
The P & C meets on the second Wednesday of each month
Yvette Ellis
Phone: 5451 3222
Vice president:
Fax: 5451 3200
Fiona Tognolini Treasurer: Mel Fraser
P & C: 5451 3229
OSHC: 5442 1023
Secretary: Jayde Maddern
School Watch: 131 788
Volume 2 – Issue 4– 4 June 2015
To the truly awesome Fair Committee, WSS students, Mums, Dads, Grandmas, Granddads, extended
families, ex-students, ex-staff, staff, staff's families, invited guests and participants, sponsors, local
businesses and visitors to our Fair - thank you!
This most incredible of evenings (which was 6 months long in the making for some of us), could not have
occurred without your brains, love, support and sheer hard work.
We hope that each of you had a terrific evening. As a new committee, we had our training wheels on and
we had hoped and planned to host an evening that was designed as an affordable, fun night. We think we
achieved that - we hope we achieved that!
Please note any feedback to make next year even more wonderful - we will be asking and only improving
on the fantastic formula we created. Our Old Fashioned Fair theme seems to have been a winner. We will
be asking you directly for feedback in the next newsletter - so note all of your suggestions for an even
better Fair next year - we welcome your input.
This was not a P&C event - it was a WSS event. And we are truly grateful to every effort, small, big and
the Herculean, that contributed to Friday night’s general success.
How proud are we of our WSS community? I know I am.
We have yet to collate facts and figures from the Fair but we will share some details with you in our next
Again we thanks our major sponsors, Bendigo Bank for the spectacular fireworks show and Riddell’s Real
Estate for our terrific animal farm sponsorship. Both of these extremely popular events were bought to you
by the generosity of these friends of Woombye school - please consider supporting or recommending
them with your banking and real estate needs.
Fair Winners:
**Home Baking Stall**
We had two lovely ladies from the CWA attend our Home Baking stall and below are the winners they chose
from each category. Baking prizes will be available for pick-up from the school office after Wednesday 3rd
Thanks must be extended to the parents/grandparents that ‘helped’ the kids with their baking entries.
No bake treats - Luke de Prinse (2A)
Jam – Ezekiel Matthews (3C)
Cake – Enzo Willert (1B)
Muffins/cupcakes – Cooper de Prinse (Prep B)
Biscuits – Eden Coombes (1B)
Savoury treats – Matthew Barrett (6B)
Specialty (gluten free, dairy free etc.) – Enzo Willert (1B)
Slice – Bryn Rowland (4C)
Chutney – Vincent Matthews (Prep A)
Highly Commended award - Kearah & McKliegh Marsh (4/5 & 2C)
**Best Dressed Stall**
This was a unanimous vote for….. 3C’s “Ye Olde Lolly Store”. This class will be enjoying various discount
vouchers to Caloundra Rollerdrome and Top Shots – enjoy kids & thanks for an amazing effort!
Raffle winners:
The major prize winner of the Raffle - $1300+ Woombye Shopping spree is: Barb Neucom –who is excited at
becoming a Woombye shopper! All secondary prize winners have been contacted. Please remember these
wonderful businesses who contributed to the great success of our raffle:
Woombye Bakery & Café , Woombye Butchers , Posture Positive , Riddell’s Real Estate , Kustom Paints,
Coulson Photography, Woombye Bowls Club, Woombye Barbers, Woombye Pharmacy, Woombye
Newsagency, Kimnat Café, Woombye Pool shop, Worms Down Under, Hairdresser-Cut that out, Woombye
IGA, 4CP printing, Queensland Zoo, Auto Electrics Qld. and the Big Pineapple Musical festival.
Prize for most raffle tickets sold is the Shaw family who earned themselves a family pass to Sunshine Coast
Agricultural Show. Well deserved!
Coffee Hamper donated by On the Go Espresso was won by Garry from Riddells – another deserving winner!
Thank yous:
So many folk to thank for their contribution to our Fair. So we shall do them some at a time. You may not know
who the Fair Committee is/was, so we will share the amazing core group of people who made this event happen.
Sam Bauer: Raffle and Facebook Queen.
Deb Griffith: Photo Booth, Ride coordinator, Lighting Queen.
Tina Matthews: Chutney Queen.
Mel Fraser: Armbands/Raffle $ and Dessert Queen
Vicki Hassard: Froufrou coordinator
Grandma Ellis: Sewing and knitting Queen
Lauren Springall: creator of amazing entertainment schedule
Elissa Rosenberg & Lucinda Tutt: Creators of amazing posters and invaluable advertising.
Fiona Tognolini: Everywhere woman on Fair night and beyond.
Amanda Dwyer: Terrarium creator, uniform shop sorter-outer and general glue of the Fair.
Karen Rollason: Sponsorship Queen
Tyneka Kello: photography and dessert assistant extraordinaire
Lek Hoffman: Queen of spring rolls and fried rice.
