NORTHWE,ST CHE,SS I 0 ah q) <) t tF B July 2008 708 $3.95 Washington ChessFederation Oregon ChessFederation 926-0901A MIKE MACGREGOR ll'l"l"l,'1,'lll,,,,l,l,,,ll,ll,',,,11,,,11,11,,,1,1,,,11,,1 u*.' Radu Roua ReprisesRole 1" ationalOpen 3rthe Keres Memorial New and previous Oregon ChamPion Radu Roua \ j\ ,ril€sfrom the And More! "-_o*il_ rd ;,str#;€ f"'u' u Ifyou'd likeyourgamesannotated by a senior master,sendthemto our GamesEditor: Greetingsfrom the Editor July 2008,Volume62,7Issue720 FM Chuck Schulien No Washington Open ISSNPublication0146-6941 ^\ )t.,4,7 gameshave appearedin fvz ublrshed monthly bytheNorthwest Chess Board.OF yet. 3 t t my inbox as But, apSubscription Information 2420S 137St,Seattle E rrf record: WA98168. Ltl NorthwestChess parently, Dray4on HarriNorthwestChessis a benefitof membership in i1'. b |IOSTMASTER: SendAddressChangesto: eithertheOregonor Washington Federation-s. son madegood use of his Chess {onhwestChess,POBox 84746, Adultduesare$25;Juniordues(under20)are$ I 7 time, for he had an excelnairorf (or $10for six months).Please kanleWA 98124-6046. senddues,along lent result at the World Desk tn.rriicals PostagePaid at Seaftle,WA with pertinentinformationto: Open. Perhapsthere'll be -'SPSperiodicalspostagepermit number (0422-390) BusinessManager a short report on that in Northwest Chess August. I have slightly over two pagesfor NWC Staff Eric Holcomb next issue;so pleasesend some materiall Editor: Fred Kleist 1900NE Third st, Ste 106-361 Did you play an interesting game? I GamesEditor: FM ChuckSchulien Bend WA 97701-3889 Assist Editor: Nat Koons Send it in to the magazrne, annotated or 1 Printer:Snohomish Publishing not! Did you go to a tourney? Write a http ://iww. I Business Manager:Eric Holcomb report! Did you like your newest chess I I book/software,orjust hate it? Let the rest I NorthwestGrand Prix of us know about it by writing a reviewl B oard !.epres entatives Oregon: Dave Yoshinaga Administrator Of course, any other articles or picWashington:GeoffGale & turesthat you contributewill be more than Murlin Varner fuckySelzler welcome, though pictures generally have 13329 208Ave NE to fit in with some article. Entrre contentscopyright 2008 by No(hwest Chess.AII WoodinvilleWA 98072 ngfrs reserved. Published opinions are those of the oxrcnbutorsand do not necessarilyrefl ectthe views ofthe cdrtor or the Northwest ChessBoard. 425-882-0t02 Advertising Rates Displayadsrun $150for a full page,$100for Oregon urmtads;$85for a half-page, $60for tnmtads; Chess $-i0for a quarterpage,$20for an eighthof a page,and$10for a business card-size ad. Add Federation 0 if the ad isnotcopyreadyandthestaffmust President SI dolayoutwork. isavailable A l5%discount for Dave Yoshinaga r$o or moreconsecutive adsofthesamesize. 97t-404-s251 EventAnnouncementRates Each appearancetn Event Announcements isrequiredbeforepublica- Vice President costs$20.Payment rion. Enclose$2 additionalif an invoiceis Mike Terrill rcquired-this is a mandatoryservicecharge. 5 0 3 - 5 8 0 -I98 7 Best Wishes, Fu**L K.lUr:4r Thanksto C. Kleistfor proofreading. Washingto Chess Federafion Northwest ChessKnight donors will be listed in the magazine for a period of one yearfollowing receipt of donation. Please consider making a donation t0doy to help Northwest Chess! Advertisins & Copy Deadline getyouradsandsubmissions Please in by the Secretarv lOthof themonthfor theitemsto appearin the Carl Haessler nextissue(e.g.,no laterthanFeb.l0 for the \tar. issue).Theeditorcannot guarantee thatlate submissions will appearin the desiredissue. Treasurer Submitall adsand paymentsto: Mike Morris BusinessManager,Northwest Chess mikejmonis@earthlinknet 1900NE Third St. Ste 106-361 Tournament Coord inat or Bend WA 97701-3889 Peter Prochaska 503-504-5756 Submissions pete@chessodyssey. com Heyfolls! Theeditordepends onYOUto make tris magazine vibrantandexciting.I needyour Scholastic C oordinator gunes,photographs, thoughts,andideas.This Taylor Bailey magazinehas agreattradition andI hopepeople will contributeenthusiastically. You cansend 503-282-6796 meyourmaterialsvia U.S.mail or via e-mail: NorthwestChess Fred Kleist, Editor 2420S.137thSteet SeattlewA 98168 206-242:7076 2 I\Iorthwest Knights King: Queen: Rook: Bishop: Knight: Pawn: $1000+ $500-$999 $250-$499 S100-$249 $50-$99 $ l5-S49 Current Patrons King: Cinthia McBride, Kent McNall dthmathews@hotmail Scholastic Coordinator David Hendricks 425-868-388 l Director-at-Large NIA Chess Board Member Marcus Robinson Mark Ryan 503-245-1204 lation. mark.ryan@trans Iuly 2008 Queen: Rook: Nat Koons, Michael Wang Bishop: Ralph Hall, Russell Miller, Michael Omori family, Boyd Schorzman Kn ight : RobertBrewster,Steve Buclq DarbyMonahan Pawn: Mark James,Gene Milener Contributions can be sent to the Northwest Chess Business Manageri and are greatly appreciated! Northwest Chess WashingtonChessLetter 60 YearsAgo, 50 YearsAgo Northwest Chess Julv 2008 by RussellMiller July 1948 l,awrenceW. Taro of Everett,WA put out an eleven-pageissueof the WashingtonChess Letter as Editor. One finds the crosstableof the twelve-playerPugetSoundOpen in this issue. Jim Schmitt, a 19year old from Portland, Oregon,wontheevent6-o. Hewon $r5 in cash. SecondwasCarrollCrainof Tacomaat 5-r. The eventwasheld May 30-31at the TacomaChess Club site in the Carlton Hotel, rlh and Commercein Tacoma. TheWashingtonChessFederationannual meetingwas held during the tournament. Officers electedwere: President-l,awrenceTaro, Vice-President-JohnNourse,Secretary-Richard Allen, Treasurer-W.H. Raleigh. Discussion centeredaround the ChessInternational Match with British Columbia to be held in Everett on June 27. There was a report on the PugetSound League. The Tacoma CC won the event with eight matcheswon, none lost. The leading playerof the seasonwasCollinsof Tacomar3.5o.5. RichardAllen's column "Fundamental ChessStrateryandTactics,PartOne"appeared, filling one page. Severalgamesby the Puget SoundOpenwinner wereprinted. Taro wasthe top player on the postal rating list. July rqSS This was issue rz8 of the WCt. The Seattle Seafairannouncementwason pagetwo of Editor Dan Wade'swork. The tournamentsite was to be the SeattleYMCA at 4th and Madison in downtown Seattle. Six rounds were to be playedovertwo daysat a time control of 4oI 9o. The entry feewasall of $3 with a first prize of at least$zS.The annualInternational Match betweenWashingtonand British Columbiawas announcedfor Augwt roth. On June zz, eight playersfrom BC had come to Olaf Ulvestad'sChessCenter for a match with Seattle-areaplayers. Seattlewon S.5-2.S.ElmarsZemgalisdefeatedElod Macskasy,Ulvestadwasthe victor over Don Murray and Jim McCormickbeat Jack PatW. Charles Griffiths lost to Frank May, G.S.G.Patterson downed Gerhard Neufahrt, Dan Wade lost to JackTaylor,ViestursSeglinsdrew with George Zorkovntzand Dr. A. A. Murray beat Kaj Nielson. Someof the gamescoreswere given. Continued on page l4 Northwest Chess WashingtonChess Letten 60, 50 YearsAgo page3 Radu RouaRepeatsas OregonChampion page4 Tournament Ads p a g e s7 , 2 2 , 2 3 Gamesfrom the NationalOpen Page15 HwaWins WA PolgarQualifier page16 Gamesfrom the KeresMemorial Page18 TacomaCC Report page 19 RouaWins.HarmonMemorial page20 NorthwestOrganizerGrandPrix page20 NorthwesfChessCalendarof UpcomingEvents back cover On the Gover: Newandprevious OregonChampion poses RaduRoua outside ChessClubinApril of thePortland 2007. Photo courtesy of Mike Morris Iuly 2008 3 13-15,21-22June u ill play...6xb2withthreats onc3plus OregonChampionship a p o s s i b l e . . . 6 df o3r k . 18...Wxb6 19.We2c4 2O.Wxc4 EfcB Radu Repeats Not 20...Dc2??- as21.Aa4winsa piecefor White. by Neil Dale 21.9b3 a.oszz,fuegWb72i.a,a4t? 007 OregonChampionNM Radu Roua successfullydefendedhis title in the White didn't rvantto play moveslike / ten-playerround-robinOregon Invitational Championship,held at the Port 23.He2.since Blackhas23...6xb21with Lt land ChessClub over two weekendsfrom June 13'hthroughJune22"d.It was threat on c3 again. a hard-foughtcompetitionwhereno contestantwent without a loss. Due to the luck of the draw, the gamebetweenthe two mathematicallyeligible for the title, Roua 2 3 . . . A x e 12 4 . B x e 1E e B ? l andNM LandonBrownell,happenedin the lastround. Justlike in a Swiss,huh'l Dubious.24...Eab8 is moreaccuThe defendingchampiononly neededa drawto defendhis title andthatis how rate.An incursionof a White Rookat c6 thecontestended.Thus,Rouafinishedwith sevenpoints.He lostonly to FM Nick is very dangerous; so Black shouldhave Raptis,while alsodrawingwith Mike Janniro. Raptisand Brownell sharedsecond/ opposedthe file as long as possible. third with 6% pointsapiece.Brownellsufferedhis only lossin a gameagainstNM 25.8c1 e6 26.8c6 exd527.exd5Ee4 JamesBricherandRaptiswasnickedby Brownell. 28.b6E ae8 29.9b5 We7 30.E.c7 Clear fourth placewith five pointswent to one of the youngestcompetitors. RaleighFoster.Fifth/sixthplacesweresharedby NM BricherandFM CoreyRussell E@ with 4t/zeach.Anotheryoung player,and first-timecompetitorin this event,Danicl Gay managedfive drawsin thistoughcompetition.CrishaAlpemasandNeil Dale al tr gr-€.r th.9 shared ,lL Alekhine isDefense Gunther Jacobi (1940) NM James Bricher (2244) Portland, OregonChampionship(l) 2008 1.hc3 d52.e4OtOg.eSd44.exf6dxc3 5.bxc3exf6 6.6f3 Ao0 z.Ac+ O-O 8. 57.€c3 f6 58.€d2 fxg559.hxg5€f7 60.6s4 &s7 6 1.€e3 -Q"cB 62.4e5At5 h5 ffi.€d2 64.gxh6+ €xh6 65.€e3 0-1 I ll ) 1 AA AA A I I I A A A dr E A A TT AB A 2 Benkt Gqmbit UOO 1 NM Radu Roua (2209) ab FM Corey Russell (2205) Portland, OregonChanpionship (l) 200E 3 0 . . . 9 h 4 ? ? Annotationsby FM CoreyRussell 1.d4af6 2.c4c53.d5b54.cxb5a6 5.b6 White thea4-squarefor his pieces. White'sa4-a5 hasa crampingeffect on Black'sgarne. B.e4d69.4b5+ g"d7 10.4€ gs7 11.6d20-O 12.Ac4gd8 AA ! OD THECHESS HOUSE Servingthe chesscommunitysince 1972 This protectsmy a5-pawn. enabling...6a6. 1 3 . O - Oh a 6 1 4 . h 3 This is playedprimarily so 2 7& e 1 ; " ; ; ; * ; r ; ; . 3 € e 7 that White need not worry aboLrt 3 0 . h 4- a o z g r . A e z 6 o o 3 2 . f 3A e 6 ...6nS after Af4. as h2 is a flne 33.d5Aoz g+.S04c5+35.€d3 AcB retreatsquare. 36.h92hxc437.