AGENDA lTEM No. e.&a.aH NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT To : POLICY AND RESOURCES [PERFORMANCE AND BEST VALUE] SUB COMMITTEE From: CHIEF EXECUTIVE Date: 9 September,l999 I Ref: Subject: BEST VALUE SERVICE REVIEWS - INTERIM REPORTING CE/O10/018/350 1. Introduction 1.1 As previously indicated the Council agreed in February, 1998 to undertake a full range of Best Value Service Reviews covering all relevant services across the authority’s Departments over a 5 year period. A Rota for the review of services was devised to programme this process. In the current year the 12 reviews being undertaken are: Department Activity Education Teaching and Learning (Primary Education) Teaching and Learning (Secondary Education) Community Services Grounds maintenance Transport Chief Executive PolicyiPerformance Administration District Courts Office systems Printing Planning&Environment Economic Development Building Control Housing&Property Local Housing Service Areas 1-6 Property Services Social Work Childcare Services Finance/I.T. CreditordCash Collection. Applications Development/Support 2. Background 2.1.The appraisal report [referred to previously] by the Scottish Office noted that North Lanarkshire, and all Scottish Councils, could involve elected members in the best value service review process to a greater degree. As indicated in my previous report, the Council is responding to the Scottish Office comment by making an effort to involve members at an interim stage of the service review process. This Report is therefore intended to enhance the interim involvement process by summarising the progress of Year 2 of the service reviews. 3. Progress Assessments Appendix 1 contains a summary of the progress to date with all of the service reviews in the current year, including the benchmarking, quality and self assessment approaches being adopted by the review teams and project managers. 4. Recommendations It is recommended that the Committee: a] Notes the report b] Notes progress made in the Service Review process to date. 7 i Local Government Access to Information Act For further information on this report please contact Alex Gardiner, Policy Planning Manager [extension 22311 APPENDIX 1 YEAR 2 - SERVICE RE\'IEW PROGRESS REPORT fEbu*TICw? Department undertaking review Targeted completion date Service review start date p] PROJECT DETAILS: Scope of project (entcr EUGd brief dcuils) ?&*W 6-L PWWbrS METHODOLOGIES BEING USED: lrnol cumpltrt. cntcr srhcduld complotlon daic benchmarking: proccss benchmarking - qualiry benchmarking - cos1 benchmarking - other - p l w c csplain - __ EFQM customer survey staff survey I U other (please detail briefly) REPORTING A N D APPROVAL PROCESS YIS peer review: - scrvicc review to be the subject of indcpcndent scrurin!.? - service revim i n t e h findngs to bc submitted to the m Schcduld date (m:er monrh) n BV I3ficers' Group reporting: - scheduled dare for compIerin8 interim report - scheduled date for completingfinal repon Signed Date SERVICE REI;IE\V PROJEm Z I . L \ ' d This section to be completed by Corporate PO& and Performance Secdon Date project pragrcss rtport rccfivcd 0 Date projecc progress repun m'iewed by Chief Executive's Oficc U YEAR 2 - SERVICE REVIEW PROGRESS REPORT EbdmTLnd Depanment undertaking review 1- Service review start date Targeted completion date 1- PROJECT DETAILS: METHODOLOGIES BEING USED: Tick rhose Cuniplctrd YIN? SlaTtd YIN? tbi Ilnui romplccc. cnicr vhcduled conrplttion dmtc uPPb benchmarking: - process benchmarking - qualin benchmarking cost benchmarking - other - please esplain - 0 EFQM customer survey 0 0 w staffsurvey other (please derail briefly) % v e ~'5uQUW. ~ REPORTING A N D APPROVAL PROCESS s peer review: - servicc review KO be rhe subjcct of indcpsndent scrutin:"? - scrvice review inrerim findings to be submitred to the BV Offrccrs' Group 0 reporting: - schcduled date for completing ittterim rrport Signed scheduled date for completingfirrd report > Date SERVICE REVIEW PROJECI' Z'LkSACER This section to be completed by Corporate Policv and Performance Section Date project progrcss repon received Date project progress reporl mviewed by Chief Erecurive's Office n - Scope of project.