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Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
September 3rd - 7th
Welcome to Victoria College!
You may be wondering why, after being accepted to the University of
Toronto, you are now receiving all of this information from Victoria
University. Victoria University in the University of Toronto is made up
of two colleges: Victoria College and Emmanuel College. (U of T is
divided into communities known as colleges and faculties). You will
hear us change between Victoria University and Victoria College, but
mostly we just say “Vic!” Fortunately for you, Vic has always been
known as one of the most welcoming and beautiful spots on campus.
Welcome to your new home!
Here at Vic, we have one of the most flourishing and active student
communities you can find. There’s no end to the number of clubs,
activities and other resources available to you at this college. At Vic
we are proud of our diverse, friendly, and accepting atmosphere. We
would like to extend a warm welcome to our professional faculty students – Engineering, Music, and Phys Ed – as they are a vital part of
our community. In addition to the great people, Vic also has the nicest
quad on campus, historic residence buildings, and a beautiful theatre
for student events. These unique features provide a quiet hideaway
amidst the hustle and bustle of downtown Toronto. Here at Vic we
know how to have fun, and Orientation Week is only the beginning!
Some important dates:
Mature and Transfer Students Orientation: Wednesday, August 8th
from 6 pm - 9 pm
Commuter Orientation: Saturday, August 11th - Sunday, August 12th
Residence Move-in: Sunday, September 2nd from 9 am - 4 pm
Orientation Week: Monday, September 3rd - Friday, September 7th
Orientation strives to be inclusive, accessible and safe. In order to
help us reach this goal, please let us know about any accessibility
needs and/or concerns, allergies or medical conditions of which
you think we should be aware. There is a place on the online registration form at where you can let us know this information, or alternatively, you can email the Orientation Student
Chairs at
We want to ensure that everyone feels that they can participate
throughout Orientation Week. If you have any concerns or questions please let us know on your online registration form, or contact
If you require a copy of the mailing booklet
with a larger font, email:
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
Don’t forget to register for Orientation online at!
What is Orientation?
Orientation Week is a great opportunity to become familiar with Victoria College and
its community. Every year the Orientation Executive strives to provide a wide variety
of events that appeal to everyone. This year we are continuing to offer academic information sessions to help you navigate your first year at university. From the Registrar’s
Academic Welcome to the transitional seminars, you will find everything you need to
become acquainted with academics at the university level.
As one of the bigger colleges at U of T, Vic has the resources, dedication and the passion
to provide some of the greatest events you’ve ever seen. Vic is known for having the best
Orientation Week at U of T, and this is a tradition of which we have always been proud.
With all the events we have planned, we’re in no danger of losing our reputation! The
best part is that your level of participation is up to you, so check out the schedule to see
what interests you!
Adventure: Victoria Bound?
Now that you know a little more about Vic and about Orientation Week, you might be
wondering why the cover of this mailing booklet says “Adventure: Victoria Bound.”
Every Orientation Week has a unique theme and logo. The theme is what sets your Orientation apart from all the others that have come before and will come after. The logo
will appear on all sorts of Orientation materials you will receive when you arrive here
such as the very popular and fashionable Orientation t-shirts that all incoming students,
Orientation Leaders and Executives, Dons, student council members, and staff wear during the week! So what is Adventure: Victoria Bound, and why did this year’s Orientation
Executive choose it to be your theme?
It is helpful to look at our theme from two different perspectives: the name and the logo.
Our name, Adventure: Victoria Bound, encapsulates the idea that coming to university
is not only a major life step, but also the beginning of a great adventure. Like all great
adventures, you will try new things, see new places, and learn about yourself and the
world around you. The theme is just as much about adventuring as it is about you and
your time here at Victoria. Coming to university can be intimidating – we were all first
year students once upon a time! – and we hope that by making your Orientation Week
both fun and useful, your transition to university can get started in the best way possible.
There are endless opportunities and possibilities for everyone here at Victoria College,
and Orientation is a fantastic time for you to discover them.
There are hundreds of different types of adventures – adventuring into outer space, or
going on a mountain climbing expedition, for example. For Orientation Week 2012 at
Victoria College, we’ve chosen to represent our adventure with a diver’s helmet. To us,
it symbolizes progress, development, places we’ve never been and things we’ve never
seen. It represents innovation and ingenuity, and going forth into the great unknown.
Diving to the bottom of the sea, to the depths of our planet, is something no one has done
before; it is a representation of risk, challenge, and success. Just as the divers from 175
years ago did, you are submerging yourself in this new experience here at university, and
you will discover a whole new world waiting to be explored.
We hope that Orientation will help you start your own adventure here at Victoria!
Welcome to Orientation Week 2012!
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
Don’t forget to register for Orientation online at!
Orientation Student chairs’
People often ask me why I chose to come to Victoria College. A lot
of people, when asked that question, say something such as they
chose it because it looks nice, or at random, or because a relative
went here. I’ll admit, my reason is the latter: my mom, my aunt,
and my cousin all attended Vic in the past. My mother is not a
‘Vic mom’ (you’ll see what I mean if you go to Frosh Plays!), but
still, here I am. Coming to university made me feel a bit uneasy,
and admittedly, I was a bit nervous about the whole thing. Now,
somehow, I’m both VUSAC President as well as one of your CoChairs! It is simply because, since Opening Ceremonies during my
Orientation Week back in 2008, Vic has felt like a second home.
That sounds somewhat cheesy, I realize, but it’s true! My interest
was piqued when I looked at the mailing booklet; our theme was
‘Got Vic? The 90s Strike Back!’, and that fun (but meaningful)
theme made me want to come here. From the moment I found out
that my group name was ‘Jumanji’, I realized this was my kind of
place. I’m not exactly the type of person who likes to cheer and
yell, but I soon found out that there was something for everyone
here. Whether it’s a club about bad movies, or writing for the college newspaper, or meeting fellow commuters, there is literally
something for everyone.
It’s for this reason that Orientation is so important. I’m going
into my fifth year, and this is something I constantly marvel at
every September: Orientation brings so many people together, in
so many different ways, and it is precisely those differences that
make Victoria College such a fantastic place. Just as there are so
many different activities for you to do here, there are just as many
different people for you to meet! I have found some of my best
friends since that Orientation in 2008, and it is my sincerest wish
that you do as well.
University, especially here at U of T, is an adventure. For me, it
has been one full of ups and downs, full of moments where I both
plummeted and soared. I’m nearing the end of my adventure, but
with Orientation, you’re just beginning yours! If you need a guide
through the wilderness at any point, I can probably be found in the
VUSAC Office! Have fun, meet new people, and be safe!
I remember sitting at home in Port Perry, three years ago, leafing
through my own Orientation mailing booklet. My theme was “Vic
Gets Reel!” and I was probably more anxious than excited. I come
from a small town and a small high school, and the thought of going to a school like the University of Toronto was an overwhelming and frankly paralysing thought. To be sure, I was excited about
the experience, but constantly questioning my decision – would U
of T be a place that I could someday call home?
While I love U of T, it is Victoria that has proven to be like a true
home. With all of the clubs, activities, and organizations around
our campus – and there are many! – I was able to meet some amazing individuals and create some lasting memories. Coming here on
the first day of Orientation, I never thought that this place would
come to mean so much to me. I certainly never thought that I’d be
writing this message to all of you! Victoria has become more than
just a school to me, and Orientation more than just a week.