€cz Aoo3g.a4sl7 14...4b4 15.9f4 9xb5 .r6.axb5 39.c46e8 40.t4at641.Af3 a,e442. 6o z tz.Ee1ab6 r B.hxb6 Axe4 txe443.6e3a644.€c3 €OO+S. H a d h e p t a y e d1 8 . 6 x a 5 , I axb547,95bxc448.€xc4 94b546.axb5 A a 6 + 4 9 . & c 3A o z S o . & c 4A a B 5 1 . planned18.,.8xa5 19.Exa5 hc4. *c3 Axd5 52.o'g4€e6 53.he3 gb7 ThoughWhite is still fine, I was 54.€c+€d6 55.€c3Aa6 56.*b3 €e6 happywith theposition,for Black 4 llu/ .EO o - o b 6 9 . d 4 a o zr o . E e1 a d 7 11 . 4 h 4 s 6 1 2 . g h 6B e 8 1 3 . W s 4a f 8 i 4 . g ; d 2 W O zt 5 . W x d 76 x d 7 1 6 . 9 b 5 E x e . l + 17.Exe1 E , o at B . s 3 A b Br 9 . 6 s 2 A c 6 2 0 . 9 d 3E e B 2 1 . E x e B A + x e B2 2 . c 4 Wxb66.6c3 967.a4a5 hc6 23.c3t5 24.$.:'t4 Axt4 25.6xt4 I prefer to play ...a5, as it hez 26.€tt c6 opensa6 for my piecesanddenies A& AT all I Iuly 2008 ch6rs s€16, eleclronici books, dvd's, awarda,chf 1-800-348-4749 Northwest Chess 1 4 . . . c 41 5 . 4 h 4A 9 6 1 6 . 6 x 9 6h x g 6 Black is dead lost now. Instead. ffio, 1 7 . d x c 4E x h 2 1 8 . a 36 A q 1 9 . A x d 4 30...We5 is a bettertry. For example, Mike Janniro (2030) Exd420.€st Ena 21.6c3-Q.oo zz.og White intended31.b7 Exe3 32.WxeB FM Nick Raptis (2305) Arrz+23.€fr AeS 24.Ead1Eh1+25. WxeB33.Ec8. thenBlackcanfollow up Portland, OregonChampionship(l) 2008 €e2 Exe1+ 26.€xe1 tr94 27.4d5.0do w i t h 3 3 . . . E e 8 +3 4 . & h 2 A e 5 + 3 5 . g 3 €g7!! (GuntherJacobi).Thepointis that 1.c4 Af6 2.6't3 c6 3.93 d5 4.b3 -*ga 2 8 . 6 e 3 E e 4 2 9 . a 4s 5 3 0 . € f 1 A c S if Whitequeens,thenBlackhas...Wxa4, s.WczAooT6. 9l2 e67..0s2Ad6 B.o- 3 1.Ads c632.a,c3Et+ gg.rsrs 34.a,e2 s1 . W c 1 h 6 Ena aS.6ct 94 36.6d3 gxf337.gxf3 but if White insteadtakestheQueenwith o o - o 9 . d 4 a 51 0 . a b d 2 . e f 1 1 2.Ae5 1 Ee 1 4.6xd7Wxd7 a41 3. Wc7 Ent +38.€e2Eh2+39.€er g"e340.c3 36.ExeB,then36...4xe5+37.txg3ExeS '17.b4 EfeB18.e4 95 41.6e5 futz+q2.&f1 Ag3 $.6f7 Ac7 16.f3A96 38.ab6 EbB andtheb-pawnfalls. Black 15.c5 dxe419.fxe4 e5 20.dxe5Axe5 21.4,c4 HtZ+++.€g1 H,xf345.6xg5Hxc346. is actuallywinning! A o + + 2 2 . & h 1 A x e 42 3 . B x e 4A x e 4 he6 Ac7 47.H't1f4 48.Ebl Ao0+ +g. €92 Es3+S0.€h2Es6 51.c5 9,a752. Eel f3 53.6t4t254.Ef 1 AoA ss.Exfz W h i t em u s tp l a y3 6 . € h 1 ! . t h e w i n - 24.bxe4Exe4 25.AbOgfs 26.Axd4 ning move. This allowsWhite to recap- t r o a z z . - Q x s 7W t 3 + 2 8 . € g i E e 2 ture on e3 with the pawn and thenfollow 29.Wf1 We3+30.€hr trooz o-r up with Wtt, defendinghis King by the threaton f7. This permitsthe b-pawnto French lv'inewer win thegame. Michael Morris (2044) 3 1 . b 7 E x e 3 3 2 . f x e 3W e t + 3 3 . 9 f 1 NM Landon Brownell (2249) Wxe3+34.€h1 Ao4 gs.Wxtz+ 1-0 Portland,OregonChampionship(l) 2008 trsa 0-1 Sicilian Najdorf FM Corey Russell(2205,0.0) Michaef Morris (2044,0.0) Portland, OregonC'hampionship(2) 2008 Annotations by FM CoreyRussell .1 .e4c5 2.4f3 d6 3.d4cxd44.6xd4 Afo 5.6c3 a66.495 eG7.9d3 b5 B.a3AbdT 9 . O - O - O a O Zr O . t g 1.e4e6 2.d4d5 3.Acg Ao++.eSc5 5.a3 Sic'ilian lVajdorf Axc3+ 6.bxc3o,e77.Wg4O-O B.Ad3 Raleigh Foster (1977) 6oco s.WrrsAg0 10.4f3gc7 11.Ae3 Daniel Gay (1980) c4 12.9x96fxg6 13.WgaAOt tq.nq Portlqnd, Oregtn Chumpionship( I) 2008 B t S t 5 . h 5g x h s 1 6 . E x h sE x h s 1 7 . Blackwasthreatening Ooa tg.€02 -€.s6 ...6c5: so it 1.e4c5 2.66 a6 3.6t9 d6 4.d4 cxd4 WxhsAeB 1B.Wh3 21.H,bib622.946c623. seemedprudentto shoreup the defense 5.Axd4 ht0 6.Ags e67.t4 Wcz g.Wtg 20.a'h4w17 b 5 9 . g " d 3b 4 1 0 . 6 c e 2 A o o z 1 1 . o - o f4 E,fB24.Ht1 oe7 25.6xg6Wxg626. of the e4-pawn. .Q"ozt2.f5 e5 i3.Ab3 d5 ra.hg3 EcB a4h527.gxhsgf5 28.trh 1&17 29.Ws2 1 0 . . . 4 e 71 1 . h 4 1 5 . e x d 5A x d 5 1 6 . W e 2a 5 1 7 . E a d 1a 4 B r r ag o . W g sW e 43 1 . 8 h 3E n o g z . t s T h i s m o v e d e f e n d st h e B i s h o p . Wga 35. 1 8 . a d 2 a c 5 + 1 9 . € h 10 - O 2 0 . b 3 a x b 3 hxfS 33.Wg16xe3 34.Wxe3 gs5+ Sometimes there are tricks if White's 37.*e2 Wxh5 21.axb3Hteg zz.6o e4Axe423.Axe4 EtS+$sg 36.9f2 on is on a squarewhere she can A x e 4 2 4 . W x e 4 f O 2 5 . 9 d 5 + € h 8 38.€e3 Wg5+39.€e2 Wct +O.EtB+ Queen q t . € r g be threatened by movingthe BlackKing E n g + a 2 . & s a W n o+ 9 . 26.Wxd7WxdT 27.Exd7 fxg5 28.4e4 & n t Knight. With the Bishopprotected,there 9 . . e 72 9 . E a 1 E c d B 3 0 . E a a 7 E x d T EaB WrrS+44.&t4 95 mate g Z . H x d B + is noneof that.Also.Whitedoesn'tmind AxdB 3 1 . E x d 7E O A Round Two ...h6,as.afterAe3, he can play 94-g5 with acceleratedline-openingon the 6 Ruy Lopez Exchange kingside. ll Daniel Gay (1980,0.0) 1 1 . . . O - O1 2 . 9 4 E c B 1 3 . 4 e 2 6 e 5 NM Radu Roua (2209,1.0) 14.We3o,c415.4xc4 Exc4 16.Axf6 lal Portland, Oregon Chanqionship (2) 2008 Axr0 I z.gSAxd4 1B.Exd4 gb6 19. trd3 I 1.e4e5 2.6t3 ac6 3.4b5 a6 4.Axc6 W x e 3 + 2 0 . E x e 3 E t c g z 1 . E d 1 d 5 A dxc65.6xe5 gd4 6.4f3 9xe4+ 7.We2 22.exd5Axd5 23.Axd5 exdS24.Exd5 AA A Wxe2+ B.€xezAts g.ogo-o-o 10.Ee1 H.xh4?l a aDcoe 3 3 . 9 4€ 9 8 3 a . € s 2 & t 7 3 5 . € f 3 s 6 36.fxg6+€xg6 37.hcS €tO gA.€ea Ae7 39.6d7+€e6 40.6xe5900 +t. 6t3 Ae742.40++€to +g.€d5 AfB 44. Ae2 *96 45.c4bxc346.6xc3h547.h3 hxg448.hxg4 9,b449.o,e4Aa3 50.€e6 f 6 1 1 . € f 1c 5 1 2 . a b d 2 6 e 7 ' 1 3 . 4 e 4 hc6 14.4e3 ao+ sr.,at6aoz 52.4d5€s7 €ts s+.€oz€tz ss.osgel 56.b6 af2 57.b7Aa758.6e7AOgSg.hc6Ag3 AxbB61.6xb8*to oz.€oo 60.b8=W 1-0 Northwest Chess @ Et E. ll IA ll I I A q) 8 e\fi\ 6 &n) AAA EI ,'\AA AAA EE IuIy 2008 This move is dubious. The pawn was in no dangerof queening.Also. it wasweak. Betterwas ...Exc2+ followed by ...trfr2. As it tumedout, whenthe cpawn queened,it forcedBlack's resignation. 25.Ec3l This move works. because25... Exc3?? is answeredby 26.8d8 mate. 2 5 . . . t r h 1 +2 6 . & d 2E n z + 2 7 . & d 3 gxh630. Exc3+28.€xc3h529.gxh6 5 tr00ns3t.Exa6h432.trb6Etz gg. 6xe49.Axc49'.e710.O-OO-O11.Ee1 18.wf26tg 2 o s r 3 . $ " e65a z t + . Exbs ExfS+34.€b4 f5! 6to t2.We6 ll a IA 6 A AE aae 1a A 1 * jhl -r ltl AA i,rrr It seemednecessary to do this now, plays when Black ...f3-f2,the otherwise, Rook is to move, because Black free the White Rookcan't takeeitherthef- or hpawnwithouttheotherqueening. r-t A* tg Eacl 6xe5 1s.6xe5Ab7 16.9b3 EcB A nice move. It preventsWhite's 1 7 . 8 c 2A a 8 Rook from going behindthe enemyhpawn. White will haveto spenda few t. Eg E€ movesto blockadeit. l 3s.Ed5 h3 36.a4h237.Hd1trng gg. ll q.c+ trnt €n 39.a5€e6 40.a6Ent ,f442.&b5t3 43.a7 F? 1-5 A 93.a tr€ SAAA 19...4b420.€.xa7 Hxatzl .6xazho3 22.Wbo6xc1 23.Exct6d7 24.Wt2 Ac5 25.6xc5WxaT26.6xb7Uxf2+ g'sst9.tra1at4 20.W1 1B.Eec1 cs 27.&rt2Eoz+28.€91Exb229.Ec8 43...Exa744.Exh2Etz +s.Etz €es 2'l .t3 cxd422.HxcBWxcS23.Exd4 H o t + 3 0 . € f 2E o z + 3 1 . € e 3E x s 2 4 6 . c 5& o + l t . c a € e 3 4 8 .E t t € e z 6ng+ 24.&h1€.e325.8c4 at2+ 26. 32.Exe8+ 3.tggg.hcsfo 34.4d7Sf,/ =W f? AE "n" 49.8 h1f2 50.€bof t 52.c7 5t .trxrt Exrt €g t Woaz7.t4 HdB 28.We2 6s4+ 29. gS.E xfg+€e7 36.E gB€xd7 37.E xgT+ Ea2 +0.€f+ 6xc4 31..0.xc4Wdo€eB 38,BxhTfxe539.fxeS €t1 hxeS30.Wxe3 32.€.e2gd4 33.Wc196 34.b3.€.e4 Exa341.6gs Htg 42.94 1-0 g0.hc5 9xe2+ 37.€xe2 35.Wc7.Q.og Round Three ga.Was Woo EcB 39.4d3 Hcz+ qo. €e3 Ec3 41.9b5a6 0-'l Sicilan Najdorf MichaelMorris (2044,0.0) ModernDefense DanielGay (1980,0.0) LandonBrownell(2249,1.0) (3) 2008 Portland,OregonChampionship GuntherJacobi(1940,0.0) (2) 2008 1.e4c52.ajt3d63.d4cxd44.Axd4Af6 2 Portland,OregonChampionship 1 1.e496 2.hc3 9,g73.tadO4.4f3 a6 5.4c3 a66.4e3 e57.4b3 Ae6 8.4e2 abcdetgh 5.a4 9-g46.9c4 e6 7.h3Axrg A.Wxfa 9'e7 9.O-OO-O10.f4exf411.Axr+OS 12 . g B A c 6 1 3 . € h 1A e S t 4 . 6 0 4 E c B Black hasa critical decisionto make. 6c6 9.d36oa t o.Wt26e7 11.o-od5 17.-€.95 15.ad5 EeB 16.hxe7+UgfxeT 1 4 . f 5 1 2 . 9 a 2 1 3 . $ . e 3 e x f 5 O-O c5 Should he go to the first rank to trade for gxf6 h6 1B.0xe6 19.gxf6 20.c3 Wxe6 t fxe+ 1 Axds 1 6.gxd5goz the c-pawn orgo behindthe pawn (which 5.6xd5 22.Wxf6 hxf3 21.Wxf3 Hca Wxf6 18.9xe4 EteS 20.4e3 he6 19.9xc5 is the general principle for Rooks in &ngzzdqw23.gd2 6xd4 23.Exf6Ecxe4 2a.*g1 HeZ ZS.EIZ endgames)?One choicedraws;the other f5 21..e.f3 2 4 . 9 x t 4 t r t a z s . A s 4 a I s 2 6 . E f d 1 E e t + 2 6 . H x e ' lE x e l + 2 7 . H ' t 1E e 2 loses. Wc6 27.4f3 gfo 28.9-xb7 HaeB 2 8 . H t 2E e t + 2 9 . 8 f 1 E e 2 3 0 . 8 f 2 52...8c1?? 2 9 . 8 d 2s 5 3 0 . 9 h 2 s 4 3 1 . h x g 4A h 6 Draw Black's only blunder. Cold calcula- 32.Ee2 Ae3 33.Exe3 hxe3 34.Wxf6+ French Steinitz &g7 37.b4 tion reveals that in order for Black to Exto gs.Eet Eteo 36..e.f3 (1940,0.0) Jacobi Gunther Hxe6 draw,his King must get to c5. But this is € g 6 3 8 . 4 t 4 6 c 2 3 9 . H . x e 6 + (2205,1.0) FM Russell + Corey impossiblein this line asWhite will queen 40..€.d5Eel 41.&'r2Hal 42.a5Da3 (3) 2008 Portland, Oregon Championslip 43.9b7 6c4 44.&xa6Axa5 45.bxa5 with check. E x a s 4 6 . 9 d 3 + & g 7 4 7 . c 4 H a 2 + Annotationsby FM CoreyRussell 53.b4 €Os S+.OS€Oa SS.€07 €d5 48.€f3 Ea3 49.Se3 €fo 50.c5€e6 1.6c3 d5 2.e4e6 3.4f3 htO +.eS6tOZ 56.b6€d6 52.c8=w r-O 5 1 . c 61 - 0 5.d4 c5 6.dxcSAxc5 Of course, after57...Exc858.€xc8 6..,hxcS might be more accurate.As Catalon €c6 59.b7,Blackcanofferno morerethe game went, I needed to reroute my sistance. FM Nick Raptis(2305,1.0) dark-squaredBishopto e7just so I could NM JamesBricher (2244,1.0) castle. The Knight was probably going OGD Semi-Slav (2) 2008 Portland,OregonChampionship to c5 anyways. MikeJannio (2030,0.0) 1.4rc d52.s3Af6 3.9.s2c54.o-o hc6 7.9d3 6co a6 RaleighFoster(1977, 1.0) 5.c4e6 6.d4cxd47.6xd4 $.cS8.60e Portland,OregonChampiowhip(2) 2008 .