Lesson 15: Creating Graphs Using SAS/GRAPH Software Summary Main Points Overview of SAS/GRAPH Software SAS/GRAPH software is an additional SAS component that you can use with Base SAS to produce many kinds of charts, plots, and maps in both two- and three-dimensional views. To produce a SAS/GRAPH report, you begin by specifying a GOPTIONS statement to set any global options that you want for your graphs. Then you add other global statements such as TITLE and FOOTNOTE statements. Next, you write the PROC step for the specific type of graph you want. To end the procedure, you use a QUIT statement. Specifying Global Statements in SAS/GRAPH Programs GOPTIONS <options-list>; You use the GOPTIONS statement to control graphics options that apply to all graphs. To reset all graphics options, you specify RESET=ALL in the GOPTIONS statement. You can also set specific options; for example, you can set CBAK=WHITE to set the background color to white. You can use other global statements in your SAS/GRAPH programs, such as TITLE and FOOTNOTE statements. Creating Bar and Pie Charts PROC GCHART DATA=SAS-data-set; chart-form chart-variable </ options>; RUN; In the PROC GCHART step, you specify the chart form such as VBAR, VBAR3D, HBAR, HBAR3D, PIE, or PIE3D. You can specify multiple forms. By default, the size of the bars or pie slices in a chart represents a frequency count of the values of the chart variable. PROC GCHART creates a bar for each midpoint, which is a value that represents either one data value of the middle of a range of data values. You can specify options in the statement that defines the form of the bar or pie chart, such as the NOSTATS option, the AUTOREF option, the LEVELS= option, the RANGE option, and the DISCRETE option. SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Copyright © 2010 SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved. 1 Lesson 15: Creating Graphs Using SAS/GRAPH Software You can use the TYPE= option to specify a statistic other than the default statistic FREQ. For bar charts, you can specify FREQ, CFREQ, PERCENT, or CPERCENT. You can use the SUMVAR= option to summarize a variable for each unique value of the chart variable. The SUMVAR= option specifies the variable whose values control the height or length of the bars; this variable is known as the summary variable or the analysis variable. You can use the TYPE= and SUMVAR= options together, but in that case the value of TYPE= must be either SUM or MEAN. You can add a LABEL statement to a PROC GCHART step to specify labels for the chart. You can also specify other statistics to display above or to the right of the bars, including SUM, FREQ, and PERCENT. Other options you can use with your bar charts include the PATTERNID=MIDPOINT option, the SUBGROUP= option, and the GROUP= option. When you create pie charts, you can also use options such as SUMVAR=, TYPE=, GROUP= and SUBGROUP=. Creating Plots PROC GPLOT DATA=SAS-data-set; PLOT vertical-variable*horizontal-variable </ options>; SYMBOL<1…255> <options>; RUN; You can use the GPLOT procedure to create plots of one variable plotted on the horizontal axis and a second varaible plotted on the vertical axis. PROC GPLOT can create single plots and overlay plots. You can use other statements such as the FORMAT statement and the LABEL statement within a PROC GPLOT step. The SYMBOL statement specifies plotting symbols, plot lines, and color. You can use multiple SYMBOL statements within one PROC GPLOT step. In the SYMBOL statement, you can use the options C=, I=, CV=, and CI=. To overlay plots on the same set of axes, you use a PLOT statement that specifies two separate plot requests, and you use the OVERLAY option. You can use options in the PLOT statement such as the VREF= option, the CFRAME= option, and the HAXIS= and VAXIS= options. SAS® Programming 1: Essentials 2 Lesson 15: Creating Graphs Using SAS/GRAPH Software Enhancing SAS/GRAPH Output ODS destination STYLE=style-definition; You can apply styles to your charts. Remember that you use the STYLE= option in the ODS statement to specify an ODS style. You can add the FTEXT=, CTEXT=, and HTEXT= options to the GOPTIONS statement to control the appearance of all text in the graph. You can add options to other global statements such as the TITLE statement and FOOTNOTE statement to control the appearance of your text. You can use the FONT=, COLOR=, HEIGHT=, or JUSTIFY= options. Using RUN-Group Processing A RUN-group is a group of statements that contains at least one action statement and ends with a RUN statement. By using RUN-group processing, you can produce multiple graphs without resubmitting the PROC statement every time. Sample Code Creating Bar and Pie Charts goptions reset=all border; title 'Employees by Job Title'; proc gchart data=orion.staff; vbar3d Job_Title / sumvar=salary type=mean mean; where Job_Title=:'Sales Rep'; label Salary='Average Salary' Job_Title='Job Title'; run; quit; SAS® Programming 1: Essentials 3 Lesson 15: Creating Graphs Using SAS/GRAPH Software Creating Plots proc gplot data=orion.budget; plot Yr2006*Month yr2007*Month/ overlay vref=3000000 cframe='#FFFFE0' vaxis=1000000 to 5000000 by 1000000; haxis=1 to 12; format Yr2006 dollar12.; label Yr2006='Budget'; symbol1 i=join v=dot ci=blue cv=blue; symbol2 i=join v=triangle ci=red cv=red; run; Enhancing SAS/GRAPH Output ods html style=gears; goptions reset=all ftext=arial ctext=dark_blue htext=6 pct; proc gchart data=orion.staff; pie3d Job_Title; where Job_Title=:'Sales Rep'; label Gender='Gender' Job_Title='Job Title'; title f=centbi h=5 pct 'Budget by Month'; footnote c=green j=left 'Data for 2007'; run; SAS® Programming 1: Essentials 4 Lesson 15: Creating Graphs Using SAS/GRAPH Software Using RUN-Group Processing proc gchart data=orion.staff; vbar Job_Title; title 'Bar Chart of Job Titles'; run; pie3d Job_Title; title 'Pie Chart of Job Titles'; run; proc gplot data=orion.budget; plot Yr2006*Month; symbol1 i=join v=dot ci=blue cv=blue; symbol2 i=join v=triangle ci=red cv=red; run; quit; SAS® Programming 1: Essentials 5