TUI T GY SC H O O L IO N A TEC END O W M RA I IN NCE TA NG IS HN LO HI GH SS O RONCAL L I EN T TEAC H ER T Circle of Faith 2012-2013 Stewardship Report IO N A IS HN O TUI T Y SS G LO M I RA OW NI END NG NCE TEC TA EN T TEAC HE R T Yet we have the same spirit of faith as he had who wrote, I have believed, and therefore have I spoken. We too believe, and therefore we speak. 2 Corinthians 4: 13 TABLE OF CONTENTS Year In Review..............................................................................................................8 Financial Summary.................................................................................................... 14 Advancement Efforts................................................................................................. 15 Annual Fund Contributors.......................................................................................... 16 Parent Contributors....................................................................................................23 Tributes......................................................................................................................24 Corporate & Business Contributors............................................................................27 Faculty & Staff Contributors.......................................................................................29 Alumni Contributors by Class Year.............................................................................29 Rebelation Sponsors..................................................................................................33 Ways to Give..............................................................................................................33 Pope John XXIII Legacy Society.................................................................................34 2 RONCALLI HIGH SCHOOL Letter from the President Dear Friends, It is my pleasure to present this Annual Report to the Roncalli family. It is always a pleasant task to report good news and the news from the past year is truly extraordinary! The many highlights from the past year include: nn Nearly $18,000,000 in merit-based scholarships earned by the graduating Class of 2013. nn A stunningly successful annual fund drive that gathered over $600,000 in gifts that allowed for aggressive expansion of our technology infrastructure and the purchase of over 200 new computers. nn A record number of 22 students who earned a perfect score on at least one section of the SAT or ACT college admissions exams. nn The opening of a new training room, wrestling room, and a fully renovated blockhouse facility. nn The collection of over 100,000 canned goods to help feed the poor in the largest school-based canned food drive in Indiana. As you might expect, numbers only tell part of the Roncalli story. The spirit of our students and faculty is astounding. Their love and support for one another inspires me on a daily basis. The Catholic bishops of this country have called upon us to accept our gifts gratefully, to use them in love and to return them to the Lord with increase. This report is an attempt to verify that your gifts are indeed received with gratitude. They have been cultivated responsibly and used in loving service to perpetuate the Gospel. Finally, I hope that you would agree with me that the many successes of our students and teachers indicate that we are, indeed, returning these gifts with increase to the Lord. It is a great privilege to serve in this community that has put such a high priority on the education of its youth. God bless you in every good way! Sincerely, Joseph D. Hollowell President 2012-2013 STEWARDSHIP REPORT 3 Letter from the Board of Directors Chairperson We at Roncalli High School are so blessed to be part of such a generous and supportive community. Your gifts during last year’s annual fund drive exceeded $495,000, which allowed us to begin a much-needed technology investment, supported teacher training and development, and provided needs-based tuition assistance. Thank you. Proceeds from this year’s annual fund will enable us to continue our investments in technology and teacher development as well as to make other improvements to our facilities. Proceeds also will be directed to STARS – Students That Are Ready For Success – our academic program designed to accommodate students with special needs. This was a ground-breaking program when it was established in 1993 as the first such venture in our Archdiocesan high schools. Your support allows us to continue to provide an atmosphere where all our students can realize and meet their God-given talents. Finally, your generosity makes it possible for us to continue to provide needs-based tuition assistance. This year, we have an exciting opportunity to provide such assistance and make our donations go a bit further by making our donations to Educational Choice Charitable Trust. Recent changes in the Indiana School Choice Law have expanded the number of our students who are eligible for school choice scholarships (also known as vouchers) and scholarships from scholarship-granting organizations such as Educational Choice Charitable Trust. If you choose to make your donation to Educational Choice Charitable Trust, it will be used for scholarships for Roncalli students, who then may be eligible, along with their siblings, for school choice scholarships from the State of Indiana during their remaining years at Roncalli. Your donation to the Trust today will have an impact that extends beyond the scholarship it funds this year. Roncalli and our students are a success due in large part to the time, talent and treasure that you provide us. Thank you for your support and please keep the Roncalli family in your prayers as we strive to be good stewards of the gifts you have so generously given. May God bless you, Anne Frye, Chairperson of the Board for 2013-14 Board of Directors for 2012-2013 Executive Committee Patrick Schubach (R‘83), Chair Thomas Barrett (R’87), Vice Chair Alice Susemichel, Secretary Joseph D. Hollowell (Hon‘97), Administrative Officer Rev. James R. Wilmoth (Hon‘11), Dean Board Members Mrs. Ramona Ardizzone Mr. Thomas Barrett (R‘87) Mr. Kevin Callon (R‘84) Mr. Pat Collier Mrs. Anne Frye Mr. Gan Gin Mr. Joseph Hollowell (Hon‘97) Mrs. Lori Huddleston 4 Mr. Frank Kolisek Mr. Thomas Meier Mrs. Jill Mendoza Mr. Rick Nover Mrs. Missy O’Maley Mrs. Nancy Prather (R‘79) Mr. Robert Saling Mr. Joe Schaefer (R‘88) RONCALLI HIGH SCHOOL Mr. John Schalk Mr. R. J. Schoettle (R‘82) Mr. Patrick Schubach (R‘83) Mrs. Catherine Schutte Mrs. Alice Susemichel Mrs. Elizabeth Szentes Letter from the Principal Roncalli High School is indeed a blessed community. So much so that I think it would be neat if it were possible for more of our benefactors to spend a day or two at Roncalli experiencing some of what they support through their generosity. We are blessed with what I often refer to as the “great triangle” – that being great kids, great parents and great teachers! When those three entities are working together for the growth, development and empowerment of our young people – good and exciting things happen. When these exciting things happen amidst a nurturing, faith-filled environment that leans on Jesus Christ as its primary teacher and role model - few things are more powerful. As one of my mentors as a young educator would always say, “Good, better, best; never let it rest; ‘til your good is better; and your better is best!” Thank you for your prayers and generous support of Roncalli High School! Our mission could not be fulfilled without you! Sincerely, Chuck Weisenbach Administration Shellie Hartford, Assistant Principal for Student Activities Joseph D. Hollowell (Hon‘97), President Timothy A. Puntarelli (Hon‘99), Dean of Students Charles E. Weisenbach (R‘79,) Principal Shelly Fitzgerald (R‘91), Co-Director of Guidance David W. Gervasio (R‘85), Vice President for Finance and Facilities Lynn Starkey (Hon‘07), Co-Director of Guidance Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement David J. Toner (C‘67), Athletic Director Robert F. Tully (Hon‘93), Vice President for Mission and Ministry Rev. James R. Wilmoth (Hon‘11), Chaplain James Kedra, Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs Our South Deanery Pastors & Parishes Rev. James R. Wilmoth Chaplain, Roncalli High School St. Roch Rev. Gerald Kirkhoff Good Shepherd Rev. Bill Williams Holy Name Rev. Peter Marshall Administrator, Holy Rosary Rev. Patrick A. Doyle Nativity Msgr. Mark A. Svarczkopf Our Lady of the Greenwood Rev. Lawrence Janezic, OFM Sacred Heart Rev. Rob Hausladen St. Ann Msgr. Anthony Volz St. Barnabas Rev. Vincent P. Lampert SS. Francis and Clare Rev. Rick Nagel Administrator, St. John Rev. Stephen J. Banet St. Jude Rev. Todd Riebe St. Mark Rev. John Beitans St. Rose of Lima Rev. Arturo Ocampo, OFM St. Patrick 2012-2013 STEWARDSHIP REPORT 5 Special thanks to our Annual Fund dinner table hosts: Hink and Pat Albertson Anne Armbruster Gary and Darla Armbruster Steven and Tessa Asdell Steve and Lisa Battiato Greg and Lisa Brassie Terese Carson Pat and Lori Crosley Roger and Lani Cummings Sr. Anne Frederick Ed and Anne Frye Dave and Tamara Gervasio Bill Gervasio 6 RONCALLI HIGH SCHOOL Bryan and Margaret Hendricks Joe and Diane Hollowell Liza Holtkamp Bob and Rosemarie Kelly Larry and Janie Killion Andy and Jen Kocher David and Kara Lauck Scott and Missy Marsh Tom and Lora Mascari Jerre and Cindy McManama Tom and Jane Meier John and Tara Morse Bill and Sue Mullen IO N A M RA OW IN END ING NCE TEC TA EN T TEAC HE R T Letter from Annual Fund Chairpersons IS HN O TUI T GY SS LO Dear Roncalli Family, Thank you for supporting Roncalli by contributing your generous financial support for the 2012-2013 Annual Fund. Through your support, the 2012-2013 Annual Fund was a tremendous success and helped the staff and administration fulfill a critical part of its mission by providing the additional capital needs of our community. This capital supports financial aid, facilities, technology, staff professional development and other initiatives imperative to the students’ overall life preparation experience. Our community continues to provide the best educational experience on the Southside of Indianapolis by forming Christian leaders in body, mind and spirit. This whole process is guided by prayer and an active faith in Gospel values. These values are lived and demonstrated in action through academics, athletics, fine arts and numerous social opportunities for students, staff, administration and the community at large. These opportunities are enhanced by adequate facilities to congregate, learn, play and pray. Technologies facilitate efficient learning and ensure students are exposed to a state of the art environment. Staff and administration development through the Angelo Roncalli Pilgrimage invests in our namesake’s legacy and inspires the essence of Roncalli for generations to come. Our financial support increases access to many families that may not otherwise be able to fully participate in this learning experience. As stated in 1 Thessalonians 3:9 “How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you?” Words cannot adequately express our appreciation. However, please know that we continue to teach and to learn in His Gospel values here because of you. On behalf of the entire Roncalli community, many thanks! Sincerely, Tim (RHS ’85) and Traci Tichenor Rob and Amy Richardson Chuck and Shandra Roach Andy and Di Roessler Tony and Carrie Schafer RJ and Kelly Schoettle Scott and Kathy Schreiber Patrick and Angela Schubach Steven and Catherine Schutte Scott and Dorothy Stenger Gerard and Kim Striby Bob and Alice Susemichel David and Elizabeth Szentes Bill and Kathleen Tichenor Tim and Traci Tichenor Jeff and Elizabeth Traylor Chuck and Jane Weisenbach Father James Wilmoth David and Anne Wolf 2012-2013 STEWARDSHIP REPORT 7 Year In Review July 2012 nn Cole Toner R’12 was named to the south team’s offensive line in the 2012 Grange Insurance North-South All-Star Football Game. nn The Class of 2012 reunited at the fifth annual Rebel Roundup. Students made this return trip to campus to pick up their yearbook and alumni t-shirt. Most spent the evening discussing college plans, signing yearbooks and reliving fond memories of their time at Roncalli. nn Roncalli’s head baseball coach, Keith Hatfield R’03, was awarded District Coach of the Year by the Indiana High School Baseball Coaches Association