My goal is to help you feel this way too: that this place is your
home, that you’ve made the right decision, and that you are always
welcome at Victoria College. Here at Vic, you’ll meet some of
the most amazing people and create some of your best memories.
You’ll be valued, challenged, accepted, and appreciated. You’ll
grow, learn, try new things, and go new places. But don’t just take
my word for it! You’ll come to realize all of this on your own, and
Orientation Week is the best opportunity to do so.
I’ve come a long way from that anxious high school student back
in Port Perry. Vic has shown me that not only do I belong here, but
also that there will always be a place waiting for me, year after
year. I’m sure that you’ll find this is true for yourself, too. Don’t
be afraid to try new things! This is, after all, the beginning of your
own adventure. Best of luck out there! If you have questions or
would just like to chat, send me an email at artsandculture@vusac.
See you in September!
Carrie Proctor
Shoaib Alli
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
Don’t forget to register for Orientation online at!
President’s Welcome
Welcome to Victoria College, where your imagination will be unbound, where education is more than a matter of degree.
You are the newest members of a historic community. Last year
Victoria University celebrated its 175th birthday. With a charter from King William IV on October 12th, 1836 – long before
Canada became a nation – Upper Canada Academy came into
existence in Cobourg, Ontario. Four years after young Victoria
became Queen, we became Victoria College, and then in 1884
Victoria University. Six years later we federated with the University of Toronto; we moved in 1892 to our present site, and now
Victoria University is made up of two colleges – Victoria College
which is yours, and our theological faculty, Emmanuel College.
We have a distinguished history, and you are about to add to that
distinction. Every year it becomes more difficult to gain acceptance to Vic, just because of the growing numbers of students who
want to study here. So this is a highly accomplished class; it’s also
a very active and engaged class. We admit deliberately those who
want to be involved in their education. You recognize that what
you learn is, of course, what you are graded on. But you know
that’s just part of the story. Your learning does not start or stop
at the classroom door; it goes on in a myriad of activities. With
the same care with which we selected you, Vic has developed
programs to enrich your experience. We believe in a fullblooded, fully rounded education. We want to open up possibilities, to
welcome you into the freedoms of mind and imagination. That’s
why we have introduced our signature set of discussion groups in
“Ideas for the World.” That’s the reason for the dozens of societies, groups and clubs where friendships are forged. That’s why we
promote international exchanges, why we insist on including a
small class in your first year.
If you commute from home (and more than half of you do), there
is a package of activities and opportunities, special to Vic, that
you will enjoy, particularly as you make new friends. If you live
in residence, you have a ready-made new set of communities
waiting for you. Both commuting and resident students have access to Burwash Dining Hall for meals, where the food is every
bit as good as the company.
One of the most visible developments you will enjoy in a few
months is the opening of the new Goldring Student Centre, a complete renovation and expansion of the historic Wymilwood building. This will be one of the finest student centres in the country,
and in the new year you will be its first inhabitants.
Make sure, then, that you are fully part of the Vic story this year.
You’ll write your own part in the story, but you won’t do it alone.
In the A.B.B. Moore foyer of Old Vic, inscribed on the wall are
the words of a great president of Victoria University in the last
century: Education must take place in a community. A community is a place of support, on good days and in times of stress and
strain. That’s where you are; this is where you belong. Welcome.
Paul W. Gooch
Dean of Students’ Welcome
Welcome to Victoria College!
Your time in university is pivotally located between growing up
and being out in the world. There are very few chunks of time in
one’s life when so many changes of such importance happen. You
will be learning new and challenging material, meeting friends you
will have for a lifetime, feeding your curiosity by trying things and
thinking thoughts you had not before. You will stretch yourself to
become wiser and more understanding of the world around you.
These may all sound like platitudes now – typical words from the
Dean – but they are also true.
You have chosen to come to Vic, which was a brilliant decision!
The opportunities here are many, both in terms of sheer volume and
in terms of variety. Your school work and your other activities will
come together to make your experience enriching and fun. Your academic experience will be of the highest calibre. At the University
of Toronto you will be at the biggest and best research institution in
the country. You will have extremely talented people as peers, and
you will have a quality of professors and selection of courses that is
unparalleled. You will also have many different avenues by which
you can get involved, both at Vic and in the broader university.
There are clubs and societies, sports teams, student government
and politics groups, theatre and music groups, academic societies
and community outreach opportunities, and many, many other offerings, including our new “Ideas for the World” programme.
You are lucky to be coming to a college that places great importance
on the overall quality of your university experience. Whether you
are a commuter student (and enjoying our new commuter student
experience package) or a resident student living right in the college,
your time here will be memorable. There is a large and dedicated
staff and a great pool of upper-year students ready to help you find
the opportunities that suit you. We will help you to explore your
options and we will help you if you have difficulties along the way.
Vic students have the best of both worlds: a small and accessible
college environment and a huge research institution full of all of the
academic and social opportunities that these offer. All you need to
do is take advantage of it all. Make sure you try new things and get
just a bit uncomfortable so you can learn in the most robust sense
of the term.
You’ll have a great time at Vic. University is an exciting time of
making decisions and creating a life and career, and Vic is, I believe, the very best place to do so. We take seriously our motto,
abeunt studia in mores (studies pass into character). You will have
fun, you will learn, and you will grow. You will be the architect of
Good luck, and I look forward to meeting you!
Kelley Castle
Dean of Students
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
Don’t forget to register for Orientation online at!
Victoria College
Registrar’s Office
The Office of the
Dean of Students
The Office of the Dean of Students, located in Birge Carnegie,
strives to support and challenge students in their personal development during their years at Victoria. We have many programmes
that will broaden and enrich your university experience beyond the
classroom. We also understand that university can be overwhelming
at times, and we are here to guide students to resources that can ease
their transition to university life.
The Dean’s Office is responsible for the operation of the residences,
the commuter experience package, and for maintaining a community where students can succeed both personally and academically.
To aid in this process we have Dons for both residence and commuter students. They provide peer guidance, sponsor events, provide information about services on campus, and are responsible for
maintaining community standards at all times. They work with the
student council (VUSAC) to provide activities for the enjoyment
and benefit of students throughout the year.
As a team, and in cooperation with our very active students, the
Dean’s Office staff works to create an environment that encourages
personal development and participation in the community. If you
have any questions or concerns, please feel welcome to drop by the
office at any time.
The Registrar’s Office is your first stop at the University of Toronto. We are here to offer support regarding your questions
about academic, career, financial, or personal matters. We are
also happy to clarify or explain any university regulation or requirement you need to know about.
If you experience any difficulty (an illness or other personal
matter) that affects your academic performance in any way,
make an appointment to discuss your situation and your options
with an academic advisor as soon as possible.
We also offer 15 minute drop-in appointments every Wednesday morning from 10 am to 12 pm and Wednesday afternoon
from 2 pm to 4 pm (subject to advisor availability we reserve the
discretion to stop accepting drop-ins prior to the time noted.
Please come early). The Student Awards Manager is happy to
assist you with financial planning issues as well as bursary and
scholarship information.
Dean of Students
Kelley Castle,
Associate Dean of Students
Krista Steeves,
Residence Life Coordinator
Scott Johnston,
Residence Operations Assistant
Wanda Hughes,
Campus Life Coordinator
Samantha Hartlen,
Coordinator of International Student Life
Caitriona Brennan,
Please provide your full name and student number
with all inquiries.
