
Professor Amy Glass
3062 Allen Building
(979) 845-8507,
I will lecture on the required readings (denoted by *); each of you will present one of the optional readings.
Presentation papers and dates (last three classes) are assigned on a …rst come, …rst served basis. Also write
a (pretend) referee report on an unpublished working paper covering a topic related to material from this
course. Your grade in this course will be based on: a referee report 20%, a presentation 30%, and a …nal
exam 50%. I will distribute instructions for the referree report and presentation, as well as sample exam
questions. If you do not plan to take the …eld exam in International Economics, you may write a research
paper instead of the …nal exam (you may take an incomplete and to turn in your paper later).
Bhagwati, Jagdish N. et al. 1998. Lectures on International Trade, Second Edition. Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press.
Dixit, Avinash and Victor Norman 1980. Theory of International Trade. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Ethier, Wilfred J. 1995. Modern International Economics, Third Edition. New York: Norton.
Fennstra, Robert C. 2004. Advanced International Trade: Theory and Evidence. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press.
*Grossman, Gene M., ed., 1992. Imperfect Competition and International Trade. Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press.
Grossman, Gene M. and Elhanan Helpman 1991. Innovation and Growth in the Global Economy.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Grossman, Gene M. and Kenneth Rogo¤, eds., 1995. Handbook of International Economics, Volume
3. Amsterdam: North-Holland.
*Helpman, Elhanan and Paul R. Krugman 1985. Market Structure and Foreign Trade. Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press.
Helpman, Elhanan and Paul R. Krugman 1989. Trade Policy and Market Structure. Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press.
Jones, Ronald W. and Peter B. Kenen, eds., 1984. Handbook of International Economics, Volume 1.
Amsterdam: North-Holland.
Krugman, Paul R. 1990. Rethinking International Trade. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Krugman, Paul R. 1991. Geography and Trade. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Markusen, James R. et al. 1995. International Trade: Theory and Evidence. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Wong, Kar-yiu 1995. International Trade in Goods and Factor Mobility. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
*Ethier, Wilfred J. 1987. “The Theory of International Trade.” In Lawrence H. O¢ cer, ed., International Economics. Norwell, MA: Kluwer.
*Ethier, pp. A3-A13
Deardor¤, Alan V. 2005. “How Robust is Comparative Advantage?”Review of International Economics
13: 1004-1016.
Deardor¤, Alan V. 1980. “The General Validity of the Law of Comparative Advantage.” Journal of
Political Economy 88: 941-957. JStor
Dixit and Norman, pp. 1-8, 29-43, 59-80, 93-96
Jones, Ronald W. 1961. “Comparative Advantage and the Theory of Tari¤s: A Multi-Country, MultiCommodity Model.” Review of Economic Studies 77: 161-175. JStor
*Ethier, pp. A18-A38
*Davis, Donald R. and David E. Weinstein 2001. “An Account of Global Factor Trade.” American
Economic Review 91: 1423-1453. JStor
Bernhofen, Daniel M. and John C. Brown 2005. “An Empirical Assessment of the Comparative Advantage Gains from Trade: Evidence from Japan.” American Economic Review 95: 208-225.
Bernhofen, Daniel M. and John C. Brown 2004. “A Direct Test of the Theory of Comparative Advantage Gains from Trade: The Case of Japan.” Journal of Political Economy 112: 48-67.
Bowen, H.P., Edward E. Leamer, and L. Sveikauskas 1987. “Multicountry, Multifactor Tests of the
Factor Abundance Theory.” American Economic Review 77: 791-809. JStor
Choi, Yong-Seok and Pravin Krishna 2004. “The Factor Content of Bilateral Trade: An Empirical
Test.” Journal of Political Economy 112: 887-914.
Deardor¤, Alan V. 1985. “Testing Trade Theories and Predicting Trade Flows.” In Jones and Kenen.
Dixit and Norman, pp. 85-92
Ethier, Wilfred J. 1985. “Higher Dimensional Issues in Trade Models.” In Jones and Kenen.
Helpman, Elhanan 1984. “The Factor Content of International Trade.” Economic Journal 94: 84-94.