€'e79.cxd5Axd5 10.e4af6 1.l.We2 8...gb6Lo-OWxb210.4b5 isgood 1.4f3 a1t6z.cq e6 3.d4d5 4.bc3 c6 Wc712.6c3O-o13.4e3 trdg 14.Eacl for White. At a mininum,he hasa draw 16.e5hd7 17.Absgb8 in hand,sincehe canfollow it up with 5.9f4 dxc46,e4 b5 7.9e2 b4 8.4a4 Aoz t s.t+.e'e8 6 Iuly 2008 Northwest Chess 57thAnnual Oregon Open August30,31 & September1, 2008 6-Round Swiss: 2 sections,Open& Reserve(under1800) Time Control: 40 movesin 2 hours,then suddendeathin I hour (a012;SD/l) Registration: Saturday9-10:30am Rounds: Sat I | & 5:30; Sun9:30& 5:30; Mon 9 &3 Location: Mt. Hood Community College,Vista Room; 26000SE Stark,Gresham,Oregon Checkwebsite:www.pdxchess.orgfor directionsto playing site Organizer: PortlandChessClub Byes: 2 Byes available,commit beforeRd 3 Oregon ChessFederationBusinessMeeting: Sun3:30 OpenSectionwill be FIDE rated $3,000Guaranteed $1500in eachSection Increasedat discretionof Organizerif morethat 100non-juniorplayers Open: I't $550; 2"d$300;3'd$200 U2000: I't $200; 2"d$150;3'd$100 Reserve: l" $370;2"d9220;3'd$130 U1600,U1400,U1200each$130-80-50 Unratedplayerslimitedto classprizesof $100in Open,$60 in reserve Steve Christopher Memorial Special Prize: $200 bonus for perfect score in Open Section Entry: $60.00;$50.00for PortlandChessClubmembers whoregisterbyAugust28. prizesin ReserveSection(no Juniors(underl9) maypay$15.00andcompetefor non-cash PortlandChessClubdiscount) Memberships: United StatesChessFederationand Oregonor WashingtonChessFederation 6J(,7D9,.^" 9"^,ra 9, ^ r,t"^t required (other statesokay) o J(* Address USCF ID # USCFExp _ OCF/WCF Exp _ Email Section Rating Bve Rds Entries: Payable to Portland ChessClub; mail to Mike Morris,2344 NE 27'hAve.,Portland,OR97212 Northwest Chess Iuly 2008 7 11.Ebl Wxa2 12.Ha1Wb2 andget a drawby three-time repetition. 9 . O - O A e 7 1 0 . g d 2 a cts1 . H f e t6 x d 3 1 2 . c x dA 3 O Z t e . a eE c B 1 4 . E a c 1b 5 '16.d4 15.b4O-O a5 17.6xb5 Eg E@ 3.3.rrr AI ra la A AA Ag g FT e,eE AAA FI 12.AeZ€c6 3a.Exf,Z€xb6 35.€d3 Eg2 36.b4 A s7 r 0 .Ad2o- ot1.ac4W dB Aa613.o-oAo+t +.4e3AaO15.Wd2a537.bxaS+ €xaS38.€d4€b5 39.Ee7 6 g a 1 6.9f4 - &xc417.Axc4AeS E o z + 4 0 . € e 5 E e 2 + 4 1 . * d 6 E x h 2 t g . A o S W c S1 9 . E a c ' lh 5 2 0 . € h 1 € h 7 42.Hxg7h5 43.€xe6 h4 44.&'t5&c4 21.h3Eb822.4s5f623.fuegLnzq.tq 4 5 . E c 7 +€ o s + 0 . * 9 4 € e 3 4 7 . 8 t 7 f5 25.EcdlEoz zO.Ae2 aho 27.9't3€ o g a e . E n z E g z + 4 9 , € f 4 t r h 2 c428.&e2 o.d329.Axd3cxd330.Wxd35 0 . E c E 7 s 25 r , t r n zH n z5 2 . t r h s E x b 2 3 1 . H c 1t r o s s z . A d 4 f x e 4 € x c 3 5 3 . € g a € o g s a . E x h 4 E g 2 + m.Wd1Wozg+.Axg7€xg7 35.Axe4 55.€f5Es8 56.f4Ee8 57.€s6. . . 1-0 Ats go.Bet €no gz.6cagb4 38.Ae2 Whitewon in a few moremoves. Hb839.Ea14e340.9c1We4al.Eg 1 A xd 5 42.He16e3 43.891 6tS 44.68 Wc6a5.Ea3Exa346.Uxa3 Round Four Wc4+7.6o5Wxf448.946n+ '1.e4 Last time I played and Bricher € n z s o . E e t W x g 55 1 . W a 2t r t e 52.4d4Wg353.Exe7+ $69 54.We2got the befterof me in a Pirc/Jr4odern.I W x h 3 +5 5 . € g 1 W g 3 + 5 6 . € h 1 g f 4 Exfl+ 59.*h2 57.he6Wtt+*11 17...axb4? Ats oO.Eaz He161.6t+ o,et 62.ExeT 17...4xe5! is far better,as this pre- ExeT 63.6xg6+€g7 6a.AxeZ&tl vents White from getting a cramping 6 5 . t r c 6€ e 6 6 6 . h x a s€ o s 6 7 . 4 b 3 Knight (or pawn) on d6. For example. *c4 68.€93 d5 69.a5€b5 Draw abcdelgh 1B.Axe5Axbs 19. Exc8 9xc8 20.bxa5 French Tarrusch 9xa3 and Black's light-squared Bishop hasa muchbetterfuturethan in thegame NM JamesBricher (2244,1.0\ continuation.The positionwould be NM Landon Brownell (2249,2.0) level. Portland,OregonChampionship(3) 2008 didn't havean improvement;so I thought I'd try a differenttack.-C. Russell Semi-SlsvNoteboom FN{ Corey Russell(2205,1.5) NM JamesBricher (2244,2.0) Portlund.OregonChompionship(4) 2008 Annotations by FM CoreyRussell 1.d4d5 2.6't3 cG 3.c4 e6 4.hc3 dxc4 5.a4g.b4 6.g'd2 a5 7.e3b5 Bricherhad a battlewith me in this 1 8 . 4 d 6 H o a t 9 . a x b 46 x b 4 2 0 . H b 1 1.e4e6 2.d4dS 3.ad2 c5 4.exd5Wxd5 variation before. I got the bettergame, Q ) c G2 1 . H e c 1 W a 5 2 2 . W d 1 E x b l 5.6sf3cxd46.4c4 WoOz.O-Ohto but he improvedon his line in thisgame. 23.Hxb1 Draw B.Ab3Ac6 9.6bxd4 6xd410.Wxd4 B.axb59xc3 9.9xc3 cxb5 10.b3gb7 l1.Ae3 Wxd412.9xd4EcB 13. AOz My opponentoffereda draw. Think11.bxc4b412.g;b2at0tS.g.oS 6ooz ing my chancesof losing were greater Aog Acs 14.Had1€e7 15.6e5 E hd8 1 4 . O - OO - O 1 5 . 8 e 1 W c 7 1 6 . e 4e 5 g"b5 than of winning, I took the draw. As I 16.c3 17.Q-txel?! said before,the Bishopat d7 is a big liInstead.17.d5is better. ability. EE 1 7 . . . 6 x e 5 1 B . d x e 56 o t t 9 . f 4 b c 5 ll French Advance 20.g.b1 Raleigh Foster (1977,2.0) AO q) I decidedagainst9c2. After the . FM Nick Raptis (2305, 2.0) 6 eventual andsure...EOg, my Queenwill -EPortland, Oregon Championship(3) 2008 6 A whichwill allow ...a5-a4, have to move, 'l &O .e4e6 2.d4d5 3.e5c5 4.c3 6c0 S.6tS get a lot of tempi. Not AA and Black can AAA Wo0o.Aoecxd47.o-o4d78.Ee 1AhG ...802 canbequiteaprobonly that, but H .+EE 9.cxd46xda10.6c3.&c51 1.Eb1hg4 lem. 20.9.b 1 avoidsall thoseproblems. abcdels @rr r rA OO FI 12.6xd4Axd4 13.Wxg4Axf2+14.*f 1 A x e l 1 S . S x e 1O - O - O 1 6 . 6 e 2 f 6 17.Axc5+E,xc51B.Exd8Axfl 19.EaB 2O...a421.9f3 6og 2z.HxaqtZ 17.W93Wc7 1B.exf6 Wxg3+19.6xg3 E x e 5 2 0 . * x f 1 gxf620.9e3€b8 21.&d2hS22.9e2 6e4 21.f3Ad2+ da 23.4s1 Ensg 24.Axh5e5 25.Ee.1 2 2 . & ' t 2E a 5 2 3 . E s 7 2 6 . 4 t 3 E e B 2 7 . o , e 4f 5 2 B . A f G € e 3 A x b 3 2 4 . Ee629,6xd7+["67t0.g4 E,b6Oraw axb3 Ea2 25.b4 €ro zo.€osao CarlA. Haessler Benko Gambit NM Radu Roua (2209,2.0) Mike Janniro (2030, 0.0) Portland, Oregon Championship(3) 2008 2 7 . & c 2E a 1 2 8 . b5 trg1 29.b0 Exg2+ 30.*c1 Eg1+ 31,€c2 32.trb8 1.d44t62.c4 c5 3.d5b5 4.cxb5a6 5,b6 € e z WxbO6.6cg d67.a4 a5 B.e4qo LAf3 € o o 3 3 . E x b 7 8 Lessons.Lectures.Exhibitions USCFLifeMaster &lime OregonChampion Iuty 2008 (503)358-7871 Northwest Chess -------r'-J 22.8a2 didn't seemto havemuch 43..&e3! of a future. The position is equal now. If 22...Wc5+23.€h 1 E xa424.Wxb3gf2 43...b1=W.then44.4h6+ €eB 45.f7+ 25.891 EaaB26.9c1 Ac6 27.t59;a4 €e7 46, fB=W+ €xe6 47.ge8+ €f6 28.9h3trtOA 48.9f8+ is a draw by perpetualcheck. A x e 3 + 1 1 , 6 x e 3c O 1 2 . 4 0 3 € c 7 1 3 . 6 e 2 o e 7 1 4 . g 46 c 5 1 5 . 4 c 2 a 5 1 6 , f 3A d 7 1 7 . h s 3E a d B1 8 . h 3A c 8 1 9 . E x d 8E , x d B 2 0 . H d 16 e 6 2 1 . E x d 8 *xd8 22.8e2 6oa n.6s1 9524.&d2 6 s 6 2 5 . 4 d 1 6 ' t 42 6 . € c 3b 6 2 7 . 6 c 2 6xc2 2|.s'xc2 &c7 29.a3h5 30.b4 axb4+31.axb4c5 32.b5€d6 33.€d2 9e6 3+.4d3 h4 35.€e3gf7 36.€d2 €e7 37.€e3*do 38.€d2Ae6 39.€e3 Draw Black was threatening29...8d1, 4 3 . . . E , g 1 +4 4 . A x g 1 b 1 = W 4 5 . 5 f d 5 which would have beendevasting. The WOZ+ 46.gf2WxtO +2.c0 Wcg Draw text defendsthat. plus it hasthreatsof its Black offered the draw. White will own. play Ag3 andc6-c7. which forcesBlack q631.Wqstro t 32.Exd1 to give perpetualcheck.If White'sKing 29...4c230.f6 Wtt+34.491.Q"f3 $.xd10g..€.e3 were safe,he could try to win it. WithRuyLopezKarpov out King safety,a draw is the correct reThis is a forced, but also a good, (1977,2.5) Raleigh Foster sult. move. 35.gxf3gxf3+ 36,W92Wxg2+37.€xg2 Ea1 38..€.ffib3 39.c5 Ed j € ll AI AA le A cbA ta NM RaduRoua(2209,2.5) (4) 2008 Portland,OregonChampionship FrenchTarrasch 1.e4e52.6t3AcG3.Ao5 a64.9a4 hf6 FM Nick Raptis(2305,2.5) LandonBrownell(2249,2.0) 5 . O - Ob 5 6 . 9 b 3 A e 7 7 . 8 e 1 d 6 B . c 3 (4) 2008 o - o 9 . h 3a a t t 0 . d 4g " f 6 1 1 . d 56 e 7 Portland,OregonChampionship g:b7 1 . e 4e 6 2 . d 4d S3 . 4 d 2 a 6 4 . 6 9 f 3 c 5 12.4bd26c5 13.4c2 a5 14.6t1 5.exd5 exds6.9d3c47.Ae26c6 B.O- 1 5 . 4 s 3s 6 1 6 . 9 h 6A s z t 7 . W d 2* h B We7 2O.Axc5 g.d6 O 9.c3AgeT 10.b3cxb3.11.axb31B.Ead1698 19.-Q"e3 21 .d6 22.Wxd6 HtOgZg.WO6 dxcs cxd6 O - O1 2 . 8 e 1A g a 1 3 . 4 f 1f O 1 4 . 6 s 3 24.9b3 25.Exdl b4 Exdl a4 26.9d5 W o z t 5 . A h 4 A x e 2 1 6 . W x e 2E a e B EoB zz.cxo4 28.Hd2 cxb4 Axds 29. 17.We6+Wxe6 1B.,Hxe6 AcB 19.ExeB gd7 exds f5 30.d6 AtXEd Eg. AE,& abcdelgh 40.e61 Setsup a deep idea to try to hold the position. White's weak pawn structure makesit difficult for him to hold the ending, if he hasto sacrificeoneof his Bishops for the Black b-pawn. 40.,.fxe6 I laI.l ll I A rl AA a AAA gF?. 5 - w d) .+E 2 1 AA EA 93. AI I ll f\P\ q)L H AA g /\ A ls /\ t **"., *, atl^n, a334. Ofcoursenot 40...8xd3?? 41.e7and 20.atl He121.€ltgtrot 22.Ao2Bxat 31.4s5 "o 36.E02 Hd7 35.Hds We6 bxa3 bxa3 Black is helplessto preventWhite queen- 23.-€.xa.f b5 24.6* 6oO zs.€fl as . H d 1 e x f 2 +3 9 . € x f 2 26.&e2a4 27.bxa4bxa428.936a5 3 7 . 9 b 4 e 3 3 8g.b2 ing and then mating. ge6 41.4f3 42.h4 zg.b,az Aa330.€di hogst .Acz-Aoo Mxa2+40.E d2 W t o + g . W u 3 h 6 4 4 . h 5 4 5 . E o st + s5 32.s,,b2 6xd233.*xd2€tz s+.*os 41 .€;c4 b2 42.9xe6* @ ga r I A A I hc4 35.4a1€e6 36.6e3 o,al 37.c4 4 6 . 6 e 4W e 6 4 7 . 4 c 5 W e 3 +4 8 . € f 1 6xd5 51. 0xc4 38.0xc4 dxc4+39.€xc4 h5 40. Wxb349.6xb3At0 SO.AeS 6xd7 he3+ sz.*e2 hts 53.Abo Axdo €os ag 41.€c6 a2 42.d5+&e7 43.t4 54.aa4a'f5 0-1 h4 44.9-d4qO45.4c3 hxg346.hxg3f5 47.g.d4g5 48.fxg5Axg3 49.96f4 50. English Opening d6+€f8 51.9"f6An+ sz.Axh4a1=W 5 3 . d 7w h 1 + 0 - 1 Mike Janniro (2030,0.5) €A Modern Defense Daniel Gay (1980,0.5) 1 Eg Gunther Jacobi (1940,0.5) abcdelgh Portland, OregonChampionship(4) 2008 42...&'tB? '1.e4 96 2,da 9-97 3.c4 d6 4.6c3 e5 Gives White the draw. 42...€h8 5.dxeSdxeS6.Wxd8+*xd8 7.4g5+ f6 wins becauseof 43.f7Exgl+. B . o - o - Oh+o z g . A e gA n o t 0 . a d 5 2 Northwest Chess Iuly 2008 Michael Morris (2044, 0.5) Portland, OregonChampionship(1) 2008 1.c4c52.s36c63.4s2 g6a.6c3As7 5 . e 3e 56 . O 9 . 8 b 1 a 5 1 0 . 4 b 5A e 6 1 1 . d 3d 5 12.cxd5Axd5 13.e4 9-a214.8a1Ae6 1 5 . 4 e 3b G1 6 . 9 d 2W o z t 7 . 6 c 1 1 5 l B . g h Of 4 1 9 . A x g 7€ x g 7 2 0 . f 3h 5 9 H o 2008OregonStateChampionship Name me & USCF/FIDE I Roua,Radu 13205356 2205 1206630 12470662 2016850 3 Brownell.Landon 12747886 20283e5 4 Foster,Raleigh 12934930 2004160 19 O zo Ft 7 d G o n 7 G @ o Bricher.James 10506905 0 0.5 I 1 I I 0.5 I I 7.0 26.75 lst 0 0.5 I I 0.5 I 0.5 I 6.5 26.s0 =2nd-3rd 0.5 0 0.5 I I I I 6.5 25.75 =2nd-3rd I 0.5 0 I I 0.5 5.0 19.75 4th 0.5 0.5 I 0.5 I 4.5 16.75 :5-6th I 0.5 I 0.5 4.5 16.50 =5-6th 0 0.5 I 3.5 13.75 0.5 0.5 3.0 11.50 0.5 2.5 9.75 2.0 7.50 2234 230s 2 Raptis,Nick S.B 910 Rt I 2262 2249 0.5 I 0 0.5 0.5 0 0 I 0 2277 r977 2115 2244 0 6 Russell,Corey 12s23449 2006618 2205 22rl 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 7 Morris, Michael 10505798 20243s7 2044 0 0.5 0 l 0.5 0 8 Janniro,Mike r0482569 2030 0.5 0 0 0 0 0.5 I 2009633 2090 9 Gay, Daniel 12832272 1980 2086 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 2004178 L0 Jacobi,Gunther r2E69742 2004437 1940 t9& 0 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 0 0.5 2l8l 0.5 21.9rt4a,A+ZZ.6xd4Wxd4+n.W2 White hadthepositionalthreatof c2Wxf2+ 24.Exf2 exi4 25.EOZAcG c4, blockadingthe position,which favors 26.4e2EadS27.