
But tell me, Lord, must I be poor?
If so, please tell me why?
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
If Not For Love
If not for love, who would be kissed?
Romance itself would not exist.
A billion songs would not be penned
And poetry would have an end.
The arts that we enjoy right now,
Would fade away in time somehow For who would sculpt and who would paint
Without the patience of a saint?
And what's a saint without a heart
That's full of love it would impart?
If not for love, no child would smile.
No queue would stand in single file.
No please, no thanks or God bless you!
No promise kept, no credit due,
No holding hands or soft caress,
No hope, no peace, no happiness,
No fervent prayer would reach God's Throne...
We would feel lost and so alone...
The world would spin and time would pass,
But life would be a foolish farce...
Not one of us would find life safe
Without strong heroes to be brave.
We know that emptiness within
Brings apathy that leads to sin.
There comes a parting of the ways There always is, if no-one prays...
If not for love, no rose would grow,
Because each rose would somehow know
If love had died, what use to live?
For who would buy and who would give?
If love left Earth and we lived on,
How soon before we sensed it gone?
An hour, a day, a week or more?
To tell the truth, I'm not quite sure!
For no-one wants to hold my hand
Or kiss my lips as I had planned...
In fact, upon my funeral...
I wonder who would care at all... - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
If Not For Love (Sung To God Rest Ye Merry
Love lives within the human heart, a witness to God's grace
And every soul must play its part for blessings to take place!
Through charity we comprehend that others need help, too.
It's how we prove to be a friend beyond our point of view.
Sometimes we sense a sacrifice will help another live!
God asks of us to pay the price - to give what we can give!
The best of us will hear that call, responding well with love,
Yet there are those who'd rather stall or say they gave enough...
In time, all blessings will be weighed, as if to judge their worth.
To prove to those who have obeyed how their love filled the Earth.
Till then there's opportunity, no matter where you are To start with, learn of Calvary - its light shines near and far!
If not for love where would we go? What future would we seek?
In Jesus Christ each soul can know: true love is strong not weak!
While wisdom brings Mankind knowledge, alone it bears no light.
The Holy Spirit grants courage to always do what's right!
The Prophets shared God's prophecies so we'd redeem the time...
As servants, let us try to please - for God's love is sublime!
Reach out in faith for sweet kisses, be humble yet be bold!
The future holds God's promises that are as good as gold!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
If Only I Was Perfect!
And then word got around,
Then on the telly, I suspect,
In colour and in sound...
No make-up needed for my face,
Great high definition,
Of pimples there would be no trace,
For I would seem a vision...
Oh! What wondrous clothes to wear,
A dazzling chronograph,
A smile to make the ladies stare,
With jokes to make them laugh...
A tale or two to scintillate,
My new film out next week,
Enough to fill James Bond with hate,
With me still at my peak...
A lovely lady on each arm,
Spellbound, so deep in love,
Head over heels for I would charm
With soft words like a dove...
And then to stand and share my song,
My brand new number one,
To sing it proud and sing it strong,
Yet with a sense of fun...
Red carpets here, red carpets there,
My life would be a blur,
With happiness beyond compare,
I could cause quite a stir...
Folks green with envy all the time,
Yet deep within my thrall,
Like Liberace, so sublime,
Impressing one and all...
But I'm just me, just me, just me,
I'm no great shakes, I know,
Not known as some celebrity,
I merely come and go... - The World's Poetry Archive
No photos in the magazines,
No zoom lens and no flash,
I'm just like other human beings
And always strapped for cash!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
If Only I'D Done More
Across this world, where lost souls live,
In sin from shore to shore,
So many souls God could forgive,
If only I'd done more...
Across this Earth, where dirt exists,
Rebellious to God's Law,
A cleaner Paradise persists,
If only I'd done more...
Across this globe, truth must be taught,
From God's Word wise and pure,
And would if I'd done what I ought,
If only I'd done more...
Across this land, this town, this street,
My countrymen ignore,
God's prophecies for God's elite...
If only I'd done more...
Across this house, where I reside,
Time flies from door to door,
One day I'll scream, eyes open wide,
If only I'd done more...
Across this heart where blood flows free,
Unshed within God's war,
Christ's heart beats for eternity...
If only I'd done more...
Across this mind where thoughts are blessed,
It's Christ I'm living for,
So why, then, don't I do my best?
If only I'd done more...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2011.
Based on Howard Conder's Q and A Show,
in which he told us of the fruit that lasts for eternity,
the good works that are purely done for Christ.
He said, one day we'd look back on our lives and say,
'If only I'd done more...'
More info on revelationtv-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
If Only We Used Christian Resources
If you can read the Bible
And help others read it, too,
Or quote a sacred Scripture,
To share God's point of view,
Or preach a precious parable,
To give some folks a clue,
Then you are on God's road, my friend,
For these things Christ would do.
If you can paint a portrait,
Or sculpture from cold clay,
Or create a masterpiece
That pianists can play,
Or fashion silver and fine gold,
For crosses, so we pray,
Then you are on God's road, my friend,
Yes, you are on the Way...
If you can write a poem down
That Christians call sublime,
Or decorate a Christmas cake
Before that special time,
Or ring Church bells in unison
And harmonies that chime,
Then you are on God's road, my friend,
As you, to Heaven, climb...
If you, like other Christians, use
Resources God has blessed,
Spread revelations you can spare,
Worldwide - north, south, east, west,
Or open up your bank account
And tithe, your faith to test,
Then you are on God's road, my friend,
Where God's saints do their best!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
If You But Knew
If you but knew the price God paid, the sacrifice it cost
And saw how Jesus was betrayed, yet saved this world so lost...
If you had seen the face of Christ, when crucified for you,
Sins' horrors would be realised! What then, if you but knew?
If you but knew what was in store, for whom the Father cares,
The countless blessings and much more for those who pray the prayers,
For those who kneel beside their beds, like children close to sleep,
Perhaps you'd live like thoroughbreds, with trophies yet to keep.
If you but knew what had to be, the days, the weeks, the years,
For those with godly destiny, for whom each angel cheers,
The precious gifts that God bestows, in this life and the next,
You'd have the faith that grows and grows, that couldn't be perplexed.
If you but knew how Heaven felt, like visitors have told
And how God's holy flowers smelt, next to His streets of gold
And how the giant pearl shines out, more brilliant than the sun,
Insights would vanquish every doubt, you'd say, 'God's will be done! '
If you but knew, but you can't tell, they're hidden from your mind...
While there's a Heaven and a Hell, to such truths you're resigned.
But if you knew, as Christians must, you'd preach for all you're worth!
So holy truths could be discussed with everyone on Earth...
If they but knew the price God paid, the sacrifice it cost
And saw how Jesus was betrayed, yet saved this world so lost...
If they had seen the face of Christ, so He could save them, too,
Sins' horrors would be realised! What then, if they but knew?
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2011.
The poem is about the Gospel channel,
Revelation TV on Sky 581, here in the UK,
Website: revelationtv-dot-com
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
If You Knew How Much I Love You
If you knew how much I love you,
Emotions would run dry,
For although I dwell above you,
I love you here on high...
A billion stars could come and go
Before this love could fade,
For you, My love, are all I know,
From everything I made...
You are the apple of My eye,
The smile that lives within,
The laughter and the longing sigh,
The hearts I seek to win...
You are the blessing I preserve
As centuries proclaim,
The treasure troves of all the Earth
Who call upon My Name...
You are the Child of Prophecy,
You are the Child of State,
You are the Child of Calvary,
You are the Child of Fate,
You are the Child of Government,
You are the Child of Grace,
You are the Child for whom Christ went,
So He could take your place...
Behold the time and times to run,
The seasons dead ahead,
For I shall send to you My Son,
The Pierced One, who once bled...
And He shall govern lands and seas
And hearts and souls of men
And when you see the Prince of Peace,
You'll see My love again...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I'M Awake!
The lion cub and lioness
Were nestling side-by-side,
In solitude meant to express
Their hope, their joy, their pride...
The lion cub was quite fatigued,
Despite his sunshine stroll
And that was why they both agreed
The rest would make him whole...
Of course, he slept beneath the sun,
He had no stamina,
He was not yet the mighty one,
Not yet the rising star...
His little legs were tired out,
Recovering quite soon,
With him then running all about,
Till evening brought the moon...
For now, his sleep restored and healed,
As long as she stayed close,
Protecting him as if a shield,
With love that daily grows...
This time for her, was just as good,
It brought a welcome break,
Before he prowls the neighbourhood,
Declaring, 'I'm awake! '
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'I'm Awake'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I'M Glad That I'M A Poet...
I'm glad that I'm a poet, yes!
I'm proud to say I try to bless!
With scriptures at my beck and call,
I hope to help folks, one and all!
Sometimes a song comes to my mind!
When I'm in love, I feel inclined
To share the heights and depths and prayers,
The inmost thoughts of one who cares!
I'm not averse to verse that aids
The lover in his serenades!
Or gives dejected souls a boost!
Or helps God's Truth come home to roost!
My words are either truths or lies...
They're either foolish or they're wise...
They're either from the Lord or not...
They'll miss the mark or hit the spot...
They'll fail the message I impart...
Or strike a chord within the heart...
I'm glad at least sometimes to try!
To make a poem from a sigh!
Or change one thought, creating two!
Or sometimes splitting points of view!
Like atoms crushed against themselves
And later brought down from the shelves,
To serve me when I need them most
Such that my readers stay engrossed Remarking on my wit or style
Or merely chuckling with a smile!
I'm glad that I'm a poet, yes!
I'm proud to say I try to bless!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I'M Going To Finish This Poem!
I'm going to finish this poem!
Yes, just you wait and see!
This isn't some fancy or whim
Or flight of fantasy!
No, I'll finish the thing today!
Not 'some day'… 'later on'!
In fact, I'm not going away
Until its light has shone!
'Cos half an insight's not worth much –
It doesn't help a jot!
I'm staying here! I shall not budge
Until I've done the lot!
I'll make no coffee, make no tea,
No cocoa, not a drop!
I'll strive to solve the mystery
And then, by God, I'll stop!
I'd like each heart to comprehend…
Here's my 'labour of love'!
Just thirty lines, that's all, my friend!
I think they'll prove enough…
While others sleep, I stay awake,
Intent on rhymes untold!
They're like the icing on the cake
That help my tale unfold!
I'm almost there! Not much to ask!
Just seven lines to do!
Now six completes my noble task!
Now five! I'm almost through!
Four lines to go, then off to bed!
Thank God for future themes!
It's time to rest my weary head!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I'M Sure It's This Way
The lion cub woke up so slow,
For tired out was he
And didn't know the way to go,
No lions could he see!
'Oh, dear, they've left me all alone!
Perhaps this is a test!
I'll work it out all on my own...
I wonder which way's best? '
And so he paused, as lions do,
Content to search for signs,
Because right then he had no clue
To help the heart that pines...
He first looked left and then looked right,
Then circled round and round,
For something that would end his plight,
No matter, sight or sound...
'I'm sure it's this way! ' he presumed,
As if he were correct
And so his searching he resumed,
So this way could be checked...
The other lions laughed out loud
As he chose to explore...
He'd passed the test and they were proud
As he joined them once more!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I'M Tired...
When tigers run and run and run
Beneath that sun on high,
They soon lose all their sense of fun
And simply want to lie...
They settle down upon the ground,
Admitting their defeat
To anyone who's there around
Who still can stand the heat...
When tigers swish their tails no more,
They're almost fast asleep,
Enough to yawn and then to snore
While breathing in so deep...
The wise man isn't prone to stay
And walk up closer still,
By now he's running fast away
Beyond that yonder hill...
When tigers lie, closed eyes, at rest,
It's best to leave them be,
If woken, they won't be impressed,
You won't have time to flee!
Let tigers lounge and be advised,
Don't laugh, don't cry, don't cough!
'Cos if you do, you'll be surprised!
They'll bite your head clean off!
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'I'm Tired'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Imagine Dream Write
The heart and mind combine as one,
The spirit thus set free!
To rise on high, warmed by the sun,
On wings of poetry!
To swirl above, the clouds to move,
Then tip-toe here and there,
Above the storm, where angels soothe
And God knows every prayer!
The spirit senses everything,
The sun, the moon, the stars,
Beyond all Man's imagining,
Which sometimes proves a farce!
Consider dreams that melt away,
In minutes, they're soon gone,
Forgotten more than yesterday,
Yet life still carries on!
Far better then, to write one's thoughts,
Like journals of our lives,
Beyond the smatter of reports,
If memory survives...
Life isn't just the main events,
It's so much more than that!
It's so much more than finding friends
To gossip or to chat...
Sometimes it's quite profound, you know!
Sometimes it's fun and games!
Sometimes it's fast, sometimes it's slow...
But who remembers names! ?
So write them down! Recall! Take note!
If Peter, James or John,
Your notebook's like life's antidote,
For poems and so on...
You may look back one day and smile,
At what you write right now!
Remembering it took a while, - The World's Poetry Archive
Yet you should take a bow!
I wrote this poem just for YOU!
To grant some bright insight...
To help God's Spirit bless you, too...
Imagine! Dream! And write!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Impact Your City, Your Country, Your World!
Without concern for one and all,
What profit can be made
Beyond the money that people
Have worked for and have prayed?
For locally and worldwide, too,
Donations still have power,
Beyond the current point of view,
The fashion of the hour...
And should it be that God exists
And tells us still to give,
In this, we learn, what yet persists,
To help another live...
How else can water be made clean
And purified to drink?
How else can love still intervene
Beyond what humans think?
God knows the needs of you and I,
Our hopes, our wants, our dreams,
Yet sometimes these are born to die
To stop Man's sad extremes...
A Rolls-Royce here, a Rolls-Royce there,
What use to those that starve?
For when the rich refuse to care,
It's someone's epitaph...
God wants the rich and poor to learn
The things they truly need,
So those that suffer they won't spurn,
Compassion still to heed...
Or else what judgments yet await,
Each sin that greed prevents?
If only Man could end the hate,
What joy he'd find in friends...
This joy God meant for evermore,
Beyond this mortal frame,
For God has blessings to outpour - The World's Poetry Archive
To Man in Jesus Name...
But we must prove compassion real,
Our faith is not enough,
If not prepared to share a meal,
God rarely sees our love...
Life isn't just the food we eat,
The days, weeks, months and years,
It's smiles on faces that we meet,
Or wiping of their tears...
It's reaching out to God and Man,
Yet not just for reward,
But striving to fulfil the plan
That serves our perfect Lord...
Denis Martindale, copyright May 2014.
Google search the websites for GOD TV
and Revelation TV and their Watch Now
TV programmes. Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Imperial Presence
The tiger strode upon the earth,
The land he claimed as his,
Such that he had some sense of worth,
Some portion known as bliss...
For every single day he rose,
No rival seemed to call,
He had no friends, he had no foes,
Not one, not one at all...
It's true, his presence could be felt,
As lesser creatures knew,
As if their tiny hearts could melt
When big fears grew and grew...
But love, the greatest gift God gives,
Was nowhere to be found,
Unless a tigress somewhere lives,
To make this sacred ground...
So one day came, when loneliness
Consumed his very soul,
Perhaps the day God meant to bless,
Perhaps to make him whole...
For without her, what use was he?
No offspring, child or heir...
And therein lies God's mystery,
His presence everywhere...
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
In Deep
The tiger hated snow a lot,
He knew it made things hard
And that it never made things hot,
So he stayed on his guard...
But when he saw that ice could melt,
He sensed that Spring was near,
Then oh what happiness he felt,
His heart was full of cheer...
His paw slipped in the water's hold,
In deep to depths below,
To search what secrets could be told
So he'd be in the know...
And sure enough, arm's length proved well
That Spring was on its way,
For Winter's grip had lost its spell
And that sure made his day...
For he recalled much warmer climes,
When insects chirp their songs,
When bolder lights bring better times
For which his heart now longs...
So off he walked, with faith renewed,
Despite the snow around,
When patience grants a winsome mood,
None greater may be found...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
In Deepest Shadow
White tigers live until their time,
Yet, uptil then, behold...
For each was born to look sublime,
Like silver, not like gold...
The Bengal tigers aren't like these,
Black stripes against the white...
As if created just to please,
Inspire and delight...
There's such a blessing in their eyes
That stare with topaz blue,
Like tanzanite or pale sapphires
Each time they look at you...
Respect for them just grows and grows,
As if that's meant to be...
Not that you'd want to stand too close,
To gaze on royalty...
Behold the magic that they cast,
In deepest shadow's spell...
As dusk approaches till it's past
And daytime bids farewell...
Beneath the moon, their eyes shine on,
Like beacons in the night!
Until the next day's sun has shone,
Revealing black and white...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'In Deepest Shadow'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
In His Prime
The lion strode with confidence,
As if the world were his,
He had no call for eloquence,
What more was there than this?
He felt that he was truly blessed,
Fulfilling destiny...
So far he knew he'd passed each test
And proved supremacy.
Bold courage stirred within his veins,
Fuelled by his valiant heart...
So he surveyed the golden plains,
Where he must play his part.
He'd honed his skills for several years,
He was no amateur...
He felt no need to live with fears
For things that might occur...
He had his own might to withstand
The rigours of his foes
And strategies that he had planned,
If their threats came to blows...
He relished each new minute,
Each moment of his time!
Yes, he was in it to win it...
While he was in his prime...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'In His Prime'.
More Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
In Hot Pursuit
The tiger rested, gently laid,
Now in a placid mood,
Until his belly sighed dismayed
In hopes of some fresh food...
So up he stood and stretched a while,
His hunting ears alert
And gone that tiger's placid smile,
For main course and dessert...
He slowly trod the ground he walked
With one intent in mind,
For his next meal would soon be stalked,
As he sneaked up behind...
The chase was on! He saw his prey!
His coat was now a blur!
His next meal mustn't get away!
No, no! That can't occur!
So like the wind that strikes the earth
With storms of utmost rage,
In hot pursuit his mighty girth
Sped to its fastest stage!
Then in the blinking of an eye,
The dirty deed was done!
To stave off each new starving sigh...
One fed, he heard not one...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'In Hot Pursuit'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
In Jesus Name
In Jesus Name a mighty love
Was sent upon the Earth,
The Holy Spirit from above
Is meant to prove His worth
For Jesus Christ, God's Holy Son,
Was whipped and crucified
So that a perfect work was done
In which we can take pride.
In Christ we boast the whole day long,
Our Saviour and our Lord,
For in His faith each soul is strong,
Triumphant and assured.
Restored beyond our wildest dreams
And all our precious prayers,
We know life isn't what it seems
And that our Father cares...
Lord Jesus tells us, 'I LOVE YOU! '
That's such a wondrous phrase...
He bids us pray for others, too,
For purity and grace...
God bless our lives! God bless our lands!
God heal us day-by-day!
In Jesus Name we raise our hands
And pray and pray and pray...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
In Life, In Death
The decades come, the decades go,
Events like blurs fly by
And tracking us, each day we know,
Death makes us hear him sigh...
He won't give up while we still breathe,
He hates the good we do,
Yet loves it when we're forced to grieve,
Though we may battle through...
By faith, yes, faith and faith alone,
This pilgrim soul endures,
Though now it lives here on its own,
This saved soul still adores...
Despite the pain and suffering
That old age brings in spades,
This sacred soul's recovering,
For God's love never fades...
In life, in death, this soul persists,
Rejecting doubts and fears,
Selecting truths, faith still exists,
Despite the lonely years...
How could you know the things I've seen,
The things these ears have heard,
The good and bad and in-between,
The kind and callous word?
But know this now, while Death still haunts,
Eternal life is mine...
Regardless of the way Death taunts,
Its powers I decline...
I'll live this life, God's gracious gift,
Defiant to the end!
Till God gives my saved soul a lift
To meet the Sinners' Friend...
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2012. - The World's Poetry Archive
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
In Pursuit
The cheetah checked the sudden sound,
His neck streamlined and sleek,
His eyes surveying all around,
His hunting skills unique...
His claws now arched, each step was soft,
He gently sniffed for scent,
If unsuccessful, others scoffed
At time unwisely spent...
The cheetah chose the likely path
To stalk the prey ahead,
With chances better than a half
That he would soon be fed.
His next meal moved not far away,
Oblivious, at ease...
Yet this would be its final day,
From then on, rest in peace...
The cheetah cheered when all went well,
A textbook hunt in truth...
Not bad, he thought, then slept a spell,
In hiding, quite aloof.
He simply, slowly, inhaled breath
And exhaled just the same...
Without a thought of life or death...
No conscience, guilt or shame...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'In Pursuit'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here: - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
In The Footsteps Of Giants
The tiny distant dustcloud loomed
As I surveyed the scene,
Turned out much more than first assumed
And nothing like serene...
The elephants were running fast
As I stared in surprise,
Quite terrified and then aghast,
Like giants to my eyes...
Amid the whirling storm they charged,
Head on, not left or right,
The wildlife fleeing as they barged,
Like victims taking flight...
For who would stand against the herd?
Or try to block their way?
The thought of it was quite absurd!
We'd all be squashed like clay!
I took some photos just in time,
Then I was out of there!
Thank God! My pictures were sublime!
The answer to my prayer!
To think, I lived to tell the tale,
With proof that serves enough...
Although my face turned deadly pale,
Those elephants I love!
Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford called 'In The Footsteps Of Giants'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
In The Heat Of The Day
The tiger stood and looked ahead,
So hot and near collapse,
But then all fear had all but fled
And gone for good, perhaps...
The water's edge was cool and clear,
Inviting him to test
The wondrous stream that had no peer,
Because it was the best...
His chin was dripping as he strode,
His front legs hid from sight
And suddenly joy overflowed
As he filled with delight...
The sun, the stream, together brought
Enchantment all around,
The kind that chills the fiercest thought,
The kind meant to astound...
To think, cool water has the power
To soothe hot pains away,
The body blossoms like a flower
That greets a brand new day...
Thus tigers find they've strong defence,
Cool waters help them through,
Because such streams are faithful friends,
As fresh as morning dew...
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'In The Heat Of The Day'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
In The Long Grass
Two bear cubs stared in the long grass,
Alert, as if on guard,
No friend or foe to let them pass,
Yet Mum and Dad weren't barred...
But truth to say, just stay a while,
Look tough to one and all,
But when approached, would run a mile,
Or maybe trip and fall...
Each gave the other courage till
A stranger came along,
Then they would scarper, feeling ill,
Decidedly not strong..
For now, they hold their heads up high,
Though somewhat raw recruits,
If something moved, then watch them sigh,
While shaking in their boots...
Just barely holding on, you see,
Till Mum and Dad return,
This Twilight Zone eternity
Has nothing new to learn...
I bet that Mum and Dad are near
And find it quite sublime
To see those bear cubs full of fear,
While they laugh all the time!
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'In The Long Grass'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
In The Shade
The tiger wearied by the heat
Felt strength was waning fast
And hardly fit as to compete
Until the heat had past...
He sought the comfort of the shade
Between the trees nearby,
Where he believed the heat would fade
So no more would he sigh...
How right he was, the shade was fine,
The breeze no more a pain
And pretty soon he would recline
And simply rest again...
His eyes no longer strained to see,
His ears no longer burned,
Yes, this was now the place to be,
Till evening had returned...
The sun, why was it so darned hot?
Each tiger thought the same!
Each sensed somehow it was a plot,
Revenge on those to blame...
While tigers hunt their prey for food
And have to eat what's caught,
Not one's safe in Man's neighbourhood
While Man hunts game for sport...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'In The Shade'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
In The Shadows...
The leopard strives to hide away
Somewhere in the shadows,
Yet not always to stalk his prey
Or keep safe from his foes...
Sometimes the shadows grant him peace,
Sometimes his legs need rest,
Sometimes he nestles in the breeze,
That blows from east to west...
The leopard bides his time and schemes,
Till something comes along,
When he no more relies on dreams
To give chase fast and strong...
But till that next meal wanders by,
He's comfy on his own,
Hid well from scorching sun and sky,
Location still unknown...
'Surprise! Surprise! I'm over here! '
That's something he won't tell,
But come the time he must appear,
He's one chance to do well...
Then from the shadows, watch him run!
He's no time left to purr...
His coat as golden as the sun,
He's almost like a blur!
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'In The Shadows'.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
In With The Crowd
The zebra foal must stay alert
When danger comes to call
And to prevent it getting hurt,
Kept close to one and all...
So black and white moved like a blur,
With instincts at their height,
Safeguarding what might yet occur
When lions are in sight...
The weakest won't survive for long
And that each foal must learn,
The battle must go to the strong,
Each new day they must earn...
Though life's a gift, that changes fast
While predators exist,
It's Nature's rules from first to last,
That fact none can resist...
It's true, while zebras rally round
Protecting young and old,
Their strategy most times is sound
As centuries unfold...
In with the crowd, the foal remains,
Determined to survive
The lurking lions on the plains
That hunt to stay alive...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent wildlife
painting by Stephen Gayford nb Google search:
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Indian Adolescent
The Bengal tiger cub looked fine,
On top form for his age,
Maturing like the finest wine
And not locked in a cage...
As free as birds that fly the sky,
As wily as the rest,
As fast as those that seem so spry,
The tiger cub looked blessed.
Consider everything you know,
Of all the creatures seen,
His fur looks like it's all aglow,
Magnificent, serene...
He's on the prowl, for who knows what?
No longer playing games...
And now he'll give it all he's got,
With newly-focused aims...
He's confident that he must win,
He's steadfast through and through...
So valiant he'll not give in,
He'll do what he must do.
His eyes are like two worlds apart,
Together they're a team...
Yet driven by that tiger's heart,
Who knows what dreams they'll dream?
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Indian Adolescent'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Indian Gold
This tiger's stripes resemble gold,
In all its finery,
They're truly wondrous to behold...
What awesome majesty!
He strides across the land that's his,
With swaggers, to and fro...
At ease, exuding perfect bliss,
He puts on quite a show!
Let others cower from his stare
That twinkles golden bright...
He's not like those caught unaware
Before their final fight!
No quiet, humdrum life for him!
He's earnt his stripes, indeed!
His life is filled up to the brim
With wisdom to succeed...
As long as he stays number one
And he's the alpha male,
Then you can bet, he's having fun
With stories to regale...
In time, he'll father many more,
With gold stripes of their own...
Perhaps that's what God made him for
And why he's so well-known...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Indian Gold'.
The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Indian Jewel
Up close, the tiger looks quite fierce,
He's in your face, just so...
He'll stare at you with eyes that pierce,
That's just to let you know...
He's no pushover, get that straight!
Don't twiddle with his tail!
Don't climb aboard or aggravate
Or he'll make you go pale...
Your blood will fall from brawn and brain,
You'll gulp to clear your throat,
You'll never be the same again...
Be warned and please take note...
A tiger's not a friendly pet
That you pat on the head!
In fact, on this, I'd take a bet,
You'd run away instead...
This Indian jewel like amber shines,
Black diamonds set the tone...
White pearls for teeth and whiskered lines
Tell us, leave him alone...
Majestic though he seems to be,
The tiger's rough and tough!
So right here's where I'll look and see...
My camera zoom's enough...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Indian Jewel'.
The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Indian Nobility
The tiger treads the trails once more They're all he's ever known...
Nobility he has galore,
Such dignity to own.
He strides across the ancient earth
As Nature's masterpiece...
With every step, he proves his worth,
As everyone agrees.
The tiger's trained himself to fight,
So he can stand his ground...
Not like a coward that takes flight
And then is seldom found...
He bears the scars upon his back,
His glories from his wins They're almost hidden in the black
And orange on this prince.
He stood the victor at the end,
The champion of each one...
The conqueror and not the friend,
When all's been said and done...
Who likes to lose, who likes to fail,
Who likes to quit in shame?
Behold him now, this alpha male,
His majesty, his fame...
He needs no crown, no royal ring,
No sceptre shining out...
You look at him and know one thing,
He's regal without doubt.
Who knows how long he can survive
This modern world he shares?
Yet every day he stays alive
Depends upon our prayers...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Indian Nobility'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Indian Oasis...
White tiger resting gently there,
Oasis-blessed, serene,
Beside the stream without a care,
A sight so rarely seen...
No danger sensed nearby to shake
That inner peace you own,
Yet I'm still here, my chance to take,
Still hidden and unknown...
If you but knew my secret joy
At finding you this day,
I'm praying that you'd not act coy
And simply slink away...
Nor charge me, having lost control,
Your fury to explode,
But grant me pardon, spare my soul,
God's perfect grace bestowed...
You see, you're perfect in my sight,
Just like a king to me,
Adorned in fur both black and white
With utmost majesty...
It's just another day to you,
Yet you shine like a star,
I guess you haven't got a clue,
How beautiful you are!