Mayer, Wolfgang 1978. “Short-Run and Long-Run Equilibrium for a Small Open Economy.” Journal
of Political Economy 82: 955-968. JStor
Tre‡er, Daniel 1995. “The Case of the Missing Trade and Other Mysteries.” American Economic
Review 85: 1029-1046. JStor
*Ethier, Wilfred J. 1979. “Internationally Decreasing Costs and World Trade.” Journal of International Economics 9: 1-24. SciD
*Ethier, Wilfred J. 1982. “Decreasing Costs in International Trade and Frank Graham’s Argument for
Protection.” Econometrica 50: 1243-1268. JStor
*Helpman and Krugman pp. 45-66
Mathews, R.C.O. 1945. “Reciprocal Demand and Increasing Returns.” Review of Economic Studies:
149-154. JStor
Rauch, James E. 1989. “Increasing Returns to Scale and the Pattern of Trade.” Journal of International Economics 26: 359-369. SciD
*Ethier, Wilfred J. 1982. “National and International Returns to Scale in the Modern Theory of
International Trade.” American Economic Review 72: 389-405. In Grossman. JStor
*Helpman and Krugman 1985, pp. 113-129, 131-157, 159-178
*Krugman, Paul R. 1980. “Scale Economies, Product Di¤erentiation and the Pattern of Trade.”
American Economic Review 70: 950-959. In Grossman. JStor
Dixit and Norman, pp. 265-295
Krugman. Paul R. 1981. “Intraindustry Specialization and the Gains from Trade.”Journal of Political
Economy 89: 959-973. JStor
Krugman, Paul R. 1979. “Increasing Returns, Monopolistic Competition and International Trade.”
Journal of International Economics 9: 469-480. SciD
Lancaster, Kelvin 1980. “Intra-Industry Trade under Perfect Monopolistic Competition.” Journal of
International Economics 10: 151-175. SciD
*Brander, James A. and Barbara J. Spencer 1985. “Export Subsidies and International Market Share
Rivalry.” Journal of International Economics 18: 83-100. SciD
*Brander, James A. and Paul R. Krugman 1983. “A ‘Reciprocal Dumping’ Model of International
Trade.” Journal of International Economics 15: 313-323. In Grossman. SciD
*Dixit, Avinash K. and Gene M. Grossman 1986. “Targeted Export Promotion with Several Oligopolistic Industries.” Journal of International Economics 21: 233-249. SciD
*Eaton, Jonathan and Gene M. Grossman 1986. “Optimal Trade and Industrial Policy under Oligopoly.”
Quarterly Journal of Economics 101: 383-406. In Grossman. JStor
*Helpman and Krugman 1985, pp. 85-111
Bernheim, B. Douglas, and Michael D. Whinston 1990. “Multimarket Contact and Collusive Behavior.”
RAND Journal of Economics 21: 1-26. JStor
Brainard, S. Lael 1994. “Last One Out Wins: Trade Policy in an International Exit Game.” International Economic Review 35: 151-172. JStor
Ethier, Wilfred J. 1982. “Dumping.” Journal of Political Economy 90: 487-506. JStor
Helpman and Krugman 1989
Horstmann, Ignatius J. and James R. Markusen 1986. “Up the Average Cost Curve: Ine¢ cient Entry
and the New Protectionism.” Journal of International Economics 20: 225-247. SciD
Krugman, Paul R. 1987. “Is Free Trade Passe?” Journal of Economic Perspectives 1: 131-144. JStor
Markusen, James R. 1981. “Trade and the Gains from Trade with Imperfect Competition.” Journal
of International Economics 11: 531-551. In Grossman. SciD
Melitz, Marc 2003. “The Impact of Trade on Intra-Industry Reallocations and Aggregate Industry
Productivity.” Econometrica 71: 1695-1725.
Qiu, Larry D. 1994. “Optimal Strategic Trade Policy under Asymmetric Information.” Journal of
International Economics 36: 333-354. SciD
Venables, Anthony J. 1985. “Trade and Trade Policy with Imperfect Competition: The Case of
Identical Products and Free Entry.” Journal of International Economics 19: 1-19. SciD
Venables, Anthony J. 1990. “International Capacity Choice and National Market Games.” Journal of
International Economics 29: 23-42. SciD
*Ethier, Wilfred J. 1986. “The Multinational Firm.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 101: 805-833.