&t2boa ze.trst Knights and fixes the weak pawn on c5, 6xe2 29.&xe2Eo+ so.trot trtoe making it easierto win. So, instead,I 31.b3g532.h3€fO33.9f19434.hxg4played 12..rc4 first: to get rid of my hxg435,fxg49xg4+ 36.6f2 Exe4 doubled pawns and to open some lines 37.trdb2Ee3 38.bacxb439.axb4 a4 for my Bishops. 40.b5Ena+r.Eo+Etg+a2.&g1 13.hed4 6xd4 14,Axd4 cxd3l E t ri l A IE AI 2 1 6 e€ H E E I rlgh 42..&t5a3.9'.s2 trs3 aa.€f26s5 ll gt .HozWaS 32.Hc2Wa633.Eo2Was Draw I couldn't see anything better than repeating,asWhite is defendingsuccessfullv: so I took the draw. gs 3.r I E IA AA RuyLopezBreyer MichaelMorris (2044,0.5) RaleighFoster(1977, 2.5) (5) 2008 Portland,OregonChampionship I 1.e4e52.6t3 bco 3.-€.b5 aG4..Q'a4 hfo 5.O-Og.e76.He1b5 7.g.b30-O 8.h3 d69.c3ab8 10.d4abd711,abd2g.b7 l2.9-c2 HeB t3.6t1 .Q.fa14.693c6 15.9q5 hG16.9e3Wc7 17.Wd2Ead8 '1B.dxe5 19.We2 gO20.4h2&h7 dxeS 21.8f 1 .Q.c522.4s4 6xg4 23.Wxs4 WoGz+.Ead1 gf8 25.Hxd7g.c8 26. ExdB Axg4 27.9xc5 Wxc528.ExeB $.OzZg.traBb4 30.g.b3bxc331.bxc3 .0.e632.Axe6fxe633.8d1 €g7 3a. Edz+ €t0 gs.n+a5 36.Eaa7gs 3T. AI A H Threatens 31...Ef1+32.9xrt Extt+ 33.€xf1 Wxd3+, which would win for Black. A -e"g tr AA abcdetgh 4 5 . 8 1 b 2 E x d 3 4 6 . E x a 4t 3 4 7 . 9 t 1 If 15.Axc6Wc716.6xe7dxc2and E n 2 + a 8 . € 9 3 E x b 2 4 9 . E x g 4 +€ t s White's Queen,Rook,and Knight areen 50.9xd3+€e5 51.€xt3€oO 52.€e3 prise. Evenworse,when theWtite Queen 1-0 moves and Black takes the Rook, the Knight at e7 will be trapped;so White will loseevenmorematerial.Finally.note -o Round Five that sacrificingWhite's Knight on d5 and En+ r recapturingwith the Queen. hitting BeefeaterBenoni Sicilian Closed Black's Rook is no good becauseof NM Radu Roua (2209,3.5) NM James Bricher (2244,2.5) Black'sreplyof ...E d8. FM Nick Raptis (2305, 2.5) Daniel Gay (1980, 1.0) 15.cxd3TWnO tO.Wcz&d7 Portland, (hegon Championship(5) 2008 Portland, Oregon Championship(5) 2008 '1 Ofcoursenot 16...Wxd417.Wxc6+, .d4gE2.c4997 3.hc3 c5 4.d5Axc3+ 1.e4 c5 2.4c3 aG3.93 b5 4.992 .€.b7 as Black's position crumbles. I wanted 5.bxc3f5 6.94 dO 7.Wa4+AOZ g.WnS g.oa 5.d3e6 6.f4d57.e56e7 8.6ts 6rs 'l.t.c3 to connect my Rooks so that, should W a s 9 . 4 0 2 b 6 r 0 . a f 3 Q r t 0r 1 . g x f s gb6 6c6 10.4e2 cxd4 12.cxd4 White capture afteran ...h4-h3push,I'd A x f 5 1 2 . 6 9 5 6 a 6 1 g . W O SW + xb5 An++13.€f1 hs14.4m6no rs.Aes be able to double easilyon the h-file. g0t O.Atztrc817.€s26a518.b3-Q.e7 14.cxb56c7 15.c4h616.4ffi e6 17.f3 19.4e3 €d7 20.Wd3o42r .Encl Ac6 22.Wd29oszg.Sg1Excl+ 24.Exc1 E c B 2 5 . E x c 8€ x c 8 2 6 . W c 2 +W c 6 27.Wxc6+6xc6 28.hc1 a5 29.9f 1 Axrt gO.€xf14f531.€e26a732.*d3 6os gg.6e2&d7 g4.3l2 Aog €e8 36.4e1 Draw e x d S 1 8 . c x d 56 x b 5 1 9 . e 4 9 x h 3 20.9xh3Ao+zt.o-o g5 22.9h1o-o 23.Eae1ans za.Ag4 at4 25.g;xt4 This is correct. White mustkeepthe Exf+Z0.eSOxe527.Exe5 EafS28.€g2 hl-a8 diagonal blockadedas a Black Hqt6 zg.a+ €97 3o.Ah5Afs 3r.Hd1 Queen-plus-Bishopbatteryon that diago- E o a s z . A 9 4 6 h 4 + 3 3 . € s 3 A q 6 nal would not be pretty. 34.8,e3Etoo o-r 17.ar3h3 18.q3c5 19.Edr da 20.€gl s.,oz zt.flt't 2 i . . . E a c 8 2 2 . 8 b 1 f 6 2 3 . W b 2g x f 3 24.Exfs fxe5 25.fxe5trnta eO.Et+t Sicilian Defense NM Landon Brownell (2249,3.0\ White beginsto setup a fortress,not FM Corey Russell (2205,2.0) to mentionhe closesthe key hl-a8 diPortland, Oregon Championship(5) 2008 agonalagain. Annotationsby FM CoreyRussell 26...s5 27.He4 trtSeA.Wez Hn 1.e4 c5 2.hc3 hc6 3.90S e6 4.9xc6 I realizedthat my move before last bxc6 5.f4 d5 6.d3 Aa6 7.e5 h5 8.4f3 was no good,as my intended28...Ecf8 hn0g.o-o6tsro.nee.e7 i1.€hth4 fails to 29..Q'f4!,which cuts offprotecI was happywith the result of the tion of the f3-Rook. Consequently,I opening.Whitehasnothing. would losematerial. 12.6e2 c4 Northwest 29.E'tzE,cfB30.8c2Wa6 Chess : fuly 2008 French Steinitz Gunther Jacobi (1940, 1.0) Mike Janniro (2030, 1.5) Portland, OregonChampionship(5) 2008 1.6c3 e6 2.at3d5 3.e4afo 4.e5afdz 5.d4c56.dxc5Axc5 7.4d3 6c6 g.At+ a69.O-OAe7 10.Wd2o,cl11,a33"d7 t 2.Htct 6xd3 13.cxd3 O-O14.b49b8 gb7 15.Eab1b5 16.6xd5exds'17.e6 18.exd7Wxd7 19.Ec2EacS20.Ebc1 AOOe t .€xd6gxd6 22.EcS6e7 23.d4 t624.6e1Exc525.Exc5Ec8 26.4f3 LL g e o 2 7 . S f 1 W e a 2 B . W e 2W o t + *ez Ena 44.A.e4Hrrz+45.€e1 €e3 15...8c816..gd2h5 17.a,t2e51 8.dxe5 29.o,elWe430.f3Wxe2+3 1.€xe2 EeB 46.€d 1 Ea2 a7. AgGEa5 48.9e4 H,cS 6xe5 19.fxe5Wxg520.4h3 Uxe5 2i. 32.&d26ts ag.Acz EeG34.€d3€f7 49.4h7 Exds 50.&c2Ec5+ 51.€d1 Ac3 Wc522.AxgT€xg7 23.We2Wc2 35.Ec7+6e7 36.Ea7 trdO37.6e3sG Ec3 52,AgGExd3+ 53.-Axd3€xd3 24.9b5 WcS25.Wxc5Exc5 26.Ead1 He7 27.8t2 s5 28.Efd2€96 29.4t2 3 8 . s 4* e O 3 9 . 8 c 7 E c 6 4 0 . 8 a 7 h 6 54.€e'1d5 55.*d1 d4 0-1 f5 30.h4f4 3 1.hxgSfxe332.EO6+*xgS 41.&d2f5a2.EaBAcA +3.trb8 Draw FrenchTarrasch 33.4h3+ €n+ g+.trs6Etz 35,8e1 Round Six DanielGay (1980,1.5) Ac8 36.Exe3Ec1+ 37.€h2 Ec2 38. Exe4+Ag4 39.Hexg4+1-0 NM Landon Brownell(2249,3.5) King's Indian Hungarian Portland,(hegonChanpionship(6) 2008 NM Radu Roua (2209,3.5) 1 . e 4e 6 2 . d 4d 5 3 . 6 d 2 c 5 4 . 6 9 f 3 a 6 Round Seven Michaef Morris (2044,1.5) 7.hb3 g"b6 5.exdS exdS 6.dxc5 Axc5 (6) Portland, Oregon Championship 2008 B . A e 26 t 0 g . o - o 6 c 6 1 0 . c 3o - o 1 1 . Dunst Opening 1.d4AfO 2.c4 gG3.4c3 Ag7 4.e4 d6 Ag5 Ee8 12.afd4 Wd6 13.gxf6Wxf6 (1940,2.0) Gunther Jacobi 5.9d3 e5 6.d5 a57.6ge2 AaG B.o-o 14.gf3ge615.Ee1Ae5 16.Wc2EacB (2209,4.5) NM Radu Roua 6c5 11 .4 c2c6 1 7 . E a d 'E o -O9 . 6 g 3Ao z t O .rr3 t c 4 1 B . A d 2E c 7 1 9 . 4 2 b 3 Portland, OregonChampiorship (7) 2008 12.f4gb6 13.*h2 cxd5 14.fxe5 EceT 20.He2 Ats zt.Waz hxtg+ zz. 1.6c3 eS2.6t3 Ac63.d4exd44.Axd4 gxf3Ah3 23.Exe7Wg6+ o-t 6tO S.9gS h6 6.gxf6 gxf6 EE @ lt gl,i I ar a I AA a AAg" tr9"9tr aocoe l AT AA B.+ af )d gn Kingk Indian Four Pswns RafeighFoster (1977,2.5) Gunther Jacobi (1940,1.5) Portland, Oregon C'hampionship(6) 2008 .1.e4 96 2.da $".973.4f3 dG 4.9e2 a6 5.c4c56.6 c3cxd47.6xd46c6 8.9e3 E t g'*-t_ r lrll gd7 1I.f4EcB 6 rog .o- oo- oio.W d2 6xd4 13.9xd4Ac6 14..€"f3 12.Eae1 axb517.b4We7 e5 15.4e3b5 16.cxb5 14...dxeS 15.exd56eB 16.hg e4 6xe4 20.We2Ee8 l B.fxe5dxeS 19..Q"csgd8 1 7 . 8 ) x e 4f 5 1 8 . c 5 W a 7 1 9 . c 6 b x c 6 BaB23.a4h5 l all A q_) t\ q) AAA tr AAAA g€3. E 21.6xb5Axb5 22.Wxb5 2 0 . 9 b 3€ h a z r . h s s A t o 2 2 . d 6& s 7 24.a5Wd725..0"e2 *"u,0 *"0 EebB26.gb6ge7 7 e3 a6;;, ;. ; ;; 23.Wd2E oa za.hxh7't425.a,xf8€xf 8 27.g'c4&n7 28.Wc5Arg zg.WtzAsz We711.o-O-OEs8 12.h3Es5 13.Wf3 26.We26xd6 27.4-e3Wc7 28.Ac5 3 0 . 4 c 5 W c 7 3 1 . a 0E x b 4 3 2 . A x b 4 Aot tq.eq9gTls.Enet €ta t0.Aog * 9 7 2 9 . A x d OW x d G3 0 . E a d 1W c 7 Wxc4 33.Wc5Wxa6 34.9xe5 694 W e 5 1 7 . W e 3E x 9 2 1 B . f 4 W h 51 9 . e 5 31.Wc4Hrggz.€nr Ats gg.AczEhg es.WoS -S.xe5 21.WeaWg62Z.WOa Waz+36.4c5Wc737.e5EaS fxeS20.fxeS 34.Axf5 gxfS35.WeOHdB 36.Wxf5 38.trxr Hxc539.Exc7Exd540.8b1 E e 8 2 3 . E t t . € . e 62 4 . H f f i E g 1 2 5 . tros sz.tro3gb6 38.b3WcS39.Efd1 Exes 41.h3AfO 42.Bbb7 Draw EoOI Hxtt 26.Exf1Ws227.He1Axb3 Wtz+o.aaE d441.Bxd4exd442.Wd7+ 0-1 €g6 a3.WxcO WOZ44.We4+1-0 Griideld Fianchetto FrenchClassical FM Nick Raptis(2305,3.5) Engli,sh)pening NM Corey Russell(2205,2.5) MichaelMorris (2044,1.5) Mike Janniro (2030,2.0) (6) Portland,OregonChampionship 2008 FM Nick Raptis(2305,4.5) NM JamesBricher (2244,3.0) 1 . d 4A f o 2 . a - t 3g 6 3 . s 3A g 7 a . A g 2 Portlqnd, Oregon Championship (7) 2008 Portland, OregonChanpionship (6) 2008 O-O5.O-Od56.c4c67.cxdS cxdS8.6e5 1.e4e6 2.d4 d53.Ac3 6tO +.99S Ae7 .1 .c4 e5 2.93 Ac6 3. Ag2 gGa.6c3 Ag7 1 0 . f 4 9 . 4 c 3 6 o a z E e B 1 1 . e 3b 6 5 . e 5 A f d T 6 . 9 x e 7 W x e T 7 . t 4 a 6 8 . e 6 5.8b1 a5 6.Atg d6 7.d3f5 B.a36to g. 12.94gb7 13.g5Ae4 14.hxe4dxe4 Atg cS Lgd2 6c6 10.dxc5Wxc5 11. .10.b4 O-O O-O axb4 11.axb4h6 12.b5 $.Q\sa O-O-O b512.6e2 b4 13.6ed4 hxd4 Ae713.Wb3Ae6 14.4d2trb815.4d5 16.e3hg6 17.f4Axd5 1B.cxd5exf4 95 .19.exf4 gxf4 20.b6 fxg3 21.hxg3694 22.4rchoes 23.4h46dz zq.oxcz WxcT25.s;t4 Ad++26.€h16oeszt. Axe5Axe52B.Axf5 Ag729.9b4Aes 3o.gh4Etos r .AeaEntgez.Ht+0,ga 3 3 . h x h 6 +Ax h 63 4.WxhO A xf4 35 . WgS+ Wg736.Wxg7+ €xg737.ExbT+ Egr eg.ExtT+ExfT39.gxf4Hxf440. +s. €sz *to 41.gf3 &es 42.&'t2&o+ 1.2 gE@ E r$. A TAT I ll A A AA A T AA A AA -e.g tr€ bcdelg Iuly 2008 14.Q)xd4a5 15.4b5 o-o 16.gxdT gxdT 17.€b1 a4 18.94f6 Draw Sicilian Closed NM James Bricher (2244,4.0) Raleigh Foster (1977,3.0) Portland, OregonChampionship(7) 2008 1.e4c52.D,c3 6c6 3.s3s6a.As2Ag7 5.d3e6 6.t46ge77.atg o-o 8.4e3 11.6e4fxeS 6O+g.O-O 6ec6 10.e5f6 Northwest Chess 'l2.fxe56xf3+ 1 3.gxf3 OOt +.AgSWcZ rs.Aro+ €ng Et- 'gr l rj Es lag lar 3.r nat1 r) -5- (l AAA trwtr€ aocoe A gn French Rubinstein English Opening Michael Janniro (2030,2.0) NM Landon Brownell (2249,4.5) FM Corey Russell (2205,3.5) Michael Janniro (2030,2.0) Portland, OregonChampionship(7) 2008 Portland, OregonChampionship(8) 2008 1.e4e6 2.d4d53.Adz dxe4 4.6xe4 $';e7 1.c4e52.o,caAf6 3.93d54.cxd56xd5 5 . 4 f 3 6 t 0 O . A x t 6 + A x f G 7 . c 3 O - o 5.4s2 Aoo O.6tg6c6 7.d3Ae7 B.o- 8 . 9 " d 3€ t o z g . A t + c 5 i o . o - o c x d 4 O O - O9 . 4 e 3A e 6 1 0 . a 3f 5 1 1 , b 4g f 6 1 1 . c x d946 1 2 . E . ch1o O t g . A c 7g d s 1 2 . 8 c 1A O + t g . A x d 4e x d 4 1 4 . 6 a 4 t +.Wc2Wn515.Axb6axb616.a3Ad7 6xa4 1S.WxaqBttt 6.Etet a6 17.Wc2 1 7 . 9 - eA 4 n S t B . H t e t E a d B 1 9 . W c 7W o z t 8 . 6 d 2 A o s t 9 . A x d 5 V x d s Ac6 20.Axc6bxc621.Wxc6trOSzz.rrg 20.Wc4EoA zt.Wxd5HxdS22.Hc4 Etoa zg.o4 g'xd4 24.6xd4 Exd4 € t a z g . E e c l c 6 2 4 . 8 1 c 29 6 2 5 . 8 c 5 25.Wxb6 Eog eO.a+Wss 27.€h1 trao+ E x c 5 2 6 . E x c 5 H o t z z . 6 b 3 € e 8 28.a5Wh4 2g.Woa+ €97 30.WeS+ €n6 28.Ec+€dB 29.6c5Ee7 30.€f1€c7 31.a6Eds 32.gb8Wxf233.8f1We2 3 1 . 4 m H O Zg Z . € e 1b 6 3 3 . € d 2E d s 34.Wf4+€gz 3s.Wxf7+€h6 36.Wt++ 34.E c2 Ae7 35.trca Af6 36.Ec2 .€.e7 H g 5 3 7 . t r t 2H . O t +3 8 . E x d 1W x d l + Draw 39.€h2wOZ+O.n+r -O 16.-0.e4Wxe5 17.hxh7Exrt+ 18.€xf1 €xh7 19.Wh5+€q8 20.9x96 Wxb2 21.H,e16es 22.$,'n2+€tB 23.€g1 Wo++ 24,9-enWs+ 25.8fi + &e7 26. Erz+ *oo z7.Wxg4hxg4 28.ge4 EbB 29.ExgT6xe3 30.E gB€c7 31.h4€.b7 32.Exb8€xb8 33.h5Axe4 34.dxe4 Round Eight hsa 35.€g2€c7 36.€h3af6 37.€h4 €oo ge.€ss €e7 39.€96 Axhs 40. €xh5 d5 41.