HATICE OZGUL OZHISAR Middle East Technical University The



Middle East Technical University

The Unıversıty of Manchester

Ministry of Culture and Tourism of TR (on leave)

Address: T.C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi,Yatirim İ sletmeler Gn. Md.,

Ismet Inonu Bulvari, No.5 06100 Emek/Ankara- Turkey

Phone: +90 5327 996651

E-mail: ozgulozhisar@gmail.com



Ph.D. in Architecture, [C.GPA: 3.56/ 4.00] Spring 2013- Present

MIDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (METU), Ankara/ Turkey, Faculty of Architecture/ Department of


Dissertation Title: “Spatial Transformation of mid-scale Urban Environments- As an Urban Frontier:

Bodrum, a Holiday Resort of Turkey”

M.Sc. in Globalization and Management, [Jean Monnet Scholarship] September 2014- September 2015

THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER, Manchester/ UK, School of Education, Environment and Development

Dissertation Title: “Tourism Global Value Chains, Economic Upgrading and Local Impacts: The Case of


M.Sc. in Architecture, [C.GPA: 4.00/ 4.00] September 2000- March 2003

MIDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (METU), Ankara/ Turkey, Faculty of Architecture/ Department of


Dissertation Title: “Cultural Policies and the Cultural Complexes of the Republican Period of Ankara: A

Proposal for a Master Plan for the Atatürk Cultural Centre Site”

B.Arch. (High-Honour) in Architecture, [C.GPA: 3.54/ 4.00] September 1997- June 2000

MIDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (METU), Ankara/ Turkey, Faculty of Architecture/ Department of


Placed on the 3 rd ranking out of 101 students

High School, [C.GPA: 4.83/ 5.00] September 1992- January 1995

GAZI ANATOLIAN HIGH SCHOOL, Ankara/ Turkey, Science and Math Division


Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme Award September 2014- September 2015

Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme is funded by the EU and implemented by the Ministry for EU Affairs with the technical assistance by the TED, WYG Turkey and WYG International Consortium. The programme aims to increase the number of experts in the EU field and support Turkey’s administrative capacity and it allows pursing my studies at the University of Manchester.

Exchange (Erasmus) Student and Researcher September 2008- February 2009

KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITY OF LEUVEN- Belgium: The research and study were done under supervision of

Prof. Hilde Heynen who is the Chair of the Department of Architecture, Urban Design and Regional Planning.

“YTONG Special Prize”

Being awarded for the graduation on the 3 of METU. rd

June 2000

ranking out of 101 students at B.Arch. in the Architecture Department

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“3 rd Prize in the Poster Competition organized by “METU & UNICEF” Fall 1998

Being awarded for the 3 rd ranking in the poster competition with theme of “CHILD & SPACE” organized by “METU



MINISTRY OF CULTURE &TOURISM, Ankara/ Turkey December 2004- Present

“Culture and Tourism Expert”, May 2008- Present:

Being awarded for the expert position after defending dissertation in the Ministry

Dissertation Title: Ozhisar, H.O., 2008. Kent Turizmi ve Yönetimi Açısından Kültürel De ğ erler: İ stanbul

Örne ğ inden Kar ş ıla ş tırmalı İ nceleme (Managing Cultural Values in Urban Tourism: Comparative

Analysis from İ stanbul) , Unpublished Expert Thesis, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkish Republic,


“Winter Tourism Corridor Project” in cities of Erzurum, Erzincan and Kars, September 2013:

Participation as a consultant as architect for the built environment and tourism concepts: The project is funded through a Cooperation Agreement within the scope of 28 th Article of the IPA Implementing

Regulation (EC No: 718/2007) under the delegation of Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU). It aims to improve the competitiveness of the winter tourism industry and to create a favourable business environment for the tourism enterprises in these three cities located in the Eastern region of Turkey.