after the 2012 team posted a 26-8 season. August 2012 nn Five students were cast in the Footlite Musicals Production of “Godspell,” which received rave reviews. Roncalli would like to recognize the following Rebel thespians involved in this production: Sarah Barron, Peri Barnhill, Sydney Cabell, Daniel Burkhardt and David Buergler. September 2012 nn The Girls Golf Team posted a team score of 332 to capture their fifth Marion County Tournament title. This honor was followed up by a seventh sectional crown. Abbey Gleixner captured both the sectional and regional medalist honors and won the individual title at the Marion County Tournament finishing ninth in the state finals. nn Roncalli High School’s Level III/ Honors Choral Students auditioned for the Indiana All State Choir. Senior singer Andrea Schubach was selected to the 201213 All State Choir. Also, congratulations to Roncalli Senior Mary Jo Soller and juniors Beth McKay and Clare Schutte, who were selected as alternates for this year’s All State Choir. nn Roncalli High School Senior Jimmy Cook was awarded a 4th Place and Honorable Mention in the National 8 RONCALLI HIGH SCHOOL Federation of Press 2012 High School Communication Contest. Jimmy was honored at an awards ceremony in Phoenix. Jimmy was very active with the Roncalli Rebel Media Network. nn Jim Gibbons R’81was named Roncalli’s 2012 Alumnus of the Year. As a Rebel, Jim participated in football, wrestling, musicals, fall plays, choir and was an honor roll student. As Jim made his way through high school, he was diagnosed with macular degeneration and is now legally blind. Today, Jim is the CEO of Goodwill Industries International and is an internationally known expert at social enterprise management, socioeconomic program strategy and leadership skills. nn Lani Cummings and Dr. David Wolf were named Honorary Alumni at this year’s Homecoming. October 2012 nn Senior Alaina Sangalang was named Homecoming Queen and Joe Kieffer was named Mr. Rebel during the 2012 Homecoming festivities. Over 950 students attended the dance, which is held in a tent outside of the school. The evening ended with a 15 minute firework show that wowed the students and adult volunteers. nn On October 12th, grandparents filled Roncalli for our annual Grandparents Day celebration. Guests attended mass with the entire student body and were then welcomed into various classrooms to participate with their grandchildren. The day concluded with a catered luncheon. nn The Roncalli High School Band earned the top rating of Gold at the Indiana State School Music Association (ISSMA) Festival Marching Band Competition. The band performed “Elvis Lives” featuring soloists Chris Brown (tenor saxophone), Michael Millott (trombone) and Kurtis Loy, Brett Bennett and Josef Herkert (trumpet). December 2012 nn The Fine Arts Department showcased its Band and Choral programs during the annual Sacred Sounds Concert. This year’s concert marked the debut of Roncalli’s String Orchestra. nn On December 17th, a new athletic training center opened through a partnership between Roncalli and St. Vincent Health. The new training center is over 1,100 square feet and houses seven treatment tables, two whirlpools, a new ice machine and a taping table/cabinet combination unit. nn Ensembles from the Roncalli High School Band and Choral Programs delighted audiences with sounds of the season at their annual Christmas Concerts in the RHS Fine Arts Center Auditorium. nn Spirit Stride, Roncalli’s annual Walkathon fundraiser sponsored by Schott Services, was held on Thursday, October 25th. Over 1,200 students, faculty, staff and volunteers participated in the three mile walk, which raised over $83,000. Walkathon is the only all school fundraiser held each year and all proceeds benefit needs-based tuition assistance. November 2012 nn The Roncalli High School newspaper, The Rebel Review, was awarded the Hoosier Star by the Indiana High School Press Association at its annual convention held at Franklin College. Between 75-80 Indiana high schools enter their newspapers and yearbooks in the Hoosier Star contest each year. One or two winners is typically chosen in each of three divisions. The Rebel Review was the lone winner for division one. nn Senior David Buergler received outstanding reviews and an Encore Award for his performance as Tom Sawyer in Footlite Musical’s production of Big River. Buergler was awarded Best Minor Supporting Actor after his performance was reviewed by judges from throughout Indianapolis’ community theater network. nn Roncalli High School students, faculty and staff collected 97,227 cans of food to feed the hungry at the school’s annual “Soup-er Saturday” event. Collections filled three large trucks and were distributed locally. Participants also donated 191 pints of blood at a mobile collection site. Roncalli senior Fred Dowell collected 1,492 cans this year making his four year total well above 5,000 cans! nn Roncalli students coordinated a toy and book drive to benefit The Lord’s Pantry at Anna’s House. Students collected 500 new toys and 150 books for children, ages 1 to 12, at this annual event. nn Senior Jonathan Schubauer was selected to play ice hockey as part of the Hoosier League All-Star Team, an event hosted by the Indiana State High School Hockey Association. Schubauer represents the South Stars Hockey Club and hopes to play ice hockey at the collegiate level. January 2013 nn Sophomore Lauren Hartlieb won first place in the 2013 Fleet Reserve Association’s “National Americanism” essay contest at the state level. Lauren’s essay on “what my vote will mean to me” advanced to the North Central Region level of the competition. nn Seniors always rule the school, but on January 30, students were given the opportunity to spend an entire day “being” faculty and staff. From serving lunch to making announcements to teaching class, forty-nine students spent the entire day doing the jobs normally done by adult staff. Not only were seniors invited to do the job, but they were encouraged to dress the part. February 2013 nn Student Council hosted its seventh annual Battle of the Bands competition on February 6. The event featured five student bands allowing each to perform a two-song set. Over 400 people showed up to the show and were invited to vote on which band 2012-2013 STEWARDSHIP REPORT 9 was the winner of the competition. It was determined that The Nerdlucks, featuring Mark Fanelli, Stephen Gadaleta, Joey Madden, Kevin McNamara and Joey Wolf, were the victors with their performance of “Radioactive” and “When You Were Young.” another in 15 subject areas from math and history to vocal and instrumental. This year’s theme was “Weather Around the World.” nn Michael Millott was invited to play in the 2013 All-State Honor Band. This is a tremendous honor as only three other students who play the euphonium were named to this 2013 band. Millott becomes the first Rebel band student to have earned this honor twice. nn The Roncalli High School Theatre Department performed William Shakespeare’s comedy “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” as the spring play. The production featured young lovers who fall comically in and out of love in a single, enchanted midsummer night. nn Rebel Rhapsody, the Roncalli High School show choir, finished runner-up in the DeKalb Show Choir Festival, just shy of the first place spot. This was the first time that the Roncalli show choir performed at the event, where there were nine other performers in their division. The choir was awarded “Best Choreography” out of the entire competition and senior David Buergler was named Top Male Soloist for his performance of “That’s Life.” The show choir comprises 39 performers, 6 instrumentalists and 12 crew members and finds continued success under the direction of Choral Director Joey Newton R’03. nn Roncalli High School hosted its annual “Senior versus Staff” basketball game on February 28. While the staff was victorious breaking a four-year losing streak, all won as the money raised from this event directly benefitted Roncalli’s “Raise the Roof!” Lenten Almsgiving Project. Roncalli students, faculty and staff combined efforts with St. Jude and St. John catholic churches for a special project during the Lenten season to assist Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church in Port-au-Paix, Haiti. Roncalli students, faculty and staff raised $13,540 toward the effort. nn Students participated in the 2013 Indiana State School Music Association (ISSMA) Vocal and Piano State Finals and earned eight gold ratings in Group I. Earning the highest honor a choral student can earn in ISSMA competition were Peri Barnhill, Lauren Frank, Danielle Hughes, Beth McKay, Peyton Schneider, Mary Jo Soller and Joey Wolf. Congratulations, as well, to Roncalli pianist, Erika Dow, who also earned ISSMA’s highest honor – a gold rating in Group I. nn Hoosier Basketball Magazine named Roncalli High School’s Bridget Perry as one of the “Top 60” senior girls basketball players for 2012-2013. These girls were selected from approximately 1,600 senior players statewide. Statistical evaluation, game observation and statewide research were conducted all season and throughout the state tournament to determine Hoosier Basketball Magazine’s Top 60. nn Roncalli hosted the 28th annual Quest for Excellence competition. Seventh and eighth graders from south deanery grade schools gathered at Roncalli on February 23rd to compete individually against one 10 RONCALLI HIGH SCHOOL March 2013 nn Sophomores Libby Stahl and Raegan Dristas spent a day experiencing our government at work. State Representative Mike Speedy invited the pair to serve as pages in the Indiana House of Representatives on Monday, March 4. They assisted Representative Speedy with clerical duties, watched a legislative session and were taken on a tour of the Statehouse. nn Roncalli High School junior Robby Kile made it three for three as he advanced to the Speech State Finals for the third consecutive year. Robby placed fourth in the Radio competition of Indiana High School Forensic Association sectionals and qualifying him for the Speech State Finals. April 2013 nn Eight Roncalli High School students were accepted into the IU Honors Program in Foreign Languages (IUHPFL) and were given the opportunity to study abroad in a program that challenges students to speak only the language of their host country. During the 2013 summer, students engaged in daily academic instruction and learned about the country’s history through cultural immersion, visiting museums and memorials and participating in regional and overnight excursions. Congratulations to the following students: Ona Zekonis (Spanish), Dezi Bowman (French) , Meaghan Heinrich (French), Clare Schutte (French), Henry Ramsey IV (German), Connor Basch (German), Will Niezgodski (German) and Dillon Moher (Spanish). nn Sophomore Annie Wagner was selected as one of the winners in the Serra Club of Indianapolis 2013 John D. Kelley Vocations Essay Contest. Annie was honored at a luncheon recognizing her achievement on Monday, April 8 at Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House. At the ceremony, the winning essay writers, one from each grade 7 through 12, were given the opportunity to read their essay and receive a plaque and a cash prize. nn Roncalli High School named Stan Benge as the school’s girls basketball coach. Benge, who was inducted into the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame in 2012, returns to high school basketball after spending the last two seasons as an assistant coach for the women’s team at IUPUI. This past season, he helped the Lady Jaguars to their first 20-win season at the Division 1 level. For Benge, taking over the program at Roncalli represents a homecoming, as he began his coaching career at the school in the mid 1970s as an assistant coach with the boys basketball and track programs. May 2013 nn The Roncalli Softball Team won the Marion County softball tournament title on May 6 with a 4-2 win over Perry Meridian at Ben Davis. Senior Kendra Lynch went 3-3 with a double and was the winning pitcher. Sophomores Megan Choinacky (two RBI) and Maddie Mulinaro (one RBI) drove in three runs during a four-run third inning. Senior Hope Golden struck out the side in the seventh inning to close the game and pick up the save. With the win, the Lady Rebels captured the program’s second Marion County Tournament title and improved their record to 22-1. nn Freshman Shayla Cabalan received word that her play, “59”, was selected as a finalist in the 2013 Young Playwrights Inc. National Playwright Competition. There were over 500 entries in this year’s competition, and the judges selected Shayla’s entry as one of the 20 finalists. nn Congratulations to all of the students who were honored at the 23rd annual Roncalli High School Academic Honors Reception. Over 900 guests were on hand to recognize students for all of their academic accomplishments during this school year. During the program, the winners of the annual endowed scholarships were announced: Clark Family STARS Scholarship – Elizabeth Layer, Elliott May; Roncalli High School Leadership Scholarship – Stephanie Asdell; Jeffrey N. Perkins Memorial Scholarship – Kayla Streicher; Martin R. Eckstein Scholarship – Jonathan Mehringer, Sarah Schutte; Katie Lynch – Live, Laugh, Love – Memorial Scholarship – Kylie Schreiber; Anna’s Celebration of Life Scholarship – Zach Smith, Bailey Ransburg; Jennifer McKinney Memorial Scholarship – Jimmy Kile; Emily Winters Lipps Young Women’s Scholarship – Gwen Woehler; Wong Family Scholarship – Htoo Thu nn Religious Studies teacher, Jan Lauck, retired from teaching after 23 years in the classroom. Roncalli students, faculty, staff and alumni thanked Jan for her years of dedication to her students, passion for her teaching and commitment to the overall mission of Roncalli High School. 