€g5 d4 42.e5&fl &97 aa.gaaO45.€f4 b5 46.axb5axbs NM Radu Roua (2209,5.5) ffi 47.*|'3€s6+s.Sr+ €no+9.€s3€s5 50.€f3 b4 0-1 NM James Bricher (2244,4.0) Portland, OregonChampionship(8) 2008 1 . d 4d 5 2 . 4 f 3 c 6 3 . e 3 A t s + . c + e 6 5,9b3 WoO 0.cs Wxb3 7.axb39xb1 Sicilian Najdorf B , H x b 61 o z s . o +a O1 0 . 8 a 1o - o - o FM Corey Russell(2205,2.5) 11.g d 2h612.9d3f5 13.O-s5 O DanielGay (1980,1.5) (7) 2008 Portland,OregonChampionship @ E t/ E 1.e4c5 2.4f3 dO3.d4 cxd44.6xd4af6 l { 5.6c3 a66.-€.95 eO7.9d3 b58.a3AbdT I lll g ' o z t 0 . f 3A e 7 1 1 . h 4E c B 9.O-O-O l l A I 12.946c5 13.We3h6 14.3.xf69xf6 AA 15.f49xh4 16.€b1 Ae7 17.-€.92 ad7 6A 18.s5ab6 *O AE t l'g1' ra ll IA .t.r r AA .+- I AA A A a g 1 r EIaa F? E F? )rgh 19.96O-O20.gx7+ Hxn n. 6xe6 6c4 22.W93Was 23.6ds 6oz+ 24.&cj 9xd5 25.exd5AtO ZO.Exd2Axb2+ 27.&d1Ac3 28,9e4 Eca 29.Ws6 E x e 4 3 0 . W x e 4A x d 2 3 1 , E x h 6E e 7 gz.Wnz+*f7 33.Wxg7+ €e8 3+.Eng+ € o z s s . 6 c 5 + d x c s 3 6 . W g 4 +€ c 7 37.Wc8+€00 ga.Wc6+ .r-0 Northwest Chess a AAA EE abcdefgh 14.b5axbS15.Ea8+6Oa t 0.6e5 Ee8 17.94txg41B.Af7Ag7 19.6d6+ 1-0 King's Indian Fianchetto FM Nick Raptis (2305, 5.0) Daniel Gay (1980,1.5) Portland, OregonChampionship(8) 2008 1.d4af6 zaB g63.s3As7 a.As2d6 5 .h3a6 5 . O - O O -6O. c 4 6 b d 7 7 . 6 c 3 e B .1.b4 12.9e3 9.e4b5 10.cxb5 axbS1 c6 H e B 1 3 . W d 2A o z t 4 . E f d l e x d 4 15.-Q"xd4 6e5 16.Wc26xj'3+17.gxf3 We7 1B.Eacl6az l9.9xg7 €xg7 20.Wd26e52.l.Ae2EadS22.f4o,c4 23.gd4+ €gB 2a.Ax c4 bxc425.Wxc4 W e3+27.& g2cxd528.W0+ d526.exdS We629.f5Wxf530.Ee 1 HcB31.ExeB+ BxeB 32.8f1 We6 33.Oa4We4+ E xe435.a3Ee2+36.Ht2 d4+ 34.Wxe4 37,€f 1 Ee3 3B.Ac53"d539.a4.0.c4+ a 0 . & s 2 g o s + 4 1 . & h 2h 5 4 2 . € s 1 Hxg3+43.€f 1 Ac4+ 44.&e1 Exh3 4 5 . b 5E t r t + 4 6 . & d 2A x b s 4 7 . a x b ' trot +9.€d3 Exb5 49.€xd4Eb1 50.4e4E,a'l51.Se5Ha5+52.€d4f5 53.hss €s7 s+.8b2 €ho 55.4f3 h4 56.trb8s5 5z.EnB+€s7 sB.Hhs€f6 59.8h6+€s7 60.tr06f4 61.6es€nz ...Draw FrenchWinm,ver RaleighFoster(19772000,4.0) ModernDefense NM Landon Brownell(2249,5.5) MichaelMorris (2044,2.0) (8) 2008 GuntherJacobi(1940,2.0) Portland,Aegon Championship (8) 2008 1.e4eO2.d4d53.6c3Ab4 4.e5c55.a3 Portland,OregonChampionship -S.xc3+ 6.bxc3o,e77.Wg4O-O8.4f3 1.e4gO2.da 9'.973.6c3 d6 4.4e3 a6 Aoc0 9.9d3 f5 1O.exf6 Exf6 11.9h5 5.9d2ad76.O-O-Ob57.f469f68.e5 96 12.9h46tS tg.Axfs exfs 14.O-O Ag4 I.af3 hxe3 10.Wxe3 O-O11.h4 trrz ts.WgSWr6tO.At+ cxd417.cxd4b 4 1 2 . 6 e 46 0 0 r 3 . h 5A d s 1 4 . W d 2 h x d 4 1 8 . h x d 4W x d 41 9 . E a d 1W c 4 A g a 1 5 . 4 e 2c 6 1 6 . 9 3W a St z . € O t 2 0 . h 49 - o zz t . h 5 E f o 2 z . E t e 1E e B H a b B 1 8 . € a 1 W a 4 1 9 . h x g 6h x g 6 23.Exe8+AxeB24.Ee1Wc6 25.We3 20.htss troszt .b3Wa3 22.Axg4 Ea5 Atz ZO.WxaTDraw 23.c46c324.6xc3 trbB bxc325.Wh2 fuly 2008 1,3 26..e"e6Wo2+27.Wxb2cxb2+28.&xb2 20.&h26xti 21.6e4 Hxg2+22. WCL cont'dfrom page3 tue629.Axe6c5 30.6x97&xg7 31.d5 9xg2hg4+23.€gthxe324.fxe3 f5 In a two-game playoff match, Dan Ea4 32.a3Exc4 33.Ehe195 34.exd6 ZS.Et+WeZ26.o,cle527,E xfSexo4 Wade defeated Oliver Morris to win the exd635.fxg5Ega 36.trd3 E,xg537. 28.exd4We3+ 29.€nZWxd430.Eaf1 Fifth NE Seattle Invitational. Both scored €cg &n gg.Ee6 Exd539.Exd6Exd3+ Wxb231.81f2Waqez.6xbT €xb7 5.5-2.5 in the five-player event. The a0.Exffi €e6 41.€c4 Ec8 42.9aHgB 33 .E xb 5+ €a6 ouzHto gs. event was held in the players'homes. €.*xc5 Hxga44.Ed6+€e5 45.Exa6 Ete2ca36.Ebc2 Ud137.9h1Ed6 A report and crosstableforthe Idaho Eg3 a6.baEca+ 47.eb5 Sos +g.aa 38.gf3trto gg.As4gd4 ao.€g2 Open can be found in this issue. The top Ec8 49.a5Eog+so.Ebo 1-o E o o +t.EctE,os Dr aw three on the crossable,in order, Round Nine tiebreak were Dr. Peter Lapiken of Missoula, Viesturs Seglins and Jim McCormick, Sicilian Closed both from Seattle. All had scored 4-r. NM JamesBricher (2244,4.0) Eighteen players took part in the top secMichaelMorris (2044,3.0) tion. The thirteen-player B Section was Portland,(hegonChamp.(9) 2008 won bv George Rasor of Boise. French Tanasch Daniel Gay (19E0,2.0) Michael Janniro (2030,2.0) Portland, OregonChampiorxhip (9) 2008 '1.e4 c5 2.6c3 6c6 3.9396 a.Ag2 1.e4e6 2.d4d53.ad2ajt' 6taz .Q.97 5.d3d6 6.f4e6 7.4f3 6se7 8. No crosstable was given for the Golden Rose tournament held in the 5.9d3c56.c3hc67.agrcgb6B.o-o O - OO - O9 . € . e 3A a + t 0 . e 5 6 e f 5 Portland Oregon YMCA, but round by cxd4 9.cxd4 dxd4 10.6xd4 Wxd4 11.gt2dxe512.fxe5 Axf3+ 13.gxf3 round results were. Arthur Dake and gb4 11.4f3wn0 r 2.wa4 13.9c2h6 Axe5 14.Axc59o++ 15.Axd4Axd4 Olaf Ulvestadtied at 4.S-o.S.They drew 14.9.d2Wb6 15.Eac19.e716.Wa4a516.9f21517.4d56c6 18.he3g.d7 in round fotr. z4 players took part. 17.Ab5WdB 18.b4o-o19.ExcBExcS 19.4c4Wc7 20.Eae1b5 2'l.9xc6 !\:ashington's McNeil Island Peni2O.9xd7Hc7 21.9b5 Axb4 22.9xb4 A x c 6 2 2 . 4 e 5 A o s z S . E e 2E a c S visited by a group from the tentian'rvas axb423.Uxb4Hc224.a4Wc725.9d3 24.c49-a825.h4bxc426.dxc4EfdS gb6 Olynpia Chess Club; the inmates won tr€ 26.405 EcB 27.h3 28.We7 2 7 . & n 2E o 0 z g . o +E c d B 2 9 . E t e t r2.5-3.5. On the east side, prisoners E g c z 2 9 . W h 4E c 3 3 o . W e z E 3 c z E,o+gO.agEe4 31.Exe4Axe4 32. from Walla the Walla Penitentiary beat gt.WnaEcg Draw Wt+Wo6gg.Exe4fxe43+.Wrr+€na group from Richland ro.5-3.5. a 35.Wf6+ Draw ScotchGambit Charles Griffiths of Seattlewon the eleven-plaverOregonJunior with a perNM Landon Brownell(2249,6.0) FrenchSteinitz fect 5-o score. Griffiths was the current NM Radu Roua (2209,6.5) (9) 2008 GuntherJacobi(1940,2.0) WA Junior Champion. Six of the playPortland,OregonChampionship FM (2305, Nick Raptis 5.5) ers rrere from Seattle. Clark Harmon of 1.e4e5 2.4t3 6c6 3.d4exd44.4c4 (9) Portland, Oregon Portland was second at 4-r,losing to 2008 Champ. g . c s 5 . c 36 t o o . e s d 5 7 . 9 b 5 a e 4 .f 8.cxd4Ao++ L.Q.d2hxd2 1O.Abxd2 .6c3 d5 2.e4eO3.6t9 6t6 Griffiths in round three. A report was AOz t t.9xc6AxcG12.O-Oa513.Wc2 htoz s.o+c56.dxc5hc6 z.-Q.t+ Axcs rnade of the WA/OR Junior All Stars O-O14.Efe1Ee8 15.E,e3 Ea6 16.8c1 8.3.d3f6 9.exf6Mxf6 10.495 Wtz team trip to Idaho and California. The a417.a3Aas 18.Wts9.oz ts.Woss0 11.gh4 O-O12.O-Owhsr 3.g.g3a)f6 team was made up of Phil Moormann 20.b4axb321.6xb3 .e.n0zz.€tcs.e.fs 1 4 . 8 e 1A c z t s . a 3 a G 1 6 .W e 2E a e S and Buz Eddy of West Seattle, Chris 23.8b39xc5 24.Exc5 17.6e5 zs.tros 18.6xc6 troO Ac8 bxc619.6a4 Napjus and Jim Munro of Highline plus Exb526.Uxb5 Ac8 27.ffiEe628.Ec3 Aa7 20.h3e521.9xe5 h g422.hxg4 Bob Brown of Dundee, Oregon. They Eu0zg.Was Ae630.*h2 gd7 31.Ass Axg4 %.Wd2 HxtZ z+.Wn2 gx12+ played March zg-April 5 in Nampa, €g7 32.hxe6+Wxe633.Exc7EO2 25.&xt2 Exe5 26.6c3 Hxel 27. Boise,TWin Falls,Pocatello,and Rupert, 3a.Wc3E,xf235.Exb7gfs 36,Ws3 Exet Ats 28.Axa69xc2 29.9.'b7 all in Idaho. The California matches were in N. Holllu'ood, San Francisco, trozgz.trooExd438.Ef6Wea39.WsSWfi+ 0-1 h640.trxf7+ Draw and San Jose. W e s t S e a t t l eH S Semi-SlavBoninnik AttenSrrrirh rvon the r9g8 SeFM CoreyRussell(2205,4.0) ChessLessons attle High School Championship. RaleighFoster(1977,4.5) (9) 2008 Portland,OregonChampionship Ulvestad anUSCFA Phytn notated a couple 1.d4d5 2.4t3 hto 3.c+e6 4.6c3 c6 20,o6Puqo SoundChnnpion of postal chess 5.-€.95 dxc46.e4b5 7.e5h6 8.4h4 95 games. The top 9.hxg5 hxg5 10.3.x9S6OOZ11.exf6 player on the Wa512.9e2gnzt3.gf3o-o-o14. O-Ogh6 15.9"xh6 Exh616,We2Wc7 (2rrl zr0-r7rb . chnnreninv@ Er postal rating list comcnsr.N 17.h3Es8 18.€h1Wt+tg.WegWn+ wasCoubrough.r 1.4 Iuly 2008 Northwest Chess Gamesfrom the NationalOpen year's National Open in Las flhis Vegas attracted720 players,inI I cludingaboutthreedozenfrom the Northwest. The top scorer was Ata Moshiri, whose 5.5 points in the 154player U I 800 Sectionplacedhim in a tie for second-third.He accomplishedthis feat by defeating WCF TournamentCoordinatorDan Mathewsinthe final round ofthe six-roundevent. Otherswho finishedat 4.5 alongwith Mathews were Larry Hubbell (UI800) and Michael Hosford (U2000). Zachary Countryman and Fred Kleist scoredfour points in the 143-playerU2000 Section. FM Nick Raptis and Expert Joshua Sinanantopped out at 3.5 in the Open Section,while DerequeKelley (U2200), Richard Banner (U2000), Job Thykkuttathil (U1800), and Jacob Jensen (U1400) did the samein their respective sections. 6e5 10.b3 23.Wc2 O-O LO-O 6xf3+ 9.-€"xf3 2e 8 1 2 . 6 e 4A t A t g . c s a 5 1 1 . . 0 " bE E a 6 1 4 . E c 1g h 4 1 5 . A x e 5E x e 5 ' 1 6 . 8 I g3We7 17.9d4EaeO1B.Hc4 7 -r. -t f l l lgr r AI I A I I _i. ll I 5 I. IAAT A EA zl VA 6 I gtra g. trga A o AgA A A gFf\ 3 .+- abcde F? IE aoc € detgh 23...a,c424.4'f16xd2 25.Wxd2Wa2 0-1 9n 18.,.b519.cxb6 c5 20.hxc5Exc5 2'1. English Opening Exc5Wxc522.Wxc5Axc523.Ec1d6 NM Carl Haessler (2211) 24.b79xb7 25.9xb7 Exe3 26.€tt Ee5 27.8c4 *f8 2B.Ha4.Q.oozg.o+ Marcus Pelters (2039) Eos so.agaxb431.axb4Ets 32.f4h6 Las Vegas,National Open (2) 2008 33.4c6 s5 34.E,a6Ao+ ss.Ao7 Ef6 1.c4 e5 2.g36c6 3.AgZ htO +.e4Ac5 36.f5€e7 37.€.c8d5 38.b5trOOSg. 5.h3O-O6.4e2 EoA z.6oc3 a6 B.a3 Exb6 Axb6 a0.*e2 €t0 +t.g4 €e5 b5 Lb4 .e.o+tO.o0a5 1.l.hxd4Oxd4 4z&B f6 a3.Ae6&aq Draw 1 2 . O - Oa x b 41 3 . a x b 4 c 5 1 4 . b x c 5b 4 1 5 . Q ) eW 2 c 7 1 6 . A x d 4e x d 41 7 . 3 t 4 €p(16EOq6 1-0 Another resultof notewas Expert Gil Lapid Shafriri's draw with GM Gata Kamsky in a 2l-board simul. Kamsky gave up only two draws in the eventheld the day before the toumament. A G/10 QGD Exchange tournamentwas also held that day. NM Carl Haesslerand ExpertDerequeKelley NM Curt Collyer (2259) scoredfour out ofsix in that 1OO-playerRichard Roubal (1824) Las Vegas,National Open (l) 2008 event. 1.d4Af6 2.c4 e6 3.4c3 d5 4.cxd5 King's Indian Classical 6xd5 5.4f3 hxc3 6.bxc3bO7.e43.b7. GM Gata Kamslcy (2782) c6 9.4d3wc7 10.O-O ad7 Russell Miller (1686) 1 1 . 9 9 5h o 1 2 . 9 h 4A o 0 t 3 . e 5g f 8 Las Vegas,Kamsky simul 2008 14.4d2g5 15.493 h5 16.h49-e717. Sicilian Alapin SteveMerwin (2028) Gary Simms(2200) Las Vegas, National Open(2) 2008 1.e4c5 2.c3e53.4f3 hc6 4.9c4Wc7 5.o-o 6t0 0.Eet d6 7.h3Aez a.gog O-O9.d4cxd410.cxd4exd411.hxd4 6 x d 4 1 2 . W x d 4A e 6 1 3 . h c 3 a 6 1 4 . -€.e3b5 15.Eacl Woz tO.-€.05 hxgs h4 18.9f4 hxds O-O-O 19.4e4 t5 20. 