In Grossman. JStor
*Glass, Amy J. and Kamal Saggi 1999. “FDI Policy under Shared Factor Markets.” Journal of International Economics 49: 309-332. SciD
*Helpman and Krugman, pp. 227-245, 247-259
*Markusen, James R. 1995. “The Boundaries of Multinational Enterprises and the Theory of International Trade.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 9: 169-189. JStor
Bardhan, Pranab K. 1982. “Imports, Domestic Production, and Transnational Vertical Integration.”
Journal of Political Economy 90: 1020-1034. JStor
Ethier, Wilfred. J. and James R. Markusen 1996. “Multinational Firms, Technology Di¤usion and
Trade.” Journal of International Economics 41: 1-28. SciD
Findlay, Ronald 1978. “Relative Backwardness, Direct Foreign Investment, and the Transfer of Technology.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 62: 1-16. JStor
*Helpman, Elhanan 1985. “Multinational Corporations and Trade Structure.” Review of Economic
Studies 52: 443-457. In Grossman. JStor
Helpman, Elhanan, Marc J. Melitz, and Stephen R. Yeaple 2004. “Export versus FDI with Heterogeneous Firms.” American Economic Review 94: 300-316.
Horstmann, Ignatius and James R. Markusen 1987. “Licensing versus Direct Investment: A Model of
Internalization by the Multinational Enterprise.” Canadian Journal of Economics 20: 464-481. JStor
Horstmann, Ignatius J. and James R. Markusen 1992. “Endogenous Market Structures in International
Trade.” Journal of International Economics 32: 109-129. SciD
Kabiraj, Tarun and Sugata Marjit 1993. “International Technology Transfer under Potential Threat
of Entry.” Journal of Development Economics 42: 75-88. SciD
Levinsohn, James A. 1989. “Strategic Trade Policy When Firms Can Invest Abroad: When are Tari¤s
and Quotas Equivalent?” Journal of International Economics 27: 129-146. SciD
Marjit, Sugata 1990. “On a Non-Cooperative Theory of Technology Transfer.” Economic Letters 33:
293-298. SciD
Markusen, James R. 1984. “Multinationals, Multi-Plant Economies, and the Gains from Trade.”
Journal of International Economics 16: 205-226. SciD
Saggi, Kamal 1996. “Entry into a Foreign Market: Foreign Direct Investment versus Licensing.”Review
of International Economics 4: 99-104.
Vishwasrao, Sharmila 1995. “Intellectual Property Rights and the Mode of Technology Transfer. ”
Journal of Development Economics 44: 381-402. SciD
Wang, Jian-Ye and Magnus Blomstrom 1992. “Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer.”European
Economic Review 36: 137-155. SciD
*Glass, Amy J. and Xiaodong Wu 2007. “Intellectual Property Rights and Quality Improvement.”
Journal of Development Economics 82: 393-415. SciD
*Grossman, Gene M. and Elhanan Helpman 1991. “Endogenous Product Cycles.” Economic Journal
101: 1214-1229. JStor
*Grossman, Gene M. and Elhanan Helpman 1991. “Quality Ladders and Product Cycles.” Quarterly
Journal of Economics 106: 557-586. JStor
*Lai, Edwin L. C. 1998. “International Intellectual Property Rights Protection and the Rate of Product
Innovation.” Journal of Development Economics 55: 133-153. SciD
Antras, Pol 2005. “Incomplete Contracts and the Product Cycle.” American Economic Review 95:
Arnold, Lutz G 2002. “On the Growth E¤ects of North-South Trade: the Role of Labor Market
Flexibility.” Journal of International Economics 58: 451-466. SciD
Butler, Alison 1997. “Product Cycles and Domestic Wage Inequality in Innovating Countries.” Canadian Journal of Economics 30: 1007-1026. JStor
Butler, Alison and Michael Dueker 1999. “Does Foreign Innovation A¤ect Domestic Wage Inequality?”
Journal of International Economics 47: 61-89. SciD
Chui, Michael, Paul Levine, and Joseph Pearlman 2001. “Winners and Losers in a North-South Model
of Growth, Innovation, and Product Cycles.” Journal of Development Economics 65: 333-365. SciD
Detragiache, Enrica 1998. “Technology Di¤usion and International Income Convergence.” Journal of
Development Economics 56: 367-392. SciD
Dinopoulos, Elias, T. C. A Anant, and Paul S. Segerstrom 1990. “A Schumpetarian Model of the
Product Life Cycle.” American Economic Review 80: 1077-1091. JStor
Dinopoulos, Elias, James F. Oehmke, and Paul S. Segerstrom 1993. “High-Technology-Industry Trade
and Investment: The Role of Factor Endowments.” Journal of International Economics 34: 49-71.