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Indian Prince
To some, this tiger was a prince,
For he stood out a mile,
I've seen him twice and ever since
I still recall his smile...
He always seemed so confident,
With swagger in his stride,
As if no other could prevent
His stature or his pride...
What need had he to wear a crown
If running like the wind?
His tail a-swishing up and down,
While all the time he grinned...
So full of joy, content with life,
What need had he for jewels?
This tiger had but to survive,
For life brought miracles...
The sun and moon and shooting stars,
The lightning and the rain,
A sudden meal when food was scarce,
A chance to sleep again...
And one day soon to find a mate,
If God decreed it so,
That future tigers could create
More princes on the go!
Denis Martindale, copyright August 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Indian Princess
The years were kind to the tigress,
Now seasoned in the sun,
So full of spice and specialness,
A prize meant to be won...
She'd find a mate when time decreed,
Till then, the days felt slow,
Until her destiny was freed,
Alone she had to go.
The miracles of life and love
Must first unite in time...
And while the waiting can be rough,
It helps make them sublime.
As long as fate grants its reward,
New life will grace the land...
The tigers' line will be assured
If good luck lends a hand.
Each generation comes and goes
As if it were the first,
Until extinction overthrows
And then it does its worst.
Endangered species may survive,
If Nature takes its course...
Yet if protected, they will thrive,
According to God's laws...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Indian Princess'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Indian Reflections
The tiger waded further on,
He had some place to go,
Somewhere to be, where sunlight shone,
So bright as if aglow!
Not here, while waters gently stream,
Reflections here and there,
Confusing him, as in some dream,
That caught him unaware...
The river's mud stirred up and swirled,
Reflections came and went,
Such that he strode a worried world,
His time there almost spent...
While bubbles surfaced now and then
To pop and disappear!
Such wonders were beyond his ken,
The kind he needn't fear...
The tiger looked back one last time,
Content that he must leave,
Although at first it felt sublime,
He saw no cause to grieve...
The river would be here next week,
Upon his glad return!
For now, his feet dry land would seek...
His legend he must earn!
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Indian Reflections'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Indian Sanctuary
The tiger rested in the sun
Without a single care...
Without the need to hunt or run,
This sense of peace was rare.
The tiger wasted none of this,
It just went with the flow...
Partaking of its share of bliss
And in its afterglow.
The afternoon was on its way,
No danger and no qualm.
No enemies to keep at bay,
No reason for alarm.
The tiger didn't understand
This sudden change of pace,
This Shangri-La, this Wonderland,
This blessing or this grace.
Why question what seemed meant to be?
Why fret when all goes well?
Be thankful for serenity,
Enjoy it for a spell.
The tiger's heart was tranquil, too.
Its rhythm matched the mood.
As if in safety in a zoo
Where Man provides the food.
You could call this a sanctuary,
A dream within a dream...
A pleasant place that's fancy free
Where nothing is extreme...
The tiger thought it Paradise
It knew it couldn't keep...
And so it simply closed its eyes,
Thanked God and went to sleep...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Indian Sanctuary'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Indian Sentinel
The tiger stared as tigers do
Across his own domain,
A remnant of the chosen few
On Earth who still remain...
When Winter comes and times are hard,
As hard as frozen snow,
The tiger's always on his guard,
No matter, high or low...
The seasons pass and daylight's short
And eyes must stay alert,
For any creature to be caught
And dangers that may hurt...
The tiger's seen these days before
And yearns for Spring's return,
Then Summer to appear once more
And sunshine's heat to burn...
For now, survival's game is played
And hunger takes its toll...
And though at times he looks dismayed,
He's brave within his soul...
Endurance and tenacity,
These strengths have served him well...
He hopes another year to see...
Yet of this, who can tell?
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Indian Sentinel'.
The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Indian Tiger Family
Indian tiger family
So peaceful at this time,
Together in such harmony
That all appears sublime...
For now, each cub has no concerns,
No hungers and no pains
And nothing that each heart still yearns,
As long as this remains...
Yet life continues day-by-day,
Soon food and drink they'll need,
No more the winsome times of play
When they're consumed by greed...
Till then, this hour casts its spell,
Its other-worldly feel,
Yet this must pass and bid farewell,
No longer quite so real...
Indian tiger family
With all this hour brings,
I envy your tranquillity
Above all other things...
For not all humans feel so blessed,
For some live on their own,
Your family's a treasure chest,
Each day you're not alone...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Indian Tiger Family'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Indian Tiger!
The Indian Tiger looked at me
While I observed him, too,
I must've been a sight to see
When I first walked in view...
For there I was, so calm, so still,
My camera to my eye
And though, to me, this was a thrill,
The tiger wondered why...
Not that, of course, he'd understand
A single word I'd say,
In any case, I'd got it planned
That soon I'd run away...
No point discussing face-to-face
His portrait on my wall,
So debonair, so full of grace,
As great as I'd recall...
Suffice to say, he stood his ground,
Perplexed to where I'd run,
Aware of every sight and sound
In his life since day one...
Yet if that day had been my last,
That's something that I'd loathe...
So when he moved, I scarpered fast,
Got in my jeep and drove!
Denis Martindale, copyright November 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford. Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Infant Of The Snows
Snow leopard cub, just lying there,
At present, all alone,
With no-one else nearby to care
Your bed is made of stone...
With snow a-falling close to you,
How long will you stay warm?
And what on Earth can small cubs do,
If there should be a storm?
Snow leopard cub, just lying still,
Your small white nose so cold,
Do you possess an iron will,
The patience to grow old?
Have you the courage to endure,
The true grit and reserve?
If yes, then may God grant you more,
If you can hold your nerve...
Snow leopard cub, should I draw near?
Have you the will to live?
Is your young heart now filled with fear?
New hope I hope to give...
To wait a while, would that be wrong?
I have some food to share,
Yes, here it is... Eat up, be strong...
Take heart, do not despair...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Inner Beauty Is Real Deep
Does a smile begin from nowhere,
A tear from outer space?
Or do they come from hearts that care
To settle on each face?
They say that beauty is skin deep,
Not so when one gets sad,
Or longfelt grudges one would keep
With evil thoughts so bad...
Does a laugh begin from nowhere,
A sigh from outer space?
Or do they come from dreams we share
Or feelings we embrace?
And what of songs and poetry
And hymns that mean so much
And all God called humanity
That brings each gentle touch?
Does a prayer begin from nowhere,
A frown from outer space?
Does true love melt the heart's despair
To wipe out every trace?
Does time go faster when in love,
Is love all that there is?
If so, then thank the Lord above,
Look up... and blow a kiss...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2012.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
White tiger cubs are harmless guys,
He's got no need to kill...
He's cute and cuddly with blue eyes
That draw you closer still...
His Daddy knows he's innocent,
His Mummy knows it, too...
To everyone, he's just a friend...
He'll be a friend to you...
His Daddy knows he's quite the lad,
His Mummy looks so proud...
His Brother thinks he's not so bad...
He does what he's allowed...
His Sister's way too self-involved
To give him any mind,
Yet she admits he's quite resolved
To leave all cares behind...
His Daddy watches all he does,
His Mummy dotes as well...
His Brother doesn't really fuss,
His Sister, who can tell?
His family! That's all he knows!
With them, he hopes to stay...
He's innocent... until he grows...
But then, WATCH OUT! OK?
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Innocent'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Two tiger cubs were curious,
Inquisitive to boot!
It's true that they looked glorious
And throw in kinda cute!
But woe to those that walked close by
Much smaller than these two...
These cubs were on the prowl, that's why,
And naughty things they'd do!
Yes, naughty things! Without a doubt!
These scamps were rogues at heart!
They weren't adverse to thump and clout
And pull things all apart!
What makes that tick? How does that move?
They'd ask the live-long day,
As if they'd got something to prove,
Like scientists at play...
Inquisitive by day and night,
They drove their parents mad!
They'd pester poor old Mum, too right,
Yet kept clear of their Dad!
'It's just a phase! ', the others said,
'Let's wait a little while...'
Yet secretly they'd go to bed,
Then giggle, smirk and smile...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Inquisitive II'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Inquisitive, Too!
The elephant had never seen
A human stand up close
And so, of course, he was quite keen
To learn about its nose!
A teeny weeny squashed up thing,
Without a tusk in sight
And so he stood there wondering,
As if with all his might!
He pondered how the human breathed,
Its nostrils were so small
And yet the human never grieved
Or heaved in breaths at all...
Not even when it shouted loud
Or ran across the plain,
Not even when it stood up proud
And ran around again!
Elephants try to work things out,
They'll puzzle all day long,
Yet that there human made him doubt,
How come it was so strong?
Was it the food or exercise?
This puzzle proved too tough!
For while he thought himself quite wise,
He wasn't wise enough...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'
plus his greeting cards pictures, too.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Inspire Days
The dream began, as many do,
With something up ahead...
A golden mountain there to view
And to it I felt led...
I climbed the mountain, slow at first,
And tiredness ensued...
My energy balloon had burst,
But then I felt renewed.
Fear left me and I felt assured And my heart beat faster!
I sensed the presence of my Lord,
Saviour, King and Master...
I realised He'd grant me strength
To help fulfil my dreams...
As if to give an extra tenth
To overcome extremes.
He came to me and held my hand,
I tingled and I wept...
For only He could understand
The hopes and dreams I kept...
When Jesus smiled, my heart stood still,
I trembled and felt weak...
Yet then I felt a sudden thrill...
He kissed me on the cheek...
This was the practice long ago,
A greeting for one's friend...
Yet deep inside, I felt a glow,
A light that knew no end...
Lord Jesus fills my heart with praise...
He makes my heart complete.
That's why I share Inspire Days
With those I meet and greet...
Lord Jesus is the missing peace,
Without Him each is lost...
Yet with Him, wonders never cease, - The World's Poetry Archive
All obstacles are crossed.
Inspire Days are meant to share
God's blessing with God's team...
May God grant wisdom through each prayer,
Each vision and each dream...
Denis Martindale, copyright 24th November 2010.
She Matters on Revelation TV this morning with
Guest Jen Baker, Speaker, Teacher, Pastor.
Inspire Day details here: jenbaker co uk website.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Inspire Me, O Lord!
Inspire me, o Lord of Lords,
Else I must dwell alone
Without the grace of God's rewards
That now surround Your throne!
Each holy angel stands full blessed,
Untainted till the end,
Yet most of all I stay impressed
By Christ, the Sinner's Friend...
If not for grace, then where go I?
Divinity must choose,
For unto God all prayers must fly
From Gentiles and from Jews...
If vision stands apart from me,
No wisdom then imparts
And yet I plead for clemency,
For that's when true love starts...
Once granted love, bid me receive,
A portion as my share,
No more, no less, for I believe
Your judgments are proved fair...
But mark this, too, I ask for those,
Who lack the wits to pray,
That I may blossom like the rose
That gives its scents away...
Inspire me, o Lord of Lords,
With insights old and new,
That I may know Your kindest thoughts
About the Chosen Few...
That I may pour out wines so pure,
That they may feast in kind,
To praise Your Name for evermore
With perfect peace of mind...
For what is Man except God's child?
In this life and beyond,
But only when Man's reconciled - The World's Poetry Archive
Through Christ's eternal bond...
How can I reach the remnant left,
Prepared to save the lost,
If You leave me on Earth bereft,
As chilled as morning frost?
I seek to be inspired here
Before I pass away,
For inspiration makes things clear,
From right paths not to stray...
The roads ahead are hid from sight,
Yet You, Lord, know all things
And thus fill angels with delight
And constant wonderings...
Yet look at me, behold the man,
Consider what could be...
If inspiration serves Your plan,
From darkness, set me free...
The sun, the moon, the stars on high,
Each serves Your purpose well,
Inspire me, that I may try
To rescue souls from Hell...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2013.
The poem is based on the prayer of
Saul of Tarsus, once blind, yet hoping
to be healed, set free from darkness,
to walk in the light, yet then to share
God's light with those that remained lost.
Saul became known as Paul. Much of
the New Testament was written by him.
He declared himself to be more blessed
than others, possessing all the gifts of
the Holy Spirit. This mercy was granted
because God foresaw how dedicated
he would be in preaching the Gospel...
and that the world would be changed - The World's Poetry Archive
thanks to his faith and eternal testimony.
Hear the word of the Lord on Revelation TV,
on Sky, Freeview HD, or the Roku box, or
visit the website revelationtv-dot-com
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Inspired By Beauty!
God loves you with the greatest love the world has ever known,
And so I ask, is that enough to prove you're not alone?
The risen Lord shines like the sun, His glory's everywhere,
In Christ, your life has just begun, a life beyond compare!
The past and present prove God's love, the planets, too, have worth,
That's why we stare at stars above, while we live on this Earth...
Inspired by beauty each day, inspired in each degree,
We're truly blessed in every way, for all eternity...
God grants us life, this gracious gift, yet sets Mankind apart,
As if his very soul to lift, like Adam's from the start...
And Eve was given as a friend, togetherness ensured,
Someone on whom he could depend, a soulmate from the Lord...
Yet Nature has God's beauty, too, for miracles abound,
Today that's true for even you have blessings all around...
The sun by day, the moon by night, the very air you breathe,
The tiny birds that soar in flight cause each heart to believe...
No wonder Jesus came to save, no wonder Jesus died,
No wonder Jesus was so brave when He was crucified...
For He saw beauty in your smile, the twinkles in your eyes
And so He suffered for a while because you were His prize...
So be inspired by His Word, God's treasure trove for Man,
By this we know that what's occurred has still fulfilled God's plan...
Christ will return and bless Mankind, with all things beautiful,
Then every day each one will find their daily miracle...
God loves you with the greatest love the world has ever known,
And so I ask, is that enough to prove you're not alone?
The risen Lord shines like the sun, His glory's everywhere,
In Christ, your life has just begun, a life beyond compare!
Denis Martindale, copyright September 2015. - The World's Poetry Archive
Find out more by watching Revelation TV,
the Christian channel on Sky TV that is
part of the Church without walls...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
White tigers, wondrous as they are,
Survive as best they can,
Yet instinct only goes so far,
So parents need to plan...
That's why white tigers still exist,
Just recently made known,
That's why we hope they will persist,
Their hunting skills to hone...
They've found their place in Nature now,
Esteemed by Man as well,
Protecting while he can allow,
So they've their tale to tell...
With families that roam the land,
The young cubs still to train,
While Man provides a helping hand,
Come sunshine or come rain...
Consider instinct just the start,
The guiding force inside,
In matters of the head, the heart,
So wisdom is supplied...
If not for instinct, senses fail,
No matter, great or small,
No matter if male or female,
It helps us, one and all...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Instinct'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
His hunger was simply intense!
This comes to leopards, too...
And till that empty gnawing ends,
He'll hunt the whole day through...
Only the starving understand
The desperate days he's known,
When cruel Fate withholds her hand,
As her heart turns to stone...
Each step, each stride, each newborn chase,
They sap his strength, of course,
Though once he had a noble face
And was a tour de force!
He now looks feeble, not on form,
A shadow of himself...
No longer feeling quite the norm,
He must rely on stealth.
He lies in wait, for prey to come,
With hardly strength to cope,
With breathing slow, now playing dumb
And nothing left but hope...
Suffice to say, Fate sends a meal...
His torment meets an end...
Enough to let his body to heal
And he's soon on the mend...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Intense'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The leopard looked with dark disdain
And ever-growing dread.
He sensed this day would bring him pain,
With trouble dead ahead.
A broken twig changed everything!
Of fear, he wasn't fond...
Who knows what fickle fate may bring?
Some creature lurked beyond...
He stared with great intensity,
Alerted and alarmed...
No longer strolling fancy free,
No longer feeling calmed...
How big and bold the danger was
As yet he couldn't guess...
And yet his heart went cold because
One fight steals happiness.
Reverse and run? Too soon to say...
New courage made him wait...
Perhaps this was his finest day
And he would celebrate.
If not, then death was way too close...
For tensions filled the air.
Two predators are vicious foes,
Like devils who don't care...
His claws were poised like daggers gripped,
Outstretched, the fight to win...
Death laughed at him, as from its crypt,
Yet leopards don't give in!
The fight begins! Not one relents!
The fur flies to and fro!
The leopard wins through violence!
His foe turned tail to go...
Alone, the leopard stood his ground...
With such intensity...
And with no other creature round,
He savoured victory!
The poem is based on the magnificent painting - The World's Poetry Archive
by Stephen Gayford called 'Intensity'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Internet Celebrity Love
I fell in love with her picture
A long, long time ago,
Yet today I'm not much richer
By all the things I know.
You see, I never met her,
No, never in my life,
Yet how can I forget her
When I prayed she'd be my wife?
Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2014.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Internet Crush
The PC starts and loads its stuff with teeny weeny whirrs,
While I rekindle all my love for her while this occurs...
Impatiently my fingers tap, as desktop graphics load...
And just when I begin to snap, the browser's graphics showed...
Click, click! One minute left to go! I'll soon be back online!
My rosy cheeks begin to glow... Take heart, my Valentine!
My Yahoo Inbox! There you are! She's emailed! OMG!
Stay calm! She's just a superstar... She's not in love with me...
She's got some guy to take her out. She's some new film to make...
Just being kind, of that no doubt, to give a fan a break!
What's this! She wants to meet me soon! Phone number and address!
A miracle! I start to swoon! The stress! The stress! The stress!
What shall I wear! ? I'll buy a suit! Tuxedo-style, oh, my!
It's all for her, 'cos she's so cute! What gifts for her to buy! ?
A diamond ring, too early, son... A necklace, that'll do...
And when the date is almost done, I'll whisper, 'I love you! '
I'm terrified as I respond... Then she picks up the phone!
I'm talking to my favourite blonde! The sweetest girl I've known!
Now on my knees I start to pray! Dear Lord, I've got a date!
Yes! Halleluyah! Hip, hooray! It's time to celebrate!
I need the strength to get through this! It could be quite a trial,
Yet she's the girl I yearn to kiss, the girl who makes me smile...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2012.
The poem is based upon the theme of the recent - The World's Poetry Archive
poemhunter poem, Internet Obsession, by Yvonne Bly.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The lion looked with such a look,
That's called your deepest fears...
And with your courage that he took,
Bravado disappears!
Have you the strength to move your hand?
Or lift your arm above?
Or is your movement slowly planned,
As timid as a dove?
Have you the power left to run,
The stamina to flee?
Or is the battle lost not won
And his the victory?
So many questions fill your mind...
The lion gives you time...
Just think of what he has outlined,
This super cat sublime...
He licks his lips while you're perplexed,
This prince of past pursuits
And thinks of what will happen next,
While you shake in your boots!
Intimidation, that's his game!
It's how he gets his kicks!
He lacks all conscience, knows no shame
And you've run out of tricks!
It's time to pray! God knows your need!
Ask Him as Daniel would...
For God helped Samson to succeed,
To do the feats he could.
A humble plea's more powerful
When God is on your side!
Let God grant you a miracle!
His arms will open wide...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Intimidation'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Intrepid tiger, there you are,
Exploring yonder stream,
Each day you've wandered oh so far,
As if life were a dream...
Yet now a cool reality
Surrounds your mortal frame,
Seducing you with ecstasy,
That chills eternal flame...
Your nature isn't quite as strong
Within the water's hold,
As if to say, you don't belong,
With fur so hot, not cold...
Yet there you are, intrepid still,
To claim this next domain,
As if it were an act of will
And just for you to gain...
What creature dares to challenge now?
What creature risks his all?
Before your presence they should bow
And at your feet should fall...
Men cower when they know you're near!
Men gulp and dare not move!
Intrepid one, no need to fear...
You've nothing left to prove!
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Intrepid'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Is She Not Beautiful?
While men can dream of dreamgirls still,
While poets pen their rhymes,
While there's the strength, the love, the will,
Each plans for better times...
Yet without her, is life so grand,
Enough to say worthwhile?
No heart says no, life would be bland
Without her perfect smile...
It's true, some girls are sweet of face,
Quite winsome in a way,
Incredible and full of grace,
With smiles that make my day...
Yet when she's seen, her twinkling eyes,
Her smiles, her laughs, her hair,
It's then I gently realise,
That she's beyond compare...
Her fashion sense sets her apart,
So gaily she appears,
With daily changes, chic and smart
And how her accent cheers...
She's full of fun, the giggly sort,
So confident, so fine,
No wonder, I've no second thought
In wishing she were mine...
There's something yet intangible,
Beyond her female form,
Beyond her mind so sensible,
Her heart that's oh so warm...
And that's the part I yearn to know,
Beyond her cheek to touch,
Beyond the lips if love should grow
Till love's almost too much...
While men can dream of dreamgirls still,
While poets pen their rhymes,
While there's the strength, the love, the will, - The World's Poetry Archive
Each plans for better times...
Yet without her, is life so grand,
Enough to say worthwhile?
No heart says no, life would be bland
Without her perfect smile...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Island Retreat
The panther walked with cubs close by,
With thirsty thoughts to soothe,
Till then, there'd be that question why
The cubs were on the move...
But parents know ahead of time
The basic facts of life,
A drink of water tastes sublime,
It tends to ease one's strife...
So water was the thought that drove
The panther straight ahead,
Towards a wondrous treasure trove,
That's where the cubs were led...
So that they'd learn of Paradise,
A place to drink and bathe,
A secret shared among the wise,
Their very lives to save...
A precious rock was waiting there,
With water all about,
A tiny island without care,
Where faith dispelled all doubt...
Where panthers rest, their thirst relieved,
Just taking in the day,
As if with brand new hope perceived,
Received and here to stay...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
It Does The Heart Good!
Based on the great eternal hope
That God still wants to save,
The Christian Gospel spans the globe,
Based on the gifts we gave...
Thus Christian ministries are born,
To blossom like the rose,
To reach out to the lost, forlorn,
The ones God only knows...
Church Without Walls, as each donates,
God's will gets quickly done,
Thus all of Heaven celebrates
With Jesus Christ, His Son...
And while our future joys unfold
As we remain on Earth,
In Heaven, there are streets of gold
That none of us deserve...
And yet, in Christ, God's love is shown,
He grants us righteousness,
So that our very hearts have grown,
So we, in turn, can bless...
And lives are changed beyond belief,
Beyond our hopes and dreams,
Including those who seek relief
Against life's sad extremes...
While there are people sin has caught
Within its web of doubt,
Please have compassion, spare a thought,
So Jesus helps them out...
Lift up to Him your precious prayers,
Not just for self or friends...
In Jesus' Name, as one who cares,
Donate as God intends...
Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2014. - The World's Poetry Archive
The Revelation TV website and watch now details
can be found on Google. Seek and ye shall find...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
It Is Finished!
Resounding through the Universe,
Transcending time and space,
The greatest shout of victory
Heard by the human race!
For from the lips of Jesus Christ
Came His tremendous cry,
When 'It is finished! ' was His shout,
He laid down life to die...
All holy scriptures were fulfilled,
Each prophecy complete,
God's Son of whom the Prophets wrote
Held Satan in defeat!
The battle has been won by Christ,
Immortal God who died,
His sacred blood has flowed for sin...
God's Laws were satisfied!
How vast the ransom Jesus paid,
With no work left undone,
The gate to Heaven opened wide
By God's begotten Son!
Mankind's great debts have been redeemed,
Sin's full price has been paid!
Christ's shame and suffering overcome,
Atonement has been made...
My Lord and my Love crucified,
Each sinner's faithful friend,
Behold Alpha and Omega,
Beginning, middle, end!
Christ's perfect life was sacrificed,
God's dreadful price for sins...
God's Age of Law nailed to the Cross,
God's Age of Grace begins...
God's grievous battle has to close
With Man's redemption won,
No need for types and pale shadows, - The World's Poetry Archive
The will of God's been done!
Since Satan's been defeated by
The Saviour crucified,
We see Death's sting has been vanquished,
Once Christ's Tomb opened wide!
Adapted from Roy Allen's poemhunter poetry,
it-is-finished-13 and my revised version can
be sung to a common metre hymn eg 8,6,8,6.
Denis Martindale, copyright belonging to
Roy Allen's original poetry,2012...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
It Never Ends!
Outside our homes, the cameras wait,
They focus on us, folks
And every frame has day and date
And privacy revokes...
The innocent and guilty, too,
Are subject to their wiles,
Regardless of our point-of-view
And how this reconciles...
The camera crew, behind the scenes,
Inspect the daily grind,
Beyond the norm, each intervenes,
If troubles they can find...
Yet they possess that right not us,
Who knows what they allow?
For they don't care about the fuss
If citizens ask now...
They watch your car and number plate,
They watch your credit card,
They even know your credit rate,
Today that's not so hard...
Your children may not understand,
They'll gossip all day long,
But what if things get out-of-hand,
What if they get things wrong?
False witnesses can also hurt,
The lies some people tell,
That's why we all must stay alert,
Else things won't go so well...
The camera lies, sometimes, it's true,
That's why the Courts decide,
Perhaps one day the victim's you,
No place to run or hide...
In prisons, cameras catch the crowd,
The moving to-and-fro,
The guards and inmates may walk proud, - The World's Poetry Archive
Or humbled, heads kept low...
Yet cameras lurk in our classes,
On streets and motorways
And on gadgets, like sunglasses
And pens, such is the craze...
It doesn't matter where you go,
Surveillance rules the skies,
For satellites are in the know
And Google's no surprise...
And yet beyond this mortal realm,
God also watches, too!
As long as God is at the helm,
It never ends for YOU!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
It Took 74 People To Put A Smile Back On My Face
(Tv Advert)
Jenny's the name and that's the truth
And I was struck down in my youth
Such that my face was scarred and bruised!
Yet seeking help, was not refused!
A noble team surrounded me,
In hopes to set a new smile free,
And skills beyond the norm were found
To turn the suffering around.
Now I can smile a gentle grin
And admiration I still win
Yet all depended on my team
Who guided me throughout the dream
That once I thought would never end
Until I saw each as my friend.
The world in which we live goes on,
Man's sufferings have not all gone.
Perhaps my smile will give you faith
Enough to help you to be brave,
Enough to grant you time to heal,
Like me, when life seemed so unreal.
You'll see me on your tv sets
Acknowledging that I have debts
To those who gave their skills and time,
'I give you thanks, you're all sublime!
Your patience and your dignity,
Your humour and humility,
Your steadfast love and steadfast care,
Your hopes for me contained in prayer...
I'll not forget the love I've known
That blessed me though I felt alone...
I pray God sees my every smile
And blesses you a long, long while! '
And to the ones who watch tv,
A special smile direct from ME!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
It's Autumn-Atic!
The heatwave's gone! The sun retreats! The Summer bids adieu!
'What a scorcher! ' thus completes the season known as 'Phew! '
It's 'Autumn-atic' what ensues and Winter waits its turn...
September starts its coloured hues on trees as green as fern.
Is that a chill within the bones? Rheumatic pains increase.
Across the nation, hear the groans from those who can't find peace!
So on with extra togs on beds, our duvets to improve.
So on with extra logs from sheds, our living rooms to soothe.
The folks with central heating, too, turn up a notch each night.
It's no good if their feet turn blue, 'cos that would be a sight!
Out come the extra pairs of socks, the mittens and the scarves!
And soon we have to change the clocks we don't do things by halves!
We watch the roads in case of ice! We watch dark days take hold!
Then chestnuts ripen in a trice all shiny, good as gold!
Then Halloween's bewitching spell enchants, once cast, till past...
Bonfires burn as if from hell! Then Christmas comes AT LAST!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
It's Been A Long Day
Oh, the white tiger was weary!
His tootsies throbbed and throbbed...
Though white tigers don't get teary,
He almost sighed and sobbed...
He asked, How long will this day last?
He hoped it would end soon,
Because he knew when it was past,
He'd sleep beneath the moon...
The day went on and on and on...
He had to have a rest!
He couldn't wait till it had gone,
Though anger he expressed...
He hadn't learnt to pace himself,
That's why there was no doubt,
He wasn't in the best of health,
He was plum-tuckered out!
His heavy head matched heavy heart,
He yawned, as tigers do,
The doziness began to start,
Eyes closing to the view...
And minutes later, tootsies soothed,
He gladly said, Goodnight...
And thus, for hours, hardly moved,
Contented to sleep tight...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'It's Been A long Day II'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
It's Best To Stay A Pilgrim
Why do ugly things happen to beautiful people,
Breaking their hearts and twisting their minds,
Causing sorrows that fester within and leaving without,
Such that their very souls lie dormant, vulnerable,
Listening to the whispers of demons, falling prey...
Until they pray and God delivers them from evil?