2012-2013 STEWARDSHIP REPORT 11 nn Sophomores Julia Martinez and Kayla Streicher were selected as youth board members for Youth as Resources (YAR), a program of the United Way of Central Indiana. YAR is a youth development program that provides funding to youth groups interested in organizing volunteer projects within their community. Youth and adult board members work in partnership to make all funding decisions. nn Mark Claeys was named Roncalli’s boys tennis coach. Claeys, a resident of Greenwood, competed collegiately at the University of Indianapolis, where he played number 1 singles and doubles. He has worked as a youth instructor and, after 30 plus years working in the private sector, retired early to focus fulltime on teaching and coaching tennis. Claeys is a certified instructor and has two daughters playing collegiately. nn Roncalli High School said goodbye to Mary Hall as she retired from education at the end of the school year. She dedicated 45 years of her life to education. The last 35 were at Roncalli where she has served as varsity girls’ basketball coach, Health & Physical Education teacher, guidance counselor, chairperson of the guidance department and as the first College and Career Counselor. Throughout Mary’s lengthy career, she was always open to an ever changing high school and college counseling climate and credits her many mentors for giving her the courage and strength to implement new systems effectively. Jo Soller - Spirit of Roncalli Award; Mandy Feagans - Robbie Schutz Award nn Seniors awarded with perfect attendance for all four of their years at Roncalli were Caleb Akers, Christian Alspach, Samuel Bielawski, Austin Buschkoetter, Erin Leppert, Joey Roeder, Jackson Sheff and Colton Sowers. nn Senior Kyle O’Gara invited the entire student body, faculty and staff to spend Carb Day at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway watching him compete in the Firestone Freedom 100, which was his Firestone Indy Lights debut. nn The Boys Volleyball Team advanced to state title game for the second time in program history. The boys were ranked among the top teams in the state when their 24-5 season ended in a loss to Hebron. nn The Boys Track Team saw senior James Perry, the team’s MVP, as a state qualifier in the 800-meters. This was the twelfth consecutive season that Roncalli had at least one athlete compete in the state meet. June 2013 nn It was another successful year for Roncalli’s Class of 2013! Seniors amassed in excess of $17.5 million in merit based scholarships, and the following students were recognized for their leadership, faith and outstanding service. Congratulations to each member of the Class of 2013! Joey Wolf - Bernie Dever Award; Robbie Massing - Robert F. Tully Scholarship; Lauren Webb and David Saling - Pope John XXIII Award; Robbie Prather, Cameron Powers and Mary 12 RONCALLI HIGH SCHOOL nn The 7th annual Roncalli High School Junior Rebel Theatre Camp presented Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka Junior. The camp is designed for students in grades two through eight providing a hands-on, multifaceted theatre experience. Camps are held daily for four weeks in June and three weeks in July every summer. A peaceful man does more good than a learned one. Pope John XXIII 2012-2013 STEWARDSHIP REPORT 13 Financial Summary Year Ended June 30, 2013 UNRESTRICTED PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED TOTAL REVENUE, GAINS, AND OTHER SUPPORT: Tuition and fees, net of credits $7,402,848 $7,402,848 Archdiocese support $1,364,004 $1,364,004 Contributions and grants $1,010,182 $1,010,182 Cafeteria $801,588 $801,588 Bookstore $437,662 $437,662 Athletics $89,266 $89,266 Endowment income, gains and losses Other Income TOTAL REVENUES $115,165 $287,312 $11,392,862 $115,165 $287,312 $115,165 $11,508,027 EXPENSES: Instruction $6,117,158 $6,117,158 $2,025,423 $2,025,423 Cafeteria $736,372 $736,372 Bookstore $244,695 $244,695 Athletics $492,488 $492,488 Property and facilities Management and general Advancement * and marketing TOTAL EXPENSES 639,918 $45,570 $768,698 $11,024,752 $685,488 $768,698 $45,570 $11,070,322 *This includes fundraising, publications, communications, marketing, website design and maintenance, alumni and corporate relations, special events and admissions. For a copy of our independently reviewed financial statements, contact Dave Gervasio, Vice President for Finance and Facilities, at 787-8277, ext. 246. 14 RONCALLI HIGH SCHOOL Advancement Efforts DONATIONS AND FUNDRAISERS Circle of Faith Annual Fund 2012-2013 (Restricted & Unrestricted) $653,848.43 General Fundraisers (Rebelation, Walkathon, Alumni Association & Rebel Media Network, Taste of Roncalli) $294,724.50 Gifts-in-Kind $63,454.02 TOTAL $1,012,026.95 ENDOWMENTS Endowment Contributions $39,474.59 TOTAL $39,474.59 GRANTS Grant Income Total $38,020.60 TOTAL $38,020.60 TOTAL ADVANCEMENT REVENUES FISCAL YEAR 2013 (JULY 1, 2012 - JUNE 30, 2013) Annual Fund - Unrestricted Gifts $495,770.17 The 2012-2013 Annual Fund, Circle of Faith, provided funds for technology, teacher training, endowment and needs-based tuition assistance. 915 donors contributed to the Annual Fund in fiscal year 2013. Rebelation $114,129.18 This annual fundraiser is hosted on the last Saturday of April. The evening consists of dinner, a silent auction, a live auction and student performances. The theme for the event changes each year. All proceeds from “A Roaring Rebelation: The 1920’s Roncalli Style” provided needs-based tuition assistance. This year Rebelation raised $114,129.18 plus $62,802.05 gifts in kind. Walkathon $83,292.09 This student fundraiser is held each year and students are asked to secure donations. All proceeds from Walkathon provided needsbased tuition assistance. The 2012-2013 Walkathon, Spirit Stride, raised $83,292.09. $1,089,522.14 Endowment $836,129.53 Roncalli High School holds several endowments with the Catholic Community Foundation. Memorial and cash gifts can be made to an endowment at any time. Financial growth from specific endowments provide tuition assistance while some proceeds are reinvested. The total of all RHS endowments was $836,129.53 at fiscal year end. Annual Fund - Restricted Gifts $158,078.26 Often gifts are made to Roncalli that are designated for specific purposes. This fiscal year Roncalli received $158,078.26 in restricted gift income. Gifts-In-Kind $63,454.02 Services and specific items are frequently donated to RHS. The total of these in-kind gifts was $63,454.02 this year. Gifts of Time and Talent Every year, Roncalli is the grateful recipient of time and talent given by hundreds of volunteers. Roncalli is blessed to have so many people committed to its mission. 2012-2013 STEWARDSHIP REPORT 15 Annual Fund Contributors Founders Society Blue Ribbon $10,000 AND ABOVE Society Anonymous Bud and Milly ‘68 Brehob Mark and Barb Jackson Frank and Lisa Kolisek Jim and Beth Mahin Jim and Sophia ‘81 Otley Tom and Nancy Quill David and Ann Wolf Cardinal Roncalli Society $5,000-$9,999 Anonymous Dan and Beth Elsener Kenneth and Laura ‘90 Fikes Brian and Kim Fogg Jane Gervasio ‘83 Bill Gervasio Karl and Colleen Glander Robert and Kathy Gries Joseph and Diane Hollowell Luke and Diana McKinney Brian O’Farrell Andy and Di Roessler Tim ‘85 and Traci Tichenor John and Sheila Vercruysse Father James Wilmoth Sacred Heart Society $2,500-$4,999 Anonymous Steven and Tessa ‘80 Asdell Joe and Diane Dubord Bart and Christina Fox Mark and Eva Theresa Gleixner Greg and Julie Gurnik Linus and Meg Horcher Joe ‘86 and Amy ‘87 Kuntz Steve ‘86 and Karen Looney Patrick and Jill McCollam John and Tara ‘88 Morse John and Jean Neely James and Nicole Perry Carol Pitzer ‘79 Mark and Jan Prince Pete and Joy Schroeder Paul and Mary Sheets Bob ‘84 and Alice Susemichel Michael and Melissa Veenhuizen 16 $1,000-$2,499 Anonymous George and Diana Ader Joe and Jeannie Banich Bruce and Joanne ‘60 Banta Tom ‘87 and Penny Barrett Greg and Janet ‘75 Bradley Ben ‘92 and Heather Briggeman Mike and Mary Brown Rob and Rachel Brown Mark and Joy Burianek Jim and Sandy ‘58 Carson Marcella Carter Pat and Dawn Collier Sherman and Kate Crosley Michael and Eileen Crowther Roger and Lani Cummings Brian and Bessie Davey Robert and Sharon Davis Marvin and Luella Feldman Charmaine Field Edward and Anne Frye Dick Gallamore ‘69 Jim ‘81 and Tami Gibbons Gan and Mary Gin Justin Greider ‘99 Les and Kathi Haman Daniel ‘88 and Kristin Hammerschmitt Dan and Barb ‘78 Hatfield Doyle and Linda Haywood Michael and Jeanne ‘66 Hoagland Bob ‘56 and Della Hoereth Matt ‘99 and Kari Hollowell Tom and Virginia Horn Rick ‘79 and Mimi ‘84 Huck John and Terri Morone ‘77 Hupalo Jim and Jackie Jacob Chris Jockish David and Mary Jo Koppenhofer Kurt and Antoinette ‘76 Layer Todd and Peg Lemmel Joe and Jill Mendoza Scott and Lisa Monteith Stephen and Martha Moser Bill and Sue Mullen Joe and June Naughton Wayne ‘69 and Chris Nelis Dennis and Karen O’Toole Margiy Outten ‘81 Greg and Debbie ‘71 Perkins Paul ‘84 and Marci ‘84 Pittman RONCALLI HIGH SCHOOL Robert W. Poorman, Jr. Chuck ‘85 and Shandra Roach Robert and Amy Saling Tony ‘83 and Carrie Schafer Dick ‘60 and Jeanne ‘60 Schott Patrick ‘83 and Angela ‘86 Schubach Robert E. Sedgwick Anthony and Mary Seger Mike and Joan Soller Ben ‘81 and Mari Jo Stallings Jeff and Kim Stevens Kurt and Mary Beth ‘71 Supple David and Elizabeth Szentes Bill and Kathy Tichenor Monsignor Tony Volz Todd and Jill Wagner Joseph and Ann Weber Bill and Cathy Weinmann Chuck ‘79 and Jane Weisenbach Alan and Karen Welch Robert and Marianne Whelchel Greg and Lisa White Joe and Ann Wohlhieter Ignatius and Kimberly Wong Steve and Patty ‘71 Yeager Champions Circle $500-$999 Anonymous Forest ‘56 and Pat ‘56 Albertson Bill and Terri Amonett Thelma Antolin ‘83 Marty and Carol Armbruster Michael and Beth Barron Steve ‘83 and Lisa Battiato Dan ‘85 and Pam ‘86 Bauer Michael and Christine Bauman Nancy Bemis Raymond and Anita ‘60 Biltz Bob ‘54 and Rita ‘59 Boyle Jerome and Mary Karen Bradford Francis and Joyce Brandenburg Karen Brewer Dennis and Patsy Buckley Richard and Dawn Burkhardt Paul and Erin Burkhart Kevin ‘84 and Susan Callon Paul and Lisa Clark Chris and Stephanie Condi Greg ‘83 and Susie ‘83 Corsaro Pat ‘87 and Lori Crosley Mark and Jeanine ‘87 Currans Marilyn Dever-Miles Ari and Brittany Doucette Only about 5 percent of all Boy Scouts ever become an Eagle Scout, which makes the fact that we have fifteen Eagle Scouts soaring the halls of Roncalli High School even more exciting. Congratulations to these fine Christopher and Beth young men! Patrick Tichenor, Josh Reimer, J.T. Bruhn, Dristas Ben Shilson, Matthew Knierman, Jimmy Kile, Adam Jim and Carol Elworth Servies, Austin Shepherd, Brandon Stuckey, Bill Fanelli and Theresa Bossu Robby Kile, Austin Buschkoetter, James ‘82 and Lisa Feltz Mitchell Carroll and Andrew Nover Ron and Linda Pirau Dave ‘85 and Tamara ‘87 (Not Photographed: Marcus Phil and Tanya Pongracz Gervasio Swift) Kevin and Melissa Popa Lisa Goldstein ‘73 Kerry and Cindy Prather Tim and Michelle ‘04 