“Incredible Kid Day” For further information contact… Nicole Moreau Zolfo Springs Elementary 3215 Schoolhouse Rd, Zolfo Springs, FL 33980 (863) 735-1221 nmoreau@hardee.k12.fl.us 2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence n PROGR AM OVERVIEW n OVER ALL VALUE Incredible Kid Day provides the opportunity to teach students team work, self-esteem, self-confidence and positive behavior through language arts, while reviewing key concepts in reading and writing such as cause and effect relationships, character traits, drawing conclusions, friendly letter writing, and details and main idea. Incredible Kid Day takes only one day to implement, but lasts a lifetime. This approach to teaching self-esteem, team work, and positive behavior is innovative because it is presented to them in a “real world” situation which is more meaningful and memorable than the typical teacher led guidance lessons presented to students. Even though students are exposed to these concepts on a daily basis in the typical classroom setting, it doesn’t have the same impact as it does when they are treated like Rock Stars! The real purpose of Incredible Kid Day is getting everyone involved so every child sees how remarkable they are in the eyes of the adults in their lives. Just a few words become a few sentences. Soon these words create a touching letter, telling a child how much he or she is loved, and offering words of encouragement that can last a lifetime. This program has been developed for a fourth grade classroom ranging anywhere from 16 – 24 students as whole group activities where most students are low performing, but have an average ability level. However, Incredible Kid Day can be adapted for any grade level, any amount of students, and any ability level. n MATERIALS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Loose leaf paper Foil star stickers Streamers Balloons Rock posters Rock Music CD Letters for Teachers Brown bags (Swag bags) Rock Star Ribbons Star Shades Pencils Fun Bands VIP Passes, yarn Abner Finklestein by Julienne Moore Butcher paper Art Supplies Acrostic Poem examples • Camera • Face Paints • Picture cut out for kids to put heads in • White T-shirt • Alcohol • Water • Soda • Syrup • Oil • Markers • Puff Paint (optional) • Bowls • Spoons • Ice cream • Ice cream toppings • Baby pictures • Rock CD • Guitar Hero/Rock band (optional) n LESSON PLAN TITLES – Fan Mail – Welcome to the Rock Concert! – Rock Star Mentality – The Poetry of Rock! – The Science of Stardom – After Party! Ice Cream Social – Born to Rock! n ABOUT THE DEVELOPER Nicole Moreau has a Bachelors degree in Psychology and a Masters in Elementary Education. She has taught in Hardee County at Zolfo Springs Elementary since 2005. She taught four th grade for 6 years and was named Zolfo Springs Elementary Teacher of the Year for the 2010-2011 school year. HHH “Incredible Kid Day” Nicole Moreau Lesson Plan No 1: Fan Mail n SUBJECTS COVERED n DIRECTIONS Writing Day 1 1.Anticipatory Set: Have another teacher write a letter to your class about the positive behaviors that your students possess. Share the letter with students, and discuss how exciting it feels to receive a letter with such nice compliments. n GR ADES Four n OBJECTIVES To practice friendly letter writing, using the friendly letter format, as well as editing grammar, punctuation, and spelling. 2.Tell students they will now be writing a friendly letter to their favorite teacher that will include compliments about why they are their favorite teacher. 3.Discuss the format of a friendly letter, and then show examples. n SUNSHINE STATE STANDARDS LA. LA. LA. n MATERIALS • Loose leaf paper • Foil star stickers n EVALUATION/ ASSESSMENT Teacher observation and final draft of friendly letter. n ADDITIONAL INFORMATION This lesson is done a couple weeks before Incredible Kid Day, so that the letter recipients have time to respond. **Make sure that the teachers respond and that the letter is saved for Incredible Kid Day** 4.Give students 30 minutes to write their friendly letter. Day 2 5.Teacher pairs up students to revise and edit rough draft for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and elaboration (20 minutes). 6.Give students 20 minutes to rewrite their edited paper in their neatest handwriting. 7. Fold letters, seal with a foil star, and address them to their recipient. 2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence HHH “Incredible Kid Day” Nicole Moreau Lesson Plan No 2: Incredible Kid Day n SUBJECTS COVERED n MATERIALS n DIRECTIONS Writing, Language Arts, Character Development, Science Lesson 1 Welcome to the Rock Concert! n GR ADES Four n SUNSHINE STATE STANDARDS LA. LA. LA. LA. LA. HE.4.C.1.2 HE.4.P.2 SC.4.N.1.6 SC.4.N.1.8 SC.4.P.9 • • • • • • • • • • • Balloons Rock posters Rock Music CD Letters for Teachers Brown bags (Swag bags) Rock Star Ribbons Star Shades Pencils Fun Bands VIP Passes, yarn Streamers Lesson 2 • Abner Finklestein by Julienne Moore • Butcher paper • Art Supplies Lesson 3 • • • • Acrostic Poem examples Camera Face Paints Picture cut out for kids to put heads in Lesson 4 • • • • • • • • White T-shirt Alcohol Water Soda Syrup Oil Markers Puff Paint (optional) Lesson 5 • • • • Bowls Spoons Ice cream Ice cream toppings Lesson 6 • Baby pictures • Rock CD • Guitar Hero/Rock band (optional) (30 min) • Balloons • Rock posters • Rock Music CD • Letters for Teachers • Brown bags (Swag bags) • Rock Star Ribbons • Star Shades • Pencils • Fun Bands • VIP Passes, yarn • Streamers 1.Note: Teacher should write and collect letters, decorate the room with streamers, balloons, and posters, place swag bags, swag, VIP passes and letters on desks the night before. 