Fungi • Eukaryotic, filamentous, branched, spore-producing microorganisms • Lack chlorophyll • Cell walls (chitin, cellulose, or both) Biological Roles of Fungi • • • • Decomposers Pathogens Allergens Producers of enzymes, new drugs (Secondary metabolites) • Fermentation, biotechnology • Foods for humans and animals directly and indirectly Secondary metabolites Toxins Antibiotics Hormones Others Via polyketide pathways, non-ribosomal peptide pathways Gene cluster horizontal transfer Hybrid Fungal Toxins: • Phytotoxins or pathotoxins (vs. phytoalexins) • Mycotoxins (aflatoxins, fumonisins, trichothecines, ergot alkaloids) • Not all plant pathogenic fungi cause disease by means of toxins • Host-Selective Toxins (HSTs)―Cochliobolus [Anamorph: Bipolaris (Helminthosporium)] and Alternaria (>20 HSTs) • Non Host-Selective Toxins (most) • Associate with part or all of the symptoms (toxin alone) in susceptible hosts • Exotoxins vs. endotoxins • Vary between and within the species Characteristics: • Low M.W. except ToxA (PrtA) produced by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis • Secondary metabolites―not need for normal growth, reproduction, or survival • Diverse biochemistry―cyclic nonribosomally synthesized peptides, sphingolides, polyketides, terpenoids, saccharides, and others • Mobile―symptoms occur at regions with no sign of fungal colonization (some distance from the infection sites ) • Active at low conc. (ca.10 pM-1 μM) • Non-enzymatic, non-hormonal substances • Antimetabolites (physiological and biochemical) • Often disturb the permeability of cell membrane, inactivate enzymes • Electrolyte leakage (dying cells) • Mitochondria (energy and respiration), chloroplasts • Do not affect structural integrity • Induce chlorosis and necrosis when injected Possible ecological roles: • Phytotoxicity • Contributing to pathogenicity/virulence (debilitating plant cells, altering plant gene expression, preventing host defense response) • Contributing to pathogen fitness― promoting nutrient leakage, altering plant metabolism How does one determine if a toxin has a role in disease? • Isolation of the toxin from diseased plants • Reproduction of part or all of symptoms when toxin is applied to plants • Host range, correlation of virulence/pathogenicity with sensitivity to toxin • Correlation of virulence/pathogenicity with ability of pathogen to produce toxin • Production at a key point in pathogenesis • Genetic and molecular analyses Morphology Vegetative body: mycelium (pl. mycelia) Hypha (pl. hyphae) 0.5-100 µm Coenocytic: no septae in hyphae with multiple nuclei Anastomosis (Hyphal fusion) Hypo-virulent viruses Cryphonectria parasitica: Chestnut blight Vegetative compatibility or incompatibility Multiple genetic loci Self-anastomosis- pathogenicity Alternaria brassicicola (Craven et al., 2008 Eukaryot Cell) Kingdom Fungi made up of multicellular eukaryotes. Fungi are actually more closely related to Kingdom Animalia than to Kingdom Plantae. Four phylums: • • • • Chytridiomycota (fossil fungus) Zygomycota Ascomycota (the sac fungi) Basidiomycota (the club fungimushrooms) • Imperfect fungi: Lack of sexual stage or not known • Perfect fungi: asexual and sexual stages Phylum Chytridiomycota (pot fungi), lack true mycelium, fossil fungi flagellated zoospores gametangia gametothallus Gamete Rhizoid Gamete: A reproduction cell, male of female Sporangium (spore) Classified as true fungi based on ITS. Phylum Zygomycota Zygotes or zygospores (2N) Phylum Ascomycota (the sac fungi) >75% plant pathogens Phylum Basidiomycota • (the club fungi-mushrooms) Fungal Species • >100,000 species, most are saprophytic • ~50 species, pathogens of humans/animals (0.5%) • ~8,000 species, plant pathogens (8%) • Over 65% of plant diseases are caused by fungi Type of Fungal Pathogens • Heterotrophs: lack photosynthesis • Obligate parasites (Biotrophs): organisms can’t live or multiply without their “hosts”. Parasites increase their fitness by exploiting hosts for food, habitat and dispersal. ---Parasitism • Non-obligate parasites: opportunists, necrotrophs (cause the death of host tissues and live on dead substrate) Reproduction • Spores (reproductive bodies, one or multiple cells) • Asexual spores: derived from mycelium or specialized cells • Sexual spores: Karyogamy (the fusion of nuclei of two cells) and meiosis Type of spores: Asexual Spores • Sporangium (Sac): with or without flagella Zoospores Type of spores: Asexual Spores • Conidiophores and conidia (Conidium) Simple, unbranched conidiophores: •Some species form conidia on single, unbranched hyphae (conidiophores). •e.g. Geotrichum candidum Branched conidiophores: Example of a branching pattern of conidiophores bearing clusters of conidia at their tips. •e.g. Trichoderma spp. Trichoderma Coremium(a): •Conidiophores are aggregated together to form a vertical stalk-like coremium. •At the top of the coremium the conidiophores branch and conidia develop at the tips of the branches. •e.g. Penicillium spp. Acervulus(i): •A flat, open pad of short conidiophores growing side-by-side. •The conidiophores develop from the underlying mass of somatic hyphae. •e.g. Colletotrichum species. Pycnidium(a): •A flask-shaped structure with conidiophores developing from cells of the pycnidial wall. •e.g. Phoma species. Sporodochium(a): •A cushion-shaped mass of short conidiophores. •e.g. Epicoccum species. Fusarium Chlamydospores (Thicken cell wall) Homothallic Heterothallic Fungal Sexual Cycle: perfect fungi Sexual Spores • Zygospores Zygote: Fusion of two similar gametes Zygote: Fusion of two unequal gametes and producing Oospores Ascospores: produced within the ascus(i) Perithecium (ascocarp) Asci Ascospores Basidiospores: produced on basidium (mushrooms) Alternate Hosts Autoecious fungus: complete its entire life cycle on the same host. Alternate host Spermatia in spermogonium (Rust) Aeciospores in aecium (rust) Uredospores in uredium (Rust) Teliospores in telium (Rust) Haploid (N) Dikaryotic (N+N) Haploid (N) Dikaryotic (N+N) Diploid (2N) Hermaphroditic (Isogamous) Fungi: Male and female gametes are produced on the same mycelium. Homothallic Heterothallic Ecology and Spread • • • • • • Entirely on their host plants (Biotrophs) Partially on host plants, soil or plant debris Parasite and saprophyte (two life styles) On dead tissues (Necrotrophs) Parasites vs. mutualistic or symbionts Endophytes Ecology and Spread • Propagule or inoculum: spores, mycelium, zoospores, sclerotia • Environmental conditions (light, moisture, wind-blown rain, air-borne, soil-borne, rain splash, insects, animals) Germination, Infection (penetration), and colonization Penetration • Direct penetration • Through natural openings • Wounds Figure 1. Diagram showing infection of barley by the fungal pathogen Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei, an obligate parasite that infects barley leaves using a specialized cell called an appressorium which penetrates the leaf cuticle. The fungus is an extremely efficient parasite of the living plant, and produces a specialized feeding structure, the haustorium, that allows it to subsist in leaf epidermal cells. cv. “Chivery” 48 hpi cv. “Groupzest” 72 hpi a pp a pp cn ds gt ds cn pp pp a ds pp a cn gt cn pp On fruit surface Below appressorium a In cuticle layer On fruit surface Colletotrichum acutatum on Capsicum spp. (Liao et al., 2012 Plant Pathol) ds pp ds Below appressorium In cuticle layer More on Ascomycota (the sac fungi) • Naked asci • Apothecium • Perithecium • Cleistothecium Naked Asci Apothecium Perithecium Cleistothecium Concepts of diseases: disruption of normal function (physiology, differentiation, development, genetics); Consequence of diseases: weakening, disturbing, consuming, killing The types of disorder—depending on the types of cells and tissues affected. Root (root rot)-- water and