1.d4 Af6 2.c4 gG 3.hc3 9-g74.e4 d6 gxf6 21.6c4htg 17.hxdS 18.Wxd5Wxd5 -€.xf6 zz.AIOO+ ExdG Axd5 19.exd5 s,aB O-O6.4e2As4 7.O-Oc5 B.dS qtooz9.4e3 Axf3 10.9xf36e5 't't. 23.exf61-0 Ato eo.ogb421.Ec6Acs zz.Eot trtoA Zg.Ao4-€.xd424.Hxd4aS25.t4 Ae2 WcB12,h3 a6 13.a4 hedT 14.a5 Benko Gambit Draw b6 15.axb6 6xb6 16.f4a5 17.Wc2e5 18.f5gd7 19.94a4 20.956e8 21.f6 JoseSilva (2201') 9xt6 22.gxf6Wxh3 23.trf3 9g++ Corbin Yu (2085) Sicilian Defense 24.&h2hxtO zs.Es1 1-0 Las Vegas, National Open(2) 2008 Elliott Liu (2318) 1 . d 4a f 6 2 . c 4c 5 3 . d 5b 5 4 . c x b 5a 6 JoshuaSinanan(2154) BudapestGambit 5.bxa6-€.xa6 6.6c3 d6 7.g3gG8.4g2 GMGata Kamsky (2782) Las Vegas, National Open(3) 2008 asz s.hteo-o 10.o-o hoozr Gil Lapid Shafriri (2118) Wo ot2.Eb1Em ar g.ngAe814.W c21.e4c5 2.4c3 hc6 3.Ans e6 4..Q.xc6 Los Vegos, Kamskysimul2008 6c7 15.hh2abs 16.6xb5Axbs 17. bxc6 5.d3 o,e76.t4 A96 7.4f3 Ae7 1O.We1 1.d4af6 2.c4e5 3.dxe5hg+ +.6tS .0.95h6 18.4e3Wa6t9.Etd1Wxa2 8.O-OO-O9.e5f6 Wc711..€.d2 A c S 5 . e 3h c 6 6 . h c 3 6 g x e S7 . 9 ' . e 2 20.We46e5 21.tr02Wag22.f4ts Aa6 12.b3fxeS13.fxe5EtS t+.g+ Northwest Chess July 2OOa 15 g lA E I gr3. 3. l l IA ih Sicilian Defense (2273) Aigner Michael Joshua Sinanan (2154) Las Vegas,National Open (5) 2008 I 1.e4c5 2.6c3 e6 3.69e2 6c6 a.693 AAA LL) A6 IJ O& 1 King's Indian Classical Joshua Sinanan (2154) A o o g . a +h 5 9 . d 3h 4 1 o . a f 1h 3 1 1 . 9 3 John Bryant(2371) a6 12.4c4b6 13.9e3gb7 Las Vegos,National Open (6) 2008 hto s.AnsWc76.0-0Ao+z.Eet el 2 A 31.gb3+€ng sz.6n4f5 33.9d1fxe4 34.9h5+€s8 35.hs6 Ee8 36.trd1 We637,c4Aoo gg.csAxc539,8c1 Axb640.8b1 0- 1 EE 1,4f3 ata z.cqg63,6c3 -S.97 4.e4d6 5 , d 4O - O6 . 9 e 2 e 5 7 . O - O6 c 6 8 . d 5 1 4 . . . E x f 31 5 . E x f 3A x e 5 1 6 . E , h 3 -Egr ll h e 7 9 . b 4A e 8 1 0 . c 5f 5 1 1 . h 9 5h 6 6xg4 17.o'e4We5 1B.Ac3Wfs 19. I I 12.6e6 Axe6 13.dxe6fxe4 14.9c4 3.rA Wez Etg 20.8g3 o,e5 21.8f1 gxr1+ ht6 ts.cxo6cxd616.9b3 d517.g'e2 I 22.Wffi Extt+ 23.€xf1 as6 24.9b2 W o o r 8 . b 5 W x e 61 9 . g . a 3E t o a e o . A g"AA g.c8 d5 25.4d2Ao0 20.E92e527.c4 AxeT WxeT21.Axd5E,xd522,8,ad1 AAg AI 28.8s5 &tZ ZS.6tS€f6 30.€e1 h6 € r r z z g . H x d s6 x d 5 2 4 . g x d 5 E d B AA A A 31.Es1 $.rs sz.€02 d4 33.6e1 at4 25.Wxe4Eo+ zo,Wc2e4 27.Hd1e3 34.Eg3 g5 35.692 h5 36.4ct h4 37. 2 8 . f 3h 5 2 9 . E x d 4A x d 4 3 0 . 9 3W b 4 lgh hxf4 exf438.891 f3 39.€e1 94 40. h432.&g2Wooss.Wffigd7 3i.gd1 41.8d1 Ag3+ 42.€s1 h3 14.Axd4cxd4 15.6b1 6xe4 .l6.dxe4 3 4 . s x h 4€ n O S S . w e +w O 6 3 6 . g . d 3 €te -€"xnz 0-1 Wxc4 17.6a3WcS 1B.Wd3Ec8 19. 3.n0 gz.t+a6 38.bxa6bxa639.€f3 a5 4 O . W e 5W x e 54 1 . f x e S& g 7 a 2 . 9 , e 2 Sicilian GrandPrix Attack 22.4t3 f6 23.c3d5 24.6cd2 dxe425. 9oA +9.€xe3Axh4 44.&e4Ae1 45. 6xe4 dxc326.Exc3Wot zt.Wc2O-O *d5 €f7 46.€d6 Ao++ 47.&d7 ss FM Alexandre Kretchetov(2400) 28.a5.0"b829.axb6Exc330.bxc3Wc6 48,3.hs+€f8 Draw r NM Curt Collyer (2259) Las Vegas, National Open(4) 2008 1.e4c5 2.6c3 6c6 3.f4eO4.af3 d5 5..€.b5o.ge76.exd5exd57.We2Wd6 LeanneHwa is the 2008WA Polgar 8.d4cxd49.6xd4 -€.Ozt O.Ae3O-O-O 11.o-o-o€oa t2.4]ffi Ae6 13.Axc6 Representative Axc6 14.Wf2q6 15.f5 1-0 o abcdelgh tr GrunfeldFianchetto Corbin Yu (2085) Elliott Liu (2318) Las Vegas, NationalOpen(1) 2008 1.4f3 ht0 s6 3.4s2 9-974.c4 O-O5.O-Od5 6.cxd5Axds 7.d4ab6 B . h c 36 c 6 9 . e 3E , e B1 0 . h 3e 5 1 1 . d 5 has 12.4d2 .€.ozt3.e4 c6 i4.Ab3 a , a c 4 1 5 . 6 c 5h o o t 0 . W o 3W c B 1 7 . 6 x d 7 6 x d 7 t B . A e 3 c 5 1 9 . E f c 1b 6 20.a4a6 21.&n2Wc7 22.g;'t1t5 23. exf5 gxfS24.t4e4 25.Wd1WOzZO. A e 2 b 5 2 7 . W d zH , a c B 28.H,s1b429. A o t h o 0 3 0 , 8 c 16 x a 4 3 . t . 9 4 € h 8 3 2 . gxf5 6xf5 33..€"qaWn S+.W926xe3 35.6xe3Wxf4+36,€h1 Ec7 37.9h5 Eoggs.ooEozsg.Ac4gh6 ao.a-sa 9-a+q.Ege.l Es7 42.Wxe+ EogS 43,d7Wnq+q.6d6 Exs4 45.6t7+ Sxg4 47.hxg4&xf7 €97 a6.Wxg4+ 48.He2trog ag.trt1+*96 50.Ee6+ €95 51.Ets+€xs4 52.Ht7 6xb2 53.EeBAt6 s+.trxt6ExdT55.EgB+ €ns so.Ets+ Draw l6 gtra€ by Xiaoli Wang Washirrgton'sPolgarQualifier tournamentfor girls was lteld on May 17 -18 at two Seattle-area public libraries.The four-round, G/90 Swissevent was organizedby WCF ScholasticCoordirtator David Hendricks. At the conclusionof the two-day conrpetition, 10-yearold chessllewcolncrarrddark-horsc LeanneHwa from StevensonElementaryin Bellcvueenrergedclear first at 3.5, finishing aheadof severalolder and nrore experiencedplayers. Shewill thus representWasltingtonStatcat the prestigious SusanPolgarNationalInvitatiortalfor Girls to be helcltltis sunrrner,Jrrly 27 through Atrgust 1,at TexasTech Lrniversiti'in Lubbock. Having learnedhow to play chessjustover one year a8o, Learurewas USCF-unratedprior to the 2008 National Elententary (K-6) Championshipa week earlier in PittslrtrrghPA,where shefirrishedsecond(6.517\in the K-6 Unratedsection.Shealso won the Girls Under 1 1 sectionof the SusanPolgarWorld Open for Girls with a perfect scoreof 5.0 at the recerrtlyconcludedLas VegasInternational ChessFestival. July 2OOA Northwest Cb,ess Fromthe IBMTypewriter 3011E. gth Street,Apt 15, of JAMESSCHROEDER, Vancouver WA 98661; phone(360)258-9401"Themosttrustednamein chess" MinimumOrder$20.00 | paythe postage THE MODERNCENTERATTACK lN THE RUYLOPEZ by Salome& Bickford19931.e4e5 2. 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PRICE$12.00 MODERNART OF ATTACKby Smithand Hall 1988Era of Tal,Fischer,KasparovPlasticCover170 pagescompletegames annotatedNO INDEX! PRrCE $12.00 per HOWTOWINQUICKLYAT CHESSbyJohnDonaldson Limpcoveronediagram copyright 199076shortgamesAlgebraic game PRICE $12.00 MASTERING of hundreds TACTICAL IDEASbyMinevcopyright 2000AlgebraicA magnificent book!234pagesSuperbselection PRrCE$15.00 of completegamesand combinationsExcellentorintingand diagrams TESTYOUROPENING, MIDDLEGAME PLAYVolTwobySmith& DeVault 1994.Solitaire ANDENDGAME copyright chess35 games,plasticcoverAlgebraic. PRICE$15.00 gamesAlgebraic positions HOWTOATTACK lN CHESSbyGaryLanecopyright 1996Somecomplete somecombinational limpcover PRICE$12.00 THEARTOFBISGUIER volumeonebyGMArthur Bisguier& Newton Berrycopyright2003 1945to GamesoftheGrandmaster 1960withnotesanddiagrams a numberof blackandwhitephotosPlastic coverAlgebraic NotesbyBisguier PRICE$22.00 THEARTOFBISGUIER volumetwobyGMArthurBisguier 2008Gamesof theGrandmaster 1961 & NewtonBerrycopyright to2003withnotesanddiagrams PRrCE NotesbyBisguier coverAlgebraic a fewblackandwhitephotosPlastic $30.00 Northwest Chess Iuly 2008 17 Vancouver: BC Mav 16-19 Gamesfrom the KeresMemorial g.f841.Exbs3 5 . . . W 9 53 6 . h 4W x h 43 7 . E x f 5g x f S M Georgi Orlov sharedfirst-second 39.Abo trog+o.q]os in the 33rd KeresMemorial with liM EcB 42.4d4 Ec6 38.Wa2.e.bs39.c4Wxd440.cxbscxbs Bindi Cheng,who had bestedOrlov in 41.9b3tros +z.Wss+ €f6 €.4f3 Wo+++.WoB round four; both scored5.5 points in the Wdo45.9h8+ €e7 46. 8 Wa1a647.6e5 a54B.Uc3b449.We3 seven-roundOpen Section. In the six7 9 c 5 5 0 . W 9 3W c 3 5 1 . E e 3W a t + 5 2 . round U2000 Section,Michael Hosford ll &nz a+ s3.Un++€eB 54.6c6 €d7 had 4.5 points,good for a portion of sectrAA A I 55.abg+€eB 56.AcO€d7 57,ab8+ ond-fourth. Seventy-nineplayersturned gA 4 * e B 5 8 . 8 s 3 W e S5 9 . € h 3 W n a O O . out for the event, including five from 9xb4 f4 61.Hc3WtOOZ.trc8+EdB Washingtonand two from Oregon. -ti I NB: Ratings are CFC, exceptthat USCFratingsareprovidedfor RickySelzler and CharlesCadman. Anglo-Benoni Kasparov Gambit IM Georgi Orlov (2563) NM Charles Cadman (2262) Vancotner,Keres Memorial (3) 2008 a* g€ 63.9b5+€tg o+.602+ 1-0 abcdefgh a3.€e3 6oA ++.4c4 Ea6 45.Hb6 ExbG46.cxb6Axd5 47.gxd5 gdo 48.€f3 g.e7 a9.€94 €h6 50.e5fxe5 51.Axe5AcS 52.4c7 9,e753.€f3 €97 Sa.AeS+€tg 55.f6-€.c556.4c7 €e8 57.€g+ &oz 58.*xg5 he6+ 59.-€.xe6+ €xe6 60.€g6 .€ A c S 6 2 . € q 7 A a 3 6 3 . f 8 = W9 x f 8 + 64.€xf8€d7 65.€fl €cB 66.€f6 €d7 67.€e5€c8 68.€d5€d7 69..A.f4 €cB Draw 1.d4af6 2.c4 c5 3.4f3 cxd44.6xd4 e 5 5 . 4 b 5 d 5 6 . c x d SA c 5 7 . e 3O - O g.6scg e4 9.a3 .€"tsto.€.e2 6ooz 1 1 . 9 4A 9 6 1 2 . h 4h G 1 3 . a d 2 W e 7 14.b4gd6 15.g.b2a5 16.bxa5 Exas 17.6c4 EaaS1B.abs 6e8 19.6cxd6 6xd6 20.9d4 fo 21.9b4 Ha6 22. TorreAttack hxd6 Hxd6 23.a4D,e524.9a3 EfdB FM Bindi Cheng(2360) 25.Wd4Woz z0.Axd6Wxd627.Hd1 IM Georgi Orlov (2563) E c 8 2 8 . a 5E c 2 2 9 . h 5A r r z S O . W O O VancouverKeresMemorial (4) 2008 g z . W x t 8 + W a 3 3 1 . W O BW + tg €xt8 33.d6€eB 34.-Q.bS+ €Og 35.O-OHcS 1.4f3 6ta z.oqe6 3.995 c5 4.c3h6 3 6 . t r b 16 x s 4 3 7 . H , f 1c E s s s 8 . € t t 5.Axf6 Wxf6 6.e4 6c6 7.4b5 cxd4 An++9.6c3 o-o 10.o-oAxc3 A t s g g . o z 6 n 2 + 4 0 . € e 1 H g 1 + 4 1 . B.cxd4 12.AxcG bxc613.H,e1 dxe4 € o z h t g + 4 2 . & e 2 H x c l 4 3 . E x c 1 1.1.bxc3d5 AxdT 44.Hd1he5 45.Ed4 f5 46.Eds 1 4 . 0 ' d 2t r o e t 5 . 6 x e 4 W t + r 6 . 6 c 5 W c 7 1 7 . E e 3E e 8 1 8 . W h 5H o g t g . 6c6 47.a6 1-0 King's Indion Gligoric IM Vicente Lee (2356) Ricky Selzler (2156) Vancouve4Keres Memorial (3) 2008 1.e4d6 2.d4 at' 3.6c3 c6 4.f4 WaS 5.3.d3e56.6ts As+ z.Ae3abdT 8.oO h5 9.9d2 9xr3 tO.gxf3Ae7 1.1.a3 e x f 41 2 . 9 x t 4h 4 1 3 . b 4W n S t + . € n t h t e t s . E a e l A 6 d 7 1 6 . b 59 5 1 7 . 4 e 3 hs6 1B.Ws26t+ tg..Q.xf4gxt4 20. bxc6bxc621.9h3 a6 22.e5dxe523. AtS EaZ 24.9xd7+ ExdT 25.Exe5 W g 6 2 6 . E t e t € o a 2 7 . d 5c x d s 2 8 . E x d 5 E x d 5 2 9 . 6 x d 5A o 0 3 O . A O O €c7 ra o t I i I A A v I E A A trgs Hos2o.gh4trts zr.Ae4Aa6 22.Wsa 23.9d1 2a.6c5 &97 Ac4 96 gn 25.Wa4Aos zO.trttWAzz.Wcz Ac+ go.6o7 28.Ee1Hoszg.a+trno Hb7 3 1 . 9 d 7 + € x b 6 3 2 . 8 b 1 + € c 5 3 3 . 3 1 . h c st r o ag z . 6 o 7t r d B3 3 . 6 e 5W a 7 +€ o s g a , E o t +€ e 6 3 5 . E e l + Aogg+.W02 9xa435.trf3 A e 5 3 6 . W x a 6 +* t 5 3 7 . 9 d 3 + € f 6 /El abcde 1.d4AfOzaB s63.c4g.s7a.hcaOO5.e4d66.4e2e57.4e36qa 8..Q.sS f69.9h4Aa6 10.o-ogs t t.e.g3An6 12.dxe5 dxe5'l3.Wxd8 ExdB14.Efd1 3.e6 15.a3c6 16.4d2 6tz '].tg gtg 1 8 . b 4E d c S 1 9 . c 56 c 7 2 o . A c 4E d 8 21.9'f2Exdl+ 22.Hxd1EOAzg.Ecr Hoz zq. Ae3 Ae7 25.€f2 €fB 26.ha5 adA Zz.gS&g7 28.faexf429.gxf4h6 30.f5As8 31.8b1&tg gz.aqa633.h4 €97 34.hxg5hxgs35.6c4 hrr SO.OS a x b S3 7 . a x b 5A x b 5 3 8 . 