Dinopoulos, Elias, and Paul S. Segerstrom 1999. “A Schumpetarian Model of Protection and Relative
Wages.” American Economic Review 89: 450-472. JStor
Dinopoulos, Elias, and Paul S. Segerstrom 1999. “The Dynamic E¤ects of Contingent Tari¤s.”Journal
of International Economics 47: 191-222. SciD
Frankel, Je¤rey A. and David Romer 1999. “Does Trade Cause Growth?”American Economic Review
89: 379-399. JStor
Glass, Amy J. 1997. “Product Cycles and Market Penetration.” International Economic Review 38:
865-891. JStor
Glass, Amy J. and Kamal Saggi 2002. “Intellectual Property Rights and Foreign Direct Investment.”
Journal of International Economics 56: 387-410. SciD
Glass, Amy J. and Kamal Saggi 2002. “Licensing versus Direct Investment: Implications for Economic
Growth.” Journal of International Economics 56: 131-153.
Glass, Amy J. and Kamal Saggi 2001. “Innovation and Wage E¤ects of International Outsourcing.”
European Economic Review 45: 67-86. SciD
Glass, Amy J. and Kamal Saggi 1999. “Foreign Direct Investment and the Nature of R&D.”Canadian
Journal of Economics 32: 92-117. JStor
Glass, Amy J. and Kamal Saggi 1998. “International Technology Transfer and the Technology Gap.”
Journal of Development Economics 55: 369-398. SciD
Kim, Se-Jik and Yong Jin Kim 2000. “Growth Gains from Trade and Education.”Journal of International Economics 50: 519-545. SciD
Krugman, Paul 1979. “A Model of Innovation, Technology Transfer, and the World Distribution of
Income.” Journal of Political Economy 87: 253-266.
Lai, Edwin L. C. 1995. “The Product Cycle and the World Distribution of Income: A Reformulation.”
Journal of International Economics 39: 369-382. SciD
Lundborg, Per and Paul S. Segerstrom 2002. “The Growth and Welfare E¤ects of International Mass
Migration.” Journal of International Economics 56: 177-204. SciD
MacGarvie, Megan 2006. “Do Firms Learn from International Trade?” Review of Economics and
Statistics 88: 46-60. Ebsco
Schott, Peter K. 2004. “Across-Product Versus Within-Product Specialization in International Trade.”
Quarterly Journal of Economics 119: 647-678. Ebsco
vanElkan, Rachael 1996. “Catching Up and Slowing Down: Learning and Growth Patterns in an Open
Economy.” Journal of International Economics 41: 95-111. SciD
Walz, Uwe 1997. “Innovation, Foreign Direct Investment, and Growth.” Economica 64: 63-79. JStor
Xie, Xin 1999. “Contagion Through Interactive Production and Dynamic E¤ects of Trade.” International Economic Review 40: 165-186. JStor
Yanagawa, Noriyuki 1996. “Economic Development in a World with Many Countries.” Journal of
Development Economics 49: 271-288. SciD
Yanikkaya, Halit 2003. “Trade Openness and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Empirical Investigation.” Journal of Development Economics 72: 57-89. SciD
Yang, Guifang F. and Keith E. Maskus 2001. “Intellectual Property Rights, Licensing, and Innovation
in an Endogenous Product-Cycle Model.” Journal of International Economics 53: 169-187. SciD
Zeng, Jinli 2001. “Innovative vs. Imitative R&D and Economic Growth.” Journal of Development
Economics 64: 499-528. SciD
Bhagwati, Jagdish N. 1982. “Directly Unproductive, Pro…t-Seeking (DUP) Activities.” Journal of
Political Economy 90: 988-1002. JStor
Brainard, S. Lael and Theirry Verdier 1994. “Lobbying and Adjustment in Declining Industries.”