(cntcr bncfdctails) &dkEd p d i &~~cYGvS OF&Dd~Siod QF%T#kH== d e Z u % % 4 N W CU%%5R60H 6METHODOLOCiES BEING USED: If no1 complete. cnttr schcduld firk those that DPPb 0 benchmarking: process benchmarking quality benchmarkg - cost benchmarking - other - please tsplain - EFQM 0 customer survey staff survey other (please detail briefly) w complcrion ducc 00 DrI 0 00 00 REPORTING AND APPROVAL PROCESS S c h c d u l d duce (onccr monch) 0 peer review: - service revicw to be the subject of independent scrutiny? - I scrvicc rcvicv interim findings to be submitted to the BV Officers' Group reporting: scheduled date for completing inrerim report - Signed scheduled date for completingjinal report - ,,a - Date SERVICE REklE\v PROJECT ZL-r\'.+GER This section to be completed by Corporate Policy and Performance Section Dare projetr progress rcport received Date pruject progress r e p o n rebiened by Chief Executive's Of?ice U 0 YEAR 2 - SERVICE REL'IEW PROGRESS REPORT e&@cimd Department undertaking review Service review start date pL&v1 Targeted completion date k3/4 PROJECT DETAILS: lick SiPtitd thnlrr YlX? If not complete. c'oniplctcd VIS? enter whrduld that complccion dale apply benchmarking: process bcnchmarking - qualin-benchmarking COST benchmarking - other please esplain - - - u u EFQM 0 customer survey staflsurvey other (please detail briefly) REPORTING AND APPROVAL PROCESS YIS ?khdultddatr (cnrrr month) peer review: service rcvicw to bc rhc subjcct of indspendenr scrutiny? - service revicn intcrim findings to be submitted to the BV Officers' Group 0 b-l reponing: schcdulcd date for complcting interim repon - - scheduled date for comp1cting~nalreport Date This section to be completed by Corporate Policy and Performance Section Date project progress report rrccived n Y E A R 2 - SERVICE REVIEW PROGRESS REPORT EDUCPcTtOd Department undertaking review Service review start date E a Targeted completion date PROJECT DETAILS; METHODOLOGIES BEING USED: Tick rhov Started YIY? Cuniplercd ITnoc coniplett. !'IS? r n i w =hrdulld that coniplcrion dam UPPb w benchmarking: - proccss bcnchmarking - quality bcnchmarking cost benchmarkhg - other plmse esplain - w - 44. - EFQM 0 customer sumey staff survey other (please detail briefly) 00 REPORTING AND APPROVAL PROCESS peer review: - scrvicc rcvic\\, to be rhc subject of independent scrutiny'? - service revial' intcrim findings to be submitted to the BV Officers' Group reporting: - scheduled datc for completing interim repon - scheduled datc for cornpletingfinal report Signed Date SERI'ICE REVIE\V PROJECT \IA3%& This section to be completed by Corporate Policy and Performance Section Date project progress repon received Date project progress report rc*$cwed by Chief Erecudve's Office 0 0 YEAR 2 - SERVICE REj'IEW PROGRESS REPORT €5- 7/ ol\j Depanment undertaking review Targeted completion date Service review start date [% 94 PROJECT DETAILS: METHODOLOGIES BEING USED: Tick those Starred YIN? C'oniplcrcd VIS? I f nut cumplcic, cnfcr schcddcd coniplrtion dvtc that apply benchmarking: - process bencharking - qualip bcnchmarkiv - cost benchmarking other - please explain - EFQM customer survey staff survey U0 E3 0 E a Iy1 other (please detail briefly) 0 REPORTING AND APPROVAL PROCESS peer review; - scrvicr:revicw to bc thc subject of indcpendenr scrutiny? - servicc rcvicw interim findings to bc submitted to the BV OficcrsGroup rep0rting : schcdulcd date for completing interim rcport - - scheduled date for completingfinaf report This section to be completed by Corporate Policy and Performance Section Dare project ptogrcss rcpon received Dare project progress r e p o n reviewed by Chief Executive's Ofice 0 YEAR 2 - SERVICE REVIEW PROGRESS REPORT Department undertaking review COMMUNITY SERVICES Service review start date Targeted completion date PROJECT DETAILS: Scope of project (enter brief details) The review will deal with the entire grounds maintenance service. The scope of the project will be to develop an action plan after examination of key issues, as detailed below. If not complete, enter scheduled completion date Completed Y/N? process benchmarking - quality benchmarking - cost benchmarking - other - please explain - Note 1: .I .I .I Agreed to benchmark Servqual with Angus Council - await them to implement Servqual EFQM m m mI customer survey DDDrl I staff survey m m m other (please detail briefly) October'99 I I QFD REPORTING AND APPROVAL PROCESS Y/N peer review: service review to be the subject of independent scrutiny? - - 0 Scheduled date (enter month) pT-1 service review interim findings to be submitted to the BV Officers' Group reporting: scheduled date for completing interim report I November'99 1 - - scheduled date for completingfinal report Signed Service Development & Review Manager (Parks) Date 13 September, 1999 SERVICE REVIEW PROJECT MANAGER This section to be completed by