6 x b 5 c x b S l8 Pribyl Defense Tarek Toubale (2173) IM Georgi Orlov (2563) Vancower Keres Memorial (5) 2008 38.Wa6+€ts sg.9o3+ €fo 40.Wa6+ Draw rg I ll AE Ag g rr AAA EIH July 2OOa King's Indian Attack Reversed NMRadu Roua (2321) Ricky Selzler (2156) Vancormer.Keres Memorial (5) 2008 1.d4af6 2.4'f3g6 3.e3g.g74.9d3 d6 5.O-OO-O6.e4Ac6 7.c3 e5 8.dxe5 dxe59.a4Ans t O.o+At+ I l.Ac2 Wt6 1 2 . b 5H d B 1 3 . A f d 2A a 5 1 4 . W e 1 Northwest Chess t r d 6 2 0 . 9 e 2 E a d S 2 1 . 6 b 1 E x d l + €e7 20.b3ad2 zt.Ooz ts 22.Hhc1 22.Axd1 Wc1 0-1 h623.Eca troaz+.trrcz Aos2s.ar1 I' _tE * tr00 zo.6eg troz 27.94g6 28.gxfs I Catalan gxf529.4g2 e5 €tz 31.trd2 IM Georgi Orlov (2563) Ee8 32.Ec3 Ee6 33.6e3€t0 s+.trot h AI IM VicenteLee (2356) E e 8 3 5 . h 4€ e 6 3 6 . h 5' t 4 3 7 . 6 e c 4 A al VancowerKeresMemoriql (7) 2008 Axc4 3B.6xc4Eeb8 39.EOO+€ez A 1.AB afo 2.c4eG3.g3d5a.992 3.e7 4 0 . E x h 6E x b 3 4 1 . E x b 3E x b 3 4 2 . gA AAA 2 5.d4O-O6.4c3 dxc47.6e5 c5 8.dxcS Ea6 e4 43.h6e3+ 44.€92 trb8 45. gtr 1 EAg W x d l + 9 . 6 x d 1 A x c 5 1 0 . 6 x c 46 c 6 €ng trgA+6.ExaT€e6 47.Ea6+€e7 gn abcde 11.Axc6bxc612.9'e3An++ 13.9d2 48.h7Eh8 49.8h6af6 50.€h4ExhT 14....€.h3 15.4€ Axg2 16.Axf4.Q"xfl c5 14.a39xd2+ 15.hxd2Aa616.8c1 51.HxhT+6xh7 52.a4at6 53.a5€dB 17.€xf1Wxr+ta.6bd2 .e.h619.8d1 EtcB tz.rgHabS18.€f2€ta tg.Ecz 54.ab6ads1-0 ll r'.r gr Tacotrta Chess Titnes 22.&xd3Hos zg.a+H o+ z q.E,x b4 axb425.8b1trbB26.e4&azzz.Hos * c 7 2 B . S d 4E d B 2 9 . E x b 4d x e 4 + 30.€xe4Eoz gl.€ts Ex h4 Eg5+33.€xf6Exc534.Ex h7€bo bv Garv Dorfner he Daffodil Open was held at the club in April. There were 19 entries in all. The winnerswere: lstMike MacGregor$106; Group l-Paul Barffon, Howard Chen, Mark Saarenas, andAllen Smith $16 each;Group 2-Jeff Lowther $60, Group 3-Alexandra Botez $55. The Pierce County Championship was held at the club on five Friday nights in April. There were l8 players in all. The winners were: lst (P.C.Champion for 2008) Mike MacGregor& Nhon Do $22.50each(aplayoffmatchwill be held to determinewho getsthe title); ClassAAllen Smith $15; ClassB-LarryAnderson; Class C-Logan MacGregor;Class D-Josh Putnam;ClassE-Peter Marritt. ClassB, C, D, and E winners eachreceived a hophy. r0 lll l I ra th AggA AA g.g 35.f4 Ec4 36.f5 Hf4 . . . AA FE EETE cdersh 20.-€.e31 ??-Bartron. White noticed that Black's Queenis trapped,but overlooked Black'snextmove. 20..0.b5+!? &e7 21. 9xa6 and 20.Axa6!? are relatively simplewins. 20...8xc4 0-.1 W h i t e r e s i e n e db e c a u s eo f 2 1 . 9xd4?? Exct+I2.€f2 Hxhl 23.Axe5 dxeS24.Wxa6O-O. when Black's twb Rooks and Knight are strongerthan White's Queenand Pauland I provedrepeatedlyin the postmortem.But Paulmissed2l.O-O!! Althougha piecedown,White willwin either the Rook or the Queen. The PierceCounty Open was held at the club in May. There were l0 players in all. The winners were: lst-Group 1Paul Bartron and Howard Chen $36 each;Group 2-Iaun LeRoux $25. Sicilian Sozin FMPaul Bartron (2102) SlavExchange Jaun Le Roux (1723) StephenBuck (1738) Tircoma,Pierce CotmU Open 2008 NM MichaelMacGregor(2210) Tacoma,PierceCountyOpen2008 Annotationsby Drayton Harrison 1,e4 c5 2.4'fg d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.6xd4 1.c4c6 2.6c3 d53.cxdS cxds4.d4af6 6t0 s.hc3 aG6.4c4 e6 7.f3 b5 8.9b3 5.4f3 Aco o.At+ 9'ts z.ee9oo 6ooz 9.a3 6c5 10,9-a2-€.e711.b4t Wxb29.ha4 Wc2 10.Wxc29xc2 11. hcdT 12.4c6 Uc7 13.hxe7 Wxc3+ 6c5 e5'l2.bxeSAxc5 13.6xc6bxc6 1 4 . 9 d 2 9 c 7 1 5 . 6 x c 8 E x c B 1 6 . c 4 1 14.dxc5 €Oz tS.9eS Eneg 16.AxfG bxc4 17.Axca 900 18.We2Wo+ tg. s x f 6 . 1 7 . & d 2A s 6 1 8 . 9 d 3 E a b B Ec1 he5 1 9 . E a b l€ c 7 2 0 . E n c 1a 52 1 . f 3A x d 3 Northwest Chess And White eventuallvachievedthe following position. July 2OOa A & A€ I abcdefgh 1.h7 Hh2+ 2.€qG Hg2+ 3.€f7 Eh2 a.&97Es2+s.€fgEnzo.€saEs2+ 7.€hBEtzg.t6€ogg.trst c210.&g7 E g 2 + 1 1 . E x g 2c i = W 1 2 . h 8 = WW c 7 + 1 3 . f 7W e 5 + 1 4 . € g B W e 6 1 5 . W o z + €a4 16.Wa2+ 1_0 Thirteenplayerstook part in the TacomaCity Championshipon five Friday nights in June. The winners were: I stPaul Bartron $25; U2000-Drayton Harrison and Larry Anderson $ l0 each: U1400-8illRogers$20. The 45th Evergreen Empire Open was held at the club in June. Therewere l0 playersin all. The winnerswere: I st -Group l-Paul Bartron and Michael Wang $57 each; Group 2-Johnny Recinosand lan McPherson$10 each. TD for all of the above events: Gary t Dorfner. l9 Portland April19-20 Second Harmon Memorial by Niel Dale Northwest Organizer Grand Prix by Eric Holcomb n October26.2003.I\lorthwest Ches.s boardmembersdecidedto initiatean "OrganizerGrand Prix" to rer"'ardchesspromotersand organizerswho sign up a largenumberof WCF and OCF members.The rulesnere a little vague,so I adoptedthe following scoringsvstem: Memberships of morethan $10 (adult.full-yearjunior)countas a firll point T-lorry playersturnedout to partici- regardless of whetherit's a new menrbership or a renewal.Family,toumamentand pu,. in this tournament. including junior point. part-year memberships countas % H I l M J o h n D o n a l d s o n ,a f o r m e r Credit goesto the primaryclub or organizationsponsoringthe event(where PNW residentnow residingin SanFranprirnaryorganizer(s)/promoter(s) cisco. Whenthe dusthad settledfrom all applicable).but I alsoreportbelowthe nameof the greatdealof the credit. each who also a for club, deserve the upsets,OregonchampionNM Radu obtainedas paft of my job as ldo not take credit for memberships/renervals Roua finishedclearfirst with 4t/zpoints, drawing in the final round with Donald- businessmanager,althoughI report membershipsobtainedthrough PayPaland Thesearenot eligiblefbr awards. othersubscriptionservicesseparatelv. son. Now, let's mentionsomeof the upsets,startingwith round one in which Portland ChessClub member Nathan Porter manageda draw against John Donaldson.Other first round surprises includedGeorgePetersen defeatingSteve Buck and Mike Terrill's victory ovcr Larry Ball. In Round Three,Matt Dalthorp won over Bill Gagnonand Steve BreckenridgedefeatedFM Nick Raptis, but is this an upset? Ratingsof young, on-the-way-upplayersoftentrail theiractual playing strength.Resultsin the closing roundsreturnedto relativenormalcy. The resultsbelow are for calendarl'ear 2007 events.with bankingaccount depositsup to January10,2008. 'Ihe WashingtonChessFederation returnedto I st placein2007 (scoringI 19.0 points).followedby the 2006winner.the PortlandChessClub.with anotherstrong showingar 64.5points!The SeattleChessClub u'asthe 3rd placewinner(andthe 2nd placelocalclub)with 38.5points.All efforts.eventhosewith only a few memberships,aregreatlyappreciated. 'fhe acceptance of online membershippavmentswith PayPalwas againsuccessful;up to 73.5pointsin2007 versus44.0 pointsin 2006. NorthwestChesswill awardthe lbllouinu prizes:WashingtonChessFederaPortlandChessClub - one free$25 nrembership, tion - one fiee $25 membership, It is up to the individualclubs SeattleChessClub onefree$ l7 junior rnembership. managerrequeststhattheawards how to usethe membership awards.J'lrebusiness u,ith"carryovers." Trailing the winner, four players be usedin calendaryear2008to avoidthe confusionassociated you pavmentsto the To use include a note rvhen send membership an award, simply scoredfour points each: Donaldson, from amount remitted. business manager. and deduct the au'ard the Raptis,Breckenridge, andMike Monis. Ethan Peaketook the U2000 prize with Let'sdo an evenbetterjobthisyearthanlast! As you knou. ntanypeopledon't points. prizes gatheredby organizThe were split 3% U1700 reneworjoin until theyplay in a toumament,somemberships Brett three ways, with John Walton, ers at eventsare extremelyimportant. Becker, and Jeff Lehman each scoring Clubs, Organizations, Individuals threepoints. Top honorsin the U1400 119.0 WCF board WCF sectionwent to Bill Stites,alsowith three 64.5 Neil Dale & GrishaAlpernas PortlandCC points. Also, in regardsto properchessetiquette,one shouldnotifu the TD instead of forfeiting a game. Luckily that only happenedonce. The PortlandChessClub extendsits thanksto all who cameto play, andthanksto IM JohnDonaldsonfor donating his latestbook to the club library. The TD crew consistedof Mike Morris, Grisha Alpernas and Neil Dale. Let's hope for an even more successfultournamentnext year. 20 SeattleCC OCF TacomaCC GP PrizeFund Chessways SpokaneCC Carol & Fred Kleist OCF board,JerryRamey Gary Dorfrrer Harmon Memorial donors JerryRamey David Griffin & Kevin Korsmo RussellMiller 38.s 27.5 25.0 6.5 6.0 6.0 4.0 O t h e r s ( S u b s c r i p t i o n S e r v i c e s ,e t c ) PayPal EBSCO Iuly 2008 73.5 11.0 Northwest t Chess NORTHWEST CHESS (OCF) (WCF) FEDERATTON WASHTNGTON CHESS FEDERATTON & OREGON CHESS SUBSCRIPTION / RENEWALFORM / MEMBERSHIP APPLIGATION Adult: $25lyear(12 issues).Adult membersreceiveNorthwestChessvia periodicalsmail eachmonth. Residentsof OR and WA alsoreceivea l-year membershipin the OCF or WCF. Junior: $I7 lyear( l2 issues).Juniormembersalsoreceive NorthwestChesseachmonth.Must be under age20 at time of expiration.OR/WA residentsonly; statemembershipincluded. or for personsliving outsidethe OR/WA area. Subscriber: S25lyear(12 issues).For clubs/organizations Subscribersreceive Northwest Chess each month. Additional postagerequired for foreign addresses. Inquireaboutspecialratesfor librariesand schoolchessclubs. Scholastic:$10 (6 issues).Sameasjunior membership,exceptfor 6 monthsonly. Can be convertedto a regularjunior membershipby payingthe $7 balancebeforeexpiration. Family: $5/year(not a subscription - membership only). This classof membershipis open only to co-residentsof an Adult or Junior member. Expires at the same time. If .first member is a junior ($17/year),crdditional/'amilvmember(s)must also hejuniors. Name If Junior(s),pleasegive date(s)of binh E-Mail (recommended; usedfor annualrenewalnoticcsand occasionallyfcrrtoumamentannouncements) Phone Number (optional,will not be usedfor telernarketing)( __ ) Streetor P.O.Box City State_ Country(if not USA) Please e-mail for ctdditional postage amount Membershiptype(s) Zip Total MembershipAmount $ Taxjurisdiction:City or unincorporatedcounty o/o,Tax on membershipamount:$_, Total: $ Salestax rate: A tax rate table is uvailable on the Chessv'ebsite.Membershipsreceivedwithout the correct taxv'ill be validJbr only ll monthsinsteadof12 (5 monthsfor scholasticoption). Make check or money order for total amount(USA $ only) payableto NorthwestChessand mail to: Eric Holcomb,NW ChessBusinessManager 1 9 0 0N E 3 m S T S T E 1 0 6 - 3 6 1 B E N D , O R 9 7 7 0 I - 3 8 8 9U S A For generalinformation:Eric Holcomb(541) 647-1021, GrandPrix for Organizers/Promoters Individuals or chessclubs/organizationsinvolved in organizing chessevents or promoting chesscan receivecredit for new or renewingmembersthat they helpedsign up. Prizesfor this "grand prix" will be awardedeach year. To receive credit, pleaseuse this form and complete this section.Thank you for supportingNorthwestChess! ! \ame of organizer/promoter: Northwest Chess Date: July zOOa 2L SCCwelcomesback FM Bill Schiltl o t'! dpr:w'-" A-g)r p- FM Schillwill presenta freelectureentitledFour Kings:Kortchnoi, Karpov, Kasparov, and Kramnik before the first round of the Seafair, p.m.,August15. 