European Economic Review 38: 586-595. SciD
Cassing, James H. and Arye L. Hillman 1985. “Political In‡uence Motives and the Choice Between
Tari¤s and Quotas.” Journal of International Economics 19: 279-290. SciD
Chilinsky, Graciela 1994. “North-South Trade and the Global Environment.” American Economic
Review 84: 851-874. JStor
Dinopoulos, Elios 1983. “Import Competition, International Factor Mobility and Lobbying Response:
The Schumpeterian Industry Case.” Journal of International Economics 14: 395-410. SciD
Grossman, Gene M. and Elhanan Helpman 1994. “Protection for Sale.” American Economic Review
84: 833-850. JStor
Hillman, Arye. L. and Heinrich W. Ursprung 1988. “Domestic Politics, Foreign Interests and International Trade Policy.” American Economic Review 51: 59-79. JStor
Hillman, Arye. L. and Heinrich W. Ursprung 1993. “Multinational Firms, Political Competition, and
International Trade Policy.” International Economic Review 34: 347-363. JStor
Krishna, Kala 1989. “Trade Restrictions as Facilitating Practices.” Journal of International Economics
26: 251-70. SciD
Mayer, Wolfgang 1984. “Endogenous Tari¤ Formation.” American Economic Review 74: 970-985.
Rosendor¤, B. Peter 1996. “Voluntary Export Restraints, Antidumping Procedure, and Domestic
Politics.” American Economic Review 86: 544-561. JStor
Ethier, Wilfred J. 1985. “International Trade and Labor Migration.” American Economic Review 75:
691-707. JStor
Ethier, Wilfred J. 1986. “Illegal Immigration: The Host-Country Problem.” American Economic
Review 76: 56-71. JStor
Ethier, Wilfred J. and Lars E.O. Svensson 1986. “The Theorems of International Trade with Factor
Mobility.” Journal of International Economics 20: 21-42. SciD
Markusen, James R. 1983. “Factor Movements and Commodity Trade as Complements.” Journal of
International Economics 14: 341-356. SciD
Miyagawa, Kaz 1991. “Scale Economies in Education and the Brain Drain Problem.” International
Economic Review 32: 743-759. JStor
Krugman, Paul 1991. “Increasing Returns and Economic Geography.” Journal of Political Economy
99: 483-499. JStor
Rauch, James E. 1991. “Comparative Advantage, Geographic Advantage, and the Volume of Trade.”
Economic Journal 101: 1230-1244. JStor
Aitken, Brian, Gordon H. Hanson, and Ann E. Harrison 1997. “Spillovers, Foreign Investment, and
Export Behavior.” Journal of International Economics 43: 103-132. SciD
Anderson, James E. 1979. “A Theoretical Justi…cation for the Gravity Equation.” American Economic
Review 69: 106-116. JStor
Anderson, James E. and Eric van Wincoop 2004. “Trade Costs.” Journal of Economic Literature 42:
Anderson, James E. and Eric van Wincoop 2003. “Gravity with Gravitas: A Solution to the Border
Puzzle.” American Economic Review 93: 170-192. JStor
Antras, Pol 2003. “Trade, Contracts, and Trade Structure.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 118:
Antras, Pol and Elhanan Helpman 2004. “Global Sourcing.” Journal of Political Economy 112: 552580.
Antweiler, Werner and Daniel Tre‡er 2002. “Increasing Returns and All That: A View from Trade.”
American Economic Review 92: 93-119.
Attanasio, Orazio, Pinelopi K. Glodberg, and Nina Pavcnik 2004. “Trade Reforms and Wage Inequality
in Columbia.” Journal of Development Economics 74: 331-366. SciD
Bernard, Andrew B. and J. Bradford Jensen 1999. “Exceptional Exporter Performance: Cause, E¤ect,
or Both?” Journal of International Economics 47: 1-25. SciD
Bernard, Andrew B. and J. Bradford Jensen 1997. “Exporters, Skill Upgrading, and the Wage Gap.”
Journal of International Economics 42: 3-31. SciD
Bernard, Andrew B, Stephen J. Redding, and Peter K. Schott 2007. “Comparative Advantage and
Heterogeneous Firms.” Review of Economic Studies 74: 31-66.
Bernstein, Je¤rey R. and David E. Weinstein 2002. “Do Endowments Predict the Location of Production? Evidence from National and International Data.” Journal of International Economics 56:
55-76. SciD
Blonigen, Bruce A. 2001. “Foreign A¢ liate Activity and U.S. Skill Upgrading.” Review of Economics
and Statistics 83: 362-376.