And where are the angels of mercy that are spoken of,
Are they merely the legends of yesteryear,
Lost in the ancient wearisome turmoils of time,
No more the powers they once used to be,
Or gently avoiding trouble, flying round in circles,
Pretending they can do nothing, nothing at all?
Surely the all-seeing, all-knowing God of eternity
Has foreknowledge and could intervene,
A thunderbolt warning at an appropriate time,
Sending demons scurrying away in abject fear?
But life seems so random in its changing tides,
Its marches forward and its sudden stops,
Then the building and the knocking down
With empires rising, merely to crumble in the dust...
If empires come and go, then why shouldn't Man?
Yet Man consists of more than men themselves,
Surely women and children comprise their part
And deserve their portion of a wholesome life?
Or are we merely mortals, vulnerable victims,
The pawns within some cosmic game of chess?
No more thought of once removed from the board,
Tossed into our own little boxes like coffins,
Cast aside till tomorrow's game or later today...
I have feelings and so do you, yet what of these?
Are feelings merely the necessity of life,
The inborn streams that prove one's sorrows true,
The reality of individual sacrificial pain,
Made manifest for every wise seeing eye to see,
The outpourings of scarlet and crimson bloodstains, - The World's Poetry Archive
Drying 'neath a solemn, uncaring sun and moon?
If not for love, the father of forgiveness,
Who could stand the rigours of times gone by
Or submit to future tyrannies as yet await?
If not for faith, who then abides beyond the pain,
To stand as one who's called a conqueror,
A proven valiant champion and deservedly so?
But this I know, of all truths Man has ever known,
I cannot survive alone, nor would I seek to try,
While there is still humanity and charity,
Compassion borne of wondrous grace,
While there is but one miracle abiding still,
Waiting in the wings, even the wings of angels...
It's best to stay a pilgrim, to pray and persevere...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
It's Great To Be An Actress!
Yes, it's great to be an actress - in fact, it's fun-derbar!
And with a measure of success, perhaps I'll be a star!
To wear the finest clothes on Earth like catwalk models do,
Can give a girl a sense of worth to thrill you through and through!
To talk in accents not your own is quite 'der challenge' yet,
It's up to you, your skills to hone! Get all that's there to get!
Portray in every way you can the character within...
That's how to please the fervent fan who wills you on to win!
Perform in plays and tv shows, plus adverts, films and such!
Make friends with amateurs and pros - each one can teach so much!
Success or failure! Come what may! An actress I will be!
You'll watch me on tv, one day! Yes, just you wait and see!
You'll beg me for my autograph, signed pictures and much more!
Yet when I'm gone, my epitaph will simply say, 'ENCORE! '
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
It's Its
The poem's in a rush today!
So fast it tells me things
And yet I know, along the way,
The errors that speed brings...
Yet it won't stop its speed at all,
As if it didn't care
And while that drives me up the wall,
I haven't got a prayer...
So on I type, like I'm a blur,
Though grammar's up the creek,
The poem lets mistakes occur,
Yet brings me words unique...
I can't spell that, I'll have to check,
But now, it's not the time
And so I think, Oh, what the heck! ?
At least the verses rhyme!
The poem hurtles to its end,
I'm breathless, then it's gone!
It's waved goodbye, as if my friend,
Yet I must carry on!
I've got to fix the damage done,
The poem's just not right!
It's its, not it's, no one, not none
And midnight not mid night...
A few mistakes till they're erased,
My work's almost complete,
A few more commas to be placed,
Until the reading's sweet...
My poem friend refused to chat!
It left me quite aghast!
It's finished, now! Thank God for that!
It's time to rest, at last!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
It's Supernatural!
It's God who made the Universe
In which we dwell today,
It's God who made the sun, moon, stars,
Within the Milky Way...
It's God who made the mountains soar
And made the seas to plan,
It's God who made the creatures for
This world now ruled by Man...
It's God who made us one by one,
With freewill each his own,
It's God who sacrificed His Son,
The greatest gift He's shown...
It's God who wept as Jesus bled,
Though this salvation brings,
It's God who raised Christ from the dead
And made Him King of Kings...
It's God who blessed at Pentecost
When all flesh stared surprised,
It's God who reached out to the lost
When each one was baptised...
It's God who spans the centuries
And reaches now to all,
How come such wonders never cease?
It's supernatural!
Denis Martindale, copyright October 2014.
The Revelation TV website
and watch now details
can be found on Google.
Seek and ye shall find...
Learn more and tune in to
Sid Roth's TV show, because
It's Supernatural! - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
It's Up To You!
If you are noble you are blessed
Each time you try to do your best!
Success or failure, who can say?
For both will come to you one day...
For now, before your fate is known,
It's wise if guidance can be shown.
Today's not just the hours sent
For there's a greater honour meant.
The good you do this day will grow
In ways that none on Earth can know.
Good works abound where faith is found
Helping those in pain that frowned.
Why only help the folks that smile?
Avoid the ones who live in style!
Seek out the people frail and poor,
They need your help and that's for sure!
If you are noble, kind and true,
Please help them out... It's up to you!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Black Panther Jade, so dark, so sleek,
So pristine in the sun,
Of all God's creatures quite unique,
With beauty that can stun...
For there you pause, so calm, serene,
So gentle, lying still,
Just like the Sphinx, revered when seen,
Hushed breath at such a thrill...
You needn't do a single thing
To make me like you now,
For all the wonder that you bring
Means more to me somehow...
Though we're not friends, this day you're named,
Like pussycats at home,
Your beauty grows with you untamed,
Wherever you may roam...
So you stay there and I'll stay here,
Respecting from afar,
With boundaries so crystal clear
That never jade or jar...
I'll paint a picture to recall,
This moment that we met,
Then gently hang it on the wall
So that I'll not forget...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Jaguar Cub
Jaguars bear a golden crown
That features black dots there
That almost makes a widened frown
Displaying every care...
And yet that cub conveyed no fear,
But held that forward gaze,
He looked composed, somewhat austere,
As if deserving praise...
He must have sensed his rightful place,
His purpose in God's plans,
Because that truth transformed his face,
As if meant to enhance...
If we but knew what God expects,
Perhaps we'd serve Him well,
Unlike the fool that thus neglects
What sun, moon, stars would tell...
That cub displayed such dignity,
Like royal portraits do,
As if that's meant for all to see,
Not just for me and you...
He didn't need a peacock's wings
To stand out from the rest,
He had the grace God only brings
To those He would see blessed...
Denis Martindale, copyright September 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford. Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Last night I had a dream
That suddenly I felt inspired and compelled
To paint a brand new picture.
There I was with paints
Here, there and everywhere,
In a darkened room with this painting
Being created before my very eyes,
The beautiful mixture of shapes,
Forms and vivid colours.
The magnificent outcome was
Something wonderful to me.
Then I realised that next to other paintings
This was merely an average creation,
Nothing outstanding that would
Stand the test of time.
Just another artwork framed
And fixed to a wall, just there
Because I painted it,
Not for anything brilliant or first class
Or some masterpiece.
But when I go online
And search Ebay for artwork
Or visit comic art websites
Or the artists' websites,
Then I find I'm searching a treasure
That only I will know as treasure
When my eyes find it.
Only then will the artwork be special,
Because I'm the one
Who holds it most precious.
Of all the artwork I've ever done,
Only a few are most precious to me.
These will never match the world's finest.
So I take special delight in finding treasure,
Here a little, there a little.
Even if it's not as perfect as I'd like, - The World's Poetry Archive
Maybe I can enhance the photo image
To a greater degree
Using graphic editor programs and special effects
Or adding spectacular art frames
Around the enhanced image.
I like artwork and fantasy art is spectacular.
That's why I created this website
With a click-a-pic slideshow display.
In full screen height and width
And the effect is stunning!
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2011.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Jerusalem, Far And Away The Best!
Jerusalem, Jerusalem! The City on the hill...
God's promise made to all of them obedient to His will...
More than the wise man comprehends, excelling dreams and things!
The Lord saved Zion for His friends, not treasure trove for kings!
The hand of Destiny's above your open doors and gates
And God on high looks down with love and tempers all the fates...
To leave intact His legacy, His blessings yet unknown...
Until the wondrous victory is God's and God's alone...
Till Christ returns, you bide your time - a servant to His vow!
God's promise tells it's so sublime that every knee shall bow!
Confessing Christ as Lord of all, just as the Bible says...
And blessed is he who doesn't fall, yet kneels to say his prayers!
My God decrees a future day when Jesus rules the globe!
When faithful souls are swift to say, 'Let us be pure as Job! '
For holiness shall prove its worth as men despise their sins,
And watch the Saviour rule the Earth as King, yet Prince of Peace!
Behold... the nations tow the line, obedient every one...
With wisdom, having seen the sign, and trusting in God's Son!
Thus war recedes and peace is blessed... so credit where it's due...
Far and away the Saviour's best! Jerusalem, that's you!
I wish that I could walk your streets when Jesus comes again
And God's great prophecy completes what's now beyond our ken!
Jerusalem, be patient still... Your time is yet to be!
When Jesus rules upon the hill... that once was Calvary!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Jerusalem, Jerusalem!
From generation to generation
Jerusalem is blessed,
So behold the revelation,
For it is manifest!
While sun and moon and stars still shine,
While sons of men exist,
God says, 'Jerusalem is Mine!
Let nobody resist! '
The capital of Israel stands
Before God's Throne on high!
Receiver of the Lord's commands,
The apple of His eye,
Christ's future Throne, awaits Him still,
This lesson Man must learn,
Since Jesus Christ on Zion's Hill
Has promised to return...
Freewill is wise, yet limits fall,
Both on the rich and poor,
Christ's prophecies apply to all,
Of that you can be sure...
The wise, of course, remember Him,
Christ died to save each Jew...
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
Great things are said of you!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
I fell in love the other day
And what a day it was!
Across the room I saw her pray
Beneath a golden cross...
When I saw her, I couldn't move,
My heartbeat simply raced...
Then suddenly it seemed to soothe
And felt more gently paced...
It was as if she were the one,
That special one for me...
And just like me, she praised God's Son
Who died at Calvary...
She saw me staring and she smiled,
As if she felt it, too...
How could that be? I was beguiled,
With thoughts like, 'I love you! '
She walked away, I watched her leave
And yet I hardly stirred...
So much in love and hard to breathe...
I couldn't say a word...
I'd found the greatest love I'd known
With memories so sublime...
Yet foolishly, I stood alone,
Transfixed in space and time...
The mystery then gets bigger,
For God won't give me hints.
I learnt her name was Jessica,
I've never found her since...
She must be meant for someone else,
Yet he won't love like me...
I'll pine for her without farewells
For all eternity...
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2011.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
When angels formed their choir above,
The shepherds listened well,
For born on Earth, the King of Love,
Was welcomed here to dwell...
The angels sang in harmony,
Good News thus to reveal,
That Christ was sent for you and me,
Our sinful souls to heal...
As Jesus grew from boy to man,
His Father saw it all,
In time to let Him see the Plan,
In service to God's call...
For what was Jesus living for,
Except to save Mankind?
To offer us, the rich, the poor,
His perfect peace of mind...
What man is safe from sin and hate?
They dwell in every heart...
And what is there to celebrate?
For these tear us apart...
While they bring wars and crimes untold,
While they bring years of shame,
The greatest story ever told
Begins with Jesus' Name...
When crowds around the Lord came near,
His parables brought hope,
The wisdom meant was crystal clear
And wisdom helps us cope...
Beyond the words He shared each time,
His prayers brought healings, too,
Such that some thought He was sublime
And that His words were true...
But others chose the ancient laws,
Condemned God's Son to death
And once they set upon that course, - The World's Poetry Archive
They sought His final breath...
And less than this they would not take,
As Pontius Pilate stared
And so Christ died for righteous sake,
That through Him, we were spared...
Jesus! Oh, Lord, what wondrous love!
God's will was thus obeyed,
Your perfect love proved grace enough,
For sinners who had strayed...
Now hymns and praises rise each day,
Ascending to God's Throne,
Rejoicing, Jesus is The Way!
Christ only can atone!
What can we give that might reward
The Lord for what was done,
For all the Blood that was outpoured
Beneath the moon and sun?
The Sinner's Prayer explains our need,
The pardon that we crave,
Still written into every creed...
Through Jesus, God forgave...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2013.
Several of my Gospel poems have been
read out on Revelation TV and I often
write about the programmes and topics on
this Christian TV channel thanks to the
receiving of their monthly newsletters.
You can hear the word of the Lord each day on
Revelation TV on Sky, Freesat or Freeview HD, or
the Roku set top box or Revelation TV online.
You can search my poems for Revelation TV
programmes and topics, using keywords
like Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Church, baptism
and revelation tv or revelationtv. - The World's Poetry Archive
Regards, Denis Martindale.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Jesus Inspires!
God's wondrous kingdom love began
When Jesus Christ was born,
Such that the Father had a plan
To overcome Man's scorn...
From prophecies declared ahead,
The Gospel Truth was known,
That's why the demon legion fled
From Jesus Christ alone...
They knew their kingdom met its match
When Jesus came to town,
Despite what demons plan to hatch,
Their kingdom tumbled down...
Such that Mankind can live anew,
Inspired by God's Son,
Who chose to die for me and you,
So lost souls could be won...
But while the dead were raised to life,
With healings to astound,
The devil-men were planning strife
And Jesus Christ was bound...
Despite the things that some would say,
The Saviour let things be
And even chose to walk that way
To die on Calvary...
By now, Mankind had lost all hope,
They ridiculed God's King,
For how on Earth could Jesus cope
And overcome Death's sting?
But God let Jesus die for us,
Earth's multitudes and more,
That's why today we still discuss,
Still worship and adore...
When Jesus left the Tomb behind,
Disciples understood,
God's grace is what must save Mankind, - The World's Poetry Archive
Not Mankind being good...
So that not one on Earth may boast,
Save in the Saviour's Blood,
That flows from coast to coast to coast,
To cleanse us like a flood...
Just like believers when baptised,
Receiving Heaven's touch
Because they turned to Jesus Christ
Who loves them oh so much...
Jesus inspires every day,
Through Him, come gifts to all,
If saints stay humble, kneel and pray
And harken to God's call...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2014.
You can hear the Word of the Lord on
God TV and on Revelation TV channels,
see tune-in, watch-now details on Google.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Jesus Of Nazareth!
It came to pass in ancient days when Romans roamed the Earth,
A child was born mid angels' praise proclaiming of His worth!
No mortal child was like this child! His Father was the Lord!
His Mother, Mary, undefiled, virginity assured!
The Virgin Birth as it's been called transformed Man's history!
It left the angels quite enthralled at God's great mystery!
For God's Own Son would save Mankind! Thus Jesus was His Name!
One day He'd heal the deaf, the blind, the dumb of speech and lame!
Think not that babes aren't treasure chests! Each has a part to play!
For they, like sparrows, leave their nests! Then soar and fly away!
Thus Jesus Christ of Nazareth was destined first to preach,
Such that He taught with every breath, intent, lost souls to reach!
Then came the time disciples joined! Yes, seventy and two...
Including Judas who purloined, some shekels to accrue!
He saw the miracles of Christ! He followed like a friend!
Then doubts in him were realised! Such doubts that wouldn't mend!
Thus Judas sold the Son of Man, betraying wondrous love!
Perhaps he saw how death began when Christ was raised above!
Perhaps he looked behind a shroud that kept his face from view!
Perhaps he choked and wept aloud and yet what could he do?
There on the Cross of Christ blood fell... Life's energy was drained...
Until at last Christ said farewell... Atonement fully gained...
The sacrificial lamb was He! Unblemished, without spot!
Behold the King of Calvary! Behold the Son of God!
The crowds departed, homeward bound! Another prophet dead!
Another tomb must yet be found to hide away what bled!
Yet Jesus prophesied of life beyond the grisly grave!
Thus Easter Sunday conquered strife and death no more stood brave!
Behold the risen, conquering Son! Behold death cowers still!
Who is this Saviour who has won according to God's will?
Repent, you demons of the night! Repent, you men of Earth!
Behold the Saviour bathed in light who grants lost souls new birth!
No more will Man have cause to doubt! Now faith will shine as gold!
Christ's love will prove what life's about as miracles unfold!
A mighty army prays each day, God's mercies to implore!
Jesus of Nazareth is 'THE WAY'... Both now and evermore...
copyright, Denis Martindale. - The World's Poetry Archive
You can hear the word of the Lord on
GOD TV and Revelation TV channels.
Lots of tune-in and watch-now info if you
check Google search results for details.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Jesus Or Barabbas?
Barabbas stood before the crowd,
Then Pontius Pilate spoke,
'One freed prisoner I'm allowed! '
And yet it was no joke.
The King rejected was Jesus,
Still crowned with bloodied thorns.
Then they selected Barabbas,
From whom all hatred spawns.
The Nazarene was led away,
To climb Golgotha's hill...
Barabbas didn't choose to stay
To watch another kill.
He'd seen enough of Roman death
And vowed revenge and more
And yet Jesus of Nazareth
Was so hard to ignore...
A trail of blood led to the Cross...
And there God's Son was nailed...
And though divine, He stayed because
God's faith in Him prevailed.
His Mother, Mary, mourned and mourned
As hours slowly passed...
And while the wicked scorned and scorned,
The sky was overcast.
In twilight now, as darkness fell,
A faithful thief thought twice.
When Jesus rescued him from Hell,
He promised Paradise.
That very day, as Jesus said,
Both souls would soon depart
And just to check if Christ was dead,
They pierced Him through the heart.
But God was faithful to His Son...
Christ left His shroud behind!
Through Easter, we know Christ has won - The World's Poetry Archive
Salvation for Mankind!
Forgiveness granted through God's plan!
Christ's blood has proved enough!
Behold the Cross! Behold the Man!
Behold the King of Love...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Jesus The Postman
Jesus is our Deliverer
With Good News in each hand,
Who seeks to make good things occur
In every single land...
From North to South and East to West
The Easter Story's told,
Such that we learn Christ did His best,
His faith as good as gold...
To rise again from such a death
Is truly no small feat
And yet Jesus of Nazareth
Stands tall, His work complete...
We can't add more to what He's done,
Perfection stands alone,
God's Royal Pardon through His Son,
Delivered from His Throne!
He often pauses on His way,
Explaining as He goes
And those who hear His words then pray
And thus love overflows...
Through tears of laughter, tears of guilt,
This world discovers Christ
And learns the reason He was killed
When He was sacrificed...
So let us pray and stamp out sin
As He would have us do,
Perhaps some burdened souls to win
So they can join us, too...
The streets await, they stand their ground,
Yet people live then die
And all the while that Christ's around,
There's time to ask Him, 'Why? '
Jesus the Postman, here on Earth,
God's righteous Royal male...
The Lord will let us find new worth - The World's Poetry Archive
With love beyond the scale...
Time's running out! Look at the clock!
It's up to you to choose...
How many times must Jesus knock
Before He shares Good News?
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Jesus, The Crucified Poet
My pens have nailed me to the tree; red ink pours from my veins...
Though in the distance, fancy free, lost singers voice refrains...
If I had written songs instead, a hero I would be!
If I had known what lay ahead, would I know Calvary?
Yet here I am, now hoisted high, for all the world to scoff!
I asked, Who? What? Where? When? And Why? I couldn't shake them off!
Thus day-by-day and night-by-night I wrote my poems down...
Perchance that others would delight and somehow soothe each frown...
Alas, my critics sought my death, 'What purpose does he serve? '
It seemed they loathed my every breath, 'He has no place on Earth! '
Thus I was hunted like a fox until my final day And then they laid me in a box awaiting Judgement Day!
Prophetic poetry won't be slain! Its spirit will live on!
By God, its power will still remain when all my critics are gone...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Jesus: The Man From Nazareth
Behold the Man! He's called God's Son. He's called the King of Kings.
He's called the Lord of Lords, at one with God, to whom He clings.
Christ calls God 'Father' all the time, yet what now can He pray?
For blasphemy was called His crime and this is Judgment Day...
Behold the Man! Behold Him now... transfixed for all to see.
With deep-pressed crown upon His brow... Blood-stained on Calvary...
From the wounds these soldiers open, when such are crucified,
His Blood drips down like mortal men who bleed on either side.
Behold the Man raised from the dead! Some say His wounds they felt.
The very places He once bled convinced them, so they knelt,
To worship Him and praise the Lord and preach to save the lost.
Such revelations aren't ignored by those who count the cost.
Behold the Man! Anointed Christ... The Saviour of Mankind.
The Lamb of God once sacrificed... The greatest love you'll find.
If Heaven waits, it won't wait long. God's Word tells what to do.
So trust in Christ who did no wrong. The King who died for you...
(July 2011)
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Judge For Yourself!
Surrounded by soldiers He walked,
Along the city streets...
While the Jews and the Gentiles talked
Of His wonders and His feats.
And yet these miracles of love
Weren't proof He was divine...
To the doubters they weren't enough They sought another sign...
When Pilate judged that Christ be whipped
And then to set Him free,
The crowd went wild, Christ stood tight-lipped,
Prepared for Calvary.
The Son of God obeyed His Lord,
Through sorrow, pain and strife.
Six hours long His blood outpoured...
And then He gave His life...
His faithful friends let out a cry
That angels heard in Heaven,
Who knew the reason Christ must die For souls to be forgiven!
Within the week God's power came!
The risen Lord lived on!
And in good hearts He lit a flame,
A faith to build upon!
Although Christ died upon the Hill,
He saves lost souls like Saul!
Today, Christ's friends continue still
And preach Good News to all...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Judging My Judgement Day Dream
The dream began as many do, without a by or leave,
Then all lost souls God let me view... I heard their spirits grieve.
I looked above, there were no stars, no planets and no moon,
The sun alone was burning still, so hot it made them swoon.
Beyond these creatures of the night, I marvelled for I saw
A great and wondrous pure white light that thrilled me to the core.
Yes, there was God upon His throne, a witness to it all,
As Jesus judged Mankind alone, within God's Judgement Hall.
Both rich and poor, just naked skin. No righteous robes had they
And so they wept, still drenched in sin, as they faced Judgement Day.
The lightning bolts proclaimed God's rage, with no-one left in doubt,
But none of these had reached the stage to work sins' problems out.
Though Jesus Christ of Nazareth atoned at Calvary,
Their judgement fell, a second death, for all eternity...
So many billions thought they knew much better than the Lord.
They hated Jesus Christ the Jew with all His claims ignored.
Then suddenly, God changed His mind! The demons were amazed!
The sinners wept, left sin behind and God was highly praised!
Although lost souls die unforgiven, not trusting in God's Son,
God's mercy let them into Heaven despite what they had done!
When I woke up that sunny morn, the sun shone in my eyes
And though I didn't feel forlorn, was this dream fuelled by lies?
I stood corrected by God's Word, God's Truths for me to hold.
Once saved by Christ, my heart was stirred to share what Jesus told.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Jungle Apparition
At first, the tiger merely strolls
The jungle paths he knows,
As if he has no plans, no goals,
Till inner hunger grows...
It's then another hunt begins,
It's then he's most alert,
It's then his instincts must convince
That now's the time to hurt...
He stalks new prey, perchance to live,
As carnivores before,
He seeks to steal and not to give,
As if it were a chore...
Yet Nature chooses what must be,
For lions, tigers, bears...
And each must serve his destiny,
His dreams and his nightmares...
He's a ghostly apparition,
His colours help him blur...
He won't find an intermission,
Till things were as they were...
With tricks like these, the tiger strolls,
The jungle paths he knows,
Yet now with plans, yet now with goals,
As inner hunger grows...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Jungle Apparition'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Jungle Gentleman
He bears a grace that few may own,
A regal quality.
Distinguished though he walks alone,
This tiger that I see.
Behold the fellow as he strolls,
Without a single care...
As if he has no urgent goals,
No burdens to beware.
He doesn't crouch as if to pounce...
He doesn't crawl the grounds.
He walks as if he weighs an ounce
And not two hundred pounds.
He's like a dancer, fleet of foot,
Yet this is his day off...
In simple words and humbly put,
He acts as if the toff!
He swaggers, struts and looks so cool
In orange, black and white...
As if he'd stepped out from a pool,
Refreshed and sparkling bright.
His whiskers bristle in the sun...
His twinkling eyes aglow!
This tiger's out to have some fun!
He's going with the flow!
When life is good, when life is great,
Don't let the moment pass!
Take time so you can celebrate!
Don't hide behind the grass!
Come out to play and strut your stuff!
Rejoice in what you are!
Who knows? Today you may find love!
Good luck, 'cos you're a star!
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Jungle Gentleman'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Jungle Phantom
A lone white tiger strolled along,
Exploring far and wide,
A mighty creature, oh so strong,
So difficult to hide...
With swishing tail now raised above,
As if the world were his,
So nonchalant, as if in love,
A sight not hard to miss...
As if to say, he'd got it made,
No fear of what could hurt,
No need to run as if afraid
Till something strange occurred...
Yet Man was but a mile away,
Oblivious indeed,
Till Man walked near upon that day
And saw this wondrous breed...
White tigers from that day esteemed,
Regarded as sublime,
The likes of which remained undreamed,
Until this chosen time...
A jungle phantom first observed,
A miracle of grace,
A precious gem like one unearthed
That now has pride of place...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Jungle Phantom'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Jungle Pool
White tiger, while you roam your realm,
Your body heat must rise,
Until it's bound to overwhelm
And you resort to sighs...
It's then that jungle pool seems good
Enough to melt each frown,
Such that you cross the neighbourhood
Till you can settle down...
And there it is! Your sighs are done!
You tread soft mud once more
And squish this like you're having fun,
As if that's what it's for...
At first, a shiver runs your spine,
Your ribs then feel the thrill,
But soon, my word, you're feeling fine
As splashes rise and spill...
A soothing swim, a gentle glide,
Your whiskers part the waves,
Such that your dark soul's satisfied,
For such as this it craves...
A precious peace, mid Paradise,
'Twixt Heaven and God's Earth,
The jungle pool is oh so nice,
Much more than you deserve!
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Jungle Pool'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Jungle Prince
Fresh-made prints of the Jungle Prince,
A tiger, to be sure!
The sight of these could well convince
With every new-laid paw...
Perhaps he was a mile away
Or maybe up a tree,
Content to stay, content to lay,
Perhaps in wait for me!
I paused and gulped, a tad distraught...
But just a tad, mind you...
I wasn't scared or overwrought,
But did what I must do...
I stayed subdued yet stayed alert...
I looked both left and right
And to make sure I wasn't hurt,
I ran with all my might!
Then, suddenly, the tiger stood
As if to block my path...
As if he owned the neighbourhood
And thought he'd have a laugh!
He glared at me, I stared at him...
Oh, dear, he did look vexed!
I must have feinted! Things looked grim!
God knows what happened next...
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Jungle Prince II'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Jungle Trail
The treacherous tiger tip-toed
Towards the jungle trail...
Obedient to the tigers' code,
He knew he must not fail.
White tigers like to do their best,
As if they were like kings!
Let other creatures stare impressed!
Pathetic underlings!
That's why he walked as if on air,
As if the world were his.
So nonchalant, so debonair What more to life than this?
Yet hunger tamed his thoughts for now,
He dined on humble pie...
What future would the Fates allow?
What victim would pass by?
He licked his lips, expectantly!
He sensed new prey was near...
He crouched down low, so none could see,
Then everything was clear!
He pounced like lightning! Head to tail...
A nightmare not a dream!
Triumphant on his jungle trail...
Expert, yet so extreme...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Jungle Trail'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Just A Gentleman
I wasn't born a king or prince,
A baron or a lord,
Nor suddenly becoming since,
So that can be ignored...
A gentleman and nothing more,
No royalty am I,
Decidedly I feel for sure,
That way until I die...
My photos will be rarely seen,
Not like King so-and-so,
Who graces every magazine
The toffs are bound to know...
A gentleman, no more or less,
No title to my name,
No honour granted me to bless,
Just me, always the same...
I wear cheap watches like the rest
Of all humanity,
No medals pinned upon my chest,
No fancy jewellery...
No Rolls-Royce parked outside my house,
No chauffeur at the wheel,
At Harrod's store I never browse,
No matter how I feel...
No butler serves me tea at two,
I make my tea myself,
I boil the water, make my brew
From packets on my shelf...
But I stand proud and I stand tall,
I earned each penny spent
And when I die, I've done it all,
Despite the Government!
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2013. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Just A Minute!
The first verse in the Bible says
That God made everything,
No wonder we should say our prayers
And all our praises bring...
In just a minute we found out
Why God is still the Boss,
That truth, right there, should end all doubt,
So why stay at a loss?
God made the sun, the moon and stars,
The planets far apart,
He made each tiny blade of grass
And every human heart...