Responsibilities in General Directorate of Promotion:

- Design Group Leader: Designing the concepts and material selections of the stands in the seven big tourism fairs of Turkey in London, Milan, Madrid, Moscow, Berlin, Dubai and Utrecht

- ITB Berlin Tourism Fair 2008: Designing the interior concept and preliminary presentation of the Turkey fair stands, and doing technical drawings and 3D modelling and consulting works (The project concept was used in Moscow tourism fair in 2009)

- The Fair Stand of Turkey at Jenadriye Festival in Saudi Arabia and Decoration of the Consular Office of

Turkey in Riyadh/ Saudi- Arabia: Designing the interior concept and doing consulting works

Responsibilities in General Directorate of Enterprises and Investments:

- Group Leader: Search and analysis of public lands to invest for tourism purposes, preparing the specification of public land allocation tender within the scope of the development and sustainable tourism model

- Architectural consulting on the reuse of historic buildings and cultural assets for tourism adaptation:

Adaptation of Sinop Prison as cultural centre and boutique hotel,

Adaptation of historic children’s home in Ayvalık as boutique hotel,

Cultural and Tourism Development plans of “Fethiye-Kayaköy”

Responsibilities in General Directorate of Foreign Affairs:

Participation in public issues on “Enterprises and Industrial Policy” and “Free Flow of Capitals” chapters within the framework of Turkey’s negotiation process for full membership to the EU


Hotel project in Ukraine:

Responsibilities in the façade design and expertise in purchasing

September 2004- December 2004

VEN M İ MARLIK ARCHITECTURAL FIRM, Ankara/ Turkey February 2001- September 2004

Site architect in United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCFR) Office Building:

Controlling the design applications at site, designing the special adjustments and necessary requirements in re-designing 2000m2 building for the office needs of UNHCFR.

Residential Units in Kazakhstan:

Preparing the preliminary projects of two residential blocks, one row housing units and a commercial centre in Kazakhstan with a gross area of 50.000m2.

Decoration and site-supervision of various projects:

Villa of the major of the Greater Municipality of Ankara, interior designs of Domino's Pizza shops, music school in Istanbul & Med-Mar Health MR Centre, private house and villa decorations.

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Preliminary designs, application projects drawings and site-supervision of various projects:

Gezer construction firm: Office Building, 1200 m2, Ankara

AB construction firm: Residential Building, 6000 m2, Ankara,

Berk construction firm: Office building, 1000 m2 and Residential Unit, 5000 m2, Kahramanmaras

Aras construction firm: Residential Units, 1700 & 1300 m2s, Ankara

Tanık construction firm: Office Building, Ankara,

Veli construction firm: Residential Units, 1850 & 2800 m2s, Ankara

Naslı construction firm: Office Buildings, 2000 & 1500 m2’s, Ankara

Yazıcı-Gürbüz construction firm: Residential Units, 9.000 and 10.000m2, Ankara

FREELANCE WORKS June200- February 2001

Drawing the application project of the Salahaddin Hospital in North Iraq and Muna Hotel in Antalya, Turkey

Designing the preliminary project of “Land Headquarters of Education and Doctrine Building” of Land

Forces of Turkish Army in Ankara- Turkey

(* The sample of projects is compiled in “The Portfolio of Hatice Ozgul Ozhisar”)

GUEST JURY MEMBER June 2013 and January 2014

Guest Jury member at two final juries of design courses in Architecture Department of METU.

SUMMER PRACTICES Summer 1997, 1998 and 1999

Summer1999: Design office internship at 'Cengiz Bekta ş - Aga-khan Award Winner’ Architectural Office in Istanbul and

Erkut Ş ahinba ş İ zzet Fikirlier' Architectural Office in Ankara

Summer1998: Construction site internship at building of 180 villas by Vilkon Construction Firm in Ankara

Summer1997: Topography and computer applications practices at METU and construction practice Cumalıkızık in

Bursa, which is a traditional Ottoman village and is listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site


Ozhisar, H.O., 2014. Autonomous Architecture via Bodrum’s Building Codes and Housing Types.


Architectural Research through to Practice, ACROSS: 48th International Conference of the Architectural Science

Association (ANZAScA), 10-13 December 2014, Genoa-Italy.

Ozhisar, H.O., 2014. Autonomous Architecture in the Transformation of Bodrum; From Small Coastal Village to

Big Touristic Destination.

Small Societies, Small Business, Small Cities & Villages Abstracts: International Conference on Small Societies, Small Business, Small Cities & Villages, 25-26 August 2014, Athens, Greece.

Ozhisar, H.O., 2015.