Blonigen, Bruce A. and David N. Figlio 1998. “Voting for Protection: Does Direct Foreign Investment
In‡uence Legislator Behavior?” American Economic Review 88: 1002-1014. JStor
Carr, David L., James R. Markusen, and Keith E. Maskus 2001. “Estimating the Knowledge-Capital
Model of the Multinational Enterprise.” American Economic Review 91: 693-708. JStor
Chiquiar, Daniel and Gordon H. Hanson 2005. “International Migration, Self-Selection, and the Distribution of Wages: Evidence form Mexico and the United States.” Journal of Political Economy 113:
Davis, Donald R. and David E. Weinstein 1999. “Economic Geography and Regional Production
Structure: An Empirical Investigation.” European Economic Review 43: 379-407. SciD
Davis, Donald R., David E. Weinstein, Scott C. Bradford, and Kazushige Shimpo 1997. “Using International and Japanese Regional Data to Determine When the Factor Abundance Theory of Trade
Works.” American Economic Review 87: 421-446. JStor
Debaere, Peter 2005. “Monopolistic Competition and Trade, Revisited: Testing the Model without
Testing for Gravity.” Journal of International Economics 66: 249-266.
Debaere, Peter 2004. “Does Lumpiness Matter in an Open Economy? Studying International Economics with Regional Data.” Journal of International Economics 64: 485-501. SciD
Debaere, Peter 2003. “Relative Factor Abundance and Trade.” Journal of Political Economy 111:
Debaere, Peter and Ufuk Demiroglu 2003. “On the Similarity of Country Endowments and Factor
Price Equalization for the Developed Countries.” Journal of International Economics 59: 101-136.
Eaton, Jonathan and Samuel Kortum 2002. “Technology, Geography, and Trade.” Econometrica 70:
Eaton, Jonathan and Samuel Kortum 1999. “International Technology Di¤usion: Theory and Measurement.” International Economic Review 40: 537-570. JStor
Eaton, Jonathan and Samuel Kortum 1996. “Trade in Ideas: Patenting and Productivity in the
OECD.” Journal of International Economics 40: 251-278. SciD
Engel, Charles, and John H. Rogers 1996. “How Wide is the Border?” American Economic Review
86: 112-1125. JStor
Feenstra, Robert C. and Gordon H. Hanson 1999. “The Impact of Outsourcing and High-Technology
Capital on Wages: Estimates for the United States, 1979-1990.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 114:
907-940. JStor
Feenstra, Robert C. and Gordon H. Hanson 1997. “Foreign Direct Investment and Wages: Evidence
from Mexico’s Maquiladoras.” Journal of International Economics 42: 371-394. SciD
Goldberg, Pinelopi Koujianou 1995. “Product Di¤erentiation and Oligopoly in International Markets:
the Case of the U.S. Automobile Industry.” Econometrica 63: 891-951. JStor
Hakura, Dalia S. 2001. “Why Does HOV Fail? The Role of Technological Di¤erences within the EC.”
Journal of International Economics 54: 361-382. SciD
Hanson, Gordon H. 2005. “Market Potential, Increasing Returns, and Geographic Concentration.”
Journal of International Economics 67: 1-24.
Hanson, Gordon H. 1996. “Localization Economies, Vertical Organization, and Trade.” American
Economic Review 86: 1266-1278. JStor
Hanson, Gordon H. 1995. “Incomplete Contracts, Risk, and Ownership.” International Economic
Review 36: 341-363. JStor
Hanson, Gordon H., Raymond Mataloni, and Matthew Slaughter 2005. “Vertical Production Networks
in Multinational Firms.” Review of Economics and Statistics 87: 664-678.
Hanson, Gordon H., Raymond Robertson, and Antonio Spilimbergo 2002. “Does Border Enforcement
Protect U.S. Workers from Illegal Immigration?” Review of Economics and Statistics 84: 73-92.
Hanson, Gordon H. and Antonio Spilimbergo 1999. “Illegal Immigration, Border Enforcement and
Relative Wages: Evidence from Apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico Border.” American Economic
Review 89: 1337-1357. JStor
Hanson, Gordon H. and Matthew Slaughter 2002. “Labor-Market Adjustment in Open Economies:
Evidence from U.S. States.” Journal of International Economics 57: 3-29. SciD
Hanson, Gordon H. and Chong Xiang 2004. “The Home Market E¤ect and Bilateral Trade Patterns.”
American Economic Review 94: 1108-1129.