Victoria College Registrar’s Office
73 Queen’s Park Crescent, Northrop Frye Hall 106
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1K7
Tel: (416) 585-4508
Fax: (416) 585-4459
Office Hours
Mondays: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Tuesdays: 9:30 am - 6 pm
Wednesdays: 10 am - 4:30 pm
Thursdays: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Fridays: 9:30 am - 4 pm
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
Don’t forget to register for Orientation online at!
The Orientation Executive
Shoaib Alli
--------------------------------------Shoaib is going into his fifth year, studying English and political science. In addition to being one of the Orientation Co-Chairs,
he is excited to serve as your VUSAC President for the upcoming school year! When he’s not in the VUSAC Office pretending to
do work, you can find him cheering on his favourite sports teams (Leafs, Raptors, Patriots) whenever possible! One of Shoaib’s
fondest wishes is to be able to see the Leafs win the Stanley Cup... that, or be able to travel through time, whichever comes first.
Carrie Proctor
Carrie is excited to be your Orientation Student Co-Chair this year, and is having a blast preparing for Orientation Week this summer! Going into her fourth year with a religion and equity studies double major, Carrie spends her time watching local theatre,
playing video games, and seeking out delicious restaurants in Toronto. She is excited to meet all of you in September – please feel
free to say “hi” to her anytime!
Sabrina Bilotta
Sabrina is entering her second year as a human biology and linguistics major. When she’s not running around the entire U of T
campus, you can find her reading a great book, listening to music, or swimming. She enjoys discovering new places in Toronto as
well as learning about new culture. She wants to travel the world! She’s super excited to be a part of the Orientation Exec team and
cannot wait to meet all the new Victorians during O-Week 2012!
Gabrielle Blais-Jones
Gabrielle will be going into her fifth year at Vic (she just doesn’t want to leave!), studying French language learning, Spanish
and Celtic studies. She loves music (especially singing with the Vic Chorus), sailing, fencing, skiing and hanging out in the Birge
Carnegie building. She’s so excited to meet all of you and hopes that you find Vic as welcoming as she does!
Liviu-Mihai Calin
Liviu is going into his fourth year, double majoring in computer science and astrophysics. When he’s not processing astronomical
data or turning base metals into gold, he’s out exploring the U of T campus and the great city of Toronto! Even with three years
under his belt at U of T, he still hasn’t been in every building here. He recommends you to come to Orientation Week – the best
week of the year – and explore what Vic has to offer for you!
Lauren Dineley
Lauren is entering her third year at Vic majoring in film studies with a double minor in history and book and media studies. Watching obscene amounts of television, Dolly Parton, spinning classes and the New Orleans Saints are among her favourite things. This
year, she will be a commuter mentor and Victoria College Drama Society’s Communications Director. Lauren is absolutely thrilled
to be a part of the Orientation Executive and can’t wait to see you all in September!
Christianne Johnson
--------------------------------------Christianne is going into her final year at Vic, studying English, cinema and classical civilizations. She loves exploring the city
with the friends she has made at Vic, and can’t wait to meet the incoming class! This year, when she isn’t reading and watching
movies, you’ll be able to find her in the Commuter Don Office talking to students, hanging out in the quad, or trekking to the Athletic Centre where she pretends to be in shape. She is very excited to be a part of the best Frosh Week ever, and hopes you are too!
Camille Labelle
Cam’s going into her third year as a psych and sexual diversity studies student, and will talk about it for ages unless you stop
her. She likes to knit in unlikely places, volunteer around campus at Caffiends and the LGBTOUT drop-in centre, and make new
friends, which is why she’s UBER-excited to welcome you to Victoria with Orientation Week 2012!
Komal Minhas
Komal is entering her third year at Victoria College as a commuter student. She studies animal physiology and human biology.
Komal loves Disney movies, reading, camping, nature, and the rain! This fall, apart from being a commuter mentor at Vic, Komal
will be on the exec team for the Victoria College Off-Campus Association. Komal is super thrilled to meet each and every one of
you, and hopes that you’re as excited about Orientation 2012 as she is! Most importantly, she welcomes you to Victoria College.
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
Don’t forget to register for Orientation online at!
Jenny Pazio
--------------------------------------Jenny is going into her third year in the commerce program, specializing in accounting with a minor in economics. Exec by day,
superhero by night, her kryptonite is sushi and her super power is being AWESOME (she may or may not be related to Barney
Stinson). Hailing from the west end of Toronto, she is a proud and passionate commuter student who invites all commuters to
come out to Commuter Orientation! Having (secretly) been counting down the days to O-Week she can’t wait to see YOU there!
Stephen Spindler
Stephen is going into his fourth year at Vic studying anthropology, history and semiotics. When he isn’t studying in E.J. Pratt
Library, he enjoys watching sitcoms, tossing around a Frisbee in the quad, and laughing at bad jokes. Stephen is very excited to
be a part of the 2012 Orientation Exec team, and he can’t wait to share his home away from home with the incoming Vic students!
Kathleen Walsh
Kathleen is entering her second year at Vic, majoring in English and minoring in drama and political science. Despite commuting
from Markham last year, she still found time for her passion for design, and her obsession with The Office and Modern Family. She
can’t wait to be your Scarlet and Gold Commissioner this upcoming year and is always up for chatting! Coming to U of T last year
as a transfer student, she got to experience the Vic community’s welcoming spirit and is so excited for you all to discover it, too!
Susan Wang
Susan is going into her third year, studying a double major in ecology and evolutionary biology, and animal physiology. When
she’s not “studying”, drinking too much coffee, or watching Grey’s Anatomy, Susan enjoys eating, sleeping, and video games. She
has been planning the Monday night event and the Wacky Tacky Fashion Show and can’t wait to see you there!
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
Don’t forget to register for Orientation online at!
Check-in Procedures
Residence Students
Check-in Date – Sunday, September 2 , 2012
Upon arrival to the Victoria University campus, there are three
things you must do to check in:
Please Note: If you choose not to stay in residence for the week
there will be a locked storage room made available for you to store
your belongings.
1. Key Retrieval:
• To sign in and pick up your residence keys, please go to the
following buildings:
• Margaret Addison Hall (140 Charles St. West) for residents of
Margaret Addison Hall and 65 Charles St. West
• Rowell Jackman Hall (85 Charles St. West) for residents of
Rowell Jackman Hall and Burwash Hall
• Annesley Hall (95 Queen’s Park Cres.) for residents of Annesley Hall
• Have your picture taken for ID purposes.
• Pick up your residence package (this package includes information on how to access the campus internet service, your
residence keys, laundry card, temporary key information for
lock-outs, lost key information, laundry information, room
check form, registration form, and mailing packages information).
• Students can move into residence between 9 am and 4 pm.
Important Note: Students staying in Burwash Hall Residence,
please DO NOT punch any holes in your swipe keys, as they will
not work and a new one will have to be purchased.
2. Orientation Check–in: Once you have moved in to your
residence room (with the help of our enthusiastic Orientation
Leaders), head over to the Old Vic Foyer (“VC” on the map
located on the inside-back cover of this booklet) to pick up
your Orientation kit and t-shirt.
3. Residence Orientation: This begins at 4 pm – it is vital that
you meet with the Don of your floor and your floormates.