Corporate Policy and Performance Section Date project progress report received Date project progress report reviewed by Chief Executive's Office Date feedback provided to Service Department (where necessary) 0 YEAR 2 - SERVICE REVIEW PROGRESS REPORT Department undertaking review Service review start date COMMUNITY SERVICES IMAY 99 1 Targeted completion date I FEB Y2K I PROJECT DETAILS: Scope of project (enter brief details) To conduct a comprehensive review of the Council’s In-house Transport System. To produce a detailed Action Plan on SMART criteria. METHODOLOGIES BEING USED: Tick those that apply If not complete, enter scheduled completion date Completed YiN? Started YiN? benchmarking: - process benchmarking - quality benchmarking - cost benchmarking - other - please explain EFQM customer survey staff survey IDECEMBER 1 U U U U other (please detail briefly) 0 REPORTING AND APPROVAL PROCESS Y/N peer review: service review to be the subject of independent scrutiny? - p q 1- - service review interim findings to be submitted to the BV Officers’ Group November reporting: scheduled date for completing interim report I 1/11/99 ] I Feb2000 I - - scheduled date for completingfinal report Signed Eric Keenan Scheduled date (enter month) Date 15 September 1999 SERVICE REVIEW PROJECT MANAGER This section to be completed by Corporate Policy and Performance Section Date project progress report received 0 Date project progress report reviewed by Chief Executive’s Office U Date feedback provided to Service Department (where necessary) 0 APPENDIX B YEAR 2 - SERVICE REVIEW PROGRESS REPORT CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S OFFICE Department undertaking review Service review start date I May,’99 I I Oct,’99 I Targeted completion date PROJECT DETAILS: Scope of project (enter brief details) Evaluation of critical processes and activities of the Corporate Policy and Performance and InformatiodResearch sections and the production of an Improvement Plan. METHODOLOGIES BEING USED: Tick those that apply 0 benchmarking: process benchmarking quality benchmarking cost benchmarking other - please explain EFQM 0 customer survey 0 staffsurvey IY 0 other (please detail briefly) U 0 If not complete, enter scheduled completion date Completed Y/N? Started Y/N? - Sept. 30th Sept. 30th I REPORTING AND APPROVAL PROCESS Y/N Scheduled date (enter month) peer review: service review to be the subject of independent scrutiny? - service review interim findings to be submitted to the BV Officers’ Group reporting: - scheduled date for completing interim report Signed &(a . Date10.9 SERVICE REVIEW PROJECT MANAGER This section to be completed by Corporate Policy and Performance Section Date project progress report received Date project progress report reviewed by Chief Executive’s Office Date feedback provided to Service Department (where necessary) I October -1 1-1 scheduleqate for completingfinal report ,A Y I YEAR 2 - SERVICE REVIEW PROGRESS REPORT Department undertaking review Administration Service review start date - Legal S e r v i c e s D i v i s i o n Targeted completion date PROJECT DETAILS: I Scope of project (enter brief detai1s)To evaluate and t o assess the perforrrrvlce of the District Courts recesses, t o examine the efficiency, effectiveness and responsive of the Service provide$ and t o seek to support a system of continuous improvement by m y of the production METHODOLOGIES BEING USED: Tick those that apply If not complete, enter scheduled completion date Completed Y/N? Started YIN? benchmarking: - process benchmarking - quality benchmarking - cost benchmarking - other - please explain Nov 1999 I y 1 EFQM customer survey IJJ staff survey 0 lNov 1999 1 Oct 1999 I other (please detail briefly) REPORTING AND APPROVAL PROCESS Y/N peer review: - service review to be the subject of independent scrutiny? Scheduled date (enter month) I Y I I Sept - service review interim findings to be submitted to the BV Officers’ Group 19991 - U reporting: scheduled date for completing interim report lDec 1999 - IDec 1999 - Signed scheduled date for completingflnal report ckm Date Dec 1999 I I 16/9/99 SERVICE REVIEW PROJECT MANAGER This section to be completed by Corporate Policy and Performance Section Date project progress report received Date project progress report reviewed by Chief Executive’s Office 0 0 YEAR 2 - SERVICE REVIEW PROGRESS REPORT Department undertaking review Administration - Central Services Division I Aug99 I Service review start date Targeted completion date PROJECT DETAILS: Scope of project (enter brief details) To examine the existing performance of the Printing and Reprographics service and its current aims and objectives; to examine the cost and quality of the service and the options available for the delivery of the service an; d to identify the potential for improvement. I I METHODOLOGIES BEING USED: Started Y/N? - process benchmarking - quality benchmarking - cost benchmarking - other - please explain Completed Y/N? If not complete, enter scheduled completion date J J J U EFQM customer survey D staff survey I 26/11/99 I I 15/10/99 I I 15/10/99 I other (please detail briefly) REPORTING AND APPROVAL PROCESS Y/N peer review: service review to be the subject of independent scrutiny? - - I 22/10/99 I service review interim findings to be submitted to the BV Officers’ Group reporting: - scheduled date for completing interim report - Scheduled date (enter month) I 29/10/99 1 scheduled date for completingfinal report a’ i I26/11/99 1 Date PROJECT MANAGER This section to ge completed by Corporate Policy and Performance Section Date project progress report received n Date project progress report reviewed by Chief Executive’s Office Date feedback provided to Service Department (where necessary) SRPR.DOC U YEAR 2 - SERVICE REVIEW PROGRESS REPORT Department undertaking review Administration: Central Services Division Targeted completion date Service review start date PROJECT DETAILS: Scope of project (enter brief details) To evaluate and assess the performance of the Office System Centre processes, to examine the efficiency, effectiveness and response of the service provided to the Departments of the Council and to seek to support a system of continuous improvement by way of the production of an improvement plan. METHODOLOGIES BEING USED: Tick those that apply 0 Started Completed If not complete, enter Y/N? Y/N? scheduled completion date benchmarking: - process benchmarking - quality benchmarking - cost benchmarking - other - please explain I 30 September 99 i U 0 EFQM D 0 customer survey U 0 staffsurvey U 0 other (please detail briefly) n REPORTING A N D APPROVAL PROCESS Y/N 0 Scheduled date (enter month) peer review: - service review to be the subject of independent scrutiny? - U reporting: - scheduled date for completing interim report I 15/10/99 I - service review interim findings to be submitted to the BV Officers’ Group - Y scheduled date for completingfinal report This section to be completed by Corporate Policy and Performance Section Date project progress report received Date project progress report reviewed by Chief Executive’s Office Date feedback provided to Service Department (where necessary) SRPR.DOC U - YEAR 2 SERVICE REVIEW PROGRESS REPORT Departmeat undertaking review Service review start date PROJECT DETAILS: Planning and Environment Department 0 Mar 99 Targeted completion date Dec. l20oQ I Scope of project -It is intended thm most services provided with& the Economic Uevelopinent Unit will be reviewed over a I2 -1 8 month period. For NOV.99a ~ p l c t review c of thc activities outlined klow wili bc thc subject ofthe rcport to be submitted to the Chief Executive’s OepU pm of the Council’s Best Value plui. Business Loan Swviw (Small Business Support Scheme & West of Scotland Loan Fuod) and Employmcot Crsot Scheme These 3 projects arc targetd 81 the business community. For each project the key isquec tn he examined inc1udc:- Arc the service objectives being mer?Is thc scmicc the most effwtive it cuulcl be iind ib it king ddivercd in the mmi efticicnt manner? S@!YAbrcnce To cxamine sichess and jbseirreeisin lcvcls within thc Unit and tu eslabfirh Iargcts and mechanisms for improvarml. - - METHODOLOGIES BEING USED: lick M w Started If not complek, Y/N? cntcr ~cbcdulcd cornpietiou date that apply e benchmarking: - process benchmarking quality benchmarking cost benchmarking - other - please explain 1 - EFQM . 30.9.99 30.9.99 - 0I U customer survey mU staffsurvey lul other (please detail briefly) Value far money assessments J 0 0 U Y N Independent service evaluations Internal frocial auditors report 1.10.93 Y Y Y VARIED Y 10.3.99 REPORTING AND APPROVAL PROCESS YtN peer review: - service review to be the subject of independent scrutiny? 