Harrigan, James 1997. “Technology, Factor Supplies, and International Specialization: Estimating the
Neoclassical Model.” American Economic Review 87: 475-494. JStor
Harrigan, James 1995. “Factor Endowments and the International Location of Production: Econometric Evidence for the OECD, 1970-1985.” Journal of International Economics 39: 123-141. SciD
Harrison, Ann and Gordon H. Hanson 1999. “Who Gains from Trade Reform? Some Remaining
Puzzles.” Journal of Development Economics 59: 125-154. SciD
Head, Keith and John Ries 2002. “O¤shore Production and Skill Upgrading by Japanese Manufacturing
Firms.” Journal of International Economics 58: 81-105. SciD
Head, Keith and John Ries 2001. “Increasing Returns versus National Product Di¤erentiation as an
Explanation for the Pattern of US-Canada Trade.” American Economic Review 91: 858-876. JStor
Head, Keith and John Ries 1999. “Rationalization E¤ects of Tari¤ Reductions.” Journal of International Economics 47: 295-320. SciD
Helpman, Elhanan 1994. “The Structure of Foreign Trade.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 13:
121-144. JStor
Hillberry, Russell, and David Hummels 2003. “International Home Bias: Some Explanations.” Review
of Economics and Statistics 85: 1089-1092.
Hummels, David and James Levinsohn 1995. “Monopolistic Competition and International Trade:
Reconsidering the Evidence.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 110: 799-836. JStor
Hummels, David, Jun Ishii, and Kei-Mu Yi 2001. “The Nature and Growth of Vertical Specialization
in World Trade.” Journal of International Economics 54: 75-96. SciD
Irwin, Douglas A. and Nina Pavcnik 2004. “Airbus versus Boeing Revisited: International Competition
in the Aircraft Market.” Journal of International Economics 64: 223-245. SciD
Keller, Wolfgang 2004. “International Technology Di¤usion.” Journal of Economic Literature 42:
Krishna, Pravin 2003. “Are Regional Trading Partners ‘Natural’?” Journal of Political Economy 111:
Krishna, Pravin and Devashish Mitra 1998. “Trade Liberalization, Market Discipline and Productivity
Growth: New Evidence from India.” Journal of Development Economics 56: 447-462. SciD
Leamer, Edward E. 1980. “The Leontief Paradox, Reconsidered.” Journal of Political Economy 88:
495-503. JStor
McLaren, John 2000. “‘Globalization’and Vertical Structure.” American Economic Review 90: 12391254. JStor
Pavcnik, Nina 2003. “What Explains Skill Upgrading in Less Developed Countries?” Journal of
Development Economics 71: 311-328. SciD
Pavcnik, Nina 2002. “Trade Liberalization, Exit, and Productivity Improvement: Evidence from
Chilean Plants.” Review of Economic Studies 69: 245-276.
Roberts, Mark J. and James R. Tybout 1997. “The Decision fo Export in Columbia: An Empirical
Model of Entry with Sunk Costs.” American Economic Review 87: 545-564. JStor
Romalis, John 2004. “Factor Proportions and the Structure of Commodity Trade.” American Economic Review 94: 67-97.
Schott, Peter K. 2004. “Across-Product versus Within Product Specialization in International Trade.”
Quarterly Journal of Economics 119: 647-678.
Tre‡er, Daniel 2004. “The Long and Short of the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement.” American
Economic Review 94: 870-895.
Tre‡er, Daniel 1993. “International Price Di¤erences: Leontief Was Right!” Journal of Political
Economy 101: 961-987. JStor
Tre‡er, Daniel 1993. “Trade Liberalization and the Theory of Endogenous Protection: An Econometric
Study of U.S. Import Policy.” Journal of Political Economy 101: 138-160. JStor
Yeaple, Stephen Ross 2005. “A Simple Model of Firm Heterogeneity, International Trade, and Wages.”
Journal of International Economics 65: 1-20.
Yeaple, Stephen Ross 2003. “The Complex Integration Strategies of Multinationals and Cross-Country
Dependencies in the Structure of Foreign Direct Investment.” Journal of International Economics 60:
293-314. SciD
Yeaple, Stephen Ross 2003. “The Role of Skill Endowments in the Structure of U.S. Outward Foreign
Direct Investment.” Review of Economics and Statistics 85: 726-734.
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