He made the laws some choose to break,
He made forgiveness, too,
He did this for His Own Name's sake,
To show His love for you...
In just a minute some are saved,
Lord Jesus knows this well,
Once granted pardon, all sins waived,
Each with a tale to tell...
Through faith in Christ great things are done,
Each minute proves God's grace,
That's why God's Word speaks of God's Son,
With psalmists full of praise...
So many revelations here,
So many prophecies,
So many wonders to appear
That span the centuries...
So take a minute of your time,
Reflect on Heaven's Throne,
The love of God is quite sublime,
Much more than we've been shown..
Denis Martindale, copyright August 2015. - The World's Poetry Archive
The poem is based on the Revelation TV
programme called Just A Minute...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Just Friends
To look at them, you'd be amused,
For two white tiger cubs
No longer yawning or confused
Both used their claws as clubs.
They pounced upon each other's back
Some squeal of pain to make...
And then they'd cut each other slack
As if both on a break...
But pretty soon, they'd start again
And chew each other's tail...
They'd calculate the moment when
To make the other wail...
You'd think that they were enemies!
The way they carried on!
The way they tugged on ears then squeeze
Till every sound had gone...
And yet these two enjoyed their fights,
Their squabbles to and fro,
Their constant contests brought delights,
More than you'll ever know...
But as their brand new day soon ends
Their bashing brawls depart...
That's when they lie there, now just friends
With true love in each heart...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2011.
This is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Just Friends'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Just Friends (Intro)
One day, David Attenborough came across some tigers!
And... here, we see, two white tiger cubs...
And... for what it's worth, they can see us as well.
There they are, together, side-by-side,
Seemingly without a care in the world...
And... rightly so, with their parents close by.
For in their eyes, we are the intruders,
Simply because they were here first...
And... who are we to disagree
With their two adult white tigers,
So near, yet, thankfully, so far away?
The day began with a scout around,
With the cubs at each other's tails...
Just friends, yet preparing themselves,
Their eyes firmly set on the future,
The years ahead, the joys and sorrows
Of tomorrows yet to be...
Their tails flicking up high like cobras,
Trying to avoid the next friendly bite...
Sibling rivalry, starting young, starting today,
Perhaps lasting for a few more of their years,
Perhaps no serious disaster to intervene...
Just friends encroaching on each other's space,
Nothing too alarming, just whippersnappers at play.
Not exactly innocent, yet not exactly guilty either.
Just friends, young-at-heart, competitive,
Just tail chewers and chompers having at it...
Watching the day go by, just like little cubs do...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2011.
This is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Just Friends'. - The World's Poetry Archive
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Just Good Friends!
Two bears looked in each other's eyes
And liked what they saw there,
It really caught them by surprise
As they began to care...
But then the gossip that bears start,
With knowing looks and such,
Was quick to say that each sweetheart
Had proved their love so much!
'We're just good friends! ' the two replied,
Frustrated as could be,
Despite their feelings deep inside
Still longing to be free!
'Of course, of course, just buddies now,
Just comrades walking close,
Let's just stay calm, no need to row...
But let's see if love grows! '
'Were just good friends! ' the bears explained,
Yet glad that bears don't blush,
Despite the anger they restrained,
Adrenalin full rush...
'Of course you are, the two of you,
But don't think you're unique!
We know what friendship leads bears to
And can't wait till next week! '
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Just Half The Man I Used To Be
Just half the man I used to be,
Though now I'm twice as old,
With almost all life's history,
A fragment left untold...
And on reflection, lots undone,
Mistakes, mistakes galore,
Yet I'll give credit to God's Son,
He's closer than before...
Just half the man I used to be,
My youth has come and gone
And with old age, infirmity,
Weak legs to walk upon...
With walking sticks as faithful friends,
We now stand side-by-side
And as this chapter gently ends,
By faith, I know I tried...
Just half the man I used to be,
A fraction still remains,
God's hourglass is all I see,
As time steals tiny grains...
What should I do beyond my prayers,
To make these days worthwhile?
Such that God's pleased with my affairs
And they bring Him a smile?
Just half the man I used to be,
What great thing can I do?
Then suddenly, this truth hit me,
I know... I'll pray for you!
Be twice the man that you could be!
Or person that you are!
That way, you won't turn out like me...
Who knows? You could go far!
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2012. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Just Landed!
The barn owl, brown and white ablaze,
Looked blurred across the sky,
In fact, I couldn't see its face
Till it flew closer by...
But then it was a wondrous sight,
So detailed and so fine,
A miracle of airborne flight,
Made by the Lord's design...
I don't discount it hunts for prey,
Across the skies alone,
Yet have to say, it made my day
With beauty all its own...
With wings outstetched, sometimes to glide,
As if a paper dart,
That spectacle stirred me inside,
It really touched my heart...
Some say that owls are oh so wise,
They're held in high esteem,
Perhaps that's why I gazed through eyes
As if within a dream...
Suffice to say, it landed, then
It lost a little charm,
When it flies soon, I'll smile again,
Serene, tranquil and calm...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Just Landed'.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Just One More!
The poet lingered near to death,
Nobody else around,
His gentle heart plus gentle breath
Could barely make a sound...
Yet feeble though his body felt,
His soul had strength to pray,
Despite the fact he rarely knelt,
He knew what words to say...
'Just one more, Lord, before I leave,
A final poem, please...'
That even made the Lord to grieve,
Who every poet sees...
By faith, the poet held the pen
And on the paper wrote,
A prophecy from God again,
A lump still in his throat...
For God had loved him to the end,
That made the poet weep,
God was his Lord, God was his friend,
Yet soon his soul would sleep...
The poet finished every verse,
He read them one last time,
Then knew no matter what occurs,
God's grace would prove sublime...
And so the poet slipped away,
The final poem done,
Upon the poet's final day,
When he left everyone...
His message from the Lord was found
And shared across the globe,
While he, in Heaven, has been crowned,
By Christ, the King of Hope...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2013. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Just The Two Of Us
The two white tigers looked so cute,
Within their comfort zone,
As if each other stayed astute,
Protective of their own...
Such partnerships, of course, are rare,
White tigers are quite scarce,
No wonder, then, some folks take care,
White tigers have such class...
If conservation saves these, too,
White tigers will be safe,
For now, they're just a precious few,
Though each of these is brave...
It isn't just the fragile lives
That humans must protect,
We hope each tiger still survives,
Not one we dare reject...
While numbers dwindle year-by-year,
Protected species roam,
As long as humans hold them dear,
Preserving every home...
That's why such creatures still exist,
Find some peace now and then,
Yet truly folks who don't persist
Won't see their like again...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Just The Two Of Us'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Just What The Doctor Ordered!
Prescriptions come, prescriptions go,
That's just the way it is,
Sometimes pills help if feeling low,
Sometimes they merely fizz...
The dosage that's just right for you
Could change your life for good,
Sometimes it's one, sometimes it's two,
So take what's understood...
A diet sheet instructs us all,
Nutrition at its best,
Stuck on the fridge, pinned to the wall,
Fight flab and you'll feel blessed...
Go for a walk and exercise,
Find muscles that you've lost
And soon you'll smile with some surprise
At obstacles you've crossed...
Some folks detox their bodies well,
Thus ciggies lose their charm
And alcohol makes beer guts swell,
That's bound to cause alarm...
But why look older than you are,
Your hair all out of shape?
Or smell like you lived in a bar,
A slave to vine and grape?
Five fruits a day, some veggies, too,
A brisk walk now and then,
They're hardly hard things you must do,
It's just a matter when...
Yet you are spirit, body, soul,
So pray for God's advice!
The Bible helps maintain control,
It's God's word to the wise!
Denis Martindale, copyright August 2014. - The World's Poetry Archive
The Revelation TV website and watch now details
can be found on Google. Seek and ye shall find...
The TV show, 'To The Point' discusses many topics
with the Revelation TV viewers and includes the
health and hygiene aspects of modern living, thanks
to Dr Richard Kent's points of view and his own
Christian experiences as an evangelist and teacher.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Justice League! (Superheroes)
Beware the might of the Justice League
If you're hellbent on dark intrigue!
Don't seek to harm, to kill or maim!
Don't think that you'll escape the blame!
They'll hunt you down by night and day!
They'll turn the tables! You're their prey!
They'll not give in like others do!
They'll cross the Cosmos just for you!
No secret hideout stops their quest!
They'll persevere! They'll do their best!
They'll scan, they'll plan, they'll wear you down!
They'll make you fret and fear and frown!
They'll use brute force! They'll fight to win!
They'll brave all odds to conquer sin!
You'll rue the day crime came to tempt!
They'll give you nightmares yet undreamt!
They'll chase you here, they'll chase you there!
They'll chase you, land, or sea, or air!
They'll make you sick! You'll spit and curse!
For you, there's no safe universe!
There's nothing that defeats their power!
They'll make you cringe and crawl and cower!
So don't be foolish! Don't be brave!
If I were you, I'd just behave!
Why tempt Fate's hand? Why go to jail?
If you cross them, you're bound to fail!
If you're hellbent on dark intrigue BEWARE THE MIGHT OF THE JUSTICE LEAGUE!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
As precious as a snowflake that's born on Christmas Day,
Or icing on the Christmas cake that makes us shout, 'Hoorah! '
As gracious as a waterfall and rainbows up above,
Is she to me, the girl I call the sweetheart that I love...
noble as a poet's prayer that took him years to write,
global as the world we share each morning, day and night!
wondrous as a shooting star, with smiles that light the room,
gentle as a strummed guitar or like a rose in bloom...
As cherished as the angel's wings that help him fly to Earth,
As lovely as the diva sings each time for all she's worth!
As perfect as the cutest face this world would ever see,
Is she to me, in time and space and all eternity!
I'd gladly wish two hearts to beat with love for her alone...
For she could make each heart complete, if she my love would own...
My every wish embraces her, the apple of my eye...
For she to me, is like a purr, a whisper and a sigh...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2011.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Keep Calm And Carry On In Christ!
Keep calm and carry on in Christ,
The battle is the Lord's
Who loves the faithful ones baptised
Rejecting sinful cords...
The cords that bind and crush the heart,
The cords that tighten still
And yet God grants a brand new start
To those who seek His will...
A robe of righteousness awaits,
With pearls that match good deeds,
For by His Word the Lord creates
Beyond Man's greatest needs...
These hard times now are but an hour,
Within each day of life,
Yet faithful tears renew God's power
Beyond such painful strife...
Keep calm and carry on in Christ,
Trust wondrous plans ahead,
Beyond all gifts once sacrificed,
Beyond all sense of dread...
For hope comes to the burdened soul,
Though guilt would drag it down,
For God condemns each sin's control
And offers still a crown...
Don't dwell on sorrow or regret,
Don't beat yourselves with fears,
Don't fall away each time you fret,
God's Kingdom lasts for years!
God's greatness goes beyond our sins,
For grace abounds through love,
So trust in Christ, God's precious Prince
Who comforts from above...
Keep calm and carry on in Christ!
Like angels full of hope!
Rejoice! Hosanna in the highest! - The World's Poetry Archive
Spread love across the globe!
God never sleeps! He never tires!
No matter what's occurred!
God knows the hope each heart requires,
So trust Him at His Word!
Denis Martindale, copyright October 2014.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Keep Calm And Imagine
Yes, it helps to know God loves me!
Yet life still gets me down!
Though my faithful friends are lovely,
At times, I wear a frown!
Before I dream, I clear my mind,
Let God take full control,
Awaiting any joy to find
To soothe my troubled soul...
I keep calm and imagine there
That I'm a movie star,
Another Oscar yet to share,
Then back home in my car...
To go online and see it all
Upon my TV screen
That almost spans across the wall,
The biggest ever seen...
My butler brings me my champagne
And wants my autograph,
I hope he doesn't think me vain,
I hope he doesn't laugh...
I look divine when on TV,
All dressed up glam, of course,
My Oscar shining next to me,
Because it's mine, not yours!
I can't help smiling ear-to-ear!
That Oscar means I'm blessed!
Now with the one I won last year,
No wonder I'm impressed!
That's when at home in Cricklewood,
Not Hollywood, alas,
Completely calm and feeling good,
I let the long day pass...
I fall asleep, perchance to dream,
That God helps pay my rent,
That even now I'm on His team, - The World's Poetry Archive
Although my money's spent...
With holey socks and holy heart,
Despite my poverty,
I've still got love enough to start
Some brand new poetry!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Keep Calm Jesus Loves You
I read the poster dead ahead
Which God told me to view,
A simple truth right there was spread,
And though, at first, it seemed benign,
I asked, 'Was it sincere? '
If so, then everything was fine,
From then on, crystal clear...
There was no image of God's Son,
Good Shepherd, Lamb of God,
In fact, it was so simply done,
At first, it seemed quite odd...
Like slogans snatched from World War Two,
Revisited again,
The kind that told folks what to do,
There was no cross of Jesus Christ,
With I.N.R.I. up above,
No mention He was sacrificed
As God's great King of Love...
Just five words there in capitals,
As if God had them planned
In answer to the Prayer of Paul's,
Five words we'd understand...
The message was for hearts to know,
A gesture of goodwill,
My heart felt blessed it was on show,
In fact, I felt a thrill...
It struck a chord, it made me smile,
It simply made my day,
It helped me walk the second mile,
As I went on my way...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2012. - The World's Poetry Archive
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Keep On Dreaming Your Dreams!
The wisest, kindest words of all,
'Keep on dreaming your dreams! '
Exciting dreamy dreams enthrall
Beyond your well-planned schemes!
Let fancy thoughts fly through the night,
Like moths and angels do!
Like planes flown by the Brothers Wright
Across the midnight blue...
Each teensy-weensy human soul
Has faith the world can't see,
Yet there it waits to take control,
To set your spirits free!
Its childlike essence can't be rushed!
Its miracles take time!
It's well-protected, can't be crushed
And truly quite sublime!
Take time apart from worldly woes...
Refresh yourselves, dear friends...
Pray daily, for we know God knows
And on Him, all depends!
So always wish upon a star,
No matter how life seems!
Heaven's above, here, near and far...
'Keep on dreaming your dreams! '
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2010.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Keep Up!
'Keep up! ' the lioness declared
To lion cubs behind,
Because, in truth, she really cared,
With dangers on her mind...
For even lions aren't immune
From predators around,
No matter, midnight or high noon,
To such, all lives are bound...
'Keep up! ' she told them, based on fears
That neither cub yet knew,
For she had learnt from all her years
What other creatures do...
Though she could run at speed and flee,
They weren't as yet that strong,
That's why she warned, 'Stay close to me
And don't just tag along! '
'Keep up! ' she growled with her stern voice,
Alerting them to harm,
Despite the peace, they had no choice
And thus ignored the calm...
One cub looked back, his eyes alert,
That was his day of days,
Aware of dangers that occurred,
He learnt to change his ways...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Keep Up'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Keep Writing!
Keep writing! Though the page looks bare,
Or screen shines oh so white,
Blank looks can't stop you if you care,
No matter, day or night...
For all you have and all you give
Are tokens of esteem,
Throughout the journey that you live,
Plus every hope and dream...
Keep writing! Though the words play games
And dash around the room,
Take charge, become the one who tames,
Brings little buds to bloom...
For all the times you nurtured well,
Brought forth a harvest home,
Press on with every casting spell
Wrought on your tale or poem...
Keep writing! Though the times are hard,
When money flies away,
When you stand tall, or on your guard,
Through things that critics say...
Fight for the right to write at will,
Free speech within your lips,
Such that it flows and truths instil
Down to your fingertips...
Keep writing! Though the world cares not,
For future's children can,
Yes, striking while the iron's hot,
To serve your fellow man...
God knows the heritage in store,
The hearts and minds to reach,
So don't give up, sit down, explore,
Find what you're meant to teach...
Keep writing! Though you may lose friends,
Or enemies abound,
Your life's not where your journey ends, - The World's Poetry Archive
If God's grace you've still found...
And if, in Heaven, angels know
Your name among the rest,
That's purely through wise words that flow
From you to all God blessed...
Denis Martindale, copyright January 2016.
Find out more by watching Revelation TV,
the Christian channel on Sky TV that is
part of the 'Church Without Walls'...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Keeping Eye On Things!
The happy hippo often spies
On creatures left and right,
With thankful heart, his beady eyes
Will gaze upon each sight...
To take it in and mull a while,
To muse thoughts in his mind,
While 'neath the water lurks a smile
That few above could find...
He's blowing bubbles now and then,
When days bore him to tears,
Just hoping things pick up again
And he's all eyes and ears...
While he's all wrinkled in his bath,
His bottom gets a tan,
With no TV to make him laugh,
He does the best he can...
He sneaks along, quite silently,
As if there's nothing wrong
And yet in truth, content to be
There spying all day long...
But those who spy on him all know,
He's nosey through and through,
He's quite the curious so-and-so,
There's not much else to do!
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Keeping Safe
The lioness was keeping safe,
Somewhat alone in part,
As if this was something to crave,
A healing of the heart...
And so she watched the day go by,
Beneath the sky so blue,
At peace, for now, not asking why,
Not seeking things to do...
While just another sunny day,
The same-old goings-on,
The lioness was prone to stay
Until such time had gone...
The lion pride still did its thing
Without her company,
Yet knowing that her wandering
Was simply meant to be...
Let her return when all was well,
To take her place once more,
To settle in, no tale to tell,
Her friendships to restore...
But until then, grant her remain
Throughout her interlude,
For each, like her, felt much to gain
Came from such solitude...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Keeping Watch
The zebras stood there in a line
And almost side-by-side.
Their eyes were staring for a sign
That could serve as a guide.
If dangers lurked, then eyes and ears
Would warn them when to run...
Their instincts helped them through the years,
Yet they must fight the sun...
For up above, it blasted down
With heat beyond belief...
To melt the blue, the green and brown
And linger like a thief...
Just one mistake and some would die
And so they stood and chewed...
And watched each hour pass them by,
In their long solemn mood...
No false alarms had happened yet
And so they stood their ground...
United in each other's debt
For anything they found...
A sudden stirring chilled their blood!
In seconds, they had gone!
Like cavalry, their hooves would thud,
As lions stood alone...
This battle won, the zebras lived
To see another day...
With vigilence their greatest gift,
They chewed and chewed away...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Keeping Watch'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Kicking Up Dust!
When zebras gather somewhat close
And privacy is lost,
Sometimes a tension slowly grows,
Perhaps a line gets crossed...
If tempers flare, with some disgust,
Onlookers often see
Naughty zebras kicking up dust,
Somewhat ungraciously...
Regardless of the causes there,
Things aren't all black and white,
Sometimes they really, really care,
Sometimes they're impolite...
But who are we to judge them all?
We've gone to war for less...
Sometimes folks drive us up the wall,
Sometimes folks want to bless...
We each have bad days now and then!
Life's not plain sailing here!
But soon dust settles once again
And time suspends all fear...
So give it time till all goes well!
Be patient for a while!
Why make things worse? Why scream? Why yell?
Calm down! ! ! And learn to smile...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Kicking Up Dust'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
King Cheetah
Untamed, he roams the world he owns,
This land of hopes and dreams...
Where every hunting skill he hones
With perfect-timing schemes...
Intelligence beyond the norm,
Instincts that serve as guide...
There's beauty in his face and form
That cannot be denied...
This cheetah's fast as lightning, too.
In seconds, flying fur...
A rocket barely still in view,
From head-to-tail, a blur...
Perhaps that's why I call him king
At everything he does...
He flies like birds upon the wing,
No hassle and no fuss!
To me, he's got an athlete's style,
Trimmed-back, machine-like grace...
He's fit to run that extra mile
For every single chase!
Such speed, of course, is rarely found,
That's why I'm so impressed...
Of all the big cats still around,
This king's one of the best!
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'King Cheetah'.
The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
King Of Kings
Behold the son of royal birth,
Aligned by blood, no less,
To ancient kings who proved their worth
And ones God chose to bless.
Consider all that history
Has taught us through the years,
Each miracle, each mystery,
The laughter and the tears...
Consider how each king is raised
From birth to adulthood...
As if like diamonds, well appraised,
Superior not just good...
Reflect on posture that's portrayed
To signify his throne...
That tells you he must be obeyed,
For he is king alone...
Remember all his mighty power,
His strength and bravery.
For he is king and you should cower
At all there is to see.
That majesty, that dignity,
That stare that meets your eyes...
Should grant your soul some clarity
And help you realise...
That here he is, the king of kings...
Perhaps your friend or foe...
In either case, his underlings...
What more is there to know?
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'King Of Kings'.
While this poem is about the lion painting,
the poem is written without any reference
to the lion at all. That's because of the
Christian symbolism of Jesus, the Son of God,
whose royal ancestors meant that He was
called the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. - The World's Poetry Archive
The poem ends with the realisation for each soul.
Are you a friend or a foe to the King of Kings?
More Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
King Of The Castle
The tiger strolled alone again...
Unloved for all to see...
A lonely king revered by men
And yet no queen had he...
No tigress roared for him to hear,
No tigress caught his eye,
No tigress brought from far to near
To cause a sovereign's sigh...
The tiger strolled a little more...
His heart a heavy weight...
A lonely king who felt so poor
He couldn't celebrate...
No tigress toured his countryside,
No tigress sought his love,
No tigress thought of him with pride,
So was this life enough?
The tiger strolled another day...
With pining in his soul...
A lonely king he'd have to stay,
Maintaining self-control...
But suddenly he roared and roared!
Until God heard him, too!
God sent a tigress to this lord
Who never said, 'Thank You! '
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'King Of The Castle'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Above the water, all alone,
He stares impatiently,
Another passing fish to own,
If not escaping free...
Just perched perchance to grab a meal,
Before it darts away,
Another creature's life to steal,
To live another day...
His life before was just the same,
Efficient every time,
Remaining poised till he took aim,
Swoop, grab, then upward climb...
The boredom factor wasn't nice,
But what else could he do?
Fish come and go as God supplies
And some days just a few...
Kingfisher, tell me, if you can,
Do you like fish to eat?
Would you, yourself, your meals to plan,
Choose something else like meat?
I'm glad that I'm an omnivore
Who eats just anything,
I'm sure just fish would be a bore,
For fisherman or king...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Kingfishers are adorable,
I like their backs so blue,
To me, because they're beautiful,
My admiration grew...
I like flamboyant coloured things,
That outshine solemn grey,
So when I see their wondrous wings,
It really makes my day...
Throughout my life I've felt so blessed,
Great art enlightened me
And wildlife art has proved the best,
A treasured memory...
For birds that fly and soar above
Transform Man's hopes and prayers,
Just like God's angels, borne of love,
At which each mortal stares...
Kingfishers help me to reflect,
Like rainbows here on Earth,
That's why I treat them with respect,
Because each one has worth...
As cute as dolphins I believe,
Yet hard to put in words,
The inspiration I receive
Each time I see these birds...
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Kisses And Cuddles!
Kisses and cuddles, yes, that's what you're worth!
And these you've received from the day of your birth!
Paradise started when life was received,
Preceding the moment that you ever breathed!
No man is an island, exempt from your charms!
Or the touch of your hand or embraced in your arms,
Or caressed with the fingers of fate at its best...
Awaiting the honour of one truly blessed.
Two lips left to reckon, and lowered eyes, too...
My heart seeks to beckon the nearness of you...
For what is the whole world itself worth to me
If true love is distant and never to be?
Yet hope springs eternal, it ever was so...
You are the sweetheart my heart yearns to know...
Take away riches, the clothes off my back,
And yet if you loved me, then nothing I'd lack.
Your love is most precious, most gracious of all...
Your kisses are luscious and sensuous to recall...
Forgive me for falling in love with your face,
Your body, your beauty, your skin soft as lace,
Your ideals as noble as God would decree,
Your patience and kindness and integrity.
And if dreams are the only highway to love
Then there I will love you as pure as a dove.
Like an angel who's known you and cherished your soul,
Who wishes your blessing and to at last see you're whole,
Who prays for the future when struggles are done
And Man's inner natures combine into one...
Kisses and cuddles, yes, that's what you're worth!
And these you've received from the day of your birth!
Paradise started when life was received,
Preceding the moment that you ever breathed!
No man is an island, exempt from your charms!
Or the touch of your hand or embraced in your arms,
Or caressed with the fingers of fate at its best...
Awaiting the honour of one truly blessed.
Two lips left to reckon, and lowered eyes, too... - The World's Poetry Archive
My heart seeks to beckon the nearness of you...
For what is the whole world itself worth to me
If true love is distant and never to be?
Yet hope springs eternal, it ever was so...
Yes, you are the sweetheart my heart yearns to know...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Knight In Shining Armour
The valiant hero stood his ground,
Defiant in the sun,
His shining armour shone around
On almost everyone!
The crowd assembled, like they do,
As if to cheer him on,
The villain of the piece to boo,
As if he'd soon be gone...
The villain slapped his gauntlet there,
Right on the hero's cheek!
The hero trembled with a glare
That some thought quite unique...
'How darest thou, thou craven knave!
Now suffer for that slight! '
Back to their horses they marched brave,
The knave against the knight!
The horses tensed their muscles hard
To bear the extra weight,
The two men posed and then 'En guard! '
Their faces full of hate...
A preacher begged them to repent,
Make peace, but would they hell...
'Oh, dear...' said he, then off he went,
Looked back and bade farewell...
The fight began, as most fights do,
Courageous to a fault,
They beat each other black and blue
And then they called a halt...
Time-out for nose bleeds to calm down
And nervous knees to rest...
Before they sought the victor's crown
And comely maiden's chest...
The villain twirled his moustache back,
That drove the hero wild!
He gave the villain's rump a whack - The World's Poetry Archive
And that sure got him riled!
'How darest thou! ' was his retort
And soon revenge was his!
The hero's rump got what it ought,
The villain couldn't miss!
The crowd was in hysterics now,
Guffaws were everywhere...
The hero wiped his sweaty brow
And thought, 'The cads don't care! '
With that, he turned and rode away,
To head for yonder hill...
His rump was sore, his heart was gay,
His armour shining still...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2012.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Knock, Knock
Lord Jesus stood there at my door
And twice He knocked then stayed.
It was my choice, I could ignore
And that's why I delayed.
He walked away.
I watched Him leave
Then got on with my life,
To sin like others who deceive
And cause all sorts of strife
Lord Jesus stood there at my door
And I watched Him inside.
I knew He knew my every flaw,
Not one could be denied.
I stood my ground, He left again.
I let Him walk away.
I struggled every now and then
With fears of Judgment Day.
My bank account looked mighty fine
As fifteen years passed by.
To think that all that cash was mine.
How come my soul felt dry?
Lord Jesus stood there at my door,
With fear I turned the key.
And simply stared at Christ with awe.
You see, He died for me.
Lord Jesus entered as my friend,
Yet also set me straight.
My useless life came to an end,
God's love to celebrate.
I sighed I'd made Him wait so long.
Those years I can't restore.
I tell you this, you can't go wrong
If you open the door.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Laid Back...
The tiger roamed across the snow,
No certain place in mind,
With nowhere special he should go
And no romance to find...
Just plodding on, without remorse,
Just yawning now and then,
Just letting Nature take its course,
While snow was back again...
Of course, he'd seen the snow before
And yet what could he do?
It wasn't something to ignore,
Just something to live through...
So on he plodded till fatigued,
Then all at once he stopped,
When all his senses then agreed,
How suddenly he flopped!
Now laid back there and quite relaxed,
He yawned the longest yawn,
No longer feeling quite so taxed,
Though humbled, not forlorn...
For even tigers know they're beat
By acres all aglow,
That's when, laid back, they stretch their feet,
Serene amid the snow...
Denis Martindale, copyright, December 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Laid Back'.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Last Light
Before the coming of the night,
There comes a softening time,
That heralds, then, that soon last light,
An hour so sublime...
When eyes attune to changing hues
And ears hear newmade sounds,
The sun melts when the moon brings news
Of new life that surrounds...
And so, not all, would greet that eve,
When darkness makes its trade,
For some, the final time to grieve,
Just cause to stare afraid...
The pattern stands without regard
For those whose lives will end
And though, of course, this truth's so hard,
There's no way round it, friend...
While humans sleep so warm in bed,
God's creatures fight for food,
That's why each night brings fear and dread,
A deadly change of mood...
Yet sunshine offers no escape,
When night has bid adieu,
As open eyes see every shape
And ask, 'What will it do? '
Denis Martindale, copyright December 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford. Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Late Patrol
The lion left his sweet repose
As evening brought the moon,
His late patrol was now quite close
And he must start it soon...
So up he stood and strolled about,
No airs or graces yet,
But he must end the others' doubt,
So that they would not fret...