IMPORTANT: If you are staying in residence and have indicated on your online registration form that you would like to host
a commuter student, this commuter will be sleeping on the floor
of your residence room and will have key access to your room for
Orientation Week. Commuter students will arrive on the morning
of Monday, September 3rd.
Hosting a commuter student during Orientation is great way to
meet new people, make new friends and help commuter students
experience all the Orientation programming without worrying
about a long commute home, late at night.
Commuter Student Check-In (Students not
staying in Residence for Orientation Week)
Check-in Date – Monday, September 3rd, 2012
Old Vic Foyer between 10 am - 11:30 am.
Once you have picked up your Orientation Kit, head to the quad
for the Grand Meet and Greet followed by Opening Ceremonies
and Pizza with the Dons.
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
Don’t forget to register for Orientation online at!
Commuter Students staying in Residence
for Orientation Week
Check-in Date – Monday, September 3rd, 2012 from 10 am 11:30 am.
As a commuter student you have a choice to stay in residence for
Orientation Week at no extra charge. You will be paired with a
first-year residence student which will enable you to take part in
as many of the Orientation Week events as you would like without
having to worry about commuting home. Should you wish to stay
in residence for the week, you MUST indicate your intent on the
online registration form. Staying in residence MUST be requested
by Friday, July 27th.
If you are planning on staying in residence for Orientation
Week, please make sure to follow these steps:
1. Room Assignment – Go to Old Vic Foyer where you can get
your assigned room and keys. The keys must be returned no
later than 12 pm on Saturday, September 8th , 2012. This is
a great opportunity for you to purchase your Orientation meal
vouchers in the Old Vic Foyer.
2. Orientation Check–in in the Old Vic Foyer – Here you will
be given your Orientation Kit and t-shirt.
3. Please Note - You MUST attend Pizza with the Dons to stay
in residence during Orientation Week.
Once you have a key, head out to the quad and find your group.
You will be introduced to your host who can then take you to their
room to drop off your personal belongings. Once you have done
this, return to the quad for the mandatory Pizza with the Dons.
Commuter Student Hosting
Commuter student hosting is not guaranteed. If you wish to stay
in residence for Orientation, it is advised that you register online
at as soon as possible and check off the box indicating your interest. Spots are granted on a first-come first-served
basis and are dependant on the number of residence students who
are interested in hosting a student.
Once paired with their residence host, commuter students will
have a chance to learn a bit more about life in residence and the
role of the Don. The activities featured on Monday, September 2nd
will include group icebreakers, and sexuality and diversity seminars delivered by the Dons and Orientation Leaders.
Although we urge first-year commuter students to stay in residences for the duration of Orientation Week, we understand that
this is not possible for everyone. We do, however, encourage new
students to participate in as much of the week as they can.
If you sign up for residence, you are by no means obligated to stay
there every night. However, should you decline the option to stay
in residence on your registration form, a room will not be available
if you change your mind.
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
Don’t forget to register for Orientation online at!
Orientation Week at a Glance
Sunday, September 2nd
Monday, September 3rd
Tuesday, September 4th
9 am
12 pm
Residence Check-In
9 am - 4 pm
10 am - 11:30 am
Old Vic Foyer
Best Parking/Unloadng Locations
The Grand Meet and Greet
Annesley: Annesley Drive
Margaret Addison: Margaret Addison Drive
Rowell Jackman: Charles St.
Burwash - North House: Charles St.
Burwash - Middle, South & Gate House: St. Mary St.
Burwash - Lower Houses: St. Mary St. or Lane off
Queen’s Park.
Don’t forget to pick up your
Orientation materials from
the Old Vic Foyer!
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Opening Ceremonies:
The Adventure Begins
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Pizza with the Dons
1:30 pm - 3 pm
Learn the Frosh Dance
3 pm - 4 pm
Guest Lectures:
Frosh Plays
Life Sciences
4 pm - 5 pm
4 pm - 5 pm
Northrop Frye 003
Isabel Bader Theatre
5 pm - 6 pm
Isabel Bader Theatre
5 pm - 6 pm
On Your Own
Frosh Plays
Commuter Registration
Residence Orientation
4 pm - 9 pm
Your Residence House/Floor
Varsity Blues Tailgate Party
6 pm - 7 pm
Varsity Stadium
Breakfast with your Presidents
10 am - 11 am
Burwash Dining Hall
Registrar’s Academic Welcome
& Dean’s Welcome
11 am - 12:30 pm
Isabel Bader Theatre
SECsy Time
Vic Trivia Club
12:30 pm - 2 pm
Northrop Frye 003
12:30 pm - 2 pm
Old Vic
Guest Lectures:
2 pm - 3:30 pm
Northrop Frye 003
Guest Lecture Reception
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Old Vic Foyer
The Amazing
4:30 pm - 6 pm
Meet in Quad
Basic Training
International Students’
6 pm - 7 pm
Alumni Hall in Old Vic
4:30 pm - 6 pm
Old Vic
Victoria College
6 pm - 7 pm
Quad and Marg Ad Field
Free Time
Varsity Blues
Football Game
7 pm - 10 pm
Varsity Stadium
Indiana Joe’s
7 pm - 2 am
Wymilwood Cafe/
Cat’s Eye
#YOVO: Dance
12 am
Night in
Casino Royale Movie
the Quad
8 pm - 2 am
Old Vic
10 pm - 2 am
Alumni Hall in
Old Vic
Free food at event
During Orientation, Burwash Dining Hall will be open for the following meals:
Breakfast - Monday, September 3rd, Brunch - Wednesday, September 5th, and Thursday, September 6th
Dinner - Monday, September 3rd, Tuesday, September 4th, Thursday, September 6th, and Friday, September 7th
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
8 pm - 2 am
Don’t forget to register for Orientation online at!
Orientation Week at a Glance
Wednesday, September 5th Thursday, September 6th
Friday, September 7th
9 am
Ask Your
10 am - 12 pm
Expedition with
12 pm - 1 pm
Clubs Day
10 am - 2 pm
Kings College
10 am - 12 pm
Old Vic
Orientation Convocation
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Meet in Quad
VUSAC Student Life Involvement
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Northrop frye
Alumni Social:
Meet the Trailblazers
5:30 pm - 7 pm
Old Vic Foyer/Alumni Hall in Old Vic
Step Right Up!
Carnival & Barbeque
10 am - 2 pm
10 am - 12 pm
Old Vic
LGBTQ Reception:
12 pm - 2 pm
Free Time
Basic Training
Rainbow Sprinkles
VUSAC Clubs Victoria College
Fencing Club
11 am - 2 pm
11 am - 2 pm
Old Vic
12:30 pm - 2 pm
Alumni Hall in Old Vic
Guest Lectures
UTSU Parade
2 pm - 3:30 pm
Old Vic
Guest Lecture
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Old Vic Foyer
Alumni Hall in
Old Vic
2 pm - 4 pm
Meet in Quad
Toronto City Streets
Vic Community Garden
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Meet in Quad
Free Time
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
On Your Own
UTSU Concert
Wacky Tacky Fashion Show
4:30 pm - 7 pm
U of T Back Campus
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
7 pm - 9:30 pm
Closing Ceremonies:
The Adventure Continues
Wacky Tacky
Boat Cruise
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
6:30 pm - 10 pm
Meet in Quad
The Journey Never Ends
Free Time
Scarlet and
Gold Party
10 pm - 2 am
A Secret Toronto
Buses leave from in
front of the
Isabel Bader Theatre
Games Night:
Around the
10 pm - 2 am
Cat’s Eye
8:30 pm - 11 pm
12 pm
Discovering Vic by Night
10 pm - 2 am
Quad/Cat’s Eye/
Old Vic
Free Time
Traditional Ceremonies
UTSU Party
9 pm - 3 am
Guvernment Night Club
Buses Leave From Front of Hart House
12 am
Some meals will be provided for FREE as indicated above. For the remaining meals, we highly encourage all commuter
students to purchase commuter meal vouchers for Orientation. Residence students can use their normal meal plans for
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
Sunday, September 2nd, 2012
Don’t forget to register for Orientation online at!
