Brief Report I RELIABILITY OF THE BEDSIDE SHIVERING ASSESSMENT SCALE NTERRATER By DaiWai M. Olson, RN, PhD, CCRN, Jana L. Grissom, RN, CCRN, Rachel A. Williamson, BS, Stacey N. Bennett, RN, MSN, ACNP, Steven T. Bellows, BE, and Michael L. James, MD CNE 1.0 Hour Notice to CNE enrollees: A closed-book, multiple-choice examination following this article tests your understanding of the following objectives: 1. Identify the bedside assessment that can be used in scoring a patient’s shivering. 2. Describe the components of the assessment tool in evaluating a patient’s shivering. 3. Discuss the benefits and limitations of the tool and research study used for assessing a patient’s shivering. To read this article and take the CNE test online, visit and click “CNE Articles in This Issue.” No CNE test fee for AACN members. ©2013 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses doi: 70 Background Since its early development, the Bedside Shivering Assessment Scale (BSAS) has had only initial psychometric testing. Before this instrument is incorporated into routine practice, its interrater reliability should be explored in a diverse group of practitioners. Methods This prospective nonrandomized study used a panel of 5 observers who completed 100 paired assessments. Observers independently scored patients for shivering by using the BSAS. Kappa statistics were determined by using SAS version 9.4 with BSAS scores treated as ordinal data. Results A weighted kappa value of 0.48 from 100 paired observations of 22 patients indicates moderate agreement of the BSAS scores. Most of the BSAS scores were 0 or 1; dichotomizing shivering as little or no shivering versus significant shivering resulted in a kappa of 0.66 (substantial agreement). No relationship was found between timing of assessment or the role of the practitioner and the likelihood of both observers assigning the same BSAS score. Conclusion The BSAS has adequate interrater reliability to be considered for use among a diverse group of practitioners. (American Journal of Critical Care. 2013;22:70-75) AJCC AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE, January 2013, Volume 22, No. 1 T herapeutic temperature management (TTM) is being instituted with increasing frequency in patients after cardiac arrest and acute brain injury.1-5 Preclinical data and results of clinical studies support the use of hypothermia and fever reduction to reduce secondary brain injury.4,6-8 However, authors cite shivering as either a complication of TTM or a hurdle to overcome, often functioning as a barrier to implementation of TTM.9-13 As an attempt to maintain core temperature at some level set by the hypothalamus, shivering is known to induce increased intracranial pressure, increased metabolic demand, and asynchrony with mechanical ventilation.14-17 No consensus has been reached on the impact, incidence, or best practice for treating shivering during TTM. Although multiple publications9,10,18-21 describe modes of treating shivering during TTM, adequately exploring the impact of shivering requires a valid metric to score shivering episodes. The Bedside Shivering Assessment Scale (BSAS) was developed to standardize scoring of shivering.13 This 1-item, 4-level tool uses observation and palpation to score shivering. The BSAS requires raters to observe the patient for 2 minutes; this includes visual inspection as well as palpating the neck, thorax, arms, and legs. The scale is independently associated with the hypermetabolic index: increased oxygen consumption, resting energy expenditure, and carbon dioxide production.13 Additionally, interobserver reliability is high in patients being actively cooled after stroke.22 Thus, the BSAS has potential utility as a clinical and research tool for the evaluation of shivering in the setting of TTM. It is important to evaluate the interrater reliability of the BSAS at multiple institutions and among multiple members of the care team. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the interrater reliability of the BSAS in a diverse group About the Authors DaiWai M. Olson is an assistant professor of medicine /neurology at Duke University Health System in Durham, North Carolina. Jana L. Grissom is a staff nurse, level IV, at Duke University Health System. Rachel A. Williamson is a medical student, level I, at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. Stacey N. Bennett is a neurocritical care nurse practitioner at Duke University Health System. Steven T. Bellows is a medical student, level II, at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. Michael L. James is an assistant professor of anesthesiology and of medicine/neurology at Duke University Health System. Corresponding author: DaiWai M. Olson, Box 2900, Duke University, Durham, NC 27710 (e-mail: olson006@mc.duke .edu). of care providers in an institution outside of the development site. Methods This nonrandomized prospective study received approval from the institutional review board at Duke University Health System to enroll staff and patients at Duke University Hospital. Patients were candidates for the study if they were receiving TTM via a temperature management device (Medivance and Zoll Medical) approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Patients receiving paralytic medications (neuromuscular blocking agents) were excluded from the study. Because the outcome of interest was the care provider’s assessment of shivering, neither the reason for temperature management nor the type of device used was recorded. Before enrollment, a 5-member panel (a physician, a nurse practitioner, a medical student, a charge nurse, and a staff nurse) provided consent for the study and was taught how to use and interpret the BSAS. The primary investigator (D.M.O.) taught panel members how to use the BSAS before recruitment of participants into the study; no assessment was done after the training. This group was purposely selected to represent the diverse continuum of hospital providers tasked with assessing shivering. During the first half of the study period, one of the medical students left and was replaced by an incoming student. After the patients had provided consent, the study coordinator contacted the assessment panel and paired assessments (convenience) were completed. Paired assessments were completed simultaneously in a blinded fashion. Assessors were not provided with information about the patient that might give them a clue about the degree of shivering (eg, nursing interventions to reduce shivering). First, the assessor would observe the patient from the foot of the bed; next, the assessor would place his or her hand on the patient’s jaw and upper Studies support the use of hypothermia and fever reduction to reduce secondary brain injury. AJCC AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE, January 2013, Volume 22, No. 1 71 Table Raw scores on the Bedside Shivering Assessment Scale (BSAS) for observers A and Ba Observer B’s BSAS score Observer A’s BSAS score 0 1 2 3 Total 0 65 16 0 0 81 1 5 12 0 0 17 