Gray Timothy ‘91 and Tina Reece Scott and Nancy Gudeman Kurt and Ineta Roessler Tom ‘56 and Mary Hall Marc and Jamie Roland Greg and Katie ‘99 Harris Paul and Marianne Sahm Steve and Kathy Heath Ken and Ginger Betz Dave ‘83 and Linda Sayre Michele Heid ‘72 Greg and Lisa Brassie Larry ‘68 and Kathy ‘68 Wayne and Mary Heisig Dick and Alice Brown Schembra Tom and Kathleen Helbing Terese Carson Douglas ‘89 and Amber ‘90 Charles and Angela Hert Lyle Clark and Bea ‘47 Massing Schiefelbein Michael and Kristen Hoffman Clark Edward and Therese 82’ Joe and Eileen ‘77 Horan Donald and Sheri Clifford Schmitt Lou and Cathy ‘85 Huebler Richard and Kathleen Crosson R.J. ‘82 and Kelly Schoettle Jerry and Carol Jahnke Matt and Amy Dafforn Joe ‘96 and Candice ‘96 Schott Pat and Elaine Jerrell Dave Downey and Yvonne Molly Schrader Kevin ‘83 and Chris ‘83 Norris Paul ‘76 and Toni Sergi Johnson Glen and Cindy Delong Harry ‘68 and Mary Lou Kevin ‘80 and Anne ‘80 Keller Bob and Jan Dietrick Sherman Sara Kern Stephen ‘61 and Marcy Frank and Deanna Smith Greg and Kari Kerr Dowden John and Deborah Spista David and Cindy Kiesel Father Patrick Doyle John and Kathleen Spotts Larry ‘67 and Jane ‘66 Killion Robert and Janice Eberg Charles ‘79 and Mary William ‘70 and Mary Laker John and Constance Evelo Springman James and Julie Lamping John and April Faust Harry and Roberta Steele Fred and Carol Lane Leo Feldhake ‘41 Gerard and Kim Striby Mickey Lentz ‘59 Arthur Field, IV Thad Swiezy ‘86 James and Vicki Loughmiller Gabriel and Deborah Franco Jeff ‘73 and Carol ‘74 Taylor Jim and Sue Lynch Jim and Elaine Franke Bob and Mary Pat Tully R. Marty ‘79 and Kathleen ‘79 Lorraine Gleixner Jeff Veldhof Lynch Jeff and Erin Gore Tom ‘82 and Theresa ‘85 Ron and Dottie Mack Chet and Shellie Hartford Weisenbach Stephen and Mary Ann Paul and Ivy Heazeltine Jim and Marilynn Wernke Mahoney David and Donna Heinekamp Dave Zwiesler ‘70 David and Phyllis Maloney Bryan and Margaret ‘68 Tom and Lora ‘73 Mascari Hendricks William and Theresa Mason Bruno ‘58 and Joanne ‘58 Daniel ‘77 and Cheryl McAllen Hettwer Brian and Mary ‘79 McCoy Scott and Karen ‘93 Houser $250-$499 Leon and Mary McKenzie Mike and Toni ‘80 Humes Tom and Jane Meier Gene and Barbara Humphrey Anonymous Mark ‘94 and Ann Mennel Aaron ‘97 and Jill Irwin Terrence and Ethel Adamo Dan and Darcy Miles Paul and Margaret Jacobs Jack and Cindy Amann John and Julia Morand Anna Kazmierski ‘90 Robin Andrews ‘77 Dennis and Pat Musgrave Gary ‘81 and Darla Armbruster Bill and Elsie Kerr David and Lori Orman Rich and Gail Kidwell Richard and Lucy Bedwell Timothy and Jean Pavey Anna Marie Kiefer Anthony Benedict Pete and Beth Peterman Bob Kirkhoff Art and Ann ‘71 Berkemeier Joseph and Nancy Peters Blue, White and Red Club 2012-2013 STEWARDSHIP REPORT 17 The Roncalli High School Spell Bowl team won the Indiana Academic Spell Bowl Regional competition. The Rebels defeated 9 schools on their way to the championship. This marks the Rebels sixth consecutive trip to the Spell Bowl State Finals! Blue, White and Red Club (cont’d) $250-$499 Andy ‘94 and Jen Kocher Jacques and Diane Le Fevre Don and Marilynn Lewis Mike and Sheryl Lewis Dan and Ann Marsicek Mary Jane Mattingly Glen and Mary Maxwell Larry and Judith ‘58 May Michael and Geriann McKay Michael and Beth ‘79 Mislan Eric and Maureen Moher Maria Montgomery Herb and Betty Mould Jim and Carolyn Naumovich Daniel and Virginia O’Brien Charles ‘81 and Diana O’Connor John ‘82 and Angie ‘83 Oechsle Daniel O’Leary Michael ‘82 and Melissa O’Maley Dan and Colleen ‘81 Parker Kathy Peach Clifford Peters ‘37 Amy Polizzi Brian and Nancy ‘79 Prather Tom and Janet Price Tim Puntarelli Jon and Cherie Ramos Hank and Gloria Ramsey Leland and Rosalie ‘60 Richards Robert and Kathryn Roller Martha Rucker ‘51 Rick and Mary Pat Sapp Christopher Schott ‘89 Joe ‘63 and Bonnie ‘68 Schott Steven and Catherine Schutte David Skrzypczak Donna Smith Dwayne and Nancy ‘80 Sowers Theresa Springman ‘47 18 Scott ‘79 and Dorothy Stenger Casey and Kelly Strange Greg and Julie Streicher Joe and Ann Striewe Mary Sturm ‘65 Gregory and Kathy Taylor Ed ‘76 and Mindy Thorne James and Kathleen Tilson Jim Tilton and Mary Jo Zajeski ‘72 Donald and Sandra Toll Dave ‘67 and Angie Toner Joe and Louisa Townsley Dan and Joyce Wagner Connie Wilson John and Mary ‘58 Wilson Sandra Worden Robert ‘88 and Renee Ziliak Rebel Varsity Club $100-$249 Anonymous Michael and Denise Akers Rusty and Julie Albertson Michael and Grace Alfery Mitch and Jackie Allard Scott and Kate Andrews Greg ‘00 and Laura Armbruster Joe and Joan Armbruster Mike and Judy Armour Joe ‘90 and Lisa Babb James and Angie ‘72 Bagnoli Elaine Bailey Mary Bakeis Randell and Tina Barnhorst Diane Barton ‘82 David and Janet Bartram William ‘72 and Cynthia Basch John Battiato Nick ‘73 and Cindy ‘74 Battiato RONCALLI HIGH SCHOOL Steve and Maureen Bauer Gary and Lynn Baumann David ‘01 and Lisa ‘01 Beckwith Daniel and Trudy Bell Kimberly Bell Martin and Linda Bielawski Terry and Martha Blankenberger Keith and Pam ‘78 Bontrager William and Hellis Borst Pat and Linda ‘67 Bower Nathan Bradford ‘97 Steve Bridge and Catherine Lutholtz Bridge Daniel ‘66 and Judy Brizendine Edward and Emily ‘86 Brown Michael and Cynthia Brown Patricia Brunette Kim Buckley ‘04 Judy Burke John and Shirley ‘53 Carroll Molly Clawson-Allbright ‘86 Russell and Page Clemens Michael ‘62 and Jacque Clements Cecilia Click ‘03 Adam and Lauren Cline Todd and Deidra Colvin Bill and Karren Cox Rick and Evanne Cuculick Francis and Sharon Cunningham Greg ‘82 and Cheryl Cunningham Jeff ‘84 and Angie Curtis Robert ‘95 and Jaime Dinn Kristin Donofrio ‘99 John and Heidi Dowell Randall and Sondra Durham Jeanette Dusing Andy ‘80 and Cynthia Eagan Tom and Patti Eckrich Tom ‘61 and Becka Egold Brooks and Sheila Elliott Frank and Betty Farris Louis and Connie Feagans Mary Ann Fehring Brad ‘96 and Amy ‘95 Feldman Bruce Feldman ‘83 Dick ‘57 and Diana Feltman Fred and Mary ‘67 Fields Dennis and Bernice Finkbiner Fred and Patty Fisher Scott and Gina ‘89 Fleming Ryan and Pilar Funk Mike and Tina Gabbei Steve and Kim ‘85 Gadaleta Julie Gahimer Don and Jo Gallagher Al and Mary Ann Gallo Charles Gearns Charles and Janet Gearns Fr. Stephen Giannini Joan Gibbons ‘81 Gerald and Mary Gilmartin Eric ‘88 and Tonya Goss Diane Grannan Charles and Linda Greene Joel and Elizabeth Groves David ‘59 and Molly Hager Father John Hall Thomas ‘65 and Suzanne Halloran Mary Handy Deborah Hartman ‘71 Keith ‘03 and Deanna Hatfield James and Regina Hayden Joshua ‘97 and Nicole ‘95 Haywood Stephanie Heath ‘01 Patricia Heinrich Nick Heinzelman ‘92 Gerry and Cindy Hemmelgarn Ellen Henke Patrick ‘84 and Bobbi Henn Frank and Mary Herbertz Rev. John Hollowell ‘97 Jeanette Hollowell Chip ‘89 and Staci Hubbs Brad and Lori Huddleston Matt ‘65 and Sandy ‘66 Iaria Dwain and Marilyn Illman Donna Irish Ann Marie Jacob Mark ‘78 and Julee Jacob John ‘66 and Mary Jaffe David ‘83 and Amy Jahnke Dan James Diane Johnson ‘80 Sally Johnson Andrea Jones ‘91 Anne Lynch ‘92 Mike and Mary Ann Kaiser Ted and Joyce Kaminski Robert and Kelli Kappus Bob ‘79 and Rosemarie Kelly Harold and Sharon Kennedy Gertrude Killion Ron and Ann Kinstler Priscilla Kirsch ‘70 August and Shirley Knierman Joe Konz Martha Kuffel David and Lisa Lahey Kevin and Valynda Laird Karen Lally ‘73 David ‘94 and Kara Lauck Louis ‘78 and Chris ‘79 Lauck Mary Grace Lawler ‘38 Joseph ‘92 and Stephanie Lawrie Kathryn Lawrie ‘64 Marvin and Fran Lay Bill and Mary Jo Leppert Brian and Erin ‘94 Lewis Patricia Ley ‘68 Al and Mary Lutgring David ‘78 and Marla Lutgring Bob Lynch ‘56 Bob and Marie Lyons Carl and Del Madden John and Deborah Madden John Mader ‘63 Howard and Sue Malham Louis and Dorothy Mariutto Kory J. Marks Kip and Amber ‘03 McDonald Ed and Donna McGarrell Brent and Cathy McIntosh Gerald and Betty McKeand Donna McManama Richard and Carolyn Meisberger Chris ‘02 and Julie ‘02 Mennel Archie and Tina Meyers Michael Bishop Curt and Debbie Mikulla Jeff and Kara Miller Thomas and Kathleen Miller Victoria Miller ‘77 Phil Milroy Arthur and Mary Minar Richard Monday Mary Moody ‘63 Ben Moser ‘98 Scott ‘95 and Suzanne Moser Michael and Pat Mull Michael ‘80 and Joanne Mullin Thomas Naughton ‘85 Leonard and Jean Naumovich Daniel and Clara ‘79 Nehmer Matt Nelson Bette Nemecek John and Helen Noone Monte and Robin Nuckols Jim Oakley Bernard ‘63 and Jody ‘63 O’Connor, Sr. Mike and Anne ‘82 O’Connor Senior Bridget Perry was honored as the 2013 Marion County Female Athlete of the Year on May 1. This is quite an honor in that she was selected from senior athletes from over 30 high schools (public, private and parochial) in Marion County. Perry will play basketball for Coach Sharon Versyp at Purdue University. 2012-2013 STEWARDSHIP REPORT 19 Rebel Varsity Club (cont’d) $100-$249 Chris and Janice Orrell James and Susan Owen Michael and Kelli Pacuch Bernard Padgett ‘58 Phillip and Kristen Palmer Bipinchandra and Holly Patel Michael and Andrea Pawlik Daniel and Rhea Pea Robert and Betty Ann Perkins Tom ‘64 and Jane Peters Michael and Suzette Phillips Pete ‘68 and Shari ‘69 Piazza Josephine Pich Ralph and Andra ‘60 Poehls Rex Ralston ‘83 Jim and Mary Ratliff Brian and Sherry Richards Larry and Rose Richart Steven J. Riddle Sara Riedeman Dennis ‘84 and Carla Rike Curt and Janet Robinson Sharon Roeder Barbara Roesch Rod and Jane Rollins Roncalli High School Class of 1977 Timothy and Angela ‘84 Runholt Jeanne Rush Dennis and Mary Rusher Edmond ‘69 and Nancy ‘69 Russell Richard C. Ruwe Richard and Marilyn Ryan Mike ‘89 and Susan Sahm Dennis and Linda ‘65 Schafer John and Kara Schalk Gerald and Marilyn Scheele Phil and Kathy Schluge Phillip John ‘99 and Tracy Schluge Mark Schmalz ‘60 Jay and Angie ‘90 Schnell Ken and Donna Schnell Raymond J. Schnorr, Jr. Norbert Schott ‘64 Scott and Kathy ‘90 Schreiber Todd and Sandee Schultheis Francis A. and Patricia C. Sergi Joseph and Jackie Sergi Joe and Roseanne Sergi Michael and Mary Beth Servie Christopher Shaw ‘02 Lysle and Carole Shaw Joan Sheppard Jefferson Shreve Mark Smith Mark and Mary Smith Thomas and Madonna Smith Andy and Suzanne ‘82 Smock James and Ruth Snyder Mark Sperka Rose Springman ‘70 James and Sandra Steele Dennis and Patti ‘69 Stephenson Don and Sue Stowers Aaron and Betsy Strader Robert and Ann Strykowski Anthony ‘88 and Sheryl Stuckey Msgr. Mark Svarczkopf Pete ‘82 and Ronda Swartz Roy Swartz Rosie Sylvester Victor and Jackie Szczechowski Gary and Nancy Taylor Bryan and Lori Thorne Daniel and Bridget Thuente J. Marcos and Lori Torres Samuel and Lisa Traina Jeff and Elizabeth Traylor Jim and Helen Traylor Senior David Page earned the distinction of Valedictorian for the Class of 2013 and senior Christopher Brown earned the distinction of Salutatorian for the Class of 2013. David is a graduate of St. Roch Catholic School and the son of David R’86 and Santina Page. Christopher is a graduate of Holy Name Catholic School and the son of Bart R’81 and Lisa Brown. 