Jim Brennan jbrennan@boisestate.edu Physics Department Phone: 426-3775 Office Hours Tu-Th 3:00-4:00pm, MP312 or by appointment Department of Physics PHYS 212 PHYSICS II WITH CALCULUS Spring 2014 Course Description PHYS 212 PHYSICS II WITH CALCULUS (4-1-4)(F/S)(Area III). Coulombs law, fields, potential, magnetism, induced emf, simple circuits, geometrical optics, interference, diffraction, and polarization. PREREQ: MATH 175, PHYS 211. COREQ: PHYS 212L Course Schedule and Classroom Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7:30-8:45 AM, MP203 Please do not be late for class. This is disruptive and inconsiderate to others. Textbooks and Required Materials Knight, Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, 3e. vols. 3-4 A scientific or graphing calculator Clicker or ResponseWare app Course Evaluation There will be four exams including the final. Each exam is worth 19% of your grade. Mastering Physics Homework is 20%, and the remaining 4% is a participation grade based on in-class activities such as clicker questions. Your current grades, except for the Mastering Physics assignments, will be posted in the Gradebook in Blackboard. The Mastering Physics homework grade will be transferred to Blackboard at the end of the course. Your final letter grade will be based on 97-100 = A+ 94-96 = A 90-93 = A- 87-89 = B+ 83-86 = B 79-82 = B- 75-78 = C+ 71-74 = C 66-70 = C- 62-65 = D+ 58-61 = D 55-57 = D- < 55 = F The Blackboard gradebook will calculate your current grade using these weightings and cutoffs, except that the homework grade will not show up in Blackboard until the end of the course. The grade calculated in Blackboard is the grade you will get. Please do not ask me to give you a higher grade. Revision date: 1/21/14 1 Homework Homework is worth 20% of your grade. All homework will be done on the Mastering Physics website. (www.masteringphysics.com). Our class ID is MPBRENNAN30258 Our Zip code is 83725. The assignments will only be available for the times listed. Late assignments lose 15% of their points per day, and cannot be made up after they close. Exams 76% of your grade is based on the exams. The exams are based on the textbook readings, the examples in the text, the homework, and the class lectures. ALL EXAMS WILL BE COUNTED, AND NO MAKE-UP EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN, except for extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the instructor. There will be four inclass exams (worth 19% each, including the final exam). Scientific and graphing calculators are allowed during exams, but no cell phones, tablets, computers, etc. You may bring one hand-written 8.5" by 11" sheet of formulas for each exam. Use of both sides is okay. While group work is encouraged for the homework, exams are a measure of individual understanding of the relevant topics. As such, the following rules will be enforced by the instructor and proctors: No talking during the exam, except to ask questions of the instructor or proctors. You may ask for clarification of a question, but not for hints or help to get the answer. No use of cell phones. If you need to use your phone in an emergency, notify the instructor and arrangements can be made. No observing the work of your neighbors. Exams should represent your effort, not that of your peers. Be prepared to stay in the classroom until you are completed with your exam. No leaving the room once the exam has begun. If you feel you need an exception to this rule, please speak with the instructor. Violation of these rules will be considered cheating and will be taken very seriously by the department as well as the university. Academic Dishonesty Academic integrity will be strongly enforced in this course. Any student caught cheating on any assignment or exam may fail the assignment or exam in question or fail this course dependent on a hearing with the course instructor. Academic Dishonesty is defined in the Student Code of Conduct (Article 2, Section 18). It is strongly suggested that you read and understand these definitions: http://osrr.boisestate.edu/scp-codeofconduct-article2/#18 Revision date: 1/21/14 2 Student Contributions Regular classroom attendance is expected. Changes to the syllabus, schedule and/or assignments may be announced in class. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of any such changes. All registered BSU students receive a Boise State email and Blackboard account. It is the student’s responsibility to access both accounts regularly to avoid missing important messages and deadlines. All students are expected to conform to the BSU Student Code of Conduct. All persons are expected to act in such a manner as to maintain a positive and productive learning environment with respect for one another. Special Accommodations Reasonable accommodations are available for students with a documented disability. If you have a disability and may need accommodations to fully participate in this class, please visit the Disability Resource Center (DRC). All accommodations MUST be approved through the DRC (Administration 114). Please stop by or call 208-426-1583 to make an appointment with a disability specialist. http://drc.boisestate.edu/ Drop Policy Students are responsible for adding and dropping courses. At the end of the first week of class, faculty may perform faculty initiated drop for non-attendance, but it is the student’s responsibility to drop any course he/she does not intend to finish. Students who stop attending a course without filing a drop request will receive a grade of F. Emergency Procedures If there is the need for an evacuation of the building, please take your personal belongings in the immediate vicinity and exit the building via the posted evacuation route. The last person to leave the room (instructor or student) will turn off the lights and shut the door. If you need assistance, please assemble in the designated area and emergency assistance will be provided. After exiting the building, please assemble in a group at least 30 feet away from the building. Your instructors cannot be responsible for administering medication or medical assistance in the event of a personal medical emergency. FOUNDATIONAL STUDIES STATEMENT Boise State's Foundational Studies Program provides undergraduates with a broadbased education that spans the entire university experience. PHYS 212: Physics II with Calculus satisfies five units of the Foundation Program's Disciplinary LensNatural, Physical and Applied Sciences (DL-N) requirement. It supports the following University Learning Outcome, along with a variety of other course-specific goals. Apply knowledge and the methods characteristic of scientific inquiry to think critically about and solve theoretical and practical problems about physical structures and processes. PHYS 212: Physics II with Calculus is designed to help students understand the ways in which the established laws of nature allow us to understand and predict future behavior of physical systems, as well as using scientific reasoning to acquire Revision date: 1/21/14 3 and analyze data. This course helps to achieve the goals of the Foundational Studies program by focusing on the following course learning outcomes. After successful completion of this course, you will be able to: Solve problems using Maxwell’s equations to predict the behavior of a system of charges with particular initial conditions. Solve problems using concepts of wave motion to predict the behavior of elastic systems and optical phenomena. Apply Maxwell’s Laws and Energy Laws to solve common real world problems. Assess experimental data to verify or disprove a particular hypothesis. Represent physical problems using mathematical notation. Understand how the laws of physics have shaped technology and the environment. Effectively communicate experimental procedure as well as the underlying theory. Revision date: 1/21/14 4 Schedule (subject to change) Dates Week Topic Assignments NO CLASS MONDAY 1 1/20 - 1/24 NO LAB Ch. 25, Electric Charges and Forces 2 1/27 - 1/31 Ch. 26 (skip 26.7), Electric Fields Lab 1: Electrostatics 3 2/3 - 2/7 Ch. 28, Electric Potential Ch 25 Homework due Monday 2/3 Ch 26 Homework due Monday 2/3 Lab 2: Electric Field Mapping 4 2/10 - 2/14 Ch. 29 (skip 29.6-29.7), Potential and Fields, Capacitance Ch 28 Homework due Monday 2/10 Lab 3: Capacitors NO CLASS MONDAY 5 2/17 - 2/21 Ch. 30, Electric Current Ch 29 Homework due Monday 2/17 Exam 1 Wednesday 2/19 Lab 4: Ohm's Law 6 2/24 - 2/28 Ch. 31 (skip 31.5 and 31.8), Circuit Fundamentals Ch 30 Homework due Monday 2/24 Lab 5: Bulbs 7 3/3 - 3/7 Ch. 32 (32.1-32.5), Magnetic Fields Ch 31 Homework due Monday 3/3 Lab 6: RC Circuits 8 3/10 - 3/14 Ch. 32 continued (32.7-32.8, skip 32.6, 31.8 and 31.10) Lab 7: Earth's Magnetic Field 9 3/17 - 3/21 Ch. 33, Electromagnetic Induction Ch 32 Homework due Monday 3/17 Exam 2, Monday 3/17 Lab 8: Magnetic Field Determination 10 3/24 - 3/28 11 3/31 - 4/4 Ch. 35, AC Circuits Ch 33 Homework due Monday 3/31 Lab 9: AC Circuits (handout) 12 4/7 - 4/11 Ch. 20 (skip 20.6), Travelling Waves Ch 35 Homework due Monday 4/7 Lab 10: Speed of Sound 13 4/14 - 4/18 Ch. 21 (21.1-21.4), Superposition and Standing Waves Ch 20 Homework due Monday 4/14 Lab 11: Resonance in Air Columns 14 4/21 - 4/25 Ch. 21 (21.5-21.7, skip 21.8) Ch. 22 (skip 22.5-22.6), Interference and Wave Optics Exam 3, Monday 4/21 Lab 12: Double Slit 15 4/28 - 5/2 Ch. 23 (skip 23.5), Ray Optics Ch 21 Homework due Monday 4/28 Ch 22 Homework due Monday 4/28 Lab 13: Reflection and Refraction 16 5/5 - 5/9 Ch. 23 continued, review for Final Lab 14: Lenses SPRING BREAK Ch 23 Homework due Monday 5/12 17 5/12 - 5/16 Revision date: 1/21/14 Finals Week Final Exam, Wednesday May 14, 7:00 am – 9:00 am 5