2 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 1 70 29 1 0 100 Total a Values represent paired observations. chest to palpate for shivering. Finally, the assessor would enter the BSAS assessment onto a paper record by placing an “X” to indicate the level of shivering (1 sheet per assessment). The panel members remained blinded to the assessment results until all 100 assessments had been completed. The BSAS paper scores were entered into an Excel spreadsheet for data cleaning and storage. Analyses were performed by using SAS v9.4 (SAS Inc) with BSAS scores treated as ordinal data. (76%) for BSAS scores = 0 (no shivering). The computed κ value of 0.46 (weighted κ = 0.48) indicates moderate agreement. There was complete agreement in 78% of the paired assessments. There was complete agreement in 66% of the paired assessments (19 of 29 instances) where 3 or more raters evaluated a patient simultaneously. Because only 2 patients received BSAS scores of 2 or 3, we further explored the data by dichotomizing ratings. Exploring BSAS scores dichotomized to “no shivering” (BSAS score = 0) versus “any shivering” (BSAS score = 1, 2, or 3) resulted in moderate agreement (weighted κ = 0.47). Dichotomizing BSAS scores as “little or no shivering” (BSAS score = 0 or 1) versus “significant shivering” (BSAS score = 2 or 3) resulted in substantial agreement (κ = 0.66). The time of each observation was recorded. Most assessments were performed in the afternoon hours (see Figure). No relationship was found between the time an assessment was performed and the likelihood of both observers assigning the same BSAS score. Scores did not differ between assessors with a nursing background and assessors with a medical background (P = .98). Results Paired observations from 22 patients were completed between February 2010 and May 2011 (see Table). Patients were primarily male (55%) with a mean age of 54 years (range, 29-79 years); 73% of patients were white and 27% were African American. Among 100 paired assessments of 22 patients performed by 5 observers, agreement was highest Discussion The results of this study indicate that the BSAS has adequate interrater reliability among a diverse group of care providers. A key assumption is that agreement between 2 scores most likely represents both agreement and reliability.23 Reliability is an expression of how likely a given score is to represent Number of paired observations 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Before 10 AM 10-11:59 Noon-1:59 AM PM 2-3:59 PM After 3:59 PM Time when observations were taken Figure Observations by time of day across a 12-hour shift. 72 AJCC AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE, January 2013, Volume 22, No. 1 the true score plus any systematic error. If 2 observers incorrectly agree that the BSAS score is 3, error is introduced to validity, but the agreement score remains high. Somewhat surprising is that 2 of 100 evaluations were of BSAS scores greater than 1. In 1 paired observation, both observers awarded a BSAS of 2; in the other paired observation, observer A awarded a BSAS score of 3 and observer B awarded a BSAS score of 1. These findings are similar to results of a recent study24 in which 93.9% (801/853) reported observations were scored as a BSAS score of 0 or 1. Construct validity evaluates 2 instruments designed to measure a similar construct correlate. Prior work by pioneers such as Holtzclaw25 should be considered in studies of instrument validity. Recently, May et al24 reported adequate correlation between BSAS scores and derived electromyography scores. That study24 also introduces the concept of continuous monitoring for shivering, an impractical application of the BSAS.13 We could find no other reports regarding the BSAS from which to evaluate construct validity. Content validity is an assurance that the scale has enough items to cover the domain being explored adequately.26 DeVellis27 supports using more items and indicates that the less specific the concept, the more broad the categories and items will be. The BSAS has not been evaluated for content validity, but conceptually it is reasonable that it should be a relatively specific and limited scale as it attempts to address only shivering. Limitations Recognized limitations include the lack of randomization and the convenience of assessments’ timing between 2 or more observers. One medical student involved in the study left and was replaced by an incoming student; we were unable to obtain paired assessments for these 2 practitioners and it is possible that differences existed. The study’s use of a team of 5 observers from diverse backgrounds is both a strength and a limitation. Not comparing the BSAS scores with a known reference standard limits the external validity of these findings. The external validity of the study is enhanced by the diverse sample; however, future studies with higher internal validity would be beneficial to fully understand the psychometrics of this instrument. The observance of few BSAS scores greater than 1 is a significant limitation. The study design enrolled subjects without regard to antishivering measures, and it is likely that nurses and physicians had employed measures to reduce shivering. However, our observations parallel the findings of the only other study24 exploring the BSAS outside of Columbia. Because the outcome of interest was interrater reliability and not a patient-related outcome, observations were made of any patient with any form of temperature management. It is unknown if the instrument would perform differently for discrete populations. It is unknown if the BSAS would be more or less discriminatory at higher levels of shivering. Future studies should explore the applicability of the BSAS at higher levels of shivering. Conclusion The BSAS has adequate interrater reliability across a diverse group of observers and should be considered as an assessment tool for TTM. The relatively few instances of BSAS scores exceeding 1 deserves additional investigation. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES Research funding for this study was provided by The Medivance Corporation, the Duke Translational Nursing Institute, and a Scientist Development Grant from the American Heart Association. eLetters Now that you’ve read the article, create or contribute to an online discussion on this topic. Visit and click “Submit a response” in either the full-text or PDF view of the article. REFERENCES 1. Axelrod YK, Diringer MN. Temperature management in acute neurologic disorders. Neurol Clin. 2008;26:585-603, xi. 2. The Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest Study Group. Mild therapeutic hypothermia to improve the neurologic outcome after cardiac arrest. N Engl J Med. 2002;346:549-556. 3. Sydenham E, Roberts I, Alderson P. Hypothermia for traumatic head injury. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009:CD001048. 4. Marion D, Bullock MR. Current and future role of therapeutic hypothermia. 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