20 RONCALLI HIGH SCHOOL Bill and Patsy Uhrig Richard and Margaret Vannoy Luz-Elena Valencia Thomas and Haley Wade John and Jeanne Wagner John and Kathy Waite Max Weisenbach ‘06 Timothy and Diane Weisenbach Eugene Wessling Rob and Liz Whalen Stephen and Cheryl Wood ‘79 Wheelock Brian ‘85 and Angela White Mike and Julie ‘75 Wicks Larry ‘72 and Kathy Wilder Jon and Christine Williams Clayton ‘90 and Celeste ‘91 Willis John and Judith Wirtz Bruce and Karen Wrege Mike and Donna Writt Gregory Young Michael Zachodni Timothy and Julie ‘81 Zahn Don and Bea Zakrowski Keith Zapp ‘98 Joseph and Diane ‘77 Zimmerman Friends of Roncalli UNDER $100 Anonymous Kirk and Meredith Acra Charles and Joan ‘74 Adams Jimmie and Diana Adams Justin Agresta ‘03 Thomas and Helen Alexander Joseph and Monica Allen Thomas ‘60 and Jill Alsop Jenna Alspaugh ‘99 Dennis and Sally Anderson Stephen and Patty Armbruster Ricky and Mary Ann Arnold Jeffrey and Carol Arsenault Mark Ashcraft ‘78 Robert and Patricia Ashmore Ronald and Barbara ‘71 Atkerson Donald and Karen Aton Brian and Jennifer Avery John F. ‘80 and Nancy Baker Donald and Claudeen Baltzer The Girls Bowling Team garnered their first undefeated season in the 13 year history of the program under the direction of Coach Mike McGreevy R’74. The girls won the sectional title with four bowlers placing in the top eight. The team bowled their way to runner-up in the regional competition with senior Jessica Neu placing individual runner-up. The team finished 7th place at semi-state, with Neu finishing fourth to advance to the individual state finals in Lafayette. Among Gerald and Margaret ‘65 Ban the state’s top 24 high school bowlers, Neu bowled Joe ‘85 and Jennifer Barrett a 535 series to a 12th place finish. Members of Deborah Barrick the record setting team include: Christina Rebecca Baskerville ‘83 Gillenwater, Megan Harrell, Sophia Chuck and Marla ‘74 Tony ‘80 and Lisa ‘81 Battiato Mascari, Jessica Neu, Kelsey Cothron Jack and Nancy Baxter Neylon, Jordan Smith, Frank and Susan Courtney Earl Beasley ‘67 Maryann Todd, Rachel Louis and Susan Cover Michael Beeks Warren, Maddi Karren S. Cox Brad and Jennifer Beery Wincek, Kristin Bill and Susan Craig Stan and Karyn Bellamy Bashore and Eric and Charity Cross Mark and Shannon Gregg and Suzanne ‘81 Bennett Amber May. Ed and Mary Jean Culy Frank Maria Bentley ‘59 Eric Cunningham ‘13 Frank and Terese Jerry and Nancy Beuoy Michael ‘87 and Nancy ‘92 Frausto John ‘57 and Mary Ann ‘58 Curd Robert ‘72 and Patricia ‘72 Boarman Jeff and Lori ‘81 Daniel Funke Don and Mary Beth Bowling James and Clara Davis Rick and Suzanne Galloway Robert and Betty Brabender Michael and Elizabeth ‘76 De Kelley Gantner ‘91 Steve and Terri Bradley Chant Lupe and Julie ‘86 Garcia Dennis Brennan Thomas and Cathy Deal William and Karen Gardner Marilyn Brewer ‘51 Bob and Kathy DeBolt Cathy Milner Garrity Marsha Poteet ‘66 Charles and Kathleen Deck Robert and Helen Gasper George Brueggemann Michael ‘67 and Sue Delaney Joe and Jonnie Gehring John and Jennifer Buechler David and Jody Denton Mary Patitsas Giapponi Louis ‘42 and Betty Buergler John ‘85 and Joann ‘75 Dickey Joy Gieschen Baron and Rachel Bullard Marge Dicks Lewis and Kay Gillespie Stephen ‘64 and Carol Linda Dobrota ‘64 Michael ‘66 and Vicki ‘67 Goss Burkhardt David and Mary ‘70 Dodds Eugene and Lois Grant David and Shannon Burton Michael Doll Michael and Lynda Grant Austin Buschkoetter ‘13 Deitra Dunne Eileen Green ‘63 James and Laura Bushong Joy Dutro Thomas and Roberta Green Mark and Donna Butler Paul ‘70 and Brenda Eads Mark and Paula Greider Marjorie Cagle Emery and Cynthia ‘81 Eakle Helen Ward Griffin ‘49 Michael and Joan Cahill Tom and Darlene Eberhard Mark Griffin ‘91 Robert Callon Garry ‘65 and Mary Jo Eckstein Ben and Gina Grimes Ann Caric Jerri Eder ‘57 Kyle and Danielle Grose Fred and Mariann Carpenter Thomas ‘63 and Angie Egan Mike Gummere Robert and Kathy Carroll Andrew and Betsy Eibling Michael and Kathleen ‘88 Bob and Debbie Carver Jim and Carol Elias Haberthy Jim and Judy Cashe Kathy Esslinger Nathan and Sherrie Haehl Dave and Pat Caskey John and Mary Ann Evans Gary ‘82 and Kathy Halter Mike Caskey ‘86 Robert and Dorothy Evans Angie Hamer Michael and Elaine Caskey Jessie Featherstone ‘59 Bruce and Linda Matthew and Shannon ‘94 Ron and Carol Ann Feeney Hammerschmitt Casse Daniel Ferry ‘13 Nikki Handy Lisa Cento Patrick and Marcia Ferry Stella Hannon Madelynne Chandler David and Lora Fetsko George and Chrissy Harmon Raymond Childers Joan Fey Mike and Karen ‘87 Harmon Gary and Sandy Clark Jim and Carolyn Fillenwarth James and Becky ‘65 Harrell Leslie Clark Glenn and Brenda Fischer Mary Jane Harrington Barbara Clements Todd and Sherry Flick Eugene and Shirley Harris Terrence and Michelle Collins James and Janet Foulke Leo ‘43 and Margaret Hartman Juanita Conaway Daniel and Donna Fowler Robert and Ardyth Haws 2012-2013 STEWARDSHIP REPORT 21 Friends of Roncalli (cont’d) UNDER $100 Tom and Martha Heazeltine Brent and Rhonda Hedrick Camilla Heid ‘68 Steven and Elaine Heiden Erica Heinekamp ‘02 Erick and Laura Heinrich Dennis and Teresa Hemmerlein Mary P. Henninger John ‘81 and Mary Herbertz Lisa Hicks Ezra Hill ‘96 Sandra Hill ‘66 Bob and Margaret ‘58 Hillan James Hofmann ‘72 Liza Holtkamp Nicholas Hubbs ‘97 Cynthia Huff ‘66 Earl and Carol Huffman Jackie Hullfish Robert ‘76 and Christine Hurley Laura Irmer ‘93 Todd and Harriet Irwin Richard ‘80 and Mary Ann Jacobs Patricia Janitz Robert and Sue Johnson Mark and Vicky Jones James and Ann Jordan Frank and Carol Julian Anne Marie Kappus ‘13 Robert and Lois Kattau John Kehoe Jeffrey ‘91 and Erin Keller Joseph and Martha Keller William Keller ‘69 Mike and Susan Kensill Mark and Tonia Key Carmela Kidwell James Kirschner Marjorie Kliman Karl and Lynda Knable Jim and Sandy Knarr Madeline Koenig ‘13 Thomas and Karen Koesters Tom and Julie Kraft Tom and Jodeen Kramer Jack and Betty Krebs Chris and Judy Krengel Marjorie Kreuzman ‘52 Henry and Bonnie Kurz Tim and Susan ‘72 Lacy Anthony ‘43 and Donna Laker Dick and Patricia Lauer Kenny and Rosie Leisman Mike and Miki Lewinski Jerry and Brenda Lewis Mitzi Lyons 22 James and Kimberly Madden John and Josie ‘81 Madden Joe ‘73 and Rita Maguire James and Victoria Males Carolyn Malone Nicholas ‘80 and Joyce ‘80 Mappes Therese Mappes Robert and Sharon Marshall Collin Martin ‘98 Roberto Martinez ‘15 Stacie Martinez Frank and Mary Mascari Michael A. Mascari Sophie Mascari ‘13 Tommy ‘93 and Jen Mascari Mark and Pam Mathias Joe ‘73 and Connie Matis Richard and Rita Mayer Kristen McCarthy ‘13 Michael ‘83 and Kathy McCarthy Joseph and Susan McConnell Marilyn McGauley Gary McGinnis ‘72 Rod and Barbara McKinney Jerre and Cindy McManama Jayson and Rachel McNicholas Russell and Vera McSwain Michael and Janet Merritt Debra Michalak Rose Miles Chris and Tammy Millott Glenn Mohrfield Richard and Millie Moorman Gale Moran Gary ‘72 and Mary Frances ‘72 Moran Larry and Gina Moran Steve and Mary Jane Moran Karen Morgan ‘85 Brian and Dawn Morris William and Mary Murphy Jerry and Sue Myers Paul ‘80 and Lorie ‘80 Nagy Kenneth ‘60 and Mary Rose ‘60 Nevitt Jim and Pat Nickell Bill and Barb Niezgodski Tim and Kathy Nobbe Omer and Norma O’Connor Joanna Odom Philip and Carla Oehrle John and Jean O’Gara Judy Padgett Robert and Marcia Page Garland and Susan Pannell Charlie and Diane Paul Anthony Peak ‘09 Christine Peak ‘06 Ryne ‘04 and Jody Peak Robert and Laura Perry Mayo Ellis and Donna Peters RONCALLI HIGH SCHOOL James and Darlene Phillips Mitch and Charisse Phillips Judith Pihlak ‘60 Stephen and Karen Plasterer David and Rose Powers Steve and Marcia Pre Daniel ‘81 and Jill Prestel Tom and Katherine Price Thomas and Rosie E. Quill, Jr. Diane Quillico Joan Rainey William and Martha Ramsey Michael and Teresa Ransdell John and Meg Ray Marco and Julie Ray Paul and Carol Redmond Robert and Kathleen ‘68 Ripperger Jane Patterson and Bob Risher Bruce Roberts Richard and Barbara Roberts Nancy Roberts Mark and Jan Rody Barbara Roembke Diane Roudebush Paul ‘65 and Patricia Ruth Tony Sanders Mary Lee Schaffer Joseph and Louise Schaub Chuck ‘66 and Janet Schmaltz Paul and Donna Schmidt Angela Schmoll ‘84 Todd and Anita Schneider Keith and Ann Schnell Bob and Deanna Schreiber John and Jamie Schroeder William ‘71 and Patricia Schubach Bruce and Jackie Scifres Michael ‘87 and Joanne Scifres Shelby Scocozza Mark Sergi ‘01 Monica Sergi ‘06 Timothy Sergi ‘05 Kenneth and Ellen Shackleford Kathleen Shank ‘66 John ‘52 and Michele Sheats Van and Jean Shelton Brad and Stacy Shepherd Benjamin and Jill Silver Dan and Debra Simpson Anna Smith Erika Smith ‘64 Rachel Smith John and Dottie Soller Ron and Pat Sondgerath Eleanor Sowder ‘51 Charles and Alice Springman Richard Stamm Don and Kathy Staton Gary ‘67 and Marilyn ‘67 Steigerwald Tom and Jean Stenger Chad and Rebecca Stone Julia Strawn Robert and Rhonda Stubbs Louise Sullivan Michael Sullivan, Jr. ‘01 Rosemary Sutter ‘71 William and Susan Swhear Christina Tebbe Fred and Lisa Teney Ryan and Jennifer Thacker Sister M. Cora Thoman Cecelia Tieken ‘05 Brian ‘03 and Michelle Tolin Philip and Carole ‘57 Toscano Dennis and Virginia Tracy Stacy Traylor Tony and Erin ‘90 Turk Dennis and Tina Turner Richard and Loretta Utterback Jim and Barb Vandygriff Richard ‘92 and Angela ‘94 Viduya Richard and Linda Watson Mary T. Waugh Robert and Jean Waugh David and Connie Weiger Suzanne Wells Eric and Lisa Wilson Richard and Jacqueline ‘83 Wirey James and Margie Withem Thomas Yetter ‘55 Christopher and Lori York David and Janet Young Doug and Barbara ‘82 Young Art and Diana Zakrowski Barbara Zebel Ciarra Carter and Barb Zimmer Parent Contributors Steve Bridge and Catherine Lutholtz Bridge Ben ‘92 and Heather Briggeman Richard and Dawn Burkhardt Paul and Erin Burkhart Michael and Joan Cahill Kevin ‘84 and Susan Callon Fred and Mariann Carpenter Molly Clawson-Allbright ‘86 Donald and Sheri Clifford Pat and Dawn Collier Todd and Deidra Colvin Chris and Stephanie Condi Greg ‘83 and Susie ‘83 Corsaro Karren S. Cox Pat ‘87 and Lori Crosley Michael and Eileen Crowther Greg ‘82 and Cheryl Cunningham Mark and Jeanine ‘87 Currans Jeff ‘84 and Angie Curtis Jeff and Lori ‘81 Daniel Glen and Cindy Delong John ‘85 and Joann ‘75 Dickey John and Heidi Dowell Christopher and Beth Dristas Joe and Diane Dubord Deitra Dunne Andy ‘80 and Cynthia Eagan Brooks and Sheila Elliott Dan and Beth Elsener Bill Fanelli and Theresa Bossu Patrick and Marcia Ferry David and Lora Fetsko Kenneth and Laura ‘90 Fikes Glenn and Brenda Fischer Brian and Kim Fogg Bart and Christina Fox Mark and Shannon Frank Frank and Terese Frausto Edward and Anne Frye Steve and Kim ‘85 Gadaleta Julie Gahimer Lupe and Julie ‘86 Garcia Dave ‘85 and Tamara ‘87 Gervasio Gan and Mary Gin Karl and Colleen Glander Mark and Eva Theresa Gleixner Jeff and Erin Gore Eric ‘88 and Tonya Goss Greg and Julie Gurnik Gary ‘82 and Kathy Halter Les and Kathi Haman Nikki Handy George and Chrissy Harmon Chet and Shellie Hartford James and Regina Hayden Brent and Rhonda Hedrick Steven and Elaine Heiden Erick and Laura Heinrich Ellen Henke Patrick ‘84 and Bobbi Henn Ezra Hill ‘96 Michael and Kristen Hoffman Joseph and Diane Hollowell Liza Holtkamp Rick ‘79 and Mimi ‘84 Huck Brad and Lori Huddleston Lou and Cathy ‘85 Huebler Laura Irmer ‘93 Mark and Barb Jackson Jim and Jackie Jacob Mark ‘78 and Julee Jacob Paul and Margaret Jacobs Richard ‘80 and Mary Ann Jacobs David ‘83 and Amy Jahnke Dan James Kevin ‘83 and Chris ‘83 Johnson Mark and Vicky Jones Robert and Kelli Kappus Bob ‘79 and Rosemarie Kelly Greg and Kari Kerr David and Cindy Kiesel David and Mary Jo Koppenhofer Joe ‘86 and Amy ‘87 Kuntz David and Lisa Lahey James and Julie Lamping Dick and Patricia Lauer Kurt and Antoinette ‘76 Layer Todd and Peg Lemmel William Leppert ‘82 and Rhonda Leppert Mike and Sheryl Lewis David ‘78 and Marla Lutgring James and Kimberly Madden John and Josie ‘81 Madden Dan and Ann Marsicek Stacie Martinez Glen and Mary Maxwell Michael ‘83 and Kathy McCarthy Patrick and Jill McCollam Roncalli’s David Lauck R’94 was chosen as the 2013 Indiana High School Softball State Coach of the Year by the Indiana Coaches of Girls’ Sports Association after his Rebel softball team went 27-3 and won the Marion County and sectional championships. Lauck is entering his fifth season as the Varsity Head Coach after spending 3 years with the Junior Varsity team. He has been teaching for 9 years at Roncalli and now serves as the Assistant Athletic Director. 