nutrition uptake Xylem vessels (vascular wilts)-- translocation Foliage (leaf spots, blights etc) -- photosynthesis Cortex (canker) -- downward translocation Flowers (blight) -- reproduction Fruit (fruit rots) – Hyperplasia (overgrowth due to increased cell division) and hypertrophy (overgrowth due to cell enlargement) Most plants are healthy and diseases are exceptional. Race: genetic variability within a pathogen (restricted to certain varieties of a host species) Strain (an isolate, a race): the descendants of a single isolation in culture Forma specialis (f. sp.): a pathogen species only infects a certain host genus or species Pathogenicity: the capability of a pathogen to cause diseases Virulence: the degree of pathogenicity Symptom: the external and internal reactions or alternations of a plant as a result of disease. (disease expression, structural, functional, and physiological disorders, local vs. systemic) Sign: the pathogen or its parts or products seen on a diseased plant. Latent infection: the state for a pathogen to infect a host plant but does not show any symptoms. Human and plant diseases: Larger acreages and density, new cultivation, uniform crops (monoculture), increased fertilization, varieties, irrigation, pesticides, and mechanization; breeding, nursery stock, frequent travel, Monocyclic: Polycyclic: Polyetic: Epiphytic growthQuiescent (latent) Infections- Disease cycles---life cycle of pathogen Inoculation: • Inoculum—any part of the pathogen that can initiate infection such as spores, mycelium, sclerotia etc. • Propagule---one unit of inoculum. • Primary inoculum: inoculum that survives the winter or summer and causes the original infections (primary infection). • Secondary inoculum: inoculum produced from primary infections • Sources of inoculum: plant debris, soil, seeds, transplants, tubers, or other propagative organs, alternate or weed hosts. • Means for dispersal: wind, water (rain, tropical storm), tools, insect vectors, animals, and humans. 2). Penetration: germination, attachment, recognition, and penetration. --Direct penetration (appressorium-mechanical force, penetration peg) (enzymes, toxins) --Through natural openings: stromata, hydathodes, nectarthodes, and lenticels --Through wounds (Penetration does not always lead to infection.) 3). Establishment of infection--- on susceptible hosts 4). Colonization (invasion) —intracellular or intercellular mycelium, hausteria, and stylet (local vs. systemic) 5). Growth and reproduction of the pathogen 6). Dissemination of pathogen — direct contact, air, water, insects, mites, nematodes, and other vectors, human Control of Plant Diseases Principles: • to reduce initial pathogen populations; • to create environment conditions which do not favor pathogen growth; • shall tie up with economic and environmental concerns; an integral component; • understand the diseases; • requires frequent adjustment, • Control methods that eradicate or reduce the pathogen inoculum—crop rotation, host eradication, sanitation, creating conditions unfavorable to the pathogen, appropriate cultural practices, fungicides Control of Plant Diseases • Protection—regulatory control measures, cultural control methods, biological control, chemical and physical methods • Exclusion—quarantines, inspections • Eradication ? • Use of pathogen-free propagating materials Control of Plant Diseases • Biological control— suppressive soil, cross protection (mycoparasitism, competition for space or food, antibiotics or toxin) • • Use of resistant varieties— • • Induced resistance— • Cross protection— • Genetic modification— Grass Endophytes Corn Smart-Edible fungus Mexican truffle Edible smart fungus Ustilago esculenta in aquatic perennial grass, Zizania latifolia Fun Guy: This fungus will trap you if you are a nematode. Nematode-trapping fungi sticky knobs, constricting loops, or hyphal matrices Parasitism Biocontrols? Postbloom fruit drop (PFD) Lime anthracnose (KLA) Colletotrichum acutatum • • KLA strain Lime anthracnose (flowers, fruits, leaves and shoots) PFD strain Postbloom fruit drop on sweet orange (flowers) PFD isolate: Blossom blight (Anthracnose), and postbloom fruit drop KLA isolate: Anthracnose, blossom blight, and postbloom fruit drop AZ-C AZ-A PFD: Young fruit drop caused by C. acutatum [abscission occurs between the calyx and the fruit (AZ-C)] Persistent calyces (buttons) Natural fruit drop [abscission occurs between the shoot and the peduncle (AZ-A)] Mechanisms of natural tree fruit drops: ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Degree of fertilization Disturbance of embryogenesis Adverse environmental conditions Nutrition competition Hormone regulation Single lesion can result in fruit drop and button formation Formation of persistent calyces (Buttons) Leaves surrounding infected flowers become distorted (twisted laminae and enlarged veins) Hypothesis: Plant hormones or growth regulators are involved in postbloom fruit drop To investigate the possible causes of young fruit drop-specifically focus on hormone imbalance --Differential gene expressions --Analyses of hormone contents --Assessment of fruit retention after applying hormone inhibitors • Ethylene • Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) • Abscisic acid (ABA) • Jasmonic acid (JA) • 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (PDA) • Salicylic acid (SA) (Lahey et al., 2005 MPMI) Acervulus with conidia Scab infested fruit, twigs & leaves Life cycle of Elsinoë sp. Young fruit, twigs & leaves Rain-splashed Hyaline conidia Airborne Spindle-shaped conidia Chung, KR, 2011 Mol. Plant Pathol H O O OCH3 H H OCH3 OCH3 CHOHCH3 CHOHCH3 H H O O O CH2 Elsinochrome D H H O O OCH3 H O O OCH3 O OCH3 H H OCH3 H O OCH3 H R1 OCH3 R2 OCH3 H H Tautomerization H H Elsinochrome A: R1 = R2 = -CO-CH3 Elsinochrome B: R1 = -CO-CH3, R2 = -CHOH-CH3 Elsinochrome C: R1 = R2 = -CHOH-CH3 O O H R1 R2 OCH3 Liao & Chung, 2008 New Phytologist MPMI Rf 0.69 0.48 0.23 0.12 4 6 9 12 15 18 (days) Elsinochrome Toxin Biosynthetic Gene Mini-Cluster EfHP1 2 EfPKS1: TSF1: OXR1: RDT1: ECT1: PRF1: EfHP1–4: RDT1 3 TSF1 OXR1 EfPKS1 PRF1 ECT1EfHP4 Involved in condensation, chain elongation and cyclization Transcription regulator Involved in oxidation and hydroxylation Involved in oxidation and hydroxylation Involved in ESC exportation Unknown function Hypothetical proteins Chung & Liao, 2008 Microbiology Alternaria brown spot on fruit, twigs & leaves Host-Selective Toxins (HSTs): Pathogenicity factor Tangerine pathotype: ACT toxin (A. citri-tangerine) Toxicity: Disruption of plasma membrane (Kohmoto et al., 1993, Phytopath.) Rough lemon pathotype: ACRL toxin Toxicity: Mitochondria functions (uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation, membrane potential, inhibition of malate oxidation) (Akimitsu et al., 1989, Plant Physiol.) 9,10-epoxy-8-hydroxy9-methyl-decatrienoic acid Dihydropyrone ring Accumulation of H2O2 (DAB staining) 50 H2O2 (μM) mock Lin et al., 2011 Curr Microbiol WT 40 30 mock 20 10 A. alternata 0 1 bright light Lipid peroxidation 2 3 fluorescent light (2 dpi) A. alternata Malondialdehyde (mM) 3 mock 2 Cell death 1 mock 0 1 2 3 Time (dpi) 4 4 (dpi) Lin et al., 2009 MPMI Yang et al., 2010 PMPP Fungal cell Nucleus AAAAAAA N C toxin Fungal detoxification systems H2O2 Cell death & necrosis H2O2 Oxidase O2 H2O2 O2·NADPH oxidase Citrus Cell Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Point inoculation WT WT Mock (4 dpi) Mock D1 D1 D2 WT Mock D1 D2 D2 Cp1 Cp1 Cp2 Cp1 Cp2 Defective at penetration & colonization Spray inoculation (4 dpi) WT D1 Cp1 Mock Cp2 Stress Development 2O2· 2O2 NoxA NoxR H2O2 H2O2 Other stimuli membrane NoxB RAC Unknown component SOD GDP GTP H2O2 as a signal Nucleus AaAP1 AaHOG1 AaNoxA Transcriptional activation Conidiation Oxidative stress response Pathogenicity Yang & Chung, 2012 MPP Chen et al., 2012 FGB