6:30-7:45 Seattle Address ll} ,(O-tzsrz rsnueNp€ August 15-77or August t6-77 five-roundSwisswith a time control of.+olz A one-section, and SD/r (Two-dayschedule- Roundr,Gl6+). The prizefund of $16zois basedon 58 paid entries,6 per prizegroup. Infoline R 206-417-540s www.seattlechess.orq Address for Entries ,, .1,,,,Li'rr,r,r, %,r*,rirrl rlhird September13-14 $ eo u1600 u1400 [U18OO) IETO SE6O SESO RegistrationlSat. 9:15-9:45 a.m. R o u n d s :S a t . 1 O - 3 : 3 OS, u n .1 O - 3 : 3 O . Half-point byes: commit by registnation. Miscellaneous:USCF& WCF membershipsrequired. Couponsnedeemablewith localmenchantswill be available at this event.A Master will lecture on an educational topic for players rated 18OO or below startrng about 2:45 p.m.each day. Entry/lnfo: H.G.Pitre, 7OO Crockett Street #1O5, Seanle wA 981 09; 206-284-931 4; -$a..r- gas, the F artht The SCCis served by Metro bus noutes347 8.348. A bus departs every half-houreach eveningto Northgate. 22 $t3 5 $rE0 ul200 Unrated PlusScorePool $4 o :840 grd. $r40 URset ntst-ft Entry Fee:$32 in advance,$37 at site. Discounts.'$4member of any NW CCs;$4-arriving by bus, bike,foot, o n c a r p o o l$: 4 - j u n i o r o r s e n i o r . save $rr5 U2200 U2000 Ur800 Ur600 Ur400 A foun-round,two-section,Swisswith a time control otG/90 + 3O secondsper move.The prizefund of $660 is fullyguaranteedand prizeswill be increasedif more than 4O players.TD: H.G.Pitr"e.Limitedto 48 players. u2ooo $300 srd. $lg5 srd. $iGGON til The Green Open at the SCC Reserve First Second Third Sra,,r1 @',r etn,t riirst SCCTnmtDir 2 4 2 0S 1 3 7S t Seattle WA 98168 Open First tE14O tDl OO Second Third $AO Seafair $125 $120 $6 0 $l 5 $r0 $2r5 EnFy Fees: $4r if rec'dby B/r3, $5o at site. GMs, IMs, & WGMs-FREE. Unrated-Free with purchaseof r-yr USCF& r-yr WCF. SCC members-subtract $rr. Members of other dues-requiredCCsin BC, OR, and WA-subtract $5. Add $r to any EF for z-day schedule. Registration: Fri. 7-7t45p.m., Sat.9-9:4Sa.m. Rounds: Fri. 8, Sat.(ro @ Gl6q)-p:3o-6:45, Sun. rr-5. Byes: z (Sunday'rounds,commit at registration). Miscellaneous:USCF& WCF membershipreq'd. No smoking. No computers. FJAug10 SCCSundayTornadoE Format:4-SS.TC: G/64. EF: $17(+$5feefor nonSCC).Prizes:.lst35o/o,2nd27%, BottomHalf lst22oh, ($10from eachEF goesto prizefund). Reg: 2nd 16%o l0:30-ll:15 a.m. Rds: I l:30-1;50-4:10-6:30. Misc: USCF,WCF/OCFmemb.req'd,OSA.NS, NC. Iuly 2008 Northwest Chess Future Events l.- indicatesa ChristopherMemorial IYWGrand Prix event ftJuly 19-20 Puget Sound OpenF 5choIastf c 5u rr,rr)e,r Chess Site: TacomaCC, 409PuyallupAve E, Rm I I , 2ndfu (DTI Soccer Bldg). Format: 5-SS TC: G/120. EF: $30 in advance, $40 at site. Juniors:$20,$25. Economy(no Prizes):$12. UNR freew/ purch.I -yr.USCF+WCF.Prne fundz67%o of full-payEFs. Prizes: 25o/o,top 3rd l5oh,middle3rd l4o/o,bottom3rd l3oh(2 prz grpsif l0-3 or fewerthan9 full EFs).Reg:9-9:45a.m. Rds: 10-2:30-7, asar. Byes:Two %-ptbyesavail. Misc: USCF& OCFAMCF memb. req'd. OSA. NS. NC. Ent/Info: GaryDorftrer,8423E 'B' St, Chess4life TacomaWA 98445; 253-535 -2536, F EJuly 26, Aug23 PCC Game-in-60fu Site: Portland CC, 8205 SW 24th Ave, PortlandOR 97219. Format: 4-rd Swiss.TC: G/60. TD mayswitchto 5SSandG/45 if morethan25 entries.EF: S20,$5 discountfor PCCmembers. No advance entries.PrizeFund: $$200/b20.Prizes:$60-40-30, am. Byes:Onet/z-pt. UI800 35,U150035. Reg:9-9:30 byeavail. if requested at reg. Misc: USCF& OCF/WCFmembership req'd, OSA. Info:, 503-246-297 8, www. &Aug2 Ca mps for K-8 various sitesWA kids@chess4life. ElliottNeff 425-283-0549 luly 2l-25 .......SammamishWA BcllevueWA 2t-25 BellcvueWA July28-AugI , . . . . . . . . . . I. .a. c. o m aW A Aug 4-8 BellevueWA 4-8 BellerueWA Il-15 . . . . . .S . ammamishWA t8-22 -5 18-22 2t-28 BellevucWA 25-29 c;;c;p;;i;; ^i:l';J[J* PierceCounty ClassChampionshipsFb for ages6-19 various sites OR Site: TacomaCC,409 PuyallupAve E, Room ll, Znd flr (DTI Chess Odyssey SoccerBldg).Format: 6 sec.(M/X, A, B, C, D & Under),5-SS. 503-504-5756 TC: G/30. EF: $15,Jrs$10. PrizeFund:$$160(b/20,3/class). ......Bcaverton OR July 2l-25 Prizes:IvI/X$40,1 $30,B $30,C $30,D & Under$30. Reg: 9LakeOswegoOR Half-DayNovice....... July28-AugI ........ Portland OR Aug 4-8 9:45am.Rds: I 0-I I :30-I :30-34:30.Info/Ent:GaryDorfirer,8423 .....Beavcrton C)R 18-22 ggarychess E 'B'St, Tacoma WA98445,253-535-2536, Aug 9 WABlitz Championships Site: Crossroads Mall,l5600 NE EighthSt,BellevueWA 98008. ChessVision TFormat:2 sec.(Open,K-12),7r-SS.TC: G/5. EF: Open$25if Iuly 2l-25 rec'dby 7/12,930thereafter. K- I 2 $15. PrizeFund: 60%of EFs. Aug 4-8 Prizes: Openbasedon entries(includesu2l). K-12 tophies & Il-15 pm.Rds: lst rd 12:30.Misc: Open medals.Reg:noon-12:25 WCF memb.req'd. Rules:clockmove;illegalmove- add2 min (Openby7ll2); to opp. Info/Ent; 425-283-0549, Evergreen School Chess4lifeCenter,I 3555Bel-RedRd,Ste200,Bellevue WA98005. &Aug23 SummerLightninglu for ages5-18 various sites OR Portland ........ OR PortlandOR North WilsonvilleOR Shoreline WA 206-957-I 533 D. Larway Intermediate(ages7- I 3 ) Iuly2l-25 Advanced (ages8- I 5 ) July28-AugI A u gI l - 1 5 Siamese(ages6- I 5) (ages8-l 5) AuglS-22 Super-Advanced Site: Spokane ValleyLibrary, l2OO4E. Main, Spokane,WA 99206.Format:SingleorDoubleRR. TC: G/10.EF: $ll (can be paid at club or at site). UNR freew/purch.l-yr. USCF+WCF. Prize fund: 100%payout. Prizes:$100 (b/10),otherprizesb/ entries.Reg: l0-10:30a.m. Misc: USCFmemb.req'd. Coffee WGM ElenaDonaldson& IM GeorgiOrlov varioussitesWA & snacksprovided. Info: David Griffin, 509-928-3260,dbgrffir2W36345 | | chess6@comcastnet gradesK-6...... Ju,ly2l-25 ......BelleweWA &Aug 23-24 Tacoma Summer Open& 2t-25 July28-AugI Aug 4-8 4-8 Il_15 t8_22 25-29 gradesK-6...... gradesK-8...... gradesK-6...... grades K-6...... grades 8-12 grades K-6...... gradesK-8 .......... SeattleWA ......... Seattle WA .......... SeattleWA ......... Everett WA SeattleWA ..Woodinville WA BelleweWA ........... Site: TacomaCC, 409PuyallupAve E, Rm I 1, 2ndfu (DTI Soccer Bldg). Format: 5-SS TC: G/120. EF: $30 in advance, $40 at site. Juniors:$20,$25. Economy(no Prizes):$12. UNR freeW purch.l-yt USCF+WCF. Prizefund:67%o of full-payEFs.Prizes: 25oh,top 3rd l5%, middle3rd l4Yo,bottom3rd l3Yo(2 prz grpsif fewerthan9 full EFs). Reg:9-9:45a.m. Rds: 10-2:30-7, l0-3 or Sammamish WA rs r,r. Byes:Two Yz-ptbyesavail. Misc: USCF& OCFAilCFmemb. David Hendricks req'd. OSA. NS. NC. Ent/Info: GaryDorftrer,8423E 'B' St, I davidchendrick@comcastnet 425-868-388 gradesl-3 July28-AugI TacomaWA 98445; 253-535-2536, Northwest Chess Iuly 2008 23 OpenEvents July 2008 TacomaWA wu" .............. RentonWA www.tacomachessclub, Tacoma WA Bend OR Bend OR 5414824392541-342-5406mel.c.mann@, EugeneOR . Portland OR H. Greninger 360-533-1900fax WA SCC Infoline ... SeattleWA Bend OR August 2008 1,8,15,22 TCCSumrnerChampionship TacomaWA 2 PCCSaturdayQuads 503-246-29TSportlandchessclub@gmail.comu" ........PortlandOR 2-10 U.S.Open DallasTX PierceCty ClassChampionships Tacoma WA ln2 2-4 RodPlanasMemorial GrantRicc250-979-0009 .........KelownaBC 5 PCCTuesdayQuadsbegin ........PortlandOR 9 WA BlitzChampionships .............. BellevueWA SCCSundayTornado NEw DATE SeattleWA []10 IJ Simultaneous Exhibition SeattleWA SCC Infoline 206-4l7-5405 Rrl5-17 SeafairOpen ... SeattleWA Fr23 8 PCC Game-in-60 503-246-2978portlandchessclub@gnrail.comww* . Portland OR Summer Lightning David Griffi n 509-928-J260 It)23 dbgriffi .. SpokaneWA lh23-24 TacomaSummerOpen Tacoma WA 'lacomaWA 30 JavaFusionOpen I Oregon Open ft30-Sep ......,....... GreshamOR September2008 5 . 1 2 . 1 9 S C C C h a m p i o n s h i p ( R dl -s3 ) SCCf nfolinc \\vw. ............ ScaftleWA 'l'acoma 5.12.19 TCCFallQuads WA 6 PCC SaturdayQuads ........PortlandOR 'lacomaFall Open W6-'l TacomaWA 9 PCC SaturdayQuads 503-246-29TSportlandchessclub'@gmai[ PortlandOR l3 BlindfoldEx.lribilion mark.ryan@translation.netrw' SeattleWA SCCSundayl'ornado SCCInfoline206-4l7-5405 fti21 ............ SeattleWA ............ lE26-28 SeartleFallOpen Seattle WA ft:27 I PCC Game-in-60 503-246-29TSportlandchessclubt?) PoAlandOR DavidGrillin li27 -28 EastemWashingtonOpen .....SpokaneWA 30 PCC Championship(Rd I ) ........PortlandOR 18,25 Firecracker Swiss(Rds2-3) 19 EcuadorFundraiser Fr19-20PugetSoundOpen 20 COCCSummerSizzlerG/90 22 COCCGl20 Swiss(Rd3) 23 CampbellCenteropen W26 8 PCC Came-in-60 26 WA vs.OR Match 27 SCCNovice 27 COCCGIZ' NOTE:A'Ftr'infrontofthedateindicatesaHarmonMemorial NorthwestGPeventABinfrontoftbetournamentnameindicatesanOsCFquali$ing tournamenLBoldfacetype indicatesa tournam€ntannouncement (in our Future EventsSection)or displayad in this issue. ScholasticEvents For Summer Camp information seepage 23 l9 EcuadorFundraiser 21 Elena's BlitzIll l3 TCCWed.KidsNight l7 Elena'sBlitzlV July 2008, www.chcssplayercom ............ August2008 Gary253-535-2536 ............ WA .......Renton ...KirklandWA .. Tacoma WA ....KirklandWA USCFNATIONAL Scholastics For informationon any nationalevent,visit July25-28 US JuniorOpen LindsborgKS Nov.7-9 NationalYouthAction BrownsvilleTX Dec.12-14 NationalK-12/Collegiate KissimmeeFL Championship A 8 in front ofthe tournament nameindicatesan OSCF qualifying tournament Boldfacetype indicatesa tournament announcement(in our Future Events Section)or display ad in this issue.