Event Descriptions
9 am - 4 pm – Residence Check-in and Move-in: Refer to check-in procedures on page 8! Your Residence Building and Old
Vic Foyer (Enter from the Quad)
4 pm - 9pm – Residence Orientation: Your Residence Building
Monday, September 3rd, 2012
10 am - 11:30 am – Commuter Registration: Refer to check-in procedure on page 9! Old Vic Foyer
11:30 am - 12:30 pm – The Grand Meet and Greet: Come to the Quad and meet the exec, leaders, and other students you will
be spending Orientation Week with! Quad
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm – Opening Ceremonies: The Adventure Begins: This is the official start of Orientation Week! Here you
will be welcomed to Victoria College and given a run-down of the week, before embarking on the adventure of a lifetime! Quad
1:30 pm - 3 pm – Pizza with the Dons: Take a break from cheering to grab some pizza and get to know the Victoria College
Don Team, which includes both residence and commuter dons. They are super excited to meet with all of you. So while chowing down a mealtime favorite, dons will cover important information. This event is mandatory for resident students and commuters staying in residence for the week. Quad
3 pm - 4 pm – Learn the Frosh Dance: Come out and learn this year’s frosh dance! The frosh dance is one of the most memorable parts of Orientation Week and here’s your chance to learn it! Don’t worry if you don’t have dance experience, it’s easy
and sure to be a fun time. Quad
4 pm - 5 pm – Guest Lectures: Life Sciences: Featuring Professor William Ju (Human Biology) and Professor Andrew Baines
(Vic One Science Stream), these lectures will not only give you a taste of what to expect when classes begin but also give you
the opportunity to try something new and learn a little something along the way! Northrop Frye 003
4 pm - 6 pm – Frosh Plays: Get to know Victoria with our yearly tradition of a series of hilarious skits and scenes all about
university life and etiquette, written and performed for you by your fellow Vickies! A classic O-Week favourite. There will be
two showings, a 4 pm and 5 pm showing. Isabel Bader Theatre
6 pm - 7 pm – Dinner: On Your Own
6 pm - 7 pm – U of T Tailgate Party: Hang out with other colleges and faculties, grab something to munch on, and show some
U of T spirit in the first annual tailgate party! Varsity Stadium
7 pm - 10 pm – Varsity Blues Football Game: Come watch the Varsity Blues Men’s Football team take on Wilfrid Laurier
in the home opener! Varsity Stadium
7 pm - 2 am – Indiana Joe’s: Head over to Wymilwood Café or the Cat’s Eye (in Birge Carnegie) for Indiana Joe’s! Enjoy an
adventurous evening of board games and hot chocolate as we play into the wee hours of the night! Cat’s Eye/Wymilwood Café
8:30 pm - 2 am – #YOVO: Dance Party!: You Only Vic Once! Be sure to make the most out of Frosh week – kick-start it with
wicked music and dance the night away in Alumni Hall. Bring Frosh IDs, but leave all bags in either your rooms or the commuter storage space. Alumni Hall in Old Vic
Tuesday, September 4th, 2012
10 am - 11 am – Breakfast with your Presidents: Join the President of Victoria University, Professor Paul Gooch, and the
President of the Victoria University Students’ Administrative Council, Shoaib Alli, for a breakfast and some cool conversation.
Burwash Dining Hall
11 am - 12:30 pm – Registrar’s Academic Welcome & Dean’s Welcome: A Victoria College Orientation tradition. Come
meet your Registrar and our Dean of Students, and learn some important details about your next four years.
Isabel Bader Theatre
12:30 pm - 2 pm – SECsy Time: This ain’t your grade nine gym class’ sex-ed! Student volunteers from U of T’s Sexual Education Centre give a relaxed and fun presentation on sexual health and safety and answer any and all questions you might have in
a comfortable and welcoming environment. Northrop Frye 003
12:30 pm - 2 pm – Club Workshop: Vic Trivia Club: Come join a fun and non-competitive atmosphere where you can learn
and show off your knowledge of trivia against leaders, exec, and fellow incoming students with one of Vic’s newer clubs.
Old Vic
2 pm - 3:30 pm – Guest Lecture: Humanities: Featuring Professor Charles Keil (Cinema Studies) and Professor Kenneth
Bartlett (History), these lectures will not only give you a taste of what to expect when classes begin but also give you the opportunity to try something new and learn a little something along the way! Northrop Frye 003
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm – Guest Lecture Reception: After attending the Humanities Guest Lectures, come on down to meet with
the amazing professors who will be teaching you during your time here at U of T. Meet and mingle with some of our university’s brightest minds while enjoying delicious food. It’s a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Old Vic Foyer
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
Don’t forget to register for Orientation online at!
Event Descriptions
4:30 pm - 6 pm – The Amazing Race: Are you ready for an adventure?! Meet new friends and discover new locations on the
Vic campus in this unique scavenger hunt. Search for clues and complete challenges. The first team back will win a prize! Dress
according to the weather (bring umbrellas and rain boots if necessary). Meet in Quad
4:30 pm - 6 pm – Transitional Seminars: Basic Training: A series of small discussion-based informational sessions designed
to help you start life at Vic and U of T off on the right foot. Today’s topics include: ‘Essay Writing and Resources’, ‘Getting
Involved at Vic’, ‘Stressed oUT: Getting Through University with All Your Hair’ and ‘Notetaking!’ Old Vic
6 pm - 7 pm – International Students’ Reception: Are you from outside of Canada and new to the Toronto community?
Come join this informal session for food and activities, to hear a few words from our amazing speaker, and chit-chat with other
new international students, as well as meet Caitriona Brennan (International Student Life Coordinator) who will be your go-to
person for all things international. Alumni Hall in Old Vic
6 pm - 7 pm – Club Workshop: Victoria College Athletics Association: Meet the exec of the VCAA as they host a series
of laidback, outdoor sports games. Quad and Marg Ad Field
7 pm - 8 pm – Free Time
8 pm - 2 am – Casino Royale: Feelin’ lucky? If you are, then come on over to Old Vic for a night of (free) casino games,
laughing and that classy casino feel. Try your hand at blackjack, craps, roulette, wheels of fortune, or sign up for the exclusive
poker tournament! With prizes to be won, friends to be made and fun to be had, Casino Night is not something you want to
miss! Old Vic
8 pm - 2 am – Movie Night in the Quad: Not feeling the tables? Unlucky? That’s okay! You can still get some casino fun by
joining us in the Quad for a casino-themed movie night featuring Casino Royale and Casino among others! Quad
Wednesday, September 5th, 2012
10 am - 12 pm – U of T Campus Tours (Life Sciences & Humanities): Come one, come all to the tours today that are geared
towards humanities and life sciences students. These tours will give you a better understanding of your home for the next few
years and will acquaint you with essential resources around campus. Students will have the opportunity to attend multiple tours.