2.Anticipatory Set: Students walk into a fully decorated room with streamers, balloons, and rock posters, with rock music playing in the background and find their seat for the concert. 3.Students will find at their seats swag bags containing rock star ribbons, pencils, sun glasses, and silly bands, as well as their VIP passes for the concert. The swag bags will be used to keep their trinkets from the day. 4.A l s o o n t h e i r d e s ks w i l l b e complimentary letters from their teachers (classroom and activity) and administrators for them to read to boost their self-esteem. Give students 15 minutes to read the letters. 2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence “Incredible Kid Day” Nicole Moreau Lesson Plan No 2: Incredible Kid Day (cont.) Rock Star Mentality The Poetry of Rock! The Science of Stardom (60 min) (60 min) (60 min) • Abner Finklestein by Julienne Moore • Acrostic Poem examples • Butcher paper • Face Paints • Art Supplies • Picture cut out for kids to put heads in 1.Teacher will read Abner Finklestein aloud to students then discuss character traits, and what character traits make Abner unique. 2.Students will then hang their VIP passes on their backs and head into the mosh pit (in the mosh pit students will write positive character traits on their classmates VIP passes). 3.Students will use these character traits to complete their My Rock Star Self portrait. (Have students partner up and trace each other on butcher paper, then write their character traits around the outside of the outline, and color their body the way they would look as a rock star. • Camera 4.Teacher discusses and shares acrostic poems of their name as examples describing what makes them a Rock Star. 5.Students then write their own acrostic of their Rock Star qualities. (While students are writing, teacher paints their faces with rock star make-up, i.e. stars, lightning bolts, etc.) 6.Students share their writing with the class, and then walk down the red carpet to get their picture taken by the paparazzi. • • • • • • • • White T-shirt Alcohol Water Soda Syrup Oil Markers Puff Paint (optional) 7. Note: Students should be asked ahead of time to bring in $3 to do a science project where they receive a T-shirt to remember the experience. 8.Teacher will lead discussion on what happens when alcohol mixes with other liquids, making predictions and listing possible outcomes. 9.Teacher first mixes alcohol with water, soda, syrup, and oil (record results). 10.Teacher will then discuss why some things mixed together and others did not, and relate it to how humans get along with some people well, and not with others. 11.Students will do their final test by using markers to color on their white T-shirt. The teacher will then put drops of alcohol on it causing it to have a tie-dye effect. The teacher can have the students use puff paint to decorate their T-shirts if desired. 2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence “Incredible Kid Day” Nicole Moreau Lesson Plan No 2: Incredible Kid Day (cont.) After Party! Ice Cream Social (45 min) Born to Rock! • Baby pictures • Bowls • Rock CD • Spoons • Guitar Hero/Rock band (optional) • Ice cream • Ice cream toppings 12.Note: Teacher should send out a note for parents to donate an ice cream topping 13.Teacher will review how everyone is unique, and how we shouldn’t judge each other. Teacher will relate this to how an ice cream sundae can be unique, like us. 14.Teacher will explain the ice cream bar rules, and then allow children to choose from a variety of toppings for their own unique sundae. 15.Children will have a chance to gather and share what they have learned from Incredible Kid Day. 16.Note: Teacher should ask for students to bring in baby pictures a couple of weeks before Incredible Kid Day, reminding students not to share their pictures. Hang and number pictures on bulletin board for display. 17. Allow students to go up to the bulletin board to infer who’s who in the pictures. While students are guessing, engage other students by playing kid appropriate rock music, or kid appropriate songs on Guitar Hero/Rock Band/Sing Star (if available). n EVALUATION/ ASSESSMENT Teacher obser vation, behavior rubric, and writing prompt about “what impact Incredible Kid Day had on you”. n ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Contact parents about Incredible Kid Day informing them to keep this day and its activities a secret. Please see notes at the beginning of each lesson. Dress the Rock Star part to make it a little more fun! 2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence HHH “Incredible Kid Day” Nicole Moreau Lesson Plans Materials Budget Materials Budget Supplier Item DescriptionCost QuantityTotal Cost Wal Mart Face Paint 9.88 1 9.88 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Card stock 7.78 1 7.78 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ice Cream 6.76 1 6.76 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Markers (Sharpie - Mulit-colored) 7.00 4 28.00 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Misc. Ice Cream Toppings Misc. – 25.00 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Subtotal $168.27 ________________________________________________ Nicole Moreau Teacher’s Name___________________________________ Zolfo Springs Elementary School:__________________________________________ Tax if applicable $11.78 ________________________________________________ Shipping if applicable $15.98 ________________________________________________ TOTAL BUDGET AMOUNT 2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence $196.03 “Incredible Kid Day” Rubric Nicole Moreau 2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence “Incredible Kid Day” Rubric Nicole Moreau Total Points___________________ 2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence