Mango Training Course Outline

Mango Training Course Outline
Course code:
WD1 [formerly FM8]
Course Title:
Keeping your donors happy
2 days
Finance and non-finance staff new to grant
This course aims to build the confidence and skills of NGO staff who are new
to managing institutional donor grants, to meet donors’ financial terms &
conditions when implementing programmes.
Target Audience
This course is specially designed for NGO staff who are new to grant
management. It is suitable for those responsible for managing donor funds
where programmes are implemented directly or through operational
The course provides an introduction to the essentials of grant management
and is therefore not suitable for experienced grant managers or those looking
for detailed guidance on specific donor rules and regulations.
We recommend that you read this course outline carefully to make sure the
content is relevant and meets your learning requirements. If you have any
questions please do contact us.
Course Content
The final balance of course content will be decided by those attending the
course, according to their interests and training needs. The course includes:
Key challenges in grant management
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The grant management life cycle
Responsibilities and routines in grant management
The flow of donor funds
Assessing the terms and conditions in grant agreements
How grant agreements impact on accounting and procurement
Complying with donor reporting requirements
Managing multiple-donor funded projects
Managing key relationships for successful grant management.
This course does not cover proposal writing, fundraising or specific donor
requirements. Also see the Programme Guide below.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
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Identify and assess the critical terms and conditions of grant
aid for donor-funded projects
Ensure compliance with donor terms and conditions
including: providing supporting documents; correct
procurement of goods and services; and meeting financial
reporting requirements
Use a grant schedule to managing multiple-funded
Prepare a donor financial report to match with a project
narrative report.
Describe the four phases in the grant management cycle
Clarify key responsibilities and routines needed for successful
grant management
Describe the impact of foreign exchange on grant
Identify the requirements for closing off a donor grant.
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Manage the relationship with donors, head office and
implementing partners with greater confidence
Appreciate that finance and programme staff must work
closely for successful grant management.
Training Approach
Mango’s training approach is highly practical, participatory and often fun! We
focus on real issues and help participants to use the techniques covered,
rather than just discuss them. We work hard to de-mystify financial concepts
to overcome the fear of finance.
“Mango training really does take the fear out of finance!”
We work with small groups to meet the needs of individual participants. We
use a variety of learning methods to stimulate interest and meet differing
learning styles of participants – including illustrated presentations, group
exercises and discussions, case studies and practical problem-solving
Courses are supported by extensive materials for participants to take away
and apply after the course. We also offer a free follow-up service by email or
phone to all Mango trainees.
How to Book
This course is available as an open, in-house or group training event.
Please visit our website to plan your training or contact the training team at for more information.
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Keeping your donors happy
Topics to be covered:
Day 1
Welcome and course
Introductions and expectations
Course purpose and aims
Overview of grant
Challenges in managing institutional donor grants
The four phases in the grant management process
Who does what in grant management?
The flow of donor funds
Partnership relationships
Assessing the terms & conditions of the grant. Are
Phase 1: Contract
assessment & negotiation
Phase 2: Implementation
they reasonable and can you comply?
The impact of new projects which grow the NGO
Negotiating with the donor
Getting the basics right – adapting systems for
Procurement procedures
Supporting documents
Day 1
Phase 2: Implementation
Accounting challenges
Managing and monitoring funds for compliance:
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Cash vs commitment accounting
The impact of exchange rates
Coding structures
Managing multiple donor-funded projects
Reporting systems
Grant management meetings
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Topics to be covered:
Phase 3: Reporting
Meeting donor reporting requirements
Getting the narrative report to work for you
Budget revisions and no-costs extensions
Phase 4: Closing off the
A grant closure checklist
Preparing for a donor audit
Summary & Close
Review of key messages
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