Tours leave every 15 minutes. Meet in Quad
12 pm - 1 pm – Expedition with Innis: Vic loves Innis! Come and enjoy lunch in the Quad with some of your fellow incoming
students from Innis College, another undergraduate college at U of T! Show up right at 10 am so we can practice the frosh dance
together before Innis arrives. They always look forward to our performance! Quad
10 am - 2 pm – UTSU Clubs Day: See the myriad of clubs (over 200) U of T has to offer. Front U of T Campus
2 pm - 2:30 pm – Free Time: Dress up in your semi-formal wear for the afternoon and evening events.
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm – Orientation Convocation: Victoria College officially welcomes you at this historical event, at which the
Chancellor of Victoria University, Dr. Wendy Cecil, will preside. Join Vic’s President, the Principal of Victoria College, and
distinguished alumni of U of T. This is a prominent event in the Victoria College calendar where two honorary degrees will be
conferred. Meet in Quad
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm – VUSAC Student Life Involvement Fair: Want to know how to get involved across the Vic campus?
Come look for a club or commitee, or talk to VUSAC about anything you are interested in at Vic. Meet new Victorians with the
same interests as you and begin making the most of your time at Vic! Northrop Frye
5:30 pm - 7 pm – Alumni Event: Meet the Trailblazers: Curious about past Victorians? Eager to talk to Vic Alumni? Stop
by and chat with some of Vic’s best and brightest. Old Vic Foyer/Alumni Hall in Old Vic
7 pm - 9:30 pm – Traditional Ceremonies: Be a part of the one of the oldest traditions at Victoria College, cementing friendship, tradition, and the bonds of our community. Those participating are encouraged to leave their bags, purses, and high heels
in their rooms or the commuter storage space. There are two ceremonies, please feel free to go to whichever ceremony you feel
comfortable attending. Meet in Quad
10 pm - 2 am – Scarlet and Gold Party: After days of chasing scarlet herrings and gold treasure, get ready to celebrate your
adventures at the much anticipated Scarlet and Gold Party! We’re taking off to a secret Toronto location to party the night away,
so come out and enjoy a night of great music, crazy dancing, and the company of amazing people! Buses leave from in front of
the Isabel Bader Theatre
10 pm - 2 am – Games Night: Around the World: Trek over to the Cat’s Eye for a night of pool, foosball, and video games!
Whether you win or lose, for each game you play, you’ll get a stamp on your passport. Try to make it all the way around the
world by the end of the night! Cat’s Eye
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
Thursday, September 6th, 2012
Don’t forget to register for Orientation online at!
Event Descriptions
10 am - 12 pm – Ask Your Leaders: Come meet your Orientation Leaders and get the students’ perspective on the ins and outs
of being a student at U of T. There will be separate areas for different fields of study. Feel free to ask any questions relating to
courses, tutorials, study tips, or even just “What’s it like at U of T?” Old Vic
10 am - 12 pm – Transitional Seminars: Basic Training: A series of small discussion-based informational sessions designed
to help you start life at Vic and U of T off on the right foot. Today’s topics include: ‘Going Abroad’, ‘Becoming a Leader at U
of T’, ‘Being Ready for Your First Year’ and a session with the Career Centre! Old Vic
12 pm - 2 pm – U of T Campus Tours (Commerce, Social Sciences, International Students): Come one, come all to the
tours today that are geared towards commerce, social sciences, and international students. These tours will give you a better
understanding of your home for the next few years. These tours will acquaint you with essential resources. Students will have
the opportunity to attend multiple tours. Tours leave every 15 minutes. Meet in Quad
12:30 pm - 2 pm – LGBTQ Reception: Rainbow Sprinkles: An event for all incoming LGBTQ students and allies! Everyone
is welcome to enjoy ice cream provided by VicPride! and get to know your resources on campus. Learn how to get involved
while meeting fellow students in this positive space. Alumni Hall in Old Vic
2 pm - 3:30 pm – Guest Lectures: Featuring Professor William Huggins (Rotman Commerce) and Professor Marcel Danesi
(Semiotics), these lectures will not only give you a taste of what to expect when classes begin but also give you the opportunity
to try something new and learn a little something along the way! Northrop Frye 003
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm – Guest Lecture Reception: After attending the Guest Lectures, come on down to meet with the amazing
professors (commerce, life sciences, etc.) who will be teaching you during your time here at U of T. Meet and mingle with
some of our university’s brightest minds while enjoying delicious food. It’s a great opportunity to ask any questions you may
have. Old Vic Foyer
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm – Club Workshop: Vic Community Garden Club: Come learn about the community garden at Vic! Let
the VCGC tell you about the benefits of urban gardening and other groups on campus. Want to get your hands dirty? The end
of summer means the grown produce is ready to be harvested. Meet in Quad
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm – Dinner: On Your Own
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm – Wacky Tacky Fashion Show: Nothing is too tacky for this fashion show! Bring your loudest, proudest,
brightest clothing you have for a fashion show! Strut your wacky apparel on the runway or come enjoy the music before we
head off to the Wacky Tacky Boat Cruise! Quad
6:30 pm - 10 pm – Wacky Tacky Boat Cruise: Hop onto the Trillium or Kajama and party the night away while enjoying the
great Toronto scenery! Bags and water bottles are not allowed on the boats so please leave them in your rooms or the commuter
storage space. Any purses will be searched. Don’t forget to wear comfortable, crazy clothing! Meet in Quad
10 pm - 2 am – Discovering Vic by Night: Come and discover Vic under the cover of dark! Three events will run concurrently:
yoga in Alumni Hall, movie night in the Quad, and a spooky ghost tour around the Vic Campus. You can do one or all three, it
is up to you, but Vic under the cover of darkness is an adventure waiting to happen! Yoga in Alumni Hall/Movie in the Quad/
Ghost Tours Meet Outside Birge Carnegie (Charles St. West Entrance)
Friday, September 7th, 2012
11 am - 2 pm – Step Right Up! Carnival and Barbeque: Come out and enjoy a variety of carnival games and inflatables in the
Quad, and grab a bite to eat at the barbeque! This event is running concurrently with the VUSAC Clubs Fair, so feel free to stop
by all of the events! Bring an extra shirt to change into, if you want VicPride! to DIY transform your t-shirt! Quad
11 am - 2 pm – VUSAC Clubs Fair: Come get involved! Every club is pleased to be present at this event, so you’ll find something of interest. If you want to start your own club, we’ll have a booth explaining that, too! Old Vic
11 am - 2 pm – Club Workshop: Victoria College Fencing Club: Taught by qualified fencing instructors, the VCFC aims
to teach you about the art of fencing, as well as a little bit of its history. By attending this workshop, you’ll get some first-hand
lessons with the foils and learn some fencing moves! En garde! Alumni Hall in Old Vic
2 pm - 4 pm – UTSU Parade: March through the streets of downtown Toronto with 5000 U of T students! This is one of the
most famous events of Orientation Week. Be sure to wear your Vic t-shirt and bring your cheering voice. Meet in Quad
4:30 pm - 8 pm – UTSU Concert: A concert hosted by UTSU for some after-parade spirit! Back U of T Campus
7 pm - 8 pm – Closing Ceremonies: The Adventure Continues: This is the official end of Orientation Week, but don’t be too
sad; the closing ceremonies also represent the beginning of your time at Vic and all of the wonderful times you are about to
have. Come on out to the Quad to celebrate the end of an experience and the beginning of a new adventure! Quad
8:30 pm - 11 pm – UltraNow: The Journey Never Ends: Strut your stuff at the UltraNow open mic! Have a talent? Want to
dance? Show your fellow Victorians what you’ve got! Immediately follow closing ceremonies, it will be one final Frosh week
goodbye. Quad
9 pm - 3 am – UTSU Party: Guvernment Night Club. Shuttle Buses outside of Hart House
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
Don’t forget to register for Orientation online at!