0 I service review interim findings to be submitted to the BV Officers’ Group reporting: - scheduled date for completing tnteritn report Signed scheduled date for complezingfinal report Scbcdultd dart (eater montb) YEAR 2 - SERVICE REVIEW PROGRESS REPORT Department undertaking review Service review start date Planning and Environment I Sept I Targeted completion date PROJECT DETAILS: Scope of project (enter brief details) Building Control Best Value Review METHODOLOGIES BEING USED: Tick those that apply benchmarking: - process benchmarking - quality benchmarking - cost benchmarking - other - please explain 0 EFQM customer survey 0 staff survey Started Y/N? Completed Y/N? If not complete, enter scheduled completion date q 0 U U other (please detail briefly) 0 RF,PORTING AND APPROVAL PROCESS Y/N Scheduled date (enter month) peer review: - service review to be the subject of independent scrutiny? 0 - service review interim findings to be submitted to the BV Officers’ Group reporting: - scheduled date for completing interim report 0 I Oct I - scheduled date for completingflnal report Signed Date 13/9/99 SERVICE REVIEW PROJECT MANAGER ~~ ~ This section to be completed by Corporate Policy and Performance Section Date project progress report received U Date project progress report reviewed by Chief Executive’s Office 0 Date feedback provided to Service Department (where necessary) YEAR 2 - SERVICE REVIEW PROGRESS REPORT Service review start date Sept ‘98 Targeted completion date Oct. ‘99 METHODOLOGIES BEING USED: Tick those that apply benchmarking: - process benchmarking - quality benchmarking - cost benchmarking - other - please explain If not complete, enter scheduled completion date Completed Y/N? Started Y/N? El I October ‘99 I I October ‘99 I 0 EFQM 0 customer survey I October ‘99 I staff survey I October ‘99 1 0 other (please detail briefly) REPORTING AND APPROVAL PROCESS Y/N Scheduled date (enter month) peer review: service review to be the subject of independent scrutiny? - - 0 service review interim findings to be submitted to the BV Officers’ Group reporting: - scheduled date for completing interim report I Oct. ‘99 I - scheduled date for completingflnal report Date 14/9/1999 SERVICE REVIEW PROJECT MANAGER This section to be completed by Corporate Policy and Performance Section Date project progress report received Date project progress report reviewed by Chief Executive’s Office Date feedback provided to Service Department (where necessary) YEAR 2 - SERVICE REVIEW PROGRESS REPORT Department undertaking review Housing and Property Services Service review start date Targeted completion date F l PROJECT DETAILS: Scope of project (enter brief details) Review of all property services with the exception of property maintenance. METHODOLOGIES BEING USED: Tick those that apply benchmarking: - process benchmarking - quality benchmarking - cost benchmarking - other - please explain J J J Completed Y/N? If not complete, enter scheduled completion date w w I October ‘99 I Started Y/N? +l Yes EFQM customer survey staff survey I October ‘99 I other (please detail briefly) m P O R T I N G AND APPROVAL PROCESS Y/N Scheduled date (enter month) peer review: - service review to be the subject of independent scrutiny? - service review interim findings to be submitted to the BV Officers’ Group Sept. ‘99 reporting: - scheduled date for completing irzterim report - Signed scheduled date for completingflnal report A *U* Date SERVICE REVIEW PROJECT MANAGER This section to be completed by Corporate Policy and Performance Section Date project progress report received Date project progress report reviewed by Chief Executive’s Office Date feedback provided to Service Department (where necessary) U YEAR 2 - SERVICE REVIEW PROGRESS REPORT Department undertaking review SOCIAL WORK DEPARTMENT Service review start date Targeted completion date 31.12. PROJECT DETAILS: Scope of project (enter brief details) Benchmarking and EFQM Study of all remaining childcare services[Area Teams,Projects,External Provision. METHODOLOGIES BEING USED: Tick those that apply Started Y/N? Completed If not complete, enter scheduled completion date Y/N? benchmarking: - process benchmarking - quality benchmarking - cost benchmarking - other - please explain EFQM customer survey staff survey 4 other (please detail briefly) 0 carerslexternal providers REPORTING AND APPROVAL PROCESS 0 Scheduled date (enter month) Y/N peer review: - service review to be the subject of independent scrutiny? n - service review interim findings to be submitted to the BV Officers’ Group reporting: - scheduled date for completing interim report piEq - scheduled date for completingflnal report 131/121991 Signed R.Paul Date 15/9/99 SERVICE REVIEW PROJECT MANAGER This section to be completed by Corporate Policy and Performance Section Date project progress report received Date project progress