Rock and Water - Hunter Valley Martial Arts

Self-directed Assignment – Rock and Water
Make an acrostic poem
about Rock and Water.
Perform a skit, with other
students, showing a
confrontation that you
managed to resolve using
your rock and water skills.
It may be a bullying
scenario, a home or work
confrontation or a crisis in
a relationship.
Recite a poem that best
explains your
understanding about rock
and water.
Perform a demonstration of
Rock and Water physical
games and exercises. You
can do this with a partner.
You need to show what you
are trying to do with each
exercise. Your performance
should last at least 3
Make a sculpture that
shows some of your
understandings about Rock
and Water
Using PowerPoint, design
your own rock and water
castle or tree and present it
to the group.
Write a recount about your
experiences learning about
Rock and Water
Write and perform a rap
song, or any type of song,
about rock and water, and
perform it to the group.
Make up a new game that
would be great for Rock
and Water and teach the
group the rules
Design an ad for Rock and
Water that would make it
attractive to young people.
Present a graph showing
your improvements in push
ups and sit ups over a
period of 5 weeks.
You are a news reader.
Read a news report on the
Rock and Water program
that was just completed at
your school.
Record and play an
interview with someone
who did the course. Ask
them what they have
learned from the course.
(The interview might be
with yourself)
Deign and make a jigsaw
puzzle that shows some
understanding about Rock
and Water.
Use the internet to find sites that
explain more about aspects of
Rock and Water and present
your list to the group.
Make some puppets and
perform a brief puppet
show about a conflict that
is resolved using skills you
have learned.
Design a rock and water
webpage for young people
Present your journal that
you have kept during the
rock and Water program. It
does not have to be shown
to the rest of the group.
Make a poster showing
some aspect of rock and
Water. You might show the
steps to walking away from
a fight with dignity, or the
5 steps of handling a
Take photographs that
show your understandings
about rock and Water, and
present them as a
slideshow to the group
Design a board game that
shows some aspects of
Rock and Water. The game
might be about avoiding
conflict, or the self-control
Act out a decision making
Field sketch – a map of the
school yard showing the
safest areas and the
trouble spots for bullying
Design a wallet sized card
that people who know rock
and water can use to
remind them of the main
principles or qualities of
Rock and Water.
Draw a cartoon about a
conflict that was solved
using rock and Water
Make a speech about the
things you have learned
during the Rock and Water
Make a painting or drawing
in your favourite style that
some of your
understandings about Rock
and Water
Conduct a survey on
attitudes to violence in
your class, and plot the
results on a graph, to
present to the group.
Write a narrative account
of a time when you used a
rock or a water approach to
resolve a conflict. You
might even write about a
time you used the wrong
approach and then explain
how you would deal with it
Prepare a collage about
Rock and Water, using
photos and newspaper
headlines and clippings,
that tells something about
Rock and Water
Hold a group debate, where
everyone has to prepare an
argument of at least 30
seconds on the topic, “That
the best way is the water
Perform a dance that shows
some of your
understandings or feelings
about Rock and Water
Research and download
photos that show how
people in other cultured
use body language to
communicate different
feelings and ideas. Make a
PowerPoint showing the
images you found.
Create some music or
rhythms that show your
understandings or feelings
about Rock and Water
Build a diorama about an
aspect of Rock and Water –
maybe a scene of conflict
showing how it can be
resolved in a peaceful way.
Find a song that sums up
your feelings about Rock
and Water and prepare a
slideshow with music and
pictures that shows your
feelings or understandings
about Rock and Water.
Task: In order to gain your Rock and Water Certificate of Attainment, you need to present ONE of these tasks.
You will be given a mark for 1. Honest Effort 2 Imagination 3. Presentation.