Will I meet people from other colleges and/or faculties?
You definitely will! The Orientation Executive has made a special effort to join with other colleges and faculties in offering
events. You can party down with the Faculty of Music first-year
students at the Wacky Tacky Boat Cruise, and make some Innis
College friends during Expedition with Innis. In addition, come
out to the Varsity Blues Tailgate Party and the Varsity Blues
Football Game on Monday night to mix and mingle with all the
other colleges and faculties, and to cheer on the Varsity Blues!
Make sure you stay fed and hydrated throughout the week! A
number of meals will be provided for Vic students throughout the
week. We will have alternatives for those who have special dietary
needs (vegetarian, halal, gluten-free, etc).
What is Residence Orientation?
This program is designed to give first year residence students
the opportunity to adjust to campus living, interact with floor
mates, and meet their Dons before the upper-year students return to residence. It gives the residence Dons a chance to steer
new students through important information and give them “insider tips” on making the most of university life. This year, Residence Orientation will begin in the afternoon on Sunday, September 2nd, 2012 and end at noon on Monday, September 3rd, 2012.
Is there any faculty involvement during the week?
You will have the chance to engage with faculty members before
class begins in a more informal setting throughout the week. Be
sure to look at our program description in the schedule portion
of the booklet. Events include: Registrar’s & Dean’s Academic
Welcome, Guest Lecture Receptions and Orientation Convocation.
What does “LGBTQ” and “Allies” Mean?
LGBTQ: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer. You
may also see LGBTTIQQ2S: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transexual, Intersexed, Queer, Questioning, and 2-Spirited.
Allies: anyone – straight or not – who supports the LGBTTIQQ2S
community or any of its members.
What is UTSU?
The University of Toronto Students’ Union represents and serves
41 000 full-time, undergraduate arts and science and professional
faculty students. They tackle issues of student rights, access to services, and campus life. Some of the services they provide include
the health care and dental plan, childcare, subsidized entertainment tickets, and photocopying. To get involved and find out more,
check out
What is VUSAC?
The Victoria University Students’ Administrative Council is your
elected student council at Vic. A council of 18, with 10 elected
in the spring and eight in the fall (two spots are saved for first-year
students), VUSAC puts together programming and oversees all
Victoria clubs. Visit their office in Birge Carnegie, or website
at, to find out more about your parties, educational and
charity events, theatre productions and trips, clubs, the $50,000
Student Projects Fund, and commuter events!
Wymilwood Café (located in the basement of Birge Carnegie) will
be an on-campus alternative for students. Wymilwood serves hot
meals and sandwiches daily, and has a wide variety of snacks and
drinks available for purchase with cash or with Vic Dollars (included with some meal plans). There is a cozy seating area for
students to enjoy their food and to socialize with other Vic students
and new friends.
For all meals in Burwash (except Breakfast with your Presidents
& Meet the Trailblazers), you will require a meal plan. For residence students, you can use your residence meal plan, or use your
VicDollars at Wymilwood Café. Commuter students have the opportunity to purchase Orientation Week meal vouchers from Vic
Food Services, or can also go off campus for meals. We HIGHLY
recommend that our commuter students purchase meal vouchers
for both convenience and also to integrate more fully with their
peers on campus.
Orientation Meal Vouchers - For Commuter Students
There are some meals that are not included during Orientation
Week. For your convenience, you have the option to purchase
meal vouchers from the Victoria College Burwash Dining Hall.
Orientation Meal Vouchers
3 meals OR 5 meals in Burwash Dining Hall
3 vouchers for $32.00 including taxes
5 vouchers for $53.00 including taxes
Vouchers expire Friday, September 7th after dinner.
Vouchers are transferable.
During Orientation, Burwash Dining Hall will be open for the following meals:
Monday, September 3rd: Breakfast, 8 am - 9:30 am; Dinner, 4:30 pm - 7 pm
Tuesday, September 4th: Dinner, 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Wednesday, September 5th: Brunch, 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Thursday, September 6th: Brunch, 10 am - 1:30 am; Dinner, 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Friday, September 7th: Dinner, 4 pm - 7 pm
You can purchase the Orientation meal vouchers during registration at Commuter Orientation and during Orientation Week.
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
Don’t forget to register for Orientation online at!
Monday, Tuesday and wednesday
Opening Ceremonies - Monday 12:30pm - 1:30pm
#YOVO!: Dance Party - Monday 10pm - 2am
Breakfast with your Presidents - Tuesday 10am - 11am
Casino Royale - Tuesday 8pm - 2am
Expedition With Innis - Wednesday 12pm - 1pm
Scarlet and Gold Party - Wednesday 10pm - 2am
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
Don’t forget to register for Orientation online at!
Thursday and Friday
WAcky Tacky Fashion Show - Thursday 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Wacky Tacky Boat Cruise - Thursday 6:30pm - 10:30pm
Carnival - Friday 11am - 2pm
VUSAC Clubs Fair - Friday 11am - 2pm
UTSU Parade - Friday 2pm - 4pm
UTSU PArade - Friday 2pm - 4pm
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
Don’t forget to register for Orientation online at!
Commuter Students
1) Students who will be living off campus during the academic year. (This
may or may not include an affinity for the TTC/Go Transit/Driving).
2) 80% of the Vic population.
Victoria College works to increase the involvement and connection of commuter students to the campus, and works with student leaders and groups
to help co-ordinate and sustain the vibrant campus life for which Victoria
is known.
For students not living in residence, establishing links to the community
can be an additional challenge, and Victoria recognizes that this sense of
community is very important to the success and enjoyment of all students.
For this reason, Vic offers a special Commuter Orientation weekend that
takes place prior to Orientation Week.
Commuter Orientation (August 11th and 12th)
Commuter Orientation is in its 10th year here at Vic. It’s an excellent opportunity for commuter students to meet other students living in the Greater
Toronto Area before Orientation Week begins. This year, we are pleased to
offer Commuter Orientation on campus the weekend of Saturday, August
11th and Sunday, August 12th, 2012. This overnight event will be hosted
on the Vic campus and students attending will stay in one of our residence
If you are interested in attending Commuter Orientation, please indicate
this on your online registration form and send us a $40 payment in the
form of a cheque payable to Victoria University by Friday, July 27th, 2012.
If you have any questions about the Commuter Orientation weekend, refer
to the Commuter Orientation insert, or email
Commuter Dons
The Commuter Dons at Vic are here as student advisors, helping commuter
students with personal, academic, financial, and social matters. They can
direct students to services around the college, as well as the university and
in the city. Their office is located in the Birge Carnegie building (Room 6),
so feel free to visit their office hours to talk about anything, whether it is
about adjusting to university life, or if you simply want to chat. In addition,
the Commuter Dons also prepare a number of social events and educational
programs; they aim to help students make connections throughout the year
and make the most of their out-of-classroom experiences.