Some lions change their moods quite fast
And so he posed a while,
So predators would look aghast
At such a great profile...
Enough to make them pause at least,
Discretion uppermost,
For who would face that awesome beast,
Surviving then to boast?
The lion made his way once more,
Each step with royal might,
So those that watched could not ignore
This king who dared to fight...
No laid-back royal to defeat,
No weakling prone to fail,
This king would be so hard to beat,
He was the alpha male...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lauren And The Lord
The choir sang, I saw her face,
Her teeth as white as pearls,
As she personified God's grace,
Adorned with pure blonde curls.
Her hair was golden like the sun
That spreads its warmth above,
As if like threads, her hair was spun,
To radiate with love.
Her faith in God was at its height...
No greater could it spare.
Her sacred song a true delight,
If only we would care.
The Gospel truths lived in her heart,
Her spirit, mind and soul.
Her precious purpose to impart
God's way to make us whole.
Forgiveness and eternal life!
Salvation here and now!
New birth, not merely to survive,
But to fulfil God's vow!
If only I could sing like her,
So glad that Jesus came Foretold by Moses and Micah,
For sins, Christ took the blame!
What did she know? What secret truth?
What made her look so blessed?
Beyond her beauty and her youth,
What made me so impressed?
The words she sang that very hour
Brought joy I've never known!
God shared with me the Saviour's power!
What favour I'd been shown!
To think, Christ went to Calvary,
Our sins to take away...
To die for you... to die for me...
It makes me want to pray...
Perhaps in time, I'll stand up proud
And like her join the choir...
With head held high! To sing out loud! - The World's Poetry Archive
For Jesus! The Messiah!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The tiger tried a morning run
To build an appetite,
Then laid down gently while the sun
Shone down with all its might...
Somehow the tiger changed his mood,
Content to stay unmoved,
With less regard for wholesome food
In favour to be soothed...
The mighty tiger feared by all
Was no more king but slave,
No need to hunt, no need to brawl,
As if all power to save...
As if to pace himself midday,
At peace twixt sun and earth,
As if he'd found a place to stay
And contemplate his worth...
To some, he was a layabout,
An idler, nothing more,
Yet even kings are known to flout
The least and strongest law...
So who are we to judge him now,
Like critics who discuss?
Let's let him soothe his furrowed brow,
He hurts not one of us!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Laying In Wait
Stretched out upon a sloping rock,
The tiger took repose,
As if his very place to lock,
Take stock and count his toes...
His stomach flattened, there to rest,
Till something came along,
His dinnertime, so he'd get blessed,
To keep him growing strong...
An hour passing slowly by
Can make the neck to ache
And so he simply let it lie,
As if to take a break...
His eyes surveyed the scenery,
The sky, the trees, the ground,
His ears relayed each mystery
Compressed in every sound...
But time went on and on and on
Until his eyelids drooped
And all his senses then were gone,
With him completely pooped...
I've never heard a tiger snore,
For only fools get close,
That's why today, I'm not quite sure...
If yes, God only knows...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Laying In Wait II'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lazy Afternoon
Two little lions closed their eyes,
So tired in the sun...
No longer now the cool wise guys,
So spritely, full of fun.
Plum-tuckered out, as is the way,
As afternoons take hold...
Then little lion heads will sway
As their neck muscles fold...
Their parents grin from ear-to-ear
To watch them fall asleep...
As sunbeams gently, softly steer
Them to their dreams so deep...
At first, they gamely stay awake,
Refusing to submit...
Then suddenly, all strength to take,
The battle's lost, that's it!
Then little lion heads must fall,
For forty winks again...
As if obedient to that call
That even masters men...
I know they tried to do their best,
But now they're sleeping sound.
Their floppy heads with closed eyes rest,
To doze on dusty ground...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Lazy Afternoon'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lazy Bones
That's it! He'd had enough today!
The tiger faced the facts.
He let his body pause and sway
Then flopped down to relax...
His muscles melted suddenly,
No strength within him now
And all his frowns felt fancy free
Upon his droopy brow...
His tensed-up whiskers soon laid low
As tweety birds gave song,
He knew he hadn't far to go,
The call to sleep felt strong...
His eyelids battled for a while,
Still blinking at the sun,
While those that watched him had to smile,
For he was almost done...
Don't think that he was all fatigued
From running to and fro,
Or from exhaustion he had peaked,
The little so-and-so...
He let the others do that stuff!
Such feats filled him with groans...
He'd rather do the things he'd love,
The shameless LAZY BONES!
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Lazy Bones'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lazy Day
That's it! I'm pooped! Let's sunbathe here!
Let's crash! Let's slump! Let's flop!
We've got all day, no need to fear!
I think we'd better stop...
My paws are throbbing! Life's not fair!
Your poor Mum's had enough!
The two of you don't seem to care!
Is it too hard to love?
Explore some more? You cheeky cubs!
You're always on the go!
Lie on the floor! Forget your snubs
And just go with the flow...
Behave yourselves, or I'll get cross!
Watch out while I'm asleep...
I know your Dad thinks he's the boss!
Illusions he can keep...
Us lionesses take our time,
One yawn and off we jot,
To find a peaceful place sublime,
A purr-fect resting spot...
So, keep a lookout, there's good boys...
A vigil you must keep...
Don't wake me till you hear... some... noise...
I... need... my... beauty... sleeeeeeeeeeep...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Lazy Day'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lazy Days!
Oh, my word, that tiger's lazy!
Has he lost all his powers?
Or perhaps he's just plain crazy?
He hasn't moved for hours!
I know there's snow upon the ground
And there's not much to do,
Yet there he stays like he's snow bound
And hasn't got a clue!
D'you think he's hungry just like me?
Or has he had his fill?
He lays there like he's fancy free
And like he always will...
I've never seen the like before,
No point in taking pics!
He's absolutely quite the bore,
I'm twiddling thumbs for kicks!
Hey, you! Wake up and do something!
Get off your derriere!
Excuse me, pal, for wondering,
But please get up from there!
Oh, Lord, he's really moving fast!
Well, how was I to know?
OK, the time for jokes is past,
We've really got to go!
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
A second poem based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Lazy Days'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lazyboy Syndrome!
His limbs are numb,
In bottom gear...
He's snoring some,
But he can't hear...
He's found new joy
From Alpha waves...
Poor Lazyboy,
Now sleep he craves...
He needs coffee!
Caffeine's not there...
In Dreamland, see
And gorn all care...
The future's bleak
And black as well,
Yet Lazyboy,
He just can't tell...
As he wakes up,
Sore neck and back,
Maybe leg cramp
Fresh from the sack...
Lazyboy stirs!
Beware! Take care!
It's then he'll curse
His comfy chair!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
In LazyTown in TVLand
They're always on the go.
The colours there are mighty grand,
A vibrant rich rainbow.
The Superhero's really fit He leaps across the screen.
The Villain mucks things up a bit He gets kicks being mean!
The dainty damsel in distress
Is perfect for the part.
She always shares her happiness
And sings with joyful heart.
She likes to dance from left to right
And also up and down.
Without her smiles so pearly white,
Some folks would wear a frown!
Her friends are noble, just like her
And what a team they make.
Whatever mishaps may occur,
It's action that they take.
The Villain will not win the day Although he tries his best.
While Robbie Rotten shouts, 'Hoorah! ',
His schemes will be suppressed!
The hero's airship floats above,
Amid the clouds on high,
Until the damsel calls with love
To solve things gone awry.
In LazyTown in TVLand
The good guys always win The Villain's always underhand,
But heroes don't give in!
That's why we like to watch what's new
And how they're getting on
And why we're always feeling blue
The moment that they're gone.
So hurry back! Your show's first rate!
Vivacious fun to boot!
That Sportacus, he's really great - The World's Poetry Archive
And Stephanie's so cute!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Le Jardin De La Joie (The Garden Of Joy)
Before you came into my life my garden knew no love!
Until you came to be my wife and we walked hand-in-glove...
For when we came to live as one, our children joined us, too!
Together, we, have shared such fun! It seemed the garden knew!
Now every year the roses bloom and fragrance fills the flowers!
Aromas roam with such perfume there are no lonely hours!
Each bumble bee comes like a friend to visit and to feed...
Thus baby bees on us depend to make their honey mead...
Fine-feathered friends enjoy their stay and flock back now and then!
They know we won't turn them away... they pick their moments when...
Thus laughter fills each sweet repose! Our pear tree does us proud!
And as the day comes to a close, we thank the Lord, heads bowed...
Without Christ's love our joy would fade like twilight, slow and coy!
And yet God's love each day's displayed in our garden of joy!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Leaders Of The Pack
At first, the two wolves look the same
As others in the pack,
Yet in their hearts there burns a flame
That flares when they attack,
For Nature calls upon each one
To hunt when hunger strikes,
Then wolves beneath the setting sun
Do what nobody likes...
Survival's played out day and night
Beneath the sun and moon
That watch on high while creatures fight
And leave their bodies strewn,
Yet those that live must strive again
For hunger soon returns
And leaders know the moment when
The flame inside them burns...
The savage beasts outlive the doomed,
The helpless and the frail,
And though successes aren't assumed,
The leaders rarely fail,
For such as these are born not made
And conscience holds no sway,
For wolves are wolves when all is weighed
And all the world's their prey...
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Leaders Of The Pack'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Leading With Passion And Grace
If you are meant for higher things,
Like eagles, soar above,
Then fly the thermals by your wings
Supported by God's love...
If you are dealt a better hand
Than most folks that you know,
Let go, let God and understand
And in God's wisdom grow...
If you have feelings now and then,
To know something is wrong,
Then be prepared to lift a pen
To write your protest song...
If you believe that change must come,
A better world to find,
Do not be silent or play dumb,
Be transformed in your mind...
If you have dreams and visions, too,
Strong prophecies from Christ,
Rejoice, preach that He died for you,
When He was sacrificed...
If you have faith that you can lead
With passion and with grace,
Then kneel and pray that you succeed,
To see Christ's smiling face...
If you have doubts, are you alone?
Christ laughed as well as cried...
Rejoice, for you are not your own...
Lord Jesus lives inside!
(August 2011/The poem's based on the book
called Leading With Passion And Grace as
written by Reverend Joyce Strong...) - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Learn Direct
I analysed the article, 'Try Learn Direct, it's fun! '
Yes, studying is magical and something to be done!
My heart was intent on knowledge, so I'd improve myself I proceeded to the College with alacrity and stealth!
What helpful folks awaited me! Team spirit all the way!
New challenges elated me - I chose I.T., O.K.?
Information Technology with courses on the Net!
Interactive for you and me - so there's no need to fret!
Word Processing and Web Design - beginners and advanced!
I couldn't wait to get online for schooldays now enhanced!
Who knows, if I did all I should, I'd boost my old C.V.!
So I signed up for all I could, enthusiastically!
Yes, Learn Direct has a website - I'll check it out as well!
So many courses! Sheer delight! I'm happy! Can't you tell?
The Silicon Age continues, to the betterment of all.
So Learn Direct - it's time to choose! Join in! You'll have a ball!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Learners In Love
Since their first kiss and soft caress
Had blessed each other's hearts,
So harmony brought happiness
For that's what it imparts...
When understanding takes control
And partnership holds sway,
There's wholesome gladness in each soul
That hopes it stays that way...
Some call it work to co-exist,
It just needs memories,
For from the past they still persist,
Reminding what can please...
So arguments stay in the past,
Contentions thus to fade,
All that remains are things that last,
Now pleasantly displayed...
That's how a couple's meant to be,
Entwined by thoughts of love,
Beyond the hopes and dreams that we
At first would think enough...
Because they seek their share of bliss,
Instead of finding blame,
How blessed indeed, this couple is,
Deserving of acclaim...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Learning Life's Lessons
God grants us the language of love,
As every baby knows...
A Mother's smile is quite enough
As her joy overflows...
She need not speak a single word
From her own Mother tongue,
Such that her baby's heart is stirred
Before a song is sung...
She merely looks into those eyes,
Her baby on her breast,
For that new child to realise
The one who loves it best...
In time, the Father's eyes are known
And they, too, bring delight,
The baby learns it's not alone,
No matter, day or night...
The baby grows and starts to walk,
Legs strengthen with each day...
And suddenly, it's learnt to talk
And pretty soon, to pray...
When School begins, new friends are found,
Each one proves quite unique
And guardians are all around,
Protecting week-by-week...
The years fly by, exams commence,
Each child's results are shared...
Success on such as this depends,
It's wise to be prepared...
Where would we be without the facts,
The theorems and the rules?
Their wisdom guides our daily acts,
To spare us being fools...
The adult mind invents new things,
Adapting Nature's gifts,
That's why we fly in planes with wings - The World's Poetry Archive
As fast speed gently lifts...
And why Man walked upon the Moon
And why Man walked in space...
Such lessons learnt have proved a boon
To us, the Human Race...
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2012.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Leaving The Nest!
The kingfisher first looked around,
Before leaving the nest,
To see the sights that could be found,
To his north, south, east, west...
And high above and down below,
To learn what must be done,
For soon he'd leave, be on the go,
To fly beneath the sun...
And thus aware of all there was,
He ventured all in flight,
With me enthralled and all because
Here was a wondrous sight...
His bold blue wings transformed the scene
That Nature had prepared,
Amid each grey and brown and green,
What sight could be compared?
To me, here was a miracle,
A festival and more,
A precious sudden spectacle
That thrilled me to the core!
Like Superman across the sky!
Like Spider-Man as well!
I smiled and then I heaved a sigh...
So jealous, can't you tell?
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Leaving The Nest'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Leopard Cub
The leopard cub that Man could view
Some distance seen away,
Was just another cub, that's true
And yet this made my day...
My camera zoom could catch the sight
That few were meant to know
And what I saw caused me delight
And more respect to grow...
For I observed such detail there,
Each random black spot seen,
Each whisker floating in the air,
The nostrils in-between...
The fluffy ears, the golden eyes,
The cold dark stare ahead,
It somehow made him look so wise,
As if a thoroughbred...
That tight-lipped mouth I'll not forget,
Its sharp teeth hidden still,
Like claws, its secrets to regret,
For these were meant to kill...
Though now, he wouldn't hurt a fly,
The thought far from his mind,
Some day he'd kill, yes, by and by,
Whatever prey he'd find...
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Leopard Sunset
The leopard lingered in the sun
Almost at close of day,
With all its hours almost done
And fast to ebb away...
The leopard let his memories
Remind him now and then,
Because he knew each day must cease
When moonlight shone again.
This day had seen new life, new death,
That's how time passes by...
We understand while we draw breath
Until our final sigh...
The leopard knew his time was near,
Just like the sun above,
Yet leopards are not prone to fear,
That's why they still share love...
His cubs were waiting down below,
As he watched like a king...
To see time like a river flow
To outlive everything...
Some day his cubs would watch in turn,
As their cubs played a while...
With each new day something to learn...
Some joy to raise a smile...
(July 2011/The poem is based on the
magnificent painting by Stephen Gayford
called 'Leopard Sunset'.)
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Leopard Watch
I saw the leopard watch his world,
No second's thought for me...
Yet angrily his hot tail swirled,
Tensed up, quite anxiously...
He must have sensed he was observed,
But I was hidden well
And though the leopard looked unnerved,
I smiled he couldn't tell...
I made no sound, no sound at all,
In fact, I didn't move...
When you're afraid, you're on the ball,
With nothing more to prove...
So there he was and there I was,
So near and yet so far...
The minutes went so fast because
To me, he was a star!
Distinguished markings, senses taut,
Mouth open, teeth on show...
Determined something would be caught
Before the sun must go...
Then suddenly he saw me here!
He chased me off his turf!
Good God, I've never known such fear!
Must dash! I've seen enough!
(August 2011/The poem is based on the
magnificent painting by Stephen Gayford
called 'Leopard Watch'.)
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The leopard listened to each sound,
Aware that prey was near
And it was close, somewhere around,
That much was oh so clear...
And that was why the leopard stood,
So statuesque in wait
And for the prey, that wasn't good
And even now, too late...
The leopard breathed the airborne scent,
It lingered now and then,
The creature there by accident
And yet, no more again...
The leopard was a wily one,
No amateur at all
And unashamed at what he'd done,
Observing hunger's call...
The frenzy came, the prey was caught,
Life draining, no release,
Until it thought its final thought,
Until it found some peace...
But that's the way that some survive,
While others bid farewell,
One dies, the other stays alive,
Each has its tale to tell...
Denis Martindale, copyright January 2016.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford. Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Leopard's Lair
The leopard roamed from place-to-place,
As if to find his spot,
An awkward look upon his face,
For found it he had not...
He climbed a tree to look around,
To see both near and far,
Then with such insight went to ground
In search of Shangri-La...
To him, this was a noble quest,
Something that must be done,
Search north and south and east and west,
Beneath that golden sun...
And finally, his soul found peace,
His leopard's lair felt close,
His striving spirit found release,
The kind God only knows...
And so with pleasant scenery,
With safety left and right,
A soothing shady spot to see
All creatures day and night...
With shelter, should the rain begin,
With water, steps away,
He'd found a place where he could win,
That really made his day!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Let Go, Let God
Let go, let God ... Four simple words,
Yet they mean everything.
Give God your heart and not two thirds,
Let Jesus be your King.
This world will drag you straight to Hell,
To break your word and more
This world will cast its evil spell
To shake you to the core
Let go, let God ... The Lord is wise,
Why would He cheat or steal?
He owns the whole of Paradise
And Paradise is real
He wants to share His heart with you,
That's why God sent His Son
For every word Christ said is true,
That's how the war is won
Let go, let God ... Yes, every day,
Yes, every single hour
Let Jesus lead you on your way,
Let Jesus give you power.
What use is it to fight alone
When demons still exist?
Bring your life now before God's Throne,
Be God's evangelist!
Let go, let God ... like saints of old,
Like David, sing new psalms
Come to the Cross of Christ! Behold!
Look at His outstretched arms!
Look at the King of Love who died,
So holy and so brave
For there, the Lord was crucified,
Our sinful souls to save
Let go, let God ... His Son is proof
No other proof we need
He rose again, that Gospel truth - The World's Poetry Archive
Will help us to succeed.
So call upon His holy Name,
Bathed in His holy Blood,
Baptised you'll never be the same
Dear friends ... Let go, let God
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Let Love Live In Your Eyes
With every single smile you make,
Let love live in your eyes.
As sunshine through dark clouds would break,
To cut them down to size...
For love brings hope to weary hearts
When hope is all worn out...
True love is how God's music starts
And praise dispels all doubt...
With every good deed that you do,
Let love live in your eyes,
Such that you can say, 'God bless you! '
And other words as nice...
For words have powers all their own
That brighten up our day,
To soften even hearts of stone,
To turn their wrath away...
With every single whispered prayer,
Let love live in your eyes,
Yet cast on God your every care,
For He alone is wise...
He guides us every day we live,
He grants us sleep each night...
Through Jesus Christ God can forgive,
Then help us do what's right...
With every blessing praise the Lord
With Holy Spirit joy...
For God it is to be adored
Through psalms that we employ.
Like David, let us each recall,
God's glory fills the skies!
Like Peter, John and James and Paul,
Let love live in your eyes...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2011. - The World's Poetry Archive
We can watch Revelation TV on Sky UK and
the website's Watch Now Internet connection.
Website: revelationtv-dot-com
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Let's Face It, She's Wonderful!
Her hair is black as ravens' wings cascading casually
Like oil out of newborn springs determined to be free!
Her eyes are grey as glistening clay within the potter's hands,
Like twilight melts away the day in service to God's plans...
Her cheeks are pink, flamingo style, when gentle and serene,
Until she blushes with a smile and scarlet tones are seen...
Her lips are red as ripened fruit and focus every thought...
It's not enough to say they're cute, if by true love you're caught.
Her teeth are white as polar ice, as shiny as the stars.
Her grins are wondrous, she's so nice that she gets oohs and ahs.
Her female frame transcends all dreams, all fervent hopes and prayers.
Enough to fuel some marriage schemes in he who dearly cares.
If I were blessed by her embrace, just once, then I'd propose,
Then kiss the lips upon her face, then offer her a rose...
If I were granted half a chance, I'd marry her next week!
With special licence for romance with her, the one I seek...
But you know me, I'm awfully shy! All tongue-tied when she's near!
Yet if she kissed me by and by, I know I'd lose all fear!
I'd be as brave as Superman! I'd stand tall as a king!
Yes, with one kiss I know I can do almost anything!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Let's Talk About Love!
Let's talk about love! Let's give hate the shove!
Let's celebrate all that love is!
Reflect on the joy for each girl and boy
Enmeshed in the thrill of a kiss!
Love glides round in style! Love guides with a smile!
Love looks up with hope in its eyes!
Reflect on the prayers of sweethearts in pairs
And listen to all of their sighs!
Let's talk about love! Let's think of the dove!
Let's cherish the heart's great reward!
Reflect on the peace that starts to increase
Whenever true love is outpoured!
Let's learn a love song! Let's sing it out strong!
Let's pass on Good News every day!
Reflect on God's grace! God's kindness embrace!
Determined to share love some way!
Let's visit Loveland! Let's walk hand-in-hand!
Let's honour the blessings we've known!
Reflect on this truth: Love's never aloof!
For true love cannot walk alone...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Liberty Eagle!
The eagle soared across the sky,
As if by faith alone
And thus determined there to fly
A course none else had known...
A single creature few had seen
Above the mountain tops,
Snow-capped and glistening with a sheen
That seldom ever stops...
My word, it was a sky so blue
That eagle must be glad,
Regarding such a splendid view,
What greater could be had?
The sense of freedom felt within
Must surely soothe the heart,
As if relieved of every sin,
To gain a brand new start...
Some say such treasures have a price,
But eagles know their place,
Such liberty makes us think twice
About God's sovereign grace...
Man has no wings to bear his weight,
Man has to walk or run,
Yet eagles soar to any height
Beneath God's golden sun...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
Liberty by Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The eagle on the precipice
Stands not afraid to fly,
For instincts taught him of such bliss
Beyond his questions why...
No vast expanse can stir up doubts,
Liberty drives him on
And so he flies beneath the clouds
Till all his strength has gone...
As long as he has eagle eyes
That scan the skies for miles,
The eagle flies and flies and flies
And so the sight beguiles...
Thus humans stare, with envy still,
On lands beneath the sun,
Aware each time they climbed a hill,
They could but walk or run...
Yet every eagle sees the land
Like God from up above,
Because all life by God was planned,
To serve Him well enough...
Our God created freedom's wings
That cross the skies in flight,
As surely as He made all things
That bring our Lord delight...
Denis Martindale, copyright, December 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Liberty'.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Life After Death!
A writer can embellish things
Like children often do,
But if I met the King of Kings,
My words must then be true...
I could describe the streets of gold,
A river crystal clear,
Or wondrous secrets I was told
Revealed to cast out fear...
I could explain the sights I saw,
The music that I heard,
My mansion there for evermore,
Christ's every single word...
I could provide some prophecy
Of worldly times ahead,
Or humbly say, 'Christ died for me...
And for my sins He bled...'
I could enthuse about the joys
Of children close to Christ,
The smiles of little girls and boys
As they looked up surprised...
Or tell of angels singing psalms
King David once composed,
Or say I touched Lord Jesus' palms,
His wrists with wounds now closed...
But I've not been to Heaven's Gate,
Nor seen Saint Peter there,
As if for me he had to wait
To say my final prayer...
Nor have I walked with Christ above,
Or praised Him on His Throne,
Yet on this Earth I know His love,
The greatest ever known...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Life's Little Lessons
Once given a heart, we should use it,
not just to pump blood back and forth,
but to desire what is truly beautiful,
not just seeking beauty for itself alone,
but to know when to share it and with whom.
If we fail in such desires, have we truly lived,
have we truly fulfilled our greatest potential?
Scrooge had a change of heart and it transformed
his life into what it should have been all along.
To learn from his mistakes helps us to avoid them...
So even Scrooge helps us to be better than we are.
Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2014.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
A winsome lass I spied one day
Who cared not for herself.
As she went on her winsome way,
She thanked God for her health.
From street-to-street and road-to-road,
She raised funds for the poor
And so her blessings overflowed
As she knocked door-to-door.
With total love her foremost thought,
Her soft voice spoke to me.
I told her of the things I'd bought
Supporting charity.
I passed them to their High Street shops,
Where they'd be sold anew
And so the blessing never stops,
As I bade them, 'Adieu! '
To hold things back, while others starve,
Is cruelty indeed.
The world is one big cake to carve,
Yet still some pray in need.
She made me think of years ago,
When charities helped me,
When savings were so hard to grow Ask any family...
When I looked back, my heart gave thanks.
I promised that I'd give
And as before, from out my banks,
My money helped some live.
Though I may never know their names,
I've helped fulfil God's plan.
Like Jesus, Peter, John and James,
I've helped my fellow man.
The winsome lass continued on...
Another street to bless...
And in a moment she was gone...
With smiles of happiness... - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lion Cub
To study him, as he was now,
You'd think that he looked swell.
This lion cub with wrinkled brow
Was known to cast a spell...
Your first impressions are misled,
For he's no gentle soul...
Just tired out, with weary head,
Till he regains control...
Once back on form, he's set to pounce!
He's on all fours again!
As if on springs, he'll leap and bounce
Before he counts to ten!
This little jewel is known to prowl
And ambush suddenly...
He even makes his Mother growl,
While Dad stares solemnly...
But does he care, displaying shame?
Does he observe their rules?
They've never known him to be tame!
He treats them all as fools!
But one day soon, he'll stand and fight,
No matter what this brings!
Yes, one day soon, with all his might,
He'll join the lion kings!
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Lion Cub'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lion Cub Playing
The cute and cuddly lion cub
Was dazzling black and white!
As if he'd joined the Zebra Club,
Outstanding, what a sight!
Was this a ploy that Nature tried
To stop them in their tracks?
He's one of us! No need to hide!
He won't jump on our backs!
The lion cub was unaware
Of what the zebras thought...
He didn't know that he was rare,
That they would be his sport.
That some time soon he'd chase them hard
Across the placid plains,
To hunt the ones that weren't on guard
Against these sudden strains...
It's true that he looked innocent!
It's true that he looked calm!
It's true to some he'd be a friend
And not chew off an arm...
But zebras didn't stand a chance,
They'd better run real fast!
Though he's got looks that quite entrance,
His innocence won't last!
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2010.
The poem is based on the canvas artwork
called 'Lion Cub Playing' available with
other canvas art animal scenes from
My Stephen Gayford poems are here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The lion's share, that's his alone,
The others stand in line,
Because some things he won't condone,
That's why he's first to dine...
With all eyes watching till he's done,
For none dare intervene,
For each knows few beneath the sun
That ever were so mean...
The lion's known for awesome strength,
His stature's good as gold,
From head to tail, observe his length,
A wonder to behold...
And yet, let's not forget his roar,
It's heard from miles away,
Yet fear seems what his roar stands for,
To keep the rest at bay...
For he's got rivals near and far,
Perhaps as strong as he,
Alone, of course, he proves the star
And full of bravery...
But with each challenge, scars persist,
Who knows if he will win?
And yet as long as hopes exist,
That lion won't give in!
Denis Martindale, copyright November 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford. Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The lioness first saw her mate
And sensed her future set,
It was as if a call from Fate,
The call she hoped to get...
She played it cool, like big cats do,
Pretended not to care,
Yet making sure she stayed in view,
So that he'd stay aware...
The lion didn't have one thought
Including her that day,
But his attention soon was caught
And she helped this to stay...
Her lion cubs were proof of this
As Nature took its course,
Now he is hers and she is his,
As friendship each explores...
Such is the way that lions find
The meaning of their years,
Until, they, too, leave life behind,
As old age slowly nears...
The lioness could see God's plan
And yet not praise His name,
Just like some children born of Man
Who sometimes act the same...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent wildlife
painting by Stephen Gayford nb Google search:
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lioness And Cubs
The lioness and cubs remained
As close as close could be,
For now with nothing to be gained
Amid the scenery...
One cub with tiny legs stretched out,
The other near to sleep,
While Mother looking all about,
Her vigil still to keep...
But soon those scamps would run and play
And pounce and bite and chew,
Rehearsing hunting every day
And muscle-building, too...
Yet not for long beneath that sun
That wandered far above,
The heat affecting everyone,
Sometimes more than enough...
The days would melt to months then years,
Their youths to end in time,
Then gone would be their childhood fears
When each one stood sublime...
No matter what each day presents,
The Mother charts their course,
From courage to come confidence,
From whimpers to come roars...
Denis Martindale, copyright August 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
The alpha male was at his peak,
Triumphant, in his prime,
His muscles showing his physique
Confirming him sublime...
Let other lions cower near,
Let other lions flee,
The alpha male had none to fear,
Behold his majesty!
His outward form matched inner strength
Revealed within his eyes,
That firm resolve at any length
Meant there'd be no surprise...
One look would send your blood to chill,
You'd pray like any saint!
Perhaps you'd make it to the hill...
One roar, perhaps you'd faint!
The world was his, that's how he felt,
A sovereign king, no less,
With smouldering looks to make you melt,
That's how his sort impress...
If I were you, I'd stand well back,
I don't care if you've prayed!
He's not the kind I'd like to track,
It's no good tempting fate!
Denis Martindale, copyright, December 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Lionhearted'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lions Of The Serengeti
Despite the lions having strength,
They, too, must rest a while,
Just lion down, they stretch full length,
Abandoning all style...
Purrhaps with mouths now open wide,
Before the snoozing time,
No longer standing full of pride,
No longer quite sublime...
Regardless of the things they've done
In order to survive,
For now, defeated by the sun,
They lose all sense of drive...
The energy just oozes out,
The vigour disappears
And suddenly, without a doubt,
Each one sure feels his years...
Yet I'm the same! My eyes just stare,
My eyelids droop then stay,
Blind as a bat, yet I don't care,
I'm almost on my way...
My head falls flat on my keyboard,
It's QWERTY time once more!
This time, sleep mustn't be ignored,
Forgive me, if I snore!
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lions, Tigers, Jaguars!
So many big cats lurk out there!
They prowl by day and night!
Enough to give your heart a scare
And make you gulp with fright!
Enough to make you run a mile,
Four minutes, maybe less...
Enough to make that big cat smile
And smirk with happiness!
A head start you may have, my friend,
But can it you maintain?
Or in the background there to blend
And patiently remain?
Or can you climb the tallest tree
Those big cats would refuse,
Purrchance another day to see
And not fall down and bruise?
Oh, my! I think I'll stay at home!
Watch telly and stay safe!
No point in going out to roam,
You see, I'm not that brave...
I'm not like Stephen Gayford is,
Exploring far and wide!
I think I should give that a miss...
Buy paintings here... and hide!
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2013.
Stephen Gayford is a wildlife photographer who
then sketches and creates detailed paintings...
He visits wildlife parks and reserves to get the
close-up views of these incredible big cats.
I'm the guy who stays at home who'd rather
stay alive and buy his big cat wildlife prints. - The World's Poetry Archive
I found a wildlife big cat website which featured
my poem, Snow Leopard, which is all about that
Stephen Gayford painting. There are some great
right-hand screen lynx, erm, links to purruse..
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Listen To Love...
Love sought me out because it cared and asked me what was wrong,
For up till then I hadn't paired, no girl had come along.
The sort of girl guys call 'The One', who's gracious and refined...
And yet is full of life, has fun, and shows she can be kind...
Love sighed with me, it knew the score... Life holds no guarantee...
For in the game some call 'Amour' each heart is fancy free...
'I'll help you out, so don't be sad! ' Love promised me that day!
'That's good of you! ' I said quite glad, my life no longer grey!
'Look out for her, she's coming soon! The dreamgirl you have yearned! '
Relieved I hummed a happy tune, bad fortune overturned...
Love left me there to wait for her... unaided I felt shy...
I wondered, then, what would occur... then my sweetheart walked by!
I grinned, of course, then walked up close, I stood there at her side!
She was gorgeous! God only knows if she would be my bride...
Five minutes passed, we chatted there, within the park that day...
And I felt like a millionaire the day love came my way...
If not for Love that bid me try, I'd never met the girl...
'The One' who says that I'm her guy who set her heart awhirl!
Now I'm the man that folks call blessed, 'You've got a good 'un, there! '
No cause for me to look depressed... My love's beyond compare...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Listen To The Leprechaun!
For rhymes, I counts me syllables,
I counts them line-by-line,
While watching as a new verse falls
According to design...
At times, me words are oh so cute,
That's not always the case,
I counts on words and hopes they suit,
Yet sometimes I replace...
For thoughts, I pictures what I wrote
Then I waits for the rest,
Each new thought comes and I takes note,
Determined to be blessed...
I dreams as well, then wakes up quick
And writes down what I saw,
Such that me golden ideas click
And suddenly outpour...
For all I knows, I strikes a chord,
But that's not guaranteed,
Financially there's small reward,
Yet onwards I proceed...
I does me best, gives all I got,
8,6,8,6 guides me,
While not a lot, each helps me plot
Me perfect poetry...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Little Birdy
Louise looks lovely, yes, indeed.
So dainty and demure.
So sweet of face that guys take heed
When love they can't ignore.
To think that she, with gentle voice,
Prefers to be polite,
Responding to that noble choice,
Her smiles bring such delight.
It's good to see her now and then,
When she takes time to stay...
To me, she's like a perfect ten!
She brightens up my day.
Louise looks lovely - lips so red,
They blossom like the rose.
God bless her kisses still ahead,
When true love overflows...
If only more girls looked so nice,
Her beauty to embrace.
The world would be a paradise...
A truly precious place.
Alas, there's only one Louise,
One dream girl to dream of.
No wonder she's so sure to please
The man she learns to love.
Denis Martindale, copyright 21 January 2015.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Little Jewel
Lioness cub, you look so cool,
Despite the hot sunshine.
Lioness cub, you little jewel,
So calm as you recline...
You take your ease! Yes, settle there...
You've not got much to do...
And if you did, you wouldn't care.
You'd rest the whole day through.
Can't blame you, though! It's flaming hot!
It's something I can't stand!
That's why I'm rooted to the spot...
Let others puff and pant!
Today's the day I'll take it slow...
Like you, I'll take my time...
There's no point being on the go...
Stay still... it's not a crime.
They say that lions are born free,
So who am I to scoff?
Do you feel guilty, just like me?
I've tried to shake it off...
But, no, you're right. Let's both relax...
No need to play the fool...
Let's lie flat out, upon our backs,
Like you... you little jewel...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Little Jewel'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Little Prince
The leopard cub was quite petite
And on the little side,
No wonder that he looked so sweet
And gave his parents pride...
His eyes a-twinkling neath the sun
As he lounged here and there,
Yet all the time, their precious one,
Their prince beyond compare!
Their legacy upon this Earth,
Laid on his shoulders now,
As he took years to prove his worth
In all God would allow...
To roam around, then run around,
To pause, reflect, move on,
All through his life meant to astound,
Until his life was gone...
Would he maintain the royal line,
His legacy intact?
Sometime to love his Valentine
With kisses action-packed?
Perchance to grow and make new friends,
No more to be forlorn,
That's still the gamble life extends,
To every leopard born...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Little Prince'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
denis-martindale-dot-blogspot-dot-com - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Little Princess
The cheetah cub had no idea
That she was royalty,
For no-one there had made it clear
She had a destiny...
Mankind decreed her status so,
Endangered like the rest,
Yet ask her how, she couldn't know,
For she thought she was blessed...
Her family was quite enough,
Her treasure trove on Earth,
For they bestowed their hearts with love,
They proved that she had worth...
To such as these, a constant joy,
Their legacy, their child,
So innocent, so sweet, so coy,
So gentle and so mild...
One day to rule, but until then,
A fragile, tiny thing,
Someone to comfort now and then,
When she stares wondering...
She needs the time to study well,
The land, the trees, the skies,
For all have secrets they must tell
To make her strong and wise...
Denis Martindale, copyright August 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Live Long And Prosper!
It has been known that long ago the Vulcan mind was wild,
Untamed emotions forced to grow till they were reconciled...
Yet logic conquered loves and fears, to squash them one by one
And with the passing of the years, a new life had begun...
Live long and prosper while you can, avoiding passion's paths
And thus become a faceless man, with few smiles and few laughs...
When tears for children are no more, condemned before they fall,
When logic rules and thoughts restore to overcome them all...
While logic soothes a savage heart like harp strings can for sounds,
There's no great joy it can impart or brand new hope announce...
It's self-control that sets the tone, forbidding happiness,
No holiday, just home alone, with no-one else to bless...
Live long and prosper while you may, that lifestyle's not for me,
A sweeter lifestyle I'll obey, that's somewhat fancy-free...
Red-blooded males know what I mean, they live life to the full...
So keep your logic! I'm not keen... I'd rather have a ball!
Denis Martindale, copyright October 2015.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Not one wolf here on Earth forgives
When his next meal gets lost...
The moon shines down on each that lives
Regardless of the cost...
The lobo's hunger must remain,
As if to drive him wild,
As if to drive him quite insane,
Such that his soul's defiled...
As he looks now, he looks serene,
Quite calm and self-composed,
But this is just the in-between,
No victim's death to boast...
I know he looks so beautiful,
Beguiling in a way...
But sometimes wolves can be so cruel...
With others easy prey...
Behold the wolf that stares ahead,
His features so distinct,
Without a single trace of dread,
Awareness interlinked...
With eyes that focus here and there
And ears than scan for sound,
This lobo's up for any dare,
While food's somewhere around...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Lobo'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Locked On Target
He's locked on target, fully primed,
A tiger through and through,
With all his instincts honed and timed,
So credit where it's due...
His enemy is death itself,
Survival proves the key,
It isn't simply food and health,
He has his destiny...
Long life for him's no easy task,
No easy ride each day,
For who of us is he to ask
Some help along the way?
Thus life goes on, his prey ahead,
The ambush has been set,
Despite the cost, the awful dread,
His victim's last regret...
He's locked on target, neck laid low,
Dismissed all thoughts of love,
As if a halo once aglow
Fell down to form a ruff...
A fancy scarf around his throat,
Against the stripes so black,
That match his heart, for soon he'll gloat,
If he can stay on track...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Locked On Target'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lone Vigil
It matters not if day or night,
Lone vigils must be kept,
The lone wolf stared at all in sight,
At things that crawled or crept...
For predators, food is the key,
The future to unlock,
Their stomach pains must be set free,
Regardless of the clock...
So day or night, the lone wolf stares,
Determined to survive,
Mid Summer's breeze or cold night airs,
Who knows what will arrive?
For other creatures need food, too,
But haven't sensed who's near,
So merely do what creatures do,
Till wolves fill them with fear...
The lone wolf waits, like statues will,
Unmoving, yet on guard,
Atop a snow-tipped frozen hill,
Yet with a heart so hard...
Take note, it matters not, my friend,
If you look great or small,
The lone wolf waits, on that depend,
To hunt for one and all...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lone Wolf
The lone wolf stares with piercing eyes,
Alert to all things close,
His ears aware, so no surprise,
But inner tension grows...
For silence isn't always clear
When predators stalk prey
And snow helps creatures disappear,
No matter, night or day...
The lone wolf paused, as if concerned,
Unable to proceed,
Eyes left, eyes right, till truth was learned
And he felt safe indeed...
Despite his feet both cold and numb,
What facts could he acquire?
His heart was beating like a drum,
Intense as if on fire...
The lone wolf faced such times as these,
As many creatures must,
Who lack the hope and certainties
Communities can trust...
Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers
And families beyond
With each one who helps the others,
Groups form a lifelong bond...
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Lone Wolf'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
People are irreplacable,
That's what makes them special.
If all goes well,
You will find someone else
Who is special in their own way.
Otherwise, loneliness destroys you
Day by day.
How do you think the single folks feel?
Those who have never fooled around,
Still waiting for that special person?
Maybe never to find someone
To be thankful for.
The whole package called love
Either works or it's a compromise
Or it's a dragged-out affair.
But never to get started at all
Is quite burdensome.
It's not as great as missing
The one you love, feeling guilty
About seeking someone else...
Being single is being called free...
Who wants to be free
If you're as lonely as hell?
Who wants to be free if suffering
The effects of unrequited love?
Who wants to be free
With money in your pockets but
Nobody to buy birthday presents
And Saint Valentine's Day cards for?
Who wants to spend Christmas Day
Alone at home? And what use is
Celebrating a Happy New Year
If it's another year alone?
The dark Winter days are upon us.
We go out... we return home...
Yet nobody greets us, kisses us,
Makes us a cup of tea...
Nobody inquires how we are doing...
Or asks if anything - The World's Poetry Archive
Interesting happened today...
Surrounded by people... strangers:
The good, the bad and the ugly...
Yet even beautiful people
Can feel lonely, too...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lonely Mess
Poverty can create the stay at home lifestyle,
yet offers no life and no style.
The television offers the only voice that's sharing
at least something worthwhile.
Fake friendships unless emailing the TV shows
offering them your opinions,
then friendship for a few seconds and no more.
Ever tried sharing your life with strangers or neighbours?
Sometimes it's as easy as pie,
at other times you wanna go home,
just go home and die...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2014.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Look At Me!
The tiger cub sat on the ground
Ignored by all the rest,
As if he was now lost not found,
Unclaimed, not thought the best...
He swished his tail with some disdain,
He clenched his claws as well,
Yet they ignored him once again,
His presence to dispel...
You see, he'd been a naughty boy!
So time for discipline!
Ignoring him would thus annoy,
Though he was kith and kin...
Tough love like that should sort him out,
He didn't stand a chance,
He had to do something about
His boasting to advance...
So time passed by till bad boy changed,
Then everyone was friends,
When attitudes are rearranged
And harmony then blends...
The tiger cub thus understood,
The blessings there could be,
When he was humble, gentle, good,
Not roaring, 'LOOK AT ME! '
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Look, I'M Not In Love!
No, you've got it wrong! I don't love her.
Yes, she's cute. Yes, she's nice. God, she's nice...
OK, OK, I admit it! Big deal!
You happy now?
Loads of lassies out there just as cute, just as nice!
Why would I pick her?
Why not the girl across the road?
Why not the girl around the corner?
I don't have to pick wossername.
Yes, I know her name! It's Lucy.
Now you're bound to want to say, I love Lucy!
It rolls off the tongue!
Then you'll start to thinking I'm having a ball...
You can't help playing the matchmaker!
Just let things be, eh?
Just try your luck with someone else. Why pick on me?
Yes, I'm single. OK, she's single... what of it?
She'll probably marry some guy!
He doesn't have to be me, does he?
What... she said she likes me?
That's natural. I'm easy-going.
She likes my eyes? What for?
They're just teeny weeny eyeballs.
She says I've got kind eyes? Well, she has, too!
They're quite blue, actually, like sapphires...
Or topaz or soft amethyst... A bit like mother of pearl...
Yes... she IS a lovely girl... and every now and then,
When she smiles, I get this warm feeling, all over...
But that can't be love, can it? Not real love?
Does she really like me? What... REALLY?
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lookout Post
The meerkats stood on tippy toes,
For danger was afoot!
Where it would strike, nobody knows
And yet they must stay put!
So one looked left and one looked right
And one looked up and down!
To some, the meerkats looked a sight,
With each one, Nature's clown!
But times were hard and foes were fast!
So fast, they were a blur!
While unwarned victims were aghast,
The wise were quick to stir!
They didn't hang around and say,
'Ooh, look! That's not so good! '
They scarpered quick, got clean away
And left the neighbourhood!
Forewarned, forearmed, four feet, then gone...
To snigger underground!
To safely hide from light that shone,
No longer to be found!
The game went on to their delight,
For hours at a time...
It's very hard for foes to bite
A meerkat in his prime!
United they stand! Together!
Survivors to the end!
Yes, meerkats are very clever!
Just try to catch one, friend!
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Lookout Post'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lookout Rock
The Timber Wolf's a wary beast,
As cautious as can be
And this young wolf was mighty pleased
At all that he could see...
His lookout rock gave him full view
Of front, back, left and right,
Conserving strength helped him get through,
That suited him just right...
Not many humans could survive
The coldness in the air,
Fur coats are fine, but who can thrive
With coldness everywhere?
Sometimes the days are twilight times,
The sun's a distant friend,
It's then each wolf more wisely climbs,
Its safety to defend...
The Timber Wolf endures it all,
It lives from day-to-day
And few ignore its mountain call,
Although most stay away...
But those who see it roaming wild,
Stand still and stare direct,
As if by beauty they're beguiled
And show it some respect...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Lookout Rock'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lord And Lady
The lion and his lioness
Surveyed their great domain,
For such was theirs by great prowess,
Come sunshine or come rain...
As long as they fought as a team,
Their conquests seemed assured,
It was as if they lived their dream,
This lady and her lord...
Togetherness can change each life,
With trust the golden key,
Surpassing joy, surviving strife,
Surprising you and me...
Without this trust no teamwork wins,
It's crucial day-by-day,
It's how each hour on Earth begins,
If wisdom's meant to stay...
The lord and lady know their place,
Like royalty they rule,
They walk with dignity and grace,
They can be kind or cruel...
They raise their young so life goes on,
Replacing them in time...
But while they're here, until they're gone,
They simply look sublime...
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Lord And Lady'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lord Jesus Is The Answer!
Across this world God's angels fly
As servants of the Lord
And yet not one for us could die,
God's grace to be outpoured...
That's why God sent His precious Son,
To suffer shame and loss,
So all our hopes are pinned upon
Lord Jesus on the Cross...
Across this world God's word is shared
Like sunshine and like rain,
For God so loved the world He cared
And hopes our love to gain...
That's why the Saviour's Blood was shed,
That's why that day He died,
That's why God raised Him from the dead...
Now Christ is glorified!
Across this world the Saviour smiles
At all the saints He's saved,
For He's the King who reconciles
The ones baptised and bathed...
The Alpha Course explains so much!
God's wondrous truths revealed!
Let Jesus Christ reach down and touch
Your soul so you are healed...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
and the Revelation TV Watch Now link
on the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lord Jesus, Hold Me!
Lord Jesus hold me!
Please lead me to the Light!
Lord Jesus hold me!
Please feed me some insight!
You loved me on Calvary!
On Calvary, it's true!
Nobody's loved as quite
As much as You!
Lord Jesus hold me,
Hold me to You!
Receive the very heart of me,
Today, eternally!
Lord Jesus hold me,
Hold me to You!
To find You was my destiny,
My ecstasy, my liberty!
Jesus hold me...
Lord Jesus hold me!
Lord Jesus hold me!
Please never let me go!
Yet please don't scold me!
I really want to grow!
Teach me from each Bible book!
Communion bread and wine!
Yet most of all,
Forgiveness that's divine!
Lord Jesus hold me,
Hold me to You!
Receive the very heart of me,
Today, eternally!
Lord Jesus hold me,
Hold me to You!
The Passion sacrificed for me,
The Blood Atonement meant for me!
Jesus loves me!
Lord Jesus loves me! ! - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lord Of The Jungle
Lord of the Jungle, certainly,
This leopard so serene.
He posed with sovereign majesty,
The best that's ever been.
The strongest leopard God had made
Of all that lived before,
An alpha male was here displayed,
Of that, you can be sure!
His destiny was crystal clear.
Contenders must beware!
Observing what they knew was fear,
To beg them to take care!
Why risk your life against the Lord?
Why challenge to a fight?
His confidence can't be ignored,
It's safer to take flight!
Lord of the Jungle, yes, in truth!
His power's known to all.
This is the legacy of youth,
That lesser cats recall.
And, to them, he's like a legend,
The bravest of the brave.
And so, I ask, before life's end,
Such creatures we should save.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lords Of The Arctic
Two snow wolves stayed on pure white snow,
Like two rocks side-by-side...
As if they had no home to go,
No warm place to abide...
Yet heat can't feed the wolves by day
Or nurture them by night,
That's why the wolves must hunt for prey,
Before their food takes flight.
Two wolves await what God allows
To cross their paths once more...
For now, the hungry wolves must browse,
No movement to ignore...
No sound can stir without their ears
Locating that new source,
For even wild wolves have their fears,
As Nature takes its course.
Lords of the Arctic, yes, indeed...
Survivors striving still,
Their hunger pangs help them succeed,
We know they always will.
For who seeks hunger for a friend?
Or thirst that aches within?
That's why, the hunt can never end,
While they've got hope to win...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Lords Of The Arctic'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lost Soul!
The elephant awoke from sleep,
But found himself alone,
So peace of mind was hard to keep,
His heart had turned to stone...
To think, the others left him there,
Just wandered far away,
What could have made them not to care,
Depart at break of day?
Yet which direction should he go?
Why bother with them now?
He chose his path and then walked slow,
Quite dead inside somehow...
Was this a nightmare, was this real?
No happy end in sight?
Alas, the facts had to reveal
His loneliness that night...
Yet God looked down and turned things round,
A second chance to give,
His family returned and found
The one they were once with...
And everything was fine again,
With each thrilled to the core,
As one lost soul, right there and then,
Felt loved for evermore...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent wildlife
painting by Stephen Gayford nb Google search:
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Louise Looks Lovely
Louise looks lovely, yes, indeed.
So dainty and demure.
So sweet of face that guys take heed
When love they can't ignore.
To think that she, with gentle voice,
Prefers to be polite,
Responding to that noble choice,
Her smiles bring such delight.
It's good to see her now and then,
When she takes time to stay...
To me, she's like a perfect ten!
She brightens up my day.
Louise looks lovely - lips so red,
They blossom like the rose.
God bless her kisses still ahead,
When true love overflows...
If only more girls looked so nice,
Her beauty to embrace.
The world would be a paradise...
A truly precious place.
Alas, there's only one Louise,
One dream girl to dream of.
No wonder she's so sure to please
The man she learns to love.
Denis Martindale.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Love And Peace For Always!
While there are stars that shine on high
At night when day is done,
Remember God who made that sky
And named stars one-by-one...
While there are worlds beyond this Earth,
With new worlds being born,
Remember God still knows your worth,
So please don't feel forlorn...
While there are rainbows now and then
That span from left-to-right,
Remember God gave sight to men
That we might know delight...
While there are eagles gliding past
And doves that bill and coo,
Remember God whose love is vast,
For He says, 'I love you! '
While you aren't perfect, know this truth,
Forgiveness can be yours,
Remember God provides the proof
With Heaven's open doors...
While He awaits your precious prayers
That honour Jesus' Name,
Remember God declares He cares,
Forever more the same...
While sweet romance is born of dance
And music by the score,
Remember God can still enhance
Each chance for sweet amour...
While you may feel life's let you down
And shattered all your schemes,
Remember God will melt each frown
As you succumb to dreams...
While there's a Heaven to be gained
With angels all around,
Remember God has yet ordained - The World's Poetry Archive
Lost souls can still be found...
While pardon's there, so highly prized,
Through all nights and all days,
Remember God and Jesus Christ!
Always! Always! Always!
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Love Is Like Sand...
Love is like sand,
keep it in the palm of your hand
and it blows away,
yet if you make a fist,
it slips through your fingers,
so cement it with tenderness,
water it with affection
and build a house that will stand,
for love is like sand...
Denis Martindale
It was published in the Christian Herald magazine...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Love's Saddest Loss
She stood there, standing at the door,
Like other ladies would,
Yet she an angel to adore,
Because she looked that good...
And while she spoke, I watched her lips,
As if now hypnotised,
She thrilled me to my fingertips,
More than I realised...
It didn't matter what she said,
I'd listen still all day,
Yet my heart felt a sense of dread,
For soon she'd walk away...
And I'd be left to pine and pine,
For days, perhaps a week,
In hopes she'd be my Valentine,
For she was quite unique...
And soon she walked and left the street,
To leave the heart that yearned,
Because no more the chance to meet
The girl who'd not returned...
She was life's highlight I recall,
The one who stole my heart,
The one I hoped to give my all,
A family to start...
The days passed by and love's sweet dream
Became a memory,
Like apple pie without the cream,
Not something meant to be...
Though I endure this loneliness,
She'll find somebody else,
Some guy to love, some guy to bless,
Some day with wedding bells...
But I'll be here each Christmas Day,
Alone without her love,
Alone because she walked away, - The World's Poetry Archive
Thought me not good enough...
I know not how to pray for him,
The day he weds the one
That turned my heart from glad to grim
And yet, God's will be done...
Denis Martindale, copyright December 2015.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lucky You!
You're in love but she won't phone.
You're in love but she won't write.
You're in love but you're alone.
You're in love but what a plight.
You're in love but she's not keen.
You're in love but not so sure.
You're in love but not serene.
You're in love but how long for?
You're in love but does she care?
You're in love on tenterhooks!
You're in love so said a prayer!
You're in love and checked God's books!
You're in love, what's going on?
You're in love and in great need!
You're in love, where has she gone?
You're in love and yet you plead!
You're in love yet will God hear?
You're in love yet fading fast!
You're in love and so sincere!
You're in love but can it last?
No... suddenly it's finished!
It's simply run its course.
Its power has diminished
And now it's closed its doors!
Unloved, you understand...
Unloved, you let her be...
You thought that love was grand,
Yet there's no guarantee!
You fell for fairytales!
You fell for twinkling eyes!
You're just like other males
Who thought that she was nice!
She's just a shameless flirt!
You're lucky you learnt quick!
I know that you feel hurt...
But have another pick...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lunch Break
When elephants have walked and walked,
The hunger starts inside,
When elephants have talked and talked,
The hunger they can't hide...
The tall ones look for food to eat,
The small ones tag along,
For food is something you can't beat
When hunger pains are strong...
The mother and her foal were glad
When food was found at last,
They munched away all food they had
Till their lunch break was past...
Filled up for hours, they walked on,
Content to be alive,
You see, their hunger pains had gone,
They knew they would survive...
But what if food had disappeared?
If lunch break wasn't there?
If by Mankind the land was cleared,
The dry earth standing bare?
How long before the majesty
Of elephants and more
Was lost because of infamy?
How long? We can't be sure...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lying In Wait
The tiger played the waiting game...
His heartbeat cool and calm.
No doubts, no fears, no guilt, no shame
And no sense of alarm.
For all was still, sublime, serene,
So tranquil and at ease...
Apart from him, so cruel, so mean,
Despite his golden fleece.
The tiger strained his stretched back ears
While hunger caused him grief...
God only knows what noise he hears
Behind his gritted teeth.
The aching burden carried on,
Tormenting deep within,
As hunger's slave, his pride had gone,
Yet he must not give in.
The tiger sneered at such delays
So unpredictable...
And groaned at Nature's wily ways
So unreliable...
But come the evening, all went well,
He'd had his fill once more...
What tragic tales this beast could tell,
So cold in tooth and claw...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2010.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Lying In Wait II'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Lynx Cub
The lynx cub smirked just like a cat
That once I used to own,
With turned up smile it calmly sat
Content to pause alone...
With golden eyes and golden nose
It seemed to sense its worth,
But even beauty has its foes
When hunters prowl this Earth...
A prized possession, nothing more?
A conversation piece?
A fashioned fur some might adore,
As if a golden fleece?
Gone forever or maybe stuffed,
Its head upon a wall,
A trophy of this lynx unloved,
A story to recall...
Each life must have its numbered days,
Yet trappers pay no heed,
To such as these there's no disgrace
To see this creature bleed...
Endangered creatures here and there,
Pot luck each day to live,
But much less hope if we don't care,
A second chance to give...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2015.
The poem is based on the magnificent wildlife
painting by Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
M.E.R.R.Y. C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S.
Make time for Christmas joy to grow,
Each heart that loves the Lord,
Rejoice in Him who loves us so,
Rejoice in each reward...
Yes, Christmas comes but once a year,
Choose well the gifts you share,
His happiness will bring you cheer,
Remember folks in prayer...
It's nice, of course, to send a card,
So simple, yet so kind,
Trust me, because it's not too hard,
Most folks have stamps they find...
A Christmas greetings card's so sweet,
So much it makes Christmas complete...
Denis Martindale, copyright December 2015.
Find out more by watching Revelation TV,
the Christian channel on Sky TV that is
part of the 'Church Without Walls'...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Ma Kith 'N' Kin
Some days I feel,
I feel somethin’s missin’.
Der’s a hole in ma life,
Somethin’ left undun...
Brotha, Brotha, where be choo?
Brotha, Brotha, where hav’ ya gone?
I rememba choo, yeah, I rememba.
I know yer out der, but yer not here,
An' dat’s wha’s missin’.
Sista, Sista, I rememba choo, too,
An' yer not here either.
Sista, Sista, where be choo?
Sista, Sista, where hav’ ya gone?
Yer out der, but yer not here,
An' dat’s wha’s bin left undun.
Dis wrong mus' be made right,
Dis broked rope mus' be mended.
Whatcha say, Brotha?
My Brotha I once befriended...
Brotha, Brotha, where be choo?
Brotha, Brotha, where hav’ ya gone?
Sista, Sista, where be choo?
Sista, Sista, where hav’ ya gone?
Brotha, Brotha, I'm here!
Sista, Sista, I'm here, right here...
An' I'm all alone!
Jus' pinin', pinin' fer yers all...
Denis Martindale, adaptation, October 2010.
This is a tribute poem based on the original by
Tolly Rebeka Christian BlackWolf Hawk:
An Untitled Experiment (on poemhunter-dot-com) - The World's Poetry Archive
Tolly has agreed to the sharing of the poem.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Maasai Country
Across the hills, across the plains,
The Maasai people roam,
Sometimes to pause for short term gain,
Sometimes to build a home...
They hate our modern stress and strife
And flash technology,
They'd much prefer the simpler life,
The way life's meant to be.
Their vibrant coloured garments share
The fashion sense they own...
They have an independent air,
Such that they are well-known...
They fight for rights they still possess,
Just like all people do...
They want their share of happiness,
The old ways and the new.
What right have we to undermine
The ways they've lived for years?
What right have we to think it's fine
To bring their children tears?
So live and let live, that's my stance,
Our world is theirs as well...
Together we all stand a chance,
Each with a tale to tell...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Maasai Country'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Mad For Poetry
When your brain becomes befuddled,
You don't do all that's right,
Like computers when they're muddled,
Going slow and none too bright.
Like some lovely information
That's there yet can't be traced,
Then the constant consternation,
Still there or now erased?
The mind plays tricks before collapse,
Solutions ready-made,
Like brand new answers filling gaps
Because the truths have strayed...
It's then I turn to poetry,
For hope inside some verse,
As if the poets penned for me
Some sentiments to nurse...
So I'll sit down and go online
For thoughtful thoughts to read
That God has somehow helped design
So that I, too, take heed...
Some funny rhyme will lift my heart,
I'll giggle for a while
And God grants me a brand new start,
As if to make me smile...
Sometimes I'll write a poem, too!
Perhaps a dream to share,
Or some insight, some point of view,
Some words that form a prayer...
My publisher will then decide,
To publish or to ditch,
So far, this fact I'd rather hide,
I don't think I'll get rich...
But poetry has helped me out,
It's like a part-time friend
Reminding me what life's about - The World's Poetry Archive
And secrets God can send...
Another poet shares his life,
His moments good and bad
And how he's conquered all his strife,
Been healed and now he's glad...
The world's so full of pilgrim souls,
One life to live on Earth,
One life that only God controls,
That's planned before our birth...
The good, the bad, the in-between,
The humdrum days as well...
And from the poems that I've seen,
What stories God could tell!
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2012.
The poem's based on learning that here in the UK
there's the Community Channel on Sky Digital 539,
which is currently sharing a show that's called
Mad For Poetry. People telling us how they've
been affected by some writer's poetry...
If the writer's been blessed and the reader's been
blessed, that's what I call The Double Blessing.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
There's some mystique about the night
That captures every soul,
With the wild wolf 'neath the moonlight,
As it fulfils its role...
Mid tall trees here, mid tall trees there,
Mid craggy rocks as well,
The wolf stands still, enough to scare,
As if he came from Hell...
Yet on his own, as wild dogs roam,
His eyes alert to all,
He howls sometimes away from home,
The other wolves to call...
Mid darkest night and daylight dawn
He searches high and low,
A ghostlike spectre, so forlorn
And so his legends grow...
Sometimes that grey looks white enough,
To dazzle human eyes,
That still recall the dogs they love
Until they realise...
Though magical the wolf may seem,
Regardless, night or day,
His selfish thoughts are so extreme,
Brave men are known to pray...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Majestic Prince
A tiger's legend soon begins
Like any alpha male,
Yet he was one majestic prince
That truly set a trail...
Across the land, no place his home,
Survival uttermost,
No family, so free to roam,
As if from coast-to-coast...
But fate had other plans and so
A tigress crossed his path,
Thus love for her began to grow
Towards his better half...
In partnership, these two took time
To raise their family,
With both of them still in their prime
Displaying loyalty...
Thus Nature's plan maintains the line,
The heritage and more,
The strong survive, served by design,
Their future to ensure...
Yet every tiger's quite unique,
As proved by tiger skins,
One day a cub so frail, so weak,
One day majestic prince...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Majestic Prince'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Majestic is a simple word
The leopard never knew,
Yet that expression quickly stirred
As he came into view...
The way he walked so daintily,
Impressed me from the start,
As if his life changed history
And somehow thrilled my heart...
I raised my camera oh so slow...
I set it to record,
I followed where such creatures go
When thinking he's ignored...
His swishing tail flicked left and right
So full of confidence,
As if with future looking bright
And nothing made him tense...
Majestic, moving like Astaire,
So practiced, so refined,
So chic and full of savoir faire,
So focussed in his mind...
So pardon me, if mesmerised,
By leopards such as this,
Although today they're highly prized,
Their passing I would miss...
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2015.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Make God Laugh!
Oh, how I long to make God laugh,
I think up things each day,
Pretend to swim inside my bath,
Or teach my dog to pray...
Or go out shopping but go home,
No money spent at all,
Lie in the garden like a gnome,
Then stand up straight real tall...
Pretend that I'm one of the Scots,
My accent can surprise,
I like my shirts with polka dots
To match fruit salad ties...
I wear my suits from years ago,
When I was much more thin,
I watch the short flairs flap and flow
And show my ankle skin...
I'll read the first half of a book,
But never read the rest,
I only want to have a look,
The last part's mostly guessed...
I teach my budgie to say words
In French and German, too,
These languages are for the birds,
I'm English threw and threw...
I pass exams I'll never need,
Play bagpipes in the dark,
I'll walk my budgie on a lead
Each morning in the Park...
Each day I write a melody
And gamely try to sing,
I even vote for my M.P.,
Though that won't change a thing...
Yes, I'm a silly so and so
For doing things I tried,
Yet if God laughs, He'll let me know,
While chuckling still inside! - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale, copyright May 2014.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Make It So...
The Captain of the Enterprise
Sat down upon his chair,
Serene, in charge and oh so wise,
That's why they placed him there...
Controlling each scenario
That came across his path,
By simply saying, 'Make it so...'
Despite the aftermath...
For sometimes, weapons were discharged,
Across the void of space,
As conquest after conquest marched,
Like frowns upon his face...
To leave him weary of the chase,
The love affairs gone wrong,
The lack of sleep at end of days
That left him weak not strong...
But he pressed on, despite each loss,
Each cross he had to bear,
A rolling stone that wrought no moss,
He travelled here and there...
Sometimes he even fought the foe,
Stood face-to-face with death,
Not simply saying, 'Make it so...'
So gently on his breath...
When Q came to the Enterprise,
He judged Man's history,
The wars in which each good man dies,
The awesome travesty...
The Captain pleaded in that Court,
The right to co-exist
And in that single precious thought,
Q's Judgment Day was missed...
But Q persisted in his quest
To teach a thing or two,
Thus Enterprise must prove its best - The World's Poetry Archive
In all that it could do...
Thank God, the Captain's wisdom spared
Mankind more than we know,
Much more beyond the times he cared,
When saying, 'Make it so...'
Denis Martindale, copyright January 2016.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the starship, Enterprise.
Encounter At Farpoint introduced the catchphrase,
with a few more explained on the wikiquotes website.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Make Your Own Book!
On blurb dot com I read of how
You could make your own book
With text and photos, added POW
To fashion your own look
At first, I sat there mesmerised
And all new thoughts conceived
I sat there, somewhat google eyed
At what could be achieved
On blurb dot com what could I do?
What wonders could I make?
What landscapes, seascapes, points-of-view?
I asked, for goodness sake
My brilliant brain began to whirr!
The blood was spinning round!
Then startling themes began to stir
With visions to astound
On blurb dot com I made my book
And what a book it was
I plead with you to take a look
Because, because, because
Because I think it's beautiful
Exquisite, cute, sublime
I think that blurb is wonderful
That's why I penned this rhyme
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Make Your Prayer Requests Known!
Baptised believers often wrote
Their stories far and wide,
For Jesus was their antidote,
The day Lord Jesus died...
Such is our God that He takes note,
Decides what must be done,
As if sometimes we get His vote,
Through Jesus Christ, His Son...
Your prayer requests are blessed when known
By Christians here on Earth,
It's proof to God you're not alone
And that each prayer has worth...
Together, we approach God's Throne,
As servants and as friends,
With praises brought in reverent tone,
With faith that never ends!
Denis Martindale, copyright October 2015.
Find out more by watching Revelation TV,
the Christian channel on Sky TV that is
part of the 'Church Without Walls'...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Make Your Words Echo Into The Future.
Let it be God's challenge
to both the young and old,
that wondrous words be treasured
as if as good as gold...
Let us share God's wisdom
across the whole world wide,
admired then translated,
recited well, with pride...
Let there be rejoicing
when verses are composed,
when love songs bless our hearts
so that we feel engrossed...
Let children cherish books
great writers penned with care,
parables and epics
thought worthy still to share...
Let prophecies be echoes,
let visions be the key,
let inspiration come
to all humanity!
Denis Martindale, copyright August 2014.
The title is from an advert seen online,
promoting teachers on teach-dot-org
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Making A Meal Of It
All our food has got a meaning,
A purpose on the plate
And deserving of the cleaning
So that it's then first rate...
Prepared by experts, it can be
The highlight of our day,
Depending on the recipe,
If we choose to obey...
Consider how the table's laid
With lighting here and there,
No wonder that our prayers are made
Based on this extra care...
So families and sweethearts, too,
Can dine in perfect peace,
As if the perfect thing to do
That sets the mind at ease...
The human brain can't feed itself
With wisdom all day long,
It needs some help to maintain health
So that the body's strong...
And music, too, can play its part
To soothe the savage beast,
To stimulate or calm the heart,
To make a meal a feast...
No wonder, when we search about,
Discernment is the key,
To help us pick our favourites out
From restaurants we see...
And if well served, we go again,
Content they'll get it right,
Reminding us of that time when
We shared a special night...
Yes, food is precious, as we know,
From savoury to sweet,
It helps to keep us on the go, - The World's Poetry Archive
It makes our lives complete...
But spare a prayer for hungry ones,
Because they need food, too...
God's charities still need your funds...
That's food for thought for you...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Making Up!
Two lions thought of making up,
Yet who would break the ice,
Thus act mature, not like a cub,
Be wise and thus be nice?
A trace of shame begins to stir,
Eyes seeking peace somehow,
A miracle must first occur,
Forgiveness to allow...
A brooding silence stopped them cold,
But love was on its way,
Despite the stillness to behold,
Despite the long delay...
A melting of the memories,
A longing to return,
A heartfelt wish for hate to cease,
From all mistakes to learn...
And thus a friendship now born free,
A bond for evermore,
A lifelong hope of harmony,
Not fighting tooth and claw...
Just nestling in each other's space,
With tails no longer bit,
Tranquillity upon each face,
Close to, like friends permit...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Making Waves
At last, I've made it here again.
I'm making waves once more!
How long it's been, I can't say when
Because I'm not quite sure...
Us tigers like to strut our stuff,
To wander fancy free...
Enjoying life, enjoying love!
I think most would agree...
As tigers, we can live like lords,
No matter where we are.
Whether it's crossing streams or fords,
We're nobles, near or far!
That's why I'm here, to make it known,
Not hiding out of sight.
I'm not afraid, no need to groan,
No reason now to fight.
I'm making waves, let others stare,
It's time to have some fun!
It's time to show I just don't care...
Perhaps it's too much sun...
When water looks as cool as this
And sparkles crystal clear,
I tell you that it's perfect bliss,
Pure paradise, my dear!
I'm making waves, I'm feeling great,
I'm here to seize the day!
Before the streams evaporate,
Let's take the time to play...
We may not be so blessed next time.
Find time for fun, somehow!
Life needn't be an uphill climb...
Let's take advantage! NOW!
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Making Waves'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Man Of Steel
Found in a field, claimed for their own,
The Kents were blessed indeed,
No longer feeling so alone,
Their new lives would proceed...
They called him Clark and raised him well
Till he became a man,
Yet only few on Earth could tell
His destiny, his plan...
No more the farmboy chores to do,
No more the High School days,
The Daily Planet life felt new
In oh so many ways...
With Perry White and Lois Lane
And Jimmy Olsen there,
Clark had the chance to start again
In ways beyond compare...
With superpowers Clark could change
To Superman and more,
Despite the fact he still felt strange,
Fate opened up the door...
The legend born, the Man of Steel,
The red blur cross the sky,
The alien with sex appeal,
The real deal super guy...
Though Krypton was his parents' home,
From there came Kryptonite,
Across the galaxy to roam
And sap him of his might...
If he escaped red rocks and green
His power knew no bounds,
But if these rocks should intervene,
His weakness then astounds...
The Man of Steel was brave and bold,
He tried to do his best,
He rescued both the young and old - The World's Poetry Archive
So that their lives were blessed...
But criminals he couldn't stand,
For justice must be kept,
If not, then they'd get out of hand,
For evil never slept...
The Justice League inspired all
That sought the common good,
With every hero standing tall
When they did what they could...
Clark Kent continued in disguise,
Just like his super friends,
Till called again and then he flies,
Because good never ends...
As long as heroes stand as one,
Together side-by-side,
Who knows what wonders could be done
Across the whole world wide?
Among the clouds where Clark reflects
Upon this world above,
All cowardice this man rejects
Because he's learnt to love...
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Manchurian King
He was the likely candidate
To be the tiger king,
The one that Nature would create,
From him new life to bring...
The one with fire in his eyes
And courage in his heart,
So that his foes would realise
That he would play his part.
There was no turning back for those
Who had to fight not fail,
Against another, way up close
To stay the Alpha Male...
The road ahead was paved with fears
That he alone must face,
Yet with defiance through these years,
These dangers to embrace.
There was no glory in defeat,
No pride beneath the stars,
No joy when some great beast can beat
And leave you scratched with scars...
For him, the years would not be kind,
Old age would sap his strength...
The tiger king would one day find
His resting place at length...
For now, defeat was far away...
In youth, he looked sublime...
His destiny he must obey,
Triumphant for a time...
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Marching To The Beat Of A Different Drummer
While music soothes the savage beast
Like hymns and psalms soothe Man,
Soothsayers say that God is pleased
When we observe His plan.
The Bible prophets speak the word,
The Universe obeys,
When faith declares and truth is stirred
Like now, without delays...
How else could Jesus heal the blind,
The deaf and dumb as well?
How else could Jesus heal Mankind
And save lost souls from Hell?
In Genesis, when Adam lived,
With Eve close to his side,
God prophesied a future gift The Saviour crucified!
The battle's raged from that day on,
When Satan knew God's Laws
That teach us till all doubt has gone,
We're trapped in Satan's claws!
The Son of God was sent below A sign we can't dismiss!
His love and blessings overflow Eternal life and bliss!
He beats His drum for us on Earth
Within each Bible verse,
To prove to us each soul has worth,
Despite the Devil's curse!
Accept, believe, receive, repent!
Find out and be surprised!
The Israel Tour shows Jesus went
To prove He was the Christ!
The passion of the Christ declares
That He's unbeatable!
His drum still beats in all our prayers!
His heartbeat's wonderful!
No other heart was pierced like His,
Such that His blood poured out!
Thus devils fear God's great promise - The World's Poetry Archive
When Jesus walks about!
The different drummer bangs His drum!
He begs us to be wise!
One day, we'll see His kingdom come Prepare for Paradise!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
To say Maria's beautiful,
How could that prove enough?
To say Maria's wonderful
Would merely hint at love!
Yet there's much more than face and form
Than one would first esteem,
For she's so gentle, friendly, warm...
The best girl one could dream...
I know this sounds as if a crush,
Yet she deserves acclaim...
This isn't some romantic rush,
More like a soothing flame...
The kind that warms the soul, the heart,
The spirit deep within...
The kind that stirs the poet's art,
Another heart to win...
Maria... what a gorgeous girl!
I pause to dream and sigh...
I'm like a man who's found a pearl,
The apple of my eye!
A sweetish dish, eye-candy, yes,
God-blessed in every way...
To share my share of happiness
I wrote this poem today...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Marilyn, La Boheme
Her life as carefree as her hair,
Two golden waterfalls,
She faces life as with a stare,
As if her eyes were walls...
A precious face, blue eyes, red lips,
Her pink skin soft to touch,
Enough to tingle fingertips
Of those who love her much...
Her life as carefree as her form,
In gossamer array,
That's scarce enough to keep her warm
When moon steals sun away...
Yet there she stands, content to shine,
With beauty all her own
And blessed would be her Valentine,
To whom her love was shown...
Her life as carefree as a flame
That shines eternally,
Sweet Marilyn is but her name,
Yet La Boheme to me...
And all my life I'll call to mind
That awesome smile she bears,
Thus in my soul, my heart, my mind,
Find mention in my prayers...
Her life as carefree as the lace
Upon her dainty neck,
That underlines her state of grace,
That lesser mortals check...
Belle of the ball, talk of the town,
Marilyn, La Boheme,
To me, a model of renown,
A dream within a dream...
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2014. - The World's Poetry Archive
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by deviantart painter Raipun called 'La Boheme'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Mariya And Son
Mariya the preacher went shopping!
Her son was at her side...
And their Christian tracts were dropping
In places far and wide!
From restaurants to ATMs,
From meters to phone booths!
These tracts like royal diadems
Were sparkling with God's truths!
The sun was shining up above,
The world was bright and new,
Almost as if God spoke with love,
'My Son, I give to YOU! '
Mariya smiling all the time,
Her son as good as gold,
Both walking in God's light sublime,
With winsome faith so bold...
A little child can share God's Word,
With tracts laid here and there,
Yet supervised, as is preferred
And covered with a prayer...
Mariya knows her way around,
She's found the Lord, that's why...
She walks as if she's Heaven-bound,
With twinkles in each eye!
In Heaven, tracts are never seen,
For who would need to know?
But here on Earth, let's intervene!
A-tract souls as we go!
A-tract lost souls! Each day! Be brave!
Mariya knows the score!
What wonders wait the souls we save!
There's joy forevermore!
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2012. - The World's Poetry Archive
The Gospel poem is about a short video showing
Mariya giving out Christian tracts to passersby,
in the hope of preaching the Gospel to them.
The Gospel website is dikayo-dot-com and
God bless Mariya who emailed me the video link.
Video shortcut:
It links to parts 1 and 2 and also the
dikayo username playlist for lots more!
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Mariya The Preacher!
Mariya is a wondrous name!
Her face is sweet and kind...
Her heart, of course, is just the same!
Her mind is quite refined...
She preaches here, she preaches there,
Lost souls still need the Lord...
And when the Lord hears her in prayer,
He grants a new reward...
She proclaims a new beginning,
She sets her sights again
And her faith helps in the winning
Of lost souls now and then...
Compassion is the means by which
Evangelists reach out,
As if to help lost souls to switch,
The day they lose their doubt...
How wonderful it is to see
Mariya day-by-day,
For when she speaks of Calvary,
What more is there to say?
And yet our Lord has conquered death,
He lives in Christians now...
He is Jesus of Nazareth,
To whom all Christians bow...
Mariya has the Lord to praise
For blessings great and small
And yet for His amazing grace,
We ought to give our all...
So preach the Word and reach the lost!
Mariya hopes you will...
Because Lord Jesus paid the cost,
Mariya preaches still...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2012. - The World's Poetry Archive
The Gospel poem is about a short video showing
Mariya giving out Christian tracts to passersby,
in the hope of preaching the Gospel to them.
The Gospel website is dikayo-dot-com and
God bless Mariya who emailed me the video link.
Video shortcut:
It links to parts 1 and 2 and also the
dikayo username playlist for lots more!
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Mark My Words!
'You mark my words, ' the Cabbie said,
To his fare for the night,
'Us Christians know what lies ahead
And we will steer you right.'
Then he explained his earnest faith
In Jesus Christ the Lord
And said that He was strong to save,
That's why He is adored.
'You mark my words, ' the Cabbie said,
'Christ is the light of men!
Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead!
He's coming back again!
The Holy Bible's prophecies
Are meant to put us straight.
They prove Christ is the Prince of Peace
For whom us Christians wait.'
'You mark my words, ' the Cabbie said,
'Lord Jesus died for you!
Upon that Cross His Blood was shed
To prove God's love is true.
For all our sins He took the blame,
Then took our sins away.
That's why us Christians praise His Name!
That's why us Christians pray.'
'You mark my words, ' the Cabbie said,
To his fare for the night,
'Us Christians must be Spirit-led,
Serve God with all our might! '
The passenger had understood.
He was a Christian, too.
His heart was warmed, 'Our God is good!
Good night and God bless you! '
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2011. - The World's Poetry Archive
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital and
via the Watch Now webpage on the
Revelation TV website:
This poem was also uploaded with
the title, You Mark My Words! and this
has its own shortcut for that page:
The poem was written for Mark the Cabbie and
it was read out to him on the Revelation TV
show Thank God For Fridays,20th of July 2012.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Married Blitz
Once they were devoted
And then they were divorced,
Then came separation
That had to be enforced....
She played the fool, while he was cruel,
He beat her till she cried
And every single horrid day,
Some more inside her died...
Once these two were smitten,
True love was in the air,
But hatred loomed at home,
Thus ending their affair...
She did her best, he did his worst,
The two at loggerheads
And every single wartorn night
They slept in single beds...
Once forms were duly signed,
He still looked in his prime,
Her bruises left her face,
Yes, pretty soon in time...
She lost his hand, she found his fist,
She bade him glad farewell,
When she died, she went to Heaven,
He died and went to Hell...
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2012.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Mary And Joseph: A Story Of Love
Joseph was born, Mary was born, each lived their lives on Earth...
A world some thought of as forlorn, yet God preserved its worth...
These children grew to adult age, betrothed and to be wed
And yet before the marriage stage, God intervened instead...
Thus Mary heard about her son, the Saviour yet to be,
The One called Jesus who has done so much on Calvary...
She learnt that she, a chosen maid, was now so highly blessed
And thus God humbly she obeyed, for He knew what was best...
Yes, God chose her and Joseph, too, because their hearts combined
With love forever good and true, the best that He could find...
Thus two young people lived their lives, God's secret Son to guide,
Unlike the husbands and the wives, in houses side-by-side...
Imagine them with Jesus there, the babe, the child, the man,
The prophet who would kneel in prayer to daily learn God's plan.
Good Shepherd, yet the Lamb of God, the Prince of Peace and more,
The King of Calvary whose Blood was destined there to pour...
To think that Mary saw Him live, to think she saw Him die,
To think for us His life would give, though centuries passed by...
I tell you this, of all we know on Earth or Heaven above,
Mary and Joseph and Jesus show this wondrous thing called love...
Denis Martindale, copyright,15th May 2011.
Mary and Joseph: A Story of Love
was shown on Sky Digital today. So this
new poem is about what God has done
through them to help save Mankind...
Google's search engine helps find more details.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Mary Of Nazareth
As Mary lay upon her bed,
She waited, deep in thought,
With many questions left unsaid
And truth the last resort...
For she was pregnant without sin,
Unwed yet God-blessed still,
According to His plans to win
Lost souls on Calvary's hill...
It came to pass that Joseph's love
Was tested by such news,
Yet came a dream from God above
That Mary he should choose...
And so it was the two were spared,
United in their faith,
Because they knew the Father cared
And meant to keep them safe...
Thus Mary came to Bethlehem
With Joseph at her side
And shepherds ran to visit them
And at Christ's manger cried,
Because they knew the Lamb of God
Would be God's sacrifice,
One day to offer up His Blood,
One day to pay the price...
A prophet knows the future well,
Thus Mary was foretold,
Her son would have a tale to tell,
The greatest story told...
She must be strong for what must be,
God's prophecies are true
And when Christ died for all to see,
Know this, Christ died for you...
Yet Mary is remembered now
By Christians on this Earth
Because to God's will she would bow, - The World's Poetry Archive
In reverence to Christ's birth...
Each Christmas and each Easter time,
Her witness still lives on,
With faith and grace hearts find sublime
When saved by Christ, God's Son...
Denis Martindale, copyright,19th December 2012.
The Gospel poem is based on the film,
Mary Of Nazareth, shown on TBN Europe.
Website: tbneurope-dot-org
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Mary, Mother Of Jesus
In Roman times, when swords were raised,
And peace on Earth was rare,
There lived a girl now highly praised,
A girl beyond compare...
Her name was Mary, Joseph's love,
Betrothed, untouched by Man...
Who met an angel from above
Who then revealed God's plan!
'Young maiden, you are full of grace!
The Lord chose you of all!
You shall conceive and then embrace
The child that God must call!
He shall be king and rightly so,
Begotten of the Lord!
And blessed is he, God's Son to know...
So, Mary, be assured! '
God's Son was born as prophesied!
To Mary, here on Earth...
In time, she saw Him crucified!
Esteemed not for His worth!
Her heart was broken just like His!
She held his mortal frame!
And neath her tears, a final kiss
As she whispered His name...
Her heart was numbed just like her soul...
With trembling hands she prayed...
Although she knew God kept control,
Her spirit was dismayed!
With trembling lips she sought His peace,
Like none on Earth before!
In hopes her faith would thus release
A miracle and more!
When Jesus left His tomb of death,
The sun was rising, too...
The Saviour savoured God's new breath
And knew what He must do...
'With God, all things are possible!
Forgiveness, born of faith! '
Such is the Gospel preached by Paul - The World's Poetry Archive
To those whom God would save...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Master Peace
From crimson blood Christ's healing flows
With power all its own,
The like of which God only knows
As from His pure white throne...
Because for Him, who rules on high,
His universe sublime,
Our Saviour came to Earth to die
That one and only time...
Golgotha waited for God's Son,
Like others once condemned,
Yet who could know what could be done,
What glory from that stemmed?
No prophet spoke to turn the tide,
No healer healed the Lord
And so God's Son was crucified,
With all His blood outpoured...
From crimson blood the tale was born
And thus God's truth imparts
Forgiveness so we're not forlorn
And sin-stained in our hearts...
When love stretched out His noble hands,
Men nailed them to a tree,
Thus to this day each understands
In one word... Calvary...
Behold the Man! Behold the Lamb!
Behold the King of Kings!
For He destroys the Devil's sham
And all such evil brings!
That's why the Bride of Christ is spared,
Eternal life assured
And miracles are daily shared
By Jesus Christ our Lord...
From crimson blood the Lamb of God
Declared His sacrifice,
In death, His falling head to nod, - The World's Poetry Archive
Content He'd paid the price...
That's how the restless souls find peace
When pardoned, born again,
Because God's wonders never cease,
Nor shall they ever wane...
Therefore believe and be baptised,
God's Word to study well,
For don't you know you're highly prized,
Redeemed and saved from Hell?
Let others know the Master Peace,
From crimson blood once shed,
There's no-one else who can release
From sin but He who bled...
From crimson blood refined like gold,
Unblemished, spotless, pure,
The greatest story ever told
Is preached forever more...
Across the world the Cross is taught,
God's symbol most divine,
Shared in communion and in thought
In hearts like yours and mine...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Matching Pair
Together they were quite a pair,
Devoted to a fault,
Forevermore each one to share,
Like pepper close to salt.
Like soulmates bonded tenderly,
United in one cause,
Obedient to what's meant to be
And serving Nature's Laws.
Such harmony for all to see,
No secret rendezvous,
No hidden truth or mystery,
No need to solve a clue,
Just awesome close-up gentleness,
Just strolling in the sun,
Just two hearts sharing happiness
Until the day is done...
This was their time and theirs alone,
The world just passed them by,
It couldn't share the joy they'd known
Or even ask them why,
But some of us have understood,
For us, no trace of doubt...
Each matching pair knows life is good!
That's what love's all about...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting of two giraffes
by Stephen Gayford called 'Matching Pair'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Me And My Guardian Angel
I don't know where he's flown off to,
Moonlighting I suspect,
My part-time hero simply flew
And left me to reflect...
So here I stand complaining
And moaning to myself,
While he's off, I'm remaining...
He's left me on the shelf!
He likes to stay anonymous,
I've never learnt his name,
'Cos if I knew I'd cause a fuss
And firmly point the blame!
I've got my list of accidents
That he seemed to ignore,
No wonder that I take offence
At every single flaw!
I thought that he was on my side,
'Cos sometimes he came through,
But now my eyes are open wide,
He hasn't got a clue!
It's hit-and-miss from first-to-last,
My records act as proof!
He'll have to go! I'm quite aghast!
And that's the honest truth!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Meag, The Poetess
Her picture's such a winsome sight,
She looks down from above,
Like Aphrodite dressed in white,
With wistful stares of love...
Cascading waterfall-like hair,
That sunshine's beams pass through,
Her eyes like amber, so aware,
Her heartfelt joy is you...
