OUTSIDE ENVIRONMENT Outside Classroom Policy Policy

Outside Classroom Policy
Policy statement
Our Pre-school want staff and children to enjoy our outside classroom as
safely and comfortably as possible. We have created an outdoor area
which is stimulating, exciting and used throughout the year as a play and
learning environment.
EYFS key themes and commitments

· use the outdoor environment as a context and a natural resource for
· include the outdoor area when planning for learning
· enable children to access the outdoor area on a daily basis
· ensure that the outdoor area offers children the opportunity to investigate
and explore, problem solve, use their imagination and creativity
· ensure the outdoors offers children opportunities to develop their gross
motor skills
· ensure that children enjoy energetic activity outdoors and the feeling of
well being that it brings
· observe and assess and record the learning that happens in the outdoor
· help children to care for the outside environment
· enable children to work on their own and with others
· enable children to develop an appreciation of natural beauty and a sense
of wonder about the world
· respect the outdoor environment and to care for living things
· enable children to manage and use the space and freedom afforded by
the outdoor area
· give children the opportunity to relax, enjoy and have fun outdoors
· to use tools safely and effectively
How this has been achieved?
The staff:
· facilitate access to the outdoor area on a daily basis through discussion
and planning meetings, and mutual agreement
· organise and provide necessary resources as appropriate, e.g. tools, rain
coats and umbrellas.
· encourage children to use a variety of natural and other resources
· ensure that all staff and parents recognise what the ‘outdoor classroom’ is
as key to the delivery of the Foundation Stage Curriculum as books and
Monitoring and Evaluation
This includes:
· staff observations, discussions and feedback from children and parents
· discussions and reviewing the validity of the policy to ensure it is meeting
the needs of the children
This policy was adopted at a meeting of St. Thomas’ Pre-school
Held on 25th September 2013
Signed on behalf of the pre-school
A Unique Child
Positive Relationships
Learning and
1.1 Child
1.3 Keeping Safe
2.1 Respecting each
2.3 Supporting
3.3 Learning
4.1 Play and
4.3 Creativity and
critical thinking