Commuter Mentors
Starting this year, Vic is offering a new commuter mentoring program
called Victoria College Commuter Connections. Designed to help support
commuter students with the transition from high school to university, it
provides first-year students with the opportunity to be part of a smaller
learning community with students in similar areas of study. Upper year
students serve as mentors. Students wishing to sign up for this program can
email the commuter dons at
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
Don’t forget to register for Orientation online at!
The Info Hub
Have a question, concern, or want to know more about Toronto
or U of T? The Info Hub has the answers to all your student and
city life questions! Located in the Cats Eye Lounge in the Birge
Carnegie building, the Info Hub is open 10 am to 6 pm all week
and staffed by knowledgeable upper year leaders that are happy to
help you!
U of T is a giant school, and as such it offers a myriad of different
communities, resources, and opportunities, it can be hard to keep it
all straight, much less figure it all out in your first week! At the Info
Hub, we have information regarding the Accessibility Centre, First
Nations House, Hart House, Multifaith Prayer Centre, LGBTQ resources, sexual harassment resources, and many, many more. If
you have a specific question or need, the Info Hub is designed to
not only answer your questions, but also to direct you to websites,
offices, and communities that can more directly assist you. Like all
spaces at Victoria College, this is a Positive Space and all students
are welcome.
Additionally, Toronto is a huge city that we are still exploring
every day! To help you get better acquainted with this incredible
city, the Exec team has been working together to find the coolest, cheapest, and most interesting things to do and places to see
around the downtown area. Looking for a delicious place to eat or
an interesting neighbourhood to explore? Descriptions and locations are provided at the Info Hub, as well as free maps to the city
of Toronto.
The Toronto Transit Committee, or “TTC,” is an extensive transit
program that runs throughout Toronto - for $3 you can cross the
entire city via subway, street car, or bus! If you have any questions
about this, or are unsure about connections and transfers, maps and
answers are also provided at the Info Hub. Happy exploring!
Mature and Transfer
A Mature or Transfer Student is any student who is not joining us
directly from high school. All students are encouraged to attend
Orientation Week! As Victoria College students, you have already
paid an Orientation fee, and you are more than welcome to attend
all of the events.
Victoria College will be holding a Mature and Transfer Student
Orientation on Wednesday August 8th, 2012 in Old Vic. The event
will run from 6 pm to 9 pm, and will include guest speakers detailing life at Vic. Speakers will outline resources available on campus, how to use the Registrar’s Office, and how to get involved at
Vic. Following the speakers, we invite everyone to join us for a
reception in the Old Vic Foyer, where you can mingle with members of the faculty, Registrar’s Office, other academic advisors,
and current Vic students. We will also be holding short tours of
Victoria College. Some snacks will be provided at the beginning of
the event, followed by an extended menu of hors d’oeuvres during
the reception. Beverages will be provided throughout.
If you have checked the box indicating that you are a Mature Student or a Transfer Student on the Orientation Registration Form
(, you will receive an email later in the summer
detailing the event.
If you did not check either box, but wish for more information on
this event, please email
Lastly, the Info Hub is housed in the Cats Eye, the local student
lounge. In the Cat’s Eye, students are welcomed for some downtime from the hectic and exciting events of Orientation. Movies,
music, pool tables, video games, and board games will be available for some relaxed break-time, and the couches in there are really comfortable. Feel free to stop by and hang out!
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
Don’t forget to register for Orientation online at!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Well, all of this information is great, but how much is it going to cost?
A: Here’s the great thing, the cost for all the basic programming
is covered in your student fees. However, the August 11th and 12th
Commuter Orientation and the meals for commuter students (with
the exception of the barbeque on Friday) are not included in this
package. Residents can use their meal plans and commuters will
have the option to purchase Orientation meal vouchers.
Q: So, is attendance mandatory?
A: You’ve already paid for Orientation so you might as well come
check it out. You don’t have to stay for the whole week but we sincerely think you will find our events useful, informative, and fun!
Besides, how often do you get a week at school without homework
and tests? Take advantage of this opportunity to get used to your
new environment before the workload arrives. Trust us, you’ll be
glad you did. How you spend your time is up to you, but we ask
that you fill out the online registration form at
Q: Where will commuter students be staying during the week?
A: Vic is proud to be able to provide residence accommodations
for students participating in Orientation Week. Commuters have
the choice to stay in one of the Victoria College residences for the
week. They will be sharing a room with one or two residence students who live there for the rest of the academic year and who have
indicated on their registration forms that they would like to host a
commuter student during Orientation Week. Remember to indicate
your interest to stay in residence on your registration form!
Q: I don’t have a question right now, but what if I have one
A: If anything comes up please feel free to email us at or call us at the VUSAC office at
(416) 585-4473. Alternatively, visit us on our website at See you in a few weeks!
What You Need to Bring
Everyone will need:
• Casual clothes and comfy shoes.
• One outfit that is obnoxious, loud, covered in sequins etc. for
the Wacky Tacky Boat Cruise on Wednesday. (Clothes will
also be provided in the Quad).
• A nice outfit for the formal events on Wednesday – no need to
be overly fancy (unless you’d like to be!) We’re talking about
anything that makes you feel good. Think semi-formal!
• Some extra cash. Unless you have a meal plan, most meals
during the week will NOT be covered so you will need extra
money for food, subway tokens, etc.
• Sunscreen.
• Water bottle.
Commuter students intending to stay in residence during the
week should bring:
• A sleeping bag, pillow, and an air mattress or foam sheet. (You
will be sleeping on the floor of a residence room so please
bring something to make yourself more comfortable!)
• Towels and toiletries. (Flip flops, too!)
Note to Parents
It is normal to be nervous about sending your new university student off to participate in Orientation. However, you should be
assured that this transition period is critical in making friends,
learning about resources that are available, and making university
a home for the next few years. If you do have any questions or
concerns that are not addressed in this handbook, please feel free
to contact the Orientation Executive at vic.orientation@utoronto.
ca. In addition, you can call the Office of the Dean of Students at
(416) 585-4494.
A Meet the Dean session for parents will also take place on residence move-in day. Parents of both residence and commuter students are welcome.
Meet the Dean
Parents Information Session
Sunday, September 2nd, 2012
11 am and 2 pm
Old Vic (VC on a campus map)
Adventure: Victoria Bound
Victoria College Orientation 2012
Victoria University Campus Map
Q - Quad
AN - Annesley Hall
BC - Birge Carnegie
BT - Isabel Bader Theatre
BW - Burwash Dining Hall
CH - Stephenson House
EM - Emmanuel College
LB - Lower Burwash
MG - Margaret Addison Hall
NF - Northrop Frye Hall
PR - E. J. Pratt Library
RJ - Rowell Jackman Hall
UB - Upper Burwash
VC - Old Vic
Best Parking/
Move-in Locations
Annesley: Annesley Drive
Margaret Addison: Charles Street
Rowell Jackman: Charles Street
North House: Charles Street
Middle, South & Gate House:
St. Mary’s Street
Lower or Bowles-Gandier:
St. Mary’s Street or Lane off of
Queen’s Park
Contact Information:
Phone: 416-585-4473
Fax: 416-585-4462
95 Charles Street West
Birge Carnegie Building, Room 5A
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1K9
Welcome to Orientation Week 2012!
Celebrate 175 years of Victoria University!
Welcome to Orientation Week 2012!