Miss Joan: Queen of the beautiful tuckshop menu.
Ann Willersdorf-Burns: Queen of the Bar
Special mention also goes to Sandy Bettin, Tony Mathews, Andrew Nichols, Jamie Hassard, Ben Grey, Mrs
Gaines, Sam Willert, Ginny Hamilton, Karla Ostrofski, Corey Rollason, Dan Griffiths, Dave Ross, Dave McCallum,
Brett Ridley, Jeanie Oayne, Molly Stewart, Russell & Cindy Kropp, Rebekah- Prep Mum , Smiling guy with a son
in Grade 5 and Jackie Shaw. If I have forgotten anyone, I apologise; you folk were the backbone of the evening
and without your superhuman efforts, this event would not have been the success that it was. Thanks is not
enough – but we offer it whole heartedly to you all.
A big shout out goes out to Mr McGlusky for his tireless energy in setup and pack up, Miss Helen and Heather for
their ongoing support and assistance and Mr Lowik too. Our Old Fashioned celebrations occurred due to the hard
work and incredible efforts from Mr Bond, Mel Muller, Mr Kerr, Jodie Hepplewhite and Mr Dawson.
Please take the time to thank any and all of these incredible volunteers who sacrificed a lot to create an event
that many could enjoy. Next year we hope, if you enjoyed this Fair, you will participate on the night to make Fair
magic happen. We wish we had fairies to do it – but it was built on the back of many amazing WSS community
members efforts, who could see the vision of this Fair. To make it happen again (some schools only two years),
we will need commitment from school families long before the night! So if you like what you saw, consider how
you can help next time.
To the teachers and the parents that volunteered on the night – we thank you immensely. This
event literally cannot occur without people hosting the stalls. And to the folk that donated all of the
items we sold, we appreciate your efforts too.
The Eudlo Car and Motorcycle Show is Saturday 13 June. This is
the main fundraiser for Eudlo Primary School. Public entry is
between 9am-2pm for a gold coin. This is a family fun event
(minus the four legged member) with both cars and bikes on
show. There is a kids zone with cheap and free fun
to keep the kids entertained, including a jumping castle, face
painting, tattoos, henna, free craft activities, paper plane
competition and ball games. While the kids are having fun, you
can enjoy live music from The Back Alley Cats. Food, drinks and
a bar are all available. If you have a car or motorcycle you would
like to show on the day, you can register your details at we’re also on Facebook
Holiday CLUB ☺
Second Week School Holidays 9 –12 each day 6-10th July
at New Life Church, 2 Mackenzie Rd, WOOMBYE
Team Activities, Craft, Drama, Games, Food, Fun, Fun, Fun !!!
All Woombye students from Year 1 to 7 invited ☺
Cost $5 per child or $10 per family per day.
For Information and Bookings call Anne Wells (Chappy) at school or 0431 293156
WSS Bendigo banking started this Tuesday. Bendigo are calling families that have registered - if you were
missed, please pop into the branch and collect your starter kit.
If you want to start a school banking account - go into the bank and open one today (with your child's birth
certificate). Woombye Bendigo Bank is open Monday - Friday 9:00-5:00pm.
Send banking as normal on a Tuesday and you will receive it back on Thursday.
Uniform shop:
No hats on the horizon. We will let you know when they are in - but I think you will easily tell as they will stand
out in the school yard. In the meantime you are permitted to wear any broad brimmed hat but not a cap. Once
the new order is here, we prefer not to see the personal coloured ones in the playgrounds. Do mark your
child's hat and other belongings. There are a lot of random black sweaters, hats and lunch boxes all around
the school.
WSS jumpers $22.00 each for these chilly, winter mornings.
As of next week we will have hot chocolates available in the tuckshop before first bell only on Tuckshop days $1 each. New winter menu starts next week. See attached menu - it will also be posted on Facebook and the
WSS website.
After School Care:
Big thank you to PCYC- After School Care for providing us with the use of their bus at the Fair - a big hit; as
well as the fantastic bunting decorating the school fence and the handmade craft made by WSS kids and
donated to the craft table.
Road safety:
Traffic tips- Fair day saw the establishment of new signage at the 30 second 'kiss and
drop' zone in front of Cobbs Cottage. Please be aware that you can and will be ticketed
for disobeying the traffic rules in this area. The local police, at the request of our
community, have been invited as a frequent presence to our school (especially
regarding school road safety).
Help needed:
Is anyone driving past Browns Plains/ Greenbank in the next few days - we need our AWOL milk can returned
to the rides people. If anyone can help with this- please do. Otherwise we have to courier it, which will cost us
significantly. Please contact ASAP if you can help with this.
Fair treasures - please save any jar fabric toppers and glass jars. We are happy to use them for next year.
Bring along to the uniform shop anytime. Fair planning for 2016 we all know what we can collect
for the stalls- we can start a Fair donation box at home and start building stocks as we go.