Item 13 - The Harold Weisberg Archive

10 Years Alter President Was Assassinated . .
Experts Demand Release of Secret
Kennedy Evidence to End Mysteries
alrO1313ILLyearsRIfter the murder of About JFK Murder
John F. Kennedy, many experts are that alter all these years, the key
still convinced the assassination was figures in the assassination still don't
a cocopirecy. Now, to clear up the accept the single-gatemen theory. Sen.
Richard Russell, a Warren Commismystery once and for all, they are don member, wasn't convinced. Lyndemanding the release of evidence don Johnson wasn't convinced, Texas
kept secret by the Kennedy family. Coe. John Connally wasn't convinced
Cyril Wecht. coroner of Allegheny — and I'm not ceevinced "
County, Pa., whe has spent 10 years In an article published this year,
studying the Kennedy assassination, Atlantic Magazine quoted the late
told The ENQUIRER:
President Johnson as spying,
"Fro certain that even after 10 believed that Oswald acted alone, although
years, scientific examination of this
evidence would establish certain facts the trigger."
In 1966, Life Magazine quoted Gov. HISTORIC PICTURE: Photo mode by woman watching Dallas motor— the main one being that the fatal
shot was not fired by Lee Harvey Connally, who was wounded in the cade shows President Jahn P. Kennedy stumping into arms of wife imOswald from the sixth floor of the attack on Kennedy, as saying, "They mediately after he was that on Nov. 22, 1963.
talk about the one-bullet or two-bullet
Texas Book Depositary."
Wily explained. In fact, I'm totally
The evidence In question Is in a top theory. but as far as I'm concerned they have on the assassination."
secret tile that the Kennedys turned there is no theory. There to my abeo- Harold Weisberg. former Senate in- convinced that a great deal of inforover to the National Archives In Wash- lute knowledge that one bullet caused vestigator and author of "Whitewash," mation — e substantial part of the
ington, shortly after the President's Brat wound. end that a book on the Kennedy assassination, truth — was deliberately withheld."
And In Washington. D.C.. Marion
President Kennedy an entirely separate shot struck me." told The ENQUIRER:
la a Dallas bank where he is how "I'm satisfied there was a con- Johnson, keeper of the Presidential
was slain in Dallas
are lust toe many loose Archives, told The ENQUIRER:
An archivist now In chief of security, former Dallas Po- "piney. Th
ends that weren't tied up by the War. "We have the autopsy photos, X-rays
charge of the Ken- lice Chief Jesse Curry said:
nedy the said It con- "I was never convinced that Oswald ren Commission — the number of bul- and clothing of the late President
tains autopsy photo. acted alone. I'm not positive that lets ered, questions about Oswald's Kennedy. They were given to us by
past and his associates, the secrecy the Kennedy family. but under the
graphs and X-rays Mere was not another gunmen.
and the clothing Ken- "The thing that bugs me the most surrounding the autopsy and many agreement, these items are not availnever satisfec- able for the public to see."
other things that
, rredy was wearing
2 . the day he died.
Here is your chance to test
But many legal
your movie IQ and find out
"Final ,o
no, frroo
and medical experts
how well you remember me,believe the file also
lee and the people who earcontains microscopic ned in or seeds them. Below are 25 questions from "Movie IQ Test,"
slides taken during compiled by Arlene .1. Marks, to test your knowledge. Answer all of
the autopsy, import- them, selecting A, B, C or D, and see how you rate as omovie expert.
ant ballistics reports
which were never re- You'll find more movie IQ tests in future issues of The ENQUIRER, Anleased to the Warren swers to this week's questions are on page 4-6.
Commission and the L Gene Heckman played Warren Beek the Dawn."
brain of the late Beatty's brother in So) "McCabe & le The Oscar-winning musical in
President which they Mrs. Miller.' itti "Bonnie h Clyde." which Gene Kelly danced to "I Got
, say was removed (el "Only Game in Town."
Rhythm" was: tab "An American In REMEMBER? W.C. Fields (left)
during dm autopsy 2. Three boxing pictures produced Paris.' (let 'Anchors Aweigh." (e) played a town d unk and Tyrone
orterto Pelee and preserved.
Power portrayed a bullfighter_
"On the Town." Id) "Cover Girl."
during the late '40e were
"I'm net asking up," "Champion" and: la) "Golden B. '"The Magnificent Seven" (19901 Can you name the rem movies?
that these things be Boy." (bi "Requiem for a Heavy- was based on a Japanese epic called: bbl Alexander Knox. {ci Charlton Fleeplaced on public display," Wecht said. weight." fel "Body end SouL"
fa) "The Magnificent Obsession." (b)
"The Seventh Seal." (c) "The Seven ton.