Dönü ş en Ekonomi-Politika Kar ş ısında Mimarlı ğ ın Özerkli ğ i Olası mı ? (Is Autonomous

Architecture Possible within the transformation of economy-politics?).

Arrademento Mimarlık, Tasarım Kültürü dergisi (Turkish monthly Journal for Design) 07-08, Boyut Yayın Grubu Istanbul, Turkey.


Architecture, tourism, policy and economics:

Autonomous architecture

Architectural design, design codes and city (small cities)

Relationship between architectural form, design codes, urbanism, policy and economics

Neoliberalism and post-neoliberalism

Tourism investments and development

Reuse of historic buildings for tourism adaptation


- Professional Member of Chamber of Architects of Turkey

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- Academic Member of the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) belonging to the Tourism Research

Unit and the Architecture Research Unit


June 2015: Peer review in the “Reviewers’ Board of Athens Journal of Tourism”

3-8 th May 2015: Participation, making p resentation and Diploma awarded in “Kos Spring School in Sustainable

Tourism Management” covering “Agile/Smart Tourism Marketing, Crisis Management and Continuity,

Sustainability/ Responsibility” ” in Kos (Greece)

10-13 th December 2014: Paper Presentation in “ ACROSS- Architectural Research through to Practice: 48th

International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA), 10-13 December 2014, th


August 2014: Paper Presentation in International Conference on Small Societies, Small Business, Small 25-26

Cities & Villages, 25-26 August 2014, Athens, Greece

3-6 th November 2014: Attendance at World Tourism Market London (WTM) in London (UK)

November 2013: Participation, making p resentation and Diploma awarded in “ The UNWTO- Practicum” on “Social

Media in Tourism Destinations- Towards Smart Destinations” by The World Tourism Organisation

(UNWTO) and the UNWTO: Themis Foundation ” in Madrid (Spain) and Andorra la Vella (Andorra)

May 2010: Trainee of EU Funded Project Preparation Course at Ministry of Culture and Tourism

26 th -28 th November 2009: Poster Exhibition in “The New Urban Question- Urbanism Beyond Neoliberalism: 4 th

Conference of International Forum on Urbanism, 2009, Delft University of Technology, Amsterdam”

March 2008: Attendance at ITB Berlin Tourism Fair in Berlin (Germany)

September 2007: Group leader in architectural design and tourism promotion works and attendance at Jenadriye

Festival in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)

Spring 2007: Attendance at “6 th European Forum” in Algarve (Portugal)

Winter 2006: Participation and making p resentation in the conference of “Agriculture & Tourism” by EU and TAIEX in

Laa An der Thaya (Austria)

Spring 2006: Attendance at Tourism Fair in Naples (Italy)

October 2006: Attendance at BATIMAT Building Fair in Paris (France)

Summer 2002: Participation at the Summer School of AEGEE/THESSALONIKI in Greece

Summer 1999: Participation at the Summer School of Architect Cengiz Bekta ş in Güre (Balıkesir/ Turkey)

1998-2003: Participation in the student organizations, activities and meetings at AEGEE-Ankara at METU

November 1998: Participation in the workshop of “Child &Space” organized by “METU&UNICEF” at METU

Springs 1997- 1998: Participation in the workshops with the subjects of “What is the product of architecture?” “Aim” and “Alternative Education at Gazi University Student Symposiums

1997-1998: Participation in various subjects and discussions in the Student Journal titled “Eskiz”

Summer 1997: Participation at the Summer School and Workshops in Bursa-Cumalıkızık/2007 Project organized by

German Culture Centre and Chamber of Architects of Turkey in Cumalıkızık (Bursa/ Turkey)

1997: Participation at the workshop of “Green Architecture” by Dieter MAGNUS at METU in Ankara (Turkey)

1996-1997: Participation in the student branch activities of Chamber of Architects of Turkey in Ankara


2004-(Present): Latin couple dances: Salsa, Cha-Cha, Rumba in advanced level,

1995: Participation in Photographing Club Activities in METU.


Computer Programmes: Autocad-2007 (Good), 3dsmax(Good), Photoshop- Archicad (Intermediate), Office2000 (Word,

Excell, Power Point (Good), Stata (Intermediate)

Languages: English (Advanced/ IELTS: 7), Turkish (Advanced/ Mother), Spanish/ Dutch (Beginner)

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