For you inspire every thought,
That spurs her on her way,
Because of treasures that you've brought,
Through poems day-by-day...
From such as these, love songs are born,
Like rainbows cross the sky
That raise morale, bless those forlorn,
The ones that ask God, 'Why? '
And so, with wonder, she must write,
To emulate such dreams,
That far outlive the darkest night,
Its foolish, mad extremes...
For while there's hope that's strong to save,
The poets spread the word,
Until they share their growing faith,
When what they wrote is heard...
Her picture's such a winsome sight,
She looks down from above,
Like Aphrodite dressed in white,
With wistful stares of love...
Cascading waterfall-like hair,
That sunshine's beams pass through,
Her eyes like amber, so aware,
Her heartfelt joy is you...
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Mean And Moody
As leopards go, he's looking good,
But smiling's not his scene...
He thinks he owns the neighbourhood.
We mustn't intervene...
Mean and moody! Quite unfriendly!
In fact, he looks aloof...
He's staring quite intently,
As if with some reproof...
Well, good job, then, he's on his own,
Or he'd put up a fight!
I think we'll leave this guy alone!
Good afternoon! Goodnight!
Yes, goodbye, then, you sour puss,
So glad to see us go...
We weren't a threat so serious
As you would have us know!
We would have shared our sausage rolls,
Our bacon and our ham...
Instead, we'll leave you to your strolls...
And take the hint... and scram...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Mean And Moody'.
The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Melissa The Model
She's got the look, the savoir faire,
The grace, finesse and style.
In my mind, she's beyond compare,
For who could match that smile?
How fabulous she looks today,
For all the world to see!
As if God placed her on display,
Right here on bid tv...
With golden hair and twinkling eyes
And smiles that cheer us all,
She helps us choose our new best buys,
To grab our phones and call.
She walks up close, she then walks back
And then gives us a twirl...
She looks so cute in red and black...
She's such a lovely girl!
Melissa's such a wondrous name,
It's sultry and sublime...
We'll miss her... Life won't be the same...
Please come back soon, sometime!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
White tigers roam where Man permits,
Endangered even now...
That's why they have to use their wits
Before their final bow...
Extinction's waiting in the wings,
Another cat to claim!
While Man's still doing shameful things,
This world can't stay the same.
As time moves on, the cats die out...
And yet Man doesn't care!
He's menacing without a doubt,
He's this world's worst nightmare!
The tigers look like pussycats
When they're compared to him...
He treats all life like welcome mats,
Whenever he acts dim...
A hundred years will soon pass by...
Survivors, who can say?
For now... look in the tiger's eye...
Today's the day to pray...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Menacing'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Merry Christmas Santa Happy New Year
Santa Claus had done his very merry best.
He was almost ready for Christmas.
The reindeer were eager to make a start.
The elves were packing toys furiously,
Like there was no tomorrow.
Yes, time waits for no man...
Santa Claus made a final inspection.
His sleigh was in tip-top condition.
Everyone stopped to say the Christmas Prayer.
The magic moment was upon them all.
Once in his sleigh, he gave them a wave.
Suddenly Santa was on his way...
The reindeer flew above the clouds
With Rudolph's red nose aglow...
And Santa sang the song he wrote
Then shared out some of the mince pies.
Three hours later, the mince pies had run out
And half the world had received their presents.
Just three more hours left to do.
Rudolph's red nose was still shining bright.
Santa was getting tired, but didn't get caught.
Finally the last chimney was in sight...
Then it was all over and done with.
Santa's sleigh was empty. Well done, everybody!
Back at the North Pole, the party was on!
Santa's other half was rather merry.
The elves were dancing on the tables.
The forest fairies were visiting again.
Santa returned and the reindeer joined the party.
Rudolph had a few drinks... Ah, bless!
They don't call him the red nose reindeer for nothing!
Denis Martindale, copyright Christmas Day 2010. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Merry Christmas Santa Happy New Year!
Joys can come in many ways Especially on our Christmas Days:
New presents wrapped exquisitely...
New presents unwrapped expertly!
In times like these, the heart beats fast
For Christmas Day has come at last!
Excitement tempts us take a peak!
Remembered lists of gifts we seek!
If only all our days were so:
Season's wishes would overflow!
Look here! Look there! Look everywhere!
Our hopes and dreams fulfilled by prayer!
Visits by friends and folks we love Each acting gentle as a dove!
Lights on Christmas trees that cheer!
Yet Christmas joys come ONCE a year!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
White tiger eyes, white tiger eyes,
So mesmeric in blue,
Are they to cut me down to size
So that I might fear you?
Or are they there to gain my trust
That friendship grows and grows?
If so, then why am I nonplussed,
Can't move my legs, feet, toes?
White tiger eyes, white tiger eyes,
If only you would blink!
I'd get a chance to realise!
I'd get a chance to think!
What lessons could you teach my soul?
What blessings for my heart?
Or would you quickly take control
And then tear me apart?
White tiger eyes, white tiger eyes,
What secrets lay behind?
What wonders lay in dark surprise
To captivate my mind?
Despite your gracious majesty,
You're getting on my wick!
First chance I get, I must break free,
Turn tail and scarper quick!
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2011.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Mesmeric'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Messiah: The First Judgement
++++++++++++++++++ INTRODUCTION +++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++ Who of this Earth is higher ++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++ Than Jesus the Messiah! ? ++++++++++++++
When God breathed life in Adam's form, He poured His Spirit there
And in his life's blood, red and warm, He made Man self-aware.
Thus Adam knew what sin had done when from God's tree he ate,
Yet one day God sent us His Son to face an awful fate!
When Mary knew the Lord blessed her, she said, 'May it be so! '
When Joseph at first addressed her, his doubts began to grow...
Within a dream, the Lord revealed that he must act with faith.
Reluctantly he had to yield and so God's Son was safe...
In Bethlehem, where Christ was born, some shepherds came to call.
For to His manger they were drawn and at His feet to fall.
In time, the child became a man, a preacher to the lost.
In time, to die, to serve God's plan, but first to count the cost!
The Teacher left Gethsemane - He knew the Father's will.
He bled His way to Calvary and climbed Golgotha's hill...
And there He agonised and died, Jesus of Nazareth!
And though the Lord was crucified, God raised His Son from death!
Behold the Saviour! Praise the Lord! Believe and be baptised!
Accept God's Word and be assured! Hosanna in the highest!
The Rapture waits its godly time - so preach God's Word anew!
Salvation's truths are quite sublime: Christ died for me and you!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Mighty Mum!
As Mighty Mum prepared her day,
Her little list grew long,
But she cast all her doubts away,
My word, she's really strong!
Her faith was but a mustard seed,
A teeny-weeny thing,
Yet she knew where such faith could lead,
What wonders God could bring!
As Mighty Mum, with kids in tow,
Drove onwards to their school,
She prayed their minds would someday know
That love's the Golden Rule...
If not for love, she'd stand no chance!
Her powers soon would fade...
She knew God's powers would enhance
To help her make the grade...
As Mighty Mum kissed kids bye-bye,
She waved then bid farewell,
To speed along, morale still high,
As if saved by the bell...
Now orf to work! So orf she went
Intent to do her best,
Where every one was like a friend
By whom she was impressed...
As Mighty Mum arrived on time,
She organised each task,
As if each mountain meant to climb
And folks had but to ask...
She toiled and toiled and toiled and toiled,
Yet teamwork worked O.K.
Such that each setback had been foiled!
Yeah, praise the Lord! Hoorah!
As Mighty Mum left work once more,
The shopping must be done!
She'd saved a fortune that's for sure! - The World's Poetry Archive
In fact, she thought it fun!
Then she drove home, then made the tea,
Then heard the mobile phone...
'Hey, Mighty Mum! It's half-past-three!
We're still at school alone! '
As Mighty Mum left home again,
She made her way to school,
She knew kids don't forget this when
Their Mum thinks she's so cool...
But Mighty Mum had come this far!
She prayed that she'd improve...
'God help me be their Superstar! '
And that's the Gospel Truth...
Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2012.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Miracles Still Happen!
God's miracles are on their way,
Before you even prayed,
Before you chose what words to say,
Be bold and not afraid...
The Father knows, He sees, He hears,
He wants to help you out,
His perfect love casts out your fears,
Your unbelief and doubt...
Else why would He suggest you ask,
Invite you to His Throne?
He's capable of any task
Whenever pure faith's shown...
So intercede with hearts of love,
Inspired by God's grace,
For when your prayers ascend above,
Your miracles take place!
Does God do these for tithes you give?
Oh, no, dear saints and friends,
He merely wants to help you live
With all the grace He sends...
Prosperity? That's His to share,
Beyond your present state,
Forget the past and don't compare
With times that weren't that great!
Seek first God's Kingdom here on Earth,
Not riches borne of greed,
But learn God knows each soul has worth
Beyond its present need...
Thus prophecies of future days
Are granted now and then
And thus with wisdom there comes praise
Again and again and again! - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale, copyright August 2014.
The Revelation TV website and watch now details
can be found on Google. Seek and ye shall find...
GRACE: God's Riches At Christ's Expense...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Miracles Take Time!
The Holy Spirit has been sent
To glorify Christ's name,
Such that this world knows what He meant
By what He would proclaim...
God's miracles are all sublime,
Triumphant, holy, blessed,
Yet miracles of course take time,
Yet not as some have guessed...
You see, the time's already done,
Completed, fully sealed,
In that God didn't spare His Son,
For by His stripes we're healed...
Already done! The time's long past
And God's word's guaranteed,
For miracles from first-to-last,
According to each need...
Thus faithful prayers ascend each day
And even through the night
And even children can obey
When God grants them insight...
That's why the Gospel spans the globe,
With Bibles everywhere...
To bless with love and joy and hope
Each whisper raised in prayer...
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
The Jesus Gospel poem was read out on the
Revelation TV Church Without Walls show
Voice In The Wilderness,21st July 2012. - The World's Poetry Archive
The show shares faithful Bible Scriptures
and presenters and viewers pray for us.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Mirror, Mirror...
That man in the mirror told me, with memories galore
And as if to warn and scold me, he pointed out each flaw...
He said, 'You ain't a millionaire, celeb or movie star!
In fact, you've nothing but a prayer, just look at what you are...'
They say that sleeping cures all ills, so I dozed off to sleep...
As each new dream the old void fills, perhaps some skills to keep...
Then I saw her! The one I chose from every girl I've known,
My dreamgirl dressed in fancy clothes... I pine for her alone...
Her boyfriend there, as plain as day! The guy who wasn't me,
The guy who stole my girl away and caused my Calvary...
When I woke up, the mirror man reflected on my loss,
He wondered if it was God's plan to put me on my cross...
But with new faith that grew within, just like a mustard seed,
I said to him, 'I'll not give in... This lesson I must heed...'
'Yes, heed this well! ' he then replied, 'You ain't as girls prefer!
In fact, you'll never get a bride whatever hopes occur...'
He said, 'Don't fall in love again! You know it hurts you so! '
I've not much time for mirror men, in fact, he'll have to go!
From this day on, I'll search and search, in hopes I soon propose,
To wed my bride inside a Church where true love overflows...
I'll prove him wrong, no matter what! She's out there even now...
And I'll give everything I've got to marry her... somehow...
Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2012.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Three lion cubs were on the prowl,
Like evil musketeers,
With dark intentions oh so foul,
Despite their youthful years...
So all for one and one for all,
They challenged high and low
And did such things as would appal
If we were in the know...
Like garden cats that hunt their prey
Unknown to those at home,
They stalked new victims day-by-day
Wherever they would roam...
Though these, in fact, did not exist,
The lion cubs played on,
Imaginations still persist
Till every day has gone...
And only then, when playtime ends,
Will lion cubs take rest,
The three of them, determined friends,
Each thinking they were blessed...
Yet who are we to criticise?
Our children play with guns!
It's the good guys hunting bad guys!
Just like we all did once...
Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Mischievous'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Mister Wackadoodle
Mister Jackie Wackadoodle lived on the Planet Mad
And was so much off his noodle, it really was quite sad...
The poor guy never shopped around to get the lowest price,
No wonder that he always frowned, as if still paying twice...
never used the Internet for sweet deals of the day,
wonder that he got upset when savings slipped away...
didn't brave the Winter gales to save some precious gold!
missed out on the New Year sales because he felt so cold!
He felt the pinch and got a loan to pay some rising bills,
Yet even then he had no phone to help with saving skills...
He didn't listen to his friends with discount voucher codes
And so much sorrow never ends without these antidotes...
When he complained to companies, he didn't know his rights,
So life for him was no calm breeze, he couldn't sleep at nights!
Mister Jackie Wackadoodle! Try Google and TV...
I'm Mister Frank Lee Frugal and wish you were like me!
My life's a roller-coaster ride! I'm saving cash each week!
Each day I'm chuckling here inside from bargains that I seek!
I've saved a fortune through the years from magazines I read...
Like Christmas Day! All smiles, no tears! A loan I'll never need!
I've coupons here and coupons there and haggle with the best
And all the prices I compare, I test, then I invest...
Mister Jackie Wackadoodle! I know you're full of doubt...
I'm Mister Frank Lee Frugal... and I'd like to help you out...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Momentous Memories And More...
Contained within my very soul
Lay memories of you.
In fact, they stay, beyond control,
Because my love is true...
I think of you and then a smile
Appears upon my face.
A kiss or two can quite beguile
And thus they leave their trace...
Pressed close we touched and lingered still,
Eyes closed, engrossed, held fast...
I prayed, that if it were God’s will,
Our love would always last.
No wonder, then, when we’re apart,
I reminisce again
And think myself, now hand-on-heart,
The luckiest of men...
If only life were one long kiss
Expressed with ecstasy...
Life would be heaven! Beauty! Bliss!
True love! Just you and me...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Money Mad!
I asked God for a million pounds,
Quite late the other night,
When I think back, that prayer astounds,
Yet who knows if God might?
If you don't ask, then you don't get,
My Dad was known to say,
I must admit I lost my head,
That heatwave made me stray...
The lottery was in my mind,
Ten tickets I've just bought,
So Saturday's the day I'll find
If I've done what I ought...
I've made sure that they'll never roam,
I've locked them up inside
My trusty little safe at home,
The safest place to hide...
On Saturday, results are shared,
I'll have my TV on,
That's when I'll learn if God has cared
Or if all hopes are gone...
A million pounds should be enough,
My brand new life to start,
Proposing to the girl I love,
The girl who holds my heart...
If not, we'll never wed at all,
No children we could raise,
No souvenirs we could recall
Until the end of days...
It's up to God if these are lost,
But what can poor folks do?
That's why I'm praying, fingers crossed
And hope I win, NOT YOU!
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Moon Dance
The wild wolf howls at yonder moon,
No sign of happiness,
For twilight comes by, oh so soon,
The daylight to suppress...
The wild wolf knows the moon dance well,
Its gliding left to right,
As if the passing time to tell
To those that have insight...
So no surprises dusk till dawn,
No shifting from its course,
No signs in Heaven meant to warn
The breakers of God's Laws...
The wild wolf howls as if to say,
'I'm not afraid of you!
In fact, you often lead the way,
So credit where it's due...'
The wolf knows not how moons are made,
No telescope has he,
His eyes see only what's displayed
For night-time eyes to see...
While wolves can howl the whole night long,
The moon's in outer space,
To dance along without a song,
In pure majestic grace...
Denis Martindale, copyright, December 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Moon Dance'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Moonstruck Mankind!
The moon stays constant in the sky,
Reflecting sunshine here,
As little children ask God why
The moonbeams seem so clear...
And lovers hold each other's hands,
God's moon still granting light,
That few on Earth still understands
Why that moon shines each night...
Yet there it flies, full speed ahead,
Surrounded by God's stars,
His centrepiece that's good as dead,
Yet still remains first class...
Because it serves without complaint,
An orphan, all alone,
No golden rings so it looks quaint,
Like Saturn, so well-known....
A faithful servant, if you will,
The moon brings weight to bear,
Controlling all the tides that spill
And rise again elsewhere...
Such that the awesome oceans move
According to its might,
So it has nothing left to prove,
It merely does what's right...
Some say men walked upon the moon,
Some say that was a lie,
I'm staying here, not going soon,
Like all flesh, meant to die...
Yet that old moon, though dead, endures,
Without the air to breathe,
To glide around on distant tours,
Yet Earth it must not leave...
It's found a home, this world to share,
Companions on the way,
Around the sun, its heat, its glare, - The World's Poetry Archive
Millenia to stay...
A thousand years will come and go,
The moon defies them all,
Because the Lord declares it so,
Our moon's not meant to fall...
Behold the moon through telescopes,
Behold its battered frame,
Behold the emblem of Man's hopes,
Still shining all the same...
It represents a childlike faith,
Enduring time and space,
Accepting all the strength God gave,
A symbol of God's grace...
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
More Poems Still To Do
It happened as I climbed the stairs, time frozen, in a spell,
So suddenly, no time for prayers, twixt Heaven, Earth and Hell.
Amid these great realities, stood my immortal soul,
Yet there I sensed a heartfelt peace, though I had no control.
I heard the voice of Jesus Christ, who told me who He was,
That for my sins, life sacrificed, as He bled on the Cross...
He bid me follow, I obeyed, then Heaven was revealed,
With Earth and Hell to fade and fade, as they were both concealed.
The entrance to God's wondrous place was slowly opened wide,
To bring a smile upon my face as I then walked inside.
I trembled as the Lord appeared and worshipped on my knees,
To stand again as Jesus neared... Behold, the Prince of Peace!
Yet why was I alone this way, was this my interview?
What were the words that I should say, except for 'I love You! '?
And so it was, I simply sighed... He smiled as we walked on,
Upto my home God's Son supplied, then quickly, He was gone!
A loneliness then filled my heart, my spirit drained as dead,
As if my world was torn apart, with nothing in its stead.
Without the Lord, what was it worth? No angel died for me.
Is this the fate that I deserve, for all eternity?
As I explored God's Paradise, with beauty left and right,
Its precious glory filled my eyes and yet gave no insight.
But then a pilgrim called my name, he ran and shook my hand!
As if I had my share of fame within this holy land...
'I've read your poems, friend, well done! ' I nodded in reply,
Then asked if he had seen God's Son, who never said, 'Goodbye! '
'Yes, that's to make you love Him more! To miss Him for a while!
Then once alone, to go, explore... It's not meant as a trial...'
Then other pilgrims gathered round, sweet words now reciting...
Quoting some hymns and poems found from my Christian writing.
I felt I was an honoured guest from all the things I learned.
When I was moved and truly blessed, it's then the Lord returned!
Lord Jesus told me I must leave! More poems still to do!
I gasped as I could barely breathe, amazed, with just one clue.
Then suddenly, I stood again, upon the stairs... on Earth...
A mortal, just as other men... yet with a sense of worth... - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale, copyright, March 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
More Precious Than Rubies
To those who know a Mother's worth,
What words are left to say,
About the one who gave us birth
And loved us day-by-day?
Though rich or poor, she did her best
With what she had at hand,
To nurture those she wanted blessed
For all that God had planned...
Correcting wrongs, maintaining rights,
A sweetheart known to all,
A constant source of true delights,
A comfort should we fall...
Someone who prayed for patience, too,
When faith was all there was...
Beyond the sorrows she went through
When children made her cross...
Must it take years for us to learn
How much each Mum can love,
Before we, too, that love return?
But then, is this enough?
If only we could love Mums more,
What miracles we'd see...
With happy homes, my friend, for sure,
With God-blessed harmony...
Denis Martindale, copyright, Mother's Day 2012.
We can hear the word of the Lord on
Revelation TV on UK Sky Digital 581
as well as the WATCH NOW link on
the revelationtv-dot-com website...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
More Than Words Can Say...
writers like short poetry. Others don't.
will write long lines... Others won't...
like to embellish... Others can't...
write with relish... Others shan't...
In poetry, we explore the twists and turns of love.
The blessings here... and the burdens there.
Did we feel we'd reached the end of the theme?
Did we have more lines left unshared?
Did we sense that all was said?
If we forced ourselves to write a few more ideas, what then?
Would we abandon the initial lines along the way?
Writing starts with a wry-tingle... then a knowing within.
We reach for pen and paper or keyboard and computer.
We may begin with a title to spark us off...
We may have a pun in mind as a punchline...
Whatever gets us to begin is useful.
Whatever we create, success or failure, helps.
We learn as we go... Here a little, there a little.
We mature in our favourite themes...
We explore new horizons just for the sake of expression.
We may not conquer all poetry styles.
We may be completely average at first.
Falling in love helps writers become pilgrims.
The editing stages drag us all down to the depths of despair.
We plough through punctuation, clamber through commas.
We press on past exclamation marks towards the mountaintop.
There, we see things clearly. The view is outstanding!
It's there that we sense that we must share our vision!
From then on, we strive to pass on that exhileration!
Surely it isn't pearls before swine, we ask?
Surely the people will praise us for our poetry?
Surely we will be honoured by one and all?
No... but still the eternal flame of faith burns brightly!
No matter where we go, God knows us truly... - The World's Poetry Archive
If we permit Him, He will inspire us totally!
Then, at the end, the blessing will be given:
A mighty blessing for the most dedicated and passionate souls.
Those that burnt out in the name of love.
Those that went the extra mile, by day, by night.
Those that fought fiercely against cutthroat criticisms.
Those that anointed others with the outpouring of grace.
For what is a writer? What is a poet?
We are only thinkers. Our sentiments are meant to amuse.
Our meditations are those of the common man.
Yet God will stir us up! Our pens will dance and spin.
Our hearts will beat the faster, simply because we seek truth.
And if we share wisdom, we will bless the wise.
And if we share folly, we will make the fools to laugh.
Yet if we share what God leads us to reveal...
Surely we will be worthy of His respect...
And more than this no man truly needs...
Except forgiveness, a measure of mercy, a portion of poetry...
That's all I would impart this day...
Food for thought... A feast to some, a taster for others...
A passing of another midnight hour for me...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Morning Glory
Before the sunshine starts to boil,
The creatures greet the day.
Though sunshine makes night eyes recoil,
Their sleep must melt away...
A new day dawns, a billion yawns
And weary legs arise...
Each antelope then swings his horns,
Each crocodile then cries...
The insect armies rally round,
For new food must be sought
And many stir beneath the ground
Where battles must be fought...
The lions rise up from their sleep
With focused eyes once more,
A constant vigil now to keep,
As if they're keeping score.
Gaze now upon each noble face
That lions wear with pride,
The grace we see can quite amaze,
Despite our fears inside!
The big cats mesmerise us all,
With utmost majesty!
When they stand up, they're six feet tall
And that's too tall for me!
Like us, the lions live on Earth
Beneath the sun and moon,
Each generation has its birth,
Replaced by others soon...
But while we're here, our turn to live,
We seek the common good.
Our stewardship helps us to give
And do the things we should.
The lions share their portion, too...
Each lion has his story
And to conclude, I say to you,
Let's share the morning glory...
The poem is based on the magnificent painting - The World's Poetry Archive
by Stephen Gayford called 'Morning Glory'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Morning Graze
When zebras start their morning graze,
They huddle cautiously,
There's no point being in a daze
Without the wits to see...
Who knows what lurks just out of sight?
What dangers lie ahead?
One sudden noise and all take fright,
Before they've even fed...
It takes some time to chew and chew
And chew and chew again,
With little else for them to do,
But look round now and then...
A fine to do, it really is!
Just munch down lunch each day,
You can't describe their life as bliss,
It's dreary, bleak and grey...
They're black and white, we know, of course,
Like penguins and magpies
And not like colours for a horse
And so, they've no disguise...
We don't see zebras smile a lot,
Too busy chewing stuff!
Exciting? No, it's really not!
A zebra's life is tough...
Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Morning Patrol
The leopard gamely woke from sleep
To greet the sun again,
He had a vigil he must keep
And couldn't rest till then...
Survival first, survey the land,
Learn what's about as well,
Stroll the morning patrol as planned,
Then settle for a spell...
Of course, he chose to do things right,
To make sure he was safe,
Who knows what's happened in the night?
Stay wise and not just brave...
Mind you, he was as tough as boots,
If push should come to shove,
No chance of that just eating fruits
Some creatures seem to love...
That was his motto all the time,
Exploring landscapes new,
How else could he stay in his prime
To do what he must do?
This leopard was a lonesome soul,
His shadow walked beside,
Silent friends on morning patrol,
With no-one else as guide...
Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2014.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting by
Stephen Gayford, nb Google search gayfordgallery.
Find more wildlife poems using Google search
for the search phrase Stephen Gayford poetry. - The World's Poetry Archive
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Morning Star
It is true, I have loved,
About fifty times, I have loved
And each time I have loved,
The more I have loved...
And in you I have loved,
At the most I have loved,
At the best I have loved,
Because you are loved...
And if that isn't love,
As some would call love,
Then they don't know love
And may never know love...
Yet, for me, this is love,
For the one that I love,
For as long as I love,
Near the heart that I love
Of the sweetheart I love...
And you are my sweetheart, my love...
This is a love poem dedicated to
the character 'Morning Star'
in the western film 'Broken Arrow'.
Her thoughts blossomed with true love...
Her sweet heart and her beauty
will warm my heart forever.
Superbly played by Debra Paget:
More info here:
and here: debra-paget-dot-com
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Mother And Calf
When elephants walk so gently
Upon their chosen path,
Should Man forget the harmony
Shared by mother and calf?
Ignoring peace and joy and love,
Forsaking common good,
As if Man stands supreme above
Within this neighbourhood?
Has Man the right to separate,
For ivory and more,
Two happy hearts that celebrate
With feelings that outpour?
To steal away the light of day
That these blessed eyes have seen,
Like hunting's just a game to play
And nothing short of mean?
Endangered species bear the cost
When Man encroaches near,
When Man all self-control has lost
And life's no more held dear...
What's next, when all the hunting ends,
With elephants all dead?
Will Man build robot elephants
In future times ahead?
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2015.
The poem is based on the magnificent wildlife
painting by Stephen Gayford nb Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Mother Of Pearls
My camera clicked and caught the scene,
Three polar bears in view,
I didn't mean to intervene,
Yet this was somewhat new...
The young ones walking, Mum close by,
All staring to my right,
While I looked through the camera's eye
Just taking in the sight...
This time I knew three's not a crowd,
The trio looked content,
The Mum seemed smiling, somewhat proud,
As if each were her friend...
To think, that Nature grants us love
In such a wondrous way,
That's why I humbly looked above
And thanked God for this day...
Three polar bears, what could they know?
This world is filled with life!
And everywhere that Man can go,
He's seen what can survive...
For Man's explored and learnt this truth,
That love stands ever near,
Today, these polar bears are proof,
They've made it crystal clear...
Denis Martindale, copyright, December 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Mother Of Pearls'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Mother's Day
Upon the day that I was born, my Mother gave me life A fragile baby so forlorn unused to pain and strife,
Unused to light that shone above, unused to all the glare...
I was her pride and joy to love, forevermore to share...
Upon the day she took me home, she held me by the hand.
It didn't matter where we'd roam, for God had something planned.
When Schooldays took me far away, each evening I returned.
She helped me every single day beyond the facts I'd learned.
She was a rock, a face that smiled, a great encouragement.
She gave her best to help her child as through the years we went.
The decades passed and she grew old till Jesus said, 'Be brave! '
To me, she was as good as gold till laid within her grave...
The tears still sting upon my eyes and fall upon my cheeks...
Memories share a love so nice and through these, she still speaks.
Each Mother's Day, I pause to pray, remembering her love.
She's now with Jesus every day... In Heaven, blessed above...
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Mother's Favourite
Of all her cubs, this one was best,
The lioness believed,
When by this one was so impressed,
Asked what could be achieved...
For now, a playful scamp, no more,
Yet eyes alert all day,
Exploring till he knew the score,
Content to know the way...
He wasn't too rough on the rest,
A few chewed tails, that's all,
Yet not too much as if a pest,
So that he'd always brawl...
He lived life well, yet somehow thought
There's so much more than this,
Yet by life now was firmly caught,
For it seemed utter bliss...
The lioness chose to invest
With extra time to share,
At first the others hadn't guessed,
Then they became aware...
'What makes him special, Mummy, dear?
It can't be that he's cute...'
'He's special! Let me make that clear,
You see, he's quite astute! '
Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2012.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Mother's Favourite'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale - The World's Poetry Archive
Mother's Pride
The lion cubs were all laid low
With heavy heads as proof,
Their golden coats were all aglow,
Yet now not one could move...
For there they were, as most cubs are,
When they've run round and round...
With each one thinking he's the star,
Yet now can't make a sound...
Their mother looked at this each day,
No longer quite surprised,
At first, she glared