report reviewed by Chief Executive’s Office Date feedback provided to Service Department (where necessary) YEAR 2 - SERVICE REVIEW PROGRESS REPORT FINANCE - FINANCIAL SERVICES Department undertaking review I I I Service review start date 1/10/98 Targeted completion date 3019199 PROJECT DETAILS: Scope of project (enter brief details) To review the creditors service, identifying the cost and quality of the current service, participating in a Benchmarking Club of 18 local authorities and undertaking a more detailed review in a “family group” of 5 authorities. Attempts will also be made to compare the service with the private sector. I METHODOLOGIES BEING USED: Tick those that apply Started Completed Y/N? Y/N? If not complete, enter scheduled completion date Benchmarking: process benchmarking - quality benchmarking - cost benchmarking - other - please explain - EFQM . customer survey n iNll l N l l 0 IJI staff survey u other (please detail briefly) n Ongoing I Ongoing u REPORTING AND APPROVAL PROCESS Y/N Scheduled date (enter month) peer review: - service review to be the subject of independent scrutiny? - - service review interim findings to be submitted to the BV Officers’ Group reporting: scheduled date for completing interim report - Signed I November I scheduled date for completingfinal report L Moore Date 14/9/99 SERVICE REVIEW PROJECT MANAGER This section to be completed by Corporate Policy and Performance Section Date project progress report received U Date project progress report reviewed by Chief Executive’s Office 0 Date feedback provided to Service Department (where necessary) YEAR 2 - SERVICE REVIEW PROGRESS REPORT FINANCE - FINANCIAL SERVICES Department undertaking review Service review start date Targeted completion date PROJECT DETAILS: Scope of project (enter brief details) To review the cash collection service. The analysis will include a comparison of the fees from the private sector, taking into account the level of service provided by such organisations. The intention is also to compare the service with other local authorities, which operate a Municipal Bank. The quality of the service to the public will be reviewed, using customer surveys. METHODOLOGIES BEING USED: Tick those that apply benchmarking: - process benchmarking - quality benchmarking - cost benchmarking Started Y/N? Completed Y/N? If not complete, enter scheduled completion date R October 1999 - other - please explain EFQM I customer survey staff survey N I I October 1999 l y l l I I J I I Ongoing other (please detail briefly) October 1999 Identification of services provided by private sector companies; assessment of the cost and quality of the in-house team providing that same level of service I REPORTING AND APPROVAL PROCESS Y/N * peer review: service review to be the subject of independent scrutiny? Scheduled date (enter month) W m e S p e t l b r e - n U - service review interim findings to be submitted to the BV Officers’ Group reporting: scheduled date for completing interim report - Signed scheduled date for completingfznal report L Moore Date 14/9/99 SERVICE REVIEW PROJECT MANAGER This section to be completed by Corporate Policy and Performance Section Date project progress report received Date project progress report reviewed by Chief Executive’s Office Date feedback provided to Service Department (where necessary) 0 0 U kTEAR 2 - SERVICE REVIEW PROGRESS REPORT Service review start date 4/10/99 28/2/00 Targeted completion date PROJECT DETAILS: Scope of project (enter brief details) Review all areas of service delivery of Applications Development and Support I METHODOLOGIES BEING USED: . benchmarking: Tick those that apply Started Y/N? Completed Y/N? If not complete, enter scheduled completion date - process benchmarking - quality benchmarking - cost benchmarking - other - please explain * EFQM customer survey U El . staff survev I Ongoing . other (Staff reviews) I REPORTING AND APPROVAL PROCESS Scheduled date (enter month) Y/N peer review: service review to be the subject of independent scrutiny? - p q1 - 1 service review interim findings to be submitted to the BV Officers’ Group . reporting: - scheduled date for completing interim report I Feb2000 1 - scheduled date for completingfiml report Signed R Baxter Date 13/9/99 SERVICE REVIEW PROJECT MANAGER This section to be completed by Corporate Policy and Performance Section Date project progress report received U Date project progress report reviewed by Chief Executive’s Office 0 Date feedback provided to Service Department (where necessary) n