2012-2013 STEWARDSHIP REPORT 23 Parent Contributors (cont’d) Michael and Geriann McKay Rod and Barbara McKinney Jerre and Cindy McManama Joe and Jill Mendoza Chris and Tammy Millott Eric and Maureen Moher Scott and Lisa Monteith Larry and Gina Moran John and Julia Morand Karen Morgan ‘85 John and Tara ‘88 Morse Michael ‘80 and Joanne Mullin Paul ‘80 and Lorie ‘80 Nagy Jim and Carolyn Naumovich John and Jean O’Gara Michael ‘82 and Melissa O’Maley David and Lori Orman Chris and Janice Orrell Jim and Sophia ‘81 Otley Michael and Kelli Pacuch Garland and Susan Pannell Michael and Andrea Pawlik James and Nicole Perry Paul ‘84 and Marci ‘84 Pittman Phil and Tanya Pongracz Kevin and Melissa Popa David and Rose Powers Brian and Nancy ‘79 Prather Kerry and Cindy Prather Mark and Jan Prince Tom and Nancy Quill Rex ‘83 and Patty Ralston Jon and Cherie Ramos Timothy ‘91 and Tina Reece Brian and Sherry Richards Dennis ‘84 and Carla Rike Chuck ‘85 and Shandra Roach Andy and Di Roessler Marc and Jamie Roland Rod and Jane Rollins Robert and Amy Saling John and Kara Schalk Douglas ‘89 and Amber ‘90 Schiefelbein Angela Schmoll ‘84 Todd and Anita Schneider Jay and Angie ‘90 Schnell R.J. ‘82 and Kelly Schoettle Doug and Molly Schrader Scott and Kathy ‘90 Schreiber Patrick ‘83 and Angela ‘86 Schubach Steven and Catherine Schutte Bruce and Jackie Scifres Michael ‘87 and Joanne Scifres Paul and Mary Sheets Brad and Stacy Shepherd 24 Benjamin and Jill Silver Dan and Debra Simpson David Skrzypczak Mark and Mary Smith Andy and Suzanne ‘82 Smock Mike and Joan Soller Dwayne and Nancy ‘80 Sowers John and Deborah Spista Charles ‘79 and Mary Springman Ben ‘81 and Mari Jo Stallings Scott ‘79 and Dorothy Stenger Jeff and Kim Stevens Aaron and Betsy Strader Casey and Kelly Strange Greg and Julie Streicher Anthony ‘88 and Sheryl Stuckey Victor and Jackie Szczechowski David and Elizabeth Szentes Fred and Lisa Teney Ryan and Jennifer Thacker Tim ‘85 and Traci Tichenor Michael and Melissa Veenhuizen Luz-Elena Valencia Todd and Jill Wagner Tom ‘82 and Theresa ‘85 Weisenbach Alan and Karen Welch Greg and Lisa White Mike and Julie ‘75 Wicks Eric and Lisa Wilson David and Ann Wolf Ignatius and Kimberly Wong Sandra Worden Bruce and Karen Wrege Christopher and Lori York Gregory Young Michael Zachodni Timothy and Julie ‘81 Zahn Don and Bea Zakrowski Tributes IN HONOR OF MIKE CROWTHER Southside Catholic Business Professionals, Inc. IN HONOR OF COLLIN KELLER Bill and Elsie Kerr IN HONOR OF FATHER JAMES WILMOTH Father John Hall IN MEMORY OF DOTTIE LYNCH Mary P. Henninger IN MEMORY OF FRANK ALLEN Thomas ‘60 and Jill Alsop Consumer Electronics Alumni Robert and Sue Johnson Ben ‘81 and Mari Jo Stallings IN MEMORY OF JENNIFER MCKINNEY Kathy Esslinger RONCALLI HIGH SCHOOL Frank and Betty Farris Luke and Diana McKinney IN MEMORY OF JERRE MCMANAMA, SR. Anonymous Kirk and Meredith Acra Brian and Jennifer Avery Mike and Mary Brown Patricia Brunette John and Jennifer Buechler Lewis and Kay Gillespie Lisa Hicks David ‘83 and Amy Jahnke Pat and Elaine Jerrell Mark and Tonia Key Tim and Kathy Nobbe Mark and Jan Rody Richard ‘92 and Angela ‘94 Viduya John and Kathy Waite Don and Bea Zakrowski IN MEMORY OF JOSEPHINE PICH James and Laura Bushong Lyle Clark and Bea ‘47 Massing Clark Michael ‘87 and Nancy ‘92 Curd Steve and Mary Jane Moran Robert and Laura Perry Rosie Sylvester IN MEMORY OF KAITLIN LYNCH Roncalli High School Class of 2007 IN MEMORY OF KARL ANDREWS Scott and Kate Andrews David and Janet Bartram Scott and Gina ‘89 Fleming IN MEMORY OF KYLE BAKER Anonymous Michael Beeks Jerry and Nancy Beuoy John ‘85 and Joann ‘75 Dickey Glenn and Brenda Fischer Joe and Jonnie Gehring Eugene and Shirley Harris Ikelite Underwater Systems Martha Kuffel David ‘78 and Marla Lutgring Arthur and Mary Minar Paul ‘80 and Lorie ‘80 Nagy Joanna Odom Stephen and Karen Plasterer Roncalli High School Class of 1985 Kenneth and Ellen Shackleford Harry and Roberta Steele James and Sandra Steele Robert and Rhonda Stubbs Michael and Melissa Veenhuizen Eric and Lisa Wilson IN MEMORY OF MARILYN BECKER Terese Carson IN MEMORY OF MARY GARRITY Bob and Debbie Carver John ‘66 and Mary Jaffe Diane Roudebush IN MEMORY OF MOJO HOLLOWELL Jeanette Hollowell IN MEMORY OF ROBERT GENTILLE Michael and Teresa Ransdell IN MEMORY OF SUSIE KIRKHOFF 7th Grade Lady Rebel Basketball Team Jenna Alspaugh ‘99 Dennis and Sally Anderson Joe and Joan Armbruster Mike and Judy Armour Steven and Tessa ‘80 Asdell Mark Ashcraft ‘78 Mary Bakeis John F. ‘80 and Nancy Baker Brad and Jennifer Beery Nancy Bemis Stephen ‘64 and Carol Burkhardt Dave and Pat Caskey Mike Caskey ‘86 Michael and Elaine Caskey Gary and Sandy Clark Barbara Clements Sherman and Kate Crosley Jeff ‘84 and Angie Curtis James and Clara Davis Charles and Kathleen Deck Michael Doll Jerri Eder ‘57 John and Mary Ann Evans Todd and Sherry Flick James and Janet Foulke Fr. Stephen Giannini Michael ‘66 and Vicki ‘67 Goss Michael and Kathleen ‘88 Haberthy Tom ‘56 and Mary Hall Gary ‘82 and Kathy Halter Bruce and Linda Hammerschmitt Mike and Karen ‘87 Harmon Mary Jane Harrington Bob and Margaret ‘58 Hillan Bob ‘56 and Della Hoereth Earl and Carol Huffman Indiana Elite Todd and Harriet Irwin Jerry and Carol Jahnke James and Ann Jordan Jeffrey ‘91 and Erin Keller Joseph and Martha Keller James Kirschner Steve ‘86 and Karen Looney Joe ‘73 and Rita Maguire Nicholas ‘80 and Joyce ‘80 Mappes Joseph and Susan McConnell Gerald and Betty McKeand Tom and Jane Meier Richard and Carolyn Meisberger William and Mary Murphy Jim Oakley John ‘82 and Angie ‘83 Oechsle Charlie and Diane Paul Pete ‘68 and Shari ‘69 Piazza Paul ‘84 and Marci ‘84 Pittman Kerry and Cindy Prather Thomas and Rosie E. Quill, Jr. William and Martha Ramsey Sara Riedeman Kurt and Ineta Roessler Richard and Marilyn Ryan Gerald and Marilyn Scheele Patrick ‘83 and Angela ‘86 Schubach Andy and Suzanne ‘82 Smock Dwayne and Nancy ‘80 Sowers Tom and Jean Stenger Greg and Julie Streicher William and Susan Swhear James and Kathleen Tilson Dennis and Virginia Tracy Bob and Mary Pat Tully Dan and Joyce Wagner Mary T. Waugh Robert and Jean Waugh Jim and Marilynn Wernke John and Judith Wirtz James and Margie Withem Mike and Donna Writt IN MEMORY OF THOMAS KERN, SR. Ralph and Andra ‘60 Poehls IN MEMORY OF TOM MADDEN Thomas and Helen Alexander American College of Emergency Physicians Marty and Carol Armbruster Ricky and Mary Ann Arnold Gerald and Margaret ‘65 Ban Tony ‘80 and Lisa ‘81 Battiato Robert and Betty Brabender Steve and Terri Bradley Dennis Brennan Baron and Rachel Bullard Mark and Donna Butler Marjorie Cagle Robert and Kathy Carroll Louis and Susan Cover Michael ‘67 and Sue Delaney Delta Rho Chapter Alpha Phi Eastway Development Garry ‘65 and Mary Jo Eckstein Andrew and Betsy Eibling Ron and Carol Ann Feeney Dick ‘57 and Diana Feltman Dennis and Bernice Finkbiner Daniel and Donna Fowler Rick and Suzanne Galloway Congratulations to Roncalli Class of 2013 members Brooke Lentz (St. Barnabas), Katie Schultz (St. Jude/Holy Spirit), Robbie Massing (St. Jude), Cameron Powers (St. Mark) and Delaney Collier (St. Mark) for receiving the Catholic Youth Organization’s Spirit of Youth award. These students were recognized for their dedication to volunteerism and continued commitment to service of others. 2012-2013 STEWARDSHIP REPORT 25 Roncalli senior, Austin Buschkoetter, was awarded First Place Drafting Winner in this year’s National Association of Women in Construction Design competition. Participants were instructed to design an energy efficient residential home for a family of five. Austin beat out competition from across the country and is the ninth national winner from Roncalli. This was Austin’s first competition, and he plans to further his experience and education at Ball State University. Tributes (cont’d) IN MEMORY OF TOM MADDEN William and Karen Gardner Mary Patitsas Giapponi Charles and Linda Greene Kyle and Danielle Grose James and Becky ‘65 Harrell Dwain and Marilyn Illman Indiana University Health Patricia Janitz Sally Johnson Frank and Carol Julian Mike and Mary Ann Kaiser Robert and Lois Kattau Mike and Susan Kensill Anna Marie Kiefer Marjorie Kliman Karl and Lynda Knable Frank and Lisa Kolisek Tom and Julie Kraft Kevin and Valynda Laird Louis ‘78 and Chris ‘79 Lauck Mike and Miki Lewinski Carl and Del Madden John and Deborah Madden Joe ‘73 and Connie Matis Glen and Mary Maxwell Marilyn McGauley Gary McGinnis ‘72 Jayson and Rachel McNicholas Michael Bishop Thomas and Kathleen Miller Brian and Dawn Morris Bill and Sue Mullen Monte and Robin Nuckols James and Susan Owen Bipinchandra and Holly Patel Paul T. Jansen, DDS Mayo Ellis and Donna Peters Steve and Marcia Pre Tom and Katherine Price John and Meg Ray Steven J. Riddle 26 Rod and Jane Rollins Jeanne Rush Mary Lee Schaffer Phil and Kathy Schluge Schneck Memorial Hospital Raymond J. Schnorr, Jr. John and Jamie Schroeder Shelby Scocozza Francis A. and Patricia C. Sergi Anna Smith Rachel Smith Dennis and Patti ‘69 Stephenson Gary and Nancy Taylor Dennis and Tina Turner David and Connie Weiger Tom ‘82 and Theresa ‘85 Weisenbach David and Ann Wolf Ciarra Carter and Barb Zimmer IN MEMORY OF TOM ROBERTS Jeffrey and Carol Arsenault Robert and Patricia Ashmore Donald and Karen Aton Steve and Maureen Bauer Jack and Nancy Baxter Richard and Dawn Burkhardt David and Shannon Burton Matthew and Shannon ‘94 Casse Raymond Childers Chuck and Marla ‘74 Cothron Bill and Susan Craig Rick and Evanne Cuculick Thomas and Cathy Deal David and Jody Denton Linda Dobrota ‘64 Robert ‘72 and Patricia ‘72 Funke Kelley Gantner ‘91 Cathy Milner Garrity Mike Gummere Angie Hamer Dennis and Teresa Hemmerlein RONCALLI HIGH SCHOOL Michael and Jeanne ‘66 Hoagland Matt ‘65 and Sandy ‘66 Iaria Harold and Sharon Kennedy Rich and Gail Kidwell Larry ‘67 and Jane ‘66 Killion Kenny and Rosie Leisman Jerry and Brenda Lewis Frank and Mary Mascari Michael A. Mascari Curt and Debbie Mikulla Gary ‘72 and Mary Frances ‘72 Moran Karen Morgan ‘85 Judy Padgett Judith Pihlak ‘60 Bruce Roberts William Rockafellow Barbara Roembke Edmond ‘69 and Nancy ‘69 Russell Paul ‘65 and Patricia Ruth Richard C. Ruwe Richard Stamm Don and Kathy Staton Tony and Erin ‘90 Turk Richard and Loretta Utterback Richard and Linda Watson Wayne Township Professional FF Local 416 Joseph and Ann Weber David and Janet Young IN MEMORY OF VERN PELLUM Marilyn Dever-Miles IN MEMORY OF WANITA BEVER Philip and Carole ‘57 Toscano Corporation & Business Donors A Classic Party Rental A Little Bit of Red Interior Re-design A Piece of Cake ABC Pools & Spas Ace Rent A Car, Inc. Affordable Chiropractic Clinic Agresta, Storms & O’Leary, PC Alderson Commercial Group, Inc. American Business Machines American College of Emergency Physicians American Senior Communities Amy’s Funky Fibers Angie’s List Anna’s Celebration of Life Foundation, Inc. Any Occasion Flowers and Balloon Aqua Systems Aramark Arbor Lane Kennel Archdiocese of Indianapolis Associates for Women’s Health Indianapolis Automobile Trade Association, Inc. AT&T Auto Tire Car Care Centers Auto Vault Baker Pittman and Page Balance Source Bank of America Barkefellers Baskin Robbins Baxter YMCA Beck Muffler Beck Service Center Beech Tree House Center for Child Development Best Buy Big O Tires Bill Menish Auctioneers Blue Ribbon Carriage Company Bob Rohrman’s Indy Hyundai BP Fabric of America Fund BP Foundation, Inc. Buck Creek Winery Cahill’s Lawn & Landscape, Inc. Cannoli Queen Cafe’ and Catering Catholic Youth Organization Central Catholic Elementary School Indianapolis Foundation Chick-Fil-A Chooch & The Enchanters Churchill Downs Churchman Animal Hospital Cincinnati Reds Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame Museum Cincinnati Zoo Classic Field Adventures, Inc. Clear Channel Outdoor Climb Time Indy Conner Prairie Conover Custom Fabrication Conrad Hotel Indianapolis Consumer Electronics Alumni Courtyard by Marriott Indianapolis/South Crackers Comedy Club Creation Museum Dance Kaleidoscope Dance Refinery Daniel Maddigan D.D.S. David H. Wolf Family Dentistry Delta Rho Chapter Alpha Phi Design Aesthetix Di’s Handcrafted Jewels Distinctive Kitchen & Bath Dog Watch Hidden Fences E.M. Company, Inc. Eagle Group Sportswear Eastway Development Edgewood Feed & Seed Edison Building Services Edward Jones Eli Lilly and Company, Foundation Ella’s Frozen Yogurt Em-Roe Sporting Goods ERMCO, Inc. Exclusives Salon and Day Spa Explore Brown County EZ Tanz Fireside Brewhouse Fitness By Design Five Star Catering Footlite Musicals, Inc Fred Astaire Dance Studio Dr. Frederick A. Tolle Fright Manor Haunted House Gallagher’s I & II Gary Young Agency, Inc German Church Road Family Dentistry Good Shepherd Parish Gotta Have it Courier Greatimes Family Fun Parks Greek Islands Restaurant Greek’s Pizzeria Green Bean Delivery Greenwood Fire Department Greenwood Pediatrics Gymboree Play and Music H&H Catering Half Baked Pottery & Gifts Half Price Books St. Martin of Tours Harding Poorman Group Harry and Izzy’s Heartland Truly Moving Pictures Heidenreich Greenhouses Hickory Stick Golf Club Hilton Indianapolis/Market Fresh Grill Holiday Inn Express South Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari Hollyhock Hill Restaurant Holy Name Parish Holy Rosary Parish Howl at the Moon Huntington Bank Iaria’s Italian Restaurant IDO Incorporated Ikelite Underwater Systems Indecon Solutions Indiana Elite Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance Indiana Fever Indiana Golf Foundation Gongaware Junior Golf Academy Indiana Ice Indiana Members Credit Union Indiana Pacers Indiana Repertory Theatre Indiana State Fair Commission Indiana University Health Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra Indianapolis Colts Grille Indianapolis Indians Indianapolis Monthly Magazine Indianapolis Museum of Art Indianapolis Power & Light Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra Indianapolis Zoo Indy South Foot and Ankle Indy Tire Indy’s Incredible Buffet & Fun Center Indyteledata Innovative Casting Technologies, Inc. Iozzo’s Garden