"Only that they be made available to
3. The middle-aged schoolmaster in Samurai."
le. The popular tunes. "Let Yourforensic. and pathology experts who "The
Blue Angel" 119301 was played
can establish once end for all exactly by: 191 Emil Jennings. (b) Warner 10. The Western "Bed Day at Black self Co" and "Let's Face the Music
Rock" (1955) starred: (e) John Wayne. and Dance" came from: tat "Faihow John F. Kennedy was shot."
the Fleet."
lit "The Gay DIDavid Belie. a former Warren Com- Baxter. (ci Ronald Colman. tdl Gilbert th) Alan Ladd. Itt Spencer Tracy. 'di lbw
mission counsel. told The ENQUIRER: Roland.
Gregory Peck.
h 11. W.C. Fields plays a town drunk 19. Ralph Richardson goes blind and
"By their stubborn refusal to allow 4. Tyrone Power played a S
this evidence to be examined, the bullfighter in: let The Bullfighter who gets a decent Sob in: fa) "Bank finds himself alone in the desert with
and the Lady." ib) "Blood and Send." Holiday." (hi "The Bank Dick." (al vultures in: (al Gunga Din." (b) "Oh,
Keanedys are giving a widespread
What a Lovely War" tc) "The Four
"My Little Chickadee."
pression that Mere is something to (c) "The Black Rose."
,-- Feathers."
hide. I have written to the Kennedy 5. The high school English teacher 12. Ingrid Berg20. Barbra StreisFamily and asked Mal lids evidence in "Blackboard Jungle" was played man's famous reand sang "Don't
be made avalLable for examination" by: fa) James Stewart. lb) Glenn quest. "Play It
Again, Sans." came
Rain on My Parade"
Bernard Fenstereakl. a Washington Ford. fel Sandy Dennis.
in the flint musical:
lawyer who heads the privately funded 6. Humphrey Bogart won an Acad- from: fa) '''l'o Have
fat "On a Clear
Committee to Investigate Assasdna- emy Award for his portrayal of Charlie and Have Not." lb)
lions. said "There's a mountain of Allnut In 1951 for the movie: (a) "The "Of Human BondDay." Iii "Funny
Girl_" lcl "Hello,
evidence to show that the Warren Caine Mutiny." (lei "The African age." (e) -Notorious." (d) "CasaCommission report Is faulty — and Queen." tel "Key Largo."
21.y The
' e box-office
there's the fact that this was the mote
7. Lew Ayres was chat by a sniper blanca."
slipshod autopsy ever carried out In in a famous antiwar movie titled: (ae
13. Errol Flynn led
suaccrese p
of the World
War 2 periodwas:
a ease of this magnitude.
"A Walk in the Sun.- lb) "All Quiet Ills men against LIB b.
"But the most Important thing Is on the Western Front." (el -Hold
artillery in: ALIKE: Humphrey Bogart (al "Going My
tat"The levee of tIeftt usually was a tough guy Way." I h) "Prom
the Bengal Lancers.' with e soh hea rt and Gee,. Here to Eternity.'
"The Charge of Hackman had similar roles.
the Light Brigade."
' 22. The "Gunfighter" 110501 starred:
(el "The Sea Hawk."
14, Charlie Chaplln's last film- le the fa't Burt Lancaster. tee Kirk Douglam.
United States was: la} Iemefiget.
Gregory Peck.
lb) "Monsieur Verde= " (c) "The 53. The trio of British officers In
Great Dictator."
"Gtmga Din" !ISM) were Cary Grant,
15. A new foreign film on the plight Victor Melsglen and: (a } Gary Cooper.
of Italy's Jews in the late Hide was es} Douglas Fairbanks Jr.
Fran(at eLeBoucher." ibt "The Conform- chot Tone.
ist." lc) "The Sorrow and the Pity." 14. Dimitri Tlomlde won an AcedId) "The Garden of the Fient-Contin- trey Award for his sang "Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My Darlin" from the
115. The movie of the power fight movie:
by top-level executives In a large let "High Noon." (b) "The Big
furniture organization is entitled: at Sky." (Cl "Shane."
"A Face In the Crowd." (b) "The 25. The flint that won en Oscar in
"Exec- le67 was: eel "Bonnie & Clyde." (bi
'"Ille Graduate." (c) In the Heat of
Walt Disney's "Fantasia"
the Night."
h 3 PArnilitet was narrated by: lab Deems Taylor.
Harvey Oswald.'
Sweet Smell Sslorfflqs." (el