of Italy J.L. Johnson Jewelers J.M. Allen Enterprises J.T. Brown, Inc. J.W. Marriott Osteria Pronto Jackson Oil & Solvents Jahnke Painting James Whitcomb Riley Museum Home JFW Industries, Inc. Jobsite Supply Jockamo Upper Crust Pizza 2012-2013 STEWARDSHIP REPORT 27 Roncalli seniors David Page, Joey Wolf, Cori Allen and Nina Schalk were named National Merit Semi-finalists. This distinction is earned through one’s performance on the PSAT during his or her junior year. Semi-finalists represent less than 1% of the top seniors from high schools all over America who took this exam last October. Merrill Lynch Dr. Michael F. Arnold DDS PC Mike’s Express Car Wash Milto Cleaners Moe’s Southwest Grill Morse & Bickel, P.C. Attorneys at Law Museum of Science & Industry N.A. Willliams NCAA Hall of Champions Nativity of our Lord, Jesus Christ Church Jockish Flowers, Inc. Newport Aquarium Joni James Creations NIFS-National Institute for Judd Lawrie CPA, CVA Fitness & Sport Katz, Sapper & Miller Norris Choplin & Schroeder, Kendrick Regional Center for LLP Colon and Rectal Care Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nover Kentucky Derby Museum Office of Catholic Education Kim’s Kake Kreations and Old National Bank Bakery Orange Leaf Klipsch Worldwide Corporate Organize with Becky Headquarters Ortho Indy South Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of the Greenwood Indianapolis Chapter Parish Lamping/Huser Heating & P.F. Chang’s Cooling, Inc. Panera Bread Laser Flash Party Time Rental Life Systems Martial Arts Patterson Horth, Inc Lil Sprouts Photography Paul T. Jansen, DDS Live Nation Perfect North Slopes Long’s Bakery, Inc. Peterman Heating and Cooling Lucas Oil Raceway Petite Chou Bistro and Lucas Oil Stadium Champagne Bar Lynch and Belch, P.C. PFM Truck and Car Care MacNiven’s Restaurant and Bar Center Mader Design Phoenix Theater Mallow Run Winery Piazza Produce/Indianapolis Marian University Fruit Marian University Football Play It Again Sports Program PNC Foundation Matching Mark E. Gleixner, DDS Gift Program Marvin’s Wholesale Florist Premier Surgical McAlister’s Deli Professional Garage Door McGee and Company Fine Systems, Inc. Jewelers Prudential Indiana Realty McQ’s Pub & Eatery Group-Melissa Freeman Meijer Inc. Team Merit Energy Company Quality Data Systems, Inc. Corporation & Business Donors (cont’d) 28 RONCALLI HIGH SCHOOL Rick’s Cafe Boatyard RLB Consulting LLC Robert’s Salon & Day Spa Roche Diagnostics Roncalli High School Alumni Association Roncalli High School Class of 2007 Royal Pin Leisure Centers RX Nutritional Solutions, LLC Sacred Heart Parish Sam’s Club Sarah Fisher Hartman Racing Schneck Memorial Hospital Schott Services Serendipity Salon & Spa Shackelford Graphics, Inc. Shea Consulting Shear Essence Shedd Aquarium Sisters of St. Benedict Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park Smock Material Handling South Grove Golf Course South Indy Family Practice Southpointe Pediatrics Southport Bar & Grill Southside Catholic Business Professionals, Inc. Sports Clips Ss. Francis and Clare Parish SSI Services, LLC St. Ann Parish St. Barnabas Parish St. Francis Hospital St. John Parish St. Jude Parish St. Jude Men’s Club St. Mark Parish St. Patrick Parish St. Roch Parish St. Rose of Lima Parish St. Vincent Health St. Vincent Sport Performance Stage I Dance Academy Steerpoint Marketing Steve’s Flowers and Gifts, Inc. Stone Creek Dining Company Storage Express Sun King Brewery Company Superior Linen Senior Kendra Lynch was selected as the 2013 Indiana Miss Softball, as voted by the Indiana Coaches of Girls Sports Association (ICGSA). The honor is given annually to the state’s top senior softball player and announced during the ICGSA North-South All-Star game. After a championship season, Kendra was named to first team All-State, first team All-County and was also chosen to the Indianapolis Star Super Team. Kendra will continue her softball career at the University of North Carolina. SYSCO Food Services of Indianapolis, LLC Texas Roadhouse TGI Friday’s The Athens Restaurant The Atrium The Center for the Performing Arts The Cheesecake Factory The Columns Ballroom & Catering The Ezell Group The Gillian Institute The Indianapolis Children’s Museum The Junior League of Indianapolis, Inc. The Links Golf Club The Old Spaghetti Factory The Secret Ingredient Thermo King of Indiana, Inc. Thomas E. Quill, II, D.D.S., P.C. Tilt Studio Indy Total Exterminating Co., Inc. Transformations Salon and Spa Treybourne Wealth Planners Trophy House Tyler Mason Salon & Spa Union Jack Pub University of Indianapolis University of Indianapolis Greyhound Club Clowes Memorial Hall of Butler University Valle Vista Golf Club & Conference Center Velse Photography Verizon Foundation Victoria Lynn Designs Vision Quest Eye Care Wagner Signs William’s Comfort Air, Inc. Winding River Golf Course X-Site Yellow Rose Carriages Zink Distributing Company Faculty & Staff Contributors Anonymous Rusty and Julie Albertson Mitch and Jackie Allard Gary ‘81 and Darla Armbruster Greg ‘00 and Laura Armbruster Brian and Jennifer Avery Nancy Bemis Kim Buckley ‘04 Terese Carson Pat ‘87 and Lori Crosley Sherman and Kate Crosley Roger and Lani Cummings Mary Ann Fehring Fred and Mary ‘67 Fields Dave ‘85 and Tamara ‘87 Gervasio Joy Gieschen Ben and Gina Grimes Chet and Shellie Hartford Dan and Barb ‘78 Hatfield Keith ‘03 and Deanna Hatfield Steve and Kathy Heath Tom and Kathleen Helbing Bryan and Margaret ‘68 Hendricks Joseph and Diane Hollowell Joe and Eileen ‘77 Horan Scott and Karen ‘93 Houser Pat and Elaine Jerrell Bob Kirkhoff Andy ‘94 and Jen Kocher David ‘94 and Kara Lauck Mike and Miki Lewinski Carolyn Malone Kory J. Marks Tom and Lora ‘73 Mascari Phil Milroy Maria Montgomery Dennis and Pat Musgrave Kathy Peach Mitch and Charisse Phillips Tom and Janet Price Tim Puntarelli Jim and Mary Ratliff Marco and Julie Ray Jay and Angie ‘90 Schnell Doug and Molly Schrader Scott and Kathy ‘90 Schreiber Bruce and Jackie Scifres Donna Smith Frank and Deanna Smith Aaron and Betsy Strader Gerard and Kim Striby Kurt and Mary Beth ‘71 Supple Bob ‘84 and Alice Susemichel Ed ‘76 and Mindy Thorne Dave ‘67 and Angie Toner Jeff and Elizabeth Traylor Bob and Mary Pat Tully Thomas and Haley Wade Chuck ‘79 and Jane Weisenbach Jim and Marilynn Wernke Father James Wilmoth ALUMNI GIVING Alumni- 1930’s Anonymous Mary Grace Lawler ‘38 Clifford Peters ‘37 Alumni- 1940’s Anonymous Louis ‘42 and Betty Buergler Lyle Clark and Bea ‘47 Massing Clark Leo Feldhake ‘41 Helen Ward Griffin ‘49 Leo ‘43 and Margaret Hartman Anthony ‘43 and Donna Laker Theresa Springman ‘47 2012-2013 STEWARDSHIP REPORT 29 Alumni- 1950’s Alumni- 1960’s Anonymous Forest ‘56 and Pat ‘56 Albertson Maria Bentley ‘59 John ‘57 and Mary Ann ‘58 Boarman Bob ‘54 and Rita ‘59 Boyle Marilyn Brewer ‘51 John and Shirley ‘53 Carroll Jim and Sandy ‘58 Carson Jerri Eder ‘57 Jessie Featherstone ‘59 Dick ‘57 and Diana Feltman David ‘59 and Molly Hager Tom ‘56 and Mary Hall Bruno ‘58 and Joanne ‘58 Hettwer Bob and Margaret ‘58 Hillan Bob ‘56 and Della Hoereth Marjorie Kreuzman ‘52 Mickey Lentz ‘59 Bob Lynch ‘56 Larry and Judith ‘58 May Bernard Padgett ‘58 Martha Rucker ‘51 John ‘52 and Michele Sheats Eleanor Sowder ‘51 Louie Annee ‘56 Philip and Carole ‘57 Toscano John and Mary ‘58 Wilson Thomas Yetter ‘55 Anonymous Thomas ‘60 and Jill Alsop Gerald and Margaret ‘65 Ban Bruce and Joanne ‘60 Banta Earl Beasley ‘67 Raymond and Anita ‘60 Biltz Pat and Linda ‘67 Bower Bud and Milly ‘68 Brehob Marsha Poteet ‘66 Daniel ‘66 and Judy Brizendine Stephen ‘64 and Carol Burkhardt Michael ‘62 and Jacque Clements Michael ‘67 and Sue Delaney Linda Dobrota ‘64 Stephen ‘61 and Marcy Dowden Garry ‘65 and Mary Jo Eckstein Thomas ‘63 and Angie Egan Tom ‘61 and Becka Egold Fred and Mary ‘67 Fields Dick Gallamore ‘69 Michael ‘66 and Vicki ‘67 Goss Eileen Green ‘63 Thomas ‘65 and Suzanne Halloran James and Becky ‘65 Harrell Camilla Heid ‘68 Bryan and Margaret ‘68 Hendricks Sandra Hill ‘66 Michael and Jeanne ‘66 Hoagland Cynthia Huff ‘66 Matt ‘65 and Sandy ‘66 Iaria John ‘66 and Mary Jaffe William Keller ‘69 Larry ‘67 and Jane ‘66 Killion Kathryn Lawrie ‘64 Patricia Ley ‘68 John Mader ‘63 Mary Moody ‘63 Wayne ‘69 and Chris Nelis Kenneth ‘60 and Mary Rose ‘60 Nevitt Bernard ‘63 and Jody ‘63 O’Connor, Sr. Tom ‘64 and Jane Peters Pete ‘68 and Shari ‘69 Piazza Judith Pihlak ‘60 Ralph and Andra ‘60 Poehls Leland and Rosalie ‘60 Richards Robert and Kathleen ‘68 Ripperger Edmond ‘69 and Nancy ‘69 Russell Paul ‘65 and Patricia Ruth Dennis and Linda ‘65 Schafer Larry ‘68 and Kathy ‘68 Schembra Chuck ‘66 and Janet Schmaltz Mark Schmalz ‘60 Joe ‘63 and Bonnie ‘68 Schott Norbert Schott ‘64 Dick ‘60 and Jeanne ‘60 Schott Kathleen Shank ‘66 Harry ‘68 and Mary Lou Sherman Erika Smith ‘64 Gary ‘67 and Marilyn ‘67 Steigerwald Dennis and Patti ‘69 Stephenson Mary Sturm ‘65 Dave ‘67 and Angie Toner Alumni- 1970’s Anonymous Charles and Joan ‘74 Adams Robin Andrews ‘77 Mark Ashcraft ‘78 Ronald and Barbara ‘71 Atkerson James and Angie ‘72 Bagnoli William ‘72 and Cynthia Basch Nick ‘73 and Cindy ‘74 Battiato Art and Ann ‘71 Berkemeier Keith and Pam ‘78 Bontrager Greg and Janet ‘75 Bradley Chuck and Marla ‘74 Cothron Michael and Elizabeth ‘76 De Chant David and Mary ‘70 Dodds Paul ‘70 and Brenda Eads Robert ‘72 and Patricia ‘72 Funke Lisa Goldstein ‘73 Deborah Hartman ‘71 Dan and Barb ‘78 Hatfield Roncalli High School teacher, Gerard Striby (pictured left), was given the Saint Theodora Guerin Excellence in Education Award, which was created to honor exemplary teachers in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. This year, the award was presented to nine teachers who were nominated by their pastors, principals, colleagues and parents in recognition of their dedication and commitment to the Catholic teaching profession and the students they serve. In addition to his role as teacher, Striby also serves Roncalli as the Senior Retreat Coordinator, Campus Ministry Team Chairperson and Service Coordinator. 30 RONCALLI HIGH SCHOOL Michele Heid ‘72 James Hofmann ‘72 Joe and Eileen ‘77 Horan Rick ‘79 and Mimi ‘84 Huck John and Terri Morone ‘77 Hupalo Robert ‘76 and Christine Hurley Mark ‘78 and Julee Jacob Bob ‘79 and Rosemarie Kelly Priscilla Kirsch ‘70 Tim and Susan ‘72 Lacy William ‘70 and Mary Laker Karen Lally ‘73 Louis ‘78 and Chris ‘79 Lauck Kurt and Antoinette ‘76 Layer David ‘78 and Marla Lutgring R. Marty ‘79 and Kathleen ‘79 Lynch Joe ‘73 and Rita Maguire Tom and Lora ‘73 Mascari Joe ‘73 and Connie Matis Daniel ‘77 and Cheryl McAllen Brian and Mary ‘79 McCoy Gary McGinnis ‘72 Victoria Miller ‘77 Michael and Beth ‘79 Mislan Gary ‘72 and Mary Frances ‘72 Moran Daniel and Clara ‘79 Nehmer Greg and Debbie ‘71 Perkins Carol Pitzer ‘79 Brian and Nancy ‘79 Prather William ‘71 and Patricia Schubach Paul ‘76 and Toni Sergi Charles ‘79 and Mary Springman Rose Springman ‘70 Scott ‘79 and Dorothy Stenger Kurt and Mary Beth ‘71 Supple Rosemary Sutter ‘71 Jeff ‘73 and Carol ‘74 Taylor Ed ‘76 and Mindy Thorne Jim Tilton and Mary Jo Zajeski ‘72 Chuck ‘79 and Jane Weisenbach Stephen and Cheryl Wood ‘79 Wheelock Mike and Julie ‘75 Wicks Larry ‘72 and Kathy Wilder Steve and Patty ‘71 Yeager Joseph and Diane ‘77 Zimmerman Dave Zwiesler ‘70 Alumni- 1980’s Anonymous Thelma Antolin ‘83 Gary ‘81 and Darla Armbruster Steven and Tessa ‘80 Asdell John F. ‘80 and Nancy Baker Joe ‘85 and Jennifer Barrett Tom ‘87 and Penny Barrett Diane Barton ‘82 Rebecca Baskerville ‘83 Tony ‘80 and Lisa ‘81 Battiato Steve ‘83 and Lisa Battiato Dan ‘85 and Pam ‘86 Bauer Gregg and Suzanne ‘81 Bennett Edward and Emily ‘86 Brown Kevin ‘84 and Susan Callon Mike Caskey ‘86 Molly Clawson-Allbright ‘86 Greg ‘83 and Susie ‘83 Corsaro Pat ‘87 and Lori Crosley Greg ‘82 and Cheryl Cunningham Mark and Jeanine ‘87 Currans Jeff ‘84 and Angie Curtis Jeff and Lori ‘81 Daniel Andy ‘80 and Cynthia Eagan Emery and Cynthia ‘81 Eakle Bruce Feldman ‘83 James ‘82 and Lisa Feltz Scott and Gina ‘89 Fleming Steve and Kim ‘85 Gadaleta Lupe and Julie ‘86 Garcia Dave ‘85 and Tamara ‘87 Gervasio Jane Gervasio ‘83 Jim ‘81 and Tami Gibbons Joan Gibbons ‘81 Eric ‘88 and Tonya Goss Michael and Kathleen ‘88 Haberthy Gary ‘82 and Kathy Halter Daniel ‘88 and Kristin Hammerschmitt Mike and Karen ‘87 Harmon Patrick ‘84 and Bobbi Henn John ‘81 and Mary Herbertz Chip ‘89 and Staci Hubbs Rick ‘79 and Mimi ‘84 Huck Lou and Cathy ‘85 Huebler Mie and Toni ‘80 Humes Richard ‘80 and Mary Ann Jacobs David ‘83 and Amy Jahnke Diane Johnson ‘80 Kevin ‘83 and Chris ‘83 Johnson Kevin ‘80 and Anne ‘80 Keller Joe ‘86 and Amy ‘87 Kuntz William Leppert ‘82 and Rhonda Leppert Steve ‘86 and Karen Looney John and Josie ‘81 Madden Nicholas ‘80 and Joyce ‘80 Mappes Michael ‘83 and Kathy McCarthy Karen Morgan ‘85 Twenty-two Roncalli students, a record-breaking number, earned perfect scores on sections of the ACT or SAT this year earning them admission into the “Perfect Rebel” Club. The “Perfect Rebel” Club recognizes Roncalli High School students who have scored a perfect score on sections of the ACT (36) or the SAT (800). FRONT ROW: Thomas Shulse, Cori Allen, Joseph Below, Kyle Stretch, Cameron Smock, Emily Elliott, Cassandra Annee, Elizabeth McKay; SECOND ROW: Robert Kile, Amanda Grahn, David Page, Peyton Schneider, Megan Yoder, Stephanie Asdell; THIRD ROW: Amanada McClellan, Joseph Wolf, Andrew Stallings, Mitchell Carroll, Christopher Brown; FOURTH ROW: Brett Bennett, Michael O’Connor, Benjamin Shilson 2012-2013 STEWARDSHIP REPORT 31 Curd Robert ‘95 and Jaime Dinn Kristin Donofrio ‘99 Brad ‘96 and Amy ‘95 Feldman John and Tara ‘88 Morse Kenneth and Laura ‘90 Fikes Michael ‘80 and Joanne Mullin Kelley Gantner ‘91 Paul ‘80 and Lorie ‘80 Nagy Justin Greider ‘99 Thomas Naughton ‘85 Mark Griffin ‘91 Charles ‘81 and Diana Greg and Katie ‘99 Harris O’Connor Joshua ‘97 and Nicole ‘95 Mike and Anne ‘82 O’Connor Haywood John ‘82 and Angie ‘83 Oechsle Nick Heinzelman ‘92 Michael ‘82 and Melissa Ezra Hill ‘96 O’Maley Rev. John Hollowell ‘97 Jim and Sophia ‘81 Otley Matt ‘99 and Kari Hollowell Margiy Outten ‘81 Scott and Karen ‘93 Houser Dan and Colleen ‘81 Parker Nicholas Hubbs ‘97 Paul ‘84 and Marci ‘84 Pittman Laura Irmer ‘93 Daniel ‘81 and Jill Prestel Aaron ‘97 and Jill Irwin Rex ‘83 and Patty Ralston Andrea Jones ‘91 Dennis ‘84 and Carla Rike Anne Lynch ‘92 Chuck ‘85 and Shandra Roach Anna Kazmierski ‘90 Timothy and Angela ‘84 Jeffrey ‘91 and Erin Keller Runholt Andy ‘94 and Jen Kocher Mike ‘89 and Susan Sahm David ‘94 and Kara Lauck Dave ‘83 and Linda Sayre Joseph ‘92 and Stephanie Lawrie Tony ‘83 and Carrie Schafer Brian and Erin ‘94 Lewis Douglas ‘89 and Amber ‘90 Collin Martin ‘98 Schiefelbein Tommy ‘93 and Jen Mascari Edward and Therese 82’ Schmitt Mark ‘94 and Ann Mennel Angela Schmoll ‘84 Ben Moser ‘98 R.J. ‘82 and Kelly Schoettle Scott ‘95 and Suzanne Moser Christopher Schott ‘89 Timothy ‘91 and Tina Reece Patrick ‘83 and Angela ‘86 Douglas ‘89 and Amber ‘90 Schubach Schiefelbein Michael ‘87 and Joanne Scifres Phillip John ‘99 and Tracy Andy and Suzanne ‘82 Smock Schluge Dwayne and Nancy ‘80 Sowers Jay and Angie ‘90 Schnell Ben ‘81 and Mari Jo Stallings Joe ‘96 and Candice ‘96 Schott Anthony ‘88 and Sheryl Stuckey Scott and Kathy ‘90 Schreiber Bob ‘84 and Alice Susemichel Tony and Erin ‘90 Turk Pete ‘82 and Ronda Swartz Richard ‘92 and Angela ‘94 Thad Swiezy ‘86 Viduya Tim ‘85 and Traci Tichenor Clayton ‘90 and Celeste ‘91 Tom ‘82 and Theresa ‘85 Willis Weisenbach Keith Zapp ‘98 Brian ‘85 and Angela White Richard and Jacqueline ‘83 Wirey Doug and Barbara ‘82 Young Anonymous Timothy and Julie ‘81 Zahn Justin Agresta ‘03 Robert ‘88 and Renee Ziliak James Ajamie ‘13 Cori Allen ‘13 Christian Alspach ‘13 Greg ‘00 and Laura Armbruster Anonymous Halie Barnhorst ‘13 Jenna Alspaugh ‘99 Alexander Baron ‘13 Joe and Lisa ‘90 Babb Laura Battiato ‘13 Nathan Bradford ‘97 David ‘01 and Lisa ‘01 Ben ‘92 and Heather Briggeman Beckwith Matthew and Shannon ‘94 Samuel Bielawski ‘13 Casse Jacob Boggess ‘13 Michael ‘87 and Nancy ‘92 Alumni - 1980’s (cont’d) Alumni- 2000’s Alumni- 1990’s 32 RONCALLI HIGH SCHOOL Josh Brockman ‘13 Christopher Brown ‘13 John Bruhn ‘13 Kim Buckley ‘04 Daniel Buergler ‘13 Austin Buschkoetter ‘13 Michael Casse ‘13 Cecilia Click ‘03 Alec Conaway ‘13 Erin Crowther ‘13 Eric Cunningham ‘13 John ‘85 and Joann ‘75 Dickey Elizabeth Ditton ‘13 Mark Fanelli ‘13 Amanda Feagans ‘13 Carla Campos Ferrin ‘13 Daniel Ferry ‘13 Rebecca Gervasio ‘13 Hope Golden ‘13 Tim and Michelle ‘04 Gray Aaron Gutzwiller ‘13 Brendan Hartnett ‘13 Keith ‘03 and Deanna Hatfield Stephanie Heath ‘01 Coleman Hedges ‘13 Erica Heinekamp ‘02 Nathan Hollowell ‘13 Jack Hosty ‘13 Keeler Jackson ‘13 Lucas Jacob ‘13 Elise Jahnke ‘13 Anne Marie Kappus ‘13 Morgan Kehoe ‘13 Sarah Kennedy ‘13 Joshua King ‘13 Matthew Knierman ‘13 Madeline Koenig ‘13 Brooke Lentz ‘13 Joseph Madden ‘13 Sophie Mascari ‘13 Justin Mattingly ‘13 Sarah Maxwell ‘13 Keegan McCarthy ‘13 Kristen McCarthy ‘13 Amanda McClellan ‘13 Caroline McCollam ‘13 Kip and Amber ‘03 McDonald Barry McGinley ‘13 Robert McKay ‘13 Kevin McNamara ‘13 Catalina Mendoza ‘13 Chris ‘02 and Julie ‘02 Mennel Kimberly Merkel ‘13 Tyler Morgan ‘13 Jacqueline Motsinger ‘13 Jessica Neu ‘13 Kyle O’Gara ‘13 Luke Otley ‘13 Anthony Peak ‘09 Christine Peak ‘06 Ryne ‘04 and Jody Peak Bridget Perry ‘13 Patrick Phelan ‘13 Jacklyn Pinna ‘13 Abigail Pongracz ‘13 Robert Prather ‘13 Henry Ramsey IV ‘13 Josh Reimer ‘13 Caitlyn Ruhana ‘13 David Saling ‘13 Katherine Sandler ‘13 Alaina Sangalang ‘13 Sally Scheaffer ‘13 Jonathan Schubauer ‘13 Alexandria Schura ‘13 Mark Sergi ‘01 Monica Sergi ‘06 Timothy Sergi ‘05 Adam Servies ‘13 Christopher Shaw ‘02 Jackson Sheff ‘13 Bailey Smith ‘13 Mary Jo Soller ‘13 Joshua Spalding ‘13 Andrew Spista ‘13 Andrew Stallings ‘13 Lauren Strack ‘13 Michael Sullivan, Jr. ‘01 Marcus Swift ‘13 Patrick Tichenor ‘13 Cecelia Tieken ‘05 Brian ‘03 and Michelle Tolin Diego Velez-Valencia ‘13 Max Weisenbach ‘06 Sydney Wells ‘13 Joseph Wicks ‘13 Tayler Wilson ‘13 Joseph Wolf ‘13 Marie Wood ‘56 Emily Writt ‘13 Nadia Zunarelli ‘13 Beck Service Center Premier Surgical St. Mark Parish St. Roch Parish Sysco Foods Rebelation Sponsors A donor may wish to make a significant gift to Roncalli during his/her lifetime, but may find it necessary to utilize income from those same assets. With this situation, a life income gift to Roncalli may be the answer. The basis of this type of gift is that you make irrevocable contribution of cash or other assets to the school or the Catholic Community Foundation. The school or foundation will act as a trustee for these assets which would allow the school or foundation to invest the assets and pay you an income for the remainder of your life and the life of your spouse or other beneficiary. At the end of these “life interests” the remaining principle will be passed on to the school. Southside Catholic Business Professionals Big O Tires (Plainfield & Mooresville) Marian University A Friend of Roncalli American Senior Communities Associates for Women’s Health P.C. Catholic Youth Organization Dr. David Wolf D.D.S. Harding Poorman Group Katz, Sapper & Miller Merrill Lynch - Jim Otley Milto Cleaners Orthoindy South Piazza Produce/Indianapolis Fruit RHS Alumni Association The Gurnik Family Ways To Give Gifts of Cash Roncalli receives a large portion of gifts in the form of cash simply because it’s the easiest way to give. Cash gifts are fully deductible within the tax year of which they are given unless the total amount of the gift exceeds 50% of your adjusted income. However, the excess can be carried forward for up to five years and used as a deduction within those years. Gifts of Property Almost any type of property has the potential to be a suitable charitable gift. This includes securities, art objects, real estate and other types of personal property. If you own property on which the value has appreciated so that it generates long-term capital gain if sold, you are generally better off donating the property to the school rather than selling it and donating the proceeds. Consult your attorney or tax advisor to find out what is best for your situation. Life Income Plans the school. A charitable bequest is fully deductible from your estate and can significantly reduce estate taxes on the balance of your estate. Your bequest to Roncalli can take the form of a specific bequest, cash or securities, real estate or other property. It can also take the form of a percentage of your total estate. A donor can make a gift to Roncalli by using a residuary bequest, which is the gift of all or a portion of your estate remaining after the payment of specific bequests, debts, taxes and administrative expenses. You can also make a contingent bequest, which takes effect only if your primary beneficiaries predecease you or are otherwise disqualified as legatees. This type of bequest may work well for younger donors because it does not adversely affect the primary interest of the donor’s spouse, children or other primary beneficiaries. A bequest can be restricted or unrestricted. Due to the changing future needs of the school, donors often make their bequests unrestricted in order to allow the use of funds where they are most needed. Giving to an Endowment Gifts to an endowment are a permanent investment in Roncalli’s future. The original value of the gift is multiplied as it generates continuous investment income for the needs of Roncalli. Tributes and Memorials The memory of a loved one can be recorded as a tribute or memorial gift to Roncalli High School. The memorial is recognized in the Annual Report and notification of memorial contributions are made as you request. For more information on planned giving or gifts to Roncalli, please contact the Advancement Office at 787-8277, ext. 240. Bequests The most common type of planned gift is a bequest, which is a provision in your will for a gift to 2012-2013 STEWARDSHIP REPORT 33 Pope John XXIII Legacy Society Roncalli High School is meeting the expectations of the Indianapolis Catholic community, where traditions and values are important. The high school environment and the values taught are vital to a student’s future success as an employee, a spouse, a citizen, and a leader in the community. At Roncalli, these values are at the core of what is taught and practiced. This success, however does not come without a cost. Although Roncalli is an Archdiocesan high school with an open enrollment policy, the school receives no state or federal tax money to offset the cost of tuition. The cost of educating our students is not covered by tuition alone. To ensure that this success story known as Roncalli continues, we need to meet the ever-increasing demands for excellence in staffing, programs, and facilities. This can only be done by endowing our future financial stability. The Pope John XXIII Legacy Society is a group of charitably inclined individuals who have made a gift to help ensure the financial security of Roncalli High School. Membership to the society is gained by making a gift in one of the following ways: nn By contributing $5,000 or more over a lifetime to a Roncalli High School Endowment Fund. nn By naming Roncalli High School as charitable beneficiary of a charitable gift annuity, a charitable remainder trust, or a charitable lead trust. nn By naming Roncalli High School as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy. nn By naming Roncalli High School in a will as a recipient of a portion of an estate. nn By naming Roncalli High School as a remainder beneficiary of a life estate or real estate trust. nn By designating an IRA or other tax deferred retirement account to Roncalli High School. Pope John XXIII Legacy Society Members Anonymous Charles and Joan ‘74 Adams Archdiocese of Indianapolis Anne Armbruster Richard ‘48 and Ruth Beck Mike and Karen Brewer Terese R. Carson Donald Clark ‘51 Martin R. Eckstein ‘65 Dan and Beth Elsener Evelyn Strickler Estate Family of Bernard F. Dever Family of Frank Ronzi Family of Stanley F. Kern William and Louise Gervasio Joseph D. and Diane Hollowell 34 Linus and Marguerite Horcher Robert and Jo Hoy Edward Huck Joseph ‘73 and Donna Huck John ‘66 and Mary Jaffe Rita M. Jolley Frank and Lisa Kolisek William and Martha Kuntz Chick ‘65 and Jan Lauck Emily Lipps Estate Stephen ‘86 and Karen Looney Marty and Kathleen Lynch A. Charles and Del Madden Thomas and Terri Madden Joe ‘73 and Connie Matis Luke & Diana McKinney RONCALLI HIGH SCHOOL Jerre and Cindy McManama Stephen E. and Martha M. Moser John and Jean Neely Larry ‘68 and Kathy ‘68 Schembra Donna Smith Ben ‘81 and Mari Jo Stallings Keith and Kathy Syberg The Mennel Family Foundation Robert and Mary Pat Tully Mike and Janet Wadsworth Suzanne K. Wells Steve and Patty ‘71 Yeager Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3 James 1:17 Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above. (317) 787-8277 RONCALLI HIGH SCHOOL 3300 Prague Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46227